I Built an Automatic Base that Defends ITSELF in Rust
#Rust #RustSoloSurvival #chilledvibes
Today, i take on an official rust server minutes after wipe, and attempt to build a base that automatically defends against intruders. I hope you enjoy =)
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[EU] Willjum’s solo only server
Connect eu.willjum.com:28015
[NA] Willjum’s solo only server
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After some wipes playing with blooprint, Brit, spoonkid and most recently Ser Winter, i went back to my roots with a solo series…
You can find my amazing thumbnail artist @sinhunsan1 on twitter!
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Business email (for non business stuff just message me on discord) willjum@afkcreators.com
Fantastic Music From
Mist3r: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChadeA_eXwpZi-eA2Ecv19Q
AloneinTokyo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAKuzfWjjWQoGJS4ORJXag
Sugadaisy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yyVor4BCh4zXtAMdHY8oA
Taqs:Willjum,Rust,Rust Solo Survival,Rust Movie,Twitch highlights,Rust Chilled,Willyum,Rust Solo Story,Solo,Rust Solo Base,Spoonkid,blooprint,rust raids,rust huge loot,rust jackpot,rust treasures,rust solo infiltration,rust best start ever,rust plays,rust 10000 hours,#explore,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Gaming funny moments,#youtubegaming,#gaming,funny,tiktok,rust survival,survival games,rust admin,#explorepage,#youtube,#youtubevideo,Rust movie,Blooprint
コメント (2821)
okay real talk, who should i duo with soon
17:41 it was a twig frame 😢
bro really said i feel like im gonna die. 2 seconds later two guys spwan out of nowhere.
41:21 That’s what she said.
28:23 “players like that are so sad”
As he proceeds to make tens of videos on cave bases that you literally lock yourself into
Super good duo round 🎉🎉
goddd cotnrt vb´vvs
Idk if willjum was sick while making this bc I was playing tf2 and couldn’t hear the intro but whenever this man would make a loud noise / scream I could feel the pain in his voice and it hurts me mentally 😭
41:26 based😂
What does he mean by this 41:30
im your a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig fan
anglo trash
This is just great content great music everything I’ll be here to see everything blow up great content
“Bear got a tast for that sweet sweet Solo Blood!”😂
wish youd keep playing out of that base it looks so cozy
I’m rewatching this
Jesus loves yall if yall didint know come to Christ repent non denominational
8:57 I wasn’t expecting the screaming lmao.
i was scared to play rust because i assumed being racist was the average baseline – But Wilijum seemed to get that guy banned. Is it still a problem?
Recently found out abt this amazing channel… Your cave base video was recommended to me cuz i watch a lot of dayz videos.. now im binge watching every single videos in this channel.. u r an amazing builder.. ur builds inspired me to play rust..
best guy in the world i loce your vids but what if you make wideos of entier wipe and make it 1h and put only the essential stuff good vid 😊
“I don’t think I can take on 5 guys, that’s a bit too much” WillJum -2023
44:10 scripted no way
41:20 he saying it like he could take 4 guys at once but 5 is to many….. PAUSE WILLYJ
bro got mad cause a person locked themselves in and didn’t let him raid them? lmao come on bro. I’ve seen you do that before lol. also, when someone says a slur it doesn’t make them a racist. people have freedom of speech even if its “hate speech” come spend some time in America so you can see what freedom and rights looks and feels like.
I do some redstone for minecraft… And I did not understand crap for the electricity part of this video XD
49:20 you’re welcome
Damn, didn’t know you were one of the people who believe free speech should be oppressed, no one should use that word, but nobody should be banned for using fucking words, and you Will are the worst type of person, the type who buys into the libtard propaganda, and the type to perpetuate controlling free speech when you can just mute people, just sad tbh, unsubscribed👍
Did anyone else notice that none of the skins were showing up?
He Was propably so angry because his dick turned out to be a lil short after his gf cheated with a Black man there you go two reason for his pathetic behaviour 🤣
Bro wasn’t happy at all 💀
Farming dieing farming dieing risk grinder die yeah I might get mad too lol
You play on a game that rewards violently antisocial introverts that enjoy ruining other peoples fun, and you wonder why you get flaming racist epitaphs?
LMFAO at the racist piggy. I hope he gets banned for life.
This dude is just goood
Can you build Turret towers, to secure an area? would be fun to have 2-5 of those bad boys. Like energy and supply in one floor and above the triangle doors with the turret. (i am no rust player sry but i enjoy your vids)
What’s the song at 39:10?
bitch move from you
Willjum the Dr Stone of Rust
Hold Left click on icon trains the bp also.
53:25 i paused here to type that you need a timer and blocker delay circuit so that it triggers the turret first and a couple seconds later the door.
if interested i could make a video on the circuit. i use it for fireworks to ignite the ignitors in sequence.
Bro the pure scream of terror when the doors opened outside when you had the auto turret was like a horror movie😭
what music background at 39:17 can someone tell me ?
Never played rust, i just love to watch haha. Omg I’m an incel rust cuck? 😂
name of song 39:45 ?
47:30 Yooo wiljum use barrels here instead of boxes… way more storage
Electricity seems fun but whenever i try it people destroy my panels😂
Not only do you make awesome videos, but you educate kids on how not to play as well. Muting idiots FTW
23:40 he left the revo in the base he raided
Bro said get them niggas out of here
25:42 I love the Crossy with the holosight 😂
That is most beautiful rust videos of my life!! Pls make same one again and make part 2. PLS!!!
Bro as a black man that enjoys your content i appreciate you not tolerating the racism man, we’re all brothers an sisters.
Ps Longer vids always
willjum vid would be the vid for yt to comment on
bro out here learning comp sci thru rust
i swear your so humble, this is my first time watching your videos
1:02:37 song?
I guess Wiljum is Nostradamus reincarnated. “I have a feeling I am going to die”
lmao “sealing yourself in should be removed” followed by making your own dead body clip through a wall to get around getting outplayed. Come on, man.
Enjoyed this video so much! Perfect for bedtime entertainment 🤌🏼 Anyone know the song at 38:50?
you’re getting better and I respect how you called out that racism. Good job. Gamer..
you should build this again, but with bolty turrets on the roof
the most important thing in the game the chair to get your comfort up
Good to see Willjum taking out the trash!! 9:00
Don’t mean to hate but electricity 🤮, there’s a way better way to do it.
27:50 talks about removing mechanics that doesn’t break rules or the game but then 29:26 abuses a mechanic that should definitely not be possible otherwise pos
New to Rust. At 28:15, Can someone explain the 10 minute timer and what it means to be fully griefed and need to soft side their own base?
Can someone tell what IS máme of music that štarte playing 39:05
(sips nog) what need to scream 10:18 but that bare tho
I’m just laughing at you calling the guys sad for sealing in their base when I’ve literally seen you do that in a video, hahaha
What would make anyone that angry? Smol pp, smol brains, uncle pp in butt hole, living in the US with Bidenomics
41:27 dam Willijum 🤨
Something about this guys voice is so chilled dunno why 😂
You are the type of scumbag that makes games like this unplayable.
You got a sub for taking time and discussing what and why he would use racial slurs especially in that context. GG
You complain about people barricading them self in their base to escape you and how it needs to be removed and then you use some respawn glitch to get your items back through a wall when they trap you …. Lol hypocrite
Can’t believe you got someone banned you’re freaking rat
Your videos are like if an autistic kid came up with something to do in rust
12:40 saying words you don’t like does not make him racist
but thinking that it does makes you re tar dead
L wiljum for reporting racist guy
You should also auto feed at The Turret when your not around
Day 1 of asking Willjum to play with me
Thx for the jump scare 52:20 😢
Never played rust before in my life but idc this man’s vids are relaxing and entertaining always enjoyable to watch ❤👍
It’s what i like to see🎉🎉
Do you know how many children have called me the n word and so much worse on xbox live over the years? It’s not surprising at all, people are extremely toxic. They won’t get banned for it unless it was in text. These things should just be expected when playing almost any online game lol.
I gotta know, whats the name of that song that starts at about the 1hr mark?
felt like i just got shaken awake at 8:55 like i was so chilled out lmao and then… that, out of absolutely nowhere
Dude that one guy. You f#cking n##er bro he had like one bear worth of loot😂
More shitty ads. Only ten more ad breaks to go. Such a fluid viewing experience.
Jesus, more ads. Why.
Seriously, ads every five minutes?
Too many ads on the video. Ads every 5 minutes is aggressive. Hopefully your other videos don’t have so many. I know I’m only one viewer, but I’ll probably have to unsubscribe if they’re all like this.
30:57 Why would you peek to far around the corner?? You could’ve killed him if u went wider away from the wall.
> Complaining about players walling themselves inside their bases and saying it should be removed
> Proceeds to glitch its head through the wall to get its stuff back when stucked inside a player’s base
Yeah okey dude..
Definitely trust your gut…😅
bro….garbage!!! You didn’t have any footage of someone trying to raid you and getting mowed down.
“Wait… Why are the doors opening”
Bruh this was me when I got totally raped in rust earlier by a 12 man
I wonder if a clan could stretch a sprawled base all around the map to auto shoot all prims and bears. That way they can passively login, collect a bunch of dead body loot, then log off.
“I get passive income on Rust while I play other games,” might be their video title.
41:05 Killed by a supermodel in a swimsuit named Agatha.
“Im not going to recycle gears” Literally 2 seconds later = Recycles gears.
What is that song at 39:10. You use if often, and I love it
yeah, the guy at around 8:30, kids like that should not be allowed by their parents to play, something is wrong there.
You could of won that one vs two but your stupid enough that you lost
You sound like a bitch when you said you may get him banned for yelling words .
Oh my god😂
Willjum: “Why is the door opening?”
*naked rounds corner*
Willjum: *screams at the top of his lungs*
I know you were scared, but that was just really funny😂
@8:59 “Oh he’s racist”
Me nah, it chill
9:00 “YOU N””
I love that you preemptively use the implied viewer judgement as your tool for holding yourself accountable. If it works, it works!
trying to get someone banned from freedom of speech because he said something you found offensive with lol typical Euro Commie
Willijum is the king of rust
Great stuff. Keep it coming, I luv watching you.
i wish someone tried to raid, shit would be hilarious, they’re getting shot at like normandy beach and you’re just inside eating cheese and wine
“YOU F***ING N***********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” XD
ur really creative
i think ive watched like 30 hours of willjum in the last 2 days
How did they not take your base at around 4 min? More merciful than the peeps I run across.
That base was so cool, just needed a kill box on the turret side
That guy screaming near the 9 minute mark legit flared my anxiety and now I’m having palpitations 😅
This is cool
God I wish I could handle that turret automation wiring you had done there
Instead of a timer you could use the turret output Has Target to prevent the doors from closing back
This would also allow you to have a button to bypass this circuit and emergency-shut the doors to protect your turret from any heavy attack
9:57 I’m not relieved till I see that bear rug!!!🤣 but in all honesty I love your content so much that it makes me wish I was good enuf at PVP to play this game.
I’m confused. Do you only play one day of wipe?
10:47 was more intense than it should have been, made me flinch. 😂😂
Willjum is the best
✨We got the bear rug down✨ ….
Me : ಠ_ಠ
part 2 ?
that guy at the start of the vid is why i NEVER and i mean NEVER interact with anyone in any multiplayer game
no chat
no voice
This dude, develops faster than any other streamer in YOUTUBE!
Second verst and such progress in solo, it’s crazy
I’ve never played Rust nor will i play it ,
Saying that , i enjoy watching these Rust video’s they are very entertaining,,
Thanks for all the Rust uploads 😁👍
at 9:20 he asked what would make somebody that angry and i laughed and said rust lol
“I have a twig roof over my TC, but at least my TC is secure” <3
If you are gonna pretend to be surprised, dont run towards the object that “surprise” you and scream.
Natural reaction is to move away when startled, not take the most efficient way out of LoS
Okay dude with some help you can make a trap compound with automatic doors and turrets. Like jigsaw, you wanna play a game? That would be soo cool. Like compound is open, but when you enter it turrets are deployed and compound closes. You cant escape.
The music, the calming voice, the cinematics.. God damn your work is a masterpiece
The story form of video is great! Good job!
Is there ever a part 2 to these base build episodes?
Is there more videos with this base?
the electrical has gotten so insane in this game.
😂😂 you🤬🤬🤦🏾♂️😂
9:51 i don’t recognize that ‘tool storage’ thing can someone explain to me what’s going on here
Bones 🦴
casually looting while killing rofl 9:35 , never played Rust but ive been bingewatching your videos
If susan @Youtube responds to this ill do whatever Susan says for a day
hi <3
I would have liked to see the base defense in action more.
“He didn’t even have that much loot! I get calling me the n-word if he had like a row or two of sulfur, but 4 scrap?” -Willjum, 2023
bro made the most secure base but also bieng the smalest base that why i watch you video
Wiljum making trap bases lol
I did the turret pods back in like 2017 on an evilwurst-ish base. It was the coolest thing I built in rust.
I’m dying to know what the song is at 3:49-7:27
That guard movement @2:04 😂😂😂
that raging dude needs some severe intervention or another way to use up all that energy.
That racist dude is honestly so sad to me. Can you imagine what it would be like hearing your son scream stuff like that all the time, wondering where you went wrong? Raising a whole person, and they turn out to be someone who locks themselves in their room and shouts slurs at strangers.
I’d have stuck a turret system on that back wall 1:03:15 so you can farm safely
Could you use conveyor belts to constantly feed the turret with ammo
I’d thought of this idea since I started playing but never found anyone who actually used it in a base
i was thinking of getting rust, genuinely about to buy it. then 8:57 and it reminded me why i havent so far
yea you have fuck up mind set 😀 killing people, but oh no he say mean word 😀
Damn, that subtle “Legolas” in the back at 16:35, just before you hit the guy 😀 Sounded awesome.
what songs do you be playing in the background?
love the vids man but you seal yourself in allll the time with your bunker builds
Is there any videos of you and sebby k,.. really wanting to see how you guys would work together
9:00 I’m gonna get him banned LOL I could never imagine being so offended by an “inappropriate” word, especially screamed by someone I just owned, I’d have to go tell someone about it like I was 8. I just think about how someone like kickstand would be loling his ass off. Every time I hear a triggered dude say something like this I think of the late great Patrice O’Neal “inappropriate is a vaginal word”
gotta love wiljums narrations
Would have been cool if you’d drawn a circuit diagram in Paint to show us what you did.
Credit to u for escaping that group 👏😅
What happens in the end then?
@Willjum It would be great if you showed the base design as a preview on a base building server to show off what you’re going for.
I love u bro more than u can fathom
“What a bitch play they should remove that machanic from the game!” First of all ive literally seen you do the same shit. And your calling it a bitch play like you didnt door camp him for a full 10 minutes after you fumbled the raid 😂
Them: Uses game mechanic to grief raider.
Wiljum: tHaT’s SuCh A bIotCh MoVe! iT sHoULd Be ReMoVeD! REEEE!!!
Also Wiljum: Uses biotch game mechanic to grief a base.
It’s not a Willjum video if he doesn’t get chased by at least 1 bear
35:55 cozy
Maybe I’m missing something I didn’t see a gate after he compounded, how does he get into his base?
that song at the end is a vibe– Waterslide by Loving Caliber ;D
damn that bro got really mad there
How I do it
One rocket could most likely destroy one of the turrets and become not so secure
u didnt show it like.. effectivley stopping a raid
Gaming ASMR
best vid
https://youtu.be/Ycf7KxpUvc4 outro song
What is the song at the end?
Man, in al vids i see from u , u got at least 5 bear encounters, u running around with honmey in ur pockets or something ? xD bear love lmao
I swear Willy J is the lost Beatle
I don’t have rust but seeing this I’m assuming its possible to make a base that traps players inside once they go in so they would get lured into the base and once they are in it would close and well they wouldn’t have any other way out so they would go deeper into the base where they wouldn’t be able to go back which allows more people to go in without others leaving of course its not your main base just a trap base basically so it would be like a Venus flytrap
Cry’s about guys sealing themselves in their own base, then glitches his loot through a wall, pretty sad.
How is using “racial slurs” make one a racist? After all blacks use them all the time, even to their own children? Why can’t it just be a angry in the moment speech? That goes for when blacks call whites these said slurs as well? Can’t we all just move along with our day rather than keep the fire on such matters! I believe if people didn’t react with such beta responses that they would lose their effectiveness and drift into history… I never report anyone other than cheaters, but then again I’m not fishing for subscribers, standing on a moral soap box, etc etc. Point is the same as what Morgan Freeman said, stop talking about racism and it will find it’s inevitable demise. Now let the hate flow through you with juvenile responses that mean nothing to me, and not just because I’m never coming back and disabling responses 😂.
What’s the outro song called?
That hammer kill was legendary
25:59 he had a scope on a crossbow
If you put separate sensors on each side of the door far enough apart, it would make it to where if a player came from the left, only the left door would open, and same for the right. This way two players can’t come at the same time and one be bait while the other one destroys the turret
Complains about the rats walling themselves in, proceeds to do the head glitch 😂
Good video. I feel scammed watching it because “automatic base” was kust such a lie. Im torn, i really liked the video but hate being lied to. Feels like nms release. Way over hyped.
Just learned how to be a electrician watching this😂😂😂
Watched entire video to determine there was almost zero payoff. He didnt trick people into triggering it, just built it then signed off. wth man. If you are gonna build a trap base, at least show it in action.
Somebody smash me over the face with a rock as this is only Pc insane dude 🤌
The love wolf😂❤
How can you build when building blocked?
per all media, racism is only bad when White people do it…..
12:50 justice? Geez luis, stop with this grand standing bs, he said the n word. Get over it.
“I think im gonna die” 2 seconds later he gets blapped by 2 guys with revvies. Bro actually saw the future with that one.
me 😁
What does the bear rug do?
(i havent played rust)
52:13 lol
willy j
uses game mechanic to save base “these players are so sad”
exploits a game mechanic to save loot “im too clean”
Her’s a conundrum..Rust or DayZ? Both look incredible
Part 2???
idk how you get so many views your content is the most basic shit, i was expecting something crazy not just a turret in a triangle. pleb shit.
Might be time for me to upgrade 😮
Coming this guy can complain about walling in and then not 5 min later glitch his gear thru a wall. Lmao
So at 49:10 you finally build one awesome auto turret in a 1:05 vid… you had a tough run, but your base location seemed a major part of that.
Damn… I saw the thumb and thought this was 7D2D
you get pretty salty
goated youtuber 100%
You complain about guys walling themselves in to avoid being raided, two minutes later you suicide loot your body through a door…🤔. Still a good video, love your stuff. Thanks for the content.
Atleast im fine is famous words….. lol
whats the name of the song that plays at 39:10
outro music go hard
you need xor switch bruh 51:05
I experimented with something similar once.
The sad truth is it’s not just rust with the racist kids go to a COD Lobby its 10x worse.
31:33 32:07
It’s a glitch in the matrix
Will someone tell me the song plz at 41 min
What I wanna know is how was willjum getting chanced by a polar bear in the woods lol definitely targeted attack
Imagine saying u getting someone banned for saying a word that’s freedom of speech 😂😂😂🙄🙄😂😂
9:24 what would make anybody that angry…. urm…. rust! 🤣
Bro turns into doctor stone😂😂😂
quit cusing.
Fun fact, branches will draw any branched power regardless of downstream demand. You need to put the turret at the end of the main line with a gate if you don’t want it drawing power when its off.
This is great to have when returning home with a full inventory of loot
Yo i need to see more of these automated systems built! This was fascinating to watch him work thru it. Would love to see how far he could push this idea!
Only Youtuber i will 100% commit an hour of my life to watch, and i dont even play Rust, he just tells a good story.
1 TURRET!?!? I watched the whole thing, waiting for a automatic turret base 360 degree base, well I was still entertained 🙂 thanks Willjum! <3
can you try to do a duo with blazed
calm music plays in the backround while some kid says the nword lmao
“This auto turret design was inspired from Walter White”
Racist bro screamed so much he couldn’t be heard xd
(Because of the shitty mic)
You should make a tutorial on how to do this
41:25 “I don’t think I can take on 5 guys, it’s a bit too much” 💀💀
Happy for you man. Looks like you had good fun with this one
8:55 Damn bro took that personally 😐
9:00 L man
its my birthday today i dont even play rust but i watch all your videos keep up the good work. ❤
Any1 knows this song 16:35
rust player 🙅♂️
electrician ✅
oh wth, at 04:52 you jump into base and there is a triangle foundation in front of your double door. At 05:54 you return and the triangle has gone
I believe this guy hates nakeds lol haha
I respect this due for getting mad for us for saying the n words
The hammer play was hilarious 😂
That last slug was mental
Can you set up the turrets such taht you dump ammo into a box and it refills the automated turret without needing to go out? You could probably mount a camera in the pod so you can see what its shooting at.
It this modded or vanilla
Amazing how people behave on these servers. I guess it takes all kinds but you would think that people would know how to behave themselves, and be respectful.
Will is outhere putting my eletrical and computer degree to shame.
Song at 38:51 Lars Eriksson – A Solitary Man’s Soul
Based guy at 9:00
I think that’s my favourite base that you’ve built.
I’ve been watching for a while now, and I’m curious to ask if you’re color blind, or maybe play with those settings? Items that are red for me, and have no skins, are brown for you. Specifically your mushrooms are different than mine, and so is the wolf mask
can you use conveyors on auto turrets?
Anyone else watch willyj to calm down😭
What is the music at 38 mintues?
I just crap my pants after he screamed
When the same people who only have p2 keep killing the same people in an area over and over and still havent progressed their just really shit players betting on not getting their own butts beat. you get a semi and they both loose and maybe will sit home more to progress. I bet they live out of a 1×1 still.
I had headphones on at 50:40 and my ears rang for 10 minutes
Ok time to make a bench. No it’s not.
Ok time to raid Launch Site.. Not it’s not.
Ever have one of those days where you just want to crawl back into bed errrr your sleeping bag?
Someone jackhammered my sleeping. Bag… What a day……
Nobody like seeing you dir over and over again
It feels so peaceful watching your videos, bro🖤
why cant you see the skins for his stuff?
52:18 ahhaahahahahahhahahahhahaahahahhaa
love the outdo frfr
too many yogi’s
Hey brotha just a tip, don’t expose yourself if you can’t return fire. I know it’s instinct to keep moving when you’re under fire while looting, but in a firefight definitely stay behind cover until you’re done reloading or whatever and facing the correct direction and can pop out and take a shot.
“i dont think i can take on five guys, thats a bit too much” Willjum 2023
Spoon kid
Says its a b**** play when the kids @ 27:27 walled themselves in…
Then immediately uses an EXPLOIT to get loot back after getting airlocked @ 29:14…
You’re better than tht bro 💪🥸
13:54 real spidy sense
what did he mean by “after playing with stevie never again”
you should duo with blueprint also keep up the YT grind
Wait was the racist guy banned at the recycler
about the 40:00 minute mark is there someone that can tell me the music playing? just that short clip makes me want to hear the rest. Its what is playing during his shotgun hunting.
“I don’t think I can take on 5 guys at once, that’s a bit to much.”
ALL ON WIPE DAY WTH. (i dont know if thats good or not)
Bro where are your Skins mate?
It does not matter if they have a metal door when stone walls give your door a wooden frame😂
Peaceful music peaceful voice then “YOU *******!!!”
Another racist removed. Thank you for your service champion.
9:00 moments like these are why i love rust
this man legend
Did anyone else notice he didnt have tools when he built the 2ed base? or is that just me
W willyj for killing and calling the racist cringe
thanks for reporting the racist love u wj
You should turn Down the sound effects for gun shots there so loud no hate just trying to help you out
Is there a part 2 to this video?
41:27 “yeah I don’t think I can take 5 guys, that’s a bit too much” – Wiljum
8:55 Imagine raging that hard because you lost an inventory of shit loot at the start of wipe.
9:16 it’s just a word lol
Rust players are some of the most toxic people on earth. I ALWAYS mute voice because I prefer not to hear their baby rage when they die because they suck at PVP and couldn’t hit a Boeing 747 that was righh in front of them with a sawed off pump shotgun loaded with buckshot.
Every base with a turret defends itself.
me willijum
server name ? plis
over promised 1h Video 😢
hi willjum, big fan. Is it possible to make like a small tutotial video of this base. thank you for your time & continue wuth the amazing work. =)
the song at 41:00 is amazing
I’ll duo with you mate 😂
Never knew school would help you get better at rust 😂
Willjum has big brain 🧠
Players like that are sad? You griefed them out of their base because they outplayed you by locking themselves in, you just got salty. That’s pretty sad lol.
16:39 legos
16:39 when you shot the dude with the crossbow, the background music says “Legolas”. Thank me later.
Good base idea.
Was writing this when I spotted your comment about who you should duo with, “Just don’t know why you play solo then complain there is always one more.”
39:55 can anyone please tell me the name of this music
How do you make RUST a chill game
I can’t even get a tier 2 in 3 hours 😅
Lmao the rage in that guys voice when he was screaming “you f**king N****R” I dono why but it made me laugh. I dono if it was Schadenfreude or what but it was just really amusing to me.
For real i need this musics name
So random question at 1:15 u pick up a tin of beans and tin of tuna how did u eat them without going into ur inventory and clicking eat I try to do this but no matter what I do I have to go into the inventory to eat anything is this a weird rebind just curious????
someone know this song name ?? video time 40:00
Can anyone explain this circuit? I have been trying to do this in my own wipe but I feel like there is info in missing or I did something wrong.
Cant get my circuit to do what willy’s is doing
He gets more done on wipe day then I get done in an entire week
Where do you get your music?
i love how he inadvertently made “The Rat Stick”
whines about dodgy game mechanics, then suicide glitches…
RAID on your base is missing, would be interesting to see if someone attemted attacking.
Willjum I actually agree with the muting voice I can’t stand the rascim in rust it’s honestly the worst part of the game
“Ope he’s racist”
Chill music
Anyone going through a breakup so they are watching willjum to cheer them selves up bc he is the most wholesome player ever
@willjum idk if youll see this but use double doors instead of garage doors. garage doors take to long to open
You fail a raid, they seal, you complain that the mechanic shouldnt exist, then because you are butthurt you camp their base for 10 mins to make sure, and then call them “so sad” anyways.
What the hell were they supposed to do? Roll over and give you their loot? Not try to seal? Wtf do you expect. It seems more like your just projecting because of your own failure.
Imagine thinking that sealing mechanics shouldnt be in the game. Just a salty player right there.
Anyone else just turn willjums videos on while doing homework
Literally me not even knowing how to set up a turret him does this me confused
I’m with you on the players shouldn’t be able to seal themselves in their base to prevent a raid but then at the same time maybe players shouldn’t be able to glitch their inventory out of a sealed airlock when they get themselves trapped.
is no one gonna bring up the twig doorframe at 18:22? c’monnnnn people
I have never played this game, but amazing job.
Willjum “im never recycling gears again not after playing with Stevie” continues to recycle the gears again XD
I know rust has updated since this, but i’ve always gone very simple electronics, this is extremely helpful for building death mazes and shinanigans I build
1 hour building a complicated defense system only to see it do…nothing.
that bear was an absolute geezer mate
I want to get into rust but looks kind of overwhelming
How you see when is night!? It’s too dark.
31:04 how do you do 4 damage with a slug?
28:24 no dude…. you pissed them off SO bad….
like, you won that fight……
sure, you didnt get the loot/base control….. but you slowed them WAY down in their wipe
9:02 dude didnt even have more than 5 or 10 mins of farm……
i know the feeling of being killed every time you are like “ok, i got enough to get a 1×2 down, lets go”
3 seconds later you are dead…..
do that 5 times…. and you FINALLY get a base down
only to be spear raided by a 5 man as a solo
some wipes just arnt your week man
pick a different server (one with a 2 or 3 member team only is what i did…. especially when i was new AF (i just wanted to farm and get XP (ya, back in them days lol)…. learn how stuff worked)
i watched them dudes raid my base, coming back from a MASSIVE farm run (to upgrade my shit base)
all of a sudden, one comes up from behind me and 2 taps my ass with a semi (i was in BIG bush at night….ya, im saying hax)
i quit that game for 3 years….. so mad lol
holo crossy XD
can someone tell me the name of the song at 40:00?
The brightness felt kinda dark on this video.
I can’t see who you are shooting at in the dark but damn nice shooting
One of the funniest episodes
@53:23 Spot the cat lmao.
Fun video but the guys that sealed themselves in, were being smart. They were about to lose the base and everything in it if they did not seal. You would have broken the bags and put a door down right? So sealing was the best choice then had. Kinda messed up you camped them.
ngl your voice is kinda soothing
I have a feeling I am going to die, careful what you wish for man awesome videos
9:10 what do you have against free speech?
This is the best
that was a fun vid thanks have a sub and a like
I LOVE how you sync the shots to the music
Willjum op pls nrf
Am i the only one can’t see Wiljums skins in his videos? Or am i Trippin’
Yeah that guy at 8:55 got issues.
The concept of missing doesn’t apply to Willjum
8:54 guy was just like me
what serv or maps that ?
(not expert in Rust)
feels like 30 sec is too much. 10-15 sec would probably be better. so its harder to demolish the system.
Willjum is literally a vibe
This was lame video barley showed turret use in defense
People don’t scream racist stuff in rust because they’re angry. They do it in case the person is streaming so they get banned. It happens a lot on twitch. Not just with rust. It isn’t a problem for bigger streamers since twitch loses money so it’s in their best interest to prioritise helping them out. It can take months to get unbanned for smaller streamers.
ultimate goal of pvp – turn it into a pve server. kill it. make sure no one else wants to even play till wipe.
Your content was superb. Ive watched this video 3 times bro and never gets bored. Continue the awesomeness bro!
first video of your ive watched, and your a massive dick. pure asshole.
when youtube comments on one of your videos you know you’re a chad
Hi. There is any chance to have this eletrical circuit on Rustrician? Thank a lot 🤝
Dear Partner. I love your videos, they give me peace to watch them. they are very chill videos
Is it me or are the skins bugged
Song at 57:42 ?
you know its a good day when willyjam uploads.❤
Will June- ” I don’t think I can take on 5 guys, maybe 4 though. “
sooo am i the only one that doesnt see any skins?
9:15. Its not ok to say that. And banning him for it is absolutely an option. But there are ways to get that angry and its not hard to be uneducated enough to use such words. i also used the n and r word. I still dont think its that big a deal but i totally understand the side. But having such a side only makes it a “Stronger” word. Its like fuck etc to me. And while i dont use it i treat it like that cuz there are ppl that dont understand the meaning of such words besides it level of insult.
Song name at 1:01:30 ??
Nice content man, glad i found your channel
If you reported that guy for yelling the “gamer word” at you then you is a bitch.
Seriously I pop the biggest boner in the world when I have some dude scream racial slurs at me in games when I kill them. You’re taking my enjoyment outta the game tryna ban them. Hearing them rage is orgasmic
complains about ppl sealing themselves inside, proceeds to do this: 29:19 …
I love how willjum can be so chil even if everyone else is so dramatic and angry.
Bro the guy at 8:56 imagine just chilling at 3 AM playing video games, watching TV or even sleeping and also the new here
27 minutes in when you We’re rating a duo that was expanding I played back the video and you did in fact shoot the twig but the game probably didn’t register or something which sucks
did i really just watch an hour of content for one auto turret door that opens and closes with a heart beat monitor connected to it….. come on man i could have watched a tutorial on how to do this… don’t waste peoples time with ur click bait titles.
Willy J with the W
Yogi was stream sniping
I loved the video. I’ve lost track of time and that’s good, I love the music, it’s just perfect 💯😁
PvP god ✅
Building god✅
Electrical god✅
Literally god ✅
Awesome content
am i tripping or did he just compound in his only way out of the base without putting down a gate
What is the song ? 42:42
9:10 i may now that kid-
Also congrats on nearly 1 mil! I love your content ❤
46:47 Mr. Bean jumpscare
what are comps?
What’s the name of the song in the video it low key slaps the one at around 40:00
41:23 that’s what she said
Favourite part of this video: “Hello yogi”
another willjium masterclass. This video was so chill🧊🧊 I loved it
8:59 lmao
Do you have skins off in this one i thought you loved skins
You are crazy skilled at leading your arrow shots, props to you my dude.
hes just a farmer 45.25
9:00 most wholesome moment
What’s the song at the end called?
This is my first video watching you im new to rust and i dont know why but when i watched the video i had smile on my face i dont know why i wasnt relax like this in a very long time the mu sic the edit yout voice it was very good keep the hard work
” I dont think I can take on 5 guys, thats a bit too much..” yeah I dont like 5 guys either, too greasy. 41:25
that guy that screamed the n word… surely his neighbors are hearing him… right? how do people act like that and not care what their neighbors are thinking?
8:59 bros last words where YOU F***ING NIIG-
next time check better your raid enemy at 18:00 the door frames is tatch… 2 bow arrows xD
Willjum + IOK
Why do u never raid
why is your voice so soothing
Anyone have any idea what song is at 57:30 cant find it anywhere EDIT: its Sarcastic Sounds – Losing Time (ft. Chase Huglin)
Bro ki.led I show speed
First time watching and man I gotta say I love your content it is entertaining, eventful, and just commonly dope asf. Keep up the good work man your gonna be really successful i can see it already ❤
Complains about wall placing during raid. Proceeds to door exploit his stuff not even 5 minutes later.
Wil ends up with a tier 3 turret base on wipe day but when I play I get a tier 1 and a wood base
for everyone wondering whta’s the song starting at 39:13 is – Lars Eriksson – A Solitary Man’s Soul
Man whiteknight wiljum here getting people banned for saying the N word lol
My brain be like ima use electricity for light your brain ima make an entire automated turret
Hello willjum awesome video
Rust looks so chill
Love the guy yelling the naughty word..what a hero
P250 with holo looks soo weird
Bro did more in 7 hours then I will ever achieve in my life.
Will for pipes you only need to knock down a few stop signs
what if the “rasist guy” was black
Hi! Is anyone could have a clear description of the electrical circuit by adding the timer on the doors? Thanks 🙏
Hi, what’s are the names from the song you used in the part of the video when you upgrade you base? I love soft songs.
Great video, I like it and you have another subscriber 😀
52:20 LMFAO
It’s SOOO satisfying that you found that guy’s banned body filled with loot, and on top of that it was in the recycling grinder. Sweet justice indeed. Took out the trash.
This might be a dumb question but why is it when he places a garage door with a skin it shows up as a normal default one
go to 53 min mark to see turrets
I don’t know what you expect to hear playing rust tbh I just laugh and move on. Let people be stupid, you know they wont say that IRL to anyone’s face
Unsubbed. You would never report a nonwhite for saying something offensive to a White person, you only get upset when someone says the magical N word. Learn to grow up and deal with it and stop being an SJW
Players are sad and rats because they outplayed you, preventing you from raiding everything they worked for? That outlook is so pathetic lmao… you even took it a step further and grieved them because you got so in your feelings 😂 Why act like a little kid when you sound grown?
42:20 whats the song?
slapped a dislike at 9:00 and stopped watching, willjum is such an insufferable reddit cuck. Spoonkid is the only watchable rust youtuber.
“he said a mean word im gonna get him banned” willjum confirmed for reddit cuck.
Why do you use the stock skins for all your crafting? I assume it’s so people think you’re newer.
8:58 average rust player
Will do you not prefer playing 1/2/3 person team maps
I dont know why but at the start I thought he said was going to be powered by friendship
Fake content.
Bad language equals racist. Using racial slurs don’t make you a racist. People of every ducking Color do it everyday but it’s only the whites that get pulled for it and labelled. The world really is full of pussies lol. You suspend money and congratulate black folk all day long for saying nigga and sing racial slurs but this snowflake believed this guy was racist because he was angry??? It’s just expression but it’s not gentle and fucking soft like you all . Pathetic weak idiots. Get him banned for being sing words ??? Jesus you fucking melt
Love your vids man. It so calming
49 minutes in and we get to the title of the video
Show us graphic settings pls 🙏
25:34 Fuckin jumpscared me xD
Pleaseeeeeee. Duo with Dust!
Wait so sealing yourself in is a mechanic that should be removed but f1 killing yourself so your head sticks out the door, so you can go back and loot it is something you think is ok? Its that hard to take an L?
I never even played rust, but I watched the whole video because I see you’re good, wp bro
that base that locked themselves in i would have tried for an eoka play there….
Haha racist dude.. instant flashbacks of Pewdiepie
what is the name of the music you use to end the videos?
holo crossy
I dont think i can take on 5 guys ;P -Willjum
You forgot to give credit to Jang0 for music 😢
Damn i really liked
“ho man, i wish this wall upgrade mechanic was removed from the game”
* loots his body by glitching his head through a door immediatly after *
Weirdly, I made a base with this same premise like a year ago. Auto-garage doors hiding a turret. Only difference was I had a turret on each of the 4 corners to give it 360 degree protection
Do sugs really shoot that far with a DB? That’s awesome
Song name? Starts around 39 minutes in the video.
Where is the joy when you just blaze through the gameplay. Can barely see what are you doing. It’s stupidly fast, especially when you build and upgrade… Dough 🤦♂️
Why do none of the skins show
base design?
Crossy holo ?!?!?
Hes door camping, but has mad someone walled themselves in. what a dork.
Can you do an updated rust guide
I was literally just thinking in my head how most rust players are highly racist then right after that you come across a guy yelling the N word after you killed him 😂
duo with shots
tbh duo with blooprints GF
Get him banned for freedom of speech just what the world of gaming needs. It’s not that serious don’t be so sensitive the world is full of things that might offend you your not entitled to be shielded from it don’t like it mute voice chat.
8:59 “oh he’s racist” – willjum, 2023
“I can’t take on five guys, that’s too much.” – Willjum
You cali and bluebubs would make the most legendary trio ever the vibes would be immaculate
blooprint, no balls af
my man refuses to wear shoes
BRO imagine saying players like that are so sad after ur petty ass camped them so they had to soft side 💀
Wiljum is so smart
Imagine watching your favorite YouTuber to only find out you called him the N word like 4 times and now your in game name is blasted on YouTube and all your homies now know you’ve always been lame asf😂 IMAGINE
9:10 pretend to hate racism
love ur videos they are so chill keep going ❤
I’m sorry I laughed at the guy who scream YOU F**KIN NI
Am I tripping or are the skins on his items not rendering????
lol scummy to be able build a wall mid fight to block your self in but it isnt to make your head poke out a solid object when your stuck in a airlock
– oh he’s racist
not being able to change the terrain, aka dig a hole or pick a cave outta rock…… really limits this game
U have to be willjum certified to call bears a mfkrs😂😂
The music slaps.
the base at 18:00 has twig frame with metal door maaan
Did anyone else see the twig Frame on the sheet door on the base at 17:25?
W man😊
Every time i decide to play a rust wipe I never fail to run into a racist. It seems to be a big problem in this game community and I hate to see it but i guess facepunch cant exactly deny someone purchasing their game if they are racist.
Hey willjum, great video! But one thing I would recommend to you is to try to hide the sensor so people will think the doors are switch activated and then when the get close to it the turret will light them up. But if you preferred to not do it that way, the way you had the turret set up so it was off unless someone set off the sensor was a good idea too!
Tutorial on how to build the base?
I just stumble on your videos by accident and watching with the music especially with the shoot outs… pure cinema 😙👌🏾
I’m still trying to gain my bearings in this game. I haven’t come up with a good base design, nor have I figured out what kind of server I like.
13:58 dies right as he says he has a feeling hes going to
what’s the name of the song starting at 38:53?
9:10 bro that guys so fucked
8:50 he had a long day
how is this guy an electrician and a goated pvper
I really loved it bro 🔥🔥
For me, most of the games I play don’t really need more than 60FPS, 120FPS for comfort. One game I may need more that 120FPS (Rust), but I am not convinced. I play on a 49″ screen (like 2 1440p side by side in one screen). My 2080ti is OK for 60FPS.
11:00 brave of you to return to the road where there is no bear safety ledges 😉
Would love to see a video of you and mason playing rust would be an absolute banger vid 2 completely different play styles.
Awesome vid man
I suck at this game so I definitely enjoy watching someone do fun things and succeed.
damn.. u watched this so calm i almost sleeped, and this soundtrack!!
jordan but better lol
bros crying over a word 😭
he said the n word no way is that cool but saying your gunna get him banned probaly isnt going to happen , rust is filled with racists for years now its damnr worst than mw 2 back in 2009 lol aint shit gunna change sadly
anyone know what cover of the song waterslide that is playing? i cant find the one he used thats calmer than the original
41:27 pause?😂
Check out Nailgunner on YouTube hes just starting out on making rust video’s but i think we should all support him 🫡🫡
Damn Wiljum already almost at 1 mil, I knew not too long ago when I found him at 50k he we soon be here🙏🏻🙏🏻
I really enjoy the background music WillyJ
As an electrician thanks for running your wires correctly it’s beautiful also I can’t wait for breadboards
One thing about willjum is that he likes the most is to be comfortable
get skins
31:16 hes siiiiiick
I’m not the best rust player but if you organized your chest you’d figure out you have a lot of space 😂
This is my first time watching one of your videos, and definitely not the last!
The video was suggested to me by Youtube at 3 AM when I was super bored and had nothing to do!
This is peak chill vibes, I wish I can watch this adventure again for the first time!
52:20 i jumped a mile high 😂 that scared the 💩 out of me!!
When the server wipes, the BPs wipe too ?
12:16 in there was loot on top off the box. was that the sleeping bag?
I would’ve put two more turret placements in the front and back to discourage raiding
41:00 you could’ve had like 5 Sars 😂
28:15 someone explain the 10min timer
19:03 why not pick up the work bench to be annoying to slow down their progress also why not raid the wooden door ?
road to 1 million!
So close to a MILL ! Good on ya mate you so deserve it I don’t even play no more but still watch ur vids bro ❤
4:45 why not recycle?
Question, why take off the hazmat and run around naked with it in your hotbar?
At 52:19 I got jump scared and I don’t know why 😂
That racist was angry about something else not rust he definitely getting bullied
4:45 whats the song name thats is playing on this minute
I love your videos
I like how he already had the key for their tc 44:30
You know that willjum has been targeted by yogis enough to know where to hide up
Could you make a tutorial how to make this base defence?
bro joan wick on min 2957
Love watching your videos… you make it easy to understand and makes me want to play. The bear rugs are cool but would love to see more dragon skins. Like someone else said in the comments you’re laid back plus the music is calming even though you’re shooting people. Lol
Take care & Peace ✌️
I have never played rust before coz could not afford it, but I would love to see how this setup hold up on a raid situation. I understand that there is a lot to optiomize but the testing a proto is really interesting. 😀
Can someone tell me thr first song’s name god its so good thanks.
Dude you’re an clown, you door camp someone then shoot 2 low levs in the back and then call them a b*tch for going in their base. #LeGenD 🥴
41:25 me every Saturday
What if you get raided from the top
You should duo with wally1k . Two OG solos together would go hard.
Haha the racist kid got a starter in inventory and got kicked 😂
will getting jumpscared by literally just a naked at 52:16 is still gonna be the funniest thing ever
you could have recycled the holo for tech trash
bro i get tier 2 on 3rd day of wipe because im not the best solo
42:45 guys do you see a guy sneaking up on willjum on right side? 😂😂
Sebby k
what song is going at 39mins cant seem to find it and enjoy it a ton! Thanks in advance if anyone knows.
Willjum. The true king of chill vibes on YouTube bringing happiness to all who view his content, we appreciate you willjum thanks for being you 😉
Wait I died to this ._____.
Was running to outpost and this scared the fuck out of me
não achava que rust podia ser tão complexo assim, thanks for the video bro, one more subscribe!
If anyone knows this song please tell me it starts a 16:22
I just jumped out of my seat bro 52:17
Maybe that was all of his loot 9:19
Mubo jumbo of rust
Duo with me
Tmw you were just listening to a previous video on headphones. The next one autoplays, and you hear the fire sparks and just know who it is.
Your dad or mom
27:26 willjum dis is a stupid Channel idiot lol f*cking stupid ahahahah xD
whats the song playing at 40:25
23:30 they probably burried most of it.
Duo with Penski!
Anyone know the song at 39:30 ish
pipi und kaki im pipi kakaland
I love your videos Willjum, somone knows the song name? I know it’s from Mist3r but I don’t know which one xD thanks!
That scream of terror when the door camper jumped out at you though 😂😂
@willjum you should try and make a video with shots
Wiljum you should go duo with Blazed
Damm I watched the whole vid expecting to see someone atempt to raid it and fail and wiljum getting their stacked kits
Cry more
“what would make anyone that angry?” Rust, Willjum, Rust would make someone that angry. HAHAHA
Why don’t your skins show?
I’d need an electrical degree to play this game lol
I’m thinking about buying rust any advice?
Should team up with welyn he’s a beast
I love it🤭
Racism isn’t funny but the way he screamed 😂😂😂
If you play with blue print it will be cool
Rust academy
Play with spoon blooprint or memeio
None of his doors skins were their am I the only one who noticed??????
You should give being racist a try it’d pretty fun
Okay real talk,willjum should do more electrical stuff because he’s good at it and it’s very entertaining
I love you bro, for real your videos, your voice, your demeanour is so cathartic let me tongue punch your chocolate starfish
the guy at 9:00 made me laugh so hard😂
Willijum thank you for putting time and effort into your videos, so relaxing to just come home after middle school and get my pjs on and watch your videos, also I think you should play with bloo, and Wally, y’all make the best videos together
I heard you saying you cant take on 5 guys at the same time. You should ask stimpee for help 🙂
Always such chill content. I feel so comfy when I watch your stuff, Willjum.
Great Video like Always Man <3 Why Werent Your Rust Skins Showing Up On The Items! Was The Server Glitched?
the hard R scream was funny asf not sure why will or any1 snowflakes over it just a word brother
Ok also real talk him k owing electric stuff now is gonna be busted
Why is there no skins ?
Plz duo with spoonkid
Title is bs. You just played rust then made a turret in the last ten mins twat
Duo w/ hJune or Spoonkiddo
I don’t know if you know. But there’s this guy who is known as Welyn Aka da Pumpkin King. I think a duo collab would be legendary between you two.
Go to 8:58 for a wierd encounter
Can we talk about he should’ve turned the HBHF Sensor to exclude authorized? Besides the times he was farming.
Bro play with who u like playing with lol
29:15 God Tier move
OMG, since 5h I’m trying to make it and I’m doing something wrong ;/
It would have been cool to see a raiders POV on this.
I wish before you got off for the wipe you transferred raid loot into a nearby base you built and got a friend to hop on the server and try to raid it using the raid supplies, for thier POV on it. Keep them in the dark as to what they are raiding too XD
What are the songs in this video? They are amazing
“We’ll go with that skin” **absolutely no skin appears**
its really fkn useless to have turrets turn on as someone near the sensor. They take way too long to turn on that they don’t become a threat to nothing but potatoes. You need the turrets ON when the garage doors open. Don’t do like this video
“i dont think i can take on 5 guys thats a bit too much” – Willjum
Geiles Video ehy 😊 gerade wenn man selber Builder ist, ist das so nice to watch. Die volle Stunde hat sich gelohnt. Hast ein Abo! 🥰
As a electrician my self the hunt for tech trash is long but rewarding
we need one of your playlists
28:24 Idk why you say players like that are “sad”, I played Rust several years ago, and I never enjoyed the raids at all, I prefered to live relaxed and trying to have good vibes, but it’s impossible in Rust; from my point of view, as you would say, players who kill and raid other players are so “sad”, the way the players lead the game into a pvp focused game, it’s what killed the game for me. So maybe you should see it from another point of view instead of calling people “sad” just for playing as they like.
please change background music
18:22 twig door frame
Willjum getting jump scared at 52:18 is my average rust play through
30:49 that is sus
super like
rofl you whine on “cheapass” strats such as sealing yourself in, then proceed to unintended glitch loot yourself through a door. Nice
The contrast between complaining about the duo sealing themselves into their base at 27:23 and then turning around and using the head glitch to loot you body through a door at 28:57 is straight up hypocrisy. You can’t use glitches and exploits they are beneficial while also criticizing others for doing the same. Can’t have it both ways.
Song name? on 39:00
best weapons with best armor video: the overpowered
Bro makes hour long prim videos 💀
For the love of the rust gods, please put on the armor you loot lmao
Willjum : no one getting in this compound
Tokyo :🏃🏻♂️
Bit hypocritical to complain about sealing a base in when you just glitched your head through a wall.
9:00 most chill rust player other than willjum
love the editing on this video, music is great!
you hated when people put a wall to stop you, but you killed yourself to get your stuff through a door…. ok guy. think you need to get off you high horse.
i built it first i just didnt record it and post it on youtube… and before that my friend who showed me built it…
I prefer watching you than playing Rust 😀
Na i need you to redo those 3 minutes and drop the camera. We all know a paid actor buudy of your came and gave it to you.
Duo with gorliac or Tesla
Why are the doors Opening? *Turns around* Why hello there!
Damn… I love that BASE!
What song plays as the 40:00 mark
why cant i see the skins?
Wtf u can put holographic sights on cross bows on PC lol that’s dope
what monitor u use to play rust sir?
57:24 bro was debating if he should move or not
wat happened to ur skins they arent there?
I’ve never heard Willjum actually scream In fear before
I’m glad you turned off vc it’s just so much more relaxing and calm ish obviously it’s rust but it’s still much more fun dare I say
I honestly don’t play rust due to racial slurs I hear
Brooo whyyy did you do this to me i had stuff to do XD
Loved the vid as always
the least amount of logic stormowrks builds use(it’s a vehicle building game, designed to be “SaR”)
Dood I saw a thatch double door frame o
at 28:48 how did you see exactly where the guy was? im checking your video and i cant see him at all… are you cheating?
i dont think rust should remove the mechanic of sealing your base to save it from raiders. However, you should have no more then 30 seconds to break it after placing it.
at 25:30 tif you recycle that holo sight you got a 50% chance to get tech trash.
18:34 the twig door frame 💀
Willjum: “i can’t see anything”
*Proceeds to fucking kill somebody in pitch black*
dude makes a single turret and makes a video out of it. common will L
Blueprint and u are God’s at rust
Wow, the outburst of that guy that was downed near the nine minute mark. He needs to take a chill pill going from 0 to a 100 with the anger and language.
As long as the electrical branches are on they will deduct the amount of power in their branch out even if what they are branching to is offline or does not use most of it
Why not farm roads for 30 min before base to grind out a T2 instead of painstakingly spending 1 and 30 minutes using a tier 1?
“I’ve had such bad rng today” as he gets a holo out of a mili crate 💀
I get raging but screaming that at someone because you lost your comps is ridiculous, literally the whole English language and the word he screams is the n word 👎🏻 boo him
Why does the skin of the doors never show
Edit: God me…. I need a real partner at this point been struggling for a while now. Really good at anything but i also can use a coach. Would be so dope as a solo player ps that head shot with the starter base holy moly
Will there be a part tow?
45:23 chadjum with the beam
Wiljum your shots are on point this video
25:49 willy ive been looking for this song please tell me what it is 😭
9:00 DAMN 😭😭😭😭
Your boy from valorant
I swear Willy’s intros never get old they’re so good.
lol 11:37 episode is over.
Would love to see a duo with sleth on YouTube or slethion on twitch he is a smaller rust content creator
yo what song was playing in the shootout at 40:00
whats that song at 19:00
Your skins weren’t showing
9:00 I think he was a bit angry you killed him
really, you’re 1 of the only youtubers that can keep me 1h watching
Your “building while being raided should be blocked” comment made me angry, but I don’t know why. Maybe because you use the “looting own corpse through” door mechanic a few min later and find that totally ok lol.
Spoon kid
What a btch play to seal off his door with a stone wall… He should have just given up his base like a REAL man!
So you shouldn’t be able to build a wall where a door was but you have no problem looting your own body after getting trapped in someone base LOL
Play with blooprints girl
29:13 Complains someone does some “bitch shit” then proceeds to some some “bitch shit”
Just learned today
Dont ever build next to barrel spawn when you solo
Or always build trap base next to barrel spawn
Bro wiljum ur like the best rust player u can farm, build, do electrical, and even pvp like what more can most people do
While playing solo
Where are the skins? Feel like they add to the vibes
Those bears tho…. wtf
Man says naughty word to elicit reaction, willjum proceeds to virtue signal about how the use of a word justifies ones excommunication. The fragility on display is incredible.
Bro said “that’s 4, 5 guys I can’t take that many guy’s” hmmm doesn’t sound right
It would be so legendary to have someone as chill and skilled as you to play with occasionally! Some people take this game far too seriously, and it’s so easy to lose everything haha
bears trying to get revenge
Every time I watch your videos late before bed, I say to myself I won’t watch the whole thing right now, and I end up watching the whole thing and loving it hahaha. The super chill music and calm voice while you have no airlock for pretty much every single videos first 20 min gets me. And every time I watch a video of yours with your interesting solo ideas and adventures, it makes me want to play rust again haha. Thanks for
Making such awesome videos, I’m here for all of them! Also I love your reactions to raging racist players, ohhhh rust players sometimes man… so brutal
The base at 6 min was different from the original base? The first base had a triangle foundation in front of the door.
I am playing rust wrong. Took me 7hrs to get a 4×4 to stone and another 3hrs the next day to get metal doors on it. Just how…..
Anyone know the name of the song that starts at 57:30?
Did anyone else notice the skins on his items wasn’t showing?
I would like to see ya do a duo with sebbyk
You should duo with kickstand
collab with me its worth trust
Love the vids but if I’m being honest the music in this one is a little too much lol. Your usual music choices are definitely more chilled out and are such a vibe! I think it’s partly what makes your vids so perfect! Hope you appreciate the feedback
okay real talk, why did it end like that…. i dont care the time, i was invested.
41:27 👀👀
is there a place where i can find a playlist of the songs wiljum uses in his videos?
im pretty sure you dont want the door controllers to be visible to the enemy cause they can just shoot them and the doors will just shut. let me know if im wrong
lol….why are the doors opening?!….. test confirmed positive!
Frost just seems like the most ideal. Just the two of you seems like the most entertaining.
U should duo with Gorliac! I love both of ur videos and it would be so great to see u as a duo!
did you burn a furnace along with the wooden frame… just to place down 3 more furnaces?
please tell me the name of the song at 39:00 i did check almost every song of Mist3r with no success he has too many videos
whats the name of the song at 40:30
Why is it sad that they stopped some raider from getting there stuff?
PVP in this game is pathetic.
Anouther amazing video bro love watching your vids just such a vid 🙏🙏❤️
dude claims hes never done elctrical before so he sounds smart lol
Gets mad when people seal their base but uses a meshing technique to get his stuff back after being trapped….
pretty petty if you ask me… sounds like someone just wants to do whatever it takes to win or keep their stuff but doesnt want others to do the same.
Duo with etone would be enjoyable
“which is why I am going to attempt to hire all my subscribers to protect me”
instead of automatic would work 100%
28:00, couldn’t you just have used a molly on the wood roof..? Lol..
i watch a full vid. thats a perfect vid, love it. cool electricity system and cool turret system, love it wow ! liked and subscribed
love to see you do a trio with Wally1k and Disfigure
“I can’t take on 5 guys at once” – willjum 2023 💀
This is one of the most beautifully base you‘ve ever build 👍
He sounds like stevee
Watch this with the best headphones you have. This music is too good.
Blue print please!
We need a part 2 plz i want to see how far this can go 😎😎😎
why is everything unskinned
I will always love your calm and smooth voice like cool crisp water on a summer afternoon and duo with sinks
Loved this setup and base design wish we could have seen more of this.
Willjum+spoonkid=best rust video ever🔥
39:20 music’ name pls
Funny how his battery is more protected than his tc
Sebbyk please
No flexing of your 25k apartment, already a good ass video
Nothing makes me feel stupider than watching you do electrical stuff 🙂
Turning off turrets is pointless as system consumes the power anyway. You can however move that power into a extra battery at end as a backup power in case main one dies and you just switch places.
However if you realy want to be a troll, you can place a trumpet turret into your base and its sound will bait noobs. Once they are close, the trigger will set doors up and kill any viction looking at trumpet turret by the curiostiy.
Duo with sinks
You should try a duo with Jordanrants
Song Name pls 50:08 ????😢
Who else loves these videos but doesn’t even play Rust?
Dude went afk and won
41:27 I’m pretty sure you can
dude, i loooooooooooove your content, it’s soooooooooooo relaxing
Bro muted voice over the N word. 💀💀 you obviously ain’t played a cod in your life.
Duo with ButteredCat please 🙏
“ YOU FUCKING NIG”😂 so randome😭
Could I know the song at 40:35, also I’m thank you for refreshing contact. Watching you always makes me want to hop back into rust
And this is why rust is the best game ever made. Electricity takes so much skill its truly amazing 👏 that’s why I love your videos
Willjum should Duo with JordanRants next.
20:20 My bro get nailed 😏 literally
As a new player, Id love to see a slowed down blueprint style video of this base. I hope you consider doing one in the future😊
Will “Hammer Time” Jum?
How come items were skinned but when place they were default?
Ayyyy stock skins 💗
💀 8:55
The outro is back
What’s the song ? @40.00
Hum man scream when he see his neighbours at the end made me laugh
Great movie man ,love to see more
13:54 “I have a feeling i’m gonna die” *Immediately gets shot by 2 revolvers*
Crikey. 7 hours. *mind blown*
Video is too long but complete. Could be shorter.
how do PC players run out of box space? are console large chest is half of that
Bro what is the name of the song at at 39:35
Duo with a follower? Or a new player!?
26:33 holo on da p2😂
That jumpscare at 52:20 made me get scared rl. Thought my man just screamed his soul out.
tbh willjum is top tear youtuber very chill, great vids, and uploads consistantly, he is a absolute W!
Kind of a reality check for wiljum that rust isn’t all that friendly and cozy to a degree.
Is it just me or does the art on the thumbnails of Will’s videos look fire
bro the amount of views and likes are just making me mad like can you respect a mans hard work and like? 75% of u guys aint liking the vid so you better.
Duo with Wally or frost
Whats the outro song?
So this was the wipe where you were tweeting about not using skins… and then about how insane it costs to unlock all the electrical stuff. It’s funny seeing the “reason” behind your tweets on that few week delay. 🙂
Not gonna lie, i kinda hate when people report people over shouting obscenities. its a game, like move on. getting someone banned over that is kinda shitty of you.
Can’t comment on the duo question but a duo with impheetus would be legendary!
52:20 Were you streaming during this recording? I feel you were being stream sniped or someone hacked you and is watching everything you do.
50:32 AND Switch.
“Wait, why are the doors opening?” 🤣
All of your garage door skins look like the default skin. How the hell did that happen? And the rug skins as well. Did you see the skin in game? Because they don’t show up in the video.
Blooprint makes your heart race, Willjum makes your heart warm 😭
I’m a console rust player and the electrical update is amazing
Please play with stimpee but for the love of god dont trust the slag
Those bears caught the scent of the hundreds if not thousands of rugs you’ve hung on your walls🤣 fr though wanted to say i absolutely love your videos and the vibe they have, the best part for me is always the background music, you’ve inspired me to start making similar content on another channel of mine🔥👌
Almost to a million !!!!!!
41:24 Maybe not you, but me personally..?
do you only play wipe day?
when u hit 1000K, u should team or invite one of your followers for a duo or into a team wipe imo 🙂
What I don’t get about ur videos is you title it as a self defending base, you make it, then just get off. We never get to see if the base was any good or not.
Part 2 please!
39:50 what song is this I been trying to listen to the lyrics but I only got a few can you tell me the name of the song please
You should try trio with spoon and blazed and do and try get them to do an actual wipe ha
What is the song at the 43 minute mark?
Willjum: “I hope they remove the feature where you can quickly build walls in your base to defend against raiders. It’s annoying.”
Also Willjum: *dies against a wall to glitch part of his body through it to save his stuff from being looted by a team who managed to catch him in their airlock*
Where the skins at?
this guy will whine about people building themselves in, but will grief them by camping their home – and beyond that will abuse exploits to loot his body through a door
outright hypocrite
Get a scope and slap it on a db with slug rounds. “sniper”
Yes, classic willjum ending, I loved it
We’re you gunna show your ass on twitch for 10k from Adin ross a few days ago?
Duo with sebbyk
Willyum, go duo with your.bro, sis, ma, any relative 🙂
Random subscriber
I think u should play with blazed
Please show me in detail how u did automated doors turrets and timer please. I can’t work it out.
Bro put a sight on his crossbow, absolute legend.
You should live out of a camper van for a wipe
You should play on the Project Nova server
I just pissed myself at 52:17
Rat was camping in the shadows 😂
does anyone know the name of the song thats starts playing at 39:00
I remember when you made good videos willjum 🙁
Spoon kid please!
Your videos made me buy Rust for the full 40 dollars, played it for 10 hours past half a year…
“Hello” @46:48 had me rolling lol
Play with griff the grub
When you realize it took so long for one side then there’s another half of your base to go 😅
Blooprint bro
Remember to harvest street signs will
At 12:46 Why do all the rust gaming youtubers hold on to the stinking worm?
you are wasting space and hurrying to find space put good loot and in the process you loose valuable stuff. is this some fad? or does worms give good luck?
Only reason to hold on to worm is to fish with it. even then its not decent tier bait.
other than that I love your content.
I have to say you doing a run with SebbyK, would be a great social experiment. I mean with Willjum, someone attacks the base he calmly plans his revenge and may even help the guys out. SebbyK is like hell no you didn’t and is going to scorch the planet with their dead bodies. It would be cool to see if the awesome vibe of Willjum can tame the SebbyK beast.
Oh, did Rust get a texture and lighting update, or is this modded on the client side?
The word you are looking for is “automated” not automatic. (The title.) Thank you for your time.
With me! 😊
Leave it to willjum to make the most interesting 1hour long auto turret video love it man
Let’s b real how u doz no it have 2 or 3 u b seeing in there base double screen
*complains about standard game mechanic*
*Abuses game bug*
lol. nice. I love the inconsistency
if you found that guy enjoying you should play gorilla tag its not a good lobby with out a guy yelling the n word
Hey, nice video bro 🙂
I know this is a terrible idea but if you read this, why not try using c4 to raid multiple bases at once / raid the entire server in one click. Would be fun to see you try this.
I love the OG outro
Another perfect video
“why are the doors opening? wait why are the doors opening? wait AAAUGHHH”
Omg I died laughing dude at 9:00 I was not expecting that
This cosy automatic base would have benefited from the industrial piping just for the automatic smelting alone! Great video
I don’t want there to ever be a ‘last’ time that I hear that outtro. I hear Willjum out and immediately start missing Willjum
That bag fix was pretty genius
Willjum and memeio
Blazed rust
“oh hes racist” *literally 2 seconds later* “YOU FUCKING N-” best part lmao
Song name 39:23
You spoonkid and bloo would be a very nice trio not gonna lie
Loved it man. That was one of my favorites that you’ve done in a couple years I think. At least that I can remember
to counter the delay on the turret operating one could use a second timer for the doors and white it up on the doors so both turret and the door is time based separately then its just a matter of counting how long it takes for the turret to power up ofc there may be even better fixes to it.
hey dude are you buying many skins bro
9:09 thank you for banning that guy if you did. I am black but no matterhat word it is NOT okay. love the content. keep it pure
you should Duo with yourself, that way nobody else’s fingers get stinky and you still have a fun time 😆
You know Wilbur I’m a really good player you should duo with me sometime❤ ign rki0083
didn’t last very long lol
41:22 what…
Duo with Kosdff😊
I wanna see more people callab with shots
Willjum making the racists rage lmfao
Crispy or falcon or sinks or blu
the racist at the start
Duo with someone you like playing with.
instrumental name? around 35 mins into the video
Yooooo 41:27
Willjum leaving kits is the most painful thing to watch
Frostt next
Complains about people sealing themselves in. Proceeds to use exploit to get loot after fucking up a push into a base.
9:00 was so fucking funny, I’m still laughing. Holy shit
Luv it, great video!
Rust is just a horror game LMAO
What is the name of the song on 1:02:00 pls?
Duo with #Coma
Everything skinned, but doesn’t show. What’s the deal?
Why didn’t they take your stone and wood in tc after they killed you with the doors open 4:51
Those dirty rats (proceeds to suicide then loot self through wall) LMAO
Blue print
Is Brit still playing? I just watched a duo from 2 years ago and thought you guys had a great vibe. Would love another.
I think willjum should link his base design in his pinned comment or in his description
I’m serioulsy anxious when you don’t put a bear rug in the first half of the video 😉
DUO a with Gorliac PLEASE!!!!!!
Willjum do a snow rock base w electricity
That “it’ll do” edit with the menu thingy…..I see you Willjum
Without sounding condescending man, I absolutely love putting you on before bed. Your chill tone, the music and editing. The storytelling. I get through most of the videos before crashing but those I don’t I definitely go back to finish lol. Keep doing whatcha do. If I ever get to play this game I hope to run into you!
Wally 1K
I love the videos but you are coping at 27:45 then immediately abuse a bug at 29:25
Love the base but I want video on how to make it please I beg you ❤
Using aimbot/esp, bitching about game mechanics, uses worse game mechanics to keep loot after being outplayed, reports a racist player on RUST, your dogshit now unsubbed
Do one with Memeio
Duo with welyn
my idol
@32:54 lol did u see my buddies name with your wallhacks?
Why no skins on anything at all ?
The music in this is horrible. And way too loud at some points. Gives my face a look like im smelling something funny.
the best solo play
almost 1m
Can someone tell me the name of the song at 39:35?
I will sub if can you put sauce for the music in the description.
Love your videos keep up the good work
I’m playing Vaults at the mo, found you for how Create works. Now I’m looking at having a go at this pack when I’m done with Vaults.
Really enjoy your vids mate.
You should play with porgie
Why did u skins not show on the deployables ?
Willjum, I love you. Great video. But, I’m disappointed. I just watched your entire video and was hoping to see the base in action, more than once lol. I love these kinds of bases but you spent an ENTIRE wipe day farming and building the base only to show us, essentially, a 1 hour base build lmao. I’m disappointed. – Excited for you to hit 1m subs soon though. 🙂
Good video idea, try to survive starting as solo mid wipe.
you’ll probs never see this but you should team back up with fory like the old days
Duo with the Spooner himself?
OK I like your content but why do ypu never do red room or camp sewer or do airfield you’d make so much better loot with more pvp
Of course it’s targeted. All those bear rugs you e put on your walls . 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
18:58 “Some people just aren’t cut out for fresh.” I feel personally attacked.
in some video u said what kind of video should u post and i think a good vid would be how to get started with rust on rust tips and tricks
Duo with aloneintokyo
How can you not love a willjum video 🙂
duo with posty please
Could I please have the track Id on the last few minuets? kinnda like Simon & Garfunkel ,, from 1.01 to 1.04 beauty!
@27:40 ish.: WTF is wrong with this dude?! trying to falsely paint some randoms as “rats” and degenerates because he himself fd up. They actually did everything right and sealed off and stopped raiders getting their base and this moron think its smart to act up like a little pos and immature brat …what a toxic little shite!
Please never do staged things. Once you go staged, you lose a lot of support
Something fishy going on with your first base and your outer triangle foundation with your door.
49:14 is when he sets up the electrical defense system
52:20 . Hilarious!😂 I watched that part so many times that was great
You should do a village with alone in Tokyo he can protect you for a wipe lol
HJUNE or Stevie
-OR- Switch is what you need 😉
I am no chad at all and Willjum has all my Rust admiration but when it comes to a corner and 2 guys after it the first getting distance from the wall and the 2nd sticking to the wall you better not go past the corner otherwise you get clipped by the 2nd one so you better just use the corner to mask visibility on the 2nd one (ok then you dont know he is here but the priority is to get the one you see first) and that way you can get past the numbers and get them 1 by 1. I know it s hard to do in the intensity of the action but that s the thing to do and for sure Willjum has the composure to be able to do that. They were wrong just to separate even a bit. When you are 2 and close to a corner you just stick to one another, it s good to get distance from the wall to get better vision past the corner but both need to do it.
It s worth what it s worth but on my end but it s long confirmed strat from many airsoft plays and I think it applies here as well. Cheers
why were all the skins default?
How come your skins don’t show
Honestly a willjum x Griffthegrub would be sick
U could also use a smart alarm for rust+ when the turret had a target then u get a notif ????
You should dou with cali fs
Anyone have the name of the song @40:19
Welyn wiljum wally
Duo with Steve? (Cozy)
Awesome Electrical engineering my friend! A joy to watch this base develop. <3
Duo with Cali!!!
Willjum and memio duo , op base willjum builds main part memio build trap base part
Duo with frost???????
You shot the twig twice which should’ve not let him upgrade it so it must’ve not registered your shot
52:18 Jumpscare!
Willjum + shots 🤔🤔
39:30, what is that song playing in backround?
Willjum should duo with me 🙂
What’s the song at 1:01:49?
Bro you really got to play with Welyn.
9:00 my man just got fired from his job, came home early to see his wife cheating on him, the tax office have just notified him that they will be taking his house and car, his mother has just told him he’s actually adopted and he was able to cope with allllll that and hope on rust for some peace, and at this very second after he died he let all that rage get the better of him 😂
This is my favorite Solo Adventure thus far @Willjum.
sebby K or Oblivion for sure @Willjum
Duo welyn
What’s the song in about 39:00 ?
Willjum top rust youtuber NA/EU???
Common Willjum W
Spoonkid dou with spoonkid
What I would have never thought this day would come why did willy J turn off door skins😢
Spoonkid, brit or blueprint! Or all of them😝
Hey, WJ! I see your # for the video and I believe you could use more words like “cosy, chill, calm”, cause it is your style, try it out later, hope it will help the channel =) also skip “#” before keywords, it should not help
Friendly reminder, that signs on the side of the road can be farmed for Metal Pipes and Roadsigns
Truth is you can hear the pain in his voice but not th…Read more
willi leiiii i love u !!!
Rust is weird in that we are simultaneously the most wholesome and toxic at the same time.
Dude wat I sweet video love dit ek wil di selle ding probeer daai ou was ni happy ni maar Rust is maar toxic maar jy maak dt soveel lekkerder wat i supper cool video my maat!!!
You on a fresh account you used no skins
Duo with wally
willjum+ blazed would be unstoppable
whats the outro music tho ?
Duo with a random that can play with your schedule make them a better rust player
EVERY time I drop a valuable item on the ground that I can’t afford to lose, I always end up getting away, and have to run back and get it lol.
Spoon yo! You 2 are my favorite rust streamers. Such opposite styles but awesome in your own ways! Thanks for all your uploads btw.
Why don’t skin show
We need panda beer rugs in base
Why does everything he craft not have a skin
Running out of ideas 😂
Sleth; great guy
Frost, Bloo, Wally1k
You should duo with cocobutB or princevidz
The door frame at 18:31 is twig bro, didn’t even need the Molis maybe they had loot in there obviously best loot was in metal part but other than that. video’s definitely a spoonkid classic
Disfigure !!!!!! That would be 🔥
@Willjum DUO WITH WELYN!!!
classic willjum with his base designs
Duo, with welyn pls, I rlly enjoy your videos their rlly Great 🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃❤️❤️
Can we get a part 2 of this base?
We want old music
That guy at 9:00 was kinda upset
40:25 what is the music?
Pure terror past hes eyes at 52:18
Blooprint for sure with spoon kid? If you can do trios ik you asked for duos
certified willjum classic
Spoon or frost
what song is at 39:08?
Anyone know this song? Tried to pinpoint it but couldn’t through the endless talking.
Why where you crafting like 10 tcs
Make a zerge and your the leader
Maybe try to see if SwiftCoyote cares to run a duo? You did lots of electricity stuff this go, and he’s the best Rust Electrician the world has ever seen. I think y’all could build some really cool stuff.
What’s the song at 40:00
What’s with the potato quality?
Do like a duo Challenge with spoon
You should duo with spoon kid as your play styles are opposite and the chemistry is good.
almost at 1 mln subs you deserve it
One of your noob watchers
Am i the only one wondering why there are no skins altough u use skins on the items in the video?
do u play without skins bc of ptw skins?
hammer play lol
free speech dude…im black and I don’t care. Not up to you to decide that for anyone. It’s the SJW mentality that people have nowadays that makes someone say stupid crap like that kid.
Gonna get back to enjoying your video.
Spoon, of course
Why you playing with skins off
what’s the name of the song at 38:50
52:17 after all the vids I’ve watched u do that was absolutely fantastic 😂😂😂❤️❤️
classic rust youtube, make a video about a gimmick base and then immediately quit the server once the base is finished. Would have been nice to see the turrets get some actual use.
Free speech man
I say your solo videos are epic there is no one out there that plays like you and you don’t scream at the screen like the rest or talk about depressing stuff, your videos are good, interesting and chilling to watch and I enjoy them but if you really wanted to duo I would say hjune that would be good to see as he is an epic player also and think it should be with someone you haven’t done a video with all ready someone we haven’t seen you play with that would be good 😉
I swear the little man needs an uplift with your viewers he’s ok god amazing and a beast.
Spoon kid
shame you have skins turned off…
53:48 turned into Einstein
Part 2?
Took me 2 days to watch because the vibe had me out last night
Hey willjum! I Kinda need a background to my phone and i would ask if you and your thumbnail maker could make a cool Willjum special rust background for different devices?🎉❤ and amazing video as always
” I did some off stream farming. “
Thanks for making yet another beautiful movie, whenever I have time to watch these I’m always hooked 😍
What’s the music where can I find it
Does anyone know what song 39:27 is? It’s such a bop and I whole heartedly need to know what it is.
BLOO no balls
Duo with a random subscriber it should be fun to watch that
Shoty Trap Best Auto Def ever 🙂
52:17 the genuine terror in his voice
Duo with spoon kid
Willjum goes hrs without a airlock no issues. Me forgets to airlock my airlock gets deeped on by a zerg
Please do with the same chilling new Rust YouTuber Gorliac
Duo with a subscriber
Duo with your dad
Duo with a family member
Willjum, I have been here since 90k subscribers I just wanted to say how impressive your content have grown to! Can’t wait for the 1M special!
why arent the skins displaying in the video
Duo with sleth
Love the vids and for some reason I just realized your skins for the doors were not working
19:50 there was 40 on his body haha
You should duo with Roberto ! It’s pablito’s new channel which he is trying to get of the ground. The man deff deserves it and is super chill !
On some real shit, Coma is underrated, and I think you guys would duo great and he would appreciate your play style, just me though, a unique person to flip rust upside down
Why didn’t the skins show up on the video?
Is my vid glitched or are their no skins
All we need now is a DVR system for the CCTV cams to record the carnage when your offline!
@willjum you should duo with meeeee
Idk why creators complaining about language on a toxic game. Don’t like it just turn of comms
Bro if Rust Console ever gets that technical with electricity the game will day ain’t nobody gonna build like that lol
Duo with sebby
He ended it too soon! I wanted to see what happened overnight! Did anybody raid? Were there loads of bodies around the base in the morning? LOL
Duo with Blazed
Stimpeeeee 🙌🏼
hey willjum i noticed ur skins were not working! if you hit refresh when looking in ur skins inventory they will load!
Great content as always! Def look forward to each and every vid you produce! Love it and I think and been saying since I started watching CALI is you guys have same game play and style and you both would vibe so good together the calm and cool vibes! I think I can speak for most ppl especially ones who has seen cali vids also you guys be a match made in rust! Lol
wally 1kkkk
Thats legit sleth normal wipe gameplay
at 52:15 that screamm
Why did you compound your base like that? It made the whole turret thing completely useless.
You should duo with Shots. That would be a dream. Y’all are my 2 favorite CCs
I Look forward to these EVERY weekend. Keep’em coming!
I hate that you turned off skins 🙁
why do u get mad if they walled off themselves in? probably u would do the same to keep your loot. now it seems you are salty u didn’t get it
You ain’t killing no Yogi’s with a nail gun in real life. Maybe a human if you are lucky. Rust is a funny game.
Duo with spoon
polar bear only did 8 dmg? what kind of noob server is this…
Couldn’t u recycle laptop n get camera?
Make base in snow. put the signs on base. paint signs white.
Why is a lot of rust YTers using no skins anymore?
Wiljum I saw someone scam pepole pretending to be you, I can upload the screenshots to YouTube if you wanna see you will probably won’t see this tho
guys please what is the name of the song that starts at 39:16 ???Thank you <3
Awesome! If you wanna make the most insane colab (would be more than duo), get spoonkid, welyn AND cali and make any zerg’s day 😉
I hate you for saying you had bad RNG because you got 8 pipes, weapon flashlight AND silencer out of brown crates
Bloo0rint you should duo with
Reply to your comment: spoonkid and you is always fun to see. I feel like the way you play rust is so different when your playing with spoon
Hey Willjum!! Why don’t you have a rock skin yet? It can just be a fuzzy rock like a bear skin rug!
does anybody know the song at 1:00:55
Duo with @kimchirust
your videos make me so relaxed mann keep it up
hey willjum hena was just saying welcom to rust
Does anyone know the song at 57:31 ? It puts me in such a good mood 🙂
my favourite base you have done
another good video keep up the good work willyj
love your videos but did you ever think to check the shops people have to buy a camera?
Hey willjum, loved the video! It would be really cool to see you and Princevidz make a trap base or something together
27:26 he 1000% shot the wall before it was upgraded, probably came down to a couple milliseconds of ping, rust sucks!😂 jk but stupid close tho
I swear this base has a big flaw. If a player were to shoot out / break the sensor below the doors, would that not completely deactivate the system?
I need to see a collab of you and TeaGuyTom
52:14 was spooky
Amazing video as always keep up the amazing work. Would there be any chance for you to post the links with timestamp of the songs you use instead of just posting their name, i loooove your music but sometimes i spend about 1h trying to find one song xD
yo ive been lookin forever and cant find it 40 minutes in what is the name of that song its fire
You should squad with Stevie, sinks and bloo or IOK
Willcum in me
Hey willjum I just wanted to say thank you for keeping me alive after wanting to kms for awhile and I am really grateful for you 💖 and I will never get to experience the pc rust since my family is not of the most fortunate ❤but I am grateful for what I have I love you willjum sincerely blayne 💞
Where are the skins
52:20 i shiet me pants
Love your videos but why not finish a entire wipe I would to see you come along with a friend on a month server with more ep based on the same wipe but love your vids keep up the work😊
slick dick willy shit
31:00 the evil laugh
wtf am I watching he complains about people blocking their base but then uses glitches to get his loot back! wtf
18:20 bro i like died in my inside THE FREME WAS TWIG
We need some Chad Willjum gameplay soon
So you were the little rat living next to us bro your turret was so fucking anoying
git willjum to 1m subscribers
What is the outro song? “get up outta bed..rain down on me” Been introduced to the wonderful SugaDaisy by Mr Willjum but can’t figure out who this awesome chill tune is. P.S still loving the vibes!
Please make a duo either with Gorliac or Cali, amongst the chillest Rust player there is out there!
@Willjum loved the video as always! I rarely catch your live streams due to work and timezone differences, but I never fail to watch your videos a couple times each.
Did you know with the system you set up, you can also have extra sensors that only open 1 door instead of both of them at once? Works well to stop people naked bating your turret and destroying it from another angle!
Keep up the vids man, love them. Also, duo with Sinks has to be on the cards soon right?
Dumb question, are skins disabled on the sever you’re playing Willjum?
9:00 is just Really Funny HAHAHA
Willy J + HJune. Mmmmmm
47:40 did you fr do that?
now build a base that builds itself
One more solo vid please 😭
Duo with spoon
Just an idea. is it possible to make a depo base near monuments and it automatically move the loot to your main? It would be costly but I reckon it would be cool
Okay, It’s been a while now since i watch your video’s and man this is the best vibe i have ever had. Your voice, your gaming, like everything is perfect! I love your videao and keep up the good work.
this base was so perfect i dont know i was actually happy aswell the moment everything came together fitting so well xD and then the perfect jump without taking dmg shesh
The bag skin tho i. The base is crazy
What is the song at 39:00
What’s the ten minute timer he refers too preventing them from getting back in base?
Using Aimbot its so obvious
@8:55 Wholesome
@willjum why not make a big group 1 time like of 7 or 8 and dominate
And have people like frost, blueprint , wally1k and more
Or even get a 10man group give yourselves 1 day to build up and have your fans rush the server and try and invade , seems like a fun idea , they can have bows or even spears
Moo clan
Wiljum bro get rid of the rock ur running with a whole P2 😭
The sheet metal door at 17:38 was on a twig frame !
i would love to see you and wally play.
Duo with Welyn. He’s the only Rust player whose production values match your own – top shelf.
This was one of your best ever btw. Watching you engineer on the fly was awesome. 🛠 Hoping for Part II soon! 🤞
luv ya bro but my ocd kicked in when i saw your design
*nvm you made it better, thank you
You dont have to remove The locks
why dose he not have skins on anything?
Is it just me , because all items in video have default skin ? A belive that must be skinned items 🙂
Hope there a part 2 for this play through
You ever hear of a man named Aqua?
always feel happy when you drop a new video your my favourite youtouber.
Sha shamyga
Why did you have skins turn off
Duo with satchelboy
I hope you do another video playing out of this base. I always get bummed when you guys build these sweet bases and that’s the end. I vote you play with Aloneintokyo, my two favorite rust YouTuber’s. 😁
I have always enjoyed you and Bloo but it would be cool if got a large group and built a compound of several bases and ruled the map. Then gave it all away to some lucky person.
30:15 Clip it
It’s weird to see nothing skinned.
Welyn hands down
I’ve tried watching this 3 times and both times I’ve fallen asleep because it’s soo relaxing and chill
You should call yourself the Dbous grub
41:26 my ex wife thought differently
One I haven’t seen in the comments that much maybe JordanRants would be a cool option both are cool chill mostly solo Chads
8:56 I love how this dude raging when he ain’t even got nothing hard to replace. XD
Whenever I see a wiljum upload I clear my mind and watch and enjoy thx wil❤
Willjum making reasons of not recording and finding a camera but the real reason was he had help in getting those and didn’t add them to the video. LMAO
the angry person was Tyler1
9:22 as an American, I can say it’s probably because he’s American.
No, “Willjum”, out at the end.
you can buy cctv on outpost willjum xD
Song name?
Best base to date
Bro the scream at 52:19 was such pure terror
I do not like the reporting for racism. Rust is a game that makes people rage. I too have experienced that players frustration and have also reacted poorly. Kicking someone when they’re down is not wholesome. That player was probably on his 5th death in a row and not having a good time of it. Not everyone plays Rust as their job or has the same wherewithall to withstand the game. This is also why I no longer play Rust anymore. It is not a game that lends itself positively to mental wellbeing. Everyone can have a bad day, especially in a game like Rust. If I was in Willjum’s shoes, I wouldn’t have reported that guy, I would’ve tried to do something nice for them, give them some loot or try to have a calm conversation with them. That screaming toxicity is a sign of a person hurting emotionally, not the sign of a toxic racist. Real racists in Rust talk quietly, they cover their base in ‘artwork’ and make racism a ‘casual aspect’ of their environment. They might die and start to cuss, but usually they are racist even while not upset. Those are the people truly deserving of punitive action. This was poor form.
The reason why bears hate willjum it’s because all the Bear rugs
Hey man, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your videos. I’ve been having issues with my hands for a long time now and I’ve been unable to play rust, but I still get to enjoy the game through watching you play and I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your videos. Thank you for the content, I look forward to new videos in the near future
Duo with a random that had less than 500 hours
Dude your account has come so damn far I remember when you was at like 100k subs when I watched a video on your account the first time and I liked the video a lot now you fucking bout to hit 1 mil talk about effort, your on top trending in gaming every vid talk about the chillers most deserving rust ytuber
Duo with spoonkid2
Damn Willy J how you feel YouTube themself commented on you video?
From 24k to now my god you have grown miss the old laptop days 😂😂
What is the name of the song at 39:18?
sebby can get in there 🤣🤣🤣
So sealing yourself into a base needs to be removed, but killing yourself so that you can loot your shit through a door is totally balanced?
Just do a video with stinpee
Willjum: I know you all are yelling at me to make an airlock.
Me: You build when you feel like man. No pressure.
Music @42:32
really want to see part 2 to this one…. I dont know why i just feel its going to be interesting.
Willjum askin w who he should duo…. Me want see a big 10 man clan w like bloo spoon wally aloneintokyo frost ect (so many name) and going on war w all the server raidin all the big groups they can
first i thourght the holo-crossbow would made me mad, but then i see this P2-holo abomination. please dont do this again willy-j 😀
Bruh duo with someone like Lifestomper or Aidan
Me obv
Make a video with Frost, Bloo, and Wally
27:22 who else caught the nametag
You should do sponkid
Walk1k team up with Wally
also, i just want to say, it was genuinely incredible watching you figure out the electrical system, i actually went and bought rust because of this video and how fun you made base building and wiring stuff look. thanks for the vid man!!
great to see racists getting banned! great video as always!
he wasn’t kidding, that base really can cozy
Part 2? This is one of your coolest bases to date man, absolutely fucks
This is so cool I watched ur stream when u played this thru and seeing at a video now is so cool
Bro became an electrician in one wipe and I can’t even figure out how to power a shotgun trap
12:00 what song is that?
What just happened to the skins?????
I’d love to see a “After Wipe Day” sort of video series where you show what happened to your base after the original vid.
Duo with spoonkid again please!
you know i’ve been in quite a bad spot for a while but this video was lowkey so therapeutic, that i was just able to lay down and enjoy the moment thank you and much love from germany 🙂
video idea: I Put A shotgun trap behind every door in solo rust
I would love it if you made a detailed video on how to replicate that base.
People who call people the n word in video games arent racist. Just men of cultured gaming. You young kids wont understand
Absurd that you’ll do in 7 hours what takes me 2+ days 😂
what is the name of the song at 38:52?
yo now willjum get top 50 trending for gaming thats insane!!! we love to see it 😀
Me. Lol
You say people shouldn’t be allowed to place walls inside their base yet you kill yourself so your head sticks through the door even though they trapped you in there🤦
Great video man thank you
People who put down walls to seal themselves in = bad
Willjum exploiting a glitch to pass his loot through walls = good (i guess?)
Nothing better than when he uploads so entertaining keep it up
willjum, always enjoy your videos man, what a great content creator.
5:54 am I crazy or the jump-up changed side?
Do a duo with Enardo
You should duo or trio with flacon and or coma
Can’t believe you did this all on wipe day – insane stuff
Duo with swifty
If only there was a way to buy what you need in this game😒
Willjum “Walling off your base to prevent a raid is so toxic and should be removed” 5 mins late… Willjum *proceeds to use an exploit to get his loot through a shut door when he gets trapped*
And the word of the day is…hesitation. While sometimes, it pays to hesitate. Sometimes, it doesn’t. It all balances out in the end, though. Keep up the fantastic content. Any more chilled, and you’d be unconscious. It’s a sub from me, how could I not. 👏🙌🤟🤛😉
The bears are taking their revenge on you, Willy, for all the bear rugs you placed throughout your bases. Lol
Yes with bloo
Hates on prim guys who wall themselves in – turns around and door camps and gets outplayed/ trapped – wall glitches to retrieve trapped body 🤷♂
Can you please duo who steve or jordanrants
How is this official if it’s 1.5x?
whats the song pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee around 40min ich
Willy and Aidan duo when
go to LA,bet 500$ on black, you win you give me the money, you lose face cam for the next year on ever vid and stream. Deal
41:25 “I don’t think I can take on 5 guys”
okay real talk, who should i duo with soon? with me willjum
Do a duo with throat
You should play with frost
Is it just me or are the skins not showing
Why’d you turn off skins? 😢
Why weren’t the door skins not working?
How do u make ur thumbnails fit your videos they always look so chill
Duo with satchelboy 🤩
28:20 Nice work! That is the best way to deal with people who cannot take the L and seal themselves in, make then have to softside that shit. See who gets the last laugh then. I hope they had to spend the next 30 mins. wood spearing that wall.
Duo with Welyn. I wanna see a pumpkin chaotic gamer with the calm solo dude xD
duo with dreamybull
That being 7 hrs for u thats 7 days for me
Real talk. Play with some of your fans.
Winter with vertigo.
Anyone but bloo
willjum cures my depresion
9:06 this is a prime example of someone who is not fit to play this game and needs to seek therapy.
Im struggling a bit lately and worrying too much about stuff but when I sit and relax to watch your videos I can feel at peace with myself. Thanks man, it helps 🙌🏽
i took this core design and made a full base thank you for the concept willy j. p.s your the best
You should duo with Blazed or Stimpee
41:27 ?????????????????
anyone know the song at 40:00 ?
New pfp is 🔥
Willjum do you think at you can make a video where you show your settings and stuff for rust
Wally frost or blue print
Second part?
would u mind to share yr game setting? thanks.
come on guys help him reach 1mil =-)
You can duo with Jordan, this mans so enjoyable to watch
his bases just get crazier and crazier
these Intros >>>>
GUYS PLS HELP ! Just like the sleeping bag disaperaing in the video, I put 4K gunpowder and 2 rockets in a stocking (christmas sock thing) hidden behind my double door and I removed he door and THE STOCKING DISAPPEARED!! I feel like I wanna cry. Do anyone know a slotuion?
I’ve always found it helpful to have a power source for the turret separate from the door and sensor array. If the turret is already on when the doors open there is no delay to wait for the turret to power up.
Where I can see your settings?
Us on console can do this now
can someone tell me which song is in 39:00
you so funtastic, my thigh is cramped from laughing!
You should do you Blooprint and spoon kid that would be the ultimate trio. I enjoy when you and Blooprint play together👍👍
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.
Duo with Jordan Rants
I’ve been trying to figure out what song this is but I can’t, 39:10 song name? Thanks in advance if anyone can answer this.
whats the name of the song on 38:55
Good ole Willy J
Wally 1k
Bro build the off brand chad cabbin 💀💀
A subscriber with rust
Tesla Sebby k
Will my guy I get it for youtube reasons. But come on man it’s a word and your giving it so much power by being bothered by it like that. It’s no different than any other word regardless of its history. It’s like ignoring bad things you can’t ignore them you just gotta rise above them
Duo with a family member
Wait…no sign off!? It feels incomplete without a “Willjum…………………out.” 😂
Maybe u want to play duo with posty one day?
Is it just me who noticed theres no skins on anything Willjum had? Even though he clearly put them on the stuff
I would love to see sebbyK, spoonkid, Wylan it a team
Okay but willjum 100% needs to make a vid with memio
Solo sea wolf chapter
im sorry but why are you using the no skin setting it look worse I would rather you have good skins on your guns asking =better ngl
32:35 sounded like Kate Winslet right there.
A duo of you and SerWinter could be legendary.
12 rockets
Bloo and spoon and frost
Blue print
Cant you make a video where you made a wipe progress then go back again to you see what happens with your base ? I mean after your done and after a few days go and see haha
Griff the grub
Perhaps one of the most fun and interesting base you’ve built in a while.
and I have been with you since 9K lol
The skins being default kept throwing me off.
@wiljum what is the song id on minute 37
Bro i cant see skins
u should duo with me 🫡
Just wanted to point out, that door frame on the metal door was twig.
Skins not working?
add the old school willjum music in the videos again
Oh my gosssshhhh he said a word I don’t likeeeee….I think I’m going to get him bannnnned. History lesson time buddy – in the US we have freedom of speech. Meaning him saying that was legally protected speech, you don’t have to like and quite frankly irdc, but in this country, we can say whatever we want to without consequence. I’m sorry you don’t have the same freedoms, truly, but you’re going to have to get over yourself if that offended you bc nobody else cares either 🤷♂️ tough luck dude.
Does anyone know the song at 17:40?
Day 137 of reminding Willjum that he needs to split the ores in the furnaces so they cook faster when he has 1 stack or less… <3
Pls play with wally1k
What is the song at 39:00 ?
Wish I could play with willjum
Me chilling and Vibeing to the music in the background *That racist* You! F@£&? N@#£.
like daim
we know what happened to your bag
Would u ever do a Zerg with 5 to 7 other rust YouTubers?
when wiljum raided at 18:23 the metal double door was twig
i wish i could do this but everyone i try i get killed farming or raided in 10 mins from my 2×2
Next collab:memio or spoon
Is this a 1.5 times server
DUo with Sebby
willy g because hes a top g
Okay who else came to the comments right after they saw him farm with cross Holo
Will this be a 2 episode one? This was amazing so far
flamigo> willjum
Duo with welyn
Those people he molotov raided were probably in the process of moving if he had all that loot on him and none in the base.
11:49 he fumbled the bag
Welyn!!!!!! Plz that would be awesome!!
It’s killing me that u don’t toss out the worm In ur inventory when u loot 😂
wally 1k duo
Welyn 100%
Amazing video as usual!!
I can’t reply on wiljums comment that’s asking who to duo with since it has 500 replies, but I’d love to watch a duo with wally1k! It’s the perfect mix of a solo player that’s all about safe, sustainable progression, and another solo player that progresses on the back of crazy plays, pvp, and builds massive amounts of high tier loot as if he’s a clan, only as a solo.
That would in my opinion be one of the best duos ever!
The fear in that scream at 52:19 hahahaha, fire video!
You should do a big YouTubers clan for a month long wipe with blue an all of them
40:35 music please !!!
39:30 name of the song i cant find it btw i love ur content
Will, make duo with spoonkid 😀
9:30 you act like it isn’t normal, or like you don’t hear it every time you play rust
Yo anyone else feeling so weird that the skins didnt load in?
Bears and Wiljum never mix …
you use too never curse now you do it more and more
52:20 now that’s a genuine scream of fear
I feel like a boss when im able to link my lights to a switch , i feel like absolute naked watching this lmao.
yoo willjum if you see dis i wud like too make a video with you im a grub dont know a lot of the game but i wud lovee too play witth you soo pls hitt me up
Commenting for the algorithm, and dibs on the duo
Bro that yelled when he died was comedy 😂😂😂😂 Typical rust player
U know someone really pooped his pants if he’s scream like that
The legend
Nah p2 holo
#chilledvibes yes, yes this is what im here for, cant beat a solo adventure with wiljum
another duo series with spoon would be legendary
anyone else noticed that when he started building the base there was a stone triangle foundation sticking out infront off the door. but 5:54 you see that the triangle foundation is gone and a stone half wall has taken its place..
never thought Rust electric system is so advanced
I think it would be fun to see you play with people on the other side of rust like coma and falcon. Pvp gods fighting clans
Best rust YouTuber round.
Brilliant content
hope there is a part 2
wow wiljum growing super fast recently you deserve it keep on the grind <3
Welyn, Spoon, or CoconutB
Me. Show you the ways of takin on 5 guys… 😂😂
liked the vid but didnt really get to see the base finnished in use, this was more of the grind for my AI defense base
Love your vids man, keep it up!❤Lets get this guy to 1mil subs!🎉
Willjum/Princevids duo?
I don’t even play rust and can’t get enough of this lol. Well done!
Duo with Frost
“i’m never recicling gears again” 5min later (recicles gears)
Gorliac !!!!!!!
52:15 “wait, *why are the doors opening?* “
This video was over an hour long and I was mad it ended 😂 Willy J’s videos are just so easy to watch.
I got so into it I was sad that it ended
Dena – This is not your game, my guy. Maybe Minecraft or Pixark is more your speed. Very relaxing games. Or maybe some mental health counseling. (also that’s the only time I have ever heard Wiljum get legit angry.)
willjum + solo + rust = legendary W 💎
@42:57 so you keep the 25 metal frags but leave the 47 gun powder, you have 3 ft of rope but leave 2 ft behind, you keep the 1 buckshot ammo but leave the 9 handmade shells.
At the beginning of the game when he died with doors open, how did he know they wouldn’t take his base over?
Does anybody know the song that starts @38:54? Would greatly appreciate it.
Am I the only one who noticed wors grafic and no skins?
But still good video I feel like can make a worst video but by just a small edit and his calm voice the videos are also me ty willjum for all the nice content you give us for free
Loveeee the music!
Holo Crossy new meta!?!?!
Helping us rust console gamers out with power
Do it with frost and steal the Chinook and make a base for it!!!!
whaat pistol skin is that
Does anyone know the name of this song at 39:11 I’ve heard it in so many vids but I can’t find it
Nvm I found it it’s A Solitary Mans Soul by Lars Eriksson
What happens do you skins not work
You should duo with your mom
Willjum, seeing your wiring is a breath of fresh air, I keep seeing some other people wire shit and its just so mad sloppy. I’m grateful to see another person take pride in their wiring and making it look good.
You have got to do more videos like this cause it’s great to finally see you be able to farm wood safely lol
I love your vids, but bruh can you pls fill the furnaces evenly??
what’s the song in 43:03
Nice base 🤣👌🏼
Just found your content super sick base build
Saying nigga don’t make you a racist
Willjum can you please play with skins back on every thing will look so much better (❤)
Why didn’t willjum recycle his gears im so confused
What’s a thug shaker
will you should play with blazed and spoon
Letz get more face cams
@willjum you should duo with sebby.. would be a strong eco video
where did your skins go? other than that perfect video.
wsup with complaining about the team sealing and the mechanic and then 5 mins later you head glitch to get your gear because you were stuck in an airlock? same but different but still the same?
1:13 you deserve to be burned at the stake for leaving that.
Duo with Shots plz
i built a system once that auto opened all the loot rooms if you walked into the area, also made it lock out if it saw enemy until you flipped switches to reset it. love the electrical system in rust
who what’s to know who you’re going to duo with. WE ALL JUST WANT TO SEE YOU AT A MILLION SUBS!!! When I see this you’re missing 80 thousand. Im ready for your play button. your a real one, exited for you next video “evenly though you just posted” But i’m ready for whatever happens
-Will’y J’s adopted son. “yes this is a joke I’m in no-way associated with @willjum .”🤨
I hope anyone who watches Willjum isn’t racist 🙏 It is the biggest issue within the Rust community. You can’t even make friends on the game anymore. you join someone’s discord call and it’s all racist shit gets so old and cringe.
Could you do a duo vid with cali two solos same idea
Your content is so chill, but your box organizing or rather lack there of is stressing me out.
I never understand…why wasted space looting clothes??? Unless its a Hazzy or Gearset, what’s the point…and even then…damn near all of that shyt is craft able 🤷🏾♂
Duo with lucky lamma that would be great while you farm he would build you a base and have a flank base ❤❤
What song is playing at 40:00?
I think if your base is on the line it’s a perfectly legitimate defence to build yourself in. Gotta do what you gotta do man.
Tbh tbh you should duo with me
80k away from 1 mil!!! almolst there dude nice
what a fun little guy at 9 minutes
Love your videos. So tired of the potty mouth.
Dude split ores in furnaces for love of god.
Alone in Tokyo easy
the one thing i thought was funny, he gets mad that they wall in the base. “It should be fixed” then does the look up exploit when getting doored in
How can he tell when people are racist?
SebbyK and Welyn ofc 🤪
Looks like the replies for the duo are capped so leaving my 2 cents here.
First the no-nos.
First one spoonkid, I love you both but just didn’t work last time because your ingame personalities are polar opposites.
We’ve seen you with bloo enough times as it is, so no for bloo either.
Hjune and you are pretty similar, even in voice range, so not that one either.
Your duos and multiple teams work better when you’re not the alpha but the counter star, probably best collab ever in Rust was that of yourself, bloo, hjune and frost. All of the vids that came out of that were amazing.
We all want an aloneintokyo collab with anybody, but let’s be real, that’s not gonna happen.
If I were you I would actually get out of your comfort zone and try team up with kimchi for a full on foundation wipe out of a zerg, or try something with Memeio or Enardo.
But the best duo would be with that farmer than subsequently played with bloo and bloo’s father (can’t recall the name) Or a trio with both bloo’s father as well. Guess that’s bloo intelectual property anyway.
Disclaimer: these opinions are from a non gamer, and old enough to be anybody’s father’s older brother here. Probably not your target audience.
Why were none of your door/weapon skins showing?
why cant we see dor skins
Willjum, when are gonna do a duo with Blazed? I know it’s gonna happen, everything is adding up, he said he was playing with a farmer, you asked who to duo with
Duo with someone new and in the low tier ranks of YouTube. Otherwise.. keep going solo.. love seeing ur freestyle bases underground.
What is the name of the song at 38:54 ?
Wouldn’t be a Willjum video without random bears appearing from nowhere to maul the poor man.
Day 1 of asking Willjum to teach me to play rust
27:48 also WilliJ 29:15 bro just out do him self.
You and Shacky would be like Ying and Yang. Make it happen.
Funny how he complained about the group sealing themselves in then uses a different exploit to get his stuff out of the air lock
dou with stevie idol❤️
Thanks! You have the best Rust content. Its always enjoyable to watch and great vibes. Keep it up.
I wanna see a 3 hour rampage with imBernE, Willjum and Blooprint! Okay I’ll settle for a 1hour video, a fella can dream, can’t he!? 😉😁
last force before this force the mushrooms got the red text dis a old old vid xd?
you should play with Tesla or Tacular. See how you fare in some big online raid defenses 🙂
Ok it might be me cuz I don’t see any skins with anything you crafted. I thought we was here for the vibes and skins WillyJ😢
willy J duo with frost ? 😅
Why u mad they sealed themselves in? Just cuz u can’t get their stuff ur mad? Nothing wrong with what they did. You just need to be faster. Stop hating cuz u lacking in skills.
@willjum I think you should duo with Impheetus.
58:32 whats the range on the camera sensor and whats the range on the shotgun turret? cos if the camera range is bigger than the shotgun sensor range someone could stand there and drain ur power couldnt they? im guessing u only want it coming open if they are in range of the turret
40:39 is sick
51:25 im glad you dont make electrical guides for this game cos what ur doing doesnt explain anything about how it works… im more confused that an ex con who’s fused to another fused con
Man that dude you killed was fuming, lol. I die a ton in Rust. I just say GG. Although I have been killed by people that were absolutely caustic lol.
Duo with Wally1cock and WillCum 🥸
27:50 You said it should be out of the game, but when you do shit like this your call it “Big Plays” xD
Content creators :`D
You and spoon should do a tier 1 only weapon challenge
its really nice to watch videos of you. they have such a chill vibe
Real talk he didnt die once to a bear or a polar bear 0o0
you know somethings gonna happed when you hear the music 39:00
Pls duo with Orange dream
Your videos are really boring to me im sorry they are good but boring for me nothing personal😢
We need to see 3 hours of willjum
Is it just me or, why are The door skins not sgowing?
28:00 you staying to time ran out realy made my day
Willjum’s bases are finally starting to look like the thumbnai
Whats the song called at 39:35 its so good been trying to find it for a minute
He didnt say “Willjum out” and I miss that
why do you always buy wood instead of farming? is it quicker to farm stone than wood? if so shouldnt the devs change that? u would think the worse material would be easier to farm
you made my day
Willjum and Shots Duo
ive never played rust.
But i feel the need to watch these everytime.
Whats the song at 16:40?
dude 52:14 scared the shit out of me ur scream was really unexpected lmao
This base is sick its make me want to play rust
41:27 😏
road to 950k !!
20:21 “he has 4 mollys on him” maybe they were yours? u went out with 5, u then used one on a base door… u then got killed by these guys… so maybe they were yours?
Trio request: You, Spoon, Blazed
Wally1k or Stevie
9:00 😟😟
can u make a base in the snow biome look like a polar bear and be completely covered in polar bear pelts?
aside from the mess of wires you would be a good electrician
It’s always great to hear the excitement in Willjums voice when he finds out something about building which everyone else was using for the past years lol.
You should duo with fast
Lefty P he can show you how to place compounds down 😜
willjum I think you duo with sleth he is a really under rated creator and he usually solos a lot
duo with wally1k
Always good to see the bears are back on a Wj video
No skins??
52:19 Willjum: “AHHH-“
Every video this guy posts are like a movie
daym will going mad with the electricity
Why don’t you split the ore in your furnaces? Two stacks at one time should be faster but now that I’m seeing you doing it I don’t know that I ever tried doing only one stack. If not it seems like a waste of wood? Love the content, happy for you that you’re about to be 1 mil.
Whats was up with the skins not loading in that was weird otherwise good video willy J
What is the “hype song” the one you play when theres some intense action 😂. Love it
Willy is a certified RUST electrician XDDD his placements are satisfying jejeje
Somebody call Stimpee, he’s going to want to see this so he can make his electrician build this base for him.
Today i have built a Automatic Farting Machine.
gotta love nature’s pure hatred of Willjum, no matter where he is or what he’s doing he’ll be found and chased, makes for great content 😂
Where are your skins?
Toxic players is why rust is fun
This might be a long shot but i would love to see you and LolOut, but honestly wally1k would be awesome
Duo with Faded. I’m typing it here bc I can’t type in ur comment we’re u asked with who u should Duo next
”Welcome to the solo rust adventure” the legendary words that i hear before paradise
Bruh I shat myself
Bring Holdacius back to the rust scene
willyJ good vid for 1 am
after getting onlined
I know a guy he’s a massive fan of you he dreams to be in a wipe with you his name is smidz og he has 1.4K subscribers ❤ it would make his dream come true he doesn’t want the fame he just wants to experience playing with you
what happened to the skins
why you play with no skins?
sorry but the play at 27:20 isnt nearly as ratty as the thing you did at 29:15
Duo with gorliac!!!! ❤
Why did none of his skins pop up
whats the name of the song on min 39? i love it…..
I want to see you take cargo or Brad or helicopter you don’t just have to build and farm and pvp a little. You can do other stuff. I really would like to see you take Brad or something
Vertical cliff base hmmm?
yeah 9:30 not a fan of the toxicity in rust, global chat is always just pigs
Bro racism in rust is ok
Hahaha, i have been doing this turret on a triangle w roller doors since electricity 1st came out and can confirm, it’s the best way to have auto base defense. ← ↑ Comment for algorithm + 👍 ‘d
#OldManPaxus Rating: ☆☆☆☆
The wooden base in the forest had a twig doorframe for the double door mate
What happens with ” willjum…out”
What heppend to all the skins
Everytime yogi tries to attack, I just think Willjum is in a Camomo server and hes just fucking with him. LOL
thanks for the video
Now Willjum can create an automated farming base that has automated protection.
Ngl this is hands down one of my favorite base you’ve built so far!!
at 18:00 they had a wooden doorframe, shame you did not see it, keep on bringing this good content!
Where did your skins go?
Duo with Me! I need a good carry, I’m a long playing noob with need of guidance.
a dude saying the n word in rust doesnt mean they are racist they just say it because they are mad asf and know thats very offensive
whats the name of the song from 39:00 to 41:30
My man Willjum you should you a dou with Cali
we need a base design vid of this one
What parts do you have in your pc
24:32 i love that combo
What’s the song at 57:45
Br fr anytime willy says see you in the next one you just know what happaned after he went of… Still watched this on my old cozy couch while it was snowing outside coziness itself…
40:00 what song is that?
Guy at 8:56 took that well! Glad to see the rust community growing towards a more family friendly environment.🙏
if you like this you will get a hotdog in yabum
52:18 was the best reaction ive seen lol
I would of made the front as a funnel point for the auto turret
Honestly i expected more
11:30 damn that easy? xD
,, itemskin 1 ” for skins bug
Play with Stevie next good combo
what is the name of the song that starts around 38:55??
This was the first Willjum video I’ve ever watched where he didn’t have skins on any doors or furnaces 😳
omg willjum dont be a snitch y u get the rasest guy band one black falas honestly dont give a fuck unless thay r a karen
im watching this channel since 200k subs and i love it <3 keep it up man ur gonna hit those million subs soon!
36:46 omg you jumpcut the clip right before you plugged in the battery, my ocd HURTs man
Duo with spoon
I’m new to mouse and keyboard gaming , as in about 20 hours 😁👍🏻 so you tempted me into playing rust !!! You make it look so easy 👍🏻 GGS
We need a duo with posty👀
31:11 he headshot him with a db slug and he only lost 20 or 30 health?
A jordan rants and willjum video would be awesome
20 minute willy power moment
I love the music that you have for your video’s
Should have made a choke point with the high walls they’d make it to a certain point and it would be too late.
9:18 one simple answer: they play rust
a 1 hour willjum vid? sign me up.
i didnt know the wolves moved in packs o.o
the f**k happened to the skins! Great content bro, as always.
I dont know why but all tge skins not showing the whole time bothered me so much😭😭
Duo with Aloneintokyo
Its players like you who are insane with situational awareness that make me scared to play Rust in general. XD At most I’d probably only be really good for being a farmer.
Sebby k for the eco raid series or oblivion as you would be making a base while he’s turning it into a trap base
Yooooo see if Shots would cause he is a solo rust YouTuber who is a smaller fish in the YouTube pond. He is a very chill guy as well as super good at combat but he plays to have fun not plays to sweat. Also is a very nice guy I think you two would have a lot of fun together.
very little things in rust or just in general feel as good as doing a “complex” electrical circuit by yourself
willjum u shud dou with cali he reminds me of u so mutch hes a og solo
anyone know the song used around the 39:00 minute mark? sounds so good
edit : Larks Eriksson – A Solitary Man’s Soul
Reksmore. Praise be to the Skull God
Challenge you to do a Solo wipe where u only live off quarries. No farm or limited farming with tools.
Always enjoy ur videos keep them coming
Someone who has a small YouTube following but has the good vibes like yourself ❤️
Dude, YOU. ARE. A. BEAST !!!!!
This was so fun to watch, I enjoyed every moment of the episode.
Great job buddy.
See ya next time.
mayby Winnie and slow him down and he speeds you up
Are those the old mushroom textures?
Talk at Cali that sounds fun
No duo solo only please!
Song at 40:00?
Duo with welyn tha pumpkin emperor
What is the song at like 30:30?
Bro it s the second time I start recording a song, and as soon as i come on your channel i hear the same beat on the sound track in the background. This is crazy i m trippin ahahaha. Love the vid❤️
I’m confused why is nothing skinned?
i bought some merch abt a week ago, no complaints, just excited! i got a Grey Boonie Hat Hoodie and Black Bear Rug Hoodie
Willy good video your definitely the best rust YouTuber there is love your videos I’m trying to buy your new pc but don’t have enough money or any money lol
Willjum Immagine sleeping in that bag at 16:20 idk if it’s good for your back ;DD
41:27 AYO????
if you dont already have know/use it, i would highly recommend setting up nvidia’s instant replay in geforce experience for those times where you forget to record. it allows you to set a capture buffer for 20 minutes so if something happens and you happen to miss it you can still get the footage 🙂
AMD gpus also have a similar program in their software, cant remember the name off the top of my head though. either way hope this helps, great video as always!
Shacky Collab soon!?!?!
Of of your buddies you’ve given a shout out too?
Please do a duo with Gamelightz!! It would be the most chill wipe ever
ngl i want you to build this base again
Hey guys. Rust has this awesome auto sort keybind for boxes. No need to pull everything out randomly then put elsewhere
I feel that waterpipe and db should have more aimcone at distance with slugs since they seem to be as accurate as a sniper xD..
“one slug and a dream” nice
Willjum is by far the classiest rust player ever
Play with welyn
I think you really should look at this short…! I do not understand electricity in rust at all, but it could possibly help you…
rust content creators pretending they weren’t racist before the fame is the funniest thing 😂🤣
You should make a part 2 of this!
Spoon and Lama!
willjum what happend to ur skins?
you should do i duo with blazed
This mf had a holosight on a CROSSBOW absolute chad
Love the video, but I don’t understand why you put up high walls so your turrets will never go off?
Pls bring back the “farming nodes to the rythem” edit
I won’t lie I’m desperate at this point can anyone tell me the song at 39mins? Idk how to link it
could you make more videos? @willjum
bro i got school in 4 hrs i need sleep but nah willjum is so worth
30:00 HA HA HA YESSSSS!!! ME TOO!! I been doin’ JAMES BOND MEME since early 2018 in my HAPIS ISL DAYS!!! Lookit!: https://youtu.be/Qt9hr_WVP9o?t=226
SKIP right to action: https://youtu.be/Qt9hr_WVP9o?t=332
_The challenge was was always to go wetsuit, cloth headwear, P250 silenced and to go stealth and make at least one kill and get away!_
Here camper, camper, camper… I have a present for youuuuuuuu (crooning voice)
You should forsure duo with blazed. I think you guys can get the fattest of bags and successfully have a wipe!
When you were looking for pipes, street signs give you a pipe and roadsign.
Let’s go near 1m subs!
Willjum: I get such bad RNG
As he gets a holo sight 😂😂
i dont know what most people’s thoughts are on silenced weapons, i do know that they dampen the damage, but i just can’t get over how clean it feels to run with a silenced p2. i totally understand the James Bond feel and i prefer it over being loud, silenced it definitely my play style 😀
Can you duo with Gorliac🙏🏻
Made my day seeing that kid get banned.
Why us there no deployable skins in this video? You made skinned doors and placed them and they went to basic skins??
Not being able to even set a base down cause he’s dogshit would make him that angry
Pls Wiljum we want to see a duo of solo’s chad whit Cali
At 39:45 whats the name of the song playing in the background anyone?
The racist guy was even wearing willjums skins. Damn. He doesn deserve them.
No unacceptable willjum is a snitch
I love yo.. your vids 😅😅
Why didn’t they grab your stuff when you left your door open? 4:22?
willjum: i feel like i’m gonna die Death: it seems im already here
Honestly makes my day coming home from a shitty day at work and see one of your videos up. Thanks
Enardo i need to hear he say welcome to rust intro in your video
Play with Cali or Orange Dream 🍊
Have you done an album of all your songs?
How is it racism that a word is being said without knowing the color of your skin? Seems kinda sus you calling people racist…. he was using racist language, doesn’t confirm the pos is racist though…
Small suggestion, although I know it adds complication to the system, but you should add a second or two delay to the doors. Not only does it make sure people get even closer before they open, but it gives the turret the opportunity to fully power up before its exposed
0:21 Awww he’s gonna be lonely
❤spoonkid!!!, 🎉
What is the name of the song at 39 minutes? 😭
“I don’t know if I can take on 5 guys, that’s a bit much”
Ahhhhhh. I love the automated turrets. You should definitely try this out again! I think it could be really cool if you implemented it into a gatehouse. Guards the compound and entrance in. Being able to free farm around your base is so powerful!
As always fantastic content. Looking forward to the next one willy j.
crazy base fr damn my solo base in 3 days is a 2×1 hahaha cause i’m afraid of expanding it and be a target by a literal compound with full metal sheets like the freaking walls are huge, high and full metal whole base the compound wall too they don’t use high walls lmfao
do more solo Please. epic base design man. maybe one more solo base. Please Willjum.
Your PVP gameplay is at a rediculous level for someone that calls himself a builder, you are a PVP God dude. You are prob one of the best players in the game right now.
@willjum you should do a small group soon. like bloo, frost spoonkid and wally
Bro can someone tell me the Campfire skin name…. I just cannot find it on market
36:00 what was that light you used
Duo MEMEio, he is really good at pvp and trap base so you can rest assure about your base raiding
love the halo crossy mix
Duo with blooprint or disfigure would be fire
Willjum says: “Wow that’s such a cool cliff.”
Next video: “Hey check out this awesome cliff base!”
Cheers dude. Thanks for keeping up the fun content. I’ve never played Rust but I have a blast watching guys like you put this stuff together. I may just have to pick it up and give it a go myself sometime soon after I’ve finished conquering the ARK.
Man is looking less like a chad with no skins!!!
Fuckin awesome vidja! As a locksmith I am appalled that there aren’t floor or wall safes. We need to make this a thing!
Duo with stimpee
Wtf you did all that in seven hours? Dayum bro😂
Holosight on crossbow, ment👍
I really like willjum’s content a lot but it always leaves me with a bitter taste knowing that it starts from 0 and does not continue the series or video, is there any chance that it will do a series or something of a complete wipe? 0 hate
Another smashing success. Well done WillyJ.
You should duo with Taunted or Taccular
Brinda or bust
Wtf! We never got to see the base in action! I wanted to see how the base did with defense
i love willjum
Skinless willy vid hmmm
spoonkid or blazed (;
Need part 2 asap lol
Bro you shoot the twig on the rats base I went back on slow mode
Nothing better then wachting wiljuim at midnight
you make my day willjum
Gets a shotty: “Okay folks this base is automatically defended!”
Solo is so peaceful 🍀 even in real life
Scrolling through the comments it always surprises me how many people (like me) don’t play rust but absolutely love watching your videos Willjum. There’s just something about your videos, with the chill solo vibes that just make your videos so relaxing and enjoyable to watch. Props yet again, never stop being you Willjum 🫡❤️
Spoon, blazed and Willjum what a amazing day
Where did bros skins go
Certified as Willjum CLASSIC
@Willjum duo with me im just as chill
I’m so confused why are your skins not showing
Williboyy i get nervous when i see that you loot the angry boi and you dont loot something from his body because your last spot is occupied by a worm in your backpack😂😂😂
play with tacularr
Music playlist?
genuinely my 4am comfort videos
What’s the song in 40:32 been tryna find it for ages
auto turret always power better
14:35 Won’t your furnaces cook twice as fast if you split the resource between both slots?
What’s the song around the 39 minute mark
Duo with buttered cat
I really want to know the skin for the pickaxe that he was using
haha that yell was so real
plz gib part 2
That first wood base had a twig frame for the metal door tho…
You don’t need to remove locks when pairing doors, just unlock 🙂
Best youtuber ever!!
Can ya get rust for mobile??
Man, fuck raiding wiljum bases.
Should duo with SnuffyFluffy
40:35 what is the song!????? Please someone help a brother out
he said naughty words!!!! who cares mute and stop being a poof
Is it just me or are none of his skins showing up on video?
A duo with one of the older team ups would be nice
Part 2?
Can you steal power from someone else’s base? That would be hilarious if you could. I might start playing this game, you make it look fun.
You should duo with Mis! I think you’d enjoy it!
the trees falling down keeps getting me lol
you should Check out the MEME life and duo with stimpee 😂
Please Duo with Jordan please
Why was the skins not showing on doors
Mooom get off the computer willjum uploaded
I get so happy when I see a new willjum video releases
You should add a like, 1.5 second delay to open the door to let the turret fully boot up
Willjum i think your skins are off anyway amazing video ; >
welyn. good content
14:24 wasn’t a true willjum video until this clip
52:30 so funny, please do a build tutorial
Me please
You are far and away the 1 rust creator I will watch the entire video first time. Others for some reason I need breaks from their vids half the time.
With the kid yelling the n word and that, it’s kinda funny cause now you’ll get a understanding of what Aussie severs are like🤣🤣
Do one with a small yt an bring another big yt with like blue or waly1k or spoon or blazed or maybe even Aidan
What is the song at 39:00?
9:00 😂😂😂 bro had obviously died a few too many times
17;11 door frame was twig
Wait how was he able to get in and out of the base both sides of the base is compounded in soooooooo and my brain don’t remember if there is a way to get out😅
Nothing better then a willjum intro! 🥰
This gives me major minecraft red stone vibes
Duo with MaxHS or Tesla
Why were the skins default?? Not like willjums videos?
DvS Solo Grub Gang!
yall notice the lack of solar panels since the recent update
thank you for the excellent upload papa will
Comments for the algorithjum.
Is this video old or am I crazy? I remember the racist sleeping in the recycler in another video
You should duo with memio he is the greatest mindmaster he will get you rich asf easily
Please duo with welyn you both have chill vibes but he is pretty good
A subscriber
Skeppy k
Very disappointed in Wiljum because this is considered clickbait..we see only a few minutes of the auto turret and we never see it in action..
Wiljum has reverse vocal fry
Hey willjum I have questions so I have a hard time trying to play rust on my gaming laptop and it’s impossible to play because of the loading screen for a sever is so long any helpful advice can help
You should duo up with a console rust streamer on console
Shaky or gorilic
why were non of his skins showing up?
9:28 “what would make him angry” killing naked😂😂duuuh
WIlly j U have a serious skin addiction
this base is the meaning of, it has a good personality
Duo with me lol
I tried to pull away but I couldn’t help myself when I saw Automatic😞 I love idle games 😂
no yogi no wiljum xD
Willjum your the only YouTuber I come back and watch the videos I already watched. Love the content.#AwsF
I like the outro
Willjum: Complains about sad players sealing themselves in base to prevent him from entering.
Also Willjum: Uses glitch to loot his body after he gets trapped.
52:19 bro, i got scared just like willjum but started laughing my ass off when he screamed.
SnipingSoup or Bub games
Thinking of playing solo just bc u
For once,will is not using skin lol
Cali for sure… It will be comfy overloaded..
We need to see Willjum in a 8 man
the triangle frame play tho. genius
love the video’s as always also enjoyed the “they should remove sealing in”, then not 2 minutes later kills himself to clip through a door so he can loot his own body.
How in the world would they remove building walls???? What?
People couldn’t contend with my skill, so I griefed them
lol fuckin’ weird
Where’s Frost,blueprint at ?.
I check everyday ob your channel just to watch a vid now at 4 am on a schoolnight love your vids man
thank you for uploading this tonight I needed something relaxing before school tomorrow, and 80k from 1million sub is so impressive
Love these builds you do man keep up the creativity
it’s all fun and raids until bases starts defending them selves
bro u need some box skins
Duo with wally1k
did he get banned?
he did, nice
Shacky or bust
Bro help his soul
Anybody notice his doors and garage has no skin lol
I’ve never downloaded this game and never will. But, I really enjoy your solo Rust adventures! The chill vibes and base building are my favorites.
Can’t believe I’ve already watched so many videos in the short months I’ve been watching:/ cause now I’m waiting for the new vids instead of just watching old vids I hadn’t seen before
willjum I love your videos but I swear for the love of god if you dont start adding links in description to the songs you play im going to stop watching all together. not for the first time I just spent an hour going down the rabbit hole trying to figure out what the song playing from 38 to 42 was.
its played low threw a gun fight so I cant catch enouph lyrics to get a working google search and the links you add under the heading (Fantastic Music From) lead to sites where there are so many songs I cant wade threw them all or its some random dudes youtube videos. please I know im not the only one asking I have read your comments section FFS give some links.
All you need to really improve it is a way to reload the turret with the conveyor automation from an ammo box and maybe some smart switch activation and notifications from the Rust+ app for offline raids. The problem with the turret door being open too long, is someone might be able to hit it with a rocket. So it’s not perfect and can be improved upon. Not bad for having an idea and getting it to work. Another idea is to hide the HBHF sensor in a bush so that the wires clip under ground or are hidden by pumpkins, a high wall, or maybe pumpkins and berries. I do love seeing you dive into some automation and I hope to see more. 😉
Duo with me bro
Gorliac please that’d be best content out there 🤙
Trio with Dirtrider and Timmy
@willjum do a duo wipe with Gorliac! He does force wipes like you and makes awesome solo content and positive as person not an asshole gamer
I almost thought you took my base design at the start lol. How ever I haven’t tried making an automated defense system yet. Looks good 👍
duo with wally1k
Where u fr gonna pull your ass out on twitch for adin ross
“Why’s the garage door open”
The naked tryna make a play – 🤠
This content you make is perfect dude, please dont stop
saying the N word is not racist
When you will do electric furnance.
Duo with a random fan
You should duo with either Wally coma or falcon
you dont have to threaten to report people and get them banned. You can just simply do what you said and mute them and thats the end of it
always a great day when willjum uploads
that backgorund song heavily reminds me of where is my mind, it’s a very noice
Based racist rust chad
@52:20 Jump scared as f… 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
you know these kids are not “racist”. sure they scream n bombs at the top of their lungs, but they dont do it because they are racist. they do it because they know its the most impactful thing they could say to you. its the naughtiest of naughty words. when people are mad, and they reach into their scrabble bag of a vocabulary they got to string together an insult, they’re aiming for maximum impact. this is why there are so many “racists” playing video games. they’re not racists, they’re just little ass holes who said something racist to get a rise out of you. everyone nowadays is so candy ass soft that bragging about snitching on someone’s bad words in a video game is considered cool. snitching has never been cool
Am I trippin or are the door skins not showing up?
Yay walljim
Using the power of electricity, and this shotgun I found!
what’s the song at 39:00
Why willjum turned off skins?
A smaller rust YouTuber like Crave
The base does x for ITSELF series
Part 2? Your base is dope!
18:23 twig frame
does a video around an idea and we barley get to see the whole point of the video in action
What made him that angry? You were probably the 50th player to put him on a Tshirt that day. lol
U should definitely keep mic voice muted in rust
You should duo with kimchi
Try Yakov for duo, or yexum
I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don’t think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it’s great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon.The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music… This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I’m struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any piece of bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of bacon I have ever seen especially on 57:42.I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was at 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. Tt absolutely moved my soul , and i don’t think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it’s great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music… This made me tear up. How could such a piece of bacon do such a thing? I’m struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a bacon I have ever seen especially on 17:24. I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12.That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. The work put in to this is incredibly inspiring. The graphics, the animation, the music, so much thought was put into it. This has remined me that you can do anything you put your mind to. Not even mentioning the memories, this makes me feel like an infant again, just laying my eyes on this beautiful masterpiece gives me all the good feelings in life. I also understand what happiness is again from this. Not even to mention the most incredible part that is 2:10. Bacon spinning has changed my life for the better. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don’t think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. So much great graphic design, so much suspense, so much greatness in this one video. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it’s great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music… This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I’m struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of bacon I have ever seen especially on 57:42. I am crying. This has made me go through an emotional rollercoaster. I cried, beat off, and also watched a movie while watching this premiere. This has made me go through so much. I passed depression because of this. It really inspired me to become an outstanding young man. Thank you
what version of the song waterslide is in the video.
left 51:26
cali and why are ur skins turned off?
You should Duo with Sebby, your always worried he is going to eco raid your base. Might as well have him on your side
Should do a part 2 i like the base
Willjum I would love to see u and spoon kid do a duo it would be really interesting and entertaining! I love ur videos and spoon kid so two of my favorite content creators in 1 video would be amazing but that’s my opinion 😀
“I have a feeling I’m going to die” *bang bang bang*
Anyone notice that not a single Thompson was seen in the entirety of the video?
Duo with Stevie
Duo with SebbyK!
Maybe the video of the base that defends itself is the journey we made along the way.
Great Video
And till thos day his first water pipe randomly disappeared🥱🥱
Willjum the best magnet
Missed the skins and the better graphics on video!
Idk about you willyj but i could easily take 5 guys~
anyone know the music that starts 01:01:30?
44:30 anyone notice there was a keylock already on the TC when he went in?
Watching you do all that electric stuff at 3:30am has well and truly fried my brain, you’re nothing short of a genius😂
Nah I almost wish that farm run at 25:40 was longer, that beat was about to go hard lol
What is the song called that starts at 1:01:00?
Why would u wall in your guns
Give a upcoming utuber a boast, I Say Cali. You two are both so similar and both skilled, would be a good video.
9:01 Dena dindo nuffin wrong
Play duos with brit pls
okay. ep 2?
We need a cali duo. The cozy gang. #CG
🫡the music in todays video was some of the best there’s ever been
organize ur boxes.. its so annoying
Duo with bloo
Bro what happens to all of the skins on his items in this vid I’m a trippin or do y’all see that too
Top tier killer getting excited over installing utilities.
Yo willjum bro can you tell me the song playing at 42:10 please
Stivie 😊
Bro what thé name of music ?
Why are there no skins
I like the new pfp
watching willjum casually dunk on an asshole was not the content I was expecting, but I’m certainly not mad about it
When ever you drop a new video it’s like s tier anime dropping a new ark!! Your content is so addicting
Come on man always forgetting to record
WillyJ and Rust Academy Duo? 😅
Great chill video, thanks Willjum!!
What song is playing at the 39 minute mark???
Absolutely love that base and want you play a full week with it! Goated content man keep up with what your doing!
wheress ur skins? get banned?
There better be a part 2 😤
Duo with spooooon
I love your videos and base designs, but I miss seeing your bases geting tested and raided and defended. I don’t know if there will be a second video, and you probably don’t have enough time for all this, but, perhaps one day you will have and make an epic video with all that
Is WillyJ’s quality continuously getting better or is it just me?
dude you do in under 7 hours what i’d take 1 week to do with a trio
Willjum says “ I’ve had such bad rng today”. also finds holo
Every clan after watching 5 minutes of wiljums video “want to join my clan you can be an ak farm bot”
Why is there no skins
Will’s special the 1×1
Honestly this is the one upload I look forward to every week. Dude could probably narrate a doom play through and it would chill af 😂
do you have a setting that hides skins? i saw you apply some but they didnt render or something. Great videos Willijumjum!
The scream was amazing 😂
The whole game could go to shit but as long as we got bear rugs everything is going great
You make the best rust content
Seems like a good day already
Love your videos, started playing after watching…now where I. Your league but learning a lot from watching….thank you
This was the best video you’ve made ever we need to see this base more
HE DID NOT SAY “Willjum…..Out..”
Does anyone know what the music from 39:00 ish is? It sounds so good!
CLICK BIAT i liked the vid but we saw the turret shoot at a naked once
Will upload more videos i love them only thing that calm me when come from work tired and broke 😭😭
woah woah…wheres the willjum out man? cmon
U should so duo with me it would be amazing content 😅
“Hammer Time!”
Wow almost 1kk😍
god willjum makes me wanna play this game again with how just nice it is watching willjum play its so calming peaceful
It’s almost like the bears know about Willjum penchant for bear skin rugs for decoration
Love your vids def the chillest rust vibes out there. But come on bruh the building in mechanic is a viable strat while glitching your nug bone out the door to retrieve thy loot is a glitch yea?? Lol 😉 certified classic
How come you have skins turned off?
52:16 was like a horror movie
What’s the song @ 39:26 ?
at 18:30 through 18:40 the door frame was twig lol
We need a part 2! Please 🙏!
bro was so mad for the little loot hahaahahahaha bru I’m lmao, lol
Honestly one of my favorite videos so far! Willyj just makes the cleanest videos!
Thank you wiljum, everyday when I get home from work I look to see if you posted, best YouTuber ever thank you for saving me❤️
U should definitely make a base tutorial on this one
a bit triggerd that the skins were being shown but ig it doesnt matter that much
I don’t think willjum can take on 5 men
Much to your relief it’s finally time to build….a bear rug is totally what was I expecting 😅 was a air lock. Disappointed lol
I’ve never experienced such a high as I did watching a Will vid as I did at 40:35 my guy. Perfection. No over word.
Gotta love seeing the racist banned shortly after 😂
I don’t understand at 28mins. How are they sad? Because they stopped you from getting their stuff? If anything ur sad Because u stuck around. U have great videos and ur clearly good at the game. Just don’t understand that part
You complain about someone sealing themselves in their base with a wall, then you use an exploit to get your gear back after being outplayed on a deep attempt? Ha, okay bud.
39:09 anyone know the songs name?
I played rust, and wasn’t even close to as satisfying as watching those videos over the years!! Keep it up man, nothing but love for you!
Love u will 💖
41:43 PAUSE
Yo hope had good day love vids had ideal maybe be fun for u and youre views but start wipe whare zombie start spaming n after 2 or 3 days and then as longer go more and more pluse have some zombie that do damage to walls doors stuff so if u don’t kill them they will knock hole base compound down but sounds fun and get maybe do viewers every got work together or sure have bad players like what was n walking dead but keep up good vids
I feel like you and Stimpee would be the most interesting duo ever. How do we make this happen
“Liked” for racism ban.
babe wake up willjum just dropped a new movie
so close to 1 mil, love you willy J
Daddy willjum
making sure those guys got griefed is pretty toxic lol. but then again i watch and play Rust for toxicity so that is fine.
no skin near the door and stuff
Can confirm certified Willjum classic
Feel free to use more of Lars Eriksson, love his music
Why was nothing skined for the first couple minutes?
the first guy you were going to molly raid had a twig door frame on the metal door💀
what is that song called at the big launch fight half way through the vid
Love the stage when shotguntrap is the autobase haha! great content
40:00 what is this song I need to know pls
don’t stop showing when you organize your boxes, it’s satisfying lol
Nice Base.
@willjum at 30:20 u found that jackhammer and did a 180 right back to base lol
The cut at 47:42 was cleaner then expected
will i love the content but please dont call people rats for defending their base and then proceed to break the rules by using a glitch for you’re benefit.
The scream at 52:15 made me screammmm xDD Good ol’ Willjum
Hey, I love your Content, you are so entertaining and you bring a whole new feel to a game I love so much. Hope you had a great weekend and real quick question, have you ever considered doing maybe longer wipes? You could make a video with over multiple days and stuff. I think a lot of people’s would enjoy that! Love ya Willy and see ya next upload! <3
Before I carry on watching but my brain is not allowing me to do so… What happened to the triangle foundation by the front door of the starter
LMAO 9:20 You just chillin and bro is trying to speedrun.
Yk I love that racist tbh he mad the vid funny😂
Anyone else not seeing his skins after he places stuff?
Someone online said a word I dont Like! Ban him! Why don’t you just spit on the Graves of the dead soldiers who died defending free speech while you’re at it
ngl i think you should do an automatet base next time. Great video and its gonna be fun for u too. I lately really enjoyed just simply building a box connected to all of my furnaces so i just throw in all my stuff inside if this box press a button which turns on an igniter and boom alot of time sortating my furnaces safed and its just so cool to do. So feel free to give this a try next time i really recommend it!
Players like that are sad man…lol. because they wouldn’t just give you their sht. I think it’s hilarious what they did
love the hide brother x
52:20 Dude! I almost jumped outta my skin!! I honestly don’t know how I didn’t wake up my bf 😂
Willjum with the jump scares at 1am 🤣
We need def. a 2nd part of that. Ended when the fun starts.
Holo crossbow
I watched it really slow and you did hit the twig before they upgraded it to stone
The Feeling when u just ate and lay down and hear hos intro
ez W
Could you do a wipe with only default skins?
if Willjum doesn’t have a worm in its inventory and takes it to its base it’s not a Willjum video xD jajaja <3 I love you, from Chile
What was with the skins?
Learning electrical engineering while playing an online game, brilliant!
minute 9 is way to funny
Sadly I don’t play rust anymore but just by watching your vids brings back the good memories of that as a solo always waiting for the next vid 🥰
You should add a delay on the doors opening, to lure players in and give the turret time to activate.
I’m calling Willjum Willyj and you can’t stop me
Bro got an engineering degree just to make optimised rust builds
Why does yogi always hunt u like u stole his picnic basket?
27:00 no hate towards ya willjum but in that situation you wouldve done the same mate, as we all would since we are defenseless…
Willy my boy another banger!
The best, it’s that simple. No contest.
Bring back old mining montage music. Down with the new!
At 27:22 , How are you able to see their name through the roof?
41:26 ask Stimpee, I think he can help you
I’ve watched this 420x and I can certify it’s a Spoonkid classic
i love you
“ohhhh that’s five guys i don’t think i can take that much”😂
Love the content man keep it up.
Ive been wondering for while npw but that outro song sounds really good if anyone can tell me the name of the song i would really appreciate it.
If willjum had a lexil level that welyn had we would have the best rust youtu er ever swear
hope you get 1m soon good luck
Hahahaha, I think I’ve watched 52:16 part probably 10 times and laughed every single time! hahahahahahahaha
Holy advertisements I need to unsubscribe 😢
i don’t think you sohuld put the racism clips in your videos (when they happen) I get that you took a hard stance against it but it doesn’t even need to go in idk doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
edit: nvm I see why you put it in after you found his body lol, still doesn’t fit the vibes though.
Many, many things could make someone that angry. Trauma will fuck you up. I mean, it literally changes our DNA. So, again, many many things mess up your mental health.
I started a wipe from start, got lucky had a base and guns within an hour. 2 hrs in I had clans around me, 24hrs I was raided. Moved to an island, built a base, now own the whole island as a solo, fully electrical alliances as protection on day 3
i like the complain about the wall and then he kills himself and loots threw the door makes sense!
Dude Why do ppl believe that u can have no filter in rust :/
Your the best
how come there’s no skins ?
38:55-43:43 anyone know the name of this song? the vigorous db slug retribution makes it difficult to listen to the lyrics
The switch that permanently turns on with a pulse of power is the memory cell.
Plenty of ways to do the turret circuit though, they all have advantages/disadvantages.
Been so long since youve been killed by bear.. HAHAHAH so funny man, yogi miss you so much. 🤣🤣
Ah a Sunday rust video great for the end of the week
Well done.
“This is targeted and I don’t really appreciate it!” Fukin yogi 😂
9:05 – This reaction you have is so spot on, man. That reaction speaks volumes to your personality.
road to 1 milll
Seeing the notification that Willjum uploaded a new vid makes my day so much better keep up the good work
Willjum you should have placed the garage door then put electrical branch on half wall and you should be able to place bag
What’s the song played around 39:00??
this is always the highlight of the day
Time to get out my Ben & jerrys and watch a New cozy willjum movie in the bed after a long hard sunday on a full Pop vanilla rust Server as a duo
Lol that shit was so good seeing that kid saying racist slurs getting banned and giving you more loot XD
what is the song playing at 38:55
This has been one of the best vids🤩
Willy J turning on that red light huh?
The metal door at 18:35 has either a twig or wood frame why can’t he raid with mollys?
Man I thought that all of this video was somehow familiar to me. Than I realised that I was part of the squad you killed like 69 times over and over again right next to you. Man, while I was playing that wipe I couldn’t stop thinking who is this dumbass solo with turrets next to us. Cheers!
Yo wiljum day 2 of asking you to add me back on steam keep up the good work much love bro 💯💯 my user (henrymancini)
WillyJ at it again, always a grand day with WillyJ!!
New Willjummmmmmmmm!
Wait, when he made the compound didnt he block off his only way out of the base…
There’s something about the contrast between Willjum’s super chill, wholesome, relaxing video/music and that player that just made me burst out laughing. Great content as always!
Damn it Wiljum! I’m sitting here in the middle of ‘Murica tryna grill some burgers and you pop up with this!?!?
Lol. Of course I’m going to watch it. God I love these videos. Thanks for another great “Solo Rust Adventure”. Bloody legend.
Hot chocolate ✅
Biscuits ✅
Blanket ✅
Ready for another WillyJ epic. Love the video as always brother. Keep up the grub life!❤
Woke up early in the morning and just finished walking my dog, having a cup of coffee while watching, It’s a good day
“You know its a good day when _______ uploads” – 🤖🤖
You were definitely able to place that second furnace in that second spot. I watched it turn blue. You just have to wiggle around until it turns blue. Also, you got to place the furnaces as far into the corners as possible which I seen you attempt to do and then the second one was going to place but I think you didn’t see it. Also, upgrade the triangle frame to metal as well because it has a smaller hit box than the wooden frame.
I hope you do more than one video with this base. Often you take 80% of a video to build a really cool and unique base, only to end the video and then we never see it again.
Hey is anyone seeing the skin for the doors because I am not
Hope u have a good day willjum
what is the name of the song at 38:50?
You need an OR switch
41:27 that’s what she said
you should do a trap base
Willjums relaxing play style makes this game far more enjoyable
Nothing rounds out a good day like a WillyJ vidjya.👍
Even more willjum love to see it
Great video as always!
I hate you when you don’t say Willjum out at the ends 🤦🏻♀️
Just built ‘bait’ bases………it really makes raiders angry when a chunky base is empty.
17:38 twig door frame
saint WillyJ coming in clutch again, gotta tell these rust players how it is cuz believe me it can get worse. Become a mod on a 5x server and youll see…
It makes me laugh every time I see a holo on the crossbow😂😂
41:27 you CAN’T take on five guys? pathetic, i took 7 just yesterday
You’re right to call out the racist shit people shout. It shouldn’t be tolerated and shouldn’t be normalised as part of the game.
The lantern he puted on the tier 2 u need a skin to craft it like bandana?
Finally decided to defend your base 😜😂
I’m taking a class on designing circuits, and watching you set up the turrets was hilarious
Thanks for the upload!
I zoned out and a drum solo sounded like the fortnite intro. I was fully prepared to unsubscribe. 😂
14:00 i have a feeling I’m gonna die get’s shot 2 seconds later
as someone who has already watched this 69 times I can confirm this is a certified Willjum classic
After wtaching this 57 times, I can say that this is a certafied wally1k classic
18:22 The frame was twig mannnn lol
First time hearing WillyJ being Scared to death by a naked 😀
So wait, you tried to raid someone, which I know is part of the game, and you failed. So you want Facepunch to remove the strategy they used from the game. That’s the first uncool thing I’ve ever heard from you man. Dissapoint.
One of the coolest bases I’ve ever seen, so cozy!
Did anyone else see the twig fram at 17:38
Can you do a settings video plss?
Willjum can you not shoot out the sensor and the system will not work?
Did Wiljum seriously not skin a single furnace or door or garage door? Lol
My man spend hundreds of Dollars in skins just to turn them off haha.
a really nice Willjum classic tho, really love you 🙂
This man is the depressed gamers cure
I don’t think I will ever be able to do electricity. Watching you do it made me hopeless lmao
Or imBernE
What does “R and G” mean? Willjum says it and I don’t know what it means.
Very nice base Wiljum! I like this cozy bases you doing. Would be cool to see you do some wierd nice base in a three again or inside a cliff.
Your bag keeps disappearing because it is slightly hanging over the double doorway. So, when you pick up the door, it breaks the bag. It’s some kind of Glitch in Rust which is ridiculous and sucks. But hey, that’s Rust for ya! LMAO!!!
At this point, I’m starting to think the game keeps track of how many bear rugs you place over your lifetime, and increases your ‘bear antagonist’ score for each one influencing how often and how far away bears will target you. Willjum is the only person I know of that uses that many bear rugs, and the only person I know of that gets targeted that much by bears. That can’t be a coincidence.
1hr less sleep, that’s fine because it’s a willjum special
Frost or blooprint
oh shit willy be like im tired of ya stealin my shit!
Autoturret on top of base man!
Yesterday was a good day
“I don’t think I can take on 5 guys that’s too much” -Willjum 😂
thank u wiljum 🥺 i needed this in midterms
yes at 10 mins I am defiantly relieved you built a air lock
only thing i can think that would make that guy rage is you were likely his 10 thousandths person to kill him that wipe. some people handle frustration differently. some rage, some get determined to keep pushing and others like myself just shut down rust and go play something else for awhile when days go that bad.
also i get that your a brit and you bunch are use to being told how you are allowed to speak. i can not agree with what someone says and still allow them to show the world how much of an idiot they are.
sorry but the concept of free speech is important. today you censor someone who said a word you dont like, tommorrow someone censrors you for saying a word they dont like. its a dangerous double edged sword and daylight is the best disinfectant for bad ideas. pushing him out like that wasnt justice, because if he is racist youve just confirmed any bias’s he may of had and done zero justice. would be better to let the whole server tea bag him until he rage quit.
love it <3
dude we were ur neibgours. we gave you content u need to give us something back
does anyone know the song name at 40:00?
Super cool defense design!:3
Is it just me or are the door skins not working
Sneaky system!
Willy Wonka
This is probably the most cozy solo base ever❤
what’s his name spoon boy
Im a simple man, i like eggs.
I watched the stream on twitch but never got to watch all of it, so this is nice to know what happened next
double 0 willjum with the silenced p2
what’s the background song at 39:30 ish? and keep up the great videos!!
What’s the song at 38:58?
Please drop the playlist the music ops your videos off
Willjum no skins or what lol. Focused
Need more vids like this
ily u willyj
Couldn’t you use the new piping to reload the turrets?
SUCKED IN dena ahahahahahahahahahaha!
ich liebe diese Videos, thank u man, go on, i love ur vids
If I ever meet you, Im going to ask to hug you. These weekly Sunday videos are my relax and unwind hour. Your work is much appreciated.
I’m prety dure I saw this video before, is it a reupload?
It wouldn’t be a willjum video without him getting attacked by 8 bears
I might get him banned, no don’t might about it just do it.
It says a lot about Rust that the only way to feel safe farming wood is to have an auto turret protecting you not even 30 feet away.
Base design?
Do you call the bears yogi because u like yogi berra
Yk it’s a good day when willjum posts
9:00 cod moment
Your intro sounds like my life
Willjum is the only one to have a tactical crossbow 😂
You’re narrating skills are so good that i can easily get immersed
why do you never put on a decent kit???????????????????
Probably won’t reply but love your videos willjum
2:01 You’d think u would have made a door too, so you can emergency build yourself in….
Willjum why we can’t see any skin?
haha, I remember watching this live on twitch on my way home on the bus! <3
Wait what. What was the points of this video you make a auto turret base for a online and then never ues the build which make the video a waste of time as you never ues the base how it was meant to be used?????????????
Homie in the beginning was having a rough day😂
Real question what song you be playing in background
1 question how Long are you recording For a Video?
This is such a sick base!! As a solo player myself I’m trying this 100%. You’re a legend WilliJ❤️
Song at 38:51 is a solitary man’s soul by Lars Eriksson
Willjum is the best
Where are youre skins
next level trap – keep your compound doors open, and use a sensor to close the compound doors once someone walks in far enough, then also open up the garage doors to kill them while they’re trapped 😀 instant loot
play rust solo with enardo
41:27 😂
I feel like a proud Rust father watching my boy Willjum learning how to use electricity.
Wow it’s a game he needs to go get some anger management before he starts beating his girlfriend or wife
Your content makes my evening every single time
Did anyone else notice his Garage Doors not having skins?
if you like the p2 with silencer, you should try the new pistol. It is actually cracked
I prefer regular doors on those turret traps because they open/close much faster
WJ spray around other players or head shots nothing else.
i hope he buiilds a fortress with an entrance were the turret is. maybe he will do that later
bunch of homework to do, jobs to apply to, new willy j video
the fact I’m here tells you what I chose
Rust should put in a retractable roof for the heli
Wj starting to critisize other players makes him sound like a real weaker. I unsubscribed…this channel is dead
is it just me or did not a single skin load
Anyone know what song starts at 38:51?
52:15 nightmare 😂
Your new Logo is cool
edit: Very Cool
Rust bears are just different, chase all day it seems like.
lmao that head glitch where you can loot through your head is JUST as bad as placing a wall mid raid lmfao
1like=1tech trash for willjum
Makes me want to play rust again
Aaaah, another relaxing Wiljum Rust video. Now why am I suddenly thinking about bear rugs? 😄
Your solo or with anyone I’ll watch but with those known scripters, I won’t even bother watching or liking the vid . ✌🏻
bro i felt so bad when wilj killed that racist guy i can hear at willj his voice that he was shoked willj u ddin deserve that bro respect to all ur vid and the grind ur a real legend for me much love
ik my english sucks btw 🙂
witch song is that at 39:30 ?
uhh Willjum video clicks like before watching because you know this one is gonna be good
Does it count as a Willjum vid if he doesn’t get killed by a bear?
Willjum’s near death and death experiences with bears continues to rise to this day
The 2 bears within seconds of each other had me dying. Absolute gold. Thanks again Willjum for all the relaxing shenanigans!
Yoo willy you allways make solo look ez ceep it up dude you awsome 💪
Anyone else see the twig door frame when wiljum looks for his first Molotov raid
Man I got school tomorrow but I will stay up to watch this 20 times Willy will classic I can confirm 👍
I was hoping you would make a video about this, the vid was good 😊
willjum do you play official or community servers?
if you don’t rock fight on the beach at wipe you ain’t a real rust player
You should try the advands switch so you can control it with rust+. And when i think of it you can make a alarm if someoen is door camping you
As someone from a black family that’s messed up man Willjum is the 1 of the best and chill rust players and I just feel so bad don’t let the hate get to you my man
Cali mate
love to see these more technical builds. Can’t wait to see what you do with the industrial stuff
I learned more about some electrical comps from this then I have in years of play lol
Could you raise the quality please! Those empty grass sections really ruin the immersion.
My mans using hollow on crossbow… hes living om the edge damn
17:38 Twig doorframe
You did all of that in just 7 hours, good lord man.
im genuanlly confused, at the end of the video where u built the compound, how did u get in, im confused.
46 50 you db some1 said hello and sounded like Mr bean
Honestly, such a cool and unique video. Enjoyed every minute of it. Good job dude!!!
I LOVE your optimism and your ability to bounce back when you fall. You are an inspiration to the gaming community. Purely playing games the way the where meant to….. To be enjoyed. 🙂
It sure is odd to watch a willjum ep with skins turned off
Another great video. Looking forward to part 2, if there is one. Your weekly videos are a highlight of my week. I look forward to them
I’ve been watching you for years, been playing rust for years aswell. But at min 27.22 how can you see the guys name through the roof/floor? I know you wont answer but if someone else could answer it
really enjoyed the video but dang rust legacy was more fun .
yess finaly❤❤❤
Time 52:17 best moment of the year. 😂😂😂MAX SOUND!!!
spoonkid or sebbyk
not wlliyj getting salty at some randys
Bears: Come here and let us make a rug out of you and see how you like it.
Willjum: I feel persecuted.
Why does willjum always upload videos when I need to go to bed making me sleep less of what i need to ahahha
Monday made.
Another fantastic video WillyJ.
been waiting haha
willjum: people saying a slur when they get killed makes them the most evil racist in the world
Awesome base willyJ
My brain is hurting thinking about those electrics…
frost or wally would be a great vid
Why do you have skins disabled. Bro, way less cozy…
Willys vids just make the day
It’s a normal base all you need is turrets it’s like all other bases but love your content
Watching WillyJ makes me want to play rust only to realize how much I hate playing rust
I was watching this online and i got spoilers xd
Remove the wall placement but bugs his body through the door lol aight buddy good video tho
I can’t with the racist guy at the beginning 😂 8:55
They should make that once a wall is damaged it cannot be demolished. All you have to do is shoot it once and then they would be stuck in there
Cool new logo man
another classic wiljum video 🎉
Watched it live on his twitch, feels good to see it over here too
duo Stimpee
Why can’t we see your skins?
Is it just me or do the skins on the doors/weapons not work?
8:58 he is just singing the Rust anthem
U f ing gamer word oh wow 😂
I just want to appreciate the fact that I clicked on this video just 14 sec after uploading but household duties took me so long that I just finished watching
Day 2❤
17:37 twig doorframe?xd
Time to binge watch this a 9:30 pm 🙂
first time iv’e been able to catch a new vid 😆
that has to be one of the sickest bases u build in rust ever men
Why did you talk shit about those dudes who blocked your ambush when they were building? I thought it was a sick move and you know you’d be bragging if you had managed to upgrade in time
Nice mate
40:10 the song is called A Solitary Man’s Soul by Lars Eriksson
School night looking at your videos it’s just amazing🎉
Türk izleyici sadece ben olamam heralde. İçerikleri çok iyi.
What is the music you always play bro.. its awesome
Tommorow is school im Laying i my bed its nearly 22:30 just saw willjum uploaded a vid and i was happy in 1 sec
why no skins in base
Genuinely WJ is actually smart, I would never be able to understand that electric stuff😂😂
Anyone else think he thinking about a sweet cozy cliff base, when he said that cliff was so cool?
9:00 american moment
I really enjoy your videos keep up the good work
thanks for being here bro . hi from me
Back to your awesome cozy roots! Loved it!
New Willy J vid less go
what is wrong with willys skins he skins something and it goes default it’s been bugging me the whole vid 😭😭😂
willy 1 milly soon
You inspired me to buy this game
25:34 that bass on hits duuude , i love your attention for details, extreme quallity
does anyone know the song? starts at 39.25
just as someone who loves the electrtical system in rust please use different color cables it kills me to see just a monocolored mess of cable salad
loved the video tho :3
The only time we are gonna here the real scared willjum😂😘 Great Video
How did u get in out your base?
Only Wiljum could be attacked by a random polar bear in the forest biome. 🤣
Good day when WillyJ uploads
Can u please start splitting ur furnace ore for 2 spots? Because it smelt faster
the auto turret doesn’t get placed until around 50mins.
Anyone know the song at 34:40 ?
Copyright free “Where is my mind”, sounds great ! 🙂
i feel like seen this before but not from willjum
streamers over reacting to “racist” attention idiots..
Willjum nah Willgrub yeah, the DB kills is just clean to watch and it’s a great video as always!
I’m screaming TAKE THE BOOTS
For some reason there were no skins on your rugs or garage doors even though you were scrolling through them. Hmmm , but still a really nice video Will J. Keep up the good work!
Please block out the whole n word dude.. no reason to keep the n and r sound in there its so distasteful i love your videos but i literally need headphones Incase that moment pops up.. im sure the black people watching will appreciate it way more
I will say i love to watch the vids and the cozy bases u make inspired me to do the same! i love the rugs.. Much Love Flat <3
41:25 Pause??
I only play modded pve (with pvp zones) but I stay for the storytelling
Yo that dude at the beginning has some serious anger issues. He should NOT being playing this game.
That one guy yelling was really going through it lmao😂🤣
Willijum turned ranboo
im happy 🙂
How about you try you can only build where you freshspawn.
I recently quit rust due to an addiction, but I still enjoy watching your vids, you make it look like a whole nother game 🙂
These videos really make me want to play rust even though I’m hot garbage
Can we get willdaddy to 1 million subs yet🎉
Enjoyed that mate will help when teach players power I keep saying play around and u going from and switch to timer and using the blocker will really help me explain to other players
I swear that metal door had a twig frane
I think the wall placing is fine since it was fixed with the socket blocked if the wall was destroyed before. But the loot thru door has to go, you did not complained about that :))
Can a black person say the n word in rust?
9:23 life, bro
Any chance you could do a tutorial on this base?
“willjum is building another base”
I wish I could play solo like this thank you for the content I loved it.
I love how most of the people he plays with poke fun at him for always being prim locked but he proves again and again that’s all he needs 🤣
My guy took out idk 6 odd people all with higher tier gear like it was nothing
you should duo with steavy
the holo on the crossy is a crime to mankind
9:00 I’m sorry but your reaction to the dude had me dying, just another day as a solo rust player lol another banger btw keep it up Willjum
Great job Willi!
Anyone knows 38:54 song’s name?
You should use the industrial update to restock the ammo in the turret
His name is Bond…Willjum Bond, Ore tea, shaken.. not stirred
How come your skins are showing as default skins and not the ones you selected??
Whats the songs name at 39:13?
Cool base
Another bear rug special! #LetsGooooooo!
When is Wiljum gonna realise he can split the ore in the furnaces to smelt faster….
So frustrated with not finding a camera he actually throws away a rug @59:40
Willjum, next time your forget to record, set shadowplay to like 5-10 minutes and then you can just alt+z and get the last few minutes that you didnt have recorded. thats assuming you have an nvidia GPU
Why can’t we see skins?
Welyn, Blooprint, Frost or Spoonkid
just not wally man.. He’d crap your steez. fr
what is the name of the song at 39:00
Bro 47k people watched this already willjum I will say this again your goingbplaces
we need a completion of his predictions
who won that PC
Talks about wall griefing needing to be removed from game, next scene he is body glitching through a wall to get his stuff back laughing his head off lol
Willjum is the only good thing about Sunday’s.
Bad Server
46:49 my man’s just turned into Kermit and Mr. Bean at the same time
Einstein WillJum. willjum may you plese upload more often in spring because its a lot of fun waching you and learning new things from you😇
Willjum I would love to see you and sebbyk go on an eco raid adventure.
How could one get attacked by so many damn bears 😂
I haven’t seen you with sir winter…? Maybe…?? You guys are easily top 3 creative solo players, that’s my vote
This video was so nice, I wish I could like it twice! ;p
All that work and you didn’t make your front door automatic?
just perfect
Who is the 1 guy who deaede dislike this masterpiece 😡
Willjum please bring back space cadet it’s such a vibe it’s my favorite song to hear when you farm nodes
9:00 least racist rust player
I don’t even play rust but your voice and background music in videos has me glued, thank you for your time and effort you put into your vids.
You know it’s a good video when an hour goes by like nothing. That and you’re sad to see it end so soon. Thanks for the entertainment as always and have a like as well.
I love how you say that building yourself into your base should be removed from rust then 5 minutes later you use a wall glitch to get your p2 back when you try to go deep on a base 😂😂
Thank you Willjum, I didnt even watch the video yet, but I know it will be nice <3
A cozy, relaxing Rust video with Wilijum, is the best thing, before monday school. ❤️🔥
hey willjum where did you get your pc at?
can anyone tell me the song at 38:52?
you get a permit and inspection for that wire job. lol
in slomo u sgot the twig
u can craft gears
Why you are such an imbecile for not researching Medical Syringe when you get it off somebody else to help you stay in fight?
@willjum the skins are not showing in the video ….hope you check that
Willjum is such a big brain
I think we can officially consider Willjum a Chad.
At 38:52, when the music starts we know it’s going to be a good time
is it only me but the garage doors skin didn’t show
you’re video’s make my day man
81k more subs till 1m
Not a Willjum video without getting targeted by bears.
Ahh ive been waiting sooooo long for the latest vid and patch
Collab with cali or gorliac. Gorliac Willjum would be a crazy duo
Classic wilijum the best solo rust YouTubers
They nerfed the slug?
Willjum *attempting to farm*
Yogi gang: “Nah fam bring that booty here”
Awesome mate…loved the self defence circuit and door protection for the turrets.
Willjum were are your skins and ….
Please do a second video to see how long it survives
why did u have skins turned off the whole video??
I dont play this game at all, but you entertain me every time! Keep it up bro!
Sit back and enjoy?
W video like always
Music at 39:00 ?
Another awesome Willi video
i do enjoy your chill
How can he make a garage door without research it 🤔
Love it
My goodness 9:00
First time I’ve heard genuine fear in WillyJs voice for a long time. Door campers stay trash.
It’s great to have the day off work. Make some popcorn and karage with some beer. Then, have WillyJ upload a video to relax and watch.
Today i play on your eu solo vanilla server and search computer but get only cameras 😀 ,p.s i boost your server
it should better self defence its powersupply^^
I have a theory about what makes people that angry in the first 10 mins – small penis syndrome
9:00 when u keep losing for hours and u are frustreighted so bad
Why are the skins not showing
average willjum W
I dont even play this game but its so cool and relaxing seeing you play man, i dont know how to describe it well but i love the vibes, thanks for the video!
Peak Rust content , let’s go ! 🎉
8:53 Holy man what was that guy thinking
Let’s gooo. Catching a video whilst at work before my day ends.
Lets go willy J
Spends entire wipe on a turret *proceeds to block it with a wall*
why did he turn off skins
U make me feel so much better, thank u so much for ur content, live is hard, thank u for being here
willjum + calirust LEts go
As an electronics tech IRL…your wiring looks at least as good as most wiring I come across in the field. Well done.
What another nice content from Willjum ❤
Better to be good video I was waiting for a willjum vid so bad ❤
I am waiting for the next video with spoon
dope ass vid but HIDE THE HBHF SENSOR
I swaer WJ must spread himself with honey on fresh wipe to get so much hassle from the yogis lol
yes a new willjum vid
Anyone know the song around 39:00 ?
damn that racist dude was madddd af 🤣🤣
great vid, just finished
I have been sitting here looking for sumthing to watch not finding enything and now i look and i see the best youtuber has uploaded a banger keep it up
HEYY Willyy J i have a friend that sounds EXACTLY LIKE YOU
Probably one of your best videos. Nice one.
One of the most cozy things in the world needs to be a willjums videos
Heck yes man. I was about to play games for a few hours. Can’t wait to watch this instead. The content has been fantastic man. Never disappoints. I don’t even play rust. Like ever. And I know watching you is as good as it gets 😁
9:00 Definitely report him. It’s 2023, the more we abide and tolerate people with that level of angry racism the more they’ll feel safe doing it.. Just report them and get them kicked. They’re not welcome in any civilized society
I really needed a willjum clássic rn, cheers.
Wipe idea. Buying everything you need with scrap. All you’re allowed to collect is scrap. You can gamble, but all you can harvest is scrap so you can buy your mats.
Ur videos are a part of my routine, every sunday when i go back to the army from my weekend vacation, I usually watch ur calm video and fall asleep.
btw your bag was breaking because part of it was on the door
You’re organisation skills trigger me lol
Love the vid
great video
My mouth always smiles when i come across a New and fresh wiljum video☺️♥️
Willjum: I am not recycling gears… also Willjum 5 minutes later: RECYCLEEE
“I’m stuck!”
– WJ 14:38
How long have you been keeping this video away from us????
Why don’t the skins work on anything
Hey willy love your videos and i wanna say thank you for all this conntent
37:08 a better alternative to using garage doors is to find a way to put the turrets behind 2 layers of chain link. For some reason turrets can shoot thru 2 layers but players cannot deal damage thru 2 layers
gota love his vids man😀
Amazing vid bro keep it up
Why were all the skins glitched?
Soo younggg and freeee
Crossbow with holo sight. 😎
Let’s go, another hour+ video
How do you guys see targets in pitch black and how do you deal so well with the recoil of firearms?
Anyone else getting annoyed at the skins not working
Willjum = instalike
Duo with welyn
V like if you agree
turret should always be on, double doors that open inward are faster opening
The Goat has posted once again 🙂
First we had redstone engineering Experts in Minecraft now we have electricity engineering Experts in rust
And they say you learn nothing from video games
man am so mad that my laptop runs this game at 15 fps, one day but till then ur content will do <3
11:40 Is there a limit to the number of shotgun traps you can place in your base?
as someone who has already watched this 69 times I can confirm this is a certified Willjum classic
bro had the tactical p2
That bear had to have been an admin trolling you, that thing saw you from across the map lol. I dont know if it’s the same for pc but on the dollar store version (Rust console) half the time I run into a bear or any animal at all I guess, they dont agro even if you stand right in front of them.
Junkyard car grinder op scrap
bind your bandage craft.
input.bind h craft.add -2072273936 1
Astrid is a Norwegian girl name 😀 Love your videos.
perfect type of content
! Keep up
Everytime you day the “Hello yogi” I laugh. Its too funny
1 hour gang
11:49 Looks like the bag is resting on the lower part of the door-frame.. idk=/
Do a whole electric base
W upload
why da polly bear only do 8 dmg
I had the same issue in previous wipe, i was also confused the first time i died and did not see my bag
Just got offlined last night after spending 36 rockets and 8 c4 2 stacks of 5.55 exlpo and yea thanks willy for the upload
Even when the week sucks with being sick and snowed in Willy J all ways helps
how does he get his graphics like that?
5:50 where did the triangle foundation go that was in front of your double door?
This may be the video that pushes him to 1 million subscribers
build a 3 layer circle using squares and triangles (should end up with 6 squares on the outer edge. use those as indestructible auto turret mounts by placing a ramp at full height and two wall frames with chain link fences at the front and back of the ramp which should be sloping down away from the center of base. you can put up to two turrets onto each of triangles that are behind the ramp. Place walls and upgrade them, ramp, and triangle to metal. upgrade squares to hqm. upgrade wall frames to stone or metal. you can fit a boat, horse, 9 furnaces, and oil refinery and a full (but small) garden into this space as well as a horse..
“Molotovs, I go.”
Soon you’ll be @ 1 Millie, Willie!
Kinda sucks none of your skins are showing up
I have watched this 0.835 times and i confirm that this is certified memeio classic
so relaxing
WIIILLLUUUUMMMMMM!!! Peace gaming and chill vibes has arrived.
I was watching your last video some days ago and my gf grabbed my phone and started watching as well. She said she didn’t even know what was going on but it was so chill she wanted the whole video with me…lmao.
Gotta say with that PvP energy and confidence I hear is beautiful on top of being one of the best solo rust players in existence 👏🏽👏🏽💪🏾😌
Willy J with the fresh content. Your videos are so relaxing and even though I’m not a rust player I’m always invested in the stories you tell
Scrolling through YT on a Sunday afternoon and seeing Wiljums vid pop up is the best feeling
Nice vid
Keep up
Honestly I’ve been watching u since around the time i started playing console rust and now I’m playing PC rust.
Yes, just finished dinner and was hoping for a video… thanks X-)
It’s WillyJ day! Love your content and chill vibes. Great to see you closing in on the 1 mil subs. Cheers!
i love this idea
Hi I was here without playing this game …
but this was something to watch that I can help not to watch …
thanks man for this 😍😍
willjum solo videos is a good sign
Well- I didn’t want to sleep for another hour anyway
Everytime at work on Sundays, I wait for the Willjum update to listen while working 😌
-dies due to skill issue and becomes racist- yes that’s perfect logic
Video starts at 14:29
where r ur skins at man
why would you report some1 for being racist
Man you deserve over 1m subs
16:40 “legolas” LOL
When you upload you make my day
BRO you just saved this lame ass weekend! Let’s fckin goooo
I love willy
Willjum I looovr you!!!!🙂🙂🙂🙂
I’ve been waiting all week for a Willjum vid 😂
I live your videos!
Great Day 😀 Great video
it is always good feeling when Willjum uploads video i like when he builds simple, cozy bases.He is my inspiration
First time to catch a Willjum video that just come out.. now to have coffee and relaxe and watch the vid .Ty Willijum
That guy had like 16 bullets in a 8 shot revo so unless he had two Revos he’s playing ur average action movie and not rust
Nothing better then giant willy wiljum uploads
Me yelling THE WORM 12:46
Almost at 1mil subscribe to this man deserves it
Love you willjum!!
I have been waiting for this video
Ahhh super chill i’ve been looking forward to a new episode.
It’s one of those things i look forward to on sunday evening!! 😊😊😊
the racist guy lmao💀
Amazing day when you upload,
I can never get sick of watching this man so entertaining
Love your videos keep the work up
You know it is itsn’t a Willjum video without a bear attack. Or two.
Best day when both willjum and Cali upload
Imagine being that angry guys neighbour…
Damn nigga finally you uploaded shit I thought I was gonna have to fly out an whoop sum ass 🤣
Yessir 👏🏾👏🏾 the vibez
Hey Wiljum. Do a cave base again. I am dying to see you in a solo rust experience in an OP cave base again..
Watching your videos makes me very happy and cures depression for some time
9:32 – recycling gears like you said you’d never do again
Thsnks fir the upload
finishing a video of cali and new video from will, this is great
So glad to see @willjium upload a video on weekends <3
Hello to everyone on the Internets.
I’d love to watch willjum, blooprint, wally, hjune and spoon together for a wipe….not just prim fights but end game raiding and trolling before dying please…. please…..
Bro that guy is so racist
Yesssss willy
Thx wiljum that you post on my b-day. I know it’s a coincidence but it always makes me happy when you post!
dope video
IMO Rust players are rarely actually “racist”. They are just immature, edgy, and say racist things because they know it’s bad and offensive. I don’t have to hate black people to call everyone the “N” word, because I know it’s taboo.
Aaaah yes !
A good ol’ WillyJ’s video , another 200iq base design & another banger of a video , to end up the weekend in beauty ! (it’s sunday 8:30pm for me as the video just got uploaded, i’ll watch this video with some diner and i’ll sleep after that i think, work’s waiting for me tomorrow at 5:00AM haha) Hope you all had a great weekend !
Thank you again for all of your work & content Mister WillyJ
Can’t wait for another great video! Thank you
Bear Whisperer
After that 7-0 loss against liverpool, i needed something to save me, luckily willjum uploaded😕🙏🏻
Necola tisla wen
Difend self
Willjum I love ur vids and I support you and hope you keep doing what ur doing. ❤
I don’t play rust but I really enjoy your videos bro❤️
its always the best content
I have never been this early, I love your videos Willjum.
I’d defend you daddy WillJ
i’ve had a long day of revision today but now i get to watch my fav rust youtuber WJ life is good
Willjum >>>>> everyone else
Its 10:27pm here after a long tiring day a chill willjum video and also i have a hot coffee in my cup! Excellent!
My favourite rust content creator at the minute
Thanks for all the awesome content Willjum!
I honestly love your rust content and I don’t even play rust!
Hey Willjum how much would it be for you to teach me how to be a better player at rust
Willjum just doesn’t miss
Lets goo
Finaly a new Willjum video 😌
I snowballed to an m2 in 2 hours and got raided
Near hitting that 1million man !
Love the content willy J keep up the good work
I’ve always loved yr solos 👨🍳😚🤌
9:00 he is a menace
I have to say, after skipping to the end 54 times, I can’t tell you anything about this video.
Bro dit not like u (at 9:00 in the vid)
Im watching this 13 mins ago , noice
13 mins and 6.1k views is crazy.
The chill is on
Love the content, keep going
WillyJ You should really collab with @Cali cozy solos would be COOL
Does the base have feelings too?
Willjum 🤩
Commenting because Willjum’s just posted and I know I’m about to click [Play] and relax while I enjoy the chilled vibes, beast mode PVP, creative base building and informative gameplay ✨
Thank you Willjum.
Another banger
Love you❤ videos
I’ve watched this video 69 times, and I can ensure You It’s a certified Willjum classic
love it <3
Bro I was about to sleep 🥲
someone wanna duo i need friends
So close to a million. Subscribe to this guy and enjoy the vibes!
My boy willy j
i love ur content man i hope u never stop making yt vids (:
a willjum upload this is how to end a good sunday
its always good vibes when its an hr long
Oh my god I got here 8 min after he posted it?? What a great day🎉!
early gang 🙂
Wiljum lowkey being my gym coal for 2024, my man looks insane
banger day when Wiljum uploads
will voice is so soothing. ngl i really love will’s voice
haven’t watched yet but i know its gonna be a banger
keep up the good work
and that’s how he became an electrical engineer.
Lol im waiting for.this 100%
You already know it’s a good day when willjum posts a banger
gotta love his videos man so good
whatsup will
keep it up my good man
love it
I watched this video in my funeral 2578 years ago
Yo what a crazy vid!
love your videos❤
Love the videos
I have to say, after watching many times, this is a true, and certified willijum classic
monke see willjum monke man happy
Me not knowing what game to play then willjum drops a classic
I’ve literally just sat down with my beers and your vid has just come on to watch, what a good way to spend a Sunday evening
Best day of the week dude keep em coming 🤘🤘🏴
When you study for 4 hours and then when you finish you see willjum posted new video. Letss gooo😂❤
Love your videos ❤️
I’m just rewatching the dog house vid and you post let’s go
Bro this is actually amazing. Definitely one of my favorite rust videos of all time. Keep it up my man❤
your voice is just so soothing , love your videos, so chill and relaxing
how is there 12 views when i clicked on it but 166 comments and 193 likes O-O
Ive watched this video 12,245,789 times, and I can ensure you it’s a certified Willjum classic
dude i love you
Will I have to say I don’t even play or own Rust. However the nostalgia your channel brings just watching what I consider a good friend playing a game. It’s pure magic thank you Keep up the good work.
Just got food and saw this uploaded nothing better!
W Video
Love your videos 😍
another amazing video its a certified Willjum classic an i love that and your solo wipes
willjum i soooo boring!!!!!!
Ohh ..thank you !! Was wondering and nailbiting out of stress and boredom.. you saved me once again ! 😇🤗🙏🏻🙇♂️
I’ve watched this video 54 times, and I can ensure you it’s a certified Willjum classic
A good ol willy J video
Certified wiljum classic
what a good Video!
sunday and a willjum video. just perfect.
I have been waiting for a week
F homework, willjum uploaded 🙌🏽🙌🏽
I’m 141 players early
willjum blazed says he wants to have a farming wipe maybe you could play with him
Yea what a Sunday I get a girlfriend and now this my luck right now 🎉🎉
Nothing better then when Willjum posts
WillyJ with another post👍
nothing beats a lunch date where we eat burgers and watch Willjum <3
thank you for this video after a terrible start to the weekend with my dog sadly not with me anymore, just having this video is comforting and a distraction. thank you willijum, truly.
Time to watch Willjum and sip my tea Life Is Good
damn 2 minuets
Willjum makes the best rust videos
Let’s go he’s uploaded
Willjum never fails to dissapoint me. His videos are awesome, even the slightest bit of content is
Bro how u thing of these crazy base ideas and get soo loaded
Man I love your videos so much
Gotta be early for a Willjum Vid
Big W
please play on a south african server its underated
This was insane
1 min ago 🙂
One of the best rust player finally make a video
Another video Another good day👍
Nothing better than a Willjum solo video
Hello 😂 0:44
Always waiting for your post damn, your videos became my therapy thank you so much ❣️
Always so hipped when there’s a new vid
Love the vidz
You know its a good day when willjum Uploads another banger of a Video
I’m so exited
A hr of willjum a day keeps the hackers away
You know it’s a good day when willy uploads
love your vids
1st one to watch this.
Almost at 1 o’clock for hub
Hell yea
Wiljim i love yor videos you are the best
Lovely when you see that a notification pop up from wiljum just when i sat down
W Vid ❤
Good day when willjum posts
It’s time for some popcorn.
Best way to spend a sunday evening.
Lets goooo another banger of a video 😩
I have watched this vid 69 times and iets a certified willy j classic
I’ve watched this video 54 times, and I can ensure you it’s a certified Willjum classic
Lets go another dub vid I can tell!!!
How tf are there always 8 people who are first?💀
Greetings willjum
Love you willjum
The best yt ever keep op the good work
Here at 1 view 😮😮
Always love a good ol’ Willjum video.
IL your content willy🫂❣️
Your videos are the best
Came out 16 seconds ago already finished watching it
Lets watch!
1, best video ever..
Actually first
Not first!!!
You made my day better !!!!!
Perfect timing. Kids in bed, Willjum upload 🥰
Omg love your videos! Can’t wait to watch after work!!!❤
Litreally just 27 sec
I luv you bro keep up the good work please
Really needed a willjum vid!!!! thanks bro
My favorite British person ❤
21 seconds ago is wild
Make a base tutorial for your last base please will
Love you vids keep up the good work bro 🎉
Never clicked off the hub so fast
Gonna be fire
W vid spoon kid classic
Wiljum upload lesss gooo more bear rugs
Hi wiljum I love ur vids
1st ❤️
Love you man love your content
LETS GO!!! Best part of my Sunday
W vid keep it up
Love the vids❤
First viewer
epic gamer moment welome to rust
been waiting just for this
Hi willjum
Letsss goo new video so hyped ❤
Yoooo first comment
Love you man keep it up
always a good day when willjum uploads
Definitely a certified Spoonkid classic right here
Let’s goo