Go to Rust Chance ► https://bit.ly/2zbxXJp click on Redeem Code and enter code “SURGE” for free $0.50
Follow my Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/benny_surge
Join my Rust Server Upsurge ► https://discord.gg/dxqFJAr
Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/benny_surge
Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/benny_surge
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/benny_surge
Discord ► https://discord.gg/surge
Editing and Music by EGS ► https://bit.ly/3d8Undg
Friends in Video:
Skizze ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6i-We3rnRL558ItxjscS_g
コメント (363)
I’m editing my first proper Rust Movie as we speak. I’ve never gone so hard on a vid before, it’s gonna be skitz. Also, shoutout to EGS for his sick first edit on the channel
As part of the female minority, we stan
Lol the chooma. RIP BIG LEZ
Im just gunna leave this here incase anyone finds it useful
So im posting this because of his use of Heavy Armor. On more than one occassion, iv used a set of heavy armor to defend my base online and boy is this shit good. If youre wearing a full kit and get shot by a bolty, in the head, with incend rounds, at less than 100 meters, youre dead. However, a heavy helmet can take 4 of those shots in the head, and the only reason the limit is 4 is because the helmet breaks on the 4th hit (Incend rounds break armor like crazy, very effective for drawn out combat where stripping enemy armor is ideal). Heavy armor is underrated but a very useful tool if you know when to use it
Overwatch players who play Bastion will have the best luck with it. Think of putting the armor on as setting up, and taking the armor off as disassembling. It greatly limits things, but it makes you a huuuuuge bullet sponge
9:28 can’t see the action as good with that screen edit
Surge weaving bullets whiling making turbo noises was the best part
hi, i’m apart of that 3% lmfao
anyone know when the 2nd part of living in a swamp is out
It sais to me that you posted this video 5 days ago
did void had a youtube channel??
Thanks for the education Surge
sincerely a woman
It’s a bloody churma
Love your videos Surge. Also I am one of the small % that is a female and watches the vids. Keep up the great work. <3
Definitely educational to watch as a female. Can confirm.
Thank you for teaching me how it feels to not have foreskin and shave
Oi surge, you forgot about the swamp series.
Is the server upsurge still up
Ain’t going to lie it’s midnight for me and the ayyy made me jump up
This man used a med to heal 8 hp
Do you remember me from Omegle
13:15 Need more jungle in Rust vids
Get the dog!
That mf isis GoPro moment at the end hahah got me deaddd 🥺
As a lady, I am quite amused by the nonsense you all talk about
Does anyone know what the dramatic song that surge uses is called ? It goes “uhhhhohhhhahhhohh” pls help me out
No roneskim 😂 I got no skin……
Surge… ima just say it, everyone wants to say it but we don’t want to see your face unless you’re wearing a Shrek hat
Please make the video quality better, kinda ruins the whole video for me. Quality over quantity
Rust is coming to ps 4 this year🐖💨💩💩
copied thumbnail from Frost
I’m gonna shit my jocks mate
tell me surge doesnt sound like i did a thing
I hope your vid that you’re working on is good after the garbage effort you put into this one
Is it worth to get the vip
SURGE Is the best creator for rust content, i actually created my own channel called Vifor Vendetta to show even more RUST episodes. Come check it out and i will always follow back!
13:56 He almost said the N word, lol.
Why did he get a Xbox achievement lol
Wait why was the underwear off thought you’d get demonitized since pixels didnt seem to work, also I think streamer mode is completely useless and doesnt prevent stream sniping whatsoever, love seeing actual names
This is a modded server and it’s pretty dead
A channel that doesn’t care about getting demontized noice (also good content)
Me I’m the 3% lol 😂 jk idk I spew nonsense when I play so you good 🤣
Loving the content man keep up the good work
Woow nice but i not shop is game no money =_=
More vids and streams surge they make my day always get me in a good mood!
dogshit quality
Surge is one the few people that give his editor recognition
Surges life: GoodGameplay ,Content 15 hours everyday in rust.
Can you do a starter tutorial of like farming and like what’s good and not where every thing is that would be nice
You should help void set up a recording system so we can see his perspective if you die
16:44 look at that camber
Complete shit mate
Get a bunch of really good rust youtubers and make a clan then just wipe a bunch of clans for content.
Thank you, Surge. I am a good woman, and I think your content is entertaining. ^_^
Bring big p back
1080poo more like it
Wow, the quality is reallly bad comparing to other videos. Insane
Onya maaate
I need rust Friends some one plz 🤷🏽♂️
I love drinking concrete mix
If i get 100 likes i will leak surge´s adress.
**Jackhammer noise intensifies**
No hate at all, still a great video, but I enjoy your personal edits better. EGS made a funny one, but I personally like your style better. I understand hiring him or whatever while you make the movie
I have never played rust but I watch it like i play it every day idk rust is just good content ps. I have bin watching rust for like 2 years 😂😂
24:21 what’s the song name of the Arab music?
In looking for a chill eu group hit me up on discord martin….#0095 I have 800 hours plz i need friends lol
Does anyone else feel like Surge has been getting carried a bit the last few videos? We all know who the real MVP is.
Lmao naked with full inventory let’s them kill him and then they casually find an airdrop within the first 3 mins of the video
dead meeme
Boyz ive done it, Ive Secured a GF are you proud?
There should be a thing called no simp September
Put clothes on
19:00 why didnt u rocket the heli
Server name ?
Be proud
Get the dog mate
Your fast looting method is cancerous
I hate this game now days. So toxic and full of ass hole clans
Surge is a simp confirmed
Surge and the Kelly gang
fuckin eh
Surge is a BIG BOI CHAD
is EGS , your video editor the same EGS who made the Lo-fi All-star song you had in the previous video?
Void the carry,
Pal, ya need a horse
Step 1: High-Qual horse shoe, roadsign horse
Step 2: Heavy Armor
Step 3: Incendiary Shells
Step 4: Longsword or salvage sword
Step 5: Epic loots
don’t think i didn’t notice the 5 mid rolls
14:06 ALU AKBAR!
how old is this footage hahaha good stuff tho
I wish I had Rust.
m8 what happened to Big P where’s the dog been?
Play with big p
Yay I am one of those 3% woohoo! ^^
you shouldve got the custom with the big boy metal
Thank you Surge for another awesome video😀
Everyone’s getting into the lofi music haha even you.
Yayyy another good rust video I LOVE YOU SURGE O MAY GAHHHHH 😆
big lez + rust = surge
Thought, talks and Cocks
Bruh you saying don’t be stupid but you’re promoting a rigged site. I was watching a friend gamble (some small amounts) and the minute someone put 200 on crash it crashed on 1.00 bro it hasn’t even started already crashed.
I am part of the 3 % lmfao
Whadsdat song at 24:25?
Does anyone else think it’s normal to be intimate with a sofa… Cus i do
The 3% that are females, minus the 2% that just select “female” when making their account.
Thanks for having me
just me or the quality is a little blurry?
If a maxibon isn’t your fave munchie snack you’re a beta
Surge, who’s your favorite streamer? And why is it Alinity?
Don’t worry m8, your nuts will drop sooner or later. Then you’re rust days will fade away, a woman will temper you and you’ll wind up tame and non agressive. It happens to everyone.
Foken Legnd
Awful gameplay
please remove that hella annoying music next time. it rapes the ears man 🙂
OY! SURGE! Where Big fckng cnt P?
Can someone explain to me what ferocious is?
lol I watched this fight live on your stream like 2-3 months ago
Rust is always so fucking toxic and than there’s Rust Australia with like fucking uber abby and shit.
does he even play on his own servers?
like really thats the only reason i play on them
What stretched resolution is this imma try it out
Where’s big p
Like if u miss him
What ever happened to big P?
Lol as a female this content is funny tbh as a fellow rust player I find it helpful aswel 😂
whens void guna stream or make vids the guy is the biggest chad
Last live a month ago ok man…
He just got clapped brouuu LUL
What’s the server ur on
who else is pooping while watching benny 🤍
ngl i thought you got headshoted when simp appered cause their was a bolty
how did u get all the loot at the start? it went from naked and JUSST found jacky to python and full of comps
xD Your content is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to “shit talking” , have to deal with that shit in rust daily, god forbid we use our mics
Yes like if u agree
I’m sketched out in this video because not a minute in and you have a python. And you killed tha naked at 1:07 and most normal people would make a base if they had explosive ammo and that many comps. I feel as if it was staged a bit. Not only that but where did that heavy armor come from? It’s very sketchy.
Edit: how did they not take what was in that drop? Its guns and they took 1 gun. If they were starting out they would need it all. It’s almost as if its staged.
Lol simp
i finna have foreskin now how do i get it back
hey surge, I’m trying to make videos about some of the games i play, mainly for my own entertainment but if they get views eventually cool, but i don’t know any good video editing software and wanted to know what you use for videos or any ideas on ones to use. thx and love the vids
YouTube keeps turning off the notifications for the people I watch the most wtf
Is fhis loot plus or luck plus?
EGS killed it. Fucking love this shit. Ya big idiot
why u simping for me kinda sus bro
As one of the ladies that watches your video you are entertaining and I also find the rust sounds so relaxing like asmr
Nice DnB !
You could better name this video The fat dog!
Yo play with the epic jumpy gamer known as frost
Get the dogs
Just came here for the Rust Chance advertisement.
Use heavy armor and ride a horse
Playing solo rust is why I’m going to kill myself
when EGS spells ur name wrong 🙁
My friend this is that rust is just the fps league of legends
neighbours knocked on door next morning asking if everything was ok after that choomah scream
Surely a cheeky car vid for the hoons
the naked that get killed with JUICE on them are the same naked who cry about being killed as a naked… SMH
Vids are better when u edit them
How did that naked get in your base?
loved video plz keep up the good work
lmao skizzies fucking choomah impression
Rust movie you say? awesome. I just hope there is not “revenge” or “betrayal” story line. ya know what ever other rust movie always does. hope you come up with something original and interesting, cant wait to see. good luck
hell yeah ya boys early lets gooooooooooooooo!!
I still can’t believe void was a rando and now hes one of my favorite people 😂
Oh man I laughed so damn hard at “The fat-dog mobile.” Thanks for my new favorite phrase.
I’m still wondering if that kids dad actually belts him.
This man literally pulls heavy plate and jackhammers out of his ass, in the beginning
Wait a min I thought the crate was in red card room
whats up with the quality it looks 480p but it says its 1080p
Nobody:Surge meets harem
I’m bored
Hey surge im 13 and I went to gamble on rustypot.com and lost all my skins… now ill probly have a gambling addiction for the rest of my life and live in the streets like a scrub
Part of the 3% 😂💪🏻
13:56 – Enemy calls in a supply drop.
Surge: Look at these filthy N-noobs.
Foreskin Squad, ww@?!!?!!
I’m watching this on 1080p60 and it still looks like 144p…. mmm… smell of dissapointment.
No disrespect to the EGS on the edit but your editing sets you miles ahead of any other rust content creator for me. Really missed it watching this
النتو يتعرفو العبور علشان الموس بتاع اليتيوبر
انتو يتعرفو العبور علشان موس اليتيوبر
Shout me out
Yo my boi
Gotta love that lo-fi intro
I’m so happy about the Big Lez Show reference
I busted a nut watching you carry surgey
the way you spaz out when u loot is keeping me goin
fkn Choomahs!
no foreskin gang
2:44 no armor??
3am Aussie time for us boiz but we stay up for this sheit
I’m a girl viewer😂❤
Kid at 24:37 is a whole unit
Tour asome
watching this while being high af is whole noughter vibe
Fat dog gear mate
So guys how was it
Need answers
The music in the background when you guys hit oilrig was that from ape escape?
Thank you for the respect mr simp😂❤️
void should open a youtube channel, like if you agree
Surge:“Big respect to the 3% of females who watch this “. Also Surge:has nudity on the whole time
i dont know the editing doesnt feels right
Oi respond to me on snap
Ah shit surge posted a new vid
Im watching this with 144p and still don’t know what the actually fuck happened.
This video is epic ❤️
i hope quentin got his bolty
that stir fry by migos in the intro?
💜😳 lol
666th like
Keep up the good work surge!
Wtf surge its like 2am
can u try to play on something else than a 20x modded shit server
I kinda prefer surge’s editing over EGS’s editing
Haven’t watched it yet but love the vids you put out over the last couple years. Keep up the Big PP plays xx
why the quality is so bad ?
Choomahs may be the scariest things on earth
What server this?
rust is on xbox????
Duh-a Na Na duh-a Na Na, it’s the FAT DOG!
No way! It’s edited by egs, I love that guys music
Love your videos
Im not proud of mine, it talks back at me
Upload more
What’s with that outro wheres numb by skizzy
That thing you say. “Bye bye, have a good time” is at the end of some tv show, but i cant remember which one. Help me out here Surge 😀
Has you every ghosted a clan?
Bruh 1 more like so its 666 likesss
5:25 surge being surge
Yey now im no more bored!
I see surge.. I click fast
Bruh it’s 2am
Look up 500 teeth dinosaur… you wont regret it!
Best vid I’ve seen in a long time
we need big p
Me play on yo server
Best wepon to use with full heavy has the be a gL nade launcher or an spas with incendiary rounds
I’m unspeed antispeed? Despeed? Idk lol
Demonetize 😂😂
17:52 “woah, yankee with no brim!”
I’ve not been keeping up with your vids but whenever I do manage to see them I love them!
yay surge vid im american but stevie and welyn never upload!
bitrate messed up?
“whoooooooa!” – Surge, cerca during the oil rig
Surges channel is Australia in a nutshell ngl
Who disliked 😂 it’s only been out for 18 mins so they couldn’t even have watched the entire vid. Bruh
Who else is taking a shit
Surge what editing software you use?
Git de dogggg
Good video mate have a good day
Opened YouTube surge video instant click
Who here are commenting first before watching the vid?
I feel like that gambling add was aimed at me for some reason
Surge u wanna join
never spammed my left click so fast
I love your videos🥳🥳🥳🥳
Chillin with this new vid,. Love yah Surge
Love you surge, be my daddy
Deon mega gay
Your my dad surge I love you
Keep up the good work you bloody legend
Lovely content
Comment 109
Was about to goto sleep at 2am but ig not
I guess your hand works again. Thank you Surge
I’m ur 281like
its the noice carman
Back wit a banger
This is gonna be a another Bangor
thats not Dogs af
si senora
Peng ting
wanna hear a joke?
your upload schedule
The editing in this video is very immaculate 👌🏽
thanks for the 3 day late birthday present!
YES, I’m the 689th viewer 😎
When Your Bored , an ma man uploads 🙂
Keep Up the Good Work !
u gotta do more stuff with stimpee
Love your videos keep up the good rust content
EGS always makes the bangers m8
everyone when they see that Surge uploaded: *intense clicking*
What’s with the quality of the video?
Surge why are you using blur instead of underwear?
been up for less than 5 min and already has one dislike when the video is 26 min long…. sounds legit haha
Ayee 2mins ago
How tf does surge play on his servers if they are empty?
MAKE sure you announce that your playing upsurge cuz loot is super modded
here 1 minute after being uploaded
Ah finally a episode without children getting bieten up by there fathers!!??
I like your vids surge😘😍
I love the videos surge tks S2
10/10 Videos i love em. Hows your car goin?
big goongy was heere
31 views, 49 likes and 41 coment. Nice job YT
I have subbed and turned on notifications
Im 55th
How does it have more likes than views
Imagine still saying “First” in a comment section in 2020
Same here buddy
Oi big man. I’m from South Africa and like my comment or else you don’t like South Africans and that’s offensive in 2020 xD. JK luv the vids m9 keep it up!
I love ur vids more than anyone who comments
20 seconds when I opened it
daddy unban me from your servers
Surge be nuts
omgg surrggee big dadddy<3
Just What i needed a good rust video thanks mate keep up the good work
Yea nice
hell yeah
Keep up the bloody good work
Pog champ moment?
another surge vid love it
Surge is a 10/10 youtuber
Bit late for a vid
Love the vids!
Make BIG P great again
Noti Gang!
Where did big p go
Hey surge or oblivio. I like you
Haha öll orð eru æði sleg það
2nd comment
Dang I’m early
Almost 1st
I clicked off of pornhub so fast to come watch the video
Gooday Rambo again
Love ur content man
Let’s goooooo
Love the vids man
Love you
Nice title
hi surge
1st like
make this top comment or you won’t know ak spray