i started cheating in rust like 3 years ago?
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コメント (351)
FULL VIDEO HERE: https://youtu.be/XUgRaXzIEBQ
Ur banned
ak chen ..
U just have a macro
The best part is, it’s not a cheat😂 lots of luck, and a great concept of leading your shots
Ban him
The last second shifted seems like hack
So I like your shorts but this one really twisted my opinion 180 degrees.
That aim bot snap tho lol
Bro that bullet has a tracker
I…I remember this video
Has it actually been 3 years…
Bro was like why the fkcant i do that all the time
Dude is a cheater
Good shot dude but please get a hair cut think you would suit your hair shaved
Is that Dave Grohl’s daughter on rust?
Heres one for you.. whether he is cheating or not, streamers have ruined gaming. 🤡
did they lobotomize this guy?
Why he look like that
Nice flick shot.
Camomo has entered the chat
I don’t play rust, but there’s been times I’ve had that same reaction from one of my shots, knowing that I shouldn’t have hit that shit and that I just ruined a mfs game 😂
He went back wards the dude
F7 Report😂
Gay cheater
Can’t get the image of Sloth out of my head 😂
So easy even a cavemen, i mean rust player can do it
“ Maybe I should touch grass “
That would get you instabanned anywhere. Shameless cheating at its finest
I cant really understand the little snap adjustment just before the shot and then it snaps back to original location.
this game looks so bad i really dont understand how people enjoy it
no offence but man you look dead or it’s just the camera placement
as an avid cheater who just focuses on baiting and getting the blatant cheaters banned, yall calling aimbot are why actual blatant cheaters never get banned
Seria esse o felca?
Look at this dude
He a xim he not showing his pc
What a looser
You might be the best female rust player honestly
Worlds most shocked face
When the mp5 was good ;(
If you slow mo it you can see the bullet behind the dude then homing bullet
This is an act of terrorism 😂
Bro shot his own chin off
💯% 🎯
I just got my first gaming pc and I’ve been watching you and others play rust for forever now and when I get back in town from work I plan on getting my ass kicked all weekend lol
Спалился с читами
Somebody loves that old aim bot don’t you
Lol this guy cracks me up when he rages
Soft aim
Nah bro how much you pay that naked he backed up into the shot before it got near him like wtf
Ughh nasty ass shot
Average looking rust player
Nah bro that shot hit to far to the right for it to be normal
this guy needs sleep
Funny, I started cheating on your Mom 3 years ago!
If only you shut them wooden shutters after it lol
seriously, if you’re that good at a game and you make it your life is it still fun anymore?
That’s just been a beast 🎉🎉🎉
Enough grease in that hair to run a 18 wheeler for a year
I’ve had similar but not as good as this lol. Those moments where your like oh man I might get banned 😂
Девушка, вы совсем за собой не ухаживаете
Bro literally had a stroke after that juicy hit😅
Захотел забанить сам себя
This is why video games can’t be fun
This fire
Hey!!! That’s was me!!!!
Really cool
Bro nice flick
Fake kill the best 💪
Bro realized how much grass he has touch in his life 😂
That was when you were actually good 😅
This guy is the shroud of rust
I remember one time messing around on a 1000x server and this dude in a mini was flying way above me so I randomly tried quickscoping him and ended up hitting a headshot after a couple shots lol
I mean it was sus… You shot to the left of the bush, the shot went to the right of the bush…
Brother, you are dying
That shot was so nasty even he didn’t like it.
either that EOtech has magnification, or some sort of parallax. As an EOtech owner, I can say neither of those are possible.
Why lead and snap back, I can see why people think its sus.
That mouth opened like… wtf did i just do? I need mouth wash and to wipe this sweat away.
dude looks like a sloth
Male or female?
Hes hacking!
Guy always looks like a Walking Dead extra
Whipped it
Rooooooof cammmmpeeeerrrr
Why cheat?? Are people just not that good
Very sus bullet drop
hacking is for effin losers
bro looks like on few 80s Oxys
Even he thought he missed 😂
“Fire a warning shot” “gah fuck.”
Dora dura
we dropped mouths at the same time lol
You look tired of life fam get outside more
This guy looks lonely
Took me 30 seconds to realize it was a 10 second loop 😂😂
This is why anti-lag and lag-correction and every game using some level of f’ing auto-aim is a bad idea.
The odds that the kid backed into that shot
норм флик
Dirty cheat
Cap that’s no cheat that’s skill
Bro didn’t touch grass for 3 years he mean
Bros naty wit it
Mp5 sounds so good
Happies rust player
i am that nacked
He wasnt surprised about the headshot, just that MP5 actually did any dmg at all
Будь здоров
bro came when he hit that shot and ngl i did as well😩😩
No one likes cheaters
This is why we don’t catch the actual cheaters
🎶 We already know🎶
I could never 😂😅
Это софт
Haha 😂
She’s a good shot
Jesuhs Christ
Cheaters are weak
Bruh ur a god
Dawgs toasted
Bro has to cheat to get clout imagine
Я не читер говорил он chiting
Below average virgin
Jesus Christ loves you amen lord bless 😊
Man has aim bot bullet
I love hearing that crack sound, it’s so satisfying. I need this game. Your shots are so crispy and clean.
Everyone knows lifestomper is aim bot
That’s the recoil system in all its glory (pull down and left on the AK)
What else is new
Even he knew that shit wasn’t fair😂
how many hours have u sleept bro…
You are a dickhead. You treat people like shit on twitch.
bruh please go outside you look depressed and unhealthy
That was not nice
What???!!! Cheater 🤡
So, when you’re riding home tonight,
make for the bridge with all your might.
He’ll be down in the Hollow there.
He needs your head.
Look out! Beware!
I miss the old mp5😢
If you cheat in rust you suck
One word : UGLY
Omg what a shot,, Always wondered what the other guys pov looks like,, seems like everytime I get shot at in Rust, I get double or triple head shot,, at least it looks cool from their pov
Crazy shot I’d done crazier 😳
“Nais aintbot”😂😂😂😂
So dope
Bro backed up into it for you 😂😂
How this mf hacking and look like he slept 3 hours per week
we know
When you have to check and ask yourself am I cheating…?
Я думал это баба
am the 300th comment;D
Bruh I’ll quit if that happened to me💀💀💀
Luck level 100000p
Bro really said “😐😮”
Bro are you using a mouse and keyboard on console?
He needs to stop playing, and find himself a boyfriend or girlfriend
This guy looks like a basement dweller
Cheat mod
Definetly a looser cheater. Can’t handle the game need cheats
Haking estúpid
I genuinely believe half of not more streamers or YouTubers cheat they don’t have human aim and if you’ve ever played professional fps even the players at the HIGHEST levels don’t have robot aim
You got your mouth open like you about to get some
Днище с макросами и читами играет
nice sky cheats
He thought that moment was the one to get him but it wasn’t
You know I was watching a documentary them smart bullets are 1000$ a piece
Lmfao ouch dude, that guy should uninstall
I want that script
Nice twitching
Does he actually cheat or is he just really good at flick shots i cant tell 😭😭😭
That snap is sus
You were the person who killed me
My god. You’re out here pulling off sick flicks, and I can’t hit a naked (who can’t really fight back) while I have a spear
Great video 🤙🏻 I just posted my first rust video and would really appreciate if you watched. Hope you enjoy it, thank you 🥂😁
Sonic 3 multiplayer is underrated
This man looks dead inside
It’s the gaming chair
Aim assist ?
The flick too stronk
He didnt deserve it
The pure look of omg I just did that?😂
He only cheating coz he’s eyes look fuck form he’s tv screen
The memory muscle after 30k hours xD like forest in cs
My honest reaction:
rust female hacker
Me papa zu zu zu is a dev he wiw kike u
Helloo aimbot? Wtf bro the is impossibol heatshot
So I slowed it down and the shot was fired left of the bush but hit the player to the right of the bush… Head seeking bullets??? This is most def an alternate reality… I’m gonna watch it again
Not cool man this is why the game is going dead.
It’s funny I do like the clip 😂 but u can’t deny, cheating is rampant in all fps games right now. As a new player it’s hard to distinguish a good player from a cheater but as a die hard fps gamer… U would wish that someone could make a SLIGHTLY better anti cheat engine. ❤️
Nice shot!
This guys reactions r funny as f my guys like ok I just hit that 😂
Dude ruining the game
When you are dead inside and made braindead by rust but still have 1% of ur emotions left
is this what rust gamers look like?
Yeah you and every other streamer. 🤣
Put some makeup on and you would look like a 10 🤣
This guy looks baked all the time and I love it
Homi stop at the right time and everything aligned
I don’t remember bullets going so wide when aiming down sights
He looks like a carp
aim botting
He looks so tired
Nice aimbot 🤣🤣
So that’s what happened when I kept getting dropped from 5 miles away in 5x
I had to like this… I just could of not…
Just saying, Guy should run into your bullet not the other way around. 😂
Your so ugly also it’s so sad how bad you are at games you pay money just to cheat and not let anyone else have any fun, this is why nobody likes you🫤
His reaction says everything
That is the least amount of effort I’ve seen put in a “shocked/awe” facial expression 😂
threw the round !!!
Got damm
Guy looks like he has not slept, in months, or does heroine.
Fucking lexapro eyes
Brooo my mouth droped to thats an insane flick bro ggs youre insane i can tell for a fact theres no hacks this is awesome
Damn it’s sad people think cheating is a good thing these days like they don’t have enough real skills to play so they ruin the game to make themselves feel better because they can’t handle losing these people are a joke with low self-esteem it’s actually sad and pathetic
I knew it man u can tell
So ugly man 😂
You cannot kill that which has no life. Kid looks like a vampire
My guy looks disgusted with himself at this point 😂
Waffle House has found it’s new host
This is why I don’t play much multiplayer games because of cheaters!
This is how every bullet reacts when enemies shoot at me in rust and siege
Put down another shade people can eco into your base
Bro looks like that dentist robot before it became sentient
Is rust just fortnite without the school bus?
is it just me or does that look like an aim bot taking over?
Bro moved back into it
Average roof camper
Bruh our mouths dropped at the same time lmao
Wait …..CLARA!!!
the bullet targeted him
Not even gonna lie. I like the fact you admit to cheating
Lifestomper vid in a nutshell
Hey, whats with you flicking over to the player’s head, shot his head and flick back in half a second later? At first, I thought that guy flew in to your bullet but with the obvious flick? Damn, he didn’t
Nice toggle on
Bro I’ll randomly shoot at my teammate from like a grid or 2 away with Tommy iron sight and just heads hot him lol
Little did lifestomper know he became the antagonist of a rust revenge story with that one headshot
Yeah people like you ruin the game and by that I mean streaming and cheating, not just Rust but all other games too
You can tell bro was disgusted of his own shot😂
Bro just looks like a rust nerd
It’s just aim assist
This guy always look like he in the ☁️
i want this game so bad but it’s to expensive
That fkn shot tho wow 10/10 that dude defo reported ya 😂
Is that around when you started being a peadophile also
Bro is so bad he has to hack
Get off the game, my god you looks powerless
Haha. Looks like the curving bullet from Wanted. I bet some people will call cheats. We know better.
She looks tired asl
I think the game defaults to the hit under certain conditions. Almost like you’re taking advantage of some code they have to negate latency by giving the benefit of doubt/aproxomating. So if you’re movement speed is high enough you slip into this gray area where the margin of error is artificially increased essentially giving your target a larger hit box, or rather
Something like (((hit box) latency grey area) miss)
8 hours of sleep
Why are you cheating?
His face when he hit the shot:🗿
My face:😲
This calling you a she stuff is getting outta hand 🤣💯
When you’re a streamer and you’re actually hacking
Look like aimbot to me
An incredibly average clip. Idk why this was posted.
Bro even stopped moving too
Me gets killed and yells at the faking screen.
The dudes face who killed me
you just to good
Damn she’s a good shot.
Aim cone help on that one
great video! I am a beginner YouTuber, there is something to learn from you, I will be glad if you rate my videos! Success in your work!
By far the sickest shot I’ve ever seen
I miss the old gun sounds
He caught that bullet didn’t he
Damn gurl, whats your onlyfans?
Can I play with you ?
Lol bro there’s no way you get puss
Nic ami bot lol
You look depressed
how is she so good????
Why roof camp my boi
If your eyes look like that, you know its time to stop gaming…
Deff hacking
That was disgusting.
She has them JFK bullets
This is almost exactly how I thought a rust Player would look
gotta love hacks plz uninstall your game
Why does she look like that
She’s just a pro🤣🤣
She looks like a guy
I remember watching the stream of this
What’s more amazing is the guy stopped running just before the bullet reached him and it still hit 🤣
I’m the person that died to him bruh
she needs to use her insane rust fame to bring back the rngless recoil pls
Joey is the Nadia of rust 😂
how is she soooo gooood!
She can’t miss even is she tried so inspiring❤
It was at this moment Joey nut.
laggy ass shit lol makes it look like ur bullet actually followed him a lil
Rob Ot
That shot was filthy
Shes so skilled at the game!
Knew it
Sid the sloth
What a reaction
So we gonna react to the same clip uploaded 3 different times, and pretend we didn’t already see this! Alright, im onboard!
Wow awesome!
Someone’s been watching ( Wanted ) a little too much.
“You gotta curve the bullet” 😂
That mouth drop to the side 😂
LifeStomper The Giga Chad!!
Making that bullet float
First. Noice.