I Built a Base that Automatically Hides my Loot in Rust…
#Rust #RustSoloSurvival #chilledvibes
After some crazy wipes with Blooprint, Frost, Hjune and Aloneintokyo, i decided to go back to my roots with a super chilled, low-key Solo survival adventure. And in this one, i turn my very own starter base, into a creation that trnsfers loot for me from the ocean into my main base! I hope you enjoy!
MY SECOND CHANNEL : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgYBxwW1sqqKMb4KjfvDZgQ/videos
Massive thank you to my current Patrons, Thanks to your help i was able to afford my new PC! so thank you! if you want to support me further:
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Connect eu.willjum.com:28015
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Business email (for non business stuff just message me on discord) willjum@afkcreators.com
Fantastic Music From
Mist3r: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChadeA_eXwpZi-eA2Ecv19Q
Heydium : https://www.youtube.com/@heydium
AloneinTokyo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAKuzfWjjWQoGJS4ORJXag
Sugadaisy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yyVor4BCh4zXtAMdHY8oA
Taqs:Willjum,Rust,Rust Solo Survival,Rust Movie,Twitch highlights,Rust Chilled,Willyum,Rust Solo Story,Solo,Rust Solo Base,Spoonkid,blooprint,rust raids,rust huge loot,rust jackpot,rust treasures,rust solo infiltration,rust best start ever,rust plays,rust 10000 hours,#explore,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Gaming funny moments,#youtubegaming,#gaming,tiktok,rust survival,survival games,rust admin,#explorepage,#youtube,#youtubevideo,Rust movie,Blooprint,Frost
コメント (1225)
Dont forget to subsrcibe if you enjoyed! it really helps me out =) i hope you all enjoy chapter two!
There is a lack of rugs in the base, that is my only complaint.
I don’t know why players don’t utilize the water more. They would have much more security there, especially if they go out further. They can call in drops with no competition. Can fish for most things, and use a vending machine for everything else.
Make a base that looks like a giant robot. You really just need eyes.
JEEZUS that guy camping at 41:40 scared me half to death! I actually jumped outta my seat lol
Hello everyone, i hope yall having a wonderfull night/day. But i need yall help…… i really need the song name of the song that starts playing on 6:04 . And also Will i love the vids man!!!
1:02:20 what song is this? Please
is that the steam crosshair? want it
that was the best vidio i have ever seen
thank willyJ for this vid
Willjum should do a tower with an elevator
what is that song at 7.25
Willjum is one of the best YouTube guy out there I would love to be u in the future
Have you ever thought about using half walls with your upgrading it will make it hard for people doing straight down raids i know its more ore use but the defense becomes double for raiders make your main entrance the way you want it then half wall everything else force them to go through a entrance then put auto turrets etc whatever you want for defense just a suggestion.
The other thing is now you got your loot going to main I would pipe your drop box to the furnace so your ore will be constantly getting cooked and then a box to transfer the finished ore into . Willjum you make me want to play rust again only thing is I had to give up gaming because I have diabetes and if i sit with my legs down for more than a few hours my legs will fill with fluid. So watching you play I guess gives me what I need in a sense for my gaming cravings. So thanks for that
just my observation
with multiple bases it will become to expensive for them to raid any of it with the chance that there would be no loot in any of them
so the only thing I would add is a third or even a 4th base because people can follow your piping and figure out where your main loot is with 4 or more bases with piping going into all no one would be able to figure out what base the loot is going too other than that this shit is awesome.
i think you are playing the same server as ricoloff
Every time I watch willjum I wanna play the last of us bc of the music 😂😂
My favorite part is where u channeled ur spoon kid haha
Can you use a fishing rod while sitting on the bottom of the sea? If so, stress free fishing near an underwater that you can run from sharks within.
Op bro but sad ending my heart beat faster whennyou are killing osem much much enjoyed
What’s the name of the song that start playing around 36:00 minutes in??? Plzzzzz 😩😩🙏🙏
ok ok, can someone please explain to me why i should ever upgrade my doorways any higher than stone? there is no door that is more expensive than stone, wouldnt that make it a waste of resources if i did?
Name of the song at 6:05 pls
Does anyone know what happened to the final chapter of the 4 solos? We went from Wiljum saying there would be one more chapter to him starting his next series with AiT for the million sub thing. Anyway thx if anyone knows something I might have missed.
“What a perfect view. F**k of deer”
I’m pretty sure the scuba tank makes a shit ton of noise.
what is that song in minute 7?
I cried when Willjum couldn’t grab the rug at the labs
Episode 2: willjum realizes he set up his base in Ohio
I known you since 100k subs
Willjum can you try making the Utopian base design please
Love it man, but I wanna see you build on the new tugboat and see what that would be like
breath as u go breath as u goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Any update on the mousepads? I am hyped to get my bundle!
WillyJ after watching u from 100k I’ve finally bought rust… And all your tricks and tips are helping me with my first solo journey and I am loving my cozy base ❤️❤️ thank you 🎉🎉🎉
the fact that you finished uni and are making a bag off this game will be a great story you tell your kids sitting in your mansion 10 years from now looking down at us peeps hoping for another update
Pls, put the name of all the songs in the corner when u play them 😊
You got robbed on that last 3v1
i cant believe you roofcamped that deer… shameful
what crosshair overlay do you use?
Certified Spoonkid classic on that oil rig
the minecraft music at the end kinda hits hard tbh
What was the song at the end ? (Not outro song)
Hey do u know how much is a starter setup I been wanting to play rust on pc forever
Sorry I raided you Willjum, but it was so cozy inside.
pls sir no stone frame with garage door.. always metal frames with garage doors. love you willi <3
Omg when you jumped into that guy’s base screaming “I’m Sparta” was the dumbest thing I ever seen you had me pissing in my pants. 😂😂😂
“i sometimes end up making questionable bases, but they always end up cozy” – willjum. Truer words have never been spoken.
song at 5:20?
at the end I am screaming “nooooooooo” only to discover Willjum is doing it too
you didn’t need that extra conveyer 😉
I loved the last of us theme song man
What is the song on 7:02
When the last of us music ques u know somethings bouta go fown
Let’s go knew Willy vid
I got rust yesterday just to find out that i dont have enough ram :/
I willJam On The Music 😉
Whats the name of the song that plays at 6:00 plsss i want it.
you should dou with cali
brilliant video willjum truly
Willijum i purchase your mousepad month ago and didn’t have yet want to ask how long does it take to get it from Switzerland
Nobody gonna talk about The Last of Us Soundtrack that blends so well and it’s giving me flashback.
Anyone else get Weird Al “Hardware Store” vibes when you build stuff in rust?
Really enjoyed the solo grind. Always miss it after watching you play in a team. Keep it up man
Here is an idea we have willhjum to show how to make a comfy base and cool looking on the inside becuase it would be cool for what he does on the inside of it
Most underrated thing in rust, The Mining helmet.
they dont miss cause theyre cheating
For some reason when I saw your thumbnail it made me think of an underwater base. You can use water pumps to bring water into your base, so why shouldn’t you also be able to pump water out, imagine the awesome base designs. I can already see Will building his cozy underwater base 😂
Easter video coming out today? Dang that’s a while.
You crack me up sometimes. This game looks as stunning as counter strike did.
You either love him or you hate him, but you gotta admit, his bases straight cozy
great content. Just an idea for a future video. I’d love to see you build a base large enough to require raiders to build a raid base. The catch is that your goal is to defend using MLRS and the raid the raiders.
I like how this is 1 day old and the new twitter upgrade animation is not a present
1:02:30 Almost screaming at my TV at this point, like: “Will!! The suppressor! TAKE OFF THE *SUPPRESSOR!”*
Aww shucks..
Good one though! Can’t wait for part two❣
Where are the bear rugs? I need more rugs you’re getting out of touch.
40:50 AIT woulda sprayed at them
49:22 Willjum! What the f..
Why the flippin countdown!? 😆
Adela was def cheating.
you should do another one like this but close to outpost to scrap and then a way back to send the loot 😉
arent those solar panels more effective when facing them towards the center of the map due to how they generate power of the middle line instead of where the sun is shown?
there’s no way you raid Willjum and not know it’s him. His bases are so unique
58:09 love the nostalgic minecraft music
What happen to the 100 hour challenge in rust
Id love to see you throw it some automated organization for those boxes 😉
You should give back to some smaller creators and play with people like Cali and Oilrats
It wouldn’t be a Willjum video without a rant about electric furnaces!
52:19 Press F in Chat for Rug
Willjum every 20 minutes: “And I figured it was time to upgrade the base” 😂
I already watched blooprints solo video and he sort of did an imitation of you, does that mean I’ve pretty much already seen this video and shouldn’t watch it?
Music from the The last off us ❤
Hey willjum it be cool if u made a rust video wre u only get loot from rading other people it be fun to watch just a simple suggestion
.i,ve been away for a while , holly mackerel .you have over a million subs now .damn ,boy done good . i remember watching you ,when you had next to no subs . well done . could,nt happen to a nicer guy . stay humble
The definition of pipe life 😉
Pls do some Terminus Rust
7:40 just leaving the 600 cloth
15:28 aaaahh thats why i am here :3
what song is playing at 26:24?
Awesome video but the soundtrack is getting a bit stale.
Hi, what is the opening guitar song?
what is the song called starting at 6:00
7:50 600 cloth 😢
I’ve been watching for some time what is your ending song
Hope my videos will be as good as yours one day
Thx for making my days Will! hope you’re doing fine =)
What crosshair is he using
Anyone noticed 11:00 there was no lock on the door
I’d love to see you use that new Shipping Container skin for a base. Maybe even see if it can be spray canned a color to act like camo in a forest or arctic setting.
Anyone know the song at 8min ish
I love your videos, but I cry everytime you open up a box 😢 Next video idea, drop box with industrial splitter that connects to seperate boxes with thier own conveyer for easy organization 🎉😊
Thanks a lot, love your content and following your adventures allowed me to survive much better on my own solo journey!
4:50 the Last Of Us back music, lovely. This quality is amazing <3
I’m waiting for a video in which you would play on your own server you vs frends (other youtubers), no alliances, 1v1v1 around 1-3 monuments.
Is it just me, or is that guy jumping suspiciously high at https://youtu.be/EIxZ9nCIr8Y?t=2942 49:02
4:55 last of us music ?
So not actually an underwater base, like the thumbnail had me believe. Guess I’ll….leave?
Boy was popping off at the end
the minecraft music slaps so hard so calming love the vids man
I can’t believe it hahaha I was on your server man, that base on the iceberg belonged to me 😂
Who else watches willjum while laying down before bed 🛏️
William really did summon his inner spoon, fumbling the bag instantly😂
you know willjum’s loaded when he says no to a rug
17:05 been feeling this so much! stale pvp encourages other ways to enjoy. cheers
Bro why u didnt take of ur silincer?
Soundtrack at 5:00, last of us part one theme, is one of the best soundtracks made, glad to see he used it so perfectly for a whole different game
4:58 love that background sound 🫡
His videos have the best music that I almost cried listening to the minecraft music while he was building. Prove me wrong
……When are they going to add Redstone?
Last of music at 5:17?
Bro uses minecraft and the last of us music
willijum you have been my favorite rust player been a fan since you had building videos
Does everyone play for 2 or 3 days only and alway quit if they get raided. Just wondering. It seems odd to me that the wipes last a week to a month but everyone is done in no time at all or if the get raided. It’s like they want to play all month if they are stacked but not otherwise. Everyone calls 2 or 3 days “the wipe”
i wish i built bases like willjum. ive never seen such a thing of beauty
Wait, Willjum is a pvp chad now?
can you make a video on the starter and bunker
Willjum if you make a playlist with all the songs you use in your videos I will be the happiest person on earth 🙂
W vid
Please some help me find the song. “I know where youve been, ive tasted all your sin, it doesnt make a difference” i cant find it
RIP base … cool video mate
those guys that door camped you, blame you for them getting them raided and losing all there guns
58:20 the minecraft music hits too hard
I love you willjum
59:16 willy J just casually throws the minecraft music in, Love it
I need the name of the song at the end of every Willis videos 😢
49 minutes in – finally heads back to rig – this is why I like WJ vids – and I don’t even play Rust!
“the pvp is not it” like dude stfu. just because you can’t shit on casual players anymore with your absurd amount of hours doesn’t mean the combat is stale. it just means you actually have to put up with being on the same level as people with a fraction of your hours. you just sound entitled as fuck rn man
“not much to work on with pvp” bro says that like everyone plays games as a full time job. like homie, not everyone can afford to PRACTICE a game, just to be able to keep up with other players. i think this new recoil update actually makes things more balanced and fair for players who have blue collar jobs and touch grass.
gotta love the minecraft music near the end
There should be little sea scooters. That would be sick for sneaking to oil rig.
at 49:44 there is a beat but what is it called?
Classic Wiljum base
I think this has proven that willjum has ADHD xd (not an insult)
5:14, when is willy going to notice the music he puts all the time is from sassy? A show about smoking weed and tripping balls on shrooms, I recommend it tho its so fire.
i think that you should have used a merger instead of a slitter because people can probably take your stuff from the splitter, anyway keep up the great videos.
I saw ur perfect starter base and I plan on using it for this wipe
31:30 Ok, roof camper
It went from the shit shack to the fecal fortress
I expect nothing less from this man. Tally…love it.
is he using cross x or is that a new updated crosshair?
Newish to rust, how do u get a cross hair like he has? Anyone know?
7:15 Song?
I love the music level-up during the epic encounters😂
awesome video like always, is so refreshing watching you play. keep it up willjum
Hey hey hey! Letsgooooo
idk how tf u can see in labs. some parts of this game are too fucking dark
I heard [A Solitary Man’s Soul] start playing as Yogi fight happened and thought you were full meme-ing and about to die to the bear.
I also purchased ur desk mouse pad but issues so dont know if i will get 1😢
Keep up the good vids man ur doing amazing ❤
41:00 Nah! What happened to that aloneintokyo, fighting spirit!? ><,
can anyone please tell me how the song at minute 6 is called please
there is one specific song that you have in a lot of your videos, and its the one you’re using near the end of the video, what is this song called? cause i’ve spent ages looking for it xD
such an awesome person man.
another banger, perusal 🙂
song 2:33?
The Minecraft music on rust hits different
I know I’m a bit late but congrats on 1 mil! I’ve watched almost every video since like 50k and loved every single one. I also bought the mousepad and can’t wait for it to arrive!
The pvp is so boring and stale these days
as a relatively long time viewer i love the content and watching your videos is what got me into rust. Theres one thing ive always wondered what servers does WIlljum play on?
Bro played that peaceful Minecraft music towards the end
wow man…this video is such a vibe i love it <3
Willjum is so relaxing when i am on my phone going to bed thanks William ❤
It was my house that you launched thru the roof and smacked me xD I shat my pants xD…..
Thank You Willjum ✨
What is the base design
lets go for a pvp run 2min later lets go to oil rig 1 min later lets go farm😃
you could have just put the second convoyeur in the main base with the other, no need a second solar panel and battery. love you <3
love the minecraft music in the video
Please continue another chapter, we want to see your house grow into a big camp, please please
Dropped what I was doing to watch the chillest rust player on the planet
The term is Bodyboard! “Boogie board”(tm) is a registar trademark of Cransco (Morey Boogie).
I enjoy watching these episodes due to my loss of computer. Can’t wait till I’ve saved enough cash for new rig.
You can upgrade the triangle frame why its wood @willjum
R.I.P 600 cloth😢 7:30
Sad that it got offlined, but gg man.
willjum i wanna share my dream with you so im wanting a pc because its my dream to play rust but i dont have a pc but it would take years to get one but thats ok im just wanting to share my dream with ive been watching you since you had 545k subs and i had no account its crazy how much you grown and your content i love you willjum much love <3
The last of us theme is so great
Of course you could use the other conveyer to automatically load up your furnace, and another one to take the finished product out of the furnace and put it in your TC for upkeep.
finally time to enjoy a new vid from willjum again
How to you set your crosshair at all times?
Why didn’t they give the Thompson SMGs the classic barrel magazine? That’s what makes a Tommy Gun look like a Tommy Gun!
Does anyone know the song at 7:00 ?
where’e the 4th video in the 100 hours series?!?!?!?
Always a banger!
anyone know the song name, 7 minutes in?
I don’t even play rust anymore but watching your videos is just so satisfying
What is the song called that is playing around 8:00?
When youd rather run around naked than in your hazmat so you die to one ak bullet to the chest
This two part so far has been my favourite of yours since I started watching your videos a couple of months ago
What’s the song at 1:01:43?
Hey WilliJ
Will you make a Tugboat Base?
whats the song called with the female vocals?
I like how other creators are never excited about HQM. Meanwhile Willjum and the builders… aw yes.
I just love how I get an ad about manscaped on your video. Amazing 😂
could have taken the tank off sooner guy on rig probs heard ur rebreather going off
F Mlrss 6:20
4:55 last of us music????
So Willjum doesn’t like pvp?
12:50 thats what she said
The only steamer that builds a delivery system and gets sided tracked…”Squirrel”😅😅
try living out a cave for a wie
Least clickbait thumbnail ever.
Man just sent it with the 🪓 😂
guy was like wtf was that 😂
I absolutely loved the last of us music in this vid ..
tbh some of the background songs are kinda crappy
Next time you could make an HBHF sensor inside your base to move the loot into the other base in case of offline raid.
What is the song at 58:20 please?
Alone in tokyo would have shot that big group😂
Can you give the name of the song that started at minute 06:00 please
Minute 7:40 he forgot 600 cloth on that body so triggering
You even lay pipe bro😂
Im glad pvp is less of a try hard 5k hours training thing, game got waaay to sweaty and toxic over the years.
Wait it’s deann I remember him from another video too
I haven’t watched you for a while, but you’re still not using both slots of the electric furnace. It drives me crazy 💀
if only he took the silencer off after he took first two guys out😢
The last of us theme 5:00 hits so fucking hard
Luca music?
music is gay.
Can someone tell me the name of the song from his first roam to mining outpost
I know Willy puts credits to the music he gets it from, but does anyone know the song from 6:00 ? It’s so good, love the vibes
Rust sucks for most people man. Too many cheaters and sweaties for anyone to enjoy it casually. Last three times I tried to play raided by people blatantly cheating. The final straw was getting raided my last wipe by someone fly hacking who had been kicked/banned the night before, is STILL fly hacking and bragging about it in chat. I’m like, how the fuck does he get back on the server that fast? How is he not banned again immediately when he is in chat bragging about cheating and how cheap new accounts are? Game sucks, admin sucks, general community sucks. Content creators make it fun to watch but that’s about it.
take ur silencer off
Does anyone know the name of the song in 5:58 to 9:31 ?
7:48 well now I can’t sleep at night.
That roof looked easy for an eco raid js
spoon kids oil rig, tokeyos tower, your learning new syles and ways of rust its fun to see you grow
That not that bad I have to run through launch sit💀💀
Willjum is the thing that fueled me everyday
My first day was a solo I only got to play like 5 min until this year but all I remember was just grab rock and hit cacti now I almost only build in desserts
All Love willjum
maybe try automatic sorter next wipe it will only take 1 small battery but you can get 10 different combinations of sorting
What is the song at the end of the video?!??!?
please don’t cut video that much 😀
You sound like Nash the dayz youtuber lol
Amazing base build man, I’ve been watching you for years and I love all your videos! While I enjoy the video’s you do with others, I have to admit, your solo playthrough’s are my absolute favorite. I have a particular love for cave bases, and I was wondering if your industrial transfer system that you set up could work to transfer loot to and from a cave base? Would love to see you try it!
Someone must have mentioned this. The bunker triangle frame is only upgraded to wood. That’s an easy bypass of the bunker. It should be upgraded to metal or same tier as the triangle floor.
how does williguk have a constant cross hair? mine only shows up when i’m not zoomed in with a gun.
Wiljum should definitly get a rug skin with a garage door skin and a gun skin of your choice
I need a spotify playlist of all the songs Willy J uses
Missed opportunity– Ye could have made a fishin’ hole too. Fish all night and send the good stuff straight to your base. Coulda been cool. . .
yet to see a willjum vid without a horse in it
The Last of us theme is soooo good
How does Willjum just always know the perfect time to drop a chill video when we all always need it the most… another gem gg
unsubscribe you cheat
Why does The Last of Us music work so well in rust videos lol, love it
Thank you for videoo, i really enjoyed it <3
Don’t forget to leave a like
Bruh u left the 600 cloth
If you took silencer off you would’ve killed the 3rd Al guy 😭
keep watching your videos and decided to buy rust… havn’t lived longer than 10 mins yet xD
bro wiljum gotta be one of the worst players ever to have 5k+ hours
FOR SPARTA!!! *Wiff* …
i love how peaceful every video starts… when in reality rust is pain 🙂
A good rust player always uses slowed down minecraft music lmao
It would have been interesting to see, how they raided your base. What was the weak spot?
Is there a part before this??
7:38 it pained me seeing you miss 600 cloth lmao
Should have taken the suppressor off at the end
The fact that you put Last of Us music early in the video, you reached top 5 favorite youtuber and favorite Rust youtuber ♥ Thank you for that, I needed it today
You should put numbers on your videos like aloneintokyo does I’m always so confused about what video is next mostly for old videos🥹🙏🏼
Song name pls 55:24
Can we have wipe with Oilrats one day? This would be my dream to watch!
hello willjum
After watching bunch of willjum videos I don’t understand why you can’t place pipe combiner and pipes under the water and you could place a vending machine under water 🤣 come on rust it’s a pipe😆
The best of the wipe was that you put the solar panels facing directly to the sun.! 😂😂😂. You’re the best bro. Nice wipe. Greetings from Venezuela.!
Make chest organization with pipes please it takes like 5 min
@38:42 HE WAS RIGHT ON TOP OF YOU! Amazing.😎
He turned down a rug is this the end
Come here bitch!!! Gimme!!!
7:37 plsss take the 600 cloth my eyes are bleeding lmao XD
Love the last of us music lol
not even a furnace 25 minutres in?!
I bought this game once upon a time and ended up regretting it because the learning curve is so steep. Regarding food, how big of a concern is it usually? is this something you handle on the side, without going out of your way, or is it something you need to plan for?
My downfall was overthinking things, for sure.
Will I feel like I’ve seen a vid very similar on your page before I swear I remember the boat base fight in a previous vid
the interstellar music tho
The last of us song fits so good in your video I love it!
What’s the name of the song at 1:01:50 ?????
finally a dose of willjum
What’s the name of the song at like 26:40? I’ve been looking for ages and can’t find it.
Wiljum has far too much fun raiding noobs!
that outro song man is so on point!
can someone please tell me what the song at 7:06 is called
You could make the system 2way so you can ship loot out when ur getting raided
You left 600 cloth….
Man… When the “last of us” music played in the back while you running home.. Gave me goosebumps! 🙌🙌
good vid
Willjum I absolutely love your videos so much as it takes everything off my mind ❤️ Keep up the amazing work!
Hey man, great video as usual, always providing cozy content. Appreciate it man!
Nothing beats a Willjum video and the nostalgia of being solo ,keep up the Videos, much love Zac
Wonderful video as always but it pains me somewhat you didnt loot the 600 cloth at 7:50 xD
Stop using 2 molt over its 1
Great cozy vid as always but sad that you didn’t set up auto loot sorting.
59:56 a chair would be perfect
Please never stop using the last of us theme throughout your vids. It combines the best of both worlds.
That kamikaze jump into the 1×1 with the hatchet was amazing!
Why not set UP camera out you’r base to sée if you get door camp
just watching this so it gets out of my recomended, just sitting there tempting me with a comfy solo wipe
your content is so relaxing i can just pop on your vids and lay back and relax, i don’t even play rust but i just genuinely enjoy watching you play it
Dont get me wrong willjum is a great player and I really enjoy his content but him not grabbing the diesel from the quarry stresses me out lol
Love the TLOU soundtrack
Whene for a willijum farm base again
submarine door 💀
Can you do a unraidable cave base again? it’s been awhile since you did those op base, o kinda want another siries of those 🥹
1:02:35 silencer moment 🙁
at 36:00 why didn’t you check if there was building plan and hammer inside the TC?
This is peak rust content and you just know I love it
Cant some one unlink it and link it to their own chest
I decided its time to do some pvp roa…. oil ri…. farming to upgrade my base
Why willjum went for a wood with a horse, left him and back with his feet bruh
So glad, I found you through other Rust-Creators. Man, you deserve everything that comes to you.
aone in toykyo woud have shot at that small group of friends
whats the song at 7:00 ?
33:52 There are hot single wooden door bases in your area!
I have 6 hours in london, may as well watch a british icon
anyone know what song is playing at 8:40
nice 😊
did anyone else hear the minecraft music at the end of the video?
Man, you used to be a better gunfighter. Nowadays there’s almost no battle you won…
Not sure if you figure this later but you only needed one convey and so no power required in drop base. And ten minutes later our boy figures it out! GG Willy!
nah bro slided in minecraft music at the end
Shooting the deer was so unnecessary. 🙂
Song from 6:15?
@willjum i just had an idea for content. Have you tried playing rust with limited number of deaths? Survival mode to the extreme. Is it possible?
please upload more than vid/week 🙁
What is the name of the song that’s being played in last fight?
Brother your vids are like Rust Asmr. Thank you and please keep uploading.
Its Sunday no office…..I just watch Bloo solo life vids and now Willjum. Lets gooo…
Is it possible to get a happy birthday from the man who made me love rust? (Big 21st today)
Love the music at the end willjum
Wouldn’t be a willjum video if he didn’t shoot a bear that was in his view
What munecraft song is it in the end. It feels soo nostolgic
5:22 last of us music goes hard
That Deann guy is sus as fuck!
can someone tell me the name of the song at 7:00 please, also pretty nice vid as always keep up the great work willjum.
1:02 :00 song name plzz anyone knows ?
Hey Wil I really enjoyed your video where you grinded all the achievements. I would really like to see the second part with the harder achievements!!
well done welyn that is a nice base
song at 7:01 please
So.. weird, i can not click subscribe button.. I did subscribe months ago actually.. If I mark it. refresh its just gone.. keep up the good work!
certified spoonkid save
“FOR SPARTA!!!” Play of the year
wait, it was during easter event? LIES! DECEPTIONS! jk
What is the song that starts at 6:05?
Did they remove the ablity to move loot dirrectly into TC?
What’s the name of the song that’s plays when will first starts jumping up the cliff in panick when coming back from the labs? If anybody knows pleaseee tell me. Also, great video Willjum! 😂
Does anyone know the music name at 9:00?
you did placed baesd to convey your loot from water yet didnt do the industrial super smelter seytem xD just thinking about it when you got all the bps for it and not doing it for no resone its just make it comfier to live in 4 tringels
41:20 i am not gonna fight all of them meanwhile alone in tokyo go 1v 20
yOU hope i ENJOYED? sRSLY??? iT’S ALWAYS A PARTY !!!!!
The og Minecraft music at the end is a vibe
Off had been raided. Not enough bear rugs and Christmas lights
add lights
yo willjum what song did you use on 7:30 in this video
edit:forget it i found the song
song: ancient flame by torri wolf
What is the bunker, that he use??(can i have the link of the video of the bunker of anyone know!?)
i actually dont think ive ever seen willjum throw away a rug!!!
Put the silence down when you are spotted, you make more demage
burst out laughing at that halfway mark
Truly a son of Spartans, excellent strategy Leonidas 😛
are you gonna post your pov of aloneintokyo video
I love the base I will definitely use it next wipe willjum what is the song of your outro I love it
Hey what is that song called that she says I know you’ve been I’ve tasted all your sin
love you do much
Well a relaxing Sunday ineed
He put the “last of us” music in i think. love it
He always round up the loot he’ll find like 101 scrap but say 200 😭
got to love the Minecraft music
8:32 someone has to make it a meme where it says “hello motha fucka”
Hi great video. Made me think, can you build a base that looks a bit like an oil rig? I mean a platform suspended on three or four “legs” . Accessed by a ladder on the inside of one of the legs? Could be on land or in water.
What base would anyone reccomand to a new rust player
next video “i built the coziest tug boat base in rust”
Plah a wipe with oilrats pls
how did he change his reticle?6
please us some of andrew jeremy topic music my favorite
am i the only one that only look at “”wiljum 10 hours ago” and not at the title?
Can we take a min to appreciate this man taking the time to always making power lines and pipes as organized as possible. As a builder my ocd thanks you lol
4:51 dude the last of us music gave me some crazy flashbacks, fucking amazing game dude
i love hearing the last of us music cause i’m literally playing the last of us while watching this
7:50 that 600cloth
My mood lights up when I see a Willjum vid drop
Willjum I love you and due to your videos I’ve been living that solo life comfortable full of bear rugs, and due to this love I need you to live in a tug boat it’s the cosiest, the ocean sunsets are 😮💨
33:20 “I actually, really liking this base” 😂
If I could post SS the list is veryyyyy long of videos watched in consecutively
Casually sneaking a classic Minecraft song in at the end. Certified Willjum classic
how did he get his croshair like that?
Willjum plays way more aggresive now then before playing with Alone. I like it a lot
Would love to see you doing more raids Willy. Fantastic video as always! Keep it up
I’m honestly love your videos but for the last few I have been curious what’s up with the crosshairs that even show up on your map and inventory bro. Just curious. I love the content though.
Its 1 am, gotta wake up in 4 hours but i dont give af im watchin it
54:20 channel your inner oilrat not spoon xD you want the bag, not to fumble it
the last of us theme song at the backround. heck of a choice wiljum, amazing haha
Hoe many hours do you have on rust?
Anyone know the song name where it goes “I’ve tasted all your sin it doesn’t make a difference” at around 7 minutes
The clean as you go song is great. Every time I hear it in one of your videos I smile a little.
@willjum what’s the song from 6 minutes to 9minutes in the beginning
Anyone else thinking deann has a really good gaming chair?
“…..That poor guy”…
proceeds to destroy his house completely
43:22 i tabbed to discord so fast then remembered i have no friends
Got to 43 mins before he popped the cosy, was getting worried.
when the shipping container skins come out, I want to see wiljum build a base in the snow with white container walls
Thank you WillyJ for the great content ❤
It’s a Sunday there’s a new willjum video is a good day
16:05 that killed me😂
Filmed lady Easter?
Can other players see the piping that you have laid????????
Willjum i have a quick question for you
Your organization sucks! ;o)
As always, fun to watch!!
The minecraft music is so golden just playing calmly in the background so soothing.
Don’t even like rust but Dame do I like a willjum video 😅
FOR SPARTA !!!! Rofl
orange warnings is the song he uses at the end of his videos
Nice video but I have a question what is the name of the song at the end of the video?
I love this guy
clickbait thumbnail. the conveyor box was not underwater…
Bot ly episodes I’ve been screaming upgrade the bunkers frame it’s wood aaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh
anyone have the songs in all the vids he uses
couldn’t you make the piping go through the entire map?
Will where is the part 3 of the 4 solo? 🥹
What is that melody at 5:10
4:56 brooooo that shit was unexpected (the music)
Willjum is such a Chad
30:12 poor guy
Wait, that it. The base was raided then the video ends.
I mean other than the music it’s good
Song at 6:15?
Could have made it so you could send items out to the water base also so when those guys camping you, could send what you needed out to that base and just came out naked
48:23 that was the same duo that was doorcsmping right?
Willjum I love your videos, but I play console can’t wait to have more updates to make bases like yours.
Another great one. I wonder if your ostentatious “tokyo-tower” drew too much attention. All your time playing non-solo has curbed your traditional “under the radar” approach. Still, I love the underwater piping system. I wonder if you could do something similar, but with fishing? Can you pipe caught fish in deeper water to a small base near fishing village?
Ok so I watch many rust youtubers and this is my first time watching Willjum and all I gotta say is it’s so calm lol it’s kinda nice
Thank God for google recognizing songs playlists a vibe bro
Willjum always says he’s not a pvper and all this and that, but he beams kids gat damn
Last of Us music again. Be careful Will
The guys that u killed in sulfur quarry was the doorcamping duo alena and his teammate
30:11 did he duck it? But you shoulda turned on voice chat..it woulda been funny if his last words were “willjum..?!?”
You need to team up with Frosty all the time
Please someone tell me the song that starts at 6:00 I’ve been searching so long
I love gupp🥰😊
What song is at 8:00?
Wouldn’t be a Willjum video without Yogi!
what crosshair is trhat
how do you get that cross hair?
A chapter named after me, and it matches my play style too 😃
when you going to post part 4 of 100 hours of rust
Willjum you should play a wipe with me
100 years from now these videos will be used for training for Engineering. This man has a dream and we are all witness to it. It’s to break Rust from sheer awesomeness.
I cried when you left the rug behind at underwater lab
Does anyone know the song in 6:50
You can see better out of window barricades if you reverse them
It would be cool since the loot is transported between the pipes, if someoen broke a pipe the loot would come out thst pipe
cant wait to watch this tonight before sleeeeeeeep.
The different songs in this video with timestamps.
0:00/2:29 Unknown instrumental song
2:32/4:46 Unknown instrumental song
4:49/5:51 Unknown instrumental song
6:00/9:34 Ancient Flame – Torii Wolf
10:34/12:13 Unknown Instrumental song
12:22/16:36 Unknown Instrumental song
16:38/19:28 Unknown Instrumental song
19:38/20:59 Unknown Instrumental song
21:00/23:46 Unknown Instrumental song
24:03/26:14 Unknown Instrumental song
26:23/28:56 Unknown Instrumental song
29:13/32:20 Unknown Instrumental song
32:32/34:08 Unknown Instrumental song
34:14/36:07 Unknown song
36:12/39:38 Clean as You Go – HATAMITSUNAMI
39:34/44:55 Unknown Instrumental song
45:28/48:18 Unknown song
48:26/51:44Unknown Instrumental song
51:51/53:26 Unknown Instrumental song
53:33/57:57Orange Warnings – Blood Red Suns
58:00/1:01:01 Minecraft – C418
1:01:06/1:03:00 A Solitary Man’s Soul – Lars Eriksson
1:03:12/1:03:44 Rain On Me – Sarcastic Sounds, Mishaal Tamer
If you know any of the unknown songs please comment the name and (optionally the)correct timestamp and I will add the correct name to the timestamp.
Happy to be here since 5k subs, still remember when bro was on the laptop, good stuff will
That guy was 100% esp at 35:00 You can see him head tracking the sneaking naked through the walls you placed.
never change the outro music ples
Wouldnt be a willjum video without annoying music and going off randomly about how cozy things are
Time for the automated smelting loot storing iceberg compound base :^)
did you ever realize that one of your core foundations was still stone?
what is the song at 8:07
I feel so cozy watching willjum play. Thanks 😀
This video has so much story stevie is gonna spawn in.
you should NOT sort the boxes for the viewer’s sake! only if it makes your run easier.
Anyone know the song at 6:09?
rust enderchest fr
What’s the base design for your main base??
This is just genius lol, how has nobody done this yet? It’s gonna be a new meta.
At 7:36 you left 600 cloth 😔
when are you gonna post the next episode with blooprint, Hjune and frost?
I always love how chill ur vids are 💯
music is too loud
55:40 thats was perfect time for DB
Had me at the edge of my seat
what was the first song I need to know
I jumped out of my bed from that last one
1 hr video ❤❤❤ btw almost a box of building plans lmao 🤣😂🤣😂
Does anyone know the song from 7:00?
Welyn gave up on the rug and didnt revive the guy building the twig base, he has changed
where are the rugs!!!
love the vid but that crosshair 💩
loved the video but you left 600 cloth on the guy in mining
I think you just created a new setup for pretty much everyone.. Dam good job my good sir, Dam good job..
Is there a video on how to properly build this bunker base? I tried to build it following your last video but it didn’t work properly. I simply couldn’t place a triangle floor on the frame. I did get different placements like in you last video, but none of them allowed me to place the floor on the frame unfortunately..
If you fight scientist – wear anything but a rad suit – the damage scientist do while you wear that, you might as well be naked. Put a half decent prim suit on for fighting scientists or good gear
What’s the song at the end
Nah you have made me go crazy over the car why did you mention it 😭😭
“Stop it your interrupting my piping” THATS WHAT HE SAID😂😂😂
What is the song at 7:18
You can even set up a circuit to dump your loot boxes into a separate sealed bunker when it detects an enemy lol. The new tech is a bit wild.
Now the challenge is…making a chain of small dump bases that just move loot directly from monument to distant base so you never have to run it home.🤔
Luv u Willy J
Guys 1×1 konfuzion vs willjum Who wins?
Yknow at some point in the recent past I stumbled across this channel from recommendations and I just wasn’t vibing with the video. And youtube kept pushing these at me so I sat down and watched another video and now I’m always so happy to see a new video uploaded in my subscriptions, so I can melt into my chair and chill with Willjum.
grate video and as always you help me get through another day 🎉
Commenting for the Al Gore rhythm
Bro just casually drops a 1 hour video, god I love you wiljum!!!!
Sure this is big brain but what if someone came at night and just rerouted it to their base so willjum just sends all his loot to someone elses boxes. now that would be big brain
Lot of obvious cheaters this time seeing you though objects. Still a fun watch.
base looks like the house form what remains of edith finch
Love the video song at the end makes me tear my ears off my fuckin head
I love that this was recorded at Easter and shown today. Unless this server has permanent Easter events
XD Is there a build video for this op base <3 :3
Ive been watching you since u only had like 15k subs
Cozy? It looks like a metal prison tower hahaha :)))))
i been watching you for so long still dont know what song you played in the end lol.
Wouldn’t be a Willjum video without him expressing his love for electric furnaces 🤣❤️🤌🏼
Thanks….Now i gotta go rewatch all of The Last of Us…Christ
The Minecraft music
whats the song at 8:40
iw now spend 40 minutes trying to find it lol
Any one know the song that starts at 6 minutes?
change the color of wire that would be look great and cozy
The last of us song i love the game
love the last of us theme song
This is legit one of the most relaxingly fun channels on Youtube. Keep up the great work.
where’s your segway ffs best part of the show
I think the guy called drean is hacking he has had way to many headshot and knows where you seem to be a lot.
not willyj with a holo on a IMP sar. Great vid though!
I think the best thing about willjum videos is that we all feel like it could be us, but we just aren’t as positive and consistent to ever catch up. Cheers, mate! We appreciate the content!
Not the last of us background music😂
Your forced, weird narration voice is very awkward and makes everyone who watches feel uncomfortable. Everyone hates it. Try talking in your natural voice. It would be much more tolerable.
Your stories are so good, I love every moment. And something about your videos, are so cozy! I don’t even own rust, but I just love watching you!
Song at 1:01:35 ?
im glad you not making a base inside the water. some people will just use sub torpedo to destroy your base.
Why not build a cliff base with an elevator to the beach?
Put ladders on the mountain to easily get up there ❌ build a base that transfers all the loot from down the hill for when u come from oil rig and labs to automatically transfer ur loot for u ✅
I keep my stuff all mixed up, lol. I memorize my stuff, and it’s all mixed up for others and longer to take all my good stuff in one swoop.
alternate title
“Willjum struggles to go to the oil rig for an hour”
if I saw those combiners like that out in the wild with no TC, i’d build a small base and pipe the outputs to my own boxes lol
Hahaha love the content, Also love the “32 rockets to Core when I add this extra 5th layer” – just feels so unnecessary haha. Exeter massive
The 600 cloth he left from the mining outpost duo 😪
“im gonna do oil”
Be careful with that submarine door… might implode on you 👀
1MIL lest go!!!!! Im really happy for you. I was here when you only had 300k subscribers. Please keep the work going. You’re one of the few youtuber that upload good content.❤️❤️❤️
7:37 left behind 600 cloth 😂
The five mushrooms 🗿
cant wait to watch this one after typing this comment. keep it up wiljum u the goat
Soooo. Does anyone know how he gets the default crosshairs?
I swear, Willjum, I will reinstall Rust just to work for you organizing your goddamn loot.
….That I actually used once. XD
That final fight though, I believed all the way. Good stuff as always, solo is love, solo is life.
Dude the guitar backround music when hes fighting the LMG guys on the water was fire 🔥
Hey I just wanted to let you know it’s been storming rly bad and I have bad anxiety and your videos helped me through the storm
26:54 thought Will was being MLRS’d 😂
Is it possible to take it one step further and have a constant conveyer for your sulfur and metal ore to your electric furnaces?
I was the guy on the smaller ice berg you killed me a lot lol
Only one bear rug? You ok WJ?
i kinda want a roomtour of rl willjum in which he explains he lives in a 14square meter apartment, everything in one room, rarely organized which means occasionally you see forks and socks mixed together in a random chest hanging from the ceiling. and there are lights literally everywhere, no windows unfortunatly but a nice framed picture of a rust sunset.
Hi ho the cheerio the second part is here
what is the song playing at the end calld
poor brandy
got plundered twice
ahh everytimei watch one of willjums videos i get a feeling to play rust again.
Dont you loose a lot of damage on your ak using a silencer vs 2-3 players ? Try finding the time to remove it
what is the song at 6:20? i still cant find it
used your code for manscaped shower bundle.. still waiting for it to be delivered but thanks for the cash off purchase.
how so much fps lol
what song is playing at 9:20?
”its about damn time I do a big recycle run” -proceeds to only take 2 types of components
i think that was my base on the iceberg
Whats the song at the very end of your videos?
Man, i never played Rust, but when i watch Willjum and hear the music he uses, i feel nostalgic as if i played this ten years ago.
does anyone know the name of the song at 5:07 ? i think it’s from the last of us but can’t find it
Too many people cheat in this game.
That dean guy is sus as well.
What server is this? Also keep ip the great content willyj
music at 7 minute mark ?
“my little shour line could be dangerous”😂😂😂
Really love that you’re using the last of us main theme
F7 report adela
There’s alot a panic moment
whats the song at 5:00 ?
make a base thats in the shape of a BEAR and covered in bear pelts
Whenever Willjum swears, he sounds uncomfortable, lol.
I just hate getting punished for being early to your videos. Youtube hates long videos and takes days to render them fully. Now i need to figure out what I’m seeing in this green pixel mush. Rust is the wrong game for low bitrate streaming. I’d prefer if you release them later when youtube is done rendering them.
The Minecraft music in the back is amazing for this YouTuber I love this guy so much keep up the Awsome videos ❤
You could have sealed the tc on the base by fishing village, at least at that point they couldn’t keep there base…..
industrial stuff is so satisfying to watch
Anyone else notice the last of us music in the back ground of the last rwo videos? Just me? At 5:03
The Last of Us music is so good
i doubt this will get seen but im just back from a festival absolutely destroyed and this has made my night
God I fucking love a good willy j upload
if you was getting door camped why dont you just go back to the sea base with ur full inventory of loot? instead of hoping they arent? i thought thats the point in this video?
If anything, when u let ur boxes get crazy full, sorting it out makes it super satisfying to watch!
Good stuff
Apparently WillyJ can really lay that pipe 😕
Thanks again for the entertaining content.
i need the song at 7:15 🙁
1:01:10 anyone know what song is this?
I took a nap and woke up to new willjum video playing
willjum is one of the best rust player in the game :)🙂🙂
Time to Will and Chill. An hour of relaxing Rust
ak full/Felix kit was in my clan key word was because cheating and when i found out i kicked him and sent vid to admins of him cheating
I think we all aggree that we love WillJum content for his chill and cosy stuff and play , but what i enjoy the most sometimes are those genuinely awkward base designs , seeing it from the outside was the best part i loved it !!! hahahaha
Hate me but these bunkers should be removed
Willjum… Next time you get into a fight. When they figure out where you are remove the suppressor.
just remember K.I.S.S.
Stupid lol
its a shame you cant have pipes going thru rocks so they are hidden and people cant damage them.. it would be better if people cant just follow your pipes to both bases and know they are owned by the same person
Willjum with Ak its “rare”
Can’t watch a full movie without wishing it wasn’t so long, but I consume hour long things this this on the regular. Big bruh
Didnt take the silencer off.. lol so close
COZY: Compact, Odd, Zany, yourself
What’s the base design
I love how organic your bases are. I’m always following a strict design and yours seems to just grow naturally
the last of us track in the background is fire
Anyone know what song was in the outro, not the actual outro, the song that started about 1:01:20 ? Other that that live the vibes willyj I wish I could remain calm while playing this game
What’s the second to last song?
If you set up that covayer going both ways if you are getting raided you can send shit to another base quick… the good stuff.. the possibilities are crazy
Hey whats the songs name at 8:46?
When you’ve watched so much wiljum that you recognize whats going to happen by the music 😂😂😂
Love the background music bro! It’s really chill
Nooo the 600 cloth miss at mining
Laid in bed and that bear jump scare at the end shit the life outa me 😂
Love these videos they actually got in to playing rust and helped me as I play solo
Hey willjum I have a idea for you how about trying to do a base we’re you pixel gap the tc
Go to sleep listening to this guy most nights. Thanks, brother. Brings me a little peace.
Every time I see a will upload, I bust 3 bags of milk.
whats the name of this song 6:27
Every rust gamer ever “damn that placement is scuffed as hell!” Willjum “naaa bruv it’s cozy” 😂😂
Hi there, I’m from Building Plans Anonymous and this is an intervention
How does Willjum make such amazing videos every time keep up the good work Willjum
Even willjum knows how terrible PvP is after the recoil update 💀
Willjum: “What the hell? That guy just emerged from the bush.”
Me: “Has Winter arrived?”
Whats the name of the last song? Before the outro
Hello Willjum, i’m a french viewer and i’m speechless how your video is beautifull.
I’m bad in english but and speak slowly and perfect for a beginner, you train me to be better with this language 😂
I fucking love this game and it’s your fault !! Have a great day and see you in other superb adventure !
Willjum killing those two at the recycler should have been a warcrime. 600 scrap insane.
Sorry, did I just see Willjum prioritize something over a rug?
You really did channel your inner spoon kid. Only thing missing is losing a stack of scrap to gambling
hi willjum
You used the last of us music
*Crazy wild* i fell asleep for my nap a few hours ago watching willjum. Woke up to new willjum. *Allday willjum binge*
Omg it looks so good
Man i truly enjoy all of these videos and honestly the best part is how you sync music into the moment and it makes it soo much better. 🙂 I’ll watch any length of video you post.
I like the video and everything but why do alot of rust youtubers servers still have the easter event still going on?
Deean is cheater. Its an A+ cheater zerg. Their chief is Deean
Anyone know the song when he leaves his base going towards mining outpost with the bright green tommy? 7:05 Mark.
I wish willjum played a full wekk of wipe
Willjum be like Malfoy when he was testing the vanishing cabinets
❤❤keep it up
A yes inner peace
Spent a lot of time in yexom’s comment section have we?
Willy you got to be more aggressive you would of had the last fight
My Steam got hacked and they used my Rust to cheat. I got a permanent ban and even after writing them and telling them I secured my account and it wasn’t me, they still wouldn’t lift it. I’m soo bummed. Not really fair. I’ve had rust since 2014 on the day of release.
W willy j
If possible, please try and avoid capturing your cross-hair in the recordings, they can be quite annoying once noticed
whats the song @8:00 minutes
Willjum always makes the best relaxing videos, you definitely should make a video on the tugboat when they come out
Wiljum fumbling all the good Ws 😭 it’s always the last guy to kill him
but like i only have 100 hours in ruts, playing for like 2 -3 weeks, watching ur videos actually teached me the game, also its like a netflix show, i never watched a 1 hour video on youtube in full lenght, here im almost done with so many episodes of ur old wipes
Anyone knows the app for the crosshair?
Rust doesn’t look all that stunning anymore, it used to be, but Star citizen has superb pretty pixels and looks alot better
Love yeur vidéo
whats the name of the song that starts @ 6 mins in , great video as always
your videos feels like a movie
What song started playing at 4:55? I love it
wouldnt it be better to do it the other way around? youre hiding your loot by putting it under water & transported into your base? i thought this was gonna be about how you transport your loot from your base to a hidden under ocean base so anyone who loots your above ground base cant get your loot.
I love it when Rxseboy uploads
damn willy j you should have taken the silencer off like you said
I like the transfer idea for sure, but it didn’t play much of a role on this wipe playthrough. Showing how to set it up was awesome though!
Making a main base that’s seriously tanky, and a flank base or two in a grubby area could make the ideas very useful as well. Safe excess loot in the main with shorter downtime, to get more chances at cleaning up. Plus online raids could be easier to defend if a player could F1 kill, spawn in a flank to defend from another spot, get a couple kills and return to flank, store, and F1 again back to main for max confusion 😂
And I’m not sure how it would be set up, but would be nice if auto smelted resources that are sent to a station to auto make explosives was possible. The conveyer system could be seriously upgraded to put all resources in one box and tc is filled as needed, and everything else was moved down a priority line to automatically sort and either use or store based on the goals a group has.
More for builders to learn, but could help a solo keep up with small teams. Or ways a team could move towards more raids quickly. Giving creators more content, and players more variety, sounds like a win to me 😂 but I also am not a developer and have no clue the logistics of making it happen, nor am I sure servers would want the update. Just something I would like to see personally 😂
Willjum’s famous words before catastrophe: “I figured it was about time I…”
Wasn’t there a final part for the 4 solos series? I hope we see it soon❤
58:38 Not the Subwoffer lullaby man im tearing up.
Can someone time stamp the songs he uses with the names of the songs?
Me watching this 1 in the morning what a vibe, great work Wj !
Does anyone know what song is playing at 6:20
Whelp: Famous last words… “One more roam”.
Does anyone know how he has that crosshair?
you can do this but with vending machines… make a deep sea base and connect it to your on land base
Connect a heartbeat sensor to your on land base and if someone raids you it will move your loot to your underwater base.
😢give me PC To play with this sweet
Crosshair? Is that normal in rust?
Anyone know the name of the song at 24:30
the last of us music was amazing in this video
Ohhh that was such an epic boat base fight and trying to seal! pure epicness!
Wiljum please play with me
I never saw so calm rust player ever.
willjum how do you get your crosshair
Are you going to use the storage container metal skin?
4:06 underwater labs atmosphere == tarkov x silence of the lambs night vision scene
Man I love you’re content its helped me out so much plating rust console cheers WJ ❤
what could you possibly need 4 building plans for @12:43, come on now willy j
22:16 what are those footprints? i watch a lot of rust yt but i havent played since it first went on early access so theres lots of little things i dont know.
the record GUI in the bottom right corner is bugging me lol
“Look at how beautiful the sunset… F*%k off deer”
@willjum someone can just use the piping tool and redo the piping to his base cause of th4 no build priv
What’s the music that’s playing at 6:17, I can’t seem to find it.
Thanks for getting me into rust
Lol finally he uses the base to transfer loot! @52:35 into the vid… lol great video as always!!! watching you attempt oil got me thinking, how about being an oil rat for a week? Making grubby plays with the db and cleaning up the best loot in the game! (Even just looting what others leave behind is often still better than what you get anywhere else on the map) great for solo’s trying to get a good start. 😉
Do splitters have privileges? Can someone steal loot by building off of the open splitters?
This would be great in a cave. No well!!!
will…. thinking it’s time to organize in the last half hour isn’t unreasonable. ur borderline procrastinating!
wish theyd do something lawfully about script developers. Shit is so out of hand and has been costing legitimate players both time and money investments for far too long, unpunished.
Its wild to think about just how many people would go from hero to 0 in the push of one felony charge or 10,000 dollar fine per person effected by their antics. 😛
wiljum droping in on dude like he’s a skateboarder gotta be the most aggressive i have ever seen lol
tommy vs nail gun…i shoulda won that….heheh
Been having a long week, and this video just made my weekend a 110% times better. Love you Willjum 🫶🏻
Please advertise the 1.5x trio server dude its so dead 💀
You made me cry at the end with the mc music😭
Not wiljim being greedy on the I have nothing door with full innovatory lol
best to watch before sleep
love your vids brooouuu
A solitary man’s soul (last roam song)ly willjum❤❤❤
Yo this is about to be so cool!!
I love that MC song at the end of your video when you finish your base 😘😘😘😘😘😘
New Episode name “Willjum throws away a Rug in RUST…”
Imagine someone passing by stealing disconnecting the pipes to their chest
Well done should have taken the silencer of
Adela was definitely cheating with that lmg
Hey this new blueprint base should be called the Chadhilator 😮😮😮🫶🫶
hahahahaha one of my favorite willy j moments of all time
The one thing I wish you would try to do, is try to get a m249.. I almost never see rust youtubers get one… It would just be really cool to see.. And maybe see some pvp with it.
Edit: it would also be cool to see more use it the camouflage skins you can use to be more invisible in the different terrains. I’m glad u took advantage of it! Keep it up!
When is the last part of four solos coming
Coziest YouTuber around
They use zen that’s why they never miss I can’t wait for face punch to find Zens that are plugged in
the last of us music in rust?
Will is so chill and he makes movie long vids every 3 days about and they are so entertaining when you have 2 parts to watch and 2 hours to spend peacefully
music at 7:35 ?
I’m starting to see a new trend in Willjum’s videos. As it turns out, he is actually the bad guy. He RKOed a clear noob and slaughtered him with an axe.
Could you make a small hidden loot bunker to send all your best things to if you get an online raid?
whats the music at 7:00
everytime i watch wiljum’s video. I curious about his crosshair. can someone tell me how to get that
i love how for once your not prim locked
As always, splendid job mate. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
You should’ve kept the bucket hat from that airdrop for bucket hat wetsuit gaming meta
How does he not miss a shot!? Because he’s cheating wiljum, that’s what constant body/head usually mean
Love the music choice.
What door skin was the water base name?
Willjum could u give some credit to Yexom cuz he did it first😊
anyone know the song name in 1:01:10 ????
2:49 just wait for the new “abyss” update the water is looking even more deliciously blue, it looks more beautiful but yet they made being underwater a bit more eerie yet beautiful.
is it just me that has a dejavu i think You posted this vid a whil a go Willjum
Before anyone jumps on me…. I’m good. Isn’t this a repost as this is déjà vu city? I’ve either seen this before or the edibles have expanded my mind.
Still love your stories WJ!
7:04 can someone tell me the name of that song?
What do you guys think about this? Being able to open garage doors halfway
8:35 that’s what you get for running with no armour on with a gun out 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 who does this shit bruh it’s hilarious when they get clapped every time
what crosshair does william use
He left the rug😢😢😢
i love you willy boy
So mutch just rotting in ya bse never uset.. your bullshit loot goblin😂
U’re a vibe mate, ty for all the videos, always manage to make my day
I’m pretty sure i have already watched this video before.
Youtube bugged out and the preview showed Willjum cranking 90s in Fortnite to me.
7:00 i was more interested in the background music ( ancient flames). then the content.
there isnt a better feeling than wiljum making a new video
couldnt you of just moved into the water base
Hey…Babe, wake up. New Willjum just dropped.
An observation from Spoon that I have tested a bit: Scientists seem to do extra damage vs hazmat suits.
Will you try the new Tugboat base? (next wipe)
Umm people can see shadows…..
I look up willy j instead of willjum lol i love that nickname
Man i really need to try to play a wipe like you
It was a poor run 🙁
love you Willy J
8 seconds in and I can already tell this is going to be a certified Willjum classic.
Can i get the base design
Is that the last of us (tv show) music as background music?
hey i dunno if it’s somethign that helps with views, but it’d help a bunch finding which videos come next (talking more about other videos that aren’t brand new and easy to find the next video in a series), if titles could have something like [1/2] or [1/x] then [2/x] for example. i’ve found plenty of rust creator videos and not quite been sure whether it’s a video that’s starting after the grub phase or not or not being sure which video is the next in the series as they add in other videos inbetween.
if it makes it worse for your on the views/subs count stuff, it’s fully understandable, but figured i’d drop that down. (it’s not too bad when the 2nd video in a series is literally the next video, talking more in general than just this vid)
Lol , Bro made a holywood introduction, Love it.
Got me curious with that opening hook.
Would be awesome to cover industrial trail with snow via snow machine, but I suppose it would be too obvious in most or all situations.
Really like this video! It’s really cool how the piping system works! Keep doing good bro!
17:56 I thought that shot was in my game lmao. I wish end of the wipe toppled everyone else just want some pvp!
thank god for the jackhammer, if it weren’t in the game id lose the will to jum 44:30
Really good video, keep it up!
I fell asleep watching so now I can’t be first comment
Imagine making a few separated bases and when raided just send all the loot safely on the pipes. is that even possible? I don’t play rust so perhaps it isn’t. Also cant wait for the cave video you have been promising for ages!
what would have been extra based if you had a pipe sending back to the other base so on the off chance you were being raided you can just send stuff to a chest there
Anyone knows the song at 32:57 ?
i love u willy j
bro are you in my discord dms spying on me, me and my friend was gonna do this on july 6th
At the end, wiljum made the fatal mistake of not taking off his silencer 😔
Dont they have a recycling machine the sub base hmm
I can only play like Willjum (minus the epic kills) on half dead servers 😂 enjoying the build process, scenery and loot luck without getting raped 99% of the time. Love your content mate, keep it up! 🥰
The consistent intro every vid is so crazy🔥
Is that the last of us music 5:22 ??
The Minecraft musik in the back😂
Love it
That loot moving strat is actually insane. With some prep work you could move loot from a raid to your own base completely safely.
“That is gonna wrap up today’s advench” 1:02:51
i dont know how u do it but your videos are so relax👍👍
7:35 leaving that cloth hurt me emotionally
I know I have seen you fumble at that boat base and get stuck in that hole before . I think it was a couple years back before the industrial update .
Once again another great video ❤
the song that starts at 6 min, what song is that??? i have been looking for a while now and i cant find it
When a Willjum episode is more entertaining than the new season opener of The Witcher…
Just me or did anyone one else realize the last of us music in the background
are we not going to talk about how willjum was abt to bring out a sar with pistol bullets ? 😂 12:46
“Stop it, you’re interrupting my piping!” Definitely not the first time I’ve heard a guy say that
nice job dude
my internet is greifing my willjum video
What’s the fastest way to get a solar panel and small battery?
Thanks for the vid now i can end the day ❤
Reason why you lost the fight at the end was because of the silencer but amazing video keep up the great work
Sar holo💀
I love your videos ❤
Anyone know the song that plays 6 mins in to the video?
LOL not even kidding I did this same idea last wipe I made it to day 27 of a monthly wipe vanilla as a solo. I think this might be a new meta incoming well done Wiljum your videos are the highlight of my week.
On that last roam, when you died to the 3rd ak kit guy i yelled “NOOOOO” and i hear you saying “NOOO” i cracked out laughing. Great video and now i can assure you this is certified as a spoonkid classic.
love the minecraf music in the end when you were building the base it reminded me when i wase like 12 years old plaing on phone minecraft tyring to build a nice coasy base :)) keep up the great work <3
@willjum There is a set of wooden ladders that lead up in the center of oil from the water. I always have a better time sneaking up on that spot. The dock is brutal.
Willjim bullying nakeds
It’s awesome that the recoil update leveled pvp. Now you have the ability to focus on the rest of the fun stuff.
Iceberg duo pulling a willjum on willjum rat grabbing lol.
I have a theory; no matter how big, no matter how fortified, no matter how many players in a base, every base is raidable except for the ones that cannot be found.
So with that in mind, where can you build so that no one can find you? Well Rust only let’s you build half a grid off-grid. So what if you build a base in one of the 4 corners of the map grid deep deep in the ocean? There’s no reason for anyone to ever go out there so long as rig isn’t nearby and the cargo ship doesn’t even come close to the base. The only inconvenience however is that you’ll need a heli or a boat at all times otherwise it’s a drag to swim back to mainland.
Yet again THE best Rust YouTuber is breaking Rust again.
Does anyone know the song that starts at 6:00 ????
Anyone know the song at 7:20
Willjum What is the song called I know where you have been i have tasted all yours sins you use it in your Videos almost all the time and i wanna listen to it
Ya know I discovered a bunch of good music thanks to you
i just started rust and want to learn so can someone give me reccomendations on what servers i should play?
Wheres part 3 of the solo??
6:13 name of this music plis ❤️❤️❤️
I am always excited to watch when you upload another video!
7:50 one of the 2 bodys have 600 cloth broooooo xD
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo doing my weekly comment b4 watching this awesome vid.
Great couple of vids
i didn’t know you can make a base look like WALL-E lmao
songs in this video are so good
Where do you stream
Great run – super cool use of the industrial stuffs!
30:15 thats wild bro, didn’t expect this from willy j
I tought it was silly to set up 2 conveyors at first, but I was kind of doughting myself, I laught so hard when you realised!!!!
good video
Does anyone have the title of the song that starts at 6:05?
i like men
Keep up the good work will love watching you do what you love ❤
What is the song that plays around 6:20???
I dont even speak that much english and i still love willjum videos man (i speak spanish thats why xd)
Ahh, yes, the last of us theme, which actually fits the rust game so well
u really must report those cheater willjum !
I was never played Rust, and prolly newer gonna play it(not the type of games that im playing), but damn, i havent missed a single vid from @Willjum, idk, its just so enjoyable.
Have you ever considered, that the reason why Yogi is always after you, is payback for all the bear rugs ? 😉
i am always in the mood for wiljum
You should do a horse farm run
that bear from the bush made me panick lol
Can you please do a video on how to make this base . ❤❤
Another great video man keep it up
i wached it all…. and what can i say the best videos as always, worth the time and love ur free build. Much love willjum and see you in the next one. Peace❤❤
Double check you are still subscribed, I was no longer subscribed when I looked. Don’t let youtube do him dirty
Where do I get this crosshair?
i just subd love you mi brother
I quit playing rust because how bad it became people playing 10mans vs 1 man or even in a solo duo teaming up with others to make a 10man but as duos game takes no skill to have fun anymore
chill vid, cozy vibes
Song at 36:20 please
The W in WIlljum actually stands for WIn
Whiffjum is strong in this one
Just curious how are you able to use last of us theme without copyright?
Amazing video as always!
i like
I’m using ur technique in crust and I got a box of comps already
Bruh whats the song at 6:40
This is why I love your channel. Always seeing you build things I never see others building, the walk through us a plus too in case other viewers want to try the some 👊
Willjum just chillin on his roof. With a cleaver. For no reason whatsoever.
a great start to the day
Well Mr Willjum… I think I can see the new anti raid OP system coming , have a secondary base (like now but the second one bigger) and 2 conveyers one on each direction so on the middle of the raid you can move your most priced inventory to the other base and keep them safe on a fully armoured room and once you defend the raid you can send them back without the need to walk in between bases kinda like have a bank safe that also works as a shop, everything that people buy from it just go straight to your base 2 birds one stone….The ideas are limitless
Love the vid. Just a FYI you don’t need 2 conveyors. you can have one that pulls from your dropbox and then extend to the main base crate using splitters for extending the piping, pushing the loot to the main base or you can use one at the main base that pulls from the dropbox through mergers for extending the piping into the main base.
willjum if u want a new jacket to go with forest raider get hunting jacket 🙂
I’ve thought about this for a while, it’s a request of mine..
Where you might try to ally multiple clans, some of the biggest if not the biggest..
Make trust, bring messages, eventually telling lies to start a beef between them, but you remain neutral, therefore gaining loot from potential raids due to beef between the clans.. Haha just an idea I’ve had, since I can’t play rust myself, it could be quite fun to see.. 🙂
7:38 Didnt even grab the cloth….. My heart hurts for you 🙂
ive got to know the name of the second song used at 7:00 min
1 hour I’m already 40,000 views mama pumping out solid vids
I was waiting for this episode since the last one came out
I felt bad wehn willjum left 600 cloth on those bodies 🙁
36:45 holy fuck that fumble. Crumbling under pressure.
your videos are the highlights of my day LOVE YOU WILLYJ
Keep up the good work
I cant describe my happyness when I see a new video…
As much as I love the classic wiljum music, these songs were absolute bangers
maybe you should team up with yexom some time… idk if he does any non-solo stuff tho
As soon as I watched you for the first time I gave up on the other youtubers junk this more calm content and more unique base designs just make it so much better.
You just have the “it” factor Willjum! 36,000 views and your video has only been up an hour ❤!
Love you Willy j 🙂 keep up the chill relaxing content 😀
Le water side shipping shack
WHY DONT YOU SPLIT THE RESOURCES IN THE FURNACE IF YOU ARE NOT SMELTING ANYTHING ELSE??? I had to do it all caps because I see this all the time and it’s just you know
2:54 average rust player
Very exciting!
Been laid up with a broken ankle shout out willyj for killing an hour of my 8 week ankle adventure
how do you use a crosshair while aiming down the sight?
I think it would be better to use an underwater place as a storage area instead. I don’t know how to use this system, but I bet if you have the transferring machine deal next to the box and have a splitter next to the machine, you can transfer stuff down underwater. Then when you want something, now idk if there is a filter but I feel like there must be, you just switch the pipes on the machine so you can start bringing stuff out of it. People might see the pipes leading to the underwater building, but I imagine it would be hard to access right?
Bro The Last Of Us theme song is literally giving me goosebumps
I was so bored and couldn’t sleep but when the notification of your video showed up my mood changed so fast. Keep up the good work❤
cave base ?
That thumbnail is too good this is headed for one million views easy
Let’s go a video on my bday keep up the work willjum
Yesterday bloo solo v10 and now you what a vibe
how to get willjums crosshair?
A great Wilkin video to start my day
may i ask where is ur 4th part with frost :(((( i was so looking forward to ti
oxygen tank refilled
Hate to say it Wiljum but I think you are the thing making the shoreline dangerous 😅
5:15 what song is this?
I just got rust how do you move stuff by just sliding your courser across the items
Does anyone know the song @ 6.25
More last of us music
I did tell you. you are just in the past! 😉
Will is the only guy/youtuber i enjoy watching
Willjum why don’t you do opposite piping for transferring loot to your second base in case of indefensible raid?
how do you use that crosshair?
Well I got to say you are a god at solo (: good luck
Tks to the cutter and you oh and if you do the cutting by yourself 🤘🤵♂️
Why you don’t stream your videos and by that you will not have to do montage
am i the only 1 who click on the vid because of the title and the base
I hope everyone finds someone that looks at them the way Willjum looks at an electric furnace
no one is finished lol
you missed the 600 cloth on those 2 at mining outpost when you got the 600 scrap
how can I find the song from 7:10?
Why do you make the best titles and thumbnails, I can’t not click and watch.
just got back and saw a Willjum noti pop up cant lie, was very happy to see it
Keep up the amazing work
The song @7 min = torii wolf – ancient flame. you are welcome
Thank you for the best rust experience❤️
Love the vids I’ve probably watched more than 40 within 2 weeks
damn 50k views in 50 minutes WIlljum is HIM
I love u Willjum
just got through half way and this is a certified WillyJ banger
Ceep it uppp🎉🎉
Dude you didn’t loot the 600 cloth at 7.40 🙂
am i the only one ?, i thought willjums video was a mobile game ad, the thumbnail looked a lot like it
Super coll rust Vid
I’m loving the industrial stuff. been grinding a pve server for a month that has a purge day on the last day before wipe and my core base is currently 30k HQM, 171k frags, and 89k stone for upkeep. would not be possible without the industrial connections. hella enjoy your videos, bud.
isn’t it only one rocket for the bunker cuase of the wooden triangle
Couldn’t wait for another video 😁
Have u ever seen the boat base by gamelightz? Cheap solution for my boats at least.
Man you should put the name of the songs also they are crazy with your gameplay
Why not the other way around too, like they loot your base but there isn’t any loot in it because it’s under water
7:38 600 cloth 😭
A Willjum and Oblivion collab would be amazing 😛 Maybe bring in Stenic as well for that Scottish awesomeness <3
The the last of us song hits hard, but its with mixed emotions. The tunes are so engraved in my brain to be TLOU and only that. Feels wierd hearing them in your videos. The space cadet is more sutible imo
Willjum kinda epic
Why not have a second door facing the water so you do not have to enter your base from the land side?
A base with multiple doors is good.
Second thought why not have a dump box on the beach with your plumbing routers sending the loot to the base on top of the cliff.
or have a dump box under water with routers sending loot to base.
Even better, routers connected to different bases so when the raiders come you simply transfer loot through the routing system, dump all your gear into the system, die and wake up in flank base, sit back and watch the raiders blow up your old base that has no loot in it.
Another banger of a video keep up the great work willjum 🎉,, idea for next wipe maybe try you hand at making your base fully automated by having the industrial system sort all your boxes for you 😊
@willjum setup tour?
5:15 is that LAST OF US bgm? ❤
next video : I built a base under oil rig that goes to my other base that puts the loot into my main base lol
oh man .. I don’t even play this game but I love Willjum’s videos so much :’)
Nice vid
ah you turned the upgrade animation off too i see. something about it scratches the right part of my brain, but annoys the part of my brain that just wants to speed through the build. i know it makes no sense, but it FEELs like it takes longer, even though it’s just the animation and the upgrade is in effect immediately lol
Willjum will you please be my dad
I wait one week 😂😂😂
I have waited for this chapter 2 like a little child on christmas 😂
Loving the music, anyone know what the songs name is at 9:00?
instead of doing a conveyor on both sides you could’ve also done a splitter with 3 conveyors in your main base, then it would pull 3 times as fast from the oceanbase
20 min in and can confirm its a Willyj furnace classic 😂
Welcome to rust
It’s not another rust video without him talking about how good the electric furnaces are
Finally some relaxing time
willjum i just want you to know, that i plan on naming my first horse pickles lol
Hey willjum, at this time stamp 0:49 it says the lone wolf: chapter 2, and I was wondering where chapter 1 is? I am subbed to your channel and I’ve only just saw this and wondering where the first one of this series is.
What is the song name?
Finalmente el mejor momento de la semana
Rust should stay the old pvp way.
I’ve been waiting for this video..
Used the last of us music class
Learning from all the creators
Willy J ❤
Love the content willyJ I’ve never played rust because I don’t have a PC or laptop but I’ve been watching rust videos since alpha and no one makes rust content like you I’m not sure why you outshine other rust youtubers but I’m glad you do so glad you hit 1mil you deserve it tenfold
I just want to say how much I love your videos man. I always look forward to your videos to make my week so much better. Keep up the great work and congrats on 1 mil!!
what server did you play?
Keep up the good work
Who plays this video before sleep? xD
I was the 960 like
to think I JUST sat down to eat. Perfect timing. Thanks Wil
TLOU song is a good touch just sayin 👌🏻
Hi will
Wiljum you should play with griffthegrub and learn the grub ways
Please upload more videos in a week
I love you bro
Wow bro amazing
at 7:36 you missed 600 cloth lol
give me free good pc if i was first
Can you do a walk through on how to build your bunker?
What song is the one that is i know where you’ve been i’ve tasted all your sin ? Who is that.
Ayeee hi willyj
When you watch Blooprint you get action😎
When you watch Memio you get trolling🎉
When you watch Willjum you get relaxing content 🤠
Pov: the shark in the water😮
Sup Willjum i’m currently watching the video and its great so far keep these up!
Yet again im here watching this piece of art 😀
Noti Gang!!
Willjum! Ur videos are pure zen for me rn. Nothing else can make me calm and humble. Thank you
O lets see what base I’m building next wipe😂
I wonder if willjum would ever do challenge. Like water only or something but solo.
nice vid
A willjum video a day keeps the doctor away
Wiljum be like 600 cloth on dead body no thank you. 7:30 :,) otherwise good video buddy
rust is only fun when willjum plays
Willjum undoubtedly has the best content to watch while baked like a cup of yorkshire tea
this is the only rust youtuber that has a good sleep schedule
Edit: didnt Expect To Get likes Thanks Yall
Willjum getting sneaky with his strategies….High IQ….Love it 🤓🍿❤
Glad to see a new one man 🙂can I get any tips to play rust or get better with aim 😁but i love your content man keep up the good work
7:38 the cloth: o — o
10 minutes🙏🏾
how do you have that crosshair ?
Uploaded 9 min ago , 1 hour video and peoples comments are awesome video , watched it , another classic 😀 😀 😀
you know its a good week when Willjum posts
No better feeling then seeing the new Willjum is out right as you get home from a long week
w vid as alwyas
Showing everybody how it’s done
Hi Willjum you are one of those guys who’s inspired me to Create Content on my Channel! Great Content! U as Person makes the content much better!
2 mins in your not prim locked !!! I like the prim locked fights
Love the vids
Love the vids
😀 [ Crazy how only 500 of the 3.2k that were here liked ]
Willjum i love men
This is the kind of big brain gaming I’ve come to expect from every certified Willjum classic.
7 minutes ago🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🙄🙄
We love Wilijum <3
I love wiljums videos his voice sounds so good and his videos make my day
You know it’s gonna be a good day when willjum posts
Hello everyone
Hey Willjum love your vids 🙂
I like everyone that is saying they love this vid even though it’s one hour long and came out 6 minutes ago 😂
Love willjum
I’m sure I’m not the only one that does this but… I always press Like before the video even starts when it comes to a Willjum video lol
5:14 TLOU?
Definitely should do a video on rust console (PS ‘Just Joking’)
Every time I finish an episode it makes me so sad, since I have to wait until next Saturday 😥your content is so good keep up the good work and ur my fav YouTube 😉
You should do Blooprints no techtree force wipe
was literally watching one of your other videos again as you posted this lmao
I was a fan but now I’m a airconditioner!
Already a BANGER
Rust patched the way I hid my base, made it less fun cause it was like my handicap
As soon as I got off of work to great time
W mans
genius bruh
Hallo Willjum love yout videos and are so good i hop you are doing well kepp going
Welp I aint doing anything until I finish this Classic
shit! new video! i am from ockayomama
Men or women
Lets gooo…… was waiting for your video ❤
I love your videos❤❤
Willj is daddy
Watched this 100,000 times, can confirm a Willy J classic.
I just came home and i see that Willjum uploaded a video and i got very happy. Exited for this video👍
Best youtuber
Yay! Thanks for the effort you put into your vids!
Willjum!!!! 🎉🎉
Bro wiljums videos are such a vibe as soon as the notification pops up I’m instantly in a seat with a snack.
always happy when see new post thank you sir
love ur vids 🙂
time to spend y life watching an amazing youtuber
When is the last part of the Four Solos releasing?
Willjum building automatic base is the definition of big brain time
Ahhh yes, another relaxing Willjum video.
Wiljum I’m the first view im 11 and love your vids can I be a shoutout in the next video please.
Once am here as u uploaded😂
This gunna be good
i was the first person to watch the video but not the first to comment
No way bro has only 1mil subs🤯
love the videos dude cant wait for more to come
Smart base design 👍
Hiiii I wanna play a wipe with you but I don’t think you would I might sell I only have 20 fps 🙁 have a good day bro thanks for making content only thing on yt that makes me happy
another willjum video another banger
Your the best willjum❤
les go
Another Willjum Classic!
Your the best man cep going ❤❤❤❤😊😊
love you
First ❤
yoo new video nice
yooooo whats up
2nd viewer
Looking forward for this one hour long movie again! Got my popcorn ready and everything. I’m really enjoying the vids lately man! Keep it up :)❤
Love you willjum ❤❤❤
I like your content alot especialy that you have a calm and relaxing voice 🙂
Nice willy J uploades the best content
Nah I’m sooo early wth
Time to watch this a couple times and confirm it’s a willijum classic
W Willjum
ESS go
Another great video
Hi willjum
Love the content keep up the great work
I love your content plz keep it up
Hopefully it don’t get took down for copyright againg
Classic cozy Willjum Saturday
Here early for once
Ive been waiting all day for a new vid😫
This video is sick bro keep it up i really want to play with you once in my life
Its 3am here and it looks like ill be up for a while longer.
You’re awesome willjum👍
I love your videos I hope you keep posting forever I love you will
Hey willjum love your vids! Any tips for a new pc rust solo player?
Low this vid Willy j
I need to learn the piping stuff but I’m too lazy
Love your videos
I love your chapters
1s btw
New upload today lets goooo
Just made my day
Lets goo! New vid
I’m going to REALLY enjoy this video, keep it up🔥🔥
Lesss goo another great video
yes now
First View lets gooo love you will <3
I’m one second in and I can confirm this is a willjum classic
love it when willjum posts on a trip across the country ❤
I’ve been watching since 50k I love the content Always
Love ur vids man
I love you wil
Keep up with these videos mate❤ makes me sleep better
Hello james
Hello will he say hi?
hello Lewis
It always a great day when Willjum puts out a video ❤
24 sec ago
Love you bro keep the grind 💯 💪 🎉🎉
love you willy
14 seconds watched 24543 times willjum classic
Les go best vid make me happy
First viewer
yes willjum I love u ❤ great content please say hello
Love your vids Willjum keep up the great work!
Lets go! Already watched 100000000 times
Yo can u give me a hi?
I loved the video ❤
He won’t like
spoonkid classic buzzword comment
W video as always
1st edit: I love your videos and vibe so much and I hope you carry on to make videos until you can’t anymore
Already love it
Willjum im first
Yes ❤😂
I love your videos first
Love the videos 🙏
I love your videos
Amazing content like always
First per usual
Love youre vids
Hey wj
1st here
First comment
Hi willy