His Teammates Went AFK – Rust
welcome back for another insane solo dolo video as per usual in todays video we just hit a simple snowball that led to some pretty cool moments throughout my wipe i hope you guys enjoy the video.
Join my discord : https://discord.gg/pau7QQCEuh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aidanhicks10/
Also, don’t forget to stop by and say hi on my twitch I’m live every day
where all these videos get recorded : https://www.twitch.tv/a1dan8992
BUSINESS EMAIL : Aidan340@yahoo.com
Editor : hen
Thumbnail: zebulon3d
コメント (119)
Was nice watching you show the part where you struggled. Too many content creators cherry pick the footage they release to show only the good parts
I will never be as good as you in this game A1dan, but you showing your deaths makes me want to play and try to be SOMETHING in this game. You never give up.
Yo Aiden could u maybe give me some tips on how to play. Im new and can not make any progress
yo whats the console command to change the bind to instantly loot a kit onto your body instead of it going in inven then u putting in on
bro you have the most crazy aim bro wdh, i got a question tho, during fights why do you js randomly scream in gamechat?
8760000hrs you have if you go back to your 3rd vid you had 8k hrs is i done 365×3=1095 so i done 8000×1095=8760000 sooo ya
best player in rust
Honestly think this young man might be the best prim player on the game.
giving the loot away is huge bro. it helps stimulate the rust economy.
It breaks my heart to say this, cuz I’m a fan, but does anyone else thinks something is not right about how he plays?
bro done got turned into zanny
He said “with that being said 2x u know it’s a banger
8:56 bless you 26:01 bless you
Your best at hitting people through bushes😂😂😂.
yo how many dog treats did you have today?
Bro cranked up his aimbot a couple percentages 💀🪑
Question: Do you play on stretch resolution, if so, can I know your resolution? Trying to become a pvp god like you 📈
Not even the hacks have such a good aim
A1dan my man…can i just say…i love getting absolutely stoned while watching your videos bro…i feel like im there with you in the game haha…keep up the good work homie
Dude your aim is crazy but the thing that impresses me the most is your gamesense. You’re actually crazy with it man, makes me wish I had more time to put into the game.
broo. aidan, @16:05 helllllaaa niceee.
“man who invented horses getting tired” 💀
bro i know u dont cheat but he freaking seems like aimboting, no way
good video btw
Is that a new mic I can hear aidster 🤔
A1dans uWu :3 sneeze made me swoon❤
What a talented player, 5 stars!
Aiden, if you type “console.erroroverlay false” in f1 you won’t get red text anymore
did not expect aidan to live in the same grid as me
u are insane
0:49 nice russian acsent
Streamers really need to expand their vocabulary can’t keep using that being said 😂
Nah hate em or love em this guys fucking cracked as fuck
W vid needs face cam though need to see the handsome slammer
The music in the background is so loud pro
lets gooo the goat posted, I haven’t played this game that much since getting a pc cause my pc doodoo sadly
It’s crazy how once you turn the stream off you are not getting blindsided by the craziest timings. I know you’ve spoken on it before a long, long time ago. But it’s pretty clear when the server is watching you vs when they aren’t.
naked baiting just aint worth the risk
any plans on a story/movie any time soon?
So relatable. Had an awesome start today, got rolled by a full metal ak guy who was most definitely cheating since he was standing on water.
13:18 how do you see this guy? 15:09 turn around with full inv to a guy you cant see, to shoot a naked running back to his base?
This Wipe was crazy!
bro has to be cheating ngl
that play at 30:28 ish to break the RV is so genius wtf
Nobody said it yet but Bless you A1dan
Brother sneezed twice
Great video. I appreciate the positive attitude.
Second ago was 100 k subs now 130 sheeeeeeeesh
the best
I want to see you do a story type video! Still dope vid tho
damn aidan i fucking love this content like post more of this FRRRRRRR
how do you not know aidan if youre not new
Nahh this video is sus. It seems like you’ve got wall hacks and good aim control
what is the bgm at 26:20
w video mate
i love a1dan vids
Imagine losing an ak kit to someone screaming in the mic and 360 triple you
Alllllright bro… we need to talk. These thumbnails are getting a lil outta control.. you rockin damn near a 12 pack my boy. Lol rly tho keep crushing it in the gym man. Thats priority. I know the feeling of going from holocaust survivor to looking cut and healthy. Nothin like it. Not even the gyat
how is he so good
Very excite!
How much hours did he got in rust?
The jinxy crazy of rust
Three boxes of guns and three boxes of farm “that’s not bad for a solo” 😅
i met adin once, ran into him at the mall.. was super strange but ill never forget him. He had atleast 100$ in singles folded up hanging out his pocket like some rapper 🤣🤣🤣
Aidan i love your content ❤ you cooked up fr
the way u bait people makes me laugh my ass off too bruh shits too funny
quality is kinda shit ill come back later
Goated Content as always, btw you actually can shoot through the gaps of the airfield balcony towers, both at 10:05 and 20:00, it is just the smaller gap you can shoot through to the right, not the big one! In case you ever do see this tip!
Im literally gonna kiss u on the lips aidan ur a god but do u respond 😐?
get an inverted mullet
u destroy the whole server
It would be cool if you would make videos with web cam too
4:53 “hello” killed me XDDD
@A1dan how at 14:59 to 15:04 your hp goes from 52 to 84 w/o even using a med stick
a1den carrying 2024
crazy bro haha, also 19:48 i died HAHAHA
Buy me a pc plz
Steak with potatoes and a side salad
24:23 aidan is such a master baiter!!!!
Is anyone else beside me edching to your videos?
5:18 LOOOOL run arctic sar RUN!!!
I’m going to kiss you Aidan 😘
PPL THAT WOH IT LIVE AT https://www.twitch.tv/a1dan8992 IS A W
I appreciate the fact that a1dan showed us he is struggling to get a start too.
For “normal guy” like me, it can take an hour to get a start … over and over to the beach..
Its very healthy to see someone like A1dan getting start for over a nhour.
does he ever miss a shot with a. bow
Aidan is to damn good
Always a w day when Aiden uploads
He’s just crazy! I love😂
AIDAN 👁️👁️
Don’t ask if he plays with other people you little degen kids. He is the solo GOAT for a reason. Unless it’s with Winnie because that kid is insane. Also tell Winnie to hurry up and upload another solo video already we can’t wait 10 years my boy
was about to come tell you to upload already, thanks!
hm 0:32
Yo did you a blaze have a falling out ??
I’m so early
Aidan I love the videos and the streams they always make my day keep up the good work
w vid
bro just made my day, thanks for posting right when im about to eat! (im going to watch)
Bruh, stop with the cringe thumbnails lol over there looking like a stick thinking you the rock😂
please daddy Aidan force feed me more rust videos!!!!!!!!!!!!!
perfect video length! love your content!
451st viewer
before 10 minutes gang
why does ur teeth always stick out look goofy
Bro got that bombaclatt play
Just another day in the life of a true Brexit geezer. 😂
Big W 👏
Another banger
Hi , i am the first?
aidan uploaded
i love the content bro. made me jump out of bed to watch
The first black boy ever i am 😂😂
Love y