Power Surge UPDATE! Rust console edition
As you all know we have been waiting for#pwersurgeupdate for the last few months and it’s finally here make sure to check it out in game after you finish the video obviously get a feel for the new stuff in game! #Rust #Rustconoleupdate #rustupdate #Rustconsole
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Taqs:Rust console update,Rust update,Rust console news,Rust console Update,Rust console pvp,Rust console ps5,Rust,Rust Update
コメント (16)
Hour for europe
Bro electricity is awesome! I have been setting up everything have automatic lights and auto open doors and everything
When will the electricity come down to the original dock, and how much is the black dress?
is this true
there is some camera on Doom or out post or oilrige… and they have some code that can search on net like topdoom and… use these code on the computer station and it show you live video of them. also can use it for your on camera in base…just install camera and give it power and code.use the code on CS and its done.
Who getting raided
Could we Play together soon I gave ya a sub and a like
Btw the storage monitor goes on a box and can send a pulse to a trap or something
Algun español que quiera jugar?
Hey bro are there any new guns like the hmlmg?
And the higher you put the windmill the more power it gives off
Put a on and off switch on the turret to access while off
Impossible to play this game as a solo now to much stuff to do and get with all the new blue prints
6:15 you dont need a splitter just dont be to close to the wire port thing back up a liil bit