Rust Console Tips // GETTING STARTED – Beginners Guide (How Rust Console works)
How to get started on Rust Console! These Rust Console tips & beginners guide will walk you though the very basic steps to help you getting started on Rust Console Edition (PS5, PS4, Xbox One & Xbox Series X).
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#Rust #RustConsole #RustTips
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Taqs:Rust Console Tips,Rust Console Getting Started,Rust Console guide,Rust Starter guide,Rust how to get started,Rust Console,Rust Console Beta,Rust Console Gameplay,Rust Console edition,Rust Console tips,Rust Xbox,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS4,Rust PS5,Rust Xbox One,Rust,Rust Xbox tips,Rust PS5 tips,Rust Xbox One tips,Rust PS4 tips,Rust console tips and tricks,Rust Gameplay,Rust console beginner guide,Rust Tips,Rust tips and tricks
コメント (116)
Ayy man I played rust for 1 week in December 2022 and haven’t touched it since till today and the first dude I met was friendly and helped me in the game , we both currently logged out in our small base he has work early tomorrow so I stayed up looting barrels and stuff 😂 i ain’t got a clue what to do but I got us hella scrap and metal and I SWEAR TO GOD IF WE RAIDED TOMORROW then I am done I can’t be asked I remember a year ago when i first got the game I was just getting raided like 6 hours after each bass I built but yeah what a day for basically my first day of rust
So what the point of playing this?
2:10 what server is that?
hi 😀
Great video, thanks
So many virgins on this game its actually wild
Thank you for this, I’ve had such a rough time trying to get into this game. Hopefully this helps me
I’ve played this game forever and I’m watching a tips video 😅
This guy sounds like Maikeru from RuneScape
All servers are full on console
Does rust control pretty nicely on console? My worry was being stuck in inventory menus for too long when looting someone. I’m sure on PC looting dead bodies or anything is a lot faster because you have a mouse and keyboard.
Thanks for this man!!! Im coming from dayz and been wanting to give this ago for ages!!!! Loaded into my first map and was completely lost lol at least now i ha e something to aim for !!!! Fantastic vid !!!!
this is the best starter guide I found so far
As soon i started my friend took me to big oil rig
This is one of, if not, the best early game guides I’ve found!
Look up the video about sensitivity/settings, default settings ain’t it. Hunt animals with a bow, helps learn the bow. You’ll win more fights with a long/short range combo like a bow & spear. Always have a bandage ready in the hot bar incase you bleed. Airlocks are over powered!
I got killed ez
This actually helped me alot, and even listening to the stuff I knew was a fairly good reminder to check everything
This has been invaluable. Thank you so much. New to this game after being recommended by my buddy on PC for months now. Now I just wish they had PC/console cross-play. But awesome video, and great channel. I’m addicted!
i mad the base and got door camped and raided within 10 minutes
How are you do you do you sound like survival? Damn guys thank you created that DVD gameplay I remember back in the day and 97 in Altamonte online hiding outside peoples doors, waiting. Jovi unlock them and walked inside, rushing and behind them and killing now taking their master key because they were doll mermaid carry the master key around instead of making a copy and putting it in the bank Guarantee their master key from them and change the locks on the door and pump the master key in my banking that I had at your house that was a regular practice. Call Darren Road like them stay living in it and I would just polluted every so often because I have a key and they were also to dial the change the lock on no the whole airlock idea I guess I’m gonna give you guys credit for that cause I don’t remember there being a thing back there. I don’t think you could airlock your house because you put down a footprint. Call Al it was probably pass for you could’ve made her one Kyle square room with the door. I’m inside your house, yeah I’ve got a run down now and I think about it it would not matter. I wanna have a key to that door to.
Thank you 2 days in this game is brutal 😂
What’s going on guys? My name is Theoatrix!
Helpful tips.. keep ‘em comin
Wait so I’m thinking of buying this game but by weekly/monthly wipes does that mean that you’ll loose everything weekly/monthly? Also is there a pve mode? I hate the thought of loosing everything I’ve worked hard for.
My 4 stack got raided by a duo with c4, hazmats, grenade launchers, and AKs. This game is impossible.
You were playing this on ps4 or ps5? Btw very helpful guide i really appreciate it
This isnt console edition
For new players? Go diving. Nobody dives. When swimming on the ocean you will stumble upon floating water bottles. If you put on your tank and swim under the bottle, there is loot stashes. You untie the big boxes (not the small ones) and you’ll bring home guns, traps, components, and most of all? I was netting 100-160 HQM per dive tank.
Awesome video thanks !
I know it’s been a lot since this video was posted, but i started playing like a week ago and found out that the best way for me to get started is building near an outpost, go straight for a stone base with metal sheet door, u’ll have a recycler nearby and a tier 1 crafting bench without the needs to build it in your own base, at least at the beginning, craft a paddle as soon as u can and keep breaking barrels and looting boxes near outpost, since it’s a safezone u won’t get killed easily
I’ve just bought today, took me an hour to find out how to make a pickaxe 😂😂
Now I’m tryna find out how to make sleeping bags,
How get cloth
alright I can’t figure out how to load a bow no matter what I do it won’t load any ideas?
Great advice all the way around. I’m on the path. Been killed 4 times so far, 3 times shot in the back and once got ambushed by a MP5 squad other than that good times.
farming barrel clusters around the map can yield you some substantial loot without even having to raid a base
I made a base with my friends and we got killed by a grenade
Is this game worth playing on console? I’ve seen it on pc and it looks amazing with base raiding with explosives
Just wondering what console do you play on
What server are u on?
Just started playing excited to play n this will really help . Thanks
bruh that dome run had me like bruh😐😐😐😐😐😐😐, why can i never get that
Great vid. Really helped me to get started! Thanks 👍
Thank you for this guide I’m trying to get into this game
Anyone wanna play rust on PS4 with me
so besides the modded servers that have battle royal style game modes, last man or last team standing… what is the ACTUAL purpose of RUST on official servers?? like , when do you actually win the game and its all over?? I know PVP is the most typical server type, but you can respawn when you die, so, what do you need to do to actually win? I NEED TO KNOW WHEN ITS GAME OVER?! someobody!!? anybody…… This game looks fun, and I would love to buy it ASAP, but I need this question answered. Thanks in advance.
I’ve been wanting to play rust for a good while but my pc is really bad and cant handle it I just discovered that rust is now on console so this helps a lot, thanks.
Idk about some ppl, but I prefer to just wait to build a base until I’ve gotten enough metal and stone to fully upgrade it after wipe. I just hang out at outpost or bandit camp and barrel farm until I get enough components and scrap to recycle there and get everything I need, just make sure you pick up some more stone to make rocks since you can’t use tools to barrel farm in the safe zones
Just started playing this game and I’ve never played a game so toxic in my life
last wipe there were 4 nakeds who moved in right next to my ally and they pissed as both off and then someone I met 2 wipes ago was an ally with my ally and all three of as raided them, moral of the story. moral of the story don’t piss off the people ho live next to or the will raid you
The Ocean crates at the bottom are in console 😮 yay
I started a couple days ago and every time I spawn their are bases near me
the lag is bonkers, unplayable
Why does it seem to Run so Slow like being in treacle.. Yet my net stable.
Other than the dome, this has been my life in rust before I watched this vid, im gonna hit the dome next
This game is like Minecraft
Built near a 2×2, next day they had a 10 man huge base
You by far make the best instruction videos for console I have seen yet
I’ve had Rust for 2 weeks and the longest I’ve survived was 1.5 hours
Oml this video was awesome just picked up the game yesterday and struggled with getting scrap and what not, thanks
Rust is just minecraft with good graphics
Just got my first base all because of you!!
Is rust on next gen playable?
Very good vid now I am very thx 😀
I’m struggling to find stone 😂 rocks everywhere but apparently not stone
I joined a 80-person server and got RAILED nine times in a row and quit the game and went on to call of duty 🤣🤣🤣 but now I’m here
Great video brother. Got my first base up thanks to you. And I’m loving it.
Thank you, everybody knows me on the server i always play on, they respect me:)
Any other tips
I t]used to think tc meant tower control but I was wrong lol.
Now question is can you use kmb on console?
Another Tip, kill anyone you see before they kill you. Because they will kill you
Being a solo is hard lmao I always get double teamed
Thank you
Thanks helped me well👍🏻
Thank you this is exactly what I was looking for everyone else’s videos were horrible
How to get started
First:buy PS5
If you can’t then you better get used to the frames bc the frames are shit
The Bandit camp is not safe. I got killed by players and my items decayed and despawend bc they camped it. Fuck bandit. Choose outpost.
Is there an auto look key on Xbox?
I still think it sucksssss
ahah i wish my console rust was this smooth
I had wood forra and a base with stone walls and me and my friend got online raided by people with aks and flamethrowers 6 hrs gone in minutes
Please do a video about mic talking to world, team etc. Much thanks learned alot!
Dear god you are my savior
How do you look in your inventory while running still?
The smaller the bas the stakie it is. Atleast that’s what I say
Tip for base go straight for stone is not hard and get at least a front metal door cause a wodden door you break it with a double barrel with only like 46 handmade shells and on fresh wipes everybody focuses on that
How to get started ha ha ha ha that’s a joke right ? For people who are interested in this game I think it is a better version of Conan or ark or it’s just a better game don’t be fooled this game is trash dumb as hell makes absolutely no sense there’s no point in it this might actually be even worse than Conan or ark. ! I watch this game being played on PC for years and I can honestly say that it was a huge letdown and disappointment your video L you’re saying getting started and you’re gonna walk around and find all these crates in hazmat suits and all that kind of stuff is 100% wrong ! You’re lucky if you can find enough food to last a half an hour in this game hazmat suit or finding tools ha ha Ha ha ha that’s a joke oh and by the way every time you Spohn on within 10 minutes it’s freaking nighttime every time but yeah your video is a very poor representation of how it really is when you start off on the rust that’s funny because you’re running a long crypt up some sleeping bags ha ha ha ha where are you going to find the closet it took me two days to find my first piece of cloth this video is really funny man I’m sorry I mean maybe you and a handful of other beginners are lucky like this but I promise you 90% of the beginning players do not have no type of experience like this their first day on the rust The best way I can put it is this game is a piece of trash ! Now don’t get me wrong this is from the aspect of a solo player if you have friends to play with the game is completely different it’s actually fun
If you’re on ps4 come to trinity M9. Our server is dying! 🙁
Got the game today played with my friend for like 4 hours and got nothing to show for it, tomorrow I’m coming back hungry and ready
What console do you play on?
Does anyone want to team up? (PLAYSTATION) I’ve been playing with another friend and we are getting owned by huge groups constantly. PSN is Camo-Bricks
how do u demolish a wall with the hammer
Anyone on xbox wanna team up? Seems its the youngers who are the most toxic, when playing so far
Is it worth buying?
Games literally unplayable on original Xbox one
THANK YOU! Nobody talks about what freeking servers to pick but you explained it! Awesome video
I had to learn this stuff myself for console but this is great for new players coming in
When does modded servers come out?
Extended tip For sleeping bag timers- each grid on the map allows for a separate spawn timer, so as long as your sleeping bags in another grid square you can spawn there quicker 🙂
With a metal pick, salvaged ice pick and jackhammer you get 1000 stone, 300 sulfur and 600 metal
i got a t3 and some guns with my 3 man within 1 hour then got doorcamped by an 8 man then they satchel raided us…..im so done
After today’s update, I’ve done well to avoid PVP, but the scientists, their turrets and their helicopters are killing me over seemingly nothing and everything.
PS5 player here and your game looks very smooth
Your game run so smooth no lag
Cracking video cheers for the help. Now to start rebuilding we had a base but lost it. Someone built a metal step outside our door blocking us in.
It really sucks that the monthly has 1 map. There are no “hidden” areas. Also the maps are too small for 100 people. For the new wipe today, if solo, get in early and farm a ton of stone and build a 2×2 then honey comb it.
How do you fix your sensitivity when I turn it up it don’t go up all the way
Thanks for the tips I Just got the game
Why so little comments haha?
It’s a testament to how good your videos are that I know sooo much about a game I have absolutely no intention of playing
Heyy 🥰