RUST Electrical | Door Controllers – What You Need To Know – 2023
How to effectively, and safely, use Door Controllers!
RUST Electrical | Door Controllers – What You Need To Know – 2023
In this video I show you how to use Door Controllers, including tips and tricks!
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Music Credits:
Main – Rich in the 80s by DivKid (YouTube Library)
Outro – 80S Powerful Cinematic Synthwave [ Synth Stylish Fashion Youtube Ads ] (purchased from Pond5)
Video Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:21 – How To Use
10:16 – How to Hide
16:52 – Anti Grief
22:16 – Outro
Taqs:Gneissish,RUST,nice ish,electrical,austin klaila,power,simple,how to,door controllers
コメント (19)
Video Contents:
0:00 – Intro
0:21 – How To Use
10:16 – How to Hide
16:52 – Anti Grief
22:16 – Outro
Can it pair to large wooden gates, unlocked,no lock, closed on the closest wooden wall, or on another structure next to it, i can’t get it to pair…..edit, i finally managed to do it, i had to build a wooden wall from a tc that touched the gate,put the controller as close to the gate and it paired finally
maybe write a script before you record. You tell us about proximity 47 times which is 46 times too many. I understand you have to make videos as idiot-proof as possible, but remember your audience. If we’re messing with rust electricity then we’re probably a little smarter than the average player.
All tho i use these alot and know how to .. i appreciate this vid for the info i did not know or thought was not important… very useful info bro ty . Keep up the awesome work homie
Thx man I didn’t realise you had to have the door closed for it to pair 😂
You can damage any foundation and it will give you an ID – the lower the ID the older the foundation is. This will give you an idea of what external was built first.
When you hide the controller underneath the garage door lock do explosives splash through the lock onto the controller or can you only break the controller after destroying the door?
It’s probably important to note these are “door openers”. There’s no safe way to use them to close doors and get verification that all doors actually closed. Obfuscating by hiding them opens your base up to a vulnerability. It’s hard to imagine how these can help protect a base but I’d love to see some practical uses.
I’m interested in a build video for this antigrief shack/shed.
Can you use door controller on chain link fence?
Great Vid, I really like your antigrief attitude, You can make harder bases for much less with a twisted foundation, mr. man and Budsatawney have clips on it. (also you can place door controllers on the opposite side of the wall, its distance related.)
you can place the door controller behind the wall for a garage door
Actually the reason why you have to unlock the doors before you can pair them is because otherwise raiders could just open any door if they have TC access
if u shoot a fundation u can see her ID on the f1 console , and then based on the id number u can see witch fundations is placed first ( ID number lower = placed first ) and then raid just the right TC
Easy sub. Great videos man, well presented and concise info.
I love how to hide them however how would it look using the key lock rather than a keypad? I do play on a lot of servers that typically the groups or zerges will leave a base alone if they see a keylock. Would it look the same or perhaps just use the other methods mentioned?
Just what I need, all things door controllers.
Yes can you show how to make a tank external?
I recommend your videos along side the HEAP the rustricians have put together. You are a wonderful resource. Thanks so much for making all these videos.
You have helped me so much to make my bases work better and be more secure