
Changes to the mixing table | Rust Update 7th August 2020
It’s the big monthly patch and after the mixing table was first added last week there have been some important changes. Let me know what you thought down below.
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Rust update: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCq_BKRLmqhyHEZvAvVuffAl
Concept limbo: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCpr1D_neFp0eYG6ggsZyUuM
The Rust back-story: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCrS0HMYaS_Js00nPECOu3Rq
Gameplay footage from Rust
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan
#rust #shadowfrax #update
Taqs:Rust,rust roadmap,rust roadmap roundup,roadmap roundup,shadowfrax,rust shadowfrax,rust update,concept limbo,rust 2020,rust roadmap 2020,rust console,rust console 2020,rust roundup,rust back-story,rust mixing table,rust tea,rust teas,rust buffs,rust recipes,rust tea recipes,rust new,rust what’s new
コメント (281)
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Is the mixing table on console?
Is low grade just diesel
Boat venders are a dumb addition, slowing down gameplay
We need biscuits to tea!
Если на нем нельзя будет сделать чифир, я удалю эту игру
Love the ‘Allo ‘Allo! meme hahaha
Why in the world did Facepunch Nerf the middle part of the horseshoe cave????
wow I can’t believe people still play .. the updates have always helped clans like the scrap helicopter that can hold a whole clan. I wish rust would quit, rust used to be so fun and it just got worse and worse.. more and more updates more and more vehicles..
Where s the video about strange map? 🤔
Blessed with that GOD Voice
I’ve got 3.8k hours in the game and quit a couple weeks ago because (at least in my opinion) they are ruining the game and it’s just not fun anymore. I used to look forward to getting home from work and hopping on for hours and now I just don’t get that same feeling. Pretty sad
Your skull adventure island video is being recommended to me but it’s private
Black Berries , Cancelled. Another sign of systematic racism. BBLM
It would be pretty tities to make a shield to block at least arrows…would be a banger for early game…at least would help solos fight 1 v milion zerglings
*clears voice* w h e n c o n s o l e ?
With all the new monuments they’ve been adding I really want them to increase the maximum size of the map
I hate this game so much
Who knew? Matt Berry plays rust.
developers need to drop the roleplayer mindset with these updates and starting viewing it from the pvp side where most of the community is.
Not is good idea in rust..
they are going to ruin the game like fortnite they are going to add to much to it. why would u need to craft explosives and gp at a tea stand like wtf
Had not played rust for a bit and I heard someone talk about mixing table and I told them to stop there while I look this up on shadow fraxes YouTube
Solid review.
So does this tea buff (with the buff going from 5 mins to 30) is that gonna hit during the next monthly patch in september or is it already live?
No Blackberries? That’s Racist
Are u the LEGOmaestro of rust ?
I think Rust should be more focus on dealing with cheaters rather than making useless updates.
You lose your tea buffs when you die right?
It was good but what about rust on Xbox one
As always, very informative, straight to the point, amazing graphics, all a man could ask for.
An old broken bell
this updates next month right…..?
Tbh kind of underwhelming
Wait i am the only one who noticed the recycler at 4:54?
Is there a way to place a recycler at base and i didn’t knew about it?
I wanna boat system that works like the car system, maybe you could even have boat bases idk
Wait this isn’t console
The rust team needs to add a little search bar when you open boxes because sometimes I enter blind mode and just can’t find anything in my unorganised boxes
You can no longer make explsoives btw
Great vid! I really disliked the removal of extra options for making explosives and low grade, it just added that extra value to the mixing table
Welp im not going to be suprised in a year rust will be a roleplay game more than a pvp game
Now you can make white powder! Doesnt look like drugs so deal with it!
In my opinion the photo frames are still to dark. Why even ad a dark glass panel :/
Minecraft invented this 5 yrs ago
I think before any more updates they need to work on load time
7000 hours playing. The worst part about rust is hitting a barrel and spending 15 to 20 seconds deciding which item stack in your full inventory to trow away to add some item you found and want to keep. Now we have added a dozen electric components, a half dozen car parts, and here comes a half dozen different berries AND their seeds….
who actually still lags in rust lol
New craftable/cookable foods with buffs made from farmables would have been better than 20+ different kinds of tea that don’t contribute to hydration… but that’s just me.
how old are you… btw keep up the good vids
Dam we have 2 boats already we dont need a canoe. What about motorcycles. That would nice. Or two people that can ride a horse at once would be nice
I was really hoping this video would have the quote “heal buffs have been removed”
they’re just making it harder and harder
i know
The video series should be Called let’s rescrap imo
ah yes, drug cartels will begin in the roleplayer areas.
the wooden baricades r sick
Wtf is this making rust into some bs now
I want the Old Safe Zone Back. and i dont Like this mixing Table
Still nothing for console
Why not just remove cave bases at this point that was the last effective one.
players forgetting about the advantage of mixing table, not only saving 10 charcoal per craft, also u can place it to auto craft and go outside for farming without losing the gp if u die and empty slots in inventory
This is 100% stolen from fallout 76
I am just watching to listen to your perfect British pronunciation 😀 and jokes
rip 2014-2019.
booooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanted pickle explosives!
Is it me or are the RUST devs really good at making this game something special
lmao storage monitor
remove macro pls
Subject to RUIN new meta and its update hype
I was so hyped about this upcoming update
Noone will ever do farming stuff and these mixing table recipes that much
Oiler meta still goes on GG
I actually thought something wasn’t running properly on my computer but the fps buff was really noticeable and very much appreciated as I only play on max o_o
Finallyyyy bone arrows
the f are they doing .. this is fking stupid, buuhuu lets unbalance the game and put a magical tea to gather more ores
Cant wait until Rust becomes the new Minecraft
WTF has rust become?!
They nerfed the caves?!?! BOOO! HISS! RABBLE! RABBLE! RABBLE!
This game is turning in to Fallout but whit less less less less stuff
I don’t play Rust.
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
It has zero context to me as a non-Rust player.
But I watch your videos because I love your voice and your (cute) madness.
they’re making everything that was convenient inconvenient
Rip solo hemp farms
They might aswell create crumpets lol
I got to say, I do not like this update. Just more things you need to do/drink before roaming. Gonna be so easy for zergs to get started.
So, no more cave base?
Loving your surviving the aftermath gameplay it is super entertaining
hey shadow please consider my idea for suggestions. to put ten or more in the rust main screen with a free skin for voting on them or even saying hey this is an exact repeat also admin for fixing repeats then new skin maker on that work like Microsoft paint a little in that it has a three dimension representation that your turn with a mouse and draw directly on. using a palette then giving the loser with loser characters to the game guru store for the artist to have a chance at money and not just fame.(IT WILL GO MAD DUDE.) the easier to draw just use a stylus limiter in size and use magnification to get into those small space or to cover that blah you made. anyway i made the suggestion later and also to have suggestion listed in a second order by author. putting that in in one minute.
Still waiting on Electrical spotlights…
Get rid of swamps and FPS will be fine
Does anyone even use cars? Or do i just suck? I mean, they are so expensive to maintain as well. The fact that they r adding boat shops is just going to make getting items and scraps much more harder
LEGACY PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWERS HUNH? have you forgotten the most wrong answer there is we are not adding pies to rust , now there is a wrong answer if iv ever heard one .
Rust needs to chill , quit trying to be complicated ark type of game
Where the new bear
Is it just me or is the whole video just black ?
Oh you have You have great clothes❤
So the black berry I found is a rare item now
me has tiny brain
Dumbest most worthless update I’d ever seen it’s like they’re just taking stuff they learned from that other game they were developing and started shoving it in Rust….
rust isnt a good game i have atleast 1500 hours of gameplay actually doing the game and you can like it if you want but its objectively bad game design.
the new roofs are annoying, now i don`t have proper holes on top of my tower with the roof facing outwards on the top, this is baaaaaaad 😀
whats the point of this
Rip Solos and people just tryin to survive the wipe rust is dead now
To everyone who thinks making explosives in the mixing table is useless, remember you now don’t have to stay afk in your base for 20 minutes crafting explosives.
Love da voice
I think there putting way to much effort into cinematic and movie making stuff
Rip the triple cave strategy
FacePunch is actually now serious.
Please read us a bedtime story
What?!!! No console! 😢
Nice vid man! Also WhEn CoNsOlE
Don’t think this video showed up in my subscription list!!!
Raiding just made super easy thanks rust zzzz cans will just farm this crop out if this for explosives
As op as horseshoe caves were, it seems lazy to just building block the middle plot. Why not redesign the cave somewhat?
racist game taking away black berries. @blacklivematter
I live in a cave, and I haven’t had any trouble yet 🙂
This comment is *SUBJECT TO CHANGE*
Two years is indeed a long time when everything is subject to change
OOOOOHHHH I see how it is Facepunch! Out of all the new berries you had to trash the BLACK berries? BLACK PIES MATTER
Tea is dumb. it makes zero sense for this game.
I like the
Only once!
RIP Horseshoe cave 🙁
Tis awesome!
Rofl bone arrows useless again…. looks like shitters better git gud with bows.
The m249 has more sway to it this update. Tea is stupid, give me my berries back. At least make the mushrooms hallucinogenic ffs
Water Pumps now also produce 510 ml of water every minute, much higher than the previous 150 ml a minute.
So you’re telling me this is now useless greattttttttt
I just want them to fix the fly hack kick bug
Did they change not being able to make explosives from fertiliser because of the Beirut explosion?
the fps boost is game changing. my fps improved by like 30
Wait so if I got the scrap tea boost then when I recycle I wont get extra?
This is about the dumbest thing since the XP system. Wait. No, it’s dumber. 👎
I don’t even have rust why do I watch these lol
A drone would actually be epic! A FPV drone to spy on your neighbours. I mean we already have CCTV cameras so why not! This game is kinda out of hands of all the things you can do now! You can drive a car, boat and helis in different tiers. You can soon even get boosted teas for easier gains of stuff. It will be interesting to see what this game will be in a year from now.
Thank you!
Only thing i hate is the cave part …
The real cavemen in rust are the players who get pissy and can’t adapt to changes and new content.
I think if the Max HP Tea was removed then a lot of people would be much happier with this tea update. 😛
I might consider using the mixing table now. Wes going to for only the explosives beforehand.
Did anyone notice improvement in performance this update?
I always love it when you say “greetings survivors and friends shadowfrax here” it’s just so soothing to me lol
mixingtable is not as expected we would rather have the table used for making explosives using fertilisers and other ingredients like lowgrade fuell to make pipebombs and molotovs.
sadly its a overrated cup of tea
Can i get a pin instead of a comment and a heart? <3
I fwind it uwu
Actually really happy about the wood barricade being back
Hey this update is making alot of people crash on the loading screen.
Black Berries Matter!
What is the clip he uses over and over when he says team/tea?
The roofs have holes in the corners where they connect with the walls. That is hopefully subject to change!
realy?? u cant build in the triple cave anymore??? wow….im officaly done with rust
Rust is getting worst in my opinion
whats the point of having triple caves anymore if you cant build in the middle one?
The British have liked this video.
Those new barricades remind me of Romero’s aftermath. Binding your six key to middle mouse and double clicking can possibly changed rust combat making rushing easier and open field engagements not one sided
Nice vid!
Keep up The good content👍🐴
am I the only that saw an cargo ship on land? server :rustafied low pop
Glad they fixed the cars
Hey! Remove the mixing table 🙂
Hrrrrng console when?
Ope the already op teas are more op. I want to be annoyed but the Brit in me is happy
having to buy boats is not good. at least only fast boats should be sold normal ones should spawn on the beach like usual
Screw the tea. Tell Face Punch to make homebrewed beer with the mixing table a thing. 🍺
I like the tea buff brings more to the game.
Delete Tea or we Riot
Someone start a petition on behalf of shadowfrax, we need pies!
they nerfed the tripple caves this month, but also broke building in the other’s there footprint has changed to where you can place foundations 🙁
Black and blueberry used to be 10 health each…. i miss being able to live through 3 m2489 sprays by slapping the heck out of the hotkey!
They could use black berry as poison and make poisoned arrows. Give advantage to primitives against geared players. But people would think that is an ark ripoff
The tea thing is stupid, rust while mad, is grounded in reality, what’s next mana?
Please read a short story from writingprompts or HFY of your picking if you feel like doing it.
A lot of people seem to like your voice.
Now the real questions, is this video subject to CHANGE?
I wish my life was Subject To Change
Tea-powered cars not a thing yet? Aww….
shark shark shark shark shark
lot of this seems like a step back (mixing table)
_𝚌 𝚘 𝚗 𝚌 𝚎 𝚙 𝚝 𝚕 𝚒 𝚖 𝚋 𝚘_
What’s the name of the program in 5:17
And enchant and we have mincraft with mods and shadow pack. Yeah it’s not a good update, only roof corners is good
I’m gonna miss cave builds 🙁 I only play a wipe every few months and don’t really know any other cave dwellers though. Doubt it’ll be missed that much.
Why can’t we have a Riot shield or a makeshift shield to make melee combat more interesting
People love to hate on optimization but I think Rust is pretty well optimized for how complex it is.
WHEN DO WE GET ALCOHOL seriously we have a I think that allows us to make tea now how hard is it to use the thing to make alcohol just give us a stellar to make moonshine so we can drink it or use as a fuel source or rating tool
Just take out the max health tea and this is a good update. otherwise, not so much.
I feel like Heisenberg already
BRO IM SO UPSET CAVE BASES GOT REMOVED WITH OVER 4k hours and only building cave bases what am i supposed to do now!
Mixing table seems pointless. Ore yields won’t be worth it, farming is not so intensive that making the bench and the teas wouldn’t actually save you any time in the end. Max health was added only to force pvp chads to run a garden. Rad resistance is the only one that makes sense. And a bunch of huge missed opportunities that would make a lot of sense. Cold resistance, Hunger Resistance, Hydration, Adrenaline boost (Faster running for very short time???)
most importantly: MEDS! … it would actually make sense to inject some kind of berry mixture into your arm to heal, instead of Low Grade fuel and Cloth.
Can i make coke?
Missed opportunity for movement speed teas!
the sound the teacup makes IS BEST!!! i have gone nuts with this table, this update was made for me i feel. SO HAPPY WITH THE TEAAAAAA WOOOOOOOO
Please never stop the team meme
Good IMO
Might have covid i hope not don’t want to feel the shame of haveing to make my family self quarantine.
i dont get the scrap bonus tea what changed if only the barrel harvest buff?
With bone arrows getting nerfed a bit i wonder if they will still be meta or not
I don’t even play rust but I was very interested by every single of his videos
The update was on the 6th of August not the 7th just sayin
This is a good update. Chads and wanna Be’s complain like with DB’s. Boat rafts should be mobile base’s. Poker should be added to the Fishing Village!
dude wtf, blueberries are systemically racist beating the blackberries out of the game 🙁
imagine building a survival community for 7 years and then suddenly turn your game into a rpg
But still no *P I E*
I personally think that you should not see all the Recipes for the teas to prevent like everybody having pure teas
Your zoom ins are getting more cinematic
Good video man was looking forward to messing around with mixing table this wipe happy for the update
ditch healing and max health tea and then we’ll talk
As a Brit, I approve of the tea making. But as someone arrested for domestic terrorism in 2016, the fact I can no longer make fertiliser bombs is dissapointing. At least I still have bean can grenades.
Pleas continue with comsept limbo
You forgot to mention that pools now accept salt water and that water pumps collect water in faster and in bigger quantity, but their animation got removed
The fact that I was doing oilrig, got to 0 hydration, found a healing TEA in the medical box and it didnt gave me the sweet ability to run again after DRINKING it, really bothers me.
So they removed a rather realistic form of explosive? AnFo is literally an explosive. Just give us an IED item with it as an ingredient.
you can fall asleep to this voice like holy shet
They need to add that raw berries male you hallucinate like in unturned
We have sadle for extra inventory in horse, why we not have one for human bag?
headshoting a hazzy with bolt wont kill them ):
“universally loved” HAHAHAHA
dang dude
I got tetanus from my scrap tea 🤬🤬🤬
Is Savas still alive?
I tried the Mixing table earlier it’s only effective if you have a decent growing operation which will motivate me to start my farm so that’s good I guess. So many new things have been added to the game lately it’s difficult to keep up if you only play the occasional wipe.
Thank God the bow and arrows are NERFED
We want blueberry pies!!!
No pie? 🙁
If u are in the comments right now like this comment please
Did they just nerf the bone arrows?
Where can i find the mixing table ?
I only watch the monthly updates so I feel like I missed a lot with regards to the mixing table. Would be nice if large additions like that were explained, even if it’s redundant for people who watch all your videos.
I thought you said Savas would get deleted!
Tea is dumb
Until we get rust roombas that automatically patrol our trap bases, clearing up dust, loot and human remains and providing a R6: siege drone like vantage point from the camera monitor stations, this game will be trash and unplayable and I’ll have no option but to mash my keyboard in impotent rage!
I watch ShadowFrax to see what’s new and EvilWurst on how to abuse it.
intro too shrort. pls longer zoom. thanks
4:28 does that means we can no longer build in the center cave of the triple caves? Thats sucks if it is also why tf did they change cloth cost
Oh im early
*Edit* now the farmers will be stacked if the thea is comming
ty for the content keep it up love ur voice 🙂
@SHADOWFRAX Please Make an In Depth Cinematic Tutorial , There isn’t One yet
still watching the video gang
thumbs down for tea meme
Now their just copying minecraft
So there’s no incentive to use the mixing table to make explosives?
Rip heli rust
When console Rust, I know they have told you
uhhhhh why am i so early?
Tea may help zergs, but anything in this game will help zergs. Thankfully this is also useful to solos and small groups because you can find berries relatively easily.
Me no understand crafting only bang bang sticks and boom blocks
Hey shadow hope your well
Still waiting for that *SUBJECT TO CHANGE* merch 🙂
Nice video
Intro didnt get even more chaotic tho
i ate my family
The mixing table is going to add such a new dynamic to rust
greetings bud.
1) i love these vids. full of info and tips and i just adore it
2) you are the reason why i got rust. you made me want to buy it again and this time i acted on it so yeah
First dislike LETS GO!
Not the first
30 seconds in whooo first time this early
Hi shadow dad
gz Monty