(Rust) The best way to set up turrets (efficient 9 turret setup)
Guess imma just do a bunch of these until I get bored for a lil bit
Hippie Sabotage – Wrong Time
Hippie Sabotage – Caught Up
00:00 – Intro
00:23 – Cost
00:33 – Build
02:15 – Electrical
05:07 – Outro
Taqs:Rust,Electricity,turret,rust turret,autoturret,concept,design,build,tutorial,windmill,minisatori,simple,rust electricity,rust electricity guide,Rust gameplay,rust base design,rust base,rust solo base,rust tips,rust beginner guide,rust base build,rust game,rust tutorial,rust starter guide,Rust base,Rust base building,rust electricity guide auto turret,rust electricity guide 2020,how to set up turrets in rust,rust turret electricity,rust auto turret
コメント (42)
This is overkill, all you need is a switch and 4 spliters, do it like this: Battery – Switch – Splitter – 3x Splitters and then you just use the 3 splitters to power all 9 turrets
what does the last electrical branch connect to
Doesn’t even support 9
Bru what kind of set up is this shit
– rep for the shite music
how does this not lead to a constantly drained battery? Batteries only have 80 per cent efficiency, and with the use of only 8 branches instead of 9 you are ensuring that 100 per cent of the battery power is being used constantly…
I thought batteries are only 80% efficient and you can’t put 9 turrets on effectively?
Bro skipping a whole party fag
Great tutorial 10/10
My battery just keeps draining and idk why I have everything set up like you have it set up
does this still work?
What i do it get 4 wind turbines, get rpot combiners, then a e branch, then a splitter and bam you could gey about 50 turrets
“wind power is inconsistent, between 80 and 150” *connects 9 turrets that consume 90*
In other words this is great if you want holes in your defense.
Anytime you dont branch/limit power to a splitter they will draw 100% of the Batterypower, even if nothing is hocked up to the splitter.The best way to do this is… Battery >> Smartswitch >> Branch off (94 power) >> Splitter >>> 3 splitters = 9 turrets.,.draining 95 power.
This is not the best way. Best way is connecting 3 branches to 3 splitters, each branch outputs 31 to each splitter.
I’ve tried this, it doesn’t work for me. Only the first turret will be operational
only 4 of the 8 turrents work for me and the battary is at 100 power output and my windmill is giving 150
Just hit my 1k hours. Your channel has taught everything when it comes to building in rust much appreciate 💯
What do i connect the root combiner too when I want to add a solar panel
Battery-ebranch-splitter-turret and make an ebranch chain. Put ebrach to 30
This helped me a lots. I play on a trio server and I put 9 turrets with garage doors that is connected to smart switch. I also learned how to put sensors around the base so whenever they get close to our base or get into our 1st or 2nd compound I and my buddies get notifications on phone. Now this is too powerful. Whenever they get into our 1st compound we opens the garages doors for turrets, no one has survived. Since I put the turrets… maybe 4 whole wipes… We never get raided anymore lol thank you.
How do I make it so I can do let’s say like 18 turrets ik how to do 9 but what if I wanna do more
trash music by gorilla
thanks I will try t his
Do i need switch for it i would just want them on so noone can turn it off
How long will the turrets last if the windmill is broken?
some turrets are working some are not
I am trying htis now and It dont work.
I still reckon 4 spilters are better than elec branch’s
4 splitters incase of 8 branches ?
How long do the turrets stay on for?
I can’t tell if this is serious or?
how do I build the wind turbine tower that high in actual world without clipping?
i love u
Thank you so much! Dope video. Do you know how long the turret will be up until the battery needs to recharge?
there is a better way , battery to branch set to 31 then spliter to 3 turrets , power out to another branch set to 31 and again to spliter and 3 turrets , u left with 38 power and you can add another branch with same setup , and you got 6 power left to power 3 lights or a heater . or just skip it and connect spliter with 3 turrets and be left with 9 power mean better battery efiency if there is a reaid your turret will stay longer and doing this way you use less components 🙂
does this still work?
thanks i was wondering how to do it all in one bc the one im doing is retarded which i got flip all four switches to turn them on thanks bro
thank u so much for helping my clan and me