How to Load to a Rust Server 20-40% Faster! #rust #shorts
The new experimental setting “Optimized Loading” can dramatically increase load times to server, but they may also crash you instead so test to make sure the setting works for you.
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Taqs:rust,rust boost,rust crash,rust load faster,rust load quicker,rust load times,rust load to server,rust loading,rust settings
コメント (107)
loading 10 000 assets takes me like 2 hours please help me
2 minutes to load, bro I’m jealous.
I’ve been having issues for awhile.
No joke my loading time is about 20 minutes.
I’m up to date on updates and also tried reinstalling. No luck.
Pc gamer with good connection.
only 137 secs i load in like 30 minutes
it takes me 45 minutes to load into rust
I take 20 minutes to get to 1169/11199
I use full and I load in about 45-55 secs on average. Usually just enough time to take a quick whiz and wash my hands. I don’t crash when loading in but I do get eac authentication timeouts frequently
Could you show me your specs?
Thanks bro the first time I tried to get on a server it took 2 hrs and it crashed instantly
takes me about 1 hr to get to spawning world
Nice now it only takes 8 hours!
I have partial and it still takes years
Partial does not make a difference … still takes an equal amount of time
What is the name of this song?
You load in in 137 seconds but it takes me 137 minutes to load 😂
My game take 20 average to join a game is there a fix or just trash oc
Mine takes 30 mins
I have multiple drives, i had to double check i did install the game on one of my ultra fast nvmes, turns out it was indeed in the damn nvme.. wth facepunch
It takes me 40mins to load into any server
Wow 20 seconds
bro said 127 seconds off mine is 15 minutes
Man my game takes an hour for asset warmup
man this is great for when i can load in and not immediately crash as i load in 🙏🏼
Yo how your shit load at 137 seconds. My shit takes like 30 minutes
I dont see the full option
Bro because my ram 8gb
Looding screen in ssd need 11 minutes in medium world
I only get partial can’t find full
Help i cant load on server faster than 2 hours why
I take more then half hour idk why so slow
thanks my game now only takes 7hrs to load
Bruh I thought the video was sped up, my pc takes a minimum of 10 minutes 😂 I thought the “seconds” were minutes 🤣
I can’t do full? Is there a reason, abd can i fix it?
Wait 137 seconds? I thought it was supposed to be half an hour?
Nice now i can load rust from 4hrs to 4hrs!!!!
My Game loads 20-40 mins
it takes me like 15-30m
Full isn’t available. It’s two options. None and partial.
Bro for me it takes some hours to load in the game
It takes me 15 mins to load onto a server
Wait for you is not a day to log into a server?
went from 2 minutes to 1:50
I only play 1 server. I feel rust should atheist save all the assets on my pc so I don’t need to reload it every time
It takes me multiple hours to get into a server i hope this helps
Partial if you have a ssd
Regularry it be taking me 10-20mins to load in nowadays and i cant tab out the game without crashing
i load in after 10-15 minutes
How do you have full? I only see partial option, rust is on my m.2 p660
What happened to the full option? Did they remove?
Depends how good ur build is
I’ve used. Full before I watch this and no issues
8min with m.2 disk 😔
i got rust on my D disk(hdd) should i download rust on ssd i got alot of space when i try to load in server it takes hour to join
Well i take abt 30-40 minutes to load to server and i couldve done it in abt 20mins when u could still skip asset warup part but now i just watch 2 anime and come bafk and im in server most of the time
My rust loads very slow? Should i upgrade my ram from 8 to 16, or buy an ssd instead of a hard drive?
Why i can only put partíal?
I can’t see this option
bro i wait 6 hours for login a server
It takes me 15 mins to load in why
Why does it take for me to load to the game for 4-5 hours when its off😭
it takes 2h for me to load into rust
lucky mine loads me in 20 minutes after i click join
It takes me more than 5 minutes to load in. Not sure if its my internet connection.
It takes me like 15mins
Can someone help me my game keep crashing at the end when the settings are both partial and disabled i dont have the full settings on my pc
Whats the ssd of your pc how fast?
Still when I load into a game normally it takes like 20-30mins how does yours load in less than 2 mins
Mine went from average of about 150 seconds (2:30) to 85 seconds (1:25). Almost double as fast crazy.
How can i fix like i waited 4 hours to get in?
You get faster loading speeds but will drop your FPS. Reason why it takes so long is because your drive loads the entire game into RAM.
RAM is closest storage to CPU allowing for maximum performance.
Anybody wanna donate an ssd? My hard drive takes 20 minutes to load into a server
It takes me way to long I don’t know why
This helped me out a lot thanks broski
my rust takes an hour to get into a game
I can only see the Partial option, and I think mine probably would work with full since I’m running a top of the line SN850 that goes up to 7GB /s
Hey thx man
did you reset your computer for every test?
I use full and it crashed 1 time
Nice! Now i can see my offlined base even faster!
Bro, thank you. I play a server that takes me many eons to load into and that’s with a gig down and 1 TB m.2
Hahah me witch hdd wait 15 min to load and blocking queue
works great for me
Bro I had nfi U had to enable that new feature.. thought it was cap
“Cant use full”
I have an 1TB MX500 SSD and both partial and full cut my load time by about 10 – 15 sec.
Total load time about 2:30 now.
pretty minimal diff
it thats almost 15 minutes to me to lo in lol
And here I was taking bout 30 to 1 hour to load in >.>
I have a RTX 2070 Super and a Ryzen 7 3700x CPU but a really shitty internet. Surely the internet is the problem right?
Bro I have no SSD and I load rust for a hour long
Edit: with 8gb of RAM
I have a pretty nice computer but it only worked once for me. Crashed every time on partial or full
I wouldn’t reccomend this as my ssd got killed (I was running full loading)
Can you please do a video about how to add a triangle shelf in a square TC room? It never works for me
IDEA: Test Camouflage skin sets in a team fight. See if sets like Forest Raiders are really pay to win. Do what you did with ak vs lr and have one team using the skin set and one not using it. You could also try whiteout in snow, blackout in dark, and desert raiders in the desert.
Dude I just found this option yesterday when I was looking into rust settings and now I’m seeing this😂 I threw it on partial and it cut my load time more than half. It went from a good 10-15 mins into just 5 mins
You legend, thank you
It’s so bad, it crashed on 3 different PC’s here
sometimes it takes a few minutes. Other times more like 10min. Whats causing the difference in loadingtimes?
The full optimize load setting crashes my game during the last loading phase, and only the partial setting works for me. When I connect to an official server just right after the startup of Rust, on partial setting, I get around 3:45, and with optimize loading off, I get 4:45. But when transferring to another official server, the loading time is around 1:30, with the partial setting.
Yeah but what about for a low end pc where it take about 45 minutes to load onto a server? Will partial Acutely help?
Could you do a video testing those advanced lighting settings seen just above this one in the options menu? im not sure what kind of visual changes they make and if there is a noticeable performance impact
Best settings for rust pls sigbog for high fps and best for pvp please
Not gonna I live this for this kind of content. I love watching rust videos that go over underrated strategies, tips, and tricks. The content creator I used to watch was zprotz who did this kind of stuff, but he stopped uploading. Keep doing what you’re doing, man!
i gave up waiting on rust loading when i moved it into my samsung m.2 nvme 3.5 gb write / read and still takes ages , now i enter a server go for a walk then come back.
Thank you for this
I’ve had the full optimize option crash out quite a few times but the partial hasn’t yet so not too bad
does not work for me, when i load into servers maps are overlapped and all the map floor is missing, meaning I fall into the void and get tpd back up so I can’t do anything