POV : Rust players on wipe day
Credits To :Animosity
discord server : https://discord.com/invite/Sx3BeBDtPG
Email : rusthub2000@gmail.com
Taqs:Rust,Rust Moment,Rust Hub,Rust Highlights,rust pvp,rust survival,rust movie
コメント (1370)
Credits To :Animosity
discord server : https://discord.com/invite/Sx3BeBDtPG
Wipe day is the one day a month where he has to get up to wipe his ass
I swear me and my friends are
like that
bro he’s precious but also not like if you take his snack he looks like he will cry but if you don’t he will be happily eating his snacks he’s a precious big fella
All that junk food but the diet mountain dew stood out 😂
Is that Peter griffen
I can confirm
none of them normal food ☠️☠️☠️
Buddy will eat everything in five seconds
Been wanting to play rust for awhile I’ve not played it since it released like a decade ago but I have a feeling I’d just have abad time
Love how the mountain dew is diet lol
Who is this gamer?
But did you have a Cardiologist in the room?
Man look like Peter for family guy lol
Mountain deu
treat wipe day as if you were storming the beaches of normandy
POV Willjum
Dudes a cheater js … It will come out
This is your big video
Damn now i know why family guy aint got no new episodes
starts hitting the first naked on the beach for his rock
EXCUSE ME ? where are the racial slurs and no mention of cheats? wtf
And i got diabetes
pov: fortnite sweat getting ready for a tournament
looks like some of my ally xD
Bro got enough food to feed atleast 3 people💀
Least someone comes thru
It is so strangely addictive.
Nr 1
My god 😂😂😂😂😂😂
i like this guy he’s funny
Bro prepared for everything involving food
“Some” mountain dew.
Just farmed 2 days straight and finally got to aks and c4. Went to sleep got raided by a hacker. SEA main
Nutter butters go hard
“I got mountain doo”
Lets be honest, all that is only going to last him an hour.
I rewatched this or came back to it like every day and rewatch it like 3 times
Bro theres a drink on this planet called water try some
Man child cave
“I got pringles, and i got pringles” 😂😂
He would be lucky if of his hart is still beating “for a couple of days” 😵😂
He has a bag and hole on his seat
So trueee
no they dont make adult diapers in my size tom… GODDAMNIT
nah hes not on wipe day bro hes a discord mod
sounds bout right
My masculinity is insulted watching this
Queued behind 1.8k
Think he’s sitting on a commode or just goes in his pants?
I’ll just stick to getting up to get it😊
You think that’s fun, wait till you discover what a clitoris is 😉🤌👌
I have an extra keyboard in case I eat one on of them.
What was this guys name again?
Bro needs water in his “wipe day kit”. And also a patch of grass in a vase so he can touch it from time to time
When the Zerg team leaves you in charge of guard duty; so not offline. Run out of snacks & somehow lost track of time, realise three days later 💀
God damn that’s a heart attack sitting at a computer now that’s a true gamer I’m the exact same way I load up with monster drinks and peanut butter Reese’s cups
RIP Boogie1488 he just passed away this morning
I got pringles and i got pringles and i got pringles and i got pringles and i got pringles and i got pringles and i got pringles
Most fit Rust player
he forgot the bucket
Tru e
Never take his fucking mtn dew
Please send friend request. LMAO😊
First rust player to eat
Cant lie
Bro, thats a lvl 90 discord mod💀
I got Capri sun… I mean I had Capri sun I’m out of it😂
I had Capri sun 💀
Francis calm down
This guy is a legend
a average discord mod
Bro said for a couple of days 💀
Hows he going to shit 💀
Where’s my god damn mountain dew! Is all i can think of when i see this dude 😂😂
when the zergs get on for wipe…..
I fast and only drink coffee, it gives you a more clear mind when playing games.
I can respect that
Got some diabetes also
Bro if you play for days, then you have a seriously no use in life 😂. Imagine those people are forbidden direct access to the internet, like bro ur fucked. I couldnt imagine a life without Internet only hardly but what rust players would go through is probably the sadest moment ever.
And if goes well for 3 days till u get raided by the big clans lol
So true
The real men who plays after wipe day 😎
Ты же скоро лопнешь деточка.
Dude do you have a video of me
Roof campers be like:
Who is this man I’m in love
that will just last logging in😂😂
Lmao 🤣🤣 mfs on vanilla servers.
Damn straight how it is
most fit clan member:
hes got diabetes around there somewhere
the spare keyboard got me then he’s said a couple days and I fucking died
ive survived 2 days in rust so far then a clan ran me down
Amazing how much abuse the human heart can take.
I’m fine whith the hole vid but😂 tuna every thing I’d like a snack just tuna
He seems so happy❤ He doesn’t seem upset with his life at all❤
POV me when it’s field trip day
Let my boy be who he wanna boy, he wanna have fun by eating let him do it
I can verify this is true
So true
me who keeps getting killed by stone pickaxes because im a minute late to the wipe
they keyboard 😂
He misses the most important thing Diet coke
We are rigorous to the body so that it will be good to the mind.
I can’t even take small oil with guns and armor without getting wrecked
Damn he stacked I want to be his friend
What about the bathroom
Why am I fat :also me
I can hear the cholesterol in his voice
The only reason he will have to leave is to get another keyboard
We are on day 3 and we already have a full rivalry
1st day sucks bro
see, I don’t play Rust. I have no idea why this is in my feed, but when I see the words “Wipe Day”.
The first thing that comes to mind is that Rust players are so dedicated to their game that they have a specific day where they wipe their ass because they’re too busy raiding or whatever you do in that game to bother getting up to shit
248575 hours rust player starter kit
And I still get raided as soon as I walk towards the bathroom.
I once played rust for so long that when I eventually blinked it was ingrained into my eyelids
This is wrong the setup is made on the bathroom gaming battle station equipped with 5 large refrigerators. 7 big bins of candy and junkfood. And everything is water proof so you turn off your camera and shower while playing.
Pros: everything.
Cons: nothing.
man has the whole army arsenal
What Peter doing
What happened to this guy?? He was all over the internet and then suddenly just disappeared… did he die or something?
Bro how did you perfect the discord mod build… i thought it was a legend
Doing that every say
It’s me
This is so true LMFAO
Blazed be like
It’s cartman from the WOW south park episode!
:After 30 mins playing wipe
“Aight ya’ll, I’ll be back on when ya’ll get the base built”
You need a few joints along with that list brother
Correction: every rust hacker on wipe day
Les français liké
😂 bruh
this is soo true
You forgot adult diapers my man. Hehehe
How all rust player look
I remember this guy, francis something, great guy
And i got numa numa yea!
Bro this is sad
C’mon man, some of us still eat clean and work out as well.
The extra keyboard part may be realistic though.
Spoonkid face revel? Kinda makes sense tbh😂
You damn right 😂
A gamer hibernation is packed by this guy .wow great choices
Bro had an extra keyboard 💀
The only thing he’s not smashing is a woman
no what he means a cupple mins som people gets it mixed up
bro is vibing hes raiding all day
Pov: you live in a zerg and you brag with vending machines
Then u rage quit because of all the INVALIDS!!!
Literally me in 2018…
Almost all of us are fat fucks and do that on wipe day
i think he good for couple of months without anything exept water.
He’s got the man dew bottle as a portable pisser as well 😂
Come play ark with me
This probably the guy that keeps killing me.
All jokes aside this man’s living
Good god
Well hope he is sitting in his bathroom ( and he is not ) because he forgot about bathroom trips…not to mention sleep.
big groups be like:
…. Bruh
For a couple of WHAT
Bro is prepared for the apocalypse 💀
Вот это поросенок, меньше чипсы жри займись собой
close your eyes and listen, this sounds like @welyn hahahaha
I am 100% sending this to my duo💀
Lol that’s funny af 😂
I was so ready for hom to say i have pringles i have pringles and more pringles.
Wipe day. Hell of a day.
Me and the boys😂
i feel the spit from his mouth while he talkes
Me playin wot
He’s talking about in game days
a couple of days no way
He looks like the hacker in The Sword Of A Thousand Truths episode on South Park.
notice how he didn’t say water
I only live off the nutter in my mouth
He good for a few days can’t progress 30 mins in says “imma hop off”
Where’s my mountain Dew. Love this guy
Relatable 😂😂😂
I’m thirsty now
Sounds about right😂
“In case I have to smash a couple” that’s so accurate 😂
Me as an adult man be like:
we’ll find him deceased laying on a broken monitor.
Couple days more like 30 minutes
Every discord admin ever ☠️
Bro has the mountain Do0OOoooO0oO
Big people with lisps like this make me think the fat is block their tongue as well.
Well what if you have to go to the bathroom what is your solution for that?
“I have an extra keyboard in case I have to smash a couple” 💀💀
Is this man still alive?
I’m always late to wipe 🙁
Assume your sitting on your *hit bucket.
Best video on YouTube till this day fr🙌🏼🔥😂
I swear he got all that but it he gone before he load in.. I be looking for a movie for 32 minutes then but he time half the previews go through I finish my whole meal and drink and gotta go make a snack for the first 5m of the actual movie 😂😂
under a week into wipe a base had HQM quarry walled off with stone high externals and also had 9 windmills 5 auto turrets on 8 of them and 7 on 1 like that is the definition of absolutely no life
is that peter😮
Fr fr
Sadly me
I do indeed do this
Bro looks like Peter griffin🤣 and what’s up with the Mountain Dew pringles XDD
Bro was ready what a G
Peter Griffin if he was a gamer
Was this man for real?
Anything to justify the 40 dollars i spent on this shit show
Missing poop bucket
Better call fancy orb with his boys
A couple of days
That man is literally the goat a few of you might be too young to know that 😂
For real bruh
I mean.. he’s not wrong
Discord mods
All that ain’t gonna last my man a day💀
This is literally me on wipe day, I will not leave my Xbox until I have a base down
Rust hub in black and orange😂
iM never ready 🙁 i will never find my teammates
Fucking ong
Why is it that discord mods sound almost exactly alike?
O my thus is true
Couple days?? Hahaha
Please tell me the original 🙏🙏🙏
Ayo Peter griffin escaped his matrix and entered ours 😂
Whole ass keyboard lol
Yoooo what’s caprisun doing with those pouches and why did it take so long to lose the straw
i got a heart attack
I don’t know why but his voice is just entertaining
Why is this so true 😂
This is not healthy
His diet for a couple days 🤣😜
Lol hackers
“I got some moun’ doo!”
Naw…that fatcat would have known that he only had one day
As a rust gamer this is accurate.
It’s better to hop on after the smoke settles
Hey man don’t let the haters get to you I used to be a memer and my acc got deleted I have 1.55k on youtube keep it up
My team is like this. I am the only one that touches grass
I don’t play rust but what is wipe day?
Mountain duuwwwww
Most frustrating thing about this was the way he pronounced Capri Sun
no pickles?
Bros living the life😂😂
Bro I fried my pc waiting in rustoriora queue
You forgot to mention High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Obesity…and im not hating on you
Lol The extra keyboard is 🤌🏾” ….. u got to really know yourself to do that 😭😂
I am ready to return too 😁😂
Lmao. That’s me today. Lmao
I love america😂❤
avg us gamer
“I got Pringle’s and I got Pringle’s”💀
And we wonder at the state of this country 😢
Yo it’s real life peater griffin
Bro had to buy the whole tire store for real😂
mostly accurate
checks out
Yes sir all nighters
Yo it’s petah
I’m 150 lbs and eat the popcorn and candy at a movie before it starts
WTF who are you😂
The life lol
literally me
Bruh said “had Capri Sun”lol
Eats it all while waiting for the 200 player queue
That is legit me lol
Bro said a couple of days, more like a couple of minutes 🤣🤣
In reality rust players are jacked though
This is the type of guy who raids a solo then says they own the server 😂😂
I need context, what is wipe day?
Peter Griffin?
I got Moutan newwww
Yeah thats me i gonna work today at 5:00am it’s almost 3:am I can’t go to sleep until I feel my base won’t get raid it when i be off
I really expected him to list Pringles a third time
Cartman head ahhh
He sounds cool to play with
And then in a blink of an eye it’s all gone.
Its the extra keyboard for me
Gotta go get them comps
Hes Good, Sweet !
Rust players have ZERO social life and it’s sad
Although that is very true most rust players are surprisingly slim!! Probably cuz if we go to eat or drink we get off lined instantly o we just starve ourselves
Very Euphoric
The diet MT got me
This man definitely pees sprite
Wasn’t this originally when Diablo 3 was coming out?😊
What a noob, he doesn’t have a shit bucket.
Bro looks like Peter Griffins step brother.
if he had a job, no kids, pay his bills n his mom bills, I really don’t care. whatever makes this man happy and respectful, he could do whatever he wish with his life otherwise it’s just sad.
willjum would like to talk with you
This guy wouldn’t be a discord mod
Bro i suck that up is 2.34 secods
😂why lmao haha
They used the pigs wrong, they should’ve used them like horses and while riding them they should’ve used giant hammers
“Sum mountain dooo”
the guy looks so peaceful what’s his utube/twitch
He is a comedic genius lol I used to watch his rage videos.
The most healthy rust player
Na that’s the rust admins starting their day 💀🤣
This is my favorite man on the world
Not judging but people should really consider their life choices and future.
Retention weight sayes he has a year give or take
Forgot the milk jug to piss in
U forgot atomic heart mommys
yup rust the second your head hits the pillow someone is raiding you
I just started playing rust 😭 (console edition 🗿)
Yeah I’m ready, until I load up…on the beach..with my trusty rock
What my gf think when I say I’m a gamer
Bro is so ready
This man looks like he never leaves…
This generation is gonna be the end of humanity
Bro you know its bad when your a$$ starts straining from sitting to long
Bro sucked the life force out if that juice box
What’s the guy in the video YouTube?
Ultimate Virgin
I was say to myself imma get on as soon as servers wipe but then I end up getting on at like 10pm starting my wipe
Not rust, genshin impact enjoyers
Bro got the gamer survival kit for just $50 or less
I mean, he IS ready ngl
Second keyboard got me laughing so hard some how
AnY console players wanna join a zerg let me know
So true
He seems genuinely happy with life
Discord mod survival kit
Must be peter griffin playing rust
This is hilarious. Lol love him.
What happened to this man is he still alive and making content
My man said “a couple days” my boi you mean a couple seconds you done slammed 6 donuts big fella relax 😂
But do you got bitches?
Terribly accurate, as a daily rust player i can say this is real. 😭
There’s no point in wipe day for me I just die instantly
“I had caprisun” I felt that line 😂😂
this be so true tho
This is 90% of rust player base
I absolutely love the extra keyboard
As a 135lb rust player your not wrong some base’s look like they took a few days to complete makes ya wonder if they touch grass 😂
Bro is living the life
U have to have the mountin dew
Не жиза .
Peter griffin
sounds ab right except the crippleing amount of alcohol and weed🤣🤣🤣
hhhhhhh wtf
I just want to apologize to the world for my first wipe😂😂😂😂
Not me booking 2 days off on wipe lol
Peter Griffin is becoming a gamer
Living his best life. As long as he’s happy wo cares
Why do I fuckin love this guy👌🏾❤️❤️🤣
Roof top campers pov
Don’t forgot the bottle to piss in. Because we never get up from out chair
Rhe only thing i agree with is the mtn dew and the extra keyboard your never ready enough is rust
If Peter Griffin played rust
At least he sounds happy😂
It is
Killed after leaving bandit and alt f4
extra keyboard had me 😂😂😂
Every wipe I always get a sudden boost in motivation to play Rust thinking I’ll have a jolly good time, then after a few hours I suddenly remember that its Rust.
Dead ass me tonight like no bullshit 💀
He forget water
He forgot to mention the toilet he installed instead of a chair
Can confirm as a rust player
Didn’t know Peter was a gamer.
Bro got the Peter griffin drip
You forgot the list of new slurs they learned last wipe
Bro looks like Peter Griffing
Regular mountain dew was just too sugary…
He’s so innocent wth I wish nothing but happiness on this man
It’s Flesson 19
At first i thought hes a discord mod 💀🗿💀🥵
That’s cod and fortnite players
Rust or ark
Wipe day is day to wipe ur ass after shitting on the chair not standing up
The keyboard one is Fr.
I can relate
Accurate but missine pee bottles or a 5 gallon poop can
What’s wipe day (just started rust)
I got my water bottle and controller
whats why world need war…
Should have added in some anti depressant pills as well
Devolution at work.
Absolutely morbidly disgusting not the slightest bit funny. Clearly his audience is 12 and under
Peter Griffin is on Rust, my bois things are gonna get Chaotic xD
This is francis. RiP buddy. Hasent been seen since boogie2988’s teeth where fixed.
he really really ready 😂😂
Animosity?? You mean boogie/Francis? Man didn’t make the video he made the caption, it’s like 1% of the effort.
This elephant has syrup running in his vains…
Bro i play rust but like😂😂😂
Und Diabetes
This is wholesome
I fucking love this guy ” WHERES MY MOUNTAIN DEWWW “
An average American.
Got diabetes, got heart disease, got Vaticus Veins
Escape from tarcov
Extra Keyboard 😂
eating all of it before asset warmup is over
That guy got really fit and looks so much healthier
This is actually how I imagine all Rust players to look like
“For a couple days” 💀💀💀
Proceeds to eat it all before he gets past the rust loading screen
The sad part of this is that its fucking true man they be on for 18 hrs sleep then another 18hrs
I low key feel this lol
Real Rust players on wipe day No sleep and no eat
He don’t need to eat for a couple weeks 😂
Days? That will last me hours
How disgusting a human being can be, even joking about something funny it is still disgusting.
We’re all set for a year playing Rust let’s goooo
I had a comparison😂
The keyboard 🤣
I was really hoping it was just going to be “and I’ve got pringles” over and over for a minute
I really want to love Rust. I’ve owned it for 4 years. I have 100 hours.
But I have only played solo. It’s such a brutal game. I spend the entire time anxiously collecting scrap or anxiously mining and departing on my base.
The only enjoyment is the relief.
And invariably some better players with gear show up, raid yourself base cause they’re just raising everything with 3-5 grids of their base, and you have to basically start over.
I’m sure it’s fun with a group, but my friends never bought it.
True story
What abt an extra controller
so true
I miss old boogie
Not enough Adderall
man forgor about a spare monitor
Bro this was targeted😂
This is the guy who offlines you on day 1 of the wipe
as a rust player, this is 100% accurate
You ain’t wrong
No bathroom breaks?
One of the many YouTube legends!! Take me back 😭
The way he said mt dew😂
he also got the diabetes
This is how I imagine dinkbot to be like 😂😂
Peter Griffin?
Immediately cuts to him going absolutely ballistic on his desk cause he logged in the next day to be offlined.
As a experienced rust player I can say this is not true
Bro is living the fucking life just missing some weed
Also a discord mod tbh
How tf does he have the money to pay for anything if all he does is game all day
He never said his raid bucket,.. You gotta have a raid bucket for bathroom breaks
atleast he got that capri suuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnn
Has an extra keyboard in case he needs to “smathsh” a couple
This makes me so depressed
get outside
I also always take my Swedish snack noggers
What a legend 🤣is that food for 3 weeks ?
Revolting human..we all work and create so creatures like him can ferment infront of computers
So true
Bro get outside and interact with real people
I got Pringles and I got Pringles. Lol
The tuna is the most important part, can’t start a fresh wipe if I don’t have a can of tuna I’m munching on 😅😅
That’s not enough food man😂
He needs air , to go out side , the exercise, stop being fat and I think hrs ready
I miss the old kanye, rip mtn dew man
Rust mains are a great example of what you don’t want to be
Pretentious overweight losers who think because they beat you in a video game they are winning at life
POV : virgin
someone please make an edit of him just saying pringles everytime he says an item
Me be like, where’s the water
why is this soo true
When boogie was cool.
I hope we figure out a way to make sure not even one human is left behind like this.
Is this the same guy who made the video of himself trying to eat a burger and his cat was fighting him for it? The cat won btw😂 if so please make more videos with that cat 🤣
1,000 comment
Credits to me? Lol
It’s a game not a lifestyle bros
Love this guy
I got extra keyboard 🤣
90% of america
Man, Welyn really let himself go
I got pringles and I got pringles
“And I got diabetes and heart disease”
Horrible human
How you gon have everything but water
Yo don’t diss on the homie francis
This is sad he has absolutely no one and nothing to live for
He’s been there a while
Gaming god Peter Griffin
Man thats me😅
We love boogie
Ayyyyyy he go the maontin doooooo yeeeeeees
Fuck man not Steven Seagal he was a great guy I think he finally figured out aikido doesn’t work…
I mean, he just prepped. That’s what I do when I play The between lands mod (Minecraft mod for 1.12)
Hahaha I wish I could live at my moms house ..
As a man, this is an embarrassment to our gender. I blame his father.😞
The only thing he doesn’t have is a neck
Diet Mtn Dew?
Couple days? More like a couple hrs to a hr and way he says mountain dew
He missed the most important item if he’s not leaving that spot for days… a bucket…
Bro has diapers 💀
Need water
Not even water?
He forgot his Diabetes
I felt my childhood self in this.. ‘90s kids will know what I mean.
Need to watch this
Man has prioritys
Where’s the diapers?
that is deffrently some gamers when World Of Warcraft came out 😛
Boogie used to be so awesome..
Whats his channel i used to watch him a few years ago😂🥹
Discord admin is more accurate.
Bro…bro… where the weed at???
Lol…he got up in a hour…
Jokes on us. these kind of guys are actually happy. they don’t have a care in the world, just doing what they love with no regard for what others think. I’m almost jealous
😂i think am ready
Is this guy still alive? He used to be a viral creator for a little while.
How about a diet and exercise plan?
Where’s your poop bucket?
I hope y’all know that this is satire it was a guy playing a yt persona like 5 years ago
And Diabetes ffs
Anyone else is or this just me what is he actually playing or am I dumb
So true
Why are ark players so more simple than these peasants
True coming from rust player
Looks like this guy needs Andrew Tate in his life
Lol bro has a extra key board lol
Fucck I need to prepare:0
and yall aint even know…
A man who knows what he wants
This reminds me when the boys in South Park started their World of Warcraft binge n literally shat where they sat 😂😂😂
Mountain Dew😄… Let me smell your breath. Hilarious
Also dayZ players on wipe fosho💀🤣
Hit the gym
Lmao thats so damn funny
I’d kill myself if that was me….. imagine being a man and never experiencing what that feels like… to be strong. To have a warrior spirit… to be an alpha male…. To serve and protect…. To be the person your family relies on…. Dam this is so sad
This reminds me of that South Park episode, “Mom, mom bathroom.”
So true
man i miss this boogie, this is the one i choose to remember
Rust is where fate is decided.
This is just disgusting
Love how it’s diet Mountain Dew
it’s fucking sad tbh
I a little flabby don’t mistake me for your daddy cuz when I pull up I’m tha caddie I’ma show off that baddie. They used to call me a little raddie, pent up anger and a little bit of Saddie.don’t mistake me for ya laddie bc I’ll wreck that thought like a guy with a hattie. -Eminem approved🎉
I got everything I need here, including Diabetes!!!
For that dude to not leave that computer desk for a couple of days There would have to be a lot more food than that😂 Just saying look at him
Every key board warrior looks like this dude no lie
this is definitely a guy
Hope to get well soon brother.
He’s an idiot
The extra keyboard lost me💀
Cut the bread and fried chips and drink water you’d lose like 100-200 pounds fast af brother
You’ll be dead by 40
“I’m case I have to smash a few” I think you need a new hobby
Reminds me of the episode of southpark when they get fat asf playing World of Warcraft
Where’s Lois?
He looks like the breaking benches meme
I’ve got my mail being held at the post office. I’ve got my calls forwarded to the answering service….
Yo the lisp is fuckin me up right now 😂
He’s got everything except a neck
The damn keyboard extra got me geeking😂😂😂
See kids this is what we had before nick avocado
true.. true.
Bro should leave the house for a week and just go walk.
Always bring back up Pringles
Francis was never funny
This is gross
Forgot about the bucket under the chair
Dude I’m dead 🤣
Same with Arch players
Only ogs remember his mountain-dew 🗿
I remember playing rust
For one day before getting a refund
This reminds me of Cartman when they were playing World of Warcraft
Me but i eat it all before my games loaded up
I lost it at the keyboard
Damn I remember Francis
Rip to that capri sun
Seeing this video pop up on my feed gave me flashbacks of the kinda videos I watched as a kid. Good times man.
And yet I’m the one with high blood pressure and diabetes fuck how is this fair
man those were the days spending 38 hours wipe progression with your group you and the one other guy who just grinds the shit out of it
He acts like he just hit all of the nutritional categories for sustenance 😂
Facts tht me lmao
how do you get this fat?
This is sad and disgusting.
the key borad…it’s real…he must have crazy steam points…lol…nutterbutters…lol
Gross how do people call this living
Touch grass
Pringleshhh, nutter buttershhh🤣
Diet mountain dew, like that’s gonna make a difference
Is this Wings cousin…
Real life Peter Griffin
Your missing the portable toilet bro.
Guys let’s be real. Does this not sound like a good night?
Is this guy dead?
We’ve all been there! 🤣🤷🏻♂️👊🏼✌🏼
Jesus christ …don’t be mad when we call you fat..you prove we have every right 🤦
you guys need to stop supporting this man, he’s seriously mentally fucked and physically c’mon guys.
It’s the hard truth, worst part is I have 3k hours and am still a roleplayer lol
Now THAT is a warrior son, combat lisp and all 💯💪🧨😎
Real cartman
yes I can say this is me 😆 just not plus size and kinda fit I play rust in my free time
I’m jealous my man is set up fr 🔥
“Sssssllllhh I got diabetes”
I’m sorry
I think I got obesity in this video
I don’t have to leave the computer for a few days! * eats all snacks before he loads onto the game…
I got pringles and i got pringles😂😂😂
Boi needs a gym not rust
lol this guy loves mt dew
eric Cartman all grown up
Men’s really said he got the extra keyboard in case he has to smash one
The only thing he’s missing is exercise
What was this guys channel name again anyone remember I wonder if he still uploads XD
He’s ready to crush shit!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 love it
It be like that sometimes
You sound like RenegadeAwesome
What about bubble bath
He’s so fat that the headphones could snap mid game play
Wait do we have any Pringles?
What a loser
Am I a terrible person for immediately thinking of the WOW episode from South Park 😅
This man hasn’t seen his Johnson in 20 years
This is what has become of the men in our country. Shameful.
Bro also has a side of of diabetes
I miss you Francis.
🤮 go walk
Me the first week of having a pc 💀💀💀 and every week after that
Not the tuna, please
Hoe about some water fatboy
Lol I remember these days 😂 good times
Imagine Andrew Tate watching this video…
Mad to see boogie now how much he’s changed
Has diet mtn dew…but is in need of a diet
His channel is boogie2988
This is kinda sad to watch
This guy needs Dr Mark Steinberg
Fucking just disgusting lol looking like the guy on the world of Warcraft episode of South Park
This reminds me of the world of Warcraft episode of South Park, classic.
Hes giving the sugar already in my blood, diabetes itself!!!
I laughed till I pee’d
Atleast he got name brand diet mountain dew this time. Big come up from mountain thunder days.
No bucket to shit in?
A few days lmao Jesus Christ
The only game iv ever taken this seriously. Was battlefield 3. And maybe warzone.
I got pringlez and i got pringlez
Spoke too soon there it is 😂😂😂 where ya been all this time brother.
Dude where’s ya Mountain Dew 😂😂😂😂😂😂
He’s so big he’s got a lisp from it…. sad
Rip Francis
how bout your adult diapers??
more like cardiac arrest day
Making gamers look bad since birth
wipe day ????
Ха жиза
Skyrim map the keyboards tho!!!
I think your missing the toilet
Call me wrong for this video making me nauseous but it did it really f****** did
Mt. Dewww!
He forgot to add he also has a bathroom which the mnt dew bottles doubles as.😊
“mountain DOO”
I GoT sUm mowntan doooow
He forgot he got diabetes
never funny what a stupid channel
He’s gonna die of thirst without that capri sun
😫 wish I could work be stressing rn
Voice actor for sid from ice age???
And u got weight to lose
No self respect.
This is what it’s going to be like when Star Citizen finally releases.😂
Hairy baby
the gangs all here
and I got diabetes…and I got high blood pressure ….and I got a sshhhllluurrr cuz my tongue is even fat
Lol couple days?
A whole other keyboard 💀
Tbh ive watch more people skip out eating playing rust then eating.
When this dude dies of what will undoubtedly be a heart attack it is gonna take like 15 people to carry his casket
The fact that this guys so old on YT that these ppl don’t know who he is makes my 21 year old ass feel so old haha
Peak Male Specimen. Prove me wrong bro!!
Send him to North korea
You know what he left out that he’s got?? Diabetes😂😂😂
That’s what hapiness looks like
Man, OG Francis lol
That’s sad
Ready for a heart attack
How can u not tell it’s empty when u pick it up bruh
OMG I love this dude I haven’t seen him in awhile 😂
Good thing you got diet soda
Me having an epiphany on why the new generation is overweight, out of shape, anti social, and as soft as cotton.
What’s this guys name
It is some BS though They should try extending it… Instead of wiping every two weeks imagine if it was every two months. Whole empires would be able to rise instead of just mere factions.
A little fit to be a rust player but pretty accurate none the less
He’s good. I can’t tell if he serious 🤔
Bro it’s insane how many people don’t know boogie2988. I watched him when I was like 5-7 years old. Way back when he first started doing shit on YouTube.
I wish I had rich weak parents so I could have this life but not as fat
Who taught Peter Griffin how to be a gamer?😂
Man cave sign made me laugh, bro is getting ready for hibernation.
No water?
Man for some one who’s broke and begging their fans for money this fat ass seems to be set
His mouth is drowning with saliva . Hear how he talks
I got Pringles! for SKYRIM
I Got sum mountain doo
I hope a meteor hits this planet
wheres the aftermath of his room being compeltely smashed to pieces
Clan members lol
So….does he have a diaper? Is he planning on stewing in his own filth for days?
No water …. No vegetables…..expected
Bro he’s STAKED
Damn Peter 😮💨
Don’t forget the adult diapers
Bruh the shssshhhhshshsshhshshsshshs
So true he forgot mention the adult diaper I wear when playing. 😢
Isn’t that the numa numa guy?
That’s fr a discord mod
Holy chet whatever happened to this guy it’s been years since I’ve seen his videos
What’s wipe day tho?
I got Pringles and pringles and pringles and Pringles and Pringles and Pringles and Pringles
I’d like to think this is what everyone who raids me in ark looks like
That’s not enough chips though
Isn’t this the same dude that flipped the table in yugioh 😂😂😂😂
Jesus christ
Sounds like Doofy
Good God man
1 nutterbutter from a massive heart attack 😉
This is my issue with universal healthcare
Welcome to Future ….
Heart attacks aren’t fun.
*Starts stream*
5 minutes later….
*Diabetic coma*
This is my life goal. Have a couple days where I’m completely free- that I can dedicate to junk food and video games
Virginity, check
Used to play magic the gathering with him, boogie is a cool guy, very unfortunate with all the things that happened to him
I got diabetes, I got congestive heart failure, I got high blood pressure…
Bro get out and get a life
Diet like that, the only wipe this guy is going to experience is the endless wipe from his ass next BM.
The diet mt dew killed me 😆
Wings of Redemption. This dude is from Myrtle Beach.
I see why you’re so big man you got to stop eating all that sugar it’s killing you.
Eric cartman irl
That looks like the face of American male decay
Americans going to school
Comida got him rip
got everything for a STROKE!
I cannot imagine sitting in front of a computer screen for more than 3 hours playing a video game I just can’t. Smh.
And you got a trip to the hospital cominggg
I’m the 667th comment
God bless this man
No cap
This guy has some content energy
Me when I start playing ark again
as a rust player with 7k hrs i can confirm this is the ritual we do to get on for wipe
How sad
swear LOL lol
Cartman mooooooommmm bed pan
Ey yo lemme getta link to this guy’s death pool pls
This man is prepared with the keyboard smashing like Bruce Banner gets prepared by packing extra pants.
He is the best … u got to love him 🙂 …
Ooohhhh boy the fall our boy had… Sad actually.
God I love Boogie. And so proud to be from the same state as him.
Pringles check, Mountain Dew check, Shit Bucket check, Extra Keyboard check.
Gee, I wonder why he’s 500 pounds.
Okay let’s all be glad hes too busy and won’t be procreating 🤣🤣🤣
For a couple days, he serious, you’ll playing!!!
Bro get some light excersise and and priorities that are more beneficial to your health
Hey look a human paper weight..
God rip to the goat, this old self is sadly dead. This is legendary af though
I knew people stayed on Russ for a few days straight I fucking knew it but what about the bathroom though what y’all do about that I didn’t see a bucket
Burg hb the bathroom tho mf said a couple days
Idt ill need to leave the computer for a couple of days lmao
Platinum ranks in siege be like
Mam he really fucked up his career by not doing this character anymore.
This is sad.. I’m not trying to be mean but I can’t believe people can live like this. No one is happy like this even if they seem like it..
Extra keyboard got me good
What’s this man’s twitch
Do you have a low Cholesterol count though?
That’s the problem with caprisun it always runneth out
Best thing i learned growing up, discipline isnt something that happens to you its a skill tied to every individual person
I got mountain dew so i can piss in the bottle later after i drink it…im ready. 😂
And diabetes
Boogie broke now
I’d like to see Andrew rate react to this😭
Forgot diapers
I rather be gay than fat, And I’m not gay.
Hes gonna die soon
The man cave sign is ironic
Time to go work out
Back when boogie was actually alright
Thought Francis passed away years ago when I was a child. Glad to see he’s doing well.
I even have 911 on speed dial for my heart attack
I dont think I’ll have to leave the computer for a couple of days 🤣🤣
I understand this is just a joke, but people like this really are out there…. some even worse than this and its so sad :/….I’m surprised he didn’t show a big empty milk carton for him to piss in lol
What’s wipe day
I got an extra foot 🦶 if i get diabetes
A couple da… 🤣💀
Tarkov players on wipe day:**
No wonder he’s 600 lbs
I was waiting for “oh I got water”
That chairs gonna smell delightfully crispy
Whatever happened to this gem? I believe his name is Francis
None of that sounds good at all. The cheap children snacks
Everything wrong with Americans
It was my tradition to have 1 sour and 1 chocolate candy on wipe day. But then facepunch made the game for retards
You haven’t got a healthy heart though dude .. I think that might be the most important thing your missing x
Lol this is awesome
The life of an adult virgin 🤣
Got a heart ❤️ attack 💀
Eat healthy bro 😢
Mans said days😂😂😂
Bros tongue gotta weight like 10lbs
Ok now throw all that away except for the tuna and your problems with disappear.
Peter Griffin as a gamer
He has cancer
Jesus bro your in terrible shape at what point should you eat better bro
“My pamper is not full yet”
no way, no coffee? come on xD
You may also have some health complications down the line sir
lmao this is too well done
Discord mods when it’s their first day getting admin
when I used to play ARK
Where is the water.?
Average Playstation player snack
You forgot your gym membership
Diet Mountain Dew because regular is his issue 😂😂😂
That mountain dew bottle also doubles down as the piss bottle
Pov Tarkov Players on wipe week.. 👀
Got my group of 5 boyfriends to play with
Gross 😣🤢🤮🤣
It’s bad when a “person’s” words become slurred in the side of their mouth because the fat is swelling in their jowls.
I wonder about this type of lifeform. Like, when I was 12 I wanted to screw 12 year old girls. At 20, I was into girls the same age as me.
Besides age I liked chick that basically were the same body type as I am. Average. Active, but not obsessed with the gym.
So does this guy find himself craving sex from heavyweights such as himself.
And if not, does that mean when you see him on a date with some other gargantuan that he is just as disgusted by his date as I am.
Are all fat ppl together more or less out of necessity?
I do not know. I have never been able to put myself in the mind of a fatty. They are as foreign to me as the gays are.
Completely baffling.
100% he’s sitting on a sh1t 💩 🪣
Gotta be aint no way you got all that
Miss Francis
Haven’t seen Francis in forever🤣🤣🤣 glad he has his mtn dew
The people who think it’s just another fat person are missing out
“Life Goals”
What made him think this was a funny character?
Bro just chillin
No water that killed me
Francis?? It’s been years man. Back when the ferby thought it was a game but all you wanted was border lands 2. Back when someone drank your Mt.dew in the fridge
Average youtube shorts uploader
Wow player 15 years ago
Your killing it brother!
Dude forgot to check his diper
You shouldn’t be around people because when you have a heart attack (that’s coming), you will fall and kill everyone around you.
Couple days lmao get a mini fridge you’ll never leave
The next time your arguing with a stranger on the internet remember it’s probably this guy
Nah that’s a discord mod
2 liter of coke and a pizza
You got diabeetus and hemorrhoids… 😜
Needs some weightwatchers
Bro need so diet gummies
In case he have to smash 🤣
I can’t believe people like this can actually exist in the world
No, credits to boogie
Everyone capping but you know dead ass it’s these type of guys acting as floor bosses in the wilds.
Hahahaha god damn a couple days
We need andrew tate
he need a swatch
whaaaaaaaaaaatttttttt. isssssssssss thaaaaaaaaaatttttt.
did u drink mwa mountwain dew lemme smell ye bref.
That’s sad as fuck man go work out if you see this
Just the way he said “I got some… Mountain dew!¡”🤣🤣🤣🤣
Francis is a legend! The original rager!
Jesus. Your parents failed you
Bro why that 2 liter soda look like the 20oz one next to him lmao my ninja chill
Don’t forget more fluids and might as well bring you an old coffee can
I gotta extra key board just in case I smash a couple 😆
Dayz* lol
Not leave the house but leave the Computer for a couple of days he says
Extra keyboard in case I rage 💀
This dude should be a million subscribers by now
MOM! Bathroom!
This dude seems nice y’all cold AF
The YouTube poop of this is great
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 tuna!
Rip 🙁
Peak male right there
Spare keyboard incase I smash a few lol 😆
Tell me this man is actually just joking
When I prep for rust. It’s healthy eating/water/and preplanned exercise. Exercise is before and after, not during hehe
Peter Barfin
Two words: cardiac arrest
If I was that big of have more snacks. I can polish that off quick.
Y’all need the Lord And Savior Jesus Christ in your life
Try hard discord admin
He loves that mtn dew
Everything man cave needs
My son plays rust. I can attest this is true.
Bro is going to die on that chair 😕
Only thing he doesn’t have is a sense of worth
The way ma boi said mountain dew😂
I ssthink I’m wedy. I goth pwingals and pwingals
Where’s the water
Colostomy bag, Xanax. you got everything but a shred of dignity…
sounds more like ARK official players before they have to do anything knowing its gonna take days to raise or tame shit or raid a good base
did you drink my Mountain Dew??! LEMME SMELL YOUR BREF!
He also has diabetes
where is his insulin?
Yeah.. spare keyboard very useful
Jokes on you, you gotta get up to go to the bathroom, I don’t.
Pringle and pringles…this may seem redundant but it’s not, you can’t ever just have one flavor or Pringle. at least two, always
Damn Andy aged well
A disgrace…..
Poor guy is probably dead by now
The joy in this man’s heart right now is amazing.
Does he have the insulin?
Rust players are way too dedicated for a game that takes away everything you grind for
Its the wheres my moutain dude guy
This is what I think soup and nezar look like 😂
Bro is living the life
As sad as this is I love buddy. Just by how real is about what he’s about to do for the next few days 😂😂😂🥲
No flaming 🔥 hot Cheetos
No Red bull
No beef jerky
No Lotion n napkins
Only 1 bottle of mountain dew !?
I don’t think I’ll ever leave the computer for a couple of days……… Damn take a damn shower bro
That mans dedication to wipe day is damn hell heroic.
What 80% of gamers in 🇺🇸 look like
Average discord mod on their way to ban you for saying fart
That’s an entity not a human…do not go near him, he is a keter class
I was just wondering what happened to this dude. Been a while since I seen a video with him
Any other rust veterans have flashbacks or that just me?
Got diabetes
Fun things you can do with a pringels can 2 sponges and a glove
He destroyed me with his new keyboard😂😂❤
i could never smash my keyboard
Just need a diaper !! 🤣
escape from tarkov players too🤣💀
Yeah where is the beer whisky and smoke for when your ready to throw your PC out the window.
Жиза че сказать главное ласты не склеить так играть
same 😂
Just got rust and started playing it the game is insanely fun but it’s not something I’d play everyday
He lost so much weight conpared to how he looked 10+ years ago
Why does he give me Peter griffin vibes😂
Uuuugghhh I got another key board in case I eat one..
The average discord mod
Little bro acting like that’ll last him a couple days, he finna finish that in an hour
Bro needs some veggies
Is it just me or is that tye real life Peter Griffin
So true
“Did you drink my Mountain Dew!!! Let me smell your breath!”
Rip boogy
I actually laughed out loud 😂😂😂😂
don’t have a life or a salad
“Extra keyboard in case I smash the other one” 🤣🤣
Just letting you know… this man is on OnlyFans 😂
This guy is truly how set up in life I wanna be. He figured it out I think. Life.
That’s a perfect wipe day
He looks so happu
YOOOOO WHAT THE HELL DUDE. Diabetic coma waiting to happy. That is not good dude
LOL that’s so true though I played rush for a while and that s*** you have to spend your life to play that game
I hope that was a joke
I got uh uh diabetes
Damn bro came prepared tru legend here
This is Fucking disgusting that this is real
His genuine excitement is the best.
Excuse him haha sorry my friend here mean he wont have to leave there for a couple of hours. 😅😂
I play rust but I’m not fat
Rust slander
I wanna go to the gym
Yep this should be normalized. Being a fat waste of space.
Mfer you don’t need none of that u need a treadmill
this made me a lot more angry that I thought it would
Ark players>
The sad truth
The accuracy
Bro u just identified my brother I wondered on how he gained all that weight soon as he got the game
love this so me minus the tuna
So true
That extra keyboard will without a doubt be extremely handy if you play Rustopia US Main…. If you know about SCRAP-N-FAP your a certified OG Rustopia player
Oh wait I also have more pringles
I didn’t know Peter Griffin played video games
That’s so acurate
You need several smaller bottles to remain at your battle station for a short time playing Rust.
Rust players know why.
Peter Griffin
So glad he died
My beginner ass: wow i spent 1 month creating myself a comfortable home, gathered all these ressources and discovered so many new things
Rust: wow cool so you can do that over and over again in this game!
Me: yeah man i mean i can come back tomorrow and proceed on my progress
Me: i can proceed on my progress right?😨
Why have I seen this 100 times before but never to the spare key board that’s some real gamer shiz 😅😅
The keyboard thing I feel. Also got extra one just for the case
When boogie was still Francis
lmao fr
what a sad existence
Sad Americans
That’s boogie lolol I watched so many of his videos
Goes to log in but game keeps crashing cause that’s what Rust does to a lot of players.
Which is why I can’t play Rust even though I want to really bad.. I’ll just be the little solo dude that gets wiped out by either a nolife, a youtuber/streamer or a major clan..
Atleast diet
Fat dudes adorable
Is he getting ready for wipe day or type 2 diabetes?
Cartmen wheres your toilet
He is missing a toilet
So disgusting.
I am so embarrassed. This is me.
What a stereotype.
Don’t forget diabetes you got diabetes too
That’s going to be my friend Dylan soon
Piss bottle
Mango guy 🤣
“For a couple of days..”
Okay I know this one personal that is definitely me whenever wipe day happens
Jealous of you bro
I thought wipe day was the day of the week designated for wiping their ass.
God start think about you eat or you will be dead before youre 40!!
A couple days? Boy that’s 1 hours worth.
I have tried to play but it’s hard to play on Xbox
back when boogie was entertaining and not just some dude that relapsed back into being fat and has to beg for views
we can’t forget the microwave on the floor next to a mini fridge
This guys living right lmfao
All paid for with Gma’s second credit card because he maxed the first one out on Candy Crush 🎃
Hey, I think you should invest in crypto 😉
The sweat survival kit. When that Mt Dew bottle is empty, he’ll urinate in it. 😂😂😂 Moms just a holler away.
Extra keyboard so he can smash something? Brilliant! I’m definitely going to give that a shot. maybe that’ll keep me from punching holes in my wall after I get grubbed by an 11 year old that calls me “the n word”. Cheers everyone!
Bro where’s the daily water at !?
Jeez. He’s got diet mt dew, and extra keyboards…
His missing the “3x Lunchable pack”
Facts. Source: 6600 hours
Peter Griffin
This dude needs a triple bypass
Dude this is francis 2000 holy crap I forgot about this rager
“so I don’t think I’ll be leaving here for a couple days.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 bruh I MISS days like this.
I like the OG Skyrim map on the wall bro all day stay blessed!
Bro skipped the part where he forgot his diapers
His voice is very likable.
What about the bucket for ⚠️💩
Dayz on wipe day : I got my adderall
back before boogie lost his soul
has to restock..
Why is this somewhat wholesome
the guys that get ak in the first 2 hours into the wipe.
hahahaha wipe day
Just make sure you try to jump in a helicocktor asap
he just looks like the average rust player
Ayo wtf did I do don’t give me credit for shit
This is the guy in those old cod lobbies that would just be crunching away on chips, huh? Lmao
Thinks he’s ready then slaps base down just to get raided next day. Rust it kinda happens that way lol 😂
An extra keyboard 😂😂😂
Me on wipe ngl
you can tell a lot of people didn’t grow up watching this guys skits! you missed a golden time on youtube
Good ol Francis
Gotta defib?
Alone in tokyo face reveal
Bro i get ready for wipe day by being late by 2 minutes and just logging off because of the immense amount of people on queue
For some random reason I actually feel bad for him he seems so happy
ahhhh the America dream 🫡🫠
I just got offlined I need his motivation to get back on
Im 100% sending this to the rust discord lol
Now ARK players
my man said “for a couple days”💀
Padre de familia se salió de la animacion
1st vid me
Forgets to farm
The bad thing is….he needs to leave the computer for a couple days….this is why the world thinks 99% of Americans look like this and it’s honestly not something to be proud of
What I’d give to have old boogie…. Or if he could just not be healthier and a cunt
Bros cosplaying peter grifin 💀💀💀
Very true
Nutter butters
If he would of said a 3rd pringles i would of died laughing lol, like the whole video is i got pringle, got pringles, also pringles, oh, and pringles, pringles
Dudes one potato chip away from crushing into a singularity and ending the earth.
Just to wash all that down with a diet Mountain Dew
i think he forgot the diapers
“mom! bathroom!”
You’re not ready
Oh and I have diabetes
Sitting on a toilet, just in case.
rust players never wipe 🤡💀🤡💀🤡💀
“im ready”
*farms stuff for base, builds TC and doors and locks, gets killed before using it*
“im uninstalling this game”
Not gonna lie this is totally me on wipe day
Hows boogey nowadays anyway
That’s why he’s over weight
This guy is a true fucking legend.
Poor guy
That’s me but different food
That fuck only needs water he could stay at the computer for a month and only need to get up for a shower and more wster.
Hey Peter
Why do I get this feeling of wanting to smother him… 😶😶😶
Bro feel sad for that man, even has a lisp..
Nah jit bro ark players don’t even know what sleep is
i bet that dude slaps at every game
Discord mod meetup
This is the funniest shit
You’re forgetting the “wonderful” game called Ark basically the same community
Homie was living his best life
“I got pringles, I got pringles”
I think he has pringles, guys
maan not even a lie
That’s ark
wheres mans shittin tho
Rust players 5mins on server: I can’t take this shit no more
What’s wipe day?
Some mountn dooo😂
Extra keyboard lmao
You forgot the salad
Peter griffins been real quiet since thos dropped.
Dude thinks that diet Mountain Dew is going to help him. 😂
I actually wouldn’t be surprised if his mom is the one that does the shopping for him and had that idea, of course while simultaneously buying every single junk food item available.
God imagine having the cash to replace a keyboard every time you have to smash it I would have a lot more broken keyboards
Rust wipe day be like
2 minutes max
alright just came home from school…. lets see lets see… it’s thursday? aight lets get on rust imma call up my guys real quick
*talking to friends* get on fucking rust we doin oil*
My dude is talking and swallowing his tongue
Discord moderators started doing live streams¿
So wholesome
bro don’t even have water 😂
I wanted him to say pringles again
One tip, don’t drink his mountain dew
You don’t wanna know what happens if you do, trust me
He prepared for keyboard to smash
And hes not dead because???
Francis ready with that oblivion map in the back
Does anyone remember that gaming scene in south park where Cartman calls his mother and craps a bucket.
I love this man
When a discord mod play rust
Cartman moooom mooom
Him: I forgot the salad
That’s the big clans
you forgot your poop pail, eric, how are you going to defecate in your chair without it?
true gamer
He forgot the shit bucket
I got chips, chips, snacks, and a diet mtn dew😭
There is no way this guy is real
Maybe I should do it once. I never stood up all night with the computer. So doing once probably isn’t going to hurt…
Who is ready😅
Bru that will be gone in 10 minutes
That shit would last me 3 hours max
Bros a discord mod😂😂😂
God damn, imagine being so fat it gives you a speech impediment. I would kms if I ever got that big
Bro looks like Peter Griffin
Facts 😅😊❤
Is this the guy who had his PlayStation or Xbox smashed ?
Whos paying The bills lol rust is good but Stopped playing because of time
That was sort of awesome
Dude, go outside.
Yooo wtfff this shits gotta stop
Discord moderators belike:
bro you should see dayz
Gooood’ole Francis
“Couple days” my ass fina be a hour tops be for it all gone
Then you get jumped by a 5 man that got that airdrop. 😂
Appreciate the province of skyrim map in the background
Why do you need all that food?
Willjum when it comes to a recording session 😂
Diet mt dew😂 that’s shit gets me every time😂😂😂😂
fuNny enough I did this last week
Pc rust yea console be GIGA CHADS still tryna play with graphics like Mario game at 1985
What about the poop bucket? Can’t grind rust without the trusty poop bucket. Also don’t mix up the mountain dew with the pee bottle… Won’t make that mistake again
My brother
Also ark players on wipe day
Ah, Fransis… how long its been
I acutaly have spare keyboards because i smash mine sometimes. Fun times.
I think the imminent heart attack is more of a priority. Only good for fertiliser, gluttonous degenerate.
So true
You know peter gonna hit up abandoned
I have an extra keyboard in case i smash😂
No bro. Get up N exercise a a bit after some hours. Dats dangerous dude.
This guy looks so nice
And i got pringles and i got pringles and i got pringles and i got pringles
Me trying to build a base be like:
Proceeds to get offlined anyway
Don’t forget my cigarettes 😂😂😂
General Sam?
So true
i think you forgot 10 keybords
Holy crap! It is “He Who Has No Life” from Make Love Not Warcraft.
For some reason I feel bad
I just play till I get bored honestly
haha your new name is blue
Rust players can easily have a productive / healthy life idk what y’all on 😂
Try a salad bro
This man living life to the fullest.
Ain’t no DAMN way boi AIN’T NO WAY
Didn’t this guy pass away
POV every discord monitor
He forgot the Poop Bucket and the Nut Box
This is one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen in my life it amazes me that this type of monstrosity exists and yet somehow Our race managed to make it to the moon
It blows my mind that these fat people are drinking the worst possible soda like that diet and zero sugar shit is wayyyyyy fucking worse for you
this is real footage btw
And then gets nailed by a snowballer 🤣😂🤣
nobody heard him say “i don’t think i’ll have to leave for a couple minutes”? lmao
Omg this guy is the man👍👍
I can confirm this is true
Where the 🍃
I got sugar, sugar, more sugar, liquid sugar, nutty sugar, and sugar……
As He is currently sitting on his custom-made gaming chair with a built-in toilet and mountain dew bidet so he can keep his hands on his mouse and keys 🤣His F key is set to Flush.
Bro is about to eat all of it before he even hits a tree
This is fire
The last part got me
Gotta be quicker than that buddy
Real rust Veterans don’t have time to eat.
Get a diet lol
Ray Kump?
Bro seconds mans absorbed that caprisun in seconds😧
a person i knew threw his ps controller at his tv lool, wtf dude its just a game…i stopped going round to see him due to his anger issues.
Is boogie2988 still alive?
Lmao can confirm
He also has depends on and a bed pan younna get a treadmill on god
He got the typical gamer with the lisp aka wisp
“I got caprisun…… *slrp*….. i i had caprisun”😂
You are what you eat
Getting his bloodlust ready to be feed
god save the king.
he sounds so excited haha i wish i could find a game that fun to me
rust hub pls do rust console players on wipe
“Mom… Bathroom” ~ Eric T Cartman
So true
mountain dew killed me
“I got some mountain dOOoooo”
Your not wrong though I got rocket raided already on day 2 of wipe
Good thing he got diet Mountain Dew lmao
Lol true
“Did you drink my mountain dew!? Did you drink my mountain dew!? Let me smell your breath *sniff* ooh, you mountain dew drinking bitch!”
“I gowt some moantain deww”
We’re not fat we’re racists
Average rust Player with his set up right here…
1 day i spent to play wipeday to only come up with a 2×2 with zero loot
Me as a rust player and who was up for 52 hours last week without sleep 😮
God I miss this dudes skits
Why is this so true I swear some people just don’t have a life and don’t leave the game
“smasthhh” 💀
Jokes on you my teammate does steroids
it me on rust! just way skinnier
Sitting on bucket with no pants on.
“Don’t have to leave for a couple of days”
Yeah basically
Didn’t know rusthub did a face reveal
This is me except i suck at pvp so im all excited to realistically die for the first 2 hours
Nah fam its 300mg bang energy drinks and no food for 24 hours that base is gettin built and im finding a fuckin AK day 1 😳😳
Life of a gamer peeps
Anyone else saw the man cave sign 🤣
It is so true
‘Keyboard if i need to smash a couple’ that got me
Couple days ?? Lol determined
Ik I play on console and wipe was 3 days ago and someone’s got a full sheet base with 4 layer stone compound
Proceeds to consume all while in the loading screen
Unbelievably accurate
I didnt even eat for 12 hours on one wipe
the best in shape rust player
wipe day party
Fuck I’m ashamed to admit that this was me a year ago when rust as my life, now the year has passed and I’m addicted to fivem
Rust really makes you keep an extra keyboard just in case 😂
As a fellow rust player, I can verify this is true
“I got an extra keyboard incase I have to smash a couple” hahahaha definitely an FPS gamer.
And fat people wonder why there’re fat lmao
Too funny
so true everyfriday hahaha >m<
Good old Francis
I feel this wit my soul 🤣
We All know the friend like this
let’s do this man a favor an take away his tech for 6months.
This is not how POV works
Slurrrrp” I had capris sun but I’m out of it”
He’s going to die in a few years like less then 3
Im guilty of actually doing this one time, no junk food though😂 just water and a whole jar of Nutella with wheat bread
this mans is either a discord mod or a rust roof camper I refuse to accept anything else
Tbh I have Brocken a hundred keyboards over a fucking door camper man
is that peter griffin
Average rust player imo.
Got them nutter butters
Rust on wipeday is pain in the ass
Not even a cap😭
You mean the rust roof campers the rest of us are actually normal
Forgot piss bottles. Cause they don’t leave the computer for days at a time.
Litterally rust players. My mate sleeps with his speakers on Fullbore incase he’s getting raided and he’ll power nap for fucking two hours and the second he hears something he’s up and at em.
The man cave sing bruhhh
He forgot his gamer bucket
Holds up diet mr dew lol
Bruh so true #rustgang
Soo true 😂😂 But the way he said mnt dew
on god
The keyboard killed me 🤣🤣🤣
And i got diabetes
I see why other countries hate America
And then the 300 player que comes along and kills your prep
Discords mod be like