Rust Console – Electricity Power Surge FIRST LOOK
NEW BIG Rust Console Electricity Power Surge Update! New Items, Changes to Auto turrets and MORE!
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#rust #rustconsole
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Taqs:Rust,Rust console,Rust console update,Rust console power,Rust console power surge,Rust console electricity,rust electricity,Rust console new update,Rust console dark camo
コメント (36)
electricity is finally on Rust Console! Guide coming soon. Have a great day!
How ro make colored wires? I know its possible i pressed a button and did but I dont know how
How do you get it cuz you can’t make it or research it
I can finally build dirt rider trap bases
How u get them my server doesn’t have it
Oh no Minecraft redstone but even harder
Hey I was just on rust console and it wasn’t on or is this a test branch thing?
OMG this game on console is soo bad. 2016-2022 rust player. I quit after recoil update.
Should i get rust I’m on ps5?
Was a pro electric player on PC 😜
Bolty in that sucker 😜
at first look something like /watch?v=aWzIFdF03d8 should be possible 🤩I didn’t expect that!😁
It’ll be a lot easier to place turrents and not worry about who isn’t on cause they can just turn them off with a switch now
great video, very nice! I am a beginner YouTuber, there is a lot to learn from you, I will be glad if you rate my videos! or maybe even subscribe!) Good luck in your work!
I will check back on rust next summer let’s see what new things they have by then
bro bro no one cares
u can also use nail guns he didn’t mention it
can finally start onlining bro
Pc players are laughing hard😂
When are horses and scrap heil’s coming?
(Edit riding horses)
Community servers for console yet? Can’t play this game unless your unemployment or in schooled 😂
What still sucks is there isn’t any balance between old and new gen
Imagine m2 turret
Is it on test brunch
more trap bases ???
Getting ready to watch 10 hours worth of tutorials and still not understand electricity
I want community servers next 😔
finally console getting good
most massive w update i’ve seen ina minute
Finally been waiting for changeable weapons on turrets
when does it come to main
So annoying how when you change item it despawns
Goodbye Bases with 100s of turrets everywhere. Onlines are actually possible now
Is it on main