I built the best shop in Rust…
I joined a rust server on wipeday and got a lot of loot from monuments like the gas station. I then decided to build a new rust shop base design and used it as a trap base. I did some trolling and got my toxic neighbors very angry.
Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Enardo
Shorts Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/EnardoSHORTS
Merch: https://enardo.store
Servers: https://enardoservers.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/enardo
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/enardo
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@enardo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Enardoz
Specs: https://enardo.gg/specs
Music By: http://share.epidemicsound.com/enardo
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Enardo
Video edited by – https://twitter.com/12kasperg
The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
Title: I built the best shop in Rust…
#enardo #rust #playrust
Taqs:Enardo,EnardoLive,enardo live,stream,funny,moments,gaming,comedy,enardo stream,streaming,gameplay,enardolive,enardo second channel,enardo rust,rust,rust enardo,rust console,rust movie,rust solo,rust funny,rust moments,rust spoonkid,rust blazed,rust update,rust dlc,rust new dlc,rust shop,rust shop base,rust base,rust 2023,rust trap,rust trap base,rust trolling,rust voice trolling,rust troll
コメント (103)
Why I like enardo video is that he wont play alone which make it a lot interesting
julio🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱 Albanian
You should join a zerg server and build outside a zergs base
I like your video
Serb a 0x server
Not gonna lie the new wood skin might be perfect for enardo he cant get it stone anyway
17:08 Mario and Luigi deciding to beat Enardo’s head in with a rock
2:30 You will never get picked up by Welyn, as swoll as he is, he’s not strong enough 😈
Thanks Enardo for making content that helps me fall asleep, theres something so peaceful about your videos
More videos whit julio
What does albanian shop sell? The same thing albanians sell irl, bad drugs and stolen mercedes from west europe 😂😂😂
Fut pe mata govno siptarsko 😂😂😂😂
No one else going to talk about Stimpee who says “ah yea fucking push it” at 8:22
Preeeesent it, preeeeesent it! Let me
See 😂
I want to buy one of Felipe’s baby kittens🐱how much would it be❤🐈
Does Felipe play fortnight
great video, Stimpee
8:23 Camomo_10 is in the vid
I’m convinced that felipe is lucky llama when he’s not creating content for the spoonkid2 channel.
server: warbandits
Prim locked (jk)
mhm i like this juiciy video… mmmm
Isn’t Ikea the first shop?
Day 53 of me trying to play with OMRILOL!
“This is a certified enardo video”
13 hour gang😎
andyXD vibe. come visit him guys
present it present it let me see
♥enardo x felipe 4 ever ♥
Hey hey, don’t complain about American servers. What happens in America stays in America. Not saying its right! But thats just our policy
100th comment
love albania xaxaxaxxa
Sounds just like a minion, Julio that is
26:44 200iq enardo play
lol comomo messing with you?
Did anyone else the the Rocket at around 16:34?
love how ur loyal cat always comes and saves u from a terrible start on wipe day 😀
Those cliffs are a good place to make a bridge bace🤔 , new video 🌉🏠👍🏻
26:16 that was nuts!
Ok great video…not sure what I was supposed to think about it…but I liked it
the chinese guy was literally saying F**k your mother
Definition of prim lock
Today new server! Who’s gonna join? (:
So noone is going to mention the thing that happend at 6:35? Pretty sure Enardo hit someone far away from who he was shooting at.
🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱 Love Enardo
Give us more vid daddy Enardo❤❤❤
Lucas 😂
Enardo said he was going to get Ak …
0:51 sounds like a 911 call lmao
i love the albanian
I love your videos Gupp.
Is arson a typical name for Albanians.. peachka ma lish
15:32 XDhahahahha
Welcome to rust
Oh look its me The Albanian Man 🤫
Hollowed servers 🤢🤮
Good to know ednardo likes albino people
Hey I just wanted to say I love your videos memeio keep on man
tc placement is terrible.
TTS: “Your TC placement is trash.” TTS is superior to Enardo.
This is 100% pure Memeio content. Love it!
10/10 shop, did buy from
Funhaus secret hitler is a very funny video
Yeah american service you’ll hear the n word However, in european nations just segregate minorities
Yesss Shqiptar!!!! Gotta sell Raki in the Albanian shop Hahaha te dua shume Enardo!!!
Enardo is so good at the game
man i love your content but please if possible imagina garage where are 3 boudle doors with turrets behind and one open for people go in …cameras help you know when people are in car close doors with controler or mobile app and open all 3 with app too …if people stay in car they cool once they leave they die
Always a great day when enardo drops a video
Retardo sucks
was that kammo in the push it background
“Keep pushing bro!!!” 😂😂😂
hi sexyyyy 😏
Enardo I just wanted to say that you have help me through a lot of dark times but I will always and forever cherish the first time I watched you❤❤❤much love to you king👑
Enardo sponsor me
Pepsi man❤
Your videos are so good. Continue like this, Stimpee
Fuck away from are base 😂
Pls Zerg
This is 100% pure Memeio content. Love it!
Welcome to rust
Did yall pray today ?
i love your content bro
More Zerging Enardo. PLEASSSSSSSSSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great vid
love the new vid
Remeber this
Still want those high thighs to be official merch
New vid means great day