How I Survived a 3000 Player Rust War
Play War Thunder now with my link, and get a massive, free bonus pack including vehicles, boosters and more: https://playwt.link/konfuzion2024
War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2000 playable tanks, aircrafts and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability.
In this video Konfuzion plays the Rust Global Warfare wipe, the one from the FancyOrb video 👶. Throughout the video, Konfuzion encounters multiple zergs, countries & clans. Will he be able to win against these Rust clans?
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My Server ➤ Cobalt Island 1.5x | Vanilla
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This is nothing like rust console. what is rust you may ask, the rust game is a game that has never been seen before by anyone. Rust xbox is now out, although earlier this month there were rust drops. The rust ps4 however is out right now.
The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
#rust #survival #konfuzion
Taqs:Rust,rust solo,rust gameplay,I Survived a 3000 Player War Simulation,3000 Player Simulate,Rust Simulation,I Survived Rust,Rust War,Rust 3000 Player War,Konfuzion rust
コメント (151)
Play War Thunder now with my link, and get a massive, free bonus pack including vehicles, boosters and more: https://playwt.link/konfuzion2024
if you had been uploaded before fancy or somewhere like that people would watch we already know what happened
Timmy’s on top
Brasil 🔛🔝🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
I love your videos😂❤
this video is so late
Konfuzin really just that guy there’s no beating him
I was just checkin this channel last week seeing where he was, then bro uploads the next day 😭
how can i play in this type of a map? servers?
Anytime i see one of these World Rust Videos the UN always seems to get Nuked lol
When I first watched the video from FancyOrb’s perspective I thought that your perspective was amazing and seeing this makes it even better thanks for the great content Konfuzion keep it up! ❤
I love seeing everyone’s point of view in these events. Each person has a completely different story to tell and each one more interesting than the last as they intertwine, painting in their section of the story. Content begetting even better content.
Lol no one raided ur base I was there and we did win we got there TC I could have cared less about the nuke lol
Konfuzion ur so late dude
The fact that ot defended against the biggest raid in rust history is epic as hell
bro this was like 1 year
コンフュージョンon top、声がいいよね
Bro offlined me 💀
intro was insane
36:30 ???????????
15:00 when his voice littually cracked and just klled his team mate xD
After like 4 months finally
Oil team in the Middle East well well well.
북한은 다시 한 번 최고 비를 내릴 것이다. 내 말을 기억해
It’s criminal that Fancy’s video didn’t get to include your footage of Supreme Leader running in during the raid naked with a rock going “GNYAWW!!! GNYAWWW!!!”
I love how konfuzion and fancy says ot is best clan. I assume for them they are, ive shat all over ot many times. They’re not that great..
“this is going to be the largest raid in rust history… and were defending it” gave me chills
“Come raid us p 🤣🤣😭😭”
At the end so casually
So yeah we nuked the biggest base on the server buts that not important
W video
it was an honor being in the news team sir <3
I swear this exact thing happens every event
Its interesting how the end of your story is offline your enemies expected an cool online but good vid anyway
Yay maked a video
This is awesome
Fancy did an amazing job throwing this event!
How many times are you gonna get sponsored by warhtunder lol its a personal favorite too me but jeez
Guys, this game is brutal, my little brother played the game, he started so much happy and ended crying. they just kill you for anything and say: go to school kid!
Epic.. but what happened to the NUKE!?
I love this vid
i found throat through The Hub (not even a joke, he gets more views there than yt)
Sisn’t this happen like half a year ago
another Konfusion video another great day! 🙂
The Trump impression was top tier
I remember this game Konfuzion was like the MSM in the US 🤣
dam this came a few months late but imma still watch it, i mean it gotta have a good story right?
Fancy also used this bold claims of 3000-5000 people but in reality it never was this big.
didn’t expect he’d actually upload
I swear the guys at 20:39 is Reubs the guy who recreated simpsons hit & run in unreal engine 5 right?
I feel like I’ve watched this video 100s of times already (oh wait I did) but still enjoying it
Dude, I am starting to notice the improvement in the editing of your vids. I can already tell that you are gonna make it big man. Keep up the great work!
Finally i wanted to see your pov in this event
Damm we have propaganda in rust before gta6
AFTER 5 months after the event the video comes up you are stupid for posting it
Guys war thunder isnt free unless u want to spend month grinding for top tier and have urslev
bros only a year late
monkey balls
( ) ( )
Aint no way you missed the nuke hitting the un for an offline raid
I take it all back, this is double on par the memeios revenge and redemtion, THis is frucking GOLD. I love it. I must watch till the end.
bro fr spent a whole year making this
I dont think anyone can top Memeios epic Revenge and redemption story. Your story is great too though. GOtta give full props to fancy orb too for hosting the epic event. Looking forward to watching your roll in the magnificance.
I touch myself to these videos, but this will be lost in the comments so you all will never see this.
Good video but honestly it felt too fast. Like a lot of what happened was skipped over.
Whole server against us – Always imitated, never matched
Under 3 hours gang
didnt this event happen like 3 months ago?
Bro, how strong are y’all’s PCs??? 3k people on one server? Console rust couldn’t handle 300 on new gen 🤯
Trapistan on top
Dude, I am starting to notice the improvement in the editing of your vids. I can already tell that you are gonna make it big man. Keep up the great work!
My favourite ally!! 🛢
Only a little late to upload it
Was this in fancy orbs videos?
BRASIL MENCIONADO!!!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
17:14 North Korea killing reporters trying to leave their country? That’s so unlike them.
Bro’s been dead for almost two months WTF HAPPENED MY GUY
Why do I feel like I’ve already watched this?
Hey what is the sever called konfuszion i played it once after it was done with the video on fancy orbs channel but i can’t find it
Crazy how these guys keep milking this video 8months later ..
I’m Brazilian and I can say that I loved hearing them talk in the video. It reminds me that, compared to your lenguage, our swear words are excellent, and are a constant part of our conversations.
i made love to my guinea pig, this will be lost in the comments
Bro this was in like June
I love the vid, Didnt include u robbing us and kicking us out of the team but eh
we need more vids sooner plzzzzzzzz
may a duck grant you good luck❤
daddy fuzio🥴
27:22 Nah that’s insane, This video was worth the wait for sure
i can say after my 809 watch blaze rust is goated
Dude, I am starting to notice the improvement in the editing of your vids. I can already tell that you are gonna make it big man. Keep up the great work!
I gyat to say this was hostyed a long time ago
No way he just picked to live in the middle east in a war simulation video calling it the best place for survival
Ah yes the goat uploads once again😮
best rust video everseen in my life
15:46 that trump voice was perfect😂😭
Hey knofuzion love the vids ive watched you for a while juat playing rust or just chilling or going to sleep i love watching you so please keep up the good work❤
Can u post about your specs
I was about to do my 30 missing hw assignments but nah I’m a watch this 👌
smart move allying with north korea.
i edge to confusions voice
Didn’t this happen like 2 months ago?
Ur my pookie bear kon, run oil with me.
Konfuzion when are we gonna collab
5 mins ago is crazy
me liked video hehe
I love your vids
Konfuzion pin me please ❤
wow just posted 2 minutes ago
Nice vid
I love this videos their like movies 🙂
I touch my self to these videos, but this will be lost in the comments so you all will never see this.
We already now memio took over
40:53 is the best part
Better late then never
❤Love your vids❤
holy shit this looks insane! entertaining as always
after 2 months man
Hey konfusion I love you❤ 2nd
Love your videos keep up the good work
Been looking forward to this video, keep up the great content!
😮 first hahaha respond plz
2nd commet
I love these videos
good vid
best video ever
Yooo new video lets go
New video lets goo