Rust – The CHEATING Alliance
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We track down the same group from my last video, looking for some good old rust revenge, just to be faced a Cheating alliance…
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0:00 Story
14:45 Sponsored Segment
16:00 Story
Taqs:rust pvp,rust gameplay,rust cheating,Tesla Rust,Clan Rust,Rust Alliance,Rust Cheating Alliance,Rust Solo,Rust Duo,Rust,Tesla,Funny moments,Gaming,Survival Game,Rust 2024,Rust Raid,Rust Story,Rust Movie
コメント (108)
Thanks to HelloFresh for sponsoring today’s video. Go to https://strms.net/hellofresh_tesla, use my code POGTESLAFREE, and receive one free breakfast item per box while subscription is active.
Make sure you guys SUB if you enjoy the content! Try my best to pump some good videos out for you guys this year.
Enjoyable watch as always
Why dont you hover loot kits to put them on? hoverloot button + alt over it to automatically put the clothes on
Insane video as always, but just as insane: what is this base?! :O
What base is this?
The new music makes it feel completely different
Can Confirm Tesla Classic
Bro, your videos are fucking amazing. Keep up the amazing work.🙂🙂
Does the AK start to the right? How you keep it straight like that? It should curve to the right at East a little….. I only have 700 hours on pvp servers so I might be missing something.
Biker at fault
it’s embarrassing the rust community has to play like this to feel successful against small groups, but you’re insane. i wonder if zergs have humiliation kinks bc its comical how bad they are to have 20+ people and STILL need cheater friends. GG all around though king
Hey. Good video first of all. Tho I would personally appreciate if you would actually put the scenes into the video that lead to what’s in the video. E.g. the first large oil rig take down. You skipped right to the opening of the locked crate and did not show the card run nor the killing of the scientists. Maybe, if you want, you can put these scenes in next time :). But as I said. Good video anyway!
Tesla and Tac video soon, it’s gotta be done
How do you get to see the entire map like that 46:54 what is the command for it or what to do to get the full view of it? Because mouse wheel zooms out on little bit…
These videos feel just like Ramsey used to back in the day and the nostalgia wave every time is so amazing.
someone really needs to tell Tesla glowing skins exist for deployables
how do you always find their names on battlemetrics and their exact sessions?
Legendary Tesla!
Love the cheater series , would also love to see some more farming and building montages to show more progression and make the vid longer❤
Tesla love your content keep it up. Makes my day so much better
Not gonna lie that first raid defence wasn’t the Tesla we know!! You seems so confused
what kind of server do you play?
It is a great day when Tesla finally uploads! 🙂 Hope you could post more often but the videos always are the kind you just know it took a long time to make!
For how recent you’ve started playing, you make some decent plays.
Lesgo !!
Love seeing a trio go up against a clan
Nice video! Here is a tip for you, hold alt when you hoverloot your kit, it goes straigt on your body. Never saw you do it once, this way you don’t have to do what you are doing at timestamp 1:01:39 for example.
What’s the base design?
Waiting for the Tesla & Friduwulf Collab for the cheaters
sub this guy, 250k is not enough
Why not 100 vs 3 next time
Bruh i dont understand why they did that but whatever i guess
i love you man🫶🏼
Base design?
Can’t wait to get back into rust and hopefully be able to have wipes like you
u need AloneInTokyo in your team , he can stand those sieges 1v30 😀
Pretty sad what the Devs did to this game. Its no longer skill that prevails. Just numbers. Rust is dead to me.
That grenade throw off the window pane frame thing was simply spectacular.
By hearing the first line this is definitely a Tesla classic
new tesla video let’s get popcorn and enjoy the carnage
amazing video once again
Was the base at fault maybe? TCs didnt overlap as intended?
Crazy to think about how you have been fighting the cheaters on this server for almots 6 months.
When we needed Tesla the most..he posts a video!! My guy!
This is insane
You guys need to send your previous video about these cheater to the admins and just get them banned i get you get content out of it but the rest of the server is suffering through getting killed by cheaters
To effectively confront cheating clans, it’s essential to observe aloneintokyo, as dealing with a regular clan appears challenging for you. Despite claiming throughout raid preparation, you did everything you could you failed to place TCs to obstruct their FOB construction. Furthermore, during the raid, you exhibited errors like repeatedly peeking over the roof without complete healing and inefficient use of grenades. Consider implementing shotgun traps instead if you don’t have turrets, or putting an M2 into a turret for better defense.
lets go nothing better then a tesla vid before sleep
Tesla i love the base design what is it called
bro woke up and first thing he did was beam 2 people lmaoo
wouldnt it be smart to honeycomb the core and have the loot around the honeycombed core?
i heard you tell gaz the group from last wipe was on that server and i just knew this vid was going to be a banger. keep up the great work tesla and gaz
Right as I settle down with my meal for the night, this beaut pops up on my feed. Love ya, dude
w base i always build that
Crazy video as usual Tesla! Thanks for the content! ❤
Tesla saving the evening!
Lets gooooooo
its a good day when tesla posts my fav youtuber keep up the good work!
I don’t even like rust anymore but I still be loving these videos can’t lie
i just took a shit
Certified @Gorliac Classic
just got some corn chips and salsa bouta have a good time
Bro your vids are so cool, I love your in depth vids about hackers, you find so many of them.
After 3 weeks we have a new video letsssssssss goooooooooooooo!!!
Absolutely a felipe 🐈 classic
When is the duo with Gorliac coming?
Spoiler Blocker
Crazy I would never even think to do some of actions would never even think to
i love all the vids man and Have a great day 😀
OMG yes a w video from tesla i love u keep it up
5min gang 👇
I LOVE these kind of rust videos! 🙂
great video and awesome created and show how we non cheating people can piss off the cheater and be a nightmare for them
Tesla upload during lunch break oh its gonna be a good afternoon🎉🎉
I just opened a bottle of wine and your vid pop’s up. Time to get cozy and watch Kings at work.👑
Cracking video mate always a pleasure
classic banger by frost
I’m ready for it much love telsa
luv me sum tesla on a monday morning
W vid
classic banger from tesla
Thanks for the awesome content Tesla, the work you put in is crazy,❤
love the videos man <3
Thanks for ur increadible videos !!!
47 seconds ago btw
best day when tesla uploads new vid, keep up with the work, most underrated creator .D
Can confirm this is a spoonkid classic
Ily Tesla
Excited to watch this banger after work
kerkleb xD
Very interesting video! I can see that you put a lot of labor and soul into it. Keep up the good work!⏳😃👺
hello tesla!
first one here
Your videos are always a pleasure to watch. Thank you for the quality content!🐈⚾️😳
Hey Tesla
Let’s goo