I decided to RAID a DROP BOX VAULT today 😂 – RUST SOLO #14 S127 FINALE
The last day of wipe has arrived and man was it an interesting one..
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2023 DUO BASE: https://youtu.be/GsqJ-_zid4A
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Taqs:rust,rust ak,rust pc,rust pvp,rust duo,rust pro,rust ps4,duo rust,rust god,rust new,rust day,rust ps5,new rust,rust car,rust base,rustoria,rust 2023,rust solo,rust 2022,rust trio,rust clan,rust best,rust game,rust xbox,solo rust,rust raid,rust heli,rust zerg,rust mlrs,rust loot,rust rage,rust play,rust tips,rust trap,rust eoka,rust wipe,old rust,rust update,rust highlights,rust clips,rust 2021
コメント (151)
Но скажу то что ты норм играешь
Good vid :))
Frozen water. Content has been good even with the limited editing time.
Thank you
Solid donations from Ling
2:55 bro keep beatboxing, you only get better! I’m here for it
Day 2 of asking for a duo/trio wipe derr
Day 15(ICE) of asking shots why he doesnt participate in Rust Events?
Valve’s HNFV50 event.
Has everyone checked out HNFV50 yet?
HNFV50 is the best thing Valve’s ever done.
Valve’s HNFV50 event is a triumph! Make sure to seize the opportunity and get your coupon.
Valve’s HNFV50 event is a game-changer—make sure you don’t miss out!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year! If you haven’t experienced HNFV50, dive in now!
Valve’s HNFV50 event is a must-see—have you experienced it yet?
Why are so many viewers annoying asf.
If I ran into shots on a server I’d go out of my way to help him and not be a pain in the ass.
But I think some people are salty he’s a successful YTer. And they think aren’t capable of it. So they try to fuck his videos up.
Ice. Another solid day from the best, thank you for the content. I look forward to the highlight video, it is going to be the best highlight one so far. Additionally, I look forward to the wipe day. Whether it’s solo or duo, I know it will be great. Have a great night shots. 🌙
Has everyone checked out HNFV50 yet?
Valve’s HNFV50 event is making headlines—have you dived into the festivities?
Happy New Year! If you haven’t seen the new HNFV50 event, check it out.
Dylan man, I love you bro but it’s time to get your pair back. You used to slay out way harder and go for more risky plays, you never use any of your good loot?
You always pick THEE worst of raids…
So excited to see what 2024 silly goose Dill pickle.exe will cook up for us
Ice ice baby
Can we get this base design
Ice ice baby 🧊
You are a solo goat
Best play ever
New duo season with maxi?
Ice gg bro lol 😆
🧊🧊🧊 ICE 🧊🧊🧊
GG and Good Season brotha it was a banger for sure… You should of used that boom on his base for a finally raid… But it’s ok can’t wait to see what’s in store for this new season… Keep doin what your doin you are the goat 🐐 the beast the best at this game… 💪🏼🥇
You should do another duo wipe!
ice derrer
Duo with me
Ice👍🤟👍🤟I despise you ling..
Tomorrow? New base design? I still use your 2021, 2022, and 2023 designs every wipe
ice 🤣🤣
Ice, Ice, babyyy
Yes another duo wipe let’s goo!
“I’m Sorry for the loss of your mini copter sir” LMAO
Duo with Maxxie would be a really cool spin. Love the videos!
ling is so bad
Just to be cold-blooded, you should have told Ling when you got off “Hay you want my base, I don’t really need it anyway” 😂😂😂
i love all of it
My favorite Rust streamer can’t wait until I get a PC
Shots that raid defense was ICEY
Ice deerrrrrrrr
For him to be a fan he sure does play like a grubby bitch
Ice ice baby
Nah bro tbh I like your duo vids they the best bcs u get bigger bases and more boom to online
Should rain ling and give Maxie all your loot
Destroying Ling 🤌
Yo bro. I always go and watch matts streams on tt and he said he was also probably going to want to duo with you soon again🙏
So is the last episode of the season tell 128?
Ice gl on force brother play with other creators please! AIT SPOON SINKS TACCULAR, hell cabin wipe with willjum!
Does Matt have a YouTube channel
Day 3 of asking Dylan when duo is coming back even tho u said it might happen soon in this video
Can’t wait to see Matt again let’s gooo
Hey @shots love the vids man. Tomorrow if your not raided, you and maxie need to team up on boom and raid those guys up the hill that keep destroying your turrets. It would be a beautiful revenge story!
Ice ice baby
Hi shots, you should try “hunt showdown” it goes with your playstyle
dylan you have been doing a lot better sense you started smoking an switched your schedule
bored so i did some math. Without counting what Ling spent on your base you got 11 rockets, 50 satchels, 2 c4, 65 HE, 478 explo, 8 incen rockets and 2 m2s. bro took the biggest L of his life
ice ice baby
Bro, your videos are the absolute best plenty of action but they’re also hilarious
Ice, this was a W Season Dylan looking forward to the next one 🔥
Ice. Looks like Ling has a major hard on for you lol poor kid. As always keep it 💯
Ling probably fighting the air
Day 141 of asking for spoonkid collab
2:53 The mailroom guy from men in black
Monthly highlights are wack. Give us that new content we crave
Ice. Watch you tomorrow.
For real, I thought you couldn’t jump and shoot? @23:24 mark
I don’t know how you deal with his bull crap. That get old. How do they know we’re you go every time you.move servers.
Ice! Tomorrow episode is going to be damn good considering the month you had. Great ending to a great wipe. See you Friday friend.
Ling is sad, it would be fun to watch if he was actually getting kills like you did on him but he only sits on roof like a noob
Am I the only one thinking the naked had torch out to illuminate Dylan for his duo to kill? Maybe if wrong, I just couldn’t tell if the naked got wrecked too after Dylan got finished
Ling no one like you now XD so bad
Ngl I would love to see you build near launch
Dylan should rust really have a mute button it makes it easier for air drops and oil n that PvP wise that is, is there any reason in particular why they should remove it
Gets boring like that get a lounger on roof and watch it lol
Ice! Lmao this was a great last video bro, been awhile and everytime i come back to watch its literally what makes my day, Ling you gotta stop trying so hard, your getting rekt on video and its embarressing. Silly gooses never end in this haha the ending was literally my favourite watching you just put Ling in his place. GG 🚀💣🤣
lol gg brav great season very icy lol
Why do we have to have a monthly highlight video, that’s for the losers that don’t watch you every day, those of us that watch you religiously don’t need a highlight video we were there watching when the highlights happened
Ling is really a sad fuck, he needs to go get a life
Ice 🧊 that giggle really makes you smile back 😂😂
Day 3 of awkwardly pretending that Ling hasn’t been completely disrespecting dylan for days now😢
Shout out to ling for having the balls to go out ak and attempt an online.
Dylan you should build up a week’s worth of uploads so you have a buffer before attention-seekers start showing up.
Hey Dylan. I know im late but i just bought pc rust and im switched from console to it. I was wondering if you have any tips for me? It feels like a brand new game and I’ve heard you talk about switching from console to pc
Ice, hope for a cave base soon in the up coming series
Trio with Matt and Maxie
Maxie thinking his “MLRS” killed someone 🤣 silly goose
Finally you gave Ling what he deserved. What a loser. Breng back the duo or trio squad
Duo with maxi
Is it just my phone or is this video kinda blurry
Ice. I’m glad you got to put your neighbor in his place. Ready for a new season! You da man Dylan. Derr
In the years I have been watching, the most painful thing I have seen is Dylan come out of his base with a torch after the scrap helicopter was forced to land while raiding his neighbor. All those guns, armor, and loot mean nothing tucked away in boxes. I still love and will watch every day. Thanks man
Ling is such a silly goose haha! great content Dylan, much love
I have 2nd hand embarrassment for Ling watching this video.
Put a samsite on yours so they both fire
Ling stands for L.
Add maxie in duo make trio bro
Duo with ur neighbor
Pre record each season shots these viewers suck lmao
Ice ling is a certified weirdo
At least ling took the risk to online you free content!😮
Day 2 of asking Dylan to bring back DUO!!!
I can’t believe your taking all this shit from ling you counter his raid he raids you and destroys your turrets all I can say is mat would online him take a chance
Duo series with maxi pls shit is to funny
Dropbox raids have not treated us well in the past
Hey shots, I continue to love your content.
Any chance you consider doing a getting started in 2024 series?
i hope this drop box vault is better than the last one lmao
Dylan you’re outside 55 hp 🫣
Lol the last drop box vault you did in that stone base was halarious🤣🤣🤣
Been watching since 2021 but i started the game then but im rust ce warrio i love vids❤❤❤❤❤
What’s the chances of getting a trio with Matt again, Ik John don’t play but what about that Jake guy you trioed with before
lets gooooo!
W dylbags
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Dylan sitting at his Computer, reacting to Maxie taking Oilrig…
This has officialy become a reaction channel.
Day 3 of asking Dylan to bring back “Get sauced on!” 🤣
My lord and savior