Rust – Becoming A CHEATERS worst Nightmare!
Becoming a cheaters worst Nightmare in Rust is a fairly ambitious task, but Gaz and I do just that, taking out a group that we have a LONG history with…
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Taqs:rust gameplay,rust pvp,rust movie,Tesla,Rust,Tesla Rust,Rust Cheaters,Rust Hacker,Rust Tesla,Rust clan,Rust Movie,funny videos,Funny moments,Gaming,Survival Game,Rust Solo,Becoming A cheaters worst Nightmare!
コメント (401)
Thanks for all the support this year! ending it with a bang, nearly at 250k Subs so many sure to sub if you enjoy the videos!
He thinks hes in thiere head bro its rust my
guy your just a weirdo that wants to be anoyying and your traking thiere s3rvers what there playing on just get over it
Im not big rust player, best server to play on?
Ong This video was so fucking good love your determination story gameplay EVERYTHING its peak rust content
Yo I’m from M3 grid we raided most of their alliance and got them banned(JGS) and we’re the last biggest group to stay
tesla is the biggest freak know to man kind and i fucking love every second of it
You can blame the admins, the guys are known cheaters, if it isn’t blatant or obvious, they should know better. I don’t care what the server rules are, cheat once, shame on you, twice and a million times over, you shouldn’t be allowed in the server regardless.
Would it be possible to get a mod or jr mod to collaborate with Tesla every now and then over the course of a wipe and actually catch some cheaters in a reasonable time frame
At this point Tesla should just become a mod. Then we might finally have someone who can lower the cheater population this man actually cares
I would love to see a 100 man clan vs these cheaters. I bet it would scare the living hell out of them.
Is the new kid Indian? 🙂
How the guns seems to have less to no recoil? Is there any setting for it?
Your a fucken degen Tesla and im here loving it!
This vid was great dude!!! I hate to say it but I love watching you get cheated on but only for the carnage that ensues!
Sigh… the story of every single SEA server that has a large enough population… ever… mainland chinese dont like playing on their own servers, they relish having other nationalities struggle under their boot and they dont care if its through skill or cheats, as long as they stay on top. Some SEA servers even put in “no chinese” on their server rules throughout the years… they ALWAYS get ddos’d to heck and forced to shut down.
Such a W that you actually play long wipes I hate the current meta of 3 day wipes it’s so repetitive and boring
You gotta love how Tesla will do anything, including no sleep at all to get revenge on someone in Rust.
This is sum next level super villain type shizz 😂😂
This is deranged lol good video
They should just hire Camomo and their done….😅
I love your videos, always makes my day better. Also had the same problem with cheaters last monthly wipe. We played on quad server, they played as 6-man with 1 cheater, we lost everything to them and they got banned unfortunately at the end of the wipe. It was our best wipe and the worst at the same time.
Rustafied admins are shit they only investigate when there’s enough outrage. If they bothered to spectate their group, they would be banned in 24hrs
The only thing worse than cheaters, are chinese cheaters.
Ratting on a whole other level
Fire duo fire content
Cheating schould be a crime. Would be so satisfying to see cheaters go to prison. xD
that’s insane
Honestly I have to say Tesla out of all the rust YouTubers I watch you make the most satisfying and best content. Keep up the great work and congrats on 250K! Have a great 2024
Awesome video Tes, can’t wait for more of these stories 🔥
anti cheat is the most stupid thing ever. I got gambanned bc i had low hours with high skilled bc my main account got stolen
Tesla, thank you and keep standing up for us little guys that are always getting demolished by cheaters. Especially entire clans that resort to cheating because they are worse then anyones first day in Rust.
Regionlock China
Right here you could build a big cliff hanger, by introducing Snow Bell as as a mysterious role that will be reveled later on.
Storytelling wise it’s nice to watch.
Then a resolution why he was on your team all along.
Love to find out about Someone mysterious in the story later on.
Need an alt account to run loot to saftey when you know an offline is coming. I know easier said than done.
Keep up the goated content.
let’s goooo another dj wipe
Bro use your best weapon, your fans to overwhelm them. This is something i would love to see in a video.
Great video man
I just don’t understand cheating in FPS games? You’re (not you, Tesla) literally ruining the server/s, ruining that game and shitting on the community as a whole. What’s fun about a whole group of cheaters? There’s nothing satisfying about cheating in a survival game.
Edit: Ohh Tesla, we know what you mean. It’s been consistent revenge. I think more than any other content creator.
It really does feel like Rust is being sunset. They’re dropping cosmetics like crazy to try and drive as much income as possible because they’ve built too many systems on a flawed anti-cheat foundation. It would just be too costly to rebuild all of them to deal with the anti-cheat vulnerabilities. Hopefully they learn from it for Rust 2, whenever that comes out.
Tesla, out of all the Rust content creators. I enjoy your content the most <3
😂😂 Good work mate 🙌🏻🙌🏻 . I was wondering those Chinese were upto. Any chance of you playing with Tac on a fresh wipe?
You went very deep into getting your revenge haha
bro i’m telling you they are not the only ones that have borderline nuclear bomb pcs i had to restart it today because it got out of hand….. no pc not even highest quality pcs can last extremely long times on without going full on nuclear mode ( not literally like a nuclear bomb duh )
do they treat cheating in china as serious as south Korea? since they have alot of esport player?
Tesla needs to mlrs cheating raiders would of been the ultimate troll
Imagine a game developer so shitty that cheaters can play your game for YEARS and you do NOTHING about it.
So much effort put into this! Love the DJ trilogy
Honestly its sad how many cheaters are in rust, miss prime rust now i run into cheaters a lot now i hope Facepunch works on cracking down on cheaters. Love the video tho
there is no way that they stay undetected for 1 year
Omg the dedication is amazing
Can’t wait to see where this goes
Harassing dirty cheaters is a noble pursuit. Happy new year mate.
Tell me you play modded w/ out telling me you play modded.
Why does rust continue to let these people play they ruin it for everyone.
I help you next time. Love you greatings from the Netherlands
55:16 those backgound ded voice sheesh is the iconic moment for me
oy tez, you got this man, that killing yourself mentally is what i’ve given up on, such a beautiful game, but cheating has gotten more accesible then ever, and closet cheaters are really everywhere, stolen rust accounts are practically free with how cheap some are, sadly that’s what did it for me, i still log on from time to time, as i do have 12k hrs since 2016, but my god, can i not enjoy myself a minute when i know i get triple headbopped from 200 meters away through 1700 bushes
your vids are not great advertisements for Rustafied servers tbh…
I didn’t get notified for this vid😢
Hey guys, please check out the time 0:53 of his video. It legitimately looks like hes cheating when he FOV snaps onto an enemy and then perfectly sways his gun for headshots without making any personal mouse errors… Just saying!
bro didn’t hold back on these hackers at all ❤ keep up the good work
I was playing PC rust somehow I managed to join a clan that had everyone in it had Scripps I lasted one day before the kick me out because he said my aim wasn’t good even though I’m legit and they’re cheating 🎉😢😂
At this point he toys with these cheatin tools
Happy new year your vids are a banger
When you commentate you sound like Batman i swear
So apparently the admins cant ban them because they dont have evidence even though they admitted it in chat, blatantly cheat, and everyone in the server knows they are cheating?
hhahahaha bro me and my mate 2v6 f16 in sewer face checking good video my bro
I gambled against you in rusty pot like 3 years ago @coltyr
Vanilla is unplayable anymore with the amount of cheaters
Its not a warcrime if they are cheaters.
Can anyone tell me what base Tesla uses in this video??
always love your determination, and being slightly psychotic ❤ nothing better than upsetting cheating scum. great vid mate, and happy new year to you. (ps good luck in trust in rust)
Aint a tesla video with out gazzy poo
didnt realise you were on AU long wipe, g16 was so fucked when they were on glad you got revenge on them in someway
bruh admins gotts give yall the break you need, I know you enjoy this but WE NEED YOU ALIVE T-T
good guys always win
Now this is a banger, love this “series” Best of luck going forward!
my guy tesla got some commitment
Finishing this vid 10 mins before new year
Tesla’s videos never disappoint 👌👏🏻👏🏻 happy new year brother
what base design is this? would really love an answer from anyone.
You’re a freak. I love it.
Ayo Tesla, you are nothing less than a demon. These mf cheaters will be putting up charms and seals to keep you away for millennia to come.
this shows how bad admins are in rust.
You: “This is just disgusting. It makes me sick.”
My brain: “Yessssss. Torture them more!!!!!!!”
Build tutorial where?
Imagine a 20 deep clan waiting for offline raid a 3 men group with a FOV… How pussy those guys are.
Brilliant content! Hate cheaters, Go, Tesla! 😀
You’re fucking mental, and I fucking love it❤️😂😂 Another BANGER
That was so diabolical and I loved every second of it.
Gaz need to teach u Tesla more how to spot cheaters
Tesla out here Taking a Leap Forward Unto The Depths of Insanity. You are the boogeyman that Cheaters have Nightmares about, You keep them awake even in their sleep. Whenever they Stare into the Void –
*They see you.. Staring back.*
fyi espers will also have a debug cheat which allows them to fly around inside your base (basically like admin no clip). Sleeping away from your loot literally makes no difference
Those allies who are cheaters farmers must have first got raided and then ask if they can be their farmer and cheaters then would protect them😂
Wait.. you mean Chinese players are cheating?? No way… Who would have guessed….
wow its insane good job man i like ur videos hoping its going to be more videos in the future 🙂
Great video! I feel like the advice to sleep away from loot is just pointless though as cheaters can noclip their cameras into your base, they do this to find cheapest routes.
Tesla i beg you to get a builder you would win raids with ease
You where the first rust channel I watched love your content but I really want to get better can you help?
Bros a supervillain💀
pay 5 euro per month hide your battlemetrics profile for offliners.. works like a charm
W vid respect
Tesla is on his villian arc with this one glad to see your putting your mental instabilities to work
I just bought rust today and its amazing
Happy new years tesla <3
Btw, a cheater can drop into bucket room and survive from 1st try always. Your turret will be gone in under a minute.
I once watched through my cctv camera in my phone rust app, how a guy with level 140 account dropped and destroyed my turret faster than I logged on.
My reports resulted in his account getting banned though :)))
MORE LIKE THIS! Great story talking too
Even a cheater can not beat a no lifer! ..Unless it’s a double cheese combo pack.
How can you look at footage like this and think “wE neEd tO MaKE SuRE ThEy’Re cHEaTiNg!”
This man Tesla is a threat to cheaters
DJ group should be perma banned on all servers, takes the piss thry allowed to keep returning, really scummy players, Props to Tesla and Gaz for the extreme activity to combat these cheaters 👏
Waiting for the next video! 👍
Tesla, myself and my partner love to play Rust and love watching your videos but I really don’t understand how you are still on Rustified…. Our experiences on their server have been worse than Facepunch 1 AU. I know you don’t like to stir up and drama but if it took multiple months of evidence to get rid of VERY blatant cheaters then idk what they’re doing. I don’t hate on people. I’m sure they have their reasons but from all the footage we have seen from your videos over these last few years of watching you they were extremely blatant.
Regardless, we love your videos either way ❤
Also…. Please make merch with the slogan “and that’s just what we did” 😂
Love the Tesla Video drops! Thanks for a banging vid! Btw with the recent patches…only 50% of the Vending machines loot get’s lost, dropped on the floor.
This game doesn’t even have a Nemesis System, but Tesla does it himself.
i will never understand why tesla just says.. “hmmm should we let them core us before we do anything” no wonder u cant do nothing
It’s still crazy to me how all of these supposedly moderated servers, that people pay 5-15$ for vip on and financially support, are still as riddled with cheaters as a normal facepunch server.
Its kinda stupid these guys dont get perma banned, also playing rust like its some kind of full time job without being a content creator is pretty stupid lol
tesla loved the vid but wanted to tell you i hopper on au long with some friends 2 weeks into wipe and they where offline with all doors open and got most of there loot. ill tell you they where not happy when they got back on. all there vendings where gone with boxes replacing them on the roof but they where loaded af
If you’re serious about tracking these guys to keep making their games a living hell, that’s worth a sub.
So nice watching cheaters get rinsed by honorable and legit players. I learned from Myth of empires that hitting their farmers really hurts them as a whole. They are like a hive and have their own rolls. It was easy to destroy big zergs just from hitting their farmers.
Someone tell Tesla that 9 incen shotgun shots will take out a sam site. You can take out 6 sams in the time it takes someone to go make a sandwich. Ask me how I know. Set your game to have audio in the background, limit fps while its in the background to 15 fps, look up into the sky to minimize whats loaded. This will make your cpu run at around 20% usage saving power and reducing strain on your pc from leaving it on. Place a heater next to a chair and sit in it for 100% comfort, make sure to have 100% food and water. You can now sit in this chair for 8 hours without dying. Set your volume to max connected to a speaker. Be a light sleeper and you can wake up to someone climbing through barbed wire or trying to arrow out your sams. Ask me how I know.
but why dont they getbanned tho?
Craziest rust video I’ve ever fucking seen.
delta is also a hardcore cheater group
Neee more vids like this one this is probably the craziest shit I’ve seen for the 80 hours I have played on rust
holy hell,that was brutal to even watch I’m ngl 💀
Song for the intro ?
My hero, lol
Thank you for being a degenerate and taking care of the pos cheaters. I know you’re trying to give the admins the benefit of the doubt but they need to be better. There’s no reason someone that blatant isn’t banned right away. 2+ weeks and nothing is unacceptable. On a lighter note, this was a great video. GGs!
Tesla you crazy Aussie I fucking LOVE YOUUUU
Funny you said this at 22:37 because I got banned for scripting on a modded server because of my montages 😭
14:01 it is weird name for the player. Intel i9-13900k is a name for CPU.
Uhhhh it was really weird finishing Willjum’s new video with the same song as starting the intro to yours… crazy transition.
You’re like the Alex pereira of rust, just dominating DJ wherever he goes lol
give this mad man admin power
The title of the video is just the perfect ideal name for the torcher they felt for the wipe 🎉
Good job Aussie, love your commitment and ability.
good work man cheaters are bozos
Great video as always keep up the good work
keep up the good fight
Tesla on some David goggins rust kinda stuff the motivation to keep going after getting foundation wiped is crazy 🎉😅
BRO I just got a new pc for christmas and it was my first time playing rust with 144 fps and use to be on 60 fps. It is so much more injoyable would defintly recommend uprading to getting 140 fps becasue rust is so much more fun
if i had the chance to do this take out cheaters like this all month i would of done it this too, i hate cheaters probably more than tesla, it seems almost everygame out there has them now like freak like
FYI, 14:02 is the name of an Intel CPU. The i9 13900k.
The more you know 🙂
Getting raided by a whole cpu i9 13900k
This is sad
So you recording blatant cheaters is not enough evidence for the admins that they are cheating….wat
people that intentionally offline in rust, like sit there for however long it takes watching a profile until they get off, are the biggest losers on earth. there’s unwritten rules in games even tho i know some players dont like it, there is, and people that dont care and just ignore them were definitely bullied in high school and raised by morons. i cant stand seeing that, like how they did to you guys the first raid. what you did to them doesnt count they asked for it
love your wars against cheaters gives me hope when i see ppl do stuff like this
Your narration is second to none. Cheers mate, thank you for all the great content you give us.
Way to burn some time before going to the party 😂
tesla’s intro song and his introduction is the best 🔥
Never doubted a single video and never will. Happy new years 🙂
The i9 name is an intel cpu
Cheaters sadly are a cancer to many gaming communities.
Partially developers might be blamed, when some bugs are just not fixed for ages.
Then again, many of these nolife lowlives have quite the criminal energy, thirdparty programms, esp, wallhacks, glitching, meshing and on and on often enough when the devs have not found ways to make them impossible are therefor then in need to be addressed by admins.
I wish you luck on your crusade, give them hell.
Chinese players suck without using cheats, it’s exactly why they cheat cause they know they have no intelligence or skill 😂
The dedication to ruining their wipe is high class respectable, despite using unsavory tatics these cheaters deserves no remorse, if admins wont ban them then like a famous tall purple man once said “Fine, Ill do it myself” lol great vid mate and new sub from me😊😊😊
As always man bring the smoke
Hell yeah Tesla we’ll take rust back from these cheating assholes one wipe at a time
Hopely banner was Gamomo
so many cheaters on facepunch
Telsa, I know you use markers on the map to show enemies to your teamates. There is a feature in settings where you can do something similar with a keybind. It marks things in relation to what you are seeing (the mark appears at the location you are looking at). It might be faster and better for you to use.
Your commentary is probably the best out of the rust community on YouTube
“Oh Teslra, its youuu.” Only those who know will know.
W TESLA VIDEO, great way to start newyears eve off
Love u n ur team, great communication n always good vibes, yall r friends for life
we did the same thing to these guys couple of months ago as a duo. we farmed like hell, and offlined them hahha
I got raided offline by the same team. They are dirty cheaters that havnt been banned for years. Idk how an anticheat can let scumbag Asians like this just live and play and not get banned.
Mate your fucking insane just the guy we need tho
I think we’ve all door raided a base with a silenced auto turret inside, i DISTINCTLY remember thinking “Where am i getting shot from?!” I remember it taking hours of dying over and over before i finally spotted the auto turret from its red beam! I remember breaking it, but still couldnt find the guy that had been killing me all those times!
LOVE the longer videos brotha for sure need more the it!
Who needs Comomo when you have Tesla and is inhuman dedication? 😅😂
Bro invite a ton of people and have them all screw with dj on any server they are on. Tons of content and it will make it harder for them to hide cheats. Just bully them off the game. Lord knows it would be the most entertaining thing ever. Plus these are the biggest losers in ever seen. The way they hack and offline in large groups is gross. Plus they have been doing this stuff for over a year so I say bully the hell out of em no remorse
I had a friend called henipin but he was console
f ing cheaters gust bad people ):
You should hit me up im a farmer i play moose servers im third in sulfer farming all time 4k hours if that tells you anything i play with vivid and westbay
Tesla and Gaz, is there a more iconic duo? Fantastic video, wishing you a Happy New Year.
i just got rust with my friend. 2 days in we got auto rocketed and aimboted. are base was gone in less than 3 seconds
When a game has “well known” cheaters, you know something needs to change
so do these servers just have 0 moderation?
i LOVE THAT YOU GRIEF CHEATERS!!! I hate cheaters… Ive been dealing with them ever since counter strike first came out.. before 1.6 and they just suck…. soooo bad. Keep griefing them.
lmao I love how I finished and closed Willjum’s latest video, opened this one, and heard the exact same song. Rust youtubers really do just pass the same playlist around and around lol
Youve became one of my favorite youtubers off of this video alone! I’ve seen a video of yours and couldn’t find you for the longest, I’m glad I did! You’re the goat for dealing with these no life fucking cheaters like this and I thank you sir! Keep doing what you’re doing you and your duo are chads!
You’ve found a nemesis, you’re moving up in the world lmao
what u cooking in there
I love you messing with these clowns, but this video is underwhelming tbh. Wish you could have next level messed with them when they were actually active.
Favorite Rust player..period. You remind me so much of the old Ramsey days 👍
Tesla going cockroach mode
Such cheating clans are the reason im not playing on offical servers anymore, cheaters are getting a bigger problem for this game and as normal player, there is realy nothing you can do about and as an old Rust server owner, it is realy hard to be 100% sure that someone is realy cheating.
Facepunch has to take a step forward and do more for their actual community and delete all these cheaters, because at this time they are mostlikely doing nothing.
It is just too frustrating to always play againag cheaters and realy destroys the fun for everyone.
Doing this game for multiple hours and days straight like it’s a full time job is fine for YouTubers or streamers. But these are some children and probably a lot of adults that need to do things outside for a normal life, yet they willing to do night shifts collecting 200 or more hours on a game. Just to learn they do stuff like that on other servers too, that is just sad.
I hate dj and his group but… i’m glad there back cause imo this right here is your best content. You really display skill, force and tactics here where we all can learn from and enjoy to see. Keep up the good work man
Great job with being a pest to the cheaters. I would have banned the entire group the second i saw them fire on your hidden position at night. As a master builder for modded servers i would highly recommend building your base on flatter ground and keeping the foundations about 2 inches up. This will prevent rocket attacks from foundation wipe and will be a pain for c4 raiders as most c4 bounce off ground to wall instead of foundation. Layer external walls with triangles filled. I know some of yall like the peaks but you are sacrificing your core for peaks so if you want the peaks then build a bigger/wider base. I play mainly on 5x and 10x servers and my base on 10x takes up nearly 2 grids which causes fps to take a deep crap. I have other Oh S**t tricks to take fps to single digits if the raiders get close to main tied to my phone with smart switch.
I’m just a Fish
*How bad do you need to be, to be 20 deep, with hacks, and still offline raiding.*
Side note I’ve raided bucket side cave base with turret before. It’s tricky but doable.
Such pussys when they offline raid
Tesla… u r sick and im here for it. “The Hunt of Dj” or something like that, would make for an amazing series until they get banned or something 😂 Keep up the work and im looking forward to the next war against them 😊
Damn, GG’s man!
You even said GG to the guys who cheat raided you.. anyone can say gg when they win, but it takes a real man to say it when they lose a fight.
I don’t think Tesla drove the hackers to insanity, they drove him to insanity.
Holy shit I love cheat-hunting tesla videos so much haha late christmas present for sure.
Stay strong and fxx em Up! 💪🏻
Great video! But gata say how tf have they not been banned like a year? Just goes to show rust needs to get cracking down on chearters.
I used to do the same thing to Chinese cheaters in Ark. just constant greifing but also caging the whole tribe 😂
I love your videos, but I get so frustrated because you are always against deep groups who cheat and only offline raid. Literally everything that is wrong with rust. Nice job lads!
Fighting the good fight.
No idea how you don’t have 2-3x the number of Subs.
It’s like the content creators that deserve it the most, are criminally undersubbed.
I like how confused he was reading i9-13900k even though its a cpu not just completely random numbers lol
Hi you should have Enardo to help you
38:51 rightfully so
“Some kind of weird name”, your literally a rust nerd and dont know a processor?😂
Absofuckinglutley love it don’t stop….lolz
Chinese people cheating.. Thats New
The moment I hear DJ I know it’s going to be another great video! Keep up the good work rust gigachad from down under.
I’ve been watching you for a while if it was me and I knew they was cheating id use mlrs on the raid base
27:09 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 Billy the singing catfish
(If you’ve never seen it, the original is called Billy the singing bass, or something along those lines)
Bro I love your videos you tell the story very well and can keep the audience engaged you were truly made for this keep it up you are doing very well and I’m proud of you 👏
23:25 🤣👍
its disgusting how slow admins are to ban, dude admits in chat he cheats and its still not enough?
Oh yes Telsa! Looking forward to this inevitably banging video to close out the year 🙂 Happy new year Tesla!
Thats some dedication right there! What a banger video! Make sure to take some rest after this war 😀
bro no joke. start building roof bunkers on the side of mountains/cliffs with kits. it speeds up rebuilds by hours. external tc’s with kits for rebuilds have saved my wipe a ton.
Holy moly, I am just speechless, Tesla you are an animal you will go down in RUST legend, I will tell my kids about this saga. Keep it up, I can’t wait to see what you do next – solidarity forever brother
A very bad day for me, just to come home and find Tesla upload, thank u god , i love you Tesla , banger video and sick commitment <3 u <3 u
Hope you, gaz, and all of my fellow subscribers have a great 2024
Always a great day when tesla uploads
Here’s my question? Why wouldn’t you hide your loot far away so they wouldn’t get anything? I know they can esp, but if you had a little base somewhere and never went there they wouldn’t know. I know when I went up against cheaters, I always stayed 2 steps ahead by hiding my loot in many bases so they got nothing if they raided my main. Just thought I had. Great video!!!!!!
Dude I ran into someone on a weekly yesterday thats was doing exactly the same as this everytime I spawned or peaked anywhere I was insta dead
Cheers mate 🎉
I never understand cheaters. You buy cheats and buy an account. Then, ruin everyone gaming experience just to get banned. An just to repeat the cycle. Wtf is wrong with them?
This is why servers region ban.
from 9am to 1pm? thats kindergarden
Lets go another one!!!
EAC is so horrible, that not even funny.
always a good day when Tesla uploads
Admins reasoning is complete and utter BS..how is that a official rust server has problems proving cheating but servers owned by legit content creators such as blooprint and ser winter their admins have zero difficulties..not to mention the admins can look at their profiles and see previous bans for cheating..once a cheater always a cheater,..those admins that tell u that r either lazy AF or r intentionally allowing them to cheat..it’s not hard to spectate and see they’re cheating
Tesla should be the top rust YouTuber. Out here giving great story’s and great videos.
Isn’t that anarchy’s music ?
Whats the mouse spass @ 11:27?
U were not wrong saying taking cheating personal, i sensed your revenge orgasm from 10 miles away just by 25:57
Angry boy 🙂
Fun going against you Tesla
What’s the point in even playing rust. You spend hours building a great base just for it to be stolen from you in second by vermin. Loved your vids for years Tesla..nearly quarter of a mill subs yay!!
tesla why don’t you use skins for your doors. just wondering?
Bro stop play rustafied servers it’s full of cheaters
ohh nothing liike a tesla cheater video amazing
no, admins shouldnt need to be 100% sure if someoen is cheating.. this is isnt criminal court. If the admins are sure, but cant cant prove it, they should always ban… Im done with this stupid “need 100% evidence for ban” stuipid stuff…
Why on earth isnt everybody in a team with even one cheater banned? its like, wtf. If anyone gets banned for cheating, the whole tea should be perm banned from that server.. simple as that
Tesla you are a champ!!
Tesla you have been one of my favourite YouTubers by far this year…keep up the great content and you’ll be hitting a million subs easily
Battlemetrics is just stupid imo… Shoule be removed. Tesla you know you can hide yourself from it right?…
We need a base build video ! Another certified tesla classic
Varrt you cooking in there (love the vids)
youd think only admins can see battlematricks saves cheater finding your logins
You need to play on a server with better admins.
Wow the off-line is crazy , I don’t know how you and gaz do it staying up for nights at a time its crazy , I understand it’s content and it’s a job but it honestly seems like hard work , great vid btw another banger as always
One of the best rust youtubers of all time! Love your content tesla! your story telling & ability to only show the entertaining and important parts of your adventures is astonishing!
I myself have 8.000 hours in the game, but quit 1 year ago. You are one of the only ones I watch when it comes to rust content.
Keep doing what you are doing man 1mil is inevitable!
Also make sure you get some sleep in-between the wipes 😉
obsessed with your determination xD
m4 banneli of first milly crate is wildddd
If rust antycheat is like this why Taunted got banned like 6 times in 2 or 3 days
and im talking gamebanned VAC
people who remember head
Oh? Tesela!
me love tesla videoooo
au rust creators just make videos better
amazing video u should of been on rustifed au long tho soo many cheaters and ofliners someone walled of arctic and oflined everyone in that sane spot on arctiv and just so many cheaters lol good video tho keep it up
Perfect timing I got offlined and now I have the fuel and motivation to raid them back 😊
It’s honestly mindblowing how these cheaters isn’t caught the second they log into the server. I dunno, maybe i’ve just been watching too many vids from Camomo.. From a admin-perspective there should have been taken notes on this clan, then banned them all when they respawned fresh naked on the beach right?
Been waiting for this
I notice in a lot of rust videos people KNOW they are gonna get offlined when they log off and they still log off. I always just AFK. I dont have to kit up when i spawn battle metrics dont show it ect.
Dear Telsa, Land Mines. The cheaters might find them but their allies will hate it if you land mine their entire zone with sneaky mines.
Bro straight up became freaking batman
They really need to make battlemetrics not show if your logged into a game or not.
You are the reason why I shit on clans as a solo. This wipe I raided a 25 man solo 15 of em were closet cheating
😂😂😂 absolute legend. Cheaters win the battles, but Tesla always wins the war!
If I could like a million times I would! Love the vid keep it up!
I can’t express in words how thoroughly enjoyable it is to watch you absolutely destroy cheaters and offliners. Thank you.
whats the base design
imagine rust, but without cheating…
yo tesla as a ex cheater my self i can tell you that cheats have tc priv esp we can see who has auth on what tc
great job man show them the pain
You don’t need to preface your grubbery for us Tesla. We want you to play dirty with these scumbags. Lol.
Idk Whats Worse. Cheating or alliances 😂😂😂
Best way to end the new year! Cheers Tesla! Hope 2024 is fuelled by rage, revenge and 500k sub! ❤
What a fucking video gs lad
hi tesla. do you have skibity rizz?
based tesla
Insane vid
I hope Tesla’s girlfriend never cheats on him….
another banger
Please yell louder we’re drowning and n cheaters
love u tesla!
Amazing vid
Someone shld ban these ppl ASAP orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr get Snuffy, Stevie, AloneinTokyo and Gaz with u for some fun against them
rent free for 14 days
insane vid, but you might wanna learn to insta-wear gear from boxes or inventories
nearly at quarter of a million subs, damn
You’ve become my favorite rust tuber. I love this shitt
Wake up to a 1 hour Tesla vid life is good
It’s always Chinese or Russians cheating. They can’t do anything right in life.
Tesla back to his goober base roots for this one, I’m sure it will be definite grind fest
You’re videos give me hope. Simply the best content on YouTube (second to Gaz’s channel). The true grind you guys put in for marginal success, but success that tastes so sweet is the epitome of Rust in a small team. Thanks for your dedication, cheers
That i9 name was the name of an Intel CPU. Maybe they are trying to say they play like a bot.
I love this arc. Tesla turning dark lol
love the videos man keep this shit going i love how you fight clan as a small team that shows how bad these clans are
i9-13900k – the name of one of the cheaters is a good intel processor
tesla blessed us with another 1hr video! super exiced to watch it
ive been watching you for 4+ years and best video in awhile keep it up
you know it’s finna be a good day when tesla uploads🙏🏼🙏🏼
W video
You guys need a eu player in your squad
hey tesla love the vids keep up the good work
You should have put a bag it the raid base to see if they would use the same one and see if you could spawn in and take all the rockets slim chance but would be worth it
u always upload best vids keep going😊
Keep up this videos against cheaters
Cheating is so horrendous, atlas and vital are filled with cheaters, and atlas admins are worthless when it comes to banning blatant cheaters
I need to start putting silencers on my turrets in my base so raiders don’t know where it’s at XD
Thank you for the video! 🙃
is bros name his cpu??
typical tesra banger!
Love your videos
Keep up the good fight 🎉
Even if they weren’t using ESP per say, their cheats can turn off night time for them, so if they saw you once they could justify pre-shooting, even if ESP wasn’t used, making it harder for admins monitoring the situation to make a confident ban. (night time + night vision goggles + daytime cheat = not enough evidence) Regardless great video, keep up the good work, keep those cheaters at bay!
This au
ohhh its makes me soooo angry to see them loosers cheating like that…. WHERE all respect gone for actual skill in game, what is these fucking ” short cuts” they take. They spend more time in game than me and still cant be asked to learn it. TESLA I’m fighting them with you man!
and that is why ill never ever play official. Cause they cant stop cheaters that are so blatant and should be region lock banned. This is still the biggest reason why Rust will never become a bigger game then what it is
Happy newyear Everybody, nice vid BTW. keep it up!!
Seeing all these videos you make are amazing man keep it up
Just woke up and I see a Tesla vid I know it a good day
DJ and his team deserves a hardware ban
Studying them for next WEEKS? That’s a long con mate, tho might be only way to get those bastards
Always a good day when Tesla uploads
Best day when tesla uploads
man i love your videos, if you dont mind me asking whats the riff in the start of all your videos from/called?
The power of the fish will protect you 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Tesla doesn’t like getting cheated on, interesting
LETS GOOOO BABY ANOTHER BANGER IMMMMMMMM SOOOOO HYPED keep up the good work tesla love u soo much
Love to see the Tesla post, makes My Day❤️❤️
Notification Sqaud!!!
Noti gang 🤘
how old is the footage? still got the old upgrade anim
Amazing content dude a next on the list is a mil
I’m eating a steak at a restaurant watching this
What a great video to end off the year and to many more AMAZING VIDEOS ❤
love ur vids
Yk its gonna be a good day when tesla uploads
me and my friend get hype everytime you upload it makes us play a wipe everytime and slowly come to the realisation rust makes us hate everything. Then you upload again and the cycle repeats, thank you.
DJ is back!!! YAY!!!!
wake up babe, new Tesla vid just dropped
Thank you Tesla for dropping this. Now I have a 4 hour road trip and this is the perfect way to start it off.
always a good day when tesla uploads
LETS GO BABY NEW TESLA VIDEO!!! love a young tesla video lets goooooooo
Never a bad day when Tesla uploads!
Just watched gaz’s vid and now you upload… night could not be going better.
Fuck me dead you went goblin mode
wooo new vid!
Edit: ah so good. what a freaking chad.
A Tesla Tacularr Taunted wipe is what this game needs, and more Tesla uploads.
been watching you for like 2-3 years and i love when you upload so much man, still unapriciated for the goldmine of content that you upload
Tesla vs DJ is like Batman and Joker
almost at 250k
just subbed to help
love your content <3
anotha one
Was waiting for a tesla masterpiece keep it up love it ❤❤
sat 30th Dec 11:03 pm drinking alone and heard the notification ring and it’s tesla damn man made my night thank you so much man.
i love your videos so much keep up the great work tesla!!!
Cant wait to watch the new Tesla vid, somehow he releases an absolute banger everytime.
Love the videos
Please upload more your videos are so entertaining 😭
its such a great day when Tesla uploads 😊
havent watched yet but know its gon be fire
Man I am a big fan of your videos!!
love the videos daddy keep it up xxxx
Papa Tesla 🎉
Was scrolling and needing something to watch then get a notification for this! Ur a god
Happy new year Tesla! Glad that you uploaded!
The fact that I was just watching the older vids finished it and this pops up
The best rust YouTuber
First. Love you. Liked my own comment. GG I’m dead
Yes Tesla
W content love to see a new tesla video
First ezz