The BEST and CHEAPEST way to USE the SMART ALARM | Electricity 2020 | Rust
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In this video i’ll be showing you all the best and cheapest way to utilize the new smart alarm in Rust. You can use the smart alarm to get notified on your phone through the Rust+ app in case you’re getting raided (as an example). This video is not necessarily a tutorial but more of a showcase in what ways you can trigger smart alarms and what in my opinion is the best way as of right now in Rust, June 2020.
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🗺️ Map provided by Builder’s Sanctuary: https://discord.gg/PeyuSdz
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🎶 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound ► http://www.epidemicsound.com
📷 Thumbnail is fully made by me.
#Rust #Electricity
Taqs:Rust,Tutorial,How to,Explanation,Electricity,Smart Alarm,Smart System,Notify,Getting Raided,Raid Alarm,Cheapest,Best
コメント (35)
Enjoy the video! New gameplay video next! 😉 I hope this video can be useful for a lot of you, even the pvp chads out there 😛 Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sven_YT/
VIDEO OUT OF DATE – HBHF SENSORS cost only 75 metal fragments
Your videos are way too long. You just talk in circles. Get to the freaking point.
video too long
The spreadsheet makes no sense. Switches don’t cost any HQM to make or upkeep. Same for HBHF Sensors. I thought maybe you were talking about Metal Fragments but then I look and it’s 100 Metal Frags for 1 switch. I have no clue what in the F you are talking about.
😵 _? !_
↑ Comment for algorithm + 👍 ‘d and Sub’d!
#OldManPaxus Rating: ☆☆☆☆
You could use blockers instead of your complicated system of branches and AND switches. Much cheaper and simpler.
you tutorial sucks!
you know when ur boi whips out an EXL file its about facts and stats lol
Sven, Fellow Dutchman. I see one problem with the turret set-up. Raiders usualy try to take out the turrets from a distance with rockets, compound bows etc. If they do that the turret won’t see them and therefor won’t have a ‘has target’ output. So it only works with turrets that have to be taken out from close range. Verder goed bezig pik.
Pewdiepie is that you?
little thing if you make a cave base right you can use only 1 switch and get the same result for less hqm
Bets smart alarm example out there imo, thank you Sven!
There is actually a easier way to do this, I learned this from the rustrician discord and explained it more in depth on this link. https://www.rustrician.io/?circuit=b70a20e1c6d75c79546202f13e92f6e2
This forwards all of the “sensor” (hbhf passthru, or autoturret “has target”) outputs into an XOR chain that goes into a blocker. When one of the sensors gives a signal, the blocker is unblocked, allowing a single smart alarm to function as a player detector, and a wall destruction detector if your put the XORs on the walls (same concept u were talking about in the vid with switches, when one is gone it breaks the chain and blocker is unblocked). This setup is MUCH more hqm efficient than the example u showed to trigger a single smart alarm.
Comparing hqm efficiency, Example #4 has a smart alarm PER sensor, each cost 3 hqm and 1 tech trash each, plus the 75 scrap to bp it. While hqm may be a concern, tech trash isn’t as common either. The example I’m showing here needs 1 XOR per turret, each of which cost 5 hqm, and it only needs 20 scrap for bp. So if you only consider raw hqm efficiency, your example #4 would be better, but considering other factors like the extra tech trash you would need and the extra 75 scrap for smart alarm bp, and having a room in your base only for smart alarms plus a list of alarms on your Rust+ app, you might want to take a look at this circuit
Witch graphic card do u use?
Instead of using multiple smart alarms with turrets, I’ve been using 1 alarm paired with multiple OR and AND switches. I haven’t calculated whats cheaper though lol
The has target smart alarms aren’t working for me? I hook it up the same exact way and test it but it’s just not triggering my alarm
I like to put an alarm on the line side of my battery when using a wind turbine to power my system. This prevents the raiders from knocking out your power and waiting for the power to run out. Put a branch after the last root combiner and have it go to a blocker. Use a separate small battery go into the blocker and then to your smart alarm. If your system stops producing power, you get notified.
Sven idc how yoy only have 12.8sub. But after one year you will hit 200k sub. GL in videos more videos=more ppl better lives ❤💜
But what if turret doesn’t fire? If raiders see them and destroy them before they shoot even once? Than it won’t work at all :/ Think about how to send alarms when turrets are destroyed.
8:20 can’t you use root combiner?
Another banger -Soak
Can you do double stack base design ?
Why not use an OR switch instead of branches and AND switches. Should only be 4 OR switches
I don’t even have rust y am I watching this lol
Great video 🙂
Sven: take care, … My brain: …Evil Wurst, out.
When’s a floor stacked base coming!! Love ur vids <3
V cute
great video. i see u got big brain
sven is so smart
Firts 🙂
Loved the video