This is why we have wipes 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, Xbox
Rust 🛢 Exploring the New Missile Silo Monument https://youtu.be/y_pZLcwyrMw
This is why servers wipe on a Rust Official server 🛢 Rust PC, PS4, Xbox, PS5 & Xbox Series X.
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► Saga of Server 49:
► Ark SE 🌵 BoiFriendSquad PvP Series:
► Ark 🍖 Primitive+ The Journey :
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► Jade Monkey: https://goo.gl/6UNl7n
► Biolazer: https://goo.gl/b9Cgyf
► Razor Tube: https://goo.gl/dg4HOV
Jade Monkey / BioLazer / Razor Tube
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Console,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4 Pro,Rust Xbox One,Rust Xbox One X,Rust Silo,Rust Missile Silo,Rust Silo Monument,Rust Missile Update,Rust Silo Update,Rust Silo Walkthrough,Rust Silo Preview,Rust Industrial Update,Rust PS4 Industrial Update,Rust Xbox Industrial Update,Rust Console Industrial Update,Rust Console News,Rust PS4 News,Rust Xbox News,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update,Rust Console Edition,Rust PS5
コメント (82)
Rust 🛢 Exploring the New Missile Silo Monument https://youtu.be/y_pZLcwyrMw
I thought rust didt had lore💀
I’m confused
The reason it wipes is because it’s a failed experiment we just go right back to destroying each other we don’t try to recreate
What monument??
the prototype isnt innrust console is it???
The rust and Ark survival evolved are both psychological experiment games they both sold all data to the government before the release of the games for psychological research.
What’s crazy is the fact that everyone always chooses to fight each other, ALWAYS Unless it’s pre planned or something.….. We could have it alllll but people divide up and go to war over scraps
Try help grow my crossplay server: DerpRust – 2x
And the fact that this game is highly addictive
Cool there seems to be some lore for server wipes
That’s awsome
Is it possible to deactivate the warhead’s and prevent the wipe? 😅
My whole life has been a lie 💀
It’s like the vaults in fallout lol
Is it a different console server is it a different type of game but its the same for me i dont get it like for consoles on my side we still gotta keep force wiping every month
i never knew that!
no way you realised the super obvious lore of rust…
Bro we habe same wipes idiot
Bro why isn’t rust conso have all these cool things like modded servers I’m thankful and all but still. This isn’t fair at all..
I think it would be sick instead of a nuke going off and creaming the server, instead i think it would be pretty cool to have like colbats army manualy wipe the entire server with armies of heavies bradleys helies and scientists to completely wipe everything off the map and you can fight cobalt to to make wipe a lil longer but you eventually fail because server needs to wipe 😂😂 idk 🤷♂️ just a cool idea to me lol
Rust is starting to have lore???
It’d be cool if wipes were actually nukes. Instead of the server restarting. A nuke goes off.
Is rust a lost spin off?…
It’s pc
Russian, missiles, Clones ,human , War , Cobalt
Bro never thought rust would have a lore 😂
I’ve noticed this since the day it came out
Is that a 30 day server? I wonder if on a weekly if the countdown smaller
Why do you think outpost and bandit camp exists
Yes and we constantly fail by killing each other 😂😂
Wow lore
Rust is a post apocalyptic world. That’s why there’s radiation at certain monuments. And the main pve enemies are fully suited scientists and tunnel dwellers. 😬 everything we craft is built out of junk.
Maybe if a server goes a whole wipe without PvP or any player deaths something will happen
Times up
what I think is that in rust you cant die you just respawn . the map your on was nuked(that’s why some places have rads) we got exposed and now we just cant fully die. the wide is WIPE.
I just want nvgs 🥺
Thats cool they gave wipes a kind of in game lore reasoning, pretty cool
IA this rust lure
Rust console hahahahahhaha
Holy shit I quit concle rust because there was nothing to do but when I quit there HORSES AMD MINI COPPERS AND SILO??????WTF
I’ve always wondered what is the back story of rust. like why is everything abandone, and why is there scientists i just wanna know what happend.
I thought i had a decent bead on the back story but you just cracked it wide open. Well done. Nice up, thanks. 🍻👍
Wait until the nexus system drops and you can take ferry to a “sister” server.
If that’s the truth the end of the worlds going to be toxic as f lol 😆😆😆
Before I watched this I thought Rust was like a life in 2050 where the world had been left alone for 30 years and the memories of people get reset and the government put like what we know in Rust and wiped our memories
Dawg 1 like for 1 rad bro you c9ming out of that monument with 1.6 k rads
Play rust console wipe with me
Shoot it to Dely wipe
i wish it was easier for them to implement this stuff into console, console just cant handle much compared to pc.
what happens if your there when the clock hits zero?
I wonder what would happen if that count down reached zero 😮
Time for shadowfrax to come out with a new rust lore video😅
mans chilling with 99 key locks 💀
Imagine playing a monthly wipe server 💀
FP made that up along the way and because they’re British
Thats part of the new lore theyre trying to incorporate
Man, ive never felt like i wasted more money than just buying rust.
Damn pc version is crazy
That’s wild
Why are you putting ps4 and box in the caption if the content is incongruent.
Yo @shadowfrax it’s time to update the Backstory 😂
Console rust anything is sacrilege
That’s cool
yeah the experiment turned into god they’re all mentally ill lol
Just to let you know if you play rust. You failed the test within the first play
Its the time till server wipes (works only on some server)
Did you know they are not nuking the game but nuking France
Bruh they better give us some better stuff bro
So you mean there accumulating literal data of what would happen in said circumstances? What would they need that for what a weird experiment
I keep seeing so much cool rust shit then realize its pc only 😢
Countdown til they shut down console rust. 😆
I never noticed the R.U.S.T thing till you pointed it out. That’s crazy
yeah in rust you can see things saying that people are trying to make war a little bit more easy at outpost
The numbers Mason. What do they mean
Is it a countdown until wipe? If so that is pretty cool
Bro stop posting pc content when we get none, your going to make me cry 😭
It’s so obvious of course that’s what it is how have you guys called the so little of the lore in the time that rust has been out and people solved all of arks lore within a couple years