Raid Alarm, Devices & Setup – Rust+ App Guide | Rust Tutorial
Let’s set up the rust+ app and learn about its features, how to set up alarms and traps, IFTTT automation, and finally how to integrate these features within your own dedicated server. Hopefully, this video has helped with understanding how to use and set up the rust+ app, along with its additional features like automation and traps.
00:00 – Intro
00:17 – Pairing
00:45 – Features
01:49 – Devices
02:06 – Devices: Smart Alarm
02:53 – Devices: HBHF Sensor
03:30 – Devices: Laser Detector
04:01 – Devices: Smart Switch
04:58 – Devices: Other Tricks
05:54 – Automation
06:26 – Integration
07:24 – Final notes
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—-Epidemic Sounds—-
1. Night Stalker – Wave Saver
2. Outbreak – Fasion
3. Dreaming of Lhotse – Ooyy
@ Epidemic sounds:
Taqs:Rust app,rust+,rust plus,rust+ app,rust smart alarm,rust,rust game,rust tutorial,rust smart switch,rust electricity,rust heartbeat sensor,rust hbhf sensor,rust laser detector,rust notifications,rust raid alarm,rust traps,rust alarms,rust base defence,rust guide,jfarr,jaffar,rust tips,tips,rust how to setup app,rust how to pair device,rust info,how to play rust,rust ifttt,rust automation,rust chat,rust live map
コメント (60)
Bro imagine they add smart cameras
How do i fix the “no response” message?
An in-depth auto-turret+smart alarm would be great 😀
Can it tell you when your base is decaying or close too
The heart beat sensor does that have a height limit ? Obviously its 3 foundations away ?
Whoever did the vocal editing should definitely Add & Edit the E.Q. sound frequencies for a more pleasant listening experience. On my phone speakers it sounds airy & the syllables are piercing my ears. Otherwise great video and very informative. Thanks
i did exactly as your video and my sensors are staying on triggered
Does anyone know if this will work for console
Do i get notifications when airdrops and patrolheli are happening and do i see patrolheli flying on the in-app-map?
I still don’t know how to connect the smart switch to rust app
Really hope they make the option for console players
if i ever play rust, im getting this app and setting up insane traps.
Great video, hoping this comes to console soon 🤞
Most underrated channel I have ever seen. Great work man!
Wait I have a question. So you have to actually set up that smart alarm in game to make the app send you a notification that your being raided ?
Can some servers require that u don’t need electricity for it to work? Some guy in game told me that on the server I’m in
Rust+ is the worst app what’s a Steam I know my account name you can literally see my account name when I rate it it’s a 0 Wade Bamboche I gave away my phone number bruh
Endless opportunity with this can’t wait for it to come to console
good lord if only we all had enough time to utilize this stuff
Thanks so much this helped me with everything!!!
It´s not possible to use a cctv with your phone right? would be too unbalanced probably
Thanks for this vid it realy helpt
I think I have stumbled across you before but It’s the first time investing to know how electronics and such work in rust and I have to tell you I love how you explain things
~sincerely your new subscriber
Whenever I wanna learn something about rust I always watch your videos!!!
Your videos are the only rust tutorials that can actually help !!! Simple & Fast !!! Keep up!!!!
i never really understood all the amazing things you can do in rust till i watched your videos thank you for the very detailed and easy to follow content
I wish you could view your cams so we can have it be almost like a guide and such
Like keeping a eye on berry’s and such
Bro the server never pops up in RUST+ when I pair a server, even when it says in the rust server that it is paired
Is it possible to connect CCTV as well?
Thank you couldn’t figure it out at all needed this
One of the best tuturials i have seen for rust. Very well done
Someone with 2 or more monitors just gonna have blue stacks and rust running
Ayy Jfarr lemme get that snap!
Your videos are so in depth. they feel like official rust guides, and the first time i watched one i thought you worked for Facepunch. Well done!!
Dude you are so smart. Holy Moly
Love these videos mate. Always my go-to channel
Do you know if a can use my ps4 account on that app ?
I’ve never actually played a wipe in game until this week because of you and your videos! You’ve been a huge part of my game knowledge and I actually feel ready to take on Rust because of you! So anyways, thanks man <3
U are so underrated rusttuber bro. i never seen beter made tutorial u made it so detailed that new players can know everything
What font do you use at the start of your videos?
More specifically the one that reads “rust+ app guide”
Love your Videos! more Electricity Videos would be great!
Well.. snap! Or..not D;
thank you for work keys and crack
Hey man! Awesome video! How can I get in touch with you? I have this one video idea and I need your help (:
I mainly use my smart alarms with turrets inside compounds connected to the “has target” node so you know if anyone has jumped your walls
I can’t see any Pear in Rust+ options 😀
I never knew the rust+ app is so detial should have used it sooner
I already know how to do this, I’m just watching because you are extremely underrated and the effort you put into your videos needs to be appreciated more
Bootiful, just bootiful
Hoi Guys jfarr
JFarr, you are such an amazing asset to the Rust community & deserve waaay more followers & views, not only because the information & attention to detail in your videos is leagues above most other channels but your delivery & presentation is top notch as well!🔥☺️
Your videos have helped me countless times over the 4200 hours I’ve spent playing Rust!
Thank you very much!❤️
Keep it up!🙃
I look forward to your future content! 👍🏽😊
Rust + bot Ftw 🎉
I know jfarr it’s not your type of work to solve but I am just unable to play the game like I can’t open box’s and do anything it’s like a lag after roaming for 5mins I get teleported back where I started but when I type “ping” in f1 console it’s not normal ping but it’s showing me 1000 in bottom left corner (and I play on South East Asia server and I’m from india)
Good vid idea! Rust+ alarms were the next item on my list to implement.Thanks!
Your attention to detail is impeccable. These videos are so well-produced, they feel professional. Keep up the good work!
It,s so so good 🤩
When Jafarr posts you gotta see it no matter what!!!
Facepunch should Pay you for all those tutorials 😀
Thanks really been wanting to know how to do this
Finnaly a good rust+ guide
Thanks 🙂