Rust in Roblox is Amazing
Rust in Roblox recently had an overhaul and it’s incredible…
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2D2OMXO
Game is called FALLEN: https://www.roblox.com/games/10228136016/Fallen-Survival-NEW
Twitch: https://bit.ly/2Q0yiDA
Instagram: https://bit.ly/3kVjlBa
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3aWrnVW
Discord: https://bit.ly/2YauzrI
Second Channel: https://bit.ly/371Gn4e
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
Outro: bbno$
Taqs:memeio,mr,mrmemeio,mr memeio,joana,rust,memeo,memio,rust free,roblox rust,rust roblox,roblox mod,roblox rust survival,fallen,memeio roblox,minecraft
コメント (1165)
Playing as Lizzo is crazy
Name of the game is fallen survival if you didn’t know.👍
Is this for PC only?
Amazing !
What’s the game
1:15 bro casually spotted a trio
Crosboow is so op
What’s it called?
I’m playing as lizzo😅
200 robux💀💀💀
“Playing as Lizzo” Has me dead
I think you should try stream rust or fallen its fun to watch u
You can get a yellow keycard at scav camps then u can go to military base or scav hideout insert power cell activate button swipe card and u have purple card + loot then go fact for.pinlie but u need two cells and then i recommend aubmarine for a lot of loot because looting roads isnt effevtive
Better than oxides😂
L this is 200 robuox and i dont have any robuox );
This is pc game?
spear kill was crazy
What is the name of the game
It costs 200 robux to play
crazy how this looks better than rust console
Fallen survival
What is the name of this mode?
pls bro part 2
i can play an mobile?
Lmao it cost 200 robux to play this bad game
This has no right to be this good LOL
This is real fun to watch,but i kinda am sad its not free
Didn’t make airlock for your base
Game name
What’s the name of this game I wanna play it
Is it just me? Or do you want to see memeio play Roblox rust again?
“I just wanted wood bro 😭”
Fallen survival
Play unturned rust
I got banned from rust because somebody stole my acc on steam for half a day so this is my chance!!!
Thank you whoever made Fallen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought they would get in the base
Memeio i would like to say that you were SO FREAKING LUCKY when you got those guns from the guy that looked like a drone u killed, that never happens to me in the game
Fableoforgins is an admin lol
if this is better than rust mobile. 👇
Make trap bases RIGHT NOW
Memeio: Hides in a bush and gets killed
Also Memeio: At least we’re getting in some pvp
there was in roblox a game called ”lost” in 2018 it was so good graphics was outrangeous it was as hard as rust back then sadly it got copyrighted
Classic fable lol, I’ve played with him …
Wow… that looks amazing, gonna have to try it out.😊
whyyyyy doesss it feel like im actually watching rustttttt lemme seee moree
bro i love this game fr
more roblox rust!
Roblox rust copy thats better than the official rust console edition
“I got a STD😁” um what💀
Imagine Roblox trap bases
The fact that you need to pay for it
BRUH MEMEIO this costs 200 robux maan i thought i could play this cuz my laptop aint good enough for real rust and it costs 200 robx :(. Good vid tho and love ur chanel
PART 222
i just got 200robux is it really worth it or should i use it for something else?
People swarm your bows
You don’t wanna be at the middle of the night in this game
Play trident survival on Roblox
i was gonna try it out and then it cos 200 robux
Fallen has payment nowand i cant play it bruhh
do a trap base next
anyone remember lost? the og rust in roblox
What is this called
the best hes played in years
Memio can you try last island of survival
Bro play again now have a New map and have oil rig
Game name?
What is the name I wanna play it!
u should get bloxtrap that way u will get more fps since originaly its locked to 60
Game name?
STD69 is a craaazy name for anything with a hole at the front.
The creator of this is definitely getting sued!
“playin as lizzo” had me rollin dude
I hope this game is fallen not trident survival
Yea you are getting kills probably because you’re playing against 7 year olds.
Once you go black you never come back. Well I guess not on Roblox.
It’s in mobil??
Game name? Please!
genuinely better than rust console
I got 130 hours on this game and a lot skins worth every cent best clone ever not gonna lie
That’s robux Bru
shit paid game xd
Memeio killing literal children under 12: “I am so good”
My Potato of a Phone will explode just by running this shi👾
Fallen Survival got way better after the developers have an anticheat and has recently rolled out a banwave which has banned 255 hackers, mostly for using ESP
Memeio these are dog water Roblox kids
He went off
Love the vid you should make a part 2
IS 200 rubux to play
Game name?
Game name?
no its robucks
Game name
“Oh my god let’s go, I got an STD!” -Memeio 2023 12:53
I got an STD 😂😂😂😂
nah bro this aint rust this is crust
bro its 200robux💀💀
Game name
Roblox trap base, when?
game shutdown / privated as of 19/01/24
OH NO NOT MEMEIO welp we will miss you fallen v5
What si the game call
What’s this game called
200 robux btw
Had me at, “playing as Lizzo”
İts good but cRUST is better
What is the name
I like it how he just says “it is like rust” because it is.
It costs 200 robux to play😭😭
You said it was free right? It’s 200 Robux to play the game
game name?
What is the game name
That’s a good game and if you don’t have a good pc then Trident survival V2
Looks awesome, but is it as good as crust?
I might actually start playing this 😂
Memeio we can carry u ong
More more more
i think the reason you were having a slight issue is your constant 200 ping
Wish it wasn’t 200 robux
What game is that
Seems great until u play it. (U got spawn killed with guns almost in every server)
Would love to see some more
the weapons give me Borderlands vibes
12:51 oh let’s go I got a STD💀
Cmon got to make this a series
Looks good, but you have to pay money to play a damn game on roblox?
Do it again part 2
it cost robux
Bros actually him
Spear to ak 😂
you CANOT PLAY THIS IN THE PS5 ROLBLOX…how can we play this game
What is the name of that game😅
Whats it called
14:58 that’s me 💀
Name dis game?
It’s only ps4 😢
Can u make trap base video ajhah pls dude
Pls More
If there’s no aim cone it’s better than rust.
What the game name agin? In roblox
Edit: never mind i checked bio
You really have to pay 200 robux for this game
The curse😢
that metal pic is acrualy an ice pic
What is this game called?
Play more of this there is also trident survial & catastrophia
Bro did all that and 210 ping 😭
Crazy how the tommy guy sucks,and you doing better than me in this game
If you think this is good you should try lone survival
The fact I haven’t touch rust but played fallen (it’s very fun bro)
Play it again
I have been playing that my whole life.
You were an og if you know dust on roblox
What is it called when
Better than original rust, start playing this instead of the normal game please!
Heyyyyyyyyyyyy memeo you should play the fortnight version of rust
play last island of survival that is a rust for mobile it do be crazy
The texture have a borderlands or rage feel and im here for it
Has a Fallen Survival Player we take this as a win.
Play strayed
Can’t wait until roblox rust gets zergs
the vibes are kinda reminiscent of legacy
Ur aim is fire 🔥 👁️👄👁️
5:30 “Spent money and I have his loot”
Me when I kill a 10 year old on roblox rust that spent his allowance on a roblox card
Try and play trident survival v3
bros running out ideas
Play trident survival! Its the best rust copy
It costs 200 robux to play 😭😭
can i play this on console?
Memio pls play trident survival
Game name?
Willjum needs to make a fallen video
If you suprised about this game play frontlines. It has such good mechanics and graphics that you can mistake it for COD.
Rug Gang 😎🤙
There was a game called lost that was exactly like this and was super popular but face punch seen it as a threat with how popular it was getting and get rid of it unfortunately
Yo you killed 2 roblox rust games by making their videos. Pls don’t try to make fallen so popular face puch will ban it.
What game is this?
People who want part 2
Who remembers the best rust clone on Roblox, Lost? Facepunch made Roblox take it down but it was so much fun while it lasted.
this actually reminds me of rust in the early early component era. the best era.
Name of game
Ppl set their expectations way too low for roblox bro
GGs finna get content deleted
Bro the game is soo good I played it yeasterday and it was a lot of fun
rust but better than rust, this is impressive.
these devs cooked hard!
12:53 “yo i got STD” 😂😂
Try Trident Survival
Memeio can u pls play rust only on roblox not on rust
I love how funny this dude is 🤗
Loved the video, you should do a trap base on Roblox rust
what’s the game called
The game name is “Fallen”
“Playing as lizzo” got me😂😂😂
Can we have rust ?
No we have rust at home.
Rust at home :
Memio I need help when I tryed to open rust it crashes on startup and I did so much stuff and it did not work pls help me
roblox trap bases ?
do enewon now what name is it
Lone survivor/survival is good too
can you gift me rust i have been wanting it for a while and watching your videos for a while aswell but its way too expensive
Part 2 ple
What is the game called?
bro playing 200 ping 60 fps
i have been watching this guys way back to he was making LOST content its a rust game in roblox which was deleted for copyrights
Gotta try last island of survival or mission evo on mobile if you want a rust clone.
I died when you said “hold up im playing as lizzo”
switch to RoRust haha
Play rust console.
theres a better one it called vanity and it is really realistic
You gotta pay for this, smh
Hello 👋👋
Just bought this after seeing bro play it and it’s pretty fun
bro hot std
Surprisingly entertaining. Make another one
Rust console NOW😊
Play consol rust it’s better
Rust console
12:54 what did he say… 😂
yo when is the strayed vr video coming out (I saw u on their discord)
Playing as Lizzo💀💀💀
Damn the game is just rust
Old recoil?
What is it called
I loved it until it cost now 200 bobux so I just play the real one where all the tryhards live😢😢
still better than console rust
no Roblox Rust clone will compare to Roblox “Lost”
it will be bether if it was free😒😒
its good but bad cuz its 200 rbx
yay time for him to ruin another roblox rust game by publicizing it yippeeeeee
get an fps unlocker
more fallen
looks good but since when do you have to pay to unlock roblox games.
(• •)
Memeio wheres Joana?
What the recommended specs for this game? I want to buy it but idk if my leptop gonna handel it
part 2
wow make this a thing i didnt even knew this existed
Bro the first thing I said was nooooooooo. You can’t name it that mannn you gon get this banned too wth
Anyone know if this is actually a decent alternative to console rust? Since consple rust sucks
real ones remember LOST
Amazing game it’s just that its a game that you have to buy
Legal, porém presisa sair para mobile
Game name
“playing as lizzo” 😂
Significantly better than console rust and I’m being 100 percent serious
Its so cool just watching a team of 3 playing in a duo/solo server (which btw can get u banned) and memeio is just better
200 robuxs worth it
What game is this?
Wait you play Roblox rust before in 3yrs ago don’t you remember
name pls
bro i wanna play it but i got 0 cash
bro is making roblox rust fall down
keep it going man
I really wanna see memeio make a base trap in roblox😂
This game is better than the one you made. But keep up the good videos and vibes 👍💯
I want to play Fallen but i dont got 200rb😭
Roblox players not ready for the toxicity of rust players 😂
decent game tbh
Its impressive what can be done in LUA
The dude u killed for the 2 tommy and ak was a mod lol
use a fps unlocker
Damn, i wanted to play this game but it costs 200 robux, i am broke.
Playing as lizo got my dead😂😂😂
I want to see the rocket launcher !
How come it won’t let me play
try get admin from the game owner and do some trolling would be fun
did this already… kinda sad you didnt mention lost or dust
I played a better version of this on Roblox but it was cancelled supposedly due to copyright
What the game called
While you’re at it why not check out oxide survive island again i mean it got a big update
Play project delta
Ep 2
it costs 200 robux
bro 200 robux how?
Man I can’t find it on playstore
whats with the low fps?
Memio curse bout to go 3-0
no way buddy is playing iron oxide rn
Bro had 200 PING the whole game 😭😭
Nah it ain’t Rust it’s Bust 💀🔫✅
booiii there better be some christmas trolling
Does it cost robux to play? If not, they should add that imo.
This game is so getting taken down GG!
An ark game on roblox would be cool
There was another rust game, i believe it was “Dust” or something, was like rust but in Roblox.
“YO I GOT AN STD” – Memeio
You what’s the outro music called
You can try trident survival it’s another rroblox rust. And btw mobile rust oxide added shotgun traps
“Mr MEMEIO’S BACK” (lost is still better) 🙃
Roblox jank is getting on this one 💨💨💨💨👶
That Crust guy might kill you memeio if he sees this 😂
Im new in your channel but your contents are good especially this i also play this PLAY MORE 🙂
i was finna play but dam 200 robux im good cool vid though
how did u get out the crafting screen
I just searched rust on Roblox and there is nothing there.
Aye aye atleast give me a heads up that you gotta pay for it 😭😭😭
Memeio can you pls play this game again one time and do a trap base
Now it’s gone!
my boy went deep and got a std.
try vanity😂
is it better than consle💀
@JohnCarloMaghanoy I would leave this here hoping someone will donate even just 1$. Those who will donate may have a good life and godbless. Thank you
I want the name of the map, please😢
1:35 This is a pain for every roblox devs to hear at their game lmao.
Try to play 15 last day rules mobile game like rust😊
“he was naked how didn’t he die” his ass with over 200 ping atm:
Next try vanity
does the game save
Sadly it is 200 robux
Part 2
play rusturned
Half-way into this video and I already forgot this was roblox😂
its like steam free games but blocky either way its still good to see games like these on roblox
Dude if roblox delete this game im piss
Quick Question : Is it on Console Xbox/PS5
Can you try unturned it’s a free to play game and there’s rust copy’s on it and I’d like to see you play one other then that keep up the good work ❤
honestly better than rust 😂
make this a series
I wish I had 200 robux
Bros got std😂
“I got a STD” 💀💀
ah lets go i got a std
I wish this game was available for console 😔
Part 2 plz
im waiting to get a better computer so i can play i quality games like rust but roblox OG so i may have to come back to it
Lmaoo the mods knew it was you😂
He gon get another roblox game banned😭
this reminds me of a old rust inspired game on roblox that i use to fucking love, im pretty sure thats the new version of it because the old one was taken down due to using rust assets, that rust roblox game got me into rust. really glad theres another on roblox!
Crust is better
PART 2222 nowwwwwwwww pliz pliz pliz u new in gameand already and epic gamerrrrrrrrr in gameeee
200 Robux? Worth it.
yeah man roblox is great until you see the fucking ping 😭
not again. rip this game
just on time when i played
MEMEIO u Have to try out this new bug in rust !!!
Using the “rustigé egg” item u can build ladders up As far As you want by placing ladder, then egg on top And then ladder again And repeat
truly poggers to us roblox players
Get an fps unlocker.
12:53 “let’s go! Oh! I got an STD”
Roblox slowly taking over the gaming industry
Blackout is also quite a good game. Its a looter shooter with some parkour aspects. There is also raids in the game what requires keycards
Memeio can you plz upload more videos faster I love your videos but you upload every week 😢
if you do end up playing this again, there is actually a roblox fps unlocker so you don’t have to be stuck at 60fps. Can’t remember how to get it specifically but it’s just a zip file you download somewhere which unlocks the cap. use at your own risk but I bet it’d help both yourself and the viewers out
What game is this
can someone gift me robux to play this game 🙁 cant afford
There’s pretty much anything on roblox, someone even convert part of GTA 5 map to roblox 😂
Hey Memeio, I’m pretty sure that full-kit you killed knew your roblox account’s name and did not attempt to kill you because of that.
how did you pick the carpentry table up
what if u leve the game dose it save progress?
this is so cool nice video dude keep up the dope content!
Memeio bought robux just to play this game, big W
Is it better than console rust?
This already looks more fun than Rust in it’s current state.
More roblox rust
that aint rust thats crust
Game name?
playing as lizzo is wild
Theres an alternative free version of fallen survival called barren its a bit different but to the same depth as fallen survival, Sadly the devs stopped working on it but its still fun, The building wasnt really flushed out and didnt use traditional rust structures.
Kinda looks like border lands
200 robux
Does anyone know how to change player models
are yall scared to play rust to this point
there used to be a roblox game called lost which looked even more like rust than this, but i believe it got taken down for copyright violations
Name pls
I love when he plays different games
As soon as I saw the graphics I knew I had to re install Roblox in my phone, frik pc
Seeing you having fun 🔥 Is just bring me a smile on my face 😊 keep uo the good work my favourite youtuber
This game about to get a lawsuit like lost🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥
just know one of the devs of the game is definetly a pedophile cuz thats in every roblox game known to man
what’s the game called?
I want to play this game but its 200 rubox
Memeio play console rust
Sadly no console support
Game name?
memeio i swear if this game gets copy righted i will look for you and i will find you
Does it cost to play
Flashbacks from lost 😢
but i love ur content thank u for uploading
What is the game called
You should make a channel which consists of you playing this game.
try to play lone survival pls
Play trident survival v2 and when looting hold shift to insta loot
You should do building a trapbase in Roblox rust
Game might get taken down just like Lost
Roblox has the potential to make games like this the problem is the devs on roblox only want money and don’t really care abt the game
You 100% made that kid cry lol
Play rust❌️ Play Roblox✅️
welp thanks for making it get this many views this game will surely be banned soon
i recomend u play a game that is called Triden Survival is like rust i think
What game is this? I would love to know
200 robux??????? im broke asff
What is this game called
Play it again pls
Play rustmobile brooo
welp im broke asf
Game name?
i suggest using an fps unlocker so your fps is not capped at 60 🙂
This is better than xbox one quality
Robloxs system is getting better and better exploiters can only be on mobile so ther becoming extinct which is good just because a cheating software turned on them
209 ping is nuts
please make this a series
play vanity its a rust clone on roblox and imo its way better.
I was thinking to play this game now i have to play
bros black ans picing cotten💀💀💀💀☠️☠️☠️☠️💀💀💀💀💀💀
“wow, playing as lizzo” 😭
Is this the remastered version?
how many of these have u made
stream is broken cannot watch
If you wanna play the free version play trident survival
Play Roam on Roblox pvp rust on Roblox
Stop snitching on roblox ripoffs dude fp is going to shut them down
bro got std 😭😭
and now that u made the video about its its gone pretty much in few weeks….
I wanna see u raiding People in this game
What is the game called?
Part 2 would be neat
you should play booga booga reborn if u want i can help u out i wont give resources because it wont be fair but i can explain everything in a understanding way i type too fast user wolfenstein1 named after my favourite game
Day 23 of asking memeio to try rust terrible edition
Rust console…..again
You should play trident survival V2 its a rust copy too..
dawg lone survival is way better please try it out
PLEASEpost more of this
its sooo rereshin and fun
voice chat is also a thing
fallen has actually taken the soul out of me of how many invalids i get..
Make a trap base on it
What the game name
Great Rust video man!!! Idk why he was talking about roblox so much though🤔
pls more looks realy fun <3 keep up
Hi please game name
What’s the game name inside of Roblox and can we play on mobile?
now you need 200 robux to play
Honestly if you feel bad for killing a naked your already better at rust than most I legit saw a video of a guy bragging about how he betrayed and killed a team of nice people who helped him when he started just plain toxic
This game w only if I had the money to buy it
should be called oxidised metal
play it again ❤❤
Play rust in unturned
Part 2 please Iwant to see some raids and trapbase?
rust + roblox + zombies = unturned
Yall should try trident survival it’s also a good rust game but small map
This is what happens when a rust player shows up.
Yo can you try console again 🙏 it got even better since you last played
Finally I got free rust
It costs 200robux
Its 200 robux
whats name
Sad that the game is now P2P which sucks, fair tho its their game.
Pls make a series out of this game i
will sub now
Damn we need part 2
This is sick😂
sad it’s not free
i aint buying that, its just gonna get taken down by rust devs. just like the game called DUST in roblox
What’s the game called?
theres another game that also kind of like rust but not as close to this game but its still pretty good. Its called lone survival its a new game but they are progressing really fast and always asking the community through their discord on what they want and stuff
Trident v2 is a W
It’s just me or that guy literally give that loot without fight.
Maybe is a Sub
Wait till memeio sees project delta 😂
Game name pls ?
(: he got an https://youtu.be/hl2ojCWDkHU?t=771
It’s 200 robuxs man
i need 200 robux to play it😒😒
You should do more Roblox rust it is really. Entertaining entertaining.
I love to see a part 2
trap bases in roblox rust
I got banned for a day just saying bois furry
My friends made that game! Glad to see videos being made on it 😊
Has Ak and 2 thompsons, goes out with spear. GEAR FEAR IN ROBLOX IS REAL 😂
On console?
what roblox server is that?
I gotta check this one out. Iv been playing trident survival but this looks great! Does anyone know if its on console and cross play with pc? All my friends are on console.
name of game?
hopefully this video doesnt get the game taken down by facepunch again, there has been multiple games have been made after rust and they all been really good and made well, rip lost.
Too bad it costs 200 robux. I won’t play this game because I don’t want to risk losing robux again like what happened to Dust. I wasted my robux on Dust and the game literally got shut down and the creator refunded nothing.
The person you killed his name is fableoforigins He is a mod for that game wow
You have to pay 200 robux to play
PLAYING AS LIZZO 😝😝😝 had me dying bro lol
I was grease man 😞
Do some trap in this game on the next video please
Loved this i need a part 2 asap
Game looks better than rust atm
More roblox rust!😂
dont kill this game again
Do more of Roblox rust
Ep 2?
nice to see the creators of fallen finally fixing and updating their game after years i used to play it like 4 years ago cuz my pc couldnt handle rust lol
trap idea place a stash then a landmine the stash in dug up so the landmine can not be seen so when someone gets too close to it and try to leave they go boom.
Rust but combine with cartoonish touch
i would like to play it but it cost 200 robux
Bro plz play last island of survival it is a mobile game like rust
part 2 plsss
game name
Play the game with some of your YouTube friends.
Holy Moly, that was intense. Bro lol
hey i love TS V2 but the vanity is free and is real rust but is need good pc grafix is better
Part 2 please
you should make a series
I was waiting for this 🎉
You should try vanity,trident survival, Lone survival. There is probably more that I don’t know about
Now i can play Rust on 60 FPS🔥🔥
This game is popping now near every server is full
It’s not amazing because I got banned in it for getting stuck behind a door so I got the actual game
Play trident
Trident survival nextt
Name of the game inside Roblox?
I thought this was a mobile game 😢😢😢 I’m so sad I hope they make it to mobile
200 robux better to buy a real rust lol
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Ight buddy memio finna make a remake on fallen like he did to dust
Wow amazing game
Make a long series
Tho what happens if u,eave the game u lose all progression etc and upkeep isnt important isnt it?
Bruhhh not again after 3 years pls stopp
aw man these games on roblox got me started on rust since didnt have a pc good enough to run rust so i played games like that too bad the one that i played got deleted for copyright
we need pt2
We need pt2
There is z better one called roams
make more vids like this it was fun wathcing
When roblox rust looks better than Oxide Mobile 😂😂😂😂
there is a better game imo its trident in roblox
What game us UT called
whats the name of the game
fire video🔥🔥
from what i know you have to pay to play on this game
Next time you play this game you should try raid someone
It’s cringe hearing you call hit markers mini games but other than tht looks cool pl
You gotta do another one of these, I wanna see you do some raids lol
Part 2 pls
you should play trident survival next on roblox
Still doesnt even compare to CRUST! 😏👍
Massive fan, im obligated to watch ever video. This was shit dude. Love you 😢
is this available for Xbox bc I don’t have a pc
Bro really became micheal jackson
😂 22 seconds in fucking right mate
great vid, me and my friend were playing as a duo then you killed one of our other friends named mosi a little haha, he farmed a bunch
Im trash
Can you help me get better at rust
I waiting for part 2 ❤
Ay in a few weeks u should try trident survival the new map is still in progress but it’s still good
You’re better in this game lol
Muh boi is popping off, GO GO GO play lots more that was much fun to watch.
Actually kinda neat, really honestly impressive.
I played this game when it had a robux price and this shit was so bad the tree marker didn’t exist and building a base was impossiu
This is better than the day before itself
Noo!! Game is unavailable on PS4 Roblox! It actually looks better than console Rust too xD
A Lizzo joke man? I love your stuff but come on you are better than that.
it was so funny
Pov u play console rust
I didn’t expect him to play it
The fact that you was having fun made the video 10 folds better. Also those models..look dope af.
Next he’s gonna find some trap bases to make LOL
Trapbase in roblox rust?
Do a series
pls try Trident Survival
Yo! This vid is dope! My son plays Roblox a lot and we have gotten in a groove of watching your vids in the morning before school. This is awesome. Traps on Roblox!!
Do a series on this
Bro can,t wait for next fallen video👍🎮🤌
So does console have this? I’ve never played Roblox before, but I’ve played Rust a lot and would like to give this a try
This looks so fun, your my favorite YT🎉
“playing as lizzo”😭😭😭😂😂😂😂
Need to make a traps base next time
you should so play fallen more i enjoyed the vid
Don’t get this game banned again :/
Welp. You got me to watch a roblox video. Good job 😂
Trap base in roblox rust.
It’s actually fun playing with people
Is it bad I want more of this content
I hopw it wont get down like the “Lost”
Got to admit it is pretty cool looking!
lmao my duo was doorcamping you and we play real rust too
memeio destroyed six yrs old kids
Damn this game looks better then console
i would play that game alot if i didnt have my pc to plau actual rust, looks very good
whats memios roblox user
u should try trident survival it has a way larger player base and is a rust copy
“WadOfLard” That sure sounds familiar…
I am an absolute GOD with the bow in fallen
Play it again
Play more pls
The graphics look like borderlands 1
I got an std -Memeio 2023
play this game more fr
can anyone give me their account so that i can play this game
https://youtube.com/shorts/dsxJP1sEkfk?si=HSu9XYQevXiwtsFg little bit of fishing village trolling???
Make part 2
looks nice, you can try raiding mabe
what tf is rust, all my homies play Fallen 💪
12:00 What did he say?
I’m not paying money to play ghetto clones bro. At that point I’d buy the actual game on g2a for pennies.
Congratulations, you ruined the day of a bunch of preteens?
When Memeio realizes that Roblox is better
Old roblox rust was better but it got banned for copying
Try rust mobile
I am feeling so frustrieted becouse this shit coast 200 robux. WHYYYYY JUST WAyYyy. Why is evriting pay to play shit
The funny thing is that if you just lower all your settings in Rust it’s pretty much same as Roblox
This is actually really fun to watch. Would not complain if this became a series.
Make a movie
Pls paly more
ttry trident survive
bro we need the trap base in roblox rust
Maybe console Rustblox will have working community servers xD
no way u tried this!
Hey Memeio, there is a vr game called strayed vr similar to rust releasing later this month, I think that would make a good video idea
roblox rust is as good as console rust
can u play it on ps5?
I got to see more tbh
Pls play mobile rust again
my eyes XD
imma need a pt2
How about you do a zerg on this
This almost looks like rust legacy😂😂
broo said i got an STD
Play trident survival it’s way better
And the best part is… the toxic players between the 2 are almost indistinguishable just the average age different and active players between the 2
12:51 crazy how he got an std from a corpse
“Come here son. I’m a chad now” 😂
Yes Mulligan
can i friend u pls so we can play fallen together pls??
Go play rust console again, but this time ill help you
Who’s going to tell him that there is oceania servers?
I can be your farmer for a wipe in fallen
I can farm you stone iron phosphate bottle caps…
Can build a base too 🙂
Time for a trap base
You should post FALLEN videos more often , it’s more fun than rust , tbh
Memio that isn’t the best roblox copy vanity is much better
Try last island of survival, mimio
Do console rust
Now Roblox needs to add the voice chat API so we can have push to talk lol
Aint no way you beat a full metal with a bow
try lone survivor its a free version
btw memeio, there’s oceanic servers..
i want more of this lol
You know Roblox is playable in VR, right? 😉
this looks better than unturned rust
Playing as lizzo is crazy💀
Контент супер дякую за гарний настрій! Так тримать!!)
Do more lol it seems fun
memio has found he is really good against 8yr olds lol ^^
What’s the name
that looks like the early version of Rust
Part 2!!!
Bro rust player in Roblox is pro
Bro can you play more pls😊
I love how open you are to try this, instead of making fun of everything. Thats what yters usually do when they play remakes in roblox/mc
0:34 thats what she said
Bros game creator aint afraid of copy rights💀💀💀
Do part 2 memeio 😮
Just waiting for the trap base builds in Roblox
What’s Up!
What game is this on roblox
Rust is not rust without proximity
Playing with Lizzo. Spat my coffee out.
Trident survival is a good one too
i like to hear for part 2
Try out trident survival please
Hope it doesn’t end up like Dust (Old roblox game that got deleted that worked exactly like Rust)
it cost 200 robux to play
play unturned
Memeio. Please Please Please play console rust again PLLLEEEEEEAAASE🥺🥺🥺
It’s like rust to!
Mémoire play trident survival V2
Memeio made video about Lost and Dust – both games got taken down 💀 Now it might be Fallen to be taken down…. Y’all ain’t getting other video because the game wouldn’t be there anymore.
Lost in roblox is still the best
Poor kids😂
Do a trap base in Roblox rust
I was deep😂😂😂
Would just like to mention that about half way through the video my dog came into my room and sat down, asking for pats. I pet him for the next quarter of the video, and just wanted to share this cuddly moment.
i bet after you play it people will buy this game
the models felt very BorderLands. very cool
Actually surprised how decent this Rust clone is of all the ones you’ve reviewed before.
can the roblox developer ban him little goblin nerd
are their australian servers ???
this is probably the best rust video i’ve watched in a while and it’s not even on rust
Memeio already gotten Lost amd Dust got DMCA, and Fallen could be next…..
Low-key this seems better than rust 😅
If u play again do duo with dukes rope
This looks like the worst game ever made
play it again now it has got some population
bros never seen other experiences in roblox
I like the cartoonish animation of the game!!!
I think the only next logical step is to play Rusturned on Unturned.
Professional Rust player goes against 5 year olds! Lol Jk, loved this vid.
200 rubux
What has our gaming world come to x.x fucking roblox man
You should invite the boyfriend
5:30 bro is bricked out of his mind
Play it agin
memeio try last island survival..
Yeah it looks pretty good. But just like Rust it has a big problem. It is essentially a BR game with crafting and base building. And that makes for a boring survival game if the only threat is other players. In my opinion
“looks like lizzo”💀
Its better then console rust 💀
Fallen trap base?
no way he played it
Mofo you really making me debate downloading roblox
Oh no i have feeling this game gona take down again 😢
RIP “LOST” was legit the best ever roblox rust
Bro changed races like 5 times threw out the game lol
Oi play last island of survival it’s mobile rust with zombies
So this is what it looks like for the people twitch didnt invite
Camomo is gonna find all the people he got banned playing this game now lol
its gonna get banned again
this carries the Dust legacy
Excellent, this will prepare the kids for Rust so theres more fresh meat….
Lizzo? hm you tryna be funny bwo bwo
You should make a trap base in Rolblox
13:25 grease freakin rat!
Trap base in fallen survival
Trident survival is better game on roblox like rust
I’ve always wanted to get rust but never had the spare money since everything else is so expensive nowadays but now I know it’s in Roblox??? Me and the boys finna make some little boys cry 💀
“I got an std”
bruh i been on this for weeks. chop wood and nodes at night
i swear every game on freakin earth is remade in roblox
Name of the game?
lmao that was awesome.. Roblox trap base?
how much did he get paid for this
Memeio is turning into jordanrants.
roblox rust is great n all.. but when are we seeing cRust come back??
Trap base in robloxrust
Name of it in roblox cant find it
Memio DESTROYING 7yo in Roblox Rust
Play rust console again it’s updated.
Hi memeio
**puts ammo press next to lit furnace**
Holy shit he went 1440p
This is crazy
being a rest YouTuber pays off
good times!
I will find the rusty cheaters
play oxide Survival Island
200 robux just to play it u got to be joking
Memio scripting his roblox rust videos too!😂😂 bro killed a full kit with a bow
Memeio only has fun on this because he gets to bully 9 year olds in pvp 😂
roblox rust trapbase?
nahh he about to shut down another roblox game
Imagine playing this instead of rust mobile on your phone
200 robux game😢
Make a trap base in roblox rust LOL
I watched this video 13 mins after release and thanks to this video I’ve been playing this ever since. Never thought I’d be playing roblox but here we are…
More episodes of this game please
im actually impressed, wow what a game.
bro 200 robux just to get in?
im playing as lizzo 💀
At 12:03 it sounded like he said a gamer word
4:50. Hmmm… something about this fight is a bit suspicious….
cmon memeio dont get another 1 banned
this happend with astray dont let it happen again smh
Memeio lemme add you for jokes
You got STD
Lets get a wipe going!
More of these vids Memeio! Or I clap them cheeks
Why are Australians racist? To black peoples 💀☠️😔
Ggs because of you, the game will most likely get taken down
Roblox trap base?
Yoooooo what up baby? Do they got shot gun traps and stuff in this game?
I will actually play this more than rust
1month after this vid the game would probably be sued
me personally I’ve been playing this game since the first 10 minutes it came out and its way better than rust.
“I’m a goofy goober ya” spongebob
And yes I like my own comment (:
Roblox trap base anyone.
I’ve got a STD 😂😂😂 what were they thinking when they called it that 😂😂
You should rust console😅
i love that game…do more videos
memeio the last roblox rust you reviewed got banned because of you
Reminds me of crust lmao.
He really had to roast lizzo
Rewriting my comment to give some tips and stuff:
-There are different workbenches each with different bp’s (carpentry gives deployables, anvil gives weapons, etc)
-The AKs-74u is basically a counterpart for the MP5, the real rust ak is the AK-47
-I couldn’t help but notice you were on 200 ping during this, there are Australian (OCE) servers for this game and I normally play them on around 50 m/s ping, you just have to click the little tab at the top of the main menu
when I get my pc set up I’m definitely playing this
Play trident survival
“A pistol and a dream”
You played this before, like 2 years ago
Man your as bad at Roblox rust as real rust.
Something like this a copy well done gets to a point were it becames proudfull for Rust devs shows a true love for the game and not like its gone be a problem for Rust in terms of actually competition, so just wholesome and of course ik ik problably theres like a million items in some type of shop but still this must have taken a bit to make so cudos for effort i would not be able to 🙃
Redemption. Try console rust…
for the people who dont know this game is protected and got verify by rust and it is not getting taken down
Bro Rust about to go after this game cause of the rust creator’s rating them xD
Rust in roblox trap base ????
Oxide has nothing on roblox rust lol
thumbs down for shit-ass child slavery game Roblox.
Game name
Lmao as someone who makes vids mainly on the roblox rust scene its cool to see someone as big as memeio play it
I have regular rust but I play this game because I know it’s a kid on the other end
Memeio likes men
now try lone survival
We’ll you might aswell go full circle now…….console?? 😉😚
Do more pls
Man this game looks like a rip off of cRust.
best vid
Unsurprising that roblox rust had made a copy genuinely better in all forms than oxide mobile. The graphics are actually top tier, the building looks good, the sound and gameplay look accurate to even small details. No aim reticle, same equipment, higher loot content on perfect farm hits (red “x” or target) someone needs to get the person who made this a damn job at rust
4:50 im pretty sure you killed a admin since he was an admin in v4 fallen
Play trident survival it is way more realistic
W video make more plz
Fallen is op
you had me at lizzo
Roblox should promote him he soo good.
I’m gonna unsubscribe if you are playing Roblox
I knew that was you that is why i let you kill me thats why i had extra guns on me to give u
You need to try n make a trap base lmao 😂
Can you make traps base in this game
it will never be what lost once was
Cant play on mobile
Looks legit fun. The level up system is pretty neat. Reminds me of the old blueprint gathering and XP system back in the day.
What the hell kinda scripting is that
This would be a lot cooler if it was not 200 robux just to play-
Man I wish it was on mobile edit: i am on mobile in Roblox
played during all the betas, also a moderator of this game, v3, v4 was amazing but v5 (this version) is so good, it’s impressive it’s in roblox i can’t lie
We need part 2 for sure!
not again if u get this game removed too as u did with dust
Try lone survival or vanity
i Need
a part 2
How has it come down to this😭
I’d love to see more of this! I wanna see more differences from the original game
Hold up what?
Roblox is on console now so this is unironically the better rust console version
You definitely need to do more of these videos I loved it
Trap bases in roblox?
Can’t wait to see all the trap base vids for this game
now you have to play the best rust rip off RUST IN REAL LIFE
Kiss me memeio
Try minecraft in rust or trajdent survival in roblo
Definitely got to do another video bro that was awesome enjoyed watching it love your videos bro
If I don’t see some roblox rust exploits within the next month im gonna be disappointed.
Now all the servers are gonna max pop 😭
Make a trap base in roblox rust???
I’d like to see you do another ghost hunt.
name of map pls 😢
you need to do trap next
Def needs a part 2
I liked my own comment
Suckerpunch should hire the people who made this game they would a large fan base on roblox
memeio plss try the
mission evo on mobile that is more like rust and have good graphics promise try it
Is this on console ?
man i just lost a whole base and guns to some door camper bro
A couple years back there was a game called lost and that was unironically a great game
Game name?
Play Catastrophia
make a trap base
Memeoi at it again your the best yotuber
100x better than oxide 😝
we need roblox rust trap bases now
Loved it ❤❤😂😂 thanks mamio it was great watching you
Trident survival better 💪
I love you videos
And yet again memio earns a lawsuit for a poor roblox game dev ❤😂
Bro the Roblox😊 rust prop copy code lol
I can already here facepunch’s grimy little hands typing up a DMCA paper. Love the work tho ❤💯
you have already made this video before
Memeio please next hard to grind is trident survival please try it on roblox
now the game will disappear 😪😪
memeio has a bbc “big base cabinet” xD
ur so good man
Actually better than Console Rust 😂
Great! There is another rust copy that i can recommend and that is last island survival
Its third person but still has a lot of the mechanics of rust
trap base please
It’s Roblox but what game is that
Bro played “Rostblox” 😂
hes slowly becoming one of us
The fact that the aim cone is better than rust is just crazy
hes scripting in roblox rust too smh
im playing as lizzo bruh
I have another game for you on Roblox trident survival v2 if you want to play comment on this
Lost was on top
What game is it?
yooo im a youtuber for this game thank you memeio for giving it light
Thats not rust thats oxidization
Part 2 NOW!
Comnt for next part baby 😂❤️
Love the video as always Memeio! Also wanted to thank you for the introduction to bbno$ !
need part 2
Next time play trident v2 it’s not a replicate but it’s so related to rust!
You should try vanity.
can i add you?
thank you so much for playing this now i know its worth it to buy this game!
Why’d you doorcamp me
We need more!!
you should update crust for a video
No wonder he saw you in that bush with the lizo shoulders and that bright ass gun 🤷
They need to stop calling this Roblox rust cause that’s what got the last one copyrighted and removed
U need to play this again, and make trap bases around monuments💯💯💯
The only downside is it costs money
nice video👍nice game but 200 robux
Better than rust mobile.
Wow, actually looks dope
its actually sick
i bought it itis very fun good vid
better than rust console
jep, i would watch an entire Wipe of this.
part 2 plz
Part 2 plz
I love you Memeio
Trap base in Roblox?
please play it with other rust creators
Try trident survival
hopefully rust dont sue em again
its 200 RBX, maybe try to play Trident Survival bc its free and also kinde like rust
welp im not gonna waste my money on this game cuz its gonna get banned in a week💀
That fallen
Play lone survival roblox
Yes i love this! Needs a part 2.
Game name memeio?
Trap base?
lol seeing u play fallen lmao is crazy
You should try trident
Play this with your boyfriend for at least 24 hours!
I’ve never seen anyone so excited to get an STD.😂😂😂
hayatın yalan
Memio play oxide survival island again 😂🎉🎉
Please play project delta (roblox)
Do a full wipe on this!!!
roblox trapbase video would be sick
Pls do part 2
Fallen trap base video incoming
I need a trap base
Bro try trident survival v2
So Minecraft now Roblox but not rust console 😢😢😢😢
I give this 5 days and the game is going to be down
he’s so happy bullying kids xD
Pls more !
Memeio you should make like trap bases in roblox rust and make it a series because you got 1k likes in less than an hour
Trap base in Roblox rust?
Memeio X ScubaOtter, Fallen duo when
you should do a trap base see the loot
Been wanting to play it but I need money cause I’m broke and can’t afford Rust, but I also have to pay for Roblox Rust as well.
Literally better than rust console
Not as good as crust
Как играть?
i mean its 200 robux lol to play but love it
Would be cool if it had a population above 12, looks pretty decent though would be fun to play with friends that don’t have rust, and it’s so easy to get a gun since no one knows how to play
Wouldn’t people like memeio get this game taken down and camomo if they are making vids because rust can copyright ?
Bro said playing as Lizzo. lmao
Bro left a garage door in the last fight.
i need next episode RN
Memeio if you will record these roblox rust videos i recomend getting robloz fps unlocker from game jolt. Its super usefull.
Edit: like this so he can see it.
Try Vanty
Great maybe all the 6 year old racists will switch over to roblox.
we need part 2 memeio
also the akU you got is a lower tier than the actual ak
ive been waiting for you to make vid on this and its really cool you should make another vid… i really want to see you raid in that game.
To me its really disappointing how much you can blatantly rip off someone else’s idea and somehow not violate copyright.
Wish we had a camomo on console soo many zen users
Looks good. Just Barren, they should add bioms or just more trees
bro gimme bobux so i can play
They missed the chance to just name it Iron oxide.
bros playing “crust”💀
Didnt lock your double door bozo!!
this game probably makes thousands a month
🎉❤plz play this again
I noticed you changed from black skin to white after a while….
Memeo destroys little kids and thinks he’s good lol
Fallen trap base video?
Hey memio play that again but make a trap base that will be so cool but hard but its cool
make trap base in rust roblox
Memeio is going to shutdown this game to 😭
Rip lost and dust.
What we really want to know is when are the roblox trap bases happening?
So glad you made a video on the new fallen, i watched your original ones.
We already need part 2
DUDE can you help me out? i suck at the real rust lol
Yeah, play more of this.
Trap some kids.
W vid
Guess I’m lizzo 😂😂😂
Came as soon as i saw this video.
Like if u have this game
The name Lizzo really fits your character… if you get what I mean 💀
probably less bug than the real game
Fortnite ❤
You keep saying this one’s the best, but I think you forgot about cRust
Bro is playing oxidation ☠
just imagining a bunch of kids crying cus they got meme’d haha
“We’re playing as Lizzo” lmao
why the faces look so trash
BRO YOU HAVE TO PLAY THIS MORE that was so fun to watch
Memeio do u recommend buying rust?
Actually surprised how decent this Rust clone is of all the ones you’ve reviewed before.
Need a Roblox Rust trap base next.
This was insane
When you have to re-buy Rust because it gave you a dark skin.
This looks dope 😂
If only you didn’t have to pay *200* robux to be able to play… Otherwise, i’d most likely play the *hell* out of this!
You gotta try Lego Fortnite!
this looks so fun whattttttt
You called this the best rust clone you’ve played so far. But have you tried the hit gaming sensation Crust?
Ah shit here we go again.. (am pretty sure he got Lost shut down )
Bro got the 2013 alpha rust
Ngl this was fun to watch.
looks fun
Not roblox bro
12:53 “I got STD”
I love the cell shading graphics. I would legitimately play this over Rust if it had the population lol
You should play Apocalyps Rising 2 on roblox it’s basically DayZ, it’s a good game ngl
Try rooms its rust pvp
a rust content creator saying its weird that he is playing rust 🤨
can we get part 2 😀
Do a raid
You haw premium
2nd roblox rust video? no way
Should def play more,cool game
Memio’s videos never get old!
memio ur a legend mate dont let anyone bring you down keep doing what u love
Isn’t that the game where pdf files prey on kids? Weird that you are playing it. Uh… what are you doing there bud?
naw im waiting for blooprint do to a whole wipe on this ngl
Make more vids abr fallen its really good to play
Poor 7-10 children 😭😭
love you memeio
I wasn’t able to afford rust so ty
Meme can you ask the creators to put Mobile support on please
12 min
try playing untunred rust and trapbaseing there
Let me play with u for a day in my home 🙂
bro i liked your videos memeio now i can’t even try to lear how to play a cheap game, welp there goes 2 dollars
Watched 1000 times and can confirm this is a camomo special
He finally played it 😂😂😂
Sick man keep it up
i swear it cost like 200 rbx
How determined does someone have to be to recreate rust in Roblox
280th like
Man has better aim than tanqr W vid
honestly i kinda hate fallen survival bc it asks me to 200 robux to buy it
Hi memio
this game has voice chat if I’m not mistaken
one tip the best starter base is 2 by 2 cuz theres multiple tables like the anvil the carpentry the sewing so uh yeah
Sorry willjum memio posted you will have to wait 😭
Name game?
Roblox lowkey be having some bangers for a kids game
POV: You make fallen vids and memeio post a vid 😆😆
Well looking like rust
*Funny looking*
i edge to your videos memio 😍
Memio abt to get it taken down 😭😭😭😭
ngl fallen studios cooked about this game
Roblox has exceeded my expectations
I hope facepunch doesn’t watch this video 😅
You should hab seggs with stimpe
Life, is Roblox
There was 2 better ones years ago lost and dust… Both got served a cease and decist order from face punch😢
Might see if I can find any cheaters in this game!
best roblox game?
“Cactuses in Roblox Rust are super annoying!”
memeo top! like if you agree
This is fire ngl
Hold up💀💀
Bruh mony for fun 💅
Love your content ❤❤
Omg im lizzo 😂😂😂😂😂
yo pls pin ive been following u now for hours
Cant wait to see you play rust VR
Very good video memeio keep up the good work my man❤
40seconds ago
nah lizzo did her dirty lmaoo
Second in comments
Love frm india
I was telling my cousin last night how I use to play this shit before I could afford to play rust love the vid ❤
Next they’re going to add rust to Fortnite 💀
thats so cool, keep up the good work
First and whats the name?
Roblox knows ball
i tried them and they are glitchy 😭
roblox rust on top master memeio
Frst i think
Yooo you play Roblox lol Roblox hard to play in rust btw
Best video
073 053 8288
first at 4:46am
W vid
Nice video bro
Helo 😹
Love the vid
Hello all.
Nice video like always
I love you
men or women