Smart Automated Furnace with RUSTPLUSBOT
Using RustPlusBot we automate the filling and lighting of furnaces.
x-tremespeed’s video:
Rustrician Link:
The Code:
Taqs:rust,industrial update,smelt,furnace,automate,rust+
コメント (6)
Putting a key lock on no touchy boxes – that’s HILARIOUS haha! And the pumpkin has made a return – the real MVP. Great stuff!
This has definitely condensed my setup, with half the power draw too. Fantastic video as always!
Hey, the storage adapters daisy chaining is my tip!! Besides all the jokes you both provide us amazing content and I’m glad I’ve helped you in my little
Is there a version for rust plus plus I don’t want to pay a fee just to so this
I just wanted to note that (thanks to a commenter on my video, @gabrielmartins7842 ) you need to have the metal frag in the first 2 rows of your ore box otherwise it will cease to work once you have 12 stacks of anything in the box. Conveyors only read the first 12 items they see, and if the metal frag isn’t among the first 12, it won’t do its little trick and only the first furnace will be filled.
nice video but rustplus ap is not allowed on many servers because admins can read it in their console unfortunately but good job !