Solo Rust – Last to Shoot First to Loot (Part 2)
Join my Discord! – https://discord.gg/72j5rjE
EMAIL – kimchi@podo.gg
Kimchi Spotify Playlist – https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2NAzeVb94vf2HBqwGJNfyM?si=MxotFa0DR2qVqtL7NfWlFA
In a classic Kimchi manouveur, I managed to delete a HUGE portion of footage from this wipe on accident. By the time I realised how much was missing I was already too deep editing to scrap it, so here is what’s left.
Continuing from exactly where we left off, I head back to base to stash the loot from the counter raid. I scour the snow in search for farmers and node clusters with the goal of finishing my base design in my sights.
I manage to sneak in a small online raid and a bigger raid counter before meeting a fellow solo player by the name of Bigboi which is where things get a little freaky.
I hope you enjoy the video!
Rust is at the apex of the survival genre. From the humble hunting bow to the almighty assault rifle, the roleplayer’s slum shack to the clan’s flawless fortress.
In Rust the objective is to survive, but it’s up to you what you want to risk in order to thrive. Whether that means fighting outnumbered or putting it all on the line in an explosive heist. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, and that’s why we love this game.
I do not own any of the music in this video.
If you are the owner(s), please do not hesitate to contact me for removal.
Taqs:Kimchi,Kimchi rust,kimchi rust,Rust,Rust gameplay,rust,rust gameplay,solo,rust solo,solo survival,survival,survival game,rust raid,rust raids,rust pvp,rust solo pvp,rust pvp montage,rust ak,rust online raid,Rust Survival,Solo Survival,Rust Solo Survival,Rust PVP Highlights,Survival Games,Rust Gameplay,Rust Solo Series,Rust raids,rust huge loot,rust plays,rust clans,rust best start ever,rust fastest start ever,solo rust,rust jackpot raid
コメント (236)
Really miss the old kimchi style videos and solo content. I’m sure it’s more fun with your buddies nowadays, but this content and editing style was so much better imo. Cheers mate
Rewatching this series and realised you were making your way through the shrek sounstracks
Very impressive flying there at the 2 minute mark. Throughout the whole movie(s) I’ve had the distinct pleasure in viewing, i could never be able to say that one is in any way better than any of the others. Impressive work Kimchi, very impressive. Not that MY word could do any better than say, 👍Siskel and Ebert👍
Seems like alot of shrek 2s soundtrack for this and the last part
lol the look by: metronomy good choice
Also Hey dude!!
I have played solo a lot and NEVER not been offline raided the moment I log off!!
Damn what a chad
LOL I am your new subscriber and watching all old videos one by one and btw i like the videos you upload which have more than 1 hour time. <3
I think every fan of yours would like a Tag: Of the song being used over the screen. We all appreciate your taste
so good to see a kiwi youtuber doing such good work
can you imagine the people that disliked this video
Your videos makes me Get goosebumps
Wtf was that transition at 2:29?? that was so clean
insane vid man
That video was rad dude!
8:59 listen to the lyrics and look at the name
I’ve been here since I thinks around 2 3k subs and I use to fall asleep to you Bc it was entertaining and it was peaceful because you never get angry and scream lmwo but I’m glad your doing good
How do you have 120 hp
Can we get a build tutorial this base looks nuts.
Kimchi, you’ve probably already thought of this mate but for your next video, put “movie” in the title. For some reason, people go mad for “movie” videos when in some cases the video itself is no different to a typical one from that creator. The difference in views you’ll see from doing that would be crazy, and you really deserve them as you are hands down the best small rust channel… fuck it, the best in general.
Imo I feel this is to do with something I call the Welyn affect – he can get millions of views and (up until recently due to OTV) rust only gets ~50k consistent players. So many people watch rust but dont play it. Why they want “movies” – I dont really know. Possibly due to the assumption they are higher in quality, or have an overarching sense of story with a purpose driven narrative which someone not familiar with rust may appreciate more than a more pvp oriented video. Sorry for the rambling, just find this shit interesting as I’ve seen rust evolve all the way from legacy.
I personally, would love nobody else to blow up quickly more than you mate. You put so much effort into your videos which have a uniqueness about them I wish I could learn to replicate. Keep up the amazing work, you’ll blow up even bigger soon! I really mean it.
Ur soo underrated, love the content 😁
Hey Kimchi! If you don’t mind, would you let us know your Rust gameplay settings?
How are you playing this music without getting DMCA’d lmao
solid. left a sub <3
please do a base build tutorial
nice one
Love the video
Honestly bro, post once a week regularly and you end up with more subs thank blooprint. You’re editing style is my favorite on YouTube. And you’re the only rust youtuber Im subscribed to. Says a lot cause I watch them all lol
Great stuff man keep it up
Your PVP skills amaze me, <3
Hey Kimchi or anyone for that matter, do you ever get scared that the music in your videos might get the copyright strikes or is it fair use or something?
One of the best rust content creators out there. The music the editing, pristine work. Keep it up<3
Hey man! Im really impressed with your editing and All your B-role clips.. damn you do it so smooth! Really great Work! Have my sub!
too clean
fuckin top notch again mate.
what was the base design?
kimchi puts in the background music
Everyone: likes that
Hey Kimchi how do you build such a big base as a solo?
I play solo a lot and I want to build this base. =D
hey man loved the video i know this comment is just gonna disapear and youll never get to see it but your voice is so relaxing its amazing
love the music
I gotta say Kimchi! You are one of my favourite youtubers at the moment…keep the content coming and you will be the next aloneintokyo/Willjum <3! Love the music choice and editing style its unique enough you can guess its one of your videos just from audio alone :P.
Hah!!! Danv!
could we get a video on this base design
oh to be _this_ good 😉
👍 ‘d
#Paxus Rating: ★★★ ½
never seen a video of urs and i gotta say i enjoyed the fuck outta this, gg’s.
kimchi my man.
Great video bro, your game sense is nuts
That was really really good
my guy i just found your channel and your editing is fire keep up the good work man much love
that like to dislike ratio LMAO
Awesome Video My Man!!
BRO, you killed wally1k when you were on the ballon and they were on the mini LMAO!
Such a good video, oh my!!!!
Can you do a base build design? I really like the one you used in this video
Your videos are another world man! I am really waiting for you to blow up!
Man your videos are always amazing
Videos of this quality, you must be Ramsey’s little brother
The song in the begging instantly reminded what this was all about
Kimchiii ur baaaack finally it has been like an Month
Imagine getting beamed by literally a leaf
aye my biggest flex is saying i been subbed to this guy since before 1k
Another Banger
That’s a sub from me man keep up the good work you will blow up one day
i like the music you choose to use. its a diffrent but great vibe. love you kimchi
Hahaha wtf that’s ya boi that died to u at the heli xd
Went to comment asking you to release your Spotify playlist…. beat me to it, thanks man
The music you pick is better than any other content creator, keep it up!
Real question is will there be a part 3
this chad god deserve more fucking attention let’s go
i have never seen a vid so good with 1k likes and only 4 dislikes
Lol I was wondering what happen to part 2
kimchi i need more vids
im watching all the older ones
Yo bro you got a sportify Playlist?
Very nicely put together personally i dont remember you pulling stunts like this on me there was always some second or third that came in its really cool to see how much progress solo life can affect a player good luck to you in future wipes come back soon.
crazy fallout 4 vibes
Man, any chance of a Spotify playlist for your music choices?
Always incredible.👏🏻
Man you make some bad ass videos .. need more please 🙏
When the magic music link in the desc. takes you to Shotgun Willy’s Wendy song
I just got you on my recommended and you are under rated if you can can you up load more
how tf are you so good solo
Another great videos
haven’t commented for a while prob dont remember me but how you doing
Part 3 :((((. bro you missed out sooo much of our fights man
yeah the big boi
hey kimchi what base design is this
bra just bra
omg kimchi i love you
0:38 transtion movement soo good
One of the biggest rust alphas
i love your gameplay and music bro! super dope stuff
Loved it!!! Question about the music, do you play with that ingame or add it later? Nothing against that 70s/80s music, love it, but must be a bit weird to play a FPS and listen to that 😀
Music… perfect. Gameplay…. perfect. Personality… perfect. How tf is this man not more popular
I went Lets Goo! When i saw you uploaded
I love your amazing editing style compared to every other youtuber. Your 1 of a kind mate. The old tunes go perfect keep it up and don’t stop what your doing because it’s perfect.
mans so underated
Fkn awesome 👍
Bout time baby for part two
GG @5:11 and @5:27
You almost had me @5:11 😉
Love the Music you play keep up the good work 🙂
I played this wipe I believe and p5 got destroyed HAHA!
Why would someone think of disliking this content?! Great content dude keep it up 👍
your 100% my favorite youtuber
Ch ch ch changeess
Gotta say i love the music and editing man really great job again, keep up the good work!
If I had to sun your gameplay up into one word, it would be Balanced. Exceptional content my friend, and all without ads. If there was a love button, I’d pelvic thrust it into the next dimension
wtf am i seing 800 likes and 1 dislikes omg you did a great job Kimchi
Did you yoink that song from Queen’s Gambit?
Great vid please, please, please keep going. You’re going to go far!!!
Damn this is actually some quality shit, I’m here from Motion’s discord 😛
Fucking Pog brother
Part 3????
i like the music
800 likes and 1 dislike, just proves that kimchi is underrated
AMAZING EDITING and I love the music XD
What a fuckin boss, effortless
Good video as allways
Love the vid keep it up. You are a who I look up to in the world of rust content creators and made me a better player. I got one question though. I can spray 75-100 meters (AK) confidently but I’m stuck and have been attempting to process for months. Any ideas for improving the spay and getting better?
Loved the video from Britain
your nuts dude keep it up
Part 3???? 🙁
Love it
4:40 was that actually riq though?
Damn how can we get this man like 100x more subs?
The only disappointing about the video is the length.
김치 존나 맛있지
is there a base design vid for that base, keep up the good work 🙂
just wanna say there is a reason for you not having a single dislike on dis video. great video 😀
Any One Know the base design ? I need that Base I appreciate it pls or dm me Sukuna #5922
12:07 that guy gotta be cheating
weird thought title but I like it
shut this music off
always a positive suprise when my boi uploads
gg lol
dude, I was watching Wally’s video and i saw your nice little cameo. KEKW
let’s goooo
When you would like to counter but you just end up being the hero of the situation.
On another level
one word: EPICO!
0 dislikes shows the content you prduce
Hell yeah! Great Content yet again.
thank you!
holy shit a kimchi video …. if u read this . can u please for the love of god upload more often ? or maybe do like a vlog channel for content like iRiskExtra. pleaseeeee!
Bro, why the fuck is your music choice just mint?
Love the music selection so much and the editing is amazing too!
I like music
The Best 💚
Nice base but more of it should have been metal.
I like u kimchi👉👈
Another Vid?! What is this Christmas all over again?
Starting 2021 off in style I see. Happy New Year my man. Would love to see this channel over 500k this year.
KIMCHI you are the fucking best man!!!
0 dislikes 🙂
Love the recording style. Good video
yooooooo that music kinda lit🔥🔥
man every video is top quality especially the music keep it up man
I’m more excited for this part 2 than for the new SNK episode, and that’s saying something.
Bro it’s the most relaxing video I loved it
Love your shit dude. Keep it up
YES! love your vids!
Love your content you always deliver. Cant wait for the next video! Btw a rust movie would be awesome, anyways keep up the good work! 🙂
underrated youtuber. a dope vibe and easily a very talented mind and gunner. you deserve more credit.
the background music so bad i think , but its just my opinion
Great video as always. Hope a comment and like help with the algorithm.
YES please upload more often!!! Love the content man!
will we expect another (part 3) 🙂
dude you’re amazing
how in the ball sac do you get to use entire songs over a rust video
copyright doesn’t apply to chad gamer accounts i guess
The quality of ur videos are unparalleled
yo kimchi, still love ur content even tho you took a bit off of youtube
4:40 was that actually riqqeloff?
revenge = m249
you make avenger endgame type of quality content i am so happy that i found you
Very nice
what server was this , nice video man <3
so much shrek in these videos, i love it
Would love to see you do a rust movie. Plenty of music, action and raiding.
Yo kimchi do you remember the name auto turret from this wipe :).
I remember scar and that lucey or something like that person.
Wtf dude your vids so fckin good edited keep goin kimchi 🙂
Kimchi: damn that’s unfortunate I died.
Also Kimchi everytime: This M2 should fix things just fine
Kimchi cures depression
God I love your content more than anyone elses. The music, gameplay, and editing just feels like heaven. Great Job Man!
Youre too good man! Definitely my favorite rust youtuber
such a good intro wow
love the content keep up the good work
you should make a video on the snowgang wipe
very unique content, thanks Kimchi.
kimchi: Dies*
Kimchi: “so you have Chosen M2”
Ahh my kimchi I’ve racked up 1.2k hrs since July still trash at pvp tho but boy can I farm for the chads
God I love your content more than anyone elses. The music, gameplay, and editing just feels like heaven. Great Job Man!
Kimchi slammed the car and the other guy just poked his head through the wall LMFAO
Dope man! Waited so desperartly for part 2 😀
Good video as always Kimchi :0
Fucking epic content yet again !
Gotta hand it to you, its hard to find youtubers that put a decent amount of effort into editing, you got a good taste in music and most importantly….I haven’t heard you beg for likes and subs. Well done.
Damn I’m excited for this video
kimchi i was so hyped when i saw the notification on my feed please keep uploading. also i discovered your channel like a week or so ago, definitely getting new viewers my man
great video im just wondering what server is this? thanks
Comment for content. Nice plays and attitude as always
LOVE that you used the song changes by david bowie
Nice vid and I’ve been using your spotify playlist in the car for months now. So thanks for that too
Please give me your Instagram or something. Good vid as always btw
good vid
Kimchi, you are the YouTuber I wait for to get the fame u need, and “blow” up.
Since u are the best one out there 😀
Holding my breath for the next vid x)
Cya soon I hope!
So good. Tunes as always 🙌🙌
You are fckin PVP Chad!
fire content you got a new sub
whippin the foreign is always a good time.
absolute bangers as always
2:30 what a transition
Every vid better than the last
11:57 i think he could see your feet
these would have been so nice if the music wasnt there :/ not a fan :/
I’ve been waiting and it has been granted
Of course. Another video with a better soundtrack than every movie/video ever made
Yes! Part 2 was waiting for this part 1 was amazing
yaaas new upload
iv’e been looking forward to this
this is exactly what ive been waiting for….
Watch me like a fish
Third but pog video to wake up to