Rust 02/8/2018 The Last Early Access Update!
Gary’s Blog: https://rust.facepunch.com/blog/leaving-early-access/
For the latest information on this update check out http://www.rustafied.com
Taqs:Rustafied,update video,Play rust,rust update video,playrust.com,rustafied.com
コメント (71)
this update is the update that gave us the rust we love today
still early access ffs.
DayZ SA 2.0
I don’t have the boots even though I have been playing since 7/4/17. Well then.
Fuck, i was planning to buy the game but now it costs twice the price it costed before…
Meany scientists D:
I have a modded server and I would like to activate the Scientists but I can’t find them in the help list on Rusty. Are they called something different in the list or am I just not seeing them?
This game is so beautiful now
what about optimization ??
time to buy rust …again
Garry’s Blog*
Ive had this game as early as 2015 and im soo happy to see this finally coming so far. I sold the original account but im really looking of picking this up again!
Why did rust make the tc system
I hate the recoil system!!!
Kind of saddening.
When do I get my boots?
when do we get the front boots? cause theyre not in my inventory if we are supposed to get it now
I dont have frog boots in my steam inventory and ive had rust since legacy?
Spoiled pickles….
No wipe servers please
i hate how it looks 😤
i didnt get the frog boots and ive been playing since 2015
Wait do i have to pay extra money for the game if I already own the game?
is it coming to console?
They made rust so amazing
But now the monthly updates will be lagger?
i hope my wooden pc will hold this
At 1:20 ish it was a after and before, not before and after! Ugh, can’t trust anyone these days!
im not going back to rust untill the stupid decay and upkeep system is gone :/
€35 LUL
Anybody knows the tune used in this video?
When does the update release?
They shouldn’t be releasing the game with the current state of night time
What do they mean by original testers ????
Frog Boots 🙂
Maybe the death of rust update
Yeah nice graphics. Yippee everyone get excited for the same shit we’ve seen for two entire years. Now how about they secure and optimize the game instead so it’s actually stable and playable after leaving Early Access.
The thing is that the more details they add to trees and grass the laggyer …
I bough rust 7 months ago but started playing 6 weeks ago will I get the frog 🐸 boots 👢
sweet buns
South america oficial server please!!!!
Wow nice update 😍😍😍😍😍😘😘
its good but… will graphics changes affect alot to my fps ?
noo this is bad ubdat
What time will the update goes live?
People playing since the Legacy should also get a special item
Will they actually bring back legacy since that rust is no longer early access?
Wtf 02.08 ??:d 08.02.2018 xd
what about the wipes ?? this does not add purpose to the game
Guess I have to get use to this current system then
Anyone got a GMT time on when the updates coming out?
I’m so happy I get frog boots I got this game in July if 2017 I get them right?
Go to the staging branch to get your frog boots
Rip frames 🙁
Not bad?
Too bad poor optimisation
The game looks so fucking good now
While game is going directly PvP type, these awesome graphical changes with gorgeous landscapes, foliage and rivers doesn’t matter anymore. You won’t see some players making a tree house near that beautiful river just beacuse its looking beautiful, you will see 3-4 players rapidly crossing the river with ak47s and c4s. I’m playing this game about 500 hours but day by day I’m disappointed by how this game going away from “SURVIVAL”… This game is in survival category in steam btw.
Frog boots, I NEEEEEEED
can we please be able to fucking pick up workbenches?
Edit: Ever had a small base and had a level 2 workbench in your tiny little base and you cant fit a level 3 making you have to make a new base or add to your existing one. make it so it takes damage or something, this would also help raiders because you could bring a level 3 or 2 to a raid base and craft meds. And finally this would add some more raids, im positive clans would raid for level 3 workbenches or level 2 early in wipe.