How a Solo with 8967 hours Plays Rust..
#Rust #RustSoloSurvival #chilledvibes
Today i take on forcewipe in Rust, as a solo, and attempt to share with you guys the tips and tricks ive learnt over my 9000 hours that help me progress as fast as possible.
MY SECOND CHANNEL : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgYBxwW1sqqKMb4KjfvDZgQ/videos
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[EU] Willjum’s solo only server
Connect eu.willjum.com:28015
[NA] Willjum’s solo only server
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After some wipes playing with blooprint, Brit, spoonkid and most recently Ser Winter, i went back to my roots with a solo series…
You can find my amazing thumbnail artist @sinhunsan1 on twitter!
Give me a follow on twitter! https://twitter.com/willjum1
Business email (for non business stuff just message me on discord) willjum@afkcreators.com
Fantastic Music From
Mist3r: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChadeA_eXwpZi-eA2Ecv19Q
AloneinTokyo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAKuzfWjjWQoGJS4ORJXag
Sugadaisy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yyVor4BCh4zXtAMdHY8oA
Taqs:Willjum,Rust,Rust Solo Survival,Rust Movie,Twitch highlights,Rust Chilled,Willyum,Rust Solo Story,Solo,Rust Solo Base,Spoonkid,blooprint,rust raids,rust huge loot,rust jackpot,rust treasures,rust solo infiltration,rust best start ever,rust plays,rust 10000 hours,#explore,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Gaming funny moments,#youtubegaming,#gaming,funny,tiktok,rust survival,survival games,rust admin,#explorepage,#youtube,#youtubevideo,Rust movie,Blooprint
コメント (1959)
Wow. Currently 25k subs away from the 1 mill. where there will be an EPIC duo with aloneintokyo. I really hope you did enjoy this one =)
I can tell i was a subscriber 4 seconds in.
First day already got tc got my base bed found decayed base with loot no guns sadly but yeah doing good
17:54 you are absolutely insane. that shot was clean.
3:20 i cant see a fckn thing
3:46 how do you see people in that darkness?
3:37 How did you spot, and even see that guy enough to kill him so easily in the dark??
does it work with 8957 hours?
Yo I bought rust and had literally no idea what to do and kept getting killed at spawn I tried building a base but I didn’t know how to build so it looked like crap and was easy to raid I got sick of the game and refunded it, but these videos are making me wanna try get into rust again, 99% of the stuff you did in this video I didn’t even know was possible I thought this game was gonna be like minecraft but with guns (Yeah make fun of me) or smth but its completely different really cool content have a good one.
honestly if you stream snipe on rust on a streamer. you’re a coward
i watch rust videos all the time. ive never played it. i dont even own it.
If ur new to Rust and play solo, play on a server that doesnt wipe BPs for a few months, so you can have time to build up your bps and learn to use the guns etc.
You will progress much faster than playing on a server where you can never make any real progress because the wipe is done before you’ve managed to get any good bps.
Once you have some time under your belt, then move to a full wipe server.
How doeshe auto sort 13:02
“you don’t have to be the best in the game to solo” proceeds to be the best in the game and solos groups sized 3-6 lol
11:30 I’d have lost my mind if that happened to me. It’s one thing to lose the cave base while you’re building it, but to spawn into your 1×1 and find it raided…
Having played rust for a bit, get so far only for it to crumble because of a team (on my birthday of all days!), the theme of this video is insanely accurate. Because I swear to G, everytime I fall down so far, I come back up 10x taller.
Good, just good
Did Willjium just build something other than a 3 triangle starter 😅
As a brand new rust player this is great.
This games trash there is no end game no point to it just doing the same dumb shit over and over until they reset the server then you get to do all the same shit over again. It’s a waste of time and has no point to it.
Join community server drab 3x
What is the music playing on the back called at 55:15 ?
How did you kill a guy in the pitch black with a bow? Answer. There’s a floating highlighted box on every player. And he aimed at the floating box. Watch it 3 times. You cannot see the player he killed. Or the players head or silhouette. Nothing.
i really admire that you can take such a loss and be so chill about it man, sounds like the personality of a wise man.
I joined last week because of your videos it lookt way to chill how you played it. Zo me and my brother hoped on en got killed naked on the Beach bij roof campers
Can I raid this guy??
11:00 this is why you wall the main entrance and just use bucket to leave, dying on entry is no problem if you have a bed
Willjum has taught me to laugh away the pain ❤😂
I don’t understand how he sees in that dark. I can’t see isht!!! 2 times he killed ppl in total dark. HOWW
admin powers…. easy to spot…
just like me bro but my ocd makes me wanna organize everything 😂
Rarely have i ever heard a more personal “Heidi.”
I’m 😂😂😂
Stop cheating kid. 😂 you using wall hacks
i use a aperta v2 for my solo wipes i think itsa good engouf asabunker base
sam sulek of rust
is there a tutorial for how to make this base on youtube?
I’ve built 5 bases in the past week and every time I’ve gotten offlined.
Twice b someone named Pee Pee 9000
9000 hours spent in a game…. wow like you could learn real skills, like piano and guitar… but no you played a game
song at 10 mins please?
bro i have never even played rust snd i watched the whole thing, super good production on ur videos, very very good job
I am blown away with how quickly you build…and destroy those you come across.
I didn’t know that you could demolish a stone wall. Is it because it was just built?
Love your videos as always, but saying you dont need to be that good to progress, right after 1 straight hour of going full pvp god dominating every fight lmao cmon now, you progressed this wipe because you’re a god tier pvper
Do you play on keyboard of controller
I love this dudes content but it’s annoying that his videos never have a ending they just abruptly end. What happened with the trio? What ever happened to taking back the cave base?
how do u see thru dark so easy?
does any one know the music at 52:17?
I use the same floor print as him but I can open and close my bunker from inside my base
How’d he get the cross hair
That’s a lot of hours
Good editing bro.
fyi if you get a ak first day. dont use it!!! they’ll com banging that door down happened to me multiple times
Never. Nor I have the money for the game nor the power to run on minimum settings.
Is there any reason why he only uses one slot for smelting?-like not splitting ores in half. Is it just to get more charcoal?
i know i know im 7 months late for this video but this really made me happy im allways a solo and i see how fun the game is i bought it and im glad i did
Left the video when i saw that zesty ah door
Honestly if you play rust as more than a duo you are objectively bad at the game
He’s got a great way of turning a maddening game like rust into something positive.
He’s got the most health in the game!!
At the experiment tab I have this thing called GC BUFFER (MB) what does it do and what number should I set it to
Anyone wanna help me out on rust!! Just got it and can’t get started best I got the bear attack then raided
The best resource in Rust is…corpses
9:20 How do I turn the flashlight on?… never made it work lol XD
Willjum your videos continue to motivate me to play this game. I am now over 1000 hours. Thank you.
I like when people brag about having 9k or 10k hours in a game ive got over 70k hours in ark official
scripted vids af
3:38 how tf does he see
It was like good movie
How did you get the crosshair
I want frog rock
9k hours and still dont know how to build a cave base
So basically 1 full year of your life or 3 years of 8 hours a day or 4 years of full time employment.
You just taught me a load of the right attitude that playing this game clearly requires 😀 (I’m 100h down). Thank you.
Also, this video was very informative and entertaining!
this man makes bow combat look so easy lol
in my 2,000 hours of rust i only now learned the alt + hover loot on armour to equip it to your own character lol…
Just bought the ultimate edition on xbox today. Gonna start tonight after work. Super excited!
I don’t know how you do it man somehow you make rust look relaxing and chill😂😂when I play is straight stressing and screaming love your vids
you make rust look so easy
At this point your vids are better than Blooprints one where he always gets like to Endgame in 20Min after Wipe cause he magically runs into full stacked people
AIT sucks dude
i have 10 minutes in game im dying a lot off but i never give up
This is the first time that at 2 30 am i watch a video and go an hour later whwn the video ends, and i didnt realise i have been watching for a full hour
i dont understand. how ppl see other ppl in the complete dark ;-;
I purchased rust alpha in may 2016 and it was a completely different game
what is the music you are using in your videos
Willy choom preem content like always when i watch your videos makes feel the urge to play some rust again, I usually like to play with my cousin when he is actually in the mood for hardcore pvp matches and the grub grind, lol Id like to beable to play rust with you one day that be nova me and my cousin watch alot of your videos, cheers m8 hailing from Central U.S.A.
No matter how strong a Base I build on console… people will spend the gp to raid it.. even when i farm zero gp… and make it the most expensive profitless raid I can… when I’m actually juiced it really sucks. If you’re solo on low pop you will get offlined
I wish the pops were higher so the clans would only raid each other
Just wondering how you killed the guy in pitch black with a bow and arrow at the start. Playing back I see nothing…
Im pretty new to the channel and I’ve only watched three vids but just watching him play puts my mind at ease and just makes me forget about the problems of my life
He can still dunk better unfortunately
Just curious if there is some advantage to using a female character in these types of games? Just started watching and noticed a majority using female characters.
sweet video man…howw on earth do you see the guy at 3:43 ?
i used to play rust ALOT sadly though eventually my computer stopped being able to run it well and i couldnt do anything without insane lag, rubberbanding, and crashing, willijum gave me lots of base ideas, and i’ve always admired his playstyle, i’ve surprisingly met alot of nice people on rust and it was always fun to defend or do a raid even if i lost, thanks will! 😀
Good sir that is a wonderful frock you started with
Is there a link or video to this base concept please?
lol the fact that a man with 9000 hours and very good skills in the game has this hard of a time starting out shows just how hard this game is. And why I refuse to play it lol. So much wasted time
I’m feeling real inspired to play this game finally after watching a video on ZChum living under the floors and walls of Rust players bases. I definitely think your videos is what I’m really wanting to do, taking the hard challenge of being solo and going through masochism. This honestly would feel like an amazing way to practice strategy, aim, and critical thinking in games. If you are just solely testing yourself and your reaction times, you will die a lot due to teams, but you will figure how to adapt.
Also your aim is absolutely insane. Though I shouldn’t be shocked from a player who’s literally played 10,000 hours of this game.
Cool video!
do you use gamma? i cant see shit and u hit ppl with bow with a *black screen * xD
13:05 uhhhhhhh how the hell did you autosort his inventory????????????????????????????????? is it not actually official or am i missing something??????
bro has plays roughly 5.5 hours a day since launch
Roaming around naked with guns yea ur gonna get dropped… at least wear a hazi
Last time I played this game there was still zombies.. thanks for teaching me how to play the new rust!
mad respect to you Willjum, i honestly dislike playing solo even tho most of my hours are solo. need me a team🦦
18:45 yeah willy j… don’t get distracted lol
Bro I have no idea how he even seen that dude in the pitch black dark
I found a base exactly like this. 1 c4 and I’m in. Shitty ass base. So much for 8967 hours
Well he did!
How can you see in the dark? I couldn’t see anyone you killed, or them killing you. Is radar used.
I don’t kno how u see so well at nite
U killed Racheal 100 times
Willjum i need to know where you get your custom crossar
Btw love the content so much. Keep it up 😀
Yo Willjum i have an idea that you can use that will get you lots of recources worth of scrap. I would suggest going to oilrig or miltons like once or twice a wipe (just a suggestion).
1:10:20 “You don’t need to be the best to have fun at this game, just watch this video montage of me killing half the server while never farming ever.”
So if I build a huge base I can never keep it for life? The server will always reset??
ı did everyting same but bunker didnt work when ı put the roof the bunker doesnt open
need a spotify playlist man
How do you sort of inspect your weapon like in modern warfare?
What server does he play?
bazooka farts
How do you even see anything at night withouut a torch baiting you out?
the background music always slaps its crazy
I always have bags outside incase i die in air lock and they camp my door i sneak up and lock it like every time😂😭
Well if you have that many hours you are either a liar or cheating! At 8 hours a day, 7 days a week it would take just over 3 whole years with no days off to accomplish it. I say you have a private server you just stay logged into 24/7, So ya your a piece of shit liar. Its pathetic that someone would waste 3 years of their short life on a video game.
At 23:33 How the heck could he see him in the dark if i was him i could not even see at ALL
Hey, love the solo series.
Could you make a guide on the bunker base building step by step and do you use a crosshair application how is it constantly there and you even changed the type?
43:19 i remember blueprints and maps where your can write
I recall when I first played Rust there were zombies in it.
1:04:20 dude some of the shots you hit don’t even fucking make sense to me how it’s possible. You’re inSANEly good wtf….
I joined rust back during the blueprint fragment era. Last time I played was during a Christmas event. Good times as a solo gamer myself.
frog rock
1:04:10 Name of Song ID?
anytime i watch someone playing rust at night I CANT SEE A THING ive adjusted my gamma my brightness is it your alls end? does it brighten up whre you can see but on our recording you cant see a thing just sky
Just started, like literally yesterday. playing. My one question is…. how the hell do you see people like that first kill, in the dark?. I don’t think I’ve ever played a game where the night is so dark haha.
That part about picking a good place to start is actually so real… I either pick a spot where I’m afraid to leave my base or I’m so isolated the only other players I see are over geared and I never get any pvp.
everyone knows he hacks right?
Why do you have a cross hair bro, take it off and play like usual love the videos but just not notices you have been “cheating” cmon man
What song is that start at 1:06:43
YO HOLD UP 31:12 into the cideo and i just relised how you get that crosshair?
great video but the music on some parts just doesnt work in my opinion
How do you guys see stuff for example at 3:46, for me it’s pitch black
That’s a realy good video 😀
Ok can we get a trash 700 hour thing?
How can u transfer the loot so fast in your chest? Oder from the hotbar to the ground or inventory at 36:20
How can u see an enemy in the dark? I cant see sht
“u dont have to be the best” says willjum after winning a war by himself like rambo lol
I never played Rust, but love watching your vids man!
Aimbot toggle at 27:15.
I’m new to the game and already have 200 hours but I still don’t get how people can see so good in that dark what’s the best colour settings?
uuuuhhh.. so you’re just not gonna explain how you just stacked small boxes??!? was it bc of the door??
Thanks for all those tips to start solo willjum it will help me out due to i dont have friends that play rust
I would have probably built L11 not L14 😉 Those zones are insanely hot though, plenty of folks are looking for quick progression through those accessible monuments. Ice lakes/snow are easy to do early wipe but will later be claimed by zergs because of sulfur nodes. Despite that, I usually do snow or desert depending on monuments or if I make it, I grab a jumpdown only cave as a solo.
how do you get the crosshair?
41:14 I played Rust when it had zombies in it an kevlar armor was a flourescent blue color lmao, so 2013-2014. I stopped playing when the full release came out because it was too intense for my computer at the time. I haven’t played it since, but I really enjoy watching Rust videos from time to time!
Wow, i just love your personality & commentary!
If you want an amazing teammate, holla at me!
GameOfStones 🙂
That was the average solo start XD.
my guy, love watching all of your videos i havent seen once in a while, as a 23k hour rust player, Rust pvp is next level, cant get used to it haha
Hackers / cheaters did that in the cave and to your first base… official server are full with those…it’s sad but online FPS games are pointless to play if you are out for fun and skill …. just start cheating yourself if you want to keep up, or don’t play on those servers or better, don’t play those games at all.
Truly unemployed
Really love the attitude you bring to rust! Glad to have found your vids
Imagine going out to farm some scrap on road and all you see is a man with a crossy in an egg costume murder you 😭
1 year of your life straight on a game 😭
Ak doesn’t come with ammo :’(
11:34 the life of rust players
Why am i watching this i don’t even play rust
*continues to watch*
It is so sad to see someone dedicate their life to a video game. All things in moderation my friends.
It was cool play and guide) Only one secret you forget to mention how are you able to hit people in the dark?
What are you using for the dot crosshair?
this white girl music bops with these vids lol, subbed.
I got rust after Frankieonpcs first video so around 2013 id say ish miss the old blueprint system with fragments and that but all n all the game has improved alot, i remember when there used to be zombies in rust.
How does he see them in the pitch black?
Man i badly want to plag this game but this shi expensive asf, is there a way i can get access to play rust?
I play on ps4 with 90 ping im constantly lagging and I play solo anyone wanna be teammates maybe be neighbors and we make compound around us
how so many people got full kits and AKs 39 mins into a wipe?
19:00 imagine willjum giving advice about not getting distracted when he leaves base with a goal in mind 😂😂, every vid he gets distracted about half of his trips out of base 😂
9000 hrs wtf 😂😂😂
Been with Rust from the start. Red Animals, no TC, getting built into your base by griefers, Towers to the build limit everywhere.
I joined during exp days
bro when you reach 1000 hours can you see in the dark or something????
“You watched posty take on a 1v12 on oil and are feeling inspired” immediately made me like the vid 😂
Totally insane
alright….thats a lot of gametime lol
Why do you sound like LT…?
56:00 where did the second P2 come from?
I don’t get how people can see someone at night
you don’t have to be good at the game to succeed but having a 20:1 KD sure helps
playing games are easy just don’t get mad
16:48 kkkkk
y’all know the song at 13:49 ?
Unbelievable how many views do you have with a rust Video ❤ good job bra
so you should just run around and collect shit and drop bags at first? i have a real hard time finding cloth
How did you get rid of the barrel animation?
I would of quit at that point that’s crazy shit
Why you got an aiming dot? Is that a PC thing
6:45 in 😅😅 I’m optimistic but this video sounds like it’s gonna be painful
How can u see in the dark
No one
Her to me: 12:03
How can such cozy base creator and a nice guy have haters? Well…. He cant, becouse he doesnt have any.
I started playing a month ago. I’m absolutely addicted. Wish I would have bought this game years ago.
willjum plays rust so we dont have to
I joined in March 2023 and im on console. ..yeah I know lol but I still love/hate it. I’m a solo and I went from being mad every time I get raided by zergs to not mad at all. Weird to just let go of a week or mores hard work like it’s nothing but that’s what you gotta do. Rust is great and I can’t wait to see it grow more. We get horses tomorrow lol
8967 was his code.. i just noticed
Here is a quick little tip 🙂 When you want to craft 5 things without clicking the craft button each time you instead can click the middle mouse button to craft 5 instantly 🙂 (30:51)
How is he seeing the guy at 3:45. I cant even get a silhouette when pausing.
With 9000 hours in rust I would think the most difficult challenge would be socializing with real people and not getting instantly burned by the sun the second you walk out your door.
I swear this man is fuckin daredevil if he can hit anything at night
I remember the old blueprint system when you could get ak’s out of barrels. Wipe day was even more so chaotic lol
I will never understand why people watch their favorite streamers and also hinder their progress
what skin is that wood door?
Imagine you and duo here. You’re already taking out the majority of the group, you just need a little bit of help for the bigger groups and you’re set.
You made me buy the game your content is so good. I’m still starting out and this video did help me a bit, but it is still very terrifying.
A spear an a dream….
“I want this fight” one guy turns into three and he still wins
Fuck that like you the coconut Makossa good but I like the green one 1:06:41 kitchen, rancor, Olive Garden, rent pizza, kitchen, California
Don’t go out to farm and get distracted by pvp. 😂😂😂
How tf do other players see other players in the dark and hit them so perfectly
how did u see the first man , I replay 3 time still see nothing
Joined back when there were zombies in the game!
Stream snipers have special reservations in hell 🙂
Bruh edwin returns first welyn now you
Will, in a lot of servers I’ve visited lately, Heli is no longer referred to as Heli. She has been renamed to “Karen” for obvious reasons that entitled bitch is out to ruin everyone’s day.
What is that bow skin called used at 25:16!? It’s so nice!
46:35 9k hours but still leaves 20 bullets in the thompson while researching it😅
what about 8968 hours?
Name of Song around 36:30 ?
Lol you died in the i teo and cut it out 😝
bro how do you have this good sight and vision at night? just cant understand
bump the track id at 45:00
Dude having 9k hours MEANS NOTHING! Stop using that lame ass click bait. Half of those hours are probably from you sitting AFK in base.
I would have taken the cave back and revenge on those grubs😂
How does he see and kill people when it’s pitch black out and I can’t see them at all?
go to 1u and 5 min, look than at his water level
i started back in legacy. Before the tool cupboard. You had to build pillars around your base to keep people from build on your base.
Does anyone know how he got the crosshair like that?
I played legacy rust in 2013 never could get into the new rust until the worked out the kinks and it got fucking massive popularity
Yo will this is random but recycle the pressure plate things! They give u a spring and metal. While they look like they are made out of wood they are not
Bro had an LGBT door skin, respect -80 tbh
Learning this game is so hard lmaoo someone teach ya boy the ways in xbox 😂
Great content
how do ı add crosshair
I’ve just downloaded it and I’m getting comfortable with these videos before I start.
The way you can build so well, even in the pitch black dark (while taking people out), is obviously sick mode. I’m amazed.
Why don’t you tell people all they will play with is cheats and wall hacks that still allow people to go through mountains into you base if next to one.
why do you sometimes keep rocks and torches in your boxes no hate just wondering
Willjum should 100% sell “Yogi” bear rugs irl as merch.
How to you place the floors so that they disappear when you place a roof?
Us he playing on a dead server?
Whenever i play i got like 10 ppl per square roaming all the time.
0:12 Fun fact! Frog Rock is actually a reference to the 1993 adventure game by Lucas Arts, Sam and Max Hit the Road! A classic 🙂
How does he have a crosshair can someone explain please?
Please open a 2nd solo server 🙏
Just bought rust last night have played yet. If I see your name I’ll just give up lol
Alone Tokyo that video was trash
55:52 infinite ammo glitch??!
Probably a long shot but does anyone know what the background song is at 36:30? He’s had it in a few vids and I can’t find it
At 3:40 how do you even see this guy? I’ve got the video paused and don’t see shit. This happens in game too. I know everyone says the night is too dark, but it feels like my monitor fucks it even more..?
a year in rust gameplay is crazy
Can you upload this base design?
what was the song at the beginning of day 2? sounds like a creep – radiohead cover
That 2 min loss!! That is stream snipping, no doubt!!!
do you not know that year has 8760 hours
where do you get your music from
wiljums character stats have maxed out pvp with a 0 in building and organization
“Can never have to many bags” Facepunch really took that personally
Stop using that gay ass door.
so good vibes
if u have no sleaping bag u start with 0 again?
want to git gud kwik? this is how to do it.
Need a base tut no lieeee
Willjum: Don’t research guns. Also Willjum: Researching revvy, tommy and shotty 😂
9000 hours. Proceeds to build first base too close to a monument, and messup his second base by buildeing at nigt
I have a little under 1k hours and I don’t think I’ve learned anything 😂 I’m still trash at pvp as I’ve put most of those hours in building and heli servers, which would be ok if I were part of a clan, but I genuinely hate Playing with people so that’s out of the question.
i like your last comment. “See you don`t have to be the best to progress as a solo” damn man the way you just flopping them all i would struggle with a solo enemy.
Too bad for the stream snipers. Fun video, subscribed!
EDIT: Loved the marcel vengeance
Please delete this comment thanks wilijum
This is my first rust video I am a watching and I can tell I love it 10/10
I love this video the most because my name is Edwin it might not say I watch him for a long time because I watch him on my tv and and have not connected my account and not gonna
Can some one explain how his first base got raided? I’m née but his doors where still up
When music stop, please bring me!
Blud spent a year or more on rust💀
bro u have the best gamesense of all time when u killed the three crossbows i would have gone and took and loot like a dumbass
I feel like Willjums power grows the more bear rug he has
Does anyone know the song at 55:20? Amazing song that I can’t find
It’s like the night time stuff for me like how tf u seeing in the dark lol
awe man I only have 8966 hours. I can’t do any of this 🙁
Wow you have 1 million now
Coming back after a long break, you were always my fav Rust player to watch. Glad you’re still doing your thing man! 🙏🏻
Joined a few days ago, and getting slowly adopted to the “geting killed in Rust” basics. But can’t still understand why my first experience – spawnig on the beach and got instant killed – was, not even seconds in the game. Din’t even had time to realize where I was on the map.
bro idk how it happens but the second i get a start on force wipe i get shotgun raided
I’m new to rust and I have many questions but the thing that confuses me most is 3:44 how do you know where people are. It’s literally night and you see absolutely nothing how did you kill that guy
The way to solo rust is to have all the time in the world. If you have a job dont play rust.
Willjum is a great casual teacher
im apparently willjum’s horse
i am an outsider watching for first time what is a forced wipe i dont understand???
How do you p it the dot in the middle of your screen
@ 32:52 you can tell hes using aim bot, dudes a cheater
Whats your backround music bro?
What he has over a year in rust
What specific song is it that’s playing at 52:19? I hear in a lot of your videos and it’s a banger
I got into Rust day 1. I followed the development and I played it and fell inlove. It changed my outlook on gaming forever.
Willjum you never pick up the ponchos 😂😭
how do you get that dot crosshair
I once tried the bunker base in a full pop server. It didn’t work and the server didn’t have the “destroy” option. So I just went with it. The base design was so good that I didn’t get raided. It was 20+ rockets to the core.
Need to practice building a little bit more.
how did you get a crosshair for your weapons?
Can you make a tutorial on your base design?
I heard satchels at 36:11 , I thought you were gonna go for it🤧
Personally, for a 1×1 or 1×2 I like to use a wooden door first then a metal door in the airlock so I look poorer from the outside
i watch all and i give u a dislike for that pride in the door (: choises
You have my like, sir.
Why is it bad to play on force wipe and what is the difference between a wipe and force wipe?
Man I gotta be honest I love ur videos but 9000 hours of solo play which is about a year is beyond sad
You know this guy is the real deal when you see him having 20 bow skins
So cool, thanks for sharing.
Addictes to your videos man always watch them the day of upload dude absolutely amazing ❤
Also whats the name of the song that plays at 1h 7min
How do you have no recoil ? Especially on the custom sub? I play on console and recoil is terrible
rust needs to fix this bunker bs or ban people using the exploit , ruins any realism
Pleaseeee intro music name ?
1 mln subscribers and he doesnt know how to put the wooden door correctly
Why did you build out triangles, when you were building on your base?
great video just wanna know how he got the crosshair thing cause i need it fr 😭
that’s 1 year 8 days and 15 hours!!!
your tc is unlocked in the thumbnail btw
Rookie numbers
I just love to watch rust, im not that rich to buy it tho! Thanks for making these.
i need a song list for this video
*If you want to know how to solo Rust, watch @a1dan8992 on Twitch (aka Rust Rivals 2023 MVP)*
Used to play back in 2021 and got 2k hours played solo mostly and practiced a lot. Would hop of and go from rock to ak and compound owning Launch. Now after getting a new pc after getting rid of my old 1 (during 2021) and I cant even get a base down or if I do I never make it to guns or always get shit on in fights even though I have good prim and gun control and game sense.
Welcome to the mato 🎄
Dude 9000 hours is over a year Wtf 😳
You have insane video quality!
Hello Willjum, I’d like to know your oppinion about listening music while playing rust, is it advantage or disatvangae?
How did you get the thing in the center that help to aim?
Credit @GameLightz for the ‘god’ bunker 🙂
3:40 I would very much appreciate someone tell me how. I’ve been in a lot of fights in the dark and I can’t see shit, yet they can see me somehow, just like Willjum here.
My man this guy is inspiring. I usually leave the server immideatly after i die with good loot, or get raided. But this man showed us all, that you have to push through no matter how harsh the server is playing around with you. Great job man.
I love willjum videos so much❤️
Damn u have 1 year of play time
How do you only get a dot in the middle of the screen instead of the full crosshair
Excellent video! Is there somewhere that we can find the base design? the base looks sick!!
hi Willyjum, how do you get that little crosshair dot?
10:40 you could just farm the leftover wood and place a wall behind woden doors
this has been like massive help for me as a rust newbie, thank u very much
9:04 what kind of psychopath doesn’t split the ore to smelt faster
Video idea, build a base in every single square
when he lost the mp5 i almost cryed
does anyone knows what song he used in this video during 36:27 ?
Love you man
Should have just stood directly behind that one unaware guy and screamed into the mic! May have won the ensuing fight by default due to heart attack!
I’m a new rust player. How did he get all that cloth so fast? Did he get lucky with the hemp plants? And also, why did he do that triangular floor formation in the cave?
He always forgets to loot clothing when he kills someone if he did that he would’ve won more fights
Pepe rock…
Me about to scream about him missing the 1000 cloth….
“Oh I almost forgot the cloth”
*sigh of relief*
the guy ho killed you with tomy in the first 30m of vid was blo
How do you get that cross hair I need it
55:30 well fk you make rust look fun XD
The worst death ive experienced is being pushed out of outpost and on to the road and getting rocket launched xD
https://youtu.be/Trilc03xp7c?t=3920 really reminds me of old rust before they took away the ability to stack boxes on each other
17:40 triangle looks good
bro at 3:40 how does he see him
That pronunciation of “Heidi” was impeccable.
What are the songs in this video?
This is call n all.. but imma be real, y’all play too much
cant even get cloth
Song at 56:20 pls
Was a really nice video
33:39 my pleasure my lord😏
How can u see people in the night even tho u have no light to see them u are good I don’t play rust but I can see u are very good I wonder if u play codm
Amazing video and I love how you gave tips throughout, very nice! 👌🏼
Song @36:30 ?? Anyone?
How does he have that crosshair?
I hate when I see a gun or something useful, and you miss it.. im like screaming at my phone pistol on the ground grab it..
Stream snipers? Nice excuse.
What I really would like to know is how you can headshot people at night when they are in 0 gamma pixels and not showing against the horizont, and would love to know also how you can see the rocks in the night in, again 0 gamma pixels.
Def need a “force wipe” counter on the screen
Spawning in with the frock, I dig it
This video was a good combination of everything I like about your videos — a bit more hectic than usual, but good music, node cuts, and a bear rug. Thanks for all you do 🙂
willjum i love ur videos so mutch bro you make every thing look easy and nothing is impossible it gives me motivation to play rust again after getting killed alot of the time
to stack the small boxes like that do u need the double door to be open??
Willjum, I love your videos man but we’re gonna need a word count of garage door and electric furnaces lol
1×1 and not a 2×2 then just go for a 2×1
whats wrong with frog rock XD
9 thousand hours, fella leave the pc alone and go get laid
This is a clear image of how to make content pewdiepie meterial just needs a bit more humour love the video man keep it up❤
2 more hours for 8969
GOOD stuff! Thanks!
How did you get that crosshair?
Quick question, would it be able to have a timer or clock in the video, i have played some rust my self and im honestly curious how insane your playtime is. Great video once again tho
32:35 Willjum baitting technique, drop a bear rug and wait 😀
“He just pulled that paddle out of his ass…” 🤣
I played rust back when legacy was the official game, dropped it for so many years before returning and finding an entirely different game, literally!
you lost me at 11 triangles
Your voice 👍👍
whats the song at 24:10
how did u have the crosshair with like every weapon?
Can I skip the part where I play for 9k hours
I started playing Rust Early on. .I personally still like the older Blueprint system before Workbenches tho
You look like baz in 48:30
Little question is the dot in the middle on Rust or 3rd party? Never noticed a dot in Rust tbh
I thought the intro was the song “you touch my tra-la-la” 😂
Facepunch is going to limit sleeping bags/beds next force wipe. It’s going to be an end of an era.
I joined when the old BP System was out way before the XP System and the Workbench System. Was a good time back then
Congrats on 1 million!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
man i need to find servers to play
Frog rock is kinda bis imo
SO uhhh, who was that first dude you killed in the dark and how tf did you see him to shoot him? I’m so confused by this game
I’ll pay 60$ for a panda rug
I honestly dont understand how you see people in the night. When you shoot and hit people in the night, i don’t even see them on your screen.
23:35 bruh how bright are your screensettings xD
How does he have a reticle in the middle of his screen randomly?
I started playing rust about a month or 2 ago and I’m still big noob
I million subs
It baffles me at how addicted I got to watching a game I’ve never ever laid my finger on even playing once.
41:00 best analysis 👌
Let’s gooo, our boy Willy J finally at 1MIL ❤
We at 1M. DROP IT. 🤧
Willy how do you get that crosshair that you use? I really need it as a new player, thanks! 😊
Yo congrats on 1m good job love your vids
How you able to see at night all the people you killed at night I couldn’t even see them
How did he get that Corsair at like 48:55
What cpu he use?
might be dumb but how did he get a cross hair?
Almost 1mil
Does anyone know the name of the song at 55:30?
perpetually prim locked with 9k hours
I started playing after watching some of your earlier videos and thought I’d like this cozy game…
Speaking of when we first started rust, I’ve played since launch. Back when the game had zombies XP anyone remember the zombies?
It’s 5 am and I’m bored and tired af
The way I start my wipe is
Hit roads barrels on run to outpost, get those tool boxxes for hazzy, pickaxes, ect
Get some sulfer if shops are up / you are late to wipe
Recycle all your shit
Make Crossy, nail gun, maybe get a gun, make basic gear
Hit train tunnels to my base location
Place bags there, start getting materials there
song at 55:00 ‘A solitary mans Soul’, Lars
where do you get that crosshair? I cant find it in the settings.
plz tell me
The background music reference 🫡
solo with 8967 hours plays rust prim locked entire wipe
Great stuff
Willjum servers are all rugs and bear skin loot
how can you hear people so far away like in the cave? also how are you making these shots in the dark????
It wasn’t most likely due to stream snipers, it was likely due to ESP.. it’s a plague in this game
what song is playing at 37:00
Willjum lives nearby, lets place a Bear Rug on the main road and sit in waiting.
I swear ur guns do less damage then everyone else’s
New thing helis wont attack if youre unarmed
the music once you lost 2bases i shed a tear
how do you see so well at night time? for example 23:40 all I see is full dark yet you are able to headshot someone in full dark? Is there some sort of gamma setting you are using?
I joined recently actually, like last year at the end of the year.
i cant wait the video with alonetoyko
You should play with stevious, so underrated and so good. So is Slethion.
Playing the vid at 1.25x speed actually feels more right
I was curious, why do you call people stream snipers? Do you make these videos on twitch or go live on youtube first and then publish them? or just a meme? Sorry just curious.
I’ve never played Rust or even looked at it (had no idea what it was) but the algorithm has brought us together and I’ve now watched hours of your videos.
Awesome stuff!
come on bro so close to 1m
i going get my family to sub rn
What crosshair overlay program do you use willjum?
they need to find a way to ban stream snipers on the stream not rust
That was so badass. Hats off good sir
I appreciate you actually showing the losses. Makes it realistic.
How the fuck do rust players see enemies at night. I zoom in the video and turn my brightness to max and i literally can’t see shit still. Do you hunt by sound? Like what the actual fuck
What did they do to burn the door down?
song at 44:44 ? i believe its call King of Sorrow although i dont know the musician who remixed it
8:36 keep up the good stuff man i love the videos but i gotta say you kinda missed that 60 low grade which was once again another furnace
Built an OG Wiljum tower base with this stability bunker and man does it work good!
I just realized you spent almost 2 full years playong and editing Rust videos..
The fact you were stream sniped and still kept a cool head definitely makes you a threat lol..always the quiet ones.
At Marcel is from the smart rust cliff base vid
I joined rust 2022 October 22
pore blu
Youtube vids feel kinda sabotaged when you get trolled by streamsnipers, i understand you gotta max out your gains by streaming and then making vids of that content but it feels bad when it ruins the youtube experience idk
I like the background Musik bro and your vids are awsome all Time 🙂
What do you use for that crosshair dot?
Can’t wait to see the aloneintokyo bootcamp where you mastered the ways of kung fu and went on to defeat hjune with a bow.
was this foreshadowing the vid you just posted
55:00, This is the time when it pays to have a Ext Drop Box, and a item pump to bring it int.
To balance out the electric furnace, they should make it hot it your base. Decreasing the comfort level. Forcing you to make vents and spend resources dealing with the heat.
5:23, Think the door is a wonderful idea for safety. Most people dont consider Door Campers as a Solo, but they can DESTROY your base if they get all the way to core.
Edit, No i dont mean Having a door, I mean a Door with a peep hole.
bro this my thipe of asmr soo chilly
Where is our video?
Dude, are you seriously toggling @ 31:02 ? If you are, your a serious dickhead. I’ve seen many of your video’s but this one part in your video blows it all.
Wiljum how did you get a custom crosshair?
This video was a clusterfuck but in a good way, that build location was wild but Willjum was by far the best player in the area, really only got deaths from bad luck & big groups. Immaculate vibes & cool base on top of that & a hour + video? Loved it
if i build solo between launch site and mining outpost i will be fucked by at least 1 clan, some trios and duo living in a 5 meters from me , but there isnt even a single base near yours, i wish i had your luck
I would think more like k11
55:20 I need to know this song been searching for so long
Willjum, how does your night look so good? Mine looks horrendous and I don’t know how to fix it… I am in need of assistance
1:04:00 i think he was just afk
Arhhhh yesss the vibe getting stronger willjume getting godmode on😂
Bro you need to make more videos lol
Wiljum has literally averaged just under 6 hours a day on rust in the 6 years he’s been playing, nothing but respect my guy love your videos
I find launch to be a very good spot as a solo. Try and build on very bad terrain at the start because clans usually avoid those spots and so you don’t risk having a clan building next to you on wipe day. Another good reason for launch is Bradly. When clans take Bradly I try to counter the people that try and counter Bradly. When a 3-man AK squad takes the fight to a 5-man holding Bradly I wait for 1 or two to die then I kill the last one standing etc. Weekends launch pvp is insanely good on big servers causing 4-5 big groups to be fighting allowing you to pick them of.
You are a jem of a content creator and i assume person too 🙂 keep up the awsome work!!!
how does he have a crosshair
luckyllama is aloneintokyo
hear me out, both dont talk, have a channel, gigachad rust players
Also what is your outro song?? I absolutely love it.
Chad WillyJ!!! You never said the base was cozy 😲 that’s a first. I’d love to play with you sometime, you’re so laid back and chill. Good stuff WillyJ
Hey Willjum, your Rust videos always give me the inspiration to dive back into the game with renewed excitement. It’s always an adventure and it’s always chill.
I just wanted to share a Rust-themed parody song called ‘Killed By A Scientist’ that I helped write. I believe you and your viewers would appreciate it. Take a look if you have a moment!
8967 hours is almost 40 hours a week of play time for almost 5 years straight. Thats wild
I started playing rust when it was still alpha, the og rad towns, blueprints dropped from zombie animals, its evolved so much since then. Never thought I’d be watching hours of content of this game on youtube back then either.
I’ve come to realize Rust solo sucks. Love watching you though because you’re a chad!
Did someone complain about the title for you to change it to 8967h played instead of 9000? x) because your experience is a lot more than 9000. you made all those amazing recaps. that takes a TON of time! and you learn a lot from watching yourself mess up and blunder the silly stuff. it gives you a much larger knowledge about yourself and the game than any player around 9000h played!
Everytime I play solo I get raided within 1 night
I dont even play rust but I watch every one of your videos
40:50 a life quote
wait i feel like i just watched this a few days ago and i thought the title said “9000 hours” when i watched it
today was my first day playing and died to a scientist. first thoughts its a grindy game
Thx for helping me stay chill after almost rage quit becuse of hackers your a life seaiver
Am i crazy or did the title go from 9000 hours to 8967?
Love the frog
They just griefed it? Wow. You’re so much better at taking things in stride than me, that toxic behaviour is exactly why I don’t play rust anymore.
The music choice you have is soothing for the videos. I like it
He moved on after he got raided faster than me trying to move on after my breakup 💀
hope you get to 1m soon
SPiicy, ak 5 min into vid, willjum revo 32 min into vid
Love the content have you seen the new base design called “the redoubt” I love to see you base it
I love playing solo but I play on console rust and its not as bad as people say but without monuments like mil tuns and artic it makes it much harder because you dont have as many monuments to choose from console is insanely far behind on monuments we just got cargo 1 update ago
bro went from 9000 hrs to 8967 hrs
130 FPS …. i played with 50-60 max T_T
Wasnt the Title 9000 Hours or am I trippin
what was online when you played on this server when you recorded this video?
You know what else helps with being a succesful solo? Being a god damn legend.
what crosshair software do you use, its clean asf
Voiceover Willjum: *badass*
Actual Willjum: ow, rads, ouchies
How do u get tht white dot on ur screen
I like building near large fishing village or just fishing village
Les gooo new vid! *frog rock* 💀💀💀
53:06 my guy turns into Mickey Mouse 😂❤
You’ve spent over a year of your life in rust… So crazy
hour dont mean squat in this game. i know ppl with 10k and 15k hours that did all role playing pve servers and 99% is all afk setting in a chair so they dont log out….
You died to blooprint when ever you shot at the naked that was jazzy baiting with tommy
Been here since around 300k subs and I’m not planning to leave the almighty Willy J. Hope you reach your 1 mill very soon and also I can’t wait for the 1,000,000 sub series Willjum❤❤❤
Why did u change the title hahah
cheater !!!
This man changed his vid title
Dude die is een van di beste videos wat jy nog ooit gemaak het 100% die beste ooit die video het my aand gemaak baie dankie die was owsim my maat 😛😛😛
wally1k + willjum needs to happen again
Are you ever going to make a video playing solo on your solo server?
how did u see him at 3:50
Do you mind making a vid of you just making this base
Song at 45:10 ??
Edwin is my friend we met yesterday lol he’s teaching me how to play the game
Glad I got to witness major character development from the bear
Please build a cave base in next video
Just to make sure im getting this right. 8967 hours as of recording this or after it?
Play rust with tour girlfriend
that rock skin lmao
best bloo intro ever
Masacre spot. Well played WJ 😀
Haha, did the title of the video change from 9000 hours? Hope I’m not crazy =S
Will, I have been watching you on and off for about two years now. To see how much you have developed on Youtube and not only that but as a person is so cool to see! If anyone deserves the success, it is most definitely you! Stay true, and as always be cozy!
“…..and strong Will.” ,yeah I think I would need You to get this much progress in just two days 😀
Can someone tell me how to get the aim dot as he got for the bow and gun
It can’t only be me who noticed he changed the title oh well 😂
Nah you didn’t even make it five minutes into the video before you are shooting in 0 visibility and two hitting mf…. Inspiration destroyed out the gate
some of your views are younger than your rust playtime!
Hey willjum Im a experienced rust player with 6.5k hours and I would like to know if we can play one wipe. Im up for anything.
Yooo we’re almost at 1m subscribers 🎉❤!! Love your vids man. Keep it cozy! 💯
still dont know how you see people in the dark ?
You actually got me into rust, I’ve been playing and watching your videos for over a year now
Great content. Though ever since the no nude start game is ruined . And for the would be inc comments YouTube allows nudes just not sexual nudes.😊
Willjum is the best rust content creator on this platform his videos are so entertaining and inspiring to bring myself back up when I die constantly as a solo
If I ever play rust I just want my store to be called loads o nodes
How was he keeping his torch/flashlight on without holding it?
To get a Ph.D. You need about 240 credit hours. Multiply that by three for homework and you’re looking at 720 hours. Start to finish for a Ph.D. The amount of time played would equal about 13 Ph.D.’s. It’s probably not a stretch to say that you are a world expert when it comes to Rust
I don’t even play Rust, but I really like watching your vids man. Keep up the good work
how do u have a crosshair?
Willjum is definitely a light skin for that outro
Can’t wait for the new hoodie skin so sick bruv
Dude started with the frock
18k away, give it a week and you’ll have that Mil !
i love your video willjum and i wanna tell you my secret,i like femboy because getting girl is so hard now days,plsss dont Judge me its my own parh😅
there were stillzombies when i started lol
im old asf
I want to see Willjum team up with Stimpee, the coziest trap bases ever
That one felt a bit different liked it a lor
Why r there double spaces in between your words
what mp5 skin is that
Well I don’t know if you will read this willjum but as of today I am one step closer to playing rust. I have a laptop that will play the game. Just a couple of weeks to get the money together to buy the game that I have come to love even though I haven’t played it lol. Its all your fault willjum lol.
Played rust since legacy I’ve got like 6k hours and I just can’t bring myself to evem get on the game
Wow 375 days of Rust… That’s a lot man.
Correction 373.6 days. Now that you changed it… 😃
Just this wipe I was raided 3 times with large bases with friends and we gave it another shot wasting the final bits of resources and managed to get Ak kit with 17k sulfer and a new ally on the server who gave us boxes of loot because his team was done for wipe
The spear in the dark kill LOL classic content Willjum, what an amazing video.
P.S. alt + hover click armour to auto equip it to yourself 😀 so you can loot more next time
Hmmm Marcel might be a Romanian. Im proud of him
Why did you put ALL of your arrows directly into that’s bear’s B-hole?
11:36 and that’s when people make me find another server to play
what crosshair does willjum use?
hi willjum pls more twitch im new follower and i cant get enough of your gameplays 😛 you are sick ^^
Thank you, willjum as a solo on console eddition with no friends who will play rust with. The breakdown for solo life is appreciated even tho things are different It’s a huge help. Low standards is the best tip I’ve gotten yet.
Love you will
this video is scripter heli didint shoot
30:40 margarita this name remember me someone but i dont know who exactly 😂
9,000 hours is over a year worth of playing. How
I’m not gonna lie we need a cave base build
6v1 no wonder there is zergs when u play like that……
Willijum you should build this base in a solo video.
You will never C4 raids? Rocket raids? Have you ever held a AK?Have you ever not been prem-locked. You break more barrels and molly raids then any I seen. But but you do know how to make videos.
It’s a frock 0:31
Getting garage door on day one is a must before logging on day one and yes is def one of the best vibes
bro I am below prim I can’t even place a base in a decent spot bc there is always a clan and I almost never get a bow bc I can’t find any cloth
so I really need all the advice I can get
24:16 song name pls
Thank u very much for ur content bro
Ur videos are perfect for a brake on a stressful day
Not meant in a bad way meant in a good way, but your vida are so nice and awesome that i turn them on to sleep to and to actually learn to play rust
How is this song called in 36:50?
I still struggle to understand why you emphasize how vital it is to get a metal door down ASAP, then single stack the furnace effectively doubling the smelting time before you have enough fragments for a metal door, ultimately sabotaching your own progression. Please do tell why you’re not following your own advice.
Stop killing my freinds 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Can’t wait to find out how a 10,000 hour solo plays rust
Love this guy. But how did he see enemies in pitch dark without the silhuet showing?
OMG what the hell is it with the WORMS is there something idk about keeping a worm over way better loot
Do I have to create 19 thousand accounts to sub this channel just to get another video! Gimme that dopamine Wiljum one Brit to another
They actually have a Plugin for box stacking . I hope they at least leave that in there like you did in the video BUT sadly they prob won’t someone will figure out a way for it to be way too powerful for raiders or something
vertical embracures inside for bether view + metal window bars so they cant stand on edge , or rocket truw
I swear this guy gives good tips every vid
willjum how do you make your thumbnails?
wait do you record your vids with gforce experience? no problems with quality?
Bro YouTube unsubed me and just found out that you uploaded 2 days agoo!!!!!
you hear the war going on and he is just learning things with his scrap only willjum would do that.
Name of the song at 37:00 ? Been looking for it for awhile
I get literally nothing done on this game once ive gotten my little base down because im so clueless 😂 but I still have a good time 😉
losing that cave genuinely annoyed me
Anybody know the song @ 47:03
43:35 need the song please
What song is it at 52:25
Duo with alone in Tokyo? No way are me gonna finally heard his voice
the background music is so calming
love you willjum
bro always got a worm in inventory 😆
I’m someone who has never played Rust but i’ve watched you around the other top ten players for about five-six years now.
I do believe I’m extremely good at the game, but I wouldn’t know what keyboard buttons to press 😂😂
Why it is Willjum has to go out so far with the foundations to get them offsetting?
should i subscribe when it’s 999,999?
25:02 You know you are really struggling when even your screenwriters feel bad for you. Scripting the delivery of building and research supplies to your front door is rather lazy, though.
26:30 Poor Yogi. Looks like he has a bad case of hemorrhoids. There’s a cream for that.
Bro I like your vids but no more sad music please
38:09 Laughing at the fool that couldn’t tell where the many arrows/bolts were coming from. Seconds later, being that fool in the exact same location.
Bro i’ve never played rust but your videos are so interesting, relaxing and intense at the same time. Who the fuck are you? <3
Wheel jum
20k to go come on people i need to see this duo viedo
I hope he will get a nice skin for the coming twitch drops… (16th this month)
Like for some special item and not the same stuff that comes every drop event..
But I am guessing it might be a (bear) rug or so
980k 👀
no way you’re so close to 1m bro
Willjium, don’t place the large wooden boxes on the triangles, put a door frame and place
a vending machine.
Hey! Great vid! How do you get your crosshair?
18:36 it makes so much sense. i keep dying and not making it anywhere. i always get distracted trying to find good stuff in popular places. then i die
I’m the rust console version of Willjum loves pvp but loves base building and base spot more than that
Really good play, good content, great editing, music killer,base design epic! One of the best videos I’ve seen in a while!! 10/10 would recommend 🎉🎉🎉
9000 hours? thats sad.
27:48 I got into rust when you had to kill zombies for blueprints <3
I love your vids willjum you are such a positive person when things go for the worst keep up the good work ❤
willjum the chad
9000 hours? How many years has it been since you started?😅
You should duo with wally again that would be insane
W Frock
Whats the 1 million subscriber special gling to be?
POV its late at night and you should be a sleep but Wiljum posted a video so you can’t not watch it before bed
been watching and subscribed since before 50k subs and im happy to say that youve come so far and that I enjoy watching you on the time that I have I just wanted to say thank you and I wish you luck going forward!
best vids reinvented rust
Anyone know what base design this is as a solo play it looks so amazing Willjum need to drop a Tutorial if possible 😭😭
i love starting later in wipes as well though. my first day me and my 2 friends had armored core and an AK full metal kit because of constant airdrop pvp. we are such grubbers, but it is amazing.
Im new and watching videos like this really teaches you what to do in general. im a console player, i know. But its really fun just playing and getting great wipe days.
Get this man to a million already 😤 he deserves it!
3:41 how do you see him
WillJum you’re full of shit, you are one of the best. “You don’t gotta be the best to progress as a solo”
what!! all those comment and nothing about those boxes at https://youtu.be/Trilc03xp7c?t=3924 ?? nice tricks !
Lessgo aloneintoko! Everyone sub for the 1 million sub video and play button!
1:02:29 I love the ducky skin. so troll. so cute.
The new era
I’m new to building and i don’t understand why you have to build out 11 triangles to build back with squares? Is there an easy explanation for this?😂
I’m not playing Rust, but sorry for asking why people prefer to destroy the wood (ceiling, wall, foundation) by hitting it rather than using the blueprint and hammer ?
Me waiting for the yogi attack 🍿🥤
what’s the song at the end called😊
Your videos have helped me really get into rust, I love your content
Dude I always ask myself this. 25:17
Like why are you getting greedy bud? Thanks for collecting all this for me 🤣
What’s the soundtrack name on ~8:50?
The most important item for a solo. The Gare odge door 🚪 ❤
Hey Willjum, i was wondering what software you use to record your gameplay?
Did he just say cross over with Fuckin Tokyo???!
i remember rust back when there was only 1 map with red bears and red wollfs close to all the monuments. and when every animal ya harvested gave ya chicken breast, before the time off the TC and Stone building. back when there was only wood or metal xD
i love your videos so much, you’re so chill <3
I Joined like 2 months ago <3 watching you for 2 years now
We need a Cali & Wiljum vid!!
Why all the pentagrams and blasphemy?
I enjoy the content but the rest is too much.
1 less sub unfortunately.
Day 1 of asking for a song list
26:32 Poor Yogi you gave him a cavity search with that many arrows
That ocean song is fucking dope when you’re high. Nice video again Will!
Can you show as your settings ?
man the cave base 🙁
so when do we get valorant gameplay?
This video is helping to cure my rust depression, love hearing the tips even tho they are mostly basic=)
Subbed since 9k, always knew you’d make it big ❤
Brother, your vibe is INCREDIBLE and the music MARVELOUS! Thank you for taking your time and turning every video into a masterpiece!! Keep it lit!!!❤
love what you do
I just realized how long youve been holding the Tokyo video. I watch this stream like weeks ago and you played with him before that. Crazy.
Ehem welcome to rust today I’m going to be suing willjum for stealing my catchphrase
The song name?? Pls someone tell mee
You don’t have to be the best in this game. Proceeds and controls the whole area, pvp 1vsMany, wins almost every fight.
@14:00 3rd base mate. You asked when did we get into rust well . . . . I have never played rust
sooo what’s that music at 55:30 ?
My partner hates Rust. Absolutely despises it but every time I open up a Willjum video, she says “oh is that the one with the relaxing voice?” And she’ll actually attempt to watch it
hi willjum how you get crooshair?
Songname of the song starting at 55mins pls
bro is controlling mining XD
To the people who watch a streamer’s every move via their stream & harass them all day.. what does it do for you? Do you think people will see you kill the streamer & think you’re good… even if it’s obvious that you’re stream sniping? Or do you just want the attention from the streamer? Whatever the reason is, it’s honestly pathetic. Only time you should be watching a rust streamer is when you aren’t playing rust yourself, not using their streams against them. I also think some people just don’t want to see others succeed & do whatever they can to ruin it for them. This is the most pathetic reason out of the three I listed
Wow, 9,000 hours is 375 days. So more than a year of your life has been poured into Rust. That’s wild.
#StrongWill – what happened to vengeance? Next chapter?
I joined back when radbears were a thing and military gear was blue and a bit after it was supposed to be what a zombie game??
OMG the costume was the bomb. That was the hit of the episode.
Great video!
so prim locked? Willjum sucks at rust….he is literally the worst.
How to solo in rust:
1. Don’t!
How does he have a tiny crosshair all the time?
HE’S OVER 9000!!!!
This start is what it really feels like to play solo force wipe.
could you turn up the gamma when you encode your videos? its impossible to see anyone at night time on your vids.
Loads of t2 weapons and still goes out with revy/crossy 95% of the time. Certified grub stats LOL.
Im the same but with comp bow. Its just too ez to get kills with it.
Nice video and no click bait title this time so i love it!! 🎉
56:30 they were coming to TC grief you
Repent to Jesus Christ “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
Proverbs 4:23 NIV
Pro tip. Dont rock rainbow heart wood doorskins.
when did I join Rust? Rust legacy days in 2014 where zombies roamed the map 🙂
12:58 9000 hours… not ditching the worms for more loot.. hmmmn
chills as awlays, thank you Will
Need more cave bases🥲
How do u get cursore on screen
I have no idea how he sees those folks in the dark. Even with the video pause I just see shadow and dark
55:31 please song name love your videos <3
WillyJ you are an inspiration and I admire your work greatly. 🙂 <3 ...song at 50:56??
youve spent over a year of your life playing rust.
some grub out there is rocking the Willjum egg suit.
if you are a solo build 2 by 1 rather than 1 by 1. trust me on this. from 13000hrs of play, 2 by 1 is way better.
Thank you for trying to explain Rust as a non player I kinda get the mechanics and some of the “goals” in this game but the thing I’m still trying to grasp is the “vocabulary” that you guys use some I get others just fly right over my head no matter I will get it in time and once again thank you for trying to explain it to us non players. You truly are the best!! 😊
I switch off this video to the high iq base build and I didn’t notice and I watched it thinking they where the same
43:20 i started 2019
18:40 I’m not sure you learned that from Tokyo, unless by “farm” you mean harvesting fellow players.
Played rust since webplayer was so good on the webplayer
@willjum what crosshairs program do you use?
Had rust since the old days of rad bears and zombies😂😂
always a pleasure to watch ur vids bro <3
OMG WILLjum 40mins into and u still havn’t organise the loot!!!@#%
bro i don’t understand how the fuck they got revolvers and molotovs so early into force wipe
Off my bed just for once would it rain down on me? / If i get up off my bed just for once would it rain down on me?
Joined rust PC 1 day ago, but played rust console after the release for line 800 hrs
43:21 I got into rust after seeing Frost’s ‘house of cards’ movie. Probably the best way to discover the game.
theres just something about watching willy just be dead silent researching while u hear a heli in the background exploding a base. one of the funniest things ever
wait a second, how the hell did you see that dude in the dark? we saw hit cross but I never saw a player? super human eyes?
Willjum I have a great idea for a video. You have to earn scrap at band camp by selling cards, high qul, and gambling i think thatd be great video ideaI’m new to rust btw your the one who inspired me to play the way do and get the game. I hope you read this and take my idea into consideration no one else has done this!!
looking foward to seeing what your twitch drop is
it’s like every player has twice the health Willjum has
what is the music starting at 1h and 9min?
u shoyuld buy the candle set. they can burn pretty long, theyre pretty bright, they can be placed on anything like boxes furnaces tc etc, theyre cheap to make and need nothing to burn
Most the kills in this video is you grubbing the same person with no weapons trying to farm scrap tbh. Not really epic game play but edited as such 🙃
I like how the video starts. I been playing rust solo since rust was released. Every wipe/fresh server, death is how I begin. I die like 100 times that first day, every fresh spawn lay down new bags working your way deeper from spawn. Attempt to lay down a base every spawn. After I have enough bases and bags, I fish. I get 2-5k scrap and either just goto OP and YOLO it all on blackjack, or research everything I need and buy a buncha night vision. Then I mostly just creep around looking for people at night. This ways suited me and evolved over a long period of time =)
willy with the frog rock , spoon with the fish rock , things you love to see
willjum you see the glitch is in the minute 55.46 see your db bullets aferter shoting and reload
the music you use is clean.
The best rust gamer.. about to hit a mile marker..you’re almost at 1mil subs!!!! 🎉 u deserve it from ur hard work and amazing content, thank you and I feel I speak for many when I say ur videos makes my day in any circumstance
Let’s get to 1M!!!
Why don’t people split their farm in furnaces? Literally smelting it at half speed…
What are all these readable, simple names of other players on the server? When I play it’s littered with all sorts of different formatting….
Why is it that YouTubers Full Pop Server always look like they are low pop 😂 when i play on wipe day there is no way a monument like mining outpost is so „chilled“
Aloneintokyo!? Man he’s legit probably the best solo out there and you have a series coming with him this is going to be crazy!
Why you almost always use one slot in the furnace? 😀
Day 1 of asking willjum to rocket raid
every time I open YouTube I just hope this man got a new vid, makes the highest quality rust videos out there
Hope there will be an episode 2. Also nice job organizing the loot <3
Hmmm yes cloth is good
So just a tip put your metal window barriers to the inside better range of view to shoot from
Willjum I must say that frog rock suits you well mate 😊
I’m a 5k hour solo player.. it’s refreshing to see videos like this
56:30 Music someone plz
Around 43:25 into the video. I remember back when you could get into someone’s box threw the thing walls 😂 I think they should do like an old school rust kinda thing with the zombies like I feel like that’d be cool and maybe keep the scientist on like rig n underwater labs or something like that I feel like it’d bring back memories for me!! Plus with the advancements in building! It’d be fucking amazing!
yo willijum can you share your playlist
Anyone else play rust when it had zombies in it or was it just me
i think he might just want the electric furnaces
It wouldn’t be a wiljum without a bear RUG…..🙌🏆🍻
I enjoy wiljums content he is a legend would love to see what he has planned for when he hits 1 million
Ur vid make my day when u get the RUG…..🙌🏅🏆
OK what’s the new background song?? The old One is really good too but this one’s interesting also.
We’re you not just at 750,000 subs at the beginning of the year!?!? Love the content keep up the grind.
That outro song allways hit
how does he have the crosshair always visable?
Question what’s the song at 43:33
where did yu get that crosshair thats fire man
So on 9000 hours. You still bish camp make bunkers and farm small monuments. Noted
Waited all week for this 😂 cmon Will, 2x a week would be better!
Willy J out here with the Frock right out the gate
Oh my god I was so excited for cave base I nearly jumped out of my seat. I’m really hoping that was a hint that next video will be a cave base! Love your stuff Willy
You may not have noticed it, but you killed that Racheal too many times 😂
Never played Rust but love your videos, they’re rly calming 🙂
What song is at 24:00
Dude I appricate your content and the dedication and planning/editing that goes into getting this good of production in your videos, Literally can just sit back and pretty much watch a mini movie. Keep making content dude, hope to see you expand your variety of games in the future & keep seeing you succeed.
I love how Willjum made a video to share some tips and then proceeds to headshot ppl in pitch black darkness. How the heck do you even see them?
nice to see Willjum coming out of his shell.😜
Excellent video. Didn’t want it to end.
Willjum I have a great idea for a video. You have to earn scrap at band camp by selling cards, high qul, and gambling i think thatd be great video idea. I’m new to rust btw your the one who inspired me to play the way i do and get the game. I hope you read this and take my idea into consideration no one else has done this!! gf account btw lol
This was truly amazing, I’m surprised you manage to thrive as a solo in that battlefield 😀 The double bunker is an inspiring design, I would try out widegaps for the shooting floor as well as having the embrasures on the inside for increased FoV, give it a shot!
this video should be called “how is he not dead” lol i think you said that like 15 times
Stream snipers are the worst of the worst. How do they justify their actions? It’s crazy how shitty they are.
03:10 i was just waiting to hear a manscape ad there lol
Willjum bro I love watching your vids whenever I’m not grinding out on my own wipe. Especially sitting in science class. Keep doing what your doing man
Holy you gained like 3 k subs in 2 1/2 days
I joined Rust during legacy when zombies were still a thing. The legacy Rust theme gives me harder hits of nostalgia than anything from my childhood in the 90s.
WillyJ at it agian! Dropping bangers after bangers!
Hi Willjum, I really enjoy your videos. I have a question. What suggestions do you have for getting better at PvP? I’m pretty good at everything else in the game. PvP is where I falter the most. Any tips would be appreciated. I, too, mainly (like 99%) play solo only.
it crazy how fucking meta’gamed this game has become. Like literally, every wipe is just an extended fortnite match at this point
Will Jim please help me find the song you used at 43:50 when you made the play on tommy I been searching and can’t find it lol please I would appreciate it if you can help me willjum
excellent video as always willjum. your methods of playing solo and you informative gameplay explaining how things work in rust are unprecedented. i’ve been watching you since before i started rust and now i got like 2000 hours but your gameplay is still enjoyable and i still learn a few things time to time from you =] also any new players i meet i recommend watching you for all these reasons.
love your videos realy big fan from brasil
Anyone else just like. bread 🍞
So before I start watching….I can already tell this will be RIBBITING gameplay!
Really enjoyed this video. I just started playing rust about 6 mos ago and still really struggle while solo, but it’s really a fun game. Thanks for another great video!
So good to see a new Rust adventure. Your vds are always so relaxing. Thank you bro.Hugs from Portugal
We’re you born in 2002? We are the same age , my birthday was on the 5th
Bro just say “you don’t have to be the best on the game” after decimating the whole server ??? AHAHAHHA wp Willjum im loving it ! 😂
I love you willjum, but I beg of you. Please put on peoples kits when you kill them 😭 you would’ve had so much of a better chance of winning If you would’ve jus put on the extra protection
I had rust from day 1 when it came out
about to reach 1 million is crazy, i remember when will had 50k subs
Tutorial for bunker?
@3:39 how does he see the person he shoots, are there different settings for the video vs what he sees in game?
only idiots will take advice from you. your pvp skills are noob quality
This shit fye
9000 Hours and still bad aim 😂
that outro song 🥰
Love willjum vids i can just sit back eat and enjoy a good story everytime
How do you get the cross hair? Some of your edit you had a crosshair
How do you split the ore into thirds for the furnace?
9k hours is 1 full year and a couple days
i played rust since 2013 legacy
Stupid question how you get that crosshair working while shooting ? @Willjum ? at 29:56
Stream snipers are the worste. But anyone who stream snipes wiljum has some real issues
youcan drop down the other way with farm
I remember when you posted a similar video, but with 4000 hrs
How do you get the crosshair?
WILLJUM makes me lovew this game and see it in a different perspective! amazing content brotha!
Rust players have such a hostile mindset. “Kill everything you see” even if it’s a fresh start
joined tha cod lobby
Fire arrows are so op only 7 to break tc and totally quiet defs worth
Yesir wiljum keep it u mate!!
the content is always just so on point ❤️ willjum u the best
When did I first start playing rust? Well when I first played it, we could still build on monuments. Dome specifically people loved to build massive bases on.
“You don’t have to be the best in the game to progress as a solo”
Proceeds to win 90% of the fights, while outnumbered. xD
watching wiljum is now the move since blooprint aint going to play any more
My wife has heard me watch enough of your videos over the last 3 years she now knows your voice and who I’m watching lol. Always great content, keep it up man!
“patience, consistency, and strong will get you pretty much as far as you need…” If only I used this with everything lmaooo
ive been waiting for a solo!
@Willjum sorry you got sniped. Those are the sweatiest of trolls.
Whats the name of the song at the end of this amazing video i love it, also willjum another fantastic video yous amazing ❤🎉
WJ I love your vid they make me 😃
U are incredible willy j
32:34 Willjum Trap Ideas
How you got a white dot in the middle of the screen ?
what is the music at 47:00 ? couldn’t find it in the channels in description. That’s some serious creep sample and it works wonders
Wj should have a nickname called: Willy J
truly inspiring for people especially solo’s keep up the good work on your video’s and have a good time when you hit 1 million subs
How are you able to see the guy at the beginning chasing you at night and also the stone you mined? I played those parts over a couple times and could not see either of those things on the screen.
What’s the song at 48:30?
Shame about the cave
Aren’t external crosshairs bannable? since they are considered a third party software interfering with the game. Or have facepunch allowed it?
My day instantly improves when I see a willjum vid come out ❤
We love your vibe willjum but can’t wait for the duo with Cali in near future hopefully
good one congratz
Dropped a like thanks for droppin the banger
How are you getting killed by stream snipers when you don’t stream?
When did I first get into Rust? Back when it still had zombies and before the “experimental branch” (aka: what Rust is currently known as) became a thing. Mind you, I suppose I never stayed into Rust. I kind of want to play more, but meh.
Tokyjum! Tokyjum! Tokyjum!
As a Solo, Rust is a game I frequently “quit forever”, but some of the awesome monuments, loot, and systems in this game (like outposts) just keep me coming back to this game. Every time there’s a big update or streamer event I always come back, build a little base, get raided 1-3 days later and quit. The fact that all the tier 1 stuff is easy to get within 2-3 hours if you know how to play the game and where to get scrap as a solo, makes a big difference. Recently they released a fucking nuclear warhead, as well as a bunch of awesome events during wipe day. How am I not supposed to come back?
If I have the revolver bp + ammo bp, I’ll have an unlimited supply of wood armour, clothes, and revolvers if I have a base set up. This game is brutal, but know where to look and you’ll find many ways to stand a chance against even the most powerful players… an eoka can kill anyone, never forget this…
This game is not minecraft.
That being said, I’d play this 24/7 if they released some sort of “Looking for group” system…
Correct me if I’m wrong, but couldn’t raiders place twig to open your bunker?
I mean, I love your videos man, but the whole spamming a small monument/generally mining outpost to get crates over and over is getting a bit repetitive. 😅
I don’t understand why you were running revy when you had everything to be running tommy or custom
Def some sketchy players on some of those fights hope you F7 report cause Sheeeesh
what skin is on that mp5? i need this thing dude
music name?
whats the song at 54 min
how does he have that dot in the middle of the screen? can anyone tell me pls
I always love to see a 1 hour long video because that means I will get to watch it longer
how do you change crosshair in rust??? 🆘️🆘️🆘️
i joined back in 2013-14 watching KCMo vidz. Then they ruined it with the twig update.
What’s the point of stream sniping? Legit it makes you look like a POS.
This looked more like playing TTT with bad karma with the amount of shots you landed on people without them dying.
Face reveal, 🎉❤ please
The Fakt that u Changes the thumbnail xDdd
so if i play 375 days rust im also a pro ?
WTF was that! At 59:30 you made that man’s arctic hazmat cease to exist with one shot. What a legend!
Are we getting new egg man merch?
What’s the title of the song 57:22
Have you ever tried
Consol Rust
Bro, that frog rock is op lol
There is a really underrated streamer and content creator named Winnie, why don’t you make a vid with him the guy is an amazing pvp player
This is soo good in my night shift
Holy shit a colab with alone in Tokyo that will be the best video that has ever hit this channel in so excited
11:40 man I thought about quitting the game I play on console and really I was starting to get good but that changed today got base raided
I’m not a rust fan, but this video is quite chill to watch
I’ve watched every video you uploaded since I discover your channel almost 2 years ago. I love seeing the progression of your playstyle. My favorite Rust channel by far. Luv ya
w vid
Oh god.. It’s.. It.s.. It’s OVER NINE THOUSAND!!
How come he can see so well during the night? like 23:30
can u build a base called the raptor made by a guy called secret
imagine 4k quality Willjum vids
this guy is the type of guy to get raided 4 time an hr and still not care, bounce back and make a god video
Will, just wanted to say thank you! you’re my inspiration to play Rust again.
Currently I don’t have a good computer to play it with good frames, but I’ll buy one someday
question whats the song called on 55.80 plzz willjum i need it!!!! and also love the content makes my day every time!!!
Unfortunate about the cave base, as I’ve been really wanting to see another cave base episode. But this is undoubtedly gonna be an awesome video in a different location 🙂
Why don’t you just build 2 by ones I’m not trying to dis but like it’s not that much more materials to build it and it has much more space lol
Willyj you’ve done it again you brilliant man, you’ve made an exquisite masterpiece for our entertainment. Thank you, much love. SUGADAISY FOR THE WIN WHOOOO
Whenever he posts a new vid, I just smile
i love the frog rock
I love cave wipes 😍
I just want to thank you I play rust console so when I take a big loss I go and watch you to get motivated to press on.
Wow. Thanks for explaining basically nothing. How about a new player solo where you explain everything. I’ve asked 20 youtubers to do it and not one has the smooth balls to try.
“The lower the lows, the higher the highs.” Come for the Rust, stay for the life lessons.
i started rust just recently with some friends but it’s console rust so it isn’t that great, but for someone new to it it’s enjoyable mostly
That frog rock goes hard 🔥🔥🔥
walter: jessie we need to cook
jessie: did you set up hte electic furnaces
Whenever you have such great progress and a cool base I always wish for the part two. :3 Great video, as always!
Could you try to make a base with an elevator incorporated into the design?
what do you think? can i start playing rust now and still have fun
When heli didint shoot u that looked hella scripted
14k likes in 20 hours wow
I enjoyed watching your video man, you and welyn shud collaborate sometime…. Both has high quality content…
Love the videos man!
anyone want to buy me rust im super desperate ?
bro your so goated at Rust i love watching your vids man much love. Also i love the custom Egg skin u made
@Willjum I always enjoy your videos. I too am a chill cozy solo player. Your videos always give me inspiration.
i dont have enough money for rust but i still love watching people especely you play it eaven tho i cant have it
why is willjum actually so bad at this game. You would think after 9k hours he would be a lot better at pvping and general fight iq.
I’M LATE LADS FROGYWAGGY love you all and enjoy the video
Im freezing my balls off rn but willjums cozy vids be warming me up fr
Is.. is no one going to address the part where he played with AIT and mentioned something about a new series?
Whats the Song called at 56min
Got breakfast and it’s early in the morning good mood good weather and an amazing video
Towards the end of the video his cross hair overlay is showing. Is this a cheat or allowed?
Love the music choice good vibes
Pickles ❤ as always😊
Yo, that spear play made me laugh so hard.
So close to 1mil willjum lesssss goooooo!!!!
Much love Willjum keep up the beautiful work and thanks for being the best
How the hell do you see people in the dark?, i cannot even see them on your screen lol
Part 2?
this whole bunker thing is pretty confusing tbh. how about doing a video for idiots like me about the difference between a basic base and a bunker ?
Wiljum. You make me so happy I have been watching you videos for 2-3 years now. And I enjoy every video that you make. Thank you.
The best Rust content creator! You always know whats going on, great continuity, great story telling, entertaining and fun to watch.
Show me a bigger giga chad that never actually acts like it. Let’s go Willjum you are the best solo 😊
Please freaking sub guys xD
Pls you and blooprint again best duo in rust
Hi! Whats the song title in 55:29?
Love the egg suit😂
how do you shift middle mouse?
I joined rust on my old office computer, there were zombies and the game waaaaas so muuuch different, its amazing how much it has changed
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL! I need to see 2 solo grublords teaming up.
i love sundays man!
try to live in the ter winter 1×1 for a wie
Willjum can you play on solo/duo/trio server and go RAID please? I want to watch you raiding bases. Much love my bro ❤️
willjum: “welcome to a relaxing game of rust…”
also willjum: *becomes a highway menace rivaling the compound bow gang*
Researching gun before ammo was a pro tip WillyJ
I bought rust the day it came out, but as the game improved, my PC was less able to play it. So now I just watch people play it.
I’ve found that if I’m playing alone, for whatever reason, I just find it so much harder to press on through the lows. Hell, I’ve had times where I play solo for HOURS, but bc I have friends who are supposed to join me, I for whatever reason am perfectly fine playing solo and it never feels as bad. Even if they NEVER show up, those wipes always feel better, and I do better. I started streaming to friends in discord while I play, and I guess just having people around (who have no intention of playing) is enough to lift the weight of my shoulders.
It’s strange but I guess it makes sense. When you are completely alone you can be a total coward and no one will no xD
bad luck is a luck, right?
that hack with custom, shooting like laser,. your weapon not even moving millimeter,… so obvious
S . O. L. O
u u i o
p c f f
e h e
r y
I’d watch Wiljum if he had more then a revolver and crossbow half way thru the video
Willjum the GOAT of rust
Any tips for console solo players?
2:30 the more you fail the better? bet, most won’t find that valuable. by the way, bitcoin is flying to the moon. any second, right?
That the willjum content i die to watch
I’m gay for willyj
I began Rust before the building system was implemented 💀💀
Your my favorite rust YouTuber loved this video
You probably wont see this but what do program do you use to get that crosshair (the little dot) and is it free???
wELcoMe tO RuST
I need a music playlist to your vids!
Recently found your channel,loving your vids and now posting an hour long vid? Yeah I guess It’s time to chill
Hay man love your vids was thinking what is your crosshair is it the servers ore something you have downloade?
Awesome video Willjum I love solo gameplay is the best!
If i would have met someone like you to play with i might still be playing the game but too many toxic people. Have ruined it for me so now i enjoy my random nuisances watch you hope you get all the joy out of the game as i did at my peak.
Suggestion: the background music should be more instrumental. The Lyrics are distracting for an autist like me.
chill as always, thanks a lot 🙂
for those looking for the fantastic song 43:57ish its Blood Red Sun – Lay Me in the Ocean <3
whats the music at 52:30 pls ????
Just beautiful!! But I’m in need of the Track ID of the background music around minute 33 been looking for it! video was great BTW!
Will you ever do a video where you get to lategame lol
how would one get a crosshair like the one in the video?
You didn’t notice that it was the same exact guy killing you for the first 3 times, and he was already running revolver and p2 despite running on main island and not having time to run a monument for those guns? Earline guy is super sus. He also didn’t miss his shots most of the time and he shot you around the cave wall. I’m thinking ESP and a bit of ping there.
It’s 11pm and I have to get up at 6 tomorrow, but it’s a willjum video
So hyped for that AIT collab!
“You dont have to be the best to progress in solo…”
*Proceed killing 30+ enemies in 2 days*😅
Love your videos Wil, cant wait to see the 1mil special!
Not having a console online or a PC I have to resort to the next best game on mobile…”last island of survival” the same concept.. almost the same game just on mobile..try it and rate it for me as I can’t play online…
ASMAR RUST… keep up bro your videos are just a work of art
song at 50:00 ?
Guys tell me how to make this crosshair sight on the screen, please.
Why aren’t you showing how the wipe ends?
Everytime you show how you build the best base and your success and suddenly in your next video, you just start fresh. No explanation.
how do you get a crosshair like that?
hey willjum how do u get these custom crosshairs?
Ooty, I started on console rust when it first came out so I’ve played rust for about two years
hyped for the aloneintokyo collab
I bought Rust in 2018
18:45 well willjum you should write that one on a note and put it on your screen might have saved your cave in the beginning
you always post when i am at work so when i get home i get to enjoy the video while unwinding from work
Do a wipe with a bigger group like invite some fans or something. ‘I hosted the most wholesome zerg in Rust’
37:48 the sigh as wiljum unclenched his cheeks lmao
Hate the fact the cave base got raided I like the cave wipes
willy got to play with the goat tokyo :0 seems like hes not alone no more
that frog got the bomb bastic side eye
Gotta pause a little over half way to put up this comment.
That wood 1by1 you raided early on was owned by a person by Racheal.
By the 49 minute mark you had to have killed this poor fucking person at least 20 times.
Just…Jesus man, show some mercy lol.
There is a Beatles reference in there somewhere.
In the cave you always drop one foundation twig with tc on it.. save the resources and lock up both sides with stone walls.. and if people are coming just grief yourself until its safe.. always what i do first..
44:53 one big mistake you always do, is to never fiinish your opponent, or opponent teammate,, always finish them, so that they can’t get informations on you, or to be able to loot everything and dip in base easily, make it hard for them
Im not even playing Rust myself, but the combination of the relatively chill gameplay with sudden sparks of action, the smooth commentary and the amazing music just makes so many of my days. Would love to hear where you find your music, and also good luck for the final stretch to the 1mil, you deserve it for becoming your own category of rust content 🙂
Bro he killed someone in the dark.
Whats the background music in 43:40 ??
1:05:15 wtf is this ?
Ngl the intro sounds better from you
The “you’ve watched posty 1v12 on oil rig” sentence really hit home
I love catching your videos. It’s always so chill, but fun. You remind me a lot of a kid I used to play with. The nostalgia is a bonus. Thanks for the great content. Much love.
As always a good vid.😀
I’m watching this at 5am trying to make sure my 6 man doesn’t get offlined again
Imagine …. Willjum narrates Nat Geo documentaries. Epic!
You are an Indie music fan?
Stream snipers are soooooo cringe. The only way they win is when they cheat like that.
I joined during the alpha days of hapis, zombies, and red bears.
This wipe was the only wipe I didn’t play🤦🏽♂️ I really could’ve been in the vid
great music
Any1 know the base design name
i havent even watched it yet and i know its going to be a good one
@Willjum I have a problem I am too adicted to rust my parrents took away my computer what should I do?
please get rid of the third coconut
That’s why i’m scarred to get Rust and try it out myself.
I’m watching a player of 9k hours spent on this game still struggle sometimes.
I’m afraid that i’m gonna taste the harsh taste of the game like i did while i tried PUBG for the first time.
IT was nothing easy as it looked like while watching Pro PUBG player on his stream.
I got the game at the start, who remembers the M4, no triangle building, bps were from glowing red wolfs and bears, and the first two or three monuments you could build in and could never get near due to big groups.
Never watched you before but I was blown away by how good this is. You earnt another subscriber
@9:34 why didnt you simply wall of this side of the cave? they would not have the chance to raid it without explosives
This is crazy. I was just thinking last week that I’d like to see a video like this. Awesome! Really helpful
My usual starter is the Chad Cube. Literally just an elevated 1×1 with 3 furnaces in the airlock. Very handy.
I will forever thank you for that electric furnace tip it’s helped me so much
how do you get that crosshair
The Frock
song at 47:20??? please im begging anyone??
I miss when Rust had zombies.
1:05:18 ? 😮
I’ve been watching him since he was on a laptop
Anyone see him get killed by margarita around 30:35 and immediately assume it was Bloo? 😂
love all you’re videos keep it up
Willjum, I cannot express this enough. Every time I watch your videos it makes me want to meet you in real life just to give you a massive hug. Thank you for bringing me joy every time you upload.
can you tell me how to make this white dot ?
keep the work up i love your content g
Loved the vid, don’t like music with vocals tho.
how do you see in night that good ?
Bump for 1M
When you said that, you should always research the gun first because then you can get the bullet from crafting the gun. Yeah, that’s true, for other guns except ak because Asult Rifle comes with 0 bullets, when crafted.
As a solo player my self. I often rage quit or give up when i die all the time by larger groups. I will try your style and positive attitude. And 5 out of 5 stars, you always have good rust content.
What is the song playing at like 45 minutes in?
This video was insane
3 minutes and you mentioned a tokyo-willjum collab, I’m hyped.
I started playing rust in alpha, I think. When they still had zombies, the red animals and the old map. That was fun times
Feels like we’re kinda 2 years late on ANY SPENDING SPREES, BUT America can’t HANDLE any more spending!!! They hold AMERICANS AS TAX SLAVES TODAY!!! Make NO MISTAKE, Slavery’s Alive AND WELL TODAY BECAUSE OF THE DEMORATICAL CCPARTY!!!
willijum sounds like bear grylls
55:00 wtffffffff
Tbh the ducky door skin is fire 🔥🔥🔥
I bought Rust on 9.2.2014, called Rust Alpha, for 19$.
9 years later, it’s still my fav game
Damn both bases raided am gutted but glad that you managed to keep going
Anyone know the name of the song played during the fight around 55:30?
what is the name of the song on 56:41?
I want to play Rust but don’t have the luxury of buying an account.
55:03 song name please? 😀
You know what. I’m getting rust. Never played. But your videos make me wanna play
Literally strong Will. Great vid, mate!
I used to play a lot when rust had zombies and quit when bears and wolves got introduced
What’s this base called is there a design if not you should make a video on it
I joined rust 2 days ago😂
It’s surprising you didn’t recycle any Hazmat first day of the wipe, Willjum! 😂 That’s character development right there.
Imagine Willjum just say on his Intro
Willjum: So you’ve spawned on the beach, with nothing but frog and a torch🐸
16:29 the most awkward POV in rust fr bruh wtf bro just lookin at this doorcamper and he is unaware of anything
42:57 when i heard the actual audio of you either putting your face in your hands or raising your hands to your face cause they made doors placeable on deployable, I felt that a different way LMAO!
Willjum try the small box cheese but whit large box
30:32 he falls into his american accent ❤😂
55.53 he shoot with a db and didint lose ant ammo
As a solo, 1st thing i do i farm the road, recycle and make a metal door 😛
Thanks for always posting good content cant explain how lit this is I watch it all the time wish I was more like you
Ok…How do you get up that quickly when going from ladder to a half wall area like that?!? LoL… I always STRUGGLE with that badly!
bitrate 😭
They added crosshairs? I’ve always kinda liked no crosshairs, made the hip-fire feel very rewarding
Posty ain’t 1v12in nobody these days 😂
can we plz get a face cam in one of these videos
Why is the video quality so low? is it usually 1080p?
24k left… let’s go!
Why did the thumbnail change?
You and stimpee both have something in common with eachother. Aimbot and wallhacks.
Let’s go!
Bro Edwin is a force to be Reckoned with no he’s welyns channel now this one!!! Where will he go next 🤔
I wish the cave base worked out
MAN i love willjum saying: youve watched posty 1v12 on oil rig and ur feeling inspired LIKE damn man never thought willjum would say that i fell in love
He really said “Farming the players In my area”. Truly reflects how Willjum is a role player on the outside but at heart a prim PvP chad.
how do u change ur crosshair in rust????
Just a recommnedation WJ,pls see the Adobe Skin and the new Monument Missile Silo in the next wipe if possible,they say thoose are very op espicially for a solo like U!!
Thanks, Much love.🥰
I’m so bad at this game. I always just end up rage quitting when I get killed. I just cbf with people grubbing me.
AHA! I knew you played a wipe with AIT, I could feel it.
Dang, was so excited about the cave!!
Willjum plays one wipe with Tokyo and comes backs complete PvP chad
what server is this
dont kneel down!!! your just giving your head to them to shoot
why wouldnt you just place the stone wall in the cave? You alredy have a bag there. Paid actors…
I just came home after my university 😮💨 nd i just saw his new video notification 💕 nd m here ….. Always made my day .. keep it up champ
your reactions are pretty fake cause u r overvoicing a prerecorded video. u used the word scuffed like 5 times until 55:55. also you say omg so many times that makes me throwup. but honestly you are a good player,
quit with that disgusting rainbow door.
How sad of a life must yah have to streamsnip somone like come on me and you know the reason yah do streamsnip is couse ur sad like sad life no m8s apart from sad ppl like urself family h8 you and probably don’t say thay love you enough hence why ur so toxic …. imagine when you grow up and have kids if ur lucky enough for real yah will soon change ur sad behaviour…. keep it up bro gr8 vid as always … love how u don’t let ppl get to yeah
For a New player like my self to PC rust although i have 1000s hours watching you and playing console(the devil) would love to see a video on QOL settings keybinds that help you out ect.
1:00:05 just because they don’t see a big ass base with walls around it think the base sucks 🤣🤣🤣
How a 43,000 hour chad solo named Kyle ball snows in crust
Gave me old rust vibes , thanks for that
Only 9k smh get thos numbers up
If you were the ones that stream sniper Willjum, you are pitiful losers.
How you get the crossair ??
i dont know why the frog rock part at the start made me laugh
After 2 years of wach in ppl play rust, they finaly released rust on console. It was trash. So I waited another year and finaly got a laptop, instantly bought rust loaded it up then took me 3 hrs to get in a game. Proceeded to lag out, so I log back in and after another hour the game said “it seems your ram is lower than the recommended for this game, pick maps that are smaller to play smoother” then proceed to check steam and I had 2 gigs of ram less than the recommended. Yay😀
Seems your 1hr vid is not enough for me… I want moooreee 😭😭😭
yay willjum starting a video with a non cringy toxic frost cinematic he might be finally getting back to his roots after being exposed to toxic rust tubers keep it up
Bro willjum been here sence 200k and I am so happy for u to be hitting 1mill subs and happy that I can be one of those people to make ur life better and ur dream come true
Stream snipers are on equal footing with people who torture animals.
willjum, more like Willjum
willjum perhaps you could suggest recycling instead of destroying the frames /wood
Not the Frock
Why you had to do bloo like that 💀
Day one no cross hairs on screen then day two cross hairs ??
Why do you always build at night man😅 can’t see anything
Willjum needs a new name for his horses ngl
stream snipers are worse than cheaters imo. even tho it is technically cheating
Amazing video as always! I swear I come for the content and the music cause it’s always a VIBE 😎🔥🔥🔥
Since you asked, i got into rust late February of last year after watching some youtube vids on the game, most of them by yourself. I’m currently 2.4k hours in and not letting up any time soon. So a sincere thank you for providing me with my latest addiction.
i hope you get the Mio fast🫶🫶🫶
I like how his goal for the video was to show that you can solo if bad but he was killing every player he saw lmao
why do you always talk like you arent good at the game or pvp? you always shit on people so im confused at why you say those things
damn i cant wait the next duo video. playing with AIT.
all i learned from the first 15 minutes with heli and a Bear ignoring Willjum is that he is part of the map now after 9k hours
Press here to give Willjum a bear rug
29:44 😭 he didn’t use the home symbol
So clean🫡
You should really learn to report these stream snipers and show us in the video if you did.
how comes your voice sounds like blooprint?
Shouldnt it be 10000 hours sooner or later?
Can you start uploading to rumble too?
9k hours but you dont know that bone arrows does shit damage😅
Your energy and vibe is beautiful 🙏 I did some shrooms tonight, and this was the perfect video to watch
Mad love from the USA mr willy j ❤️
Almost 1 mill willy.🤩
a whole bunch of turbulance
I joined Rust when they had zombies in the game
The posty reference is so on point.
“When did you guys get into rust?” I have watched hours and hours of rust content but don’t own the game. It’s a fun game to watch
Willjum and Llama when though?
Willjum with AIT? Damn that’s gonna be awesome.
I cannot find the song that he played in the video, it has been bugging me for so long cause he used it in sooo manyy videos yet i have no idea whats that song called
I’ve been watching rust since legacy.
I like watching willjum when I am solo because I play like willjum on console edition because I don’t have a pc
So many 1hp or 1 shot ,that you would have won if you had armor on ………
i never played rust, but the first rust video i watched was in romanian by a youtuber called “MaxInfinite” back in February first, 2014 💀
i remember when it came to gaming, watching mostly rust and dayz
Just for information the water pipe is a weapon you should never rely on one tapping always hit a bow shot or whatever before using the pipe. Love the video 👍
we need a new bunker home like the last tutorial,the roof bunker dosent work anymore
why you not in 1440p60
So, to play solo you needs to be worth like a 6 man’s clan. Got it
Mum! Willjum uploaded!
I take my hat off to you solo makes me want to die
William casually panicking because he has low ho when he refuses to heal
What’s the song you use at 1:02:00 so fire
great content as always willy j!
question though, why dont you usually split your metal ore when smelting? i was under the impression it gives you frags quicker which can only be a good thing yeah? im a newish player so just want to learn.
I’m now convinced that the bear rug is the key to surviving rust, always gotta remember to enjoy the simple pleasures when it gets tough.
You could have grieved the tc in the cave
That is one funny ass scuffed jump up I love it
Anyone know what the song is called that stars at 55:00?
Willjum I’ve been a fan for quite a while and I just wanted to say I love the videos!
36:30 song name?
Oh man, this is like an episode of your favorite Netflix series… you can always come and watch a new episode!
Weekly dose of the wise solo willjum 🤤😤🌳🦌🏕️
Stayed up to 5am to finish this. Totally worth it 👌
Even though I didn’t play rust i still love your videos Willjum.
Almost 1M Subs Let’s Gowwww
i didnt’ even need to see you lift your frog rock to give that ol thumbs up
I absolutely love the videos, the background music and setting is such a peaceful vibe.
Stream snipers are Genuinely the lowest of the Low. It’s so low, that it’s worth it, to knock their teeth in, if ever met with one in person. Much like a Cheater.
Thank you dude.
Im a HK member VItal 10x US and i say your a W
hopefully Willjum could use new base skin for the next wipe <3
Is currently 11 36 pm and I have school but rust is more important right now
Willjum´s trap base pls
wiljum my favorite rust youtuber <3
This man’s positive energy is something I strongly admire
The dumber the skin is, the more I love it.
I love you bro i can’t bear to watch you stay primlocked forever
How do you get the white dot in the middle of the screen?
Just don’t stream serious wipes
55:53 didn’t use a bullet lol?
All rust youtubers need to use blooprints intro so hes forced to change as im over it 😛
How to trap Willjum? First you use bear rug as a bait then ambush. Congratulation you get yourself a Willjum 😂
Lesson learned, bring enough materials to a cave
Blue used that bunker
Wait, Tokyo told you something?
Thank u for an hour video. I’m excited to see what’s in store. Favorite rust you tuber!!!
00:14 frock
WILJUM! video idea:
I built automated bases around the map, you can build bases near each monument and use those bases to transfer loot across the map with the piping system to one main base, would be so cool to see you do this with frost and a few others
Can we all agree willjums song taste for every video has been fantastic
What’s the song that’s playing at 43:35? Name of the song and artist please.
Soon to a 1m subs congrats WillyJ very very deserved and you inspire me to just be more patient in life and relax when I need it the most
twas here before the thumbnail change i suppose
Pepe rock
Ready for the 1 million subscriber special by the end of the month!!
Anybody know the outro song❤❤
How do you get the crosshair that he has it looks so clean
I’m not even joking, I joined around about 3 months ago. I personally think that I have gone through that many updates in that time.
it feels like tokyos play style has rubbed off onto willyj
Anyone else noticed the strange ragtangle in blured pixxels around the cross air at 54:55.. quite large around the crossair
I’ve actually never played Rust. I do enjoy watching your video along with a few other YouTubers.
how does he get the crosshair?
15:03, here Willijum uses the technique foreshadowing into entice the viewers to see his next videos and subscribe. I have to say it worked
What is the song name that starts at 36:23
Lol joined rust 3 days ago 😂😂 console as am getting a pc fort I’d give it a blast before I play pc aha it’s ruthless compared to dayz am use to playing x
Another great vid, thanks!
How in the rust gods do you get so much cloth…. 2 bags good lord after fresh spawn lol
A spear and a dream! LULZ!
1:03:56 Uber comp delivery!
I don’t know if this will get answered, but it’s a question I have thought about ever since coming to this channel/community.
Willjum, do you think your Two Wolf/Dog double door is a door that kinda gives you away on the servers you play on?
I remember you saying in the older video, 8000 hrs of gameplay
Not Gunna lie i just started playing Rust. And I get excited for rugs. Thanks … lol
its almost 10 30 at night, on my pc after a while watching willjum in a calm state, could never ask for more
my man willy what is up. im hungry so i ate 7 waffles. yummy in my tummy~ anyway thanks for the vid 🙂
Today I bought rust for my ps5 because I can’t afford a pc and I hope it’s not too much worse than pc
8000 now 9000 oh my gawd will
When I found willjum pretty sure it was after watching Stevie’s vendetta video I couldn’t stop watching willjum I’m happy that he almost at a mil he deserves it #bearrug
Starting this video knowing I probably already know most of the tips but it doesn’t matter, when WillyJ uploads I watch
To be honest I am new and I am lucky I have an good friend that plays te game very well to help me understand this game more and ur vids are helping me alot too appreciate ur afford in making one off the best rust solo videos
Idk how I feel about it Willy. I love watchin you both. Your voice and instructions are epic and so calming. He says nothing but its always utter chaos… So tell me, will there be two-way conversation? Love you Wiily!
@Willjum: how do you see things (well) at night? All I see is blackness in these vids. Do you crank your gamma?
Also, good attitude, infectious.
I get so happy every time willy j Post I just love every video he makes
Xbow and bone arrows is almost always a head shot it’s nuts
ring ring ring ring ring ring ring… BANANA BOWWWWWW
hes got the frock equipped
When I saw you head into the cave I thought all my dreams had come true :(. But then I started wondering how you’ll power electric furnaces if you live in a cave?
I got into Rust when it was still in alpha. I won a free key from an art contest back on 7/2/2013. I sketched a little dude in a hazmat suit sitting next to some water fishing for a three-eyed fish. He had a tool box and a hatchet sitting next to him.
Press that like button, we’ll deserved chill moments!
2 days ago I had my best solo win. I won a 1 v 5 and got 90% of the loot. It was right outside my base so that helped me win but I nearly lost. I won with a rock hit killing a rest guy while his friend was eco raiding me. I then graved his bow and shot his friends, he had, I grabbed the arrows as quick as I could then killed his friend. This was right after I killed several people who kept coming back. It ended up being 2 team, 1 solo, a mp5 clan member, and me.
1:00:07 THIS IS ME 🤣( your base bad man) I didnt mean it i swear willjum
Great video as always willjum!
i watch so many video that player only have wooden wall with wooden door get raided by 2 molotov but in TC they literally have 2 stack of stone and almost 500 frag. i mean why hoarding it to get raided later.
at that point it’s your fault that you get molotov raid.
Can’t wait for the collab with Tokyo. You two should kill it on a wipe……. very excited!!
Did he change the thumbnail? Before it was a map and now it’s his base
really dig that Lars Eriksson song…nice choice
that map is effing TINY!! :O
Would you ever be willing to show the Village side of rust? More of a chilled unique experience on vanilla Official.
Two right hands 17:18
you can use fence doors and do the same box storage trick, you can stack boxes on boxes then break the fence and they stay. sidbog jus droped a vid on it, great guy does shorts on useful tips like this!
i know you posted where you get ur music, but could u put the name and the times, cuz i`m terrible to find them, ty
I’d love to get into rust again, but the oceanic servers are infested with cheaters and some of the most toxic clans ive seen in rust.
Bro! We need Part2 With The Revenge raid in the cave! Come on!
Literally makes my day when I see u upload and I get to come home after a long day at work and watch it 🙂 keep it up man ur the best
The base your building starts off very similar to a base a build. Which is a different variation of the rose from cosmetic films. But iam not a good enough builder to figure out how to add the bunker
anyone remember beta rust, y’know, when wolves used to drop chicken meat?
i got rust in 2018
Bro I witnessed the thumbnail change
We should Comment More so a Lot of People see hie Video More Fr
@11:27 Stream snipers strike again!
The spear play for the win lol😂
Your optimal base location is highly dependent on your place in the food chain (pvp skill * group size).
It’s so annoying when he doesn’t split the ores in the furnace…like y not it cooks faster
I love that at any given moment, there are like 3 bears outside Willjums base LOL
Please live in a cave, the cave videos are some of my favorites
willjum got me into rust with his pure master peace videos i love them and i love rust
fuck off with the clickbait. do all rust players have smooth brains?
I have rust but I don’t have the time to check my base constantly. Wish they’d dedicate a server with an off line protection for people that work but want to enjoy the game. Love your vids man great to see your about 1mil subs!! Keep up the great work!!
You could call that frog rock.. a frock.
Dig a hole to heaven
Nice to wake up and check youtube and see Wiljum Uploaded a Sunday Banger!
1:10 Man missed the opportunity to say, before anything else, the first thing you need to do…. is Manscape.
Stream snippers need to chill. There’s no point in doing what they do, and it proves you have no skill. You don’t get glory. Your name almost never gets mentioned. All it does is give you a quick adrenaline rush and then nothing.
I’ve been kidnapped and forced to watch willjum for the rest of my life… don’t look for me
stream snipers have no life….pathetic scum.
Nonthing better than a cozy Willjum weekend night
rain on me outro will never be beat
Opinions on server BP wipes? Yes or No
Hed guys, can someone tell me how Willjum get this white dot, while aiming with the bow? I dont have this dot. Its about 32:30 in the fight. And btw, very good Videos i love your Content❤
It’s like the game of life 😉 some serious life lessons to be learned from this. I mean it. Life lessons to success. Looking at things differently. Waking up. Welcome to the real world my friends! It’s full of information, all within our fingertips. Reach for the stars.
11:25 you were streaming during this?
How come you never put a shelf in your tc room for extra storage!
Hey , i never tought i could teach you anything on this game because i’ve only played like a maximum of 50 hours lol but while you where freaking at the heli you’ve to know that the heli focus only on geared players , he won’t attack you at all if you have less than >a certain level of gun on your inventory, probably starts attacking you if you own a revy < i don't remember exactly , and probably but not sure depends also your clothes , like the rad suit could be a trigger also
its crazy how u maintain a great n positive attitude despite the losses. truly a wholesome guy u r willjum <333
Halfway way through and I just wanted to say I’ve been watching you for a while now. I love your attitude and love the prime fights, I often don’t hop on for too long just prime fight my way for a while, I love to see it!
Great vid. I cringed every time I saw your un-upgraded wooden bunker frames though.
I joined back when it was still in the alpha
There were 2 types of armor, leather – which was red and kevlar – which was black
everything you cooked was chicken, a bear or wolf was magically chicken
just came back to a other willjum video let’s go
There is nothing more lower scum than stream snipers
I need help I been wanting the game for a while and I am about 12 and I don’t know if my dad will let me get it what should I say?
I love the video but I don’t like how slow he progresses through stages of the game I wish we had more end game pvp
I used to admire Welyn for his combat and comedy, then Blooprint for his genius level tactics, but now Willjum has grown on me with the most well-rounded and laid back approach to a truly punishing(and often frustratingly toxic) gaming experience.
WillJam I really enjoy watching your videos, I can chill on my couch after work. And laugh when you give us a building tutorial on a bunker and then just casually goes out and gets this guy passing by from a train and goes back to the building. Great content sir keep it up!
how you have crosshair?
I started playing rust the day after they got rid of the zombies and they had red bears and wolfs that gave you chicken meat.
Alwats LOVE your videos! ❤️
Will gotta stop using that wood door skin
The door Camper 💀
love ur videos, Willjum! i was gonna get to bed, but ur video kept me aweake, totally worth it!
great video , u are so good at primitive . lot of pvp . nice .
Frog rock is op
Why don’t people use dummy doors as well? I think a random box at the bottom of the base with a door on it would really annoy people who try to raid it.
To answer your question, I have never played Rust, I enjoy your content very much though.
Please go back to the old thumbnail art!
WillyJ, Wally1k, and Spoon upload? What did we do to deserve this
survival tips
avoid other players by being as self sufficient as possible.
self sustainability is key. small generator can hold 500 low grade, at a time, allowing it to run for four(4) hours real time.
ask yourself this: can i aquire/refine/craft 500 low grade within 4hrs?
Sure can, and without ever setting foot out of your base.
the survival fishtrap.
You can craft (low grade via the animal fat) collected from gutted fish – the (fish meat can be left raw and used as bait) or (cooked and used as additional lure for the fishtrap), as well as can be (placed in a compost for fertilizer) or just (eaten)
If you use the fish meat as fertilizer then you can use the crops grown as bait for the fishtrap {5Pumpkins = 4Potatoes = 7Corn}
Players realistically only need to have a single hemp seed to theoretically aquire an unlimited supply of cloth.
Plant the hemp seeds either in a planter box or in the same area as the fishtrap (asthetic af)
You can catch, Salmon (Sell for Scrap at fishing village) Minnows, Herrings, Anchovies and Sardines all of which can be gutted for fish meat, bone fragments for ammo, armor and weapons, as well as animal fat.
The survival fishtrap offers 5 fundamental functions
Scrap generator – Animal fat for (low grade) – Fish meat for either: (eating); (farming); active fishing and passive fishing(fishing); and bone fragments for ammo, armor, tools and weaponry (arsenal crafting)
I highly recommend incorporating the survival fishtrap into your next base design.
OH, i almost forgot!
If you leave bait in the trap and it catches something but you DO NOT OPEN THE S.F.T., then the catch cue will replay and remain on repeat until you open the S.F.T. This can be used as a decoy, making it seem as though you are online and active inside of your base, successfully deterring any would be off line raiders.
i have never been raided since ive started using this tactic.
cheers 😊
I want to see spotlight incorporated into your buildings for once lol. Shine it towards enemy bases
I’m so happy when you upload WillyJ. Words can’t describe the amount of giddiness and sheer joy I feel when I see that you’ve posted recently. It makes my whole day SO much better.
build a base on a wipe by only farming other player
i started back when it was EARLY dev….when zombies still existed and it was only one map 🙂
Willjum: You don’t need to be the best
Also Willjum: Keeps dominating 3 mans in most fights with ridiculous game sense
I got on YouTube at the perfect time.
Hi wiljum, I notice all your recent upload doesn’t have any endgame conclusion. All of it goes fresh from wipe, farm, build home, pvp and etc. It would be nice to have a quest or mission every video or something. I find it boring when there’s not something newm
we all love willjum such a great human being man.
It will be awesome to see you raid the stream snipers and get revenge
intro gave me the chills keep up the great work
I got excited when you were going to to a cave base instantly disappointed when they Greifed it
how sad can you be to streamsnipe someone and grief a cave base? lmao, these kids are pathetic
I never get tired of watching this guys videos
is it normal to have a crosshair on screen and I just never noticed?
more please
im the 5,7th like🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑😍😍😍😍😍
thanks for the wonderful videos willjum, love the music
I’ve been using that bunker base from Secret that you used in a previous video and I’ve been loving it
Oho, its rare to see wj have second chapters. Usually it’s just a one.
I live Ur content cep doing it 👍🤟
I’d it me or have I seen Edwin in other rust players vids
OMG AloneInTokyo voice reveal?
Watching wiljum all this time I’ve never been disappointed. Absolutely amazing thank you!
Roaming at night with a wetsuit, black bandana and miner’s hat is some real 200 IQ shit. Fuck ninja suits man that’s the real sneaky grub meta.
I can’t seem to like the video more than it once anyone else having this issue?
Really cool to see u figured out how a offset bunker works to fix minor issues like the wall replacement. cozy video as always!
Not going to lie I sucked A** at this game before I found this channel. Thanks for the AK Willjum!
what is that song thats on ur videos always, playing at 55min on this one? dam i love it.
This is how I like to spend my Saturday night.
Bro I am so hype for that aloneintokyo collab
damn im loving these quick new vids, keep killing it willj
2:41 “…he [aloneintokyo] told me something…” Lies, tokyo doesnt speak.
Expressive butthole shots on the bear 🫡
Did bro just say he played with tokyo?
Just walked in from overtime at work, showered, rolled a fatty, and yes…..a Willjum upload 😍 Thank you for what I’m sure will be another great rust solo adventure ..🎉🍻
are we making 1 million subscribers this year?
Il just stay watching others play this game. No way could a spend time and effort on this game knowing someone is going to just blow it all up and kill you lol
Tokyo is the best rust solo player on earth! But not the one who entertained best as a solo. Love u both <3
Hey WillyJ I see you throw pressure pads away often but they do recycle for quite a bit like spring frag and scrap I’m pretty sure
Bro I love your vids… But seriously you have the weirdest ads on your videos.
All I do is solo on Console rust and anytime I tell that to people they call me crazy. What’s crazy is building a 5 story castle with 8 people and claiming you’re amazing at the game.
It’s crazy to think I’ve sub to William a year ago and he’s gained 700k subscribers. What a crazy achievement. 1 million soon 🎉
Omg for Real you play a wipe with tokyio omg i would pay for to see this😮
Anyone can link me the outro song? Cant find it in the unlimited amount of good songs WillyJ has in the description.❤
“You don’t have to be the best in the game.” – Proceeds to wipe everyone throughout the video. He killed him…with a fucking spear..a spear.
I still can’t figure out how willjum can see so good during night time. Is there a special pc setup to see much better in the dark?
try do a a pacifist wipe, just kill who atack you first, sneaky sneaky
The cubby willjum style. Can you make. Another bassoo base please
I first played rust, in what ppl call legacy rust now. Only a couple weeks after release, had a lot of fun. Kinda miss it.
u made my day with this video <3
These videos are getting WAY to long.
29.23 avast xd
Duo with aloneintoyko???! OhMGee! Sub now people!
Really haven’t watched anyone who picks better music and ambient soundtracks than Willjum
so close to 1 mill subs no way
Is this a solo server ?
A collaboration between Willjum and Posty sounds awesome in my head. Posty 1 v 12ing on Oil Rig while our guy Willjum slaps down some bear rugs in base :)!
Loved the video WillJ
Duuuuuude I love the videoooooooss, keep them coming plzzzzz
I don’t even play rust or have a computer, but i REALLY ENJOY your videos! My favorite parts are the PvP and all your mess ups. Lol
“The title of my new video, Controlling mining outpost”😂
I think u have beaten some record, u did sorting in first half of the wipe
Willjum after playing solo on a full pop I have learned many thing , have alliances this is so important as u don’t want to be getting door camped , get a car me having a car expecislly on this forced wipe was op I had storage on it so I could go node to node farming , and don’t get greedy
Willjum, if you don’t have any weapon on the slots of 1 2 3 4 5 the attack helicopter will not shoot you as I remember
I’m so angry he left that 64 low grade at that first fight
Everyone sub 25k till 1 million subs
This is the best video i enjoyed so far…my best part was where u killed the dude with a spear 😂😂
ive been commenting on every vid, willy1milly AND ITS GONNA HAPPEN SOON LETS GO
Why does this man hasnt a mil subs yet? Boys get him there!
What was that small box stacking?
So close to 1 M
29:50 “And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.”
I got into rust about 6 months ago when I saw your vid and ended up watching you for hours now my son has rust on x box so will have to give it a go ❤
to be honest i have always been solo my whole rust career
Poor racheal
Another hour spent #relaxed
Stream sniping Willjum? For real? It’s Willjum. Leave that man alone you weirdos.
Drop a sub we want the vid
Your the best YouTuber keep the good work up
What is Willijum crosshair, in game ,software or display
Welcome to crust
This video is crucial it shows no matter how hard your start is to keep pushing ! Gotta crack a couple eggs to make a omelet !
Their needs to be a study on how rust developed the most satisfying headshot sound to ever exist
1:05:30 It’s not stackable, unless in a door like that? I’m guessing what lets boxes be inside doors now, somehow overrules the stacking block. Or something
Why cant they just make them stackable. It’s not like real world physics would just say: “Nope! can’t do that!”
Can’t you stack coffins, and do all kinds of op shit with them?
Let’s Go ! A 1 hour vids made by Willjum !
How he do the crosshair
In my 17k hours on this game. I’ve only given up one time on a server. I built 4 bases within an hour. And every time I came back from a farm run for upkeep. I would be roam raided. Lol. Great vid as usual
Wait up…!!! I’m excited to watch this video, but you’re doing with TOKYO!??!!!! Bro, hurry up and hit 1mil already!! Hahaha <3
frog rock
Why did you change the title?
Make more videos because it’s the best content on the world😊🎉
43:13 my first day was 1 day before the blueprint system, really easy to remember
Please for the love of god drop a Spotify playlist with all your ambient, nostalgic music, it actually slaps I’ve been saying this for months
Another Willjum classic
Almost 1 million
ahh, another weekend with a freshly dropped video from Willjum 🍵🍃
48:36 “that sun is blinding” I was literally trying to block the Sun from shining on my phone so I could see my phone screen.
Poor wilton
willjum vs everyone
Try a base called the HUMBUG
well you have 9k hours i have only. 1.5k but we play simular. and i never give up on a map. would be fun to play with you. even that i am solo player too.
And yes we all been beating down logged off and gone get some food and some warm to drink. an hour or two passed and you get back on ready to try again to get in to get your base down at a good area. not too populated and with some good notes and a little piece of road or some eletrical towers to exploid and a recycler within range. then get ready to take over and destroy them that have bullyed or just killed you due to Oblivian or some other hardcore games showed them that if anything moves it have to be put down
Love your vids. do not love your EU server no more due to i am solo player and dont have any i can trust going in to a week run with. last couple of time i did i had over 14h daily game play they had some hour the first day and around max 2 the next 2 days and stopped showing. i could play your na. but i have little too much lag on that and will damage me in battles
Rust is meant to be played Solo.
I wish I could play officials :’> But at last, no linux support.
omg a new a willjum video! Today will be a good day
I watched this once and I can confirm this is a Fory classic
Willjum: Don’t get distracted by PvP
Also Willjum: Gets distracted by PvP
This was just on time.
I really needed a new video 😅
I played legacy rust, I still play every now and then. But, I enjoy watching you guys play…
Why does he never split the ore in his furnaces it hurts me to the core
I just hit the like button before watching😊 a normal person would do that
Willjum it’s been a wild ride, I’ve been a fan since you hit 300k subs it’s nice to see you have grown a lot since I last watched you. -Ryan
does the building have some kind of timer that you can “demolish”? i saw you using a sword to break a wood wall but you could just demolish a stone wall, after it gets damaged/some time you can’t do that anymore?
48:32 wiljum hacking
Stream snipers are just scumbags if the lowest order
Willjum, you are definitely next level solo! 🤩 🔥 Thanks!
I love you and your videos Willy J
Hey willjum 30 min into the video you died by someone called margaretta. That’s blooprints name sometimes imagine he also played.
stream snipers are such degenerates
*kills pack of 6
“so in conclution, u shouldn`t be best in the game …”
Next video
Have bloo do your intro 😂
frog rock is elite
Watched your videos for 9months now. Finally got Rust 3 days ago and I have 50 hours logged and no regrets 💞
What the song on 56:00 ?
You just got home, want to relax and you see new video is up aaaand weeeeelcome to rrrrrrust. What’s better… 🙂
I got into Rust about 3 months ago after randomly seeing a Wiljum rust video , then i watched a Wiljum Blooprint duo and downloaded console rust the next day lol…..played everyday since
52:20 it was Edwin the comp bow grub
2014 was my Rust intro, the days of The Tuna Bandits
25k to go!
This movie will make u hit 1m LFG
Small request – upgrade/build your base in the daytime. I u sets tabs why you do it at night but we really can’t see what you are doing.
Willjum what time do you stream ?
how deez 9000 nutz played with some rust
By next weekend when you drop a video again you’ll be at 1m subscribers. Congrats brother!!
Love your soundtrack!! Goes well with your voice. Good videos as well. Damn, is there something brown on my nose. AH well……….
No cave base, feelsbadman 🙁
25k more subs
Old thumbnails are way cooler
Thank you for the great vibes, always look forward to the new videos❤
Your videos are really good and are filled with so much entertainment thanks for making such great content
43:41 song name?
cozy vid as always.
My hunger has been served. Thank you for uploading. Been waiting all week
Saw this on your stream. Was crazy that guy had a Molotov on him so fast.
love your contents bro keep going !
big willy with a nother vid
9000? Is that it? What a noob!
I have more time watching Willjum videos!
Love these I stay solo
Congrats willjum only 15k more subscribers to go to hit that big 1m sub milestone then your in big leagues with all other rust YouTubers.
I’ve watched this seven times, a certified Blooprint classic
a years worth of solo gameplay. thats what i call dedication good hunting
What is the music 56:30 plz ?
Willjum should try to build the ultimate base: with a garage, a farm, a space for a boat, a stable and some electricity
I’ve been watching you for over a year and I think it’s safe to say… king of solo’s 😀
This is catastrophically badass 🙏
1:03:23 you are why I call it the roof roof 😂
did he gain overlay crosshairs around 48 miinutes??
This is going to be 1hr and 10mins well spent
Come on man, that ain’t solo when you have your one and only friend with you. The frog.
Hell yea bring out the beers
pin me if you kept on pressing this button
… Read more
for the love of god get new background music, ive been listening to these songs in your vids for years now lol.
ohhhh Willjum!!! Go go go
There better be a part 2 and 3! 😄
Duck suit is being JUDGED! 😂
Willjum: you don’t have to be the best just have patience
Also willjum: kills 20 guys and takes all their stuff lol
Did you hint that you and tokyo were cave dwellers?
I waited the entire afternoon for this
Watching his videos is like watching your favorite series, and it just ends with no real ending. Did the base survive? Did he get the cave?
So I’m unsubing…
every time wiljum uploads i get so happy
hey willjum i have a question why dont you split you’re metal when you put it in a furnance you used to always do it 😀
Hier ein deutscher Kommentar ❤
yay a long willjum vid. its gonna be a great day.
I love that no matter how hard the stream sniperstry and get Willjum down they never do cause this guy is a chad!
Help needed😢 $jefftwoGG .
lov u willjum
Before 1mill subs gang!!!
Much support Willjum!!! ❤❤❤
I just got rust and not many of my friends have it so this video is so usfull
best way to get rid of door campers is to get rid of your doors, then they cant door camp
“You don’t have to be the best in the game to progress as a solo” meanwhile, Willjum loses maybe 2 fights the whole time.
hi willjum!! good video 😀
i started 2020
great content bruh!
all primitive the heli wont touch you but pants or a revo yes
Do another tree house please
I bought this game because of you watched all your videos
Keep up the work man love the vid (also like the cowboy music in the intro)
Love the content as always. One of the best rust channels. I don’t even play and I watch all your videos all the way through.❤
9 thousand hours in a computer chair. Yikes.
Ya era hora🛶pensaba que abría echo el GRAN. VIAJE ..A . VALHEIM 🛷🏝️
mid lockdown i knew and commented that you’ll go far, love you bro <3
My brother and I race to see who watches your vid first hahahah
so happy to see a new willjum video!!
Lets be serious there are no wilijum haters
I hit like before I even watch the video. Always worth a watch. 👍
Why it’s my video running at only 1080p??
cave base is the most cozy video pls wee need oneeee
honestly, 25k subs until 1m subs…. isnt Akzeptabel (sry drunk and german)
so please chiller chad community of willjum, share and share this stuff with everybody… oder ich und meine Freundin kommen zu euch nach hause und füttern eure Haustiere mit verdauungsunfreundlichen Ernährungs Ergänzungsmitteln, muah muah muah
Been here since the base design videos ❤
Watch posty 1v12 on Oil Rig got me luaghing
Bro ur so chill and i love it<3 much love and keep up the good work
Took me awhile to figure out what you were talking about when you kept saying Milton’s. It wasn’t until you showed the map zoomed in on Military Tunnels that I remembered todays generation doesn’t say full words anymore. Yep, I’m old.
i allways give the like bf watching the video because ik is ganna be good
Stream Snipers are just ScumBags!!
Oh! One after another OP SOLO💯💯💯
Like all the time very good video
I haven’t even look at the vid and i know it’s good.
approaching 10,000 hours and 1,000,000 subscribers. soon-to-be *certified* master and legend
I don understand how rust isn’t more popular , they should add 3 new weapons honestly
My only problem i have with watching willjum is there is little progression. At the start of the video he uses db and at the end he still uses db.
Anyone else notice, 30:39 Killed by Margarita?.
U got a nice frock right there
Hi I’m here 👋
A drink, a snack, fat bowl and it’s chill time with Willjum 😃✌🏼
making my day already
As always, great to see another awesome Willjum video. The guy is a beast but so modest and humble about it. Lol. Always an entertaining vid. Thanks Willjum.
Just got into Rust recently and I have been loving your videos. Very entertaining and educational. Thanks Will 🙂
Watched this 14.5 million times in the past 10sec and can confirm this is a willyJ classic
Im always willing to spend an hour to watch Willjums new vids 🎉
Clan member 1: We have willjum coming to our location.
Clan member 2: Fine.
Clan member 1: He has a DB.
Clan member 2: RUN!
Only full hd this time? Kinda sus watching it on 4k monitor.
We get the stone wall skin
we are so close to 1m subs HELP HIM REACH IT!!! HE DESERVES IT!! like this if you agree
25k to go, great to see you getting more subs man, its been awesome watching your channel grow, i hope you hit 1M soon.
Ps a duo with you and Cali would be wholesome asf. 😄
I am 58 seconds in and can already tell this will be a willjum classic
I can’t wait for the 1 Mill special with aloneintokyo!! 🥰
I randomly commented in your last video that you should do *exactly* that. (I didn’t know yet)
And imagine my surprise when someone replied that it was already done, and just waiting to be released!🥳
Lots’a 💗!
Anyone else watchin because watching willjum build is satisfying 😂
Tokyo hype
I like the fact that you dont do the “make sure ur subscribed because maybe you think you are but ur not” thing because im usually allready subscribed. But when you mentioned the 1mil special i checked just in case and noticed i wasnt subed. So to make up for it im leaving a comment for the algorithm 🙂
It’s just not a Willjum video if he doesn’t get chased by a bear at least once
>casually announces 1mil special with ait holy shiiiittttt
I love this upload time, I finish all my work and then sit for an hour and relax with your video every saturday, keep up the good work man
The million oO
Uh caca
42 mins bin posted fun fact Nobody’s finished this yet unless you skiped
Hello willi
His always giving me the vibes❤❤❤❤❤❤😊😊☑️☑️
Bro I was just playing loke an hour and saying I suck at solo I need willjum to teach and here wer
I m mentally broke so happy to see a new video its like a therapy
Willjum bru I saw both titles. Nice try you silly little goose. Invite me for a wipe!
I wish i could see the life people that are this chill live to be able to achieve
Wounded, waited ages for an upload and the only wipe I’ve ever watched on twitch is uploaded..
I bought rust because of your videos!
I’m playing on a low pop at the moment just to understand it all but it’s great fun!
Another willjum upload right when I needed it.
the cozy vibes >>>>>
I love the long form content you’re doing awesome!
can i get a shoutout to my yt channel i do mostly gaming content
I also am solo most time i like too sometimes change my door skin too make it seem I was raided love the vibe and the videos man big fan started playing because of you
whats better than some chicken nuggets and willjum videos
9000 hours is over 1 entire year! How is this possible 🤯
Come wiljum where is aloneintokyo can’t wait flr that wipe❤
We need more wally
Nutter on the Butter
My freand killed you one day and we raided your base it was so fun your cracked man
Saving this one for tomorrow morning, but i believe it’s gonna be a banger🤩
Fuck the sleep schedule
Another Willjum video! It’s gonna be a good day.
nice vid
…..when you give a like before you’ve seen the vid – just cause you appreciate the content from wiljum. thx, greetz from bavaria.
Its weird cos, my worst farts often lead to my best wipes!
Love ur vids willy❤❤
luv ur vids broo
i dont get why streamers dont play on servers that ban stream snipers they are super easy to catch
Sitting with my MacBook, just moved to a new country, everything is confusing. But then you look over, and Willy has a new video for you! And for the next 1 hour and 11 minutes, im at peace
the best birthday present 🙂
Willjum ima be real, when i woke up i literally was like i hope he posts today, and im so glad you did
You should join mid wipe and play
didnt all bunkers just get patched out though?
Willjum content day!!!! Winnin
Did you know that there is a porn version of this game? Its called Wrist!
But ser, wen Tokyo
Best feeling ever when willjum uploads!
okay, gonna make me a nice coffie. this gonna be gooooood!
let´s go!
1M – loading up. I hope that’d be very soon since can’t wait for this epic duo! 🙂
I got raided 4 times in under a day and I still came back
I can confirm this is a true spoonkid classic, rewatching for my 69420th time.
how do you even have subscribers????????? npc
All Willjum videos feel the same in the way that you can sit down, get cozy and expect a entertaining wipe and yet they’re all so different that each video is a fresh story with fun interactions throughout
hielo men
#70minutes of crossbow montage
The moment I opened the video, I instantly got chills. The way Willjum plays is so satisfying.
Love the videos man, almost at 1 mil!
You know it’s a good day when you wake up alive! (And there is a new Willjum video) 🗿🍷
been waiting ALL WEEK FOR THIS
booooooo i want cave base
Love the videos willjum, would have been here sooner but I was mowing, so you a ton can’t wait to see you at 1mil subscribers
you know it’s a good day when Wilijum uploads
An unexpected cave base noice 👌
Edit* damn T_T lol ggs on the fights after though 😂
Everytime I watch your Vids I learn sth. new! Im Sure it will be the same here. Im playing Rust in this Moment so Im watching it later. THX for the Upload ❤
Opening speech on solo life got me chanting, “Preach Brother, preach!!”
Already watched this video 5 time and can confirm this is a willjum classic ❤
Damn nice evening incoming
Another certified banger.
the into was great🤣❤
All week you’ve been hyping a secret duo on twitter and you post a solo video…
I’m grateful & disappointed all at the same time
i am clipping that oucheeees you said that cracked me up
10k in 20 mins.. keep it up
Frog Rock, huh?
Must be channeling your inner Toadlord 😆
Willjum I’ve been watching your videos since you were at 1,500 subs and I love that your videos still fell the same. 🙂
MY MAN WJ , Post 2 times a week pls i love your vids <3
Willjum ❤❤❤
Wow first
Something good to watch at work
what does Willjum do when he’s not playing Rust?
9000 hour player dies alot and cuts out those clips…
almost at 1 mil subs
The one million is so close. Crazy how your channel grew
I love you men ❤❤❤
Willjum in a cave, I’m all for it
You already know its gonna be a WILLJUM classic and a banger
Just what i needed 🙂
Lessgo Weekly Chill Vod is Here!!!
Yeah another late night 🌃 because of Willjum
Love the videos! Keep up the good work!
i love yours vids every week i go on your channel and refresh waiting for your next vid
Have already watched 109,873 times and can confirm this is a Willjum classic
Love you Wiljum, you my favorite rust YouTube man ❤️
lets get this man to 1mil!!!!!
Banger vid as always!
15 mins ago. I can already say, this is a certified soonkid banger
Perfect weekend entertainment. Wish I could play aswell but well the parcel service messed up and returned my order and im sitting here, with my half disassembled computer. Atleast I can enjoy some great Video for sure 🙂
This is what i have been waiting for 😁
Cheers from Sweden 🎂
cant wait to see you an tokyo take on a server 😀
Thank u from video! Hello from Russia, i really like ur videos and practice my English)
Willjum I live near u like 5 min drive we should go pub
Yes boys
Finally, it’s worth for waiting ❤🎉
Keep up the good work will🎉
Its 3 am in my country and as always your rust solo is amazing
Wow you know you made it when you have 5k views 15 mins after posting. Well done Willy j, you deserve all good things that come your way. You honestly make my day so much better just from sending that “Willjum just posted a new video” notification to my phone. Keep up the amazing work mate, your doing great.
Defeneatly 1st
100% Certified spoonkid classic
Idk when the last time I seen will willjim in a two by one
i gotcha
Im early
Uploaded sub 10 minutes ago. Never does Willjum cease to amazing me with his videos <3 I love them. Time to watch ^_^
This man has spend the last 1/4 of his life making us content
Willjum for your weekend. Gonna be a great day.
i love the videos keep at it
we need that 1M special movie . lets share and sub
you have such a cool vibe man
Birthday and a Wiljum Video to chill out at the evening is just awesome
who else remembers his first video ❤
i watch this 482 times already and I can confirm this is a certified spoonkid classic
Chilljum back at it again.
Willllyyyyy jimmmmmyyyyyy
It may have only just came out, but here’s an in-depth comment of the nuances of his comedy throughout this hour long video
Haven’t even watched it but know it’s a W
Willjum the goat❤
I love the intro so much ngl
Needed this today
The best🔥❤️
Lets gooo
Hell yeah, chilling on a saturday playing relaxing games and Wiljum uploads. I think I’ll just sit back, relax and enjoy
watched it all, already know its a certified banger
i was refreshing for 30minutes bc i knew he would upload
Honey Wake up, new Willy J just dropped
You do the same thing every wipe. So we just watch those and you make this new video of you doing what you do every wipe too. GG!
I have watched this 2345321 times and I can confirm it is a willjim classic!
Was watching his videos all week and it was crazy to watch him gain 4K subs just this week alone. Gj willy bro
jesus 9k? yikes!
I watch like six of your vids last night and found your apex pc partnership and am going to save up for a pc
Fastest i ever was
7 minutes 500+ likes
Whats the official servers willjum is playing on?
Aye the frog rock is fire
Hell yeah always enjoy your videos
I like how u make this game seem fun. Unfortunately it is a mess of racism and dogshit gameplay.
Banger vid
At the beginning. when he said “the first thing you must do”. I thought he was going to say is wash your balls lmfao
Absolutely crazy ending, I’ve definitely seen it
Willy it’s a good day when you upload
I say it every time, but super appreciative to live vicariously thru such a talented YouTuber. You’re always bringing the good vibes. Maybe one day I’ll get into Rust.
I love these
i love this game even though im not playing this game, or should i say i love how you deliver your videos. its so relaxing.
In the evening is it chill, but its chiller when WJ posts a cozy video, then its chiller and cozy. Youre calming me and the others too with the calming and blessing video!
of every willjum video i cry at the end:)
another good valued day of watching willjumbmy favorite rust youtuber
best rust content fr
Will The Thrill,ur a part of my day, that I love and btw,DO NOT QUIT
my weekly happy place, ahhhh after a bad day this voice just hits different
never knew i’d be this early
Hell yeah Willjum, you should keep doing bloo’s intro with different voices 😂
late gang
Another week, another willjum video. Love the content <3
2 minutes since its uploaded and can confirm this is a Certified Willjum Classic
Ive watched a total of 2 seconds and I can confirm this is a spoonkid classic
Anyone k ows what pc specs willjum has?
I actually hate my friend bro he cheated so now we cant play together any more
You know it’s a good day when Willy J uploads! ❤
The video we’ve all been waiting for…yes Willjum 🎉
Love you Willjum
We solos
Aaah ❤❤❤❤ here we go
Best way to start my day is with a Willy J vid!
Weeeeeelcom to rust
I ❤weljim
Let’s go new video
happy birthday wjjlumm!🎉
Bought mf time wiljum shit 😂😂
Hello Willjum I Love YOU <3 <3
hi willjum
earliest ive been to one of ur vids i already know it finna be a banger i love all ur content and thanks for the weekly post
Love u willjum❤
Oh ya baby
This made me release it.
Yeeeeee hawww
One minute old video!? Yes please!
Early but no likes😢
1.2 min lets go
Good video have a good day man very good edited🎉😮
Yay willy j
you are The best willjum thx for a good video again😀
Just got food perfect timing bro
Hey @Willjum can you do a 2 week survival series? Like force wipe, to full clan, to god king for the wipe.
already watched this 8 times and can confirm this is a certified willjum classic
posted 1 minute ago
It a great day when willjum post
Willjum stone wall skin soon?
The rust god!!!! ❤
Ah a Willjum classic. It’s gonna be a good weekend 🙂
Pov you always fall asleep to willy js vids and need to rewatch them in the morning 😅😭
The emotion and ambiance on this guy’s channel are always immaculate
love ur vids man
whenever u make a video i know my day is gonna be good
In 55sec after upload
I love your videos so much and you continue to put a smile on my face everyday you upload and I just love watching your content. <3
This will be a W Willy J video
New Willjum Video Woho u gotta love to see it 😀
First comment less go
I was the first here 😊
Yoo Willjum
Keep it up
first gang. stopped playing rust but i really need to play fr
Thanks once again for making my weekend the best Willjum I always wake up looking forward to ur vids
Who’s here in the first min for willjum
WillyJ classic? finals week done? My best day ever!! 🥺
Welcome to rust bro I love that intro so much
Hi can u do a Cali wiljum wipe please. It would be great.
First one here and I just wanted to say, Willy keep doing your thing, you are amazing and keep up the good content!!!😁😁😁😁
Love your vids thanks for showing the calm side of rust
Lets gooo!!
1 sec and i can say its willjum cult classic
Leeeet’s gooooo
Always makes my day when I see a willjum vid pop up on my notifications ❤
ayoooo willyjumie video
Another cozy time with willjum ❤❤
this is gonna be 1:11:02 of my life well spent.
Great again already watched 3000 times
Hello Willjium, How are you?
New video!❤
First 😀
Nice video, also I think I am first.
Good shit enjoyed the video definitely watched the video 30s after it was published
when we gone see- Soonkid Blooprint and Willjum trio??????????
keep up the good work 🙂
Always good videos❤💯
I doubt it’s exactly 9000 hours ago
Hi Wiljum big fan
god damn im early
Almost a million subs bro, congrats on your success and keep up the good content 😤💯
Early Lets Goooooooooo
I got an alarm and I rushed to YouTube to just see your video, Love your vids!!❤
Keep up the good work Willjum
yooo WillyJ!
Keep it up bro amazing content 😛
17seconds and the frog rock means the videos gonna be crazy
First 🙂
love you
Wiljum, hello
Always love your videos much love 😊
New viddd
First willjim
Ahh the music and intro it all feels so peaceful no matter how angry I get at this game these videos make me come back
First ever like to
This man is a legend.
all your videos are amazing
Love the vids man keep it up!
Dayum a chill video. Just right on time Willjum.
Love tha vids look forward to them every time
Love you bro.
You know it’s a good day when Willy uploads! ❤🎉
Your Videos are always making my day <3 keep it up
Ayy, caught it as it dropped. Nice
Another lovely willjum adventure
the best solo to ever play this game!
Just finished watching the video, amazing stuff
Let’s go another solo adventure!!!!!
Our boy willy j coming back agian
First 😮
Would love to play sometime I’m new to rust
Yay a willjum video
Another Saturday another banger from Wiljum
Willjum I love your videos
Watched this 1000 time amazing
Bruh i was bored and my bed and this man uploads. Absolute W
Love to see it
Nice as always wili❤🎉❤🎉
Did not have to see the whole video to say thank you for the great vibes! Love you man!
Love ur videos man keep it up
I was the second to like❤❤🎉
Less go a new video
Let’s gooo!!!
Always a good day when you upload
1st! ur awesome man, thanks for uploading!
Love you
Let’s goooo
Early can i have 500000000$
Been waiting for you to post finalllyyyy
Willjum 👍
Love your vids so much keep up the good work!!
Love you man
first my king
Am the first
Never clicked a notification so fast
Leettttssss gooooooo first
Another banger, keep it up!
First one
You’re my favorite, bro.
Just 10 sekends ago😮
Hi am I first?
Best video 🎉❤
Let’s kill!
Oh yea
Oh yeaaaa
Luv u ❤