last second counter at oil rig ⏲ – rust short
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コメント (17)
5 headshots a row? id scream heacker
Bro can you teach me how to have God aim????
Steve-o playing rust?
its not a fight if they dont shoot back good stuff tho
how come you talk to yourself as different people. Multiple personality disorder?
Rust is such a ruthless game. It has demoralized me and made me feel like less of a person.
Boring fight u double headshot the first one then tripled his friend
Bro if I was you after getting the best loot from their inventories I would’ve despond all their loot that was left
They def reported you from those head shots😂😂😂
clean shots
Day 5 of asking Dylan to do a prim only wipe
Your uploading is like your routinely craping bro, keep it up man
Trucks are pretty cool