DOWNLOAD POSTMATES AND USE CODE NOAHJ5: https://postmates.com/?shortlink=5670d4c4&pid=mobcrush&c=mobcrush_aff_aff_mobcrush_all_all_cpm_all_c4
Thanks to Postmates for sponsoring the video!
Map Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2112833122&searchtext=rust+dome
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Music Supplied By: https://www.youtube.com/user/monstercatmedia
Business Inquiries: noahjbusiness@gmail.com
Thanks for watching, and have an awesome day!
Taqs:noahj456,noah,noahj,gaming,gorod krovi,black ops 3 zombies,Black Ops 3,Noahj,NoahJ456 zombies,black ops 4,custom zombies,zombies mods,custom map zombies,custom zombies smallest map,black ops 3 zombies smallest map,world’s smallest map,zombies boss fight,shadows of evil,christmas zombies,zetsubou no shima,revelations,spongebob zombies,tranzit,tranzit in 2020
コメント (733)
“The brutuses that look like that” for someone who loves juggernaut… he sure doesn’t know what a juggernaut is 😂
nobody gunna talk about the name at 20:30
No the intro being the my hero theme song
Did anybody notice the fact that the name of the pap uzi is lil uzi vert. lol.
12:42 Lmao this map introduced Sturmkriegers before Vanguard
Big dumb noah
Bro, love your videos. Keep up the great work!
On the rust map I was a sniper expert me and my two siblings like to team up and try kill me but I always kill them close or far range with the sniper
what the name of the mod for gun game?
What is the gun game mod name
Anyone know how to get this gungame he has?
Lol Noah you’re not big dude keep grinding man “that one has a gun” idk your little shit. Fuckn makes me laugh keep hustling
Tell me why I thought he meant rust as in pc rust😂😭
At 13:52 look at the gun name
at 20:30 the name of the gun made me die
The claw which is the is from IW
what was that scream
holy shit that was intense AF
The My Hero music was the best ☹️
Lol big dumb noah
nobody go back and read the pack a punch weapon names
the vibes are immaculate
Luna is not the best dog Riley is
Dome was from waw rite?
My battery was 100 it’s now 2% after watching this video 🙂
Any one else see that it said lil uzi vert
Noah Pro Tip: when fire zombies explode run the Panzers and Brutus through the fire on the ground instant kill🤙🏾❗️
lol big dumb noah
I spent 48 hours on this map looking for the troll faces and still didn’t find all of them
Lunoe with my dogs name she’s dead now
10 troll faces , midway throughout the vid , perfectly balanced as all things should be
Why are you using bf’s sound track
Noah is right, Luna is best doge
What’s your name in cod mobile
What gun game mod is he using?
Ahh, back when youtube wasnt a bunch of sensorship nazis….
The gun names oof. this was clearly made by an edgy 18 year old 😂
Came back to exclusively see the pap names from the recent video
Bro missed a troll face at 22:25 is he ok
Perk idea: vampiric vodka, every zombie you kill regenerates your health, perk emblem is fangs with blood and the machine is a vampire with glowing red eyes
The pack a punch names got me dead 💀💀💀💀
It’s lil the uzi vert
Clips scream
Lol big dumb noah
This man look at a troll face at 22:20
Stupid stop shooting and reloading so fast you have like a 100 bullets
That’s not a troll face. That’s a me gusta face.
@NOAHJ456 the sonic music tho👌
Noah man you got beach slapped by Brutus
Oh shot its get hard that’s what she said Noahj😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
So um anyone else notice when Noah looked directly looked at a troll face and ignored it entirely.
the odds of u finding all of them are the odds of Sony Vegas running again
Noah: *missed point blank shot*
Me: FoCuSe
The claw with infinite ammo
The Uzi PaP name is really called LIL UZI VERT 16:06
Lol big dumb Noah
That PhD Slider is way too OP, oh my god.
I had no idea that the pack a punched uzi is called Lil Uzi Vert
Anyone else miss mw2 survival?
Guess what we found
*coffin dance song*
14:18 no one seen the name of the packed aug???? lmao
With the uzi it says lil uzi vert lol
Can we just accept the Wii music in the background at 13:46
I love how he gets to the cave and sees the zombie with the and says and I quote
Noah: wants juggernog
Also Noah: Ooh, Widows Wine, I gotta camp here
Bro, in the start when he gets the death machine, he turns into the pog champ meme
Lmao Did no one notice the packed Uzi’s Name Was “Lil Uzi Vert”
Stone cold strong hold is useful on dead of the night when your doing the boss fight and it’s also good on classified
My hero music intro??
the juggies are hard regardless
The guns are from modern warfare 2019
I thought he ment RUST not rust
noah big dumb dumb
:Noah: there like brutes on crack
U know this is hype when he’s playing anime music
noah in the bunker: there isnt one here.
7:00 enemy AC130 above
Lol bug dumb Noah
What cod game was he playing this map on????
did anyone realize the pack a punched 725 is called shoothouse 24/7
I hav sen The old wones Your The goat
They mixed my two favorite maps of all time.
round 8 panzers
10 mins in I realized the sonic music
Ya and the death Machine is a claw from iw
This is why modern warfare should get rid off co op and replace it with zombies because some reason it won’t let you play split screen on co op so i think it should not be a thing
Lol big dum noah
What software is this
*sees custom boss*
noah: oh cool theres custom bosses
the map: for his neutral special he has a G U N
are we just going to ignore the fact that sonic green hill song is being playing in the background
MY god this guys actually used MHA soundtrack LOL LMAO
Lol big dumb Noah
Noah’s brain died when the mini boss had a gun
The origin 12 is a echo in codm
Bro I love how u was playing with call of duty modern warfare guns and didn’t even point it out ☠️🤷
Ur not my dad, Don’t tell me what to eat!
18:25, the number “livelight” from super smash bros
Noah : omg this reload is so slowww
The soldier character who has elbow pain and is trying his best :
*crying cat*
14:30 are we going to ignore the name of the wepon
what mod does he use to change his game between classic and gun game does anyone know? i want it and cant find it
Noah didn’t hate on blood wolf bite im glad someone isn’t hating on it
You play this map almost the same time every year
Am I the only one that heard wii music at 15:49
Before he said his sponsor i thought he was gonna say rAiD sHaDoW lEgEnDs
O.O the song in the beginning is from my hero academia!!!
Yo the persona 5 music tho
What will you do when zombies start shooting back!?
The gun at 12:48 is called the THREESOME🤣😂🤣😂
I have doge named Luna
Hey Noah how do u get the maps like this
lol big dumb noah
Whoever made that gun pack and called the UMP the striker is not an OG
This is amazing
Lol big dumb Noah😂😂😂
19:59 Dont Trigger my PTSD like that Again!!! 😡😆
personally, I would love to see you do this on normal mode noah
Noah the big dumb dumb
this looks like another version of mw like the guns look the same
Lol putting an 2019 meme in 2020
Who else noticed that the pack a punch Uzi was called lil Uzi vert I got aids just by seeing this one video
Who else was treating this like a movie
noah do you are have stupid
Dude, the death machine there was the starter payload from infinite warfare on Multiplayer. It only took him a half an hour to pull it out in multiplayer tho…
You stupid mong Noah wasting points and perk slots
love the mha music, favourite anime at the moment
Noah: *clicks on challenge*
Me watching for the second time: If only you knew…
The sonic music at 10:00 ❤️
What is the first song that was played
The bnha music tho😂
lol big dumb noah
Why does the space sound like that?
10:11 Foreshadowing
Was I the only one who notice that the upgraded oden is called big chungus?
Is this BO3?
He used Fitz’s music XD
Do this map again without the GunGame mod. 👍🏻
You should play the normal mode with Lex!
Noah post your non copyrighted music ples
Everything was different when the wii music started playing
Imagine having that Huge dire wolf as a new execution for the operators in modern warfare
Music sucks
Plz tell me how he misses the troll face at 22:20
14:30 why that name
LOL Big Dumb Noah
How do I play this? What do I need ?
17:49 kiss of death any weebs out there know what I’m talking about
Btw, not my account, my mom just decided to put her account on my phone
I cant tell if Noah is a girl or a boy after he just screamed like that XD
Do normal mode
Noah: (5 seconds after clicking gun game knowing you don’t down/die) Immediately buys quick revive.
Also, for the challenges its honestly a big help to use the napalm zombies fire to kill big boys
Lol big dumb Noah
You’re so dumb you missed a troll face in the k where you said there’s that one up there
How do you play these gun games I feel srupid
It’s sooo weird seeing those guns in zombies
What game is this custom map on ?
I was gettin ready for the sponsor to be Raid
I cliped that scream
I dont live in America so i dont have postmates
What call of duty is this
custom zombies so dead even noah doing it solo
dude, this better mean IWZ in 2020 is coming back man
Wtf is that POV
Wut cod is dat
Lol big dum noah
Please do this map again but normal and with friends or fans…. Would be awesome to see again.
I would like to see MW3 Resistance and Underground…. Plus do a Kino Der Toten instead of Nach Der Untoten remakes.
what. a. title.
What is the mod you use for it????
Never thought id hear noah with Persona 5 music in the background lol
wow rust looks just like the Rust from Call of Duty Mobil on my phone
noah is the only thing keeping me happy rn 😔
Yes, absolutely revisit this map. It’s so cool, and we’d love to watch you try to find all of the troll faces. 😀
What mod is he using
guns in this game mode look so much better than mw 2019
Hey noah my buddies gonna do a charity stream this week on xbox wanna join us or pop up on the stream and talk to fellow gamers. If so hit me up on my face book kevin jr hoot.. or anyone watching this vid
Not raid shadow legends shame
With all that ‘luck’ with the perks, if 2020 was a game it would be this one 😂😂😂
i came back to black ops 3 zombies and i played der eisendrache but i don’t know how to make the fire bow, can u make a tutorial?
anyone else realize the rpg at 13:44 was called “second amendment”?
Are we just gonna ignore the crazy ass upgraded gun names, the Grau was literally Nelly Smigger 😂😭
14:02 whats the name of the song ?
Like the todoroki theme
The gun names lol
For cod 2020 they have to make a boss zombie in a ghillies suit
27:58 so everyone will ignore the name of this gun
Dang Noah in the first few seconds you were using your “dad voice”😂😂
The cave reminds me of the map afghan in mw2
Is it just me or when he said we are sponsored my the one the only. POSTMATES. I thought he was gonna say the one the only Raid shadow legends
What the heck Noah I was jamming out to the wii music can’t believe u stopped my rave party 🥺🥺🥺
I was really thinking it was gonna be raid shadow legends, and I’m so happy I was wrong😂
The music playing at the start of the vid is you say run ur welcome
Noah’s brain is the big poopoo
No one. 5:25 Fortnite kids GrAB ThE ScAR YOu bOt
lol big dumb noah
15:54 lmao look at the gun name
lol big dumb noah…
The name of this gun 20:28
Play the normal version plz
Play It again plz
Big brain Noah
Just being curious but why is it all mw 2019 weapons in zombies
I cant belive noah got to go to rome so lucky
I wonder what the .357 PAPed name stands for
20:30 gun name😂😂😂
Anyone else notice that like half of the PAP names are sexual😂😂😂
lmaoo that my hero acadamia music made me get that 5 off of post mates
**Grabs Widow’s and Winter’s** oh Noah
Big dumb Noah at it again
easiest ff thru the postmate crap. worst food delivery system ever!!!!
“Maybe one day ya’ll will have a big enough brain as I do” *Buys Widows Wine*
14:40 viagra buffalo, dare I even ask how someone got that idea?
15:31 ultzZheimers, just why?
20:29 school shooter, of all things?
22:12 fus ro dah, love the name, to bad its not a thundergun upgrade variant
Definitely play this with the boys!
Would like to see ya do it normally at least maybe with the guys
Noah you promote postmates so well if I could get it I would but I’m 8
Lol big dumb noahj456
👁👄👁=When Noah gets the Crossbow Deathmachine
Yes normal mode yes!
8:19 u used that death machine before when u did the Rust and Dome gun game videos
the gun names are amazing the packed origin was the orgasm 24 and the packed ro9 was the threesome
Postmates has returned!
Do a room/setup tour
me just listening to the background mha music
Welp there’s your zombies with a grau.
Lol big dumb noah
lol big dumb noah
Why does it look like mw 2019?
What is the song at 1:45?
Noah- “I don’t know what you could ask for that’s better than this.”
Me- uhhh free food? 😂😂
I would love to see a video of a normal game on this map
Sponsored byyyyyy RAID SHADOW LEGENDS🤣🤣
Do you know if you can get mods like the on ps4 and not get banned in 5 minutes?
16:58 tho 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Now this is about as “Custom Zombies” as it gets.
$5 off isn’t a deal lol that basically covers delivery fee, so you’re still paying full price for the food. Youre not a very good scam artist 🙂 jk but really it’s not a deal lol.
Pleeease do a normal playthrough of this map!!
What is the song at 1:40 please need to know
This man is merging maps together and calling it original
Holy shoot he’s a good player that wave trial was hard asf
Thanks noah I got to order a 40 piece chicken nuggets and 2 large fries at McDonald’s for 15$ because of CODE:NOAHJ5
Wow, when the Modern Warfare Trilogy meets Zombies.
Fun fact, Dome comes from MW3’s Survival mode in Spec Ops.
(Like if you still play survival mode today)
They should do one with town and bus depot but nothing else lol
My mans Noah has the greatest playlist ever lmao hes listening to Persona 5 music the Smash Ult theme Mario music and Sonic Music? I need a liiiiiiiiiink plzzzzz noahhhhhhh
18:20 bruh hes really listening to the Japanese version of the Smahs ultimate theme 😂 tbh it’s pretty fire 🔥💯
I wanna see this map again in normal mode please
Lil Uzi Vert! 😂
should do the ruan soul challange
Rusty dome
lol big dumb noah
This custom game with the new mw guns and how it plays is exactly how infinity ward should of released it
Bro loona kinda hot tho ngl. I’m talking about the helluva boss one.
When Vanoss beats u to the punch
Anyone else hear ladies and gentlemen what if I’m a helicopter
Nobody gonna talk about how the pack a punched oden is called big chungus
Door dash is better
Instantly liked when I saw the Brutus with a gun
“A lot of promoteds” nice Noah
Also ur an idiot u bought widows wine and phd takes it away xD also I don’t have grenades in gungame! StUpId!!
That was the claw from infinite warfare!
You should get lex and chopper and try to beat the map and it’s challenges as well as the troll faces
2:54 – 2:56 when postmates doesn’t deliver in your area
the names on the packed weapons thooo
Tbh the weapon names got me XD
What game is he playing????
16:58 hahahah
Noah you are actually entertaining your content is perfect but your are the icing on the cake keep it up
Play it normal!! That was sick
I owned a dog named luna white and big just like in cod and i dont own her this is makin me sad
Yes you should revisit it to play it normally I would love to see that
There is no postmates in Germany ^^
When the school shooter walks in
That anime music to advertise postmates hyped me up so much
I will NEVER understand or agree with Noah’s hate for Mule kick.
My hero academia music?
Alrighty then can’t believe you turned it off
ah yes, my favorite modern warfare weapon, the big chungus.
Round 16 Noah: *struggles to kill panzar*
Me: wish you had put phd or an exploaive to use?
The PaP 725 was called the “shoot house 24/7” I’m dead
Pls revisit
revisit the map but with out gun game this time
Still waiting on the fire bow tutorial I’ve kept my game paused for years now
34:35 noah.exe has stopped working
you say run?
Noah give me the non-copyright background music list
Yeah your going to need a team of 4 for those challenges
Ayo can u drop the link to the spotify?
Would very much love to see this map again
Love the “You say run” in the background at the start of the video.
Can you please look up inquity rap zombies such ever the and it shows a stinky crawler I forgot what they called
the pAP gun names though
Can I get a shoutout plz
20:45 this is like the 4th time i had deja vu from this
Play the normal map!
Are you listing to super smash bros ultimate in the back round noah
guys im pretty sure this video is illegal
I think your Gun Games are some of your best COD content, with exception of insane new maps. Your content has sped up my computer build so much. It will be running by the 21st. Keep up the shenanigans dude.
Hi !
So because it’s a part of his amazing music playlist apparently. Can we talk about how good of a song green hill zone is from sonic? It’s starts at around 10:40 ish.
Just got door dash
The gun names always get me
Holy papa panzer
Tell me Noah are you hungover In this video lol
Everybody gangster until the zombie pull out the strap
lol BIG DUMB Noah
Orders McDonald’s and gets a total of 4$ of food uses NoahJ’s promo code “ what did it cost you” me: “everything”
Please play this map again!!!
Lol big dumb Noah
lol smol brain noah 💀
18:14 I feel like I can relate to Luna on a name basis idk why tho
Didn’t Uber but Postmates?
That was awesome!
Honestly I think the difficulty makes sense for this map seeing how large it is. If it was large but easy, where’s the fun in that if you breeze through it too quickly.
He did it again
Noahj in a tight situation: f meeee. Lex: you words not mine
LOL noah is better then me at zombies😂🥺 LOL I’m trash⚰️🔪🔫 🗑
I get on the stream and the first thing i hear is mha music playing
Big dumb Noah😂😂
When will Noah start hitting kids
If I was a zombie going after Noah I would just run away because he’s insane at zombies😂
I’ll eat your taco
you say run in a noahJ VIDEO whaaaaaaaaaa My Postmates Academia…
16:58 clipped Noah’s scream
Lol big dumb noah
Plz play more zombies I cant live with out your content I was filled with joy when zombies is here
My PTSD triggered when I saw the 725 pap was called shoothouse 24/7
Could ask for $15 off
Play it regular with the boyssss
Highly recommend reading the PAP weapons names 😂
The names of these guns r hilarious 😂
The chances of noahj finding all the the troll faces are low but never zero😳
imagine disliking this
Lol big dumb Noah
What is the playlist you use in this video, I heard halo and im intrigued.
Play this map with chop and em
8:24 look at the name of his gun 💀💀💀💀
Noah, you don’t need help B04 does
My dogs name is actually Luna ha lol
Play it again
13:13 nobody’s gonna talk about this gun name? (Orgasm 24)
anyone know what that mod menu is?
does he realize phd slider is different from phd FLOPPER which is what he didn’t have
I start the video and IMMEDIATELY hear “You Say Run” from My Hero Academia…
PLUS ULTRAAAA!!!!🦸🏼♂️👊🇺🇸
Every time Noah plays zombie it literally just encourages me to play. Keep up the good work Noah👍🏽👍🏽🤗💯💯💯
Why is there my hero academia music at the start
Try normal mode
I love doordash
When that Brutus started shooting, all I could hear was Ed Helms yelling “THE FIRE’S SHOOTING AT US!”
Please revisit this map
everybody gangsta until 400 panzers show up
buys Quick Revive widows facepalm
9:22 he passed up the kar98k
The church of rabb1t would like to know your location
You know that b03 was way better than b04 when it’s still used for mods instead of b04
I like he’s using the mha music for the promo
When you notice he listen to anime 😂
what gun game mod is t his?
i like the one where its 1000$ off or whatever it was
Yo you have kept me entertained throughout this COVID 19
Noahs brain is so big his hair line couldnt stand it
Noahj5 who is this imposter
Is nobody gonna talk about how many liquid diviniums he has
28:42 Gun name– Jfk Eradicator
Yeah do the map
Anyone else notice that the M13 pack a punched is called Warzone’s Finest
Me: At least you are getting your points back
Do normal mode.
Is it just me or does the gun game mods seem too easy. Most maps are open to train, instead of dying you just get set back a gun or 2, you have infinite ammo, and sometimes your gun is packed.
Lol big dumb Noah
yes come back
Phub Noahj456 : ” you see that taco… eat it your going to eat that taco”
Yo postmate no way
Anyone see the name to the packed 725?
*downloads postmates, no locations available anywhere even remotely close to my entire world.
NoahJ said big brain time them he realized that widows is useless in gg
I literally just watched a MHA video and the intro just surprised me
Who else just saw the amount of liquid diviniums and wondered how
gun game is a mod yeah you have to download ?
if so who makes the mod
Aye Noah can u play some bo3 soon
Noah: buys Phd with no grenades
This is big brain time
Most intense challenge you’ve done
NoahJ456’s knowledge of gun game is now falling under standards, also imma also going to point out that you’ve got your hands on a Claw Death Machine before, ironically on a dome Zombies gun game as well
lol thats a dumb pog
PLEASE play this map with Lex and the Loud Ones
If Noah is looking for survival games still, I’d love to see him survive a wipe of rust 😂
yo that juggernaut is clapping so hard : 44:10
Finally some OG noah zombies
Please do this map again
honey: we have have the best deals for promo codes
post mates: we have the power of being sponsored by noahj456
Did anyone see the pap name to the aug 😂 14:20
I didn’t like the order of the weapons on this one. I think it’s more entertaining to play gun game without knowing what you’re gonna get
Remember when he stuttered hella trying to walk us through on revelations that was funny
Dumb dumb 456—— minute 12——
Zombified Lex= Brutus with gun😂😂
Noah: THERE ARE SO MANY PANZERS Me: Plays zombies and dies to one panzer
400 comment
If it was 10 dollars off I’d do it
what is the gun game mod called
I’ve played this map so many times, I’ve played the already loaded gun games and other modded gun games on it.
postmates margwa
This map and the guns and the gun game also the perks are a mix this is my favourite I want this so bad
And that everyone, is why the sliquifier is the best gun in any zombies
did anyone see that the packed 725 was named shoothouse 24/7
Where’d you get the gun game mod???
you say run really works with everything huh
That’s so weird I literally watched your other rust zombies video earlier! Ive done that twice now where you play something that I watched earlier
Let’s be real 1:45 dashie’s dance moves would kill at that song
Yo Dome and Rust are OP maps two of my favorites 😋
You play with lex and chopper
Are we just going to ignore the My Hero Academia music in the intro?
i would love it so much if noah got a warzone squad like him, smitty, basically, and tim to all play zombies and watch them freak out and get carried by noah
Damn the guns on this map is unreal…. how do I get all these extra maps guns… gun game… I want all this how do I do it someone pls help me
U was talking about exo zombies right before u got double tap… sucked I really wanted to know what u was goin to say about exo zombies
yes, please play the normal map!
Is there even postsmates in ct?
His intro song, is Noah a weeb?
Is sans song on it and I said Sans song because I don’t know how to spell or pronounce it
That $100 Postmates promo was only for delivery fee not food credits
I just here wii sports theme in the background 😂
i tried playing rust 2.0 but i don’t know how to load it up i got rust but i couldn’t figure it out
some of the PaP weapon names were little Sus
The custom pap names where killing me this whole video
which cod are these mods on? and how can i get them? thanks!
I wanna be come as big as a youtuber like you it’s so hard 🥺
22:20 one right next to the window. He clearly scanned passed it
Is that my hero academia music?
Play this map legit! Would be sick
What game is this??????
Noah: Mule kick is beyond useless
Also Noah: *buys widows wine when he doesnt have a knife or grenades*
Lol Noah big dumb
34:42 my man’s face😂😂😂
No one wants to watch you by yourself play with other people
only likeing this vid because of post mate
Noah who’s says this is something we’ve never seen me who has seen this map while watching a spuddley stream
Did anybody else see that the papped gun at 14:40 is named “Viagra Buffalo”? 😂
The pack a punch uzi is called lil uzi vert 16:18
I like that one of the guns was called the three some
It is sad times that Postmates is not in my Area
U missed like 10 perks from the panzers
noah smart
You deserve that hamburger 😂
Postmates doesn’t deliver to my house
Wait did he say he was listening to too much WEED MUSIC recently? Does Weedj456 exist????
Noah when you said “this video is sponsored by the one and only (suspense) postmates.” I thought you were going to say raid shadow legends
Lol I work for postmates 😭
Noah: There’s a perk Limit?
Also Noah: Buys Etheral Razor and Widows Wine
I’m sure there’s a way for them to merg buried from black ops 2. Now that would be sick
Look at 14:32 the mp7s name
Noah can we get this map played with the loud ones ✌️
play this with the squad plsssss 😂
Did he find all the faces?
15:43 Wii sports theme
Remember when you said you like zombies because they don’t have guns…. lmao karma
noah and the gang should do it without gun game
This would be a dope map to play with the boys
This map would look fun with the squad.
Fire bow tutorial would be better
8:26 You can barley hear Halo music
I thought it was going to be a MHA sponsor cause of You Say Run playing in the background.
Noha bought quick revive,widows and ethereal razor pogers
lol noh your dumb
(22:19) there’s a troll face!!!!!!
lol big dumb noah
The napalm zombie fire kills them instantly also.
I like how the pap name for the 725 is shoot house 24 7
Dear Big Stupid Noah.
Play this map again but normally.
Do this map normally please
If only noahj456 would say hi to me
I got jabaited when he started talking about postmates
*postmates sponsors the stream*
“Everyone liked that”
We love postmates boooiiis
Gods, some of the gun names are just soooooo bad
but I’m here for it
The fact that the uzi pap is called lil uzi vert has me dying 🤣
dude these papped weapon names lmao just saw “fus ro dah”
Do the map on normal mode with the squad
That intro fire asf with that my hero academia music 👍🕺🏾
Play this map with lex chop jc or Tim
PLEASE revisit this map it’s sick af
Ok it’s official, I need a link to Noah’s music playlist
Sorry Noah don’t have postmates near me 🤷🏻♂️
anyone else see the origin 12s packed name
Noah I didn’t hear any animal crossing music
This dude rlly put wii sports music into his playlist
I just watched spuddly play this yesterday awesome map
LOL Big Dumb Noah.
Well if you gave bo4’s multiplayer a chance you would be like wow zombies was bad but dang multiplayer was great. Kinda like what you’ve done with modern warfare
U should do the dome with the boys
lol big dumb Noah
I live on the country side.(doesn’t have access )
Play it again with the lads. 🤔
When I see Widows I Think he won’t buy it AND HE BUYS IT WHEN IT’S GUN GAME IT REMOVES UR GRENADES
:Noah <-Dumb!
anyone else notice that the 725 paped was called shoothouse 24/7?
Anyone watched Spuddly’s stream before this
ngl noah’s sponsorship segments always makes me smile
Noah you have to play that map regularly
The song in the into is you say run
Hasn’t he played this before?
Noah can you play again <3
Krazyrabbit would be disappointed by the dissing of the kar98k
Anyone know how to run the gun game on this map? Do I have to download the gun packs? Can I install all them and stack them??
Dude every gun game thou 😂 with the widow’s wine and the grenades.
Edit: lol Noah u dumb
but Noah I can’t use Postmates in Canada
Also my moms birthday is today
You say run let go!!!
Noah: “single greatest death machine”
Claw: am I a joke to u?
Do it with the loud ones
Does anyone know which gun game mod this is
I kind of want to go back and watch the old streams of the zombies maps.
Idk how Noah’s game didn’t crash after all those panzers lol
Now play the map minus the gun game.. seems like it would be fun for a stream
The postmate threat
Need longer Zombie maps
Play it again in, But in Normal MODE please!!
Lol Noah Smooth Brain
Let’s go Noah I love the my hero song letttttssssss goooooo
Can’t tell if my microphone is broken or his voice is different.
Hey does anyone know how to make the firebow? I haven’t found a good firebow tutorial they are all nonsense
Mr. J how are we
anyone see the gun names lmao
I would love a video with the bois playing this map and doing the legendary challenge.
Didn’t you already do that
I’d like to see noah do this map legit. No gun game is what I mean by that. This map is awesome.
Yoo noah how do you get costume maps?
10:03 the name of the paped 725 🤣🤣
Is there anyway to get a link to the playlist with all the game music? Would love to get some youtube and twitch safe music that isn’t lofi
The pack a punched oden was called big chugus
I believe the death machine was the claw from infinite warfare
@NoahJ456 can you play a game called control I tried it out and it’s the perfect game Down your lane
Damn I missed it
This was one of the most smooth brain zombie videos i’ve seen in a while.
Lol big dumb noah
At this point noah will milk anything for views
You need to finish infinite warfare zombies!!!
Awsome gameplay keep up the good work👨💻💻🔫🔪🎮🕹. I enjoyed this video👍😁!
Anyone know the song after the my hero academia song?
The death machine is the claw from infinite warfare
That was so clutch
Yes normal mood
Not Postmates again…. 😭
That deathmachine was from infinite warfare
7:06 why would I want a smaller brain than I already have?
If you are looking for nice game music try pokemon music cause its amazing or the music from ratched and clank deadlocked love the vids
24:47 got the fastest trigger finger in the west 😂
You know what would be better than $5 off postmates?? It would be postmates be able to come to my house
Yes finally I loved when you played gun game back in the day
Lol big dumb noah!
8:22 the name of the guns just be Roasting.
My hero lets go you have the best background music
not gonna lie this gave me some warzone builds i should use
12:38 pov: when zombies get sick of the players bullshit lmao
Pack a punched guns looks like Bo3 dark matter
Wait what is he playing solo i am in a dream 🤤 about time
What’s the Mario song called plz
What are this gun names
Best way to beat that is by using the gambling to gain a new weapon quicker.
At 25:01 you can hear persona 5 music
Widows doesn’t work in gun game Noah
at 10:05 did anyone else notice that the 725 packed is named shoothouse 24/7
Lol big dumb noah
I swear if he buys widows wine again
Edit:wow noah
Edit2:noah you big dump
Revisit it or your balls will be executed
When he said “you see that little taco eat it” I air bit my phone😂😂
Thats one rusty dome
The death machine is from iw has a special weapon
I love this channel its very entertaining and I love Noah’s personality
lol big dub noah u dummy
The gift that keeps on giving
noah u should do a setup tour plz!
Lol big dumb Noah
7:01 hitler in Noah’s456 confirmed
Isn’t postmates going out of business?? 🤔
you big dumb dumb, stop buying widows wine on gun game…. it makes us write mean comments… love you.
lol big dumb noah he told me to say it
The death machine is the claw from IW
Fun Fact: Winter’s Wail is better than Widow’s Wine.
Hey Noah your MW warzone bunker Easter egg guide helped me to compile it. Me and my friend did it and we only had a little time in the bunker because it was the end of the match.
Can you do a der eisendrache tutorial for all of the bows?
Lol big dumb noah
I love your videos Noah if you like survival games than you should play 7 days to die it’s a zombie survival game
Anyone else notice My Hero academia music in the background
Anyone else see some of the names of the pack a punched guns it’s hilarious
You say run Noah
Lol big brain Noah
anyone else notice that the name of the packed 725 was “Shoothouse 24/7”??
noah i love your videos so much realy, you are so funny :),
This sponsorship will soon say Uber Eats….
16:19 the uzi is called the lil uzi vert
Seeing a new video brings a smile to my face thanks noah for making these vids and keep up the great work XD
Lol big dumb Noah
8:47 you dooooomed the poor susan hahah
Uber has agreed to acquire the food delivery start-up Postmates for $2.65 billion as it aims to expand its presence in on-demand food delivery while its core ride-hailing business struggles. The companies announced the all-stock deal on Monday morning.
Lol! Big dumb Noah!
my hero academia music been poppin a lot recently
Don’t you mean UberEat’s since Uber just bought Postmates.
Props for the names of the guns
Anyone recognise the my hero music
Lol big dum noah.
Is it just me or does his streams and videos always look like they are a bit fuzzy and lower resolution?
Lol big dumb Noah🤡🤡🤡
Some one should make a green hell zombies map
I was so confused when Noah bought widows when he has no grenades
Edit: lol noah u dumb
There’s no post mates in my area
Noah finding all the Troll Faces is equivalent to me beating Ghost Recon Breakout knife only
Took 4:20 minutes to dis BO4. That’s bout right
First comment
I really love how he is struggling to guess the juggernaut name while he is drinking juggernaut
Lol big boi dum
The you say run at the beginning tho
Lol big dumb Noah
og map
Noah gun game cancels your widows wine. You do this everytime.
Edit: Big dumb Noah
The my hero academia music with the intro was 🔥🔥🔥 love the vids n zombies content
This dude got My Hero in the background lmao he a real one
Y u buy widows?
Lol big dumb dumb
Noahj456 i thought u hated anime??? So why do i hear my hero academia???
This kid has mixed feelings about anime
I love gun games
What is the 2nd background song?
Any one else wifi was like u aint watch8ng this in 1080p boom slaps me down to 240p
Brutus’s on crack=Juggernauts lol!
I am the only one
He says the shotgun sucks but he one shots everything.
Noah you should do another like ee4c rn would be the best timing
Bring back lego cops
You start it and just see the post mates simble and you like this is gonna be great
Love u noah
your amazing noah love your channel
Hello noah
Love your vids especially zombies Noah, keep up the great work! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🦀
Hey Noah
I swear I’ve seen this before from him
HE USED THE MY HERO ACADEMIA THEME TUNE!!!!!!! IM SO GASSSSSSSSSED! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that has to be the best way to tell people about a sponcer for a video
My Hero theme music 🥳
Sonic unleashed music 🎤🎼🎹🎶
I clipped the scream🤣🤣
so many bots holy shit
192liles, 50 comments and 1 view.
6 likes but no views? The f YouTube?
Postmates intro could’ve been more hype 5.5/10
How people look when they try to be the first comment: 👁👄👁
Yes never been first btw love ur vids
Hey noah
Noah is a closet weeb
Dude the postmates sponsor to start it off!
Noahj you are the best
I want this ahaha how do I get it ? Or you can’t get
Y’all go fe my new song GR Dynamic Duo by TNL16LOC on YouTube
Luv you NoahJ 😍😍
Early gang
Lol big dumb Noah
NoahJ456. What are your thoughts on bo5 zombies?
Love your vids
Ooh a code totally no unusual
Hi noah
Noah I prefer doordash over postmates
Dammmmm there do be those kids saying “FiRsT”
Love you Noah
I just ordered post mates
Jk second
i hear that mha music 😉
My childhood zombies rust and dome
Second 😭😭
1st comment
Noahj456 is my dad. Prove me wrong
F for juice world 😔
Love your content Noah! Gonna order some post mates just because of you XD
Wow that was fast
Love to hear you say run in the intro
I’m the first
Noti squad
who else upgrading to ps5
Like my comment
Gun games are my favorite thing to watch
What’s the weapon mod
10 like
Why hello.
Been waiting for a gun game
Noahhhh your amazing
First comment, aye!! I’m such a no life… 😐
20th like
Hi noah
not first
Noti gang