He Blew Himself Up Raiding a Trap Base | Rust Admin Spectating
This is part 2 of my last video where a new player raided his 2nd trap base. In this one, the raider blows himself up trying to break the traps. I enjoyed watching these guys raid this base, and I think they learned a lot as well!
You can check Part 1 out here: https://youtu.be/RSTLHjWHR-c
If you want to join the fun, check out my server, RustMode! You just might be in the next video!
Sever Connect: connect rustmode.com:2023
Server Discord: https://discord.gg/7YxFDUp3pC
Server is Vanilla+ (Vanilla with some QOL improvements) with bright nights, fast recycle speeds, unburnable meat, Raidable Bases, and more. Server wipes Fridays at 3pm EST, with blueprints wiping every 2 weeks.
Taqs:rust,rust console,rust movie,rust pvp,rust survival,camomo_10,rust admin,rust admin trolling,rust admin abuse,rust admin spectate,rust trap base
コメント (3)
I love them 5 frames videos
On my recommended, hopefully the video is getting the traction it deserves
that’s pretty neat. in answer to the tesla burnout issue… AND switches with a branch… have the branch off lead to HBHF then back in to AND switch where you also have the passthrough from the branch leading in, then the AND switch output goes to tesla, so it only activates Tesla while raiders are alive that way they don’t get burnt out… also, place tesla behind window with embraisure for grenade resistance, and ad metal bars too.