TRIANGLE LADDER HATCHES & spiral stairs | Rust update 29th May 2020
Triangle ladder hatches, spiral stairs ramps and better conditional models for building blocks are on staging right now, the Rust+ companion app is available too!
Companion app:
App store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/rust/id1487691681?ls=1
Google play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facepunch.rust.companion
My links:
✔️Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shadowfrax
✔️Twitch: http://bit.ly/1UkDhes
✔️Twitter: http://bit.ly/1QM3WQ7
✔️Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/shadowfrax
✔️Steam group: http://bit.ly/1P3vv1W
✔️Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nCdLV8
✔️Store: https://teespring.com/stores/shadowfraxRust
Gameplay footage from Rust
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan
#rust #shadowfrax #update
Taqs:rust triangle,triangle ladder hatch,rust triangle ladder hach,ladder hatch,rust spiral stairs,spiral stairs,rust+ app,rust app,rust companion app,rust,vehicles,rust vehicles,vehicles in rust,modular vehicles,rust modular vehicles,rust news,rust update,rust latest,rust vehicle news,shadowfrax,concept limbo,rust cars,rust car,cars in rust,modular cars,rust modular,rust modular cars,companion app
コメント (373)
My links:
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✔️Twitch: http://bit.ly/1UkDhes
✔️Twitter: http://bit.ly/1QM3WQ7
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✔️Steam group: http://bit.ly/1P3vv1W
✔️Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1nCdLV8
✔️Store: https://teespring.com/stores/shadowfraxRust
version ? rust 2306 have this triangle ladder hatches ?
This was the hieght for the game its been such a down hill diaster from this point. I wish we could come back to here this is the Best it will ever get
I wish I was playing on the day triangle ladder hatch and spiral staircases were placed in.
Omfg this is so aggravating. I play on console and I just pickaxed a triangle floor out for like 30 minutes and apparently there aren’t triangle frames. Fml
I’m lonely.
anyone else is having problems controling spray after the 4:3 changes? i would like it to be like the old times
new building models look ugly
Anyone know when rust comes to PS4
We need more optimisation!!! Make FPS Great Again.
I love seeing rust updates. This game is so well upkept
i guess that means jackhammers will be useless against sheet
metal now
2:49 Why does a random delectable looking pie appear for no reason? It made me hungry.
Methinks, ‘Triangularity’, is the proper term. Or it should be.
Fraxtacular as usual! See you out there. Don’t shoot me.
The new update looks bad, i really hate everything except triangle grills and ladderhatch
320000th sub
rust is about to go mad max…
quick one on the cars and minicopters, they now longer cannot be shut in a door, with doors cancelling the animation if a vehicle is blocking it
Korean zergs r mad!
See now that’s where ur wrong, I always wait until u say steam group
is this a joke?
thx Brother…and as you say…”Keep calm…and stay Rusty” thx again! love the vids!
keep calm and stay rusty
Why not add a Triangle Roof, that would be quite useful.
How about instead of these things, they should maybe work on console editions :/
Shadowfrax called us out at the end lmao
so the triangular ladder hatch is out right
Ohhh – I love these short & sweet ones – amazing quality as always !! <3
Do we get some insulation against the cold with the plywood insides on the metal walls? That would be swell.
This is no longer good old rust
looks like WIP
How convenient, immediately after I re-design my base Rust releases the two things I needed.
I really love your work but I was wondering if there were any updates on the console?
*Samuri Jack Voice* Its been 4 years, and spiral stairs are finally in the game.
Is no one going to talk about the new colour in the sheet metal walls…
Isnt diamond just a fancy way of saying square.
RIP Tokyo’s base
love your rust updates thanks for the info
Where my armored ladder hatches at 👀👀
jogo ate hoje mal otimizado. criadores burro so foca em coisa nova do que otimizar e ganhar mais jogadores
i dont play rust
What about removing scrap heli and minicopter when they add the vehicles its gonna make people use them more
bravo kon
now that opens some new base possibilities.
When we gonna get rust on console??
Can we make traps with electricity and water yet?
Hey just wanted to say I love your videos
Bruh facepuch is out here pumping out updates in quarantine
I don’t really like the new metal texture kinda trash
Console version? When’s this happening
Let the Road Legions Ride
3:07 *so many exploits in mind*
people still play this game? lmao
I don’t like it change scares me
I’m waiting for them to add trebuchets now that you mention about castles
I saw that parallax line glitch. Turn ye yonder parallax mapping down to 1 good sir.
After two months of playing this game I think I may have found a gaming home. Love how much content is added. Can’t wait for console editions hopefully supporting cross play for community expansion. Also hiring volunteer admins to watch official servers is needed. There are many players like myself who would step up to the plate.
facepunch should be paying you for these
Can’t wait for this to go to consol
I can never get onto the staging branch… I have no idea how to get it to work
The BLAH BLAH BLAH part was profound. Cheers!
I love SHADOWFRAX, I don’t even play Rust anymore and yet I still enjoy watching his videos 🙂
omg im ao happy
Jeg vet du ser på mats
What was the problem with foundation steps? Why do you think they removed them? Seems like a poor decision. They were a great block and will be missed.
The big red button is useful to me 😀 I currently use a timer to act as a door bell for my shop to tell me if someone is waiting outside for service. This will be much sexier 😀
i for one welcome this new insightful bla bla bla
They should add heli upgrades for hooking vehicles to it and flying away
Love it
When will be update?
فدوة 😍
Is Rust even a game anymore? It’s becoming too real. I am scared
It is 29th of may and its not out
Minecraft Rule : Never Dig Straight Down
Rust Pro Raiders : Dig Straight Down The Base
Idk how I feel about the foundation stairs. It really kinda makes me sad
This is all cool, just wondering if Facepunch is working on some alternative to EAC, as it is quite useless judging by increasing numbers of cheaters.
The console part i wanted to here
it would be funny if rust add really rare item named
“diamond sword”
i would never leave ur vid until i hear that stay rusty mmm
We want optimization !!!!!!
This game is getting out of control we have to stop facepunch.
Love how this didn’t show up in my sub tab 🤦♂️
“Console edition bla bla blah” ah yes the answer many of people like me wanted. Not.
Im not playing rust but I just want to know what to expect
rust was ruined a long time ago
Did I just hear you said *DRAWBRIDGE*
‘the rust actors likes that’
Removing the stairs block – I’m not happy with that – I use it on every entrance for a shoot thru 🙁
So it took em this long to cut sides off the ladder hatch, k
Elevators??? where is Elevators?!
im cooming
Rust 2020:we now have cars
Rust 2021: we now have spaceships
About F’ing time 3 years waiting
Amazing addition
So what about rust on Xbox one
Wow no respect for us console playersssss
Spiral staircases will make build into coumpounds so easy and stylish!
Wassup english man
about time…
Got so many base ideas already
they need to add another water monument, maybe a sunken submarine so diving is a more exciting activity. Love the new triangle ladder hatch and and metal soft side texture, probs gonna look like a house that hasnt been painted xd
Exploits so meany exploit!!!
Xbox when?
haha running people over then swapping seats is what i use to do in BF2. wouldnt reg as a teamkill even though you lost support points
cool i cant wait to try out the new building blocks 😀
I know a game that has triangle ladders also, but I wonder what game it is?
Worth the 2 day wait
Spiral stairs are gonna be great for towers
I want new guns
I hope they add vehicle weapons.
All i want now is to see your hands while driving
Foaming at the codelock for xD
3:02 yup another dumb facepunch move…come on idiots
1.8k hours and ive never hated a update more
honestly going to stop playing after this
therapist: triangle hatch isnt real it cant hurt you
triangle hatch:
Oh thank god ramps. Now I can store my horses without them getting stolen or killed in three minutes.
God please let it cost less scrap to research for us solo players. And no, I’m not going to ever “get gud”. Just a little more reward for staying alive a little longer for solo players would be sweet.
Thanks as always
that conditional armoured wall model makes me all 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
4 years to get these building changes. what do you think will be added in 2024?
Timing is so good with this guy
You heard him boys, go watch his ttv he was playing Miscreated the other day.
Attachable m249 on a car
Only one that noticed the video ended by another “in other neeewwws”
The partial models for roofs are great, hopefully they will stop penetrating walls so i can actually build my ridiculous 2×2 entry trap.
Quiet an exciting time for the game isn’t it
If only Rust was more game than part time job then i’d actually play it :/
these new stairs are going to ruin a lot of hqm bunkers
I feel like ladder hatches would get more use if there was a high quality version of them
What? Peeps don’t stay until the end to see which blip he puts in? WTF? BTW I was wrong this time, I expected the truck horn 😉
they going to fast with these updates i bet it kills the game
the new stairs are a joke
Can’t wait for the updated building textures 🙂
The new looks to metal look gay
Did. Last Day rules survival on phone same like rust on pc ? Good video
No bunker base? Kinda cringe.
Unlootable lootrooms with stairs at 2:30 just wait imma do it
I don’t play this game but I watch your vids XD
2:49 PIE
what is that “team” meme?
Rust overtaking real life
Triangle Ladder Hatchet FTW!! Pog
YES, im bonering.
The red button has always been on rust, monuments mostly, but still I like the fact you now have access to it
Intro Trumpet song, how is it called?
These Intros are crazy
what about consoles ??/
triangle ladder hatch…but no window garage door……
So soon we will get cars in rust. What next train or spaceship?
*well that one triangle hatch frame just made raiding x2 hard*
I’m gonna miss those old stairs…
In other neEws
I stay for the meme word at the end.
Most of the time I don’t play rust I just like to think I do so I can watch these videos
Love you frax, thank you for another great video.
This gonna be awesome. Installing the app on my android box and having the notifications blast through my surround sound. Have fun raiders 😉
You’re awesome!
Triangle foundations are great tho…
omfg as a builder i just got an orgasme.
How are you using the emotes? None of my binds are working. Is this disabled on some servers?
The armored wall corner made me uncomfortable
You sound so familiar
5:25 lol
this video is so cool , i cant stop watching it. And i don’t even play rust.
want optimization
MACHICOLATIONS!!! …erm, sorry.
i feel like the new rust updates are ruining the game
like blocking off top of train, adding an app to prevent offlines, and removeing a block that i have used for my compounds for countless wipes the floor ramps its prety upseting. i love rust and dont want to see a great game get ruined and like manny other games
I really an super excited for the spiral staircases. RP base hype
Rust about to become
The thunder dome.
The app so that you can spend more time wasting your life on rust.
ofc i can read the fking update and try it in stangin branch, but i love how u do it bro, keep it up
I use companion app but i dont play rust
I dont have pc
Wonder what’s going on with “Modular Weapons”
No but seriously when’s console coming
So your telling me Solo’s still have a chance :).
Can you put cars in scrap helis?
At least Sheet metal bases will be warmer lol
Not a fan of the new sheet metal interior. Makes it look horrendous…
i dont think i get as excited for any other videos like i do yours…i think i have a rust problem
The day has come… triangle ladder hatches. They said it was impossible. They were wrong. This is for some reason the weirdest thing to see out of all this.
FUDGE! i needed the foundation steps, WHY!!!! it was so useful for peek downs on door campers.
finally they are patching out the armored staircase exploit
who here switches to another video? cause il be planin a not so friendly visit.
Rip foundation steps
Imagine if you could pick up the vehicles with a scrapheli
Rip stairs
Why I am so pepega ,I expected a triangle door on the ladder hatch for some reason
honestly disappointed you didn’t say “pedestrians and equestrians only” at 3:06
Please use youre old intro sound again the new is wired
Woooow those blahs really hit me hard
This is really emotional moment… lets enjoy it friends… after years of jumping on furnace… smashing your head agaisnt ceiling we can now climb as the humans we are upwards
For the record SHADOWFRAX… I never click off your video…because i have to hear you say “Keep calm and Stay Rusty!”
The app isn’t available for Note 9??
New building blocks Pog
Still waitning for new monument for automobiles- Los Santos Customs. It would be cool
Finally I have a use for my Phone.
The stairs allow for better peaking advantages now!
Wish they’d allow you to switch between stair types though
this is going to be one of the biggest rust updates ever…. now all we need is snow added back!! c’mon!!
I do enjoy your videos but I had to say this one made me very disappointed in you. You failed to use your triangular ladder hatch Graphics from the last one. It made me cry a little I’m going to have to be honest with you. I was looking forward to the Triangular ladder hatch graphics with a techno blue dancing background. And the voice that you did. The things that wet dreams are made of.
I think the devs are going to be shocked at how little cars are used. They seem super expensive to get fully running and put you at a huge liability of being shot and having it stolen. I can’t think of a single reason you wouldn’t use a mini heli or scrap heli over a car.
If you’re not stay until ShadowFrax says “Steeeeam” then are you really a ShadowFrax fan at all?
Minicopter in game.
Helicopters in game.
Mountains in game.
Where is the Parachute?
Oh i forgot we dont have rope and cloth in game to craft it..
Armor piercing rifle ammo and electric furnace are what I’m waiting for
I wonder if it will break some of the multi TC bases that used the foundation stairs. I presume it will.
I’m going to make so many op bases thank you.
Honestly I don’t like the building update. It’s fine how it is.
I ALWAYS watch ’till the end, Frax, I wouldn’t niss that last bit for the world 😀
that ending was spot on XD
I’m not ready to say goodbye to foundation stairs 😔
Waiting for triangular hatches since 2016 😍
I ALWAYS wait for the meme at the end
I liked the old stairs more :c
Don’t care about cars. But oooohhhhh the triangles and stairs. Mmmmm. Role playing intensifies.
This is really bad update cuz they remove roof bunkers and foundation steps 🙁
sees thumbnail
me 😮
when are they gonna fix those perilous cave tunnels? By perilous, I mean instantly killing you just for passing by.
This is big. Unlike me
So can you throw grenades at random peoples bases at 4am to ruin their sleeping patterns? 🙂
I Get my RTX 2070 super 😀 on monday!!
2:20 Lmao
I find the sheet-metal wood change oddly infuriating.
R.I.P. solo players.
rust is changing to much i hope they make the game harder so it actually takes 2 days to get an ak bp like back then
The new sheet metal is god awful.
Foundation steps were so useful for non exploit purposes 🙁
Cheap externals
A foundation that didnt care about the building 3.0 rules
And roofs cant clip anything or you cant place one now
Evil Wurst must be raging right now…
I’m waiting for the motorcycle update so I can do my Evel Knievel big jumps.
why do they have to remove the stares? i would prefer then over the ramp stares.
Them triangle ladder hatched finna change the game 😴
If you want more details to all the building blocks, visit Vice Versa games’s stream from yesterday. Went through everything
I don’t blame shadow for skipping over console and hdrp topics as facepunch are clearly keeping super quite and are not sharing any information about those two developments.
YO WTF I was literally thinking hmm what if there was a triangle roof frame and you could maybe get a triangle ladder hatch and now I see this video so I’m a little spooked won’t lie
they made sheet metal ugly
I am R O C K H A R D
Imagine defending your rust base with your phone
I’m confussed, is this spiffing brit?
He sounds like the guy from fairy god parents
I wait for Frax to say TEAM on every video. 😂😂😂
So.. will softside metal be breakable with hatchets now?
Why not an armoured ladder hatch already
4:45 “console version blah blah blah” Why do you do this to me
I can’t be the only one waiting for the clip in the end 😀
Have you seen that zerg base near the launch site? They’ve got curved walls! _CURVED_ WALLS!
The end lol
Beep beep
Bla bla bla
whistling in rust?
This is my opinion, blah blah blah, love the new building updates, blah blah blah, and love this video putting to all together!!!
In other news, blah blah blah!
1:04 “this is of course a big step towards making proper castles” … I see what you did there.
If u open triangle hatch is that like wall + hatch (like wall stacking)
Ramps should not have been to hard, they had them in legacy and were mainly used like a third wall between rooms. C4 sponge
Love you 😘
Building blocks updates feel odd to me already
No! I possibly cant live without my foundation steps, oh nose! Wait theres a replacement? This is why I love the rust team.
whats that mixing table? and what news about HDRP ?
Finally! I’ve waited YEARS!😅
I want a new door. Something between garage and armoured
Maybe like reinforced door?
i hope they change the metal tier before it hits main branch.
the color is the worst thing ive seen in rust.
dunno how they could do this but they should add the ability to view base cameras through the app.
finally took them a while fr
Juiciest update for a long time!
Omg I didn’t know about the red button, I’m gunna make some fun traps with that >:)
jesus this game has changed a lot
I can’t find Rust+ on Google Play
just discovered The IT Crowd on netflix – i now understand your references fraxxy
It would be awsome if we could have different types of workbenches.
Jokes on you I always stay to the end to here him say “keep calm and stay rusty”.
….YAASSSS!!! finally I’ve been wanting spiral staircases, triangle ladder hatches and triangle grills! excited!
Why the wood be looking like Lincoln logs
All what you hear is bla bla bla
Bro where is your awesome video introducing rust to knew players?
Oh my
Fps increase hopefully one day
1:04, very sneaky Mr.Piehorseman!
this is great i hate the stairs tho
Nice job once again 😀 I may not have money to support you directly (buying merch or anything else) but ill get your shirt inside of rust so i can show people that you are a 10/10 rust yt 😀
I really hope this TEAM joke doesn’t go away. Makes me giggle every time.
I see myself during the holidays waking up in the midnight bcos my alarm start beeping
Great, now I can get more raid notification other than from my discord call
3:43 you can see throw the metal roof rip :'(
Shadowfrax you can be the best storyteller !
we need motorcycle/ bicycle
Oh good, more tools for zerg-clans to destroy servers
Do pro voiceover work
in other news
RIP foundation stairs…
Cars got Horns? Where is Cucaracha!!!!
I really want to build castle
10 mins lets go
There is a fake app on the IOS store claiming to be Rust’s app. Its not its a fake with fake reviews please pin so people know!
Hello there
Time for some new build meta am i right?
Those new stairs look terrible (not the triangle steps), why even change them
Haha, Thought it was going to be the “In other news” snapshot at the end. GG WP
The shadowfrax best Man in the YouTube
SHADOWFRAX is a true savage blah blah blah I rest my case…
im really not liking the new stairs and textures for the sheet metal and wood walls. They’re going to kill this game ffs
Shadow: “spiral stairs, triangle ladder hatches…”
Me: meh
Shadow: “say goodbye to foundation steps”
Me: WTF, you son of a…
Shadow: “straight stairs deployable on foundations!”
Me: 😍
This video was quite the emotional rollercoaster
Wait when are cars due to come out?
No one:
Absolutely No One:
In other news
Finally triangular hatch 😍
and bunkers or just roofs inside bases are gone. GLAD IT FINALLY HAPPENED
Thank you so much for all of you doing!
“conditional models for ROOVES”
yo i am the the first person to dislike, lol, anyways i am giving him a like
Just hope they add camera feed, amazing app.
FINALLY! *rust mobile*
earliest ive seen a video
please no…
no way
When will be updated ?
shadow coming in with the clutch
Companion app is going be hella interesting. Can’t wait to mess with it on live.
very epic
With the new rust app people are gonna be getting up at 4 a.m to stop a Korean Zerg clan from offlining you
Hi shadowfrax
Last time I came this early my wife filed for divorce.
Keep up the good work m8!
Love the vids
i was wondering when these would come
not first but close
Yeet first
yo mama!
First comment 🙂