The evolution of Rust – 2013 to 2022
hope you guys enjoyed this video, i compiled alot of clips to make this so if yours is there feel free to message me and i will give you credits.
#rust #evolution
コメント (234)
A big thanks to all of you for watching my video!! Thank you for making this my first semi viral video😁 it has been a pleasure reading all of your experiences with rust and the impact it had on you. And at last please consider subscribing as it would support me alot!
Rust alpha siempre en mi cocoro
эх , 134 дэфблог , мы будем тебя помнить вечно
rust looked like tarkov in 2013-2015
The old gun sound are so good.
What there was zombies noooo way
i miss when rust had zombies
Love all the nostalgia addicts on here who swear by alpha rust being the best version of the game because it brings back fuzzy memories for them. Copium indeed.
Game is way better now than it was at first. I too played during alpha.
Used to play when the zombies were still a thing.
wait i remember playing legacy with the zombies… is it really from 2013?? Wtf i was 13 years old???
Ever since they added the Electricity and key cards the game got wack
Remember og rust YouTubers though!
Its funny how ive played it since 2013 but my brain cant remember what the experimental version looked like in 2016 etc, i can only imagine the way the game is now
I miss the lr300 with 8x
Rust 2019 👍
Update de febrero 2024: una pala y una mochila
console rust is sitting in 2018 rust 😂😂
2016-2017 BEST
u fogot when there was the dumbass leveling systems
i miss old simple rust like 2016-2017, old Blueprint Fragments
I played 2017-2020 now I just watch others play on youtube –
The good old beta and alpha days.
Cheats are also evolutionized
after 2021 game is become bed loading time too much bed for new rust you must have a good and expensive pc it too bed for old player game still not optimize
11:31 when a solo veteran defends an online at 7am. Timeless video.
Remember when Rust implemented the Xp system for that short time? Lmao
Ah I remember 2013 rust. So much better in terms of the people playing it lmao
2019 was when it was its best then it fell apart
Damn, it actually use to be a decent game. 😂
2015 was the best by far
2015-2016 rust is just console edition at the moment
old rust has a nice look and some guns and sounds a really nice it has a charm to it at the most part
I would love if they can make a remake of rust legacy with a smal improvement on the graphics
Who’s watching in 2024
Alguém de 2024
2021 rust is like the normal console
Honestly the sound of the ak and m2 back in the days are way more intimidating before they updated it
Well cant wait for rust 3000
only people that play the recent versions don’t understand how great legacy was
despite the weird 2005 look the game had, there were no bullshit in terms of gunplay. When you shoot the bullet travels from the middle of your screen and that’s it, no randomness, no learning a spray pattern for thousands of hours on a training server; The better aim win
add to that the satisfactory ragdolled corpses and you’re in for a good time
the map was small and perfectly crafted too.
The only thing that new rust does better is the building systems with turrets premission ect…
you add that on the old rust and i’m never coming back
monkey monkey monkey
2019 Rust peaked
2016-2017 😢
How come you only have 260 subs after such a big video and how come you have ads at 260 subs?
Re make time 🤫🤫
realistically after they did recoil and the dumbass lmg the game fell off its simple just not as good.
2016 just looks like console 😂
Rust is totally unplayable!
I think the tech tree and drone delivery were bad ideas. Previously, getting loot wanted/needed was this big thrill, and now it’s just been made trivial.
From 2013-2014 was last time I played
Need to bring back animals sleeping
2014 the game looks the same as today crazy the game has done little to no progress in 9 years
The best in 2013 old graphic, better gameplay 😌
Everything past 2020 was pretty much completely downhill for rust. I miss the simplicity that was before the current times.
had much fun in rust 2013 than now honestly
Lol “bush did 9-11”
I miss the 2017 screaming when downed
If they added the Tech-Tree to the zerg servers or designated servers rather than adding it to all servers made the game easier. Also the game lost it’s survival taste and feeling its mostly like fortnite and other games now
Rust from 2020 – 2021 was simply superior, anybody that disagrees is wrong because I said so.
Legacy was so good
I MISS old recoil!!!
ah 2015 rust, what i started playing it in
it’s crazy to me that the bolty sprite has been the same since 2015, same with the rocket firing sound
Damn bro I remember playing in 2015/16 on my shitty laptop where I’d only get 10 fps. Use to play on Sydney Hapis 2 server
old rust was really the wild west, the real free for all
The old loot speed is mind boggling after being so used to the speedy looting of today.
Everything before hdrp was 10x better than what we have now
name of the first song?
So not much change from 2016 😂
man 2013 rust was the gold days of lazy raiding. I’d play all night so most of my server would be asleep I’d farm c4 all night long and blow the doors off everyone’s house put my own door on lock it then leave the door unlocked. Each night I could just get on and go into peoples houses and loot their stuff. For weeks everyone was crying that some hacker was taking their things then one day they found my base that had all their stuff in it then started figuring out they could open anyone’s door.
Player base completely ruined the game because they just don’t go outside.
I used to lure bears to my base and fence them in. Og turrets.
True Rust died when mini copters were introduced. Change my Fucking mind.
8x LR good old days and the aAK Sound
Rust has really improved over the years and unlike most games, it actually got better
2013 rust was my first proper PC game. I remember spending all night farming just to build a small wooden 2×2 with a wooden door. Simpler times
Also fun to watch video meta shifts too. The 2016 clip at 4:00 ish is so poorly mixed
раст 2020😍
Rust legacy will never be topped. Simple but good
I say they should bring zombies back
As someone who never even saw rust till 2019 and didnt have a pc till 2021 that was insane to watch. The level ups are real
i remember when animals were red and rabid
hard to quit something you’ve been playing since high school
remember when rust had zombies?
Honestly In my opinion the tech tree update is the worst
The screams of being knocked in 2017 should come back same with sleeping animals
2016 seems like the latest version of modern Rust the first version looks amazing for a game at that time end 2020 seems like the farming in royal playing update 2021 seems like the graphics update and definitely the monument update THAT ALSO MEANS LOREEEEEEEE
2016 and 2017 They were the best, without so many optimization problems, with good weapon recoil, and the touch of seeing a bear sleeping…what a beautiful time.
Where were the red bears/wolves? Didn’t see that anywhere in the video, but those were some of my fondest Rust memories. That and whatever it was before the blueprint system that just felt so good.
I like to consider myself a rust veteran because I’ve been watching rust videos since it came out, back when markiplier and cryoatic played it, and I’ve seen it grow into what it is today. I’ve sadly only played about 300 hours of it though recently since I never had a pc strong enough for it
I missed the 2015 era in rust
you can still play it with lwor ru tho
but theres little amount of players so
2022 got it killed
2013 😢 Best game oldrust 🥹
I miss 2017 rust lol
I feel like I started to lose interest in rust when they did the weapon rework, all that time spent learning the spray patters for each weapon was for nothing
Not mentioning the Shit Shack. Come on bro.
good times that will never come back when guns in rust had zero recoil
This doubles up as a console vs PC comparison
I Wish i knew playing rust 2020 would be my best time, rust ain’t the same anymore hence why I quit it
When 2015 rust looks 10x better than crust
2023 😂😂 👍👍
More like devolution lmao
2015 was the best with smoke and building damage compare to how it is now
2020 rust peak
You can say your an of if you played sinds 2013 damn tht where good times
This game is pointless because u get nothing no rank no money no reward , no one knows who was best at server
Rust 2015 was the best 🙂
2018 and 19 is like rust console😢
No no no mate, my first house is a shelter in a legacy
I miss the old rust I think facepunch ruined the game RUST. as a veteran player who played since the alpha they absolutely killed the game they change the recoil they change the competition on the game and tbh I feel the game isn’t that fun right now it was fun but I guess rust will be done in the next 2 years well if they gonna make the game more fps friendly and change the game again how it used to be rust will be better… damn I miss the old days so much
7 years for farming on PC but 1 year on and half on console
This game has special place in my heart
Legacy had the best gunplay sue me.
I miss 2013 days .. i blame pacepunch for shitty rust atm
The old Rust map was my favorite honestly. I had so much fun on it back in 2013 and 2014. It was true freedom despite being small in scale, and VERY fun.
Just saw this video! Now we get to experience them make Rust 2! Crazy how far and how popular this game had become! Great video!
Console rust is just rust 2018 😂
now they have helicopter and it sucks my pc can no longer run this game at playable framerate
need a remake now!
The degredation of rust 2013>2022
We need sail boats large and small
The memories from playing this game in 2013,the alpha rust was my favourite! I didnt like the newer version that much when it came out
hold on in 1015 how did the sing say “brush did 9-11” in 3:40
this game slowly but surly will die as they prepare for new rust this days , the old rust its more fun when you see Ak 47 after 15 days of wipe , and all player need to go outside they bases to grow up not like today boring player stay 24/24 in outpost , and you can get all guns from your base , with a bot name roof camper
2013. 🥹
My love❤
2016 BGM?
The best rust was when stone walls were 1000 health, turrets didn’t need gens to run and c4 could be spammed quickly for raids. Those were the good ole days!
Tech trees destroyed the game imo
Old Rust Was Pure Calmness, People Enjoyed the Calm before the Storm.. The New Rust Is More Fast Paced and Grindy
I’ve seen Rust go from serverless at launch to texture DLC in 2023.
the game was great 2019, after the minicopter update they started ruining it
2019 one that dude has scripts 😂😂😂
Worst thing ever happened in Rust history was team update.. Since this time game is unbalanced solo vs teams… I remember good old times when dumb teams didnt see each other and they were forced to have same outfit or communicate otherwise they shooted each other.. and i loved it for me as solo it was fun.. And we really need update limite syringes for example you coud use it only few times.. not like zerg running not care you shoot them just spamming line of syringes.. this must be reworked, look for example DayZ .. you can break someone leg, bleeding dont stop for some megic, you cant bandage to full hp you was hurt so you must recovery for ten minutes sometimes.. . Also bag limite in Rust its joke 😀 its 15? if you die you shoud be forced to have just one or two bags.. not more otherwise you using it like teleport around map constantly… So yeah i understand its about money, solo kid die leave.. multiple solo kids playing together having advantage against solo players they stay, buy skins and money floating back… But it makes game mainy for teams, so you see only compounds and towers mostly… and its sad part.. few years ago it wasnt so strong.. But team option ruined game in hardest way.. But its my opinion and my 7k solo experience .) and i still enjoy solo time by time.. its just sad you must get trough BP research all wipe long to see dead server becouse teams get everything in two days and dont play anymore.. .)
yo its pubg or rust?
Rust 2016>>>
I had over 500 hours on classic rust back in the day. I had a ton of fun. I’m sure rust nowadays is a lot better, but I just never could get back into it.
best Rust 2020.
2020 rust was the best
i remember i got sick when i was kid back to 2013. i spend whole week playing in rust legacy, met a group of guys who protected me for resources and then after a while they invited me to their squad to build a big ass metal house. such a lovely time…
Omg the legacy <33333
When I first saw this game I mistook for the game forest.
2021 trailer just fire 🤑🤩🤩
from classic to decent to good then ultimately shit
oh the lr 8x forgot that was a thing
Let me tell you, better competition and fun.
I had more fun in Rust Legacy.
but there were a lot of mistakes.
I also enjoy playing Current Rust.
You can see that no matter what Facepunch does, no matter what engine, it works great 🙂
The Rust Legacy atmosphere is a beautiful thing. the good old days.
Played it only in alpha. Red-fur wolves and bears.
did anyone else notice the guy’s pfp in the chat at 3:24
I hadn’t played in years, it was foggy and a strange ran up like HI 🙂 Hello 🙂 Nice to meet you 🙂 and my brain wasn’t processing the sound of the chainsaw ripping into me. I just didn’t know they added it.
2013 and 2014 was the best time
Workbench techtree came out in 2020???? YOOO wtf
I bought the Rust alpha on 06.03.2014. Just after they removed the zombies.
man i just started playing again(played from mid 2019 to late 2020, and barely during 2021), when i quit they were just about to introduce trains and it was hard as fuck to even aim or get started…now they have fishing villages, tech treehorses, minicopters, elevators, polar bears, handmade lmg, totally revamped grpahics and aiming, cars, trains, subs, sharks, PLUS the industrial and farming update and lots more that are just SOOO game changing and so much better….. But they PALE in comparison to 2013 rust vs 2016 rust!! What a MASSIVE jump and it seems so similar now almost to 2017 ish
Game made SOOOOOO many good changes, I dont think there was one bad change. UNTIL the combat update. Quit right after PVP is terrible now.
this game is trash until like 2019 or 2020
I miss for old rust
I love how the game was in late 2017… Miss it even, now it’s not survivor really and is kind of bloated
Not much changed from 2016
Rust used to look super amazing but now it looks kinda cartoony
so que jogo o rust 2013 sabe o quanto aquela versao era boa gostava muito ums do melhores jogos que ja joguei na vida ataks coleta de recurso o melhor ..
Hose tools when they take them out?
what a big nostalgia
i played rust alpha then quit when they changed the game. rust alpha was goated.
I miss old rust
before the game looked like fortnite made for 12 year olds
I miss them zombies
You left out 2014 you gronks
as someone who started playing a few months ago, i absolutely love the old 2020 map it looked much more colorful
They should bring back the original intro and tune when the game is finally finished.
Rust in 2014 absolutely consumed my life. I dropped 500 hours in a matter of a few months. I’ve never since played a similar game. Damn that was fun until the server got hacked by C4 spamming assholes.
Wait, animals do sleep? When? Or it was changed? I’m always hearing footsteps or getting attacked in the dark no matter how quiet I am, it’s like if they were always in day time when just wolves should be able to roam in night…
And now industries era! 2023 Rust
I remember buying Rust a couple of days after it was released on Steam, had just built my first PC. Not a very good game though lmao.
that 2016 clip tho fucking john with the rocket pvp xD
I started my “Players vs Zombies! HARDCORE PVE” server in 2018
I remember when there were blueprint fragments that would give you random bps and I think you could upgrade them at a research table or sum. And I also remember after that, items would have owners so if you farmed with a stolen hatchet, the owner would get xp, not you. Clans would spam 1 guy with all the xp to unlock the bps
what do you mean sleeping animals xd?
Hard to see such a good game turn into dogshit 😢
Bruh i was 8 in 2013.
Fuck you 2022 rust get off go back to 2021 rust plz
Watched my uncle play this game back in 2013-2015 and fell in love, currently 15 and playing and now have a love hate relationship
just seeing the updates from 2020-2022 makes me sad, I once loved this game
why is 2013 rust still better than console rust?
i love rust i have played it for 2 year but bc of the update on ultra low graphic i have 30-40 fps
2017 best year
All that time and the game still feels like it was made in 2013
I miss old rust… atleast then i could enjoy the game without turning all graphics to low af
I think you forgot military base mlrs and train tunnels
Who else has been here since the very beginning? Watching the game grow from less than 1000 players to over 100k?
was there a recoil in 2013?
I’m getting old….
2015: a guy with a nazi flag in chat and a huge sign saying bush did 9/11 yeah…LoL isn’t the most toxic game out there never was
This is why I hate being apart of the console community because they don’t understand that it takes time for improvement they thing it has to be fixed immediately and I feel are very ungrateful
I miss the downed scream most.. I wish they would randomly add it back into the game here and there lol got annoying after a while but I do miss it
rust 2018 = peak rust
10:15 fucking cod mission music lmao
i feel like the models of the weapons have gone to shit rather then better. Like wtf. The sounds sound so much better in 2013 of the guns. also WHY DO WE STILL HAVE 14 GUNS. Still waiting for a military grade RL. like a SMAW or RPG.
I miss Legacy 😞
I gotta say With near certainty that the water catchers were there before the farming update. Actually quite a bit before the farming update I would venture to say late 2018 to 2019 early?
Is that the Mike The Vike in 2014?
There is 3 waves of Rust people. The ogs in wave 1 from 2013- end of pre- release. Then the 2017- 2020 era of new zero rusterz. Then the streamer wave explosion. I really wished I would have been a part of the first wave. But I’m so so glad I wasn’t in the last one lol.
Bchillz was there for it all.
2014 pc rust graphics are way better than console rust graphics right know
I surprised you didn’t show the transition from the primitive bow to the hunting bow
Too many alpha memories that hatchet sound nostalgia hit
2019 rust is the best version
The guns were really good back then but I understand why they switched them
this could be the best game if no1 was cheating in it,70% of players there are scripting
and facepunch cant do anything
Miss the 2013 days :’)
3:40 Lmao…indeed.
gun models in alpha shouldve stayed
they need to bring back zombies! it was classic!
Lovely vid mate – I subbed
you forgot the all important update of when they doubled the hp of all types for building.
I started playing this game in 2015 when I was 10 years old, I’ve grown up playing it and it’s amazing how far it has come
Bush Did 9/11
2017 was the best
Next: animal husbandry and PVE hardcore survival.
Im getting old
its nice to see how good this game is getting
Unreal video footage, GJ man
it’s weird how 2013 rust looks like a cross between Fallout NV and Runescape.
The old animations 🤌
doesnt include, old xp system, blueprints, component system, being able to build in monuments, boats, Chinook, actual loot in the ocean, Outpost/Bandit camp, Monument puzzles, Team UI, sashes, Cargo, oil rig, old workbench system, Horseback riding, Scrap heli, quick Hover loot, changed keylocks, dbno changes, vending machine, drones, all the insane recoil changes. and thats just off the top of my head, mans did not play the game.
what a great vid! i expendted this vid to have atleast 100k veiws ngl
and yet the mechanics still feel stuck in 2013
It’s amazing how far this game has evolved over the past couple of years
it’s kind of sad that a 2013 pc can’t even fucking load a small map
my 2016pc can’t either
I totally forgot that animals use to be able to sleep. I wish they would add that back into the game
Nice vid! Alpha trailer gives me chills nova days! So many good vibes.
This is so crazy to watch hahahaha good video mate