I Hired the Best Electrician
In this video, Konfuzion hires Swiftcoyote, the best Electrician in Rust to help him out on upgrading his Underwater Bunker base. Now during this video, a clan tries to raid Konfuzion with Loaded loot.
Swiftcoyote ➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmQA44-0bETSJS9D1oyWy3g
Base ➤ https://youtu.be/d6Tb1NtsoX8
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This is nothing like rust console. what is rust you may ask, the rust game is a game that has never been seen before by anyone. Rust xbox is now out, although earlier this month there were rust drops. The rust ps4 however is out right now.
The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
Get Let Me Down by Oliver Tree here https://lickd.lnk.to/HWlAKhID!Konfuzion
License ID: WMerMKrwz5p
Get this and other songs for your next YouTube video at https://lickd.co
Taqs:Rust,FancyOrb,100 players,rust 100 players,eco raid,online raid,rust zerg,console,rust console,facepunch,rust base building,rust pvp,rust wipeday,code raiding,solo survival,rust best clan,ot rust,rust base design,rust base,rust solo base design,rust solo base,solo base design rust,best solo base rust,solo base rust,rust duo base,scrap metal,rust clans,trap base,rust trap base,memeio,rust solo,rust code raid,konfuzion rust
コメント (876)
U touch me were my uncle could not
Wow rust creators support each other so well!
Bro Rust is one wierdly amazing game 😂😂
Those guys at z18 literally started and watched a rock gladiator show before logging off 😂
Hate this kind of game where you give your blood and sweat for something, than some group of dumbshit take it from you…its stupid
You are named Mitchell? I too, am named Mitchell.
-Crazier electrician than myself
-Knows how to fly a Mini upside down
I need to know if this man has Tinder.
trick!? glitch? power could always be passed thru walls!!!!
Why the cliff hanger bro
Are these guys duping?
I like how there’s not recoil lol
Mans had 5 auto turrets, raid alert system, and a coil system but no wood????😂😅
Actually crazy how quickly this channel has grown, I remember when it was at a few thousand not even that long ago
Are you bringing OT
123 is one of welyns accounts
famous konfuzion quote dont stop till you see the other side
When he said I don’t have wood I felt that 😢
They’re building a computer 😀
this track really elivates this
I literally never cable manage in rust. i always just go straight from point A to point B. Yes it does come on my way sometimes and its annoying
Rust is a game where cunts be cunts to cunts
OT answered the call…
the title of the video (i hired the best electrician) and the electrician was only seen for the first 5 min. if u hired him then let him longer in the video
Yeah, I set up that circuit on the compound walls so that if someone blows through an inner or outer ring a notification pops off.
the oliver tree raid is unmatched
Nice video but this is like half a clickbait I clicked bc I saw electric stuff so I want to see some electric thungs in rust and its just few minutes of the video, title I hired best electrician in rust and we had problems would be better
Next time youll have a box full of wood 😀
bro really just said hes gay in subtitles burh
Dude sounds like Joe Rogan
thats boss
Lost the raid due to idiots damn (they didn’t continue booming when he said to)
The electrician sounds like Joe Rogan
“Not gonna lie”
i just learned how to turn on a heater with electricity
this guy is so good with ak!!!!!!
Contrary to popular belief, sulfur isn’t used in smokeless gunpowder, neither is it used in rockets. Black powder, yes, but if they were using black powder in this game the smoke would be a lot lol
Can we get the electrical bp
Imma sub but hope these comments aren’t true if they are u need to upload more
I love the music
Yo, Swift Coyote really is one of the best electricians in rust though. I’ve seen his electrical work first hand in game, the guys insane! I haven’t been part of any of his projects in a while, but it looks like he’s getting more recognition.
I know that the focus was the electricity, and man is that guy smart… the entire firefight that took place in the opening minutes had me saying, “This guy is so fuckin’ good. Holy shit, this guy is good.”
I like how every time you say they are running a very specific direction lol
konfuzion????? are you the one who with Fancy????
Plz don’t take God’s name in vain is a blasphemy to the Holy name of the God that gave u life repent from your sins remember that God won’t hold no one guiltless who ever takes his name in vain if u ask God for the forgiveness of your sins and repent with your heart he is just and faithful to forgive your traspases accept God as Your Lord and Savior remember if we love God we must keep his commandments
That’s Joe Rogan I think.
14:21 music ?
I would like to know how you find someone to hire an electrician from what site online?
My parents are buying me rust on them gonna be so new so if you experience me please don’t kill me I’ll probably be naked in the game because I won’t know how to play
I need a setting where if I fall asleep and
Please do an updated version using the new industrial update. Looks like it could be pretty awesome
what is the song at the end and amazing video
Teammates throw and he blames himself
Well boy 100 years later and still no update
How do you connect that with an app that makes no
Sense 1:13
I guess killer name stands for what he is
Great vid but the electrician part was a bit under minded
As a new rust player watching this I’m always just going “The fuck am I watching?” I don’t know half the stuff that’s going on but it’s still cool.
great story teller
No wonder they’re usually 10-20 players and offline raider because they s-ck d-ck at the game.
Dude didn’t miss a single fucking shot the entire video.
His mom : fix this switch
Him : 😶
ive always wanted to play rust seems like such a fun game, im so happy i havent tho cause this game is fr a full time job
havent played rust in a very long time but man i still cant stand offline raids even tho it kinda wasn’t still would be frustrating
one time i was flying a helicopter in unturned and accidently flipped it mid air with out realizing and didn’t notice because i was in a snow biome and the snow looked like the sky i did manage to land it barely in time sadly i crashed it later
Nice, Someone who uses Oliver Tree music
when you said GP i thought of runescape
bro sounds like joe rogan
It just smells so fake
i have question how you have so good aim
Only in Rust would you “go out and recycle some stuff for a sec” and get into two consecutive firefights
worst acting i ever seen dawg
This is the 999th comment
Actually, I’m the best electrician in rust.
Look at that horrible layout. Wires are all exposed.
6:14 SUS
didn’t know joe rogan played rust
So many oliver tree enjoyers thank god
I think I should stop playing since i have like 1-2 hours to play daily
This is so staged lmao
2:39 “i like men” Okey
Is that Koala piloting the mini?
14:40 ur scripting lol
We not gonna talk how he switched updates and recoil mid vid
You payed someone else to play a video game for you.
C’est pas pro tous sa les câbles sont apparent !! je ne recommande pas .
3 minutes and already hyped for the continuation 🔥🔥🔥😫
zero recoil, are there any rust youtubers that dont cheat?
Bruh you left your scrap and hqm after the fight cuz 2:15
You guys suck at raiding our base you didn’t even win 😂😂😂😂😂
easy money honey
It ended at a interesting spot hmmm
Breaks my heart cuz we all seen him grab a stack of wood off that kid that got killed by the auto turrets rights before the raid so where tf did that wood go?? He shoulda had it he should been able to seal….
11:35 i need you guys to get back ASAP ROCKY
That team is too coordinated
Great review, very clear. Thank you, good luck, everything, peace and health!
holy shit.
and willing nice tutoet League teams and players to chose as their editor. More money for tho. It is pretty cool to see the progress I
What do I do when the channel rack becos too cluttered? If I can, how do I clear it?
I want to know your rust settings so bad bro. Can you please show me your settings
Hey come check out PORKYS 3X it’s a new server some nice custom stuff … If you crave satisfaction this is where you’ll get that action
hmmm only raided the bunker. .. inside job?
good job male, thanks!
What did you put on your custom it looks really good
you know its a good vid when the music comes on love the vids i have whatched this like 7 times now<3
it drives me insane how you say “3 am in the morning”
Holy shit bro I’m dyin 😭 not abuncha guys sittin down watchin a rock fight to the death 😭 n bro actually won 😭 I know there was so much pressure 😭😭😭😭 he said “I…got some loot for us”
Maybe the horse gang should had been call to arms as OT has never beated them in a fight yet
thank you good sir
You can make money with soft there are différents ways
Where is part 3
Will try to spend £50 on a video editor to slow down the video cos I could hear the words but not understand. It was still informative, SMH
Always have wood!
Electrician sounding like Roe Jogan
How tf is anyone to know what video is the next or previous of this series when the titles are vague?
This was a month ago, where is part 3
guy sounds like joe rogan
Noob needs an 8 man team to make sure he is safe xD
BROOOOO its been a month!!!!!!!!!!!! please drop the next vid 😭😩
Still waiting for part 3 and I forget what these episodes were😂 gonna have to rewatch them like there’s a new season of a show coming out
when is part jeez its been a month
next episode please!!!!!!!
It feels you are underrated
Talking like its the friends fault, when youre trying to raid a base like that with 56 rockets and just pummeling
Bruh, where is part three? Lol
Bro did you write into the script at 4:00 “endaring”? It’s not even a word.
it’s been a month and i’m kinda thinking the video corrupted or something
part 3 will never come out lol
It worked for my 64-bit PC. Thanks a lot.
How long till the next video comes out
Ok just watched it and sad the next vid isn’t out lmao can’t wait for it to post. Great vid
No, he’s not that good. He’s actually pretty shit at it
wow go figure guys run out with AK’s get clapped then offline zerg the guy who defended himself. big surprise
2 more vids intill the big revange vid
Am I the only one who hears Joe Rogan?
the oliver tree song let me down go crazy
next part still not here😪
do you have a tutorial showing how to loop drum, app guitar, etc. after let’s say eight bars.
Why does this electrician sound like Joe rogan?
This epic
I’m definitely subscribing
You didn’t hire me, so .. no you didn’t. Kappa For the rest of you folks, for rust electricity what you guys wanna find is someone with a computer science background. They will fix you and/or your clan up real nice.
dude sounds exactly like joe rogan
Taking 8 hour shifts in a game is just insane to me
U changed the thumbnail now upload part 3
Bro please I’ve been checking your channel for part 3 every other day you’re an amazing creator but I need more videos to watch at night
Joe Rogan being a Rust electrician gah damn
bro this video made me sub…the vibe was real lmao
m8 its been 3 weeks for fuck sake
Lets (I like men) GOOOO!!
When Oliver Tree started to play at the raid i thought my spotify came on lmao
by any ans, but I can make what I envision, and that’s the greatest gift to . You are, without a doubt, an expert teacher. You may
When you gonna post. I’m growing a beard🧔🏿♂️
Drop next episode
We need pt. 3 now
NGL w video just watched this during chemistry class lol drop pt2 fast plzzzz
Why are the hit markers white? I thought that only happened in safe zones when you take no damage.
I can show you how! Let know!
I want to see an escape room made by this guy
Clans make that game suck
what is that song while the raid ?
God this makes rust seems so fun
2:39 ayo?
8 year later when part 3
Song during raid?
I like how u change the cover but didn’t release part 3 😂 unsubscribed
When will we see the best clan of rust raiding these kids?
Brooooo it’s been 3 weeks 😱😭😭😭 for the love of god drop the next vid!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am a new sub, excited for the next video!
3 weeks cmon man please next vid
I have an idea. You get 100 people. Go on a big server, and create an empire. Your selected 100 people will be divided into ranks, like a military system. Some of them will be guards, and some of them will be builders. Create a big empire, and advertise the empire for people to join in the chat.
ngl these rust videos feel too staged, sorry boss keep it up but not for me
why u called me a bitch i have clip
Revenge is nothing when you’re two clans of scummy cheaters.. So pathetic.
TNice tutorialnk of Nice tutorials colours like mbers of the band. All the “drum stuff” will be red, All the app might be green, softs, blue, keyboards Rose
Always build a castle before the village
maybe upload more cuzz ur video’s are good
sorry, what is that on the cliff to the left? 0:39
gotta love oliver tree
song name? i think i sounds nice
Lovely colour grade.
The rate Konfusion gets his videos edited is like 1 week per 5 minutes of video. Worst part is his videos are only 15 minutes long so he can break them up and get more money from ads.
When’s the next one coming out!!!!
Why would u make the water base so close to land ?
This is so scripted
holly shit, the guy sound like a younger version of Joe Rogan
This solar panel glitch has been fixed btw.
Once I Get In The Top Ten s Your My Credit 😉
i’ve been ssing around on a friends soft soft for years, finally bought it. I found your videos and instantly subscribed and have been
When I fill in steps of GMS the in channel rack instead of giving a soft like ‘brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr’ instead of ‘br br br br’
tNice tutorialngs
that was a nice video it definitely helped out, thankyou so much and you just earned a sub
money as Pro logic looks to run smoother on MAC! FFS!!!
i like how only 10% of the video is relevant to the title
A game so toxic you need an app
WAIT HOLD ON. THIS BEST RUST CLAN IS OT. and recently my team raided OT and won the title best rust clan. It is kinda hilarious that our clan which consisted of 15 people 2 will over 1k hours beat OT but i mean we have the proof. We also won the bounty on their heads, So I am sorry but OT is no longer the best rust clan.
Good choice in music
I bought the Fruity Edition and tNice tutorials tutorial helped out a lot!
Man come on I wanna watch the 3rd one pls
I´m in love with tNice tutorials tutorial!!!!
Although this was two weeks ago, this is very entertaining.
I don’t know wy YouTubers on rust getting revenge don’t try to get enardo Zerg into server wipe any clan confirmed
I hope if i am with a team like you guys cooperative and active
Wow the no recoil really makes the script more believeable!
part 3 hello
The obvious script is sad
Pov: we been waiting 5 years for him to upload part 3
Did.. Did I just hear budsatawny?!
I think the server wiped 🙁
Part 3?
It’s been 2 weeks 😭
Bro where is the part 333333
i take it this definitely isnt a official server cause u would of been banned all ready lol @2:26 you use aimbot with smooth aim to line up shot on his head and then shoot without aimbot or do you have it set to switch body parts with BoneAim because on the second guy you did the same lock on but it was on his lower body and then shot regular again.. it was super obvious since i run a server and can watch all the closet hackers , as a streamer your settings are pretty legit looking until the vid is played in slow motion then its just super obvious.. and dont let me get started with all the parts where u obviously have ESP :-/ this why the streamers are so scared of Official servers and Console rust , No cheats = crap content
Bro this feels so scripted
more videos with koala pls :]
where third video 😀
Large group rolling deep for an offline at 5 am against a solo I actually hate the people that play this game.
bro, calling the best clan ,hype hype.
Like calling your big brother lmao
OT Pullin up
2 weeks per video?
im mad that only a lil bit of this video was about the electricity part, wanted to see you rebuild and show more of it off.
I need part 3 nowwwwww
This going to be 🔥
These edits.. Man, phenomenal job!
i legit wanna see soem vids of the best clan he talks about ;p
Can i just say Thankyou for the way you explained tNice tutorials it made super confident on the journey of making soft.
Are you seriously waking up in the middle of the night for Rust? Taking this game a lil too serious
Bros finished recording and yet still takes 10 years to post pt 2
never played rust, but id only love to give it a go. is there some way i might be allowed to join you? or take part in the village?
When is pt3 out
Tons of electric but one wall to core… weaksauce
This is fire
I dont even play rust, and your vid cam across my recs, honestly you got amazing editing and storytelling skills, im hooked.
i usually like your stuff but your attitude in this video was weak. you have everything handed to you by your friends, you get rolled, so you get bailed out by another group of friends. doesnt feel like you did much personally aside from complain, you get a master built base by another person but lose it because of your bad preparation (but you blame it on no wood and that they disabled electricity)
If you don’t post this next video tonight imma have a aneurism… I work night shifts when I get off work I wanna watch your videos WTF 😩😩😩
Wassup spooners in part 3
MR. Loldapop
I love these guys ahhaha “look at the boom”
You’ve found a way, as a Youtube gamer and content creator, to be on call, and work in the middle of the night.
Congratulations. Welcome to corporate america!
Whens the next part?
Nice zero recoil
how do you get those neon boxes with armor guns and boom on it?
where ist part 3?? This is soo amazing. I Build this base too once. i love it
its been 10days already..
when the next video??
this is some really great rust content, wasnt sure how someone would be able to make rust videos in this series format. one thing id say is to makybe extend the lenght of the videos as they dont seem to be uploaded that often, either way tho really great idea and i like how you are bringing in fresh faces as the series developes
this songs the one chief <3 that ending thoo
was that not just a heli script to go upsidown SUS
Was that the voice of budsatawny?
The i hired the best electrician turned into i raided the biggest clan
To ensure you always have enough charcoal it use small furnace and to keep them out of the way use the honey comb then, use low wall on the bottom and leave a gap with the other wall on top so it seems like a full wall with a gap. They can’t get in by killing one wall only anyways so honey comb remains as hard to breech but you get the added bonus of giving your small furnace places to go
“The time for peace has passed, only war remains.”
feel like this was staged…
If you ever wondering why a rust server is lagging, this kinda rubbish is why.
Feed me more wow first time seeing you even my coffee got cold was into it forgot to sip.
I’m so excited to see the next episode love it.
The Oliver tree music was lit
I’m guessing he meant the oil team
Te la re vivís scuby
i really need to see the next episode!
kon: I’m bouta end this mans whole career.
kon when will you upload the next vid?
why do you sound like stevie
Where’s the next one I don’t want another video I want this series to continue
love the oliver tree for the raid
Are we looking to get OT on the server? 😁
What is the song at the end
Spoonkid was on the same server
Bro really makes some of the most interesting content love it
The cliffhanger can’t wait
Brush that u got it got me excited
Please part 2
its gonna be OT
Best fucking rust series. Waiting for the next video like its 2011 with minecraft youtubers.
They have Night players that’s the way to run a Zerg you either have no lifers who play 18 hours a day or you have sweaty players on at nights like Europeans or Asians who run the base at night
Yessss!!! Finally some tech and farming in Rust :)))
did you not get copywrited for olivertree?
If u have a friend called “warrior” aka the best pvp rust player he only shoots head shots I’ll scream
ii no abult fases rigg an the other new softwhere an much morre can u pleezz tell me can u help me or make me a rigg for eft tarkove sir i be real dude i lost my mom i stream to keep my self from doing bad stuff if u no wtf i mean
make it quick dude
Oil Team incoming?
im having stuffed peppers for dinner 🙂
edit: they were really good
So you are the village people?
I’m waiting on someone to do a Tesla field heartbeat sensor trap
Im a huge fan I been watching for a long time but I hate it cuz I watched all your vids and got nothing else to watch I know its a gring im a small streamer and im trying to be like you but I wont het to there but the point is can you make uploads a bit faster if possible
Holy art thou God.
You have given me lips.
My lips will declare your praise amongst the lowly and the mighty.
”you got it..” scary X_X
So what use were the turrets in the initial raid? Were they shooting at all?
Noob… every rustplayer with more than 2 raids on their back, knows to keep 1000 wood in or near tc, for sealing
Looks cool but way too many splitters for my liking that is a lot of wasted power that will just go no nothing would hade just used an electrical branch instead but it’s nice to see some electricity circuits again I was an electrician role usely when I played rust back in the day.
Canttttt waaaaaaaaaaaaait
Bro why didnt you tell that you play on pickle i could have helped to raid Them i lived on x26
10:10 lol wtf the most Out of Box Plot Revenge I ever see. like not only the 3rd guy but the 5? 8th guy in the story? lol
Holy crap I’m getting so big brain
did this man build the rust avengers
Man, I don’t even play Rust, but holy shit this is so entertaining. Honestly might’ve convinced me to waste 40$ to buy Rust and have another game I don’t have enough time for lmao
typical youtuber fashion, have someone else do all the hard work while profiting and being toxic.
Title is about an electrician ? ……
Ah yes “I hired the best electrician”
I don’t remember electricity involving 56 rockets
Like iv just 1800hurs in console rust but is it not a given to have something to seal on hand somewhere ahaha like I always got hammer blueprint wood and stone somewhere handy
which is the next followup vid to this?
“I’m boutta set an editing wr speedrun”
It’s been 6 day’s….
Where’s part 3?
BTW you can fix the water flicker around the edges of the water by turning off NVIDIA DLSS
look at 13:26, there’s a cut lmao
what is that zooming when scoping? can i have it too pls? (I am more than sure that’s not any “editing magic”)
I saw the first thumbnail hahaha
I love how he play’s let me down by Oliver Tree while raiding
Had to bring the OT GUILD (Ostrich Tamers) The best guild in rust!!!!
dayuuum son
It’s weird that Joe Rogan is so good at rust electricity
Dude has the best squad, best pilot of minicopter, best electrician, and maybe soon… the best Sniper
These is really good I’m wondering if he is a real electrician
guys like the rock fight clan who gave killer stuff is the reason i love rust even tho it hurts me most of the time 🥲💀 epic vid. can’t wait for the next!!
Is the thumbnail changing? I swear I’ve seen the same title with three different thumbnails over the last couple days
It 100% OT
w edits
Subed for part 3
Don’t script your content. Don’t even act like you don’t. I have proof on discord
“raiding for charcoal”
*campfires literally exist*
victory loves preparation. always lkeave wood in your TC and pop an emtpy fireplace full just incase
hearing licensed music shook me, i was so confused. i checked the description and this lickd thing seems pretty dope for content creators
Broski, always log off with hammer & BP & wood & metal in your inv. xD
Who needs to watch the video when you have that beautiful Rustrician BP?
This is awesome dude nice fuckin job
Paid Actors?
Song in 14:40 min? Pls 🙂
Konfuzion is a living beast
Cant wait next video 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I love this !!!!!
Should have build further out 😛
Sounds like Joe Rogan playing an electrician in rust
OT ye ??!!
never touched rust in my life, always watched other content creators, but your style is by far my favorite until now
BRo got me hyped thought i was wathcing a movie nice job!
No way three minutes and he managed to get his whole caln in a call at 3am lol.
Holy fuck he is assembling the avengers
is it just me or does he sound like joe rogan?
hell yer ..So i guesting OT will arrive
Nice no recoil bud. You are being reported.
Next part will be lit
you or your editor try waaayyyy to hard with your editing :/
this dude sounds like joe rogan
Why does everyone have white blood in this video? It looks like when you shoot them jizz comes flying out. 🤣
W script
Good stuff man 😀 funny vid!
You know what would be cool them building a under water clan I mean massive
mad cuz bad
200K !!!!!!!!!
The people you fight are actual bots
Most of the time i love your videos “i hired best …” But this one Is little bit joke to all of us doing electricity..
Im sorry
how long it takes you to make video
Console rust: you guys get electricity?
3:38 SuS
I’m waiting for part 3
What its not Mr Flak??? this is wrong!
We love to see a fellow Oliver tree lover
new viedo when?
i love koala lmfao
I have a feeling this is scripted content
What is your discord server link?
See you in recommended videos in 11 years
What is the song at the end
Man is about to hire every best individuals he knows just for a series, the pain and grind, I could feel it.
From making a village, to hiring the best electrician, to raiding a big clan, to hiring the best clan
Holy moly, nice content! God I love contents like this, keep it up!
hmm is this scripted ?
Part 3 plssss arhhhhhhhh😂😂
What song was playing during that raid attempt on the compound
Damn part 3 is taking longer than my dad to come back with the milk
That Oliver Tree song tho amped me up!
you should have hired me i would make that bunker unraidable 😂
I’m so glad I found your channel. God damn this is great.
I contend this video, I am the best electrician in Rust.
you dont have to say ‘in the morning’ when you already said ‘AM’ lol
Whats the song name when raiding
I’ve played with swift a few times in the past he’s a nice guy I like him
Your game looks so vibrant. Any place I could find your settings and your setup config?
you can hold down jackhammer please do it so i dont die from cringe
Im so excited for part 3
this seems scripted
The best clan in rust is OT please tell me it’s OT
Let’s see how long the waits guna be guys
OT collab?
Spends hours setting up electrics but doesn’t spend 2 minutes getting wood to reseal the base
Oliver Tree background music, much respect
Gotta love the oliver tree music during the raid
someone please tell me the end song
Man this video was fkn gold. Cant wait for part 3!!!
Another noob rust group offlining
the moment I saw the skins of the armor I knew it was ot good God I’m pumped can’t wait to see the next part
as soon as I saw the end I knew it was over for the next base
Scripted content?
This mf gets in the mini n says let’s get out of here mf proceeds to do a fuckin barrel roll in a heli
Most scripted rust video
Honestly the longer i watch this vid the more i wonder if u couldn’t have made it any more scripted
Even clanned up people still offline,I’m a miserable solo and have more balls than these dudes.
I have a question for kits. Have you ever thought of using a wolf head armor instead of bean can?
Let me gues OT clan?
are these scripted?
So much better than “I am a God I started a minibombing war on a video game watch me”
Pt3 gonna be released in 2023
Bro the new gun sounds are awful
how is your game look so nice
Rename the title to “I tried playing rust, lost, got mad, then called in experts to do all my heavy lifting so i could feel good and win, because I’m a youtuber”
that guy answering the phone gave me goosebumps haha….. lets go!!!
kinda cool to see killer in your team
It’s going to be OT
Guessing OT clan?
The Phalanx CIWS (often spoken as “sea-wiz”) is a gun-based close-in weapon system to defend military watercraft automatically against incoming threats such as aircraft, missiles, and small boats. It was designed and manufactured by the General Dynamics Corporation, Pomona Division,[3] later a part of Raytheon. Consisting of a radar-guided 20 mm (0.8 in) Vulcan cannon mounted on a swiveling base, the Phalanx has been used by the United States Navy and the naval forces of 15 other countries. The US Navy deploys it on every class of surface combat ship, except the Zumwalt-class destroyer and San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock.[5] Other users include the British Royal Navy, the Royal Australian Navy, the Royal New Zealand Navy, the Royal Canadian Navy and the US Coast Guard
Im only 30 seconds in but what has been shown so far looks like something that was in spoonkids video
The “You Got It,” at the end of the video literally gave me chills🤣
Bro the editing is something else, must take a minute
Damn OT 👀
Imagine in 2050 there is a job to make electricity and stuff in rust lol
Is it all scripted? I feel dumb does I can’t tell
6:13 Is Konfuzion actually cheating here? He snaps to them when hes behind the wall.
People that raid over lost kits are jackasses.
People that offline raid are cowards.
Zergs that raid solos, duos, trios, and quads are trash.
Raid up. Not down.
i cant fuckin wait how dare you leave me on a cliff hanger
Raid Detector HAHA I believe RUST is now modernized what next a Real Phone Number so you can Build a bigger BASE
This is why in my 14k hours I learned very very slowly what an “oh shit” box was. Enough to seal. I have them all over my bases
Oliver tree <3
The Oliver tree song for the raid was perfect👌
15:23 amazing choice of music. I love oliver trees stuff
at 10:23 in the video i was on the hill just watching when they were fighting
whose voice was it on the phone at the end?
How tf can you be so unprepared by having no wood
I was kinda hoping for more electrical stuff in the vid but nice raid
I think I saw his base on a server lol
so good
Ot ?
Come check out my server info in my stream
Omg. Stop with the edging. Where’s the next vid?!
Oh shit. Ok yeah. You got me hooked
Noice vid
16:32 bruh 💀
he really did not get OT on some shitters
“At 3 AM in the morning.”
We set up a kill house and bagged 15 guys in, set up locked boxes with clues to key left on notes in our dead body throughout the kill house, each box contained progressing gear, ammo and meds, the first player to make it to the exit would get to leave with all the loot throughout the kill house, including an lmg full metal ak and lr. One of the most entertaining things I’ve done in rust
server name ?
fucking = i like men
an understandable alternative
pov you watched the other guy farm for konfuzion
OT !!!
is that frost??????
Next wipe you should make a base that looks like a decade base but it isn’t and you put I little look in the exposed boxes
OT is the best clan in rust it must be them
Bro I can’t even figure out how to power Turets
if the part 3 doesn’t come today im gonna kill my self!
Honestly that 56 rockets was scuffed on a base that big with multiple turbines. Would say 75 should be minimum then 100 for success.
Had an offline raid that I could have won if I had wood on me. After that I always spread buildings mat in every bed I can spawn in.
water and electricity dont mix that well
This will be one of the best series in a long while i hope you reclaimed the bunker if not big sad
I guess rip to them now
Violence and revenge required…
Violence and revenge… AQUIRED
Love the video
oooo i want to see that part 3 im very hyped
16:30 sounds like someone I know
Yoo everyone try guessing who is the very big friend… and let’s see who gets it right just for fun and giggles
Love you but please post fasterrrr
New subscriber
W vid
im guessing ot clans gonna join??? 🤔
Bruh you gotta use the diesel fuel man excavator goes too hard for you not to use it (im typing this 12 mins idk if he uses it)
U should get all the best players together and u be unstoppable
Try doing an extreme wooden base challenge and see how long you can survive it.
Great video!!! Looking to join 3k hrs
He got OT clan on speed dial
part 2 plis
konfusion i bet your gona get OT clan to help
Worst Zerg ever lol
Cinematic ah ending bro
konfuzion, if you ever need an extra player or you want to run duo for a wipe im down, I have like 3700 hours and have played since pre alpha, as of next month I will have finished building my office space. but yeah, I have no friends so I guess shoot me a message on my linked email
OT ????
Ending was a dick move lol love it
That zerg looking at this video be like :0
wat server is this
Cool base, its just extremely weak unfortunately.
Will defo be using this
we need part 3 now
might be the best vid you ever done
Watching videos like this fill with rage at the fact the we barely have fishing village on console.
there was 20 sec of electronic and then 20 min of pvp *lol*
If u raid with OT im in love with u
I can’t wait for ep 3
Use of Oliver Tree music is great, feels weird though considering that I’ve been listening to the dude since before he blew up.
Does this electrician guy has a channel? I’d really like to watch his rust gameplays with a lot of electricity. Personally I that kind of content is very interesting, such as this video.
Where did the electrician go? And who recognized the number that he called?
is this scripted? seems like he is doing a commentary over gameplay and its not his live reactions or anything. strange
the best electrician ANd ONE OF THE BEST MINI COPTER PILOTES WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like there should be a mechanic for when everyone is offline your base gets increased defense stats
one of the best videos i ever have seen come from your channel! The editing was amazing and the music slapped. Keep it up man!
this series is the “but wait, there’s more” that actually delivers & continuously tops itself!
Koala and killer are the best pilots in rust.
I Respect the music choice, oliver tree mad underrated.
kinda cringe how u say everything is the best like the clan or the electrician that failed your base
14:19 Oliver tree was the last thing I expected
so u basically got ur friends to give u loot so u could get revenge beta male LOL did nothing for all that loot
I’ve waited 3 weeks for a 16 minute minute video… worth it
Hey Konfuzion what is the song you used during the raid man? And also great vid pls make a part three soon I cant wait
Nice edit idol btw im a filipino i have been watching your videos from the start and also im the last sec part of this video the have a deep voice
wish I could call OT up to come help raid a enemy xD
copyrighted oliver bro
All that electricity, HQM and trap and you got beat due to not having wood
Anybody knows who the guy at the end is?
Gonna love this series
Well now I’m hooked !!!! 😬😬
Hey what scripts do you use?
I was the electrician for my group and raid warnings don’t matter if you’re not prepared. I would leave dropboxes with sealing mats and HV rockets around the base with signs that say “raid defense only”. This is also why bedrooms are so important; though your bunker is probably too small for that. Another important thing to note is that turrets are useless when you’re offline; they’re too easy to HV or shoot out. Also, never put turrets on triangles like that; you can bait them with the door frames or shoot them/splash them from far away.
The thing that always shut down raids on my group was having turrets facing inwards towards our courtyard behind doors with motion sensors and a manual switch. We would always wait for them to breach, then turn on the turrets.
The only way to win a raid is to separate people from their kits. If the enemy can continually respawn and re-kit up; you’re never going to win. If nakeds are trying to run into your breach to recover their kit and getting gunned down in your courtyard by turrets; you win the raid. Otherwise they just shoot out the turrets before breaching. Turrets are only good at covering angles and protecting dead bodies.
Exceeded my expectations. I thought it would just be an electric demo, but it had a full story ark.
I loved this vid!
“You poke a bee hive and you get stung”
It was a good fight…
i like you’r concent but i’m 99% sure…. Macro working in 100% 😛
i want to see the best electrician and not a raid. sorry thumps up…
That song had me feeling like u were gonna win the raid lmao I was pumped to see the loot
How tf you be using Oliver tree in ur video?? I’m his was epic very good video!!
Can’t wait for p3
Ngl why was the blueprint for the electricity not complicated
I am so fucking excited for the next one 😀
mmm OT are coming ?
Cool voice over edited gameplay
bro when you said your gonna call a big friend i already knew its gonna be ot idk if im correct or wrong
the second i hear oliver i knew you used lickd xD
the second i saw OT members, i knew its going to be over for that clan
Had to like and comment, cause this is woooork o.o’ nice vid!.
What’s the song calles
need to do “I Hired The Best Builder” next 😉
Bring it
Best rust series i watched in my life
You have to bring out the next video. That ending gave me goosebumps, and so many reasons to like you more.
I bet it’s bloo coming
Omg, this is so hype. can’t wait for the another part
We need another part pls
he’s got an insider i knownit
OT is coming? Geez
when will u upload the next episode i am soo keen to find out how it went
Cant wait for the next part left us on a huge cliff hanger
Let me Down was a great song for the ending, good choice man, keep up the great work but take breaks when needed!
at the end i got goose bumbs xd lol. plz new video of this man
I didn’t know Joe Rogan played rust
zerg them
My experience as an electrician says logistic connections are not worth their charge for low-power systems.
Your design was almost nothing but logistics connections. Maxing out delivery effeciency is the pathway to abilities some consider to be… Unnatural.
That being said, the QOL of the R+ sensors per rw cannot be denied especially in a small base. I will have to experiment with the TDP of such designs for a larger base.
AHHHHH SHIT. OT coming in hot. Get Ready boys. It’s gonna be a hell of a ride.
i love your animations nah fuck that i love you xo
Thanks Joe Rogan, very good.
Made us wait a month for this shit and it’s mid
He probably gona call fancy
Thise clan is ot clan
the naked arena fight was the most unexpected thing for me😂😂
Killer Klause over here like, “Take a gander”. Also, the song at the end fit beautifully.
Is that just OT you Called in
What scripts are You using ?
yess part 2
He says next series but he doesn’t Mark which one is the next video
Bruh so much for the water base
Loved this
great vid as always!!! That “friend” looks very familiar…
From working alongside the Swiftest of Coyote’s – I can confirm he is the best rustrician! Hope to get you in one of my games / build one for you in the future! Cariad fawr o Gymru – Much love from Wales x
Oil team for the win
See you guys at year 6969
Yo you just like you need a team of the best rust players like the pilot and the electrician.
no shot you got root and trausi to hop on and revenge raid LOL
I came here to watch video about some crazy electro-base. I get another revenge story. Are you gonna do this in every video now?
Editing and storytelling is on point. But YouTube is already full with these revenge story videos.
Homie called up OT
yay OT cant wait
I saw the farm for the next video
bro this editing feels so weirs, like the talking that he edites in makes it feel so constantly bad to watch
Water bases are great as long as you can build far enough away from the shore. You did not. And I may be wrong but it looks like a 1 HQ wall from the outside. Facepunch simply makes turrets suck so they just stand back and rocket all your defenses and well that is it.
Whos the guy you called in
I watch youre videos, and at first am super into it. then i realise how low quality it makes my videos look when yours are this banging and then im sad
How many times do you say I’m not gonna lie?
A very good electricitian to check out as well i Megalodab, he is fucking crazy.
nice video keep up the good work 🙂
your team was kinda dog
finnaly!! waited for thiss 😀
drop the vid already
this shit’s why I’m subbed brah
is konfuzion using ak scripts? his thing don’t move
I will subscribe if you upload the next video next week 🙂
Wow this video was so entertaining I loved every minute of it! I can’t wait for the next episode of this series I am actually exited for it! Keep up the good work konfuzion these videos are great😁😁😁
this part 3 is gonna be fucking insane im so hyped rn
Nothing funnier than the guy named “8x Bolt Action Rifle”. Man is so dedicated he pushed a raid with an 8x LOL
Ayo this song was a banger
Rock fight coming clutch
Insane content
I wanna see this guy make the most decked out rp base ever, pleeeeeeease
It’s pretty sad to see people offline literally when they can’t kill you so they wait for you to fall asleep
II love your videos, i’m from Brazil and your videos bring such a good vibes. Keep going! You deserve a lot!
Yeah this is a pretty lame video
is this scripted
God Is Good Amen 🙏
can you share your graphics settings please?
why is his game greenish?
tomop I agree, we will see part 3, in 9 years, also why is konfuzion doin dis like why, bruh the end got me,” if you like this video pl-, like whyyyyy🤣🤣🤣
please go get a job
the one morning you wake up without wood … 🤣
Nice video for part 3 don’t take 10 years to post please
Konfuzion, tis vijoos is nut kunfuzing et all
OMG! What is up with this production quality??!! We need part two! Aaahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Konfuzion living up to his name Lol
Credits to reksmore for the solar panel glitch
sic video the saga is cool
Am i just stupid or could u have sealed with a door??….it looked like there was already a frame there and when u lamented your lack of wood i was screaming “place a door!!!!” lol
I wish somebody would make an actual rust movie and not just a 2 hour long video and call it a movie, this was only 16 minutes and had the same amount of story as a 2 hour video. Well done
Is there a discord server?
Do you have a discord?
this is scripted right? but its very nice editing
bruh wtf, I thought that was some random holding that breach when I pushed it and got killed first lmao, come to find out it was you!
I feel like Konfuzoin is going to make a vid called “Creating the best rust team”
finally out, ive been waiting 3 weeks for a pt 2
Hey what are your Rust settings so it looks more colorful ?
Bruhh the music kicking in when the raid started was soo HYPE
bro ot finna get this over withen 5 mins
I’ve been waiting for what feels like forever for this next part to come out👀👀👀👀was worth the wait
Imagine waiting till 5am to 6man offline raid a base, rust incels are really next level losers
Imagine if it ot 😳😳😳🫣🫣
Seriously made us wait 3 weeks to release a 16 minute video. Weak.
Dude watching you play like a wipe has made me love your channel more then i did before, your personality mixed with rust movie material is the perfect amount of everything, keep it up 👍
14:50 sick nhl 16 music 😂
BRO thats the thing spoonkid seen in his new vid
would be better if you got ot or vibe in to zerg tf outta them
I was listening to Oliver Tree like 5 minutes 15 minutes ago and when u started using the same song I was just listening to it freaked me out.
I love the auto turret pods. I used to include the same concept in my standard base build and rarely ever suffered an offline because of them and the backup traps inside.
Konfuzion just never misses with his video’s, always so entertaining.
I see you, changing that thumbnail
loved thee ending
Part 3 waiting
That friend was from OT?
I’m already exited for the next video like a lot of people i think.
It was fire! 🔥
I need the next vid please
my guy changed the thumbnail 3 times in 5 hours and ive clicked them all thinking its a different video😂
Plays like the most skilled rust player world, and then does these stupid ass funny af strats, most underrated rust youtuber ever.
Nah that gave me chills at the end💀
I enjoyed the aim bottling the most
i hired the best father figure to go get milk
Amazing video just gotta wait 6 years for the next part
Oil team?
nice box of full durability ak’s
I love you laugh lol.
Placing my bet that the clan coming in to help is OT
bro why you gotta leave us on a cliffhanger 🥲
So you are willing to mess up your sleeping schedule therefore health, over an rust base?
OT about to sh*t on them
with a little more creativity four solar cells woud easy do the job 😉
where’s part 3 reeeeeeeeeeeeee
I can’t imagine being in a clan and raiding a solo
Bruh now a bunch of kids r going to use this design
it’s so much fun to see him getting more and more ppl literally like pulling rabit out of a hat xD
Such an underrated channel, much love !
Nice subtitle job lol
Hey Konfuzion if you want I can make you an IRL siren connected to the rust+ app that will 100% wake you up if you get raided (and maybe wake your neighbors)
LMAO i remember Sinks calling in the zerg to rock raid w yall this was so fun
OT time
OT is coming…
It only took 3 weeks for part2, the monthly server is gonna end before he can make pt3
video idea i played with the best pvp the best farmer the best pilot the best trapper the best electrician best raider
Is it just me or does he sound like remmy from ratotouile
Can’t wait for the next video in a month 😊
Bro really wants revenge he really called ot clan
Bring more electricity videos it’s really interesting
bro its bin 3 weeks and the videos only 16min long. i like it
I bet he is calling OT
3 am in the morning? Can it be 3 am not in the morning?
noooo don’t show the hidden solar panel trick it’ll get patched 🙁
Bro finally. I’ve been waiting 🥲
Calling In OT that’s gg
My head hurts
I don’t play Rust but i am really impressed by how much time people spend on it and how much they dedicate to it and how much there is to it making you learn a lot skills and needing an actual real knowledge for you to be successful with the game.
cant wait for the next ep lol
yoooo OT raid? fuckin hell yea
Better post that part 3 in a couple hours or I’m joining their clan
Bet its gonna be ot
Just found your channel not long ago and the content is awesome!
Love Oliver Tree.
word of advice dont use garage doors for the turrets next time. double doors open faster no time to hide
Nice seeing ot back hope there kicking these guys ass
OT??? Thats over kill poor guys
Gotta say, I miss Konfuzion asking for subs at the end of his videos so he can get to 100K.
anybody knows killer clause’s base design?
This series continues to get better and better holy
Why does Swiftcoyote sound suspiciously like Joe Rogan?
You poor soul
raid video?
Can’t lie, Spoonkid is the biggest Influence on these creators rn. Thumbnail and all
what is this its saying in chat 11:49 / 16:47
bro the aiming so good, i almost think u’re scripting 😂
You should probably go to sleep with a kits
If part 3 isn’t out in 5 or 6 days I’m unsubscribe
Waited almost a month for a 17 minute video :/ cmon confusion. Also next time upload a rust movie.
wow NICE ending
Part three in 3 months
What was the song you played at the end when you were raiding
I love OT, it’s literally the most coordinated Zerg and they’re something like 20 to 30 deep, but every one of them are chads, so commenters, get fucking ready
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cant wait for next vid
just watched the other video im so glad this released
Cant wait for the next episode
His base was in spoon kid video
ily konfuzion
Reminds me of my 3rd time playing dayz lol got knocked out woke up in a cage with other naked people. They made us all fight to the death and the last guy got a full kit. Half way through some army RPers busted in and freed us. Probably one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen in a game.
Very cool series
Are u scripting ur vids now
Ahhh!! Loved the video! Editing skills are amazing!
ohh shit konfuzion finna wipe them with OT
These are edited so much better than the other Rust vids I’ve seen.
Dam hurt by Oliver tree in the last section was on point
part 3 boutta come out in 9 years
GReat video cannot compeat with greatness
this man wakes up at 2am to prevent his base from being raided. legend
I wont spoil the nameof the clan but damm im expecting a very god damm video if your bringing that clan out
Did OT came to help?
I love this shit
konfuzion why are u always drooling XD *sluuuurrrrp*
Best Electrician, to RAIDER..,
Finally a part two!!
Hell yeah Oliver twist
bout to sit and watch! new banger
Fucking chills when he said
You got it
Still waiting for part 2… Schnell Snhnell !!
Bro i beg you pls send the video fast as you can thats epic
OT incoming??
You didn’t mention that you payed someone to farm lol, oh I spoiled part 3 -_-
One of the rust players I enjoy watching on YouTube. Part 2 was a cliffhanger. Gonna wait for the banger part 3!
He bringing in THE BIG GUNS
you dont need to tap jacky anymore they fixed it
The way you end videos is such a freakin tease
this shit earned a sub 😆
very good video
Oliver tree was very unexpected
I’m excited to see the next video
oliver tree really made the video
Goes to watch the next episode…ooooonly to realize that this video was posted 33 min ago! Damn
Yes because Rust is so hard with its electricity :d
Imagine being such a bad player that you need massive group to survive. The one reason why Rust sucks hard is that everyone zergs into massive groups and always one or two of them cheat.
amazing video
Need the raid song real quick
Wholesome and Entertaining, GJ Konfusion You made my day 🤣
Love it bro
Who u gonna hire next?
Post more plz ?!!!!!!
Wait wait wait….clans are having mortal combat matches using nakeds? I know its a game but thats pretty messed up.
I like balls now heart this
A whole clan offline raiding a solo player and almost losing, man that was sad. Revenge is sweet!
like for oliver tree
Bro, your content just keeps on getting better! Great vid. 👍
Damn dude, that was a great video. Your editing is on another level. It was an absolute pleasure to work with you.
You could hire me 🙂
Nice Vid 👁️👄👁️
Love how a 5 man with a zerg base raid at 5am
super entertaining video, keep it up~!
Not related to the video, but it would be cool if you could transport boxes with weapons, ammo etc, whatever you want in helis and cars. Would make it so much easier when transporting loot to a main base that is far away. They really should add that to the game.
“Most are not seasoned rust players” bro that hurt 😢
OT 👀 🔥
oooh I’m early!
People who are first: “ive trained my whole life for this moment”
How to change my rust colors like yours
im a huge fan of oliver tree and hearing “please dont let me down” play at the end made me hyped
Oil team?
I love this game but people take it way too seriously
Best clan? OT incoming?
love your vids <3
Give me acrylic rug
Yesss another vid
Bro is one of the most known rust YouTuber and only got 190k subs he even hosts events
Funny i was just setting up electricity in my base xD
I love you konfusion you deserve so much more subs I salute you man
I was the 69th like let’s go
Ahhhh man Konfuzion this is actually getting great! Good shit my friend, cant wait for the next one in the series 😩🔥
Today guys, I hired the best boat driver in rust
Great video! You deserve so much more subs
Ive been waiting for a new video for 3 weeks now. Love your videos man!
hello,good video PERFECT
12 mins let’s GO!!
Nice video my man
Is the best electrician from rust know how to manage cables in real life though?that’s the question
big fan
been waiting on this one man!
this mf got a builder from clash of clans as his personal electrician
lil nas x confirmed
damn we’re early
guys i guess we will see part 3 in 9 years.
finally! 😀
lets go konfuzion finally uploaded 🙂
let’s go we got part 2
lesss goooo i can watch a good video
This guy deserves so much more subs
yes new video got 5th too lol
If ur a Chad like this comment
What a sexy man
I usally dont say this but “First”