Rust – Companion App
Our June 2020 patch is now live: https://rust.facepunch.com/blog/companion-app-update
Rust on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/252490/Rust/
Rust merchandise: https://store.facepunch.com/collections/rust
Taqs:Facepunch,Facepunch Studios,Rust,PVP,Survival,Patch,Update,Trailer,Cinematic,Companion App,Rust+
コメント (383)
how many servers can you connect to Rust+
How did they not die to chinook? Magic
Is this compatible with rust ps4?
как будто создатель dying light делал игру и музыку иногда возникают такие чувства…..
Does this work on console rust
На русском пж
What rust needs in my opinion is a way to monitor cameras from rust onto your phone and perhaps if its too hard to do, a manual controlled sentry you can control with your phone
One of the best updates of the year lines up with vehicles
Soundtrack from this trailer would fit in game 100%.
Please consider adding it to the game as well as other trailer’s OST <3
honestly this app is very good. i can finaly talk trash to my team while im taking a shit.
know what will be good? a loud as heck alarm for raids
Please add more smart switches like a switch with output A and B depending on what you click it will activate different things (useful for generators to toggle on and off)
New rust ubdate is shittttt
When is it coming to console 😔
Hi developer Rust I just want to say there is a game that is similar to the rush on the phone The name is Last day rules
How do you login if you dont have steam
This is death of insiding..
We need the game in play station 4
maybe mini will be 700 scrap will be 1400
pls make the price of helis cheap its not fair
This makes everyone impossible to raid
When will RUST be released on PS4?
Dayum! this game just went from realistic to REAL LIFE!
Can u guys make mobile rust
Can U drop rust on ps4 already
come on why you not realese rust in ps4 and xbox 1
Goodbye farming
When are you gonna release the console version
Now we need this game on PS4
Add CCTV cameras in this app plssss
console version
Are you guys making a Rust Mobile ? Pls make a rust for android
Hey facepunch what day is rust coming on ps4 ive been wanting to play this game for a year now
But when do it be coming out on console
this makes my addiction even stronger
Now I’m just waiting for the free rust mobile!
Rast PC2013 Rast mobile 2020??????
Facepunch, we have an 8x optic, and we have a 16x optic, can we have a true 4x optic as well?
Something like a Trijicon ACOG would be awesome.
Maybe, we could get Low power variable optics as well.
A 1-6x LPVO would be awesome.
Escoe from Tarkov did LPVOs really well, maybe facepunh could too…
Best game ever. thx Facepunch <3
I m from russia and I playing rust this game my favorate thanks facepunch
We should have winches and trailers, not to mention extra storage space in helicopters
Ion even have rust. Still waiting for console release
What is the song name ?
Hope Rust make a mobile version
when are you adding a rarer stronger better gun
When is rust coming to ps4??
app:your home is under attack!
me:Fucking connecting loading….
in game:already raided
I have loads of great ideas and perfect fixes for some floors. I’ll work for free for the first 30 days and be paid minimum wage I really want a job with you guys.
We need rust mobile
Now we can Go back If we was farming If our base is getting raided
This the best game of thr world
Tbh I hate the new way doors and sheet metal looks 😑
Pleas I need good optimization my fps 25-40 low graphics gooo optimization!!!!!!!
I dont think that i am the only one that is unable to login through steam in the app
When’s it coming to xbox
When we can see the console release?
Anyone know how I can load in faster because it takes me an hour to load In
Introduced vehicle ramps but no vehicle LOL
me: launches rust, gets into server
Base is destroyed everything is gone
Thanks Facepunch keep up the great hard work .👏👏
Where do I download
Ps4 ps4 Ps4 ps ps4 Ps4 ps4 Ps4
Some 20 somethin year old is gonna be speeding home from his job and get in a fatal wreck trying to get back to his house in time to defend a rust raid. This app should be ILLEGAL!
Can you have the app on a iPad?
The spiral stairs are useless.
Procuro time pra jogar. br ou es Miauuu#2439 discord , sempre on + de 1200 horas de rust
my love is rust
Dont trust facepunch they give you ban if your acc stolen i prove i try to send steam letters when my account stolen and they say we cant do anything
Facepunch is good example for developer teams that give up on there amazing games. Facepunch just keeps putting out and I love that.
cant get the bloody thing to work with my server
were rust mobile?
I feel that everyone concerned about tryhard’s waking up at 2am to defend the base ur raiding are too scared to online, idk I think this will actually make online a more common, which is good
Is rust on ps4 releasing soon, I really want to play it
I need rust mobile
When will be coming to ps4? We want play on console.. Almost 1 year since the trailer on thr Playstation
One of the best additions to rust honestly
The new building textures are cancer please undo it
If you can turn on stuff without even being there.
What would be a raiders face when offline raiding then a *Auto turret* turns on and started looking at them. _MENACINGLY._
😍The game is more beautiful than before after the update
you guys going a little bit too far on this …
Now can’t offline raid
I cant find it in my Play store. Can someone Help?
best dev team in the universe!
It isn’t working for me (rust+) it can’t load the serveur after I pair both
Can you use the App for consol When it comes out ?
Why we need wall corner?
Come on its on phone before ps4 and xbox
im 22 y.o looking for a position of security guard on rust.. contact me right now if you are hiring. I will defend your base from raiders…. my price is ($20) per hour
I got a notification 15 minutes ago saying I was killed so uh
Wtf crazi
I hope to make rust in mobile
Rust in PS4 WHEN!?
could they get the rust for android plis
I have a question its possible to get the app with a local server ?
I like the rust app cus i can stalk my friends
Vehicle ramp…
Эх я думал rust на телефоне
Can’t wait for the EMP update, so you can disable their proximity sensors and go undetected for raiding!
1:00 fucking Helk is online
The only thing that I’m uncomfortable with is the new walls texture
Can finally take a shit while using CCTV on my phone!
Hopefully in the future you can view the cameras on Rust+
Guess it works only on some servers since i tried to pair the app on a Modded SEA server but didnt load so i tried to pair it with Facepunch EU and it worked fine
rust consoleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Pls make this for ark
Add back old foundation steps and old roof clipping :’(
Rust on PS4, when?
Facepunch please consider adding CCTV views into Rust+ even if it was just ones on your base, that would be sooooo cool, thanks
Just think about it you are offline raiding and you see a turret but wait it’s not on so you dont care then all of a sudden some dude uses the app to activate the tarret while jogging with his gf
We want Rsut for console!! Whats happening???
Балдеееежная обнова
Ебать балдеж
Who else is diggin this soundtrack though
Man what I want to know if when it will be released on console
I heard that Rust is a fulltime job now…
Lets F’ing go!!!
what is the point of an alert if the game now goes for 30-40 minutes
doesnt work
Wow.. the companion app is more than i expected
when u get banned from nothin’
theese updates are ruining the game i think cause not everyone who plays rust has good pc 50% of them have low end computers so if u will update every week the game people will get less and less fps and they wont play the game anymore.
wow i m shok
So I couldn’t find an answer anywhere else. Anyone having trouble using the app? Its paired but it just doesn’t load. Any tips?
Seeing as I’ve quit my job, I know can take up my new full time job of playing Rust.
Facepunch can you pleace do the old fov not thas new 1 please get the old fov back in rust not that new 1
А выйдет на телефон раст кто знает?) ) Спасибо)
So when’s rust coming to console
this is defo one of the biggest updates to release in a while
i hope this game will come in mobile device
No more Offline raid !
I finnaly don’t have to sleep with me headphones on
No one will get offlined again.
Wau is a nice ,it is very good!Thenks you Facepunch!
I have the app and it is paired but when I join a server and go to the rust+ tab it just shows the steps to pairing it and my only option is to refresh
Is rust ever going to come to console
metal wall looks shit tbh
Oh my God facepunch going for it this is amazing
I liked the low-key sattire in the way the Rust+ team messaging feature was highlited with the inquiry “Whens whip?”
Because there’s always someone on the team who can’t figure it the fuck out.
new update realy good
I can’t get any servers to connect to my app… Just keeps coming up “RESEND” in the RUST+ menu. (tried reinstalling and updating)
this helps alot tbh…
Good job facepunch! 😀
💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻❤❤❤❤💖💖💖💖nice good job
He may soon have the cars! There are already ramps!
RUST is the new World of Warcraft
update wall sheet metal very very bad !!
it looks sick except the new sheet metal
F to hqm construction(
How are we gonna drive up onto a garage with those steps
lookin sexy gary
Знаете в чём прикол? В том что когда я только узнал что такое раст я сразу зашёл на официалку и подписался и сразу после этого начались резкие обновление 😂 мои друзья сказали что такое у них впервые что бы так быстро Обнова у кого Жиза Лайк!👌🏻 Раст тоооп
0:38 ayyyyy
This is new level ! Make Rust great again !
So cool
Facepunch is the best
Thats true.
Also for amdroid!?
My rust + app just infintly loads the hub
I love rust! Too bad it melts my laptop. When’s console? Christmas Day?!
Can U make the same game to play in mobile….we are waiting for it……from many days….
make rust mobile
Yes finally atleast something to nerf offline raids, even if its something this small.
Yet still its not nearly enough. Raiding is like half of the experience of rust.
People who do it offline literally just ruin the experience, theres no pvp, no adrenaline, no excitement, nothing.
I don’t know if you at facepunch agree but to me it feels like it doesnt fit rust, not at all.
Otherwise I love the damn game.
Please, rust defolufee rust created the gem in the android
Steaming vapor
So… too many cheaters to make playing feel worthwhile. I’d love to play, especially with this and other recent updates, but it seems cheaters have an unrestricted existence.
Why don’t you make toggle
This is nice but when is the Xbox beta releasing and how will I get it?
Right u waste time on mobile app instead of working on consoles bata I been waiting for six months
Thats dope but does anyone know when rust is coming to consoles at all
Please deploy a version of the rust app for windows.
When is the released of the console I want to buy it immediately and play it on my ps4
Facepunch can you make game like rust but in mobile
Good job bro
these videos are higher quality than the game
now add mirrored stairs, not shitty looking sheet metal and lvl 3 workbenches, half floors and 15 year old girls
Последние 3 года игра всё ухудшается и ухудшается
Performance: YIKES!
Awesome edit.
where is the ps4 version ;(
“Offline raiding” is an excuse of the past!
I like the update what I don’t like is the foundation steps nerf. Like the old ones looked way better and were also useful in building now they aren’t even worth using for the front door might as well place a stone barricade.
The best update for rust but can some one tolde me how mach fps i will get i have only 28
Very cool, now lets fix those memory leaks
Olum bu Rust ne ya. Ne yapmış böyle harika mq
I wish they made this game on mobile
Rip offline raids
What music on ambient?
Does the time on the app count twords steam hours
Why don’t you instead of this questionable things fix horse bug, opened-door less damage bug, heli bug when its gets bugged even on earth and inprove your anti-cheat system
Nice job facepunch. You’ve officially outdone yourself
whoa cool app
beklediğim güncelleme buydu harikasın facepunc 😀
pls add low end laptop graphics version
I knew they would make a live response app for the game, it was necessary, if anyone at facepunch is reading these comments, the game has unlimited competitive potential, the perfect breeding ground for a long term battle royal battle between small clans, rust is the future.
When is Rust xbox
JUST IMAGINE being able to see the CCTV CAMERAS trough the app. maybe in the future? *wink* *wink* Facepunch *wink*
You guys and girls do such a good job on your videos. The one thing you need to do is update the easy anti cheat so the detection is better or change it to battle eye at least battle eye would do better at least
wow, never get a rust on mobile, e?
The phone alert is pretty cool.
How to enable on server?
us sneaky solo’s are screwed now
Ok I’m a bit excited rn
I updated the game but there is no Rust+ on my rust menu, can someone help?
so what about that console release 😉
Console rust plzzzz
You should make it so you can see cameras on the app
Its just loading in the app when ive connected to the server, is it server fault or app fault?
the quality of these update trailers are getting sooooo good!
Finally an addition for small groups, since clans can have someone on most hours of the day and a group can’t.
Okay but what about us console plebs when do we get to smash heads with rocks
can you watch CCTV camera footage from the app?
time to defend from a korean 30 man at 4am thanks facepunch
when the xbox beta comes out make sure to have atleast one crossplay server so I and many other sweaty gamers can have walking loot bags.
when’s rust coming to console? 🙂
justi immagine to play 12 h each day, going to sleep, woke up a 4am to defend your base cuz people raid at that time, and going to work at 8:00.
nah, just kidding. if you play rust, you are unenployed.
that. IS SO COOL!
Soooo xbox release date orrrrrrr
Any console release updates?
Great cinematic! Good work.
I love this fucking game
Cool but the console beta would be nice around about now
Facepunch we need console version release date please
Rust>heroin addiction
it’s more than time to change the steam trailer, the ability to make a new incredible and worthy of this incredible game you have!
Dude thats awesome
Finnaly, i cannot be offlined anymore!
I’m just waiting 4 it to come out on console :2
Now Rust is officially a full time job
Now… how about making it so we can position doors in the left, middle, or right side of a wall so that the staircases and angled staircases aren’t so awkward and don’t require a double door?
2:37 am for me this would have been nice like 3 hours ago before i got offlined
get rust mobil
Look my last rust video 😀 İts best pvp
What about people who dont have a phone?
Me taking a Shit while my Base is being Raidet: Wanna see some Real Speed?
Rust+ Nice!
wonder if there will be a way to disable smart server wide? like server that dont want it? i think its a bad idea personally….
Good Job facepunch !!!
Who is making this awesome soundtraks?!?!?!
Give me his name!!!
I am just asking..will rust be in sale? Because I think 33€ for 7years old game is a bit much
love you facepunch
no cars, fail
can’t wait to play on xbox and ps4
PS4 version !!!!!!
When’s that console beta FacePunch? We need it.
Это новый уровень!!! Но скорее всего это только начало…👍
y e s
When is uptade guys?
When are we getting this on ps4
Immagne a night out with the boys and you get the alarm, you instaltly get depressed while drunk. But hey! Atleast you are having an acsuall life on Friday nights!
Yeah, it’s future!
Will this also when the console beta comes out for ps4 and Xbox?
This is great thank you guys for all the hard work
Can we get performance fixes instead of roleplay shit?
0:04 when I reconnect to defend my base
Пацаны, это заебумба
1:18 It took 6 years, but finally Rust is complete
When is the promotion for the game?
Bruh imma be sitting in my base flicking on and off the lights to freak out my team lmao
Im hoping for cctv compatibility
We all know this is leading up to rust on console
WoW 😘😘😘😘😘
Shut up
Now you can stay addicted to Rust while not even being ingame!
Let’s go
perfect uptade ı like it
Anyone know how to work the app itself, something about pairing servers
太神拉 rust
How long till console beta?
Dreams Come TRUE
Залайкайте тип я что-то умное написал
At least i will now know exactly when i was offline raided
Idk how i feel about this update . Its like
shoes . Everyone wants new shoes but they feel weird at first
rip offline raiders
this is a epic gamer update
Solo, ruined external TCS making raiding easier, added an app that just lets you know your being raided but you don’t have time to do anything cause of the loading times and that’s about it (sigh)…
That was epic
nice only nice
Great, now I don’t have to log in to ask when’s wipe!
my sleep is going to be dead now
Holy shit this is so good
Que duroooooo
Hippity hoppity money go walkedy
I was here in premiere
русские вперед! русские вперед!
Can’t wait for the new building types
Eyyoo rust app
i dont have a good PC 😉
now i have a reason not to attend class when my phone rings.
RIP Rust
please @Facepunch do not add cars
Фейспанч а я ваш рот чихпыжил че на оффах так много читоров ?
Please rust, make this a PC only game. Console players dont deserve this wonderfull not toxic game
c0llect v00d
All these broke ass console players 👀😭
I feel like this update will make this game even more for NoLifes
im gay
square triangles
Mark this if you want rust console to be launched at july
Did will come Rust on Console because of the Vires and Home office?
su wea mala no es apta para mi dispositivo optimisaenla
rust PS4😔
Привет русским!!!
Where’s the console version’s already
rip andysolam offline raids
This is gonna make raiding harder! 😀
When is the ps4 rust coming out ???
Rust console rust console rust console come give me hate pc
El tiempo de carga de los server son media hora pa mi pc f raid defend
I hate this, my dad is going to beat the shit out of me now cus i had to defend a offline raid cus the app told me so
I’m going to cry myself to sleep at 2 am when my alarm goes off
“Son its 3 am why you just woke up”
“I have a raid to defend”
Всем привет друзья 😉
Me : * *Shut Down pc* *
Rust App : *Alarm*
Me : Ahh Shit Here we go again ..
facepunch please optimize the game i have 1060 6gb,16bg ram i7 6700 and the game using just 60-70% of the usage and im getting low fps and the thing when im lowering the graphics its lowering the gpu usage aswell
now me and my friend will know when we get raid 😉
*wHEN iS rUST cOMING oN cONSOLE* We all know that a ps4 or a xbox one cant run Rust probably need to wait for a new ps or an xbox
When is rust mobile realising
get ready lads we face it with fury
this is so useful, especially for my pc when i need 30 minutes to get on the server
We need Rust Console edition 🥺
finally :))
Will you need an in-game item to be notified on your phone?
cant wait to see my base being raided, when i am in the city 😀
Garrys mod 2 please
When will be global Wipe?
А машины добавлят?
I’m gonna be optimistic. I hope there isn’t any premium subscriptions. But I’m very proud of rust going out of their way to make such an enjoyable game
Мое почтение разработчикам за такие обновления.
What about the console beta? The boys and I are dying for it to drop even if it is hella broken still
free glen from pen
Cant wait new update
My only issue with this update is the changes to building. Roof seal bunkers were pretty important for many solo bases. I really hope they do come back. Also why did you guys change the foundation step. That was pretty important and instead you guys put in a thin small ramp? Why? Building will definitely change and I’ll need to get in the game to see for better or worse. But it’s very sad to see so many build YouTubers come out with videos and say which bases won’t work anymore. But I can’t wait to test the app.
Get ready lads
Rust Xbox
I m waiting for a connection between tool cupboard and mobile app. When toolcuppoard take damage. It must send a message to mobile app. so we can know we are getting offline raid. @Facepunch. TY
When is this game coming to console!??
I m waiting for a connection between tool cupboard and mobile app. When toolcuppoard take damage. It must send a message to mobile app. so we can know we are getting offline raid. @Facepunch. TY
when the console edition coming out?
Токо я думал а телефоне можно будет дивблог смотреть ((
И в телефоне будут макросники
Nah i want news on console edition
helo helkus
So they have made a mobile companion app but they can’t give us an update or a date for when the beta for consoles is coming out?
yay about to catch some zzzs before i clap all the clans
It’s happening!