CRAZY Cargo CLUTCH and CLEAN RAIDS – Rust (2/3)
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➡ Stay tuned for the last episode! (HINT: Zergs get evicted! :D)
➡ Go check out Hobbes’ Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOxXkfeazzCAob-_T3kryoA
Taqs:rust,rust cargo,rust clutch,rust raid,rust snowball,sea bee rust,rust pvp clutch,rust pvp,rust cargo loot
コメント (14)
do you mind showing us your strategy for wipe day since the new update where you have to buy everything?
Dude this is so rigged how does someone with this high quality content have 200 subs when rust academy has almost 300k this is bs
Insane! Subscribed
Legit shoot my mate out of the heli really should have looted him lol
Again, great video man. Looking forward for the 3/3 video!
i eat beefy ramen when watching cb
Ayyyy I just saw my self get clapped at cargo and oil let’s gooooo
That was an insane cargo run.
Sea Bee finally got a shout out from Hobbes
Ez kills
now that oil rigs have cards, i got to get as good at you at cargo now video is lit!
That’s not a 1v8 that’s 1v3 1v2 1v3 the difference is insane
Holy shit 8:00 pissed me off. Kids looting a box and says he got stuck lol
Great video, ur insane at cargo!