THE BLENDERS “One Last Song” – Our First Darren Rust Song! // Audio Engineer & Wifey React
How did we not know about The Blenders sooner?!? Gorgeous!! We loved hearing our first Darren Rust song (finally!!). This was beautiful and the footage was so heartwarming! We do wish the vocals were mixed a tad higher, but that’s subjective. Overall, amazing song. ➜ Be sure to stick around until the end for analysis and commentary. ➜ PS: the original performance (sans reaction) is linked below should you get tired of us talking…but we hope not!! ✌🏽❤️🥷🏻
➜ S O U R C E: THE BLENDERS “One Last Song” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OL30cHsrA8E
➜ C H A P T E R S:
0:00 Welcome & Intro
1:20 Reaction
6:10 Analysis & Commentary
7:27 Mixing Convo – Subjective!
10:30 More Technical Speak
10:50 Ninja’s Summary
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#musicreaction #theblenders #darrenrust
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| I N T R O
+ What’s up, everyone! I’m Jeremy, a professional audio engineer & musician; and in this video, you get my first time reaction to this song / video. More often than not, I bring my wife, Jillian (aka Ninja 🥷🏻), and other special guests along for the ride.
+ Stick around to the _end_ of the video for the commentary to hear my thoughts on the song / video.
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コメント (37)
Oh, yeah. They’ve been around for 30 years or so. You can certainly hear the relationship to Home Free in this arrangement.
❤ Thanks guys!
What a beautiful song! I am going to have to check out the Blenders now ❤! So happy he landed with Home Free! ❤ Thanks Jillian and Jeremy!
I just discovered The Blenders in the last two or three weeks, even though I’ve been following Home Free since 2016. I remember it being mentioned that he was a singer, but never followed up on it. Thank you for this reaction. I really love this song. ❤ I found their 30th Anniversary documentary and had to watch them. Here’s the link. https://youtu.be/H32wtZJIEbc?si=Amqg4NT8vtXdKbJS
Yes, The Blenders!! Thank you so much for checking these guys. They’ve been around for over 30 years now. I actually helped set up lights and audio for one of their first gigs in 1989/90. They started out as acapella, but added a band 10+ years ago. These days they only do Christmas shows in Minneapolis and Fargo. Back in the day they were a National act and opened for people Howie Mandel. If you want to hear their voices more clearly, check out these ones.
The Blenders (live) – O Holy Night https://youtu.be/pq9jX2KVSBU?si=IKAzVpBuoc5XUinV
This one is my favorite Christmas song by them, Hark the Herald Angels Sing. It’s not live, it’s a studio recording over concert footage, so you get some layering, but the sound and harmonies are wonderful. https://youtu.be/kPqKmTL1r9M?si=n1-bB-XCQ-b0oSMg
The Blenders were pretty famous when they were younger, then the world sort of turned its back on a capella groups and they were more regional than national. They have a 30th Anniversary Documentary that shows their history. Tim has mentioned that one of the shows he first saw when he was in Fargo was a Blender’s Christmas special. Their harmonies will sound familiar to HF fans because both Tim and Chris were influenced by them.
These days it seems that most ‘popular’ songs have too much “music” and too little ‘vocal’ – and I agree that Darren could have pumped the vocals a bit.
A “6 degrees of…” tidbit – Darren’s grandmother was in my mother’s “homemakers” group in the 50s and 60s. And one of his cousins (? I get lost in the generations) is currently pumping my 100 yr old father for historical information about the Rust family in that area.
Darren has such a fabulous voice! And you know, that may be why he is so good at the mixing and producing…he can hear it in his head what he wants and what will sound good. Either way, he is a master at what he does! There is a video called “Southerner in the Snow” when Tim comes to Minnesota during the deep freeze time to visit Darren and Adam. You get to see Darren’s wife and I think his daughter. It’s a bit longer of a video but worth seeing for the humor alone!!
Ain’t nuthin’ wrong with reactions to The Blenders! Think Darren deserves the love; his work is just, well — he does what we love, huh! Let’s Gooooooo!!!! Be Safe
Darren is so talented ❤😂😊😂😊❤
Jeremy, your discussion about mixing is so interesting.
I have loved this song since it came out❤
Darren certainly knows his stuff … Home Free’s lucky to have his expertise ! No wonder they consider him their 6th member ! Love the Blenders !
Their early albums were on heavy rotation in my car.
Absolutely beautiful!
Thanks for your reaction! Darren wrote this song. The Blenders do both acapella. Fate brought them together as @ Itzel said. I just wanted you to see the talent behind the talent of Home Free. He has a great sense of humor too. He was mixing after a recording session with Home Free. Rob was standing there and Darren autocorrected one of Rob’s parts. It sounded awful. Rob whipped around and said, ” Did you just autotune me?” Darren started laughing and said,Yeah. It was a funny joke on Rob. During lockdown, Darren set Home Free up with recording equipment so they could still put out music. It’s been a magical partnership. Again thanks!
I agree vocals are too low. I wanted to hear Darren more especially when he’s belting at the end. They have been around forever, apparently.
Thx. I don’t know that Darren was a blenders member. Great to notice that. 🎉
Darren is the tall one with white hair. I think the one directly across from him is his brother.
Great reaction guys!!! I guess it’s all subjective to what headset/speakers you’re listening through… I have Bluetooth hearing aids – and I have to really push them into my ear canal to get the better quality of sound…either way it was a treat to hear Darren and the Blenders – now I kinda know where HF gets a lot of their layering vocals – he’s a master at getting the best out of these guys, even though they are each consummately professionals in their own right. You can tell they trust his judgement on their sound. What a awesome combination!!!
Thanks for letting us have a sneak peak in their history (as it were)
I love Jeremy’s gift of production “speak” and Jillian’s sweetness for the simple beauty of the music – you two make a GREAT team.
Thanks for your gift to all of us!!!!
RichieC (Atlanta)
Beautiful. 😊
Mixing sound sounds complicated! Glad there are people like Jeremy to make the music sound good.
First time I heard this gorgeous song, there were definitely ninja onions lurking about…. still tear up hearing it… it’s such a beautiful song, all the way around it. <3 Thanks for reacting to this! <3 <3 Happy Home Fry-day J&J! Love your reactions!
Back in 2001, Tim Foust left dentistry school and joined an a cappella group in Minnesota. Home Free? Nope. A group called Blue Jupiter. Another Minnesota a cappella group had semi-retired and they were hoping to score a lot of their gigs. That group? The Blenders. The intertwining of a cappella history goes back a bit.
Love this song! Darren wrote it for their 30th anniversary as a group. Originally from Fargo, ND, but now based in Minneapolis, MN. They are known for their Christmas music, and get together each year to do a Christmas tour in the midwest. Fun fact: Tim Foust said that the first professional acapella group that he joined, Blue Jupiter, was a start up group and didn’t have a built in audience, but they were able to take over some of the tour dates of a group that was retiring from touring. That group was the Blenders. 🙂 Thanks for the great reaction!
I thought the vocals were a bit low, too. The instrumental background was too loud for my ears. (I was not listening with headphones). Darren is multi-talented, and is an essential member of the extended Home Free family. He’s a great mixer, and has done many of their fantastic arrangements. So happy that you’ve given the Blenders a spotlight!
Oh wow. That explains a lot about why he is a critical component in the Home Free verse. 💕
Have heard several of the blenders songs over the years but never realized that Daren sang with them! Thanks for bringing them to us! Great song and harmonies! I did know he was extremely talented doing some of the add ins in songs for Home Free like the bass or steel guitar sounds in snow globe, and he’s so good mixing! Again, great reaction! Low bass Kenneth
Jeremy!!! You should recognize Darren! 😂 he’s the guy that HF invaded his house in “Grandma got run over by a reindeer” & slammed the door in their faces. 😅😅❤❤❤ he’s an extremely talented & gifted man.🥰
Love the Blenders. They had 5 or 6 concerts in December in Fargo North Dakota. They are still out there singing.
What a beautiful song !!!
Darren’s brother Allen is the one on the left singing you can see the family resemblance. Darren was also the guy in “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.” I think they have been doing this for 30 years.
Home Free members have explained that Darren will record demo tracks to their songs. and he sings all the parts. Just a little FYI. Great reaction as always.
Love any and all ❤❤❤❤❤ Hugs 💋
Great start today! I haven’t checked into The Blenders, but I think I can add one more to my list!
Darren is often called the 6th member of Home Free.
That was great to listen to. I knew Darren Rust was in a group. But I had never heard any of “The Blenders'” music before. What a talented group of guys. Darren has a great voice. I can see why Darren is a perfect fit for Home Free as their recording producer.
Darren is the white haired guy
YAY! #NANA 🥰🤗 holy crap that was pretty 😍