Multi Trap Bases With Remote Rust+ Notification. (PATCHED JAN 2021)
Set multiple self sealing trap bases around the map and be alerted when they are tripped with the Rust+ app. Why tick off one set of neighbors when you can tick off multiple sets cheaply?
Rust+ alert with no electricity was inspired by a video by Benjamin. Check out the video and his channel: https://youtu.be/Hd4mkEBqHl4
If anyone wants to ask me any questions or get helped with anything feel free to join my discord.
Taqs:Rust Update,Rust,Trap,Trap base,building
コメント (11)
So i have tested your trap on eu main and it works, but things that is bad with the trap is if u go on the roof at the trap base u can se the flameturret and the pressure pad, so a experience player will always check first before going in.
Nice way to generate passive income. (:
dope.. this is definitely my style lmao. loving the vids fknfkr!
I love it!! I seriously laughed out loud on your test run. Beautiful concept with the flame turret sealing 🙂
Crazy how cheap it is to build.
Hey I am still on the vortex server holding it down and keeping that trap base you showed me around safe hahaha really appreciated it and I hope you blow up!
probably not the best idea placing a bag near turret btw
yea Benjamin is GOAT of rust
Cool trap idea! Also nice with the lower music volume 😛
Simple and deadly… Just what I like. GG, Old! 👍
very nice idea