Rust Mobile Just Got Worse
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Rust Mobile (Oxide Survival) had a new update. And somehow my experience was even worse with the entire thing. Terrible.
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
Outro: bbno$ – edamame
Taqs:memeio,mr,mrmemeio,mr memeio,joana,rust,memeo,memio,mobile,edition,console,survival,rust mobile,rust on mobile,survival island,oxide,i spent a week fishing in rust,rust but farming is random,spoonkid,blooprint,rust solo,rust mobile app,worse,terrible,bad,glitch,bug,Rust Mobile Edition is Terrible,RUST ADMIN TROLLING (HALLOWEEN III)
コメント (3187)
the game is still absolutely terrible. sorry jonny.
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Just watch memeio hp going up while getting hit by a hammer at 19:30. Only this says it all about how shit this game is.
Johnny mad cuz bad much?
“Yah, say less” 💅
i trust you
Never waste your time playing sub rust games,lol
Is rust free
Sounds about as unhinged as half of the rust player base
Johnny is probably crying while watching this
I think the “You good in the head champ?” question got answered very detailed.
Johny got what he wanted
the roblox version of rust looks better than this
Ohhhhh yooooooo Johnny from NZ is a tripper. Not all New Zealanders are this crazy I promise
A lot of hackers that’s why I quit
But you were having fun in there😂😂😂
Imagine being better then Last Island Of Survival 😅
Please another rewiew manny uptades has ben made
So I just found out that the little thing on my headphone is a mike
Brooo I swear rust console is better but also what do we expect it’s a mobile game lmao this game ain’t getting better
still better than console
Wasted 5 minutes of my time creep
I think Jonny might be a developer
What In the cheap “7 days to die” mechanics is this
I watched again. “Trust me” this game sucks unwashed ass.
Its been 2 years I think its better maybe I got bored of rust ima see if its better OR not
Nvm its still bad
LOL! Besides the lag, it actually looks pretty fun.
Rust mod for Garrys mod is much better than this shit.
Oxide is terrible 😂
Just is how i imagined Rust back in the 90’s
Oh, that’s not rust that’s oxide island survival
Been playing this game for a month. Can confirm it’s absolute garbage and the playerbase is 80% blatant hackers
For mobile rust its not that bad. All mobile games are like a half ass versions of a orginal
jimbob gigachad
Yu kil my is nat veri nice
just dox him
oh yes hand another “packet” of doritos
Me who plays oxide cause I don’t have a device that can play rust and was just playing it
Rust copied oxide? lol Rust came out in 2013 Oxide came out since 2021 Oxide copied rust
I trust you
Weyln was an absolute cheater in oxide, killed that psy
Memeio not trying to be that guy but l reckon you should try oxide again it has voice chat
Damn Jonny mad yet he plays this game yet he just to broke to buy real game
the game still sucks now like the hammer is smth you need to research and it just sucks
Roblox rust is better than this💀
Trust Me Dude
Can confirm after 2 years, the game is so much better now😂
nah this game sucks the real rust mobile is last island of survival lol
Trust me 😉
You said the game was bad, but to be fair you said it had a “good update.”
Dude the game just got a minor bug fix u gotta try it again, its so much better. If you dont I’ll harass you on social media.
I think i got sick from watching this terrible game lol. Mobile game will try to get you to spend money on every turn lol
Rust bob squarepants
Did you play the front recent ?? i keep running across memeio bags on the ground
Trust me 💯
No chin
how has this game gotten worse?!?!?!
I mean I play oxide BUT oxide IN MY OPINION is Still BAD because of Hackers
the earthquake part got me 🤣🤣🤣
May i question if is it in mobile why is the joystick is not moving when yoy use it
I work as a tow boater love my job
Never heard of “any press is good press”?
He was goading you into “roasting the game again” cuz he probably got a lot of people playing after the first one. And you did it again, I’m sure he appreciates it. (you fucking mong)
trust me
Nice try devs. Your game is still shit.
2 years later and it’s still in ALPHA 😂😂😂😂
People who project all of their own problems live at the bottom of the Internet edgelord barrel.
This game is dirtier than that weirdo’s crackpipe -_-
Oxide is trash. Too many hackers too many bugs…..last island of survival is a better version of this type of game
This game doesnt look that bad, considering all the games that just wanna soak up as much of your money as possible.
I`m gonna eat so many bagel i dodo
It’s rust console guys!
Im disappointed its not a good game but i mignt play it because i always wanted to play rust
Dang even Dead Sea has less salt than this guy
Is this even legal?
Trust me
“This is the best game I’ve ever played”
Me: Playing Rust while watching this
He needs to play some cRUST
Play tribals
SO leggally trust worthy so teust me too
2 years later Johnny is still lurking in the wild. That type of guy should be put on FBI watchlist.
I feel like not only has this “game” a bad case of lags, but also a bad case of cheaters
Man I tried oxide after I watched this and ts absolutely the worst rust rip off I ever played, Rust in mine craft was waaaaay better then oxide 🤣
oxide is trash, a rip off should strive to become a perfect copy, and become a option for those who wanna play rust on the go, but dont have their laptop or a steamdeck 24/7, this game has failed that in multiple ways, its just a disappointment that adds features that make the game worse, and does terribly at adding features that were already in rust
2:04 that is a sad breakfast if that is literal ketchup or barbeque sauce on a sausage
LMAO like this, so that we can get an update about what the loser said about this video!😂😂
why did u make his voice like dat though? oh i see now
i think he likes you lmao
Imagine saying “all you do is sit and play video games” and yet all you do is disappoint your parents and cyber stalk someone just to re review a scheisse game
I Trust you
Send him the demoman laugh taunt multiple times until he stops annoying you
W JHONNY, i came from instagram comments community
Btw if you didn’t know you can turn up the graphic quality and activate mic in the game and the sensitivity so do all of that in the game will actually be a little bit more fun I usually play it all the time you just have to get used to it and the only reason why I play it is because I love rust I never got to play it before but I usually play this game because it makes me feel like I’m playing rust hopefully they will have better updates in the future
Good bye nvm I just realized it was 2 years ago hey buddy go check it out again it’s actually pretty good now 😄
14:20 BeatStars part lol
I’m pretty sure a game called Survival Simulator uses all these exact same assets and stuff.
Iven runescape looks better then this shit
Your funny bro 😂😂😂😂
Fun fact oxide stole assests from a game called survival simulator
I watched this video and decided to try the game out right quick. BRO the game is absolutly horrible. It is constant lag and the playerbase is mainly a bunch of Russians who attack beach spawns on sight.
Me with zero experience playing Rust but watched many videos managed to get a two story 2 x 6 down and a TC put over 24 hours of wood in the TC which I built a lock for as well as locked my door. When I log back on a hour later after doing a run to the landfill and store a hacker had teleported into my base and stole all my basic resources. This game would honestly be not so bad but it is not even playable like wtf kind of devs are these the game servers are taken over by hackers. Might as well burn this thing and shut down the servers. This game is a scam most likely. For anyone who put money into this game I am so sorry you got everything taken by hackers and you honestly should file a lawsuit against this company. How google play allows this trash scam game is beyond me.
Man really things he can steal girls by lying about winning in a dumb f*cking game.
This game should stay as a small scale moblie game enjoyed by it’s community that probably don’t have much access to anything better
Not a game worth harassing a million subscriber youtube channel over.
“shit bread” bro the kinda guy to prefer white bread
Im like, 90% sure a lot of those chats are absolutely not real people
They recently added a new safe zone into the city, if you land your heli into the safezone then log off, log back in fly away then jump off heli you will ge invincible
Fix Ur lisp
trust me
Last time and only time I played I couldn’t use 2 finger input
Catsbit games won’t plan on updating Oxide and it’s prequel.
hey Johnny from new Zealand respond to my comment
no way bro was also playing it via emulator lmaoooo
yo my pc is like 5 years old so ist bit laggy
he brought in the Bible omfg😭
20:00 he was the owner of the game
I shit you not; I’ve got the ad for a similar game while looking at this video 😂😂 last day of survival or smth like that and it seemed has good as oxide 😂😂but what were the odds fr never had any rust like ad before but I get one looking at this video 🙏🙏
The only reason i play oxide is cus i don’t have device to handle rust lol 😂🤣🤣😂😢😢😭
trust you
to be fair its rust,and mobile no less! shouldnt have expected anything less
Try last island
Bro Johnny giving us kiwis bad look
Why he get so mad just eat fush nd chups
Trust you
trust you
Trust me
bro its so bad 💀
Well you`ve done it now! Tied to the progression of this shit show for the rest of your life!!!!!!!!!!! MMMMMMMMUUUUUHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
It word be cool to see you do a zerg❤
on behalf of New Zealand we would like to deport him
How do you play it any tutorials?
me when buildind blocked
moor oxide yes yes
At first I thought, that was a bad move appeasing that toxic, psychopathic stalker and doing another reveiw… but you giving it an even worse review than the first time was funnier. I used to think the console version would be the worst version of Rust that I would ever see, but this one clearly takes the cake.
Ik it’s a setup but this is still funny
Best 4:19 intro bro lol
I don’t have rust but I have oxide
BUILDIND BLOCKED – that’s all that needs to be said.
This game is amazing i want to part 2 i always died in this game but it’s still amazing do part 2 please please please please i’m begging you i’m begging you i’m begging you i will do anything do a part 2 or do a whole serious
Running round ak before the first box goes down, suck a Chadwick!!!!!
Lol facepunch should just sue and get a mobile team to build this game from the ground up as an actual rust mobile game. Tired of these knockoffs that are either garbage like this or tpp lol
R u playing this w a mouse n keyboard…
@14:27 You made Sorry Bro crap himself.
trust me bro
That’s a sad breakfast 🤣
now you should play it but with hacks
Awesome awesome
i found a free game is tribals
Get a Aussie to remake the game trust me it will be better
Just send a pipe bomb to their house I would of done that. 😀
Rust console is shit I can’t get any thing done I’m always surrounded by toxic tryhards
I thought rust console was cursed💀
Johnny LOG
Wtf is this old version there’s a new version btw 4.1 I think it’s better and respect the no PC because they still watching you gamers so respect
trust me
the only good mobile ripoff of rust on mobile that is a actually good is last island of survival, and its a full blown game unlike this absolute shit pile, but its in third person
trust me
Even trident survival from roblox is better💀
If you pull out the middle or right as it’s about to turn into fragments you can essentially duplicate metal
lol seems stable and not bitter at all >.>
Rust is dead you are an Oxide youtuber now
Try it now it got a nig map
trust me
This game looks similar to survival simulator another mobile survival game like rust.The game is made by Catsbit btw.
i have to say the guy asked politely you acted bad the guy also went full a🕳
The guy was right about his food choices they kinda sucked
“The game is so much better” – still has terrible spelling errors like “BUILDIND BLOCKED”
The graphics look fine, it’s way cleaner than Rust. In Rust everything looks so goddamn pixelated
Pls play last island of survival or play trident survival in roblox
1 yr still trash
the start of the video is just great
3:27 I mean… he does kinda have a point there 😬
Imagine how much meat you could put in that mouth
Bro review exiled kingdoms
It’s actually a cool game 👍
trust me chane
for any1 here btw who wanted to play a mobile rust try mission evo aka project evo its not better than rust but it would still be fun to play as a copycat plus its a lot better than doras adventure oxide dogshit game
It is meant as a joke
aint neva seen a game dev with a twitter user’s victim complex 😭😭😭
11:33 ayo what
trust me gang
Brun that guy who was messaging u before would be the kinda guy who would think he is really cool but actually just likes to be fuckin pedow
Oxide isn’t a rust clone, its a minecraft survival.
Bro I actually really like this game cuz I have no PC until I realized it’s unplayable with the amount of hacks people use. They can fly on top of your base, teleport, aimbot, wall clip, it’s literally any hack you can think of is used. Was a good week and met some cool people, can’t deal with the sweaty android hackers though lol
tbh u are hatin a bit 2 much but the game is ass ngl
The game hasn’t gotten bad it’s better it is a 10/10
The only good thing about this game is the “Rust Theme” and nothing more! I wish this game never existed at all.
If one day we have official Rust mobile version it should be way better and also 2D (I’ve seen a community concept image about 2D/2.5D Rust) and it was way better and good looking.
whoever kept msging you is clinically insane and really needs help hes delusional or something legit
Johnny is probably a dev or sth
Soneone doesnt have a life lol jesus dude leave memeio alone and go touch some grass
also heres johnys ip 83.39.038
20:23 he’d enjoy that alot
I played this game, my favorite part was when I deleted it.
Cars and turrets are paid im like wtf i aint spending money on graphics like this
bro had to be a troll
There’s othe mobile rust games that are decint
the start sounded like amithejerk story XD
Make a video on last island of survival on mobile, it’s a pay to win rust clone on a game level
Man I played this game 😭😭😭😭
Try playing last island of survival on mobile
im from new zealand and i hate the game
Trust me
Last Island of Survival is a waaaaaaaay better Rust clone. Their characters are more on the Fortnite side, though. I DEMAND you to play it….. lol
It was fun to watch tho
That is not rust, tahts oxydation
@memeio “last island of survival” is the real rust mobile my bro
“Hey it’s Johnny from New Zealand” cult
Wonder where Johnny is now
Trust me🫱
This johnny is making Me die of cringe fr Bro Really wants to hear memeio say the game is “good” or smth
trust me
Bro you should by happy to have a pc and you can play the real rust game I don’t f***ing have a pc so I have to play thes sh
This game looks like garbage and plays like sh*t.
First off…absolutely enjoy the hell out of your videos..watch them all constantly….after watching this I downloaded this game and your review is dead on. You got further than I did lol. Jonny from NZ must have been the developer…anywho. ty for the fun vids, definitely brings joy in a world for of shit!!
W girlfriend
7:59 thats big rad from legacy
Do another review they added shotty traps
If u not have rust play roblox rust games they are actually real good well most
Sorry bro lol
I try playing that game they have copter, buggy,turret and shotgun trap😂
yea we’ll make fan of this game when it come out of alpha
Wow a can’t believe Jonny had the audacity to ask for another review on this SHIT GAME
11:01 wdym by that?
Trust me
it looks worse than 007 on the Nintendo 64
Edit: you know what that is an insult to that old gem, this is worse or on par with superman the new adventures, I mean can a game look any more lazy.
Note for Johnny:fuck you.-ser
So i helped make this game. Im on an alt account bc i post videos on my main. The guy from NZ is the lead Dev of the project.
Is he trolling or serious or what this conversation is so funny 😂😂😂😂😂
Ps stop working so I have to play the mobile rust
I think the buiding,crafting,UI,model,just a gameplay in general is copied from another game called “survival simulator”by catsbit
Damn bro, and here I thought rust had rough graphics
i can understand games that are actually good like tf2 or payday (about to be the trilogy) but why some random ass mobile game
common jonny L
Its not bad for a mobile game. I would play it if it put more features like rust. maybe if i can talk to other people in game it would be fire?
Everyone saying a dev but i feel like its a troll 😂
Well I mean he did try to come at you in a respectable way at first… You could have at least just been like “nah I don’t want to make another video about it sorry” instead of just leaving the guy on read and just kinda being an asshole
Its Good Game but People don’t know gold games
Jonny why are you giving New Zealand a bad rap bro
The amount I care about rust mobile is shockingly low
trust me
Most level headed Oxide player
[Insert angry comment] because I am no toddler like that guy. Great Video!
way to give nz a bad name “Johnny” , definitely was a tattletale in school..
why the long face?
I’m sure it still a child 😂
Hi but its 1year later i think u such re re review the game (oxide ) agian
Johnny, your taste for video games are absolutely horrible, play MUCK for the sake of gawd
At least it is better than Free Fire 😄😄😄😄
Soo many hackers
Tust me
Crust is better than this
bro wake up and transformed from fan to a demon lmao
Probably a butthurt dev who cant take criticism
“Eh it could be better” Could get him to start screaming shouting and crying
Only true chads make sponsors a chapter in the video
play this game Again 😊
fact about this game: it has updated many times since this video, and guess what?, it is literally impossible to play, because you literally need to RELEASE THE ITEMS TO USE THEM EVEN IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THEM, Besides that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get scraps because LITERALLY EVERYONE IS A HACKER IN THIS GAME, I’M NOT CRYING BECAUSE I’M JUST DIE AND SERIOUSLY, And if you don’t have a hack, you can’t play
As a nz person Johnny is an asshole
Its boring to see but i love to hear you roasting him
What a dumpster fire.
He if Def from twitter 100%
trust me
I can’t unhear dank pods in faceless Aussie audio.
Its New update just see how its now a micro better
More oxide videos so funny😅😂
11:00 ⏸️😂😂😂
Who the hell could take this game seriously lmao
Trust me
Yo I’m from New Zealand
you are a not a nice person
Jonny is angry bc he has no PC and he has no money to play rust LOL
Dude u should try last island of survival
Bros got the most childish ass roasts 2:03 “that’s a sad breakfast”
ayy that story with the bread had me laughing tho, didnt expect that XD
will atleast the game is some what fun for 10 mintues
Nah I’m agree eith him on that sad meal posted at 3.24. eating like the god damn gemerans are flying overhead
Soo… how much harassment do we have to do to get a game reviewed? 😂
Made in untiy
😆.. oh gods
Should have told him to say deck cause he will say dick (deck sounds like dick when u say it with a nz accent)
that exists?!
I would’ve never thought this game came outta NZ, those darn Keewees, what do they think? Are they tryna be China now or what?
All things considered, for a Mobile Game possibly made by a couple of guys on a few beers this isn’t THAT bad.
The netcode looks like asssss though. That should’ve been first priority. And ripping off someones property plus handling critique like that is highly unprofessional to begin with.
To Johnny: you are from the country which did not pick the Lazer kiwi. You do not get to say anything. Now stay quiet.
As a New Zealander we don’t claim Jonny.
game still better than this channels content
you look like you have one of those bass wall thingys unironily
You should try Ark survival evolved.
Honestly, I reckon he’s probably just one of the devs that worked on the game, and he’s insecure.
jonny is the type of guy to think no ones allowed to criticize them…
wouldnt be surprised if its YANDERE DEV BEHIND THAT SCREEN…
the melee is pointless
Should have renamed yourself “Xxx_Oxide_player_xxX” instead of “Jonny from New Zealand”
Trust me
Immediately looks like a real shit version of Rust for ios and Sorry Jon it’s fucking awful lol
that game looks like survival simulator 💀💀💀 damn its trash
Johnny is just mad he can only make a shitty ass game 💀
Nz yeahhh
I want to see Jonny’s reaction to this
trust me
Memeio has a really long face
This game still looks better then “Crust”.
Try the oxide again please
mouth breather
I really hope we hear more from Jonny if he ever responds to this video in specific
when i saw the title i honestly thought he was just playing Rust Console
Ah yes L O G
There is a better mobile rust
Tbh it’s better than rust
11:40 that was my trap base but i removed the furnace to jump in💀💀 (Good old days, also I’m that annoying Blôoprint in the chat)
20:10 A typical example of a typical godmod cheater
trust me
A Roblox rust ripoff is even better than this 💀
that dude is probably a troll lmao everyone got so upset
Its for mobile not PC dumb
Honestly.. That doesn’t seem like rust.. It looks like it’s based off ark… The mobile version… Because… Uh… Yea… Because it just… Is not anything really like rust…. And seems more like the ark mobile…
hoily fuck, that looks TERRIBLE…
Damn Oxide looks like trash #fuckjonny
Sorry about you jaw
you gotta admit thought “johnny” was dedicated to getting that review
As a kiwi. This guy is surely on the gear
This dollar store Rust lmmfao😂😂😂😂
Can’t believe a mobile game dev could be this unhinged 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
trust me
There a mobile version of it…
3:55 him saying “we” confirms it’s the devs
Why didnt Johnny comment? He waited so long
He was trolling the whole time but it was hilarious and got you to do the review. I don’t think the guys even played the game prob just wanted another video
am i supposed to believe that this guy actually listens to his voice messages on instagram lol, i can tell right off the bat this channels for kids
Trust me
oh so you’re name’s james huh? nice to meet you.
i live in australia and theres no earth qaucks, this man is worse then a hobo high on gum leaves coming out of the bush
Mobile games are terrible by definition.
Trust me
What’s funny is this loser who keeps defending this game and says you have a sad life ‘produces’ ‘music’ and it’s some of the worst shit I’ve ever heard
Johnny from a new sea land. A real gigachad right there. He sucks in mini carrots by the sound of his laugh.
Anyone Notice that it says BUILDIND blocked
Thet last guy is chiting
4:08 lol
So johnny won then… gotcha 👍🏻
The best part is seeing someone named blooprint in chat
Jonny seems like a nice person xD Hilariously so.
you need to do a review of tetris !
“Trust me”
It doesn’t look terrible for a low-budget attempt at making a Rust-clone. The saddest part is that they’re literally copying Rust. They could improve their graphics, but it appears they’re working on compatibility mode so that almost all mobile phones could at least run it.
Ahh the end and the “suck my cock johnny”
Perfect 😂
Sorry not memio memeio
Ngl that game is actually kinda cool now
bro cussed him out just because he got a bad review lmao this mf needs to learn not everyone supports you
this game sucks so bad I cant even finish the video
these damn new zealanders gettin worse
Memio how u be finding english servers fr i have hap and chinese
16:48 fr have to get close bc of their trash aim
@20:23 – Thats for you Johnny
Try: last day on earth: survival
Game is trash
Johnny sounds ai generated asf
Trust me
i guess pig = bear now
the game looks like crust
This game caused me so much trauma
Why the long face memio its just a game😂
man this was wild from the first voice message
I played this like once to try it out biggest pile of wank how can this be better than the real game that guys obviously on something
those displates are sick and probably the only sponsor that i would buy lmao
Damm thats real Trash for an nowadays Phone Game and Rust Clone
actually this guy trolling love it🤣
Last island of survival is far better than oxide. It’s on mobile, still full of hackers but if you’re going to talk about mobile rust, play the best version you can find. You wouldn’t showcase the actual rust game by playing a shitty steam knockoff would you?
It is confirmed a sad meal…..
Try playing a good game.
Don’t you want people to sub?
You are lEgAlLy ObLiGaTeD to pin this comment or else. I will come and take your pc and your moldy carpet and all those empty Doritos bags
Oxide is literally my worse experience of mobile survival games
Yo the freaking tree cutting sound is just someone clapping one at a time🎉😂
in real rust you leatraly sqeez shit in corners
Guy was kinda rude ngl
Its actually gotten a lot better over the past year. I think you owe it a re re review.
the video at 4:17 caught me off guard lmao
this game looks horrible
The pig in the begin that killed him did like almost as much damage as in rust console
It’s good to see the sequel to cRust has finally left early access!
Just downloaded and it’s very bad lol.
I hate that i kelp get stuck 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
trust me
That game trash my Boi. Roblox got better fps
Bruh he said
“The bible warns about misleading”
Nah bro not that type of misleading the bible was talking about misleading the *Bible* not some stupid rip-off rust game
It is not terrible for an alpha but it is bad that thy copied rust
can’t belive rust copied this mastrpiece!!!!!!! this is insane rust should be ashamed !!!1!
7:23 that model looks like a malnourished Vladimir Putin
“I’m going to quickly grow my beard back and tell you about today’s sponsor”
*grows 1mm of facial hair*
LMFAO, Johnny can grow a full beard in 2 days.
This Memieo guy has no chance going up against Johnny.
Don’t pick fights against those you cant beat.
As a fellow kiwi I fully back up Johnny, oxide is one of the best mobile games currently out right now. It only has bad reviews because of trolls and people that have past drama with the creators. Oxide is much better than Rust because you can play it on the go whenever you like.
Johnny was in the right.
Johnny is one of the highest ranking Oxide players and is a force to be reckoned with.
Lmao. The dedication.
that clip of the rock climber earned you a subscriber oml that was so funny I actually had to pause the video whist I rolled on the floor laughing. Tysm for the amazing video, I needed an amazing laugh like that
that fucking rock climbing video hahahahaha
13:35 conversation top left lol
Add me my name is honradt
Lmaooo rust mobile, worse than console rust could be done.
the roblox version is literally better
this game will be amazing in 50 years
Ahh your sponsor is using the plant a tree scam you know thise plant a tree do more harm then good
Thats the second person i heard from who lives in NZ. Both are insane. Im scared of NZ
There is a game for rust it’s last island survival
I SAW THAT IN THE OUTRO (I agree with the statement)
What a lovely chap. I’m sure he makes the most out of everyday and spreads smiles everywhere he goes. Totally chill at parties, too. Certainly not the type to drink 8 too many, become plastered beyond repair while screaming for a can to piss in while his dick is caught firmly between the refrigerator and the… car? Honestly, it’s impressive how truly cool your follower is.
Try Last island of survival
He’s handsome bros no homo
oxide sounds like a drug
I know that game
Empty dorito packets all over ya floor
i honestly dont think the beginning is real
who tf is that mental
Johnny probably got a clan base set up
Johnny has made the worlds worst game trash can of a game need to be f1 deleted
Johnny needs a tampon
Bro You should try last island of survival it’s exactly like rust with awesome graphics
trust me
Im sorry but you explain this story like you are the jerk
Memeio made a better game then this in 7 days
Trust me
How hasn’t FacePunch not sued Catsbit for this.
Even rust console is better then this shit
im liking and subscribing but im sorry i cant watch the whole video this is terrible, respect to you for playing this brain damaging game
We want oxide I can’t afford pc😢
i know that bread is beautiful
as a kiwi I can confirm that all kiwis are like this. when we want something we stick to it
this game is actual shit ngl..
What a trash game..
sorry that jonny is giving kiwis a bad name, love u memeio
I can’t stop laughing 😂
Ngl u should try it now😭
What is the game name
Rust really need to make a mobile app
Pleas play island of survival
bro oxide players is 80%hackers
The pve servers are Ight but the others are baddddddd
6:34 that was me lol or everyone does that
im sry but u were right itz terrible
Rust: Dec, 11, 2013 Oxide: Survival Island: Aug, 1, 2021 Oxide copied rust BOOM
not ling it looks slightly better then last time but its garbage dont download it just get pc and play rust
Play this on bluestacks on pc so you can just play it like rust and kill the games community
Trust me
Update news : they didn’t update the doorway discription
what is the game?
How have Facepunch not destroyed this game yet
That is crust
Good job random Dev. I now want to play this game, even less than I did before. Looks like Nintendo 64 aids
I think I’m going to impersonate you now that everyone thinks I’m you 😂
These textrues are allll from a game called surviaval simulater if they are the same dev that makes sense
So now they added new items and stuff so you know johny forbids you to not play this after update O_o
I can guarantee that guy was a dev on that game lol
Last island of survival……is a way better rust game for mobile players
Vid starts at 5:27
I hate that this is better than some games on Mobile
display deez nuts
He was right about the bread though 😂
You are cool you are my favourite YouTuber
I am from no but I whant to be in your Vids I am 10 and I am one of the top students in my class and it would be one of my dreams to be in your vids I whach your vids hopis so yeah 🤪🤪🤪🤪🥺
man grew a beard in that sponsor
ngl u was pretty mean to that guy in the beginning when he just wants you to re review the game
Nah Roblox rust is better XD
Theres anater one
Theres a nater game it likes rust but worse type catsbit you games
I think he’s the developer and he’s tryna get more download by forcing someone to advertise it..
Your the type of people who think there funny, but your just not. 😪
trust me
Lol that guy is a loser
Last Island of Survival is the best alternatvie rust for mobile games!
Ark mobile is better than this 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
trust me
New Zealand gang
Trust me
some random lunatic: THE GAME IS SO MUCH BETTER NOW
literally everyone else: so that was a fucking lie
trust me
just the fact that my name is johnny
😂 i think you hurt the Dev Teams feelings. 100 percent its them. How cringe!
im from nz bro..
That johnny dude from new Zealand saying how he can sue memeio and stuff also this game copying rust
Trust you
He reminds me of a friend that insisted i invested in Dogecoin.
Ist oxide
the food looks ok tbh, the pizza thing looks good
Saw someone tried copying blooprint (infamous rust YouTuber)
trust me
Turns out my suspicion was true. And the same dev made Sandbox 3D, that is a mess, and the first attempt to make a survival game.
Bro I need a pc bro I’m stuck playing this game pls 😭😭
whats the game called on pc
(0..0.0.0..0.00×3 000000000002 repeat) play that on ur keys of the vid cool song I made
Undeadly right🤔
Great game
Looney oh shit lol
20:24 😂😂😂😂😂
Gonna kill Johnny from nz
Yo memeio you should try last island day survive (crap name i know) this rip off is better than rust console no cap XD
Whats his account in Instagram
Too many hackers
play rust coustide
The funniest part about this game is that people just come to you straight in your face and just pull out an axe or a gun and it’s so random just like at 17:39
Filipinos freaking playing this because we cant buy a pc and the real rust thats why we play this hahahha some FILIPINO just name himself blueprint hahahhaha
At 9:30
If you look to the top left of your screen or look in the comment you see blooprint saying Good wtf hahaha
15:48 1HR?!?!?!
Try it now
He said Garry’s mod my life is blessed so is he. he has said of the gods game
Trust me
This game is so fucking ass 😂it’s funny to watch
How close to rust do you want it? Yes
I know this is late.. but I got into the mobile game a few days ago besides lag it was OK but , yes a but.. the hackers run rampant
ngl that food was sad.
“rust copied oxide”
yes and ww1 and ww2 copied enlisted and call of duty
wtf the survival simulator is more good lol
There are so mans sick and strange people who really need help on the internet.. It’s crazy man
Rust oxide lol
i apologize on the behalf of all kiwis
this game sucks
better then cRust
3:20 he’s got a point though, how much did you pay for that?
5:50 for a second there I thought you were playing console Rust. 😂
trust me
jesus christ oldmate needs some help clearly not right in the head xD
I feel like Minecraft is better than this game
I haven’t laughed this hard at a gaming YouTube channel in years 😂 thanks bruv
I mean idk what you said on your last review i kinda agree i played oxide before lol bad experience with it very few graphics and very few fun
THe people in the game you were fighting, most where hacking, the chat told it all.
That dude that messaged is 100% one of the devs for Oxide.
Lmao so it seems he made a shitty game and forced u to review it. I’m watching before the videos is done and I hope u review his game as worse
even mincaft rust is better
Jonny was definitely a dev 💀
Me too
Bro You play. Oxide
Finally, YT algorithm gave me something good! Great video. 🤡👌
Not bad considering they are a much much smaller studio if even a studio and not in their parents house
I bought a displate in 2020 or 2021 and i still have not gotten it
W topper
lost island of survival is the “rust mobile” not this crap
Your game review has helped me deicide never to download this rubbish haha
this game is so trash the highest graphics resolution is 144p
Even if this is a terrible mobile version rip-off of rust, It somehow is better than the console version of rust.
You seem so beta it’s painful.
jonny got held at gunpoint💀
The idea of the game is fantastic, but it plays like a 1st grader playing a recorder for the first time!
thrust me.
Wow the most angry kiwi ever
unless this is a fully free game, it has no justification in any way lmao.
trust me
i’d watch your video but theres some raid shadow legends ads first
Wow, you diss it fans and get crappy. Just ignore him. This video is dumb. Maybe find a positive thing to talk about, or is everything negative? Seems like it on ur channel.
bro check out a mobile game, its a super clone ofrust. i actually played fora year. it has 2 names. Last day rules survival. lios. cant remember the names seriosuly check it out it was pretty devcent. base bulding was crazy bro. if you get time check it out// edit last island of survival. trees disappear when you cut themdown, an it doesnt take nearly as much famring for base building ffs lol. but the difference ithey dont try being a clone of rust. if you decide to get on let me know, i have tons of rare recipes at my disposal for ya. 8x scope, vehicles, bp’s copper bp’s
trust me
Funniest part is, Rust came out far before this crappy game, it looks terrible…
this is worse than joe mama jokes
“you’re a creep get help”
*While he’s constantly dming memeio and forcing him to play the game*
honestly FacePunch should sue this dude lmao
100% near carbon copy of RUST. . . the UI, the items, the added shop items, the menu UI, EVERYTHING was legitimately a carbon copy of rust.
Pretty good game ngl
trust me
It had to been one of the game devs lmao
Oxide basically means rust lol
Ngl, extremely misleading for blaming you for misleading then trying to frame you with bs to do another review. And it’s still an ass game the other second time.
jhonny form nz is an massive L
I DONT trust you with a gun
17:39 Hahahahahahaha
It turns out New Zealand IS just a big loony bin
Mf for real should be in jail, why people like this are even free to walk in the street 💀
Trust me xD
Oxide is the rust plugin tool when creating modded rust servers
that guy rly had some immense fatherless behavior
This game looks so shitty lol😆😆😂😂
That guy who chatted him prob looks like this: 🤓
And his dad looks like this:
so you made a 20 minute ad for his shitty game? amazing
Wow I just start playing this game. And I say it was better when you made this video compared to now. You gotta run around gather scrap just to die to someone full kit w hunting rifle. Not to mention you have to unlock every weapon now shits garbage
Jonny is smoking meth if he thinks this game is good. If he helped develop it then he’s smoking heroin on top of the meth. Hope you see this lil Jonny
Door description:
“Description of door”
Trust me
Casual Johnny W
Lord that game is trash
Mmmmhmhmhmhn that breakfast looks good from an aussie
This… has to be scripted…. right?
giving us an even worse rep
Ngl that dinner was kinda sad looking though. All love man
Seriously for mobile. Ark has a decent survival game and very much like the full version.
To be fair, Rust may have been too complex for that guy.
Trust me
thats amazing. xD
fr its not rust its a random survival mobile game i played it its kinda creepy ngl
johnny giving us kiwis a bad rep
I have met a couple of these shitty mobile gamers as they call themselves none of them can admit that the games are trash
This game kick you automatically after sometime , you’ll lost everything in the bag , just a bad game , not worth a glance
God this is so cringe.
And you bent the knee to that guy?
as a support to the joke of playing this game i give you my like <3
That man trolling hella hard. He is commited
Johnny is one huge degenerate
free fire have better graphic
17:33 this is epic
Memeio lived rent free in his head, especially if johnny went through all this trouble bothering him and going as far to bother his girlfriend just to review a shitty mobile game that’s a Just a clone of rust, point and laugh at Johnny 🫵😂
Not much difference between this and rust on console today.
me hoping he is gonna comment
I know where Jonny lives
A beef between ausie and new zelanders or whatever is called is something
it now has hammers tho
Did you hear for block button 🤣
Nooo why he from my country
Worst game ive seen
Mate this game is so bad its not even funny. That guy who stalked you about it should most likely let a doctor look at his brain if he even got a brain to begin with
this is one of the biggest clowns i’ve seen in a while lmfao
Gets that mad over a fake game 🤣
Play A last island of sürvival
trust me
I lost respect to that game
Garry Newman is older than Garry Oldman
Its not that bad for a mobile alpha tbh
Nah bro those graphics BANGER 😭
Dead @ss sounds like it’s the developer crying cause his game sucks
This game is good and all but I prefer crust
Trust me
hey as someone who plays the game cuz well (no pc 🙁 have to get it myself) its a pretty good substitute for rust
That really is a sad breakfast ngl
What is the game called
You replied that’s your first mistake.
Reason why he say stuff like that he live in trash that’s why and he doesn’t even touch grass
I love how the guy had absolutely no hollow insult left to throw at him so he just insulted his food LMAO
Bro I played its still bad 🤣
4:10 your girlfriend got humor fr fr
Bro I got raided when I played da game
Trust me
Today its still sucks
this mf grew his beard back
Ok ay know game name
Name game
You should try last island of survival I think it’s a way better version of this game
I prefer crust
There is a mobile game called Last Island Survival that is actually really good it’s SO much better than this trash and it’s FREE. I would love to see you try it out.
It is 2022.. Try Oxide again
How are you in a English sever
brooooo you cringe af
W gf
Y’all are so sensitive lmao
Where did you get the Ak that’s in your background I want to know
trust me
You can sue him for harassment
this game Like crust
Bro spent 20 or 40 dollars on rust and he’s playing fake rust for free on his phone 💀 god help me so
Better than crust
When you realize even crust is better
Is anyone else trying to find Jonny in the comments
At this point I think he was just trolling and faking that madness to provoke you 💀
Yup now i have a feeling that this game will get better and better and then turn into real rust mobile
9:43 that’s what she said😔
The game looks like ass cheeks and it seems to play the same
Well you made that look fun🤷🏾♂️
Trust me
is it only me or the characters run like titans from aot
How do you find cloth
Sorry bro is the famous oxide hacker
hi ya its johnny from New Zealand lol
No hate on johnny ( im from new zealand)
This game gonna be in alpha for 10 years 😂
Bros so mad his game didn’t get a good review
Dude you genuinely had moments of excitement and enjoyment but you criticize the fact that you can’t place a furnace a few more centimeters closer to the wall. It’s got an actually active user base. Idk why your review irks me so much but I do feel like it’s a bit uncalled for. I’m also sure a lot of kids who can’t afford rust and are dying to play it are enjoying this mobile knock off.
It’s actually a really good homage to rust, honestly. Yeah it’s not truly functional but if this was designed by a single guy who can’t even type with proper grammar, he’s a savant and that’s noteworthy
trust me
Even rust on roblox is better than this 💀
Its ok. Its had a few more updates but everytime there is an update, theres more and more bugs. My bad and thanks for the review anyway lol. – johnny from new zealand
pov: looking in the comment section to see if johnny commented
jonny needs to be worried about is his goffy ahh haircut
Pure muck uninstall that shit bro
Dude’s got some niice beard growing skills. That was like 2 seconds.
I gotta admit that johnny guy has a point that bread does look pretty shit
So I finally found a way to get a creator’s attention. Thanks
thank you for the review took you long enough James
Trust me
Johnny – says that meme sits at his computer all day
Also Johnny – comments on every new story and picture that meme or his gf posts 😂
You should make an update dude!!!
johny you lunatic lmao I love john
I love how after giving him the hardest time you’re like alright I’ll do it
This game only has one bad thing imo. It’s mobile rust and the only thing bad about it is that everything is ass quality so in truth everything sucks.
can you try Nomad? it’s a pc game like Rust, the graphics are better than oxide at least
Got to try this! Looks like even I could pvp on this 😆
you were wrong the real rust on mobile is not OXIDE but “THE LAST ISLAND SURVIVAL” find out before the next time
I think he baited you into giving his game publicity
People watch anything now a days …. This video recommended to me was absolute TRASH
Trust me
hella hilarious that the dude claims that rust copied this crap when rust came out in 2013
your story seems made up
Trust me
Fkn Mobile gamers
Probs rust legacy devs that made this
ngl but i think jonny is on drugs
Ark mobile is almost the same but better
Around 3000 people still play it daily
Thus guy has to be a troll
trust me that guy is mental
and he’s now won, because this vid has 1.2m views
trust me
There is a another game called Last Island Survival though it has a lot of reviews it’s pretty much like rust you should check it out
trust me
the real question is: how many microtransactions are in that game
Jonny’s parents don’t let him get real rust so I buys the nock off version
Ngl u missed out on a Jesse meme at the start when he started a sentence with “bitch”
That guy was legit explaining himself
Those running animations are the best part about it
That was painful to watch
As a fellow kiwi, we dont condone this sort of abuse. This guy is clearly lost
I know this is an older video, but this is literally an asset flip. There was a Unity asset store template and that’s literally all this is.
When you are so angry because your mum won’t buy you rust, so you build your own..
I lolled so hard lemao
19:27 had my dying hahaha the blank stare robotic bludgeoning
Displate looks dangerous af.. a metal poster, with no frame, just hanging over someones bed, being held up by nothing but glue…
It’s a leather helmet 💀💀💀 that can’t reduce damage
Trust me btw love watching this for help on rust
wait…… ur a women?
Trust me
Yeah this game is trash rust will never be a mobile game no matter how hard idiots like Jonny and the rest of his rip off development team try to copy rust it just won’t happen just like with free fire and pubg. Free fire will stay trash and never be as good as pubg
_”The bible warns about misleading people.”_
Pretty sure God doesn’t give a flying f— about Memeio reviewing or re-reviewing the game. What the hell is his problem?
7:37 it’s just a bunch of 10-year-old kids with no responsibilities in life and with there mom or dad phone eating a mouthful of Cheetos on the couch
Me play oxide
Someone was pretending to be Blooprint in chat around 7:40 lol
Everytime I see a mobile fps game I just wonder “who tf plays these?”
lol try they update they added some new stuff 😂
All I want to say it’s a mobile game and it’s still worst the most mobile games
Honestly that conversation in the beginning was really generous of you. You bothered to actually reply to him and let him know that you just dont want to play. Most other big youtubers would just call the guy an idiot or something
Its a bad game
This game just gave me dementia
I am from NZ and I am extremely sorry that he was being really rude
Just saying if you did play this game it’s very easy to kill someone with a headshot and it only takes one arrow to kill someone face like a few shots to kill a naked with an Aiken a few other shots different weapons I’m not sure it takes one shot with a sniper to kill another dude not really but it takes like 10 shots or something
i dont trust
To be honest with you @memeio. You should’ve known that Is the old version of rust but messed up alil bit
Say this game is terrible again and you’ll see what happens
Games so bad I can’t even watch this video😭
I played this today and it’s still horrible and I will never play it again 💀
The game is ok not great I got into one of their abandoned radiation places and their ammo boxes wouldn’t break :/
This guy messaging him has no life, probably the type of guy who has the nerve TO HIT A WOMAN
This game is the “besttt”game eVeR
It’s kinda horrible still but it’s gotten a bit better
Terrible game
Bro I love the beard part 😂😂 you too funny man but tbh man just want attention
Wow i didn’t know rust console had a phone port 😳
Ok who is copyrighting who bc this is the exact same as a moble game called survival simulator lmao
Gaj too
Also dollar store jordan
Official,oogie,uno etc is my friend lol I haven’t played it idk where they live now
buildind decaying is what it says the devs cant spell
You cant call that a game…. xD, sorry jonny
Why is Blooprint în game chat ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jonny is def not Memeio.
broo why u gotta hate on us kiwis so much 💀
5:27 Note to me, actually gameplay starts here
I hate ripoffs i played them when i was poor and just had a phone that cost 70$ but now i’m done and i can’t take these games no more they are not games they are goop i have nothing more to say thank you for your attention have a nice day
New Zealand does not claim this cancer as a citizen. Tell him to promote his ‘for 10 year olds, filthy iPad screen, mobile game on steaming poo.
Yeah didnt expect this to have a 5 min intro but its funny either way
I’m still on the fence , maybe do another in a year.
“how to lose your sponsor by reviewing shitty games”
this is number 1 fan account i love it
the desync there is rough
I agree with johnny on one thing and only one thing this game is the best game ever created
Johnny is typing…
“trust me bro”
johnny johnny. yes papa. being mean to Memeio. no papa. telling lies. no papa. i dont trust you get out now
It still runs better than on old gen consoles
As a New Zealander, we do not claim this guy
Do last island survival
Last Island of Survival is more like mobile Rust. Still Rust is the real deal. Great video champ <3
Lmao 🤣 now you placating on that huge phallic symbol! Sellout much?
5:27 Start.
That, was fucking awful to watch lol. Amazed you got as far as you did lol. That bloke is mental. Lol
Look like rust at 144p
how do you play this on pc?
Hitreg worse than sea of thieves
Is this console rust?
Waiting for Johnny in the comments
trust me
I agree 🙂👍
The way the guy tries rock climb
Oxide us even mooore better now memeio u should try the new version also those ppl are hackers
Trust me.
BBB be surprised you don’t need it
I just downloaded the game. JHONNY this game is fking awful, why does it take like 40 club hits to kill someone wtf
I have oxide hard to play
buildind blocked
Oxide copied rust
Rust is way better than oxide 😎 to jhohny 😂
I like it
Very real person (not paid actor) at all
Bro turn to Jesus man I be telling y’all he loves u sm man he gave himself up for us and our sins, he paid the fine that we deserved because we broke the law (Ten commandments ) ““For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16) ““
Johnny lucky needs to get some help intensive care
Tell me why the picture of the dog doing the Rock meme was the funniest part
Trust me
its so sad it still has better fps than console
2:15 the way you looked at the camera reminded me of the dog looking at the camera 🤣
As someone from New Zealand , I approve that gamers message on IG 💙
“truths me” lol
This stuff seems a “naa is good enough” chinese knockoff…. They should sue the shit out of them
Ark is better then oxide
This game sucks I’ve test it out too it’s trash mcdogwaterson
i mean this is how rust looked like when it came out so i dont see whats wrong with this game its mobile anyway
Yeah I tried this game it sucks crap! Terrible but that’s what they get for trying to copy the best game I’ve played!
2:23 yo memio you are insane lmao bruh ngl this is my favorite game cause i cant get rust so umm
Bro review the game man its bigger map now and pvp is better less hackers they added buggy and a chopper and u can place marker in map and they added worbench and buleprint please play it man i begg you
Oxide is a fucking dumpster fire at best.
19:30 was a moment of man vs man
It wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t try sooo hard to be rust
What a sad, sad game.
I’m gonna be honest, I lost a tooth watching this. I was laughing so hard my loose tooth popped out😂
this is the best intro i ever seen
Try survival simulator it’s a little bit better than that game
That one.. when i downloaded it the first time it gave me brain damage and haven’t even started it yet..
Bet jonny is 58 with Cheeto stains in every shirt he owns and only owns a phone and has no braincells cuz that game is garbage
4:18 pro that looked like it hurt 🤣 i felt it
did anyone else notice that when he got killed by a pig it said he was killed by a bear
I’m almost half way through this video but I don’t want to watch anymore of this game -> trash-oxide
Imagine if that ‘Johnny’ meet Stimpee 🙃
“I did it! I raided!
takes 5 mins to start
Both of ya seemed pretty toxic. True rust players lul.
hows he playing on keyboard?
I play the game it’s bad
I have played a modded version of RUST called oxide… weird
Are you getting trolled by Trump? LOL LOL LOL
How did he not comment already
Trust me
This game just feels like worse rust legacy lol
I’m assuming facepunch hasn’t sued these unimaginative idiots for blatantly copying because the game is so bad that it makes rust look even better lol.
This guy has the insults equal to a 2nd grader
“Ur breakfast is sad”
“Hahaha bad dinner”
game is pretty okay for being a free mobile version of a $60 game
Johnnys a kiwi top g
Mobile phones from year 2469, beta rust in testing. Memeio friends great, great, ect. Kids be like games shit!
what about the last day on the island?
It got a new update pvp is better and they added buggy an copter
Lol he just ruined any chance of anyone playing it ever again
I want rust bc I’ve been wanting a good survival game but.. 40$!?!? Damn is it worth it bro?
Yeah that just sounded like u trying to be American
3:30 i have to agree with him on that dinner, though… ;P
This game it total bullshit i was liking this game and concept of playing rust on mobile but there just wasn’t too much content also cheaters ruined this game u can’t even log in without getting shot by aimboters if i could i whould give this game 0 out of 5 stars
I played this game and it needs to stop 💀
Looks like pile of shit
The guy who kept killing you was Jonny and he had God mode enabled 😂
Bad bad BAD
rust mobile looks like shit
Bro even ark mobiles graphics are better than this crap
this is pure content i love it <3
that guy is so kind to his daddy youtuber <3
Better than rust
Ngl this is not the worst game ive ever seen.If i was a kid and wanted to play rust but didnt have a pc i would prob play it
Just trust me😂
Do one more please its so good
The game isn’t terrible you just think it’s terrible because you’re angry I slept with your mom
Trust me
Getting log 😆
The player models look like Vladimir Putin
Trash, dumpster fire. Not playing it no way.
what a sad man i hope he gets help
Trust me
Rust mobile sucks cause it’s in mobile, mobile can’t handle high graphics so that’s why the “rust mobile” sucks
johnny needs to be in every video from now on
06:41 “I wish I will die in this cancer thats all my wish”
Mobile is full of hackers.. Ive died by bow while in my 5×5 base 2 story sitting in the center.. Killed me over and over.. Seen me threw walls. They also fly and run speed hacks.. pve is also ruined if just looking to build. Completely walled both farmable areas. Barrals are god mode so are animals. Scrap and clothe almost impossible to get. TRASH game. >.<´´
every 15 sec. this game sucks….. this games awesome😆
This game’s combat is worse than Minecraft.
Everyone touches their self it’s normal if you don’t you’re the real weirdo
Bruh it’s literally ripping off alot of Rust models, couldn’t they get sued? Like that one siege game did?
I’m sorry I couldn’t watch once you started actually playing the game. this game is trash… wth
first time i’ve ever seen a game coded with microsoft paint.
no wonder hot garbage.
So how has this game not been taken down due to copyright? There are obvious things that were ripped straight from rust. The respawn menu, the HUD, the furnaces and even the crates for christ sakes. This Jonny guy must be one of the devs beyond mad that people won’t play this terrible rust copy and thinks your review will make anyone want to actually play this game…
I live in nz
Misinformation alert
Lol the rust style alpha band in the corner
Why copy rust, when rust already exists? I mean, if the graphics blew rust out of the water… oh.. wait.. just noticed it’s a mobile? I think? I thought this was a straight up PC game, that’s just a mushy attempt at rusting. At least I hope it’s only on mobile. If it’s not then I’m gonna sing this song … “brain damage, ever since the day I was born. Drugs what they used to say I was on.”
But this game is quite fun tho no cap
it’s fun but hard and filled with russians
Can you please review it’s a knock off or rust but better than stupid oxide
dude i swear the sims 3 on my fucking wii has better graphics than this game
trust me
is the game any better now?
What a fucking maniac mayne
Rust 12/11/13 or December 11th 2013 oxide like fucking aug 13 2021 that’s all the research I wanted to do before infest my phone with a shitty game and rust copied oxide mate your a developer of the game and most likely a discord mod with his kitten looking like a disgusting bitch rolling around in cholesterol waiting at his computer for a response with you Cheeto dust finger haven shit up his back cardboard box house haven ass no life no job can barely afford Doritos like bro get a life and move on with your shitty mobile game knockoff like is one of those shitty mobile games come true like seriously talkin bout I can’t reach the level pink bro New Zealand is over seen by Australia and probably descendants of Aussie and your shitting on them not really but like bro get yo life in check and to facts straight also Memeio keep up the solid content
So much talking
Johnny was probably a dev for oxide and is trying to get his game more respect
This game is just 99%cheaters 1%legit players
Plot twist: stumper is Johnny
The only thing that would make this masterpiece better is micro transactions
trust you
Bro it got a new version and i swear it’s so good, just try once more please
Trust me in the comments.
dude is obviously a dev for the game and trolled you into making a video for free.
You got fleeced.
Usually people get paid to produce an advertisement
that was sad food
rust + iron oxide red not oxide
Where you get the ak replica from
Just reading through the reviews on this… apparently it’s a year later and there’s still a shit load of bugs… GG angry dev. Also, if you can’t take critique, it may be time to get out of the creative industry…
This game looks like shite!
he’s kinda right tbh
11:11 the tables have turned
*he drunk an invisabilty potion*
trust me
Brutal man lol
At least the animal AI seems better than rust? I know that’s not saying much lol
100% that was one of the developers
Game looks like garbage
Bro play the new versions
Best moment 19:25 🤣🤣🤣
WTF, lol…
We in nz do not want him here that oxide game looks trash and definitely rip offed stuff from rust
It’s a funny premise because Rust itself is pretty janky.
that new zeland johny probbably is a developer of that trash game
14:06, did any see that it said, “Buildind Decaying,” or “Buildind Allowed”?
The Guy needs to get a fucking life
Basically a discord mod
Trust me
Trust me
Bruh this is just low rez rust wtf?
Looked staged but otherwise good
Yes casually an Australian earthquake
rebecca moment
The only thing I can be sure of is that one of these games ripped off the other one.
trust me
2:30 xDDDDDD
I now feel great full for owning rust
It’s a mobile game
That game it shit
The developers will totally take this Video and use it like “reviews:“Best Game ever” – Memeio”
Honestly it seems to me that both sides are toxic here
Old gen console upped their graphics ? Since when ?
I’d be mad if i was associated with that game too. oof.
That’s a mistake
Trust me
trust me
That game is so trash 🤣 imagine being that loser, this is probably the only game he plays lmao.
Tbf bro, this is a mobile game it’s not that shit for being mobile. This is on par with rusts alpha 🤣
they didnt just make rust mobile NO WAY thats garbo
They literally have L.I.O.S “Last Island Of Survival” which is Identical to rust. Aside from diff guns and maps. Look up some game play
Bro, the last update was almost one year ago – did you see that?!
It is verrrrry diff now tho
Johnny from New Zealand is a legend
Bro you do like 1 damage with melee lmao
100% convinced that he’s a dev
So was this guy a dev or something?
Start a reply chain with me:johnny needs help
Lol I remember back in rust legacy days when there were zombies and back then plugins used on the server were called oxide plugins. Haven’t played for ages now. The plugins are probably still called oxide so this other developer ripped of a game and used it’s plugins name lol
Dang johnny you really are an admin to oxide, as you just sit there and try to get people to play a stupid game
lol love me some juicy hate mail
Mom can we get rust, no we have rust at home rust at home
Rust legacy was better than this shit heap of a game.
is terrrrible and full of hackers ,rust original much better to bad is so expensive
there are some people that dont do earth any good
and amongst them…are these people who do not agree
who do not realise that opinions are just opinions
and people just listen to that and react like this as if the person is litreally destroying their life
while they themselves are the lazy couch potatoes that are egotistic as fuck and only care for themselves
and not a single bit of their actions
there are worse
but these are one of the most irritating,stupid,and overall egotistic out of all the people
that dont need to exist anymore
but remember there are worse
and there always will be worse
so dont waste your precious energy on pathetic people like these weaklings here
waste it on the worse
and the worst instead
Sounds like true rust salt …
I believe memio has never played rust legacy
BF2042 Moment
at least bf was playable
still looking better than console rust
Wtf is this game and what kind of sycophant would think it’s any good.
i hope rust sue them, why would you play a ripoff and a lesser crap version and a clone of the OG? atleast innovate and do your own thing, not make the whole thing copy pasted
Are we just Going to ignore the fact somebody has a username blooprint in there look at top left in chat 7:25
What a shitty game that oxide🤣
this game reminds me of meme when you’re mom says we have rust at home
Jonny be mad cuz he still stuck with a nokia
It just updated again,time for another review 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Worst F gamw ever 😂😂😂😂 Doom for ps1 was more accurate then this bs
im sorry he has associated himself with nz, as a fellow kiwi, we do not claim or accept him as one of our own. we also dont find it appropriate to pass him off onto anyone else so yeah, not really sure what to do with him but we dont accept him, maybe that patch in Antarctica???
Cancel Memeio
Trust me
Is the game as toxic as the guy representing it? Cause that’s a bad sign.
Oh you play at blue stacks it is easy on computer
When us call the monument we call it town or factory
Whats the game name 😀
Wait, I thought the memester was Gheey! What’s all this talk about a girlfriend – I literally use that info to make myself look more diverse on YouTube 🤔😂 well good 👍 coz gash is better than tash 🤣
Game is Dogshit
That guy was a t3 troll 🤣
ngl roblox rust is so much better
Play last island of survival
to be fair, you would definitely break a few stone axes trying to chop a tree down. You definitely wouldn’t get any usable lumber either.
I’m disappointed you gave into this. You’ve been played.
So are we all in agreement that we should download it and give it a bad review?
Yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ඞ
Doorway description.
20:23, best part of this game. Pause it right there to enjoy the finest moment of a rust Chinese style bad knock off
tbh the guy was kinda funny
the guy that message you is atting like kid mad kid lol just tell him kid mad just to pissed him off
im 80% sure this is just a fake “look this fan messaged me”
and 20% sure there are people in the world like this…
this is sick
Homie brought the Bible for a review on oxide lmao
Let just say Johnny still didn’t like the review 😏
lol….just lol….so shit
6:48 that’s the foundation of my house, weird…
Oh my God I’m still laughing about that rock wall climb failed I’m trying to find that video online and I can’t find it anywhere if someone has a link I’d appreciate it.
Still better than console rust.
I wish there actually was mobile rust lol
Like I was like why not it could be fun for some 2 hours but when i seen that you can actually see into people bases i was off lol
Johnny mad cu no bitches and he plays on a Iphone 3
What kind od server are you eunning
Pro that game sucks you should try Last Island of survival way better please try it out
Lol the combat is still better then rust console edition
I played the game and the is bad like you said
Ok the today oxide has mics and idk why but not even one soul uses the new mics edit: also the whytf did they put the menu here is the health bar press it you will go to the menu edit 2.0: all the players are russian are you’re severs russian?
in behalf on nz we are gifting Johnny to the USA
This is not mobile rust it’s called last day rules it’s literally so close to a remake of rust please try it and please like so memeio
truust me
For some reason I feel like this is fake. All we got was one voice message and then a bunch of text on the screen. Could all be made up
New update on oxide new update the map is almost the same as rust review the game
New update on oxide new update the map is almost the same as rust
memelo i feel like you just shit on devs when you have no expirence for dev making for bugs and making scripting its very hard you neecd top understand i bet this alone took him a long time
I feel like he was the owner
try last island of survival is the best copy off rust on mobile 🙂
Actually we need rust on mobile, this is just not good enough
Bro rust console is better than this
I found this game and it was not called oxide
bro this game is dried up dog water.
Have you ever played rust legacy? This game si s not so bad actually based only of your review
sounds like he is experiencing some form of psychosis centred around you and this game. he likely needs help
Rust Players: I HATE Invalids!
Oxide player: Do you underestimate my power?
Ark mobil vibes
where do you get that supreme among us plush from?
The movement animation in Mobile Rust is like a bad/lagging minecraft caracter’s animation.
*What they should do:*
*1.* They shoud start fixing the game graphics.
*2.* After that, they should fix the bugs that they find, while they playing/checking youtube videos about mobile rust bugs which not or not that famous people uploaded/checking youtube videos about mobile rust bugs which famous people uploaded/check reviews about bugs and good update ideas.
*3.* They should make the sounds and the sound effects better:
Sound of damaging people, sound of weapons (equiping gun, unequiping gun, shooting with gun, etc.), etc.
*4.* They should fix the texture of the items, they should fix the death animation and fix the death sound (when the player dies).
Man this game does suck 😂
When Minecraft rust is better than your rust copy/clone ….
this dude man… what the fuck
This game is shockingly terrible. 0/10 will never play again. Why play this ripoff when you can just play Rust instead.
Also, Jeff is just another clown living in his own little clown world. 🤡🌎🤡🌎🤡🌎⏰⏰
Trust me
Why do you even talk to this guy lol
But stay that game is good it’s like actually bad he hit that guy to head shot like twice he didn’t die what are these hit boxes
Bruh I was on this server with official and sorry bro
what that outro song
Try vast vast is just like oxide but much better
Jimbob is alpha😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
My name is James and I’m Australian too😎👍
It’s so weird seeing memeio and not buzz lightyear despite him showing his face now for like 3 years
This guy is a psychopath
Trust me
how do I download it in pc lmao
This game sucks
I just tried the game u right even 6 months after this game is dog shit
TBf pizza and a pickle is a Nad breakfast
Play ark mobile
Lol, never seen a toxic (well idk) New Zealander till now.
Eyyyy Johnny boiii,
It really is a sad meal
Last day rules is better
this is the definition of “rent free, delusional, and obsessed.”
Next you should Try Last Island of survival
yo your from the nakeds in rust when you meet jusjam
Why did I go though all the comments looking for Jonnys comments saying na you didn’t review it correctly do it again… your opinion isn’t yours it’s mine 😂😂😂
I can’t believe when memio died by a hog it said he was killed by a bear. Truly development at its finest
Listen kids this the living proof of enough harassment u can get anything
*kills one guy*
Bro I’m a pvp chad
Pls craft armor
Yk wat the developer was being a little bit reasonable at the beginning but towards the end he just gave up on a proper conversation lol.
Oxide updated again, trust me, next update oxide will outdo rust
There was an update and now you have to research building hammer and you still cant repair doors
Trust me
“hope you do, do another video”
Me: haha doo doo
2:04 being honest that does kinda look sad
Rust rip off mobile makes the Xbox version of rust look like a AWESOME triple A game 😂😂
I would love to hear Jonny from New Zealand’s response to this
Bro I went blind for waching this bad graphich
game is so bad it’s funny
xD, this is just great.
i guess this was a real life rust trap.
Your gf is a Chad
who even plays mobile games these days lol
He threw a god dam “Rust copied Oxide” 🤣
Johnny is not good in the head… Definitely
6 months later and the game is still dog water
first time i see your face i can’t see your chin
is this by Face Punch ? or a knock off ?
You’re not wrong memeio. I saw a clip of rust six months ago and wanted to play. But I only have mobile and one of the recommended games was this oxide but it was trash as you said. I played the game for five minutes then deleted it. I found a better one. It’s almost rust but with some tweaks to it. It’s called last island of survival 15 days
Still better than rust console
I have a strong feeling the dude on Insta was one of the Devs
Just full of hackers
sorry man i couldnt see all the video its not you or your content but this game is too bad for gameplay
new update for this game 0.3.5 do it😐💀😐💀😐💀😐💀💀😐💀💀😐💀😐
God awful unoptimized Mobile Game with shitty graphics because the game is so unoptimized they had to remove most of the them to get a playable framerate. Johnny is on drugs or something if he thinks this is a good mobile game.
Whoever made this shit needs to take some Unity Dev courses to learn how to optimize Unity games.
Jonny just is wierd
i dont trust u when u say that
The game is actually good because it is still in alpha and this is not a good video
Even the name is ripped off ffs lmao
U look like Henwy Memeio
its actually pretty good and i met friends, also the new update has a new map and its pretty cool now you should do a new review, but I disagree with johny that rust copied oxide
this guy looks like larry from veggietales no offense
Why i cant make the building Hammer?!
Jonny sounds like a broke boy who can’t afford a PC and is in denial about his trash mobile options.
Trust me
Its on mobile but Memeio plays with mouse and keyboard😂😂
Jesus, memeio went from 18 to 37 4:34
I was the new Zealand guy
Just block him lol
Like 80% sure more than a few of these models are from a roblox rust game called rovive 💀
Said the game released in 2021, how did rust copy oxide?
Why couldn’t you just play the actual audio recording at the beginning?
Im from Newzealand
they have no Anti-cheat because its so easy to hack it lol
Rust copied oxide what?
Did anyone realise the fake online chat?
Bro I downloaded this shit and it won’t even let me join
Ya naw it’s not illegal but it’s a shity thing to do like being racist Of your going to do a video game review and profit off it you should give it a proper and honest review instead of just slandering it even tho it has changed and he just was trying to let you know it has been updated and that review is no longer honest and deserves another look but instead of making another vid about it you decide to be a dick to him and instead even hearing him out you decided your better then him and just troll him so you can make a vid of that instead so you can slander it more even tho it’s Been improved
No pc?💀💀💀
I swear the conversation had to be scripted bro. “Rust copied oxide” 💀bro was so heated I just can’t believe it was real.
Oxide Players Cried When You use AR With Only 15bullet lol AR Is For Rich Ppls also I have A PC but Played Oxide Still Instead Of rust Because if u understand how to Use The control And U know how the game Works u will Get addicted And when you hit someone using HR Then Blood Come out of their body It’s so satisfying <---This is Why Oxide Players loved the game. Also This Is How the Pvp Works Search Kaneki Oxide Survival Russian Guy Playing the game godly.look how long is my comment Wtf
Surprised this game is was still up, since they seemed to just have ripped certain assets and textures
”he liked all his messages” now thats how you know a person is special
You should’ve trolled him by reviewing actual rust
Damn this guy could be amazed in front of bunch of shit ! And he ask so much for a review ? Go play solitary and leave us have real fun in a game that don’t look like morrowind ( elderscoll game ( he probly dont know what a great game but with old graph could look )
I don’t know how much this game costs, but I know I’ll suck at rust, rust seems like it could be fun if I wasn’t going to be shot on sight, even if this game is free I’d still buy rust, even if I was being paid to play this and never play rust I’d still buy rust
This guy is as good as insulting people, as this one guy from Reddit who called me a “gamey gamer” 😂
I can’t help but internally laugh when I think about his garbage attempts at an insult, if I’m ever upset, all I’ll have to think about is those and I’ll be happier in seconds, if anyone wants the other attempts, I’ll gladly go dig for the saved comments.
This game is so bad lol
Oxide is shit tbh
Why that guy worried about what this guy thinks smh
I don’t Plat neither game but only reason I’m here is watching traps that shit funny
Johnny where r u? 😂😂
You look like a chunkier mark Zuckerberg
Most unhinged person from New Zealand
Holy stolen assets
POV : you’re searching for a hate comment from Johnny.
Yo log on US(03) #9 and go to snow we have a huge compaund/village
can anyone tell me why there is many many comments with 1 thousand likes
if this guy did it to me I’d be like i don’t give a frick about the dumb game you want me to play or you
trust me
Did you really keep sending the dog pic? 🤣 Your genuine cheers gotta new sub
We’re no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of
You wouldn’t get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We’ve known each other for so long
Your heart’s been aching but you’re too shy to say it
Inside we both know what’s been going on
We know the game and we’re gonna play it
And if you ask me how I’m feeling
Don’t tell me you’re too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give, never gonna give
(Give you up)
We’ve known each other for so long
Your heart’s been aching but you’re too shy to say it
Inside we both know what’s been going on
We know the game and we’re gonna play it
I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
I love how i found a even better (Still shit) chinese bootleg rust thats somehow in third person)
How to play on pc
ok this sponsor i can deal with
I agree with undeadly
The game is actual trash 😂😂 I even tried it after a friend said “ hey give it A go , it’s just like rust but on mobile “ happy to say I gladly disowned him lol . Game sucks dick , developers need to just delete it and stop being game developers 😂😂😂
trust me
19:26 Oxide pvp at its finest
The game is dogass. So many cheaters in it that its unplayable. Cheaters noclipping into bases and taking everything you spent hours on. The game is still a pos.
Jesus crist we had to wait like halfway through the video just to see the actual game
Trust me
can someone photoshop that dog to look like the rock meme
This game is an abomination to rust and society
Trust Me
If you couldn’t tell from the copied sprites and just general game design… Oxidizing or (oxide) is essentially copper rust so…
Memeio it’s got better now there’s workbenches and scrap now and barrels do another review plz
theres actualy a cooler rust ripoff game in mobile i think it was survival rust i think? the only bad thing is the walls break after 2 hours so you basecly need to NOT sleep it has all
I mean, he was right about the dinner LMAO
How dare you not raid this game a 5/5 this is the best game. You noob. I ma just a fan btw not a developer.
3:24 ok but those were some pretty miserable appetizers
They even copied the name “Oxide” from the Rust mod with the same name. Cancer.
I like how you’re confident enough to show that face of yours 😀
Give it time this game will be hacked seriously.. they all get hacked.
Reading a book would be more fun than playing this game.
Johnny was either a troll or you staged it but the video is still funny af
“I want your wood”
Link pls
Shit gsme
jonny mad cuz he aint got no pc and plays on mobile lol
Russian kids play this bullshit ..the lag makes it better
Games like this are ruining the mobile gaming store….those shitty games shouldnt exist
If u had to be legally qualified to make a game. This dev would need to go back to middle school classes
I’ve watched some of your Vids on 144p and they still got more quality than this game
Can you just do ldrs it’s better then this in my opinion and been around longer
This reminds me of a guy I used to be a part of a pretty big roblox cheat called cattoware (been thru many stages of development and is now discontinued by a guy who goes by the name Spoorloos) now spoorloos and this one guy Jake or Darshan Matal or who we call ayy.jaylan (his discord name) had a shit ton of alts and he hated spoorloos because he cracked his garbage cheat and since i was pretty close to spoorloos one of his friends and a support member for cattoware he decided to go after me on one of his alts this kid also got doxxed before lol thats how i found his name so pretty much every day id just sit there and have a convo with a braindead kiddo mad over a lego brick gaming 9000 cheat and trashtalking ours and saying it was worse and how we copied ehub and how we are nn speds and frequently called me and spoorloos the n word and jake or darshan matal and his 999999999 alts just hated me he wouldnt stop annoying me it was just so annoying he eventually stopped dming me after the cheat was discontinued due to the main dev siper leaving the team and going to work on a new cheat which i am now a part of once again spoorloos is also there going by mickey on his discord account hes a great guy i have some videos on the cheat in my yt channel still
I don’t know about the game, but you are a smug nerd.
Did “johnny” see this already? Did he cry again? We tried looking for him if he commented on here. 🤣
Johnny is a gronk
He had some fun and you cannot deny that..yes it’s not the best polished flawless game but it’s a decent game to get your Rust fix if your in a car or flight and wanna do a tab bit of Rust shit
I’m sure I downloaded this game like a year or two ago..wonder when this first released..I wonder if this was it…
OHHHHHHH My God…This game looks way better then Rust PC..I’m a belieber
trust me
May God have mercy apon you Jonny, but we won’t..
Aussies vs Kiwis in a nutshell
Feel bad for you
Why wasn’t I surprised
The game was so bad that I just skipped to the end of the video.
ayy a fellow new zealander
dude said rust copied me lmao
trust me
Still looks better than console rust
Trust me
“Giving developers a bad name”
Bro have you looked in the mirror?
Jonny, the oxide cultist
dro this game is coping rust
Game is so shitty,like I understand that mobile developers are trying to make good games but sometimes I feel like there is no originality…I saw 3 other same games,litteraly same as this one,on app store…like…I miss the old days when mobile games were acctualy original,like clash of clans and stuff like that
I think oxide would be better if it was called Dust
I think the game is ok but just needs ALOT of refinement like remove lag upgrade graphics and fix the damage system
What a great game, surely the pvp is action filled
Jonny is definitely trolling…. He’s troling right??
Im proud to say i am also from new zealand
Did stimpee ever get into the clan?
The thing that is wrong that you are eating pizza at breakfast
you are LEGALLY OBLIGATED to edit a vine boom on any dog picture in future videos
i bet you can run this on windows 95…. at least on win98…. its just awful
11:47 top left corner: ” BUILDIND BLOCKED” omfg lol
Bro grew a beard mid vid
It hurt my eyes.
They gotta just add good graphics and animation with a dash of psychics also spwan item is 10%
Johnny def a dev
Displaye making this game sound special, just by Making a video about this rando ass game is giving it publicity, eat, live and f.good bro, and make content about games
Trust me
What a horse**** game
Seams fake
Facepunch needs to sue this dude.
I mean it seems pretty obvious that he was baiting you so youd give his game more exposure.
Sure you can get a restraining order if you show this video to the judge lol
Just seems like that guy is just to persistent 🤨 to perfect for a engaging video very sussy
tbh i thought he took a dump when i saw sorrybro die
this game looks like a shitty roblox game ngl.
man is mad bc you won’t play a game he wants you too play jesus christ bro people these days
Pov johnny ain’t got a PC so he’s gotta improvise
Lol having a genuine review for the game seems like that worst thing you could do for it. After all that pestering why did he think anything good would come out memeios review?
Not gonna lie but,
Oxide is pretty fun, it isnt the best game but its a good rust like game if you dont have a pc.
trust me
to be honest i kind of enjoy it
please don’t hate its my opinion
The bullets look like pencils FFS 🤦♂️😂😂
Jonny mad lad
Honestly he prob has a learning disability
You shouldn’t include their name and where they from in the video. even tho they are a goblin person
Tried the game out, its alright definitely scratched the rust itch I’ve been having.
A good developer takes criticism without being toxic.
Play again
Maybe I’ll use all my friends but we don’t play anymore but that was my friend dude you saw him he didn’t have a gun at all
Yeah earthquake in Australia where the ones we get are never noticeable because we aren’t on any fault lines
Well, this game is trash. Hope those developers understood it and get sued
Jonny isn’t the best developer (yes I can say that), more hilarious is the way Memeio absolutely destroyed jonny by doing what he asked and even thrown a sponsor in. Savage and polite at the same time, Memeio got skills lol
This Man *planned it all along to give him content*
Fuck Jonny it’s a POES game!!!!!! 👍
I play the rip off, its literally shit
You let him win
intent was to bring down the game not help it . This is the only reason he hid the review
I made it to 8:30 but can’t watch no more.. that game hurts my brain.
I feel like this game is worst than roblox rust although roblox rust got taken down
That game is just copy rite on last pirate 😂😂😂
wannabe indie devs are soft-minded babies
This video brings a smile to my face
that just looks like a roblox game but not blocky
Downloaded and deleted this garbage within the first hour of having it
“Ryan’s toy reviews”
Still better than console rust
That man is just very very…very…… concerned about you giving it another shot…hes scary
Jokes on you, thats stimpee on a alt
Dude play last island of survival its better
“imagine reviewing a game in alpha” – Looney
“Re-review the game again! C*nt” – also looney
Bro is fking with you and you falling for it
I’ve never been so excited to watch a sponsor
What’s the game called
Bro this HAS to be the biggest troll
7 days to die vibes
A better mobile game is last day rules but it’s still shit to be fair
holy fuck this game looks SO bad lol
How did he get all the crafting
lol jonny probly mad cuz hes pc to trash to play real rust so hes favorite game is mobile rust xD
“TRUST ME” this game is garbage:)
POV:you trying to see if Jonny commented on this video
Johnny sounds just like Memeio
Iron ‘oxide’ literally means rust lol
Game is shit
Last island of survival 15 days is actually decent for a mobile rust-like
Dude was so mad he must’ve been a developer on this shit game he was so salty that he pointed out the obvious like imagine actually defending this dumpster fire of a game😂😂🤡
trust me…
Your gf is a legend xd
Wow… This looks just like when Rust FIRST came out! Hit me right in the nostalgia.
This game is the worst
To be honest it’s you don’t know how to play oxide
Trust me
Just… trust me. It’s better this way.
the hit reg on this game is horrible
play last island of survival
This looks like a fever dream
trust me
James you should of never went back. Sheesh
This game belongs in the garbage!
Wait you are Australian. WA or…
Son: Mom can you buy me RUST?
Mom: We have RUST at home already.
Rust at home: Oxide
I am now stupider for watching this content.
Hey memeio cen u pley it agen im rich
Actually oxide copied another game that copied rust I think 🤔
trust me
as a fellow new zealander, we don’t claim johnny
He was actually having fun
i’m totally installing it just to see how shitty it is
dont get me wrong this games is bad but not everyone has a pc or the money for rust
thats a very mad man
Dude he’s basically harassing you to do something
lmfaooo i just realized the game is called oxide another name for rust is oxidation
Bro it’s so bad I watched rust on a daily never heard of mobile and try Last Island Survival it’s a 3rd person anime version of rust ain’t that bad
lmao what a shit game ahaha
There’s no way that’s real
You are very nasty at aiming on mobile lol
Trust me
Trust me
Rust players full clan raiding me I don’t care a bear them aaaaaaaaaaaa
honestly, the game suck… with this trend or first person survival craft going on, there are too many games arleady, and some of them are similav yet improved… this one, yeesh
How dare u not like their rust ripoff
Trash game.
Wow that’s a bad ripoff.
trust me
bro its only a terrible piece of shit copy so its not that bad
This game is horrible especially when ur new to it and just wanna have a litle fun than u always end up getting shot by some better guys also I’ve noticed some people use god mode and flying hacks in this game its crazy
The best thing about this game is your mock review about it. Surpringsly good content for how awful this game is.
Johnny’s probably trolling but if he’s doing this un ironically then I would be at a lost for words
What a fucking shit game
Trust me
looks more like the alpha of rust XD
Video starts at 5:26
4:17 put me on the top of Moun Everest i was laughing so hard
there a much better rip off made by a chinese developer
Lets taem at oxide
There is a reason why you have so many subscribers.. the people love you and your content!
We big clan
Memeio play it again join us4 then just say paladin hey where u
Minecraft rust is better than this😂😂😂
Play Last day Rules or last island of survival! It’s the same game but idk what it’s called in your region
This game is dogshit…
now i know why your name is sorrydude…
rust mobile? I didn’t even play the regular rust
W girlfriend
This guy ain’t just a clown he’s the whole circus
trust me
Memeio give last island survival unknown a go. Its decent
This video is funny as hell
So are you saying your sponsor planted 15 million trees? Somehow is hard to believe
He’s a kiwi what’s he going to do
I really love the game because I don’t have a pc
Video starts at 5:26.
You’re welcome.
Wait where did your mask thing go?
You were right Memeio, he never did take you alive
Actually thos game is pretty good, nah it sucks, well maybe it’s good, no it sucks, I dunno it might be pretty good, nope it sucks.
Lmao so Johnny’s 100% being paid by the devs
This game is so… 😀 cringeeeeeeeeeeeee
The yt gods frown upon me
Even a bad review of a game gives it more downloads
Such a bad game
Heeeheehehhe Johnny Johnny yes papa being mean to memeio YESssss PaPa😈😈😈😈😈
I know Johnny from New Zealand he is very good at the game #cc
Video starts at 5:26
This MIGHT have been acceptable in 1999. But it’s CURRENT YEAR
worst game ive seen lmao cant even fully watch this
Why would anyone play this for fun?
Hey I have a question do you think you could do a review on the last island of survival it’s somewhat like rust and it’s way better than the s***** ass game Johnny told you to told you to review about again f*** Johnny from New Zealand or whatever the f***
Memeio this game is trash there’s a nother game like rust just like rust it’s “last island of surviva”l please try this game its really good I’ve played it for like a month or so really good game
This game is a literal eyesore. 🤣🤣
this game is ass why the fuck would you make another vid on this garbage
It will be better and bert every update
Johnny sucks
Makes console rust look good
roblox rust better to bad it got deleted cause of copyright
Imagine being so pathetic you have to hound and stalk a streamer over a negative review.
h..hh…how did you do that 4:30
Y justo veo este vídeo mientras juego oxide que es una basura pero al menos es divertido jajaja pero los servidores son una maldita mierd* ya perdí muchas veces por eso
Funny thing is Oxide is the name of the actual C# framework that the real Rust game runs on..
Wow, this is some quality crap. This guy should be ashamed xd
This game is sadly crap ..
“Played” it yesterday…
Uninstalled its yesterday
No animals ..speed walking cheaters ..awful graphics ..
More cheaters …horrible hit boxes..even worse animations …aso
Bugs fixed 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This game is so TERRIBLE
what a shitty looking game… not facepunch work im sure.
The only thing that’s close to rust here is the pigs, they are over powered
I get you have a personal vendetta against Johnny for hurting your feelings but on a real this game looks sick for mobile
I’ve played the survival game those people made its not good but it’s fun when you have nothing to do
Johnny is just a littel kid who is mad
sooo this is the first time iam hearing about this game, did facepunch make this? i assume they didnt facepunch should sue the crap outta these people for making this crap
Anyone who says “like” that much…i instantly think less of.
So you gave into a crazy person’s harassment? That should help.
this is funny how you review this game but this game is fking TERRIBLE!!!
bro your gf is wayyyyyyy to funny
Absolutely shit game.
As a kiwi we don’t claim him
trust me
stupid butt game
game is sucks
There is a game that is like rust for mobile has good graphics is called last island of survival
This hurt to watch
Shoutout to Johnny at 20:24
You need to try last island of survival on mobile its better then this sh##
Trust me
They all have square arss
This shit is literally a copy n paste I played a game which had the same sounds same models and same everything
Mobile games suck a hole. Who tf plays this crap
well judging by the fact that johnny works for the company i’d say no one should play it past this video? what a piece of shit talking like that why would i wanna play a game from some creepy ass team who harassed people to get free advertisement. fucking weird man i hate the internet
Makes no sense to play when as u spawn cheaters just speed hack killing everyone
That game needs alot of work especially with the cheaters.
how havnt they been sued yet ?
I’ve seen minecraft ripoffs with higher quality than this
Why you didn’t block the guy is beyond me.
Johnny is totally not just you
He wouldn’t be a very popular person in real life. Just hurts to see him harass a youtuber and his Mrs because he cant see a mobile game he seems to zerg over? Bit of a whoops.
Man giving us Kiwis a bad rep. What a droppie
It sucks there is so many hackers and ppl stalking you for miles
Pretty sure johnny was a developer
I tried…. i just cant sit through this crap
wanted to see the rust mobile updates, but this fella just kept talking for 5 mins
I feel like this dude accomplished his goal by you making this video… like you kinda just gave him the win.
holy fuck johnny needs a job or something
Hi spin here from new Zealand . Just letting you know that johnny no longer lives here
I hope this developer wraps his car around a telephone pole.
Trus me
Johnny must be from Wellington
Last Island Survival look This game,its better then oxide
haven’t watched memoio in years , surprised to see his face
Yes just don’t go and actually cover rust mobile AKA last island of survival
I’ve played for a little while it’s trash
😨😨😨 OMG… Oxide sucks. Last island of survival is tons of better.😁
Love the content bro. Keep up the good work.
For us poor people that can’t afford a gaming pc and have a 4 year old phone this game is a blessing
Porky got you just like rust day one
What a trash game…
wtf man this review is months old you OWE this game another review!!!!
I’m surprised this man “jawny” didn’t comment on this vid, if he does, memeio, pin it
It’s probably the developer of the lame game who’s been harassing you.
that game is pretty awful
This is hurting my brain, wtf Is this copy pasta poop project
Stick to rust please
That Johnny guy is a sad sack of shit. I feel bad for him, and his family..
Damn thats a bad game
Call him a kiwi
hahah im literally dying and i only got to 3 minutes 😀
This looks like games from my youth. And im fuck old 🤣
Games nowadays can stay in alpha for like multiple years at a time. Keeping your game in “alpha” doesn’t protect it from critique, just make a decent game prior to releasing it and don’t be a lazy scrub hack of a developer making a steaming pile of white dog shit on the sidewalk like Jonny.
Jonny is a f###### b#### and should achooo oh sorry I am allergic to b####### Jonny is speaking bull#### this f###### game is a ripoff and really really bad it make me cringe more cringe than the L85A1 yes am British this hole comment is just me talking s### about this game and jonny
Just play last island of survival. Much better than this…
jenhhy or jahhy or what ever hes name is he has an iq of -999999890089
duade_garnet 100% confirmed
(this is a joke)
one of the many reasons us aussies don’t mention nz
I had to try it…seriously terrible…hopped on the 1st US server and not 1 person was actually from the US…total garbage
pov: your looking for Johnny’s angry comment.
That developer just earned his game a one star review from me for his poor behavior and worse game development skills. Downloaded left crap review then uninstalled 😂🤣
Try ‘Last Island of Survival’ It’s been around for around 2 years now and is the exact same concept as rust.
Game is still trash I played and it is filled with hackers that legit online you in seconds. When you are able to defend the raid, the game will lag you out and you are found dead with a foundation wiped base. Also, if you try to raid on some servers, you get banned for cheating. On a side note, I played on my iPad Pro which is able perform fairly well compared to an iPhone and the game is still shit.
Dude is creepy as hell
Do the review and keep your mouth shut lmao
That guy definitely gave you scripted content
I love how u delt with the situation lol
this game is complete shit
Your head is a perfect oval
ngl yh it shit but for mobile mehh not that bad
When the actual video starts 5:27
When you buy rust on wish… what a terrible rip-off!
Such a shit copy hahaha
A NZ’r teasing Aussies? Hahahahaha
This dudes whiney pessimism is the worst
i mean sure listening to followers is what alot of CC should do but, why would I want to listen to someone who is saying “buddy” to me? i mean lets be real, a calm person wont say buddy
Oxide is worse then rust was when rust was alpha. God rust sucked back then lmao
Don’t play this game owner play as a hacker and abuse not cool play other game way better they only show video good of them self BC they use other players to farm for them and they have many account they thought players are dumb we download and play their game they just abuse as hacker
on behalf of NZ we have a jonny for sale…
Daym thats a shit game
Ok, this guy is entertaining.
Johnny with the mental illness spazmatron attack
Y’all never heard about last island of survivals the best and like 100% version of Rust for iOS and andriod
Trust me
Jonny has to be a dev also i assume he is chinese
someone find jonny so we can tell him his game is dogshit.
lmao any money this guy is a chinese bootleg game dev ‘we have people there’ yikers
Even ark mobile looks better than this game
It hurt to even watch someone play this game
shut up little jonny
Lzzzz this is why jonnys dad left him lol
Rust copied oxyde
‘Johnny from NZ’ is giving kiwi’s a bad name. Shut up Johnny
What a trash game, lol!! 🤣🤣
I downloaded this a few days ago and can confirm the game is still a bag of shit
If they update the game a lot more it will probably be a good game it has a lot of players
trust me
“Buildind Blocked”
The devs need to get someone on quality control. Anyone would be an improvement.
Seriously though, this guy has major psycho stalker vibes.
The model is a free one I’m pretty sure. It looks the same as Diogenes in Getting Over It.
The magic beard 😂 where do I get it
really if i would have money, i would support dev so he could buy models and animations, this is still on development so its fine for bugs and all, let a guy/guys develop and say good word
It could have been better he approached nicely like for example…
“Hey we have seen your video about the oxide survival game and it seems you have given us a bad review but could you pls play our game again? We have made an update to the game and we would like to see your thoughts about it thank you!”
@Memeio you need to try the mobile game last island of survival it’s a way better knock off version of rust
Wait they have mobile rust?
Memeio is literally the nicest person and responds every time 😂 im dying
“RUST COPIED OXIDE” some next lvl copium shit right here.
Still better than rust console edition lol
There’s a better game called Last island of survivor, is 100x better than that and a good game to replace rust if u don’t have a good pc
A game that makes me appreciate last island of survival. Wow that’s impressive!
What is your oirto song
Prolly the second maybe third time I watch this channel and only one question, no tryna hate, but Why this dude look like a loaf of bread
*you should probably respond to your viewers buddy*
bro or else what 💀
So I downloaded this game after watching this play through and found a nice little auto click glitch on the phone. If you hold the action button and pull up your inventory at the same time than back out of the inventory your dude will just auto hit or auto walk.
We died to a pig. Lol
AAA title if you ask me!
very sorry about this new zealander not many of us are like this
ur gf is a legend for that video of her rock climbing 💀💀
Get a life jonny , i feel bad for u
Try stormfall saga of survival
Thank you memeio for letting me know too NEVER play this trash xD
The log part😂😂😂😂😂🤦🏻🤦🏻
He says it would be another good video for you to do yet the actual gameplay was boring as fuck 😂
This is game is shit
“Jonny” is litterly a trash pile that came to life, bruh
I had to stop watching, it’s just so terrible looking after actually playing rust then trying to watch this
imagine calling someone a creep and then you continue to stalk someone :/ but like i wouldve just blocked him
I can understand how they feel because its just hard to get a PC and literally the devs worked hard for that game just let others experience the game without buying a PC or waste money,let’s just respect each sides
Oxide release date: August 1, 2021
Rust release date: December 11, 2013
don’t know if he was talking out of his ass or just trying to troll you, but yeah, obviously rust didn’t copy oxide..
This game is absolutely dog shit and it looks like they were trying to make Minecraft armor. Lol
I’ve played this game it’s absolutely dog shit still
Watching this (Game) is fucking painful
Bruh who else buying a gaming pc just to play rust properly
5:29 he start play
Rust console looks terrible
Building is god level. Just like fortnite mobile.
This game is awful. This is sad.
ok love the content man but that dinner was pretty terrible ngl XD
This game is trash
You need to do another video when you able man i never laughed like this before please man this was a hilarious play again
W girlfriend
jeez man what kind of people play this shit
love how its named “oxide” rust occurs as a result of *oxidation*
NOT COPIED MEN omg rust copy oxide smh!
Johnny has to be the developer of oxide lmao
I can tell you now that’s the toxic side of New Zealand
Try last island of survival, its better rust
Someone made a way back in legacy an 8 bit like version of rust where you watch little white dots on the screen gather recourses.. build up and eventually raid other players on the rust legacy map.. it was so cool they got recourse nodes, went to rad towns ect just like real players.. I’m sure it’s lost somewhere on the old rust website (website 2.0 really the current game is 3.0)
Ngl the developer is low key funny
Game looks like absolute dogshit
This is literally survival simulator that’s been on mobile for ever and always been trash even the same music if I remember correctly
Meanwhile, some Filipinos are chatting in the background
The game is literally trash and I can run Lua scripts on a rooted android for mod menus and speed hax so yeah 👍 great game 😂
Melee weapons do like .05 damage or something 😂😂
Of course it’s name is “oxide” 🤣
You should try last island of survival 15 days! That’s the true rust mobile
I mean if it’s free it’s better?
I still dont know if johnny is a real story but if its true then i loses more hope for humanity
Worst game ive ever seen lol
Why not test last island survival
Look down
Never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you
Jonny is living rent free in your head 🤣🤣
20:23 secret message for Johnny
for a mobile game this isnt bad i hope it gets more updates to get better
ngl it is a pretty sad breakfast
i think it worked
Haha, I had to remove this game from my phone.. made me so mad, because it socks donkey balls
I’m gonna call him Johnny Sepp, as in Johnny sepsis.
bruh look at all the chats in the left corner by health i can’t😂😭
Played it the other day to see if it got any better… It’s still EXACTLY the same.
Hey if anyone wants a higher quality similar game to rust on mobile try Last island of survival 🙂
As a fellow James I can confirm this game is shite
Damn, he got you with that roast on your dinner lmao
Try playing or review the last island of survival. It is like a rust game but in mobile
Just block him, vid starts at 5:22
Well what tf are ya expecting when mobile game ads obliterate your brain cells
It’s Rust for homeless people
Compared to console rust its an improvement
no offense i play this game and u are playing it wrong
That was the worst game I have ever seen.
You cant even tell when you hit the person in this game
Since I suffered a head injury this is the only game I play
Lol bad game tho
Can we appreciate that “Blooprint” was talking in chat LMAO
Lol you did a review on a game in alpha ,kinda troll of you
This is fake lol
Wtf man💀💀🤣
I’ve been watching Rust videos for a long time, I’ve always seen your videos and enjoyed them but never really subscribed…..
I never saw your face,
Most Youtubers that don’t show their face in most of their content , and then I see their face in a video they posted I normally think that they don’t really sound like they look…
Not in your case,(don’t worry it’s a good thing) you actually sound like you look.
As a New Zealander we do not claim him 💀
Most Kiwis aren’t drop kicks, I swear 😅
The earthquake is still unconfirmed…
This mobile game makes roblox rust ripoff majestic
Trust me
I think I why it’s called oxide bc oxide makes things worse eg. Iron oxide makes it fragile
How has this shit game not been taken down for copy right infringement yet?
Trust me
He made the game 100%
Rust bate version
Guys stop trashtalking the game i know it looks trash but what do you expect of a mobile game
Creating a game is very difficult pls understand it first you need money or funds to create a good game which not many game dev have so pls dont talk shit
Second you need a teem or a group to greate a game which also not so many game dev have
If you dont understand any of this then your just dumb…pls understand that creating a game is not easy
Note: im not a game dev pls dont hate
I just played it right after I saw your video and it’s a complete trash. It randomly kick players from the game and has so many bugs.
trust bro
Ngl this game kinda look fun
I tried this game again because there were christmas updates i tried it what a surprise the Players are now toxic and tryhards for a knockoff game
Your girlfriend is good at rock climbing 💀
Hey bro I just wanted to see the game why all the petty shit at the beginning it’s kinda embarrassing
I mean for a mobile game if your a 10 year old on a tablet ¯_(ツ)_/¯
trust me
Well I don’t mind a copy game since at least they made something for mobile gamer…..real pc company will never understand mobile platform….but yah this game is shiet…….
On behalf of New Zealand, I am so sorry. As my father is Australian I am now changing citizenship as I have lost faith in my birth country
try last island of survival its like rust but full of cheater lmao
trust me
It looks like you gave the troll exactly what he wanted…..
He brobley made the game
18:00 man just tried to bow a man with a rifle HAHAHHAHA
I like how the kids playing this are shouting ‘‘bout someone hacking in chat, as if someone would make a cheat menu for “Oxide”
trust me
You runs out of ammo with a bow while holding a arrow
Did Jonny make the game or something 🤣 why is he clearly so passionate. I dont get it, to do this for days on end is just beautiful
Worst game ever
Even Roblox Rust is better
For me oxide is good for some guys or girls with no pc and want to play rust but rust is better pls dont be mad:c
Poor johnny we will find you and make grinded meat out of you
does this actually have some relation to rust or is it just a mobile rip off
johnny giving nz a bad name 😢
Rust is seven years old oxide is not even one year old
You Need To Spend 10 Sticks To Make A New Ax
Grew a beard for an ad and it wasn’t even keeps or the shaving brand.
“Trust me”
I hope it doesn’t get taken down like the one good mobile rip off of siege
Trust me
I thought these guys we’re bots till now damn
How tf did he grow his beard so fast
19:30 insert doom music
Johnny’s on the same psycho level as the famous streamer Jerma
This video has inspired me to journey through shit games 😇
6:46 – 6:47 what’s that sound called? I hear it in memeio’s and simpee’s videos often
Dude I love what this dude spammed you with 😭
The game is glitchy ass shit you can’t pvp really but dog your ass at it 😂 honestly just grind scrap until you get rpg game does suck tho
Te geam es acshualy fan I pley id wid mi frends evry dey
Noooo dude “I want your wood”
Come on People hit dislike om the video and like my comment.. I swear i will pay you guys..Comment disliked and done.
Dude, Rust is a Survival multiplayer Game, Why give a crap if Mobile games nake something Subsequent to the games texture, No mobile game could wield the strength of Being level as Rust itself so it’s just so dumb comparing Rust to a mobile Survival Game
trust me
trust me
The guy who’s leaving you the messages is probably the maker of this piece of junk unplayable game is his project and he’s got to be 10 years old maximum! What a great game lol
Last island of survival unknown 15 days, is like rust but it’s a mobile game an it’s really good highly recommended
I. Promise this keints wack. us kiwis dont talk like that gave us a bad name
Still got duped into a video, unless you just wanted a cool title.
Ppl can’t afford console or PC to play legit games so I feel bad for the criticism but again he asked for it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I honestly never thought I’d see anything worse than ARK mobile. Good god was I wrong.
Anyone else looking through the comments just to see if you can find Johnny
It’s so blatantly a ripoff that the names of the two games are synonyms. Rust = Oxidation of metal, therefore Rust and Oxide mean the same thing. Both words mean Rust.
How can someone create a mobile game that is an exact copy of Rust and get away with it? Did Rust make this and know it’s so shit that they don’t want to admit it?
I downloaded it
Edit: he was right actually garbage
Blooprint was in chat, didn’t know he played rust
Ok that’s sad imagine harassing someone just to make him make re-revive for a game
I’m betting my house, my money, my cat and my soul that Jonny is one of the developers for Oxide
“balls hanging low while i pop bottle off a yacht, chain swinging cling clang and it cost a lot”
Ig we all forgot about the “block this user” feature
The fact that this game has stolen assets, Awful Graphics, Choppy Animations that make Superman64 look Playable, and a PR person which will strap you to a Robot Chicken setup to play….
Marvelous and One of a Kind.
Do we even wait for FacePunch to Copyright claim it, or are they purposely leaving it alone as it’s so bad, they want the Developers to realize their mistake?
Make a off brand game of this we will call it RUST
This mans girlfriend is amazing i love the little like sid face when hes pretending to be her
Moral of the story is to keep pestering him to review games until he folds. Sooooo… what’s next
The game sucks 😭
We all need a bit of *Johnny* to start our day
Johnny sound like a 12 year old boy ngl.
Imagine this 500k YT read IG DMS. LUL haha xd
Last island of survival is the best mobile rust game ever. Nothing can change my mind
This is the Youtube kids 3am free download no virus edition of rust
trust me
I refuse to believe this Is real
i get it’s a weird game but to be fair, your shitting on a mobile game. it looks solid for one as well, its just kinda shitty that you get to spend a few days making a video shitting on a half decent mobile game that probably took the dev a long time to throw together.
You know it’s bad when rust Roblox is better then a whole mobile game 😆
“pretended there was an earthquake to cut the stream” this is fucking gold
Facepunch needs to sue
Johnny more like Richard.
Rust “mobile” ? What
5:58 he said it the dude who kept telling him to review got issues
I mean, for a mobile game it’s actually pretty good. other than that it’s horrible
The game is not bad
Did Johnnie sink all of his savings into funding oxide and your review somehow single handedly bankrupt them? Like that’s really the only way in my head I can reason why he would bother
The perfect way to roast johnny (who sounds like he grew up on halo, cod, CS:GO and league of legends):
Just send him a link to Rust’s steam download page
Why did he call you a creep?
Did this guy think you fucked the dog?
That is the worst game I have ever seen you play
Come on, trust me.
trust me
Believe it or not, (not a lot of people know this) but oxide copied an iOS game called survival simulator. Oxide stole survival simulator’s models, inventory system, movement animations, animals, weapon skins, textures, and even more. Oxide stole the crates and town thingy from rust. Survival simulator is a standalone game that didn’t copy anything.
Bruh i literally said “theres rust mobile?”
We demand another review
am i the only person that saw someones name is blooprint
To be honest, its not as bad as other rust rip offs
Trust me
Roblox Rust is better than this
why that guy in the start so rude?!
I think the developer got the name oxide because its a RIP off of the PC Game called RUST
Because how rust made is because of water and carbon diOXIDE combine made rust so just Please understand me
You souldn’t have done a new review.
For real though. If someone wanted to play a mobile survival game, Ark 2.0 aint too bad. I guess. Lol
trust me
It took so long to play the game
Best game ever
If jonny likes this game man probably likes “super brawl bros” or “fortday”.
Rust mobile is such a popular game they made a pc version.
Trust me
trust me
Oh by the way I killed that guy because I live in New Zealand as well and I know where he lives he lives in ********************************** Street
Imagine using time just to comment shiet
Your gf is a menace
Lmfaooo 😂😂😂😂😂😂 dude was BENT on getting another review
Shit def seems stages lmao
Johhny is a sigma male.
There game now is a 1/10 if would be a 1.5/10 if the would make it where you can get more wood and stuff when you hit it
If you want to try a better rust mobile you should try last island of survival XD
To be honest… this shitshow makes me crave a rust mobile port i didn’t knew i wanted!
People do that ???
I mean I would write 1 toxic comment at most and leave.
If I developed it.I would feel bad (even though I would know it sucks even if I did make it)
BRUE,I remember seeing this game a few weeks ago and thought it might be cool. I literally played it for about 5 min before deleting it.
can u rate unturned?
Any game that steals assets or rips off without it’s own unique identity is instantly a bad game. No contest no argument. The people who make them are lazy and undeserving of success. Its easy to recreate a game and the ideas, it takes true talent to be creative.
I liked the message at the ending.
Jhony should f of
Trust me
I actually did play oxide, it is literal trash. At that point just play rust.
This game is worse than console edition lol
Your dinner looked like trash the restraunt one also it does seem like you were the one messaging him not your gf
the worlds most persistent troll
how he felt 🐕👺
such good graphics legit the best game ever like rust definantly copied them I mean look at those graphics its almost better than 16k and it looks basically like real life omg this game is a 10/10 and should definantly deserve more players (this is sarcasm, game is trash)
i want that ender pearl in my room
To be honest I’m going to make this game even worse with mods and hacks the hacks are going to be free
Jonny straight up schizo posting
how do u play this on pc
Damn that pig was better then that entire games player base
Buildind blocked xdd
judging by the chat in game.. the entire community is the same as jonny
I live in nz
the best rust-like game. is The Last Island Of Survival. oxide is a. s. h. i. t.
Rip jonny get rekt
Trust me
He’s trying to be controversial
They even made a roblox clone called LOST but I think that one shut down but I don’t know and you know it trash because they used the scientific name of Rust just to make a copy of the game
How do you even leave the sever ?
Well for a mobile game created a few months ago i think its pretty good and there are updates
Audio clip was half uh and um
😂😂😂 brooo its a frickin mobile game why is he talking it personally lol this person is crazy
Bro play it again it has barols now
Everyone asks where Johnny is, but no one asks how’s Johnny.
You should try playing Last Island Of Survival it really is the best mobile of rust easily
Trust me
Your gf seems funny asf😂
Johnny is the ideal mobile game dev
Walls don’t cost 30 anymore, they’re down to 15. Sensitivity is a complete joke. Controls are a complete joke. And, just like in Rust, you have no chance at doing a goddamn thing without some piece of dog crap coming along.
🤢🤮 Game Ass
I’d rather play Rust in Roblox than this garbage…
honestly dont know how the developers haven’t been sued by face punch lol
Dude, how the hell did you grow your beard so fast??????
that ending though HAHAHA
Well like they say about Aussies….
I have no clue what they say….
trust me
your not that guy pal
Rumour has it the reason this review is up is because johnny has him at gun point 😱
Trust me
Trust me
try last day rules survival
fuck them hacker mods!!!
Lmfaoooo some ‘Log’
6:40 the chat explains it all, the game isn’t doing good cause it has cancer 🙁 also explains why you couldn’t run anymore.
Have you tried last island of survival?
Ahh yes, cancer in carnate.
People who send voice messages on Twitter are fucking weird.
Trust me
another lad from nz that grew up without a father
Trust me
Bruh Johnny Wasted ur tome for this game but the even bigger thing is he wasted his life trying get u to play this trash …I’ve played better flash games in the 2000s
Where did you get the ak prop
trust me
some people just- I- Jonny… please bro get help
trust mme
Thats not a real fan thats a greedy dev 😆
Thats definitely a dev from that game noe im not getting interest to play that game anymore if that is how greedy and toxic the dev is to get more downloaders 😆
you just gave him what he wanted O-O
Omg this sounds like an accual conversation i had with a fan. Just cause it got one update doesnt fix everything.
Hey its been over a month now. The game is alot better now, so you need to review it again.
Fucking LOG man!
So run at mobile is just like the second pc version of rust?
never again memeio pls
Rust mobile? You mean the console version?
Why did it seem that he liked the game more and more as the video progresses 💀
“Aussi prick” 😂
What in fuck’s name is wrong with people.
Trust me
I feel like they need to buff melee or something. You shouldn’t have to wail on someone with an axe for 10 straight seconds if they aren’t resisting.
Aight then Now ima cheat the hell out of oxide by making at least 1500+ acc at least a perfect 1.1 Star Or lower than 3
Jonny reading these contents 👀👀
Trust me
Omfg howre they gonna call their shit knockoff game, Oxide.. no imagination? Lmgdao you cant make this shit up. Ol john boy sounds like a bitter dev team member. I hope he feels shame. Shaaaame
i know now why camomo tells everybody thats him is memeio they are twins
Man Johnny is so braindead, that kid probably be like 12 😭
just noticed memeio got some fangs on em
it is in alpha do but yeah still terrible
Trust me MWAHAHA
Just play ark mobile its not to better
But people play it
Haven’t laughed this much in a long time 🤣🤣
jonny from nz was having the time of his life
THis game gave my phone AIDS
i almost thought that was stimpy fkn with ya for a minute .
Me when i look in the mirror 27:24
this game is literally an asset pack for Unity 3D…I know because I bought it for a school coding project lol…
I promise you that no kiwi acts like that normally, he was probably on something the entire time haha. Love ya vids Memes
Trust me
Hi Johnny, for when you read the comments.
Did you get sued
Yo memio does this mean we can slide in them dms now ?
5:30 video start
actual video starts at 5:27
“Last island of survival” is so much better. no kidding. it’s actually a full pledged game with mechanics inspired from rust.
I loved the displate promo but they are really expensive tbh.
Trust me
*Where’s Johnny?*
For a mobel game it looks alright
“What a good update. I love it”
This is so funny lol
It is in alpha ya kno… Also, it is on MOBILE… For it being on mobile, I wouldn’t expect much to begin with. So… Meh, maybe ur being to critical of it? Expecting to much? Either way, the guy who harassed you, needs to apologize publically.
If ur looking for a rust remake for mobile try LSAT Days State of Survival, doesn’t have the exact look as rust or oxide (way better then oxide tho) but the mechanics are the same and is a lot more functional.
People acting like there isnt last island survival out on mobile thats literally a Chinese carbon copy of rust yet it plays actually better then the actual rust mobile 😂 just one problem…. 10000x the number of hackers
I am sorry for the dislike, i just can not Support this trash game in any way. I dont want to give it publicity. RUST all the way ;D
Game is bad but you are worse xd looks like it is first time you are playing a “game”
its not by facepunch
Why buy and play rust when you can get discount rust. Oxide!
Kinda like buying a Bolex watch.
Good plot, but clearly scripted!
Wait memeio isnt fat anymore?
Not ganna lie doesnt seem terrable but not great. But for a rust mobile copy seems decent.
And the game had a god mode hacker lol mobile game of the year
anyone see the kid at 7:12 having the worst bday in oxide XD
Ordered off displate, actually pretty good.
Facepunch should sue this developer lol, what a clown of a mobile game xD
Edit: This is literally how Rust Vanilla looked, the radtown, the nodes, the way you build, what a hit of Nostalgia
BRO HIS OUTRO SONG IS EDAMAME I’m subscribing just for that.
that’s the game’s maker who is raging over his bad game lmao
they say johnny still lurks in this very comment section :0 waiting for another oxide review…
SICK sponsor. Ill definatly buy one of these
lol, this shit is hilarious, your girlfriend is a champion, put a ring on her finger today
Lol what do you want from a mobile game
Tbh if it was made by 1 or 2 people it’s a pretty good ripoff
He had some specific insults >_>
you and stimpie should unironically make a video on this game
probably a dev
fandoms are weird. they find one thing become obsessed with it to the point where if you say one wrong thing they go off the handle
He’s gotta be a employee
Definitely a trolller or just some patethic loser dev that want it game to be play by huge youtuber.
Calling an Aussie a c*nt or prick, yeah no effect, we use those words in greetings and as
a substitute for when we can’t remember your stupid name or can’t be bothered using it. 😂
Love the part where his girlfriend was like “Watch me rock cliam’
Ehhh, I kinda feel bad. It may be a RIP off but it’s a mobile version of a pc game, Of course its gonna be shit. And it’s not like the the PC version had a flawless launch. There is definitely effort as you are limited to the ARM hardware. You are basically trying to get a semi truck to run off a smart car engine.
In a sense both of you are kinda dicks to each other. The developer being too salty about the criticism.
And you for not understanding the mind numbing time that goes into making mobile games. And generally just not being optimistic about someone’s creation. Just my thought is all ._.
If I like as the story developed you and Jonny became closer!
for mobile this is kinda neat to be fair
Trust me
Guy at the start is fake, no real kiwi even owns a working phone smh
I agree with his food comment though
I mean… it’s not that bad for a mobile game – I went a year without my PC and turned to mobile for gaming, and I’d have definitely played this.
That looks like ARK but very much bad
I don’t know how you managed to play this game for that long… I’d be out in like 2 minutes 😂
s tier troll
trust me
Game is trash
Welp, time to report Johnys game.
Let’s find “Johnny” in this comment section
So I’m guessing this is the dev
Bro the most important part of the video was where memeio and the NZ bloke had and talk fight
Trust me
This game is just Minecraft on the Sega Saturn
That dinner did look worse than the breakfast lol
-Crappy physic
-toxic developer/fan
That “Johny” guy
He got the job done but he didn’t tell the truth
Fucking trash game
you would have got killed by the pig there in rust 5 times tho
Omg, Camomo? Is this your player account?
Lol, never saw the first review, but you are definitely, totally, legally required to review the game a second time. It’s in the server rules. Didn’t you read them?
Why the fuck should he be responding to his followers lol
Do Kiwis and Aussies really not get along?
18:20 your clearly scripting
rust console:
You kinda rude bro
you look like a vertically stretched version of nick robinson
im from NZ, wtf lol
It’s sad when your game is worse than the game you copy when it was in alpha 🤣
Game looks shit tell that guy to come up with his own original ideas and not to copy and paste other developers ideas and concepts
The people who play these garbage renditions of games are mostly people from other countries where the consoles and computers and the games themselves are to expensive so they use emu or off a handheld to experience this shit . It’s also why you’ll notice alot of the mobile version clips on YouTube have some Indian music playing or you’ll see alot of foreign names
A really good rust mobile is last island of survival
Oxide is chaotic
5:57 – o br falando no chat KSKSKKSKSKSKKSKSKSKSKKD
console rust vibes
Maybe his reaction time is just to slow for rust. He likes fights that last for 2-5min each
This game looks like trash
The hit box is so bad that it’s social distancing.
most people from NZ r fine…
damn looks like a lot of Filipinos play the game
Play Last Day Survival Rules
bro your face looks like a thumb with stubble
Uh, how is it that the graphics look worse than Carnivores II?
Pls play last day rules survival
This seems like a rust prototype made by a 12 year old
But have you check out the latest update!
lol everyone thinks its funny dude was rude to jonny from jump and gave him no chance first one of your videos ive seen and will most likely be the last
This …..game…..is so oooo bad, I would rather play Dayz in its INFANCY than this game in its release state
did this game come out in 2005? or before 2000?
That game looks like ass wouldn’t download if it was the last survival on mobile 😂
This game is legit
This is free advertisement. Its a win for the guy cause i almost downloaded it
I wonder if it’s yo f*ck yo lil Johnny hahaha
Maybe the guy is the developer
Well the only good about the game is there’s no add every 10sec
Im just a admin keep scrolling
Yo memmion try last island of survival…. TRUST THE PIG
Johnny from New Zealand doing us kiwis dirty.
yo, why does it look like you’re hiding nuts for winter in your lower cheeks
Says rust copyed oxside RUST:December 11, 2013
oxside🤣:aug 1 2021
Is it just me or is there a AK from rust in the beginning of the video
I’ve had that game for a year
What a shit game lol
Hey man, give the guy a break. It takes a lot more work to rip off an already poorly done idea than it takes to create a completely new poorly done idea.
nah, this game used to be a shit ton worse when it was called “survival simulator”
Dude did this on purpose to get exposure
Memeio, i hate to break it to you but isnt your entire story with the guy your _average_ experience with any other rust player in the wild?
I mean I’m sure your well aware of this but by making the review video your just validating this guy. It’s more than likely that he knew you would make another negative review video which would give his terrible game even more attention. It really doesn’t matter if it’s negative attention more people are still gonna play his game now.
Love that Jonny event from nice guy to just jellous you have everything he doesn’t and he thinks he has power
Dear Johnny go buy a pc or a console and give up on your dead dreams of this game being any good.
Weirdest beef ever
Trust me
Even I depressed watching u playing this shit
Guys. Try Last island of Survival. Rust on Pubg Type engine. Realy fun
You should’ve just made rust content acting like it is oxide and at the end say now that I’ve played some rust let’s play some oxide and show a two second clip and end the vid
Note: sorry for the long comment Ido this a lot
17:20 funniest part in the video 😂
awgh hell noawh why did da rust copey ze oxygen
johnny’s mental age is questionable
He’s probably from Auckland, there not real people.
Yo memeio try survival simulator, lmao oxide copied it lol
anybody know how he is playing it on his pc?
little did memeio know that this dude is a genius at marketing
trust me
Johnny mate if you’re reading this, if you can’t take criticism bro you shouldn’t be making games and put them on public. Everyone criticizes everything. Get used to it if you want to make stuff for the greater public.
Memeio using mouse and keyboard lol
i mean he isnt obligated to do shit for anyone for any reason :/ i think next time you tell these goofballs stfu smh this video makes my head hurts cause its sad people like that guy exists
Jhonny boy Desperate for free marketing.
such a kid
This is not they way to deal with those people. You’re probably gonna get some more people like him now lol
trust me
For anybody who wants an actual good rust clone would highly recommend last days unknown 15 days big downside to it is lots of hackers but social servers not as bad I think I had to spend a dollar to unlock the social servers
the game isn’t too horrible tbh games are hard to make
That Bible bit was a nice touch
He is only pissed cause he cant play rust on PC
and dude u dont want to fuck with that guy called official hes the king of the server they kill all nakeds
i had to join him but i dont run with him
Game’s awful.
Well he did get his review. You did exactly what he wanted.
Dude tell us how many cops you spoke to FHORSTHTH
This game is so trash – the devs couldn’t even successfully copy a popular game lol
Looks like a stoopid game.
Imagine releasing a bad game and complaining about it getting a bad review then updating and expecting another review.
Here’s jonnie!
The moment he realizes he actually took the time to make a video about this. Getting on his level.
I’m pretty sure the jokes on you here. That guy was totally trolling you, and you fell for it. Then proceeded to use it as YouTube contact…
I think Johny finessed you so u he can get people to play his game
trust me
i’ve never seen memeio’s face before now, but somehow he looks exactly what I thought he’d look like
This looks like the bad copy of another copy of a pile of vomit.
Still looks better than console rust
trust me
How can you call this game trash when @ 7:50 BLOOPRINT HIMSELF PLAYS IT! lmaoooo
If Johnny put as much effort in making the game as he did pesting memio it might of been OK 😂😂
but you’re on pc
sheeeettt game. who the f play that sheet in mobile? da fock
I’m actually very happy to know that there is an honest shot at ripping off Rust for mobile. I will definitely be playing it.
look in chat @ 6:44 merzed u ok bro?
This dude is crazy
I think Jonny might be a developer, either that or he has a fetish for shit talking and playing shitty mobile games
You guys wanna know whats really sad?
The Roblox version of Rust is much better than Oxide hahaha
I don’t watch this guy much. I agree with this guy than Johnny and I feel like Johnny took his life examples to insult this guy life
my boy jonny needs a pc
On the play store it has a 2.6 xD I was shocked to see it had 5 star reviews 😂
“Trust me”
First BT now Memeio.
Your carpet is probably molded is now my favorite insult
This game sucks
What’s with the long face memeio🤣
yt sucks
U should try another clone called last island of survival
Alot more polished
the convo is funny af
how fucking DARE YOU do this to my man johnny
I have looked for a decent Rust mobile game, I even played this one. The closest game to Rust while also being a pretty good game is Last Island of Survival. I’d definitely recommend anyone to play it.
I see this sucks ,maybe try Last island it seems to copy rust a lil better than this
hey the guy just really liked oxide. i looked up how rust forms and it said rust is a form of iron oxide
I my fucking God memes. So sorry about Johnny He’s a fucking drop kick like one of those cans born dropped on their heads that live in Auckland sorry for the rest of New Zealand Love you babes.
You want free rust? Unturned exists… It’s a great game if you ignor all the toxic people.
trust me 16:16
Why do you give so much attention to an obvious troll? He won that battle. GG to the troll. Better luck next time to you.
Thought you were talking about console
there religious so that’s a no from me champ, and is a dev as they toled you outright so there game is -10/10 just they want you to redo the review, like hell na.
I played this game actually since i was bored , and idk why creating this game its so bad , for people who is looking for a Rust like mobile game , play Last Island of survival 15 days its by chinese développer and have tons of people on it , and ngl its a big game
Can someone give me the time stamp were HE ISNT READING HIS FUKING TEXTS
100% those were hackers lmao
that dude has some issues
Shoutout to my brother Jonny from NZ. Glad to see out great (but small) country getting shown
Man that guy that was complaining most definitely has so many haters now
Honestly, he’s not even wrong.
That IS a sad breakfast
he litcherally grew his beard back
Hellow sir can review mobile legends it’s looks like lol.wildrift pls 😅
Memeio ur su rude i don’t know what this means he is heart broken and thaught that u were gonna be nice and ur just rude about it
Ark is better than this lol
if you PLAY this GAME again MAKE a BOX before you DIE
I can’t imagine how they gonna make it possible to actually pvp in this copy of rust. Also, that’s like blatant copy of a real Rust, is that actually legal? What about @Facepunch, I’m pretty sure they could sue them, right?
Brother, you wanna try out mobile rust-like game called “Last Island of Survival”, it’s not that bad actually, it’s decent, BUT. Millions of bugs like crashes, really bad developers (the one currently working, because this game had different developers for 3 times” all they do is updating game with skins, skins, skins for unbelievable prices, players are leaving daily because of not fixed bugs, especially ones like out of nowhere freezes, crashes, lags. Also it become pay to win, like always China. Anyway, youtube it and if you like it, you can do a review! 🙂
9:22 Pinoys at game chat.
I’m downloading this game 😂😂😂😂
memeio please never show ur face on youtube again please i lost my appetite
Jonny are you the lead developer on that trash mobile game Oxide?
5:30 😀
i wonder how Memeios dms are now lol
1 log per hit that’s fucked
Oi memeio fight me
Memeio called me a bitch I ran into my base. But I got u bitch I’m Jimmbob
I am Jonny😂😂(just kidding)
Why is there a player called blooprint
Last island survival unknown is the perfect rust mobile cargo helli and tank and great monuments and also has more moto mini car and it’s just great
I mean oxide daisy in Minecraft is way more intresting.
It’s hard to code and make a good game
that’s def not fun for anyone
Last is land of survival is much better for mobile tbh
Even though I don’t have a PC and this rust alternative would kind of be good for the mobile edition I still don’t want to play it because it will probably act like my grandma’s PC on one frames-per-second and I have a really good iPad and I just don’t want to waste my space on this kind of garbage show me Memeo I really encourage you to do not play this game again please my eyes are watering please don’t do this
nerd alert
Last island survival if you want a true RUST Mobil experience.
Memio how did you control your mobile game to your pc?
Some kid:OxIDe GoT BeTtEr
“remember all you do is sit on your pc and play games ”
idk if i should be sad or should be offended cause this sentence scared me for life
You should play roblox rust it’s called dust might be dead now tho but if not it would make a funny video maybe
Games dogwater
Ngl, this is kinda impressive for a mobile game.
Jonny putting a bad name on us kiwi’s lmfao
Jonny from
Ns needs help in the head
Typical New Zealander tbh
wait blooprint playing oxide?
…idk what i just watched …..but i feel dumber having just watched it ….everyone… their intelligence decreased from oxides existence .
Giving nz a bad name 🙁
9:58 nO wAy iTs Blôoprint in cHaT lmao
You need try Last island survive now its kinda trash but 1 year ago was a beast
parents: we have rust
Me:huh rlly?
Rust at home:
I love this game its not that abd
all kill jonny for his dum mind on 5 year old brain;-;
Last island of survival is the best rust rip off on mobile
johnny from nz is a prick but this game actually looks fun now
new Zealander here, Jonny is hereby disowned from NZ. we don’t like or want people like him
I have a slight suspicion that is Stimpy…
actually cringe
game fuckin sucks. rust rip off.
Probably the worst mobile game I’ve seen man. That guy was a looser
Mom can i have rust
But we have rust at home
Rust at home:
We should mass flood 1 star review it
this is basically rust console
#t rust me
Fake, he would say it never its a “rust rip off”
Last island survival: 15 days
Drop jonnys IG, some kids need the beating their daddy’s never gave them.
Wow it looks just like rust console
this guy can get more progress on mobile rust, than I can on pc… bullshit >:(
A prime example of the natural selection, not working at all.
I would rather play the console version of rust than that game
roblox rust was 100000x better lmao
What the actual fuck this? Rust mobile dev had the stroke, not a stroke THE STROKE.
If you think the guy was being serious then you can’t be very intelligent
Just took a look at the developer behind this abomination, they’re based in Poland and are even hiring right now.
Johnny from NZ is probably an 18 year old hobby “programmer” who got a remote job at this “company” and is now, in his mind, obligated to defend the good name of his benevolent contractor.
In short terms: A kid who doesn’t know any better. Still fuck him.
What a nightmare u’ve been through feels bad man
More girl screams
that guy in chat pretending to be blooprint. lol
this is fake right? no way someone would really do that
This game is fun and fire
Graphics remind me of Shenmue 1
Hey memeio you should try (15 days last island of survival) it’s basically a knock off of rust but I’m sure it’s better than this
trust me
intro bit kinda dog
Try uknown 15 days it exectly like rust on mobile i have played it and its great and it has good graphics and anyone who sees this blow it up so he can try the game.
trust me
I’d be angry and crazy too if I lived in New Zealand or Australia
this is like Rust for the Nintendo 64
This is barely worse then console edition
What a shit game
GG Memeio
trust me
It’s Either Jonny a developer of that game or a *Simp* of that game, It still doesn’t matter as the game is still a crap and a plain rip-off on top of that.
Oxide that’s actually a clever rip off name I love oxidation
trust me
Trust ME
that beard transition had me dead hahaha
This guy is representative of all New Zealanders. Never come here, if we ain’t shagging sheep we’re starting autistic internet drama like this.
Source: I’m from NZ.
i like how someone is impersonating blueprint XD
Hahaha it’s still terrible
Memeio gf’s comedy is so amazing
LMAO can i join your clan
LMAO THE FIRST PART I LOVE IT the voice tho i love you no homo
Bro I wish Rust has crossplay between xbox pc and ps4 to 5 so it can be more fun because my cousin has rust on his pc but he can’t play/teach me how to play when I get it too bad rust hadn’t came up with this idea.
18:27 that is a sad breakfast
I feel like this Nz guy is a pot head
The persistence of this man is absolutely incredible. Complete tosspot but still
The closest thing to rust on mobile is 15 days survival it’s actually pretty decent
Last day survival is the real rust mobile i have a gun skin on all my armors I got skins on all my guns and on my car the one thing is u can pay to get to end game faster so if u pay I think its 5 a month u start every server with a are a knife and some food so u littrally play 5 a month to just speed up farming but u gotta keep in mind u get it on whip day and a knife is a 2 shot kill and swings decently fast then u have a glider most op thing in game so u can chop 2 trees down build a tower to the limit and glide across the map like 400m!!!
the game literally has 140 reviews, compared to other survival games that got atleast over a thousand. such a joke
imagine giving into a troll and doing his shitty review
Rust should really sue him
rust devs are killing this game off.
Its just like what happened to other games, they add skins, they add gimicky crap, then it dies because players are fed up and leave.
Actual crazy person. They need help
last island of survival is WAY better the only problem is the hackers on main and devs not giving a shit about it
Dude had a point with that dinner story man wtf was that
Johnny probably plays rust console
trust me
Hahaha Jonny will Love this video
I love you memeio u so funny
A great way to advertise your game to someone with tons of followers is to harass them
Just do 5:27 damn long intro
oxide is just rust
that “shit bread” is actually Iranian naan its actually very good if cooked right!
trust me
This dude must me the creator
I started this video in my head “so this fuckin kiwi” and I suppose I was right xD
trust me
trust me
Oh jeez , you should never glorify someone trolling you by making a video about them, even if it’s to make them look stupid. Pretty sure you’re going to get flooded by idiots DMing you being rude and idiotic in an attempt to be like this guy now 😬
song by POE – Angry Johnny … as much as it sucked you made it fun to watch
play last island of survival same as rust
Hahaha, imagine getting mad bc your fav mobile tipoff game got a bad review from a Youtuber, and straight up stalks him online lmfao
8:59 the guy screaming “dick for you guys too” in portuguese AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
why so many toxic brazilians here XD
“Rust copied oxide” – 🤓
Me: can I buy rust?
Mom: no we have rust at home.
Rust at home ^^^^
maybe Jhonny is da one who created thatt shitty game
9:37 Blooprint was in your server XDDDD damn didn’t know he also plays it XD [top of screen{chat)]
edit: omg i just saw the actual blueprint XD that was the best unintentional pun ever….IM HIGH AS SHIT
This game looks like a waking nightmare and i play apex legends.
Mans just passed away taking some log in. Typical Rost.
Reminds me of legacy
I’m from NZ… This is just gunna give people from NZ a bad rap 🤦♂️😂😂
Devs being sus af wtf lmfao, promote my (obvious) rust rip off the right way lmfao 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ayo memeio there a mobile game call last island of survival it was really same as rust
Why does the assault rifle look like its from Fallout Las Vagus ?
When you realize it was the developer of oxide you were beefing with
Ahh yes, 252 dislikes. The entire fanbase of Oxide
Nice sponsor, metal signs are cool and easily recycled. I’ll visit the site 👍
Johnny to chicken shit to show himself in these comments hahaha. Crazy man I tell yah.
How can he even claim this game is good it’s literally just ripped rust assets
Did anyone else scroll way too long in the comments looking for someone named Jonny.
This dude got a screw loose wtf 😂
It looks like rust console edition lol
20:05 and he called you a shithead LMAO
Dude I tried this the other day and that blooprint dude that kept messaging in ur game was none stop typing in the lobby I was in lol
whatta clown bro 😭😭🤡
trust me
God I love these
You did a funny joke about that gorbige game
trust me
Ey yo bitch, do another review they’ve added chickens!
He cant be forreal..
the other game they made, survival simulator is better.
Where is stimpee when we need him?
That guy is a lunatic
jonny’s salty because he’s in new zealand and wants to be in straya
He must play a lot of games if he thinks this is a fine job done
100% the developer of the mobile game 😂
Perhaps if we storm the app with negative reviews we may achieve getting it off the play store/ app store
Bro the brain damage that im getting my brain is bleeding the Graphics are trash I wouldn’t even play that if I had a choice to play or die I choose die
wait Girlfriend?!?!?! I’m telling Stimpee >:(
It wouldve been funny if you didn’t play and just posted the beginning
What happened to my man Mr.Memeio
Trust me
Trust me
Can we some how make the developers fix rust console edition shits sad
This is the game introverts play at social settings
Jonny is either a dev of Oxide or a friend of a dev of Oxide because no one, not even a person deprived of games for half a century, can call this garbage good.
People are weird… lol
Every Mobile games like this is dev letting us work the sht out of ourselves.
Try LIFE AFTER and see what I mean.
It’s harder then real life .
Please never play…. try to play that so called game again. PLEASE I BEG YOU
Fun fact oxide stole models and code from another game ( its mobile ) survival simulator
hoes mad
da gae cringe roblos version of rust was better than this and I still miss the roblos version rust cuz it was funny you can just make a dumb conversation in chat cause most of the people who play that old game was all cringe saying “am gonna raid you”
Ngl it’s kinda entertaining watching someone suffer playing a game like that.
Honestly these first responses of you were kinda rude but at least it ended funny 😂
It’s probably a little brat kid. I played the game right after watching your first video, I shit you not, there was 4 of you in one server. Posing as you.
Idk I played it today and it’s okay for what it is. Really similar to old school rust
god mans mad whoever he is
trust me
When he said that was a shit breakfast should’ve replied “and oxide is a shit game”. Lmfao
Trust me
The neck beards these dayz 😂, good show!
this game is trash
Anyone whos has to brag about their life and stalk someone this long, they got no life or they’d be busy living it.
Trust me this game looks like and is absolute shit.
Im gonne find him I saw that post in your gf ACC, he gets his stupid face punshed
Thats what she said 9:43
So jonny made this terrible excuse for a rust clone game.
Can we all go give it shitty reviews and say thanks johnny in em?
actual video starts at 5:27 😉
😐📸 johnny has been added to the cringe compilation
That developer is a legend
I hope this game gets sued lmao
This game is so bad
The real rust mobile is last island of survival unknown 15 days
memeio once said:
“i want your wood” 11:01
Trust me
This guy kinda reminds me of a guy I had to deal with back when I used to play fortnite I sniped him when he was healing during a fight with someone else and he proceeded to message me and spam invite me for 2 hours 😂
I refuse to believe Johnny is a kiwi everyone knows kiwis are nicer than canadians
I would rather shit in my hands and violently clap than play that game.
Mans took 5 mins to start a 20 min video :-;
wait are u the memeio that was in one of Slushies or jusjam s videos
Oh look, more lawsuit footage for face punch
That guy needs to cry about it
You’re out of control
Um I think I know Johnny I know his last name but I can’t say it
Who would play this???
This feels faked but I’m not sure.
Try Last Day Rolls
Play last 15 days
Honestly watching you play this game is hilarious you should play it again
that guy is definitely the only dev for the game …
Trust me
That’s 100% one of the devs😂
The worst game Thats a cheater though
Rock climb? Your gf rocks
I think you have to go close to someone for it to register
he even said that game was in alpha and that rust copied it that makes 0 sense cuz rust is an old game
How do I get servers on it?
yes its true im jonny
That went on for 5 fucking minutes in the video HOLY SHIT
I tried to play this game once. I found that players could climb under your base and clip through the floor. They took all my loot without a single weapon used.
I left the game after that and have never returned.
Ark mobile elite too this shit 😭😂
trust me
This review is such BS! Oxide is great when you ignore all the problems, and also have never played any other games.
that moment i tried oxide…i have chests loaded with materials…i sleep…
when i woke up in the morning…all of my weapons and materials are gone..
im leaving my crappy 3×2 metal base decay .. i leave em a crap play store review..my base gonna decay because ill delete their crapy game ¯_(ツ)_/¯
sometimes I am ashamed to be human coz of freaks like that guy
Plot twist: This “girlfriend” he’s talking about is just Stimpee in a wig with a flesh light.
Bro this dude went this far out of his way to get a review on a rust mobile rip off? Definitely a dev.. and the guy is clearly not right in the head
I need more from the Johnny saga. I must see this story to it’s bitter end.
Good decision to put this up, so funny
Its funny how they stole the decals on the weapons from a roblox game named “Rovive”
I tried this game out and after I died I went back to my loot to pick up my gun and it judt despawned in my hands
Its not horrible for a mobile game.
This game is hysterical
There’s a better version of rust on mobile it’s called last day something
Last island Survival is the real Clone of Rust in mobile.
@memeio plz try last Island of survival 15 days. thats the best clone of rust. for Phone Android and ios
imagine 2013 game copying 2021 garbage parody lmfao
garbage game
The gfs response was priceless lol
Play last Island of survival this may better
trust me
Play last island of survival, its fpp but its worth it man, its better than crap game rust le fake
anyone got the sauce for the rock climbing video?
Moral of the story: wooden armor is op, that game is trash
Trust me the new update made the game so much better. Rust copied oxide
@Memeio You sound like @chippygameing and youre name XD
imagine reporting this to police cause he forces you to do something that you dont want to do and also disturbing your privacy lol
Last island of survival is rust mobile and it’s so good
The game looks like a 3 year old made it. Nothing like rust. Bloody ripping off a great game they have
No offense to memio but why would you put that in the beginning of the video? Your just feeding into him by giving him attention lol
It’s funny none the less but it’s still just giving him attention
If this game had less glitches and better graphics I would play it
This man is a disgrace to nz
This game is Bad…wow
I suggest playing Unturned more fun than this shit game lmao( no i wont msg u on insta about it )
Yeah he is probably just a ripoff dev trying to get clout. You probably shouldn’t respond to this guy anymore lmao…. It makes for funny content tho but you’re giving him what he wants.
I don’t think melee even does anything
Trust me
The top review has 1 star and agrees with you memeio
Why do you look like Mark Zuckerberg 🤔
Hey memeio try “Last Island of Survival” its basically rust on mobile but better than this crap
I literally didn’t know your face was out this much. I still remember when the woody and buzz masks became a thing lol
I mean, its a good game considering it is on a phone.
Try last island of survival(has 800mb download) same like rust ripoff but better then this game
As a fellow new Zealander we are all legally obligated to review oxide and we do hate aussies
Subbed. I like this guy when he’s not sqealing…
As bad as it is still very cool to see
asset flip nice
Trust me
Is this even a real game
You ask your sub if your good in the head 😆 man proceeds to take it hard
Got a 3.4 review off play store. Doesn’t sound like garbage at all. (**** Game.)
In my opinion last island of survival Is a better rust comparable game
Why did I watch this. Please tell new Zealand ass hole i need my 5 mins back this game sucks.
Lmao this game dogshit
It may be bad but even rust started like this who knows maybe it will become something
Trust me
“giving developer a bad name”
Ah yeah about that
Bruh toxic
Its still trash after the 2nd review XD
i would of raged
roblox rust is better 🙂
This is a ripoff of RUST it’s so pathetic 😂😂😂 joshua is a typical kiwi name lol
shitgame tbh
trust me
What is the game
Bro your girlfriend funnier than you 🤣
you have a girlfriend?
Bro I cant believe you are cheating on stimpee smh.
That game is horrible 😂
Try Last Island Of Survival 14 days now that’s a good mobile Rust type game
Not even any servers on the game shit ass
lmaooooo mans be mad
Trust me
Rust mobile? It was so good I thought it was actually rust.
4:33 your beard grow up so fast when you do the ad
Trust me
trust me
plz play a horror game with a facecam
Must be AWKWARD when you’re a developer getting angry 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Also this game will get pulled due to funding or Rust getting pissed on the U.I being the same 👎👎👎
any game that isn’t rust sucks imo
johnny’s playin the all publicity is good publicity card i think
it said buildind blocked
jonnys emotions must have been all over the place when watching this 😂😂😂
You should play another roblox rust game. It’s called Catastrophia. Reply to my comment if you wanna play memio.
Man wrote a whole essay
Memeio I was watching that live stream and thought there was a real earthquake!!! How could you lie to me and your fans like that!? How embarrassing that you would lie and end your stream like that!?
that game sucks big time
I can’t believe there aren’t any oxide channels. Game looks great Johnny. I mean Wow!
Bro why is your face so small
if i was a dad and i saw my kid playing this shit i would instantly buy him rust and a used cheap gaming pc that can handle it fine on low settings 😂😂😂
That displate metallic posters actually sounds dope
Played this game for maybe a week just to test it out and its absolute trash!
this is the worst game i have ever seen even on mobile wtf is this shit 😂 jonny is a bit delusional 😂😂😂
I can’t lie your videos are good but that breakfast did look pretty sad
Same kid who says pubg copied fortnite
Just downloaded and deleted within 2 mins haha bad game!
That damn sponsorship was smooth. Diss a man by getting sponsored 😭😭😭
a new type of Karen appeared
Hey What up guys its Dave from New Zealand, you shouldn’t listen to Johnny he gets all upset because no one likes him here (due to his real cringy ending laughs)
He probably developed it bro
Trust mr
Lios is better than that
Play this game with enardo pls
Hes the type of guy that plays rip off mobile games because he can’t afford the actual game and a pc
Even games on PS1 are still better than this 😂
Its a mobile game and its like rust
Try out last island of survival
I attempted to play this game and got kicked for speed hacking randomly after 3 hours and I’ll never play it again
Trust Me
Memeio you have a girl friend what about stimpee
People being that mentally unwell honestly shouldn’t be allowed access to the internet.
Such a fucked up game
game is so ass wtf is that
The guy is karen😂
can anyone link me the rock climb video
In memeio we tRust
We don’t accept him as a kiwi
Hey I’m new to the channel, is this your first look at rust console?
AHAHA i’m poor AHAHHA you should play the free versions of games cause im soo poor and ineed ad revenu AHAH
He’s an embarrassment to we New Zealanders
What a glorious video😂😂
It’s like console rust
i swear this guys trolling
I mean I would do the same as Jonny in a way…… but I’m not stupid enough to fucking text a YouTuber and now the YouTuber is litterly talking about you that’s just embarrassing….. look I’m not taking Jonnys side it’s just that I just want to speak my mind and how I think of the situation
Memeio is the real lunatic here lol
Where’s johnny’s review of this review
If it’s easy putting them up why isn’t it just called jonnys mom?
U can’t just force someone to play it if they don’t feel like it 😂😂🤣
what is this game called im hopping on rn sence in too poor for the real rust
100% a troll, good video from it though
get jonny a fkin rtx so he can finally play something not similar to 1996’s prince of persia, ROFL.
Oxide is a 10/10 you got glitches an four hours of cutting tree for a simple base you got a gun ahh you got. That’s it all you got
I’m so sorry memeio but I..I… I just can’t go on watching this pos game, I love you to death but I just can’t lol
Girlfriend name, Carlos?
Jesus this mobile game is dsync heaven 😂
8/10 it was a little something for everyone
Memeio W beard>Memeio no beard
This game is A$$
Jhonny must be like 13 “Oy m9 how dare you shit on my fav game” right champ
Rage quit due to shitty game design reminds me of warzone lol
“Johnny” probably has given that shit at least 59% of the 5 star reveiws it has himself on different accounts
Imagine having a brain that leads people to behave like this. So sad.
Las island of survival is a way better rust copy you should try it please
To be fair, Rust looks like this in Order to run on my laptop 🙂
Why does it sound like him
That game is a horrible ripoff of rust. Can’t believe ppl actually have fun playing that shit😂
WTF would you play this when you can just play on your computer? even if I was stuck somewhere without a computer I wouldn’t play this.
LOL! A trash attitude in your DM’s to accompany a trash game
This game is shit, trust me
“My Girlfriend” so Stimpee is a grill all this time???!!?
I thought it was a scripted joke conversation at first but now I have seen everything
ok tbh i like rust but i cant eford it
Damn, I’m not even angry, I just feel sorry for him or to everyone that finds that game good.
trust me
Game is still shit jajajajaja
PLS MORE RUST MOBILE, hahahahahhaahaha 😀
I thought youre gay ,wtf memeio im unsubscribing
Is this like legacy rust? I noticed he had to build planks. If so does he not know about wood piles?
17:40 call the ambulance
17:43 but not for me
hey you nead to try a last island on mobile its beter than this game and good
Looks like a 10 year old made this game
make a trap base in this game plz
“Your carpet is probably mouldy.” This is where I wouldve caved under pressure.
trust me
I’m coming for you
There is another game called last island rules or last day rules it’s one of them it’s good
Trust me
It’s funny that I’ve seen a better rust rip off like the graphics are better there’s actually guns and yeah it’s just better it was like last person survival something like that me and my friends got it then we all got actually rust and yup
Love the message u left for him xD
Bruh the beard
That guy was for sure the lead dev and it’s his 2nd year uni project 🤣.. give it up dude it sucks
This guy is insane.
Plot twist: angry kiwi man is actually enardo. Next time he zergs you irl.
this face was so not what i pictured from his voice
Thumbnail a nod to Oblivion? 😛
It’s actually Stimpee, he’s pissed that you have a girlfriend.
The little note to Jonny at the end
that guy was fucked up bro 😹😹
There is a really good game kinda like rust idea called 15days of survival if you looking for a mobile game like rust you should download that
Apes together strong
rust console gamelay
Johnny there was no stream aren’t you claiming to be smart
also as you can see guys oxide is truly better than rust
type of villain we need xD
Johnny: im from new zealand
New zealand: your adopted
Is this the same Jonny who drives a Cefiro?
Rust: “Exist for a long time and had a good history”
That one 9 y/o kid:rUst CoPy My OxIdE!
This game would be great with a cross PC platfom 😂😂
Trust me
Literally the oldest trick in book. Piss some one off to put it under the spotlight
Toxic Memeio ?? Always :))P
Whats up withe the bloody scam developers … Going raging lunatic and kill any hope to actualy sell a game (game? hahaha)
Tf wrong of that guy 🤣😂
yikes mobile gamers , cringé
“Last Island of Survival: Unknown 15 days” is a much better Rust copy on mobile
You NEED to do a review of oxide every time a patch comes out, even tiny bug fix patches. It’s the only decent thing to do.
The only reason im playing this game is cuz its better than rust console
This is actually harassment, that’s what I expect from people playing Oxide
Old mate oogieboogie got melted 😂
i thought memeio was gay
trust me
Jonny is fucking awesome and handed you content on a platter gawd damn thanks mr jonny u freak
So yesterday i downloaded this game and
Yup still sucks
Aim is shit like you have a baguette in your hand swinging it to a french guy
The kar98k or whatever the fuck is that bolt action rifle can’t kill a goddamn pig in the head like wtf is this.
i mean this game is complete dogshit but it does take a pretty decent amount of time to put a 2 by 2 down on rust as well
Bro I’m crying this conversation is so freaking funny xD 😂😂😂😂😂
Bet the guy who made this shit clone will be ecstatic, when Facepunch’s lawyers find out and send him a cease and desist letter, then take him to court for poorly and blatantly ripping off assets. .
So basically, harass Memeio to do something until he does it.
Crackhead at the gas station vibe
That fucking clobbering near the ending with the hammer and both gave up straving
This is these worst script ever 😆can’t believe u got followers
This is better then console rust
its possible get it on android ?
How is the guy making the game allowed to get away with completely ripping off rust? Surely there are some copyright issues that will be encountered if it ever becomes more than a pile of brown sludge?
probably the developer of the game xD Holy shit this guy is mad
Jonny’s seething at this review
Is this conversation a skit? Or real?
2 hours until you gotta hit the gym man. Get ready
Memeio u gotta be careful if he is the dev he might have been able to log your ip
Ever heard of block lunatics. What an idiot he is. Wait till FP geta hold of him.
sounds like you got trolled without realizing it, then posted it publicly.
Oxide is still terrible and it still pretty shit
The game has a great potential, just wait guys, those who doesn’t have a pc can finally get a gameplay experience similar to that of rust
imagine you leaked his instagram on accident and heaps of memeio fans accidentally harrass him untill he deactivates lol 😀 that would b funny i fink
well its better then rust console edition
this game si garbage just the pvp is so off
Wtf bro that dude is crazy lmfao
Hmmmm i saw a ak moddle at the back . Pick it up . Pls
This game is gangster and is good content.
Ironically I didnt think the first video made the game look that terrible. I dont play mobile games because im not 7 years old but I didnt expect much more than was shown. All publicity is good publicity so in the end he actually trolled you into making another video. He picked the right channel though. Based on the fact nobody seems to understand he was trolling you id say the average viewers age is about 10. “there are alot more people playing this game, I have no idea why” because you made a video about it and the children who watch you cannot buy a computer so they went to oxide thus giving them alot of ad revenue.
Can we oblige you in stop reviewing such kind of shit 😀 😀 😀 despite how funny it was, that guy … oh boy he is a sad dude to go so further and spam you like that
Bruv this guy just ruined our country man (NZ) trust ALL OF US ARNT LIKE HIM (Kiwis) much love memeio keep it up G ❤️
The Assault rifle kinda looks like stolen assets from Roblox idk but I’ve seen this before on Rovive (The game is closed).
trust me
that game sucked like Jonny’s mom
I’m from New Zealand and we do not claim Johnny.
Some people are lunatics like that guy addicted to the game oxide survival, the game has literally 3.7 stars
Jonny is definitely the dev
Lmaooooooo create a Zerg🙌🏼🤣🤣
Blooprint was playing this game. Just look in the chat when memeio is playing
The game is ass
i trust you!
I thought he was gunnna “this video is sponsored by this guy*Johnny from newzealand*”
KEKW @ the secret message that flashed at the end
he just poor .. playing on mobile phone….
Bruh if I got this lunatics social media he would more than likely be quiet and regret life after what I do to him lol😂😂🤣🤣
This man has lost the plot
Looks like an extremely salty dev.
filipinos runnin this game
I had someone message me like that cause I got them banned from a trading page for scalping Xboxes. Literally said he was gonna background check me to find out where I live
LOL made profit off a dipsh*t
This guy on your Instagram is hilarious omfg you should keep doing updates on him sometimes
His name is BONES ingame . Johnny is a toxic player
Can they not get copyright striked?
Lmao lunatic needs help
Im gonna said,block Jonny account for no reason or reported him for no reason
This game is actually not bad. It’s sad. Really sad. Tried it and people glitched their way into my base. So you don’t even need explosives or anything.
are you mark zuckerberg
what a loser dev lol
That guy sounds kinda hot
4:15 love ur eyes
idea for admin trolling bear trap .but its a drop down full of bears or have a game where u invite ppl to play to win and then the roof brakes and it just rains real bears. i think it could be fun .
Your girlfriend STIMPEE right?
This game looks like hot garbage. A true flaming pile of dog excrement. The kind of thing you only play when your waiting for your turn at the suicide booth
ok johny from new zealand
Jonny wants your pc bc he probably made oxide on his ipad
Yea play oxide simp, I’ll raid you and claim your gf and teach her how to make a good breakfast.
Rifle is beter then assault 🙄 wana see the real game? Then Join EU2 and I show you how it is 😅 Killer of that server here 😉
Ohhhhhhh I see the dark side of Twitter kind of sh!ty
“game is so much better” game is absolutely shit..
Bro I downloaded this game because of your first video. I really wanted to play Rust on PC, but my potato laptop can’t run it. xD
And I just got raided earlier they completely wiped my base and wanted to quit this game, but when this video shows up I think I need to revisit and play it again. 😀
Tbh I asked some players on how they found this game. They said because of you Memeio.
top screen
MERZEED: i wish i will die in this cancer thats all my wish
I disliked just to give you a reason to hopefully never touch this again.
Giving kiwis a bad name what a bundy. And that game is fkn sht
“Jonny” from New Zealand 1000% made that game
What’s being from New Zealand have to do with it😭😭
Man’s was hacking and memes didn’t even call em out lmao
Bad game bad devs lmao masterpiece in the working
No one needs to see your head!
That game definitely.. looks like.. a turd.
oh dear… was he the creator of the game?
↑ Comment for algorithm + 👍 ‘d
#OldManPaxus Rating: ☆☆☆ ½
So I actually played thus shit ass mobile game before you reviewed it and I got banned for Hitting someone a rock I hot a 3000 day ban for joining a server building a base and Hitting a dude with a rock in my base who just random ran in my house.
first dislike?jk
Try Lost Survivor island 🏝
It is EXACTLY RUST ! And actually good 👍
Like PUBG mobile meets rust
Make a review ?😁✌️
Trust me bro
“Sad breakfast” 😞 🍳 🥓🧇
So you got trolled by a guy that just wanted to talk
😂😂😂😂holy shit it’s crazy that’s there is people like this in the world… I wonder if was memeing or how fuckd kid is in head
“Thrust me”
You really shouldn’t have messaged that guy back now fans will know that they can invade ur girlfriends page and spam you messages until you do what they want… I have a feeling this video will come to haunt you. Good luck buddy
Johnny isnt a developer, he’s a fan of the game btw. I know him from the forums.
Hey my homie from the Insta is from my current county. I am originally from Tennessee and love New Zealand
Trust me!!
Jonny was so threatening that I couldn’t figure out if his first language was Curry or Mandarin Communist.
Godddd he’s fucking nutty
Dog shit gameeee!
If you want a rust knock off game try last island survival
Tbh i have tried this shitty game and its a total waste of time.
I bet you Jonny’s actually Stimpee, undercover in the comment section… *Trust Me*
15:18 Best fight i have ever seen in Memeio youtube channel
Probably Stimpee that messaged you.
lmao i friends with claws and blooprint on the game wtf
Was that Rowan from VLDL leaving the message?
I am LEGALLY obligated to tell jonny that that mobile rust rip off is a worse disappointment then no mans sky.
Me im a oxide player i play that game cuz i dont have a pc .And as an oxide player that game sucks.what to do man i dont have a pc i imagin that im playing rust and it atleast give me a feeling of rust xd.How ever i watches your videoes without skipping your videoes are fucking funny bro .Much love bruh😏💯
That game is dog water..
Don’t support any mobile games
your face is extremely long.
Bruh I didn’t know blooprint played this game lol 8:42
U shd try ldrs it is better than this shit
Why doesn’t Facepunch sue?
Omg that game is trash 🗑️🤣
damn memio is Johnny and his gf and probably stimpee at this point
empty dorito wrappers on the floor…
Solo series rust mobile💪💪💪💪
MR MEANIEHOE YOU AND STUMPIE ARE MY FAVURITE YALLTUBERS me and my cat watch your videos all the time .how long have you and stumpie been a couple are you guys married .
you and stumpie are the best rust players mr meaniehoe].im a orphan 10 yr old with one testicle i lost the other in a boating accident and i really miss it .but you guys bring me comfort .sometimes i get sad living without my testie but you 2 guys bring me comfort…..
Just so everyone knows not everyone from NZ is like this lol
Terrible game
Did this man make the game or some shit? Why is he so angry about it, no one having nothing to do with the game would be this angry with someone saying the game is bad.
As much as I’d like to see you do another review and I love watching your videos when people comment like this and just push and push and push, you can’t give in to them
People like this ruin it for everyone
can we just get a whole video on the updates from the messages cuz thats some good content
Trust me, Jimbo was right about this game. Lol
man says rust copied him he copied the exact UI off of another game survival simulator by catsbit games that game was better
Just say i tried, but it kept crashing
God damn crazy how I know a Jony in New Zealand
That game is shit. What engine does it run on.
trust me.
Memeio you might not see this but if you want to see a rust game on mobile that’s actually goodish I recommend last island of survival. Please just give it a chance..
Can’t believe I watched the full video lol
Trust me…for the algorithm. Love your videos, cheers
Trust me
Should have invited Jonny to a rust game just banana’d his face everytime he spawned.
Still seems pretty shit lol
That game sucks
look at the food hp and water they copy it form rust
those models are exactly like the models from a roblox rust called “rovive” their game is so bad they cant use original models
sorry i love your videos and content, but iv never seen such an accurate looking james like memeio
Bro this triggers me so much that intro bro
Play last island of survival unknown 15 days
dude posts a video of himself trying to rock climb, im seeing it thinking…bro youre bigger than me…thats a no go lol
kiwis aren’t that bad
This game is such a fever dream
I love u memeio this is why to my favorite 😂
jhony is da man LOL
He’s not from nz, we don’t own him
@memeio im wow in my mind right now that u didn’t block him. PS also Garry mod rust look better it called GRust
Japan copied america
Lol. Memeio just proved that hassling him will get him to play the game you want him to.
I just imagine this footage being entered into Facepunch’s lawsuit against the dev…
What beard ?
Jesus loves you all very much repent and believe onto Him and be saved from eternal punishment of sin amen, Jesus DIED for you <3
Toxicity going so much wild
Legend has it, he’s done the review after all.
Bro, i would report this to the police tbh dude sounds crazy
Can I get this dude Jimmy or Johnny wtv tf his name is give me his Instagram ill shit on his internet
Ngl i felt sleepy in this video the game is so boring😪
he won in the end
OXIDE IS SHIT developers cry about it
You are obligated to review every update of this game
Last island of survival is low key mobile rust and is smi good not ganna lie
11:01 😳 Stimpee loves hearing that
Bet you can’t even spray AK on Rust Mobile kid.
Try last island of survival
I shit 😏
Trust me
Man, you sure have some sharp ass canines dude, australians sure evolved to survive in their enviroment
trust me
Careful I have been harassed by this kid, he is going to start calling you a child molester next. The devs do not care that he is super toxic and harasses people.
The outcome every troll doesn’t deserve 😩
I get the feeling he was taking the piss😂😂
I just don’t like seeing your face
This game’s graphics are so bad and glitchy as well
Your head is very annoying
i think its funny how he thinks hes made this masterpiece but in reality hes just stole rusts game design
On behalf of all New Zealanders, we officially oust Jonny as a citizen, we pass him on to the united states of america as he seems to fit in there better.
trust me
Oxide is bad, he thinks memeios review decides what we think too, it doesn’t. The game is literally just bad we can all see it with our own eyes.
This game is literal shit
mans is so dedicated
yes man finally
” last island of survival” is legit rust mobile
Um i would rather play ark mobile but intesting lol good revew hah
Johnny from New Zealand? More like…. Beta Male from New Zealand.
What a piece of shit game. Its bad and whoever likes it should feel bad…and the creators should rethink their life. That was the worst piece of 8-bit shit I have seen in a while. This game make Oregon Trail look 4k. If I had a copy of this game I would buy a second copy…so I could shit on the first one and use the other to cover it up….like a cat burying poop.
Lmao I’m oogieboogie ahahahaha
The rock climbing part lmfao
Do a review on last island of survival on the play store it’s like 100x better then this
if you played rust in 2012 you know it looked something like this.
its surprising how far phones have come.
Two problems;
1. Memeio is cheating on stimpee?
2. Its with a girl???
Am I on crack or could I hear mouse clicking??
nah man your under kotoamatsukami that’s why what you see is trash. It should be a fucking piece of shit that doesn’t deserve to exist in any play store.
bro I played this game like 2 weeks ago Lmao it’s so garbage
trust me
Who ever is playing this dshit game ahaha
Turns out this company copied a game 10x better with their campfire and green tent background. They just zoomed it in
“ROLA PRA VCS TAMBÉM” kkkkkkkkkkkk capotei o corsa
Anyone else looking for johnnys comment?
This game made another one called survival simulator. Basically the opposite of Rust and hanging out with friends and make a base.
I went to the Apple store and left a “good” review along with a 1 star and told him I’m emailing Gary to sue him for the rip off game lol 😂 WHOS WITH ME !!!
Weird how Facepunch can’t do anything about the literal copy/paste of this game, I mean they didn’t even get original with the name.
I retried this game last week. It’s still terrible. Only thing you can still do is farm up a rediculous amount of bullets for the A.r. then you can pvp. The bow does not work unless you are point blank. The lag is awful. The admin on the server I was on was fond of randomly taking my loot, and then when I decided to leave the game I wanted to give my a.r. to a friendly neighbor, and I got banned for it. F this game!
6:31 damn blooprint is playing this crap
Oxide is for people who don’t have computer and its kinda good
4:12 was the best part😂😂
hahhahaha i cant stop lmfao. this jonny guy must be from town loony. yip yip.
Wtf johnny! This game is aids! Id rather shit in my hands and clap than play or recommend that game, and to think you harassed memeio and his gf cus your taste in games is pathetic? Just lol bro
#trust me
If this dude made Rust Legacy Mobile I’d buy it
It took everything I had to finish watching this video.
The bible warns about misleading people the irony!
Its a fun game to watch im ngl
I don’t usually watch the sponsored ad, but for Johnny, I’ll do it for him.
I just realized it’s called oxide because rust = iron oxide
7:24 is that the guy from getting over it? he looks exactly like him… without the pot though
johnny this looks horrible, end of story
Trust me.
trust me
game is still garbage and Facepunch needs to sue them into the ground
as a kiwi i feel shamed by the way that weirdo acted
im a mobile gamer also but hell…oxide sucks for me…i rather save my money to buy decent gaming pc to play Rust…
For some reason I want to see you play Runescape lol.
This Johnny guy seems very jealous that he can’t get a PC to play Rust
Bro how you grow your beard so fast
Lol you can’t angry to people who review your game when it already ripoff and you take advantage of it by wanting him to change his mind, when your mom say you handsome but your crush say you ugly. What you gonna do Jonny? Harsh her until she say otherwise?
I really hope that guy is a made up character or someone signposting cause they’re bored. No one can be this demented and manage to live.
The conversation between Jonny and memeio was more entertaining then the gameplay
”imagine reviewing a game in alpha”
proceeds to ask you to review the game, which is still an alpha
This game gave me literal aids
Why does the hunting rifle look like the same one as fallout 3
Hey its the same guy who tried to sue Faceless
Lol „You good in the head, Champ?“. Best chirp I’ve heard in awhile
There’s a mobile version? That game barely runs on pc and is unplayable on console
I love Memio vids but this trash can of a game is so bad I only got half way through the video.
Can I get Johnny’s address
Rust in mobile!?
Doubt you have a girlfriend
also this game looks like shit … really really shitty
im sorry to say this but … i love ur gf … sorry
Honestly hate New Zealanders some times 🤦♂️ btw I’m from NZ 💀
How do you sleep at night when you left a bad review on a poopy game?
You should of called him a kiwi
I’m pretty invested in Uno and Gaj at 14:38
Memeio, why dude? I don’t get the intro. its fueling the fire. This dude is nobody and your just smearing your own name.
BTW lol you added the ad after the drama.
Hey if u Wana play a real copy or rust mobile play last island of survival just believe me is not 100 copy of rust but it have all the things in rust
Bro this is actually better than rust console
Oxide needs to get removed
Why is there a filipino there 🤣
jonny’s definetly a coping dev
Plot twist: Chupacabra17 is Jonny from NZ
Shit 🤣
Meh, Rust CE is better than the only other console games I play. Also, I didnt watch the video, at work. And Rust CE isnt in alpha? Who is Johhny and why would he say that?
11:44 that’s our trap base😂
Imagine he made all those bases to make the game look popular 😭
That guy who was talking shit to you tell him to hmu i dont do that internet bs
Im the guy named wax we are a clan on some servers…
You and gf have the same energy omfg 🤣🤣
this game is dogshit……
We were a clan in that server,
Yup the game is garbage I played it every server the admin killed me over and over make it a real game or remove it
It’s a dev for a shit game trying to squeeze the last bit of idiots out of it before it goes belly up, you lose Jonny.
Mom I want rust
Mom: We have rust at home
Rust at home
I will avenge you
Where is this man in my country can’t have that craziness here
0:42 why you look sad? 🙁
I think the guy in the beginning may have been a developer for oxide ngl
shit shit and corn
all i heard was ” redo it i added some more stolen assets. i basically put in no work besides copy paste from rust and nothing else, applause please.”
Trust me
Damnnnn did he make the game??? is that why is he pissed
i think jonny needs a psychologist
collect log
Restraining Order asap
I’ma get some discplates just to spite this guy.
“That’s a sad breakfast” 😭😂
So every mobile game is bad?
Why does the hatchet look like it was remodeled halfway and then they gave up when they got to the top? lmao
Trust me in the comments❤😉😚
As a Kiwi, and on behalf of all of New Zealand, we are sorry and promise you were are not all that insane. #SendJonnyAway
Face revel
So what we learned today is that if you abuse and troll Memeio then he will do whatever you want.
That food really didn’t look that good lol
9:43 that’s what she said…
By just seeing the thumb nail litteraly made me click instantly I can tell Im in for a good one!
Well you are a bit of a creep. ❤️
either this is a troll or this person was dropped on they head as a baby.
The game is absolutely shit I thought I might be able to start making videos but 2 dam laggy
still terrible game😂😂
We’ll he can’t say you didn’t do another review!
Keep the beard looks much better
If the dude that was harassing you was a dev, he should develop a real game instead of messing with you on social media.
shit man bad rep for nz get off the internet jonny xD
Wow! Stimpee must have mellowed 2:58
Memeio if you have time you should review Last Island of Survival another rust ripoff but much better than that trash game
im sorry but you shouldn’t even be able to that food at a restaurant. is that a normal meal you can buy in australia?
The closest thing to rust mobile has to be last island of survival.
Very similar mechanics but VERY pay to win.
Your girlfriend is funny to 🤣
Good shit James, you’re killing it dawg.
Trust me.
Your carpets multi??????????
“i want yo wood”😳
Human: I am not convinced… but I *am* amused.
1:45 did he just do the sexist thing??? LOL
5:32 omg guys blooprint is playing oxide
Bruh this guy is insanely stupid he made a game called ‘oxide’ 😂😂😂😂
Mr Memeio you should ay this game with Joana
Honestly you did get wrecked lol.
Lmao your gf had a nice reply 😂
So I just started the video, but I’m assuming Jonny is a dev for the game?
“Now we just run around like we are a little naked and then uh… we pull it out” – Memeio
What an actual freak
Thrust Memeio
Love the video but the sponser 😂 like come one I live in Africa And we have TOOOOOONS of trees if anywhere they need to replant the amazons trees that are being burns hundreds of acres at a time, we got so many trees in Africa we have forests in our back gardens here and gotta cut some down to get some space😂 except the Savana there aren’t many trees there because they cannot survive the harsh climate, please sponser change the place you plant trees 🙁 we don’t need it, but again awesome video bro I watch all your content🥰
There’d actually a copy paste of this game, but it’s a bit more polished. Called survival simulator
Jonny made 61 alt accounts just to dislike this
The run animation looks like the greased up deaf guy from family guy running
This is the first time I’ve seen what Memeio looks like and I gotta say, you are the only person I have ever seen that looks exactly like they sound.
This game is complete trash, no effort whatsoever in developing this pos of a game lol. It is so bad but I love Memeio, always funny to watch
Trust meh
Still better than console rust
That game sucks look at it
Whats up ya memememememememmemememememememememememememememeo
That guy was an asshole god bless you memio don’t worry about him
Re review console edition its actually way better then release not kidding haha
This guy is either a psychopath or a troll, either way he has way too much time on his hands and needs to find a hobby/job.
If Jonny was doing this as a promo for the game that’s genius but sadly he’s just a degen
visit my channel i make videos about this game 😉
Thank u memio i know the game becous of u 😍
Makes sense that Roblox rust is better than mobile rust
Oh yeah it looks just like rust…
Hey memio it’s Johnny here listen the update didn’t fully come it its still in alpha pre beta post launch so wait till its out to do your mandatory review again.
Ps. I love you
He will get so mad 😂🤣
Is this chinese, this looks chinese..
Try last island of survival it’s just the same as rust it’s so good
You realise that now johnny will never leave you alone because you did what he wanted, Never give in to trolls.
Of you wanna a better rust on mobile try survival island
The 4 minutes of the messages felt like forever lmao
memeio kinda looks like mr beast with downs
what a shity game
yo, where is your chin bro?
It looked like it glows!
That game looks like trash
yooooo Rust made in paint is so much better than this game can’t wait until Rust in powerpoint
This conversation feels scripted for some reason.
Eyo sup and like the video right know or the sussy baka imposter will kill you ඞඞ
Man, Jonny just angry cause he got no PC
MY EYE’S-!!!!!!
I think he has a weird obsession with Oxide.
That beard boutta make me act up 😩
I really hope that wasnt a dev from New Zealand Give us a bad name lol Nice vid as usual bro
dude is clearly a salty dev lol
this man did a little trolling
oxide, what a pile of shite!
👀 prolly one of the devs of the game
Trust me
I think that guy was advanced trolling tbh
Y’all realize he’s doing it to get attention to the game and it worked
That guy is a bloody crazecanner
as a kiwi rust player and server owner this guy is a bad example of people in my country . as for suing a individual in nz its really hard to do and i bet you this 12 year old kid (most likely) could not convince his mom to give him the money to start the process ..honestly james i would not have even re looked at the game that will just make him more angry and he may pop a zit (pimple to the americans) and release the pressure .james ..carry on with the content as you were
Lmfao love it. He deffo a dev on that game
Ok I found a actually decent rust mobile ripoff that actually has players called last island of survival
How you geive bad rev-yew it’s’ best game on pC
The Console version would of been a better video and that’s still shi😂😂
im from nz and this dude is not cool
“Rust copied Oxide”
*Ah yes*
Game is crying to kill it ..
He must be a big Stimpee fan
Please please please update us if that psyco sends you more stuff.
Memeio I think you got trolled
its still alpha lmao
He is right, that is a sad breakfast
mobile games are so trash
Please send the new messages from jonny
Honestly W gf tbh
I didn’t skip past the ad part like I normally do, out of sheer spite for Johnny
I absolutely dare u to play Last Day Rules Survival. It’s an even worse Rust copy.
How do I get out this?
Some Maoris XD
Fun video bro!
Whys he care so much
6:40 no way they spelt building wrong haha
Surprise! It was stimpee the whole time
james be like playing rust. neckbeard: gets bored and starts fucking with him over instagram 😂
Bro Try last island of survival
never play this garbo game again lool
Wow its sooooooo much huh bettyetrrt
i didnt know stimpee lives in new zeland
love the 20:23 review!
If anything the developer of this game needs to pay you, the only reason people are playing it is bc of your first video lmao
The bible says play oxide
he is definitely one of the developers or something he has to be really close to the ame for him to be this pissed and crazy
Reveal his name so we can all spam how FUCKING HORRIBLE this shitshow of a game is.
Bruh don’t ever play it again
Trust me
Merzed in the top left @6:41. Me too kid, me too but only because of the games state. XD
I also tried this sh****tty game last week. It was the fastest removed app on my oneplus! 😂😂
He’s crazy…. but…. it worked
Damn i wanted to make a vid on this cause of you
“Johnny” is definitely part of the development team for that game.
I was on that server
Who thinks the nutter was just Stimpee fucking with him? 😀
So.. Honestly… I don’t care for the game either. But, to be completely fair…. IT IS a MOBILE game.. And continously comparing it to rust, which is predominately a PC game, is unfair… Just sayin..
I wish I could see his live reaction to this video
He’s not wrong though, you are a creep. hahaha
Johnny is great PR
Trash game almost didn’t even wanna finish the video
Honestly that crazy dude sounds like a character Stimpee would pull off
Got a little stalker aint ya😜
Yo it’s just as bad as last time
DayZ Assets, stolen ideas, barely any changes… Yeah that’s about right. LOL
Lets go, my shirt arrived. Looks sick Memeio.
i speak for the whole of nz when i say we don’t want Johnny here. we tried to deport him but he barricaded himself in with the monkeys in Auckland zoo and refuses to leave.
That game is trash whoever is the designer of that game needs to be put in prison
Weird stalker weirdo vibe for sure lol
Video start in 5:27
Im not late lol
He sounds like the dev lmao
saying “Rust copied Oxide” is the same as saying marshmellow is from fortnite
Holy this guy is messed in the head.
Maybe, Just MAYBE, if that guy spent more time coding his failgame….He would have more people wanting to play it? Maybe…….but I guess he should spend more time complaining about deserved reviews!
Roblox rust is better than this
SALTIEST man in rust vibes
why is jonny giving nz a bad name not cool jonny
Played this game today and ngl it wasn’t that bad. I think rust should make a mobile version.
Even mobile Rust is scripted 7:57
trust me
The hammer looks like ur carpet
Bruh, i better play “last island of survival”
Mrmemeio negotiates with terrorists
Nooooo now he wins lol
When someone thinks this games actually good
The closest thing to rust on mobile is last island of survival 15 days. With monuments, a huge map, NPCs etc farming is similar but its a pay to win game.
I’m a shit now byyyeee
Skip to 5:29 for the start of the video.
We’re gonna need an update when he inevitably messages you again
Definitely on the Gear… Must be from Hamilton city
I can’t believe Memeio faked an earthquake. smh
This is literally the kind of person I see who plays mobile games…..
Johnny from new zeland is the creator and developer of the game OR a wh*re of the game. change my mind.
Just get banned from the game, end of story.
The intro was better than the actual game. worth it.
trust u
Fuck mobile game
Can’t even get the spelling of building correct lol. They call it Buildind
still better than Console
This rust like game isn’t the best but it surly better than most mobile games. It call ” last day rules survival”.
11:00 hold up🤨
gonna give this a go for the memes
Some of the mobile games just copies pc games or another branch of one company
Harambe alive in memios house?
*Spoiler alert* All this time it was stimpee who send this sh*t because he miss his boyfriend (who lies that he has girlfriend and that he isnt gay)
This explains Oxide to a T.
In game PVP in conversation/harassment form.
Worst game ever🤣😂 but not too bad of a video was funny
You should have not blurred his name no one should go at another mans gf
Memeio… by the end of the video you were enjoying yourself. Please explain.
Hey, wait a sec… if I do the same and keep texting you but about the nudes… since you did what he asked… !! 😏😏😏
It’s really good try it
that game looks like trash
Try last island of survival it almost the same
GF???? He must mean BF less he calls his BF GF hmm?
When you get rust from wish
banger vid f jonny from my home town nz btw ur vids are great but I feel like it would be a bit better wth facecam but its up to u and the viewers id mind
Lol the assault rifle looks like an stg44 and the sar had a mutated idiot child
He kind of got what he wanted lol he probably helped make the game😂 ps it really is sh**
And build tc and boxes on second floor
Btw ppls have not hitbox or heats so make base wotch 2 floors
5:26 the review
i get threats of lawsuits a lot, i ignore them… keep a record of the communications…
trust me
you need a displate of the doggo xD
It was probably the same guy Faceless had beef with all those years ago “the saltiness man in rust” hahaha, love ya work ethic ✌
Its like Rust, but its on your phone and fucking sucks.
Trust me.
Jonny from New Zealand really fucking went at it dude has no concept of reality off line but he made it happy fucking mad lad
After watching this I wana play it 😂😂
Ok now I know this is scripted “girlfriend”???? Mmmmk hahahahaha but for real you pissed off a kiwi brooooooo hopefully he can’t chewwwww
Ouuuu stimpee defending his bby awweeee
This game is next level trash
Please, dont play or buy this pile of shit ever again.
shame ur gonna have to play the game again
Whoever this individual is that said it got better, he needs to be sued for false advertisement.
Fuck the Rust dev needs to take action. Swear the lunatic is the dev for this game.
Trush me
I think that dude worked on Oxide.
Bruh. Rust is only good on PC. Its a PC game. Nothing else. Runs like shit on anything else.
Link us his instagram
Johnny’s really the only human being alive who enjoys this game unironically. I can’t believe it.
Trust me
How do you grow beard so fast?
Is this a spoof video,? Never seen something make me laugh so much. Is the guy that made the game really that deluded that he thinks it’s ok
Yuck. Its terrible. I suspect he just wanted you to review it again because he probably got users based on your first review. Even bad advertising is advertising.
Lol talk about being toxic in Rust and than even more IRL
“Rust copied Oxide”.
Oxide – released 3 months ago.
Rust – released 8 years ago.
Yeah, the maths checks out
Lmfao it’s trash I downloaded rust mobile today it’s sooooooo bad I want to know what the hell the people who made this game was drinking and smoking 😂🤣😅😁
Time to find out who johnny boy is lol
shit game
Does melee not do dmg in this game?
this guy is cursed
Imagine hacking in mobile rust
go play lastlsland of surviv it the best mobile rust
To be fair. If this was made in 1985 it would be incredible.
Just imagine how many cats that sociopath has probably off’d…
“Rust copied oxide”
That fucking killed me
Little message for Jonny at the end 😀
you are LEGALLY obliged to re review this game when it comes out of alpha in 37 years
Damn lunatic
karen dev be like
Imagine harassing a youtuber cuz’ your work was reviewed in it’s early stages. So what dude. People reviewed Minecraft and Unturned in their early stages and shat on them. The Devs still kept working on it till it got better instead of wasting time lurking and typing out hate.
How many people noticed the “buildind blocked”. AAA quality
There’s no way this guy didn’t make that game
Lunatic being a Karen*
Also Lunatic falls and takes an earthsample with his teeth 🥺
Admit you was looking for the new Zealand guy to comment on this video
To jump through someone’s window press crouch and jump at the same time and move forward
Also a Headshot to a naked or an wooden person is a insta kill
if you want memeio to do a “proper review” of your game just pay him or sponsor him
Rip Jonny the lunatic
Game shit
Absolute garbage
At first I thought this was a trolling joke that went on past its expiration date… but then it kept going. And the realization slowly sunk in that this dude is fr upset.
That game would drive me absolutely bonkers 😂
Homie got hella money off of a troll XD
Stop playing this sheat game
Trust me
Sounds like you need to contact the Fixated Persons Unit.
Man I mistaken Instagram being less toxic than twitter I guess not
Yeah Trust Me 🤣
I got raided bye Offic
Trust me 😃
That was me in chat
My name was GOODBA2
MISTER Memeio getting trolled.
I’m beginning to suspect Jonny might be the developer
Is that a rabbit
There’s not much that’s worse than en entitled person
I wouldn’t even download it; think of the bandwidth.
memeio i was about to invest 18 million bitcoin into this game thank you so much for this review i now know where not to invest now thank you
Respect the effort tho 😂
Yo please updat if the loony replies again
Rust mobile looks like it has better FPS running on a mobile device than Rust console runs on my XBOX One X
Aight, i know he aint gon tell us to do it but just remember that the google play/app stores have a review function….. I think we’ve got a job to do
Fight fight fight
Let’s hope he isn’t too crazy because last thing I need is memio on the news
One day, this game is going to get sued by Facepunch for using their images for the items just like what happened to the Roblox version of Rust, it got taken down
I really like how funny your girl friend is…
Play last island survival its like more rust
Why waist your time with this ?
Johnny from New Zealand is definitely a dev from the game and is salty af 🙂
What a shit game
I was expecting the NZ guy to be Joanna! lol
That guy that was harrasing you definitely seemed like he was making money off the game somehow.
It says, “BUILDIND BLOCKED” when a TC is needed in that game. Sick spelling
Dude this game is crap. Don’t ever play it again.
Trust me father
I’d gouge my eyes out from frustration if I had to play this.
trust you
I cant watch entire video. Im losing braincells just looking at those graphics
Lets all agree: even catastrophia on roblox is better than oxide.
This game is trash my guy.
Memeio if you want a rust mobile game that is actually good with different servers try (last island of survival) it is so much better then this
man wtf you have gf i think you ga-y
Maybe you should try to play last island of survival. Its also kinda like rust, but Then on android
I’m dying from laughing so much 😂😂
try vast survival
Trust Me !!
that man was hacking we was inf health and that why he did not died
Not to be immature but if a proposed adult is going to act like that a real loser. harassment is not cool and what was his name Johnny? Grow the fuck up man it’s just a game.
That guy is legend, jesus, im dead laughing in first 15 secs om video 🤣🤣 broo stoop 🤣🤣
Memeio: this is garbage hahahaaaaaa 😹😹😹😹
all legends are named James!
The missclick excuse had me rolling.
This guy couldn’t be serious when he said this game is good right ? It must be a failed joke or something… He must be a troll, that’s not possible. I can’t believe it.
Who is this Handsome creatures?
Memeio literally has vampire teeth. I have never noticed before.
Definitely a developer, or maybe someone who really likes the game for whatever reason
Can you give me a deal on a 5 year sub?
Trust me, in the comments.
This game would be so cool if they put some effort into it
Trust me.
“TRUST ME” Just Hit Different 🙂
Game is still crap. Tried playing the game, it’s crap.
Play last last island of survival
4:17 that shit got me wheezin
please, don’t do more videos of this kind of shit xD
Maybe he’s actually like a really big Mr. Memeio fan and genuinely wants another video, but he knows Memeio doesn’t listen to his viewers so he decided to do a 1000iq play and reverse psychology bully him into it. Its the perfect crime when you think about it.
Make part 3 and join a megabase
the lunatic was clearly fucking around right?
The buggs have been fixed… brother they fly into bases wdym
That dude is definetly the owner of the game HAHAHAHA
Shit game
You gotta do a 3rd video and try to get a revenge story in mobile rust
Johnny from New Zealand is a genius at marketing. Be like Johnny and force content creators to play your mobile rust ripoff that’s better than the original. Edit: holy shit is he trolling? Johnny’s got Screws falling out
Trust me
Any Jonny or Loony that Memeio talking ’bout here ? comment here pls xD
It really sucks you went through that kind of harrasment dude. Whether you’re bothered by it or not, it really is a scary thing to have happen someone. Appreciate your work and hopefully you don’t cop more that kind of shit.
Oxide is garbage. Hot garbage. Trust me.
Are you sure this person isn’t Stimpee?
That guy is probably just a desperate developer of oxide.
Him – “How dare you review the game, it’s in ALPHA!!!!”
Also him – “RE-REVIEW THE GAME” …(it’s still in alpha)
Bro I was hoping you were gonna grow a full beard when you said “let me grow out my beard”. I was legit expecting you to look like Santa Claus
game garbage
ngl i would have blocked him as soon as he tried to push me to do a review for a mobile game
Please give me the game name
This a sh1t game mobile rust name:last island of survival is better rust mobile
Its all good and sweet but did you receive my dm about you being fat?
On behalf of New Zealand.. sorry bro
By girlfriend you mean Stimpee right?!?
Bro…. Your head is so small
I played rust mobile for a year its so boring
It’s a ok game
Anyone else looking for this fella in the comments?
Carrot, zucchini, and poop biscuits are better than that knockoff.
Lol that man was the penis statue God the clan I played with that day built it they ran the gas station below it my base was the one right behind the gas station in the sand
you read the texts with your gf? a new one? not the one that cheated on you with a bloke in the army? okay
Trust me. Mister Memeio ive done it
U should make a dis track for this game
Everyone: So that was a fucking lie.
What a spaz, they had a discord but I believe they deleted it
The game is terrible.
guys promise me youll never play this mobile game ,so they dont get free advertisment
But fr tho Memester… wtf was your breakfast? a glizzy of sort and a crusty pizza pancake thing lol
i love you memeio
i was the 420th view
where did he get the rust ak in the background?
Where is the link to download and try it 🤔
Congrats on 500k
I’m dying of laughter, omg, what a lunatic
Yooo whatsss upp man how you doing????
Man finally and im still waiting for Asia server
And yeah better and worse
sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh -make a line-
Not sure if you noticed this but the pillow on your chair is upside down
Ur other boyfriend just uploaded a new video… SURGE…
POV: your looking for a comment from that dude at the beginning
Damn memeio looks so hot im finna bust
I have display poster really good recommend😍😍😍👍👍👍
I hope you all have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
ngl that food looks hella good
You always cure me from depression ♥️
Okay well i mean
Ayeeee congrats to 500k memeio! Cant wait for the next trap base videos to come 💪
keep it going memeio! and also enardo 😉 u guys have the funniest rust content i have ever seen in my entire life.
The update is good tho
One minute gang
sub 500 view gang
wanna play rust memeio
Rust ripped of oxide
You should change your name to CREAMeio
Wait that game got an update ???
Seems so
Imagine disliking
Ah yes.3viewers,13 likes.Yep.Makes sense.
So early
30 sec gang
I have played it and yeah….
Yooo wassup
For showing me this
Bro hi, can you play last island of survival
Wat up
First 🌚
Bro I play this thanks
wood balls 👀