i played a solo only rust server for a week and this is what happened
monke winter 2023: https://monke.clothing
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IP: us-saturdays.spoonkidrust.com:28014
EDITED BY: @HarktheUmpire
i play a solo only rust server
The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
Taqs:Rust Survival,Solo Survival,Rust Solo Survival,Rust PVP Highlights,Survival Games,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Gaming,Gaming funny moments,Rust raids,rust huge loot,rust plays,rust roleplayer,rust clans,rust best start ever,rust base build,rust treasure,spoonkid,spoonkid rust,rust oil rig,solo rust,rust pvp,rust ak,rust funny moments
コメント (1192)
You know you made it when you no longer have to think about titles anymore
(solo only) bro teamed in the first 30 minutes
Wozza whoppa bergor
you should make ur name spoonkid so ppl think ur a fake
Bro I’m hella high rn and spoon kid prob won’t see this but he kinda remind me of like master oogway like wisdom and cool and stuff
rip spoon 😢
Caught this video on Tubi, had to watch it at 4x speed getting sloppy toppy Mr Beast style because I still had 15 mins on my ore tea. With a little bit of calculation using summands over f eg. f(1) + f(2) + f(3) + f(4) + f(5) + f(6) I correctly ascertain this is a certified spoonkid classic.
Spoon kid is the most authentic rust YouTuber 🗣️🗣️🗣️
i can be having the worst day fucking possible (i am) and not even half way thru a spoonkid vid ill be laughing and happy (i am) thanks spoon u a real one W SHOP W YOUTUBER
I watch this guy when I’m so faded I can’t feel myself and I must say it’s almost as if he were a cozy home and let me in
Severe lack of fred plays poker in this video
Who’s ready for backpacks!!
enjoying a cup of hot coco watching a spoonmer classic :3
Next wipe lose an M2 to a rock?
bro just pull off your windows key
andmake sure you arnt pressing anything when you hit tab
i do, but i still fumble its fine man
got my dumplings and pepsi! and ready to watch spoonkid2
i have work to do but spoon comes first
That fumble hurts.
“no one showed up yet, first cargo of the wipe”, you playing on 20 pop server bro lol
that raid fumble had me screaming like an old guy watching the superbowl!!!
Another spoonkid classic 😀
such a good content creator man keep up the good work 😀
I’d like to see a wipe where he lives in a transparent house made entirely of shopfronts,
Or entirely of garage doors
day 2 of letting dinkbot know he’s loved
Havent watched any rust content in like months. Forgot how good yours and blazeds vids are, keep up the good work man
I love solo only servers like this… at least until you piss off the wrong guy with perfect game sense. I’v had someone follow me everywhere I went for days worth of play time, even fresh respawns on the beach they’d show up in a few minutes and just keep me hard stuck from prog.
People defend their spots on these servers man, it’s brutal.
I can’t believe luckyllama would fumble like that at 46:00. Thanks for keeping the channel alive luckyllama.
since when did scientists drop mp5 😭
Hey spoon, film student comment here;
I’m only at 6:20 rn but this editor keeps the pacing pretty fast compared to dinkbot’s editing, which imo goes against the usual relaxing nature of your video’s.
just wanted to point that out
i just wanna watch spoonkid
Ok the second the horse died was peak comedy. Gold.
59:05 he died of guilt
spoon out here getting me thru it
That guy is a snitch
I gotta say, that was a nice jump shot and I wasnt expecting that man at 2:48
Today’s my birthday 🎉
Play with issamezany
Why does he sound like an old man waking up from a dead slumber
Spoon I love you please don’t censor the swear words
Why didn’t you put the TC down and demolish the wall when he stole the helicopter loot?
6:59 gingerbread man go bye bye
u have to put it under a fire. fyi
40:03 dude wtf is happened here :DDDDDD
We’re all going to be worn food. Even Jerry has to eat.
45:50 and that’s what we call a certified spoonkid classic
The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
Even if he fumbles hard, he keeps going!
Carpe Diem indeed, seize the carp.
anyone else think that last part of the description is written by chat gpt 😭
i still love u dinkbot
If anyone can find a part where he says “llama you want money. (llama claps)” I need to find it pls help not in this video but just in general
What a sad ending.
great video and run.. but I gotta say that raid on the heli guy was kinda teaming. surprised no one is commenting on it!
3:40 Why is he bleeping the cuss words ?
I’m gay now
I remember watching this before in another video or am I tripping
It doesn’t matter how far they are it matter how far you have came that hit me so inspirational love it ❤️
So far custom made from rags to richyz
Not this meta title again 😂
why are u censoring words?
was yelling to shoot that wall
that has got to be the single worst flub you have literally ever had, and I have been watching for like 6-7 years, another classic Spoonkid move, here’s to a great 2024 of more flubbing.
That’s not teaming that’s justice.
There’ nothing like a spoonkid bag fumble to make me feel better about my fumbles
465k views in 2 days is crazy
im done watching and been on 7k-8.6k assets my pc is dorg shirt
This video had both times where you thought to yourself, spoon is goated. And times where the fumbles hurt so bad
spoon man i love you
Spoonkid classic.
trading information? people go to jail for that Spoon…
Anyone else get mad when Spoon doesn’t hit a tree to get spears and then wonders why he dies so early on🤣🤣
*edit grammar*
Great, another video with constant BLEEPs for every swear word. Another video I’m skipping
I love how much the guys scream scared spoon at 40:00 😭😭
Spoon, you can set the turret to “safe” mode and it kills people that attack your base or are blocked (excluding build block.) To go even further, you can ban people or smth from the turret so it shoots the person no matter what.
Zerg idea: get a lot of people to be quiet at night and doorcamp some guy and when he opens the door get everyone to scream and jump at him, would be pretty fun to watch.
What server is this?
Solo, yeah! Fresh wipe, OMG!
2 heli fumbles and a big raid fumble, the fumbling is getting outta control😅
One of the best videos you’ve supplied us with in a long time. Good work mr. Spoon.
happy new year kevin
yooo 15:06 there was an airdrop next to you
me love some classic spoon kid fumble
Military tunnel fumble then heli damn son
I played solo rust for a week and became the king fumbler.
The lack of bags around raids, or even your base, is amazing. Better player than I’ll ever be but so much of this is self inflicted.
Could you start uploading in 1440p? Thx❤
God spoon is so fucking bad
I played that solo only when it was like 30 pop. was fun
Bro had to team to take out the 2×1. Weak.
Won’t lie I have never played rust in my life but I love watching sooon kids videos
how to change name color
40:03 spoon getting scared here is the hardest i laughed in a while
I vicariously live through this guy because I suck at Rust
I don’t understand why when people raid in Rust, they never take a TC, a couple metal doors, some wood, some metal frags, a bag, and a couple locks, so as soon as they break the TC, they can seal up and lock it down. Every damn raid as soon as they take TC it’s this mad scramble to find wood and everything else, then another scramble to buy time until the shit is built.
one of the best fresh wipe cargos ive ever seen
i love setting up my pc for three hours just to watch spoon kid
spoonkid my brother and his friend are getting raided bad they had a bunch of guns its just them aginst 6 people just asking if you can help them
Spoonkid fell off.
On a road trip from tennessee to washington state atm, im getting into the mountains and watching the vid at 144p.
17:41 craziest cargo I’ve ever seen for wipeday
Everytime spoonkid fumbles the bag I feel like I get more mad for him than he does
39:16 schizophrenia pov
59:00 classic clip right there
Hey Spoon, I was wondering what type of keyboard and mouse do you use?
man, so much shit just went wrong in the last few minutes, it’s crazy to see.
Since when does spoonkid censor cuss words?
What’s the server
Thumbs way the fuck up for NO DINKBOT. This is the content I subscribe for.
That mini mining montage at 14:40 was so satisfying 🙂
Super stocking IS like a 3rd heli crate
solo spoonkid hits different. Not having blazed just randomly scream stupid shit really helps my vibe
Nothing like watching spoon fumble every fucking minute is a classic
Solo server, teams up with someone to keep hitting the wall to make sure the wall doesn’t get upgraded , while repeating “that’s not teaming up is it” The GOAT
To be offlined by the guy who stole the heli loot and then sealed himself in. That made me angry to watch, who plays like that?
spoon if you do that shop thing you have to make a vending to sell only pickaxes for 1 scrap
At 48:32 spoon really hits home with his little message about enjoying life to the fullest and seizing each day, that resonated with me so thanks spoon 🙏
you should take brad with mlrs gotta have someone keep it aggro at ticket
i dont watch spoonkid videos to enjoy the loot, i watch it to make me feel like one day I to will get an M2 with an eoka
spoon worried about an offline but leaving his frames stone with armored doors, priceless
spoonkid can I get a link to your playlist?
spoon kid censoring himself??? truly, youtube has fallen (for like, the third time)
Solo-only servers are the biggest pits of sadness and depression in rust. Everyone is a pathological rat, every raid is an offline, every instance of pvp is a crouch-fest, it is miserable. My solo-only server stories:
>I found a guy camping the fuse room in water treatment. After killing him he trashed me in chat for like 10 minutes and was mad because he assumed that i killed him so i could camp that spot instead. Insane.
>A guy was raiding a base near me by using 1 satchel and then camping a bush for like 15 minutes to see if anyone counters. Playing the long game hehe. I repaired the base he was raiding. He reported me for teaming and i actually got temp-banned for it.
>A guy went to cargo, with an ak, instead of clearing he got in one of those 4 stair entrances to the underground where the crates spawn and waited for counters. Rat bonanza.
>Final total rat story. This friggin guy waits for ppl to do large oilrig in a submarine. Once you call in heavies, he waits for you to take damage on the crane and snipes you with L96 or bolty. Works every time. Yeah. This is emotional damage.
Ppl who play solo-only servers are weird.
Spoons fumbles make feel way better about my minor fumbles. Bc if he fumbles, it’s the whole dang bag. I fumble, it’s just some farm
40:01 – in your defense, you met the outrageous invisible hit box around the helicopter tail.
shot at 2:41 was big, prob 80% of playerbase cant even make this shot 😀
spoon selling guns while also having a box of bows will never not be funny to me
14 minutes and 19 seconds in and i can certify this as a spoonkid classic
still hoping for the day that spoonkid plays rust in a different way then how he would normally do. This man has not messed with no electric furnaces, same base designs every wipe. Same strategy, gets loaded and doesnt know what to do next. Find a base design on youtube and try it. mix it up a little
Welcome to fumble town
I edged to this video
Next time try to build a horse farm
Since when did spoon bleep cuss words
We bleeping now fuck
so many bags fumbled.
After watching all 61.2 minutes of this video I can confirm this is a certifed spoonkid classic.
I love the character development. 2 vids now Spoon trying to set-up turrets.
Next stop: electric furnaces pls
Another spoonkid mega fumble video makes my day
I pray for the day spoon rebinds the crafting menu so he doesn’t fumble the bag every time he’s frightened
Are the bleeps in spoons vids new ?
i love how you go from being an absolute god at aiming to trash at aiming in 0.0.1 seconds
This server is golden haha please play on it more! Easy content for you!
26:23 times like this I cant believe that spoon has more than 5k hours…
great vid! i wish the editing wasn’t so jumpy though i feel like it’s too fast, need more silence
Started sensoring swear words, and gave up at 10:07 apparently 😂
Spoonkid need to make an Audio book ❤❤❤
i got so pissed off watchíng him c4 the wall without shooting it omg
Full health revo/chainsaw on wipe, sure 😛
Not even Tom Brady threw as hard and powerfull as you my spoon man… all though it was a great wipe ❤🎉❤
Games becoming more boring with people being able to offline. That’s why I like how some servers have a time limit to where you have to wait a minimum of 2 or 3 days from the person logging out before being able to raid offline.
That super stocking really a third heli crate though no lie
26:20 Amateur mistake to not shoot wall before throwing booms to it, like come on..
good vid, persistent
invest in your after life and become a muslim thats what spoon saying
Not damaging the wall before blowing, when the guy’s already armoured himself in. Classic Spoon fumble 26:26
:O <3 My boy
professional fubbler
day 1 of asking spoon to do water wipe again
That fumble is insane
I don’t play this game but I swear, the amount of times I’ve seen someone lose a gun fight at heli because of it’s bad hitbox is wild
I have PTSD
I dont think ive seen a spoon video where he fumbles so much
The momentum swings in a spoonkid video are unparalleled
Since when did Spooner censore himself
I saw it
Why censored, baby video
Great video. Need more like this. Enjoy very much
this video reminded me just how terrible spoonkid actually is without teammates
you knew when he said he was stepping away for a few minutes even without seeing how deep in the video it was that it was gonna be bad.
When you raided the base at 26:00, you broke tc so you could have placed one and broken the wall. 😢
I love ur vids
Loot from 1hr of gingerbread men 😂
Spoonkid base: 4×4
You just can’t beat the classics
when will they fix heli hitbox
i have seen 0.2 seconds and this is a certified spoonkid classic.
🎉 happy late new year spoon 🥄
40:00 heli hitbox goes hard
what server is this
biggest fumble i see so far 😀
Legendary fumble 45:40 😂
You gotta stop jolting dude
Surprised blazed didn’t upload this already
man… watching spoon flub is like a missed touchdown to win the game
The fumble of the m2 and the raid wtf spoon 😂😂
Where do i find this server
Low effort thumbnail
low effort name
Low effort podcasts we deserve better you’re just milking a dead cow now
Spoonkid im shane gillis in this video, make sure every wipe you un hotkey your tab and oinly use I for inventory, and also remove T to talk and only use enter.
Fat fingered that ak / rocket raid. We all been there!
I cant believe after thousands of hrs spoon still makes such rookie mistakes like not shooting the stone wall while throwing c4 on it
Let me put you on to some game lol
46 broke my chair hard
I love it when spoon leaves chat on. The amount of shit they write is almost as fun as the video
Watching a spoonkid is as calming as passing kidney stones
bro why did you start to use beeps
The curse word censoring is a down grade 😢
spoon I love you but it should become illegal for you to play solo, or atleast make a fumble trigger warning at the beginning of the video mandatory.
Spoon 2x speed sounds like a certified crack head
hard watch
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The raid fumble lmao
How much helis loot you fumbled man
What’s up spooners 🫡
That was painful to watch, love you spoon!
The naked that jumped and screammed ah ah ah ah at heli had me laughing my ass off
i like spoonkid he play vanilla !
The sound of the pickaxe never hitting the stone made my neck itch
You said SHIT twice this video and bleeped it, which made it stick out even more. Don’t do dumb shit like that – it only draws more attention.
Not me tryna get hyped up for force and just watching the most grueling 1 hour of footage of rust I’ve seen
46:00 omg
that wasnt teaming, that was just spontaneous affiliation
the moment this idiot put the c4 on that wall before tagging it i put my hands on my face in pain. how can he not think about that after knowing the dude is in there locking himself in
One of the most enjoyable videos you’ve made in a long time. Prefer you solo compared to those videos of Gimpbot trying to be funny
nothing like having wisdom teeth extracted and two more and watching a spoonkid video to ease the pain.
Starting off the year with a fumble this huge? Pain
Favourite rust YouTuber. Biggest fumbler. Ugliest base builds. Still has fun.
you’re bleeping now whyyyyyy
Whats w the bleeping?
A whole wipe only getting loot from super stockings
i was screaming SHOOT IT when you raided the heli theif at the start
I love you but your the master of fumbling the bag
can anyone tell me what server this is? ive been looking for a good solo server
i stopped watching when u lost the m2
Its a good solo advencer 😂❤ i love it
the motivational speech at the beginning of day two was just what i needed. life changing. there may be no objective meaning or purpose in the world. the universe may be a nihilistic void. my demise may be inevitable. but damn it am i sure gonna go out there and carpe some diems before i’m wormfood
Nothing like eating a mcchicken and watching spoon fumble the bag<3 although hearing spoon beep out him cussing jus felt wrong
Bro a week my guy played for 2 days
I knew this video felt different, turns out it’s a certified Hark classic!
the horse falling over after the mini. lol
Thats not teaming, i call it a gentleman agreemant 😉
I will always respect spoonkid for including the fumbles
Did bro say the n work
Aww wheres that gambling dude 😢
would love to see a spoonkid facecam to show his reactions to absolute goop in rust
I enjoyed this video
Seriously, fuck anyone that would grub someone else’s heli just to grief their own base to stop anyone from getting the loot. That’s virgin shit.
4:46 liked that
You had to lose m2 to eoka your rise was too meteoric
deserved to be honest… poor guy was teamed on. He got his deserved revenge
why the peep
Spoonkid was so disappointed when he figured out the super stocking was poop 😂
A week and only one hour of content
anyone know any good solo only servers dont really know how to navagate the rust menu im new to pc
The video being about an hour means I can finish it before I even get to school
When Spoon killed the base owner running back at 27:23 he had a tc crafted. He wasted more boom when all he had to do was place the tc and demo. His first c4 that broke the boxes definitely broke tc too lmao. Tragic.
Nothing better than seeing a new spoonkid after a fishing trip resulting in no fish. <3
Damn 5 vids in 2 weeks?
49:00 bro is yapping like blazed
Well I just jump from my chair when I saw that you didnt shot at the stone wall (@26:10) I mean cmon xD
wasnt this alr a title dont be a lazy spoon
Dont bleep your cursing 🙏 prefer the real reaction the editing is a bad vibe.
I’ve never seen cargo loot as good as that omg
videos been fire lately keep up the good work.
9:39 for a few seconds is peak rust chat.
ew lol 3:50 never censor a swear ever again made me cringe so hard
Terrible end story
that was the most soul crushing fumble i ever seen, almost clicked off the video
snowball for the ages sheesh
I love solo only videos, some content creators are doing pvp content only – after 10 min, you get headaches. Its just pew pew pew pew pew for 40-50-300 min.
has to be scripted
damn spoon has been on flup and goober duty double time this wipe
At around 55:00 did anyone know why the guy on cargo wasn’t wearing a face mask
why do the o’s look like eyes in the thumbnail…
I edge to your videos daily
10:00 WTF!
45:56 fumble bruh. How you even panic like that 😭😭 All good tho i enjoyed this video the most
Comparison is the thief of joy goes so hard, 23 years old never heard that and I think it’s changed my life
Spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon Spoon spoon spoon spoon Spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon Spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon Spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon spoon
I’d uninstall after that fumble
“I played a solo only rust server for a week and this is what happened” *Intro* SK is a 21 year old man presenting to the ER with…
the one week i don’t play this server you legit play im pissed…
40:00 i wouldve ran with m2 cuz of all the grubs lol
Gotta love the Justin Marc introduction time stamps lmao
I love you spoon
Hey, I know what that thumbnail is
this video really shows how good luckyllama is when he plays on a solo server without clans
Spoon censoring his videos now? 🤨
The man that lived in the Ice Lake base plays Rustoria US Monday with a large Argentinean clan and runs large excav every wipe.
45:45 😱🤪 so *uckig bad dude! Not even funny 😅
which solo server do play spoon
“hey, super stocking, that’s like a third heli crate right there!” that had me chuckling out loud man, thank you for that!
time to watch spoon kid and chill for a bit “remember guys, we are all going to die and become worm food one day” (queue existential dread)
I love you deep down but your fumbles make me rage lol
Got to love it when Spoonkid uploads a long video.
he couldnt even online you… doggg
Has anyone else. Noticed spoon has started cheating he’s never been this good go watch videos from just 3 months ago to now his aim at 39:00 was 100000% a no recoil hack watch that shit in super slow motion 100% 0 movement put a on screen marker it don’t move at all not even .1 CM
that edit in of spoon driving the fat bag home with that sunset on the water was *chefs kiss*
Spoon not in a 2by2.. who set you up. Blink twice if you need help
Spoonkid classic for sure, I have my reasons I’m not an ai, fumbles at the beginning, dealing with a goober enemy, first cargo is nuts, and other funny things, like the triple pickaxe scientist and garbage elites at the military tunnels, heli getting stolen and teaming up to raid the thief, parkour on cargo, failure of heli and a guy gassing himself up, I have a lot of reasons and I’m too lazy to go on so I’m going to sleep
I need Spoonkid’s luck in my life lol
Jesus the “tell spoon… Tell spoon it was me” ending…
39:19 SUS
‘idk where i killed this guy but i need his body’ 😂
Great video spoon
What a little rat. Steals heli loot then seals in knowing he’s losing his shit either way
Some sweats on that solo-server! Looking forward to the next attempt!
“2×2 with wood walls son”
So would you describe yourself as a fan of the Billy Ocean song ‘when the going gets tough’?
Month long wipe for 1m subs?
Might aswell rename to Mr.Fumble at this point
How do you shit yourself so much when you play 😂 literally everything scares you
life feels alot less worse after spoonkid uploads cause i could never flub that hard over and over again certified spoonkid banger
pc upgrade? can i have ur old one please?
Actually really enjoyed this video
Can we get a spoonkid bag fumbling video?
Ngl those gingerbread men are terrifying
Day 4 of confessing my love to spoonkid romantically
The shit spoon fumbles is fucking insane LMAOOOO
This mofo plays solo only and teams immediately LMFAOOO
spoon we need more videos brooooo i love ur stuff! n willjum
It’s so hard to watch when it’s a fumble video😂 almost makes ya mad.
“Doesn’t matter how far they are, its how far you’ve come” just made it into my notes page of profound sayings
the difference between a server full of solo players who are there to actually play and a server full of people there to socialise in their base with their 30 teammates is HUGE.
45:50 what the actual fuck did i just witness wow bro wow
Bro the fumbling in this video is on another level
Bro just take the curse word bleep out
Spoonkid classic 45:40 to 45:50
That raid on the two by two was enough for me to remember what killed the game for me. Sealing…..
9:07 typical furry
That first cargo was the best cargo loot I’ve ever seen!
this episode feels like spoon just came back from his cbt therapy
I’ve finished spoon kid, when does fork man come out?
Spoon helps me thug it out
Just woke up after my surgery from a car crash, and spoon dropped a banger 🙏🏻
I never rage at youtube videos, except when I watch spoon fumble the bag.
Truly a googybaba moment
How do you have a colored name?
Man we bleepin now?😊
“ontrprnnnower” -spoonkid 36:37
Spoonkid your hurt my heart everytimr I see u fail a raid to a low class weapon
No way that guy had that much stuff and ammo only 20min into wipe. He was hacking 😂
Im just glad the pothead isnt in this video
.YES no Dinkbot.
Scuba Steve on top this wipe
My Christian ears appreciate the beeps for all those damn cuss words!
You can’t fumble that bad and go to sleep .I will get nightmare if I fumble that bad .
I had to come back to this after you fumbled that raid… sheeesh man
that Achira guy is lowkey a BITCH!! offlining you like WHAAAAT!!? HE WANTS TO CATCH THESE HANDS!!
This has to be the most amount of wins and fumbles within an hour video!
46:00 genuinely had me seething
Finally the solo video we where waiting for
Best vid of 2024🏆
bro that fumble made me wanna click off but ur king
you are gooped in this one. let’s go
“who steals another man’s heli? who does that?” 20 mins later attempts to steal someones heli 😆
It’s not healthy for me to start playing rust again so I just watch spoon
i think i have fell in love with his videos
40:00 how have they STILL not fixed the invisible fire on heli crates, and heli just absorbing bullets because of its dumbass hitbox on the ground
Allying isnt teaming.
Why the bleeps? Be free
38:04 look at chat 💀 “nah, I’d win”
This video was hurtful to watch…….
How is spoon so consistent with these 1 hour vids. Is bro a drone?
Bros posting too much I ain’t got time to watch it all😭😭😭
Do you ever think maybe rust is gey
Spoon could’ve placed a tc and demoed the armored wall when he broke the boxes
Just as I thought that 2025 was gonna be my year spoon posts a banger
that fumble was so bad i had to watch it back 9 times
Since when does he bleep the swear words or am I living under a large pebble
sometimes when I watch spoonkid I forget about how lonely I am
Spoon, the guy u raided 26 min in, he made a tc cuz u blew his shit thru the wall. All u had to do was place it and break the wall….
will spoon ever stream again?
26:36 man I was like spoon shot the wall he’s gonna upgrade 😢😢
Nothing like a spoonkid video to make the pain worse
Girl just broke up with me. Spooked numbs the pain
that dudes entire wipe goal was to raid you
A ton of bag fumbling in this vid
Heartbreaking. always want more spoon content.
yo spoon so im a youtuber and i wanted to start making rust videos but i just wanted to know if your rust videos are set 4 kids or not so i can know what to put mine as
EDIT: also what editing software do u use
The censorship is unacceptable…
You should make a video playing rust console edition
wow the lore was a full circle lol
comparison is the thief of joy
-spoon kid
26:25 literally hurt my soul, I was literally screaming shoot the wall
brother did not play for a week
Watching spoonkid throw that raid was painful
Spoon might be the worst shop keeper ever lmaooo make it armored 😭cmon man
Not a fan of the beeps spoon!.. I know you need that money but we grown men out here.. the odd shiz bomb ain’t to bad
Nothing like edging to a spoon vid and getting in the rust mood
You playing on a server with kits? Maybe that’s how they got revo?
Spoon never fails wit the goofy names like wtf is a speeb 😂😂
Teamin ona solo, shitty. Fumbling the sac later, priceless
wow finally a video thats not just clips from his recycle bin. master fumbler didnt fumble this time.
llucky llama and dave best.
Does anyone know whats the pop of the server he plays on?
I needed ur vid so bad bru the console rust servers r down and I’m bored
32:38 This is the best 30 seconds of Rust content that has ever happened. Source: I’ve watched all the Rust content that has ever happened.
Nothing like a spoon kid video to watch instead of going to bed for school
Did he just undercut Lars? 😂
Spoonkid has no emotion at all
faded w spoonkid, incredible atmosphere
I don’t like the bleeps dosent seem like spoon
Yo that high quality upgrade during raid was so predictable?!? Wtf spoon! Dropping the bag!!!
Thx for the up, Spoon. That Cargo jump up was indeed pretty dope. 🤜🤛🍻
51:34 WHY???
Spoon what do u stream on
Try living as a vegan in a hot air balloon for a week.
Day two of spoonkid sounds like some Rick and Morty
u suck
Finaly, I can eat the rest my 5 day old mcdouble
Has he always bleeped cuss words or is that new? I feel crazy
I don’t really fuck with too many YouTubers matter of fact I really only fuck with this dude Willjum cleatus McFarland and gb7x
Really appreciate your content especially the early 90s buffet music 😂
bro i just can imagine you throwing a tantrum yelling😂
Spoon solo is way better then when he plays with blazed
worm food
Only spoonkid can fumble and make it look like it’s a normal thing 😂
Certified Spoonkid Classic(TM)
too much pain spoon!! 😂
45:00 – FUmble to the eoka?? That hurt my soul
Im Z3US lmao the guy with spas wish in had time to keep playing that wipe
Thy shall be worm food someday- Kevin s.p
spoon is the only reason i redownload rust 10 times
I dont watch sports and never understand the investments people have for their team but watching you and rooting for yah I think I get it now….
I played solo rust for a day and a half and this is what happened
I can’t wait for the sweet Embrace of death
Lars said first m2 when spoon had one like an hour earlier 😂
Spoon if you stole heli and you got triple teamed like that you would be so pissed
leave it to spoon to team on a solo server
That bow shot at 2:42 was godly
Luckyllama definitely raided you
New video title. I fumbled the bag for a week in rust and this is how it went.
Bleeping is kinda sus
I still love spoonkid no matter how much loot he loses. 😊
Advent calendars are loot fountains. Build a small base with a 2nd floor on a spawn beach. Place the advent calendar outside in clear view of your dickhead roof-camper window, and just sit there all day
Spoon is my dad
Ah a video I look forward too
That fumble hurt so bad I had to pause the video for like 2 hours, I almost fainted.
I liked the video after the intro, removed my like after the M2 eoka fumble…
49:49 it’s probably selling YOUR stuff lol
40:00 why u focusing on the naked, u fool!
I like the solo adventures like this Kevin!
I love it when spoonkid numbs the pain for an hour
Sad alert major sad alert
bruh spoon sounded just like i have since christmas with my back being out. problem is when he accused the horse of heli bombing then the horse fell over i have tried to vain not to laugh out loud, and anyone with a back issue can attest. laughing is in fact not the best medicine
Aye spoon how tf u make that jump at 29:53
Any video without that annoying little coattailer Bart is a good video 👍🏼
bro had sar out and not ak lol
I love you spoon boy
thanks for another great video keven the cube <3
❤ love you man keep up the great work I love all your videos don’t care if you’re on top or not you keep it real
lol not spoonkid giving me the will to live in a rust video 🫶
26:20 loool u got pwned!
You know when John Said « Ayo Speab Speab Speab Speab Speab yo Speab you there » i felt that, What a G
it physically hurt to watch 45:45
Noooooooooo 🙁 it started off so well I thought we were about to have a multi-episode banger on our hands
Early t1/t2 gun shops OP.
20:50 what a frickin idiot
u make me edge
59:00 has gotta be the best part of the video
Love the idea of a solo only server.. great content keep it up.
Duo with shots!
i used the exactly same title for a video and this is what happened
some new editor or why so strange cutting? anyways, always a pleasure to see spoon solo wipes
There are 21 “and this is what happened” videos
“I do see presents! Which is a sign of presence… a different word.”
Next Shakespeare, I tell you what. Shakesspoon.
that horse was like Andy Stewart 💀
best video of 2024 already, certified spoonkid classic
God do I hate playing this game, something about watching it thinking I can do this…. And just get doggged on everytime I play this dumb game
That absolutely was teaming.
spoonkid censored s word>!?!?!
hey spoon im looking for a solo only for force wipe what server is this
This was so good until it was so bad. Flubbed rust
which server is it?
Man lets his heli destroy buy not repairing it and kills the horse ….Classic lmao
this wasn’t a week
I got a girlfriend do I stop watching spoon?
Such a sad ending Lars belongs in hell
i keep having dreams that i’m being chased by bears and ostrich and other animals when i watch you before i sleep just thought you should know
It’s 3am and I was going to sleep. Now I have to watch 1 hour of spoonkid. I’m a happy man
How’s this man still claiming solo in any of these vids? Always making friends not teams I guess 👀
what server was this? i love a good solo server
You knowingly take heli over the water and aren’t ready with scuba gear and then are surprised when it’s stolen lol
Turns brain off and turns on spoonkid ❤
Damn… GG spoon.
You did really well. Raids happen.
bro needs to weigh he’s hands down so he doesn’t press random buttons when he gets jump scared.
What a surprise…spoonkid teaming on a solo server😂
“Comparison is the thief of joy” Accurate
I rewinded before the rewind. So I caught it 3 times
What base does my guy build ?
Lars with BiG L…… what a Legend
Im gonna go fvck up some gingerbread men- Spoonkid 2024
One day the worm will be up playin with me
quite a strange thing killed spoon at 40:38
My man is so talented at fumbling
Censored swearing EggGuy?:(
“for a week” like barely 2 days
Another w by spoon
It hurts to watch you fumble 17 bags in one video
Why did i find this stressful.
spoonkid youre amazing I got two pieces of your merch and couldn’t be happier, thank you so much <3
59:01 classic murder suicide
i love spoon but when he does dumb stuff like not damaging a wall it pisses me off
Fuck yes
Spoon i get aids when u put shop fronts like that. They all need to be on the same side.
So proud of spoonkid for not swearing as his New Years resolution, I didn’t hear one all video!
What server is this
Honestly if 2 people have the same enemy, I say it’s fair game to work towards the same goals without stopping each other.
spoon is crazy ass for not shooting the stone wall
solo spoon are the best vids
could we all take a moment to absorb how spoons journey from being a UFC champ to becoming a professional rust player
This is the content I subscribed for! Actualy joining on wipeday showing high risk plays and explosive snowballing followed by some epic disasters. No half-ass half asleep idiots looting decayed bases in the end of wipe and calling it a day. This is the real shit! MORE OF THIS!
commeting for algorithm, this is my way of saying thank you spoon for the amazing content ❤
“I hung 1000 super stockings and here’s what happened”
fumblekid classic right here lads
Love that solo spoonkid personality coming out. One of the best videos in months. You even kept the gambling to a minimum ^_^
30:58 spoon takes scrap OUT of the blackjack machine. goated
the highlight of the video was the movement tech. i hope to see more of movement tech
“for a week”
Didn’t know 2 days were a week. Is this an american thing?
26:18 has to be one of the largest flubs in all of recent spoonkid2 history
When did you start the beeps 🤨
You make me wanne play solo rust but im too bad for solo 😅😅
Dear spoonkid thanks for the quality content it’s funny and I get on the edge of my seats Everytime your headed home after making bank and then once u close ur door u get really happy or maybe I’m overlooking this but thx love yah no homo
LFG!!! So good Spoon love ur content, keep going! 🎉
Loved the video! Much respect for the guy that helped you raid that heli thief.
P.S. Wish everyone a fruitful force wipe!
I thought the heli fumble was bad , Sry Spoon, but the base after you killed Lama ? 😂 Why you being funny ?🤡
spoonkid week = 2 days
@spoonkid2 I suggest you don’t censor yourself with a beep. Use Babylon Bee’s method of using random non offensive words. The algorithm doesn’t like the beeps.
That fumble at 46:00 was a thing of beauty. Another certified Spoonkid classic. <3
The way he says ima fuck up some gingerbread men
Im My bed and im looking a spoonkid . What can I have better?(sorry for My english is bad im french)
So I’ve never played Rust, only similar remakes on other games. I never really took a liking to it until I started watching your videos. Been about 9 months since I’ve been watching you and I’ve finally gotten the game. Look forward to playing it and looking forward to future content you provide for us!
I just shit my pants
She left me
Thank u llama for the vid amazing
Love the editing on this video
birthday present spoonkid video
That guy that raided you had the craziest villain arc 😂
CARGO loot was crazy
im pretty sure youtube counts bleeped curses as regular curses. careful with that
Rust PC is so much better smh :((
Top 3 spoonkid fumbles of all time
I simply adore when master spooner oozes his slimy content into my listening holes and watching circles
Finally a real solo from spoon 🥄
Spoon stole my joy😢
when he died to the eoka at the raid i also died, of cringe
Im eating some cheese ravioli with Bolognese sauce while watching this… maybe spoonkid is eating a little ravioli too? 😀
i like to imagine all the people in in-game vc are just him doing voices
Need more videos like this… not a fan of usual content anymore 🙁
Spoon do you ever empty the rib. Always seem to leave it. Loot lost
couldnt have asked for a better time for a spoon vid as i sit on my roof waiting to be raided just dancin like hjune
I like watching spoonkid
When i saw u not damaging the wall before Booming the wall🫠
nothing like spoonkid and jack daniels
wouldnt be a spoon video without a massive fumble 👌
spoon got a little existential talking about death on day 2, hope he’s doing okay
dude fumble god on this one
Just gonna leave a little message… im a noob rust player but i really enjoy watching the videos. Always happy to see a new drop
Wonder what new gamer words and acronyms we are going to get in 2024😅
Anyone here watch fishtank?
me screaming at my phone to damage the stone wall before it gets upgraded and then watching it happen, hurt me
26:23 damn that is disgusting xD they need to make it so once a satchel/c4 hits the wall it activates the repair/upgrade timer
That wasn’t teamwork, that was community
More pls
that was the most painful Fumble I have seen in a long time, truly a spoonkid classic
Your new name is Santa, because you’re giving AKs away.
more vids like this pls not the vids where you do nothing for like 1h (: all lvy
Spoon could you try console rust it has recently been upgraded a lot and it would draw in a lot of viewers from console so it would be a win win for everyone.
Spoon kid has this special kinda humor that you can’t find in any other YouTubers
this is def a spooner kid classic😩☝️
could never do pvp, too slow to keep up. glad to have these videos instead
Give the heli guy a brak, maybe it was his first time trying to down it, so for him if he didnt fail his first try then it ‘EZ Heli’ 😂
Whats with the censorship now lol
He shoulda shot at the wall before placing c4 🙁
that node sub-montage at 9:41 was crazyyy.
ain’t no one out there doing it like that. keep up the good work 👍
is this teaming 😂
i can’t wait to spoon to dance witha tha coc4yn4 just like his texan partner Devan just because spoon is lazy and stress out because of work and overthinking, and obvisly ghambling HAHAHA Cry now i laugh babe
master fumbler on this one.
I needed this today
whats this solo server is called?
Another day, another fumble by spoon
“we’re all gonna be worm food someday” -spoon 2024
Mann hearing the bleeps of the swearing hurts my soul
There’s no way this was a week
It was the best start and then the snowball fumble started.
“Speeb“ 😂😂😂
why didnt u do like this in the 1v1v1??? more passion man <3
i quite literally moaned when I came back home, made some beef ramen, and sat down at my pc to find a yt vid, and guess what? SPOON POSTED!!!!! can you tell im excited?
The downed heli hitbox is absolutely brutal. it puts up a giant invisible wall that blocks bullets.
Fumble of the century ^^
All this video was is da biggest fumbles still love spoonkid tho
Why he doesnt go into raids WITH the mats needed to seal will forever be a mystery to me lol
spoon always leaving the toxic chat on
How does spoon still get jump scared at 45mins 🤣🤣🤣 dude has like 10k hours
Cant believe you fumbled with him upgrading that wall. Damn near closed the video
could i get $170 for a new monitor so i can play rust pls
Me losing my mind at spoon not placing a tc and demolishing the armored wall💀 I bet tc broke along with the boxes and that’s why the kid was running back naked with a tc
I feel like i got clickbaited…
spponnid > welym
i was here
i love how you basically hired the doorcamper guy with a pickaxe like a mercenary. amazing character development
That heli hitbox did you so fucking dirty man.
this guy saw dead poets society and got all philosophical after losing m2 to eoka
Can we get spoon and John duo??
how did u get blue name
I love it when spoons content is lathered all over me
Does spoonkid play with a voice changer ?
Gloobus to end all bloobus
59:06 the horse f1 killed
can’t believe you didn’t shoot the wall so he doesn’t upgrade it man, and yes that was obvious teaming 😂😂😂😂
Normal viewers: “I watch spoonkid for the gamplay”
me: “I watch spoonkid for the random ass political gamechat”
Also shoutout to my boy John in this video
Anyone know the server name?
At like 45:30 I was wondering why you didn’t just hold in the 2×2 and seal the base at the airlock and instead pushed the footsteps outside, but when you killed the first guy I was like, “Hmm maybe the aggressive play is smart because you catch em off guard” then about 30 seconds later I remembered that I watch Spoon to learn what _not_ to do…
Whenever I open one of your videos my face lights up with happiness keep doing when you doing ❤
That has got to be the most reliable custom ever
The santa revealing the very naughty person outside your base was good.
45:49 This was one of the most painful things i’ve seen in rust in a while
Spoonder-man at 32:39
Only spoon can get two and flub two m2s on wipe day
big power move from the horse, eating the mini and taking the easy way out
45:50 best part
haha more like GOONKID! haha
Title should be “I played official rust solo server for a day and a half” lpl
Since when are you censoring swear words
Always armor your shops
more solo servers to the people !
1 hour long vid certified luckyllama classic thanks for carrying on spoons legacy
that eoka to m249 hurt my soul, almost had to click off
censoring swear words now huh 🤨
spoon is my fav youtuber💖
That raid fumble hurt me deeply…
38:40 That guy on the corner xD
Wow they really need to fix those hit boxes on the downed heli. insane
Thank you luckyllama for the great content rip spoonkid 1932-2024 🙏
Spoonkid, what is your email…
God the not damaging the wall pre c4 was so hard to watch
i played a solo only rust server, most of the time as a solo, for a week and this is what happened
That raid fumble was the saddest thing ive ever seen
nothing like a spoon kid video with beeped out cuss words
I didn’t like my own comment
SPOON! I made it into the blazed clash of clans clan and I was wondering if maybe you have an official clan of your own??
Awesome video sponkid! You really did my day!
Hey spoon, you know what happend there 29:27, you said ” im surprised that he did not despawn your heli loot” that’s bc he died. a glitch made the c4 warp truh the wall and killed him, so you did not need “help” from the 2 guys.
Grate video and as painful and joyful to watch as always
What the bleep dude why are you bleeping out your bleep words you bleep bleep!
Bro in the beginning was a fucking g! Shout out to him asf
All right day 2, how much of the video is left: *15 min* Oh no…
Not a fan of bleeps
Yo spoonkid you should do another rust console video again
Didn’t expect victory,
therefore praise the message!
I don’t have a pc or even played rust but I love watching you spoon kid happy New year sir
And this is what happened
20 minutes to the fumble! I knew it was going too well
@spoonkis2 did you shat your pants at the start of the video
You always make me think playing Rust again is a good idea.
Sometimes it is.
FYI… it was team work 😀
I love you kevin
Cargo got me feeling like this is a collab with dream
And this is what happened
God though, the hitbox on the heli parts is so shit. That death on second heli was absolute bs
that is literally the worst possible fumble in rust , not only was the raid a fail, but that guy went from eoka to m249 you cannot ask for a better come up then that
spoon kid fumble as usual
Bro you gotta play a fresh wipe where the BPs are wiped too. Feels cheap that you can keep your bps on a fresh server
When you died to the eoka I reached for my alt + f4 keys instinctively because that’s what I would have done in that situation
Big thank you to luckyllama for uploading for spoon to continue the infamous spoon legacy. Rest in piece spoonkid <3
spoon never fails to fumble the bag
Spoon I saw that at 33:00 it was very nice highest of quality content a viewer could ask for thank you king
Super stock = super emotional damage
i have 2 more days to do two projects that i didnt start but a spoonkid video is more important
This has to be the worst wipe iv ever seen😢
the m2 loss is a true spoonkid classic
yay spoon vid
w 1 day week
spooobar k9id
Spoon the beep words 😭😭😭😭
11:56 “hit some trees and some dudes.” -spoonkid 2024
Day 3 of asking for A WEEK WIPE ON CONSOLE RUST
am i the only one who watches him more then actually playing rust lol
This is the most fumbles I’ve seen spoon make in a long time disappointed spoon disappointed
that fumble will never be forgotten
spoons videos are a form of therapy i swear
I have never played rust or know anyone personally who does but i love spoons videos so much its the main thing I watch now
my new year’s resolution is to watch more spoonkid.
I liked everyones comment
I my own comment like
So “Loot from 100 super stockings” is gonna be the next video right?
EDIT: You should also do a “Flipping peoples shops for profit” video
45:45 actually the biggest spoonkid fumble in a long time
Glad you aren’t playing with blazed, he’s such a bully
Spoonkid has had the best week of videos
Why do u watch spoon kid that loses an m2 to an eyoca it hurts me spoon
Last time I did cargo I got, m9, glock, custom and this man gets aks after aks wtf
what a fucking rat. Steals heli then high quals himself in
that’s me dampo on this server haha
Does anyone know the server name?
now we dont have to worry about the phrase “thers always one more”
certified spoon classic
I watch these videos and think I can play rust like that. Then I get shit on and realize how much of a gangster spoonkid is.
skip 32:58 to 33:05 lads
Pls no more beeping I don’t know why but the video goes from a 12/10 to a 11/10
Been watching for 69 seconds can confirm this a classical spoon kid
I got a lobotomy for a week and this is what happened (permanent damage?!)
no sleeping today, new spoonkid has dropped
Man you got out played and then cheated.
I’m still a huge fan but you are setting a bad example for the community.
How is the server official if its solo only?
.27 seconds into the ad and can already confirm that this is a lucky llama classic
if only he shot that stone wall ffs
I liked my own comment
Spoon, if i were you id pin this comment
I believe its in your best interest to do so
45:51 had me like
Any reason for the bleeping when swearing?
I rage every time you don’t use an electric furnace
spoon kid videos in the evening
I’m 0.5 seconds in and I can confirm this is a spoonkid classic
sad ending 😿
bro played rust for a whole week (2 days)
That jumpscare at the heli counter was some funny shit man
Watching Spoonkid fumble so many times pains me so much
I disliked my own comment
Nah he played like a pus. He deserved it.
Movement replay = PARKOUR!!!!!
spoon can the next vid be loot from 100 super stockings pls
Spoon teams EVERY SINGLE TIME on Solo servers. Pathetic.
what are those beeps lol
The best person ever to touch electricity
Certified Spoonkid Classic
bros never gonna upload on his main channel
Carpe deez nuts
Spoon reminding me I’m going to be worn food while watching his videos just so he can share the depression of that m2 fumble 😢 lol
The solo gameplay I have been craving
glad to see socom in the global chat..we will never forget
Damn that hurt to watch. Raiding a base and not shooting the walls… Setting up the turrets where they can be grubbed, and then not sealing the raid, so owner closed doors and spoon got grubbed. 😂😭
I dub this the wipe of fumbles
spoon kid playing on the two pop servers
My opinion the best Vids of 2023 is When Spoon play Solo and Duo with LL ❤
Bro spoon kid is so funny but at the end of the vid, he contain his anger I bet but was happy
The only thing better than these solo videos are the videos with dinkbot
I want to see him give a ckan the “just walk away” speech from road warrior. Would need to be a raid that you all pull up in vvehicles.
Nice vid but i dont like the beeps when you say stuff like shit or fuck
I disliked my own comment.
The bag fumbler strikes again
no one else could make a solo play video and have it be as satisfying to the soul as spoonkid, thanks for giving me something to watch while i drink my coffee after waking up spoon. <3
how you gonna have 10,000 hours and not learn electrical spoon lol
Spoon you suck so bad at literally everything you do, you fumble every raid, every counter unless you have llama or blazed to carry you
u gotta stop teaming in solo servers man, u did the same thing on willjums lmao
Solo and duo servers are so incredibly fun. The wins feel good and the losses feel fair. Loving the content.
good job on the fumbles they were one of a kind
At least you had first m2 and lars didn’t tho.
Sometimes I feel like playing rust but then I play and it sucks. I just watch spoon to get my rust fix
that raid fumble genuinely hurt my soul
Hello Spongkid please go back to the OneyPlays censor sound thank you I love you.
anyone knows if spoonkids garage door is still obtainable? cause it looks sick
M2 and ak dying to a semi auto pistol is wild
another spoonkid classic
Love getting filled with 🥄 content ❤
It’s my birthday
The censoring threw me off, I had to double check I was watching spoon kid
m2 for an eoka, sounds like a fair deal. 😀
thank you spoonkid for unloading all your juiciest content on us 😊😃
Spoonkid and blaze need to do a collaboration with Jordan Rantz
cmon man whats with censoring
I used to like your videos, but you’re just so shit at the game anymore that’s not even fun to watch you
Whats up with the *beep* censoring? so annoying
Your videos make me so happy
Shut up with the life advice, I come here for rust gaming, not to be told to make the most of my day!
Lamma has gotta be dying after the SECOND m2 fumble
did u do that? horse f1 kills
eoka .
Spoons brain can be like a Rick and Morty episode sometimes
that server looks dope, which one is it ?
What’s up spooners 🗣️🗣️
I am infertile from eating scented candles.
yayayay love the vid watching at 1 am
32:58 that movement was absolutely insane
,l .; .;
Bro needs that monetize money💵
Spoon man
“Fumble King plays rust with Butter Fingers” There, I fixed the title for you 😉
M249 vs Eoka L
LOL RIP that M2
Currently watching this in chemistry 😂
spoon is 100% banned from this server after this lmao after all the teaming he did
that horse
The first guy you killed was in the last vid
a cheese sheet metal door original
Is this a duplicate video?
Spoon always dissapoints
I hate how addicted i am to this channel
While I like the occasional banter with friends, I love solo gameplays more. Please carry on playing solo some more 🙂 Also, how does one get blue name and is it visible to other players?
52:18 is truly the moment spoonkid became saul goodman
spoonkid videos are my favourite comfort food
that was definatly teaming lol
Spoonkid is undoubtedly a phenomenal content creator, and his impact on the Rust gaming community is nothing short of remarkable. From the moment you hit play on one of his videos, you’re immediately transported into a world where gaming meets entertainment in the most captivating way possible.
What sets Spoonkid apart is not just his exceptional gaming skills, which are undoubtedly impressive, but also his ability to weave a narrative within the Rust universe that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish. His commentary is not just about gameplay; it’s a journey, an experience that goes beyond the pixels on the screen.
In the vast sea of content creators, Spoonkid stands out for his authenticity. He doesn’t just showcase the highlights; he shares the ups and downs, the victories and defeats, and the laughter and frustration that comes with navigating the Rust world. This transparency creates a genuine connection with his audience, turning them into not just viewers but a community of dedicated fans.
What’s truly commendable is Spoonkid’s commitment to innovation. He doesn’t rest on his laurels but consistently explores new aspects of Rust, from the latest updates to unique gameplay strategies. His adaptability and willingness to evolve not only keep his content fresh but also reflect his genuine passion for the game.
Moreover, Spoonkid’s engagement with his audience is second to none. Whether he’s responding to comments, interacting on social media, or even collaborating with fellow content creators, he fosters a sense of community that goes beyond the digital realm. It’s this personal touch that transforms Spoonkid’s channel into a virtual home for Rust enthusiasts.
In essence, Spoonkid isn’t just carrying Rust on his back; he’s become a cornerstone of the Rust gaming experience. His content isn’t just about the game; it’s about the shared joy, excitement, and camaraderie that gaming brings. As Spoonkid continues to evolve and redefine the boundaries of gaming content creation, it’s clear that he’s not just a content creator; he’s a trendsetter, a source of inspiration, and a driving force within the Rust community. Here’s to Spoonkid, the maestro of Rust content creation, and the beacon guiding us through the ever-expanding realms of virtual adventures!!!!!
This is the worst video from spoon jve seen in a long time
I currently watching 4 blazed videos that I’m halfway threw and 5 spoon kid videos that I’m halfway threw long wipes is messing with me
This was so good bro keep it up
What server
Do you know if blazed knows how to swim?
45:48 is for sure one of the worst spoon moments of 2024
love the editing on this video so far. im in 19:24 & this is what i been waiting for, some good editing. maybe like random meme sounds like u use to back in the day would be funny as well
My New Year’s resolution was for my favorite rust youtuber to fill me up with this “content” I’m grateful spoinkid can help me accomplish this goal
I liked mango6481’s comment
Day one of spoon griddy
Swamp is overrated i swear
Spoon have you Done a video with Aidan??
When are you going to do a wipe with disfigure? never seen you 2 play together
Depressing end as always
“ginger bread houses dont occur in nature” “so fake”
Have you ever considered removing your windows key? I took mine off because i kept hitting it on accident
I don’t know what’s better solo spoon videos or spoon and the boys videos
I’m going to fuck up some gingerbread men 😂😂😂😂 this needs to be on a Xmas merch drop this year!! “Spoon kid fucking up gingerbread men since 2024″😂
solo only servers are awesome
Hey Spoon can you tell Blazed to send me the payment for the last video? I spent over 40hrs staging the video and I had people help me and I promised them payment and since he never sent the payment and blocked me I had to pay out of pocket. Last time it took him 3 months to pay and I’m not waiting that long again. Thanks Spoon
least scripted spoonkid video
spoon you prob have more than 8 thousand hours and the fact you didnt shoot the wall before throwing the c4 or after especially when he alr HQMed a wall is MIND BLOWING
spoonkid the goat
before i watch the video i just wanna say man do i always look forward to another long video.
40:30 Lars saying first M2 of the wipe smh
I don’t even watch youtube anymore but this video was entertaining .
“present is a sign of presence. two different words.”
-Spoon 2024
why bleeps 🙁
here early for the first time. lets goooo
Excited for part 2!
This guys vids have been terrible lately aside from the last one, spoon kid more like fumble kid this guys vids are a net loss for people watching, man
Maybe the spoon kids where the spoons we kissed with along the way
I disliked my own comment.
Can you post a video of you baking bread, it would be really epic
Bro this whole video has been brutal 😂
…. and this is what happened.
You should just have a wipe we’re lucky llama controls your channel for one wipe
New spoon vid!
fumble of the century dude why you panic so much
I play console rust and it feels so relaxing watch pc rust with 300,000 frames
Watching spoon vid is like a pain tolerance training but mentally.
IS THAT FRIEZA?????? And you posted this as I just raided my friends base by taking tc and letting it decay while he was offline. Using 4 c4 to get fox a roxetts.
nice sprays bro i can tell all that csgo helpin u out
Spoontent to the max. Thanks Llama
What a Christmas!!! So many uploads🥰🥰
Gotta give props, spoon never fails to fumble in the most devastating may imaginable
the spoonkid comment section continues to rot
“I do see presents which is evidence of presence”- Spoon
That m2 explo raid fumble gave me suicidal thoughts and tendencies
Just about to start watching this video
But yesterday video was great and funny as well
It’s a addiction to watch your videos at this point
Bro used more boom just to get less loot. 😂 but it was worth it ig fuck that guy man lol. Atleast it actually ws a good heli
Probably my favorite style video – the solo server and seeing you pop off. Only wish it was a longer video lol
Spoonkid solo videos are a certified Spoonkid classic.
Ya know I liked the bleeping as a bit. Not the whole vid
I don’t know why everytime I get chinese food SpoonKid uploads, but im not complaining
i wub spoonkid
Know it’s gonna be a good day when spoon posts a 1 hour vid
I don’t know if this is the first time hearing spoon kid swear or it’s the first it’s being censored. It’s messing with my brain!!
Why does he throw the supply signal at the garage door?
An already commented, but once I seen that you got c4 and i jinx I said two c4
Would love to see a monthly solo wipe, your long videos are the best ❤
Didn’t know a spoonkid video would be so business oriented
i played this sever for two days, and i feel like its a good server, but there was rarely much if all any T3 pvp, and felt way too easy
fly high 🕊️ spoonkid ,blazed a real one for posting for him.
Day 6 for asking you to collab with shots
anyone can give me this serv im looking for a eu serv with around that much pop
clearly using a mod that changed the drop rates, probably doesn’t even realise
anyone else hear his mic crackling
I’m way too early
Hi Kevin. U watch the show Ted Lasso because I said so
Mr beat
Goobi goby giveaway?
Another banger video from goonkid
Can’t stop kissing my own hand with tongue whenever Spoonkid uploads
the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
This dude made me buy Rust and love the game. Every upload makes me really happy. Thank you LuckyLlama!
I love you dinkbot
Coming home to see spoon posted is the best feeling
Love you.
dear spoonkid thank you for blessing me with this video right when i sit down for lunch
literally cringing so fucking hard at the fail raid bro WHY DIDNT YOU JUST 2 C4 THE FUCKING WALL DOORS WAS LITWRALLY MORE EXPENSIVE!!!! SPOON!!
That Cargo Loot was the craziest, I have ever seen!
Johns a g
I. Love watching spoonkid it make me happy 😊
I commented comment
11:55 “since it’s night time im gonna go hit some trees” *proceeds to hit exactly 0 trees*
spoon I was screening for you to shoot the wall 😭 26:21
I’m the 304 comment I think.
This reminds me of that time spookind played rust solo (without blazed or llama) and uploaded a video of said rust playing.
I love spoonkid
Spoonkid? More like w solo gaming gaming
Always nervous watching a Spoonkid solo run, it’s either brutal or chad plays
12 minutes in and we’re looking goated
Kind sir I find your content very enjoyable
You should try a challenge where u have to try to research everything possible. Including components and anything else
Spoonkid classic
I’m gonna sploog
whats up with the steve harvey scam ad talking abt free 6 k nowadays
208th coment
Which server?
3:58, first censor made for spoons language I’ve ever heard.
I hate my own comment
Hey I’ll be your duo but you gotta buy me a pc
How does he keep pumping these out.
I liked my own comment!
One minute in classic spoonkid goof wipe
Deez nuts
Yes Spoon posted 21 minutes ago
dude make more solo runs pls.. no more lama blaze and dink pls pls pls XD solos are the best
Butchamp🎉 epic kill insane
Day 211 of asking spoonkid to admit that he’s my dad..
I only play pve lol but I enjoy watching these on the big tv 👌🏻
reading a title like this I expected a 5 hour video 🙁
I liked my comment
Spoonkid,Frost, blazed, wally1k, willjum, blooprint, A1dan, sebbyk, enardo, jade monkey, ser winter can’t forget luckylama
Add all best rust creators here
Let’s go kev
insane videos every time
why we blurrin out you cussin that is gay as fuck
After 1 minute in, I can confirm this is indeed another Willjum classic.
W video to watch while pooping
Bro, spoon is just the goat for these videos
I stole two boxes of explosives from a clan
i played a solo only rust server for a week and this is what happened…
Thank god you uploaded i was loosing my mind as there was no spoonkid content.
Day #14 of asking spoon to go back and try rust console edition you can play on my community server although you’ll have to repopulate it but when you do you can admin troll the server name is “OUTLAWS”
Can you play rust console agin and love your vid and I have watched almost all your vids im a big fan
Love the vids spoon keep it up 🥄 🥄 🥄
Watching an ad and it’s already a banger
Spoonkid can we please get the video playlist of all the non-copyright jazz
Hour long vid droppin while i have just over an hour till i work… sounds like the perfect time to watch a Certi…
I haven’t seen my peewee in 5 years 10 days and 1.33hrs😢
Damn Dinkbot fr censored “shit”
Fire spoon fire
What server is it i couldnever find a good solo only server
spoon child
bro bleeped every curse and still not monetised😢
I liked my own comment
so what is this server called i struggle playing solo
20 min gang
i edge to you spoonkid
Love when I come home from school to see a new spoon kid vid
I’m not a big fan of the new beep when swearing sound 😢
Thank you luckyllama for all of the amazing content lately!
Thats a certified spoonkid classic
Hi dad
Yes baby
Every video you upload is a masterpiece! Your consistency is admirable Keep creating awesome content, you’re phenomenal
I have watched this 999999 times and I can say it is a certified spoon classic
Spoonkid is the reason I play rust thank you keep up the videos ❤
Time to like my own comment
Never played Rust, but so addicted to these videos !
i haven’t watched spoon in a while but so far this one is a banger🎉
Classic Blooprint video if i have ever seen one.
i think ima play rust again
One second in I already know it’s blazed❤
I want dinkbits starfish on my face
I like this guy
Happy new years everyone 🙂
Just started watching… I’m honestly shouting “Taaantrum! taaantrum! taantrum!” in my head.
Already a certified Spoonkid classic
nothing like a spoonkid video to numb the pain
the censored cursing…
Ive been moaning about these hour plus long videos, but now I’m bored in a hotel room I’m all for it
Solo only servers are known to have the sweatiest players out there.
i have 7 frozen heads in my freezer
Fart loot
Fart funny, poop stinky.
spoon is best
Hurray for AIDS everybody 👋🏻
I shit my own pants
Thanks for the post llama 🦙
i love you spoon
I liked my own comment
rust needs more people like the dude who got snowballed to death
he wasn’t even mad he was just like “shit he killed me with snowballs…well done”
You should make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a hotdog bun.
Hey spoonkid… this is a message from your greatest hater…
start replanting the hemp seeds or we’re gonna have trouble…
– your greatest hater
the best vibes on YouTube. Best solo on rust. Keep it up man
“I will throw a tantrum if it doesn’t go my way” is officially how I join servers now.
thank you poopkid! I can’t get enough! ( ´ ▽ ` )
spoonkid on top
I love it when spoon fills us with thicc juicy content while spooning us (i alr failed 2024 2025 gon be my year fr)
He really did load in seconds after the wipe.
Yes sir great videi
Spoonkid is the best rust content creator
spoon i love u
It’s party time
I disliked someone else’s comment
Spoon Upload safe the Dayyyy❤
Yeaaaa new vid
whoop whoop new upload
this is what happened
spoonkid is the best rust player.
If it ain’t a full week I ain’t watching it, thank you sir ❤
If you keep killing it like this, you’re going to have to drop the “s” and just go by poonkid!
Spoon kid is number one in my books idc if I’m glazing
Spoon kid fart reveal
I’m early🥳
Than you spoon!
i <3 dinkbot
Papa I want McDonald’s
It’s amazing Lucky Llama keeps letting Spoon upload his footage
I’m anticipating his greatest fumble
Certified spoonkid classic
spoon Bread
Yayyy new video
I have a feeling this is truly going to be a spoonkid classic
Evan Bardock
just got back from work and new spoon vid life is so good sometimes
This comment will get not get any likes and if it does I will be wrong about this statement I just typed into the YouTube comments
This a spoonkid classic fs
I liked the part where spoonkid did that thing
Love the videos spoon❤️
Love u spoon been watching u for a long time and u got me on rust much love
alright boys, time to lock in for another spoonkid video
Watched this 54 times already and can confirm that this is a spoonkid classic
im in 11 seconds and this is 100% a blazedbartRustspoonkidblooprintfrostwilljumwally1k classic
Always good to see spoon post a solo vid
Spoon never disappoints
can we play cs2 spoon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
dude the video got uploaded 1 minute ago how did people already watch it like 839393 times
Another day another W spoon video
I’ve stopped playing rust, but i get my fix from spoonkid, it always feels like i’m just there playing with him
i played with myself for a week and this is what happened
Spookd is bigfat
I have watched for 3 picoseconds and can confirm, this is 100% a Spoonkid classic
love the videos spoon ❤
keep it up
Dam daniel at it again
This video is an hour longer than I would last inside of Mr beast
Already watched 4 times and can say this is a spoonkid classic
I like my own commend, shield 🛡️🛡️
hi guys :))
I have finished 69 times while watching this and can call this a certified spoonkid classic
uploaded 1 min ago. 100 comments.
couldn’t even spoon to this i kided almost immediately😂😂😓
I’ve been watching for 23 seconds and I can confirm that it’s a spoonkid classic
I liked my own comment
Spoonkid plays solo only for a week. Boys, spoonkid has given us solo content for a week. Is spoonkid the new solo for a week god? Thanks goonkid
After watching the entire video I can say its a blazed classic
“spoonkid classic”
my new year’s resolution is to watch more spoonkid.
so glad i could see this video seconds after upload, love the content (especially with dinkbot)
I spooned so hard I couldn’t contain it!!!! Kid everywhere!!! Clean up on aisle lucky llama!!!
i got pizza and spoonkid uploaded 59 seconds ago, lets go.
early gang
i didn’t like my own comment
I can already tell after watching for 3 seconds that this is going to be a certified spoonkid classic!
Spoonkid i love you so dearly my pookie
Sending this to my friend rn
spoon filling us up 59 seconds in!
Spooon uploaded
Watched this video 21 times already.
Can confirm that its a spoonkid classic
First like and comment spooners
no way spoon uploadedd yayyaya
i’ve watched this 8448747473 times and i can confirm it’s a spoonkid classic
hi spoonmankidguypersondude
Watched it completely, and spoon kid did NOT die for this, do better llama
Play with my nuts for a week solo and see what happens.
Spoona Claus🔥
W vid
this is a certified spoonkid classic
Was waiting for this
Wanna watch chicken little 3D
homemade pipebomb
I love you dad
watched this video 443424 times and can confirm it is a spoonkid classic
pp poopoo
Great video 👍
i watch one second and i can say its a certified spoonkid video
I don’t even play rust anymore, but holy shit I watch his videos just because they’re soo entertaining ❤
spoonkid never fails to release his semen into us and impregnate us
upcoming spoonkid classic
I liked the part when there was no dinkbot
Dayyyym first comment 🎉❤ RESPECT the real ones 😂
Daddy spoonkid never fails to make my toes tingle
I knew you were cooking a fire video
This video sucks
30 seconds in and I’ve changed my mind. Spoonkid banger
couldnt keep edging! I exploded
What poping
Solo hype
Spooning time
Spoonkid Classic
Never been this early 😂🎉🎉🎉
W viddddd
Ride my face please spoon🎉
First 1 here
I did not like my own comment
22 seconds ago and im already here? splendid
I like spoons
Love the vids
That was amazing video
i farted
Love you spoon
Love you spoon
This is what happened
first !!!