The Rust+ App came in clutch today.. (SOLO VANILLA RUST #10 S56)
Tweets by shotsRUST
Discord: https://discord.gg/zVTGaRM
PC Specs: https://bit.ly/2X4IGQE
RUST cfg: https://bit.ly/2SwIYeT
#RUST #shots #weirdo
Taqs:rust,rust pvp,rust survival,rust solo,rust gameplay,rust raid,rust raids,rust 2020,rust clan,rust plays,rust zerg,rust raiding,rust solo survival,rust funny moments,rust clans,solo rust,rust compound,rust huge loot,rust funny,rust movie,rust pvp highlights,rust best start ever,rust update,rust duo,rust solo pvp,rust base,rust treasure,rust base build,rust rocket raid,new rust,rust montage,rust jackpot,rust console,rust cars
コメント (212)
76 deerrrrrrr
that laugh though🤡… If you don’t know what I mean skip to 14:03
29:20 i love to sniff gas all the time still do tho ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ
Half the time I fell like he’s talking to another person but I sure he’s not
And i use to eat babypowder.
Your pretty cool even after getting raid you still play on the same server.:)
12:44 What was that on the left the fire or idk
76 deeeeer by by.
I hope he knows that you can get high of sniff gasolin
So 1st 10mis of that video is banging! Rust app came in very well for you as a story teller. Being raided, the counter raid and pvp that ensued was very entertaining! I’m only 16mins in the video but felt the need to stop watching and comment. Will carry on with the video now. Thanks for the hard work and hours you put into your craft. Been a joy watching you progress over the years. 👌🏻
Tap firing ak?
My girlfriend just saw 5 seconds of your video and she think you’re playing My Little Pony. Maybe less horse riding 😛
Bruh I love u shots best video ever I think that the Cobins are so funny because I swear the atitude of a player is made from his base because when ur playing and building the cabin I swear u don’t play serious and it’s so funny and the people u play against are so funny because they are so stupid I swear it’s because of the low pop sever u play on lol alright man and I love how ur mindset is like everyone I see is a weirdo keep it up bro full on respect to you!!!’
Was the horse placement during the raid intentional? Or just lucky for the raiders?
Your stupid for keeping both the garages doors open
76 weirdo licking deodorant sticks.i also have a thing with pain where if it hurts I’ll do it again.Yesterday I stuck my finger in the cup where the lightbulb goes and it shocked me and I really wanted to do it again but i kept it back know that I think about it I really wanna do it,why am I retarded.
Pleeeease stream dude.
Yep when ur 5,6 or 7 deodorant stick r the shit
i bet when you were seven yo breath smelt nice
Hello derr
i LOVE YOUR vids
Rust + saved my base from being raided by a 5 man of 10 y/o all I did was place one shotgun trap and all of them jumped in front of it 😂
Dylan or should I say “I grew up on spongebob”
your whole raid defense is just NOPE NOPE NOPE to me… watching you trying to place that wall.. you should of just kept trying and not give up on it. another bad thing was when you placed that flame turret there.. i was like oh no when the raiders figure out to blow that up you’ll be cooking alive dylan. just when you called them idiots i was like ‘dylan nooo you’re the idiot”
18:01 i love that laugh lol
I started watching your videos maybe a week or two ago and I just wanted to say, the commentary on these videos hit different. Lovin them… Oh and 76?
you fought hard but we came out on top also im pretty sure i have that horse shoe you were my first raid
76, loving the cabin.
that was a god game!! you re pro <3
if Dylan talks in game it means that he’s in a good mood or bad mood .
u have got so much better at talking to people im working on it rn too!
Hey dylan try setting up the motion sensor and all its pretty easy to set up and helpful too…
Shots should probably change his base design soon
Honeycomb ur base
Did you really just say you used to huff gas fumes?? Yeah that will kill some brain cells LMAO
76 Caramel Machiottos
You could’ve closed the garage door and repaired the turret
At 20:30 you could have repaired your turret
It’s just sad that u get raided before us finish your base
What’s the meaning of life and what is it worth living for
I know this man didn’t just say “I used to lick deodorant sticks”
Can I just say….. I used to also lick deodorant as a child and huff gasoline too. And I’m also a slow child🤷🏽♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bag and a hidden stash with guns and gear set outside…. again. Surely the possibility of having a set stolen by esp hackers a day outweighs the loss of a base because you get stuck inside unable to defend every time. It also gives you the chance to defend an online.
love the videos but got really frustrated watching this one, you played it so passive. Waited around, too worry to lose it all that the waiting itself made you lose the raid bro. (My comment is not meant to be negative, just throwing my 2 cents in)
The number 76
Nice try though
Flame trap on the clutch
Im dying.. picturing dylan licking deodorant and sniffin gas
28:30 i was literally talking about this today lool some kid did it at my primary school xD
76 <3
Why you dont play with zan anymore
why u play on the same server where viewers know? ull get raided quickly, pls
You were raid blocked that’s why you couldn’t repair that wall. You can see that stupid block of wood sitting on the foundation. It’s there for like 30 seconds I think
Why dont you hunnycome ur base der
Amazing vid made me laugh all the way through
76 The Matrix is an eye opener to the world we live in… WHICH PILL WILL YOU TAKE? RED OR BLUE…
Good try 76
Great job being clam during the raid… Impressed!
bruh those kids are pussies for going full mega try hard on a solo. lmao so sad
Honey combing should of been done when you had the chance which could’ve lead to them running out of boom.
Make a beach house next time
dylan put in spiral stairs!!!!!!!
Dylan my clan were the ones that raided you and I feel really bad I didn’t even realize you where a solo until we saw the locks after raiding. The funniest part is that when we were looking at it we said huh this looks like Dylan’s base design. We all love your videos best of luck to you and your adventures. Keep up the good content
I love and laugh so hard when he talks about takin a big horse shit haha
the wall was also raid blocked, you can see the block of wood at the bottom
Gone on the weekend just did i a 3 video marathon to catch up and here I am.
“lick deodorant sticks”…. DYLAN what did I just hear, derr…
Please stream Minecraft
76 ^-^
76 Good video Dylan, would love to see you livestream something 🙂
The cabin is without a doubt the most least bragadocious design ever. Shots, you shoulda made the desgin where it was 4 squares and a triangle pointed outward and focus on HQ the triangle and it’s walls, then wood for the rest of the cabin and also inside, make it into a reinforced window slot and a half wall blocking the tc so if you get raided they won’t go for the TC, and stream pls
I went to a trade school in Virginia while in high school. I saw a kid with coke bottle glasses walk into the bathroom and drop his underwear and pants to his ankles at the urinal. I only ever witnessed something like this once in my life so it’s super rare but disturbing lol. I can’t believe Shots also witnessed something like this 🙂
76 is the year of the dog
this man turns from doing a silly aussie accent to discussing his possible future if he keeps holding his real self inside , this is why i love you man (76 <3)
28:17 there was a dude at my school that used to do the same thing lol it was so freaking weird. Don’t feel bad about licking deodorant, I used to eat all my sisters chapstick when I was a kid 😂 stuff was so good
Also you could have got the gun out the turret after it broke
you would be so much better with an if you just learned the spray. I know your spray is decent but learning every bullet of it is worth. you will get to a point where you feel more comfortable spraying in-game.
What server he play on?
You have to admire your bounce back!. p.s. stop talking about your bottom stufyy,,,eekkk
You had a grenade too. Never underestimate the power of grenades! Glad you fought back. That was awesome! You should stream. 76
76 sucks that you got raided but the cabin is cool
Man had some deodorant popsicle
Deodorant is a poisonous neurotoxin, that can cause brain damage and elevated levels of Estrogen .. look it up.
76 🙏
Damm nice vid and amazing title
You don’t ever honey comb your base that’s why you always get raided
dylan if you have the materials u gotta use it. stone honeycombing would’ve bought you time. as a solo player i always key lock my boxes too it pisses raiders off. good try with the defense though
76 you can glitch thru window with ladder inside your new base cuz u put chair there! just saying…. also you can eco raid easily from the roof you put there…
Love you Dylan
dylan, i was happy to see you actually defend, you did really well. Always enjoy your videos, keep it up man. Bad trios will always target solos.
NOOOO WE GOT RAIDED AGAIN I AM GETTING ON MY NERVES,dylan half of it was your fault cuz you should have made honeycomb.yep so ye bye and love ya❤️
76 also I must say those adhd moments really do crack me up
You will get pimples on your face if you sweat all I can say is to take more showers and keep your face clean. not calling you dirty Love the vids!!
8:10 chad spray XDDDDDDD
Please not the cabin crap again! Noooooooooo.
Big piece of lumber derr
the aussie accent is epic lmfao
i swear to fucking god when i was 7 i licked deodorant sticks, mom would take out hers and forget it and then i open it and lick it, and i swear to god i love to sniff gas off of car exhausts not any gas there was a specific one that suited old cars omfg
wish i could play this game, dylan makes it look soooo cool!
Feel like you should focus more on the honeycomb on the base early game, coz you would’ve probably never got raided if you just had honeycomb, mind games, I think, hope you see this coz it would prob get you raided less
nice defence well played
Just admit it – you licked the deodorant again just for old times sake ?
the raid was nice 🙂 not much you could have done
omg yes!! is the toxic voice chat back??? would be awesome!! (that bow kid really sucked lol)
YES!! the cabin is back!!! I LOVE IT!!
loved the video!!! can’t wait for cabin gameplay!!
you could’ve picked upp the garage doors from the old base derrrrrrrrrr
whats ur outro i love it
ye man why you dont build a secound little base for storage… when you so stacked then do it… you can win much more easy online rais or start from that loot when you actually raided man 😀 derrr
Gasoline smells good but not deodorant
Dylan those pimples be herpes it’s may not be the sti but any pimple round there is a form of herpe lol
You are hilarious i love you😂💞💚
You said it yourself you are scared of humans like wtf😂😂😂😂im going to give you an advice iwas like you i mean not scared but i always think about what people are going to say about me so every time i do something i get scared and think that people will say something bad about me and thankfully now i dont give afuck about what people say about me so from all of this just stop caring about people’s opinion and live your life with your own choices not by people’s choice
Ur off point aim is my god aim
When you closed the garage door to craft meds you could have repaired the auto turret
You should really have a compounds
76 face your fears
Maybe your best vid btw
Finally delyn building something new my dream has become true😃😃😃🙂
Imagine once a month you stream on a random server for a day and let your viewers interact with you!
Kinda feal bad for offline raiding a solo now my name was fake_taxi lol
76…Derr….numbers are back..;-)
Love u dylan
‘Licked deodorant sticks’, LOL.
When a trio raids a solo rip
Hey Dylan I have always loved the smell of gasoline/petrol and it’s never done me any bad Der. ha ha.
if it’s dogs ears then I’ve been saying it wrong for many ears.
Love the LiL Cabin adorable…76
fucking nice
Those kids suck Dylan don’t worry bout it you did great <3. imagine tryharding on a solo derrr
solo raided a solo
If you had a “store base” you could have spawned there and destroyed them.
Put a hazie custom gearset in a stash next to an outside bag, it has saved me a bunch of times
76 derr <3
Licking the stick hey👍😎👍76 need to work on raid defense maybe have multiple entry and exits so you can sneak loot out.
Not gonna lie, you need to make a better base design. It’s quite weak in my opinion
Was popping pimples throughout my teen years or every time I have one now, not a single scar. Not a good idea to leave pus i your body. Btw I’m from Lithuania so don’t judge my grammar.
You deserve more subs…
I’m not gonna lie I’ve been watching every video fully for like a month
You need to upgrade the base fr,thats the only reason they raid you,because the base looks easy to raid
It kinda annoyed me that you didn’t just repair the turret when you were making meds
Delyn be a fricking man and turn on players voice pleasssssse😢like you are so annoying because you are scared of people😑😔
You can do so much stuff with the rust+ app like activating tesla coils if you get raided and turn on furnaces using the egniter and open doors and stuf like just search on youtube and thank me later😊💞
Seventy Six 👍
u ArE eEeEvVvIiIlLl
Yo shots what’s cool with the heart beat sensor is that theres a power in and a power out and you can obviously power it by putting it in power in and then the power out you can plug it into a smart alarm so if you label where that heart beat sensor is it will notify you where exacily where they are in your base you only need like 3 I tested it on a build server with your base design where its currently stated *before you got raided lol*
You are a LEGENDARY youtuber, keep up the LEGENDARY work. lmao
the guy at 7:30 is cheating, the dude literally was peaking you before you jumped
Not sure if you realized but they guy that you said you felt bad for killing who had the raid loot was the guy who was raiding you. When you woke up on the death screen his name was Donnie.
Thanks for the upload! Gunna recommend using the camera system to help with door campers. It might lead to some decent encounters too, who knows?
shots Give me a shout out
I’m a bit late but at least I’m here derrr
Love the vids
I’m a simple man… I see a shots video posted 4 minutes ago and I click
Love u Dylan
love the vidz
I love your vids, I’m a siege player but u make rust fun for me to watch
1 minute ago?!? we lit baby
i broke my mouse trying to get to this, also i feel so bad, you put up such a good fight
I smell u
Thanks for the video appreciate the work! <3
ey notif squad
Finally early
Lmao i love discord stuff
Thank you discord!
Love your vids im from Sweden btw
i am getting veirded out rn
Ive never clicked faster
Day 289 of bring back “get sauced on”! Went out looking for mushrooms today, sadly only found poisonous/unedible ones…
Also the whole pooping on people? Stop teasing me <3 derrrr