The Shipping Container Skin is Kinda Pay to Win in Rust! [PATCHED]


The new shipping container building skin DLC not only looks pretty awesome, it also features some size changes that can have a meaningful functional impact. Most notable is that is allows several deployable placements that are otherwise tough or impossible. It can even allow for 24 electric furnaces in a 1×1.
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Thanks to @konradwithak6940 for pointing out the size differences to me!

Taqs:rust,rust building,rust dlc,rust pay to win,rust pay2win,rust shipping container,rust shipping container dlc,rust building skin,rust base skin,rust electric furnaces,rust 24 electric furances,rust skins,rust building skins,rust game,rust tips,rust info,rust shipping container skin


  • コメント (187)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @sigbog
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    unfortunately it looks like FP patched it so walls are no longer as thin as they look. They’re visually just as thin but there’s a small amount of space that’s unusable 🙁

    • @511stunnaaa
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    The thing is it’s wayyyy overpriced fcking $20+ aud for a building skin💀

    • @firecrusades3397
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    do you know what this means? rust pixel art!!

    • @iCortex1
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I was on a build server the other day just checking if this still worked – when I asked in chat people got hella mad at me for even suggesting it was possible lmfao

    • @Rundik
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    The most annoying thing here is that they are calling it a skin to fool the players that the game is not actually pay to win

    • @Think666_
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Damage also bleeds trough it… so…

    • @Miko_of_the_North
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    What has been patched?

    • @funny-guppy-gaming
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    as for the slit in the roof, try using a slightly raised floor piece to make it a very hard to counter peekdown.

    • @y_zass
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    So you also have to buy the spray can?

    • @bleo8371
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    So guy joining server with skins will have same progress as someone without skins?.. glowing doors make you running trough night, glowing boxes help you collect and manage storage during night. . camo gear makes you almost invisible. . well well well.. i like how it makes game more colorfull. . but who enjoys rust in 23? everything is focused on teams and zergs.. you play vanila and you running trough autoturret compounds having tower for all time online kid with L9. . and its rust experience now… Somehow they bring more skins but game losing fun anyway.. instead of skins bring something gamebreaking ! like no sleeping bags or just one sleeping bag… update reducing for 15 its pretty usless.. . also nerf meds and slow down players if they got hit some body parts… like in DayZ, gor hit in to leg? well you must crowl around make splint and heal leg… Rust? team running getting hit not care solo shoot target 7 x with 5.56 not dropping anyone spray back dead… all Rust pvp is such a trash.. game is funny only for basebuilding and having fun building playing… but pvp real nonsense.. you have no bps even you try to get them all wipe is not enough time, team having all in one day.. total nonsense.. Game made for teams is such a bad move.. but yeah they like kids buying skins so they need more people and this is way how they lure new players… they focuse on you kids and you will bring new target… Hate game for this.. but its only one thing i hate PVP… total crap invalide projectyles, people spamming meds, using bags for comeback.. sad sad sad .!.

    • @grimekitty3381
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Rust is pay to win, but only on the margins, like 2% efficacy or something. This is perfect, as it encourages establised players to keep buying the DLC’s, but at the same time it doesn’t penalise newbies too much, who don’t have them.

    • @septdre
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Can you reskin metal builds? Like I have a base up all metal and want to buy this, will I be able to just paint them?

    • @_loxymore_
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Why though ??? Like ok it’s a skin so it should obviously change the appereance but why would they also change the hitbox, it seems like such an easy thing

    • @8acteria
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I can’t place, a big gap appears

    • @johnny666
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I feel like this has been patched not sure?

    • @yoandeuxmille
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    when u do à Airlock with 2 single door + triangle u can easy put a Locker with the new skin

    • @pshaw951
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    When are you going to do some “welcome to rust” wipe adventures? Great content otherwise. Thanks for the quality content!

    • @halleffect5439
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    On an official server. One whole forest is full with this camo greenish walls and there are hidden turrets in it. I even cant see them.

    • @ShacolateClown
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    When i was around 60 hours or something i saw like a gun floating through the snow. Me being curious i ran after it just to spot a guy in full white out clothing xD

    • @commanderfoxtrot
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    There’s a lot of stuff going into Rust now that is, in fact, quite pay-to-win.

    • @cram1nblaze
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    wish they would add more variation in the patter so it doesn’t look so copy/pasted. want to like it but kinda looks like shit

    • @CrowRust
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Just found out you can put a vending machine in honeycomb.

    • @henkvanderwath4405
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Can you hide a base well with the grey paint between the rocks?

    • @lukk4848
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    wow another pay to win, who could have guessed…

    • @jakkonarr
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Hey, dude, who did you get to do your channel banner? I’d love to update mine with something similar in style.

    • @escapetarkov3838
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Want to get it for the p2w aspects, but i’m ngl, that skin be straight busted looking.

    • @maxpav6658
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I would rather have none of this then use this hideous skin

    • @Tenmo8life
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Not like Rust hasnt hade PAY TO WIN skins before?
    Say hello to SnowRadsuit

    • @sweetcorn1936
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Nothing bad here

    • @lanlen7841
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    same with so many door skins, etc.

    • @blysh
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    The fact that the devs decided to change the hitboxes on any of these skins is crazy to me, the skins would be perfectly fine if they just kept the same hitboxes.

    • @seoul9149
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I don’t even play rust but amount of videos that I saw about this problem is incredible

    • @Vlix223
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    really struggling to place 4 in a row, how did you do it?

    • @mysteryunknown1139
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    actually fucked

    • @beckhydda
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    it’s so funny seeing rust players cope by talking about how games and developers make their games pay to win and pretending like rust isn’t the only main stream game (besides apex but that is debatable) that has consistent pay to win features

    • @murphplaya
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I mean with them removing the command that makes all skinned items appear as default and the arctic hazzy just being blatantly pay to win, it shows the intentions of facepunch currently. Shit is sad, pre-underwater labs rust was the best rust we ever had.

    • @Erbmon
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I’m currius about the adobe skins too, i have not tested myself but whats the deal whit the wooden post coming out? can you step on them?

    • @gumenski
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Facepunch has been “accidentally” adding pay-to-win items in the game for years. The trick is to make the advantage obscure and also making it look like an accident, and wa-la.. everyone buys it.

    • @franciswightman8407
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Love you sleth
    Great vid as all ways

    • @skwillywilly
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Well I guess Rust Console has something on PC Rust now 😂 No pay to win skins.

    • @SergiuYojja
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Slowly becoming pay to win

    • @typicalhog
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am


    • @Snootch
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Too bad this shit only lasts like 10 minutes while you’re getting zerg offline raided by shitters. Rust needs a serious raiding overhaul. It is way too easy to raid people now.

    • @colinpearson7584
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    considering only chads would use this kinda of thing… and they usually run in zergs with huge bases, and only other zergs would dare take them on 90% of the time… i dont see it as a big deal…

    also considering if a solo/duo use this, their base is just gonna be drilled out like a horny anime waifu by a zerg, it makes the whole thing meh…

    also to the arguments or arctic suits or other items which are “DLC” just play a slightly modded server where they sell them in a /shop or something, plenty of them out there

    • @tugathenewbie2331
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    So bad …. They want destroy old rust 😢😢😢

    • @ArmoredStone
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Didn’t even mention the fact that they can be used as camouflage lol

    • @gott2518
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    This skin shouldn’t change hitboxes

    • @Lynnmockk
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    just use tons of furnaces, best raid defense, frfr,

    • @revik2364
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    try 4 square roofs like for a raidbase and try to peek over it. There’s a convenient hole in the center because its unreasonably hard to peek over because of the lip of the roof, so no more head glitch you have to expose your whole body. BUT they added a hole in the lip that you can snipe out of VERY EASILY. And it’s damn near impossible for anyone to shoot back at you thru that hole.

    • @justinortiz3399
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    these walls are bugged and are pay to lose lol look it up

    • @jrmartinez1354
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    God bless

    • @budsatawny
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Nicely done🙂

    • @ItzGilbert
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    This video made me buy it

    • @Shivex977
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Yo @aloneintokyo checkout 01:18 if case you haven’t noticed this before

    • @shadow392
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    For the last part of the video. Have you tried putting a stone barricade and see if you can use the gap still?

    • @Zman555
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Check out the gaps you get when you put windows on em

    • @radosavaleksic6685
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    rockets splash through them, please pin or edit your video

    • @Heisentheonly
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    That’s not pay to win, but that’s what you get for paying 10 €.

    • @KSmightymouse
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    the great n word wall of rust

    • @thesuperPAD
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    so lame that its pay 2 win

    • @tady5720
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    This company already makes bank because of their shit anti cheat, they know their consoomers will buy everything they put out

    • @christost7968
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Man, all those information we get about the game from your channel… You are the best 👏

    • @fifthhorseman1632
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I doubt this was intentional tho tbh but ty for letting us know

    • @imsolucky-_-
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am


    • @Trollioli
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Jeez I remember way back when Rad wolves and bears dropped BPs, who knew Rust would still be going so strong?

    • @seebass.
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Couldnt you build some sort of wallstack for the last and make it an insane peek?

    • @JoaoBatista-yq4ml
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    The arctic hazmat is still 10x worse than this in terms of pay to win. They could have fixed it in many different ways, but they choose not to, probably because way less people would buy that skin

    • @tobycat5799
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I still think artic suit is the biggest pay to win this game has ever released…
    Every wipe i have to call in some random from global to reskin for me

    • @JDAlwaysWorkin
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I noticed the skin doesn’t let me access my horizontal pixel gaps. Unless I switch one halfwall back to regular sheet..

    • @romine__6285
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    new meta

    • @m-2718
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Also forgot to talk about the camouflage potentail

    • @KarmaChameleon3029
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Rust has been p2w ever since it became popular on twitch.

    • @mostdread4386
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    rockets splash through them too very pay to win!

    • @matejkuka797
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    omg i can do four boxes with campfire ? what a gamechanger 😀 😀 man thanks for info i buy this dlc absolutely

    • @wubnoxious
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    jeez twist my arm why dont you fine I’ll buy it

    • @XCI5ION
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I am extremely disappointed after buying that the floor tiles are inside out and you can’t rotate them. So if you bought this to make a sea can looking base or storage it looks stupid because the soft side of the floor tile looks like the hard side. When you look at it from thr outside it’s terrible unless you use roof tiles. The fact you can’t rotate it either doesn’t make any sense.

    • @BloodyIron
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am


    • @DaLoneGuy
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    change metal to have the same properties and i will be happy

    • @Johnpdf
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Hehe i bought it

    • @greedythegoon8607
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Are we going to consider this “broken and overpowered then”?
    And do you guys think this should be changed?
    Rust already kinda has some pay to win skins if you think about it, considering the recent update where you must view the item as it is skinned and there is no way to toggle skins off. That being said, camouflaging with bought skins is 100% a thing, but could one also consider that pay to win?

    • @Bullminator
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Would tinner walls make explosions able to hit something like bunker twig inside?

    • @kkbo6769
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    This Game🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @FOGamer.
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Imagine buying the game back in 2013 just to see it become another gacha micro-transaction game, at first there were no skins and then in 2015 they introduced the skin update, then they introduced cosmetic DLCs in 2019 and now since 2022 with the Artic pack they are selling content as a skin and calling it an “update”. “You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain”. Plato was right all along, eventually everything in this world become corrupted, physically and metaphorically.

    • @mandavaler
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Oh god those roof pieces make turret placements shoot through pixel gaps nooooo 😂😂😂

    • @William03182
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Saw this exact thing coming a mile away

    • @PH1LZ
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    24 furnaces in a 1×1 is pretty bonkers, I love it 😂

    • @particularindividual4552
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    You’re doing Gods work

    • @funkenshrumn
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    delete this rn lmao

    • @lennart266
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Same with white and green camo skins, rust has made it hard to turn skins off and I think they did it on purpose.

    • @josephkyd3648
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Always fun to watch kids cry about skins supposedly being pay to win… if you aren’t getting along in the game that’s skill based well that sums it up right there. Let me know when they sell a skin that changes the HP level of the walls I’ll jump on the ptw bandwagon at that point

    • @BidenIsaPedo123
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Low T reddit cuck paypigs be like “JUST BUY IT BUY THE PIXELS PLEASE”, no.

    • @CoDroStyleHD
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Ooft, Noticeably thinner, hides bunkers, that’s actually pretty broken.

    • @buschlightdude
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Every game is ptw now. Boycotting online.

    • @emil1376
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    well those tiny peakdowns are gonna be a fucking nightmare to raid against.

    • @f1nkk11
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Is there any way Facepunch might patch this or is it worth buying the skin?

    • @zeewave
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    maybe you could splash rockets through the walls seeing how their thinner

    • @AAdamOnTV
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Next update: the invisible armored wall skin

    • @PsychoticAmbitions
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I already paid, when do I win?

    • @r_4419
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    the 24 elec furnaces in kinda broke ngl

    • @yuriys5642
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    You can cammo your base better at least in the green forest

    • @murrethmedia
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Does Facepunch not think about this shit, or do they just not care?

    • @erdoganengin1153
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    this rust items for last several years has been disgusting its cool alright but so much game changer payto win shit, cannot enjoy skins u like with out seeing the pay to win skins u dont wanna see. like Y this shit even exist there is no reason this thing to be this way no reason jsut change the texture and but keepit same lenght wight like, i dont play rust much but my friend plays it alot and i just woulndt play this game jsut for this bullshit, u wanna make money? get better do it correctly rather than making shit pay to win.

    • @es0x
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    It’s fourteen dollars. Stop crying about pay to win. You had to pay 50$ just to play the game. These changes don’t mean shit to gameplay

    • @bear532
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    One more exploit with this skin: If you make a small horizontal pixel gap as shown by gamerlightz. The one where you can’t upgrade it past metal otherwise it’s impossible to loot from as hqm. Well if you change it (one of the metal halfwalls) to the shipping container skin, it’s impossible to not only loot, but also shoot even if you’re at the correct height.

    • @Sidaik
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    this is gunna get patched

    • @charliewillis261
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Pressure plates blend in way better

    • @PikaBolaChan
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    i was actually so surprised when i built my usual base with a roof inside to get to the second floor, usually it sticks out and gives away that info by looking from outside, but i like how it doesn’t now with this skin

    • @nofu2334
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I think they do it on purpose for sure

    • @callmecostco8808
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am


    • @inutero3516
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    i dont understand why its so hard for them to add a simple texture instead of making an entirely new model , especially one that is flawed…

    • @oROBBIEo
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Quit crying and buy the damn skins. Rust has been out forever and has continued to get better and better.

    • @TheMIghtyDago
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Lots of upset people 😂

    • @nickkiosk5513
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    yea this will be patched so fast

    • @talonblackwelder7438
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I sure as hell wouldn’t be complaining if I blew into a room that had a couple more boxes squeezed into it😂😂

    • @Isolde.
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I hope, instead of making shipping container walls as shit as metal walls, they just make sheet metal ones as good as shipping container ones. Or uniform them all in size and hitbox so that everything, including stone and armored, have the same size and shape. The visuals don’t have to change at all, just make the actual hitboxes identical. Don’t know why there’s differences between materials in the first place. Everything should just be made uniform with stone, or with shipping container. It makes no sense that you upgrade from stone to metal but lose functionality.

    • @Lehtiwibi
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Couldn’t you make a wallstacked (multi-tc gap) floor or floorframe for the roof-piece 😱 would be absolutely insane peeks

    • @Aiiphaton
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    what happens after you place the deployabels and change back to normal sheet metal after it? so you can avoid the existing splash bug people talk about

    • @00brin
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    wow almost worth the cash

    • @nordee_moto
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Clickbait title. Clickbait content.

    • @johnnyapplea617
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Great vid ❤

    • @azder4140
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Can you pin a comment saying it’s fixed if for somehow it gets fixed? Because I’m abusing this shit for sure

    • @michaelfomenko1563
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Thats good to know but kinda baffling how this shit happens… like don’t they have dimensions figured for these things? Wouldn’t it be pretty easy to design them with the same spacial parameters as the existing? Hell even beyond just this skin, like why the fuck does rotating stone walls even make a difference, and why is there any spacial difference in any of the wall building blocks in the first place?!

    • @baron946
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    you should explore the camouflage potential. i.e. which colours work best in which environments? Or, are there places on the map where a “shipping container” might look like it’s supposed to be there?

    • @spk._
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    the diagonal roof has an edge that prevents you from falling down when running up your roof

    • @martinszymanski2607
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    this comment section has single-handedly convinced me that the rust community is collectively dumb and toxic enough to allow facepunch to make the game more and more p2w over time without the players doing anything about it.
    people are complaining about how shitty paying for an advantage is – and look at all of the clowns in the replies telling them to “stop crying and pay up”. do you _like_ having to pay money to stay competitive in a game you play? it’s such a retarded take it genuinely confuses me.

    • @waffle8364
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    yeah but it’s got a bug when raiding

    • @funky555
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    p2w doesnt mean “any payment that can result in an advantage” this is literally the smallest advantage in the world

    • @Ninonaur
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    everyone complianing about p2w bro they have to get payed somehow 💀

    • @TuriGamer
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Cant wait till we have 3 skins for every building tier and it becomes utterly impossible to tell what tier a wall is until you walk up to it and give it a lick

    • @alexgfordy2162
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    pay to win lol

    • @ByteofLifestyle
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Arctic hazzy is also just pay-to-win. You can pay to be able to reskin a normal hazzy whenever you want to survive the cold when some other players might’ve died.

    • @suspiciousbgl1994
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I think Rust is making this a cash grab, 13.99 for a wall skin!? That’s ridiculous, they need to put all wall skins in a pack for 12.99. Like if you agree.

    • @Dremaus1911
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    you can upgrade them during a raid back to its original skin to instantly heal them

    • @meyr1992
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    and they even made it so you cant disable other people’s skins to “level the playing field” they said

    • @h4n5i
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    the stoneroofs have that too, but to be hoinest, that means less roof exploits( the dreaded halfwall stair roof trap is impossible with them for example, certain push bunkers relying on the thicker lip don’t work anymore as well[ well pay to qol maybe, making the pushing obsolete but leaving the open bunker intact for a very low cost{last wipes cost would be a nerf i consider killing the pay to qol aspect}]), and you can use spiral staircase with a roof on the other side of the wall. the lower profile will still let you pass to reach the top. the slit is doable with a wooden floor, garage doors, and in those your head is covered.

    the thinner profile making 24 furnace room possible might get patched, then again it also is just a trowback to times where placement wasn’t a pain in the ass, but yeah if it stays that way, i’d consider it pay to win, and i usually don’t because newmen simply don’t understand that the arctic suit isn’t as great as they make it out to be( better sets at lower cost found faster, sets you can replace piece by piece with better protection outplay the “advantage” completely)

    • @DyllonMcDonald68
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Well what did you expect.

    • @Bigwes13
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Shit I don’t even have the skin but who cares, just cause my neighbor can place 1 extra furnace doesn’t mean imma be going out my way to complain about the update. They’re sticking with the realistic part of it which means thinner wall, (like on an actual shipping container) which gives more room, like imagine they add invisible walls to the inside walls of container to make them thiker would be complete bs.

    • @sibbyspectan9800
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    yeepp blue underwater
    >:D immortalllllll

    • @TheBrothersCompound
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Please make a video from start to finish. I only got the 4 furnaces to work once. Idk what im doign wrong.

    • @manos2729
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Im still trying to figure why placing 24 electric furnaces inside a 1×1 is pay to win. And also who the fck is going to bother doing all this stuff.

    • @yakksolo
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    if you need this for pay to win you must suck at rust

    • @sudiiskevvejfkdbs
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I hate that this is a thing. Really hope they will make it equal. I also saw a clip with the adobe roof giving you a peek that would not be possible with a normal stone roof because the normal one was slightly longer. Things like that should never be a thing in my opinion but I kinda doubt that they will adress and change this

    • @rhettorical
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I personally think it should be the default metal tier skin, but that’s just because I’ve always hated the default Sheet Metal, especially back in the day where there were gaps you could see through. I figured this was just going to be talking about how camouflage-able the skin is, but I had no idea about all the other stuff.

    • @dvrsst
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Yeah i knew it had more room i was placing the 4 boxes in one room and its not so annoying to try and pickup the box to realign anymore with the skin

    • @Misterscout
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Really pushing it calling it pay to win. More like convenience.

    • @JupiterCrusher
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    nice stolen content

    • @TS-mf6ff
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    idk what to think about it, i can understand they need to make some money, but they always do this shit so you gain slighty more advantage than others, at some point this game will get p2w sooner or later if there add more and more stuff

    • @katielynn4124
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Harbor will be the new metal for being lowkey lol

    • @Anathema69420
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Good, glad I bought it..I’m complete SHIT at deployable placements

    • @G_baby710
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Am I only one that dosent see this as pay to win at all? So you can place boxes easier and roof pieces make it less annoying for deployable placement ? How is that pay to win , dosent seem like a competitive advantage in anyway ? Maybe I’m missing the point?

    • @deepsixoff
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Pay to Win

    • @happy-bb4ne
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    When weren’t rust dlcs pay to win

    • @brandonthompson4616
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I personally like it. I think we will all be pleased to find that some players will find creative uses of a feature that now gives us a color pallet we have full control over instead the boring wood, stone (or adobe), sheet metal, or armored bases.

    • @VTrucker777
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    All the peek hole doors
    And the doors looks like wall is pay to win

    • @sootynemm
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    if it costs $20 it better fuckin be pay to win lmao

    • @MrCarl-fq6nf
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    I discovered another glitch

    • @musicman7935
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    It hurts no one. It might make some broke people jealous. That’s about it..

    • @aim6776
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    u can splash another wall with rockets behind the one u shooting if it has this skin and is on triangle foundation

    • @ABChibi
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    tell me you’re poor without telling me ur poor. LMAO

    • @ObeIus
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    They either need to update the default skin to match the new skins or make the new skins match the default skins hitbox.

    • @professor4903
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Ive been kinda annoyed with the new updates since recoil

    • @andremartins2275
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    pixel bunkers dont work with the skin, at least some of them

    • @maccheese8351
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    what a joke of a game

    • @chiimp
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    This and arctic suit is just making this game annoying.

    • @youngdonald4109
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    the adobe walls are the same

    • @Diabeetus6969
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    just another update for the devs’ excuse to make rust pay to win. games not gonna last much longer, goodbye rust

    • @mapu1
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Why do developers think that its a good idea to change the hit boxes for the skins?

    • @AbuHagag1
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    That’s not the only pay to win thing in rust anyways, they just don’t care anymore

    • @auth34
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am


    • @opticalsalt2306
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    rust devs do something good or meaningful challenge (i mean in terms of p2w, same with the artic skin tbh it should just be the same size as the normal buildings theres literally no reason to make it thinner)

    • @user-xv4sh4tt8o
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    pay to win

    • @darkmistOG
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Its also halfway pay and lose to win because windows suck to go through you need somehh to ing to stand on to donit

    • @arheo9702
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    isnt this the same with the adobe but thats got a slightly larger hitbox than stone right? Why cant they just make them all the same lol

    • @ppananypp2943
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    i feel like they begin to ruin the game with these p2w skins 🙁

    • @Vituk03
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    dude literally compares how much stuff can fit with skin for metal walls with stone walls. u ok m8?

    • @chandriix
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Developers trying not to make their game pay to win challenge: Level impossible.

    • @anonymousanonym450
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am


    • @americanidiot1891
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    cry about it

    • @Seung363
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    no wonder i can fit a large box completely behind a garage door in a triangle

    • @sosa5556
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Is amored upgrade blocked after playing deployables so close to the wall?

    • @Firefox4hire
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Not trying to be a baby, pay to win is slightly bothering me with this, kinda like the artic suit but

    Sorry just wanna say something, ignore me.

    • @Firefox4hire
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Man I knew someone was gonna find a way to exploit these, I even sat around trying to find out how they would

    • @x60mmx
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    They just need to fix the top of floor tiles not looking like the outside and I’m onboard. Ruins the aesthetic on top of bases.

    • @oscarlawley4334
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Mabye dont Steal content ideas

    • @geblah187
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Color choice doesn’t seem to persist through logins. Made my snow base all white shipping container, logged back in later that day and added a new piece and it was a random color again.

    • @idahodreams
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    cool stuff. I dont even play but man i love these videos

    • @sigbog
    • 2024年 3月 14日 7:30am

    Someone in my live chat pointed out to me that Protox found a splash bug (making this kinda pay to lose?) which hopefully will be fixed soon, but you may want to be mindful of it!