💰Free $0.50 – https://rustmagic.com/ with code Maikelele💰
Combine the two best monuments in rust, HQM Quarry and Missile Silo and you are in for great success. Everything from progression, base building, farming, PVP, raids, raid defences, you name it.
I mean you can craft 30 AKs per hour if you are frequently running the quarry and looting missile silo.
Probably one of my favorite wipes of all time!
Enjoy the movie!
Join my discord server to chat with me and brag in the rust section (use #loot-pics) for your wipe.
etoleto – twitch.tv/etoleto
discord: https://discord.gg/QBcfuWJE9N
twitter: https://twitter.com/Maikelele
Instagram: https://instagram.com/Maikelele
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Maikelele
The only aim in Rust is to survive – Overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals and last but not least protect yourself from other players.
#rust #rustpvp #rustmovie #rustraid
Taqs:rust,gaming,Rust Base,Rust AK Tutorial,Rust Streamer,Rust Pro,Rust Movie,Rust revenge,Rust Jackpot,Rust Clan,Rust console,Rust Wipe,Rust best start,Rust fastest start,Rust solo base,Rust solo PvP,Rust online raid,rust movie,rust solo,rust pvp,rust pvp tips,rust solo base,rust veteran,rust survival,rust raid,rust highlights,rust gameplay,rust snowball,rust plays,rust movies,willjum,stevie rust,stevie,blooprint,spoonkid,frost,rust funny
コメント (74)
💰Thanks to http://rustmagic.com/ for sponsoring! Use code “Maikelele” for a free $0.50💰
What a great wipe! Solid content. GGs fellas
1:01:17 U are just ignorant if u think solo cant offline raid big bases.
57:19 Espers cheaters would have know that there is loot so cheaper to go trough door
What’s the song at 24:00
I suggest that you link your socials on Twitter as well! You have no link on your profile but you are more active there.
You should cross-promote your socials.
W Vid bro ❤
keep it up
another maikelele banger keep up the grind <3
how do you have 200+ fps….
You guys getting offlined sucks well played Mike GG great video
I can hear the Finnish accsent tuhat h4k5u has😅
Alt+hoverloot will allow you to automatically put on clothing items you grab from a body or storage container.
little stuff like at 32:15 – that you show aiming down while sun is up for better vision, is really great for people who havent sweated the 5k hours yet, thanks 🙂
cancer to rust, cheating. why can’t they detect these cheats and perma bans these lowlifes immediately and permenantly.
We run into that issue a lot right now too. It’s like you said online raiding isn’t even worth anymore because people just hide loot and grief themselves in and people complain about “why offline?”
hella fire pvp and storyline keep up god wok
did you ever fight against balloon gang that wipe?:D i lived in a cave in the snow that wipe
1:24:57 u were looting when ur teamte was fighting u are def not a team player clap clap
Its wierd how you only jave 14k subs you should have at least 300k++ i mean you have more views than subs cmon guys sub to him he deserves it❤❤
hey alone in tokyo is not scripted.
The G2 clan is very known for cheating, it’s very sad that they don’t get banned faster
Aloneintokyo is cracked as a solo player
Love you’re videos but when are you going to play duo with gorliac
Nice vid 🐐
No doubt ur from sweeden xd
What’s the deal with so many Rust players feeling the need to repeat words and phrases 4-5 times…? It’s annoying and sounds retarded…please stop doing that! Once is enough.
Keep up the grinde
Great video lele 🔥
Good Vid!
big a new video 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Hell yeah man, I hate when creators call a 30 min vid a movie – this is more like it!
I watched the whole movie straight and I’m addicted. Thank you man for putting the hard work!
Mind blowing that you only have 14k subs
WHERE IS MY SUPER SUIT?!?! LOL Had me dying 😂😂
Aloneintokyo is Hjune how has no one relized😭 it not scripted he just goated
my man did gorilac dirty so many times lmao
The Gorliac special never fails
can already tell its a banger before watching, keep it up g
goofy ah imovie editing
10:40 lol the gorlic special had me dying. But honestly, as a solo activity the ocean is the play.
Best YouTuber came backkkkk what a perfect wipe keep it up grandma 🔥🔥🔥
base tutor
thanks for this banger
Ngl bro, I look forward to the weekend posts on Sundays. I’m glad you did another vid with Eto. I like the vids with him.
Edit: That new shotty is OP AF
How do you have 14k subscriber when your content matches other Youtuber’s wich have hundreds of thousands
BÄSTA CONTENT CREATOR i världen hoppas det bästa för dig❤❤
Не знаю почему мне попалось это видео, но приятно видеть что есть адекватные люди среди всех национальностей. Хороший вайп вышел
Best Swedish YouTuber on rust nvm best Eu youtuber
Base design
That teammate “etoleto” is a fucking horror movie listening to.. HORRIBLE..
İ realy enjoy the video wp
Can u link the base bro? <3
W vid as always
Yo Maikelele, I have the best pixel gaps to stash loot when logging. It holds 2 large boxes and a small box and you can make as many as you want. Been using it for 6months+ and no raiders have ever found it, offline or online. Would love for you to test it out on the servers you play. Let me know! 🙂 P.s. Love the vids mate, keep smashing it.
HQM quarries are Maikelele’s territory
It was a time when everyone seemed to turn away from the country that foreigners call the “aggressor”, but this did not particularly affect the game world for these guys. I am from Russia myself and I am pleased to see that the representative of my country, etoleto, is playing in a team with a foreign player, and not just a player, but a former professional CS:GO player. It feels so nice and with a joke Maikelele said “bratan and babushka”, I’m sure it was with rofl. I’m Russian myself, but I only watch English-speaking YouTubers, because they are much more interesting and think differently and go like a snowball into a fight. And I never thought that in such a difficult time, an English-speaking YouTuber would play in a team with a Russian-speaking one. Anyway, thank you guys, it’s really nice to see. Peace to all!
great vid its nice seeing groups that are good struggle in vids it makes it more interesting
Around 17 mins into the video you’re fighting on a roof and keep jumping down the ladder. There’s a semi in the ground next to you which you never looted and I can’t explain how upset I am you never saw it 😂😂
banger video keep it up
No way, we played against them on Rustafied EU Medium, i freaking knew they were cheating. Even though we rebuild while they were asleep, and raided them. Got a box of rockets. Good job Lele!
Hi, it was my team raiding you at 1h 14min in the video. 😄 We were leaving the server so we just wanted to use our rockets on some better looking base which was online and we only had 7 people for that raid, thats why it wasnt something special😆. But it was fun and i hope you will keep doing your content its GREAT 😀👍
Cant wait to watch this banger
I’m excited to watch this
Älskar din content Maik
Best rust video I’ve seen in awhile
noooo not a gamble ad….I blacklist all rust content creators with gambling ads. sorry.
another maikelele video i may cream
5 min gang
luv u maik
1 min ago❤