New Animal Art, Bandit Heli Vendor | Rust update 12th June 2020
In this week’s Rust update, new Animal art for bears, wolves and more. Plus updates to the bandit camp including a helipad and heli vendor!
My links:
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✔️Twitch: http://bit.ly/1UkDhes
✔️Twitter: http://bit.ly/1QM3WQ7
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✔️Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nCdLV8
✔️Store: https://teespring.com/stores/shadowfrax
WIki page for Rust+ app: https://wiki.facepunch.com/rust/rust-companion-server
Companion app:
App store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/rust/id1487691681?ls=1
Google play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facepunch.rust.companion
Gameplay footage from Rust
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan
#rust #shadowfrax #update
Taqs:rust triangle,triangle ladder hatch,rust spiral stairs,spiral stairs,rust+ app,rust app,rust companion app,rust,vehicles,rust vehicles,vehicles in rust,modular vehicles,rust modular vehicles,rust news,rust update,rust latest,rust vehicle news,shadowfrax,concept limbo,rust cars,rust car,cars in rust,modular cars,rust modular,rust modular cars,animal art,rust animals,rust bear,rust wolf
コメント (480)
✔️Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shadowfrax
✔️Twitch: http://bit.ly/1UkDhes
✔️Twitter: http://bit.ly/1QM3WQ7
✔️Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/shadowfrax
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✔️Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nCdLV8
✔️Store: https://teespring.com/stores/shadowfraxRust
Ah teleporting bears and ghost wolves. Good times…
new wolves attack thru car sides and while standing on top of vehicles. smh
Super exited for this update.
but will it ever happen?
We want this update we want that bear and wolf immiditly
7 months later, unfortunately they haven’t added the new animals yet.
When tf is the new animals coming out
the fact that it’s a 4:20 long video just add’s to the satistfication
I love when u say TEAM x)
I want to be able to take a wolf… as a solo player I could really use the help. Wolf pack leader!!!
Horses still can’t ducking jump!!!!
Murder beanbag lol
Add,sharks in sea:D
My prim gear is ruined by that headress
Hope the wolf headdress gets rework or some skins
Shadowfrax is a Monty python fan I guarantee it
Animal art is great, but what about the ai
Oh yea… i think HDRP soon.
Escape from tarkov is better
Wolfs running in packs of 8 XD
Do we really need smart bears? No. I like building a twig foundation and stabbing them with wood spears to death or luring them into water and stabbing them then walking backwards.
A smart bear (or wolf for that matter) might figure out how to climb my foundation and eat me. Wolf packs would be nice to see and perhaps some bears sleeping in caves that awake by proximity/noise.
I cant tell if “something big, and decidedly hairy” was a Harry Potter refrence, or if british ppl regularly use that phrasing.
Hadi inş yıllardır kurt diye sırtlanlarla savaşıyoruz lan
No more updates please. Soon I won’t even remember what game I’m playing.
Can you talk about console???
Then there is just the pig which never has any idea what is going on.
we need to tame bears
That moment when wolfes actually look like wolfes
Honestly, they have been doing a good job with adding new stuff and interesting things, cars, building, animals heli wooden wall wasn’t there suppose to be stuff with tea soon? I mean this game honestly brings better updates then most. Not saying it’s perfect
4:20 long and I love your videos frax
So every update they release makes the game unplayable for low spec gamers ffs
Eightborn moruq
They should add wolf pack ai
Make wolves just that little more interesting
Are these updates only for official servers or something cause I play on oblivion’s 3x and I haven’t seen anything new to the bears and there definetly aren’t any cars
all I want is rust to be more optimized
Stop changing the game so much just released it out to console and we can all experience it together
Any1 notice his voice at the beginning?
Great start to the video “this new murder beanbag”
weren’t there zombies im rust at one point or was just a fever dream from all the screaming children
you should be able to use bone frags and tame wolves like in minecraft
Thank god he just gives straight news and no bs.
Can’t wait for monthly map wipe.
So they went from black bears to Grizzlies… siiiick
Love the videos thank you for doing a good job! You make me laugh and i enjoy learning whats new to come. Well done
The triangle ladder hatch will be gaming changing. Especially for smaller bases
I think they need to fix the windows in the cars, there too open. You can easily die in one of those while driving and the only way too protect the driver is to get the armour version, basically there not really solo friendly in cost but also in protection
How about optimise the game better so I can get more than 50 frames. lmao
Well there goes my FPS….
I fist pumped when “team” occurred, it was an automatic reaction.
Can’t wait till they patch the toxic playerbase
Bears should be able to damage chainlink fencing to get to food
Hehe 4:20
any info on how the car decay works? will it decay alot slower when on the vehicle ramp or maybe it wont decay at all on it?
the wolves really need to come in packs like IRL to make them the true alpha predator they actually are. imagine wolfpacks being a serious threat due to numbers, getting hunted by 10-15 of them at once. there could also be wolf lairs where they respawn, giving players a chance to loot for leather and food as some kind of monument.
Please , don`t do it!!!!!
4:20 🙂
cars kinda ruin the game…
Love your vids your content is so enjoyable to watch “ITS SO FLUFFY”
Polar bears to balance snow zergs
I hope they make both brown and black bears
now all we need is to be able to tame a wolf
Now my fps will drop even more fighting bears
I play all games on ultra “destiny 2 , PUBG , Rainbow six siege , Ark survival “. Bu when it comes to Rust I get 45 FPS and when you try to talk to some one he will say “you have a 🥔 potato PC , even rust Devs so I have decided to delete RUST once and for ever
Their probably gonna realese it with the beta
love the brasseye reference
Dam i dont think my pc will be able render in the bear furcoat
Wait, nobody is talking about ladder hatches on triangle floors???? This is mAdNeSs
Yes thank you better graphics
whos a good boi?
yea youre
Shadowfrax i dont blame you as always because you are just only the messenger but when is the update when facepunch give us the option to play the good ol rust instead of this car,heli,electricity etc simulator?
Have to say a bear is the worst thing to upgrade, when I see one I userly enter panic mode and don’t have time to notice the quality of it’s fur
They really need to make the player models look like they are interacting the controls of vehicles like scrap helicopters and the new modular vehicles
Rust needs to add Fish,Sharks etc in the Water.
Leave RUST animals along. They are the best.
i love your random spots for updates lol
Yep cant wait to get jumped scared by a wolf and bear at the same time
Still misses the one click spear throw
I’m here for 0:41, 1:09 , 2:31 🙂
excellent, now the animals can kill me IN STYLE
I wanna pet’em! They’re so FLUFFY!!!
Welcome to Today’s episode of
*The Quarantine led me here* !
Good stuff. Y’all be safe.
Oh my, the animals look so much better :O
I just hope that i won’t lose my last 5 fps to those furs 🙁
Will the bear and wolf stil teleport and not run?
Whens console release Shadow? I don’t recall you saying you know nothing about it.
Hear me out. Tamable wolves and bears.
Rust used to be a cool game me and my mates used to play. But it became so big that you have to throw away your real life and sit day and night grinding
Teespring link doesn’t work! Thx for the update
I hope they add different colors as well for them! Like Polar bears in the snow, and Grizzly and Black bears in the other areas!! This is exciting small but cool af to see
Facepunch is loading rust with new things and updated things before it comes to console
So fluffy
Where’s rust on console at?
he looks soo flufffy <3
I want to be able to run away from wolves and bears while playing death grips
when the video is 4:20 long….. ah yes, perfection.
Did really no one said something about the length of this video smh…
Can anyone just think of how this guy interacts in real life? Just like… “HELLO my lady! You’re dress looks dashing! It would be a PLEASURE to treat you to a dinner tonight!”
My ram: Let me outtt. LET MEE OOUUUUUUUT
Wolf headdress remodel as well, MAYBE? PLEASE?
Wolves should travel in packs and both bears and wolfs should spawn in caves and roam instead of the beach
When is rust coming console?
Who needs to check Twitter when u can just watch shadowfrax
Yall remember when the mf bears and wolf’s had the cheeto dust skin
Any tips on where I could get rust for low price I’m kinda broke
I just have to put this here.
These animal models are 100 times better than the old ones
Does anyone know why horse don’t poop at all since wipe? I’ve had few horse that were fed for 4-6 hrs and I don’t see single poop anywhere. I’ve read new update fix poop exploiting. Did they stop poop altogether?
when are going to get RTX
Hope to god they don’t fix the animal AI. I’m the only solo dude who gets 2 bears a wild and pig in the first hour. Mostly work just spears. Don’t do it Facepunch.
Has anyone noticed how the video is 4:20 minutes long?
Yeah but the game needs more optimization I play at medium settings with i7 7700k 2070 super and my FPS is at a range of 50-80 FPS
No entiendo nada pero que piola los autos
nobody gonna talk about how long the video lol?
I just hope this comes out before I go off to college and never get to play again
team meme needs to stop, please come up with new jokes
If we have to buy helis will they last overnight in our bases?
Why make the bears look better when the AI could be improved? I’m not complaining on how they look, it’s just like polishing a shoe with holes in it.
Am I the only one excited about the selling of helis at bandit? Gamechanging
Please make Rust for console on ps4, I’ve seriously played what feels like every type of game in the world. I’m desperate for a new game.
wait,isnt bandit camp merged into outpost?
Teleporting bears! Teleporting bears! Teleporting bears! Teleporting bears! Teleporting bears! Teleporting bears!
Buff bears
EDIT: Bears irl are a lot faster, and could honestly take a bit more damage than they do now. I know the game is more of a pvp sandbox vs a survival game but if there’s gonna be animals at least make em more a part of gameplay.
I absolutely love seeing IT Crowd every time you talk about the TEAM, absolutely stellar
Facepunch Nerfed Horse Poo
(Now players are gonna hoard horses in greater #’s in their poo factories)
I like that model good
When the video ends and the screen goes black we’re all still waiting and expecting one last clip
hi shadowfrax love your videos,How do i change how often the horses poop on my server?
Wow, now when for some reason when facepunch hates me and gives me a spawn next two 3 bears I can get the *FULL* immersion
Any update on console
They should just combine the outpost and bandit and get rid of swamps all they do is kill Fps for people
Can’t wait for this on consol
Feel like it would be great if wolves would start growling once you near their aggro range.
I put waiting to the end for those hidden scenes up there with waiting through the credits after a Marvel movie
This is undoubtably my favourite rust channel, keep the good work going shadowfrax
The video is exactly 4:20 nice 👌
“mobels” – Shadowfrax 2020
They can’t just release these awesome reskin by keeping that dumb animal AI…I think…
Bear headdress please
that video time… nice
If they change how the wolf. Looks so will the wolf headdress
when ya smokin a doobskin and the length of the vid is 420
not teleport bears, but bring back noclip animals, have peeps revisit the old rule, dont sleep on the ground floor…
Rust update please put this in game .. see cctv cameras by your companion app..
Does this mean Wolf Headdresses will be getting reskinned as the wolf is now white/grey?
Getting ready for the ps5 rust release 🤣
Im not wrong, the intros are definently getting crazier… right?
If I get ran over by a car I will uninstall
Will the wolf head dress texture change
imagine if you could get more than 50fps whilst being near banditcamp…. FIX… remove fog plz or make a nodge in the menu that can turn on and off fog so for cinematic and what not.!!
Console player, checking in again..
Thanks for not acknowledging us again.
now we just need the wolves to run in a pack 😛
theyre retexturing the animals but leaving them with the retarded AI
makes sense.
Sneaking into a compound and lock picking a vehicle
When can we get a Wolf Rug and Boar Rug
SHADOWFRAX: *makes video 4:20 long
The whole rust community: *everyone liked that*
time to get eoka’d by a naked while buying a mini and have it stolen by his teammate
Daha kaliteli optimizasyon getirseniz ne olurdu rust fps düştü gittikçe
Bring back turret.
No more electric plz
“Murder bean bag” 😂😂😂😂😂
Yes because we need more polygons in the game and no better lag compensation or anything. My fricking 12 invalids in a row and my beast of a PC getting 5 FPS BS
400th comment
they shoul;d make wolfs be in packs of five
You should make a pet, but im being to picky now.I Dont play it but its realy nice
I love how they say its subject to change to tell a thick brain viewer, it might change.
Push mechanic for mini copter please. Thanks love Rickpenisenchant
What’s wrong with the wolfs mouth?
Could we focus on optimization next patch please.
Hi Shadowfrax, can you tell me when you will be doing a new series of “Come Dine with Me”?
4:20 minutes, noice
When does this update release?
thanks for you’re updates I always enjoy them.
So will the vehicle keys be an item that you carry or just key access like with keylocks? Good to know in case you want to steal someones ride after a raid or something.
Thanks Frax! Love all your videos, your the best spot to get all the rust news I need. Bless you.
When’s it coming to console
Is dat een pluiskoe
Why do you make it so hard to predict where the camera is gonna stop dude 🙁 Its been years and i havent got it once
And they still won’t update people killing you in bandit then telling their friend to loot you?
Priorities: Fix couch’s at bandit camp instead of the 2 doorways at airfield main building that stop players invisibly from getting into building. The New bear & wolf do look good.
The team bit consistency is comforting in these times of turmoil.
420 time video lol
What about minigub?
Wolves should howl
Great, even less frames
This actually makes me excited to see what the new wolf headdress will look like
I love the horse taking a dump shot lol
Yay, the volibear Update xD
can you put a car in a scappheli?
I kinda hope they change animal AI. Like having wolves travel in packs, and bears being more defensive than offensive. This would require more animals I think but I think it’d be cool.
did they lower the pumpkin healing? it taste lower.
Now they can scale cliffs and kill me in HD!
I always thought the bears looked like they had down syndrome.
Trust me look it up, you’ll not regret it
I like the time of the video
Coyotes for the Desert biomes, the spray can that you showed a while ago to paint the plywood inside metal walls
Rust AI was better in 2015.
That new bear looks sick, I hope the fur interacts instead of being static. Wolf looks mean too, finally the animals seem to suit the game!
I love “the TEAM!!” 👀 it makes me laugh every time
the image of the pile of wolf corpses made me feel good. i need to take a break from rust, man…
Hope the Wolf headdress changes to match. Would love Bear and Boar headdress too.
grandtheftrust already has the keys update (its a server in rust)
Heli vendor? Now I dont have to look all over the streets to find a minicopter, worrying that an eoka kid will jump me. Pog.
I figured they would have learned their lesson from the key locks. Are we really going to go through the whole process again for cars?..like come on man.
Can someone explain the team thing to me
I made video about my ZOO base on PvE server, I guess it was too early xD
You make it 4:20 so often! I DONT THINK ITS RANDOM
You can loot horses through bulletproof glass.. just fyi 🙂
Still waiting for the intro trumpet author
Can they change the sheet metal back?
why not just have a codelock? in stead of a key. that way people who dont have the code cant access loot without destroying it first
The Wolf looks great. An the game could use some craftable sofas
when can we breed wolves to create guard dogs or attack dogs.
Yea im staying in at night.
I’ll be so sad if the TEAM joke fades away
omg they are going to make wolves actually look like one instead of a wild dog
4,20 minutes. Nice.
When do yall think rust will come to xbox
what if someone steal your car key and run away, can you do something with the car then? or do you have to leave it there and fine a new one?
hopefully they update the animal animations soon too..
by someone who has actually seen the animals move before would be nice lol
Like that idea with howling wolves around the area
How much Fps will this take off
cutting edge animal ai
Hearing Howls in the Distance would be pretty cool to the backround noise
It would be amazing if you could steal the bandit heli and they’ll send a attack party. That would start heading for the base of the thief and try to get payment through smashing there kneecaps in
maybe they should fix the hit box of animals.
lol my mother came in my room while I was watching this vid and said “i like that bears fur”
4:20 nice
I was actually thinking about Bandit heli vendor the other day, had never heard anything of it and suddenly it is here.
They need to add sharks to the water and gators to the swamps.
Awesome let’s work on sitting on sofa’s that nobody ever sits on. Meanwhile, FPS still sucks for most players. But Rust needs to make hair for bears. Priorities suck at facepunch.
Now I wish you could tranquilize and tame a bear or wolf for their fluffiness and emotional support. It would be cool if you could use the tranquilizer on people too.
your most famous words have to be “SUBJECT TO CHANGE”
it was indeed so fluffy
Tame animals.
I Wound find it Fire if the wolfs Moved in Packs in th e Woods anyone els e?
Rocket League on Rust <3
I would love to see big cats and other deadly creatures added to the game. Maybe even a T-Rex or something to that nature.
so nothing
just had a conversation with my trio about how nice it would be to buy a heli
4:20 the perfect number, yez
We need to make our own couches not just to be able to mount on random one xD
The new wolf definitely looks a lot better than the current one. The current wolf is basically an aggressive dog
Holy what its real
Rust has come a long way
i wish we could make the wolves pets somehow. SO CUTEEE
aww there so cute, at least I can say’ “awww so fwuffy cutty wutty” as my last words
The ramps are no good my horse gets stuck on them
Jay is gay
nice vid duarion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
fix animals behavior and movement and AI make it more realistic 💁🏼♀️
idea:if there’s a car lift in your base then you should be able to use both keys made from your tc and exclusive car keys
i think i just came, thanks
They should allow you to make windows and put them in your car window slots for a bit more armour
Subject to chaaaaaaaaaaange
yea yea ok ok but when bear headress?
What about wolf head dress??
0:53 made me laugh so hard idk why
need skin for bed XD
What? They were wolves not hellhounds?
Wouldn’t be cool for wolves to spawn into group of 6-7? Or maybe they shall be able to howl and call for backup!
Also have them to live in dense forests and not on a desert shoreline!
Can you do podcasts or audiobooks because(no homo bc that would be weird) your voice is very cash money.
fluffy boi
I love the bear and wolf update they should do all the animals while they are at it
4:20 …. the best videos last that long!
Please don’t tell me that we are taming those wild beasts in future. I’m addicted to this game enough.
I want legacy wolves back
our rigs won’t survive the graphics overhaul, but man does it look cool
I want console edition
The wolf is pretty sweet…Howls would be awesome.
Bears used to be terrifying back when they had super powers. Scariest thing on the server by far. Now they may as well be cows. Any chance we could have them buffed a little to make them more scary again? Pleeeeeeaaaasssseee? 🙂
Maybe the keys on cars could be the same as on doors. This way code lock cars are a thing
They haven’t done a commit for console in 8 days
I always thought that was a Dog…
*Gets mauled The Revenant style*
Solo players should be allowed to take wolves
Yes! I need to be able to buy helicopters because I’ve been around the entire 5k ring road about 6 times and couldn’t find a single Heli. Considering there’s only 24 at any given time that would be something amazing because I love flying the mini or scrap.
How does he get this info
I want the bear to be realistic and ragdoll me around so basically like in real life you would have to kill it before it can grab you. Or maybe make an alpha bear that would do that.
I think you should update the sound of wolves when howling at night!! :))))
What time is the update??
The heli vender is probably because they said helps wont spawn on roads soon and u have to get them a diff way
Man those new animal models looks great. I’m very impressed with the team.
u will get that juicy 1m subs soon m8 cuz ur content is so pro created keep it up
my pc can barely run rust as it is please no
“Murder bean bag” lmao
when they add cars they should add a chain like thing for scrap helis so they can carry cars,the best example i could give is like the cargobob from gta,i know it would be difficult but it would be very cool to use that capabulity in rust.
Do ah dos so fluffy
The Keys Is Cool Because there will be ne stealings like with mini coppter
This is all great, but we didn’t ask for Oil rig to be op and give clans an ak not even an hour into wipe
I love your videos shadow frax keep up the good work
more optimization please CUKAAAA
From black bear to brown bear and from coyote to wolf. Interesting.
i knew they were changing rust again
Please let the “team” meme go
I dont have any sound
After keys can they put some form of horse taming in so people cant steal your equine friends?
So im wondering about the cars. do you think they will have spawn amount limits, if so larger clans could horde all the cars from the common folk yeah? more of a problem for the 2 week and 4 week wipe servers.
Id love to see the animals get a COMPLETE rework.. More sounds, Better smarter AI, Better animations… But i guess time will tell what FP decides to do with that. The new textures look great so far though.
More like water bears
Im getting sick of the team meme
Why would the devs put energy on unwanted sofas instead of real game-breaking stuff???
My birthday is tommorow, I’d love it if you would reply to my message 🙂 love ya from Israel.
Wow but i stil playing with potato so it doesnt count
It looks so good
Ha ha 4:20 lol.
They should just add horse skins to the steam market🤷🏽
When does they optimaze rust
I hope they allow u to tame the wolf and keep it as a pet it won’t do much but it can roam with you and maybe attack other players ? Would be helpful for a solo
Bruh the intro made me rotate my phone
pretty sad you didn’t mention the hint of a summer DLC in the commits.
bring back the bears that glitch through your base and raid you.
Idk, I like the new look. But I really like the old bear too
wait so cars are in staging branch again??????
The new animal arts are so cute! I can’t kill them.
Can other players just destroy player vehicles with high velo rockets? they’re really cheap and common so it’ll suck if you spend hours creating a car only for some nerd to delete it for the cost of 200sulfur xD
Just add codelocks to the cars
What ever happened to the slot machines being added to bandit?
now i can be chased by wolfs and bears in style
is there any news about the minigun? still waiting on that
When’s rust coming to Xbox
Return of the Drop Bear! Fluffy Edition!
I really hope they do work on AI next.
I hope they soon allow u to catch them so u can make animal traps for those unfortunate to be to close to your base
When the video is 4:20
Love the new models and editing style! Keep it up
Yes, more detailed animals! One more thing to lower my fps.
I want them ninjabears back. good old times when u were on an open field with no animals in sight and all of a sudden u get slapped from behinde
Hopefully a code lock will also be added to the vehicles.
I always love the way you speak😂🔥
They should optimize bandit camp, it’s dropping my fps
the bandit camp is gonna be even more laggy,wonderful;))
4:20 haha funny weed number
so when is HDRP coming ?
When cars come our Rust is over. . . imagine a WHOLE CLAN in a ARMORED Car with M24 and L96 . . . GAME RUINED for Solos . . .
Im still waiting for a lift. That you can craft to quickly access high towers etc.
. . . WAY TO MANY CHAD CLANS . . .Ruins the ENTIRE game
I’m so glad the wolves actually look like wolves now
they need to change the animal AI as well as the gfx.
Be good if like when it showd the boars at the end if snimals did move in groups
Nice length
murder bean bag aaahahahahahahaaaaa
Does this mean wolf head dresses will look different as well
Pls do the old intro sound Shadowfrax
They should add a Bigfoot roaming at night
Solid content!!
if u watched the 4:15 part ur a legend
What im surprised about is FacePunch still hasnt clearified if I abosolutely need to research triangle ladder hatch to get it or if they’re going to unlock it for people who already have the regular ladder hatch BP
Now They’re Taking Notes From R* With The Animal Detail
We need more animal that kills us
It’s so gorgeous I don’t wanna kill it
Yet thats sounds good
I’m dissapointed. I didnt see any new IT crowd throwbacks in there. TEAM.
love your intro’s. once forgot your channel name but remembered the intro so thats what brought me back. good job on your intro!
Now I actually feel bad killing a wolf, knowing they look so f**king cool. When’s the tame option coming?
We havent heard news on the modular weapons in more than half a year…
Tbh all i’m hyped for is running over nakeds
Can’t wait for the new fluffy murder-beanbag.
Now I have a motive to run away from wolves rather than thinking I can slink by because they look like well cooked marshmallows
I wonder if they would add a way to break or pick a lock if given enough time to tinker with it. The fallout mechanic springs to mind initially but you don’t want anything too easy as it would t give you enough time to counter. It could also perhaps link to wooden door locks to add a different dimension to raiding
Last time I was This Early Hazmat Came By
This is actually the second time they released a better bear, is this one sticking around this time?
Hey Mr Arun
will the console release be on current or next gen?
So the pie update has been abandoned?
Sees a bear, it’s so fluffy I’m going to die!
When I saw the wolf I didnt believe it is rust
Can we appreciate 0:24 cause he deserves more recognition for this, ( it’s a pun), idk if it’s intentional.
Just me, or would having a bear to roam with you be amazing. Yes, i want to train the bears! Store loot on them like a donkey. Maybe even ride them lol. Probably just me huh 😋
I swear the SUBJECT TO CHANGE gets more intense as time goes on
I make it a personal goal of mine to try to figure out what the clip will be at the very end and I’m proud to say I guessed it right with “insefibinck, SO FLUFFY!”
sweet, at least when all the animals pool up on the same coast, they’ll look good.
I remember seeing a wolf for the first time in Rust, yelling “PUPPY!” and then promptly getting mauled.
Stop saying team like that. It’s very irritating.
All this technology and no hands on the steering wheel when in first person
Facepunch? More like facepalm🤦🏻♂️
so fluffy so cute i wanna hug it but it’ll kill me 🙁
Would like to see “pack”behaviour with Wolfs boars and deer
finally we can sit on all sofas in bandit! GREAT!
Omg I love the new models.
I’m sure they will update the wild boar as well.
hi shadowfraxXx
Nooo dont change the buggy bear. He’s perfect. Clipping through walls, spazzing around.
He was the bane of nakeds. Players would sit in their sleeping bags awake at night, hoping that the bear outside didnt get a wiff of their scent and *bhop through their stone wall*
i want war bears
Uh u uhh So fluffy
First dislike
Thanks for always making these vids, even where there’s not much stuff to cover. You the real MVP Mr. frax
Hehe boi . 4:20 minutes long
4:20 video length….. NICE!
Watching you since 2017
Always Excited For New Rust News From You >:3
yo the video isnt showing on the channel. a friend had to send me the link so I could see it.
This is epic !
Great, a more clear image of the bear next to my spawn on the beach to haunt my dreams.
I was here at 16 seconds and 0 views so im first.
The video 4:20 lol
4:20 minutes long heck yeah
Papa frax
awesome! 😀
4:20 GOOD JOB shadowfrax
Now the wolf doesnt look like a slightly better render of the Minecraft dog
last time i was this early arrows took 30 sec to craft
4:20, nice
Still think you sound like Matt Berry sometimes XD
woah i am eaarly lmao also 4:20 video XD
Can’t wait to be mauled to death by the new bear..
I love the update videos because they are so cool and helpful
Best vidéo ever!
The intro made my lunch revisit me
That bear looks sweet!
I love you man
4mins 20 secs long
I saw this during my poppy time
Shadowfrax at it again with the amazing updates
Hey first viewer here give me your money
Can’ wait for HDRP tbh, it’ll bring me back to solo play
The beginning of a new age
Soo, no pies today?
When the vid be 4:20 long :dabs:
Love ya shadow. I know youre refreshing your comments
First like😉
And first ofcourse
1 st
yay 🙂
love it
Already know this is gonna be good!
Farting monkeys in rust when
Cant wait for rust console!
Love the content
I was sitting on yt wonder what to watch thanks!
First u guess