Rust Electricity Tutorial – Auto Backup Generator + Battery – Keep Those Turrets On
Handy way to ensure those new electric turrets stay active.
コメント (30)
How much power do the generators give the batteries?
I was thinking about a generator as a backup to solar panels. So, whenever the battery is charged by the solar panels, the backup generator turns off. But if the battery ever runs low, automatically switch on the generator for a timed period so that it charges the battery up. That way if you don’t have enough roof space or if you have too much stuff to power, the solar panels handle as much as they can, and the fuel is used sparingly to supplement.
This video would have been perfect if you showed how to tie in the solar panels. I still can’t figure it out and most Rust electricity videos are 3 years old. They either show how to do solar or how to do generator, not both together lol which is obviously what needs to be done. Generator only for backup.
can you make it were the gen will kick on when battery gets low and recharge battery
Thank you man we know that I was designed to be hooked up to 2 torrents but we had a couple large batteries and about a 150 so turrets set up
how can anyone be expected to follow along when u can tell ur just reading it off a site when no real ryme or reason this is painfull to try and follow maybe when ur stealing other ppls work and trying to make videos on it try just a bit
Did you do a video with this circuit but adding the windmill and solar panel like you said at the end?if not I’d love to see it .thanks,great video
The battery is only used to start the second generator in this circuit.
I would put an alert, when it switches to backup, inthe whole base, but turn off half the lights
Dont like this fucking system
Idk why but that just not work, im trying this with only one generator , what im doing wrong! Is there absolute need of two gen?
Be nice if i could see.. make vid in daytime
so do the generatorrs only kick in once the large batterry runs out ?? it seems u got it the othher way round in thhe video?? wouldnt it be better for battery to run then when that runs out the generators kick in? how would u set that up mate??
You need to be an electrical engineer to play this game these day I spend half my time running bloody wires it spoils the game
is it possible to activate turrets with HBHF sensor when unauthorized player come close?
thinking it could be good as a backup generator, when somone rockets ur windmill/solar panels then this kicks in.
good idea but not good late into game uses way to much fuel
i do not know if it somthing they change.. but this system.. i can not get too work..
The battery does not kick in. It depletes power but it doesn’t power the turrets so yeah
Is there a way to make it be feed by 3 wind tubrine and the battery only kick in if someone destroy the turbine.. and the generators to kick in when battery is low?
Very good for cave bases (not just them)
1. While online you can discard cable from batery output and only charge batery (if not needed to charge turets you can change output on branch to charge batery faster)
2. After blocker it is good to use branch and memory cell (branch out 2 to toggle )- you can stack more generators that way by using another set of branch and memory cell (2, 4, 8,…). Just remember it has to have some low grade at all generators to switch between them
Yoh man I’ve been trying to make a way when my power kicks out like the solar panels are destroyed or like when my battery at night runs out because someone destroyed my solar panels then the generator cause on by itself could u try find a way . Pls reply if u read this
Hello man ! i like this design and its awesome .. but i want to ask what happand when the low grade fuel is gone from both generators ?? what this large recharcheble battery do ? cuz in my case .. for example .. if i remove the fuel from both generators .. the turrets stoped … Sorry for my bad english .
wouldn’t it be smarter to run on battery while no input comes from main source and only switch to generator when the battery is depleted?!?!
fuck i hate electricity just want my old auto turrets back
Trying to find out how to run em on just the battery, and have the Gens kick on at like 10 % batter life so to just recharge the battery’s . then kick back off when the battery is like above 80% savaging a lot of Low grade. and keeping them battery up at all times.
I’ve figured out a much more efficient way to creating a backup generator. I will be making a video on it but if you’re interested you can PM me on steam: xTwisty
good work ceap it up
try do all this when you have a compound that you want turrets in and you will see its simply not even worth the effort.