HOW TO PAINT YOUR FLOORS TO LAST | RockSolid Home by Rust Oleum
The floors are redone and you won’t believe how easy they were to transform using Rust-Oleum’s RockSolid HOME paint.
*This video was sponsored by Rust-Oleum. They provided the paint and I was compensated. All opinions are my own*
The paint is now called Rust-Oleum HOME Floor Coating and you can find it at all your local Home Depots.
The new line now offers:
New colors: We now offer a deep tint base with a ton of dark color options
New sizes: The Base Coat and Top Coat are available in quarts and kits
Nationally compliant: The products are available in all 50 states
Base Coat Quarts:https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-Home-1-qt-Smoke-Interior-Floor-Base-Coating-363110/313143070
Base Coat Gallons: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-Home-1-Gal-Coastal-Fog-Interior-Floor-Base-Coating-363140/313143097
Top Coat Quart (Matte): https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-Home-1-qt-Matte-Clear-Interior-Floor-Topcoat-6-Pack-358871/312733003
Top Coat Gallon (Matte):https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-Home-1-gal-Matte-Clear-Low-VOC-Topcoat-2-Pack-358585/312733001
Top Coat Quart (Semi-Gloss): https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-Home-1-qt-Semi-Gloss-Clear-Interior-Floor-Topcoat-6-Pack-358870/312733002
Top Coat Gallon (Semi-Gloss):https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-Home-1-gal-Semi-Gloss-Clear-Low-VOC-Topcoat-2-Pack-358584/312733000
PRODUCTS in Video:
Purdy 2” Angled Sash Synthetic Brush – https://amzn.to/2xJcgMy
Handy Paint Pail – https://amzn.to/2LI8IlU
Handy Paint Pail Liners – https://amzn.to/2G9CQmS
FrogTape Multi-Surface Painter’s Tape – https://amzn.to/2xIUXvf
American Line Pro Mini Roller Tray – https://fave.co/2xCBuwf
Venom Steel Industrial Nitrile Gloves – https://amzn.to/2xImSva
Paint Mask: https://amzn.to/2K0s0l6
Similar Purdy Paint Tray: https://amzn.to/34FRxYw
STENCIL: https://www.idevaffiliate.com/33076/idevaffiliate.php?id=203&url=180
More videos you might like:
Our Fixer Upper – https://youtu.be/cl04ikeffm0
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My Home Tour Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLl4XrGIDyyz-51deamVOhsVp1ueguY2bu
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The Latina Next Door, LLC
990 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. #3206
Suwanee, GA 30024
Be back with another video soon!
*Some of the links above are affiliate links, however, all opinions are my own. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.*
#rustoleum #prideinthemaking
Music by Epidemic Sound – www.epidemicsound.com
Faster Car, by Loving Caliber (Instrumental Version)
Taqs:the latina next door,how to paint floors,the best paint to paint floors,rustoleum paint,rustoleum paint review,RockSolid Home,RockSolid Paint,How to stencil cement tile,faux cement tile,the best paint for floors,the best paint to stencil floors,how to seal your floors,how to update your floors,how to paint tile
コメント (857)
THIS FLOOR IS PHENOMENAL !!! Oh my…..love love love !!!!!
Thank You for sharing this process ! I am amazed…. gorgeous!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Your floor looks so fresh. I stenciled in the past – it was not a good experience. I purchased the floor painting product – but never used it – maybe I’ll do it after seeing your video.
How well did the floor last. And how long?
The floor came out beautiful. Great job..
Hi what is the name of the paint
Love this
You should wear a respirator when you are spraying those chems. Very nasty.
Great video, thank you! I just got my kitchen redone and the tile and granite counter clash big time especially at night lol. Question: is the floor slightly slipper? What’s the difference in how the unpainted feels under your feet vs painted?
Have you ever painted tile to look like wood?
It looks gorgeous!
Hi, I haven’t seen you on video for a while! Good to see you again doing other videos!
I used this product 4 months ago. I scrubbed my floor 5 times with Krud Kutter. I then applied 2 coats of base and 2 coats of top coat. I let it dry 12 hours in between each coat. It looked fantastic for 3 months. Now 4 moths later it looks terrible. The top coat wore off and my shoes are sticking to the base coat under it. . Dirt sticks to the floor so I can never really clean the floor. I would not recommend this product. Like I said …It looked incredible the m first month or so. I have not seen a video of anyone showing their floor 4 months later ???
Glad to know about this product. Beautiful results👍
Love how she called her husband the Latino engineer!! 😊
Great job, helpful video. Answered my question about sealing the paint. Thanks!
You did a very good job.
They are always our of stock 😢
How come you didn’t just put Crud Kutter and clean the floors with a mop?
Can you add glitter to this paint?
Perfection! Great job Y’all ❤
Fantastic !!!!
Very nice.
This is such a great and clever idea. I have a few tiled rooms that would look great with this. Great job!
What does it look like now?
Can I use it on cabinets?
Forgive me if this has been asked…..how long did you wait between base coat and stenciling?
Well done would this also work on a shower floor? Can that be done?
Thank you
Hola una pregunta veo que tu piso es brillante yo tengo piso de concreto Pulido soy de México tu crees que esa pintura me sirva?? Por favor y gracias 🙏
Your cutting skills are absolutely amazing!
I love it
Hi can I yous topcoat on porcelain tile
Avert a few years how is this floor holding up?
Looks Fabulous 🤩 😊
What can I use to paint outdoor tile?
I love this project. You did an amazing job. Thanks for sharing.
Can you customize your own tint, or does Rust oleum only have certain colors available?
it looks beautiful! how do you clean up? Mineral spirits or soap ad water?
The floor looks like tile but I don’t believe you say if it were tile or linoleum . Can you tell me if I missed it ?
Thank you . Great results 👏🏼👏🏼
Excellent job ! Thank you!
You’re paid for this and I’m not sure how you feel about an honest update. Many paint reviews say it does not hold well over time…
Outstanding job!! Thank you!!
Lovely! Is there a follow-up video on how they’ve performed? I’m searching and don’t see one but would certainly love to hear about how they’ve held up. Thanks for the awesome tutorial!
Can this be done in bathroom
Oh my goodness😊😊I Love the floor with that stencil❤
Wow! I had no idea paint like this existed! Beautiful job!
So beautiful. Did you clean off the stencil before you placed it down again?
What is the top coat made out of ??? is it polyurethane primarily ???
Do you have an update on the painted floors? I would love to know if they held up.
How did it hold up ??
Dear Admin, I plan to paint on the bathroom tile flooring . Is this rustoleum floor paint can last for years even I use brush to clean the bathroom flooring ? Coz I worry the floor paint will partially peel off after sometime I use the brush to clean bathroom flooring.
It was amazing!!! And, so are you and your husband! This was one of the best tutorials I have seen and your easy going and pleasant manner make it seem possible for others to attempt the project. Thank you, both❣️
Hi . Where i can find the patterns?
Unfortunately this wouldn’t be possible for my kitchen floor. It begins as my only entry and is in the middle of the house, I’d never be able to get to my bathroom or take my dog out. I might get away with doing half the room at a time, but that 72 hour cure would still make entering impossible. I have considered this many times but can’t find a really acceptable solution to the situational problems. It does look great though. 👍
Now this is a properly done stencil floor. It looks lovely. I just saw another and the stencil wasn’t even filled with paint properly. Well done. Rustoleum really are superior quality paint.
Great job 👏 I’d be very interested so see how it’s holding up a few years later?
Absolutely stunning. Thank you for the information.
Can i use this on vinyl flooring
What size was your stencil? I ordered one 13×13 and I thought it would be one full design however you have to place it on four tiles before you see the full print. Did I order incorrectly, my tiles each are the 13×13 size
Hello there… nice job. I have a huge room, so I am thinking in terms of putting a couple thick Peripheral Sided Rectangles over some repaired tiles (bondo). One thing I’m contemplating is masking the grout (seeking a very nice look. I’m wondering if anyone has tried this or if I am the only crazy person. My Tile was made in Italy, in about 2000. So replacement is not much more than a wish.
Wow,stunning finish.
This is beautiful. You did a fantastic job.
Thanks for the video. I have kitchen counter tiles do you think I could do this on the counters?
Looks amazing I’m going to do the same thank you !
Thank you for sharing this video! It looks amazing! Just wondering if this process will work on a tile kitchen counter. Your response will be greatly appreciated!
What kind of floor is it? Tile or vinyl? It looks like tile.
Your floor came out looking fantastic! I love the checkerboard effect mixed with your pattern, it’s just beautiful. The only thing I would do different is a little darker base grey.
Thank you for giving us a step by step painting of your floors.The Latina Next Door deserves an applause.
gIRL…THAT STENCIL JUST MADE IT *POP! I didn’t care for the grey color until you surprised me and did that fabulous stencil. It really is glorious and inviting and stunning. And you can decorate the room any number of ways and put a colorful rug down too to bring in color and soft comfort. But KUDOS, Madame. Nice, Nice Job.
Yami, you did an awesome job on your floor. I plan on repainting my 90’s bathroom ttile floor and your tutorial was just perfectThank you for sharing your diy talents!
Gorgeous floor!
What paint medium is this ?
This looks amazing. Love love
How has this paint held up over the past few years? How did you mop/clean it?
Prettiest floor so far! Thanks!
How is the floor paint holding up. Very interested i trying g this
Have you given an update on how long this has lasted and if there has been any wear?
Genius. I like the design. How much is 1 gallon?
Your floor looks really great. Fantastic job !!
How does it hold up in a kitchen/dining area with chairs sliding in and out?
Girl 🤗YOU DID AN AWESOME JOB, thank you so much for sharing your info! Just BEAUTIFUL
Love it
Update would be great !!!!!
Beautiful! Can you update to how well the floor has held up?
Love it.
It’s 2022. I’d love an update on how the paint is holding up.
Can do on laun woods
Looks great. How long does it take for the first coat to dry?
Will stencils last in a largely trafficked, family of 10, mud room???
How is your painted floor holding up?
Please let me know how your floors are holding up. I would love to do this in my home. I do have 2 dogs.
how is the floor holding up?
How’s it holding up?
Best method I’ve seen yet!
Going with yours.
Will let you know how mine comes out.
Simply stunning 😍!!! I was nervous about transforming my heavy traffic entryway floors, but dog-gone-it, after this vid…I am woman hear me roar!!! I got this! Thanks for sharing.
Will this work on counter top tiles?
If painting over linoleum that has some texture to it, would the paint fill that in?
Love it! Beautiful! What paint did you use when you stenciled?
Very pretty
Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Help! I have put the base coat of the Rust-Oleum Home Floor Coating kit. Now I would like to stencil a pattern before I put the top coat on it. But I do not want to buy a quart of this product in another color – is there another paint I can use? I only am painting 24 sq. feet. Than you.
Great job!
Absolutely amazing!!!
I always watch never say anything but today I just had too your amazing at everything you do I just bought a new home bought all the floor products and I’m ready to go all I need is the stencil thanks for the idea you rock!!!
Love your videos! Can you please tell me the name of the stencil and where you got it? Thank you! 🙂
How did this paint hold up?
How are your floors holding up?. I would like to try this for my outdated tile.
You did a Great job bitch!
Is the paint safe for health?
This is awesome. I can use this on my basement floor!! Thanks for sharing.
Do you think it would hold up in a kitchen with chairs sliding over it being pulled in and out?
Sorry I missed this part, what type of White Paint did you use with the Stencil?
Thank you for your vedio , cant afford to put flooring this is alot cheaper . Old house with old old laminate floor
Dose this paint work on laminate plank floors?
How come there’s no update on how the floor’s performing?
Beautiful floors! You made it look so easy. Can I use this product on linoleum floors?
I love this also! Will you give us an update to how they look now? I so want to do this! You are very talented 💖🌵
Beautiful job! You make it look so easy. Do you ever do live tutorials?
I’m going to try painting floors I love the stencil and every other plain….can’t wait to get started …❣️
Can this product be used on garage floors or there is another Rust Oleum product I can use
Your floors look absolutely beautiful!!! I love them. Thanks for sharing the products with the community. 😊
Does this paint work on porcelain tile? If so an answer to my prayers. Loved it.
So beautiful!!! Love that floor!…… Question: do you have any episode of how you removed popcorn ceiling? I need to do it in my moldy bathroom ceiling but without tearing it down. I need to keep it on the cheap since my husband isn’t as handy or generous as yours 😅. Any suggestions???
That turned out amazing! You also do great work!!
I used that paint my floor is full of stains an started pelling out right away the top coat would not work, now I have a horrible floor and still no buget super frustrating, what I did wrong?
Can you do an update on how the floors stood up?
You are so awesome, Yami!!! Thank you for all you videos!!!💜💜💜 I also can use gallon size ziploc plastic baggies for the red hand held trim bucket! 😘
That floor painting video was amazing. I just saw it two years after the original time of posting. I’m hoping this product is still available. I watch all your videos and love all of your dupes and trash to treasure videos. Your style is high end but not ostentatious!!! Love it thank you and keep them coming
Wow! Just lovely.
Gorgeous!!! I am considering painting my kitchen floor.
I just bought this!!!
Absolutely gorgeous! Your directions are very clear & easy to follow. Well done!
Great job!
How has it held up
Did you use 2 coats of the white?
Just beautiful! Amazing!
Does this paint only cover tile floors?
Can I do this to wood. I’m not sure what to finish it with
Absolutely beautiful you rock
Looks amazing
WOW! Your floor looks amazing! I’m thinking of doing a small bathroom. I don’t think the stencil will work though. It’s pretty small. Thank you for your experience and information!!
So well done…. And I want to be you when I grow up. 💕💕 …… and I guess get about 20 years younger 😅😂😂
LOVE!! How many gallons should I get for one medium sized bathroom and one medium sized kitchen?
This floor is beautiful …. Thank you for your thorough and easy explanations!!!
You did a great job thank you
How is the floor holding up ?
Absolutely love this!
Hello how long l need to wait for the last step ?
I know this “how to” video is a couple of years old. I had a Spanish style tile floor in my bathroom. Hated it. I finally bit the bullet and did this. I love, love love it. It’s been a couple of months and it seems to stand up fine to getting wet, hair products, mopping. I would highly recommend these products for this application.
Holy smokes! That’s amazing.
Where did u get the thing to make the designs on the floor
Fantastic Work, this is a truly beautiful floor. Next level repurposing!
I cant find the links.
I have the same tile in everything in the house…. fireplace, backsplash, kitchen floors, and bathrooms, so yeah I will do this to some of them to balance the ugliness. On the kitchen floor, I colored the grout only and looks clean and brighter.
Can you show us what the floors look like now? Did the paint really hold up?
You are AMAZING. I can’t wait to watch more. I have watched SOOOOO many DIY videos, you answer the questions and you explain the technique. A+++. Thank you! I am NOW ready to tackle this!!!
This is the most awesome video about painting floors 🥰
Ahora, porqué si eres latina y lo recalcas en el nombre de tu canal, no hablas español? 😅 solo pregunto ☺️ a caso tienes otro canal en español? No sería mala idea 🙋🏻♀️
El piso está hermoso? Después de un año de haberlo pintado todavía se conserva?
La pintura se mantiene en el piso? Gracias !!
Your sunroom floors are stunning WOW, love them!!!
Beautiful floors you doing very nice job 👍
How do you keep it clean?
Hi Mija, question,
How is the floor holding up? Does it have a lot of traffic?.
Hi! Did you have to make that frame that is around your stencil as you’re painting or does it come with it?
Quedó todo Super bello.
I have black marble tile in my small galley kitchen that I would love to try this on. Will this process work on marble tile?
One simple, but very aromatic, way to remove any soap residue after cleaning a floor is to spray vinegar on the surface and remove with a very clean/new damp microfiber pad mop. We have aggressively hard water, so I use extra strength vinegar to rinse dishes and laundry, and our floors. I promise, the vinegar “fragrance” disappears as it dries, but it absolutely cuts soap residue.
How long does it take for the base coat to dry?
Can you do this to vinyl flooring too?
OMG just beautiful…I will do this for my garage and can i do the same for my backyard porch..its covered. I am binge watching your videos for my new place 🙂
Wonderful job!! Gracias x darnos estas ideas
Love love love your floor!!!
Love the video. Too many ads though. It came on every 5 mins. Super annoying.
I m gonna do this in my room.. Myself..!! Thku 🙏
Wow! My first time watching ur videos. Great idea . I’m planning to my bathrooms. I’m definitely trying this methods. Thank u😁
But OH! your knees. Next time please, please buy a pair of knee pads – I promise your knees will thank you if not now then in 10 years. So glad to find out about this product bc our home has dark reddish engineered wood flooring in every room and closet which the previous owners had installed before divorcing (and failing to renovate much else but the floors) and selling this house. Great vid!
The stenciled floor in gray & white checker board pattern was love at first sight. Look out bathroom, here I come. 🙂
I wish you would speak naturally instead of the excessive pronunciation.
Thank you for sharing this! I love how your floor turned out. I have a smaller room to paint but I wondered what you would do if you had cracks in the tile. I cannot replace them at this time.
I’m just blown away how beautiful they are!! I wish I had that much patience to do something like this on mine!!
Hope they lasted long as much time and effort as you put in to them!
How beautiful.
You are painting tile, how is this product on wood?
The floor is absolutely gorgeous Yami.🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Since it has been a year since you painted this floor, would you mind providing us an update or a photo of the floors on how they have worn? Any suggestions on the product would be greatly appreciated too! I have three dogs two teenagers and for adults in my home and I’m just wondering how well this product it’s holding up.
How did I miss this video?!?! Great result and I just adore you!
Love the floor but even a year later cannot find the paint anywhere in San Diego.
Beautiful floor. Now I know what to do for my 50+ year old bathroom floors. Thanks for sharing.
Love everything, from base coat to the stencil. Nervous about doing stencil. I’ve never done it before. 🤷🏻♀️
It looks beautiful. Will it show wear and tear floor pattern. I would love to do this in my living room but I wonder about the walk way where the paint may wear away. What could I do then ??
Wow! Your floor turned out so pretty! Well done! Thank you for such clear instructions! I am planning to paint our engineered hardwood floors and our staircase. Do you know if this paint will work on the tile in a shower?
Wow that was an amazing job absolutely will be trying it!!❤️
I just subscribed too. ☺
That’s amazing. Great tips and love how you did every other for the pattern.
Super beautiful floor! And thank you for such an informative and comprehensive video. May I request suggesting a different route on the one-use plastic paint liners. Future generations will be thankful to all of us for it.
Would this work in the tiled shower floor also ?
I’m curious how well this has held up?
I’m thinking about painting the floors in my home but concerned about the durability with kids and pets?
Thank you
Me encantaría que hicieras en español, the floor is beautiful 😍
Pretty! How do u clean these floors?
wow that floor turned out so beautiful
Wow you did an amazing job…the floor looks great. Congratulations on having a hubby that helps you out and doesnt make a fuss..🤣
That’s really pretty!
Wow! Beautiful!
I have these tiles also.
But unfortunately the are on a diagonal. Ugly! But I’m hoping this will be a big improvement. Is it a advisable to use in wet spaces like bathrooms and kitchens?
Start at the only entry door and work your way forward. make sure you have a zip line to get back out. hahaha
How often do you need to put topcoat on?
You should be on Tv 📺 DIY CHANNEL you have a great personality and deliver the product perfectly.
Amazing looks beautiful
Can you use this paint on cement
Thank you for this video. You have inspired me to tackle this project at home, rather than replacing my entire flooring. In your opinion, would this be a lasting solution for a high traffic area like a kitchen floor?
I guess the floors are vinyl?. They look like tile on camera. Is that correct?
I never got an answer.
Very good👏👏👏👏❤
That is just what I was looking for
Wow it is beautiful
Hey can you please tell me where can I get these home colour in another country???
How is the floor holding up?
Hi can you use this paint on wooden floor?
Love this video very helpful
Thank you for a great idea! Subscribed)
This is fabulous! I have kitchen floor is very similar to yours and I wanted to do a checkerboard pattern with a gray and white. Any suggestions?
I absolutely LOVE those floors!!!
Floors look amazing!
How long it lasts before it fails out and damage from mopping the floor?
I wonder if you could use this technique over peal and stick (fake) old tiles!
Beautiful! So glad I just found this!
Una idea fantástica y un resultado fantástico! No entiendo el inglés pero pondré subtítulos en español para poder seguirte mejor. Gracias!
Can you do this over linoleum??
Looks amazing
Mam so cute u
Where can I get this paint?? I want to try it in my house.
Oh my goodness it was beautiful.
I love love it
Love it!
I’m really impressed! Anf totally excited! I just bought a house with this res title all over the house that i thought I’d just have to live with for a while…but now I’m bursting with ideas!
Just wondering Ms Latina…it’s been a year ago since you posted this vidoe…How r your floors doing now 2021? I would like to do this on my white floors can’t spend the money for new flooring at this time? Give me an updated..😍
Ma’am where did you buy that kind of paper or plastic design? Thank you
Looks great, would it look better with a lighter colour for grout?
Thanks for this video. Amazing job. You explained EVERYTHING so well! Gorgeous floor. Please keep up these great transformations.
Muchos gracias!
It’s realllly gorgeous
Can you do a review on the floors. Especially chairs scraping the floor. How it holds up in high traffic. Beautiful floors!
I love what you did to your sunroom floors. That is a nice upgrade you added to your floors. Stunning! It takes my breath away you did a wonderful job. Great team work!!
Awesome job.
How long did you have to wait for the base coat to dry before starting the stenciling?
How is your floor holding up after a year?
Wow!! Love it. Thanks for the info. About floor painting. It will save $$$ and it will look beautiful and unique with your own touch and style. Gracias me encanto muchidimo.
Thanks I love it very much.
My husband decided to help me shake the paint too but the lid wasn’t on correctly 🤦♀️ it splattered my kitchen cabinets, floor, rugs 😂.
Has anyone noticed a minute or two after the paint goes down, some (teensy tiny) spots don’t take? I did use a steam cleaner on the grout a couple weeks ago, then yesterday I sprayed tile and grout with crud cutter, then wiped up with a micro fiber rag. After that I steam mopped in hopes to get all the crud cutter up. Now wondering if I didn’t get it all up!? 🙁 It is only a few spots, wish I could upload a photo.
Gracias, ” stupendo “
Floor looks great , you guys did an amazing job. You are also a great teacher, you leave nothing out leaving no room for assumptions…great job again.
Dowa this work on concrete
Nice work, looks great!
Beautiful floor. Do you think this durable enough to do a bathroom?
Live the color on the walls! You are so beautiful!
Really great job, thank you for this instructional video. One question, you stated you went with a matte top coat, why is this? I was thinking gloss…any comments on going gloss over matte?
woman you are a genius! This video is saving me ten thousand in bathroom remodel
Great tips
Te quedo padrisimo!! Felicidades.. 💓💓💓
Fabulous job. thank you.
absolutely stunning floor! love the stencil.
Just finished a base coat, but I seem to be very bumpy. Any ideas why? First time painter.
I tried doing the stencil painting and the bleeding is insanely bad.
Good Jobs young Lady 👊🏿
How does the floor look now?
Hello Latina Lady! Gracias por el video. May I ask since it’s been a while since you did this project… Are your floors still holding up looking this pretty? Is the color still looking nice and fresh? Want to make sure it will last once I put the effort in. Thank you again.
Thank you for all that you share with us, loved watching your floor be transformed it looks great 👍🏼
Do you have to purchase the 4 litre size pails or can you get the 1 litre ones?
I love this❤️❤️❤️❤️
Does it come off ? Ware off?
Love it
Great job, loved the results and the clear instructions and steps all the way through, thank you
Oh my goodness, that is gorgeous!!!!❤️
Can we do this paint for bathroom floor, pls suggest
Just beautiful.
That looks fantastic!
My tile exactly. A product we have been waiting decades for. Love the sunroom. Thank you.
The floor look great,,I love it, presiosos.♥️👍
Great tips! Thanks for the info.
Holaa, me encanta ver tus vídeos pero no entiendo inglés , podría por favor poner subtítulos en español. 😘
Beautiful job😀
Amazing!!! How is the paint holding up?
Oh my! Love the way it looks
This floor was amazing! Do you have any tips on designs for 1 in tile floor?
wow! This looks great. I need to paint over ugly travertine in my bathroom and this is a great idea. My bathroom is small so I could probably do it pretty quickly. I love the checkered pattern. As far as the paint holding up, it is specifically made for floors.
Will this work on marble floors? Thank you
Wow! looks great ❤
I love this tutorial. And I would love to paint my tiles (which I have hated since I moved in) since I can’t afford to replace them right now. But, as others have requested, I would really like to know how they have held up.
Absolutely Beautiful. How challenging.
Do you know if this would work on linoleum/vinyl?
Love how this turned out. Now you have me thinking about doing the guest bathroom. Can I ask you how much paint you had to use and how big is your room?
Very nice!
Gosh Your floors came out Beautiful. How is the hold up? Is it holding up is it a high traffic area? I would like to paint my master bath floors, the floors do not match any of the tile surround the walls.
Omg… love this. Now I want to do my tile. Gorgeous.
Would this product work on tile counters?
Hi Yami! How have the floors held up over the past year? Is there a horrible smell?
Do you have an update on longevity?
Beautiful! And the floor is, too! 😀
It is beautiful 🤩 love it
Beautiful! Your English is so perfect I’m jealous right now lol! Beijos from Brazil
Wonderful Beauty looks
The floors look great. Can this be done on stick and peel tile?
This looks amazing. I would love to see an update for how this floor is holding up from when you did the project.
Oh wow, beautiful!!! I must try this process in the bathroom! Is that ok to do so?😬
Why does nobody ever mention if the paint is oil or water based??? and also that even using the correct paint if you have no window in your bathroom it will still go yellow – even faster…
Wow very impressed with this..Thank you for this idea..
Can you let us know how they are holding up… Would LOVE an Update!!!
I would love to know how they help up since it has been over a year now.
I have a huge kitchen and I don’t want carpet, anymore, and I can’t afford the flooring, that I would like, so, I am left with a plywood sub floor, and I am going to paint it. Thanks for the information.
Great video.
Absolutely gorgeous!
Very good results lovely💜
Need some in Jamaica please
Thank you for including the links to the products! I have been trying to track the floor paint down in various hardware stores, and even on the Rustoleum website. Your link is the best way to find the Rocksolid products and to see all of the colors available.
what color is it and at the end is the varnish?
and does not rub against time or do not sink when you need to mow the wall or wipe?
Wow! That is so beautiful and very creative. Great job. 😉
It’s beautiful! That’s what I want to do on our floor! I love the stencil too!
How are the floors holding up to traffic now?
too expensive
That looks amazing. Only criticism is that little gap you left in the skirting board in the corner next to the door. No More Gaps will fix that. 👍
Does it work on wood floors too
Wowww wonderful, can we do this on granite flooring…
My husband is a nay sayer- he says I will regret this … did the floor hold up well?
Could you show after you use for some times so how it will be, I am really looking forward to see it.
It looks great!
Nice work!! What’s the off-gassing from VOCs like, as compared to hardwood floor refinishing?
Beautiful job! Do you have to wait another 6hrs for the stencil to dry before adding the top coat?
Love your video! How does this wear and how do you clean the floors?
Woo I’m going to do that thanks
Hermoso !! Felicidades presiosos
It’s beautiful, can this be used on kitchen backsplash tiles?
is there any paint for outdoor ceramic/porcelain tiles?
Wow looks great!
WOW !!! Where did you buy stencil? Please
The floor looks awesome!
Paint floors? Hmmm. How long the paint lasts, before chipping?
Loved these floors. I want to paint my bathroom wall tile instead of tearing them out. They are in good shape. Wonder if there’s products for that. Tfs! 😍
curious as to why you would cover tile?
Do you have an update on how well they have held up? Almost 1 yr
How does this hold up to high traffic areas, say a kitchen floor?
I am a decorative finisher (over 40 years) and have used just about every product for floor painting. From experience, I use California “Fix-All”. It’s self priming and needs no top coat! You can have it mixed into any of their colors. It’s meant to drive on so you know it will be tough. I apply a base coat and second coat and then either spatter paint or stencil a design. Easy sneezy.
Gorgeous. I love this.
Looks awesome ,but how did it hold up over time ?
I really appreciate your time on explaining this process, it looks gorgeous and as far as your husband goes, I’m glad it’s here Latino helping out his wife as it should be. Keep up the good work looking forward to your next videos
Interesting, very interesting. Is it oil or latex based? Wondering how it would work on cabinets for durability. It would have to be oil based for me to trust it. It seems I have more research to do… Thanks for the video.
Have you had any issues with the floors fading or the paint flaking/peeling? I have used many of Rustoleum products and they never hold up in the long run. How often do you wash your floors? I don’t think that the beautiful floors will last. Please update. Thank you.
Did you have any issues using tape on the stencil so quickly after painting the floors
Wow this came out beautiful!! Would like to know how the floor is holding up?
The floor looks amazing! So stoked to hear about this product, but I went looking for it online and it seem to be out of stock everywhere? Even on Rust-Oleum’s website, the “find in a store” button brings up a 404 error 🙁 Do we know if this has been discontinued?
Good for wood floors?
Can it work well for old Parquet wood floors?
Updates on how the paint is holding up. I plan on doing this to my kitchen floor
Omgoddess I love this….
That floor looks so fantastic. Great job, well done!
Wow! That’s incredible!! You did such a great job. I just wish we could see a photo of the entirely decorated/finished room. Love this!!
Love love love your floor… and your instructions are great!
I’m very interested in doing this to my bathroom floor. I have the same tile as you had and would like to know how it held up as far as wear and tear after time. Do you have an update?
Excellent job look lovely 👍🏼
My beach house entrance is getting a makeover. Love the floor.
Came out beautiful!
Do u think this paint would work on furniture ? Please let me know ur thoughts on this. U do great work.
I really like these floors and paints u used.
I’ve watched 20+ videos on painting floors and this is the first one that really does look fabulous! Here is the big question? Is it holding up? Am I going to have to redo the floor every year? That’s a deal-breaker mainly due to the stenciling (which I can’t live without). Hiciste un gran trabajo y tu piso es hermoso!
Your floor looks Amazing! I Love all of your home improvement ideas. By using even a one of these ideas we can emerge from our post pandemic quarantine homes like a butterfly out of a cocoon!🦋 Thanks for sharing
Excellent tutorial. I’ve watched this several times. I love the stencil. What size was your stencil. Awesome results. Thanks
Can I use this produce on vinyl flooring ??
that is so beautiful
Can you do your wood floor paint too? If yes then which paint do we need to use?
OMG…That is beautiful. 🥰🥰
Any update on the paint after 8 months?
Hola! Just found your channel completely by accident (very happy accident). Excellent detailed tutorial, very concise and detailed. I am vision impaired and yet I will be able to follow these instructions for my basement laundry room. Love your cheerful personality too. I just subscribed! Blessings 🙂
So beautiful 💗
Is this safe for bathrooms?
Esta tan bonito!! I wish I could do this
Looks beautiful. Really like the step by step tutorial. The stencil is gorgeous. Thanks
Beautiful work and nice teamwork👌👏👏
So nine months later how is the floor holding up?
Wonderful your floors look beautiful and your husband helping made the video extra special!!!
Hermoso!!! 😍😍
The floor definately looks great but i liked it only with d base coat that is d first paint u put the floor was looking glossy …i dont like d stencil …can we use only one paint like marble white colour or cream neige colour for ceremic tiles
Wow, just wow. What size stencil did you use?
Hello..I just found you..thank goodness..I have textured vinyl wood look flooring all over my home. I would love to have a whitewashed look. Do you know how I could achieve this with this product. THANK YOU…
Gorgeous! I love that design
I love the floor and the stencil. However I can’t find that exact stencil on the website link. Each stencil is named, do you remember the name of the stencil you used?? Thanks!
Does this hold up the wear, tear, and constant cleaning and moisture of a bathroom or kitchen??
Trying to catch up on some of your videos. Been a busy summer!! The sun room floor is beautiful. ❤
Does anyone know if this paint is available in the UK?
Very nice
Hey, love the results. Sounds like a great product. Such a great idea to update floors. Inspired to do. Thank you.
Hi there! Gorgeous makeover! Can you share the link to the stencil pattern and what is it printed on?
OMG I love the floor!
I love your ldea and floor patton. Can l paint on shower room wall tile and floor? Please let me know. Thank you.
whats the link to the stencils?
I absolutely love your floor❤️ Im a new subscriber!
Thank you 💐
Can you do this on a concrete floor??
The floor is amazing
Hi girl I see you recorded this video 8 month ago and I want to know if you have notice any fading or piling off of the paint? I want to use it for a bathroom . So I need your update on this .
Hey this is beautiful…we hv ceramic tiles want to change it to marble flooring or vitreous tiles but its so much hassel uprooting the entire flooring .n its so costly n debris is so much ..This painting d floors is so much better ..I doubt d painting of floor is in thing in India
This video was awesome! Now I know what to do with the ugly pink tiles in my kitchen. Thank you!
Where did you get the stencil
wow I’m blown away as well….oh my that looks so good…u guys did an awesome job! I love those stencils…que belleza wow👌! que DIOS LOS BENDIGA! PR👏
Awesome ♥️♥️ it.
Hi! I live in California and attempted to buy these two products but the HD site wouldn’t allow me to buy the topcoat. I then went to the actual HD store and was told that due to Ca environmental regulations this item is not permitted for sale in Cali. There were a few states that do not permit the sale of this item. Just an FYI.
Sooo beautiful!
Good job! I love it! It is well worth the work!
Soooo beautiful!!! Planning on tackling my master bathroom with some paint. Thanks for sharing!
Gorgeous! I once painted my mother’s basement floor with marine deck paint. I painted it with a light color to resemble grouting and then took a sponge in the shape of a brick and pounced on a brick red color to resemble a brick floor. I loved how it looked. I really like your Mexican tile look too.
I’m curious to see how this looks 8 months later. Please share with your viewers. Thanks
Does it work on vinyl?
Has your floor stayed looking good?
Great idea 👏 I want to ask how do you clean the floors, can you put regular floor cleaner or bleach? Or would the paint come out? Thank you.
Floor looks amazing. Have any idea how it would hold up with with pets? Especially large dogs?
Great DIY!
We have a playhouse & I wanted to paint the floor. Loved the pattern you put on.
I had considered putting down a rug, but dirt tracks in so I think I will paint the floors just like you did.
All you have to do then is sweep up the dirt that tracks in.
I have a taken out all of the carpet and the plan was to do something along these lines. Thank you for the easy to understand walk through. I wish you were my next door neighbor.
It looks amazing!
Wow love it. Thank you so much for sharing ❤️
Did y ou have to wash your stencils every time you did a new tile? Thank you for sharing.
absolutely awesome!!!!!
Creative and gorgeous
Hi, love this! I would like to try this. Would you recommend this for HIGH traffic floors with pets?
Wonderful! It looks amazing. Thank you for sharing. I would like to recommend that you also wear a mask when cleaning the floor as you did in the beginning of the video. These are some pretty toxic fumes.
wow, your hired, come to florida and do mine
They look awesome love it. Thanks for sharing
Just saw your channel love it!!! I will be doing my floors asap! I can’t believe I have not seen this product yet.
what about concrete floors,to get rid of carpet.
I’m currectly in the process of moving, & we’re having to repaint a whole lot. I’m not crazy about my kitchen floor tiles and have seen many YouTubers promoting to paint the floors to give an updated look @ cheaper cost. BTW, your floors look AMAZING!! I was curious how well has your painted floors held up since it had been painted?
This looks so good! Thank you for sharing!!
Very beautiful
This is beautiful. I am doing this
The floor looks amazing. Where did you purchase the stencils? Thanks.
That floor is so beautiful! Thank you for this tutorial. 🙂 ❤
Amazing 👏
How many stencils did you need for this size of floor, or did you reuse it.
Great!!! Thank you!!
Can u use this paint on cement
Hermoso, pero cual es el nombre del producto que uso para desgrasar el piso?
Where else can we find this paint? We don’t support Home Depot.
awesome job 👍
💗💗💗 your floors!!! I think I want to try this in my kitchen 😍
This looks amazing!!! Well done!
will this work with asbestos tiles? I have them in my basement and would like to paint/seal them off
Great job, just beautiful!
Omg, now I want to paint my floors, good job Latina 👏🥰 adios 👋👋👋
Any suggestions on getting around the 24-hour wait before walking if you want to paint the floor in your only bathroom? 😬
Very nice, I love it.
Will this work with linoleum floor. Also will it hold up on the kitchen floor (high foot traffic). Thank you!
Awesome! I’m definitely going to try this!
I like the work you did it looks great I want to paint outside patio tiles can you advise me what kind of paint to use !!!thanks
Looks amazing!
Painted tile is going to look like crap within a year of normal use
Sorry no entiendo y hablo inglés. Me puedes decir adonde se puede pedir las formas de flores que hicisteis en blanco? Stencil?
I found your channel as it was recommended. I have a huge room that has everything going on it it… basically a rec room. I love your painted floor…this summer I am going to do this to mine. Thank you so much! BTW new subscriber now!
Where do you buy the stickers design for the floor
Hi. Did you use just one stencil and wash it/wipe between? Or tons of stencil? thanks.
How would I do this on concrete floors? There was carpet, but it was ripped out.
Quedo bonito
I really enjoy…
Beautiful…great idea…now that i hear my kitchen tiles are outdated…lol….you two did wonderful job…
Hi Yami,
The floor turned out beautifully. I love the color, the stencil was a plus. I would love to do this in my hallway, ( 1980s ceramic mauve tile, we purchased the house like that), but it connects to all of the rooms. I could possibly do it when everyone leaves for work. if i started at 7am they get home around 6pm would they be able to walk on it without shoes? then I could do the top coat the next day, would they be able to walk on it within the same time as the base coat? How bad is the odor? thank you
Beautiful, thanks for sharing.
Wow looks great.
💙💙💙it!!! Like I said before great team work the floor looks amazing thanx for sharing great idea n tips.
Yummy 😋 you are kidding me
where do you buy that SAME stencil?
Looking like just professionals did it
Thank you! Great instructional video. Very clear and easy to follow.
Wow, that looks beautiful,
Can you use the rustolium over a floor with porch paint on it?
Amazing!!! I like colors and patterns on your floor. You inspired me !!!! I just want to run to Home Depot and buy these paint. You have such a perfect PAINT SHAKER )))). Thank you for sharing this video.
Very impressive result!
Absolutely beautiful! 😍
Can you use this on laminate?
Your floor looks amazing.
What was the roller information? Thank you!
Absolutely wonderful. I love it. Y’all did a great job.
I use a plastic bag instead of a flimsy tray. I cheaper
Does anyone know where I can purchase this in the UK or shipped from USA? thanks
You could have just painted the grout the biscuit color from Lowes. It looks wonderful also.
Watching you for the 1st time. Your doing the paint your floors to last. I must say in your a DYI blog there are some issues. 1st your trim boards are not the best. You can see your joints ” A good caulk job is needed” also your nail holes some are indented and others have globs that should of been sanded Also gaps where 2 pieces come together in the 1st corner where u started to paint. If your going to show DYI projects Details are important.
Me at the begining: omg why would you paint the ceramic tile.
Me at the end: squeeeeeee!!!!! How adorable!!!!!!! Now I know why!!!!!
Amazing…can’t wait to do this in my bathroom.
Awesome job! Will be trying it in my guest bathroom! Thank you for sharing 😊
So this video was taken 7 months ago. Is there a page that shows how the floor is looking now? I would love to see how it wears.
Thank you for your video. It looks great.
How do you clean the floor?
Krud Kutter was our lifesaver on removing old wallpaper too! Great stuff!
Wow! Those are amazing results!!
I can’t wait to try it!
How long did you wait before you painted the stencil on?
excellent job!
What do you think about Floor Pops?
You need to sand the floor!
Beautiful job
Hello, I was wondering if the paint ever peeled off? especially after moping the floors from time to time. Thanks for the tutorial, I will like to do this in my bathroom floors for an easy change.
Absolutely love it!!!
Very nice, how is it holding up?
Hi, maybe I missed something, but the white paint for stencil- was that a regular flat wall paint?
I had my doughts about the outcome, I have to admit, it came out beautiful, I love it
Was that ceramic tile you painted over?
Omg. This is absolutely beautiful. I want to do this. In my kitchen
I’d love a review of how that gorgeous floor is holding up!
Beautiful 💐
Beautiful! Great job!
Does anyone know if the Rock Solid sealer can go on an oil based primer?
How often do you have to repaint (due to chipping)
The stencil looks awesome. I had just purchased this product from my local Home Depot. You are right about two coats on the lighter colors but it leveled the roller marks out. The color before the product was dark. The only question I have is. Can you walk on it after the 6!hour first coat? Before I put the finish?
Your floor looks great!!!! Love it!!!! Does it wear off over time of daily wear?
Credit where credit is in due. Outstanding work.
Beautifull, never imagine painted tile would look soooo great, loved it, new subscriber
Is this paint suitable for use in an en-suite bathroom/bedroom, which has a wooden floor throughout?
I wasn’t sure at first about painting tile when you stencil tit it made it look gorgeous you love it thanks again
wow great job, would this work on a mat ground tile aswell as a plat surface and the grey in a white color ?
Wow, it’s great!
How has it lasted?
Love this floor!!!
Buen trabajo, a quedado jenial precioso. Salud para todos desde España 🇪🇸🌹🍀👍
La pintura no se pela ó se raya??
Using a bathtub and tile to do our bathroom, we bought 2 boxes of the rustoleum kit and had one of them tinted. I am curious is we clean them the same way we would any other flooring? We begin today laying it out and we are so nervous..
Absolutely Awesome!!!
I’ve never done this type of project but have been dying to change out my horrible 3″ plain off white bathroom floor tiles in the half bath off my kitchen. Do I need stencils that fit exactly within the 3 inches??
This looks amazing! Could you use this on old vinyl??
Wow this so amazing! Do you think this could be used on tile counter tops as well?
Wow! I’m looking up how to re do a linoleum floor and click, click, click, I got here and WOW!! the coverage of that paint, first coat, is amazing! The pattern and top coat look so fricking good. I’m gonna look in to rustoleum now. Thank you!
Good work.
Amazing difference.
Your floor is impressive. I’m writing in May 2020. How is the floor holding up? Do you have children playing in this room? Are you wearing your street shoes on it? I’d love to see an update!
Beautiful 🖤
How is it holding up?
Thank you for this informative video. Definitely a Covid19 project. Phenomenal!!!!
Amazing …sure is cheaper ….looks beautiful
If I have a paint that is “paint and primer” will I still need a base coat? Top coat?
Can you use this product on backsplash or shower tiles?
amazing! Do you have an update on how these floors have held up to regular wear and tear?
Hi. I love you diy. Can I do this as a means of earning. Business. If yes can you put me through on the necessary paints and tools needed to start.
Pls educate me.
Thank you you are the Best
U did a beautiful job! I love love love it.
I just seen this video and it looks amazing; however now that its been a few months how is the paint holding up, has it come up yet or did it really stick to the floor, please let me know and thanks for your video
Love it
Would this work for the tile in my shower? I need to either replace it, or if this works, I’m using the extra money to take a loooooong vacation !
I am truly amazed! Love this!!!
Great. Just what I need. Greeting from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
This product does not exist
This was in November. I’m curious how did it hold up through winter?
Wow amazing does it leave a strong smell ?
You did a wonderful job girl! I’m sold! After cabinets and countertops, this is next. Thank you so much.
Did it hold up 5 months later? Or did it peel? Does this work in high traffic areas, like a kitchen? Thanks for sharing
Great video! Could you update us on how it is holding up?
Amazing, the floor looks beautiful. Thank you,
I can’t find this product. Wonder if it’s discontinued. I don’t see it on Home Depot or Rustoleum. Website.
Hi there! Thanks a lot for all your advices.
I love what you did.
I just wonder if months later its still looks fine with the furniture and walking on, regularly.
Thanks so much
Gorgeous. This would be perfect for my kitchen floor!
It looks nice, but I think the coverage was not very solid. I think it would have looked better with 2 coats of each. Especially the white color.
So beautiful!! Looks perfect! I wish I had tile floors so I could do that to mine! Thanks for sharing and please stay safe and healthy ❤️👍😊🙏🏻
Acabo de descubrir tu canal. Gracias. Quisiera saber si uno puede pintar los azulejos de la banera. Me gustaria pintarlos.
I came across your videos today and I’m glad I did. I have lots of small and large projects in my garage and your videos gave me inspiration to get those done. Keep up the good work.
After watching your video my husband and I decided to paint our bathroom floor. I am so excited and can’t wait to get started.
You did a great job……keep up the videos.
Looks beautiful!! Have you had any problems with this chipping over the months?
Really beautiful job, love it
SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thank you for inspiring us all!
It was amazing I can’t wait to do it ❤️❤️❤️
Wow. Very nice. You are a patient woman!
Did you use satín o mate on the 1st coat
Turned out beautifully!
So 5 months later – how is the paint holding up? I would like to do my kitchen floors but concerned about durability with kids and a dog in a high traffic area.
I am absolutley blown By this video!! I mean that base coat was amazing & 1 coat was beautiful. Really really fantastic, loved it with the just the base coat, but even you added the stencil!!! Oh over the moon gorgeous ❤❤❤❤❤ best video thanx for posting
how is this wearing? thanks
Thanks so much for this helpful video. It’s exactly the information I needed. Great job!
5:15 into video and you can see this Rust Oleum paint has awesome coverage! WOW so happy to hear only one coat needed for Base. Brilliant vid-tutorial. Will be using this on our next bathroom update. Love your channel – it makes me so happy:-) x
So beautiful!
WHere did you get the couch you are sitting on?
muy bonito te quedo, me encanto !!
Wow. Gorgeous.
Wow that was beautiful
WOW,amazing 🌞lovely work.
This is gorgeous ✨👏 good job. I’m so excited because I was looking into painting my entry way and my laundry. I will definitely look into the products. Thank you 🙏🏻😊
Great video!! ❤️❤️ I’m definitely using this
Hi. Turned out beautiful. Have you ever tried this on wood floors. And would you consider a larger stencil. My living room is 22′ x 12′ long and rather narrow. I asked about larger stencil for floors my size.
I love this! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been wanting to paint my bathroom tile, but wasn’t sure what could be used to do this. I’m definitely going to try there first and then maybe paint my living room tile. What gray color did you use? Does it have a glossy finish? Have you had any chipping of the colors?
They look very nice
I don’t know if you mentioned this but does this work on concrete floors ?
Love this
the floor looks gorgeous!
Looks gorgeous!
Wow! Love the floors! You did an awesome job!
WOW 😲 I💕💕💕this. I have ceramic tile in my laundry room and 1bathroom and kitchen. I may try this in laundry room soon. Thanks for this video
I Love your new floors. I hope you will give us an update on the condition of your floor in 2-3 years. I hope it holds up for you.
Wow!! What a transformation – I love it!!My husband and I are fixing up our home and this is a perfect idea for my for one of our rooms. Thank you so for sharing your beautiful ideas 🥰 especially the stencils on the floor.
Can you do this in peel and stick tile??
Oh, Yami, this is gorgeous! If we end up getting our new home, I might have to rent you and your husband!
I will have to catch up on all your home reno videos… oh, girl, I need all the help I can get.
Hugs, friend!
Where can I buy it pls?
How are you so amazing at painting?! After reading many blogs and watching 100s of YouTube videos on how to paint your kitchen cabinets (watched yours twice!) I finally started my kitchen makeover and if I’m honest I’m beginning to regret it, its so bad, it’s not as easy as it looks don’t know what I’m doing wrong
Beautiful job!
That turned out really beautiful! Thanks for the inspiration.
Thank you I have been on the fence about this product. My kitchen has the same exact tile as this and I’m going to do this with a marbling effect. This video has inspired me.
So, how are they holding up 3 months later? I’ve been researching, hemming and hawing over using this product in my high-traffic kitchen (and trying to figure out how it’ll hold up moving a stove and refrigerator back in over it). Thank you for any updates!
Absolutely beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
This is going to sound like such a stupid question, but here goes. After you husband shook up the cans did you also have to use a stir stick and mix them up a bit? Thanks. Love your floor!
New sub here. I’ve got to get this. Thank you for such a precise video.
I am Inspired! Totally cool.
Gorgeous I did my wall tiles in bathroom last year and was afraid to do floors I’m going to do that exact floor as my bathroom is painted grey Would love to know how is bearing up now though
Love it but rather than white on the stencil you could use a light gray and do the whole floor without it being busy.
What a beautiful job!!! What type of product do you use to mop the floor?
The floor looks amazing. So glad something has been made to paint floors and that it is durable ❤️
Can I known the name’s of the paint
Wow this is so, so beautiful and thanks so much for helping me out with my outdated bathroom floors, I’m so excited now.
This paint is junk. It peels quick
Hi Yami! You did such a beautiful job using our Santa Rosa Tile Stencil! 🙂 Great video!!
This is so adorable and inspires me!! Thank you for posting!
Hi it looks nice… how do you clean that floor?
You’re hot.
wow! incredible! i had no idea tile floors could be painted. That’s my next bathroom project
How long did you wait for the base coat on the foor to dry before stenciling? Was it 6 hours or longer? You did a beautiful job on your floor
Are there any cleaning products that shouldn’t be used on the painted floors?
were can you buy this in Canada?
Oh my goodness. It looks amazing.❤️ Happy New Year
Wow, floors look amazing!
Wow! I am so glad I found this! I recently remodeled my bathroom and was going to lay a new floor. There is NOTHING wrong with it, just not the right color. This may be a great DIY option that will save $$
wow that room is turning out…. super nice! The house is soooo wonderful….i love all the different areas…. my favorite type of home layouts. I’m not a fan of open concept, there is just something sooo much more homey and comfy about a home with different rooms to be in ….great find!! congratulations xoxo
Jusr amazing!
Soooo beautiful!!! What was the cost?
Hi, thank you, It looks pretty. Can you do that in a wood floor?
Love it I’m living in Jamaica were can I get it to buy?
No husband! Just me! How much is this paint? I have old wood floors that I would like to do. You’re a sweetheart
How durable is the paint?
I’m impressed. I have been looking for something to use on my kitchen floors that’s durable. I can’t wait. Your floor turned out so beautiful.
Absolutely Beautiful Floor Dear ❤
It’s amazing, beautiful! I was wondering if it would work out on a full concrete floor and if it would be okay in a laundry/bathroom room? Maybe I am asking a stupid question.
Thank so much for your video. Your project turned out beautiful ! I just wanted to ask how you are liking the matt finish. Is it wearing as well as semi gloss or gloss ? I am a little concerned about how it will be to clean and if it will get grimie easier due to less sheen for protection. Thanks !
where did you order the stencils, I like those
The floor is GORGEOUS❣I wish I’d found this for my Kitchen floor months ago. It would’ve saved me $1K installing Vinyl plank flooring 🙄(though I love it now).
I don’t know if you’re going to be able to have the answer to this question but if you have a gap in the flooring tile that is pretty wide and you use leveling compound in between would that affect the adhesive level of the paint and would it be workable
Beautiful! Wondering if you can use this product over porch and patio paint? I painted my hardwoods a couple of years ago but finding a few spots where chair legs have scratched the paint off so ready to redo the floor.
Can you use this paint on Linoleum, Glazed Tile or concrete?
Please give us a one-year follow-up on durability.
Wow …drop dead gorgeous! you did a great job!
Very nice
Beautiful job, can this be used on cement floors? I took rug off living room and it’s cement. TYIA ♥️
Just wondering if it only comes in one color, because i noticed it looks like gray color paint.
Absolutely love this! I’ve been looking for this paint all this week…Can you help me find it..my Latino Engineer☺️
I have wood floors and thought about painting them. After you cleaned your floors they looked perfectly fine before painting.
Love this!!! Have you tried this on a laminate floor or even concrete?
Is this paint for living room & bedroom or for kitchen only & bath
This video made me subscribe! Gorgeous job
would love to know how this product holds up to large dogs – do you think your floor would hold up to that?
Wow, thats gorgeous! It looks really good.
Beautiful. My husband and I bought a fixer-upper years ago & redone the entire house. We almost divorced. 😂 However, after 35 yrs we’re still together. ❤️
Quedó increíble tu piso! Felicidades! Espero poder encontrar el producto en Canadá.
It looks nice, but I am curious why you’re windows aren’t open while you’re doing this project? If a mask is required, it seems very toxic. What does the safety data sheet say? Be careful if you have small children or pets and consider only using non toxic products.
The floors are really nice but you should have taken the baseboards off.
would it work over vinyl or linoleum?
Wow! The floor came out beautiful. Have you ever seen this done in a wood tone, so that the floors look like wood?
I have your flooring and I can’t keep up with the Grout. They look Sooooo ugly!
I’m scared to try but desperate enough. …
How do you clean and keep the floor white?
Omg it is beautiful! If I were to do this and had any product leftover do you think I could use this on kitchen counters? I know there are special products for counters but I need to do some renovations on a very tight budget.
I am trying this. Do you think I can do it during winter? Thank you.
It’s great, but you shouldn’t use the throw away plastic insert, it’s the sort of thing we need to stop
Looks amazing, will it chip off or can you notice scuffs??
I can’t wait to see the finished product!!!!! love that tile!
Thanks I will buy that paints
Me gustó pero no entendí nada…no puedes poner subtítulo en español?
Do you have any idea if this would work on shower tile??
Nice job, rust oleum should be as happy as you. Great video and work.
Wow! such beautiful work!! Would this work on a linoleum floor?
New girl here. Great taste! Absolutely amazing ! Husband helping… PRICELESS.
really cute!
Stencil link not working! Love this! Beautiful!
WOW!! I’m sold ,like you I would not have believed one coat. Beautiful work, as always. TFS 😀👏
Your link for the stencil is not working but the floors turned out beautiful I just purchased a home and I don’t like the carpet in the living room and hallway I think I just figured out my affordable way to redo my floors thank you
That looks fabulous. Did you measure out the gaps between each stencil?
Looks great
These products are fantastic! Congratulations on your home and I look forward to seeing what else you are doing there.
Just wondering how durable this is. Wonder how long it will take to get scratches, etc. on it.
Sooo beautiful.
Love the floors 🧡👍
All your hard work paid off. Looks amazing!
I love your stencil floor – looks great and so glad it has a top coat to protect it
Love the floors! I could not get the link to work for the stencils though.
😍😍 you guys are the perfect duo. Can’t wait for more house improvements.
Turned out amazing!
Loved the way the floors came out!!
Your room turned out awesome!!
Very nice!
The floor is so beautiful. A lot of hard work but so worth it.
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!!!!! Yami my sweet friend……I almost have no words to say. The floors went so beautiful and elegant……with no mess!!!! You guys are amazing together!! 👏👏👏👏 For your christmas tree, you should make 5 beautiful dolls to represent your family, because you are so precious, that you deserves to be in a Christmas Tree!! Congratulations!!! I loved it!!! Just can’t wait for more and more!! 😙😙😙💖💖💖👏👏👏🌲🌲🌲
Wow! Seriously blown away by how much difference just painting the room and floor makes!!! Absolutely love the checkerboard pattern with the stencil. Can’t wait to see what’s next
Beautiful 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😁
I so want to do this to my kitchen!!!! I just hate having to move that fridge lol.
Love, love, love your floor! It looks awesome! Thanks for sharing I had no idea they had paint for floors, I have a basement that are very outdated and we just put laminate over it. I would love to try this ! Can’t wait to see what you do next!
Soooo, I got these in smoke gray at home depot and painted my kitchen floors. The color is much lighter and a bit different than pictured (looked blueish/greenish perhaps because I used a white primer underneath) which was a bit of a bummer, it dries beautifully and is easy to clean (as long as you do not use any rough products on it). For far, I have a fee niks on the floor already. Easy and inexpensive way to revamp your floors.
Is pretty
Absolutely Beautiful! Love It!
Wow! Gorgeous!!!!!
Love that floor! Great work!
Wow no words looks amazing good job love it
Floor looks amazing. I can’t imagine what your knees felt like.
Thank you so much I want to change my boring floors. 👏
I love the stagger of the pattern !!! I have a huge open floor plan and worried about it being busy as well !!! GOOD idea!! I have supplies ready to go stencils and all , BUT now reconsidering the product hmm 🤔. Love the color BTW
Absolutely gorgeous.
WoW…WoW…WoW….that looks beautiful. What a great job you & hubby did. Love ❤️ IT
I am so enjoying watching all your changes that you’re doing to your house. You and your husband seem to work together really well. I can’t wait to see what else you do.
This turned out SO GOO Yami!!!! 😍😍😍 this is going on my list to try!!
Beautiful! Great job!
You are right on time AUNTIE!!! Because I want to paint my ceramic tile floors in my dining room!!
I’ve been wanting to try this on my floors too. Thanks for the info….yours look beautiful!!! ❤️
Absolutely stunning..love this..love the stencil pattern..u and ur husband work together awesome..tyfs♡
Turned out beautiful!!!TFS
I really like the looks of the new floor!
Wow that is Amazing!!!! How is the wear and tear I wonder??? I would like to do this in my entryway and kitchen, but that is a super high traffic area, so I was wondering if the paint would start to wear off?? Those floors you just did are just beautiful!!!!
Your sunroom turned out so beautiful. I love the stencil and you did an amazing job. Can’t wait to see how you transform the rest of the house. TFS
This turned out awesome y’all did a great job 👍 TFS enjoy your night and have a wonderful weekend 🍁🦃🍁
Wow! What an amazing product. That is so beautiful ❤️
Beautifully done, 😍 they look awsome.
Gorgeous 👍🙏
Trund out SOS so beautiful great job.
OMG!!! You guys did such a great job. I love the way it came out. Thanks for sharing with us, keep these great videos coming!! 👍🏻
You did an amazing job!!
Those floor turned out amazing! It is going to be so enjoyable seeing everything you guys do. 👏🏽👏🏽
AWESOME job! Love it!
Love them!!
Yami, the sunroom’s floor is beautiful. I love the stencil you used and the pattern is amazing. I can’t wait to see how you style the room.
I am so excited to see what you do in the remainder of the “fixer upper”.
I am totally doing this!😲😍
It looks beautiful, thank you for sharing, God bless you
Absolutely beautiful! Wow!!
You’re floors look amazing 😉 Thank you for sharing 💕💕🌸💕💕
I have thought about doing my bathroom now I’m definitely going to try it 💕💕 Thanks so much 💕💕
I love how your husband smiles when he’s helping you!!! Mine acted like I was cutting his leg off.
That was well explain but one question what kind of paint you used on the Stencil?
Wow!!! love, love the floor.
Great job!! This takes lots a patience, but the end result is simply beautiful!
Floor is absolutely beautiful💗
It looks beautiful and you guys did an awesome job
The floors turned out beautifully. Good work Yami & the LE. 😉
Your floor looks amazing!
The Floor is amazing,it looks brand new. Love the colors you used ,might try it on my kitchen floor . Love it 😊
Such a fantastic transformation!
This is so gorgeous. Love love love it. You guys did a awesome job. Tfs
🥰 It’s beautiful!
Gorgeous….nice job both of you! Neat product!
I want to do this so bad but I am so scared of it! I wish I had a man to help me!
Oh Yami the floor is beautiful I love painted/stenciled floors and so happy to see when it is done.
They look great! I was surprised you didn’t fully stencil but the results are wonderful. Can’t wait to see your next project. Besos!
Wow what a transformation, looks great!
Wow!! Your floor looks phenomenal!! Do you know if it would work on wall tile?
This looks fab. Good idea on only do ever other. Hard works really does give you the best results. X
You & the latino engineer are hired.
WOW!! Your floor looks amazing. The stencil was the perfect touch.
This is absolutely fabulous! I have several floors that I wanted to do and this is perfect! I love your work! Truly inspired
This came out absolutely beautiful, you have inspired me to give it a try in my entryway.
I love the floors .ya’ll did a wonderful job
Love your floors. I live in Canada hope I can find the paint. Woyld love to fo my kitchen. Thank you soooo much for sharing.
🙏💕 Beautiful! You are truly talented. God bless you 😘
Looks awesome
😇💙 What a BEAUTIFUL job Y’all did, the floor looks so fresh air clean.😊💙
I was doing something else, but when I saw the Notification of this video pop up, I was so excited, and I stopped what I was doing to watch! This looks like an amazing product and it looks so easy to use. I would love to do this in my kitchen. I could do the rolling part, but I’d need someone else to do the cleaning and cut in. Are you available? Lol!! I love love love the finished product!! Thanks for sharing!!! ❤️
Great job guys, your floor looks beautiful.
Your floor looks gorgeous!!! Awesome job you guys😍😁👍
I’m sorry if you said it, but can this be used on linoleum or concrete?
Looks great!! Looking forward to seeing more!
Your floors came out very nice! Say thanks to your Latino Engineer for the tips. Again thanks for sharing.
The floors are simply stunning!!!
Love the pattern.
That looks awesome!
Beautiful, and I love the color
You guys are doing such a great job, its always a pleasure watching you my friend.
Wow! That floor is stunning!
I knew Yami, I could see a sneak peek in the corner behind your sofa. They look spectacular! You and the Latino Engineer did an amazing job. I can’t believe how much you’ve done to your sunroom in such a short time. You guys are such hard workers. I hope the Latino Engineer has some time off work to do this otherwise you married a super man! 😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍
The floor looks pretty
Nice! Curious what the cleaning recommendation are?
Wow!! Me encantó como te quedó el piso!! Te felicito😀
Wow the floor looks like new tiles. Love the design you picked out. Your such a great husband and wife team. Can’t wait to see it decorated. One room down. 👍👏😍
WOW the floors turned out stunning. I love them. So excited to see all the changes y’all are doing to y’all’s new home.
Wow! Wow! Wow! You and your hubby are such a great team. The floor pattern is absolutely stunning! Now I’m dying to see the space decorated. Ha! Have a blessed weekend! Xo 😘
Wow! A lot of work but results worth it! Question, I noticed you started wearing a respirator mask. I’m guessing the fumes from this product are pretty strong? If yes, how long does it take for odor to go away once it dries? Please post a follow-up video a year later and let us know how it’s holding up.
I am floored( 😜) by these results! I am so freaking impressed! You two are such a dynamic duo! Now I know how to do my floors and with what products to use! Gracias mi gente! Dios los bendiga! 🙌👏👍
Wow!!! That looks amazing! Great job both of you!
Beautiful 😍😍😍 can’t wait to see all the renovations y’all do on this house!
What a GREAT product!!! I can’t get over how BEAUTIFUL they look!!! Well done!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Can’t wait for the next installment!!! 😊😊😊
Absolutely wonderful!!! Such good info! Floors look lovely! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Oh my!!!!!! I cannot love this enough❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It’s BEAUTIFUL!!!!!😊
Wow! You guys did a great job – your floor looks stunning.
The floor looks AMAZING!!! You and hubby did a fantastic job!! ❤❤
Awesome… can’t wait to see the next one… so exciting. Saludos de San Diego CA
You and your husband are such a great duo. I’m a stay at home mom with so many projects I want to do to my home but don’t have the energy lol
The floor looks wonderful and I like that you checkered it!
Wow! You guys did a fantastic job! It looks like real flooring.
So pretty! Love the checkerboard pattern! Thank you so much for posting your videos.
This is sooo beautiful!! Good job!!❤️
Wow! It looks fantastic! Great job.