Rust Console is Still Terrible
Rust Console Edition still makes me want to just play on PC…
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
Outro: bbno$ – resume
Taqs:memeio,mr,mrmemeio,mr memeio,joana,rust,memeo,memio,console,edition,rust console,ps5,ps4,xbox,broken,bad,garbage,rust on console,lag,terrible,glitch,2022,update,1.21,patch
コメント (2245)
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Nothing ever beats pc rust
6:28 ur so trash
u suck consle is good
Pls read what I suggested
Xbox controls btw are a lot better than ps
Let me tell you, it’s a lot different now
2 Years later. We have some “new” things. But its still the same basically
Rust console has changed to the pc
I pre ordered it on ps4. Played it for 30 minutes. Worst $60 ever
listen memio I think your a great youtuber but I know it’s not great but it’s all I got so stop hating on everything
Memio is just a bad controller player it’s actually pretty fun if you can’t afford a pc
When I play Rust and I still play it, I do not see the big difference between it and PUBG on the phone. It is very similar to a very large extent. 🧘🏻
Caralh# cara tô chorando de rir 😂
Pc player my self console is much better if u wanted a harder pvp experience when it comes to new rust it takes 0 skill
I would love to see u play it again
Bro pls come back
This game is pretty decent
can someone tell me whats that sound on 2:57
Try again they got a update animal’s are diffrent
1 have 5 years plain this game on Xbox
Not thru wat a joke this chanel is wara trash
Your just trash at console gaming lol
Ngl rust console is kinda fun rn they added community servers
Give it a try now! I believe it’s better
play it agian
Question can you crossplay?
pvp legend
Play again
connect keyboard and mouse with your console
Play it avain its way better now im a console
Play it again it’s so good now
It’s just awful. Unplayable.
Yo re play it’s got so much now
now that it’s been nearly 2 years and it’s significantly better, you should give it another play
Damn I remember when console looked like that it’s gotten better by 100 percent
How was this made one year ago rust console and pc are almost the same now
All I can say is bro can game no doubt (btw sorry)
idk why but rust console will never be as good as pc lmao
now i play rust console it not that bad i masterd every gun im so good
Is it better now
Try now alot has changed but still not as good as pc
16 seconds in and your making fun of me 😪
like if he should try it now!
you should try rust console again its come a long way in one year
Broken game
I subed
I’ve been playing since launch and have never seen a ginger
yo why cant the people on my server be that bad 😂🥲
Even Minecraft rust would have better graphics
It’s gotten better
It’s finally better
Broken game
Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken Game broken
Hay um console rust is gonna get better
It’s actually better now
I like that this is a console version video!! As a person who just recently found out about Rust and how cool it is!?…Thank u Memeio,Camomo, and Fancyorb for getting me hooked on watching Rust videos!!?? I think I saw this game years ago when it came out but didn’t know anything about it at the time!? If I had I definitely would’ve grabbed it!!? I like that this video is of console version too cuz all I have is console..don’t have a PC and I’ve gotten hooked on these videos and want to get Rust so I can try it myself cuz it looks fun as hell!? And as someone who really wants to get this game but only has console I like that this is a console version video cuz now I’ll know more of what to expect when I get game!? Can’t wait to get Rust for myself and try it out!!?
broken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken gamebroken game broken game broken game
In 2023 its still a bit buggy but its good
Memeio go into menu and turn off chat thingy make pvp easier well that my personal opinion
nah it still sucks and they charge more than pc for it doesnt make sense
thats your opinion
@Memeio is this on xbox one or series
every edited thing is just perfect all the time
I played this before and I still don’t know what is wrong with the moon
Fun fact it’s still terrible.
Ole heavy thumbs and the gestures all video 😂
tbh its not really a broken game u just dont know how to play it
Why is he low key salty that it’s on console, like what’s with the thumbnail? 😂
I’ve met a lot of people in game that have pc’s and say they prefer console rust because it’s simpler and much less sweaty.
I can play ryst now
I love how he keeps opening the gestures mid combat
It’s alot better now
Its actually not terribke now. Still jot as good as pc and never will be but i think they are showing it care and its reaching like old pc versions of it
this is such a lie bro is running the lowest settings on probally an xbox one
Console isn’t that bad it’s just worse than pc
Bro every fight strait up 👍 or 👋
Please play rise of kingdom
Always being solo sucks
I met big daddy
PS4 is holding back ps5 so much I am waiting for the day it’s outdated
It’s been a year REDO IT (please it is actually ok now
Just play Minecraft or Conan Exiles
It’s got a lot better
Tbh it’s good but it’s still very laggy some times and I can’t find any 10x or modded servers
Reply you won’t
Here’s the thing, pc players can barely use what they got, what makes you think console players are gonna be any better?
Wish my pc would run Rust, however stuck w/ playing on a ps4 lol Memio, I’ve been mistaken for you in game 🙂
Honestly this looks just as jank as rust pc lmao Memio just can’t use a controller
Console needs to introduce a lap based mouse and keyboard system. Controllers are garbage. I learned that 20 years ago.
Do another they’ve gotten up to farming 2.0 and are supposed to get horses and helis soon supposedly
It’s a lot better on ps5
broken game
Play it again it got better
Who’s come here after 1 year and concol is better?
Broken Game
Playing this game on a slim is a complete nightmare, if you wanna play this game I recommend either getting it on ps5 or if you have the ps4 pro
This is exactly why rust console players are more skilled at certain things
broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game bbroken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game btw yes im on nintendo switch typing this broken game broken broke game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game k im done
Broken game broken gang broken gang broken game broken game broken game broken game
13:50 made in eaven
bro changed his gender 5:15
from a console player- trust me we want to go to pc too 🙁
get a better gen of console or upgrade your graphics and try it now no hate but come on
Omg the game changed so much since last year lmao.😂😂😂
You can turn off gestures in settings it’s disable quick chat. As well as they got electricity now and cultivator update dropping in a couple days. And horses after that. Slowly getting better
My favourite YouTuber memo 😂
They still haven’t changed the God damn gesture button! This game is still trash even after today’s update! Console is dead.
Ur mistakes ur playing on play station
It’s getting here slowly and it dosent look that bad
You’re broken ha ha you fell ha ha ha ha ha
I hope it makes you sad
You say that console sucks 1 more time I’m unsubscribe
You suck Console is the best bet and if
Ass. Ass
HOW did he know that the guy from A 1000 meters was a hazmat dude this must be choreographed cause its not possible
Try public test branch. It’s smoother, smooth and just overall better graphics. 2x servers, aim train, builders paradise, etc
That ain’t rust that’s crust
“ For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”-John 3:16
He died in your place so you can be saved.
Trust in Christ and he will make his home in your hearts (Ephesians 3:17)
God bless you :).,
Why the long face memio
Finnaly it became better with the new farming new graphics
Actually I think Xbox series X might look better than Xbox 1
Consoles will always be shite LOL only console players keep defending their shitty consoles LEL
I got so annoyed seeing u turn so slow
Broken game
Bro use a keyboard can u use a key board on console 😕
#broken game
broken game
Bro now you know what I have to go through when I wanna play
Fun fact Memeio, on console you can use a usb keyboard and mouse to play like a it’s on pc.
Make a motherfuckin update sun!!!
Rust Xbox series x better than ps5
Hey man it’s basically just old rust witch was still played Hella I’ve played both Aswell but I couldn’t not like the game👌
Bro how do you have a prob with gestures
Bro it’s so good now
Sad thing is if you try to give good criticism they ban you from their discord server
Not better than pc it’s like a old version of pc rust
It’s updated it’s better 100% more than it was but thief’s no cars minus and stuff like that
use mouse and key on console u can connect a mouse and key to it before lmfao
.I think on console it’s trash loss of graphics unreal stuff thin trees itw just trash for me pc it’s the best u play every day bro and even I try on my big brothers console nah don’t like it
It looks better now
It’s looks so much better now trust
Just get beter😅
Broken game
Not gonna lie there are settings to make the game look better and also u need skill for pvp lol
11:21 I CANT 😂😂😂😂
I wonder if he knows about kb&m on console.
I just wanted to mention when you play rust, you mean a ton of rude and toxic players. Yesterday was my first day. I got raided, screamed at bullied, and I knew nothing and they called me such rude and racist comments it was insane. If you want rust, rust console is the best option if you do not have a pc but just be aware that everyone is toxic even if you be nice.
Broken game
No it is not
I think it’s only bc ur on an Xbox
I will say that if u play rust conclw with a new gen it is a lot better
Rust looked like crap when it first came out, enjoyable crap, the NPC’s where crazy silly
Sorry bro console still sucks but it’s a great start (and it’s seven years behind)
broken game
After one year i can tell you the game is stil stopped
and broken 😅😅😅
Broken game
This proves that the PC rust community is many times over, more toxic than the console community. This guys a jerk.
I don’t like how it Highlights everything you look at, even the door wth? lol
I wish I had a pc I have to play this version
12:48 is the best part of this video
Harvesting nodes or trees with a rock or even a tool for that matter it’s so cringe the crafting system takes you completely out of the game and is super slow to navigate. Is there anything about console rust that’s good because I’ve got like 5,000 hours on PC and I couldn’t even play 5 hours on the console when I bought it absolute trash.
Awesome on console but it takes a while to get good it took me 1 year to learn the basics from my friends
Wth that’s a laggy mess
broken game broken game broken game
Bro I got 2 tommys the other day but not how you’d think… I had this glitch and I saw through walls and stole someones base 💀
Rust IS terrible
“memo” xd
Worst $50 I ever spent on console. And I can’t live more then 10 minutes without someone gunning me down in the middle of the woods
I pre-ordered it for Ps4 and it was not worth it, it’s so bad. My cousin got me a PC not long ago and I’ve played rust on it and it is just completely different and way better I am never going back
Can memeio plug his keyboard and mouse into the Xbox pleaseee
broken game
i swear i have been playing console rust for a while now and your making me not want to play now🤣🤣🤣
wait theres console rust?!?!?!?
Try playing rust 2023 you won’t regret it!
Game is so broken. I can’t pvp at all because it either kicks me to the menu or lags so badly I can’t see what’s going on. I’ve lost inventories of comps several times because menu kick. Ten year olds hitting the jackpot.
1 year later and its still a buggy mess…
At the end of 2023 when we get gardening and horses and customs please do a re review
Broken brain 6:33
It’s so funny to watch him struggle for once
What npc server is this bro. He is gesturing mid fight and not dying instantly
he said hassy bro it dose not mean there good trust me
Play it again now there’s electricity and way more
Can someone tell me what that song is it the intro?
its probably because the ps4 or some consoles cant handle very big maps with very detailed things but you can actually make it better in the settings then the graphics
Rust console is pretty good on next gen consoles besides the fact that a bunch of losers play with a zen and mnk because they get shit on against pc players so they cheat on console
Broken game
Song name? 0:02
Bro you should try it now, it’s gotten really good,
Fixed game
broken game
I just wish and pray for vehicle’s
broken game
why didn’t you break the rock to get unstuck
Thats is pretty good
the difference is just craaaazy
I have the gestures turned off because I have a heavy thumb.
It’s not even close. He’ll you can’t even ride horses or mini helis
I’m pretty sure that the moon moving like that was a hacker because that has never happened before
You should play again on console they got oil rig and cargo now
play console rust again
Broken game laggggggg
8:20 nemo, is that you?
This is why I don’t get the people lot of them yes want everything to be added at once and to be onset with u it doesn’t work like that.
U guys say it bad in console for the only and one reason yes we are like 5 years in the past but everything that is in pc will slowly come to console we will be getting electricity ⚡️ update very soon 🔜.
What song was he playing in the beginning
OMG I came across this by TOTAL ACCIDENT and I was pissing myself laughing SOOOO hard, I’m latterly crying writing this. I ain’t plaid rust since 2016,17 But Fu** me I could play it on console just to see that moon !!!!!!
broken game
Rust in ohio
Not me thinking the pvp is normal
Him a pro: screaming
Why I play pc
its really not that bad
people are gonna diss rust console, but for people who don’t have gaming pcs, and want to play rust, this is a good alternative. the game is behind on updates, but it’s still really fun to play.
nice thumbnail…..
playstation graphics are bad not xbox
It’s pretty sweet on new gen fr
Nooo thats ugly😂😂
So much complains over so much improvements, I wander how people still play 7d2d?
Mans doing us dirty as he can’t get a nextgen
bro did a Michael Jackson 12:40
And this is a good example as to why PC will always be King 👑.
13:53 made in heaven.
broken game
broken game
broken game
I have rust on ps5, and all of my friends had it but I wouldn’t get once they finally convinced me to get it I literally can’t get off. Ps5 has pretty good graphics really good frames and i overall fun, the only thing it lacks in is content. Compared to pc console literally has none😅 And as of now I just realized console is getting power update very soon
I sadly have to play this
Broken game
Update: it still sucks
I think for most times u died it just because of ur sensitivity. Turn it up
All the stuff he hated I was like that does not happen on pc
The video is good but the thumbnail is lie
Game works pretty well now but I had to upgrade to the Xbox one s anyone on the old Xbox ones are gonna have a hard time
who made this xD
Rust console reminds me of old rust, where solo’ing was possible since everyone was bad at the game and clans didn’t really exist yet
Broken ankles
broken game;
i’ve been playing on console for 1 year and your already better
Bro so much hate all it is, is pc rust restarted from the beginning
Don’t hate u have to under stand I can’t afford pc
Broken game
Generally think rust is boring and samey anyway.. but having played it on series s and x i can say with 100% the graphics displayed at the beginning of this video are not real.. unless your running on a one with an internet speed of 1mbps…🤣🤣🤦🏻♂️
My console version looks way better than whatever your using…
Broken game!
As a console player i can confirm
Ive lost a couple battles because of the emote wheel 😭
Memo sounds like a nickname for a grandma
console players calling people trash …. your trash irl poor kid
You can use a keyboard and mouse
Hey that’s what she said
Hey in 200 years they will make it pc capible
broken legs xd
It’s better now
He finally knows our pain
Well compare rust on a $400 pc to console rust
What are you talking about the game still sucks
didn’t watch the video bc of the ads
and thgey say console is better than pc🤡
does it atleast have a aim assist for the poor jowstick players? 💀
That gesture command seems really fucking annoying
Edit: reminds me of battlefield it’s like hey square is revive but it’s also pick up ur ally’s weapon.
Yea, his weapon that’s right next to his body ur supposed to be reviving.
Yea, with the square button.
Better than the game you made recently
OK while they’re still good
to be fair the only other two decent survival games on console are ark and minecraft, it could be worse
horrible…. i play on pc
well some people are just more grateful then you and still like the game
Y you look down on the game so much bro some people just can’t afford it on pc man
No wayyyy a game heavy on graphics and is a completely new transfer to console that hasn’t had enough time to be polished isn’t running at 4K 120 FPS🤯🤯😡😡😱😱 who would’ve guessed
This was 10 months ago and I’m getting the games it should not be that bad
good job memeio
11:35 your trash 🙄
add me back on ps memio
not even close to pc rust
5:03 there’s twig roof
It looks like man is playing on a GameCube
Pc rust gamer flex here got rust on my PS4 Slim for no absolut reason dont think im gonna play it
Ohh how much fun I had watching you! and then I realize the title of this video. Cheers! It’ll grow on you.
Very bad bro
consoles goofys
@ekii: @fyen.: https://youtube.com/shorts/NWvuuD4_vjY?feature=share
lol everyone sounds like elmo with the mic quality
bro when you have rtx 3090 and you compare it graphically to some xbox 360 it’s not surprising
I mean between having a new Gen console it’s like what the fuck is going on here?
I decided to give this a go on Xbox series x, and I was surprised with how bad it ran. I’m mainly a PC player, but I wanted a console for on the road and couldn’t find a ps5 in my area. It’s terrible. Not what I expected for a ‘top tier’ console at all. PC is superior in every way.
Holy shit that was so funny. When the moon started flying around the sky like it was an episode of Moon Knight I lost my shit. Was crying.
Does Stimpee know you made the threat/joke of only making rust console content?
Why would I want to get called the n word on lower graphics?
PC master race
broken game
Aiming with a controller… Yeah a real pain in the ass ! :’)
broken knee caps
broken game.
So youre telling me rust on console is bad. BUT ITS 40 FUCKING EUROS ON CONSOLE
i have 10700k and 3060ti and i have max 100fps on rust 100% gpu usage
they look exactly the same, still suck the same as well
13:46 C-MOON!
I don’t care lol I just want to see pc rust gods play console.. it was fun to watch the struggle. With that said, the rust console gets a big thumbs up for me.
Bro your a click bait youtuber, imagine
Honestly thank you for showing how terrible of a game rust console is
Console is better because it has old gun sounds and old recoil
Man said black hands😭😭😭
This looks like ark mobile without dinosaurs
“What are these gestures. ” we sir call that panicking. The good ole panic knife if was on call of duty.
If I was a rust dev I would be too embarrassed to tell people I was a rust dev. 🤣
The shooting looks ass bro but some things looks actually good like the doors and map they look awesome but it doesnt make the fact that console rust is ass dissapear
This is your sign then to gift me a PC so I don’t have to suffer on console anymore 😭😭❤️🔥
i got so light headed from laughing at the moon, i almost fell off my chair
You don.t know how was rust în 2013 on pc 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
broken gamebroken gamebroken gamebroken gamebroken gamebroken gamebroken gamebroken gamebroken gamebroken game
I’d rather go back in time to early days of rust than play this shite, I mean early rust was way better than the newer look
broken game
We can’t even make our own severs yet I think, and it’s been out since 2020
Broken game
Graphics not looking too bad, pvp just seems so inconsistent. Of I had to choose console rust or no rust I know what I’m picking.
They gotta make a ps5 version of the game
Hey you should get back into the console rust sphere lotta updates and could make for some killa content ifyaknowwattamemeo
Man I just wanted to say I play rust console and I just got raided by some AK kids so is PC really that good we’re about to get electricity too
Me as an Xboxer I am very disappointed memeio
The graphics are so good
it’s funny how rust made the console version so bad that you can tell if someones hacking by looking at the exact frame/game lag
Oh wow, im so glad i googled PS4 Rust quality. I almost bought it. Gess il wait for better PC.
It may be terrible but it’s all we’ve got 😭
Why does console rust looks nicer than PC rust? Plants are highlighted and all these little things we don’t have on PC? Why?
Play it again the holloween update is out
Just go to graphics turn off gps limit and quality very low smooth
Its also better on xbox
Nestle crunch part though 😂🤣
Bro why didn’t you just break the rock
I’m new to your channel and the first gameplay I see is you being stuck in-between a rock that can be broken, and you acting like there is no way out. Honestly makes me want to click off the video but imma give it a little more chance only :33sec into video. You made me think you’re not a smart person js..
u need higher sensitivity for better pvp
You’re look sensitivity was low
I’m baked af and the difference in graphic is just made me laugh
“Pig you saw nothing” “DOO DOO DOO”
You didn’t have to kill urself first death man could’ve farmed the node made it smaller
It’s definitely a lot better now, but it’s unplayable on old Gen swear to God can’t hit shots for shit and it looks HORRIBLE, much better on new Gen
Looks still Like trash
Bro not everyone wants to spend 5000$ on a gaming pc for resolution
I downloaded it yesterday night on the steam game in the first time the night before.
For me, rust on pc was also awful
It’s not that bad but I hate the bugs and how you get stuck much easier
I’m convinced this game was created as a punishment for people trying to skirt PC bans 🤣🥷🧑💻
*Okay I’m willing to admit it . The footage from this video looks much better than the last one I saw from console . I’m still not sure about being able to strafe on the console when you can’t on the PC . I think that’s what’s making PVP such a pain in the back side . I was watching spoon kids on spoon kid 2 and the screen stutter was giving me a damn headache …
rust is shit now after the recoil update sadly 🙁 the uniqueness and satisfaction of getting a kill is gone…
broken game
Ark is better
This game isn’t meant for console keep that garbage on pc where all the trash belongs 💀
just get a pc guys, a decent pc costs close to the same amount as a ps5 or series x
12:47 fucking had me DEAD 🤣🤣
11:01 the timing
this is like the rust in roblox
It’s good on next gen only😂
why dose pc loook way better???
it spelled authorize wrong its spelled with an s at 1:50
Pc rust 10000x better
Bad wifi
At least we got the cargo ship recently
How is it so smooth? My Xbox frame rate is doo doo
broken GAME
I’ve been playing console rust since it came out on console and I have no idea what server your playing on to get people this bad.
You just need a next gen console and very good connection, without that its an awful lagging mess of a game
Oh, now I know
you know its sad when ur pc game looks worse than most consoles
Mobile mobile…..
i cant afford pc version
BRUH the intro playin gorillaz nice
His screams when he said “GET IN CLOSE IT” literally me when I started playing I still get scared asf when I pvp but I’m getting more used to it
I mean I like it on ps5
broken game
This isn’t exactly a graphically demanding game. Why does it struggle?
Who wore it better? Rust Console or Oxide Mobile?
If that Video ist from PS5 Version, i am embarrassed, the makers couldn’t made a bader job xD
when you get use to it it is fun
🤣🤣🤣 unplayable
They added cargo now tho
broken game
Well no crap memeio its console
Rust Console is like playing a roblox clone of Rust
With 250 rust consoleps5 hours I can tell you its the same but no vehicles no mods and slot of monuments are missing with some bugs
They need private/community servers for console. I’m a solo player and I literally get farmed every server I’m in. Spawn in next to a Zerg a couple hours ago and one dude chased me half way across the map with a bow , like I have nothing. What will you gain. People are way too fucking weird on console. Shit is almost unplayable solo. Even if I get one or two kills , there is always a 3rd of 4th to fuck me.
tell me about it bro 😭😭i dont have a pc :((((
Playstation or Xbox?
no you’re terrible at console rust
broken game
for me on console it doesn’t it look like that
Broken game
Xbox sereas is in 120 fsp vere god
The emote wheel sucks but after time you can control it
0:30 just break the metal ore rock
it’s just not the same expirience, with the controlers and such.
Making the switch to pc was the right choice
My problem is everyone’s already good on a server I join so within an hour or so my base just gets exploded and I get caped while farming resources a ton.
Maybe do another update vid? I have it on pc and console and on Xbox one x it’s not as terrible as you made it seem besides yes clans and zergs but just join a group it’s fun to me but I’m also still learning the game I’m 3 months in
It is better now
I just started playing on pc and this video makes me crack up coming from console LOL
Rust PC is still trash. Haha. Unoptimized garbage that happens to be fun
Broken Game
Rust console is not bad your just bad at the game
7 months later, still trash filled with 12yo cheaters lol
we cant ride horses, we dont have any awesome stuff u guys have like pools, dancefloors, bigger boxes, bigger maps, better everything. i understand rust was originally a pc game however its a completely game at this point.
I play rust test branch server and it’s not bad at all I can’t tell the difference
Give it another shot. It’s good.
You should try rust on ps4… Still like 20fps and every time someone enters your field of view it drops dramatically and everything lags, cant understand how can they ask money from that pos
The sad part is all the xboxs have the same specs as a pc. I swear they put a limit on fps to make you buy the “latest” and “greatest”
And pc players say aimassist is op
Rust console ain’t rust it’s corrode bro 😭
this this is why i dont download pc games on console
I can’t play this game anymore but too broke for a pc 😢 I’d hate to spend all that money just to have an enjoyable experience
Your frames are dropping on console 😂😂😂
Disable quick chat:on
It probably looks like shit cuz your playing on gay station. Try on the series x. I have both it’s much better
Wow on console it’s actually good tho like nice thumbnail
the pc version is the same as the ps version
The worst part he prolly on a newer console. First month ps4 and xbox one is abominable
Not the gestures
how can you compare a 500 dollar console to a 5000 dollar pc
rust console is like rust from wish
That moon part killed me.
is this ps4
bro he had a ak ur just rageing
xbox rust is op also u just need to get use to the controls then u can say if its bad or not just stating facts
The second time I got into a fight and hit the gesture wheel I turned them off in the menu
my first experience was getting a double barrel from a vending machine and the people who owned the vending machine killed md
I hope they make console Rust good someday, it’d be great to be able to play with my console friends and not be a solo for once
what console are you playing on
At the start you could have broken the metal node smart one
Console edition is pointless. No one talks. It’s like an brainless call of duty where everyone randomly kills each other.
broken game
Im buying a pc just because of this game being so shitty on consol. Total disappointment
3:51 that little heart attack XDD
and people say console rust is easy
broken game
Rust console is now just the same as pc if you look at the developers post it is now just the same as pc
They should make the pvp more like call of duty.
Rust is on console? eeww… Watching Pvp with controllers in very painful.
I think that pig saw something🫥
What console u on a game cube?
half of the console textures look like there half designed and others look good compared to pc
Hahahah the CK-Lilsimp goes to my school
Lol just checked the ps5 and the graphics are worse than Xbox so play it on Xbox
PS4 îs good rust men you îs noob
❤❤I LOVE how they hype up rust for years on console. Then they sell for 80 bucks max. I had been waiting for the game to come out for 3-4 years, and everything is completely broken. All the gun mechanics suck, from the aiming feeling like you got hit by a semi, to stuff randomly despawning out of boxes and into floors! Not to mention the amount of lag the game has, even on ps5. I also love the no life kids who have a zerg on rust. Even the parkour is bugged. You gotta love the mist in the game that barely allows you to see! During the nighttime, everyone can see you but you can’t see them! I also love how the x`s on the trees disappear! Another amazing thing about this worthless piece of garbage is that I didn’t get a single pre-order skin even though i bought the 80 dollar version.. thanks for scaming me! You can’t name a thing that’s not bugged about the game. (other then growing crops.) Definitely a 5 star scam game❤❤
They fixed everything now try
I’m a high latency player imagine how I feel playing the game on WiFi that can’t run Kahoot or quizlet
Going from console to pc was wild it was such a huge improvement
Ive had rust since beta and haven’t had many problems its pretty good
What sucks is because you’re playing on PS 4 or 5
The game has been updated a lot more it’s rlly not that bad now there bringin the L9 and a few other things in today there’s an update shoukd try it out
Hey yo I saw you rob the boat of slushie on his new story the naked
My game ain’t laggy like everyone els wEiRd
Lol that’s funny
It’s funny how for the thumbnail, you put one high definition picture representing pc, next to the “console” image which was so distorted that the logo was pixels.
Why do you sound like that dude from gru
BoRkeN GAme
Bro at beginning you didn’t have to kill respawn you could a just broke the node. You made getting stuck a reason that console rust is bad, but you weren’t even stuck.
Awwwwwwww duuuuuude! You were havin so much fun untill the last 8 seconds an the moon glitch! 🤣
“Rasberries! Make a ruun! Allalalalala!”
You say you’re stuck but don’t break the metal ore🤣
0:03 I love gorillaz#19-200
U know u Dopple JUMP thats why u fell
I don’t know how you can accidentally press the analog stick down in a gunfight. I’ve never done that before.
yo memo is that you. hello hahaha
i feel like rust is really missing a core component by not having global chat. How else are people gonna be super toxic and call their killers slurs
damn bro, rust console looks great, can’t wait for cross play
If i downloaded rust it would be like the console version
I swear i heard gorillaz 19-2000….
i want to play rust console but it cost $50+ 💀
Bro shut up not all of us are rich and can afford a pc
Looks like someone is trying to play rust with broken fingers
In the newest update on PS4, you can’t damage players with bullets, can’t open boxes or place furnaces, etc, can’t swipe cards 🤣🤣🤣 it’s pathetic
Broken game
Sadly it’s buggy..
The console edition rust is a bit buggy not to mention the map is so small and there’s hardly any place to build, but I enjoy the game for one reason and that is pvp
In spanish your name sounds like “i’m pissing myself”
But consoles realeased in 2013 2014 try to run RUST and any MODERN GAME in a pc from 2013
are you playing ps4 or ps5?
if ps5 you have to play ps4 cause it’s looks horrible and buggy, you can’t even move without lagging trust me i know
You playing ps4 😶
Its only like 4 years behind its gonna take awhile to get to pc standards and not only that consoles dont have the shit pcs have you just cant compare them because they will prob never be alike
Its fun asf
The first guy you killed is my friend
Bruh rust on my ps4 slim is like having a seizures and crazy teleporting
Broken game.
I played console and the gestures were terrible
It’s pretty hard watching PC players play console. Unfortunately the Devs have an agreement with Microsoft that they have to keep Console Edition optimized for old gen consoles (which can’t fckin handle it) for about 3 years. The one year anniversary was a few days ago, meaning we have 2 years to go before we can even hope to be close to PC’s level. Feels really bad, knowing we’ll only be getting smaller stuff for another 2 years.
bro i’m dissatisfied in this game it’s 50$ has been out in over a year and i can’t stand playing it bc i’m constantly getting lag but i don’t lag on any other game
How do you spawn in with clothes?
Server name?
It is not bad at all OK
Hehe typical PC player
I just recently got it for my PS4, I don’t have a PC so I can’t compare it, but as someone who enjoys watching Rust content, I’m thankful for what we at least have. 😂
I am nine years old
Yes rust console is bad but you made it look like a 1995 ps1 game
im so glad i have the pc version after watching this
Your on old gen that’s why it’s shit
looks like mobile version
wait is this actually by facepunch
Broken game broken game
Watching this is almost as worse as watching a video on 144p
broken game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s good just pc is better I play rust console all the time
Why are you comparing this game with a powerful PC to an old Xbox why don’t you compare your old PC with the brand-new Xbox series X look and run much better
12:46 Literally had me dying laughing
Trash game
Bruh my friend he plays on Xbox and he is a God like bro he can hit every single shot with a M249 AK everything
The moon was an admin trolling
why didn’t they optimize it for ps5 and series x they can do so much more then this
And they still sell the game for 60€
Im not see the diff💀💀💀
U can turn gestures off in settings lol
Y do people even play this on console, pc version is 10x better
i dont know how i ever put in close to 1k hours on console. PC is so much better. In audio, PVP, graphics,monumnets. Everything is better on PC
Broken game
My boy definitely liked it (rust)
What the name I’m on mobile please tell me
rust in general is just a bad, dated game. the toxic community that worships this game, should love this comment.
Rust on console is absolute trash
Mimeio dude please play some console rust with me lol I’ve been using your trap base ideas for a while it’s so fun
I have console edition and I can say it ok don’t down right dog crap or amazing
This is the exact reason my one buddy and I switched back to PC about 6 years ago… we were more then annoyed how much better every game is on PC! Dont get me wrong I own a Series X… but games like this just suck on it lol
669k subs O_O
Broken game broken game broken game broken game
how is his rust running so smooth. I’m on ps4 and my shit be teleporting and framy
Need bigger maps and electrical …and those emotion can get fuked
broken game
I downloaded it on xbox, seen there’s no keys&mouse support and deleted it, as this means yet-another-cheater-heaven game on console that was just released (cronusmax, titan2, strike pack, etc…). I’d rather stay on PC, especially with the new changes (random recoil pattern, random hit/miss ratio)
Imagine playing this everyday
your videos are so much more tolerable with abp, not getting interrupted with 2 unskippable ads every 1:15
Make trap bases in console
Make another rust console vid
I was going to buy console rust until I saw this video.
i was gonna sub, but then you let your fan die for luls, so nah
Technically at the start you werent stuck because you could have broken the metal node
Bro Oxide is Worst than this Still
Broken game
2:56 That music & the outfit he had on😂
The moon so relatable
Id buy this for shits and giggles but they had a audacity to charge full price so ill stick to my 3 dollor rust on pc that is far better thank you.
They fixed a lot of issues since 4 months ago
That sniper guy was me and that was literally my 2nd time playing the game 😂 P.S I’m 22
Next time when you go on console again try onley get stash loot onley
Yo im on xbox but you were doimg pretty good for your first time
Pc gamers are like iPhone owners…. “everything that isn’t Apple is just shit”….. console rust might not be as good as Pc but we still have fun and have eventful wipes lol not everyone has the money to shell out on a Pc just to play games so if you don’t have fun on console then don’t play on console simple as that
Oh how this has aged how is the skillgap going for you pc players?
Been playing ps4 my render distance is 15 yards and I have bad internet so I freeze and lag a lot
Pc will alway’s own console.
Broken game for real !! Sucks ass special the lagg
are you playing on £5000 pc
What are you aming at
How to pvp on console – use zen
Broken game
Rust console is worse than Roblox
Holy shit I’m on PC and dude the PC community in these comments is toxic as fuck Jesus christ. Who gives a fuck what you want to play games on. Just let them enjoy it without acting like immature children.
Wait till people find out about the difference between 7 Days to Die on PC vs Console
The game crashes so much for me on playstation 4 and my friends on playstation 5
I really thought he was gonna play pc first then compare it to console next
Rust isn’t as bad they fixed some graphics and the new gen consoles run it really well
0:30 why didnt u just break the rock next to you with the rock in your inventory
Pc still sucks so many cheaters
Also if you clicking gestures than your holding the controller wrong
Bro what up with that I play console when this was made it wasn’t even hard
Another great video from memeo
If you go back on console join my server
Console rust is gettin way better but tbh it’ll take 2 years to be able to match pc
I change my opinion console rust graphics are pretty much doodoo
broken game
If really not that bad bro
This is the first time I’m ever going to say:
When you realize that you were in a server with memeo lol
I have 1k hrs on pc and wanted to try console rust, And I can say one thing for an absolute fact is that console rust is 100000000x less toxic than pc rust lmao almost feels like a completely different game
12:47/ 14:15
Holy shit i snort-laughed way to hard at you freaking out 🤣🤣
It’s a f£#&ing joke, £20 well sent 😂🤣
Still terrible on old gen and also pay to win… If you have a new gen you should demolish old gen players, they are in like 15fps🤣
Hey turn up ur sensitivity and fov to play better
I can confirm this game isn’t that good but it’s not terrible in console community servers are coming and stuff is coming which is nice
It’s console what did you expect?😂
Broken game
“Took your sweet ass time” I never have heard someone so upset about not being killed fast enough.
Howe3v3rwatever, what a Chad
“Took ya sweet ass time” 😂😂😂😂
Wish I never even bought the console version. Worst 100$ Iv spent on a video game ever….
Didn’t anyone else here the song “19-2000” at the beginning of the video?
I’ve only played on console and this looks pretty good for a console game (especially for a classic Xbox 1 S). I can’t wait to play on PC and have it be like they “Colour Blind man sees color for the first time”
Broken game
The only reason it feels bad pvp because your not used to the controls like how u accidentally pulled up gestures as well as your running on like 60 frames compared to your pc frames console can’t compare in smoothness but it’s not bad
6:17 anything mean.
Welp time for me to get a pc cus I only have a ps4 🙁
You cant campare a console with a computer with their rysen 9 5900x and rtx 3090s it just i not a fair to campare that
But we can put max graphics to some games, and it wont lag or glitch😌
bro iwent to work with my dad just so i could buy this game… just sad
It’s fun but ahh
Broken game
What if you play on pc but connect a console to the pc and play with the console?
Stop being mean about console I play console!!!!!
This looks like a mobile version
I wish I could play on pc but my computer can’t run it
Play more please it’s funny 😂
seems like you gotta learn how to use a controller before judging the game
you scare me man, just put a doorframe at least behind the out door to stop people from going deep
when people said the console version was bad i didn’t realise they meant this bad.. lol
Does rust require ps plus to play?
console racist
Xbox is good to play but pc is better
The moon thing was from a hacker
the amount of kids on the game is insane
Never day dream about the scenery or you will end up with an arrow in ya ass trust me I know from experience
How the fuck are you surviving?
Me:1minute in stone hatchet and stone pickaxe
Players with guns:lets raid this muther fucker
Console wars reality, but I’m still a fan
This looks just as awkward if not more than Ark…
I play ps4 rust consel and it’s not bad at all!
Whats a Db
Broken game
“F*cking took your sweet a*s time”
“Ay man it’s console what am I meant to do, aim?”
Bro I’m dead 😂
Playing an FPS on a console is a practice in self-hate. Playing RUST on a console? Must be the equivalent of letting your whole family know you despise them.
It’s a buggy mess sure but It’s better than nothing and for people who like rust like me can’t afford a PC that can actually run rust so it’s not great but it’s ok
bro playing on xbox 360?
I’m telling you, pvp in console is literal pain. I can never kill anybody and have no aim when using a bow
13:38 Moon Knight?
Oh yea, i remember the moon glitch, funny asf
Lol, his character is trans racial.
The Rachael Dolezal of Rust 🤣
when you get stuck between a rock and you just simply dont destroy it 🤡🤡
It’s just sad because ark on console is so much better and higher quality so ik that rust can do it but they stick with the shit graphics
Seemed like you were having a good time to me
Is this ps5 or series x
Downloads a new gen game on old gen then proceeds to call or awful lol
Hey been three months is shit
It’s cap it is good on console
broken game
How do you call the sound effect on 2:57?
Is not that bad
broken game
I don’t know what y’all are on about…My Xbox series X plays rust wonderfully, doesn’t look anything like this?
It’s only somewhat decent on the new gen consoles, it’s absolute shite on ps4 and Xbox.
I bough rust on ps4, im so ashamed , im going to but a pc
12:51 Well looks like were only getting console rust now
Yeah, I normally play on PC, but my friend doesn’t have one. He got me to get it for Xbox series X and omg it’s so trash. The lag makes it so impossible to get Direct hits on someone even if they aren’t moving. I also feel like if you kill someone on console that they get more salty on pc. I had so many zergs raid me after about an hour of them failing to kill me. Its a hot mess and sucks feeling like a noob all over again while I relearn the game.
It’s still fun though
Your pc must be ass because it’s a lot better looking than this
I have a ps4 and I want rust but that is changing my mind
Console is pretty sus from the thumbnail
Rust mobile is the worst
The game is terrible
It’s still a buggy mess just now they added more
Poor game 2022 stil pc and consol.hahahahhahaahhahahahaahahahahahhahahahahaha
Why are they not the same
i was just thinking of getting rust on my ps4, i didn’t know that it was THIS bad
Not even the bugs bother me on console, but more so the lack of updates
Just be glad that your not playing on ps4. You get like 5 franes
your the first
i sub to
I actually like his console rust content if it had better tree/grass/sand and character graphics this can almost maybe become a pc rust on console
I love how at the end the moon was going crazy and it cut to a guy with a flashlight
Lmaoo I thought he was the moon somehow
Rust Console Edition- The reason why I built my PC
Anything on console or mobile is trash and weirdly over priced – I’d only pay about 7-12usd for any title seeing as they all FPS lag and look like complete shit
It’s actually pretty good now
U have now played it your self and its not that easy so console rust is trash but a lot of players aren’t
You got the double eleven trophy for playing on a double eleven server and 11:11 am or pm
9:27 WTH
I play on ps5 and my games pretty smooth and similar to pc just in an older version
that hit sounds SUCKS it sounds like you are just walking on F@CKING GRASS
I don’t have the money to buy a good PC and I love rust gameplay but console isn’t what I hoped for
They fixed the moon
I agree i paid 60 bucks for this and still this game is laggy and trash *broken game broken game BROKEN GAME*
You should try playing it again now way better than what you were playing 😂
Some things i do dig.
The barren map and the animations do remind me of rust 2017.
I felt so bad for you watching this😂
this was so painful to watch because of the quality of the console game. You did your best and I admire you for it. It must have been painful to do.
Some rust severs on console have aim assist
To be honest I know exactly why you dislike going on console but I play console and it’s hard for me to play pc but I’m decent
I turn them off.
No its not even close to pc. Whoever said that are fanboys.
Its been a fucking year and they finally gave oil rigs to us. That’s it. Terrible port.
You should do three days in consol rust
Bro this is propaganda I play rust console and it does not look like this
PS4 rust console edition is hot garbage, 20 fps, lag spikes, looks so dull and horrible graphics
That gameplay is to clean to be on console i freeze every 5 seconds
Broken game
Watched rust for ages. Couldn’t wait for it to come out on console. It was almost a legend that it would come out. I waited like 3 years. When it came out. I was so excited… Even on New Gen it is awful. Played it again for the second time. Almost a year since release on console and it feels the same. I’m just saving up for a gaming pc. Gaming PC’s just seem so much better
This proves PC is superior
Rust on console is the worst lol…
pc players really Be Talking about graphics But most of em Have Wack Graphics cards for their pc to begin with cx for a PC To have good Graphics u need to buy expensive graphics cards and other expensive parts to support it most of yall have the lowest graphics and looks worse then console ik Cus my brother plays pc And I’m console I’m building pc also But I noticed alot of things about it to cx its brighter and more clear or regular specs between console and pc … now if we was able to upgrade our Ps4s or 5s the inner parts at better prices I’m shure pc and console same cx most people broke to b having such expensive Pcs And use em for gaming unless u use em For mining because that’s their real Use
Console Rust is an abomination.
among us……………………………………………….SUS
When you cant afford a pc 🥲
droken game droken game!!!!!!!!
I tried to watch but your screams are unbearable
Imagine jumping at a rock until you get stuck and clipping it 😭 tbh though I’ve not once accidentally pulled up gestures
It’s oerfect
Input delay is counted by seconds (have tried turning off screen effects, doesn’t help)
The maps are way too small ( I play with 50 people on a 6km map on pc yet i have to play with 100 people on a 3km map)
The servers are dogshit (every 30 seconds there’s a massive lag spike)
The graphics are insanely bad (explains itself)
Is it laggy on Xbox Aussie servers?
“Not the gestures”😂
See if Garry’s mod rust is still better lol
I don’t mind some compromise in features. Old gen consoles will never be at the same standard as PC so expectations should be managed. I personally experienced glitches, freezes and major lag in parts but for the most part it’s ok.
It’s average on next gen consoles, it’s absolutely terrible on ps4 and Xbox one, the game needs way more updates especially when it cost more than pc version.
Once facepunch adds create a sever and cars or helicopters then it’s close to pc
It’s not bad you’re just not used to play on controller if you play on PC
idk if its just me but the gloom and fog of console is somewhat charming, a feel that i think old rust lost a while ago
I don’t mind rust console on new gen but old gen is so much worse you can barley pvp
The game for me just isn’t fun. It’s a griefers paradise and if you’re a new player, have fun dying to anything and everyone for several hours while you try to figure out how to do things. And if you’re new AND solo, it’s just an automatic bad time. Game is just shit. Wouldn’t let me respawn in a base I built and I literally couldn’t get enough cloth to ever make a bed. Can’t believe people play this shit.
bro yo have hackers on the game the game inset as half bad
It’s harder on controller
Not worth it they want 50$ on psn isn’t not worth 20$ anti-cheat is a joke people esp and aimbot all the time. Even if you compound they Spider-Man up your walls. They added oil rig but people will roof camper the shores coming back commonly because it’s the newest monument,Not only that but they are so far behind on updates the don’t even have signs. Half of the Parkour you can’t complete and will die trying because of glitches. Shots are inaccurate and won’t register most time if your too far or if your to close. Then after that the boat animation is broken damaging itself when sitting on land and the sound breaking when at sea there really is no winning on console endless your specifically there to pvp
You guys still gotta deal with the hackers😂
You can disable quick chat (gestures) in the settings, i too am a panic-knifer
PlayStation version, there is your problem
Stop complaining. Your game legit looks so good compared to my ps4 Rust
I’m on Xbox and I hate the gestures
As a Solo, one of my biggest issues is that whatever I achieve; it’s gone the next day. Because Zergs don’t allow solo players to have a base.
3:02 wait a scound!!!!
On console you will be running boom game crashes and you have to load back in while hoping no one will steal your loot I’m on ps5 btw
First of all. The exes on trees were there when it came out on PC and was Justice buggy. On top of that when you got stuck on the rock, you easily could’ve just hit it with the rock in your hand and he would’ve been released. To think these things didn’t exist on Russ and don’t now it’s ridiculous.
Broken game😮💨
Stop making fun of us for playing console
Man was emoting mid fight😂😂
broken game
Bro it’s not that bad and it’s pretty good on the series x ngl
Listen I know it sucks litteral ass but I don’t have enough money to get a pc so what am I supposed to do?
this was an amazing video
this guys yelling is the funniest shit I ever heard ahhahahaha, NOOORR
I’m in willxrs team he gave you db
Memeo 💀
Console Rust is so fucked I’ve played Pc and anyone that says they’re getting close is high off their head, console rust still has a way to go
nothing mean to you but its probably because your not used to the controls? i think you need better control of your controller so you could hit your shots more. (EDIT) Btw the game got a huge update, would love to see a revisit!
gesture mid fight rust 101
Re downloaded Rust this time on my PS5 instead of PS4 and I have to say I have had no problems and it is smooth
Bro are you playing on Xbox 360 or something
😂😂😂😂 good video bro!!
The Xbox series X is more powerful than most peoples PC’s. If the devs optimized it right, it could look twice as better 60fps or more no issue at 1080p
I could hear the desperation in your voice as your trying to hop in your base and close the door from the guy with the sword 😂🤣👌
until they stop supporting ps4 and xbox s it will look like this
The melee and bows.. nah fuck it, even the guns, work like shit.
“hahahaha OO”
brokin game
The water treatment and sewer cylo puzzle can be done easily with no frame or lag drops of you look down while jumping each time.
BRO CAN GAME never seen your channel but fucking love rusts toxic ass
bruh when rust first dropped on console it was so bad and the frames when moving sucked and for me the store wouldn’t show up or anything
The fact this guy is calling a game trash but he has not been out that long and people can’t afford a pc to get the better version is peek
Bro that’s why I play ps4
Console rust is 100% fun if you don’t take it seriously the scientists are either shooting and hitting every shot or getting stuck
PVP is of course going to be harder for a mainly PC gamer. For someone who has been playing PlayStation for years, it’s pretty easy compared to keyboard and mouse. Controlling recoils, having the comfort of sitting on a couch or bed, or even just having the accessibility of a console.
It’s pretty much the same thing as PC except a few features and graphics. That’s expected though because it’s a console and the game hasn’t been out on console nearly as long as on PC
NOT THE GESTURES! had me dead
imagine waiting 4WHOLE ENTIRE YEARS to see this XD lesson is just dont play rust console
theres no way i could play rust console with the gestures being down on stick ,… why!!!!
Broken game BROKEN GAME
Nah a play console rust but I want them to add the mini copter
Sucks cuz nobody can hit their shots so it’s just a bunch of zergs
Fr fr console rust would be so much better on ps5 cuz on the 4 during raids its literally unplayable when raiding large bases you freeze up to 10s sometimes like how tf am I gonna win a raid like that?
U got stuck u could just brake the rock
Stepbro … IM STUCK.
Gosh I played it once on console.. way too buggy.
the shaders are actually better than on pc
666k views! Yup you are the devil !!
I’m a rust console player and I can say it’s trash
if this is console think about mobile
So you hate the game
9:10 what? Are you kidding I need headphones to play rust console. On pc I have my speakers set to 10 my tv needs to be at 80.
never play public servers
that sensitivity hurts…
Damn I have been playing this for 500 hours
console be looking like a mobile game
At least it’s not as bad as mobile rust
Ur just BAD
4:58 🇺🇦🐷
Ha memo sucks
It’s only bad on console because the devs are bad.
Oil rig was added with bug fixes 2 weeks ago you should re try this video
Omg that moon glitch had me cracking up in my bed at 2:30 am
next gen doesn’t look like that
Im on ps4 console im most likely the oldest player there are swarms of the children of the lost theres next to no honor or good people ….but I found a secluded spot with 1 team and there nice so far im a 1 man army no real friends and ur right 1v1 sucks I don’t kill people unless they shoot me first….I love this game its like fallout and minecraft no matter how old I get im a kid at heart see u on rust teamtreee
memeio is like he never played console
why do you play on low sensativyty
I don’t have pc but I really wanna buy this for console
It’s all fun and games till a keyboard and mouse player shows up on console
Good but consoles have limits when it comes to graphics
There is no Cheater At Least
Broo you discriminete usss whyy
0:33 break the metal node
game needs to drop ps4/xbox one support, runs great on my ps5
memeio can you pleas try oil rig on rust consel
Meneio it ain’t broken it’s ur setting with the gestures and aim :/ sry
u can change the audio settings and yea its hard to pvp bc u have to use ur thumbs but pc u use ur hand and wrist for movement so it takes a while to get better at the game for console isn’t that bad maybe ur expectations are high for the game bc pc rust is better
Oh my god
I liked the part you laughed at the ginger, I hate them fuck gingers please post more comedy on that topic please Memeio
garrynewman is an unreformed egotistical narcissistic criminal bully.
He lives in an ugly McMansion with his medicore-looking wife and 2
children. His house looks like it was designed by his children in
Microsoft Paint. His wife was disinterested in him until she discovered
he had money. When he isn’t avoiding taxes he bullies anyone who
disagrees with him. He instigates gangstalking against Autistic people.
He lies and exaggerates. He is unforgiving and holds grudges for
several years. He once admitted he feared some Muslims he met at the
zoo would throw his children into the lion enclosure. He simps for
abusive women with BPD and bipolar. In his opinion men are always wrong
and women are always right. He doesn’t believe abusive women should be
held to the same standard as men. He gets into expensive legal issues
with his contractors. Then he publicly abuses them for being on the
Autistic spectrum. He confesses to having ripped people off on the
dating site he used to own. He betrayed his former boss. He has no
ideas of his own. He is so narcissitic he named a game after himself.
The game idea was stolen from JBMod. GMod succeeded because the JBMod
creator wasn’t able to work on the game due to his work commitments
while garry lived off the money he defrauded while running his dating
site. The game Rust wasn’t his idea either, it was given to him by Helk
(Maurinho Berry). He once described his studio as being, “a one game
per decade studio”. His games are notorious for being riddled with
bugs, hackers, poor performance and for having toxic communities.
Can you tell me honestly please
Is it worth it to play rust on ps4♥️👍
Broken game
a steamy pile of dog shit.
My buddy was talking about wanting to get it so I redownloaded it and shareplayed so he could see, played 30 minutes and it was atrocious.
Is getting Rust on xbox one worth it at all and is there a huge difference between xbox one rust and xbox series x rust?
it’s running better than on my pc kkkkk lol
Yeah rust is ment for PC not PS but hope it gets better
Lol you can turn off the gestures
Fuck gestures
broken game
rust und console sucks
Roblox graphic is better than console
Hating on rust console for no reason its good
You grind for a day with a friend get guns a solid base just for it to get wiped by no life’s who have aks and mp5s the second day it’s literally no fun if you just get wiped continuously there needs to be offline protection then people won’t be assholes because not everyone has time to play like that
Worst purchase I ever made. Game looks like shit and is behind in updates. Should cost 15 dollars for this shit. PC version better.
Oil rig is out!
Welcome to console where aiming is terrible and scientists only try to kill you and no one else
Broken game
broken game
broking Game
it sucks graphically both on consol and on pc, ark is 10 meters above in all .. if you want to get bored to death rust is the right place ..
D11 has destroyed the console version. It’s NOT even close to PC. Console rust devs are crap and lazy!
They are putting more changes and updates and they gonna put oil rig after 2 days me and my friends have so much fun in it even if it have so many mistakes
broken game
I play console cuz I don’t got a gaming pc
Are you playing counsel rust on your PC? If so how do you do that because I want to play rust with my brother butt he as a PS4 and I have a pc
Feel really bad for who ever plays this game in console lol
It didn’t look this bad on Xbox
why didn’t you just break the metal node?
How’s the game on next Gen? I’m wondering if I should get it
Broken game
I like this video but I feel like he criticized the game just because it was on console. Like he was just pointing meaningless things just while he went.
Love the video but fucking hate that you said that this is rust on console but clearly you just downgrade the graphics and res yes I do play rust pc since 2020
broken game
broken game
I think people are being too harsh on the game it’s not bad. Sometimes laggy near bandit camp but it very rarely crashes. I’m on old gen too
The fact there’s still no private servers on console is pathetic if face punch wasn’t so greedy and gave a provider like nitrado who have experience in that field then rust would generate more money and players
They said console was never meant to be the same as PC so memeio you got it wrong 😉 why don’t you plug your mouse and keyboard in rust console supports it now I think
He’s lying
Does rust got ps5 version?
I love rust console cuz everyone is shit there
It really isn’t that bad but that wheel menu is definitely annoying when you are in the middle of a fight and it pops up.
0:33 break the rock???
Wait rust has a console version on what console is it
Dang my dream of playing rust is gone
As i have ps4 !! Sad 😭😭life
broken game bruh
Bro u complain to much 😅
I used to play rust but It got way to addictive and I miss it but I had to force myself to stop playing
Rust on console? When will they learn thier limitations? 😆😆😆
i really hope rust creators see this
Je suis sur Xbox séries s et c beaucoup bien mieux
Man even original rust was one big bugy mess
Dude what do you expect from your multi thousand Dollar pc and our 500 dollar consoles what do you expect from it
It’s console vs pc. Can’t expect much.
Playing on PS4 and or XB1 is really bad. It really sucks on those. Once I got a Series S. Omg it’s like a beginner level PC.
Glad to see the game still bugged with the Sewer branch tower jump, I had about 5 bags around there for that jump, also if your new the pump with buck and slugs will be the dream, makes a good sniper for when there outta reach
The gestures had me howling in the middle of a hospital whilst my wife is having our baby monitored 🤣🤣🤣👌
Cannot wait to get home and go grubbing on console 🤣🤣🤣🙌
You shut off gestures in options. I had the same issue, it’s what I do
I’m stuck…memeio just mine the node bro
Thanks for spreading awareness on this situation
You game was full of glitches. On pat there are no glitches for me, I do wish there was oil rigs and electricity and the pc things
Biggest waste of 80 quid ever
bro i thought the console game was better than this god damn
funnier than a pc game
I thought I was the only one whose gesture wheel comes up in pitched combat lol
it wish rust bro
funniest moment I’ve ever had playing console rust was when i threw a smoke grenade and instantly the game crashed
You do realize that there adding content by content instead of shoving it up your pc’s eternal hard drives ass and its better for consoles so we don’t have to deal with lag and still keep up frames
Playing on pc memeio playing on console memo
Its a kids game 😂 its trash!
I’m pretty sure that if they try to make Rust for consoles, they can add controller as an option in PC :< I have a problem with ma' "W" key button (it keeps reading that I'm still holding it when I'm not, after pressing it for too long, and only this particular key) - Laptop user
Broken game!
u can turn off gestures
Bro, I play rust on my Xbox and it is 10x better than this video.
Dude says he has to kill himself when he gets stuck next to a metal node that can be broken and decided to kill himself
If the sensitivity wasn’t so trash for rust console it would be easier to aim, both digital boost and analog acceleration make no sense all other console shooters use “exponential” or “linear” or “progressive” etc and those options with some games having 5+ different response curves plus tons of other options but rust console has 2 completely stupid and unheard of response curves that feel like unresponsive trash so aiming and shooting is a joke, look at a video of a good rust console player and compare their aim to a controller champion on rainbow six siege you’ll notice the difference in potential between a proper response curve (rainbow six) and a stupid unorthodox response curve (rust console).
Best thing rust console has going for it is that there is no hacking scum
Naw you mad cause you play on switch
rust console is just an L
Memeio play the pub test server it’s a lil better than normal like less laggy oil and extra stuff it’s still not the best but it’s better
I am so fucking glad there’s alot of last gen players my god its fucking BLISSFUL
I think pc sponsors him
I am sad
You should try Jester TV on ps4 or 5
just change your controls omg
The thought of being in battle and doing a random “thumbs up” gesture during the firefight makes me laugh so much lmao.
POV you only can Rust console
Well at least I get to play it when I can’t afford a PC:(
There’s a way to turn gestures off, movement becomes more fluent the more you play the game.. I’ve put 1300 hours into rust console already and it’s safe to say I can hold my own as a solo. I’ve taken on zergs of 5 very easily it does have so much room for improvement but they are constantly updating the game at least
The smoke grenade. The ultimate weapon THE FPS DROPPER
“oh wow doesnt look bad”
*gets stuck*
“oh boy”
rust console is still i beta
been playing Rust PC since Legacy with even worse graphics than xbox currently have.. and i owned all day.. i also owned all day on Rust PC official servers.. you know the ones Closet hacking streamers cant play… they only play modded or their own servers because the cheat protection is lacking or they make trap bases and just use ESP since aimbot is waay to obvious if streaming and they suxx without it . , best thing about console its impossible to use Wallhacks or aimbot so its so much fun owning the pc noobs that thought they could come to console and actually be good after relying on wallhacks aka ESP for so long 😂
How to tell a Streamer is a Closet hacker with Esp on PC rust, – Have them play Rust Console where its impossible to use ESP or Aimbot and watch them suk azz lool literally every Pc streamer that is “PRO” that tried Rust console is trash yet i owned in PC Rust “legitly” and freakin own i Rust Console since day 1 even with the bugs and poop graphics..
Pvp isn’t bad ur just not used to a joystick vs a mouse
Rust VR
They fixed the moon but now they have another disconnect bug and i die in safezone all the time. The devs do nothing lol
Rust console is sometimes the only way for people to play rust
Runs great on all new gen consoles tho idk if it’s a bug but no guns have noticeable recoil either its like cod
It’s sad I’ve always wanted to play Rust just never been able to and now that it’s on consoles it’s just not near the same game as PC. It’s honestly like comparing a console/PC game made into a mobile game. Just doesn’t work.
yes console is actual shit now since they changed it from being free into being 50$
1:12 thats unfair we all know its impossile to have fun in rust smh
Lol this game is horrible but Halrious
Every morning I wake up I feel like console rust
What consoles can you play Rust on? I thought it wasn’t even available yet..
ngl I kind of miss the Rust alpha days, the game was so vastly different looking that I wish there were servers just for those oldschool days back in what 2015 or 2016? Maybe even earlier..
but I honestly cannot imagine aiming on controller in Rust, it looks like a nightmare.
Most def right you have inexperienced players landing hits and pro players missing. The console version has a lot to work on with registration for sure.
on ps5 its so much better, and its actually playable
Bro this is not bad at all have u seen last gen?
Should have been there day 1 release 🤣🤣 you could potato people’s game with flares
I think that if they keep updating the game it will fs get better, but right now for last gen it’s a laggy mess of a game. I wouldn’t mind the game not having boosted servers if the game didn’t have cross gen with ps5, but since it does they have a clear advantage and in boosted servers it’s not as bad to lose your stuff.
listen ps4 is way better some how you should try
Serch Veterancheats and buy RUST cheats with ESP,Aim features
Serch Veterancheats and buy RUST cheats with ESP,Aim functions
Serch Veterancheats and buy RUST cheats with ESP,Aim
The entire time i thought my video quality was trash.. but no its just the game
Rust on the Xbox series x is Pretty damn smooth no problems at all compared to what I played rust on the regular Xbox
Basically the problem here is they’re just trying to make rust console as similar as possible to pc rust, without really fixing the real bufs
Thank you for bringing light to how bad this game is- can you believe Gary Newman had the nerve to slate other console ports by saying he didn’t want a dumbed down version on console- this is by FAR the most dumbed down console port I’ve EVER seen!!
Also the rate at wich the game is progressing on console, I don’t think current pc version will be on ps6 let alone ps5
Garbage puzzler
Crazy how many shitters are in here
I have it on PS5 I have like 900 hours my graphics aren’t terrible but we just don’t have everything PC has PC rust will always be better because console is behind on updates but graphics wise I have basically the same graphics on PS5 idk about PS4 everybody I play with on PS4 Hate It The Graphics & Lag Spikes
You need to play on ps5
Get a metal door
And they fixed the moon always moving
Rust on console is not broken
Rust Ps4 -100 fps
Rust ps5 60 fps 🤙
Rust console is sum else
We need community servers asap before it’s to late and rust on console dies all the way for good . Solo duo trio servers now please tf
I die Evey time get get rained [weep]
Dude you killed and respawned being trapped by a node. You had a stone to hit it 😂
0:22 why not just mine the metal node
broken leggs
u can only wear a bow (in hotbar), when patrol is at u. for gear, max 2 items. so wear a hazmat suit.
Jumps are very sketchy on console. PvP is broken. Most trees are broken. The game is still very broken but the experience is a lot better than it was.
ngl i’ve wanted rust to come out on console for like 3 years, and when it came out i was SO happy
Memo why are you so bad?
I’ve only failed this jump 3 times and never more
Me every time I play any game on console: 7:03
it looks better than in my conputer
On the plus side console has less hackers 🤷🏻
Btw they fixed the moon
Meeeemoooo 😂 i have mic
broken game
broken game
What kind console did u play this one lol ? If u used a series s or x with a good screen rust dose not have tho character bugs and shit its a decent game but pc is way better
I just want the underwater labs in console
Did u ever think of changing the sensitivity
Bro that dude recognized you immediately
You got the cool got the cool shoe shine
This was so painful to watch idk if it was because I only play rust on console or the or because I only watch pc rust
Ps4 servers should only have ps4 players. Tired of constant lag just to get killed by a ps5 player.
stop clicking on the r3 so hard
I guess it looks funny to play and make fun of, however I really don’t want to buy a 50$ joke
Rust console is 780p at 20fps😬
Memeio is a massive sell out as well
For the people hating on rust console if you have never played PC version you can not tell the difference so before you say anything about it it is for a lesser quality system
ps3 version ?
broken game
At this point you can call the console version: Dust
I’m looking for a rust homie on series x.
i mean i bought rust on ps4 and it looks like pc version
Na just youre console
Facepuch is basically shooting itself in the foot for not just remaking the original within a newer more efficient game engine to be able to port it directly through the original version. Minecraft has trouble keeping 2 versions on different engines and that’s owned by Microsoft. I can’t imagine doing the same as a single studio.
When he said ronald Mac Donald I was like good start he’s probably Aussie
Rust console is still garbage… my clan and I literally dominated and controlled our entire server for 2 wipes…. Zen kids and frame rates and stack size/gather ruined the game for us mid wipe… I now consistently play pc and love it
They fixed the moon I taught the same when I first played 🙂
You can turn the gestures off in settings, I can’t have that shit on for that exact reason 🤣
12:45 “there is a pig wait” *dies*
Broken game
Every sever ive been on ive been the only one who gould get the loot on top the parcore in sewer
I got console rust not too long ago. It’s ass.
honestly hate how people could compare the obvious prime pc version of rust which runs better then a console version of course it’s gonna be better
Is there still no helicopters in the game
I’m glad I chose not to buy rust on console lol
Its a shit show
Fun fact: the moon glitching out at night is actually someone’s tommy flashlight attachment! Trust me, i’ve trued it myself.
But we all know the controller movement better then pc
Always been a shit game
no one gonna talk about how authorize and deauthorize are spelled wrong on the tc….. or am I the only one who noticed
Stay on console rust
Come play chaos oc sever I’ll give you a base tour
Rust looks waaaaay better on my console than this… you running Xbox 360?
What console are you playing on
Hold to pick up faster
Us console players on rust are neglected 🙁
It’s good for being a console game, u need a mega pc to run rust tbf 😂
Brooooooo come play with me and my friends bro
Idk how people always pull up the gestures menu while fighting I’ve never once done it in my 1100 hours lol
That’s rust on the original consoles .. doesn’t look like that on the series X . Be more specific
Bro you make it look so bad 😂 just get use to the settings and console and turn up your brightness and your fob and turn off motion blur
So pretty much we had a new update which fixed all bugs and graphics Slightly
broken game 0/10 rust pc is better console rust is cheeks
if you got an xbox series s and xbox series x you can run 120fps that what i’m running when i play rust
Broken game
I just recently got rust console edition and I found it ok. Apart from all the crashing, low quality and the inability to use custom servers(wich I fucking hate) it’s not too bad
Been playing console edition for 5 months everything seems good when you dont use emote wheel every time you reload…… could it be that you just suck massive d inthis game??
The rust quality on the new Xbox”es is as good as pc with a good monitor you can get 120 FPS and the game was built for the new Xbox so can’t really blame it. Depends on your internet exc just like pc
Perhaps you could have mined the rock you were stuck on your plonker
Love that hard work and effort you put in the game can’t wait for that work to be worth nothing in a month most stupid pointless game ever so much playing this game is like reliving the movie ground hogs day
Worst way to start your new year
Full time pc players will have a stroke playing console rust and im full time console
You can turn off gestures in your settings😇
It may not look good but it’s still fun
The fact that authorize is spelt wrong is hilarious
Honestly depressing seeing how trash the console rust is
No you just bad at the game I’m sorry but it’s true
Something they have ti add is share blueprint
I just bought rust to I haven’t even got to play it yet😭
Coming from a rust console player this is cap, Ive played for about a year now and this game is better then they make it seem
Pc players: console rust is so bad
Pc players skill on console:💩
Pc players: console aim assist is broken and need a nerf
Pc players aiming a gun on console rust:💩
Love how all these pc rust players rip on console rust and always make is look way worse then normal, like, it’s shit, but not that shit
The moon likes to be a light demon starting about a month ago it looks like a flashlight swinging around entertaining
Broken geim
Wtf don’t talk shit about console
When you haven’t played pc rust and play console it’s just a good game
HAHAHA I GOT IT ON SUNDAY I wish we had underwater labs oil train and cargo and fish
I keep losing sounds and also guns falling in thru the ground when they fall out my dying enemies hands. I just quit playing rust console and going to PC .
I agree, the pvp on console is absolute shit, I’m hoping that they will add keyboard and mouse support to the game sometime soon.
What console are you playing on? My Xbox runs it fine no lag and actually good graphics
I dont know bout you but rust on my series x looks amazing and no glitches, yall must be playing on ps4 and xbox one
“Ni Hao motherfucker” absolutely killed me and summed up my rust experience so far
broken game. broken game. broken game. B R O K E N G A M E .
Rust consol will have cargo and oil rig and better graphics
Any play on old gen got some good word lmk not tryna waste my money 😭
I am a stupid looking ginger. The fact that I can look exactly like myself might make me have to try this.
Tbh the community ruined the game a long time ago
I run into nothing but cheaters on console rust
I’ve managed to kill one person in two wipes, I’m fairly new to the game I guess, and the only reason I managed it was because I hid/glitched myself into a bear aimed square on to his face when he came over with a double barrel from point blank and he still took two shots 😅 I was in shock afterwards. I sometimes wonder if I am the worst player on rust. I reckon I could go into a fight with an AK equipped and get taken out by a naked with a wooden spear.
Broken game broken game broken game
And they ask €50 for this mess. Thats just a straight up scam.
Its an old game and it does not even have all the features that PC has!
I would say this game is more like €10 worth.
Broken game
It’s not tho
I was starting uni so bought a laptop and decided to get rust after being a console user for a long time and had tried the game on there.
Within 2 weeks the console was sold as it was horrid compared to pc. 😂
Pvp is easy in console so sorry memeio your trash at pvp on console although you are better than most so keep up the work and do what you like!!!
Not even the same game
broken game 🙄
The black hands and the white character that happened to my friend before
on console you just get angry little kids at your door begging for the loot back but when you log off your raided no one does online raid little maggots
Loved the video sir! The gestures just popping up mid fight 😂😂 I have an Xbox series x, how is Rust console edition on the next gen? I’ve wanted to play this game for so long. And I can’t really afford to buy a PC
Memeio my friend can you be generous enough to donate me a new gen console,, would be sexy of you xo
Bro takes the db and runs off 😭😭😭
I thought it was funny when youd freak out ngl
Ah console…..what a load of shit 🤣🤣🤣
Gorillaz in the beginning lol
Mine the rock 🙁 F1 🙂
Broken game broken game broken game
I play on ps4 and it is sooooooo hard broken GAME!!!
wait memio are you on the sever blade 5n
Still waiting for rust mobile to drop
ik ik. rust console needs fixes, alot fixes… But its still good game right? Ive been playin with console my whole life, never had pc. But fr lets be honest, when pc rust players hops on rust console, hes so bad like for REAL im soo much better then u. u just have got used to pc and i got used to console u know what i mean yeah? never say the game is trash when ur bad at it. Positive Vibes!👍 Hope my english sent this message 🙂
Keep up the good work dad
rust console content it is
I can tell your newer to controller because of your button pressure😂
Broken game
That’s not how hazmats look on console, good old click bait
Let’s be honest-it’s quite terrible graphics in PC as well. We already have UE5 engine out there but graphics and animations in this game looks like from late 90-s
Your channel icon is terrible…
I dont have a PC so i have to use console. You get used to it
Memo they fixed the moon now wanna play it, I’m a pro I can carry you
We don’t judge the moon
0:27 Just break the rock.
Console rust is not bad and u say pvp is not possible on console well it is u haven’t played on console before so pls just shut up and don’t think it’s bad bc it’s just u
Console version may still be bad… but the prox chat is priceless on xbox
You should be able to Parry and repost when against other melee weapons.
I just don’t play the game at all because I can barely get past finishing a compound without getting offline raided I built a base today got on 2 hours later just to see I’m raided again it’s not worth my time to keep getting offline raided I just quit overall
Bro I had 1000 hrs on console rust stoped playing a few months ago
Now u know to pain we go through
Theres duping and every server has atleast 2 17 person clans with over 50k rockets
I play rust on console of course it don’t look as good as pc but idk what you playing on mine don’t look that bad
i mean is it worth i’ve been trying to play but never got a gaming pc or a pc that can run the game
broken game
That isn’t rust, That’s oxidation
Controls look Terrible they should make it like Minecraft not ark
your new logo sucks
Me who plans to buy rust on console watching this video: …..
The big groups annoy me the most
The games just toxic af
i dont know what setings your playing on but it isent that bad for me and i have the original xbox one
Xbox gives beter graphics and the controls beter
Yessir rust console take skills we are the best 🕺🏾
Memeio Seriously , Fick ur sensetivity on your consol game , u have it on the basic Sensitive ,
They definitely fixed some of these issues just because of this video thank god he didn’t find out about the fly glitch before patch 😂
Rust console is straight on the ps5 once u get guns it’s easier the bow hard af
Pc players be thinking rust console players so bad why don’t they try aiming and walking with only they’re thumbs then🤣
Lmao yano if you play on Playstation you can get an adapter that allows you to play with your mouse and keyboard
You can’t compare it it’s not gonna be the same console won’t keep up also I haven’t come across any bugs and I’ve been playing for abt a month now
Its a cheap port, i play a few games on controller that arent this bad.
it looks like rust in 2016
Does it have proximity chat
Ive played it today on a ps 4 pro and i wanted to die. You would get like 20fps with drops to like 5 every couple of seconds.
Memio I play rust console cuase I don’t have a pc but some of the people u were playing against were terrible
I downloaded and I don’t like the pvp it’s so hard for no reason
12:48 bruh I’m dying 😭
Rust on console.is the only game I’ve ever refunded its so trash
And this was mainly prim.. try it like 12+ hours into wipe when the entire game is zergs with full kits and mp5s and the rest of the server is just grubs door camping them
Console Rust has a tier 4 weapon. Sword.
Try testing brench Therese are Allredy oil rig
I find it so funny when he complains about the gesture menu
I know most of the people in this video because I played frost TV last wipe
can l play pc me 60 fps
Rust console As bad as memio makes it out
Hello memio just a console rust player here just wanted to tell you that the X on the tree is small because d11 had to change the X because it would glitch through the tree so you won’t be able to hit it so that is why they are small
Rust mobile,rust PC,rust console what’s next,rust Wii,rust Nintendo
There’s literally nothing wrong graphically or gameplay wise with rust console, obviously there’s a few glitches such as the x on the tree not showing, but that’s a problem I’ve had on pc as well. Only thing I find shit about console rust is that the map is so small and it’s a pain not being able to loot bodies while moving
12:52 memio likes the game, Well better start posting rust console vids now lol
Broken game broken game broken game
The game looks and feels like a mobile rip off
Memio was on a bugged server lol, Thats why the x was small on the tree.
Consoles dont have the power
brokn gaem
What are you playing on an Xbox 360
They need to make in time where it’s key board and mouse compatible to console rust
broken game
i dont have a pc, its not near as good as pc but its still pretty good
I rly wanna get rust for the ps5 but it ain’t worth the $70😩 I had it for steam but I don’t play pc no more
If memeio had half a brain cell left he might of got out of the rocks in the start lol
What console tho
Played it last week on the Xbox s and man, you need to uninstall it if you wanna play it. Meaning it’s hot dogshit
I play both pc and console rust. I actually enjoy console rust way more. Cause it’s way less sweaty basically no cheaters. Less toxic. And more funny moments caused by the bugs. I run a solid 60fps memio so your lag is just your wifi I haven’t had any lag in rust for over a month
Ruat isnt as bad as people depict it on console its nice i just got a xbox series x and its very enjoyable pvp is insane
Thank God your using playstation
be cool if the PC & xbox & PS5 could play together on the same server
i play on pc and love the game but i must say atm it looks ok if u never played rust but if u have played on pc then it will be shit
You can turn off the Gestures feature
It’s not that bad
I play it only on console and I hate it
so sad…yet funny
Literally my favourite bit is “not the gestures”
It’s not this bad on new gen consoles as I play Xbox series x and the graphics are amazing and it’s very smooth
broken game
Wow most people totally have enough money to get a 1000 dollar pc 🤨🤨🤨🤨
Don’t think there’s any game that’s better on console than on pc tbh
is he playing on ps4 or ps5?
Lol I’m on Xbox rust
I feel like every little detail you see is broken. Sure the game isn’t as good as pc, and that’s because PC and Consoles are 2 different things. It at least made it to Consoles and still being developed. It’s just some ppl don’t have the patience for patches. Not everything will be the exact same thing as the PC smh.
Keep in ur mind that there is not CHARTERS on consoles
Don’t listen to this guy it is no where near that bad
you are able to turn off gestures in your settings had the exact problem
Lol on xbox one I’m a chad with m2s right now
Still better than oxide
I thought he was a fake memeio on console😂, he was in one of my servers at one point
Memeio is fighting bots conformed
It just fixed most glitches today
I replayed the intro seven times and im crying 😭😭😭
why yall playin with rust console like that it don’t even look that bad. Yall makin it look like playdough
As a console player I couldn’t stop laughing and I know the game isn’t perfect but I’m on new gen and testing branch pls try to do a series because u crack me up
Bro it not that bad come on lol
Broken game
idk why but ive been enjoying rust console a lot after them updating it a lot
come on man rust on xbox ps 4/ps 5 ain’t that bad i mean it is bad but it ok it not that bad
You can’t do the water treatment jump puzzle on console… I only made it once and I play this game all the time. Your about as good as anyone who plays daily already.
Console you’ll never be as good as PC
I hope one day they can fix it on console. But with how much work it needs and how little they work on it I’ll have saved enough for a pc. The best pc in the world.
try this mobile game i think it works on pc too the name is last island of survival
You can turn off the emotes by turning on (disable quick chat ) which is under controls in the setting.
Rust console is good on ps5
The fixed the moon glitch lol
Dude stop clicking ur stick, lol I’ve never had that happen, u just agent used to console
Im waiting to buy a 🎮 to play thanks for. Vid ill still wait i love rust cant wait to play
Xbox series x shits on ps5 rust. It’s such a vast difference I was stunned
It’s good in ps5
From a non rust player’s perspective this looks exactly the same as normal
Me casually farming
The moon: I’m fast af boi
sounds are the worst part from the console rust for me atleast
broken game
not gonna lie, if you have the series s or c x the graphics are almost at good as pc but i still prefer the pc version
*Gets killed* “NAAAAAR!”
Ps4 games sucks they broke up ps4 when the ps5 came out
Turn gestures off in settings
I’m happy with it considering I have nothing to compare it to. I’m having fun.
It’s only good on 120 fps.. 60 fps.. you fucked.. 120. Might be able to do something
Such a biased review. You proved that when you said at the start you’ll never play PC rust again if it’s good – went into it expecting to hate it and were too ignorant to think anything else. Sad 🙁
new updates are coming then and only then will i do videos on rust…… i only have a ps4 pro btw and it runs and looks fine aside from the obvius moon bug and glitching in doors
You need to play on Xbox
Small tree = small X Big tree = Big X
memio i play frost yt aswell lol
When and IF rust console gets somewhat good you should remake that promise and like just play console rust for like 2 weeks to a month. Gotta give it to the people who have been watching you but have only had console. It’s finally their Chance to meet you.
You can disable gestures in settings
They just need to make a Ps5 version and it be 120fps and look nice
More rust console content plezzz
New logo is soo baad yikes
I think play rust mobile, so Play Oxide: Survival Island Game
Imagine complaining about the console version when ur on a ps5 cuz ps4 is running like 30fps drops to 20
I’d rather stick to my shitty graphics lag and weird glitches rather spending 500$ on a pc
Feel are pain….. 😂😂
I’ve never been so disappointed in a game. I spent a whole year hyping myself for rust console and then it released the way it did. I’ve learned my lesson to have the lowest expectations possible for any new games though.
Bruh broken game😡
The developers need to update to next gen ps5 but they are beeing lazy asses and only then I will buy rust. But I will probably have to wait few years for that to happen.
The Pig Never moved… the entire day.
i rarher be dead them playing this (DISQUSTING) ugly game :
Brooo I miss the old M logo 😢
over hyped
I was so pumped for it I paid 60 😭 now I can’t even play it cuz it’s trash
MEMO is it you
broken game
12:46 best part
Broken game
Yo you better enjoy console rust there’s a few bugs. The bugs aren’t as bad as caldera though.
I think it’s fine lol
broken game
Hell ya it’s broken I have to crouch to loot anything and it happened right after a server maintenance
Why is there Zergs on low pops!? So aggravating being a solo n getting raided by 6+ people… Fml
Memeio you where playing in my server omg
Playing on gaystation instantly loses you 10 frames
Broken game. Broken game. Broken game
4:40 you are terrible on console thats the problem xD
when you play on Ps5 is not bad
I just want mouse and keyboard support for the game
There is small oil on test severs which cost more money to get
Wassup memio im a rust console creator
When I saw this man continuously bringing up his emotes I knew he was going to struggle 😂
4:33 that scream sums up my entire experience on rust console 😂
10:17 yes memio we know how to aim on a controller lol just stop sperging out when you aim
I never seen rust console vc so active
Bro you were playing on the same server as me I literally saw my base
turn gestures off from controls
you played for 15 hours bro 😭
Maybe your just bad at rust console.
Broken game broken game broken game broken game
Not gonna lie the dude with the orange beard looked just like my character. It very well might have been me. I was dicking off on an AUS server.
I’ve been playing console longer and you better then me 😂😂😂
Y’know, I watch a decent amount of Rust content, but don’t really play much myself…
I had no idea there was a console port, for real. I can see why it’s not exactly topping sales charts though…
You were hardly stuck. You could have smashed the metal ore with your rock.
Ronald McDonald joke was funny as hell . You should think about doing comedy
If only i saw this yesterday before buying…
That was a good laugh you should def make more vids!
Hey, just your connection is bad
broken game
Bro you need to play at least 3 months of gaming to be a pro
Man this is console what do you expect🤣 i wish i was on pc too but no budget for one🥲
this game is actually so good on console we love it, comparing it to pc is silly common sense answers that question no need for a video lol, its taken console by storm people love it and play for hours on end
pc rust got gingers too i realised this wen i opned my inventory
Broken game
Hey quick question, what editing software do you use?
2:47 Anyone what the sound is called?
You gotta keep in mind it’s a tough game to run and they are trying to make it process for old gen consoles. I have a PS5 and on rust console I have 0 lag, 0 frame loss, my graphics on my monitor are good, old gen console are just holding back the games potential. In the future I hope they add helis, horses and update the game to NEW gen servers, and old gen servers, That would be cool.
11:40 RIP my ears I was wearing headphones
0:41 he has a fucking box lmao
Anyone wondering nartz is a cheater lol
0:41 W A V E C H E C K
Just wait until he finds the fly glitch
Play it on Xbox
the game is good on next gen, no debate at all
Dude this is just sad you’re complaining about everything and act like you’ve never played a game before, you say pvps horrible but you have the lowest sens and never looks at your setting like dude use your brain
I bought rust on Xbox 40 DOLLARS FOR A 20 FPS GAME
It’s not that bad once you get good
You can turn off the jesters in the settings
nah it doesn’t look like that
I need a group to play with
What the fvuk is wrong with developers nowadays.. They don’t seem able to make games anymore.. Everything is always trash and 20 updates later they still trash.. Ps players are to blame for buying the sub standard shit.
Yall dramatic it ain’t bad on new gen
Play on Xbox to graphics are more better
It’s good for me since I don’t have the pay a lot of money. It’s a small price to pay for a whole good game
Also that black hands but white woman thing is a great allegory to the current “feminist” movement. They’re so oppressed memeio. You just don’t get it you nazi.
Meemo is now your console persona. Glad to see in 2022 we still have absolutely scuffed terrible versions of PC games even though both current gen consoles fully support m+kb and can actually just straight up port most shit now with solid visuals.
This was 100% on a ps5. On the PS4 I run 22 frames on average for this game
The rust on console comparison must have came from a last gen console because on my series S it looks great.
Sigh……why do most pc kids always underestimate consoles when they aren’t bad in comparison especially the series X PS5 I have no clue
bro no way instead of hitting the rock at the beginning of the video you suicide…
I am a ps4 player but me dieing in rust * it’s a ps5 player*
Why are your graphics do bad lol? My rust console graphics are alooot better. So is the sound. What recording stuff are you using.
“Rust pvp is so hard!!”
Also: *has sens at 1*
Looks nothing like the picture on xsx. It looks like the “PC” image you posted. For me anyway.
The game literally turn into 480p
Bruh its better than pc its just your console
Is rust console same as pc rust ? No. PC rust released 2013 but ok. Wait 5 years and do this video again. Rust console is pretty damn decent
Tommy controls the moon at night for some reason
Bro u can turn off gestures
Stable game
Can I get a happy birthday?
Yo change your controler settings from ur ps and togle r3 to o and you will crouch instead
Memio when he finds out he can’t click right stick while aiming
Rip all of us who can’t afford a PC and don’t know how to build your own
Dude with the low grade built like Pete albino looking fool
You gotta Lower your ads sense this is painful to watch
Memeio big tip of rust console mess with your sensitivity, stay away from scientist they will Lazer you so fast also heli is the same as in pc
I died so many times trying to jump puzzle at water treatment that I honestly thought it wasn’t a jump puzzle… Rust console is definitely poop even on PS5
Memento why you roleplay?
Memeio are you playin on a ps5?
broken game
Play on high pop weeklys, that were all the good people are
EDIT: u can turn off getures in settings
theres a few problems but as i dont have a pc im pretty happy with how it is.
Of all the possibilities on console, console still looks 3 steps from being a mobile game.
I broke my PC and it’s old since it used to be the top of the line but nowadays it wouldn’t be able to run rust so I might just get the game on PlayStation cause fuck it, doesn’t seem as bad as what my PC rust used to run like
I play rust while i can agree it is nothing like pc rust but i don’t think its terrabile
Night time is hard to cope with the moon dancers around the sky with the lighting changing bright and dark so frustrating
Broken game broken game broken game
Welcome to my struggle
Dude you carnt compare both versions of the game because pc version has had several years to improve console has had just over a year
Broken game!
Yo can I play with you
Memeio please post more Ur videos are funny AF it always makes my day
They are soooo bad LMAOOOO
As someone who plays this on a ps4 pro don’t get it its a laggy bug filled crashing mess I have 140mb internet my ps4 can run anything well an I take good care of it this game wasn’t a waste of money it has its good moments but overall if you can get pc rust don’t bother getting this it sucks take advice from someone who’s been playing its since it dropped an pre ordered it
Rust on new gen is a whole lot better
All the pissed off console kids in the comments 😂
If you want you can play with me for 2 hours maybe for a video and have a go of taking heli and pvp and stuff you know
Broken game.
Broken game
So you had fun
Rust is shit on both console and pc just full off people killing new spawns with guns
Trust me it’s so much better on ps5
I remember my first time I accidentally pressed the gestures menu In a fight, welcome to console rust..
Scripted bro nb is gonna give you a fucking db.
The nestle crunch Epically funny
You can turn off gestures in the settings
Turn off gestures
can u play kbm on console rust?
Hey Memeio, the game on console is worth every penny…alas it’s only worth 1 penny. Think I’ll wait a few more years to get it…
You know I kept seeing rust videos on YouTube was going to get it but now that you guys mention it ducks on series x forget that
Do you play on ps3??? So that’s how I know you make a new stuff look like trash because it does not look like that bro
Your bad
ur console is bad thats why
Yea it is..
I got stuck in the lighthouse rail next the the stairs and lost my ak kit
The meemo segment made me fucken die LOL
They seriously need to change the gestures, I lost a LR kit cause of that trash that you can’t even disable
On next gen consoles it’s actually way better
13:49 dont mind the moon its a bit buggy and facepunch has not fixed it yet
the controls for ps4 are much better then xbox
the x on the skinny small trees are a bit buggy but the larger trees should be just normal
Memeio playing on a rusted console..
Ill tell you this rust consle community sucks
why is everyones mic on console c r i s p y
I had fun on the beta but now the full version I’m not getting because all the boys I met in the beta dont buy it and it was my very first time playing it I only saw videos of rust so yeah it was a cool experience
The gesture thing happens to me in every fight I have
It’s similar to java minecraft and bedrock minecraft
The developers of rust console sucks idk why they just don’t follow pc
Rust console is so shit lol. Theres no argument for it being good unless you’re too poor for a pc. Its trash.
I killed u lol
well its impossible for the console version to be as good as the pc version… because consoles are shit
Console version looks like a mobile ripoff
I mean it’s just PlayStation graphics are worse
Xbox rust is more better it’s about to get oil rig
What console are you using bro?
this vid made my die laughing lmao!!
It still best game on console
Broken game? More like broken legs, am I right?
Console kids are goofy i raided two wood shit shacks and got m2, ak’s, metal kits, and a c4 bro like its weird
“Already got stuck” lazy ass just break the rock
I like console rust 🐸
When i play console rust i get beamed by mp5s all day.
memio pvp hard na your just bad
Why is it bad? Because it’s fun? Don’t be so negative you would have more subscribers
Unpopular opinion rust console gameplay is worse than pc but the game itself feels like og rust from years ago
Broken ass game
finding memo
broken game
It is not even near to the pc version not all monuments no horse no hellicopter no cars no community servers its still a mess
Yo, Memeio. I created a rust server Called Platinum. Its a Million times. Wondering if you could play it. I would to see if you like
Rust console provided me with some good times
Memio here’s some settings to make the game look better-
Motion blur on for looks / off for gameplay
Every other graphics setting off except sharpening
Volume ofc you can figure out your preference
And sensitive is kind of fucked when you start but 50%-65% on ads and 1x Is pretty good for me at least
4x 40% or less
Was this content recorded on the next gen console or last gen console?
its not bad its just you dont play you on console much
I mean it ain’t terrible on the ps5
bro i legit used to main that server, just coz the games shit doesnt mean i cant be an ak chad XD
Is he playing on a ps4 or ps5 ??? I don’t understand how the game looks so bad, it looks like an early ps3 game and not a good one lol.
Nah man the moon is the best part
Bow you don’t even have to lie it’s the same it’s beginning to look the same stop talking trash because PC is trash because you have hackles
I die to bullshit all the time
People on the console when they should be taking it up with the rust developers
It’s bad on console but 60fps on series s I slay people suck so Much it’s insane easy kits 24/7
i made the switch from console to pc abt 2 months ago but the last game i had played and downloaded was rust console, shitty game compared to the original. good effort but falls short. you can disable the gestures though in the settings
New console rust name
Try playing on the new gen consoles
Me up please look at my spray on my YouTube I hit the hits 😉
you can disable it in settings
I play on ps4 but i wish I could get a gaming pc
Console should support mouse and keyboard for the game like alot of other console games
ok i play concel rust and it’s not all bad and wile i was wathcing this its perity realistic but concel is still good
You can turn it off at settings : game 👍
That’s what we deal with everyday lol but it’s alr
The moons isn’t suppose to do that???
you think the moon is bad…. you havnt seen nothing yet LOL
If your on old gen console go play on a pc with max 60fps 1080p n then pc rust sucks too I’m on the new Xbox and I run better graphics and frames then majorly of pcs
Broken game
please play this on last gen console
You thanks some of this is bad. Ppl have to use striker packs to be good. Its practically cheating
What the moon doing?
memo hahahhaa
I can easily run every monument parkour with ease except for that fucking jump up on the Sewer Tank. It’s a killer.
Obviously it will never be like the pc version just saying that is stupid and the game does one good thing and two bad things
U changed ur pfp!
youre acting like rust console is supposed to be just like pc. rust pc has been out for like 7 years… rust console has been out for 7 months, i play the game on console (since i dont have a pc) i like the game, sure theres bugs and such but pc rust was once like this
Literally Rust at home
They need to help us lag is so bad 😔
its still shitty and broken lol
It’s more fun the better you are if you put in the time the games actually fun
And the moon 😂🤣 they need a seizure warning before nighttime
The gestures always coming up mid battle is just console rust 😂 I laughed so hard every time😂😂 it literally happens to me every day
As someone who plays rust console and attempt to play a wipe: HOW DID YOU HIT SO MANY BOW SHOTS
I want a pic so bad but there so expensive I play console rust it’s so ass bro I need a pc
Rust isn’t meant for console. Get a pc if you want to play rust.
Your trash at controller lol
Its shitty one ps4 and ps5 but its ten times better on the new xbox plus everyone is alot better
Aiming on console is hard af!!
The game is just as bad as I am at playing it
The Only way to PVP good is to get Ps5
If you actually play it it’s alr
9:54 ✌️🔫👍🔫👏🔫🙌(rust console combat)
broken game broken game broken game
my opinion its decent for what it is but its never gonna be perfect although it would be good if facepunch developed it instead of double 11
for some reason rust console just doesn’t recognize any of my headphones. it just doesn’t recognize them. I’ve tried deleting the game, 4 different headphones a different controller and everything
It’s better on xbox
Meme – 0 strikes again. =p
Can turn the gesture menu off, and you can change a bumber button for head looking aswell, and tuning the sensitivity up will help with bow play on Xbox still not sharp as pc play still tho but they help!
And if your good with guns and bows you can kill a lot of people. Most of the people on console edition has bad aim
⛽ 👁️ 👁️
I have rust console edition and my graphics are not bad as yours
A lot of SOS here.
Broken player
It might be trash but us console users are happy we can play rust at all
My kid wanted it for Christmas, cause i play. I told him absolutely not. #1…he’s only 8. #2..he can play on my pc. Not sure how i feel about him playing though. It aint bloody, but we all know how it is. He just likes running around on low pop by himself. He just wants to build. So its alright i guess
MEME-O is that you!?
It’s a broken game cause I keep on lagging but I go on console
Bro it’s your Xbox quality
Is this one ps4? Looks like it, and it’s obviously not gonna be as good as pc.
It do ez I play consel
Lmao the first guy he sees is called bunda muncher fucking brilliant
I play console on last gen and it looks even worse for you
I don’t think pvp is that bad for people Used to pvp on controller.
After 1500 hours in that game I bought a PC. It is garbage. PC Rust and Console Rust are two different games completely. Console Rust is like the little retarded cousin.
The fact you don’t look in settings to turn off the quick chat
I got console on the 22nd (the day it released) and it never changed
How do u get more than 2 fps
FUN FACT: Vanilla console rust servers disable aim assist
Lmaoooo Cap randoms never give guns on console. No hate bro good vid hate rust console myself lol
i play rust pc but when i watched this i was wondering if u were playing some knockoff it looks so bad and weird
Ur just bad no doubt I ran severs as a duo
I can’t the moon it killed me 🤣🤣🤣
Try a sever called scout WR it’s official
broken ankles
the goddamn moon killed me rofl
It looks so fun on PC but on console its a laggy glitchy mess
You now what they say, if you can’t win, wave
Game is actually good on ps5 and is very smooth for me and my group
broken game
Most entertaining video ever
Idk my rust on series X with top tier wifi runs quite fine
the bad thing is that i have to play on on xbox one. :(((( lol
i prefer pc then console and i played both platforms
Wait wait it’s got it’s moments please memio it’s what I’ve been waiting for years now was it it worth it ha no
wait does it actually look like this i used to play on console but i dont remomber it looking this bad
Try rust on ps4 it’s amazing
The moon makes me laugh every time memeio btw they are planning on adding oil rig next update
Its up to server🤦🏿♂️ not a fukin console edition🤦🏿♂️🤦🏿♂️🤡
You can turn off the gestures I had to do it because it kept getting me killed
you know u can alt on console aswell lmao
0:27 break the rock?
Might take two more years till we are at PC level of gameplay but for now I’ll make due with rust console lol
It’s actually a lot of fun I love it playing solo or trio
😂😂why are you pushing the stick so hard tho
Lmfaoo try it on ps4
You must not be on the newer gen consoles. Cuz I play on ps5 and it looks a lot smoother that that. Still not as good as pc, as expected, but it’s better that what ur showing. And tbh rust console isn’t that bad, some people can’t afford a big flashy fuckin pc to run rust and still wanna play the game, I don’t see why it matters which platform u play on. Of course it’s gonna be worse than pc rust, it’s made by a different developer and they also want to add things slowly cuz consoles can’t handle as much as pc
Broken game
Broken Game
yo I’d just like to say one thing
you got so mutch fun you shoud play only console rust
Anything mean.
I love console mic’s with a passion
broken game broken game broken game
imagine being poor and this being your only way to play your favorite game
Hey memeio can you do a video buying people’s houses
Only works fine on next gen consoles, same as with dayZ otherwise it’s not stable
No the graphics are not that terrible so its ur PC or a mod
Theirs a setting to make the gesture wheel not pop up
I never had a problem with Jesters
It is pay to win to be honest, if you can afford a ps5 you win, it runs almost perfect 🤷♂️ there’s alot of weird things like the x being tiny, and shiny spots on nodes just vanishing, or the horrible bullet drop and travel lol,
get absolutely shitted on Memeio XDXDXDXDXD Happy New Years Brother! That last clip hahahahahahahahahaha
Memio when you loot a body hold Square to grab everything from once
Tips for memio.
Hold x to loot all
Rebind lb to freelook and disable quick hat(random menu)
Fix your settings LMFAO.
i boought rust on my xbox to see how aids it was on console and i dont even get 30 fps, waisted money on a worse more expensive version,glad im blessed to play the pc version
On ps5 rust is playable
broken game
It isn’t that bad on Xbox
Doesn’t console rust have aim assist now?
Yo if you’re on console and wanna raid a massive 13 man hmu my name is my gt
When the Roblox Rust clone is better than the official console version 🤷🏻♂️
I actually enjoy watching you die by other’s.. you just grief poor noobs that’s something else..
If u think that is bad try to take helicopter
You didn’t get to see the flying glitch lol where players can rise up into the sky
Memeio just keep practising on console u will get the hang of it love the videos tho
Broken game
9:48, pvp is literally impossible with controller, I can’t believe that dude was 2 inches away from you and couldn’t land a shot after 2 mags
The moon follows a weapon flashlight if it’s on a Thompson
Your playing on ps Xbox is better
Have had it for ps5 for awhile, I’d love to play sometime btw, off cam I am getting better but it is damn near impossible to find friendly players on console
Try it on PS4… I play on it it’s pure suffering 10x worse then ps5 rust
The YouTube voice of your´s is getting to strong
Where are those players?
The only people I fight are beamers.
He isn’t showing everything >:(
Hop on wraith 5u for free head 😘💦
finding memo
You can disable gesture in the settings turn disable quick chat on
The moon having a spazzing out is a result of the newest and latest hot fix quality
I mean atleast your able to play rust on console
LMAO the fucking moon, good lord. I’d be pissed if I bought this shit with Monopoly money, but real life hard earned doll hairs? Es no beuno muchacho.
Xbox better
Finding memo
Lmao, ” he threw a smoke grenade , My frames!”
Tactiks, stradegy, hi IQ, big brian
Yeah this the game for memeio, just throw your PC away
Now you know are pain
Bro the moon is actually the best glitch to happen u can actually see at night with it moving like that
It’s not that bad when I play
It triggers me that you keep on doing the gesture thing
Hey man your down we can hand you guns a servers we play and you can try them out of people it’s really fun seriously turn your brightness to 1.5 and fov to 85 and also turn of Quick chat will help a lot in fights so the menu won’t pop up and you’ll be good and of course great video
I was hyped for console rust for so long but I decided to buy a pc and then I bought rust I’m glad I made the right decision
PC gamers are worse than my 5year old with a controller been spending too much time on easy Street with that mouse
Bro console rust is actually cancer i tried it and its so bad for 60 bucks
it’s obviously not horrible, still not good as pc could ever be. I recently purchased it and i do like it a lot
broking game !!
Hey if you ever want to try it out with a clan let me know I can show you the settings and the flying glitch goes crazy and We can help you with pvp.
All they did is copy and paste from pc
No one realizes you can turn the gestures off? It’s the first thing I did after that happened to me once
Another rust console video plz
Xbox is better than pc mobile ps and ipad fact
Bro play cmxbox version
So you realised that the gesture wheel was annoying, said you should turn it off, then didnt?
Why do yall expect a console to run like a PC? I think its pretty good so for for console
But sadly I got 1200 hours
It’s bad
To be honest Oxide is better than rust console.
I regret buying it 🙁
It’s better on Xbox than playstation doesn’t feel n look like this, but still prefer playing it on PC
Leave console rust alone
Bro your literally playing on the server I am on. You can see my vending machine at the end of the video in H3 and you were also killed by the kid that stole 2 m249s off of us
12:46 “dude up here quick!!! there’s people coming!”
broken game
You ain’t getting the real Rust Console Edition on ps5 you need to play it on ps4 its literally the worst game in existence.
Chaos 2L
He played one my server
Wdym on Xbox series s it’s better than that
Honestly graphics wise it’s pretty comparable. If you’ve got the right tv and HDMI cable… On PS5… PS4 however is terrible . Looking into TV’s LG C1 is op on next gen consoles. Only legitimate complaints is sound is glitchy . When you raid big zergs it can get super laggy if you don’t have tc . And some of the rocks have invisible areas where you can’t go through. Other then that no problem
Broken game
Ah yes, Finding Memo
it is better on next gen xbox
MEMIO YOU NEED TO DO A COLAB WITH OBIE!!!! (A good rust youtuber)
They got ginger beards too but it’s hard to find I had a account with ginger hair and beard
Bro why this guys that play console rust are so terrible ? Like slow
With good settings and playing on a ps5 and dispute the glitches such as the moon it’s a decent game
Chaos 2L
Still trash 😂
this is not a correct experience for some on ps4, its worse
spears are better than bows in consoles lmao
Taking a really good PC game and making a console version is like the made for tv version of a Stephen King book.
It’s no where near pc rust. They added oil rig before military tunnels. They doing everything backwards n the systems can barely keep up wit it
I play it on a Xbox series X and it still gets frame drops and freezes and I even turned graphics down and it still plays like poopoo. But, you gotta make do what you got.
Bru the game hasn’t even been out for a year and everyone thinks it should be like pc lmao.
broken game
I must say he must be using Xbox for the video because I play PS4 and it’s not that bad
This is like a boomer playing rust
You can hit the node with a rock lmao and it would have let you out
aye memo
broken game, broken game, broken game, broken game
He tried console again… that’s why the lack of uploads… when you die in console version, you literally got violated.
As a rust console player its basically very close to pc we are getting oilrig soon the only difference is Content like Heli powersurge and the other dlcs rust pc has but other than that rust console is still fun if ur pc player playing rust console you are not used to the controls but most console players are very used to it so it aint that hard when ur used to it
*Hey Meemo, is that you??*
The moon thing got me crying from laughing so hard
Do a wipe on console!
The peasant version of rust
broken game
the worst part of this game is the controls
You should vs xbox players😈
why not let the console edition flop? Let them focus only on pc.
I had the same issue with the gestures and on split gate I’ll be trying to shoot and it will meele
As a console player I can say that the game isn’t that good the bows suck to use, there isnt any of the really good monuments yet, there is a glitch u can use to literally fly and the difference between old gen and new gen is night and day
The fact that u killed urself in the beginning, u should’ve jus took down that metal ore like a man 👨
Ur gestures mid battle. Got me mad
Broken hasn’t game? More like broken legs.
Trap base next video
broken game btw
ty for calling it out hope they fknn make it better
Stuck? Just break the metal node you were on.
Look here me out on the PC Is way diffrent but It Is Aldo fun on the PS4
Bro gets stuck by a metal ore, kills himself. Why not bust the metal ore bro??
The ginger hair and blonde hair is a glitch lol
Think he would’ve learnedto turn off gestures
For anyone wondering, the moon was moving around because the last update came with a bug that allows people to move the moon using a Tommy.
One major aspect that makes console alot better than PC. Hackers and 10000k hour players . In console I can make plays I cannot on PC. It’s a far different experience . It’s the same game but it’s nothing alike.
I’m still happy with the game on console
Something mean !!!!!!
The only thing that needs fixed Is fly glitch and the game is pog
Rust is Pretty good on Xbox Series X now but on the original Xbox it’s near unplayable
Memeio, bro.. You’re killing me with the gesture wheel.. Every time you pvp 😂 it hurts
using a controller is so wonky, imagine some how using a mouse and keyboard on console rust, You would shit on everybody easily
it baffles me that people still buy consoles.
Now do this with a 6 year old ps 4 slim with horrible internet
The problem isn’t Rust Console. The problem is Sony Playstation.
I can’t afford a gaming pc so console will do 😂
Nice job memo😂👍🤦
Oof should’ve got it on xbox instead
Broken game
This makes me want to cry
Console needs soil asap
Could’ve just farmed that iron ore in that first bit lol
Ik this is a weird question but does rust console support full nudity or is it forced to be on underwear/ pixelated
Rust console has a lot of broken shit about it so annoying tbh
Bruh it looks better than that on my Xbox idk what happened to your Cancel
PvP is good in the game just takes a lot longer to get good at 😂😂 but PvP is easier than PC cuz when you’re decent at PVP it’s hella easy 😂😂 btw the gestures pop up because you’re pressing right joystick, happens to me sometimes when I tense up and accidentally click the R button
Lol your Lowkey trash the pvp is hard but when you get used to it it’s not bad, if you had to use a controller on pc rust you wouldn’t be that good
anything mean in the comments
Rust console is the worst.
Only PlayStation players are this bad 😂😂😭😭
At least it ain’t as bad as rust mobile.
its not that bad
i play this over pc because i dont have a pc and i really enjoy it because they have fixed a lot of bugs , crashes and all that and im good at pvp. if you get public test branch there is oil rig
broken game
I have 1.5k hours on console rust That gesture menu was the worst but I have all my settings done so it’s turned off I
Broken Memeio
LOL When you realize you can hook up your keyboard and mouse to your console ……
evereyone who was rushing console rust to come out im glad its half assed just for you guys
The level of pain I experienced watching this makes me want to dig out my own eyes with dull rusty spoons….
@7:35 “Chur Bo”
Not lag you’re just bad lol it’s easy to do if you have half a brain
PC rust has been out for literally years. Much more time to refine. Not to mention you don’t even know how heli works in the game. How is your opinion relevant at all lmaoooo
The thing is really not fun is every one on Console is auto aim esp whit the xim and cronus what ever that not fun at all
Its the famous youtuber , Meemo!
Memio also animals are being worked on bc they find u far as hell
Yooo memio rust ps is very different to xbox not ganna lie it looks way different the fact I’m seeing this
Wtf the game looks much smoother than on pc??
Wait, try the flying glitch lol
I like console rust, but PC is 10x better
They aren’t 11 year Olds it’s always the like 23 year old zergs that just got home from work
It’s so easy the jump
I can’t aim on rust console
10:21 i turned it off , anyways the game is ez
The screen looks like you are playing underwater
I found 2 little kids trying to spear out a armour wall so I left them to it is that evil?
you cant even say you play rust if you play on console its not even the same games, its dog shit
I wish they would work on it. I love rust but cant afford a pc
Hahahahahah that moon tho
Fucking gestures
🙃I thoroughly expect that everyone begin to refer to you now as…………. “Meemo”. lol
Kid: Meemo, Meemo, Meemo is that you Meemo? 🤣
you can turn on streamer mode on console so it changes your name
Im so glad you are bringing this up, the devs have done nothing to improve the performance for last gen, its riduculous they even released it for last gen
I play on a series X with 5g internet . It’s actually decent and very playable . It’s pretty terrible for old gen players not gonna lie. Cross play is dog water to, cuz PlayStation users always plug in m&k and just wreck controller players . Not balanced in the slightest . Your best bet for a good experience is get a new generation Xbox, and play on Xbox only servers .
jus switching from pc rust to console rust is why it’s bad
it’s actually not that bad it’s still not as good as it could be but there’s a lot worse games
Rust on ps4 or xbox
I had to turn all the gestures and that off too annoying
Something I feel this game needs for the console edition is auto run, some aim assist because is hard to hit shots, put a little less recoil in some gun because is impossible to hit shots. I really think this will make the console edition way more enjoyable.
Please react, or play PS4/Xbox One console rust, you’ll realize how lucky you are to be on next generation LMAO
Dw, I play this shit every. Single. Day. On old gen even better, and I hate every second of it
Stimpee and memeio on rust console… just gunna put that out there.
I play on old gen wait till u try that
I play rust console n run servers n this is funny asf content😂#brokengame
Ohhhh- weaklings, eh? Haven’t ever had a Poor Wipe on Rust Console yet everyone is complaining. Pathetic. Stfu or git gud. Hoomans are stupid.
Edit: Solo PS4 player btw. Screw yer Zerg complaints. Been harassing them for fun the past weeks and has been SO MUCH FUN!!!
Edit2: Aye, he seemed an asshat with initial complaint. But am 1000% serious. Gotten used to the lag, and have only slaughtered every attempt to seize our base. Off or online. Fr. Why do people keep crying?
Not as bad as u say it is
And people actually play this 24 hours a day lol
I know man! But it’s still rust best thing I’ll get
Broken game
“broken game”
What console are you playing it on?
Broken game🥸
I’m glad to note, that if there is one motherfucker that is a bigger bot on console than me, it’s Memo..
You legit get offline raided by people who are on 10 hrs plus while you go work you 8 hr shift and shit on console no lie man I experience this every time now
Ngl the moon is the best part of console rust
Bro next time at least raid those rats with the twig foundations come on.
Not the gestures!!!
i had to buy a pc cuz rust on console is so bad that gesture on right stick is horrible
Yo you can turn of the gestures I thinks it’s quick chat and turn on auto run to look in inventory while running
Is no one gonna talk about the moon that seems like a big issue
Tommy controls the moon lol idk why
You can auto run to go into your inventory and map and you can free look
N pvp is bad for anyone who’s bad on it at console 😭 I can say the same ab keyboard
get stimpee involved
this game on console is SUCH a cash grab it’s not even funny 😀
Get a new Xbox
well youre also just playing PS instead of xbox so-
man this is worse than if they were to just port it over without any control adaptation
Keep in.mind memio, we are dealing with less memory and set hardware spec while you can max things out.
Its the age old PC can outperform consoles.
Yes id like a PC to.enjoy a better version of.the game, but until then ill enjoy what I get on console. As ports go things have come a long way from the days of arcade games porting to 16bit systems.
Why do many of the rust youtubers come out with videos that are so similar, so close together? I think I’ve seen like 5 other rust youtubers come out with this SAME EXACT type of video in the last 24 hrs.
Memio welcome to hell where I come to see the moon dance and for the most cursed monuments and lose th worst battle
You can turn off the gestures menu in settings
The moon thing has been happening for the last week or so but compared to a few months ago it’s way better
Close it! Haha – never played on console and probably won’t – fun to watch but seems too painful!
Can you not custom change your controls
Bad game
It’s gotten a lot better
l love this
Rust console: not the gestures
Memeio use a knm
We just not gonna talk about how this man’s sensitivity was on 0
Can there be peace please
If u ever want help on console rust I can help u
My game looks like your version of PC rust on the xbox series s 😂 sense some fuckery here
difference between PC and Console
PC plays 10x faster and doesnt look like it got shredded and glued back together 😂
we wait 2 weeks for a video and its rust console smh my head
Of course its bad your playing on playstation
It’s not a broken buggy mess
u suck at jumping on console rust lol
:^) broken game
Yo you need to adjust your sensitivity more horizontal than vertical it helps.
Console is ruined by clans and fortnite brats begging for scrap. Lured one to my base one time had a custom dude wasn’t even 60 feet away hit him twice one in the leg and another in the arm after that the recoil was so uncontrollable it went over his head firing all the rest in .5 seconds all into the air and around him like them people who have knives threw at their outline kid screamed deep throating his mic cheeto bag rattling you could hear the grease on his fingers and all over his buttons screaming all the way to bandit camp. was so disappointed I logged off got on an hour later my base was completely wiped you can’t get past work bench level 2 before getting raided and they’ll know your a peasant still running around with spears they’ll spent 20 rockets just for 1000 stone in tc its sad
Rust console pvp isn’t great at all everyone thinks it’s fine but its dogwater. Just the mechanics are off.
There is a problem that you dont have small rig and big rig
I dont why your rust is so bad cus my rust is amazing on xbox series x
Its like oxide but rust, interesting 🤔
It really do be the old gens holding the game back though.
Oh no I bought the console version am I doomed?
I have it on console and I love this game. I deleted the shitty call of duty game and started playing 3 days ago and I’m addicted. Literally can’t sleep lol.
it doesn’t look like that on next gen
Play more
The game looked like shit on pc for about 5 or 6 years lol why would you expect better on console?
Ur graphics so ass try on ps5
Got stuck between a metal node that u can brake
Broken game
It’s still new version. It needs updates. People don’t realize that it’s only been a year or less in its release.
first mistake is playing on a playstation lmfao
You have to realise you play ps5 but if you do anything below that you wil run 18 fps
Wym rust consols hard we gt 4 boxes of guns 3 boxes of armor nd a chocker base
He was stuck between a rock and a metal ore node and he killed his self instead of smashing the node with his rock? 🤦🏻♂️
How to say bad, but nicer
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I’ve been playing for about a month and a half now, I play on the the regular Xbox one and let me tell you. I enjoy the game and it’s concept but holy crap is it BAD on console. It needs so much work/bug fixes. The pvp is unbearable and it’s damn near impossible to actually be accurate cuz of the delay and lag.
broken game
Rust mobile is also still shit
Tips. Disable the chat. In your settings for gameplay so you don’t press gestures by accident. And you probably already know this but heli won’t attack you if you have only two pieces of clothing on or a hazi
It’s not as bad as you make it out to be.
It’s cause ur on ps4 everyone on xbox x is cracked try it
Ayoooo, give it some time. Big updates are coming..
Subscribe to Stimpee
That looks aids
Now way this guys on my server rn
Hmmmmm Nice contents
The fact that you won’t see the original thumbnail makes me sad…
can you play rust mobile again
It’s slowly improving but still nowhere close to pc 🤣
This is honestly the worst game I’ve played ever but I can’t stop playing.
the pvp in rust console is fine in my opinion and I think u should do more rust console videos
we console players are used to it.
Yeah I’ve had it for 7 months now and it’s still garbage… Still can’t fuckin stop playing but yeah it’s shit on console for fuck sake
Hilarious people actually bought this on console. Clowns 🤡. Can’t believe people actually grind this on console.
Broken game broken game broken game
Facepunch is smart, they scammed a bunch of morons who genuinely thought this unoptimized pile of shit was gonna work on console lol
The pain of gestures, i turned them off a long time ago
this shit was so relatable the whole time and made it 1000 times funnier
Rust console made me get a pc lol
Rust console=garbage
Why the fuck they release it on a dead console instead of just next gen? this is so dumb..
i despawn all my juicy loot and rage quit the server
ez wood i can get maybe 5 boxes or more
its good trust meits hella ez i played a 1 hit tree server
Yes, you’re right
Also I’m coming up on 700 hours on console edition and I’ve never seen someone do good as a solo
HOW TF DID YOU DO ALRIGHT PLAYING THIS GAME, I USUALLY GET HEADSHOT ALL THE TIME BY BEAMERS. I can’t even get into prim sometimes because of the amount of zergs Killing everything.
I have been enslaved by 28 deep clans, clans of really weird French people, and a lot more. It’s either be with the clan or die. It usually comes down to spray and pray
You are either luck god or just, have the skills of a console god.
Either way welcome to hell
I like it on console, the pc rust is full of sweats that have never touched grass. My only complaint is that the servers only are 100 pop. The current server im on has a 32 man team so 1/3rd of the server is a clan.
I guess people who good at console rust are just using mouse keyboard controls via HW hack for it
You can turn the gesture wheel off in the settings its called quick chat
He won’t ever betray you
rust console is just bad and low quality but console players cannot afford a good pc so they dont need high quality
Average ps4 player
Broken game
This is what we deal with lol
U just have to put the sensitivity up
this looks better than the graphics for my pc
“I already have to kill and respawn because I’m stuck” could’ve easily broken the node with his rock
so glad i switched to pc after 200 hours of this game
im just wondering when oxide new video coming
Broken game
Oxide survival island review please
if you didnt panic so hard all the time the gesture menu wouldnt be a problem xD
Need a Part 2. This was entertaining. 🤣
You can disable the gesture wheel in the menus. I don’t know how many kills I messed uip until I found that setting.
broken game
broken game broken game
broken game
broken game
The gestures is so funny it fucked u so many times
Memeio play with me we’ll take brad and heli
Im a washed up pc player and i like playin console because it actually feels like rust to me. I miss old pc rust☹
Imagine: you are 12, just got Rust on console and you can’t wait too see what this new world has in store.. wake up near water treatment, and after having narrowly escaping a blue guy who was shooting you, you meet your Rust idol… Meme-oh.
I’ve had 300 hours on console rust before I switched to pc 😂
Surprised you didn’t run into the disappearing weak points on nodes
Play Xbox rust and your ass will get eaten up 😈😈😈😈
Memeio have you tried not using gestures when fighting?
Its honestly isn’t that bad 😂😂
@memieo when you want a ok consle player hit me up
1 thing that is defo broken is your sensitivity bro😂
Some games are poorly done without aim assist unlike R6 siege. Rust needs aim assist so badly to keep the game on console going.
you desorve that dislike for play it
That’s what happens when u play psn lol xbox number one
Rust on pc was pretty bad when it was first released right? Just give it time and hopefully it’ll get better
I DARE you to try oil heavies shit on my head
still don’t understand how Fortnite can have the exact same graphics everything the same on pc and console
Its not that bad once u get 700 hours
Bro wtf that’s me with the black raspberries
Bro you were on my sever bro wish I was on
The thing with console is if you didn’t buy the ultimate edition you don’t have access to aim training servers or anything like that so your ordamadicly put at disadvantaged. You can turn of guesstures.
hey Memeio my friend killed you a few times on here in the vid he fliped out when i showed him this vid
Memeio backk
xbox rust is better but no one will roast me under all these comments.
Am I crazy or did the thumbnail change
whyd u change the thumbnail lol
Next gen is ten time better
YO, thought you’re name sounded familiar can’t believe it was actually you mate, ggs
…they couldn’t add the same hit marker sounds? too high quality or what
Im Playing on my Series X and everything is like on my PC
Memeio you should try playing Quarintine Z on roblox it’s like dayz
me my gtx 750ti from 2015 runs rust better in console my friend theres no way
Try building in the snow or the dessert for more fps and if you want to have fun get a good group
Rust console is cancer. So it’s basically the same as the pc version.
Funny broken game
The only upgrade to console rust is that you can’t hear any salty raging people when they get knocked down.
Oil rigs arent added yet
Looks like Garrys mode
Trying to make a play: good day to you sir
this looks like GRust but with rtx on
i’m crazy at console it’s easy when u play for a little everyone sucks
Console Rust has been slacking behind a lot, yet people still play it for hundreds, if not thousands of hours. I may be one of those people
night time in rust console is darker than my life
broken game
Still shit
12:48 haha!
Meemo lol.
Was buzzing for the game to come out on console played it for a day and just seen how bad graphics and how laggy is was never went on it again. Embarrassing how they can charge people £40 for this pish
Turn ur sens up plz
12:14 LMAO!!!
It’s not as bad as he’s making out apart from the huge clans what dominate every single server it’s not all bad lol
This feels like an off brand copy of pc rust. Like how minecraft had so many shitty copies.
tweak your settings bro💀
You can deactivate it in the hud settings
It’s still playable
Ya it’s bad but I can’t afford a pc so it will do
It’s only impossible for u because ur ducking bad at console
The gestures menu is so painful!! 😂 I wish it was better but tbh, it’s still good enough to be some fun!
Welcome to rust console solo survival lol
Can we get an F in the chat for Memo
Getting stuck on stuff on console is a fat issue
Broken game
Man this looks god awful.
why wouldnt you just break the rock instead of killing
Try Xbox
please change your channel’s name to Memo
Yo I killed you memeio why you scare the crap out of me with that eoka
The gun fights arent that terrible. You just button mash how tf do you have a problem with pulling up the gestures.
I play on PS5 and idk if it’s the same on PC, but the sparkles on nodes disappear, the x’s on trees disappear, the moon/sun glitches around and gives everyone epileptic fits, the lighting is terrible like when you go into a slight ditch it becomes pitch black, each weapon attachment reduces your aim sensitivity by like half, the render distance is awful for players, you get stuck literally everywhere (including rubber banding random rocks or on the road outside outpost) and if you don’t play on a next gen console you wasted your money
Edit: oh also my friend died in his base through a window to a literal flying dude with a tommy
Game was shit. On new Gen console it’s actually pretty solid rn
I play rust and Dayz on console only because I dont have a pc, but im telling you, Rust, Dayz and tarkov is the sole reason to why I’m now saving up for a gaming pc. I can’t take it anymore
Broken legs, Broken legs, Broken legs
If I had this game I would be a god because I came from apex
xXSsniperXx44 is not a cute innocent 11 year old he’s so toxic and killed every naked he could find with his pump and talked shit
It’s never gonna get as good as pc rust cus they will never add keyboard support
Literally the only good thing about rust on console is that there are 0% cheaters
All the console people getting mad lol
Memeio needs to figure out how to turn gestures off lol
It not bad
Imagine if console rust had been made solely for new gen, instead of being held back by old gen.
Hahahahahaha rust on console is actually a waste of money there is no fun
It’s easier if you crouch jump
Seems like you’re playing on ps4 or ps4 pro, which explains a lot.
1. Memio I love your content as always.
2. The reason heli betrayed you is because if you have more than two pieces of clothing on or more than two tool/weapons, it will consider you hostile and attack. Chinook just shoots everyone it sees.
3. Console will never be as good as pc though the console’s testing branch version is MUCH smoother than the live branch.
4. The gestures and quick chat menu is the bane of my pvp.
Every time Memeio got into a fight he was fighting a console god
7:13 The sounds are so scuffed.
always look forward to your videos :))
now u know what we have to deal with hopefully Facepunch will do something
Why is it that when you play this it’s way worse but when I play it on my PS5 or any of my console’s it’s 10x better…
And the worst thing no one is Talking😂
Love you step bro
I was on this server
Rust console is not meant for ps4 that’s why on ps5 it perfectly fine graphically the only problems are zergs and the glitches
4:55 lmao wtf 😂
8:29 ur new name is meemo no longer meemeio
no for real, its actualy good
I play console rust and the moon flys about in the air?
Yo you can turn the gestures off in settings and if I were u I would increase your sense and fov
Memeio never seen someone so bad at rust console like I’m a chad on it team up with me be a good Video
Memeio fellow rust console player from now on, I have got a pro tip for you, in the settings theres an option to turn of gestures and game chat, so nothing will happen if you press down the right stick. Actually these console videos are so good amd funny, also i love to see you struggle with it.
Maybe now they will actually fix somthing
I spent like 50 dollars in console and its terrible I hope they fix it
Let me start with an attention grabbing statement. “I have never had a completed base raided on Official in over 7 years of playing this game”
I have four designs, but only one does not require terrain.
The base is a 33 rocket minimum which is OP for a 2×2 and 2 levels high.
Ive included my current base design if anyone wants to try it.
My Base design is as follows;
Square foundation with TC, bag and drop box placed low on wall. All walls are HQ. Then honeycomb with triangles. Make these HQ as well.
Have a HJune style bunker dropping down into the triangle with the dropbox. (Its created by placing a triangle ladder hatch frame at half height, and then building two triangle roofs and upgrading them to HQ. You must however log off in that triangle to destroy the twig.
I then just build squares and triangles in stone to form a 2.5×2.5 base. I of course have a HQ ramp and half roof above the TC square. Garage doors everywhere.
All hidden walls are HQ. Outside walls are half metal and half stone. To upgrade the honeycombing to HQ you either have garage doors on all four corners leading in or utilise pre placed bags with drop boxes. I have a triangle ladder hatch on the outside of the base leading to the second level entrance.
My smallest base design is only 12 squares, but needs 32 rockets minimum, but requires a vertical cliff face.
Love your content.
It’s better to play it on Xbox it’s not good on gayStation5 to play it😁
Console rust is never gonna be like pc😂
Bro stop hating on the game we enjoy it and it’s the best we have especially for people like me who can’t afford a pc
Edit: btw I’m not hating on you as a creator just please be more open minded
Broken Game… Memeio I am in Melbourne Can I please have your Xbox?
Yeah the gestures suck
we need customs jay jex
This doesn’t look too bad, then again I’m not the one playing it so idk 💀
Rust console is better than pc… I won’t get beamed from 150 meters no matter how many hours ya got😂😂
Memeio in a pvp fight: Let’s gesture!
Nooooooo, my nightmares!!!!
I play both because I have friends on both. I think console is better than it was but is still bad compared to pc
The console Version is so far behind the PC Version its very disappointing and the Designer seems to major Upgrade it only every 4 months its not worth 50$ on console at this state maybe 15 not more worst Part also is the maps still being so small on my server bandit Camp, launch,doom ,airfield and harbour was basically 20sec away from each other in the middle of the map on console there needs to come major updates and Upgrades this year or its simply getting boring
Edit at 13:45 i dont know if its a Bug but i think admins on the server playing around with the mond as most console players stay on they base in the night i seen it ones and the mond moves fully 360 on the sky if somebody Grab the mond and played around with it Was so funny😂🤣
Broken player. :^)
You can turn of gestures in the settings!
When playing console you’re controller settings matter a lot. For example ads sensitivity and look sensitivity. When memeio plays on pc his sensitivity is way higher i think that if he raised his sensitivity in his game play he would’ve played better. But when switching from pc to console it can be difficult
For someone who loves Rust, playing on the ps4 sucks ass, but worth it since I can finally play the game.
Rust on Console is not that bad tbf and still in the early stages compared to most games like ark that have been out for a good few years and is still laggy asf but only down side with console is the sweaty players using the corona mod
My experience on rust console is good my only problems is zim and how every one runs in big groups hand holding and zergs
I was 300 hours into this tuck in game before I figured out how to turn gestures off. It got me killed in probably 1000 gun fights an I always said “I’m turning this stupid shit off” an never tried lmao. I finally did it an haven’t had an issue in a gun fight since haha. I can now say, with pride, that I win about 75% of my gun fights lmao
rust console is a big piece of shit
I would actually like Consol rust game play🤷🏻♀️
Fix your sens lol
I play it on the new Xbox and it’s pretty good ofcourse not as good as pc but still worth the money and I love it only takes 5gb
The beta testing servers are somehow less laggy and more fun becuass they have all the pc items and monumemts
You’re playing PlayStation that’s why lmao. Wrong console
PvP is only bad on console when u suck at controller
Rust console is so garbage for me idk if it’s my console but it’s the laggiest game I own
Thank you. This game need work and these things getting brought to light by a big channel is a big step forward
Was that a loot all button? better than pc
I is Rust ill give em that , but it’s so trassh :))))
Nanana dont be dissin my game bruh
Ur just on old gen thats why it looks like that
Thanks memeio, I haven’t played consul in like 6 months hoping it’d be good when I came back and you killed all my hope.
2:23 WHY would they make the hit noise totally different?! 😕 8:49 Ooh! Head-shots sound same
hahaha 6:38 broken game broken game broken game
Memeio u can turn off the gesture wheel in the settings.
U go to game and there will be an option like disable quick chat and u need to turn that on
I watched 30 seconds of this video and decided it look like shit and it wasnt worth
0:26 lol, why didn’t you just break/farm it w yer rock? o, are most console players generally annoyed? just curious….
Good stuff! It was *HILARIOUS!* and re your comment ↑ above, i *_am_* sub’d! Been sub’d for _years!_ probably since 2017!
↑ Comment for algorithm + 👍 ‘d ~ #OldManPaxus Rating: *☆☆☆☆* ~
I lose brain cells wverytime I load up the gaem
Not the game shit just you
Broken legs
Broken legs
Broken legs
13:40 the moon attaches to flash lights which causes that
..wanted to pvp on rust.
but God said
I know how to make ur game better not to be rude but I have the x box series x and my graphics is really good I only support 60 frames but I never lose frames and chage ur settings
i just spawned i have to kill myself … just farm the metal memeio ! 😀
bros playing on the 360
New gen is good. Not great but good.
What the hell was that god-awful song at the end if you called us on or rap that was God awful
Peasant Console
The fov looks super zoinked
Us console players have it hard from pc. Like we don’t have big oil, small oil, skins, frames, lag, etc. I hope use console players can be at least close to pc. I say that because fun fact, console rust is exactly 2 years behind pc rust.
Yes it’s terrible but we love it.
This is horrible and still more fun to watch than the drop stream running in the background ❤
Broken game
broken game, broken game, BROKEN GAME!!
I never got the game for console but…are there graphical options? To help customize the experience so it works fairly better for you?
its not as broken or buggy anymore (at least on ps5), but its still got so much content not there that it just feels worthless to play if ever played pc anytime in the past cpl years
Never played rust might try it out. Give Dayz a break
I have 1000 hours in rust console and it sucks but their about to add rig so hopefully it gets better
POV: you’re a student sitting next to Memeio in class
“Look at his hair, he looks like Ronald McDonald”
The more I watch PC players play Console Rust, the more I realize how much I suffer on a daily basis
you’ll have advantage over the other players because it’s super easy against players
But the gameplay will not be as good as pc at all
I personally like rust on ps5 but on ps4 it’s literally unplayable it’s like your playing a mobile game 💀💀💀
Memeio no offense, but you are also still terrible – Console Sweat
They couldn’t even put in the original hit markers from rust?!? Beuh that’s like one of the best parts
This is on next gen console isn’t it…F
So hook up your keyboard you walnut
Wait til you ACTUALLY play console. It’s full of zerging Chronus Zen abusers knowing happily Console doesn’t have anti cheat. It’s garbage on Console and worse off extremely behind😤😤😤
What if it came out on switch lolol
This is some crusty dusty dinosaur of a game when its on console
Honestly I love console it brings me back to original rust and the fun of the game returned for some of us. Alos much better quality on xbox series x
7:40 hahahaha this was so relatable
Your literally just bad 💀
Play Oxide again🙌
Memio i dont mean this in a bad way but your console is trash i have a ps4 and the quality is still good im not saying console is better but im saying its decent
you playing this shit on a old gen console talking about how bad it looks lmao. that’s like playing pc rust with a shitty graphics card and 8gb of ram
Memio keeps pointing out problems I got used to as a rust console player
you cant talk ab a game cuz u bad it ngl
Broken Memeio
Broken game
Console Rust!
rust sucks anyway so
Mamma Mia is the hottest pizza bug sheeesh job bobis
On ps4 it’s not really as good but on ps5 they got more space for better stuff
Can’t be the same like on PC…that would be boring. Never gonna play on PS JUST my opinion…
You will be laggy af if your not on the new Xbox series
Non of this things happened on me on xbox so maybe you should give Xbox rust console a try
Looks like a rust knock-off
The game is fun imo but the graphics are shit and servers are shit
It’s garbage unless your on next gen
Memeio got stuUcK
Broken GAME
Wow memeo my favorite
You can turn off gestures in settings
atleast there’s no scripting
Ah yes another rust console banger
why do you Console like that? CANSUL
Memio please play more console rust
broken game(:
Welp guess hes plsying this from now on cause he said this is the best
It hurts to look at
Bro can game
Disable the gestures and check out a YouTube video for aiming settings recoil is better on console
Memeio:proceeds to fall off and blame game
I think the Roblox version was better 😆
I’m convinced youtubers purposely play on the most low quality servers just so they can make console rust look worse then it actually Is. That way the click bait is on point
Need to turn up your horizontal and vertical sensitivity way up. I got the Xbox version and tuned mine up to 70 or something like that.
I found it hilarious you kept opening gestures mid combat. Fucking jittery ass thumbs, bro.
Tbh atleast we don’t get to get aimbotted by hackers lols
lmfao did anyone catch how they spell authorize on the tc?
should try back roblox rust think they added voice chat
pc: memeio
console: meemo
The gesture wheel is pretty annoying especially when you’re in the middle of a raid defense and the guy finally comes around the corner you’ve been waiting in and instead of AK spray he got a thumbs up 👍😂
Rust console is made for fucking old men and kids lol real players on pc
Broken game
8 yearold game too hard to climb………. -_-
I am a console only player and I have to say it’s not bad after playing for a year. I recently started playing PC rust and I’ve realized you need a pretty good computer for the game so I suck.
I bought the game recently, it’s unplayable on old gen
Yah best tip I could give you is turn off quick chat and turn up your bow Sensitivity
The developers that face punched let build this game on Xbox has no idea what they’re doing.
They’re releasing content and updates without even doing performance adjustments first
There’s legit 12 moons spazzing out at night time BUT HEY WE HAVE A TECH TREE THOUGH?
These developers need to quit this project and give it to more competent people.
broken game
Lol obviously it’s not gonna be as good on console it hasn’t even been out a year for console and they’re still adding stuff every month…….
When you got stuck in the rock you realize you coulda just bashed the ore with your rock to leave? You know what, im not a rust expert. Ill leave it to you!
broken game
Broken game broken game broken game
Lol I only play rust console but it is fun it has gotten better
Seems more like a skill issue to me
This game is fucking awfuk
The moon is a bit like a searchlight
Got 500hrs on console you get use to it and you need a new gen console
buy keyboard and mouse for your console.. i mean, you can’t get much worse 😀
I was sad when I didn’t see a rust trolling on Christmas
bro its a good game on next gen
Haha you were playing on the same server as me kinda close to my base
broken game
I literally just played it today. So weird.
You can now fly and infinitely farm the same sulfur/metal node. Never been more happy I’m switching to PC
I will rust on PS4 and I probably played rushed with a guy who said he has rust for PS five if not I can’t wait to meet him in rust maybe tomorrow
Yo bro I was wondering whenever I put more than 1 attachment on rust console the settings become so slow is it the same on pc?
The moon thing happened with the last update sometimes it lights up the ground at night
If I should ever run into you in game, I will only call you “MeeeMo”
Console isn’t even bad anymore lmao
Look man. We’re tryin.
Broken game
“im gonna have to cut this part out of the video””
Kid literally logs off and jumps on his PS
What a absolute let down
i swear it never looks that bad
It’s not the game being terrible. It’s you.
Lmao the moon is still broken ?!? It’s been like that for like a good month 🤣
You play like you have never in your life held a controller.
ill play rust console if im the only one who can use a mouse
Oh yeah memeio can you maybe go on siren 8R or R8 server I can give you some tips😏😘
Your gunna get comments defending it for the next year again lol
the game is still garbage. but its gotten a bit better. at least for people that only have consoles and play rust console regularly
I play rust console and I can see why a pc player may dislike it but as a console player you become used to not getting as good games and rust is definitely a very good rust game, really fun with friends and easy to make good progress with a trio and above
broken game broken game broken game … good video <3
lmfao thats where they went wrong with xconsole it is the ginger model xD
What’s the sound at the time 2:58
Memeio got the thumbs of a younger brother who played with an controller that wasn’t plugged in
Just got it and I play on PS4 it’s not as good but I think it’s still fun
This looks like it’s on Xbox one.
It’s actually really solid on new gen systems
Now hes an amazing pc player but ive seen kids who just download the game play better as a solo
Rust console player’s assemble!!
This looks like a 420p twitch stream
It will be years probably just like the PC version only got good 3 years ago.
We make do with what we can memio, it’s not perfect but we make do!
Try rust on rust console gen x
Broken game
why is console rust so bad lol, not even just with the looks
It’s been broken since beta but somehow you make it seem fun 😂😂
Aye atleast your playing playstation😝
Seems like about 70% of the problems you’re having are down to your settings! Game still has obvious issues but can actually be enjoyable if you have decent settings and put in the time to learn the aiming side of it. There’s some helpful settings videos for subtle things that have to be turned off on yt 🙂
broken game
console moment
I suggest changing your sensitivity lvls. Aiming levels on default are slow AF. You can disable the gestures wheel in settings. Also the sewer parkour is and will always be a B!
The Audio of these people is so bad even my speaker spontaneously died
The game is complete ass even on new gen console’s, joke of a game dude.
i have over 1k hours on console rust, and believe it or not, every update it is getting closer to pc rust. love the video man
Just be happy people can experience the game lol
Turn off the gestures lol
Idk about you guys but I think the moon is a great feature in the new update when it moves
Best Game ever, you can even play as Michael Jackson.
Broken Game.
Bro console doesn’t have any modded maps all 1x servers no oil rig or cargo or planes for horses or cars it’s shitty
give us console players a break we trying😭
Yes thats why i dont play this game anymore
(am a console player)
Bro if you do do this again pls just simply go in the settings and turn the gesture thing off. It clearly was annoying for you but it straight up ruined the video. Idk why you just didn’t change it in settings.
Broken game
Had a PS4 when I got console Rust.
Just dwnld on new PS5. . . Console is *better* than PC. Who wants to fight about it?
broken game broken game broken game broken game broken game
Of course it plays like shit. Get off that garbage ass playstation
Game is good but pvp is absolutely terrible on console bro
rust console is terrible though
Tbh it looks a lot better than it did in the past
The moon is meant to be like that. It’s just an update that pc hasn’t gotten yet.
Don’t talk it down to much it’s all iv got
Up on depad is to run while in inventory
Did they remove the scientist junk piles on pc I haven’t seen any in forever
Lol rust on Xbox series s in 4K 60 frames is nice.
Try dayz on console, it’s 10 times worse
You can shut off the gesture wheel in your settings
broken game so garbage
Hdr on causes moon to freak out
the thumbnail was lije mobile rust
Theres a glitch when you have a tommy that you can control the moon
Turn gestures off in settings…
cant believe meemo fat-fingers on a controller. loosen your grip old man
Dude the scientists on co sole either don’t pull there gun out ever or are goddamn blueprint bro
Thanks Momo 😂
Broken game = broken legs
I play on ps4 and pc(used to) and it’s not that bad but once you get used to it it’s pretty easy to control
its bad bc your playing on ps5
broken game broken game BROKEN GAME
Join my server and you can make a video about big living in console rust
Rust consile is ok and fun
Play rust mobile again 😀
Also the moon is currently broken
It does that when someone is holding out a Tommy near-by
yes just yes.
those mics xD
The gestures got me
Believe it or not that fucking moon/flashlight bug has been there for a while now
When your on a next gen console with a monitor it’s pretty damn good
Hey Memo, is that you???
Have you ever tried changing your controls to make left trigger aim instead of right stick yk it possible right? Because left stick is the default. Which means you changed it to right stick.
Ghost cv F8
a part of me actually enjoys how hard yhe pvp is, seems kinda chill 😂
It’s because ur on Playstation
The aiming in rust console isn’t that bad. I’m sure stock control settings on pc feels shit too. Play with the settings a bit and I promise you you can make it smooth and easy to aim
You can’t call a game baron console just because your skills are bad on console in my opinion
Gets stuck on a metal node, has a rock proceeding to kill himself hell ya memio
Memeio out here panic pressing all the buttons on his controller when he gets in fights lmao
personally in my opinion i have concluded that ur just bad at rust
Broken game
Erm, can the gesters be changed in the options . Is there a config for the controls ?
Bro chill it’s never gonna be as good as pc but it’s not buggy anymore. I’m literally stuck playing this version
almost looks as good as that mobile rust ..
Memeio you’re just bad on the sticks, don’t say it sucks bc you’re bad on a controller. Yes it has its flaws but it is a fun game
Bro who the hell pushes down on the right analog stick when you’re trying to aim. Lol when I used to play rust console I’ve never done that even once.
Bro there’s no way I play on that server and Ck-lilsimp the Aussie guy swearing at you I’ve beefed with him so much
We need more videos with joana
614 likes in 42 minets
If you aren’t playing on new gen there is no point in comparison
Memeio mah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Mobile rust vs console rust
Sometimes gestures in console version is really annoying.
NGL I didn’t see any less color or texture bugs when I played so idk what ur playing on
guys lets call Memeio “nemo” from now on
I miss Buzz
I have a series x and it’s still shit don’t waste your time. Aiming is off and delayed, people are starting to cheat with strike packs and other 3rd party software and the glitches are annoying as hell. 2/10 game
Meemo my favorite youtuber
Broken game
Okay let me address this, The game has bugs and glitches just like every other game, Not to mention it is still in its ‘Development’ And this means many things. But overall it will never be as good as PC rust and will take a while to get even close. But love the content Memeio
12:34 EXPOSED: is memeio racist? xD
Does this mean you’re gonna play mobile rust again lol
I had the same problem with gestures, funny seeing someone else doing the same in PvP. Thanks for the videos
Broke & Gay
Monkey clan on top best rust console clan
It’s not terrible on new gen however the lack of monuments, the zergs plus the minor bugs like the crit points on the nodes disappearing and such hold the game back
Join my server Force EM, I’ll give you some stuff you you can do some fun pvp, we have 4 boxes of roadsign, I’m M11 when and if you want to try it go ahead
If you get the test branch you can play on the oil rig
Rust console next level 😁👍
Ps5 version is way better I play 128fps daily if you have a good monitor and also love ur vids
Finding memo next rust thumbnail title
Ya The moon smokes crack on some servers… RUST CONSOLE!!
Im so glad you got to experience the moon glitch
Memeio, create a second yt channel, call it Memo, and only upload console rust videos there.
My buddy has 2k hours on console rust when I play with his chad ass it’s actually fun
Very normal 13:35
“This is the best game I’ve ever played” gg PC rust
Broken game
Oh my god, watching you navigate the controls was like watching a baby try to fit the square block in the circle hole. Still an absolutely funny ass video.
What’s even the button for crouching if the right stick is gestures
memeio would kill himself rather than hit the node LOL
Lol I have been playing since It came out on rust consoleIt has improved a lot since the start. playing it now lol.
dude i love you memio and im a huge console player and play rust console but i will agree it can be trash and can be good but i like both pc and console.
Hello memeio
We know it is
Bro it’s cause you are on playstation I have rust on the og Xbox one and man it looks 10x better than this
Broken Game Broken Game Broken Game
Memo your skills are broken not the game XD😂😆
Still on Consol not on PS4 0r ps5
i love when you play console rust. thanks for giving us console gamers some life❤️❤️
0:34 ayo
broken game
I switch from console to PC & waited years for rust console. Yes it’s garbage BUT it doesn’t help when you’re on old gen consoles. It’s still bad on new gen consoles but old gen consoles run that game like it’s on PlayStation 2 or Xbox 360. It’s not the consoles fault but the company behind it which isn’t the same company as rust on pc. It’s a money grab. The content isn’t there and the updates literally fix one thing and break 10 more things. If you want a good laugh, look at the hilarious clips in rust console subreddit 💀
Broken game bro
Memeio goes to console thats going to make his content so much better
Broken game
Peak of Gaming Evolution
i bought the game on console and a few months later got a PC, gonna see if I can get used to the game on PC so I can play it on there
Mobile is best
runs rust on potato, ten year old ps4 =bad game screw you face punch
Memio play rust with me or I will drop kick your Nan down the stairs
I play Console rust and I Agreed it sucks Lol
Dont Lie we know u like it
Here comes the console players saying “it’s not that bad” or “next gen is better” just stop it’s terrible
Go to settings and put disable quick chat to yes to remove the gestures/quick chat
Still can’t believe the game is still this unplayable, slight small fixes here and there are much better than significant-sized updates that add more issues than they fix.
Just downloaded on ps5 last night, I do wish it was more similar to the pc version. But for not having a gaming pc and having wanted to play this game for years, I’m pleased
But its all i got bruh
Hey Memeio, contents always good brotha. You’re just effortlessly hilarious, Keep it up!
If u play on rust Xbox it’s a bit better
As much as this title pisses me off its true. It is ass but souly because they released it on old and current gen. The ps5 can absolutely run much bigger maps with all monuments with at least 60fps.
Nh man I have a box of sulfer almost 2 in a week also lrs tier 3 full circle base double honey comb 3 floors a shooting floor 3 boxes of guns and way more
Sorry to say , it’s just PlayStation
Ugh I hate all the clan boys on console.
Your my son memio
Bro ik I wish I had a PC 😭
Love you x
It’s actually a fun experience on next gen
1 min in
Rust console is fun af
What console did you play on?
Hi dad
Ya I watched at a min released
havent watched vid but i know its good
Haha funny good video I loved it
It’s not that bad if on new gen
Don’t be tight memeio I play this 😢
It’s not to bad on next gen