Sup lads, we got another solo defence this wipe which was actually one of my best ever defences, I hope you all enjoy it! Also loving the recent support on the videos…it only motivates me more! Thanks for watching see you all soon.
MUSIC: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Taqs:rust,raid defence,rust raid,rust defense,raid defense,solo,solo player,pvp,solo defence,solo defense,zerg,clan,7am,raid,clan raid,zerg raid,solo survival,ak,m249,offline
コメント (3367)
I have just made a discord so people can see the settings i use for rust and a place to grow my community… here is the link if you would like to join: https://discord.gg/kU2PqK9Tpw
I miss waking up at 6am to plan some sneaky shenanigans. Rust is such a ridiculous and fun game. 1200 hours. I dont play anymore
They really brought the whole goober squad to raid you 😂
song names?
I’d pay for a 1 on 1 lesson! I get whooped every day all day
You obviously know your shit but games like this just take way too much of your life away to get this good and get this far I want to play it but my life is way too busy to get into this I guess it’s a good thing you too and discord is available for at least watch it play out Good shit though
I remember when I first started raiding, I was thinking this must be the best feeling in rust, just destroying a base and getting that juicy lute. Then my boy and I defended a clan online raid, and I knew, what I loved even more than raiding… stopping one. The most fun ever had in this game is the countless dope builds we did and then getting a chance to utilize it in an online raid.
is this where wiljum got his base idea from
that deserves a subscribe and notifications turned on, that base held back some rockets and had great peek angles the entire way through.
Be honest bro do u have a cronus zen coz how can u control m249 so well
Game seems like it would only be fun if you’re cracked or have lots of friends – so I’ll just stick to watching videos like this
Back when rust was actually fun. New recoil makes new players as good as veterans. Back then you could 1v5 if you were better. Now it’s just quantity over quality
8271 is the code u still using? 😀
When home alone meets video game
A normal.upload of aloneintokyo
Incredible footage
Back before siege raid meta with 20 l96s, turret spam, campervans, mlrs, attack helicopters, and dogshit gunplay/sounds.
Man rust just looks 10x better even just 2 years ago.
I’m about to download rust Is this ideal for a 16GB ram and Icore7 ???
How did you know they were going to start residing at that time?? 🧐
Great shit.
You’re the Rust Himothy. Let me join your clan please, I just bought Rust!
good base with good shooting points
nice fights
but the cuts in the end where a bit weird why wouldnt they be able to break back in 2 wood walls dont need much if they wanted to out this base
they even made a raid base next to it 2:14
I love karma
One man army
wait you can die and respwan in the same spot?
i bet the raiders thouyght it was mutiple guys killing them too good work!!!!
if anyone knows the name of the song that starts at 0:50 id really appreciate it. I’ve been looking for it forever.
The one who wins this game is the one with less of a life
They lost momentum so quick after you placed external wall. It’s like they had NO contingency plan to remove external walls that were placed by defense, no one sniping until it is too late
This is the Rust equivalent of Rorschach’s quote from _Watchmen,_ “None of you seem to understand: I’m not stuck in here with you, _you’re locked in here with _*_me!”_*
This kind of defense only the builder itself can pull off 😀
Thank goodness for the counter raiders
I shake after box fights this shit would give me a heart attack
never played rust in my life but this was enthralling. had me squeaming
Old recoil😭😭
that was completely genius, the part of the base where there were holes just big enough for you to get through and die from fall damage if you were wounded, in case they tried to keep you downed to waste time
You can really tell his level of no life by the way he replies to every comment
I wish I could do this. I’m always getting screwed by large groups and it would be nice to return the favor sometime.
8/10 Great video on defending your base
The unemployed at 7AM be like
The amount of rocket fired on a base with double sheet metal to core is just funny. Im tempted to count but it’s definetly scripted content. Edit: Counting well over 90 rockets on a 3x sheet metal wall base, not even hqm in core or destroyed tc 😂 they’re using mainly HV rockets to make it sound more intense. Most fake shit I’ve seen 😂
so they did raid you and got out with loot …… they didnt try ….. they did it XD
Istg this his been in my reccomended for a year and a half and im finally watching it
Ya love to see online raids no rat stuff involved
I bet the raiders randomly stumbled upon this video and were appalled at the fact they were facing just one dude. Insane angles, Insane accuracy, all around insane gameplay
Yo what base design is that I’m also a very skilled solo that occasionally plays duo but I really need a good solo base design and yours is amazing
Even though you technically lost the defense. Ggs
Can i get a base tutorial
6:00 that ladder!!!
Shits so lame and scripted
was this pl;ayed on gameboy advanced bro? What is this garbage lmfaooooo
Watching this in Nov 23, these players look like paid actors
Saw this video around a year ago now or longer but is that a custom or youtube base?
How can one kill that which has no life?
full team?
But hold on.. they got the tc and all the loot?
My first time ever hearing about this game. But it caught my attention real quick. Love the video.
7am gamer time is like 3am normal time. These filthy off liners get what they deserve
Base tut?
Nice defense in the core. Solid aim on that m249
How do yoy even expand bases to rhis monstrosity… Me and my friends build a chody little base and cant expand it since for some dumb reason they dont let you edit or destroy walls
Love your base, how can u keep it up as solo
Can you get notified when your base is being Raided through your phone?
8217 is his code to anyone wondering
you’re in a 8+ man you’re not even solo .. a solo would look more like how Aloneintokyo defends his base
You know 7am for you can be 4pm for other people… not everyone is in your time zone
This reminded me of the battle scene in Rambo: Last Blood
bros kinda good
I wanna be like you when i grow up❤
Name base
bro even the mouse movement to put in the code in your code lock is clean at 8:10 .
No body will know but this was me🫡
man said ” solo VETERAN ” like hes been to narm
You mean after they walked through you’re base and took what they wanted you started sealing the base 😆
Nice macro…
if the ladder wouldnt have got you at 6:01, you would wouldve have them there. good shit, great base any chance you can send the link?
Well done. On lines are fun
oh i miss old m2 the recoil control could have been better but ggs man
I will put my next years salary that the raiders thought there was way more than just one person defending that base.
What is the base design
i miss the old ak
Where can I find the base design??
This base is built to outplay
Dude u have a team so stoo da kap
Just want to say Jesus loves you guys and he’s coming back very soon. Get right with him before it’s too late
the least sweaty rust player:
Mid defense and mid raid lol everybody was a scrub in this
You fought well, Very entertaining . Brought back memories of my Rust days.
I bet that whole time they thought were fighting atleast 2-3 people.
Beautiful rust movie, the actors did a wonderful part on not fully killing when you walked back in to your base. But you can’t call yourself a vet when you have 50 hours in the game.
veteran but u have terrible aim Lol
You a vet huh ? Where did you serve sir ? The maidenless islands?
Not the ladder cucking you
6:00 thats pure pain
U are perma 0 reccoil..prolly scripter
imagine your team waking up later and u saying ” oh yea theres was like a 4 man and they tried raiding but theyr gone now” like wtfffffffff
Maybe I don’t know rust but to me it seems like he got rekt he died a lot. Can you really just keep respawning in your own base! ? How do you ever successfully raid someoem if they just keep spawning inside it?
Are you a girl in real life
Cool vid
I love the slick way you sneaked in from outside bag and sealed the walls. Genius play.
Solo Vet where? I see 1 online and 7 offline.
thanks for the 8217 ima keep that in mind
even in the chat u can see there like hes been on for 15 hrs lmao
solo veteran short for no life rust player
@jonesyrust mind doing base build tutorial?
Dylan Sitts – Deadlines song name at the end if anyone cared
You’re the last one alive complete the mission!
LoL those recoil cheats
You need to do a build tutorial for this base please
Your not solo
Now I know these videos are staged since I saw the same base being used in another channel too literally the same base same garage paint and the same location
Did any of em make it out with loot? They got to your TC n loot room, right?
Bro is Rambo 😂
Solo with 6 other teammates
Amazing base and defense! I just started playing Rust and this is a bit overwhelming! I can barely craft a cross-bow before it’s all ripped away from me!
Base name?
i <3 rust
god tier. iv got close to 2k hours and this shit blowsssss my mind good shit mate
Never played Rust but you make me want to try. ❤
Nice defense why no lockers tho?
They got shit on 😂
Wow so this is the new crap . Go get some Legos no wonder kids have guns in schools .. and ask there parents for ammo money..
na servers 💀
Today’s style of bullies… cowards…
well done bro
Why do you keep dying but keep spawning? Doesnt seem very realistic.
“solo veteran” – 8 in team ui
solo vet in an 8 man team LOL
Is this a YouTube Base Design or a Free Build?
this is a great example of quality over quantity
Yo design base is from a video?
I love how it’s says raiding a solo but there’s coadlocks everywhere lol
How does this work? I dont play this game, i thought you could only die once. Isnt it easy to do if u respawn?
Lol, i can barely 1v2 with bows. Skill difference.
Can’t do this anymore on new recoil hahaaaaa
how he F can this be intressing to look at?
gg bro
Wow amazing!
that gun should be recoil crazy, it was designed to be mounted not carried. so guess i wont be playing rust anytime soon.
please can someone give me rust i love rust playing crack from 2016
Good job Man 💪
This man did two tours in Iraq!😁
How long does it take to build something like that?
Love how there is zero thanks to the bolty counter. P.S. Bolty Counter Raider.. sorry it took a year.
Fucking machine
as a vet myself, niceley done, but they are standing 4 people behind the same cover, 3 hv rockets and you won the raid XD.
Ay Yildiz box MVP
I like how relatable this felt. It wasn’t like watching some sweaty Fortnite kid instant kill everyone. It was a realistic “fight for my home” moment and I loved every second of it. Really glad you included even the bits where you died. Everyone dies sometimes and the fact you kept fighting makes me respect you more than all those people who pretend they never die.
Dude even had the poster in his safe space
solo? def solo mayebe
Game name plzz
6:00 ladder cucked
that’s an impressive solo base. great video! nvm I see your teammate at bottom core
“When a clan tries to raid a virgin at 7am”
what a dull game
Knowing what the outside of the base looks like is only half the battle, navigating the inside is a whole other monster. Once they breached the walls, you could almost see some of those guys thinking “what the hell….” lmao
I don’t play rust but I play dark RP servers in Garry’s mod you remind me of my base with certain legal angles for the server to be allowed, as well me as a rat getting those raiders defeated in my own base feels compelling and I miss those days playing Garry’s mod but I quitted when my 2 years total playtime account was hacked… Ah the memories I miss you shacky torborg at orbital dark RP server.
“solo” lol
The solo verteran has some sleping team mates nice clickbait !!!!!
“solo” in a team of 8 OMEGALUL…
Alone In Tokyo is way better.
Someone’s been watching and taking notes from home alone
>solo veteran
>4 ppl sleeping in the base
So you fought a bunch of like 8 year olds. Lol. Solid.
ur not a solo if u got teammate’s lol
What the hell are you trying to do here? This is absurd
Bro someone snitched on the clan LMAO Good shit! Id love to learn from you.
Hope your putting nades in all your lockers by now 😊 well done though
what fun 🙂
“the offline raiders never returned, guess we know why…” yeah we do know why, its cz they got all main loot.. wtf did i waste my 9 minutes at..
most average solo base in ohio
Need to rewatch with doom music on background
blessed be ye by youtube algorithm
I allways both loved and hated rust, its such a complex and beautiful gamewich can be so relaxing but at the same time its full of weaponized autism like in this video and you basicly need to play 8hrs a day like a basment dweller, otherwise you will get punked by everyone on the server… Shame, i would love to play it more but i dont have enough time for it 🙁
As a fps Tryhard myself 🫡 salute n respect MrOneManArmy
This guy is an engineer. He has point of view/point of contact from every possible direction, yet his main safe point is not making any direct contact with fire.
Not a dude complaining in chat about someone being offline for 15 hours
Def 😂😂😂
master class
This is not dayz///wtf is this shyte?
What game is this ?
what a legend
How did you know they were coming?
So do they Have to kill you and get to your body to “win ”
How does this work plz
So goated
The least cowardly Rust clan, raiding while one guys online.
Damn a solo clan wipe I can’t do that I be die by the time them raid since I’m still new to the game
Darwin wrong, Bible true, Jesus saves.
What isn’t included here is all the toxic talking from everyone… I love rust but hate how everyone is so toxic.
A VETERAN of what kid pcgames ?ahahaha
old m2 8x X_X miss it so much
“The objective isn’t to win. It’s to piss the opponent off so much they decide it isn’t worth it any longer.
Where is ur recoil kid?
Yes minha pk cornoo
why does a solo have code locks?
rotting brain dead people that were trying to raid this base honestly this wasnt as impressive as i thought it would be
wow this must be one of the most inspirational Rust Videos. Guys has 18k follower, but 5,6 mio watched and 83k likes. Handled the Situation like a grown up i would say, didnt cryd for help saved the Day, deserves a follow and a thumps up (;
Best I’ve done was a 1v3. Mad props for the 1v5. Very nice work.
Back when rust had good guns and game lighting now it’s mid
this video actually made me start to like rust clans
I’m confused why the word “tries” is in the title. There was no ‘try’ here, they looted everything in main loot.
“Solo defending raid” 0:12 3 sleepers in his base
defending a base this size or close to this size is so much more adrenaline filled than any battle royal, your defending 10+ hours of your life. at 25 an hour your defending $250
counter raiders definitely helped out
3:36 nice recoil 🙂
Nice of them to bring the doors and codelocks for you to seal the base.
You died way too much mate. You’re not that good
Everytime me and my friends raiding huge bases with a single dude defending it gives off a terrifying aura like how this veteran presents
Hope you’ve changed your door code from 8217 now 😛
“Give them nothing, But take from them everything” ~ Leonidas
that made me cream
I like how building your base like it’s a Chick-fil-A play-place made for a massive tactical advantage
this is what I imagine doing if the government tries to come for me
Not good
How you like them apples
omg u bopped them all so hard im so bricked.
Don’t even know what I’m watching but it’s pretty cool lol
This guy is stupid show us his code 8217
The angles are absolutely DIABOLICAL 💀
When a bunch of nerds think another nerd isn’t as big of a nerd as they are.
Есть тутор на базу?
“Solo vet”
More like an unemployed, toxic, sweaty incel who is addicted to this dog shit game as doesn’t play anything else as needs professional meta help
Tried? They got your main loot and dipped my guy.
this was a story you should tell your kids.
tries lol
It’s like a scene straight of the Alamo
he had time to get his team mates but didn’t.
Sorry, but they look like bots.
Song name???
Absolutely amazing tactics, constant rotation, amazing angles. Nice.
EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Btw I am not at all into construction FPS at all but I am glad it exists and people are having a blast with it, looks fun!
solo i saw othe tm8s
the title is a self roast on another level
Nice defense and all, but to act like this base isn’t sweaty as shit for a solo is just being oblivious
4:45 🤣🤣🤣
But when I try I get headshot from my smallest peak
Is it just me but raid defenses is the boringest shit ever to watch in rust
Don’t breath, the game
shit game
damn! wp bro
What is the base design?
7:45 some1 should tell them to not raid with hv rockets
bro you went from posting so much to not at all to finally coming back in ur video a month ago
I’ve never played the game and probably never will but have heard tons about it. I gotta say your display of skill and awareness is amazing. Good luck on the next raid.
this reminded me of a time when we were playing rust with friends through a summer, we were having a blast but could never hold being raided. one time i was online farming for materials naked when a group of assheads shot me out of the blue and they were like 6 or 7 people, community server with kits and teleports and stuff so multiply that 6 or 7 with a lot more because of how little it took for them to come back.
so they killed me, and i respawned on my bag to get some gear and go back to that 5k~ sulfur i just farmed casually when i hear them setting off a bear trap outside and then another and another in the pumpkin patch… so out of curiousity i just checked out from a TP i had outside on a foundation where i was greeted by five dudes, three of which i took out. nobody was really awake at 2 AM, tried discord or steam but no replies so i played home alone and quickly set up tripmines and shotgun traps in rooms i knew i could exploit. i kept losing gear strategically as if i was running out to gather them just to lure the guys into the open doors to thin them out with traps and then soon enough, i was raining down on them with the LR and HV rockets until they gave up altogether. i was shaking with adrenaline man
5 vs 1 is one thing, but raiding when you think other people are asleep/won’t be there is just bad sportsmanship
whats music is at the start
4:49 veteran lmao
Half of the video was this dude roof camping, whats the point of even watching this😂
How bitch-made do you have to be to raid someone while they(and everyone in the clan) is offline..
masterclass base tuto?
Similar experience as a fellow SOLO player. I woke up at 6AM and hopped onto Rust to 2 clans raiding my base. When I hopped on, they were breaking down the last wall to my main loot. It was a 1v10 and I was trapped in the base. The 10 guys got smoked, still remember it to this day.
Really good music.❤
Insane dude
Holy shit
anyone know where I can find a video of how to build this base?
“loser with no life sprints out of bed to secure his fictional base in a shit game”
what game is this?
It’s funny how you guys call it vanilla rust on pc just bc you guys aren’t playing in 2x servers or modded shit like that meanwhile over here on console all we know is vanilla just kinda funny to me idk why but it is
Name of game?
I dont know who you are or why this video showed up on my feed, or even what game this is but that was a hardcore defense. Nice.
solo veteran, has a team of 8. Get off my feed.
Ma man turning rust to FPS game
How much do you play this game? How does someone play solo and have a bse like that? Do you have a job? A family? Pets? Friends?
Amazing defense though. You had so many nice angles to hit them from up there
what can I say, GG🤩
Funny how you first start the game never knowing how to use the rock and now you turned into the bobayaga of Rust
what a legend
5:18 homie is getting roasted in the chat lmfao
Despite getting trash talked you did it in the end
Literally 100% recoil control
they building a big ass raid base on a offline base lmao then they pretend its online when some grubs trie to counter
8 against 1 finally a fair fight
How was that a defense when they blew tc and left your base? External tcs kept your base for you. Anyone can sit on a roof and get a few kills with a suppressed m2. “Solo veteran” implies youre a solo when you werent. A better title would have been “only one online.”
never played Rust but i want to after watching this
What is this cool video games?
this game looks like it was made 20 years ago…was thinking about getting it as an alternative to the Call of Duty boycott but i can’t see myself spending $40 to play a game that looks like the original Rainbow 6…
Is it normal for a rust veteran to be that bad aiming? Im just askin i dont know
the fact that you tried to reply to hundreds of comments
Damn talk about a game taking over your life 😂
What’s this base design?
so cool
Never played this game before but i can tell this guy is not a noob. Ripping those guys up. A bit of a fight, but nothing he couldn’t handle.
What does 7 am have to do with anything
Bruh how do you control the recoil on the scoped M2 so good?
Your persistence is genuinely impressive
Imagine playing rust 10+ hours daily everyday 😂🤣..
sheep is the real hero here
“Solo Verteran” … with Codelocks. Loled.
They tried to AFK raid and then the Boss music turned on
wohn jick
can someone explain how it is physicly possible to controll m2 with 8x scope i mean like aspraying with it
old recoil 😢
This game seems so cool.
BTW, did you design the fortress this way yourself?
0 recoil Ak… can we stop giving credit to script users
Base design
this is the best rust gameplay I’ve ever seen. Love the music too
“the offline raiders” idk what you mean?
Your not a pro your a god
I don’t play Rust but I really love the fact that even though it can be annoying to be raided, the thrill and adrenaline you get from it is amazing. They really challenged your skills as a player and you challenged theirs. If I was in your situation I’d be puckered up the whole time. You built a great base with various vantage points and you utilized them perfectly. Good Job!
😮 just incredible
Holy shit that’s a lot of work for a base that’s already gone after a wipe
I watched this before I even knew what rust was and now I have over 2000 hrs. coming back to this vid is insane! That base design is definitely top tier….props bro
I love the amount of hate this guy is receiving for just being good at this game lmfao like wtf is wrong with some of yall lol can’t acknowledge that some people are just better and more calculated than you?
Awesome video, bro. Keep stacking op4 bodies ;3
That’s a good base build my dude. Specifically for a solo guy. Well done!
Music is Antidote X – Van Sandano
Pixel house wtf
I’ve never played this game but this makes me want to
Shoutout to the raiders, without them, the base and the player would not have been able to shine.
Best base ever
got ur codes🤓
What game is this?
Bro’s base is built like a McDonald’s playplace turned death trap
Why Does your player model have a brown rope around them?
No negative energy claimed
This is like when the neo cog attacked the Fenix estate in Gears of war 4. They made an absolute mess of the place but they got their asses handed to them. Also stop building China walls when you make a base: make it so they have to pass through a wall with choke points full of shotgun traps and flamethrowers. It’s more effective because then you may kill them before they even enter the base.
He died multiple times how is this impressive im confused I never played this game. Doesn’t seem to hard if you can respawn right back to your base?
Could you imagine waking up at 7 for this. This used to be me when I was in 6-8th grade on the old rust. Fun times but damn, it’s really sad playing that much.
What game??
Base literally built like a fortress, gives massive advantage to defenders.
Y don’t get exactly what is special here (maybe because i don’t play rust). You just started camping and when that was not possible you died nearly as much times as you killed them
how do they even lose that aha your goated
I dont play Rust but that was a pretty artful gameplay
That a lot of bags
_”Professionals have standards.”_
Can someone explain what the significance of this is?
Very well executed stand. Tactical deaths and well done on the base!
Yea bro you got robbed…..
I’ve never played the game before and that clip gave me aids
U humiliated them bro
This game looks awesome
never plyed Rust, but this Video ist just pure fun to watch
0:51 you know shit is about to go down when that music starts playing 😂
Someone who doesn’t take their sleeping members kits even when being raided. A true miracle.
bro has not seen grass since the dawn of time itself
sadly you cant do this anymore lol rust 2023 rip
2:08 is an accurate description of “amazing game sense”
Also the music reminds me of Facing Worlds in Unreal Tournament
I just bump Rebecca Black Friday. Never been fully raided blasting that music.
**Doom music intensifies**
IF rambo played rust
“solo” and is in a team of 8
you literally had nothing and still fucking won, a legend in the making
Meanwhile new solo player here I am very sad after losing my 2×2 base to chinese swarm
If the guy playing wasn’t such a horrible awful shot this might be fun to watch. Why is this guy the worst shooter ever? Does have have vision problems?
“solo” 8 man group code locks…
The architecture of that base is amazing.
I aspire to reach this level of giga Chad
SOLO? 😀 video starting with codelocks all over team bases lol looser
Nice scripts
How did he collect items from a body by just moving his mouse over them?
Those peek downs were crazy
Next time wear jugg helm and legs you can still aim in and are decently mobile
all those sleeping bags !
Is 7 am supposed to be early
The fact they didnt bother clearing bags around the base is insane to me
They were demoralized. 😂
this is literally a fortress. the amount of shooting ports and different peaks to prevent getting suppressed fully. this is the kind of Meta gaming I like. not the toxic troll bs.
That’s crazy. He was getting saucy with it.
code 8217
Ngl this was intense af
Incredible! Good job bro!
A reccomendation make ur emratsiors the other way round ik it looks goofy ahh but it lets your see more and them see less
They definitely thought they were fighting more than 1 guy. They got inside and had no idea it was a fortress of hell
All of them are jobless
Is this an official server?
I suck at PvP so it was really satisfying to watch this. Nice work
bro is crying about a 4 clan raiding an 8 clan loll
looks like aim assist, the fact his red dots stick to walls pretty much confirms it
So whywhere you awake? Or did you have some alarm set for if you get raided?
In what people spend their life xD rofl, why this even appears in my recomendations..
You should put the scrap windows from the opposite side, they allow for a bigger field of view when peeking
ain’t solo, code locks, team members in base, verge base, misleading title.
Good on you for beating them i cant even build a basic base but its usually because people kill nakeds
Why I quit this game… I have a life and work
So this is a powerful solo player . . .
Weak veteran if you can’t even shoot straight xD
“the offline raiders” but you was online ……
100% staged
seal the base with flex seal.
again with recoild cheats….. that why this game is ruined…
(a solo = 8 guys in a team) yeah
nice fake raid against your clanmates
“When relaxed school kids raid a beta adult”
They definitely raided you, they destroyed cupboard and lost interest to you, but you write “When a clan TRIES to raid”)
This dude was like: I’m not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped in here with me 😂
пароль спалил хд, 8217)
that was so unlucky when you got caught in the ladders while shooting one 😀
and this is why i dont play rust lmaooo me being a noob is gonna get fucked by raids lmao
god this made me so happy. as a noob solo who won a 1v3 against a chinese zerg. they offlined me with 20 man xD spend over 50 rockets for 300 GP lmao.
off a
bro takes sicko mode to the next level
hello, very cool video, what are your graphics settings?
“ For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”-John 3:16
He died in your place so you can be saved.
Trust in Christ and he will make his home in your hearts (Ephesians 3:17)
God bless you :)..,
the high walls were a very smart preparation in the gatehouse
I couldn’t play a game that wipes my progress every month or so and that players can take everything I worked for. Just not my cup of tea
Damn, those guys are not very good. At least they kept going after realizing you were online. It’s crazy how often they were just standing in the open though.
LOL, damn i’d be mad talking shit to them in chat after winning this 1 vs all
not the first time i see this video, but man i like going back to it sometime.
Scripted raid
get a life
That movement and those angles really messed with them.
honestly seems like too much work with too much pressure to play this game pvp.
Bro’s house is ready just incase when a raid happens
solo vetran when there is like a group of 8 in his party even tho the defend was good it aint achieved by playing solo
That was freaking really nice. Congrulats
this guy became definition of you picked the Wrong house fool
Awesome video great job 👍 what is the first audio track called?
Veteran player, rookie aim
Kids were so damn lost, who tf wide swings with launcher that much
I know your code now. But I’m smarter than to stumble over there and try it
You should do a video how to build this base fr
what solo code locks every door????
Ugh this game is so frustrating I don’t understand how you could make it this far 😅
I’m new to rust. Can anyone tell me if this is the skill cap
your not trapped here with then their traped in with YOU
your in a zerg not no solo vet lol
Great job on the defence, you’re fearless. You can hear their raid base getting raided too at 6:42 xD
did u say ez tho
can you make a base tut
which base design is this?? very nice
Your aim is garbage
yeah turrets are sooooooo broken atm so nobody can online nobody. Game is broken.
that old ak sound doe
man, i miss the old recoil so bad 🙁
Hey I have a question I hope you can respond. I have 800 hours in the game and I think I know every basic tip about the game. But what I’m struggling on is building, so my question is when you were newer too the game when you built bases did you do it off of your head or watch vids. I sometimes hate watching vids while building cause i have to pause and rewind the vid over and over. That’s all I hope you respond nice video aswell
Hi, what kind of database can you throw a link to it how is it built?
hes so good he didnt even need to kill them while they were building raid base lmao
great job :)))
I like how’s he not panicking he’s taking his time
Do you have a link to the base design?
Yoo whats the deal with rust pc recoil compared to console recoil?
Never wake up a rust vet at 7 am
That shot they made at you at 3:05 and the prefire at the beginning was sus from the clan,gg bro
watching this is like watching that final showdown between Tony Montana and Sosa’s mob
Thats a sweet Windows distribution❤
“solo” lol nice vid tho
damn dude you know how to build, that’s amazing.
I solos dream to use every peak spot you spent detailing in every inch of your build.
A solo base really ?
Someone said no life no jobs no girlfriend no friend?
I’ve always remembered you defending this base all by yourself and today I was able to fend off my first clan as a solo. You know what? You’re absolutely right, knowing your base from top to bottom and knowing what points you can take advantage of is the most important thing. I had spawn points with kits all over my base and after 7-8 times spawning with kits and explosives they got countered which game me time to get the walls up again. LEEEEETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Whats the first song of epidemic does anyone knows?
I’m a hardcore solo lone wolf farmer type…..these clans always come for me. I keep to myself and dont fight with people so I fly under the radar UNTIL I DONT. Then they always offline me.
Imagine being in a 3 to 8 man group and offlining someone with solo locks. Wow
ye bro solo
What am L on their part wasted tons of boom. Probably end of wipe
damn bro i was wondering why u were leaving so much space between the floors and thats so u can die and they wont get ur loot, legit 500IQ
You know bro was shaking at 7 am 💀
you have no panicky movement. You completely understand, Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Good shit
Have you ever thought to use shotty traps under your inner peaks so when the raiders are using them they are getting shot through the gaps
just found your channel please love the content keep the videos going!
Bro got that sixth sense while he was sleeping and could feel he was being raided 😂
What a no life 💀
ur teamates definently praised u well
I really need the name of the first music, can anyone tell me?
Epic showdown of just one man against an army, with a great base tailored for online defense. If 3-4 people were online to defend, the raiders wouldn’t have even breached the 2nd wall of the wallstack. Perhaps they reached core of main base, but the external TC’s kept you the advantage and the raiders gave up since way too many resources were invested against just 1 Rambo madman. Good vid!
Miss old recoil
where did you buy your script?
So rust doesn’t have booby trap to kill raider?
nice leak off code
Wow.. literally everyone cheats… no recoil and ESP
Wall hack ESP.
30 seconds in.
= Lame AF
i like how u stayed calm that whole time I woulda been freakn out lol
Bro started when he was starving
Amazing work!
I love how the video says he’s a solo but has 5 sleepers on the ground in his team.
They should have made this guy their leader.
I duck a building lol but sometimes it works in my favor. Raiders look at my base like this is a noob who has nothing or can’t tell where tc is cuz I’m too dumb to build anything with rhyme or reason lol
NOT really solo…. in a clan base with everyone in your clan off-line…
New to Rust! What is the gun your using? And what did you add on to the gun? Thanks!
base tutorial plzzzz
When zerg trying to raid another zerg with one member online – correct title of that video.
When that ladder scuffed you I cringed so hard
Title “WHEN A CLAN TRIES TO RAID A SOLO VETERAN AT 7AM…” Shows the dude in a huge ass base in a 8 man group, who just wasn’t able to get his teammates online xD
I’ts very diferent, when you have a solo base, solo arsenal, so it’s not a Solo There, stay true to the titles man
what base design is that?
home alone type of shit
Great shit man.
“You got this all wrong. I’m not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped in here with ME!”
3:36 i can see that ur using script lmao
A vet who sprays and hopes for the best. some technical plays like gaps, angles, resources in forward boxes, etc but your shots and knowledge with a gun lacks a bit
Watching this at 7am! 🤗
Good job
I bet these guys have watched this video by now and were surprised to find out they were facing 1 person the entire time
I ve never seen more overengineered base before
npc comments fr
i need a base tut
Solo players are the real fighter… while Group raiders are coward, noob, and weak mind
Damm, dude gave them that work.
He’s as in a clan
i’m an offline raider, and proud to be
lol dude your base is insane, good video and great defense.
Really like the music! 😀
Lmfao solo? Bro got like 5 sleepers 😂😂 just cause you’re all that’s on doesn’t mean you’re solo 😊
If “welcome to the rice fields, mfers” was a base
Disliked. Ads
my mans out here replying to every comment XD but really GJ i can only wish to be this good 🤣
That base design with those angles map designers and game producers need to take note
Couldn’t they just come back while u are asleep and succeed?
That base is a maze.
There’s no way you gathered all the mats and spent all the time by yourself building a massive base with external TCs like that on a vanilla weekly wipe official server.
beware of organized gangstalking, emf broadcast , remote neural monitoring; justice for targeted individuals!!!!!
How high was your adrenaline when this started haha
I bet the raiders randomly stumbled upon this video and were appalled at the fact they were facing just one dude. Insane angles, Insane accuracy, all around insane gameplay
Sweet base, awesome peek downs, thanks for the vid!
Someone tell the clan……. 8217
Can u do a video teach us how to build a good base like this?
Watching you die due to the ladders really pissed me off lol
The thing is, while I appreciate your defend here, your title is very misleading, just because you were the only one online in your clan doesn’t make you a solo veteran. Your a clan veteran who happened to be alone at 7 am
My bro and i had copied this base build as best we could. It was a duo defense when they tried to offline us. They never made it to loot. We used the base to great efficiency and took them out for a serving of humble 🥧. Thanks for the video
Solo veteran sure has a lot of team mates for a solo veteran
Did Rust ever come out for console? If it did. Is it dead? I’ve only ever seen DayZ
You should show us how to build this design
I know it would take hours for it but can you do a building tutorial for this base? Like it’s stages. I know me and so many others would appreciate it
No chance that’s a solo base
I saw code 8217 epiq
whats the name of this base i really want this design badly
The last game I played was cs 1.6 and other then the killing I have no clue what is going on here.
I just came across this game. Looks intense
ayo camota talking shi at 8:07 is the best part of this video
Wtf how many people are there Jesus christ I been raided by 3 people max at a time solo and won’t every time so far this is just out of hand lol
Rust..played by Kevin McAlister (home alone)
82177 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Base defense with a m24 is easy lol. They were noobs or else they woulda had a raid tower with their own m24.
What game is this??
bro is the final boss of that server
Saw your code @8:12 heh heh heh
Bro literally a 1 man army just imagine if he has backup
Never played this game but that was amazing play.
Hello just brought rust recently as done the switch from console to pc! What type of base design would this be? And what are those doors that raise upwards after opening them 👀
how does a solo base have so many other sleeping people in it
Nastiest Base I’ve ever seen
Like shooting fish in a base.
W vid love how you just destroyed these kidd
Bro I’m pretty sure they didn’t even get time to leave with a single piece of loot. Good shit big G
Why u go back to sleep at 7am
fucking insane!… Anyways song?
What game is this?
You should have acted like an old man with some kids on his lawn
the fact that he didn’t panic and baited their raid
What game is this? Looks like it was made on Gary’s Mod ❤️👌🏽
They thought they were fighting 7 people lol
You were so fast they probably thought there were more peaoples in there.
bro is a massive W
im new to rust and this just makes me love the game even more
*”Iam not the danger, IAM the danger”*
Solo base with code locks hmmmm
This clan is a bunch of bums. Lmao
What you expect when you start playing rust
That “pro” player is having ESP+aimbot…
Try dodging real bullets.
„Guys lets raid this base. It says property of John Wick…“
do you still play after recoil update ?
This may quite possibly the dorkiest, most depressing thing I have seen all week… god I do NOT miss video games lol.
Bro is an endgame boss, the way he handled that raid was nothing but professional
You’re an absolute badass 😁
Rust is just a competition to see who can stay online the longest.
Pretty easy stuff.
MS Paint: The Game. Damn this game is terrible.
damn, this base is crazy
As someone who doesn’t play rust, only a little bit years ago, I am thoroughly impressed and terrified.
Excellent base design and defence as a solo.
What game is this
But it doesn’t count if you keep on dying?
Im high af and dunno what just happened but congrats or sorry this happened to you
Me watching this absolute veteran 👀✍️✍️📃
the way the structure is built at 6:27 reminds me of that one part of jungle gyms/playgrounds you’d find in a Mcdonalds or something lol… the part where you’d have to go through to get the top and whatnot
this game looks like shit
Alone in tokyo who defended his base solo against zerg 15 – 30, and 100+ rockets every wipe for years.. : Pathetic.
I would have thought there was multiple people shooting at me if I was that clan
I don’t think it would have mattered, they have no idea how to raid
Thank you for your service sir
Damn near every comment with replies has some kind of kid leaving a mean comment thinking he’s trolling, wth
Bro went to sleep at 7am lmao
You know a base is well made when the hard part starts when you get inside.
The definition of “get good”
be honest do you use any kind of cheats or scripts be honest
“There’s only one enemy..”
“Where’s he attacking from?”
“ *Everywhere* “
Name of the background music?
Well done it’s really nice to see someone abuse every single cracks and holes inside the base. Some bases has these types of aspects like some windows but this base had some type of use from bottom to top. Most people attack from top which is pretty typical thing to do.
Here i am eating rotten apples and theres this 😂 well done
Well I don’t think they expected to be robbing rambo 😂
Never even heard of this game…:rust”?
Dudeee you went IN! 🥶
Look at those aggressive plays you pulled on them and they had absolutely no clue until you slaughtered them. 👍
“Why were you late to work?”
“Sorry boss, my base got raided in Rust I had to patch it up.”
God damn now I see how gay rust is hahaha
What is this? Bullet sponge the game?
No idea what the game is but you clearly have become an apex predator in it. That base was so perfectly made to compliment your style too. Great job
Imagine offline raiding a shanty tower and getting murked by the John wick of rust while you’re only skin deep.
I think they just enjoy reskilling you
Bro really said solo veteran 🤓
Bro is John McClane
The raiders after the failed raid: “He played us like a damn fiddle”
It’s incredibly impressive see someone execute upon extensive knowledge in their field. Seeing how you had your base set up shows you understand this game on a different plane of thinking. (I don’t know what game this is😂)Unconventional tactics for the win! I guess they didn’t know they were bringing the fight to your home field, and boyyy do you know the ins and outs of that place! Simply awesome!
its easy to defend if you have a base like that with angels im not impressed
Here’s me watching this at 7am 💀
I’m not saying your bad by any means but these guys are dogshit there not shooting back like half the time or anything like bruhh wyd
Man this game is trash
4:46 he just like me fr
I saw the link in the description but what is the name of the music please?
That was very enjoyable to watch
Them raiders ain’t coming back that’s for sure
Wow rust has really been upgraded since I last saw a video like 3 years ago
Was your base still in construction when they raided?
Song at 7:11 ??? need that one
They drew first blood
This game is so janky lmao
Try hard
How do we kill that which has no life
I reckon you play as a female character because you wish you were one 🤣🤣🤣
Coming from a non rust player, how does he keep respawning but they dont ?
You died like 9 times.
Dude no fucking way, I used to play with a couple of your team mates lmao good shit
The shittyest thing about this clip is that this game can’t be played anymore now it all different and it’s not a good different everything got easier the guns sound dumb now and you can’t even hide you’re head by ducking under a window anymore games shit got taken over by cod kids and shot otv rp server wanna bes
I saw the clan.
But I didn’t see the veteran?
I saw a noob that rushes into enemy’s line of fire to get killed and thus got killed a dozen times?
Hey I think you can turn off screen shake so you can still shoot while explosions happen
you are like a fckin laboratory man that hides from the apocalypse to find a cure in your base
Effin one man army.
Never played this game nor do I know the name of it but I’ve watched clips here and there and I can definitely tell there was mad skill being displayed here on a whole other level.
😆 fortnite for adults
W defense but they didn’t even try for the first 2mins half of them stood still shooting or staring at the wall who are these neeks
This is so cool omg
This is awesome man, I just stumbled on this video! I’ve never seen anyone play the game like this! I don’t have the game myself but I always watch rust videos. You got a new subscription and I’ll be checking out more videos right after
How do you know when someone is trying to raid you?
saw this same base in a welyan vid or somethin…awesome design
Has your base changed since this was recorded? How have things been since this?
Rust is autistic
srry bro but this wasn’t rlly a win for u, they destroyed ur whole base and took ur shit
The the most defendable base I’ve ever seen. The angles make that build so efficient. You can fire and maneuver absolutely anywhere. I bet they thought there was more than one guy there!
If facepunch ever wanted to return Rust to its glory days, theyd better remove all this glitched building tactics and shit
that sounds just like Vox Populi – Jupiter
paid actors hi
I like how rust bases are built like playhouses in a restaurant or park
They were like bots
ell yeah bruthhherrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I dont get it? You’ve the highground, hiding like a mouse, enemies are like bots? what is there to brag about??😂
I gotta say the base is awesome, like really!
But for the title I thought I would be more impressed
Practicing the aim would help a lot and I thought you would be dead 0 times.
But otherwise well done!😉
Base is built like a medieval castle lmao
never played rust before but purposely dying so they couldnt ever really get a good location on where you were and how many of you there were, was genius
Why did they try to rajd u
One man army
Get a life
This guy must smell so bad
Dude I don’t even play rust but this video was awesome had to sub and like it! I’m glad ya didn’t get raider and owned those guys good video dude🙌
Fr though the fact you designed your base to fit your playstyle, the amazing architecture, all those… Idk what to say man i dont even play rust, and even purposely dying in the gaps of your base so they couldnt loot you, you are some next level superhuman dude!!!
When everyone in the base hasn’t gone to bed yet
why wasthis so cool
This guy is NOT fuckin’ around with his base
can’t tell if you’re trying to lie about being solo or just saying you play solo a lot lol
How do you know your base is being raided at early am hours? Is there like a companion app or something that gives notifications?
You fools. I slept 8 hours last noght
You got smashed up
Why is it that I see the coolest Rust videos on youtube with the most insane gameplay, but when I played it it was just a bunch of naked people hitting each other with rocks and maybe a couple of rudimentary buildings?
you’re on pc so it doesn’t count
Bruh the dude died like 8 times lmao
They didn’t try, they did. Also, this is the best moment of this dudes actual life and that’s sad
Just absolutely outclassed. Great base design for raid defense.
Thank you for your service, a true veteran
hate how these clans wait till the crack ass of dawn to raid solos shows how shit these clans really are at the game. my three man team got raided by a 8 man clan at a reasonable hour and we spent an hour and a half defending before they were finally able to finish the raid. much much respect for those guys to have the decency to online us at a normal hour and give us a blast of a time defending our base, even though we lost in the end it was fun as hell.
Хата зергов с одним рабом который играет 24 часа в сутки.
Dam y so many bags
They should all be embarrassed lol
That base design is crazyyyyy lol
they never came back because they got most of the loot
Recommended kicking my ass rn
but are you cheating? Zero recoil?? sis
What game is this ?
Had me in the first half
hehe, nice
i wanna be as good as you one day
The thing I enjoyed most was the use of the shooting floor. To many of these YouTube designs has the shooting floor all one level. It’s rare to see ones that are not besides dust at the moment.
old guns sound <3
It’s 5am, Idk how I got here. Idek what game this is. But that’s fucking class from you lad.
Get a life
He made it look easy and his boys were just asleep In the base 😂 imagine the domination if they were with him.
Seems stressful AF.
Is this game from 1998? It sure is crap looks like it
You were killin hard and the clan hardly killin
Im wondering why he didnt use shotgun
What game is this lol
brooo the base setup is fckn killer. WHAT A GOD
Gotta ask how many hours u got? I personally have 11k but damn even if u have less ur so much better than me 😂😂
Doing sum u like is ight but dawg 😭😭 Ik he spend 30days nonstop playing this shit go out go to the club go somewhere it’s ppl like him that don’t even make u wanna play the game nomore 😭😭 what happened with beening fun & annoying ppl to get a good joke Ik for the day y’all take this shit as y’all everyday real life get up and I gotta do this 😭😭 hn
aka a no life without a job
Well designed base
Nice. Old recoil was so good.
I hope to play like you one day. Everything was super calculated and that’s some crazy skill
Imagine inviting one other veteran player to come live in your base lol yall probably would’ve never died against them
I don’t even think I’ve seen the biggest rust players perform so calmly under pressure.
holy shit nice
I remember this raid , I was one of the attackers, he fucked us up lol
I wish I was as good as you.
What game is this called ?
As a player with 5k hours, this is impressive!
You’re just a very good player wow
You give me hope
You make me wanna get rust this was my first video watching it
This music is great
i mean 7 am is after i wake up so nothing is wrong with raiding at this time xD
what server?
I’ve had raid defenses like this I wish I had a better pc back then and could record but now I just can’t be bothered I had my fun no point in suffering anymore on this game since I accomplished everything I wanted
Yikes, this is what a veteran looks like? You need to work on your aim buddy…
I don’t even play this game but Ik a good base when I see one. If I was one of the raiders I’d be screaming in the mic “ WHERE TF AM I GETTING HIT FROM”
the informational advantage. its such a nice touch
Code lock but solo? 🧢
Is this dayz🤡
These views have gone up steadily
So good it almost looks like a wall hack 🙄
Just got into rust about a month ago people still don’t trust me with m2 and ak even tho I have decent aim
7am, right after the coffee and adderall
Once i saw him in a bar killing 3 man WITH A PENCIL! WITH A FUCKING PENCIL!!
“gg?” Made me lol
Seemed like they were cowards who thought you were offline.
Everytime I see a video of rust I get hyped to play it, but then I hop on and realize I’d have to learn the whole game so I go back to something else lmao
Thank you for your service.
The style of this base perfectly compliments you’re playstyle, this is fucking art people, watch and learn
Legends say this man hasn’t seen grass in 12 years…
can i please get the song or beat names
would love to know song names
The base structure was quite magnificent, which also complimented the sexy playstyle in which you have displayed while thrusting your hips onto me. Truly exquisite.. 😮💨
prolly one of the craziest base defense ive seen
Retitle, solo almost loses clan base to small group 😂😂
This is what I imagine it would look like if Batman used guns.
This base Design ist absolutely terrifying. i wouldn’t want to raid that even with a hundred buddies.
best base ive ever seen!
Ur lucky that they were only casuals
I need the Music name please
tutorial base?
3:04 why he die?
can we get your user interferance
You probobly had a poker face the whole time :😐
I remember when it was like 12 am and me and my friend were the last 2 on and we were like ok I’m about to get off for the night just gonna check one more time and then im like an shit there’s 10 guys in pink camo behind the bus stop get the m2 then the raid went on for 3 hours I forced my friend to grab buildables and put back up the walls then another clan counter raided and while they were busy we put the storage room back togethor we lasted for like another 4 weeks then they came back and merge raided us with 2 other teams and put no comp on our vending machines when their was literally 3 of us on
base desighn?
I know your code now >:)
What is this game called
The real question is why are you online at 7am? Do you have a life?
I’ve recently started playing and this is so satisfying as I’m always getting raided 😂 solid effort hold down the Fort!!
Wanna do a video on the base design
So they got core. They just couldn’t seal because of externals. This is a loss and a dub at the same time
This was a Master Class
What game is this? Looks sick
Im a gamer myself and have tried playing rust for abit but this gameplay is pure masterclass, its an absolute beautiful display of dedication and skill. You have earned my respect and i really love every second of this video.
Not a solo but nice defense.
nice raid defense , but those guys were actually clueless
Bro traded his life to play video games. Sad
Man has zero life
Why your clan members sleep like they don’t care
These guys woke this man up at 7am, straight torture
door code: 8217 confirmed
You just showed everyone your code
Everything from the base, to the editing, to how you conduct yourself. What a class act. You earned my sub.
This inspires me to keep trying even when things look dim
Bitches hate when you don’t be pressed over them 😂😂😂 luv im coolan i don’t need nothing from u
So far the best solo defense i see in rust. 200IQ
to them they were fighting the a whole team
Get a life lol
base design
This is just kinda sad
“Solo Vet”
Runs past a sleeping mate. Lol
going to bed at 7? this is why I quit rust lol.
This guys base is so cool god damn
Tut on base please!!!
Did i understand right? The raiders decided to hit the spot where the ladders go and left the ladders unguarded so you were able to cut the “reinforcements” and kill who is inside thus giving you an opportunity to fix the base.
Should the raiders have started from the bottom floor or kept guarding the ladders?
What game is this?
I KNOW FOR A FACT… after the homies hopped on and saw this masterpiece you got the absolute sloppiest top this universe has to offer slopitron9000 with the double handed twisty twist gawk gawk special
This is some awesome shit
Lol u use no recol
You made it look easy I haven’t played it I don’t know nothing about it but you got me into it even more
You are clearly Good at this but there is just brain damages on open Field , what ever , was pleasure to Watch
730 hours = veteran? lol
how to build a house like this? I really liked the house
What’s the base design
5:28 bro playing fortnite 💀💀
You’re like fucking jigsaw. You knew your own contraption in and out so well that you can maneuver around and confuse the hell out of anyone trying to raid
Wow that was nuts bro
This is how i’m getting raided on with my 2×2 wood base.
this makes me miss the old spray so much
They tried to offline and unluckily got clapped in an atleast 6 v 1
The suspense of hearing every rocket just hit😳
Solo but code locks?
Even if they took everything broke the base and left nothing ………… THEY STILL GOT OWNED !! .
m2 will never be the same 🙁
Alternative title “When a group of no life’s fight an even bigger no life”
Base design tutorial? 🙏🏼
Imagine offlining, what bozos
Dude only one person killed a squad of riders,thats awesome!
can u pls make tutorial of how to build this base?
Lowkey. This whole video looks scripted asf. Something is just off about it
I don’t play rust and even i know your tactics and shooting floor was God tier. Love that you made the bodies fall so they couldn’t loot and closed qll the doors
solo vetran in a team of 8 stfu with that solo vetran shit ur in a 8 man
Wtf is this quality looks so crisp 👍
Oh and new sub lol
I never played this game but id of been proud fight by yourside 😂🤣🔥 smashed it lad
I love how he says solo veteran, as he’s in a group of 8. solid defense though.
You went back to bed after raid at 7am
Fantastic defense. But “veteran solo player” has 8 people on team😂
What’s the base design
Wht base is this called?
why say raids a solo when ur clearly in a full team and have sleepers in ur base clickbait
Hey Jonesy you accidentally showed your code, You need to be more careful.
this base defence is the wet dream of any rust solo veteran, i salute you good sir
Thank you so much! As a noob Solo/Duo player with 100 hours, this gives me hope.
U got spanked repeatedly
Solo player in a team of 8….
Beo protected the base like it was going to be his last time defending
Hell of a defend.
What the base design
Really enjoyed this content🙌🤜🏼 subscribed and liked! Wish playstion had the game rust?..❤❤❤Sickest base ive seen in rust so far Kudos for protecting it the right way🎉
what is the design of the base please because i like so muck can u make a video please ?
Wow man amazing base design. Is there a video of similar one? Pretty new to rust
Damn those guys suuuuck
whats the name of the server u playing
What is this base design
but they got your loot
solo and ur 8 deep
must be nice to hiire a zerg and tell them to suck lol
This guy is monster. If he had just one teammate on those raiders would have been FUCKED
Yeah my game is so amatuer compared to this lol
This is So cool, the base is So well built
Have you ever gone by the name Twisty in game by chance?
Nice job good defenxe
Jesus Christ well done bro
Imagine clone cells you can use as a spawn point they would be hard to make in adsuming or else very op but very cool for solo raid defense imagine waking up fully kitted because you planned ahead and made a clone and a spawn point for your clone
dudes base got more angles than a hub video
Nice brudda. Busted their ace
this was clean
If u were there earlier u could have shot the walls and maybe blasted a rocket in there and it’s ggs lol
All content creators should be uploading their content onto competitors like rumble. It creates competition and better negotiation .
Its like a movie, where a retired veteran have to show his skills to the raiders in order to win.
Man, base peaks are an absolute beast
Og rust music slapped for this
Using the suppressor was insanely smart, leaving them in the dark on the exact location of where you’re shooting from was a great idea.
What is this bases name? Is there a tutorial?
well played lad
solo as hes 8th person in his group
Watching this honestly brings back so much nostalgia and it makes me sad… facepunch really did ruin rust…
The Top Rust Solo
They not try, they do
Can you tell me the background song name 0:55 its so good
Imagine how bad they would’ve lost if all 8 were on
Anyone has this base design
Game looks boring
Did this guy just answer 5K comments. Much respect my guy loved the video!
My boi u r not a solo that base is massive maybe u on 2x server but vanilla no but u did solo defend if that what your saying and it was really good I would prob jus get off if this happen to me
Awesome video man, keep making them!! Very entertaining to watch.
Rule.1 never annoy veteran they will take ur loot and the raiders will never comeback to rust and cry
Bro really plays rust like a job
Real life fury
Mans spent all that time in McDonald’s playground as a child for this very reason… nah but osrs this was perfect execution. Base design on point
When a veteran gets raid by noobs
What is base ?
No chance you built that base solo
That base is just insane, I think so at least I don’t play this game but wanna try
damn the angles of that base are sick
Is ur base a custom design ?
this guy has no life look at those bags
solo sweaty tryhard roofcamper that thinks he’s the shit because his friends built a big cool base
Lol this definitely isn’t a clan raiding u. It’s like 6 people. Why lie about it?
So no one going to talk about the person sleeping in his base if he solo? An yeah it would have been an offline but you logged on before they even started Booming so Technically It was an online
What’s base design love the peaks
What base is this I wanna build it , great defender
wait there are guns in rust?
Great video!!!
I just wanna point out all the stone door frames…..
holy sh*t man we need a base tut the peaks are immaculate
I’d be one of those guys standing still and getting headshotted 8 times in a row
I needed u when I got online yesterday xD
Honestly, I’m really impressed. I allways bag people who are the sort to no life this game but that was sick. Using all the angles and constantly changing angles, holding it on your own. Good stuff.
Imagine how embarrassing it would be to lose a 1 v 5 or more
The way you high fived the garage door on the way out though…. Lil victory hop. 😂
‘a solo veteran’ * has a full team UI
its obvious this was a planned raid amongst owner and raider but assuming the raid itself was legit.
Imagine how mich smoother it could have gone if you weren’t in a 3×3 shell😴
this style of defense literally had me speechless this is insane
I wish I could hit my shots from that far away with the m2 and a 8x or 16x
Is this a custom base design? or is there a tutorial for this design? as Id like to have a look at this base as it looks like it is pretty awesome to defend in.
Damn how many were there
jus popped up on my recommended Thanks Youtube
This is just amazing
what a sh t game no recoil?
design of the base NOW
Never seen a base with seal supplies on hand. Most teams yell for people to craft walls and go out naked with guns because they ran out of kits. Sick video
Some Gran Torino level stuff right there. Get off my lawn 😡
Is this a weekly or monthly server?
well played!
What’s are your settings?
How are you this calm
His years of red bull conception and wearing the some dirty underwear for weeks on end has finally paid off 🙌
What’s the base
Bro what is this base design or if it isn’t make one pls I beg
6:00 would of triggered me so hard
trap them and loot them
WTF im watching
Why is it so depressing hearing the explosions and the music lmao
what is the deisgn base?
You ain’t a solo. Had several ppl in the base logged off.
What it means “offline” raiders?
You know what i love about rust? is the fact that you can have the best gun in the game, but that gun on the screen doesn’t become a weapon until you KNOW its a weapon.
Whats the base design 😍😍
IMAGINE he plays DOOM soundtrack as background music.. 😏🎧
They should do away with the ‘who’s online’ feature of the game. If you’re solo you have no chance. When you switch off and go to sleep they simply take your doors off with exploding ammo, because they know you’re offline. I’ve stopped playing the game. It’s pointless. However, I do still enjoy watching a pro give it back on youtube.
but can you do it solo ? I mean this by like having no team mates carry you to building a base and getting stuff like guns , not really a solo if if u have that base lol
When architect plays rust.
nice “solo group” man
Poor guy probaly spent al lot of time on that base but i hope you had fun bx absolutly destroing them
Not the anti recoil lmg
when the word ceteran in this title i was thinking like him in a small base but this is just insane
So many bags
Further evidence that onlines ain’t worth doing lol.
This was the Home Alone sequel that we all asked for but never got
Bros a god at rust good stuff
Holy shit dude 9 minutes of non stop bombardment made it feel like a battlefield. My base would have been toast in 20 seconds but ig you just have an impenetrable fortress.
solos dont need code locks bro
The way you built your base is so smart!
Bro the angles and now I know when they are building the raid base don’t shoot straight away thanks 😊😊
U leaked your code
But they got the loot so they did raid you
Solo 9 man with teammates sleeping lmao
Full caps titles always make me think the uploaders got downs
In this situation fire rockets back to both lesson their win if they get in and destroy their walls to make for easier killing
C’mon! He’s just one guy!
The guy:
Jonesy is a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will! I don’t play rust but, this was insane to watch, the skill shown and the base design, where every inch had a purpose..
Get a guy in cinematic mode and youve got yourself a new john wick movie
half of the defence was from the organisation of the clan members themselves like when he went to get compound wall in the compound airlock and the metal and wood from the shell
This content is A+. Could you share a base build vid? If this is a solo base, it is by far the biggest solo flex ever.
Amazing defense raid .
As a non Rust player Iam impressed that a single veteran destroyed a clan
Bro i swear, either massive clans/zergs get too confident and fuck up or that a solo with the power of god just busts open the door with an m2 and mow down the raiders.
Every time too (well offline raids are another thing)
There was one time were i was offline raided but they had just gotten into core when i came on so I through 4 F1s on the ground and sealed the room
I loved everything about this video , the base design with all its angles , and the way u took them out one by one with a successful defend from the clan 👍🏻
But your in a team and theres code locks lmao “solo”
Can you do a tutorial on how to build this base?
I play on rust console and i hv them like he did and i get called bad lol just yesterday i defended my base 2 vs 10 then they say im bad as they failed a online
Ngl i don’t play rust, but that base looks terrifying to invade, it’s like a massive deathtrap where you could get capped from multiple angles if you didn’t know the layout lol.
Bruh they werent raiding a base, they attempted to raid a literal fortress built to allow even one man to cause havoc on a massive scale
So many angles and peeks it was smooth as butter. One many seemed like a dozen. That was fluid.
i never played Rust but man thats such a legendary base.
On Ark we spam out with low profile parts to prevent ppl from placing cover too close to our base. Is that not a thing in rust?
i can hear them now, HACKER, ummm no you just bad and cant take a skilled rust player
Music 1:05
Yo I truly enjoy watching these.
why the fuck are you on rust solo at 7am
what is the song named used in there?
This gameplay makes this game seem like it’s super fun. Never played before
How can people still watch these boring ass fake runs
Just god he is the best rust player ever
What game is this?
I think their mistake there was trying to go the ‘easy’ route on a base like that when someone is online. Even 1 person can make that harder than it needs to be, especially someone like you. Their plan was typical, get high, work their way down to the core..Which works, but with a base like that they honestly would have been had an easier time here, if way more expensive, just blowing a direct route to the core. Less angles for you to hit them from, easier to hold a choke with 2-3 people while one person keeps blowing their way through etc until they hit the TC/main sotrage area.
Sure they risk having to eventually blow ‘upwards’ if you happen to have your stuff on the 2nd or 3rd floor, but it still gives them way more leeway on raid defense.
Their other biggest mistake was having literally everyone involved in the booms and no proper overwatch or counter-counter raiders & builders ready to go at the start. Particularly the latter. You being able to sneak in and replace those outer walls, stalling their offensive shows their lack of foresight in that regard and not even having the ability to blw back through it since they seemingly took everything in WITH them. Stupid.
Well played mate.
That first kamikaze rush earned you my respect. Straight dropped in on em liek fucking batman and still pulled out a knock in a 2(almost 3)v1. That’s exactly the kind of shit I do but with significantly less success.
If I ever start playing rust, I’m gonna try to get some friends in different time zones so the base is guarded around the clock
This base was designed by 4d fckn chess players!
Jesus crist its Jason Bourne!
can you explain haw you practically heave no recoil on that thing? and spare me the ” i pull dawn on the mouse ” thing
You died though….
The wall in outer TC is big brain
That’s so cool
A sniper scope on an LMG with no kikback?!?!…Fishy?!?!
H.H Holmes but in rust…. Bro built a fucking murder hotel
Base tutorial
Just popped up as recommended,this guy gotta be per prim locked thats just unfair 😆
In John Wicks world, your building would be labeled “off limits” fr
Whats the bade design
Like out from a movie
“Take your time and tell me.
How many were there?
Were they militia?
Were they Regulars?
I don’t really remember how many.
Maybe one.
One man. Really?
He was in the flank.
All around us.
Amongst us.
I could barely see him.
He was there, then he was gone.
He just vanished.
Sounds more like a ghost than a man.
A ghost.
He was like a ghost.”
this is nice, not about being an aim train god, but using good tactics, nicely done.
damn dude, gg
ooof the aimbot.
I’m sorry😂 veteran? It’s a video game😂 how full of yourself do you have to be to literally right veteran. The word Veteran doesn’t apply to sitting down playing a game…not taking away from the gameplay it was nice to watch I’m just saying it’s just a game and veteran is a strong word.
This comment section just shows how bad people are at games, weakest raid I’ve ever seen and you somehow you still almost lost that. The enemies really let you climb back up and loot multiple times, how embarrassing. Also the amount you missed before they even entered is insanely bad.
The amount of bags…
And here’s me dying after 3 hours of building a stone shack and making a water pipe shotgun, raging in frustration and shutting my computer off.
better than netflix products
How many hours did you have on RUST jeez
Still what a beast for countering ode people alone
“Solo veteran” *has 7 sleeping teammates*
These Angles are crazy but i gotta say ur aim sucks for a “Veteran” xD
This game is so boring..
I felt your anxiety grow as the rockets kept coming in.. This was beautiful sir…
Though time never last. Only tough people last
nice base omg
POV: you didnt pay your taxes
At this stage of the game when you have 1200 rockets what do you even need to take from anyone else like what’s the point lmao
Reminds me of the last Rambo movie, in his farm.
Went to sleep after defending a base at 7AM??? 🤔
Gg bud. Nice little late night defense vid.
How much hours do you have in rust?
Did no one hear the raiders get countered and their raid base raided? Go to 6:40. Epic defense but not crediting the players that saved you seems disingenuous.
I’m not playing Rust, but is it OK if we saw the code in the vid?
Yeah but it’s rust… Why does it even recomend toxic low quality games to me?
This is probably a normal occurrence given this man’s ability to just go back to bed afterwards. If I was having to defend against a whole group by myself, you know damn well I’d not be sleeping for at least a couple hours.
Solo? Why code locks lol
I just got new appreciation for rust. It’s basically real time tower defense.
what base design is this?
Nice 👍
What happened at 6:00 seemed like you gave up halfway through the fight lol
Positioning isn’t everything; but it sure can tip the scales…
Single best rust player out there
Your door pin was 8217?
lol hope you don’t use that anymore
He is not pretty good at fps but his skill to adapt to his surrounding is insane
Is there a tutorial on YouTube for this base it looks sick
This mans new nickname is RUST WICK
One man. One light machine gun. Excellence executes.
“solo” veteran
The most mid gameplay to exist
No life
Great display of your skills, the base, gamesense, spray control and just playing smart in general
Dude amazing thus is like 999iq base look at the angles everywhere i wish if i knew how to make one
what music is this
legitimately did not know you could build machicolations in rust. amazing
i’m gonna be honest, it looked like some of the raiders were a bit clueless, but this was still really impressive nonetheless
Easily one of the best designed bases I have ever seen.
“Veteran” just say u like cos playing as a solider
ace dies in one piece in the marinefold war in luffy’s hands and its sad
This was intense
How do you die and then respond in same place and just loot your own corpse? Never played this.
And no one just charged the building? 🧢
what is the song that starts at 7:11 ???
this guy is a god bro
People who play rust are legit a masochist.
I don’t understand how people stay up until 5am and wake up at 7am just to protect a base
Ngl the beat goes hard 🔥
How are u a vet when they blasted you multiple times
They’re in the process of attackin his base and my man is in a bunker calmly preparing like John Wick
my head: “dang thats a big base a solo built”
me: *sees the 8 person team at the bottom left*
Kevin McCallister is a little out of control these days
Loving the peeks and widegaps. Unfortunately they got the main loot. This happens sometimes with defending sadly.
Well I think we all know this guy’s PIN now.
bro what game is this. great work. I played console for my whole life and just got into pc gaming. I’m struggling with K&M but can’t wait to get better. this looks like a fun game
buenos actores
nice macro btw
Never played the game.This shit is impressive.Very skilled playing
haha, looks like you profited after looting all of the bodies xD
Never played this game and had no idea what was happening, but this was enjoyable to watch.
haha veteran hes noob
What is this shitbag game
algorithm go brrrrr
rust players are like minecraft players with worse graphics
En mands hær and on english.. one man army
When a poor player meets worse players.
man really nice shooting floor! the angles are nuts gg
that i call hometurf advantage
I stopped playing rust but this is an insane video. thank you
Dem solo veteran with code locks and multiple sleeping bags in same room. And a team of 7 afk. Also he forgot to mention – “After i killed last raiders – they got heavy counter raided and their raid base got raided, lucky me, cause i played like shit”
Ah when the m2 was good with 8x those were the days
Working the angles!!! Whippy dippy!!!
hey that’s my cat’s name
You got wrecked what are you trying to show us lol
defenders always have a 4 to 1 against attackers.
They were already battling someone else…this was nothing more than third party opportunities.
That shooting floor is low key genius lol, well played
8 man……..
what game is this? it just came up on my feed looks cool though
That was some John WIck shit right there !!
Dayz is a better game
Wow! Kevin McCallister would be proud!
This is why I hate call of duty. Shit like this.
As awesome as this is, base’s like this just encourage offline raiding more and more. Imagine if all your players had have been on, it’s essentially an impossible raid without huge numbers and resources.
So cool!😎
This base is sooo well done
This is a garbage game
What’s the base design *
I don’t even play rust and this was amazing to watch. I’ve usually been a solo person myself but, you, you’re worthy of MLG titles.
Yeah man you definitely look solo😂
“Veteran” lmao this isn’t Vietnam
Ur insame
My question is were you up until 7am or did you wake up at 7
But he died multiple times defending though…….
the angles you can take on this base is so sick, good stuff!
Second time watching, for obvious reasons. I usually stand aside and read comments but don’t actually put any, just the fact everyone is so supportive and understands the skill required to pull that off is astonishing. Usually there’s always people talking some type of trash but obviously not to him because they are scared to get raided by him lol
my clan wants to make you an offer. contact me
I play mobile games. Not sure what I just watched, but I know you’re good. Haha
Insane vid. What is the base design, it’s dirtyyyyy.
This doesn’t look fun at all
This really highlights how much more skill there is than just being able to laser.
The fact that this dude closes every door after opening them, impresses me the most.
isn’t there some way to have artillery pieces on top to rain down hell 360* around the base?
And to have for various ranges. Plus some detection of sort to start shooting explosives when people enter a range. So not precise shooting but area of effect explosive stuff, to affect any fences as well.
send me the bluprint of that base RIGHT NOW!!!
That was dope!!
My mans a predator, and those lambs walked into its territory.
Solo? There 8 players in your clan
this was amazing and ive never even played rust
so you lost because they got to tc and main loot and your not a solo considering the 7 other players on your team. the lie in the title of your video shows what kinda person you are
Dude, you died like 50 times to these noobs, whats so impressive about this?
the amount of no life it took for a solo player to build base like this is just undescribeable
Really no idea how people can play such a garbage game in 2020s…. Unreal….
What kind of loser plays video games at 7am
baba yaga
I wondered what this vid was about…oh gaming twats!
To be fair.. your not a solo.. you might have been only one on.. but they saw a big ass base.. probably started getting ready to raid it the night before… good on you for the epic defense tho…
this is why i always have bags everywhere and trap houses, just spawn behind the cnts
That cracked base design …. I love it.
im a rust veteran too but new players still shit on me everytime lmao
so you spawned outside, picked up something (a key?), went up and snatched a gun, knowing you would die you dropped your dead body through the gap so you can pick the gun up after a respawn from the lower access? that was a nice plan-b
I don’t understand? You died multiple times? How is that winning, what game is this? Regards, a really old gamer where if you died, you lost, lol.
absolutely incredible
This was very entertaining as well as intense.
Do Rust players just play 24/7?
Cringe game
Cringe last name
wait this is Rust?! sweet jesus
I never played Rust but isnt 4:50 cheating?
nice video man u gave them hell
when you are a engineer , strategist and have a good gaming chair.
Once I saw him shooting from then lil cracks … yea this man is on another level
Watched this while having my morning Coffee. What a awwesome Start of the day! ❤️✊
Man is a goddamn legend
“I’m not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped in here with me.”
i mean yes you won but you died several times, also not all shots were hitting. there is room for improvement here
1:10 MACHIcolatiooooooooooons
Is there a video for this base design?
Wow Minecraft has sure gotten advanced
No one wants to talk about how this man wiped out the whole clan in an adrenaline-filled, action-packed showdown, and immediately after HE WAS STILL RELAXED ENOUGH TO GO BACK TO SLEEP
We not going to talk about how he has 1827474 bags
Great video
5 Rambo movies and people still doesn’t learn. Leave the fucking guy alone!
solo “player”
Another stupid game. And likely written by some self-proclaimed “expert” who has never been in the military. Another one of the reasons so many kids are killing people nowadays. And I have watched a few of these, and yes, they are very stupid.
Was it Aqua Fps
Home Alone: Rust Edition
ggz bro oh i wish the ak was still like that :'(
I am shocked a solo player is able to do this. I absolutely get recked playing rust.
Soooooo exciting. Wow
Just because your 7 friends were offline doesnt mean you’re a solo..
Serious Rambo/Predator vibes from that base layout, it’s like a huge trap.
Bunch of clowns.
It’s pretty evident that you are a roof camper, was hoping the raid would work. love how all the comments are non rust players that have no idea you probably sit on the top of that tower killing nakeds all day lmaooooooo.
I never played Rust, and I have no idea what I just watched. Only thing I think I understand is how the base is made to confuse people while you knew exactly where to go
Veteran with mid aim 💀
This hurts my brain.
His base is like a McDonald’s playland I love it 😂 so many places you could pop out 😂
Yup we call players like this “ rats”
garb player lol
Oh myyyyyyyyyy…. god!! ahahhahahha
8:11 odds on that this is their pin number in real life..
There isn’t enough antiperspirant in the universe..
“You cannot kill that which has no life.”
Just randomly recommended this now…what game?
so pathetic gameplay
Nice base. Not particularly that great at aiming but fair play for dealing with all those!
I never played rust but this was a fun video to watch! Well done!
The way you prepared for raids defense makes me feel happy and satisfied 😌
Id make a decoy base and have it wired with a bunch of c4 and blast them lol
I mean the no recoil scripts with M249 & AK is pretty hard to counter m8 no matter how many grubs you got. (3k hrs here and it’s pretty blatent.)
its like rambo first blood how he has all these doors and little corridors. wtf
oh my god what did i just witness
This man should defend my base in CoC
Amazing job, man!
legend says that this is how Ukraine fights..
Never played this game due to being a solo player myself in most games but I see the appeal of it. I really like and understand your bases philosophy. The core is heavily protected by steel with endless shooting lines and murder holes making it hard for them to spot you but giving you ample time to respond. Several base bunkers with small caches of repairs. Also a weaker outer wall to seal in invaders, for quick repair, essentially trapping them and counter looting their gear. And then death pits to protect your corpse from looters or to trap theirs. Really cool design
What hame is it? Is it called Rust?
What a Nerd lmao
Nah bro this ain’t it
When shit hits the fan you go back to your training.
постанова ебаная.
How do you kill that which has no life?
vanilla he says xd
looks like a fortnite knockoff. no thanks
Pro Tip: Don’t tell a friendly guy where you from.
Kevin McCallister vs. the Wet Bandits
Okay that’s cool but you don’t have to keep the words on screen for 15 seconds when there are only like five words to read
All about the angles and relocation 🙂
Very well played
Nice solo raid defence but don’t cap Ur a zerg☠️☠️🤣
Solo veteran yet there’s 3 team mates logged off in core ???
Everyone acting like they high level yet failed to notice the reason the floor is open so when he dies he can die over the holes and not get corpse looted. Killing an enemy over the holes prevents gear recovery by friends.
makes me want to buy this game
this base design is incredible
its sad you have no real friends
God this reminds me of old school clan raids. Heavily armored raid base, large group of raiders with rocket launchers firing center mass. Really brings home the nostalgia.
damn me and a couple buddies can barely commit to building a base like this on a 3x server. and you got this solo on vanilla.
I’m a tad confused how this works… How do they raid? Do you have to go online to protect your base? Like how do you protect your base when you aren’t on?
how can i build this base?
solo veteran
also him walking past a teammate
how u dont have recoil even bit on that gun? :O
It’s so disrespectful to actual veterans to call yourself a veteran of a fcking video game. All you did was spend way too much time sitting on your ass and try to use that word as if that was an accomplishment.
Noooo un asco ese juego. 2022 y jugando a un juego con gráficos de 1990
6:44 uwu
What a fucking noob. Just kidding that was insane dude! Can’t believe you didnt have anyone to have ur back
That gun literally has no recoil wtf
Can’t really title it solo veteran while you have 7 other people living in your base with you
This game contributed to my sleep insomnia and sleep paralysis lol.
4:45 you’re being raided by bots
8:10 your code is 8217 that’s not very veteran lmao
I dont play rust but holy damn
The angles, the base complexity, no wonder they didnt come back
Good use of angles, and you were able to decieve what appears to be a couple squads into thinking they are facing against numerous foes.
Damnnn son… subbed!
Solo play really does hit different.
I don’t know, he doesn’t seem all that good.
You know you are just playing a fucking game right?
I don’t even play rust but I’m subbing just cause that was so disgusting. Guess I’ll be watching rust now.
Idk 🤷♂️ I don’t see why people find this game fun
A thing that has me avoiding rust and similar games is offline raiding. Not easy to counter in any fair way, just something one must get used to. Interesting video~
Even one flea can drive a dog wild.
If “Home Alone” was a shooter 😂
I don’t even know how i got here or what game this is or what’s happening but this fella held their ground
what kind of a “veteran” dies so many times?
Home Alone: Rust Edition
This seems like such a frustrating game to get into, but damn man, you fuccen whipped some ass. Very impressive.
At this point.. You know u need a life…. 😂
I don’t usually sub to people I watch once but you earned it not only for the base design but for being a great player. Keep up the great work!
Where would the world of first person shooters be without CS 1.6
I had a great time watching this video. Good job defending your base. Wish i could do that too
This game looks gay.
Thanks for the password
Luring them into a trap slowly?
I’ve never played this game but by the way you designed your base and the angles you gave yourself with that specific design is genius and incredibly well donez
Hello All, checkout my video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsSuo8l5EAA ENJOY!
So junky lol also you died
Solo means you are by yourself, not that you have other 7 teammates sleeping.
Did you had proffit from the raid? or the damage was bigger than what they left?
im pretty sure it was a raiding team of NPCs 😛
you fought like Frankieonpcin1080p against all them, and i guarantee they all thought you were hacking like the ones he went against hahaha
This game looks like garbage
Amazing defense, but the end of the video is just silly… “the offline raiders never returned”, well they clearly got into your core and looted the good stuff, there was no point in keep coming, they most likely got the loot and that was it. Whats the point of keep the raid going if the end goal was already achieved?
He isn’t a solo veteran, that’s a clan base, and with 3 mini’s
6:00 fucking ladder
What is this game?
ive watched a lot of rust vids and never seen a base liek this. So sick. good job.
nice base, but why didnt you have loadouts in a box next to your beds? you had to run back to suit up
This is real defensive play!!
this is such a well built base you can immediately tell as soon as he starts ducking and weaving that this guy has got some hours
This guy: better not stay still for to long
The clan: holy f*ck were surrounded on all sides!
Says solo but has 8ppl on team🤔
Imagine if you could actually shoot, woulda been much easier
I wish I could use a AK like that
Not a Rust player here. Why didn’t they use helicopters to enter from the roof?
why you gotta say solo when youve got teamates, even if they are offline
“Solo veteran” 😬
this is why rust is dogshit, you hit them 10+ times and they still alive.
Damn they fucked his shit up
the amount of bags he got tho lol
Went to sleep?
damn one man army
What game is this!
If this is a base you made and farmed for solo you really need to go outside
He died so many times tho
little did they know, you hadn’t washed i 2 years, increasing your skill by an additional 2 points
After not playing rust after 8000hrs of no life, I’m happy to find a small YouTuber who still plays, still fascinated on how your rust story may go even after end game.
does anyone know what base design this is?
never played it but …fuck yea. Good Job 😉
They never came back because they all uninstalled T—T ya gotta be tough to survive a game like rust and keep playing after such a brutal schooling
They are owning you call yourself a veteran
Get a better keyboard too sounds shit and not very YouTuber like
Rust is for losers
Their is clearly only two reasonable explanations for this. 1. You were being raided by a bunch of bots who didnt have a clue what they were doing and use numbers as their strength as they have no IQ at all 2. Your skillset made them look that way.
Im voting for option number 2! Great job on the defence
Rust, the game that rewards you for playing intelligently so they can update it so morons can play, nice defense tho.
The algorithm has chosen you, jonesy
“Veteran” the guy lost majority of that up close fight. 5/10 could do better
Clan: “We have the numbers, we’ll take him easy.”
Veteran: *”Yum I’ve had my morning coffee, now I’ll rip your nipples off-ee”*
Looks like a fun tower defense game
How many peaks did this guy have.. very clever.. peaks everywhere
Bro I never played this game in my life but I was so immersed watching you battle those guys. Well done staying cool.
The trashiest of idiots come on at 5AM together just to raid bases 😂
That netcode, already behind a wall but they’re shooting you in the past 🤢
All that time and effort to build a base like that to get ruined all the time .. must been stupid to rebuild it over and over again. Damnn
The baba yaga of base defense
what an entertaining video. ty
If Charles Whitman went to heaven.. this is it.
i am not trapped in here with you, you are trapped in here with me.
The split level platforms/crawl spaces reminded me of McDonald’s play places lol
What is this Trash game? why is this so special? he died many times??? LOL
7am bro get a life 🤣
POV: When Rambo plays rust.
These kids are so bad 0 game sense
how many hrs do you have in rust ?
6:15 such aimbot
Those angles were crazy. Those dudes weren’t safe no matter where they were.
dude nice hacks.
Even I thought when you spawned outside and went through their opening that you were going to eventually lose the raid. Your game sense is on another level. Really mf enjoyed this!
can you make a setup tour
I hope you release a base building video… Could probably use the same ideas on other games too
veteran who cannot spray
I hate RUST but your gameplay and base design is interesting
This is some John wick shit right here
Yeah amazing …. Shame the graphics and gunplay are complete cheeks 🤣
Sub just bc of the channel name
Why are u playing rust at 5-7 am?
Base design?
The design of this base is exceptional. Ive never saw something like this before. And The most truly phenomenal thing is the way that you move inside the base, its like you and the base are just one living thing. The concept of your base reminds me Rainbow six, the defenders always look to create holes that connect both bombsites and exploit pixels, but youre just a tier above.
I’m speechless, the work and effort put into all this, it’s mindblowing… I salute you my friend
Omg all these salty comments 😂
I don’t even know what kind of game I am watching and why this is even on my recommendations
What’s the beat at 7:10
I love it also good job defending !
i love the way you made this base, the angels make it hard for them, i love it
I don’t think you have enough beds on the roof.
The ladder OMG, if it happend to me i would be furious
Lol at veteran…
Add me lol
Graphics settings ?
bro is Alone in Chicago
its so easy to tell hes scripting during those up close encounters. hes obviously barely moving his arm because he doesn’t have to control the recoil lol
I might be rather „new” to rust community – but thats the most impressive shooting floor I’ve seen so far
What is the base design?
bro play warzone on rust
Yeah your a veteran, i want to see more from you bro !!
With how long those kids played rust they just got showed up by 1 dude. Good shit bro and disgrace for them lol xD
what a no life game bruh.
that’s an espectacular base for sure
“When a clan tries to raid a solo VETERAN”
*Proceeds to rocket pvp them like a little …..*
Solo huh
Base design?
rust vet that wasted all those stems lol. dude could take a second and stop bleeding with a bandy and then stem up. he would get much more out of his stems.
I don’t know what I just watched but it was amazing
These guys had the reaction time of a sloth running
Awesome job! not sure what game this is or how detailed it gets. Back in the day I would let people raid my bases in maps I use to make in Worldcraft for Quake and Halflife Mods. They are purposely dark, horrible to defend and basically a nightmare to navigate. Then I hide outside away from the base and take out the last guy as they attack, slowly moving into my maze of death. Hopefully the game doesn’t camera lock your victims onto you, so who you kill can give your position away to their team. Are all bases above ground or can you dig fox holes or tunnels in game? hide your things under water or in holes? 😅
Awesome Quality. Gameplay couldn’t have been better. Superb editing. Thank you for uploading!
Why such big base for a solo vet
On a Tuesday no less
Macros veteran
Ayo Jonesy would you consider dropping a settings video also what system do you play on ??
Solo but first thing I see is a sleeper and code locks… no hate just saying. Team could have quit, or a base builder. Etc. Just looks like click bait
Looking like a diehard sequel.
Why the music at the beginning sound like the music in gta 4
Don’t play rust but can automatically tell how much of a complex base or whatever he has here, just by the amount of angels and levels he has set up to attack from different points, crazy !
Love how calm you were, great video,great base design! Giving this a like
This is why we fucking love rust
I play ark. But I always enjoy a good rust raid defense. I might try it out one day
How do you kill that which has no life?
Pretty freaking EPIC my guy! Let them boys/gals know!
what game is this?
spelled thank you wrong 🙁
Alternate title “when sweaty nerds raid guy with no life” ☹️☹️☹️☹️
I NEED a schematic for that base… Omfg the sheer genius behind it is incredible. Literally amazing to watch
Which game is this
Base design?
Very impressive!
I don’t know what this game is/ never played it but this is like ASMR to me when someone is good at their craft and I can just watch some clean gameplay good work.
Why wait for them to start raiding though? My only guess is for the sport of it because they’d likely run off if you sniped them from far away.
Yo this was intense as hell! Very entertaining to watch
Where was main loot?
How do you have a base like that solo?
When you have to run to your pc every half hour for a video game…
Bro, you’re starving…
That guy woulda been dead had you not gotten stuck on the ladder at 6:00
Do you have a video on the base, would love to have a base like this haha.
Great defense, you beam with m2.
This guy was born ready for this. XD
I don’t even know what game this is but it’s hilarious that there is almost no screen shake or recoil when firing machine guns but every explosive that hits the building shakes the screen like crazy lol
What game is this?
This video is what goes through my mind when I’m getting solo raided after snowballing on the neighboring Zerg all day . I turn into an absolute defense demon 🥷🏾😈🥴
What game is this
Your bounty musy be a billion or sum, gg
Love the way you would purposely let yourself die between the gaps of your base, so they couldn’t loot your body. Brilliant gaming sense and tactics
Legend skills and tactics.
I got his code it’s 8217😅
Like watching home alone
Was fun watching the OP getting killed repeatedly…..
Respect for fending off a clan of 4-5 people with no help
Bro is probably the farmbot that got no pvp in a while so this is his chance
Gotta work on that aim. You’ll get good one day.
The solo veteran who can’t kill anyone with m2 and is 8+ deep seems legit haha pleb
virgin score increased congrats bro
From what I saw they had ONE good player. The rest should just uninstall 😂
So I got into rust when the beta came out for console in March of 2021. I’ve been playing ever since. I even switched to pc.
Still to this day I don’t understand this mentality. You’re super deep, and you wait till 7 in the morning to raid a SOLO player(they knew everyone was off) . 7am…
How is that fun? They obviously knew what they were doing. Rust is a pvp game. it’s primary focus is to engage with other players. So why Tf does everyone offline? Especially the big clans. You’re upset you lost a virtual gun? There’s been so many times where I make a play and wake up to no base from the players I made it on. How is that fun? You just avoid pvp and offline everyone? Huh???
I really wish I could have a builder as good as your are
People wake up early to go gym/work, rust players wake up midnight to check base and break some ass
You are one scary man😀
Lmao you died
Been very bored lately and lost interest in video games.
But this video excited me man! Great job defending and great gameplay bro.
You showed your code.
Great video. That is honestly a sick base design with all those peeks. I have one small suggestion, you should consider using incendiary rockets on corpses. When you’ve killed one of them that has their raid supplies if you can launch a rocket on top of their body it takes a long time for them to recover their items (it also has the benefit of destroying their body, potentially losing explosives in the process), it really bogs down their raid. I use it quite often, as well as PvP HV rockets.
nice one 😀
Such a smart setup lol
What game is this? You died a lot but got that victory!
whats the song at 1:30
Still like watching this vid, it’s so chaotic
Dude let his mates sleep in and stole all the fun
yeah, they left after they got your main loot room of course lmfao you got sat down you defended barley yes but did nothing to stop their raid still
So this dude actually died like four times lmao not as legendary as you virgins are saying it is😂
This guy: you think it’s me surrounded by you? you are surrounded by ME
Me who doesn’t play rust or even understand the game and i still find this amazing
You have good game sense but you’re obviously using a script lol. You can tell by how your recoil never moves and you stay crouched the entire time you use the M2
Y u up at 7 am playing rust tho
Game graphics like cartoon serial
Can we play i’m on xbox? Need someone to show me ropes
your not locked in with them, theyre locked in with you 😅 this is some john wick sheet man 😅
Nice defend but you lose ,they clear main loot Room and run.
“solo” “tried to raid” ok dud
Sigma Energy, love that damage control, took a lot of tips!
True gamer in action
I could use some help testing some AI. Solo and/or also have what might be the first Raid boss in rust. If you are interested in testing and giving some feedback let me know pls.
yooo you even got those medieval machicolations!
With shooting and moving like that they probably thought that there were at least 5 defenders at the start! GG
Dude once he sealed outer wall it was over….they didn’t really have a plan B. Pretty bad when u try to offline at 7am as a group and can’t beat 1 guy……..
solo, but base/loot of an 8 man team
Well built base
Love it when these pricks think swarming you with numbers to take your shit will work and then get owned.
This game looks stressful. This is why I stick to single player stuff these days.
What game is this?
When your boys saw this footage I bet they went nuts lol
Fallout: Home Alone
I like how these robots just keep shooting at your base with rockets and neglect you shooting at them lmfaoo
Background music : KINGS
knowing how rust is those guys either stayed up all night to do this raid or woke up at 7 am specifically to do this.
بس حبيت انبهك وانت عما تتسرع منشان تلحق تشيل البيز. كتبت باس الابواب تبعك وظهرت على الفيديو.
فلو الباس هوا نفس تبعكم المستخدم فلازم تغيروه لا تنسى انو دايما فيه كلاب بتعمل ستريم سنايب
Bruh! That was amazing, great job!
When the when also been you could as well
Fucking awesome
John wick of rust.
3:36 can someone tell me how he did that, he went Inventory, then moved POV???
Whats the song that starts at 7:26
No really solo now are you, still have a team, your just online alone… But base has some really good angles, and nice defence…
Veteran died like 50 times
I’m new to this game, so let’s see if I got this right: This guy seems to be a junkie, and he’s trying to fight off imaginary people who cut big sections out of all his floors.
i dont like the weapons shooting too fast but it was sniper…. ???! looks like cheats
,……… Yourereally good you really know your base
Bruh your base is just different ;d
Wow, one man army!
Well I mean they got main tc. Probably saw that you guys had nothing and said fuck this
Anyone gonna take about how many fucking bags he has or is it just me that don’t normally have that many
The thing I’m most impressed by is the base design
That was actually a masterpiece
like high medival fortress lvl shit
multiple layers all more defendable than the last
2.6 mil views whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
Is he what playing?
20% accuracy
wow they railed you with their bbcs
Superb defence 😊👌
Never seen your content before, but I love a solo player in any game. Get ‘em’ big dog
what server do you play on
u got raided dawg ur not foolin anyone
What base is this? Very cool vid btw
Raiding a veteran’s home is just one of the worst crimes against humanity
That’s a sick base design!
You had an impeccable defense, but I can’t help but hold my disdain towards games like this, it just shows how inept other groups of people are and how incapable they are at actually putting in the work to acquire materials of their own so they resort to shit like this. Honestly got what they fucking deserved so again, well done
they look so clueless
im sure this is a decent clan its just they look so messy lmao
solo veteran with 7 teammates
Insane job man
I can smell the sweat from miles away
You ain’t solo when you have a 8 man squad you 🤡
I just discovered this video and it’s a masterpiece. Subbed
Name you base
Why didn’t they get the outer tcs?
you sealed after they already took all your sht…
you’re the guy I just assume is hacking if I got killed by you LOLOL.
Awesome gameplay, you’re a beast at this game
6:00 ? Wtf sort of advanced rust strat was this
The amount of bags this man has is absurd
Title should be, “When a clan tries to raid my clan but I’m alone and with the help of counter raider 7AM “
actually quite funny thet up a raid base for what was supposed to be an offline raid, gg!😂
Your actually cracKED
I’m sure you slept way better than those guys after that 😂
Yoo bro your base design is sick!!! Drop a tutorial for us pls 😭
crazy base. exposed one of your code. you should probably change it.
You had a really good tactical base, soo many good positioned openings.
So sick!! bro truly inspired by your game play keep it up
so confused… 2.6 MILLION VIEWS ON THIS?
This base has more angles than Jada has over Will Smith
this guy knows his base better then his way home from school
I’m not sure if rust has good snipers but at the start of the video while on the roof, with a sniper those would’ve been easy pickings. Awesome base man, the angles are insane.
Good job anyway
Your not solo your full team
Epic video bro
Damn that sleep would felt pretty gud
Is this Tarkov?
Good shit!! This was bad ass
Solo veteran with an 8man team
What is that basr design
seems like he gets hit around corners a lot.. is that a problem in rust? or is there wallbangs or smth
u are a hero my man
When a clan tried to raid a solo at 7 am
Intro : 4 sleepers
That’s pretty clever taking equipment down in suicide and coming back up from the ground level outer bunk with a gun. This one is strong in the force of muscle memory. A true engineer.
No cringe music? This sure is a rust veteran
Ur gonna be solo for life
This game looks not even fun lol.
Sick fucking base tbh 👍
You did one hell of a job defending your turf!
I need a base with that many peaks
Rust console kinda wack tho
What base is this
Saw the video liked it and subscribed
You’re nucking futs!!
sad part they tried to offline a solo
To bad dude ain’t playing solo lmao yea it was a solo base defense but the whole setup was done by more than 1 person. You even see the teammate sleeping in the base
What game is this
This is so satisfying. I’d like to play with you :*
He probably raged every death 🤣
So laggy fps next slide plz!
why waste resources on raids?
Big brain throwing your high walls back down while they were inside. Bravo.
Cool video
I dont play this but this is some schooling richt there gg’s
I never played rust, but damn that design of fortress us amazing. All those angles you have to defend yourself. Very nice.
finally, sleep
Good fuckin shit man love to see big groups like this get dumpsters by a 1 or 2 man very well played
Haha, nice! You were a annoying little fu*k, nice play though 👌
What’s the name of the song that plays at 0:54?
I don’t play rust but I know when I see someone who knows his shit👍👍👍
If fallout 4 was like this gameplay I’d actually play it
So you died about 11 times?
The old hole in the corner of the ceiling firing position they used against us in Afghanistan.
You should change the video title to “solo gets raided and seals leftover scraps”
Beautiful. Subbed. Could you please tell me what songs these are? The groove is on point and I love the mood of it all. Thank you.
Disgusting gameplay against game opponents
i’m confused as to how they’re “offline raiders” if you were on since the start of the raid
Dont see how your a veteran
I have better m2 controll
You died like half a dozen times yet the title makes it seem like you went god mode and annihilated everyone. I’m not that impressed
Well I mean you weren’t entirely a solo player you had a zerg of your own but good job defending that clan all alone that does take skill 👍💪
No idea what this game was but gj at kicking their asses lol.
i think you will find that they succeeded in raiding you
Nice defense
Rais bases for an offline
I love how they insult you while eating bullets like: bro get a friend i know ur mad
A solo…. 7 offline
Alternate title: You’ve never felt a woman’s touch.
Was still a great video though!
It’s the Base for me💪😈
Veteran solo player but plays with full party except they’re sleeping.
What happened next morning
The amt of peakdowns your base had was insane. What i am more impressed by is the fact that you put some high external walls to prevent raiders from joining again
Wow they got owned!
this is a sick ass video and I don’t mean any offense to the creator when I say this, but holy shit every person you were fighting was bricked out of their mind lmao.
2:03 paid actors, thought this video sounded too good
Nice stuff! At least 1k of your hours was spent placing sleeping bags lol
Is this your own base design?
All I can hear is a bunch of 8-13 year old boy’s voices cracking in frustration and puberty over and over if you were to hear the clans comm chat lmfao
well played man, one of the best raid defenses i’ve seen!
For the life of me I cannot pvp on this game lol. I have the absolute worst time using anything but the mp5. Dude any tips on shooting/recoil control how to not over correct when aiming. Me and joysticks are not friends. I olay on console been considering getting pc version
What the background music sond your useing in the background called
Hope you bring more like this, very entertaining 🍷
You had an extremely good base layout and ngl these players were kinda trash, most of the times they wouldn’t even see you but still a good counter nonetheless
You actually built a fun level for people to play
This is dope but have you ever considered getting a life?
Similar thing happened to me. I sniped heli to get near my base and it rocketed the entire clan. I hid till I could go outside and steal their shit
7 am lOl sleep
Is there a guide somewhere for this base design?
What game is this?
What song is that?
you gotta post again bro, you are so good at the game its crazy
You are a legend, bruh that was beautiful. Dont play the game but have been watching clips for years and by far the best one yet. Keep it up!
For some reason I recognise this battle but from the raiders perspective
can we just take a minute to appreciate HOW MANY BAGS THIS MAN HAS
That was the best raid defense I’ve ever seen
If this didn’t get you hard idk what will
Your are a beastttttt boiiiiii
you earned a damn sub for that bro i’ve been looking to watch a player like u XD
Are you from Ukraine? Cause that was an amazing defense!
Have to say. Never played the game but your defence was awesome. Never gave up. Good job.
Anyone know the name of the music used? (Look at reply) googles “listen for song” be backing me
8:12 err hope you changed your passcode
there was a few silly moves that you did to seal your own deaths but still well played.
Great defence! Quick question, I know the track used in the vid is from ES but i dont know the name of it if you dont mind could I get the name for it?
Him: It’s 7 am I’m done with your shit.
You’re merely raiding this base. I was born in this base, molded by the base. I am base.
i was watching F1 videos then youtube recommended this to me, hats off man…this was insane. only 100 hours or so in rust but holy shit, you have got ice in your veins
This looks like fortnite for adults
you remind me of my grandfather.
Gg, hope you got the credit you deserve from your team
Aim is absolute dogshit! Haha
Can we pls have the base design
The fact you stayed so calm and didn’t freak out says a lot lol
the way he had eveything planned out is crazy
Can I. Be apart of ur clan or be a partner
Daaaaaaaaamn. Angle game is insane.
I’ve never played rust, but if they can die and come back so quickly. What’s the point of defending? It doesn’t matter. They’re going to get to use all their rockets on your base anyway, so it sustains all the damage they could have inflicted no matter what. What am I missing?
Your gameplay and editing gives me alone in tokyo vibes. Very good man. Gg’s
Veteran? How old are you? 🙂
I regret watching this video because it made me buy the game and it’s very toxic.
U basically made the entire building a giant sprayer… u dont know where its gunna come from
Next time just use code 8217 raiders
My man just reenacted the Rhodesian Bush War
What game is this?
They probably thought there was 5 of them the way he was bobbing about
My hero
What game is this
Try that on ark
Vary epic
Really nicely done. 🙂
Is there a name to this base design?
2.4 million views cmon guys this dude deserves more follows
Nice base design. It’s crazy.
They probably had thought multiple people were on just cuz of the way you were movin in every peek
I’ve only ever been onlined 2 times. Defended both. Ended up getting offlined by what I assumed the same people anyways.
The best base I ever solo built in Arma 2 Dayz days was a 6 story pagoda and had a ton of little slots and portholes built into the facade like this in dozens of places including the stairwells. They’re so incredibly helpful for defense, you know where they all are and where you can stand to shoot people at dozens of angles (because you built them for that purpose) whereas they’re very unlikely to see you or even know where the holes are/which one you’re shooting at them from.
I enjoyed this more than the last Rambo movie lol
solo player also him in the first second 3 people sleeping
Idk wtf is going on or what game this is but the defense and movement is well done for a defensive operation.
so much bags why
That Base is amazing
Bro get a job LMAO. should be working at 7am
What game is this
low life dawgs got ReKt
Nice wall hack… trash
beast mode
The ‘Home Alone’ sequel I never knew I needed.
Clan try’s to raid virgin at 7am no hate ahaha
These players are clueless, you emptied a whole mag before a player and a half turned around to shoot you a few times
Fortnite players watching this wishing they could be like this.
nice defense
What do you do with all of those sleeping bags?
wie peinlich solche pfeifen
This is the best base ive ever seen on any rust server
You make me want to spend 4000hrs playing rust
“The offline raiders never returned” meanwhile you were online the entire time they were raiding. Seems like they were online raiders.
Cool base! Looks like he dies a couple times in it defending and then do you respawn in this game? Few parts are really confusing… nice vid tho!
This man’s base walls are constructed specifically for him to have sightlines that he can move to and fro from with ease.
These guys fucked with the wrong dude.
Which game is this?
This could be one of the craziest videos i seen on rust so far I wouldn’t know what to do lol
This base is insane for a solo on vanilla wtf
Base design?
How to know someone’s a rust veteran: they’re already up before 7 playing rust.
You’re literally a shadow of death in the jungle!
Solo but with code locks
I don’t even have rust and I am shocked. Well done and a great vid ✅
I love yog
Just got onlined by a Zerg team an hour ago there was 20+ of them our compound was honeycombed but not an open core style base like this, very good defence.
Base design?
Nice defence on the raid mate
what is the exact music?
@jonesy. Hello 1st time seeing your content. Nice to see ya wrecking an offline raiding clan. Was you solo or in a clan? I know you was solo in the defense. Just wondering if you built all that solo. Anyways liked and subbed. GG
what base design are you using?? its amazing
Solo veteran but there’s people sleeping in his base lol
Stalk theme.
Profilers: they call
their coven a clan.
Repeated use of word.
Your a weapon bro the head shots clean as fuck
WHEN A CLAN TRIES TO RAID A SOLO VETERAN AT 7AM… right but i saw many different clan members in this soooooo
I don’t even play Rust but I find this very impressive good job
Great vid dude good job. I would have quit because I’m a quitter
why have solo in the title when your clearly playing in a zerg
Raiders: “Why do I hear Stalingrad noises”
This is actually very entertaining to watch
one of the best vids ive seen in a while
I just wish there was more online raids like this on consoles… very rarely anyone does an online raid anymore.. only seems to be my group that attempts online raids… as soon as people know we’re online they back off and wait till we’re off again. Literally have had groups of people watching connected players list all day 🙄
It is honestly kinda funny by the fact that you,a single veteran player,protected the base from a bunch of rocketeer dickheads who have put their BEST effort into the raid and you just almost instantly recovered from the battle and repaired the base like it was not,meanwhile,they have just lost scarce resources……kinda hurts for them.
Those are some dirrrrty angles you got on them 😭😭 they had no chance
Christianity is a religion if anyone needs a religion to join,god loves all and forgives all, god can help you through what ever you are going through,you just have to believe,be safe everyone,have a nice day,i hope you have a good day
Reminds me of the ambush tactics from the The Patriot with Mel Gibson and Heath Ledger
Gotta wonder if there was actually a net gain from that attack considering how many rockets and explosives they were using lmao
Nice, joga demais!!
Respect my brotha ! Wish i could find teamates like you on console
I don’t play this game, but can appreciate the skill involved here. Noob question, why were you able to respawn several times but the raiders didn’t?
i love that u classify this as a solo defence even tho u have OFFLINE teammates cos whenever this happens to me and i say i’m solo they come out w some bs saying i have a team
Whenever NPC’s Raid Your Base
W raid defence, W vid
This man is the sniper from WAW
base build?
He whiping em out like they cod npcs
Don’t know what agme this but was interesting to watch a whole group of noobs get owned by one player. Very Nice o7.
Raid at 7am XD XD XD Amateurs, your best odds are 4-5am
Game ??
Paid actors
Walked in the park then felt asleep like a baby.
This has to be fake, these raiders are standing in the complete open for 5-10 after every rocket and don’t take cover when getting shot even after a bunch get killed, this “solo player” also has 4 bed on his fking roof?
The title made me think this would be a solo base but why would a solo have so many bed all over his base?
Why is the video called “solo veteran” when you have an 8man team?
This is precisely why I stopped playing Rust years ago. The offline raiding just makes it not worth playing.
Kinda of shitty they can raid you if you’re offline.
Ass-kicking 101!!! Never take on an OG!!!
What game is that
yo I was one of them lol. I got railed from the sky and I was yelling in discord where is he?
That’s cool I guess
I’m gonna say base design was a huge part of why you were able to pull this off. Damn thing was an actual labyrinth.
I know they mad🤣
Good job!
I just don’t understand this game at all. It looks to me like you got wrecked multiple times. Then you spawn and pick something up with someone right next to you and “seal” yourself in. Makes absolutely no sense.
Why in every game, players assume a solo player is an easy mark? It’s usually the solo players who have the most experience making them the most dangerous. Groups have more to lose, a solo player will do more damage to the enemy group than they could against the individual. The solo player won’t lose much. Honestly it’s best to avoid solo gamers, or even a small group.
I am getting Home Alone vibes from this lol
gg man
Dude at 3:57 you barely dodged that sniped, insane
Rust has really changed since I played around 2014 wow
Lol I bet those dudes that raided yea definitely need to find a new game to play lol
make a base design video pls
Title should be when you have no life.
If they’re just going to keep respawning nearby then this game sucks I wouldn’t even play it
yo ur mad good
what was that trick he did to avoid being looted?
Cool but the game looks like garbage
What game is this?
This video right here is the reason why I will never play rust. Too sweaty😂
7AM is far from being the start of the day for veterans – they get up with the sun, or earlier, which gives various positive effects.
7 AM, how can homeless people finance a pc
U have so many vantage points its amazing. Ive seen some nice bases in Ark but this takes the take good work man 👍🏽
I dont think you know what a vanilla server is, other than that good video.
Ive never played rust before. Cant the raiders just keep respawning and attacking?
I don’t play this game. So does the person have to actually be awake at 4am ??
#8217 kappa
New Objective: *SURVIVE.*
I don’t know how this game works but it was fun to watch
You can’t kill something that has no life to begin with.
If you had a Launcher with that M2 at the beginning with Incinerate Rockets. GG
I think your base was in stimpee new video
It looks alot like yours
This was a strat used by knights with bows… Hence why castles have those little windows…. Just a quick historical fact for you guys…
After watching this video I realize how bad i am at this game after 4k hours of playing. Great job man!
Teammates will never know what happened
Never played this game, said in my thing “you should watch this” I do not regret watching this, that was smooth. GG my guy!
Bruh, what are those peekdowns. It’s like a whole second base. omg.
Aim is meh
What about this game is any fun? Edit: Nevermind I play fallout 76, I can’t say anything.
But you aren’t a solo… There are at least 2 other guys sleeping in the base. Yes you were the only one online but the whole defensive setup/upkeep is from a team.
Legendary guy..👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
John wick has entered the lobby
the structure of the base and his tactics are fucking brilliant
I love how every inch of that base has a purpose. Like a house of horrors, it’s built to be a weapon itself.
this is what pushes me away from rust, its not a survival from the wild but survival from other players, ur probably saying I’m stupid since thats the point of the game and yeah exactly thats what pushes me away from the game, I could literally have nothing except a torch and rock and someone will pop me off at the first sight and chance
that was fucking insane! subbed.
Terrible Aim
Guys running a xim no skill at all trash if you like
Nice Job!
minecraft added some new stuff i see
Can u make a tutorial to make this base?
Horrible player.
Dear gawd it’s like that Rorschach prison scene but in the first AvP movies pyramid. Neato build.
That sniper shot at 3:55, literally dodged a bullet.
I love how your peaks are made, that’s sick that they were made like that, gave you the perfect results in that raid defense
This game is a gay all game like that have shit for graphic
If I’ve been watching rust ever since it first came out, am I technically a veteran, I’ve never played, but I know when I do I’m not running twig bases😅😄
Play day z
Lmao what do you mean a veteran?
When Punisher wants to play a game…
This game is like “Oblivion” in the sense that you can steal clothing! 😛
Jesus Christ is Lord and King and Our Savior
Love the music
Idk what’s going on. you dies like 5 times
Is this the guy who teabags and makes rude comment about people’s mom
This is actually the most impressive raid defense I’ve ever seen
Wow this was amazing! I had a similar experience but on dayz, on a private server a bit more loot than vanilla, my group was 3 uk lads and i was the only us it was 4am i was going to call it a night when 6 guys tried to raid me! 4 inside 2 snipers to not let me in my base turned out they were boosting with garden plots, long story short killed 4 with the last one breaking my legs but didn’t let the last 2 know as I’m yelling talking my ish lol last 2 ran away 😎 and not a single piece of loot extracted from base.
8217 clan password
This would be impressive if you didn’t die like 500 times
You just shared your door code to YouTube my guy
Man, I am tense af watching this. You remained calm and collected. Legend.
What a bunch of noobs. Try Halo 😅
You ain’t no fucking veteran. You got your fucking ass kicked.
Oh so Fortnite took building from Rust I didn’t know that
I love the smell of pawnd noobs in the morning…
potato aim
I don’t know about rust much. Can people steal ur stuff while ur offline?
Shouldn’t they be in school or work?
thats wild af
Side note: Id love to hear how absolutely frustrated, defeated, and generally dumb struck they were
What a stupid game lol what’s the point if you just respawn?
Every shot = target = cheater…period
Those peaking angles are so op
lol you know the losers saw this video but wont comment.
Boys subscribe tot his man. 2m views and 11k subs nah boys make this guy some money.
That base homie
The Angles is incredible
Veteran is an understatement.
Great job!
I love how people love to gang up on solo players all the time in this game. It’s just fitting for the no life they have. Especially with all the offline raiding they do too. This video reminds me of my golden days playing Hurtworld.. My 2 friends and I built an insane mega base that could not be effectively raided without mass loses to attackers. We would have clans band together to take us on and not one could get in. One solo player got in got trapped. He cooked him with fires hahah.. We made one of the best bases in the game and it was Legal by server rules. I miss that game but the devs really screwed it over and the server owner was a sneaky little bih too. The whole server became a “how can we raid these guys??” server. Every time a meteor fell, we had this procedure where we would quickly set up a mini base, etc, and one of us would flank from behind. It was childs play. We eventually showed people how to raid it and they were like “wtf” hahaha Just goes to show you, numbers isn’t everything. We were just 3 people btw lol I can’t imagine what 3 of this guy would look like lol Great video, I love your base design. Very neat. It’s well guarded and well thought out. You’re a brilliant player
John wick: rust edition
1 man defending his home is worth more than 10 trained soldiers.
Reminded me alot like the last Rambo movie in the tunnels where he exploits his position of the enemy
They can’t kill you. How can they kill someone who has no life. Lol
What a beast
That’s fantastic. Now, what if you weren’t online?
I would be fkn pissed
This is why you should always bring smokes and incendiary rockets
Damn nice fort dude
What game is this
That’s a sub for me for this outstanding show of talent!
Hey! sick gameplay, what keyboard do you use?
What a terrible game that is. Why would you play something so bad when you have the likes of warzone out there.
GG bro
Upload more
you died so many times, you should have auditioned to be a john wick victim! 🤣
looks too easy especially since they act like NPC’s
Fun fact: This was the inspiration for Rambo’s latest film.
What game?
it’s like the Home Alone kid started playing Rust
buy a kit
Videos like yhis make me want to play this game but the grind to get here I can’t commit . I commend this man this is amazing 👏
The term veteran gets thrown around so much these days
Nice music! very chill. 👍
Man you’re just like Leon in the movie leon lol
dont play rust, but still finds it very entertaining to watch 🙂
The dreams you have when you suck at rust
Guess that’s what happens when you try to raid a McDonald’s jungle gym of a base lol
They call him the baba yaga
What a shitty game…. dont know how i got here… play cs bro.
Like and sub though cause high
dude it sounded like their raid base was being raided you got blessed kid you aint no vet
Chad base
You died like 5 times, I don’t get it? 🤔
Bro post more videos
So when your resealing your base. Was that someone actually shooting into your base. Or is that ricochet from a fight happening near by?
But why is his base decaying
You died
god… the amount of time expended
You can’t kill one that is not alive.
Why does this game look like Castle Wolfenstein from the 90’s?
Its kinda like “Terrorist try to rob a bank but a marine veteran is there”
So, just browsing the comments, is game sense some new stupid gamer phrase or something? What rick and morty ep did you guys this one from?
Damn this shitty scrub game has the worst sounds
bro this is not veteran gameplay, you fumbled so many times when it could have been so much easier..
That is why you should never wake up a sleeping dragon in his caves
Nice play you have there. Is this our own base design? Are there any videos explaining building it?
Raider are so damn bad
Holy shit how long did it take you to build that base?
What’s the name of the music track?
Lol idk why you call yourself a solo when you clearly have a clan. For one, you can see at least one member logged off in the video and not to mention it’s impossible for one person to provide upkeep for a base this big on vanilla. Yeah you were the only one online but that doesn’t make you a solo
I was watching DayZ videos so when this started playing and it said vanilla server I was like what the fuck is this?
These graphics look like you are playing delta force 2
Haven’t played rust ever but this made me want to.
magnificient everything, i dont play rust, just chillin’ watching the clips…form of your base i so simple and smart, easy to defend. doors, everything smartly done. bravo
Don Alejo Tamez vs Los Zetas cartel, 2010
What game is this?
rats will be rats.
Set off smoke grenades all over the roof use the cover
nice aim
u need some aim tho
Looks like me trying to online raid a 2×2 😆
I am so impressed that this guy builded all this insane fortress just by himself!!
Lol this looks like a ps3 game
That looks like 1 navy seal against the taliban
Sweaty veteran*
Nice fort !
You need to seek REHAD for all that drug usage though ! 😂
The sections of this base remind me of the McDonald’s play zone when I was a kid
It’s a little of topic but what’s the song at the end it sounds soo nice
This base is amazingly designed kill holes everywhere
All it took was a well made base design and a skilled player…
Home alone rated r
Uhmm who plays games at 7am? Lol
Good one, keep it up bro!
bunch of noobs. even the veteran playing. NOOBS
This video was great idk how u don’t have 200k subscribers
Incredible bro, thats some insane shit
Damn that soundtrack
Really nice base design ong that is nice af
Solo… OK, sure. I’ve counted 7 more people on the team. And to build a base this size on vanilla it will take 2 dedicated farmers 24/7. Click bait. Nevertheless nice skills and base design. Also I should mention that the skill of the raiders was quite low. People can’t notice garage door opening behind them and one was rushing right straight into AK fire.
This some John Wick shit
I don’t see the fun of this game. Never found rust even to be interesting. Hmm, good job I guess???
You should have called it “Home Alone”
Base design?
“Look what they need to mimic a fraction of Jonesy’s power” -Omni Man
That is a base built for defense and offense lol. But also looks like a pain to repair haha
Can someone explain me why he sealed the base and they never returned?
Everytime I want to play this I watch this clip and think to myself I don’t want to go through this anymore it’s a weekly thing getting offlined or getting clanned when you’re the only one on
7:14 song?
where can i found a base like your ?
my man is on another kind of adrenaline and pure testosteron
How you solo when you got others on your team, you part of a zerg/clan too, you just the 1st on
I’ve used this design and it’s so funny out playing raiders with it
Damn this was dope. I’ve got a couple dozen hours in the game at best years ago. Wasn’t really my thing. But once in a very blue moon I watch a Rust video or two and this was so good.
How much of that base design is intentional for defense versus convenience or aesthetics? If you were to have something that resembled more of a standard (like real life sorta thing) layout with just maybe a couple staircases, hallways and rooms without the erratic floor gaps and platforming, do you think you would’ve been able to pull off the same defense? Your shit sitting outside the main building was brilliant and would definitely work out the same either way at least.
At the start I was like suuure hes a veteran but then i was like 7 AM PLAYING RUST.. GODAMN
5:27 fortnite
Title should’ve said. A. Clan of. Noobs
Bro what do you mean try. You died so much. You got raided real bad
what a beast my man!
EZ Clap
I watched 3 minutes of this 9 minute video and wish I hadn’t. This game looks absolutely awful. Like a cross of Fortnite and Ark, Probably the two worst games I can think of to combine 😂
7am? Get a life
This is why the vets get 10% off when lunch rolls around.
Bro this is why I don’t really like rust, the feeling that no matter what time of day, awake or asleep, you are always at risk of losing hours of work while not even aware, and then trying to start back up is also incredibly hard because of people killing you for no reason
why did you show your mastercode to your viewers?
base design ?
Hope to see more content I don’t even like watching rust but I’ll definitely watch just to see this kind of expert gameplay
Died in first minutes and in total 5 times 😂😂 come on dude your a noob
U showed them my guy🤘🏾
He roof camped with an m2 he’s so cracked guys
I could sleep to the sound of frantic shooting at the walls being sealed
I seen him die several times
Great Base peaks
“Call an ambulance, but not for me” 😀
Raidiers are sitting wondering why they can hear doom music getting louder
Make a death tower like this again but only horde like 50 stone n nothing else in the whole place.
Make even their victory a tremendous failure.
the title is very wrong and misleading but besides that good raid defense, also how are you a veteran but showing you’re clans code to the world?
This guy makes it look easy
Game name?
this was so satisfying to watch
They fucked you up tho
home alone: rust edition
You should do a base design vid fs
Solo but whole base has code locks 🤔 click bait, bait and switch bait and switch!
This base was built for this very moment. Could of killed an army with this Fort lol
What a demon
If you had 3 other teammates with ur skill there with you they wouldn’t have stood any king of chance.
Losers go take a nap lol
Song that plays during the shooting floor is Van Sandano – Antidote X
I’d get lost in that base
We now know ur code
salty dog
I have seen this before in john wick part 1
Best base i saw, loved the angles!
How many hours do you have in rust?
I think with clever editing you could apply the doom music here.
So good
That’s such a beautiful design. Well done.
this reminded me of the scene in the patriot where the “ghost” and his 2 sons kill a whole platoon of British soldiers. awesome video
And you know what’s the best part? He crushed them with an average of 60 fps, my pc could not run this game smoothly.
So he’s gay
Base design?
Simply amazing
Man i cant even defend an online 1v1 raid idk how you get that good
So, using a macro to make your self have No recoil is BS
Felt like 300 movie🤣🤣👍
U r goated 🥶
I wish I could be this good at something in my life.
What game is thisss!
So Ive never actually played rust but this was some really cool gameplay either way.
I’ll have to look into some tactics for this game to better understant it. Kinda want try my hand at it now.
What your pc specs?
Inim sure theyiz j after regen spn ## clan -Grendal master og x13–
Fkin hell 7 am? Lads probably set their alarm clocks jumped into their clan discord then proceeded to have their day utterly ruined by you. I love you!
The time is what matters here. Raid him at 230pm, fine. But 7am? Your fkin dead kiddo
thats a sick base layout
This guy took “Home Alone” to another level!
You love to see it
fixed title : when a bot clan raids a player at 7 am
dude just Rambo’d the heck out the raiders
i was almost gonna freestyle on this background music
the music makes it sound like a gta mission
He was like I’m not in here with you, you’re in here with me.
This is so fucking cool
I ain’t even play this game, or pc for the fact and I am tuned the fuck in to this. Shits unreal and I don’t even know what’s considered as unreal.
Mind bogglin.
Love that adrenaline when the base starts shaking… it’s go time!
love ur base, and love to watch rust Fights
Home Alone but Rust version
8:44 no I don’t know why.. why though?
I will say this. If the game is built on Perma death and bases. I find it dumb how one person can kinda respawn as much as he wants and take out an entire Raiding party…
Anybody got the first song name?
Kinda reminds me of the time I played ark solo
they had so much clan ego
Proceeds to log off after an intense fight, gets back on in 6 hours to discover he has been eoka pistol raided….
Whats the name of this ugly game?
Why in the beginning do the guys not get cover when reloading RPG
It’s funny how I’m games like this people really think numbers is key, they tried taking out what they assumed to be an easy picking turns out they were the noobs
settings vid?
sick base and skill
I call dibs on this guy if some crazy zombie apocalypse were ever about to happen!! Just saying :*
This is I call ” Home alone “
You made them look free asf goodshit broski💪
I can’t even imagine how much matierials you have to pay to stop your base from decaying 😂
what a fight!
This looks great, I feel like people that play this game don’t go outside often for some reason
Your team must’ve been happy asf
What’s the game? And good job you did insane 🚀
Gotta say. This was probably the best Rust vid I’ve seen
more proof silenced M2 is massively overpowered and needs to be removed from the game
In the 6 mins I watched you died 4 times .. I think defeat is the right word not defence.
Straight dumpin on em 🤣🤣🤣
I actually feel bad for the raiders. Imagine all of your friends come online to raid the biggest base on the server and get beamed by one guy.
Thiis is the shit i love lmao
When agents meet Neo….
I haven’t played Rust in years…
Do you get notified when your base is being raided?
Or do you have to log in once in awhile to check?
I don’t play video games very much. Can someone tell me what game this is ?
bro left the raiders discombobulated
I hate to be that guy but… Base design
Wait, I saw my self in chat lmao
Aloneintokyo vibes out here
I watch rust vids i dont really play it much but this guy is probably the best I have ever seen, the base lay out the way he Uses every Nick and cranny to his advantage. Damn good job man this makes me want to play this game lol
I don’t know what game I’m watching but I like it 🙃
Never underestimated the determination of solo murder machine.
what is this fortnite?
This is the rust equivalent to fucking “nations pride”.
Private fucking Zoller killed 300 raider’s
Have they purposely given the base those gaps to have lines of sight when defending..pretty smart
so anyways, i started blasting
They tried to raid John-fucking-wick.
I passed your base couple times. Now i have a big plan to raid you with my boys.
When you’re a veteran to any game, any move is automatic. You just know. Amazing stuff to watch.
Who ever made that base needs that gawk gawk 8000
Th8s deserves a like because my man is doing this at 7 in the morning
I watched this with only 5% battery remaining.. it was just as nerve wrecking to see you play as to if my phone would make it to the end of the video 😝
Every rust encounter is a emotional joyride. nice ass base btw
Home Alone: Rust
Just say gg
First time ever seeing this game. Big survival game fan and im honestly so confused as to how this works. Can other people attack your base if you’re offline? Is there incentive to take other people’s base/defend your own base?
Don’t really understand the game.. do you have unlimited lives? Thought you only get the 1
when u play rust from pre alpha xd
This base is some AHS:Hotel shit. 🤣
8217 code
Offline raiders????? You were online lul
Should’ve censored the pass code
Your base design is art sir
What if you hadn’t been online, would they be able to raid?
ur a fuckin beast dude i’ve never played this game myself so i can only imagine what this felt like, i’m play overwatch frequently and the peeks you were using were insane but relatable
If ur a sole than why do you have code locks
Is this game worth buying a consol for?
Insane base design dude. GG
This was sick. Some actual tactics instead of blind panic. And that base design is pretty much un raidable. It’s a maze that’s easy to defend, hard to navigate, easy to seal, and setup with multiple redundancies of defense. I really like it!
Potato aim, can’t seal shit, lucky that raiders potato too.
You what
There needs to be an analysis on this.
Nice Raid defence but the Base layout is my favorite part its just so nice
That PTSD kicks in and you’re in trouble my guy
Base build video? I love ur Core and peeks
Playing those angles like it’s r6 lol
So what did they end up taking as far as resources?
Yo what is the name of the track u put at 0:52 ?
For the people
that’s not that guy
What game is this? 😄
Excuse my ignorance, I have never played rust before, but couldn’t the clan just respawn and attack over and over again?
so bad
Great base, mid pvp
I have no idea what’s going on, was on my recommended but I’m glad I watched. Very impressive
Finland 1940 colorized
Holy shit 1.5 m views on a 9k sub channel
Hahahahah solo
This was so awesome to watch! Good shit man👍🥰😊
*Pavlov’s house in Stalingrad:*
The only thing missing was a room full of mirrors you had these guys chasing their own tails.
Fake g@ e and fully on cheats more like
this was fucking gold, new sub for sure
This is great music
I would need help to learn this game. DayZ I’m hip to now.
I already new u were a chad when I saw all hose sleeping bags xD
hi, i am also solo player, can i ask what base design ur using, want to learn to build it 🙂
Ur base is insane
Can someone tell me the name of the song plz
I got raided 33 minutes after I got off the other day
Yo is there a base design tutorial or something for your base it looks clean
Keep ur eyes and memory for SolCutta if u want to see truly unique never before seen on rust base design.. I’m bringing 5000hrs exp from last island of survival and my base build designs from there.
Looked like they cleared off cos they got all the goodies out of the loot boxes so was nothing like be gained from trashin the place.. They got what they came for.
Yeah okay, still died like 5 times lol irl that ish don’t fly
More like when a clan try to raid a veteran player that has no life and plays 24/7 a day
Dang even has escape choppers on top! Noice base
That was insane i never played this game but you def know what your doing lol
I’m about to start on rust pc and hope I can find a mate like this 😂 legendary.
what game is this?!?
I am now putting high externals in my gatehouses, wow
Best defence play ever seen!! Respect, you knocked the shit Out of These mfs
Dude puting the walls in your air locks for the compound was the most 100iq play I have ever seen
What your base ? Lol
That was epic
Lmao at ” went to sleep ” my anxiety wouldn’t allow xD
that base was absolutely insane
His peaks were god tier. Easy work
im new to rust and i hope i can be as good as you!
Rambo: Last Blood
you stayed so clam man youre insane
This reminds me of the first battle in the movie the patriot…..just all around them from the start….You are Rusts Babayaga
I love suvival , action ,and loots , strange bases it feels amazing.
Ay this video was refreshing to watch
Fast action no corny guy talking, deserved 👍🏽
What game
What base is this
this solo guys be playing with at least a full team
Good job bro!
That was some sick design an skill there.. what game is this plz
This reminds me of the ending scene in “The Equalizer” where he lays out a bunch of traps and setups to decimate his enemy. Well done !
what pc specs do u have ?
Loll real noob no recoil
People with anime pfps are twice as likely to say the N word and kill you for no reason
Base design??
Base is very complicated looking but I think it’s the tactic?
You gave up on your channel?
scripted video
I don’t even play this game but wow…that base looks insane!
What’s the game?
I mean the scripts were nice but the gameplay was even smoover
nah man mfs build a raid base with stone external walls against a solo LMAO
Thank you for your service
This game looks like crap
Awesome peeks!
Don’t want to be rude but I did see multiple bed did you mean solo base defense or just you are a solo because if you meant you are a solo then I smell something
This is a SOLO BASE? Damn, my 2×1 do be losing to that one.
No offense but your ass why wait to let them raid you when you could just take them out right there
Nice vids bro
fucking cracked
I don’t even play the game but this shit looks crazy.
7am is just in the morning why would u be sleeping no hate tho
I don’t play the game but I can appreciate this guys level of experience.
so this is what cowseps talks about…
Sorry but what game is this?
what music ?
I’ve honestly never seen a base with such good open windows to shoot from. Being patient here definitely pulled you the win.
Solo veteran in a full team lol
They were very uncoordinated and picked the wrong target lol
Nice defence but on your outer tcs you should the square foundation then a wall frame with a square roof then place the TC above and seal it in stop the rocketeers from being able to hide behind the outer tcs
Grunts reporting back to the boss: “There was too many of them, we were outnumbered.” lol
i like the strategically placed defence spots you guys had outside your base for them to conveniently stop so you know exactly where they could be
Thanks for the the code lock 🔐
Or am i
2 good things cant happen for this man
You say your a solo but yet you in a team with code locks you should of said solo defense against a clan coming to raid my team
what base design?
wdym offline raiders?… you were online…. And they didnt stop when you showed up….
yo what server do you guys usually play on?
Can you give a build tutorial, this base is awesome
Clearly a solo look bottom left
Holy crap man I dont even play this game cause I only play csgo but you pee on them for sure
whats this song
7 am wrong time fam
Video was fire asf you have to drop a video on that base immediately!
Ok he may be a vet but the fact early on when he demoed them all he could of sealed with ease but stayed on roof was kind of a dumb play
Wow solo sure
What a maze like house you have
I once had a similar experience where I was the only one left away from our group and wanted to quickly check on our base at 3am.. where I noticed a small group snooping around the base checking access points.. So I removed their structures and patched it. At 7am a neighbour friend messaged me, he heard explosions. So goodbye sleep.. I made him a bag and me and a friendly neighbour defended the base for hours. We had so much ammo they were forced to come back twice and kept calling us cheaters. Its such a cool gaming story moment that Im fond of and wish it was recorded somehow. The first thing I thought when I read your title. Thanks for giving me closure haha this was amazing to watch
The funny thing here is that it says building decaying so probably everything dissapeared after the raid defense LMAO
Entertaining vid, nice. Did they get anything out of it? Also, why did you let them make so much progress without doing anything?
The “gg?“ at the end😭 this is such a cool base design tho gosh dang
But you know that there’s a lot of people around the world and time in their country is different than yours?
The raiders just got shit on
holy bags
The angles on this base 🤤
This man’s living in the 4th dimension,I would be so confused where I’m getting shot from lol
I want More action))
My turrets and traps do the work if i cant
This looks horrible.. who the f plays this shit 😂
This videos older, is this base design custom to yall or is there a video on it?
What da hail, did you beat them or what?
this mans title is 4 hrs away from 10 mil views
The legend . Rambo himself.
Nice try being a solo, cant figure out how this could have been done better.. sad they succesfully took all the juice, but it is what it is
Now we all know the code :O
Damn i shoot the same gun like that and it recoils up into the heavens above
this was like some home alone shit
And then, He hasn’t posted since this masterpiece
What game ?
Hey F Respect ! Your best Defense!!!
No more post?
Yooo this guy is a beast js I was losing hope but this guy this dude just gave me that confidence that if u stay calm anything is possible I know his nerves was hitting but he keep calm and didn’t give up this dude is crazy nice
that’s nice, and you did good, but you’re unbelievably bad dude. you wasted 13 syringes in this video and a medkit at the start. throwing off your healing abilities to get killed. smh pay attention this was so chaotic
I don’t even play this game and never have, but even I thought that was impressive.
Base looking like a Doom level.
Would love to see a tutorial on this behemoth of a base
I got enthoused about rust because of this video and now i bought and started playing, excellent base design bro. I can learn from this.
They done took your shit already.
This fortnite game is awesome
I wish I understood how this game works 😂
graphic settings?
have you ever been outside?
I wanna hear them raging now.
they were even so kind that they left their rockets to you
Bro take the suppressor off
Last track name?
This base looks phat as nice defense brother
Damn great defense 👏
Don’t know anything about that game but that has to b frustrating ppl tryna destroy your work like that
The way you moved they probably though there were 4 of you
I started watching rust cuz of Stevie BUT THIS GUY?! Mehn I seen some things I would never even think was possibly from base design to the spawn outside behind em and trapping inside to hitting em from all sorts of angles really amazing base/raid defense 💫subbing now
I’ve never played this game nor have I ever seen any clips. That being said this was incredibly awesome to watch.
Can you make a base design video that base is good
How long did it take to make this base?
The john wick of rust 🤣
I’m sorry, you built this shit SOLO VANILLA? What kind of wizard are you?
i just got this recommended but i didnt know their was noobs on official like that. Jeez they were pretty sad to watch
The problem with console is we don’t get notifications from rust about our bases being raided. I have lost my bases multiple times because of no notifications.
That was smooth af
theres like 6 player shops on the map lmao. zerging low pop is cringe
lol. you must of got a lot of respect from your teamates man
Was this a Rambo movie? Jesus.
If my man had woke up at 8am there would only be a loading screen
Oh wait this is rust , seems like bases can take a little abuse, ive been playing ark and a whole base can be foundation wiped in like 3 minutes , it sucks
This is the dopest rust video I’ve ever seen!!
Doubt he can withstand Stimpee tho
Never underestimate a player just because he’s solo, he might just wipe out your whole clan😏
First video I have watched without skipping
Roofcamps with M2 for 9 minutes and is somehow not embarrassed to upload it
I don’t even play Rust but I respect great game sense when I see it.
Fall of Saigon be like
I’m a month late sorry but do you have a link or a video on how to make that base?
You did a magnificent castle
What game is this
Holy bags
For a ‘veteran’ you’ve got some noobie mistakes lol, you have mili gloves on so no need for laser attachment as both do the same job, you also don’t have bandages so makes med sticks really ineffective due to bleed. Just fyi
Lowkey super satisfying
Very impressive skill, amazing base, I don’t even play this game and I really enjoyed this!
Ark players watching this and knowing that ark players would never not have enough game sense to understand what he was doing because ark community is so toxic 🤣
This game looks awesome. Is it only PC ?
I’m not even a Rust player, but as a gamer I know what I’ve just watched, and you don’t have to be a Rust player to appreciate the insane amount of skill on display here.
Fucking hate playing against guys like this but love watching the videos😂
Base build tutorial 👀
I got 9k hours and still dont know if i could pull that off
What’s song at the end?
Shit reminds me of the maxican farmer that fended off his property from the cartel by weaving in and out of positions in his home, from window to window, sniping them with his single action rifle in comparison to their assault rifles and explosives. Good shit 👍🏻
Bro you should really post more if you got anything to post cause these videos you got are great. New sub!
Great game sense, reminds me of the older players who used to play rust when it was on the browser with zombies, also good choice of music
Do this base tutorial please
Well done sir
the wood walls in the airlock was genius i don’t think i’ve seen that before 🥶
The fact that those Raiders attacked at 7 in the morning, proves to me that they have no life.
Imagine if this guy put as much effort into real like as he did this game. He would be very successful.
After watching this I was expecting you to have minimum 100k subs! Holy shit you’re a chad, keep it up bro!🐐
Good job on not giving up, I probably would have rag quite 😂😂
I bet these raiders were probably screaming something on the lines of
What game is thos
Bro this is one of the best base builds I ever seen
I need this base design 0_0
Rust seems so tedious oh my God 😭
Did you use a temp code or your base code when putting on new garage door? Wouldn’t want you to get code raided lol
I didn’t know I clicked on “John Wick 1 house fight scene”?
Should be titled “When a clan tries to raid my 8+ deep 60 rocket mega base and they get countered.”
Bro imagine playing with an 8 player clan and nobody is online when they finally come raid lmao.
So much death.
If i’m the one raiding your base, imma just get the hell out of there, just the layers of your base is hurting my brain.
i’ll be like “nah man, i prefer just killing some bear if the base look like this, fuck this shit imma leaving you guys.” LMAO.
Why didnt they return?
Got ourselves a real Kevin McCalister here
Lmao good stuff
Duuuude what is this base holy moly 😂
This video is so good I felt the adrenaline
Mad respect to you my guy this just shows that one person with a lot of experience good game sense and knows exactly how there base works is way better then a Zerg with way less time and knowledge mad respect my guy keep up the good work
How many bags do you have?
3:11 Jonesy: Yes
I need to stop being good and go back to bronze play in bronze lobbies and have my buds stage content
Dayz > Rust
Wow, that was so satisfying to watch. Thanks
You are very smart in what to do in every situation even when it happens fast respect for this guy mike Tyson over here
You deserve much more subs
I’ve never played this but I love all the rust content creators and you my friend have earned a sub , great game play , honestly some of the best I’ve seen
8187 thanks man
When I think of “Batman” and his “contingency plans” this is the type of stuff I think of. You are Batman my friend.
What game is this?
Man this game is amazing your godly
Man those peaks are sick
If you didn’t get stuck on the ladder I knew you where finna merk every single one.
Solo but theres another friendly player on your base also codelocks. Impressive defense absolutely, but at minimum bros a duo
That was nice to watch, well done
The fact that u went to sleep after and they didn’t return to offline raid is quite interesting
Epic defense.
you don’t understand how entertaining that was
Masterful . Kudos
Nice base
Damn i love Rust so much..but im so fckin poor..
Uhh, its not solo when 5 other people helped you farm all the shit you had to 1v them, defending your base is way easier than raiding, obviously, especially when you have endless resources from the group that helped u farm all that stuff.
5:00 Bag Alert, major Bag Alert !!
Sole vet is up at 7am yikes
base design?
This game would be more cool if I didn’t need to defend my base 24/7 so I don’t lose everything I worked hard for
This game was ruined by tryhards
Hey dude we should team up man! I got about 2k hours and got a couple of clips of me plaxing so if your interested lmk!
Wow 👌
that was insane, you had to of confused the fuck outta them moving around so much lol. very fun to watch, new sub
Yo I dont know what game this is but that looks awesome
I don’t play this game but this was fascinating. They were trying to get into your vault, right? good job fighting them off.
That was crazy!
….u died?
This was very impressive. Spawned outside to wall them in and then killed them off. Nice work
This by far the best rust video I watched in a good time. Very well done! 😊
The fact that they come with smokes at 7am is the biggest kekw
8217 huh
A solo veteran on vanilla*
*with a giant zerg base full of zerg farm and supplies
Mom can we have rust?
No, we have rust at home
Rust at home: Unturned
Panda Tobias will gap those kids
your clan must love u immensely
We are all gamers, but some of us are gamer gods… -me
Real good video man ty
Why veterans play just like average players? All the videos i have seen all the players are like this one.
This is why you thank rngesus when people have enough ballz to commit to an online raid after there’s a real defense. Even if it is only one guy.
I feel like I’m watching the god of rust architecture and solo defense LMAO.
My code now
Any1 know the base design ?
Died like 5 times pretty unimpressive
now u gotta find the people who tried to raid you and raid them
Yea yea this is cool and all but I give more props to the clan for not having any hackers
What base is this?
Can we get a base design??
dont need to raid if zou show zour door pin to the public 😀
Talk about home field advantage
What’s the name of game
Thank you for your service?
But you died like 6 times.
Ur not a soli?
This layout is so confusing. Reminds me of my base in Conan: Exiles, even I could barely find shit, had to mark rooms with misleading signs just to know where I was going..red meant good, green meant bad.
Reminds of predator the movie, you are everywhere and see everyone.
Know yourself, know your enemy and know your battlefield and you wont ever loose a battle.
Damn that ladder fucked the shit out of you lol
I do not know anything about this game or your channel but I thoroughly enjoyed watching them get destroyed. Subbed lol
You died like 500x dunno what’s so impressive 💩
I don’t think most people understand how much skill and willpower this defense actually takes. I barely have 500 hours and will never believe in being able to pull anything like this myself. Great job man!!
Reminds me of that time when a lone land owner fend of an entire mexican cartel.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they thought there were multiple enemies with how you were fighting, and the decoy laser guides. Even if they scouted and knew you were solo, you probably had them second guessing.
This is next level home alone.
What game is this….??
I don’t even play this but it was beautiful
but you aren’t solo you’re in a group of like 10 people, but still cool ig
A lot of fore thought here
It wasn’t just a John wick murder spree
It was more than that
Sub from me my friend
Nothing absurdly good about the gameplay and pvp, just above avarage. But the base desing and peeks on the other hand, it’s really sweet.
I don’t even know what game this is, but that was really enjoyable to watch!
That base design is outstanding !
I felt like I was watching the end of an action movie
graphic settings
This was more like a home invasion by a bunch of fools.
Is this a base design from sven?
Is this game F2P?
No idea what this game is and how it got on my feed but honestly that was so damn enjoyable to watch. I can already tell this is a higher tier of play and you absolutely outclassed those raiders with your great game sense and excellent base build allowing for such a defense. Great job 👏
Jesus Christ it’s Jason Bourne!
It’s 7 in the morning….
Fortunate son was playing in the background wasn’t it
When does the veteran start playing?
* the first 2 guys dies *
Everyone: why do I hear boss music?
Guys this angle gap thing only works if you are active when they are raiding you. If you get offline raided, those gaps are your worst enemies and can be exploited by most raiders. That’s why no one does that, he is just lucky he was awake when they started raiding.
Awesome base awesome defense
So happy I don’t play this game any more. Takes over you’re entire life
Little did they know, you’ve been up since 5:30am messing around.
Umm u just showed ur code in the vid bro
now we know where rambo got his inspiration from
Your game sense is pretty good but your m249 spray is whack as fuck
weird gameplay for weird games
man fortnite is a lot different than I remember keke
Reminded me of the tunnel sequence from the last Rambo movie
Never seen this game before but this whole video was fire. That music kicks in and this guy starts going ham on the raiders to protect his place. Would make a really cool movie scene
yo are those raiders bots? xD
What game is this ?
I’ve watched this video 3 times already. My question is. How did you know you was getting raid?
so many rockets
the raider were playing whack a mole
Never seen this game before so I’ve been lost the whole time… Nonetheless I’m impressed
This is one of those make one man seem like 100 moments. I guarantee they thought there was more than just one person.
I have no clue what game that is but that’s awesome
What game is this?
Very good stuff!
YouTube ads are a plague
So before I start I want to say that I do not play this game and know nothing of what I speak of. I have a theory that what if you had like a decoy base and left the loot in a shed outside near the spawn?
You should do these videos but have a second part where you actually go find them and take their shit
Dude your a one man army…you make Rambo look tame!
How many hours do you have? My guess is probably 5k+
Now that’s a Home advantage
So the raiders basically hand delivered all their expensive equipment directly into your base.
Recoil – off… Understood
impressive base style , good work on this , but camping in your base and shooting people on nearly open field is not really impressive
Should’ve said ggez
Solo vet… ur ina zerg base defending withan m2 nice plays but still maybe callit asit is
They didn’t stand a chance bro. Between the million lines of sight from your base to you being a skilled solo player. I almost felt bad. Almost😄
They never returned, thats because some of them are still trying to find their way out of the base lol.
He don’t need the rust gods they need him
Wow Home Alone in 2021
Solid Solo base with an 8 man team.
Rust:- great game, terrible community.
It’s like Home Alone 2021 version.
Shoutout to epidemicsound for that cool music…
Something something *John Wick joke* something something
He would make a pretty decent O.M.A. (One Man Army)
Damn man this was perfectly executed. Well done
I’d have talked so much shit in the chat if they failed an offline, nothing more embarrassing than solo defending an offline
Solo? Runs past sleeping player in base pmsl
WoW. Rust weapon animations are chill asf. Warzone is pure hell and cocaine
This is why I always foundation wipe
“Solo veteran”
*in an 8 man team.
Time to change up the codes 🥴
I first watched this video 18 hours ago and have watched it 5 times since then, shared the video link with 11 friends and the best part is none of us have ever played Rust 😉
The real question is, why are you playing Rust at 7 am? Ether it was on a weekend and you obviously didn’t go out so you’re still up at 7 am or it is a weekday and you seriously need to do something else at that time.
You could have become anything, a doctor, rocket engineer, the president of United States of America, but you decided to apply ur genius in Rust and I thank you
for that.
You can be attacked at any time of day or night even when offline?? That’s pretty hardcore
This reminds me of that one boss in metal gear solid…
This is like the scene from Nobody
Yoo wheres the new vids! I remember watching back 4 months ago when I used to play, just started again and see this get into my recommended 😛
What game is this?
Im sorry what game is this?
Damn, this is some A-grade strategery!
Imagine if you applied yourself to the real world. You wouldn’t be the sort of loser who things this is cool
Hopefully you changed the master code
My brother and I raiding bases!
I just hope 8217 isn’t also your ATM pin code haha
Wat game is this
this base was designed by an inception architect
Bro, I would show up just to cheer you on. Not helping that skill level, I’d only get in the way.
What game is this?
Also you are a solo but whos that other person in your base that appears asleep?
Honestly this just shows how good a fortified hard point can be. Militarily if you fortify you only need 1/3rd of the opponents force to theoretically win
what game is this?
This guy got the best strategy to fight back their enemy!
I imagine your like that no life guy on the world of Warcraft episode of South park
What game is this?
It’s 7 am
Cool video. Good job gamer.
Dude wtf I just watched. You have made an insane base with so many tactical openings to watch all the angles and constantly move. As a CSGO player myself, I admire your game sense. Looking forward for more such stuff.
Pretty epic solo base. I’m lucky to expand to double story 2×2 lol.
Nice anti recoil script “Veteran”
these guys look like the thieves from home alone
Well done
I mean you played well but 95% of what you did was meaningless. All those silenced M2 kills meant nothing if you didn’t grab their boom or kits. (Which you were in no position to. Not giving you shit. Just saying) Even those kills you got in the base. Basically until the very end when you sealed your walls and took their ladders. I mean you played it perfectly. I’m just saying. People put too much emphasis on the wrong things when defending a raid. You basically have 3 options, get them to use their boom until they run out; taking their boom; or actually pushing them back into their raid base and destroying their bags and shit, raiding their raid. The last can be practically impossible to do if you are outnumbered, or let’s say you don’t have any boom yourself to even get in? So usually the first two are much more realistic for the outnumbered player(s). I mean I’m thinking of a raid my and my friend defended just about perfectly imo. A 2 on 6. It didn’t look nearly as slick as this video but we stopped the raid just as if not more effectively. Probably the main strategy is getting up the ext walls. Each stone wall you place is that many more rockets they need to spend. Our base was designed in such a way that doors could be opened that had turrets behind them facing out. Each time they blew into out second wall, we had three lines of walls, my friend would open the door nearest that blown wall, on an occasion or two he’d have to physically move the turret and I’d just go out naked with walls. I mean you can run out naked and usually get a wall down before you are killed. And if you have a turret and teammate covering you… It’s actually pretty damn broken. I probably didn’t get a single kill the whole raid yet still defended perfectly. Lost just a tiny bit of our honeycomb on one side and like one turret. Took a ton of their kits and boom. And these guys brought a lot. It went on and on. If you are smart, the only real counter to this is building a tall enough raid base outside your walls and basically foundation leveling you. At which point you would need to break out the M2 and skill would definitely take precedent. But at that point you are probably fucked anyway. Basically I’m saying the slick parts and skill parts of your video meant pretty much nothing. Your smart play was having the bag and the walls outside, getting those walls down and getting those ladders off… And that was what told the story…
Nice job. I gotta say though, I probably should start using a silencer on the M2 more often, lord knows I’ve been wrecked by them enough but this video illustrates whey I don’t. It’s like you know you’d have that kill before they ducked behind a wall or whatever so many times. It’s like that extra billet you need drives me nuts…
Gotta love a good outnumbered online base defense… Would the game better if there were no offline? Probably…
This is the plot of Home Alone
Me, someone who has never played Rust at 3 am in the morning in bed : inTerEsTinG 👁️👄👁️
I’d pay a dollar to hear or read their team chat during this lmao
“They’re everywhere!”
I don’t even know what game this is and I love it. Well played
You missed the part where i was standing on the beach with a rock asking how to get a gun
Raiders: “Why do I hear boss music?”
Veteran Solo Player: Heavy Breathing
fkn hell rust looks so good now
Are you a professional architect? absolute banger m8~
I saw this in my feed and through it was a Dayz video. is this game better than Dayz for anyone who has played both?
Raiders probably thought they were fighting a squad
When the spirit of rambo enter in you
I’ve never heard of this game till now and yeah, your base is absolutely beautiful, the raiders had no chance
The base design is something you’ll see in a modern day serial killer house style. I love it hahah.
can i get a base build for this ?!!?
I don’t get this you kept dying
What game is this? Looks like crap
When the ATF try to take your guns..
Game is trash lol
In these situations its always my shakiness that kills me, can’t aim for shit
How do you kill that which has no life?
They fighting against main character.
Forget Marvel and the other crap. Jonesy is the true hero.
alternative title: why you shouldnt play this game if u havent already sunk 2k hours into it
What the hell I didn’t know Rust was Ark/7 days to die I could have been playing this. 🤬🤬🤬
this one video was enough for me to never even download this game
I don’t get how this game works, OP got killed like 5 times? Is his character locked into the map location with respawns and the other guys only get 1 life or something? Very cool video either way
Idk what game this is but ik about solo defenses and wow you had layed out alt accounts ready for this lol sounds like me 🤣 i do this in other games. But now i wanna play this game 🤔
Oh wait its Rust! Shit yea i been wanting to play this one for a while too!
Base has some of the best angles I’ve seen
Eww fucking DISGUSTING unfinished game!
Only ever played ark, is this games official as time consuming?
This is great, I was feeling annoyed for you putting up those walls that didn’t want to clip in the right position for a while. haha.
is this you against ai? lol just looking at the console you put up?
8:12 lmao
This man did Drink His coffe already
Hi what game is this
I always wondered what having separate foundations would look like and if it was a viable design. Super cool.
Experience is everything ! Well done sir 👍🏻
The best part is he got the attention of a whole clan alone
When I heard that music I knew this is gona be a great video
Never played rust, but it looks like you got yohr ass kicked. You died 10 times
This Base layout is nightmare for R6 siege players…
Kevin Mccormick does rust!
Home Alone 7: Rust.
What cod mod is this?!
How is it an offline raid if you have recorded a video defending it? Also why the hell are you still up playing rust at 07.00 in the morning? Get your IRL-shit together instead.
I suck at pvp so if I get raided I hope to god that I defend well
this game looks fun as hell!
Man if this was scum this raid would have failed in the first 30 seconds
This how you earn a sub gawd damn that was krazy
I mean you died quite often
This is some sweet 1997 game footage. What game is this? Is this the Playstation 1‽
Raiders weren’t even bad it’s just this guy is too good I imagine what it would be like if his tm8s were on
Lool 8 persons clan. Solo veteran xd
They should make a movie based off this guy, call it “Impenetrable” And have like special forces kinda guys infiltrating and hunting down the guy in the first half, getting picked off one by one in a labyrinth like this guy’s base sorta like a horror movie, when they finally corner him in an open area. They realize he’s 20x better at close combat than the spec ops guys are and then it turns into escape the facility in the middle of the movie
they defo thought there was like 6 of u lmfao
What game is this?
Bassically camping
You need more auto turrets in your base since your a solo just saying….
Amateur raid defence wow
good shit m8! alot here but says somtin for keepin ur head … cheers
I bet this man has a background in dayz mod base building. It really looks like it
That was lit🔥
where was the tc
Your video is so fake it’s not even funny. Your playing on a vanilla server with everything researched, m249, massive base which would take days to build up let alone getting the stuff to research and then the scrap. Don’t worry your solo 😉 I got it vanilla skilla. Your like the body builder weighing in at 400lbs with 0% body fat claiming your natural lmao 🤣 nice joke my man! You would make an excellent comedian!
Your understanding of your situation and how important it was not get greedy with kills than it was to increase their opportunity cost is incredible.
You knew you were outnumbered and it was a game to make every step closer to the loot 10x more expensive than the last. Bravo, just bravo.
>waited for them to start raiding
>on the verge of starving
Title made it sound like you were solo player.
If it had the whole ark element a player like this would have prison cells waiting tranq traps. This guy for raiding him would imprison them in his base as he goes raids there’s.but aside from that this is why I don’t like rust look how they try to offline you at 7 am so lame dude.
Goooood save , i would had just logged off and rage quit 🥵
I wonder if injection healing in video games is/was an effort to help normalize, in particular, a current political situation. Ggs
People on attack when they think the guys are offline afraid to get shot at
Your not solo its a solo defend but your not solo
That was masterfully executed. I’ve only played RUST for 20 minutes and rage quit since naked people kept killing me with rocks but I want to give it another shot if I could have an experience like yours.
This was a good watch i enjoyed it
Maybe learn to aim.
What did it cost?
Raider: everything
Some real bots when you lay down a full AK spray on them and they re still trying to hump the window XD
Speaking of veteran. Remember when rust was suposed to be a zombie game? Good times..
Came here expecting a rampage and a one man triumphs against all odds, received the story of a plucky survivor who just refused to die, again, again again, again, again and again.
stupid portentous music is stupid
Could they raid your base when you are not in it?
If yes, they can take everything and you will be left with nothing, right?
Or it is only when you are online?
This was a good watch I like how you handle this💪🏾💯
pov you try to raid the pc gamer toxic wat play all day
I don’t know if you were nervous at all but for sure I would be shitting my pants a d could not pull all my shit together to bet them up. GG bro!
What am I watching exactly? What happens if they were to win?
Veteran sure is dying a lot
For the raiders it was the most important fight of there life
For jonesy it was a Monday
They didnt know that John Wick loves to play Rust on his spare times..
i don’t play rust but that base and skill wa s sick
Not really an offline if you were online before they raided
What game is this?
some DOOM music will be better
This is sick!
Anyone gonna talk about how he showed his code 2871
Wow just wow . Subscribing after commenting . Keep em vids coming 🔥
I hate games like this because you always have sweaty try hards that will try to raid bases at stupid times for the easy W. GG on these peepees tho
this guy sits in a kiddy pool of sweat while he games.
Wow that recoil control is amazing
People who treat this game like a job, need to get an actual job and go outside and do it.
Your base looks insane!
When Italy invades Abyssinia and gets defeated by a bunch of tribals with stick, stones, and old colonial Brtish Lee Enfield rifles.
What’s the song called at 5:05 ?
What game is this
You are a pro bro !
This is so impressive…but, how much life in the real world did you have to sacrifice to get to this point?
Awesome to watch you take them down, impressive base build and how well you worked the defenses. you did give away your door code in the video though
What game is this? This looks fun as shit
Base design vid? Would like to see it fully
I just want to thank you for uploading in 4k. One thing that makes me not watch a lot of rust videos is the pixilation from Youtubes compression on 1080p videos.
This to me is just a battle of who has more free time at 7am
Defended solo, but not a solo… good luck getting all that base n loot as a solo with clans running the grounds.
I dont even play rust and this was amazing to watch
This must be what it’s like to try killing John Wick in his own house
solo veteran 😀 and you have friend who’s sleeping in the base:D
You don’t have to be a veteran to pull this off against those enemies XD they are easy targets
The sweats … I can feel the sweats
“Get off My Lawn!!”
So you get to respawn at base that’s not fair but okay
That is one insane honeycomb of a base. Very nicely done
Idk wtf going on but I subscribed
This looks like a headache simulation
The way his base is built is genius
That was incredible. Subbed
Bruh cool vid i just subscribed, pls upload more vid
What is this game?
code leak ez code raid
lol did you change ur password after this
well played sir.
This is the most tactically built base I have ever seen! It’s like a damn carnival fun house
cool but u got beginner aim lmaooo
What game is this? Looks fun.
Well done indeed
I don’t know how the fuck you got in my recommended but I admit I’m impressed even though I don’t know what the fuck you’re playing.
Being solo is a blessing and a curse.
The blessing is being able to move around freely and at lighting speeds to get into various positions to gun down the enemy. You also don’t have to cousin anything but yourself.
But the curse is in the name itself. The fact that you’re solo means that if you fuck up no one is coming to save you.
Hiw anyone can be entertained by this…80s crap…is beyond me.
Um…. should I be lore impressed than you dying a million times while defending? Didn’t seem like a vet when it came to staying alive.
That base design is amazing. Gives you angles from every direction.
What are you talking about they messed you up
So where is the veteran, this noob here kept dying
This shit is pointless ☠
Rust is such a trash game
Been watching you for quite a while now?
settings pleaseeeee
I was thinking 7a.m. warrior wasn’t gonna die. I’ve played COD but wtf is this?
Bro this guy is literally cracked
No recoil you pay to be good
Master code 8217…. They didn’t come back cuz now they can walk thru your doors. Hopefully for your sake they don’t watch the video.
Idk what being a Vet has to do with this but nice hold m8
Why do u have so many bag is it a clan thing tf
We’re those npc? You smashed them like they were. Never played this before
The editing, music, content everything was great about this got another subscriber
This kind of thing makes this game retarded, and yes, retarded means stupid, for those that don’t understand, or those that are democrats.
Damn, it’s like a heroin addict up in his den with all of those injections.
Alec Baldwin took out a whole clan by himself on Rust too.
The funniest damn part about this, is that with how quickly and efficiently you kept kitting yourself and murdering the fuck out of them. They probably thought that they were raiding a base full of highly skilled players. But it was just one shooty boi.
I bought this game a long while ago, but need help figuring it out. Anybody willing to help a noob?
Someone has a drug problem!
Where do people find these 90’s graphics games!!!
They must have gotten what they wanted… Right? Did any of them make it out with loot?
Where can i find Alec Baldwin??
awesome video..only game I have that’s similar is DayZ might have to look into buying Rust looks sick😎
Did he make this base
Holy shit. This was dope as hell. Makes me wanna play Rust again.
Noobs through and through
nice goin man
This man went full vietcong, well done
Damn dude, well played!
This game is garbage
The Bourne Supremacy: Rust Edition. Well played, sir!! Are you sure you aren’t Jason Bourne ? 😮
solo but on an 8 man team?
This seems like a reeeeally boring game with alot of nothing followed by 2 seconds of fighting… this bloke died like 7 times too, I was expecting some super epic win… 😒
Nice base defense! sadly alot of the loot was either carried out or despawned huh
How to make a clan to uninstall Rust
I hope your door code isn’t the same as the rest because you just showed it for everyone lol
Solo ????….you are clearly in a clan and in a clan base…code locks and massive base does not mean solo
Not to undermind your amazing gameplay/game knowledge but that clan was pretty bad tbh
Never heard of this game but when shit hits the fan in real life I’m hoping I got folks like you on my side lol. Bet they don’t come back for a while lol
Awful gameplay you got pwned
“solo veteran” has hes grouped with 7 other dudes. Just because you are the only one online doesnt make you solo lol
Home alone Game
I like it that it says tried but they raided you hard and you got shit on big time + they got tc
Bro went your codes
This reminds me so much of my old 7 Days to Die exploits. So similar. I had 6000 hours playing that game.
Damn it looks like a ps2 game ahahaha what games you play
Welcome to RUST.
When you said ‘Clan’ my mind thought it was those guys wearing white, pointy hoods
I don’t even play this game but this was super fun too watch.
Friendly tip you can type your door codes using the little number pad to the right of your keyboard using your cursor just showed everyone your door code/s in this video hope this helps.
This base is built perfectly for sick angles with maximum cover. This dude is indeed a veteran
You’re fuc&in base reminds me of viet cong rat tunnels. Nice base!
Ur honestly fucking amazing bro
You can immediately tell he knows what he’s doing by the fact that he has so many angle covered with his base. It’s like an action move watching him navigate his own creation and expertly exploiting his position.
What game is this?
What game is this?
wuts ur setting on rust? graphics wise
I’ve seen a funny clip about this game but never knew it would be this cool. This was so satisfying to watch even though I’ve never played this game.
what game is this?
All your base are belong to us
Never played this but heard it was good, but, did he die multiple times defending his base?
Bro you outgrew the clan and now they know why
The veteran: ahhh another day another wipe.
A veteran you missed the first 40 shots..lol
Much much love and RESPECT SIR!🙌🥷
I may not be an expert, but i know when something is fuc*ed up, and they were really fuc*ed up 😂😂
Ive never played this game at all but have seen solo raiders pull some cool tactics before but solo defending your own base against a full team… jfc my guy you’re literally Rambo in Rust lol
YOOO!!! HAHA that was rad as fuck!!!
I never got this game but I have watched content on it from time to time. Pretty cool video bro keep up the content
Let me guess……u win
Why does this game look ancient?
Looking at the architectural design of this tower you can tell this person has insane conceptualizing skills.
I like how everyone has to shoot each other 46 times to kill them. ?
Ty for respawn
How’d you know they were coming and at that time?
How is this game fun for anyone if dude can just keep respawning in his base and using more weapons…? And then respawn outside and block them in? This game seems like the worst possible meta gaming and min/max without any real thought to building.
Don ALejo is that you!?
If one of you in this comment section was a raider, quit the game. You have been straight embarrassed
“Don’t let raiders win in online gaming.” -Sun Tsu, The Art of War (Probably)
i want to know what that first song was called
Nice fight, i wonder how did you build that huge base solo on official vanilla server.
Are all your door codes 8217? Asking for a friend.
What game is this and how do I play it someone please tell me!
Watching this makes me miss playing rust and building all fast lol
How the hell he pick up and put on all the armor so fast?? This is so much pressure hahaha
how many hours do you have in the game?
The poise that you have during the raid is crazy. So calm. My ass would be terrified lol
Amazing bro!!
Nice defence mate. Subbed 👍
That base tutorial is a must🔥🔥
It was a awesome mind gaming base!
You showed your pin code at one point in the video. Others may have mentioned it but i didn’t see it.
No words just…… Damn
This is what happens if John Wick’s dog lived and grew big enough to guard the house.
Congrats on your biggest video so far man 🔥🔥🔥
The Rambo of rust
Holy 3090 those graphics are insane
You for like 20 times. Why is this a thing?
The base design is very well done but for you to know your way around is even more impressive
Bro is a legend didn’t even eat breakfast n saved the base
The coolest rust base I ever saw
bad raidedrs
Plz make a base tutorial
im sorry but your are horriable
The base layout was so damn good and honestly not to sure what the premise of this game is but this was so cool to watch master vet at 7am
Livin the life
I have played this game for absolutely 0 minutes. But I can tell this was intense!! 🙂
Cool video bro
The Rambo of Rust. GG!
I never played Rust but this was amazing to watch. Great execution and hats off to your 160 IQ
Your friends waking up at 11am to discord messages like:
Sent 0708: Nvm
Ive never played rust but this was just amazing to watch!
“Solo veteran”. Cringe.
100% Hacks
death by a thousand peeks
Ahahah yes you SOFT DUDE!!!
You fracking MACROS and maybe SOFT!))) Idiot! Not veteran!
In the shower watching.
Weak base, ez raud but great defense
what server do you play on?
Doesnt rly look a solo does it
respects to this man bruh 😎 RUST LYFE BABY 🙌🏼
I don’t play rust but I understand the basics so to speak. This was really satisfying to watch. Great work man
I’m imagining him alt tabbing to discord, and being like “false alarm guys I solod that whole raid party take your time”
This was incredible, the strategy was amazing 👏 👏
Can someone explain to me how a solo can manage to get this much resources on a vanilla server? Like do they just play 24/7 i have trouble keeping up my 3*3 two story base…
POV : German Soldier At Normandy Bunker
Quality gameplay 💯
Nice attempt at a base defense. But basically they got everything and left. And we know why they didnt come back. Because they got everything they wanted already
God damn bro, all that for what dude? If you hadnt been online, that base was fucked. Man rust players confuse me
What Server was That ?
Awesome video man
Damn this game is awful
So this game is just, build a base, camp in it and don’t let it get raided … Raid other people and somehow still don’t get raided
Camp some more …. Camp some more
Pew pew….
Build a new base and camp some more … fun
Damn bro. Literally 400 IQ play there from the layout to the execution. Most people would have been demoralized but you made a surgical play on them
I don’t even play this bullshit but this was satisfying on mommassssss
this is so raw bro hell yes go crazy
Looking the tittle i thinks it is a really Bad idea
The dislikes are from the guys who lost
Song names ?
Next time would be cool to add what was lost and gained with the raid
Solo veteran lol bigger joke than covid 19
Incendiaries are the most underrated and unused weapon of the game
I’d be so frustrated
Beautiful base bud
Omg what a legend
But can it survives enardo’s zergs?
Lol that kid put gg like they won
Idk what’s happening but from one gamer to the next. U clutched it
Nice base. Nice kills lol
Hehe i know your code now
watching them hide and try to move from cover to cover while you have the smallest peak is so satisfying
Lol they are standing in a open field shooting every where that you are not. They were doomed before they even turned on the game. Nice work
Nice base but you died like 17 times you fuckin suck lol
Thanks for posting bro. What a Great and entertaining video 👍👍
How do you have no recoil
Literally have never played Rust, have no clue what’s happening on the video, but it was entertaining to watch, lol
This man is living in 2077 with the base design
This looks complicated.
jonesy……. T4Toxic sent me…….. she wants her baby back……. ribs XD
This games graphics and gun sounds seem like they are from the N64 lol!!!
You do a good job
Don’t know what this is, I guess rust? And dk why it’s in my recommended but I throughly enjoyed!
An epic base defence for a solo. Would help a lot if you had just 1 other tribe mate though. Someone you know irl ideally
That base built like a vertical maze its crazy
He’s definitely from South Boston
Never played this game. Looks like you killed maybe 10 ppl but died like 3 times. Id that supposed to be incredible?
this game looks so bad
wth 7am
Pretty awesome
This man should be named the white death. Beautifully executed man
Just amazing. You built the perfect snipers nest….. its a snipers wet dream… its sniper nest 3000 pro..
This was an amazing experience with headphones!
It was just so amazing to see that you didn’t giveup to defend your base and your base was really design for them
I can’t handle the stress of this game. Hats off for sticking with the fight.
With the game sense you have, if you do kovaak or aimlab 1h a day, ull literally become the best
Bruh…ur in a clan base how is this solo?
He was very calm, John Wick style
When I used to play rust clans whooped my solo ass
I don’t play this game but you died a crap ton lol
Bro where is the base build tutorial, i need this beautiful base
You aren’t skilled you died a lot of times.
This is confusing to me cause it shows him clearly die a few times lol
You deserved my sub
I know his door passwords
Fr we’re just playing around.
Yo, new John Wick looks fire.
I couldn’t play this game. The suspense would be TOO much I wouldnt just be sweaty I would be drenched..
Whats this game
I’m just now realizing this is the new castleminer z
Great defense, I respect the drive. I know plenty who wouldve given up.
Man I’m normally at work that early thanks for cheesing on the morning people for me
8217 going deep
I picture this is what rust would always be about. I don’t play this game I don’t have time to even start without getting raided. But this is absolutely amazing to watch. Well done mate. Hope ya keep going 👍🏽
Never played rust, but that was awesome man. 👌
This is the only man I’d trust to play B site solo on csgo
That’s where this game looks and sounds like something that Would have come out an Xbox 360 or something
What game is this and is 1st person the only option ?
I love the music on the start of raid. Anyone can tell me what is ?
Name of Game ???
Thats not a solo base
What game is this
You think after the first 7 died to the hand of god that they would run off lol
if this actuallly happened then…
me: CMON STOP RAIDING ME IM SLEEPY I DONT HAVE GOOD LOOOT:< the raiders: shuttup we done care we raid everyone:>
a veteran that needs to take a break from base building and work on his tracking
When a group of 7th graders try they’re parents coffee for the first time on a Saturday but now it’s 7am on a Sunday and none of them
Slept. Only last great battle before bed
Fuck that ladder
What you graphics settings
Talk about a one man army! They probably thought you were like 10 different people 🤣 trash offliners
Here… son listen this is what we call an addicton i know this one guy he.. works in a rehab center… he can help you.. we can get thru this
I don’t even play this game, but this was very entertaining and I can see the level of understanding you have of the game to build a base like that and defend it as such. I’m going to binge your videos now.
i wanna play this game now lol
Thank you for your service
Beautifully made base layout, make em feel like they’re fighting an army
Enough bags for every player online
fuck afd
*Welyn intensifies*
Where are those single base infiltrators/looters when you need them?
What game is this
This was so good i’m actually going to rewatch it later when i’m stoned so i can be impressed all over again (also just liked and subbed)
That base is amazing so many unique angles you can choose from to keep your attackers on edge
So they robbed you and scooted out
good actors 👍
Script on the ak
Shittin on em
When you’re IMMUNE to in-game motion sickness. Badass stuff man. Liked.
haha took all the explosives and left none in the raid base so they couldn’t blow throw thru the compound again 😂 got slammed
The whole respawning back at your base is really cute. Good gun play for real though man. We could use more like you on a real game, like DayZ🤣🤣
ill always have respect of rust players the skill and hours required on this game is insane
you a solo veteran in yo moms basement aswell?
Good stuff
Worst graphics I’ve ever seen, better on Xbox 360 on WAW
I like how people with no life call them selves veterans now.
Dude just hearing the gunfire go down felt relieving those raiders went hard
I have a feeling that one of the raider’s keyboard or monitor is broken like to lose a 3 or 4 v 1
Stop dying
Damn bro you need to do a tutorial on that base cus so many people mentioned it, it’s a great base, and the peaks are amazing.
Although I couldn’t imagine the cost
Alternative title ” a group of friends trying to have fun met a sweat at 7 a.m”
You make the game look fun, what game is this?
Solo Virgin*
What game is this
Mf’s really wake up at 6 am just to play rust 😂
Veteran that doesn’t know how to aim?
I just subbed, I appreciate these kinds of contents. Thank you for putting these out for people to watch and possibly might learn pick up some things from a veteran like you
It just look like this man didn’t even try to beat these raiders
I didn’t know solo veterans play with eight mans
Rambo you are
The rotation of spots is like a perfect clock and fluent. bet they thought they where fighting 5 different people at least! Awesome job
Seeing people who are good at this game is so cool.
idk how you can play on like 70fps man lol
Work on ya aim bro😂😂😂
John Wick?
Reminds me of rambo last blood
You should make a video of that base design frfr. Amazing plays. They for sure was annoyed of your peeks 🤣
Holy fuck I’m the 11.111 like on this video, I apreciate it 😂
The clan name must be Loot Express
This man Took the 2nd amendment to a whole new level
Damn the layout is a quite literal definition of a castle multiple firing hole to shoot ppl from without know where are you shooting at them from absolutely love the building layout u got there
Why you using scripts?
Omg I didnt know this was rust, I never got past sticks and stones
What game is this
Imagine how mad they are
Lol good shit
Those peaks are disgusting no chance for the raiders
Those angles made my mires moisy
Dude said 7v1 me right now 20v1 me B
Is that Deathwing from WoW on those doors/gates!? Now thats a throwback…
Rust sure has changed a lot
The gun play in this game is cringe
This music gave me Mass Effect vibes
Why are zergs always so bad? lmao
no way you said gg after that.. what a chad.. i wouldve said ez hahha lol
That was intense great vid.. fuk raiding u lmao..
I know there’s a link to the site for the music but what’s the actual tracks name that plays in the end? Sounds so good
Idk about you guys but these 18+ mobile games are fucking annoying asf
8:44 bro they got your core thats why. Nice solo defense attempt though
bro holy shit
I have no idea what’s going on but it looks very well executed. Hats off to you good sir
Yup you got that m249 solo
What a great choice in music that shit hyped me up lmao
This looks like so much fun, yet is also the reason I don’t play this game lmao.
This scene of Rambo last blood looks sick
Man just profited from getting raided
6:42 where is that pic from?
How are you so good
Good job veteran, your clan must be proud of you!
I don’t really know what this game is or like what it’s about but did you lose or win? You died a bunch but definitely killed more people then died. I would have rage quit after the first death.
8:13 base code 😳
Good shit
You aim is so bad and movement
Even though I had to piece everything together as the video went on, that was still awesome man and I can tell you’ve done something commendable, so hats off to you
Wp, nice base for defence.
You should change your codes we just saw them
What is this game?
solo veteran but he has 8 people in his team
Dude showed me his password
What happened post raid?
That was tight
We have the High Ground.
I don’t even play rust but I always have loved watching skilled players play it. You sir are a madman a true professional.
Never understood the attraction of these types of games. You spend hours building a base just so some idiots come along and destroy it and steal all your stuff… rinse repeat …. YAWN
Music ?
call an ambulance, call an ambulance! *but not for for mee*
Awesome video ! Anyway we could get a how to built on this behemoth of a base ?
At first the raiders probably thought there were at least a few ppl fighting back for sure!
Great watch for cardio
Raid failed.
I mean they did get inside the core and probably dipped with some stuff right?
That base is sick
They musta thought you had a whole army with you. Lmbo
nerd vs nerd
I don’t even play rust but damn that was crazy
Dat base tho dayum
Pc players taking jackets over hqm plates🤦
What’s the point of the suppressor
Respect man. I just started playing Rust on pve server just to learn things and i cant kill a boar. You… You just… Idk.. wow. Hat Down sir
I wont lie the base is well thought out & had amazing angles but that aim needs some major work
Damn, Good Job Mate and nice base
bruh eat something
That was intense yo. Superb plays bro. Also that base was lit
Nice man you gave these fuckers a fight. Rockets def need a nerf tho. It’s too ez to just pummel a base from a distance. They destroyed TC like 2 min in, no?
6:00 i would have thrown my dog…
*Legendary, love the base layout btw*
Holy that base design is killin it
My man’s actually waited for them to start raiding lol
you built this base solo on official servers? oof grass needs to be touched.
What game is this
Im so bothered with how good yet how bad his aim is
After seeing this and Frost’s Rust videos I’m going to have to get my group back together
Back in my day, you had to have c4 to raid.
Good defense man. The one thing I hate about people who post content about raids is when they raid bases when no1 is online to defend, how is that content?
How u control the m249 like that?
No matter how many hours I put in training maps I cant get that amount of recoil control got any tips?
Is this on console
Good shit man. Way to keep bringing the fight to them. Loved it.
Love the vid 🔥
Hey that’s my name
I bet this all started with defending a wooden shack back in the day. Now look at you! Awsome.
base built like a mcdonald’s play place
Just 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Hahahaha Dropped the base codes
nice roof and Shooting window designs
and also Amazing PrinceVidz Hammer
Nice shooting. Your base is crazy
A video on how to build tHis base would be pretty cool
This solo veteran is not solo if you look at the bottom left you can see a clan there but they are doing this solo so it still counts.
I see clan TRIES to raid solo and I gotta click 😂
Excellent video…. Subbed 👍🏽
Bruh, you left me speechless. I couldn’t do that even if I tried
Please do more of these videos, I have never seen this game in my life but your playstyle is just amazing 👏 very fun to watch
What’s the servers multiplied amount(1x-2x-5x-10x-100x)? Also nice base how did u make it?
what game is this
i don’t play this game but i can only imagine how annoying this can be
Jesus loves you very much repent and believe onto Him and be saved from eternal punishment of sin amen, Jesus DIED + SUFFERED 4U <3
MoH shit
feels schwifty scripty
6:00 the ladder got me more pissed off then it probably should of
“Solo veteran”
Shows door code in recording.
Dam I know you had to be panicking
I aspire to be this good
“solo”, spawns in with a group of 7 other teammates (who was offline, granted), aside from that great vid
Loot goblins vs well equipped madlad
800 now
Thought this was pubg when i clicked on video 😐😂😂 ill be going
Bruh this dude is savage but the base is legend 27
Yous a bad man!
they must have been *salty* after this fat L
Is there a build tutorial on this base? I love it !
Reminds me of the time my friends all logged off and I was just AFK crafting then away to log off myself until I heard the rockets hitting the base. My base was no way near the size of the base in the video but I think it was one of the most fun moments I’ve had in rust, well worth sacrificing a hour of sleep for.
When you and your Bois wanna do one last raid before calling it quits and you choose John wick’s house
You mean an 8 man solo
7:00 am pt or 7:00 am est
The angles and the structure of the base is actually so genius
Pulled off an alone in Tokyo 1v10 base defense. Well done. Definitely subbed, liked, commented. Looking forward to more
What song is this?
What game is this lol
base code lol
not solo you were just the only one on at the time. still in a zerg lmao
Thought the video said Solo VIETNAM Veteran lol 😄🔫
“Solo” has team names on screen LUL
Such a sick base. so many slick angles 👌🏼
Very nice honestly
What game is that
I don’t understand we see some fights and? Maybe the raiders take all the loot and they gone 🤔
This mans scripting his ass off
Your base design is insane,
there’s literally stuff I’ve never seen before in any rust video whatsoever.
very nice
Base design?
Bro the production quality of this is amazing. Great music. The text slides weren’t too long or anything. Great vid man keep it up! 👍
Agustabell door c:
I get wet when I see a base with peaks like that … This defense was only enabled by the outstanding base design
Hey man you put the door code in
“how TF is he getting behind us and on top and below?!”
– these raiders probably
Im technically a veteran but im still not good
Very nice raid defense but a 2×2 for a zerg? Cmon
The amount of peeks on this mans base is just incredible
very cool base damn🤯
You are lucky that they had no idea what are they doing, probably their first 10 hrs of gameplay
No skills
Yo I saw these guys post a tik tok and it was your base and everything. Their tik tok blew up and you destroyed them.
That “gg?” at the end was the cherry on top
Bro, I dont even play Rust anymore but this shit got me going 🤣 Such a legendary defense. Perfect seal. Definitely miss this game.
Nice Code 8217
base vid?
Bro tbh i was more worried about his hunger bar
You’re a fucking beast, would love to have you as an ally. You earned another sub
Mate I’m sat here smoking my goodnight zoot and I’m in awe at how you pulled this off. I have never played rust but you’ve earned a sub from me <3
This video feels weird
I don’t even play this game but those angles were nasty af.
This video is tight but… I see solo veteran and he’s in a party of 8. Why?
Can you do the tutorial for that base?
code leaked
Says solo but there are 3 teammates sleeping in his base lol
I’m ngl I don’t play rust bc of how toxic it is sometimes and just the time it takes to grind sometimes but my god was this entertaining and well edited earned a sub from me fam much love<3
So, 8217 is for all doors? 🧐😁
I’m not a Rust player but this was awesome. Very well played sir. Fuck offline raiders, in your game and in mine 😃
What is you dpi and sens
This is very cool base do you have a tutorial on how to do it
They probably thought it was more than one guy defending lmao
Nice videos man, got yourself another subscriber 🤙🏽 The music was the cherry on top of my food while eating.
Oh how the turn tables
Base build?
Offline Raids until 4am I understand…. But 7am offline? That’s a whole new world of grubby
“Solo veteran” *pauses video at **0:01* *sees full group no key locks*
Not aloneintokyo
When you don’t know time zones and thinks everyone is playing at 7am
Rust players are different I question some ppl😭I go raid and there up at like 6am like dude go to sleep
3:57 bullet passes .2 inches from his face
God is good amen .
But would a solo veteran reveal his code on a youtube video…?
Absolutely genious plays, well done mate.
Yooo dude this was an awesome video
One of the most painful thing in rust, losing a raid, losing defend and SOmEoNE TeLLinG yUo tO RePAiR ThE BAsE ThAt u DoNT kNoW WhATs tHe LaYOuT
Veteran don’t ever call urself dat
0:12 say Alone not Solo , you got all that base from a big clan not just you
some rambo type of shit right there, well done
pov: you spend 13 hours on a game and cant remember the last time you have been in contact with ultraviolet photons radiating from the sun and also cant remember when you have spoken to a female human
thanks for base codes
Man this base is so cool and unique. A 2×2 inside a circle inside a shell with split peek downs that connect to gatehouses and tc and room for double compounds, as well as all the peekdowns that just work amazingly. Would love to see a build guide on this
You’re really bad, but the persistence you had is key in these situations.
I like
Uh if it’s fine is there a video or is this your guys own base design I would like to know thank you! Amazing video btw
solo veteran? so the clan base was built just by you and other 7 people in the team are just some neighbours?
two raiders raiding my base
Me: f*****kkkkkk f•kkkkkkkkk helpppppp f••kkkkkk
Good job man i know ill never be able to do that
Nice Defense! Another Sub here 🛎
You truly deserves more love and subs, all of rust YouTuber I seen no one is as skilled as you are.
Keep up the good work.
That’s sad they failed a online against a solo skilled solo but still I’ve only failed once Bc we didn’t have enough boom
what r they doing
lmao they looking at walls
Amazing, PC ?
Code reveal
The legend himself
Thats the best, most defendable base ive ever seen
Why would you even risk a 7v1 raid defense tho your an 8 man if not more I would have atleast got one teammate online or atleast messaged them
Dude what an epic raid defense! You kept a cool head and handled your shit! That base layout is also super cool. Build video?
You did your thing bro, keep it up 💎
Clan raiding clan, but theres is just 1 person ON, different, no solo there, click bait
good scripts like every other youtuber out there
Great video
A little planning goes a long way. Fence in the airlock, overlooked by so many bases.
Awesome.. another “ALONE IN TOKYO” found 💗💖
those demon doors and sick!
Gotta be a zerg they almost dint resist.
good base
That is probably the coolest base I’ve ever seen
No hablo inglés pero la verdad es que puff, que buena defensa de base quedaron super clown, eres una máquina
You show a lot of game sense here. You let them commit with rockets instead of attacking the guy on their raid base, then start with silenced m2 to confuse them, constantly move to different peeks, spawn outside to wall them in with their boom inside your base, then enter through the hole they made because it’s the least likely place for them to be watching since they know you were just inside. Well played man, this is the reason online base defense is my favorite part of Rust, with a good build, skill, and a lot of game sense you can beat the odds.
I knew this was gonna be a banger as soon as the music kicked in
Uses med kit and 3 stims for 41 health
Edit: The overall aggressive healing hurt me
Like watching you but have no time to play at Rust..
How did your teammates react when you said “you defended the raid against a clan yourself?”
That was one hell of a defend along with a great clan build. It’s nice to see and honest player defending without scripts
Lmao you have like 3000 sleeping bags wtf
Base design?
Like a fucki** pro
Pls teach me to build houses like this
What a good base does to a mf
I don’t watch or play rust but this looked pretty sick, great job defending
base build tutorial?
cool video, even tho i dont know much about rust, i can still tell u are absolutely cracked at the video game.
Did they get your rockets? Nice defense:D
Yeah but your aim is shit bro😅
Where i can see the base design
nice vid . subscribed . also a veteran
Nice base bro You Destroyed hole Team 😂
He’s cheating I saw it
Rust is so garbage
I’ve never played rust, I’ve just watched videos really but I know m249 is what everyone wants..so if anyone can educate me on why he seemed to be going between AK and m249? Does ak do more dmg or something?
damn, i had epidemic a few years ago. the quality of music they are putting out is getting amazing. that song is making me nostalgic. Nice gameplay btw haha
Your a god of men shout out for the solo People y’all farmers at heart
Fuckin chad
This prolly da best base I’ve seen so far
“when a clan tried to raid a virgin that doesn’t go outside of his house in rust at 7am”
How dour guns have 0 recoil??
That’s base design is insane, my god
I’m guessing you defended solo but not solo.
Damn, this really felt to me as a fast action, the highest state of jeopardy, dooms day, war or something simillar, very dramatic. Very interesting and thrilling to watch, you really are a skillful player, gj man…. 😉
Give hand cam and i verificate
Nice makro BRUUH
I can’t even raid a 2×2 and seeing this just blew my mind
You sir are awesome.
6:05 fcking ladder lol
aloneintokyo vibes
Nice macro
Alone in tokyo is proud
life is nowhere to be seen
The amount of bags on the map is staggering lol
8217…8217…8217…. NOW…what server did you say you played on again?
Really cool Base!
The “Veteran” with macro… sad tho
you already know his clan was proud when they saw this video
One incendiary while they were building my dude.
Gud music man
He isn’t solo
Definitely subscribed
Dope bro keep it up
i know your codes
What are the name of the songs?
Just like aloneintokio. Epic base defence against all odds.
Insane. Best base layout I’ve ever seen and I’ve never played rust. Good shit.
So bad spray with m249 but movements were fine
Good job mate ✌
Kids cant even what? 6v1? Pretty sad. Is there a video on how to build the base you built?
Better title: when clan tried to raid nerd at 7AM
Bad base . ..so cheap 2 walls))
In my oppion really really high iq and nice base
be honest on a scale of 1-100 how bad did u rage
You should make a solo base loudout video bro
the desync at 4:48 brooo 🙁
Base design?
video of this base¿?
This way off topic but what if they add a suppressor for rockets
When virginity is a lifestyle
Solo veteran lol your 8 mans just off
the real question … was this morning or night for you
Wow! What a great raid defence. Even more amazing that you did it solo! Is interesting to watch your strategy and it gave me ideas how I can better prepare for raids. Thank you.
great vid
Lol, you ain’t solo, maybe for the raid, but not the wipe.
pull the suppressor off
Solo veteran. YAP… Hes in a team of 8…. Lmfao!
Goated 💯 good shit homie
Felt like an alone in Tokyo video.
mans like john wick killing people like its nothing
Insane stuff man, great video. Also the base design is really cool.
Good job Jonsey!
u showed ur code
”solo” with 8 people in his team lmfao
your asscheeks got clapped for zerging the whole day, this vid is funny because your main loot got wiped
That is amazing to me to see a solo have a base like that and have all of that loot ! Deff a chad Great video
Ima need that….. that base please
One eye open when im sleeping, one ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ
You can enter keylock pin with your number pad on keyboard.
I just came watching this
I’m not gonna lie I think I was in that clan that tried to raid you.
shithead ladder at 6:00
base build plz
This base was built for this lol, been waiting all its life time since it’s built for this moment, epic defense, should definetly try psychological tricks with this base like shooting with different weapons, from M2 to AK to LR to SAR to custom to MP5 that’ll confuse em for sure, makes them think there’s more people and when they’re not getting shot at they think they’re safe there and cant be seen but the truth is you’re just moving around, done it when I was getting raided by a 20 man clan solo with a basic compound, got them all running, didnt get of their loot from dead body but at least I only had to seal 2 walls instead of getting raided, to be fair they were prolly new and pretty bad, they don’t know spray pattern
Yo those peaks doe! 🔥🔥
The amount of sweat is sad
That is the greatest shooting floor I’ve ever seen
the fact that you stayed very calm is actually impressive 😀
Very impressive fam gg
When your in a clan on 9 and call yourself a solo
Never played Rust but played all the other survival games, it’s true offline raiders Cant pvp lol
real mvp is the guy who sent out the tip in global chat
I need a base vid
Nice little solo base.
“solo” “has like 8 players on his team”
Gg wp
Dam nice job what’s the base design? seems really secure
Very very good at game but prolly never spoken to female
Congrats the YouTube algorithm is dtf
Did you make the base if not u mind sliding over the design
Throughly impressed
those 3 walls we’re such a clutch!
props to you my g, fire video and fire defense, OFFLINE LIKE THE REST ZzZzZzZz….
Base design was pretty cool with those angle peaks and also the halfway / window steps. That was sick. I gotta see a design on that to add it to my pallet.
The defense of this fucking base design is insane
Can you send builder sanctuary code
What is the base design?
Nice probably made them raiders rage quit lol also is that blooprints base desighn?
Base design is chefs kiss
You ever do a tutorial for that bases design that base design was my favorite base by far
That was good
“All music can be found on Epidemic Sound.” but what’s the name? Just want the first one.
What base design is that?
I’m guessing you are using the abuser
How are you running a base that massive all alone without playing all damn day? You gotta have farmbots or something man
He said put me in coach
Didnt even realise it had been 9 minutes! Great defense!
This dude clearly doesn’t analyse proportional integral and derivative control for process systems to make a living. Get a job
I noticed, the aim-bot detects the first guy. Extremely precise and quick (all headshots)!!! but fails to get the second and you got killed, all the time. I’m just saying 🤷.
Could you do this design? It is amazing and i would like to use it with my friends if you’re fine with it
8217 better change that code wtf bro why u put it out
Damn you’re good bro 👌👌👌
Gg man you played really well! Earned a sub 🙂
Everyone: damn he’s pretty good
Me: *getting anxiety over base decay*
The moment you start raiding and you hear the silenced m2 raining holy hell down on you is the moment you know it’s not going to be easy lol great raid defence the base looks great so many angles to hold. Subscribed to see more.
Imagine u and ur clan decide to offline raid someone and get destroyed by a solo…. That’s a rip
You should do a video on base design.
How manny hrs you got?
settings? discord?
That deserves a subscribe and like
I need this base design damn
Having extra fences stored in your airlocks was brilliant, so simple yet ingenious
You know you and your zerg is shit when they offline raid a tower base and lose to a solo
Could you make a smaller version of this base for a solo or even dou please. I really liked those angel openings . Great video and base
Nice video, specially your base design just amazed me.
im really enjoying your content keep this up man. much love
Awesome raid defence mate, and even more awesome base, would love to see a tutorial on that base, new sub earned!
Wow, another AloneInTokyo rust player, nice! no anoying talking!
Base build please
How do you afford upkeep on a base like that as a solo? Seems huge!
that is the hottest 2×2 I have seen
Trash .
Nice base
base build? pls
That is such a nice base can we get a build video?
when a clan doesnt realize theyre about to raid a jobless andy
Amazing defense and lets not also forget about the person that built the base he did a good job building it bro keep it up you yall make a insane team no cap
This doesn’t look like they where going for a offline
this is just sad
Damn that was well played, I cringed so hard when you led penned twice at 90 HP tho 😂
The angles on this base got my man bobbin and weavin in and out of combat like Mike Tyson, bet these raiders were bamboozled.
Pretty inspiring, big base for solo though?
I mean you aren’t a solo, there’s 4 teammates and code locks
Definitely sub. Base vid pls?
First time watching! Well played I also would like to see a base build?
need the base design
Post more rust videos 🙁
Love this, pure gold😂
Go to fucking bed wtf
Just a question why suppressor on m2?
Lol i subbed your fucking insane
those guys were trash
3:30 how tf do u look down while looting?
yikes if thats “veteran” plays.
Well with such insane peeks and multiple TC, and huge compound bases, its kinda logical that people offline those.
Its way too easy to defend such bases (not for me cause i suck) but one decent guy can defend against whole semi-decent squad.
And i guess when they are raiding small bases, the owners of small ones dont have much chance to defend. So they dont even bother to online those.
You were 1 vs like 6-8 guys, now imagine what would have happened if your team was online, these guys might as well just go and hand their rockets without a fight 😀
Anyway great skills, great video. Enjoyed this.
Fucking beasts man !
That was very impressive to watch. Very cool base layout.
-1 sub.. for NOT actually being a SOLO
your base is perfect for modded servers, but I doubt I would build anything like that on official with a smal team.
how many bags he has?
I am not an expert in clan raids but they were just rocketing wayyyy to slow for a base of that size
damn wp for a solo
Alone in tokyo style video
Anyway we could get a base build vid up? Curious to check this design out
Well done Uce
Looks like they got main loot and main tc anyways
Sounds like a gta mission at the start
Whats that base design
That was a great defence though I would recommend against showing your base code to everyone
Nice work did they get into your core?
8217 nice code bro XDXD
Good shit but not all the credit goes to you you can hear the raid base getting raided and that probobly why they stopped 🤔
Can I have the base design??
You put your code in the vid
solo veteran… doesnt even take of silencer of the m2 when spraying the raiders from the roof, neither does he use the fkn heavy helmet that was in a box
“Solo” in an 8man team zerg base
this is why i dont play official theyre all so bad
Your other mates best be doing all the farming for the next day you saved your guys wipe
Dang man how are you so good?
what server?
can i get this base design 🙂
base build tutorial??
Good defense just played to passive at the start allowing them to get in. I would play on the ground a bit more.
nice video man!
Enter your Base c0de via keyboard if you upload zerg videos
You peeked into their afterlife.
What base build do you use..?
VETERAN but with a script
not a veteran
Add more video of you sealing and everything asmr lol
can we get a base tutorial damn brah,
nice video
rust veteran having trouble building LULLLLL
Nice defense!
Something to take note of during solo raid defenses. At 3:15 you used the medkit to heal after putting yourself on bag timer instead, you could have used it to auto pickup (since you have no teammates to do the job and save yourself a respawn timer).
Why you using silent m2? Take the silencer off dude. But good work 😊
great job bro did thay got any loot ? xD
Your name is jonesy makes sense lol
What is this base design can I ask ?
Aloneintokyo be like
Whats that base design or is it an original?
Solo but when the video started I seen 2 sleepers in your base 🤣🤣🤣🤣
great vid 👍
If there wasn’t walls in that airlock/gate you would of probably lost because they would of came back
Click bait solo title but gg
This definetly gave me alone in tokyo vibes. You are a fucking beast.
Can you do a build tutorial for this base design?
I defended a 1v8 on console so I respect the way you played ❤️
They raided a clan not a solo u defended alone but they was raiding a clan so
lets be real. if it wasnt for the counters you’d be fucked
Always love watching another players play style, i would have gone much more agressive offensive but thats just how i would approach it
I play a 100x my mate has its got all my friends on it and there’s 5 big clans I’m in one and this happened to me I was the only person to defend against a 8 man
Nice spray shitter
Was it late or somthing I feel like you chocked so many times good defense tho
solo veteran with 8 people + in the group
This honestly was so satisfying to watch
Oh so you og og 🤣
What a Chad, gg man
i liked that 1 part where he killed him
Bruh why don’t you just get your other 7 team mates on 😭😭😭 it would have been such an easy defense with that op baes design
Nice defense dude good vid
you need to post the base video looks sick
Base Tutorial
Is this base a know design? Would like to learn how the shell and shooting floor is made, it’s very nice!
That base design is next level
can you make a settings video please
Absolutely mad, learned a lot!
Nice raid defense but 8127
For being solo your executed that defense perfectly minus the ladder glitch happening amazing job definitely got another subscriber
I run a almost 40 man clan (were not shit at the game ) most of us are on at different times and run in pairs with friends instead of 10 to 20 people so it’s more like a village than anything and we were getting offlined when I got on and almost 1v8 killed them and got murked by counters and we lost our main base still was so much fun online’s are really my favorite thing in rust
Earned a sub and respect I’m a console player and I hope soon I can play just like you
8217 bois
it will be better if you will take off this silencer from your M2
I could feel the rage at 6:05 when he got stuck on the ladder
You recorded putting in your code…
Surely not solo with a base like that
wow wp
I cant be the only one wondering what exactly they got away with???
That clan sucked
good video
I wanna play this server, what s the server name?
Why wait for them to start? Surely killing them before they get a fob means they leave
Shredding face masks for fun there
good shit
Super chilled, sick vid ez
I like offline raiding. I hate that feeling when you start and then they’re online
The rage when you clip onto the ladder and cant shoot … ive had that happen so many times
Nice defense as always. Lit video man
Good vid like always
shite pal