rustPlusPlus – How to Setup (Outdated – Check Description)


rustPlusPlus is a free and open source Discord Bot for the game Rust that utilizes the Rust+ API to control smart devices, notify about in-game events such as oilrig/bradley/cargo/crate and much more.

NOTE: At 1:45, scroll down to Privileged Gateway Intents and enable them all, please see, Step 9.


Other projects of mine can be found at:

Buy me a coffee:



  • コメント (33)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @alexemanuel7819
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    The video is a bit outdated, follow the up-to-date documentation found here:

    • @sxyamr9477
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm


    • @CZAKGamesMain
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm


    • @thatguygunter7082
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    I did “cd rustplusplus” but when i do “npm install” it says npm command not found

    • @Man4kin83
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    npm ERR! code ENOENT
    npm ERR! syscall lstat
    npm ERR! path C:UsersbredoAppDataRoamingnpm
    npm ERR! errno -4058
    npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat ‘C:UsersbredoAppDataRoamingnpm’
    npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
    npm ERR! enoent

    • @velocityrust
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    hey alex i am unable to start the bot as i get ERROR: {“code”:”TokenInvalid” and reseting the token does nothing for me, is there anything else i can do? thanks

    • @MrBonham
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    $ npm start run
    npm ERR! code ENOENT
    npm ERR! syscall open
    npm ERR! path C:UsersBonham’s/package.json
    npm ERR! errno -4058
    npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘C:UsersBonham’spackage.json’
    npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
    npm ERR! enoent

    npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
    npm ERR! C:UsersBonham’sAppDataLocalnpm-cache_logs2023-06-28T16_05_13_842Z-debug-0.log

    • @ELlopes100
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    Is it necessary for the console to be open all the time? or, is there a way to make it stay activated forever on discord?

    • @ELlopes100
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    ERROR: {“code”:”DisallowedIntents”}

    • @mohammadshoman0
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    brother im facing an issue after creating the bot and all following the 9 steps , i put the token in the index , inside the config and when i try to use node . on the cmd / power shell it gice me this error ” ERROR: {“code”:”TokenInvalid”} ” how to solve this ??

    • @CZAK_Games
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm


    • @Joshbo5H
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    Gah, I thought this was the ruck plus bot and downloaded it solely for the drone. Sucks to be me.

    • @user-sg5fp7sh2d
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    i can’t load node ….
    it says ERROR: {“code”:”DisallowedIntents”}
    can you help me?

    • @chungaskis8262
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    Can it be set so it automatically puts teammate deaths in chat?

    • @shaynebulmer
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    git command doesnt work?

    • @gazza732
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    Hi there.

    This looks brilliant.

    Just had a quick question before I set it up. Does this require a PC/host to remain always on for it to operate? Or does it run on Discord’s infrastructure after setup?

    Hope the way I’ve asked makes sense.

    Thanks for your time.

    • @Ramboroa
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    hi alex ive sent a discord request having trouble getting some things to work and need it explaining please thx

    • @catnip9919
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    where do i find the 2fa code to reset the bot token

    • @RockyMtnKing
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    Did the Config file get moved to a different location?

    • @connor8663
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    This works great thankyou. Although some servers after connecting with the rust+ app it doesnt show the server and I’m not able to do it but most servers it works fine. This is a problem with the server I’m joining?

    • @etherealw
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    how to fix error: npm install C:Users(ur desktop user)DesktoprustPlusPlus

    • @QolHub.
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    It keeps saying disallowed intents after running “node.”

    • @rudolfs1008
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    how do i get the path to rustplusplus master at 2:24?
    @Alex Emanuel

    • @wobbs4631
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    rustPlusPlus file did not dwnload.. welp

    • @user-xe7ci5pn5u
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    2:30 ERROR: {“code”:”TokenInvalid”} plz help

    • @feggis
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    Tjena! Såg på github att du var svensk så skriver på svenska. Har satt upp allt men får problem med FCM programmet, det blir en blank skärm när jag väl loggat in. Har du någon aning om vad som kan vara fel? Kört det på två datorer utan framgång. Lyckades däremot autha med RustPlus-Discord-Bot, kan jag på något sätt bygga strängen baserat på dess config-fil för auth?

    • @AndrewS90
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    Is there any source or where does the FCM credentials application come from?

    • @jansoo7138
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    fatal: could not create work tree dir ‘rustPlusPlus’: Permission denied

    • @arabianpossum1060
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    hi so i added the bot i did the credentials but as soon as it connected to the server the bot went offline and stopped working? it doesnt respond to / commands or anything

    • @whitey6174
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    npm install throws me an error, saying “npm ERR! Invalid Version: ^0.4.4”

    • @Blooky3453
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    It Can’t find a module even though I set everything up correctly

    • @shorts-moments
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm

    PS C:UsersMashinischerustPlusPlus> node .
    ERROR 🙁
    I Try to fix it. Node is loaded. Idk. Bot token and info are correct.

    • @lukysgaming
    • 2024年 2月 03日 7:30pm
