Ultimate Industrial Guide – How To Fully Automate Your Base In 2023 | Rust Tutorial
Don’t miss out on the new industrial components that will revolutionize the way you play. In this video, I’m going to show you the new components, as we go step by step through a real-world scenario to build an automatic gunpowder crafter and resource sorter. I will also go over a few tips and tricks to help you fully take advantage of the new system.
00:00 – Intro
00:21 – Pipe Tool
00:57 – Power
01:51 – Storage Adaptor
02:46 – Storage Adaptor: Example
03:02 – Conveyor
05:11 – Conveyor: Example
05:36 – Electric Furnace
06:08 – Electric Furnace: Example
07:22 – Crafter
08:45 – Crafter: Example
10:03 – Splitter
11:39 – Splitter: Example
13:58 – Combiner
14:24 – Combiner: Example
15:13 – Tips
15:38 – Tips: Auto Furnace
16:05 – Tips: Drop Box
16:22 – Tips: Sorter
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Epidemic Sounds:
1. Fights – AGST
2. Faded – Ooyy
3. Night Stalker – Wave Saver
4. VHS Hero – Lofive
5. Bottai – Ooyy
6. Fugent – Lupus Nocte
7. Octagonic – Luwaks
@ Epidemic sounds:
Taqs:Rust,rust tutorial,rust industrial components,rust industrial,rust components,rust new update,rust automation,rust industry,rust machines,rust coveyor,rust pipes,rust crafter,rust splitter,rust combiner,rust electricity,how to automate base,rust survival,rust loot,rust getting started,rust new system,rust tips,rust industrial tips,rust sorter,rust dropbox,rust building,rust how to build,rust how to survive,jfarr,jfarr133,rust info
コメント (148)
is there a way for your furnace to stop siphoning wood and burning if you have no ore to smelt?
Great stuff 👍
Brutal playlist!! Could you please make one including some october ends songs? Dark is my favourite one and then Play Time, Devil’s Den as well !!
Imagine if the devs of rust made an survival game that is single player with a gigantic map and have all this kind of stuff in it except of they had bandit camps they would be hoatile and where bandits spawned and traveld from to go around the map to defend monuments on land or water and supply npcs for roaming patroles you could fight or avoid etc something like a mix of ark , scum and rust ect … how cool would that be so you could play either singleplayer or multiplayer like how you can choose to do with scum plus have them kind of bunkers that scu. Has spread about the map and ark for having either the kinds of dinisaurs or just some monaters similar to ark and you could maybe tame them for transport or to help defend your base or to breed for meat and hide ect and rust because of this electrical system and monuments and a mix of scum and rusts crop growing to make yourself meals to better survive and to pumpnin water feom the rivers or ocean and clean it up so it’s drinkable
Out of curiosity, can the “Fail off/on” be connected to a “blocker” thats connected to an electric furnace, and activate the furnace when a particular resource isn’t present inside a container?
Lets say the whole automation process is dormant, until it detects that the final container, lets say a TC, is missing metal fragments or HQM. It turns on and it process, and transfer materials with little too no player intervention.
Excellent content!
if you want the splitter to just split evenly into 2 or 3 exits, you dont need a conveyer behind it
I love your videos. The graphics are beautiful and clear. Great visual communication!
I want to let you know about a small mathematical error at 5:55 with the furnace speed calculation.
With a little rounding, 3:22 is 40% less time than 5:35 and 1:08 is 80% less. 3:22 is 66.6% faster than 5:35 and 1:08 is 400% faster.
You get these numbers by dividing the times the other way around. Reciprocals can be very confusing.
What you mean is clear by the nice graph so this isn’t a big issue but I thought you might want to know.
One way to think about it is that if A is 100% faster than B that means that A has 200% of B’s speed and is thus twice as fast.
A could be 1 minute while B is 2.
pllz make a video about the in depth industrial conveyor max . buffer . min settings
My god, they turned Rust into modded minecraft
Maybe on a pve server, else my hardwork would be offlined after i go out for the day
Wish this was on console
the fact they made all this instead of just having it auto turn the stuff and organize for you 😒 ..now learn a college semester to just play a game gtfo
Great guide, helped a ton!
Bro is so good at explaining shit he should become a teacher
Amazing video man… are there updated you can tell us about?
Can you place storage adaptors on horse troughs, thereby keeping a trough automatically stocked for several days?
The fact that this can happen in Rust gives me a bunch of fun ideas. Will take good negotiations to pull of but it would add a bunch of fun to a server.
What happens if you have a max set then a splitter. Does it sum each box connected to the splitter, or does the max apply to individual boxes?
Superb editing and quality and great tips
Damn i didnt care so long and now no wood just getting smelted everything coool for solo as me.. i must try also TC filling looks nice to let your TC getting filled and no worries about decaying after two days
Impressive videos my guy, I used to make vids for pvp in EVE online, I appreciate the editing skills/presentation
Great guide! Thanks!
Can you put pipes through bunkers and still close the bunker?
Didn’t even know this was in the game till now
Thank you so much!
Cant you make a main base and a backup base and make a motion sensor Or a switch that will power a pipe system that will send all the loot to a back up base
Thx you man I finally understand how the pipe line work thx you for taking it slowly with easy examples to understand
Thank you so much. Your videos are always great 🙂
I am having an issue with the conveyor The Filter Fail always has a value of 1 so I can’t use the light to tell me if the box is empty. Not sure what is causing this.
Is there any way to exclude an item in a category. For example, if I want resources to go to my TC, but want to exclude Targetting computers, how do I make that work without listing 12 resources I want to go to the TC. If I select the Resources item, and then select the targetting computer, is there a way to exclude it? I know you can exclude items, but that’s everything selected.
Not on console, i gotta get a pc..(update) i built a pc and its WAY better !!
You can pass pipes through a wall by using a splitter on each side
What build sever you playing on
what if i wanted to have a drop box for guns and i can only put down 12 guns into the filter should i just put all the guns i can or is there a better way to get every gun in the game into it?
This is great
You can also hook up a heartbeat sensor to stop the flow of materials to the outside furnaces so people can’t steal from them
@13:55 you went the wrong away about this.
amazing guide, well done
2:44, is to bad that they didnt design the connector to fit on the end instead of on the top of the 4 corners. This would have made it easier to hide.
1:32, For the Solar Pannels i would suggest the Classic form of hiding them with a Triangle foundation. This will provide power as well as protection from grubs that want to destroy your power generators.
0:51, important question. is it possible to build a wall after already building a pipe on top of the pipe?
I’ve recently returned to Rust after a long break, and I had a sudden urge to learn about electricity, and better yet, by myself. I had tried before with YT, but I got intimidated by the complexity.
So now I’m ready to go the next big leap.
Omg I haven’t played rust in like a year. I’m about to go full Satisfactory on a PvE sever to practice this. Thank you 👍
Let him Cook!
Your guides are amazing 😍
Great guide!
ahh thanks, that explains a lot and i already see some shenanigans people could do like make loot rooms with doors single doors and make em armored with than you could put a locker or certain bunker seals that only stop players from getting through like traingle roof pieces with than hiding the conveyers behind the doors behind those bunkers making it damn near impossible to get to shit easily while letting you be able to set it so you can auto pull out X amount of resources into the drop box up top above all the bunkers as you need em.
Doors or windows,
Also idk if it will work but I wonder why drop box cannot be used in these setups
Very simple yet on point, this video and the creator deserves a like
Jfarr how many hours you got in rust?
Can you make a video on automating the refinery from ignitor to only burning wood when there is crude to cook? Seems no one has one.
1 tech trash per, no wonder no one is using this in game..
This is like Minecraft 😂😂😂😂😂😂
You make the best instructional videos for rust out of everyone I’ve seen, thank you man.
Dude.. I just returned from a long time not playing rust and your channel brought me up to speed in everything new about it… Mah Man!!!
new base role unlocked: the engineer
this was a good idea by facepunch but they fucked the pooch big time it is way over complicated… all the had to do was make it so splitters combiners and the storage adapters allready moved items with a built in conveyer… but no .. so now you need 100’s of conveyers everywhere,,, and can you “HIDE” the pipes ? no you have to have fucking ugly ass pipes all over your base and they can only go through doorways which instantly tells raiders which doors to blow… industrial update was and is an Epic waste of time. and i guarentee the nerf to pipes only being able to go through doorways is because whinging bitch raiders complained,
I can see Hidden and armor walled TCs with pipes in a pancake layer or honeycomb
Could you use a regular furnace that would make charcoal and ore so you could automatically make gunpowder while away?
So with pipes being able to go through doorways I have 2 questions does that include garage/double doors and you can close the door after right?
does the work bench used increase the crafting speed or does it not matter?
my electric furnace will not turn on, it is powered directly by a switch, switch is on
We need to be able to connect to mixing tables
still no new anti cheat??? naaa thanksssssssssssss <3 I preffer not to get hacked on a play different games
Your ability to articulate and explain instructions, while maintaining an entertaining aesthetic is extremely impressive. Your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Keep it up man! 👍
You should change the circuit design, having the input go through a battery loses you 20% power and causes issues if your input is less than the batteries output
this makes the stuff I tried to teach myself look like a shit
Minecraft needs this hoppers are trash
They need to fix rust console not add this bs
ur the most intelegent person i ve ever seen dude
Rust is becoming minecraft in the best way possible. Too bad the extremely toxic playerbase will keep the game unplayable to a large audience.
I have one question. How do you make your electric furnaces turn off automatically when there’s nothing else to smelt? I don’t want them making noise and attracting people, nor wasting my battery’s power
i used to be super into rust but i got burnt out a while ago, but after seeing the new industrial update i’ve managed to get back into it and its really fun, thank you for the great guides as always Jfarr!
These guides are super informative and pretty entertaining 😄 keep it up 👍
this man is a goat yo
The animations and
overview of circuits are next level, really well done dude 👌
Thanks for the guide! 🙂 But I’m not very happy with the update which turns Rust into Minecraft 🙁
Hey guys Jffar here, today I will show how to get a girlfriend.
So far from what I can tell the minimum filter isn’t working with conveyers. At least not on the server I’m on.
Man these scrap costs PER Item though. We’re gonna need a few dozen of these things to outfit an entire multi-person base. Fastest way I know to gain scrap is Ocean Farming.
This was such an in depth guide and the first video I’ve seen from you, not to mention I admire the editing process you did to set up the little explanation diagram before you actually showed us the process in the game. Mad respect, and huge thanks 🙂
Wow console rust is literally a pile of shit
can`t get the combiner to work with the output of 2 industrial crafters :/
Question, When you do the gun powder. Is it the same amount of charcoal to craft as if you did it manually or is it the same as a mixing table which uses half
jFar i wanna ask u…….I was on building server trying this but when i wanted to sort some items in conveyor like rockets but i could choose only rocket blueprint, so do u have some idea how to do it? thank you, if u will answer 🙂
jfarr any idea how to make a auto crafting locker filler
We’re going to start with a 2by 2 base because the 1by 2 will not have enough space for all those things
With this update the TC will never run out of upkeep
Amazing Instructions.
Thank you <3
We built an entirely automated base that you dump resources in, and it sorts everything, cooks all resources, makes charcoal, crafts gp, crafts rockets, crafts kits, then returns it all back to the dump box and sorts the crafted items into main loot.
Hey Jfarr – any idea how to fill both slots on the electric furnace with one type of ore? Ideally once one of the ore types runs out it would be nice if both slots filled with the remaining type
Big Fan Jfarr thanks for spending the time making these videos. I was so confused how this system worked before but now I know thanks to u thanks a lot
I can understand , even my poor English, thank you 😄😄
really good video
I think you will improve the listening experience significantly by talking more loudly as it feels like you’re talking quietly but have audio boosted to compensate
⚠Updates & Notes⚠
• The electric furance now requires 3 power to operate.
03/03/23 – https://rust.facepunch.com/news/eye-in-the-sky
• A new filter option for the conveyor has been added to allow more advanced controls. You can now change a filter to require ANY, ALL or NONE of the listed items.
• The minimum distance between pipe points is now smaller for neater pipe placement around corners. There’s also a new green color available for pipes.
• When looking at a plug and pressing RMB, the connection will remain highlighted even if mousing over other entities.
• Daisy-chained boxes will now be filled in order rather than items being split up between them (the splitter will still split stacks though).
• The Industrial Crafter now has 4 blueprint slots, allowing you to craft multiple items without having to connect conveyors to the blueprint slots.
This is a ridiculously well done video. Nice job Jfarr!
thanks you Jfarr
You da man Jfarr. As always
OMG, the annual video from Jfarr!
Can we all just admire Jfarr’s commitment to making these guides. I have watched every single one and they have all helped me immensely. Thank you!
Mixing table kinda useless now exept for tea
The electrician role in clans just got a whole lot more fun.
BTW: The final sorter circuit still works if you get rid of the second box and the first conveyor. Conveyors aren’t any faster or slower depending on how many splitters or combiners they’re passing through; if they’re connected to a box they can pull from that box, simple as.
Imagine if facepunch were in charge of inventing a simple traffic light. They’d make it a 36 minute process to get thru any intersection. Ohh, is that a stop sign? Well, before you go passing sign were gonna need you to first mount a camel, connect 2 wingnuts to its rear hooves, connect it to a tree, then power it with unicorn farts. wait 6 minutes and then pass.
u see jfarr dropped a fully guide and you already know it’s good 🔥
I like to use the passthrough from the conveyor to power the furnace and hook the filter pass up to the power on so it automatically turns on too
Electric furnace actually takes 3 power now since going live
Great video
Truthfully mate, U rejuvenated my confidence into getting back into Rust.
Can’t explain how many 1stimers on Rust quit thou Once they find ur non-toxic info-simple page. Get back into that competitively satisfying Rusty grind! 🪓
U the man 👍🏽
Great video and illustration of how each component works. Thanks, masterclass as always.
mur technology stuff that i need too learn with my 300mb memories in my brain.
Nice video. you made it perfect. You also uploaded it on update day. Bro you’re my rust legend
Awesome video! I think they updated the power cost of the electric furnace to 3 power each, but I could be mistaken.
You forgot a couple of tips. For example, you can fit 6 industrial furnaces in one triangle and have them all hooked up with storage adapters. To make up charcoal production, set up oil refinery with putting wood in and charcoal out. Because it has the quickest time to burn wood into charcoal. Conveyors have a maximum of 12 filters each. You can put two auto crafters on each workbench. Thanks to that, you can auto craft gunpowder and straight-up bullets on one lvl 2 workbench. Or set up auto crafting line for rockets or c4 on lvl 3 workbench The smallest bullet auto crafting system with letting bullets fill the autocrafters space gonna take two autocrafters, two conveyors, one storage adapter, small box under wokbench, one industrial splitter and one branch, everything fits nicely within crafting bench and can be powered off small battery (which you can also put on the workbench). Also great graphics and straightforward explanation which is great. Keep up great work.
Pc but I’m console
Do not like this update, it is not rust to the core and we drifting to other games’ DNA which use this system better. You farm your arse off to raid someone and he moves the loot as you online him. Thanks facepunch. Criticism aside, I want to give your channel a big thumbs up 👍. You have been posting on rust consistently for 9 years. You’re a rare breed in the Rust community.
Exceptional guide as ever. Can the conveyors, splitters etc be mounted on ceilings?
Can I finally automate and craft some friends?
your voice and videos are just perfect i cant explain
The man, the myth, the legend, the dang madlad. Thanks for this mate!
Is this in the proper game yet?
Brooo thanku for not playing the game just studying all the info and passing it for the others bro ur a real one a legend ur very underrated i ur content u deserve more subs and views bro
Amazing video thanks dude!!!
Amazing graphics and info
the factory begins
Everyone and their mother has made Industrial update guides by now… I think I’ve seen 8 or 9 already today…
missing recursive sorting, all storage chests are connected to each other, system can re-sort an unorganized base.
Wasnt going to even launch Rust till this guide dropped. Pumped to get a headache from trying to figure this out.
How many items could 1 conveyor sort?
Thanks for covering this dude, I’m probably gonna be training my setup on a 50x but this is as always really great content and super helpful!
Rust has become Satisfactory.
Dunno what I think of that tbh. The new base meta is 150% going to revolve around this stuff, and I don’t like it.
Less goo
Worst update!! Need farming bots now i guess…🤖⛏️
There it is! Thanks a lot Jfarr
So exited ▶⏩⏭
What’s the best way to get charcoal if using electric furnaces?
On it already! great job Jfarr
people be like nice video after 1 min of upload
Are you using adobe after effects for editing? Also, thanks for the quality content.
First! Great video! Thank you!
Thanks Jfarr. You da best!