Hello, happy holidays and welcome back! Today I have a crazy tale for you all. A very normal adventure with a few simple predetermined tasks brought me and Gorliac to a 900 player server a couple of months ago. Our plans called for an intricate base design so we set our sights on a base location to construct this beautiful fortress. Little did we know how chaotic and clan-filled our area was. Our simple tasks turned into only one- SURVIVE… I hope you enjoy the video!
Gorliac’s YT Channel:
MY SERVERS (Stevious 2x [NA, EU & AU]):
Website (where to buy VIP):
Discord Link:
82 songs made the description too long, so I made a Google Doc with the song list!
Additional Music – Tom Fox:
Intro: (0:00)
Day 1: (0:02:47)
Day 1 (Pt. 2): (0:38:43)
Day 2: (1:14:02)
Day 3: (2:02:37)
Day 4: (2:31:02)
Connect with me on other platforms here!
Tweets by StevieDoesYT
Computer Specs:
AMD 7950x3D
64GB DDR5 RAM (6000 mhz)
ASUS Strix RGB Motherboard
Lian Li 011 Dynamic Mini Case (Snow edition)
1000W Power Supply
Logitech GPro Superlight Wireless Mouse
Corsair RGB Strafe Keyboard (Cherry MX Browns)
HyperX Cloud II Headset (Red)
2x Samunsung 27inch 240hz Curved Monitors
Corsair Full Desk Gaming Mousepad
Audio Technica 2020 USB+ Microphone
Neewer Default Cissor Arm
Logitech C922x Webcam
GT Omega PRO XL Gaming Chair (Red)
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
Taqs:rust,stevie rust,rust movie,rust storytelling,stevie,survival games,rust 2023,rust recoil update,rust revenge,rust pvp,rust online raid defense,a dance with death,rust story,rust fighting a clan,duo vs clan,rust online raid
コメント (1880)
IDK how that editing mistake at 2:41:52 slipped in there. SORRY 😭
i’m not nearly as experienced as pretty much most rust players but the Russian account at about 2:10:53….yeah if even my nooby ass was suspecting them the first time they killed you…earlier in the video…i’d say its a pretty good chance he’s cheating..the guys shots were….interesting….
“Louis Litt” “Mike Ross” has me so happy. STEVIE! I GUESS YOU COULD SAY YOUR ENEMIES “GOT LITT UP!”
happy holadas
i love you stevie you made my childhood and fueled many of my toxic rust youtuber jokes youre an amazing creator and every video from you is always a masterpiece
Loving the suits reference with the names “Louis Litt” & “Mike Ross”
Stevie, you are to rust as FrankieOnPCin1080p was to Dayz. Also, love the refrence in the names!
Dude! I’ve just watched 3h of that movie. I was like, 3h that’s hell a lot. And then when it came to an end, I was like please no, this was a masterpiece that I’ve actually not seen in a while and now I’m super hyped for part 2 which I never thought was possible to happen
Love it ❤
I enjoy the videos but I swear it feels like you’re always barking commands at your teammates
This vídeo so good
Watching this at 3:23am for me and I’m watching it all
you have to watch Friends from the start bro. Its really good. Love the videos man!
What’s the base design called?
imagine spending the whole night watching someone have a struggle wipe! Idk why but i just did loved it
edit: gonna watch number 2 100%
Bro these intros keep getting more 🔥🔥🔥
I want to finish this video so bad tonight, but I need to get up at 4:30am for work now. ugh… I have an old persons sleep schedule.
woow nice game guys i love it when gorliac playing and steviedoseyt amazing <3 lets gooooooooooooooooooo
Giga smashed it
Oh so perfect honestly bro
Lol this guy plays way too ratty & scary, i mean good content but GOOOOOOO!
What now i got to wait for more i been sitting on edge of my seat to many times to wait for the end
Awesome vid so far, but I genuinely loved the dancing players/node farming montage that one vid and hope they come back!
This was the very first video of yours I’ve ever watched, and you got a sub out of me.
Bro you put more hours of play into one video than I have in total on rust 😂
Heisenberg my in-game name awesome
Y’all used names from my favorite show suits that’s crazy 😂
Can we get a base build plss it looks so good?
Brooo I fucking loved it I’m hype for pt2 🔥🔥🔥
bro ones I saw gorliac was featured i was jumping out of my seat
Nah, the raid defense 100% counts. Just bc they were unorganized and someone started rocketing before they got their raid base built doesn’t mean it wasn’t a defense.
That by far was one of the most exciting rust videos I have ever seen. You are an absolutely fantastic story teller. I have watched your videos for a while man. I have loved every single one of them. Keep up the fantastic videos man.
Why you say it’s a 900 pop server and in 1:59:00 it says it’s a 200 pop? no hate just asking
Bro yaps a lot
Love the names lol😂
When’s part 2?
How just how is this just a plot building episode. Crazy can’t wait
rust players are so greedy lmao instead of securing the wins they stay and die
louis litt and mike ross 10/10
Dream collab
I sense willy j joining in part 2
Gorliac is crazy good 👍
Stevie for real please dont take 3-4 months to put the second part out…
your a goat🔥
Stevie classic <3. love it!!!
If only you had 1 hv when your starter got raided they where all so close😂
I cannot wait for part 2 – I was thinking how the story would be able to finish within 15 minutes of the video :O LETS GOOO
Love watching both of your Guys Content, so this collab just changed everything. THANKS FOR MAKING IT HAPPEN TO BOTH OF YOU🎉
i love the suits reference with the names lmaooo
What was the secret message?
O I can’t wait for part 2 need to be soon took me 3 days to watch this video ❤❤❤❤
I don’t understand how a creator like Stevie isn’t in contact with server admins to even try and semi script a ban to work in his favor. I mean it’s not totally ethical but for content I’d personally let it slide if they’re hacking.
Me watching: mmmm
Stevie: This is a part 1/2
I like the SUITS reference 😭
I don’t play the game but I like your videos👍
“You Can Say Your Favorite YouTuber 1v25 Before”
*AloneInTokyo Has Entered The Chat*
Love that when you looked at your team it said Louis Litt like from suit because I just finished watching all 8 seasons on Netflix and Louis was no doubt that funniest person on it ❤
I thought blueprints 3 hour video was nuts. But this being just part 1? This is yet another level of nuts.
mry xmas
you know what would be dope, is if stevie and all his friends do a zerg together and just dominate a whole wipe
Can someone send me the link to Stevie’s base design
No fucking way i died as soon as i seen your names … 😂 😂😂😂
Post more Stevie love the content bro🎉🎉🎉
OMG, what are the odds. So much things happened on that server
Bro how on the first day it’s max 900 pop and couple hours later it’s max 200 pop then on the third day it’s max 700 pop that makes no sense either the people who made the server changed it than this vid is definitely staged
Stevie, hearing this is a 1 part out of 2 is EXACTLY what I wanna hear, LESGO
I love mr.white 😂
almost never get notifications from your uploads anymore. Love the video though!
Was that the real spoonkid? I love that man
Dam. Another 3 months for the next video
Guess on how long for pt 2? No hate, editing takes forever. Just want a consensus.
1h and 10min in that one line is all my 300 hours on rust console
Bro i am the most unlucky fisher ever 21 trout = 3 small sharks line snaped 4 times the rest turned into crappy fish
Unreal gorliac is him
just realized their rust names are characters from the series Suit 😂😂💀💀💀
great content love it
white out does not rlly make you invisible. i see white out the same as any other. Some people just blind lol even forest raider in a bush i see you clear as day but some people cant for some reason.
The name of base design please?
This might be a completely wrong guess but if he adds Willjum to the team for the raid it would be awesome
Anyone else upset they didn’t use the grenades at 59:51
Im a simple guy, i see stevie vid on my recommendation i click, i watch, i liked.
Anudda day anudda dub from Stevie
Stevie the inside door was not locked in fact it did not have a lock. I would have missed it to in that raid defense.
stevie you watch suits?
Ya 30mins in you stevie says we played it so perfect, bro you died to your own greed when you didn’t leave after you wiped them and you even heard them spawn
20:38 I’m like 80% sure that here you hit the bow guy, and the bow guy headshot Gorliac.
ether you take way to much coffe or take 2h making it or you are just unlucky. Its like the 4th time this year you get raided or something happens when you make your coffe
Yeah i am sorry man. R2 is the biggest pasdsies in teh game hahnbahha. I played like 8 deep on rustoria eu long last force and R2 ofcourse was playing aswell. 36 deep on wipe day and we got raided by them twice. First one they just came with 20 people and like 8 rocketrs and we had 0 chance to do shit. The second time we got raided by another group that we defended then R2 came and took thier rockets and came with 3 different scrapies and raided from 2 different ways hahaha. They only raided smal groups aswell and no bigger raid’
The intro with the coin gets me EVERYTIME!!!
1:48:58 I love how gp’s base is in r2 lmao & @Stevie where’s the pancake layer?
Took a few days to watch this due to Christmas but what a video
whats that base design called?
I can not recommend this video enough a amazing video from a amazing creator ❤
your guys names are from suits right ????
Not the suits reference with the names ‘Mike Ross’ and ‘Louis Litt’. I love it!
No way you play with gorliac I love his videos now he fina get more fame
who else dident skip anything of the video?
What video do I rewatch for now?
I I I I I I keep on hopin we’ll eat cake by the ocean ooooooh aha I I I I I I keep on hopin we’ll eat cake by the ocean
“not something you want to hear” *right after he says exactly what I wanted to hear*
Was hoping Harvey Specter would drop by
I see you’ve been watching Suits my friend. much culture very yes. This server is about to get LITT UP
This is why i love rust movies! They are so in depth most of the time and fill me with excitement
Bruh, 3 hour part 1!! 🤯
I can’t wait for part 2😭
Very excited for pt 2, i feel like you’re the Scorsese of rust videos lol
Dude make 3 hours rust video and will be having a part 2 is jaw breaking. Im so exited❤❤❤
if you’re going duo you could’ve atleast went with the name Harvey Spectre smh😮
Love the random Willjum pop up 😂😂
Awesome vid Stevie we need a base build tutorial asap!!!
love you stevie your the best been watching since 20k i alwayse forget to comment on your vids but i love you bro
I love your videos Stevie, and always loom forward to your uploads, hearing your intro of “My name’s Stevie, sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie” is just so good. Keep making the amazing movies, I’ll watch every single one.
Please don’t passively whine to your teammate anytime something bad happens it’s so irritating. I want to be a fan so bad
The funny thing is he had full access to that raid base the door didt even have a lock on it😭
Omg wheres part 2 ive been waiting😂😂
@Stevie hey brother Ik it takes a while to edit videos but I would love to see more frequently content. Love the vids bruh🤍
“salmon EASY”
his accent is nice
Gorliac is a fkin legend
Idk what it is about this video, but it’s got my GPU working wayyy too hard.
Wow 5 days xD
I just watched 3 hours of rust and there will be a part 2 😂
eeeewwwww definitely done watching this i choked down an hour and i cant anymore with that last move dropping down and they already broke through the floor and you just hand them your last kit your fucking dog shit brother yikes
Iwas at home with my family, without a PC for three days! I totally missed this movie! Thank you for this gift, Santa Claus! It was the best gift this year <3 Thanks, Stevie
i think that the secret he was talking abt was when he ran into wiljum he said that there will be more abt him later and there was nothing in part 1 abt it
40:46 ayoo bro had the hand moves
I suck at this game
i still love you tho brother the videos you made 4 5 years back captivated my mind brother and i owe you a debt for that but god damn step your pvp game up jesus
god i used to love watching stevie this is the first video ive watched of his in like years and brother im not gunna lie you are straight dog shit at this game wtf how are you this bad i dont remember you being this garbage at the game and i revere you as a legend in this game thats so weird how bad you are straight bot
I am so ready for part 2… Please don’t make us have to wait a month 🤣
Stevie sniff my gyatt
Intros don’t hit the same😢
idk how this dude makes rust look so good, ive played for 3k hours and this makes it look 100x better wow insane
After Wijim x Stevie duo, second best due Stevie x Gorliac
I need to see stevie with the cargo clutches again
2:53:47 door has no lock 🙂
best movie everrrrrrrrrrrrr
Suits suits suits I love that show ❤️❤️ great video Stevie!!!!!
Liking the “Suits” character names.
i hope this will give gorliac the attention he deserves. been watching him for a few years and he makes awesome content
What a video, sounds like Gorliac was just happy to play the game with you, W wipe.
Stevie like their is a part 2 but u gotta wait a year to see it
over 3 hrs and it never felt boring or dragged, credit to your editing and to the superb gameplay between you and Gorliac who is a legend on his own. His solo wipes are just insane. Well done to the two of you and to Gorliac for not making the same video.
There should be a 4man limit. Zergs ruin the game.
30:45 is crazy
Broooo. It was crazy at the end when you said about the second part! Fire!
Thought I’d point out those 2 names at the end (the trio) are the same name. You can see the symbol in game but not in the death screen
is prime stevie back prob one of his best videos the editing and everything was so good up to you catching us up and shit keep on the work i have been wartching u since 100k love u sm
Jesus, full movie with credits
I’m going to forget this whole story line by the time the part 2 releases.
Movie of the year
some of the best content by you in a while thanks mate
Teamup with a friend that was already on the server to raid NW in part 2? cant wait for it haha
MY GAWD i love the cinematics of your videos. You jumping into the base at 2:53:40 made me go hellllll yeahhhhhhh lol
Bro the 3 hour part 1 goes so hard.
I love the Suits names 😂 Great show
I want this base design with shell compound
Louis Litt is freaking hilarious 😅
fun fact ur on average about 7 hrs behind central Europe if you gotta do any time math just do 7 hours ahead of ur time for a rough time
You need to do a base video and love the vid
ong the suits names go crazy
1:17:54 this is why Rust isnt competitive 🤣 best netcode
facepunch multi billion dollar company makes game called rust, has an anticheat (that doesnt work ) poor stevie hasto call on an admin to ban the multiple cheaters. so whats the point of the anticheat in the game if its not being updated, not banning anyone, and just a protection form of malware. it just ads bloat for no good reason. please update anticheat battleeye… steevie if you see this thank you for making another godly master piece 😊 keep em coming ❤ merry christmas 🎉
Few wipes ago me and my boys got raided by R2 40vs6 lol another great video stevie ❤
idk why this didnt pop up for me but im watching it now!
I love gorliac man he is sooo nice❤❤❤
Mum wake up stevie posted!
Im a lil late but MERRY CHRISTMAS STEVIE!!! 🎄🎁🎉🍾
the fact your names ingame are from Suits i love that!
Respect for the names, Mike Ross and Louis Litt, great video, 3 hours long and i watched every second of it
Great video❤
2 seconds in and flshbanged already
Anybody know what’s the song name for 1:08:47 ?
bluddddd i dont wanna wait
Damb ur a brick
Again, great video Stevie 🙌🏽. I still would love to see his rocket shot on the raiders, from above. That one in the raid base.
Harvey Spector is king lmao
@30:41 you was kinda being greedy
Anybody know this base design??🥵
His he alright at the very beginning?😅😂
Anyone else not notice that the raid base Casper made had a door with no lock????
Dude that one hr mark insane 😂
Hooked 10 seconds in..
@StevieDoesYT next time you play in a Russian server and you want to get online raided quick.. make your metal walls all blue and yellow xD
who else does these movie type videos?
base tutorial!!
I remember watching Deception years ago it’s really cool to see how far you’ve come keep up the amazing work Stevie and Merry Christmas
Anyone know the song at 1:27:20?
its a banger, kids get your head phones and popcorn cause its a stevie special
“Louis Litt”
“Mike Ross”
Someone was a fan of Suits. XD
u made my day
Holy fuck I love gorliac
please take advantage of my body stevie😫
Look, Im terrible because I watch the first minute then skip forward till you have your first base. So I’m chillin and the I hear GORLIACS voice!!!! This made my week!! He’s been my favorite and I can honestly say I was one of his VERY FIRST SUBS!!(5k) I love this. I had to go back from the beginning when I heard his voice
I just wanna say man, I’m going through divorce with kids and another on the way while being stationed away from home in the military. I’m going through the hardest time of my life and your videos are like an escape and keep my mind off of it all. With a thousand words all I can say is thank you.
Bro y’all gotta start liking these videos 500k views but only 15 k likes is crazy
After 3 hours to be told it’s a part 1 kinda pisses me off. It was 3 hours we deserve an end after 3 hours. I feel tricked and as much ass I usually look forward to Stevie. I don’t think I will watch part 2. Please stop being greedy and exploiting how views and likes impact the channel. Not delivering to force your viewers to watch prolly another 3 hours. It’s the same as the whole second channel thing. Just stop being greedy and produce quality content without the teasers and manipulation.
how about watching it ON christmas
Base plissss
Base name?
Ah Stevie’s a man of culture with his name. I hope his gameplay is as good as Louis’s abilities as a lawyer.
Christmas present from stevie
BRO I absolutly loved this one and did not get bored on sec as i userly do on 3 hour long videos. and when it comes to part 2. i dont care if its 5 hours i have never been so hyped for a vid cant wait love from Norway and marry christmas to you and your famely+ happy new year since its not soo faar away.
3 hours
I dont have time for this but I want to watch it lol
this gonna take a few days
love you @gorliac
Please tell me your going to play more wipes with him 😭
earned yourself another sub, now im gonna go binge watch all your latest vids XD, enjoyed it alot
Loved the video man keep up the amazing work and Merry Christmas
What is the song playing at 1:10:40? Its SOOO GOOD
Edit: I figured it out. Beat Mama’s Tune – Ingrid Witt <3 <3
Anyone know what their main base is called?
The name “Mike Ross” first thought’s hes watching on netflix series “Suits”
gimme gimme 🙂
The suits reference in the names XD
Merry Christmas n thx for being my fave youtuber
Bro really made a 3 hour video and made a part 2
Trust me my girlfriend hated me watching this 3 hour long video in the big tv hahahha
That second raid defense totally was a raid completion AND a defense. 2 points
i would love to know how to build this base, any base tutorials out yet?
Murrry CRIMMMASSS Yalllll
Jokes on you Stevie I’m watching this on Christmas so merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas
oh gosh, stay tuned. Part 2 in 9 months!
jk ; ) Merry Christmas to you and yours Stevie !
love the suits reference with the in game names
bro has never watched friends??? wtf
Watching with my chrismas dinner lol, Merry Chrismas everyone!
Merry Christ Ben and Kevin and Llama! Thabks for the great videos all year long. Have a merry one
3 Hour vid for a part 1 But god damn id watch it 1000 times so ready for part 2
another master peice movie from stevie.🙌
Merry Christmas too (;
Merry Christmas 🙂
Man I love this guy he destroys clans he is the solo king
omg how dare you pull an avengers end game….. WHERES PART 2! =]
Watching on Christmas. Bet ya didn’t think about that
Love the Suits reference great show
cant even explain how hype I get when i see a stevie post!!!! love you dawg🤝
Best teamname’s ever 👌🏼🤣
I knew you would make part 2 when u ran into willjum and said more later and you havent done anything
I always watch gorliac as soon as I see the notification and now my favorite long video rust YouTuber and my favorite rust YouTuber duo omg
I was planning on watching this today, but no blooprint rock skin? unsubbed!
For real though, I’m so hyped to watch this in one sitting when I get the chance!
3 hours seen all thank you <3
The cheater ban was corny … loot should’ve been rolled back on the cheaters end and nobody end up with it
Finally!!!!! ❤🎉
3 fucking hour, you really want all my free times huh
This is going to be epic! So glad to see gorliac out here! Probably my fave rust YouTuber
crazy how russians are still allowed/able to do ”western” things (which they seem to criticize so much) like gaming and playing rust. Steam should permaban all russian connections. SLAVA UKRAINA
watching on christmas🫵
Epic story. Can’t wait to see part 2
Bingers can’t wait for part 2 ( took me 3 days to watch this video😂)
another great video made by the man him self or should I say another great movie 😉
Nice video. I’m happy to see you play with Gorliac.
Gorliac! Geeeb.
WTF this is a part 1 😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 waiting on part two 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I don’t comment until I’ve watched the entire video
Finally Gorliac gets some exposure he deserves, definitely my favourite rust chad. Great combo
Merry christmas Stevie cheers to 2024 just around the corner!
merry christmas guys https://www.youtube.com/shorts/F50l1SqOvi8
I really hope the adminis can say No to streamers/YT saying ppl are cheating, doing their own investigations and don’t just banning because they say “cheeeating”
No way!! i just hear the voice of Gorliac at 5:23 and so hype for this video 😛
1:53:21 have someone noticed that bug when stevie shot 1 bullet from the mag he was reloading ? (he shot 2 bullets but only 1 came from the new mag)
Omg i was like stevie didnt upload in a while and just saw it
Can anyone tell me the song at 1:08:45 ?
W brother keep the good work ❤
OMG?? I love your guys rust names, suits 🔛🔝
how can you play that well with 90 ping, holy…
1:00:00 i wanted a nade multi kill so fuckin bad
I laughed my ass off when he messaged Willjum to see if he killed him.
mom look, a new stevie movie part dropped !!!
Merry Christmas to you too Stevie. Ty for the Upload.
I’m watching this at 5 am Christmas day soooo merry Christmas!
this shit has me on my toes, incredible movie man! jeez
IT CHRISTMAS MERRYYY CHRISTMAS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAd5sXdpiZE
Gorliac is easily one of the most unique and dedicated creator out there. This man is NOT sleeping if there is a 6 man outside waiting 07:30 am
Let’s go 🔥🔥🔥
I just got a pc
Watching this on the night of Christmas so merry Christmas and happy holidays to you to bro
Watching this on Christmas <33
merry christmas
Anyone els watching this on cristmiss eve
Part 1/2 is crazy, gonna be another 2 months
Nah im watching this at 2:54 am in 12/25/23
Decided to start this on Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
That was so good Stevie wow ur so good at these rust movies u definitely make a 3 hr video interesting all the way through great job and can’t wait for the second part
Team louis litt
I love 2-3 part videos, especially from you
i love your video so msh ….,,,,,
Why tf am I not getting these notifications!!!!!!!! YouTube is tripping… 2 videos in a row… oh well I’ll take it as my actual Christmas gift! 🎄 Merry Christmas everyone!
Bro! Two of my favorites playing together! So happy to see Gloriac out here doing this! Heck yeah!
The music in day 2 gives of this magical feeling
I check his youtube almost every day i woke up on Christmas day to this master peice keep it up stevie your amazing
I love the names that yall choose for this rust wipe, the show that you took the names from is fantastic ❤
Im watching this an hour before i open presents
Merry christmas to me. A nice long video.
kinda angry that u named urself Louis and not harvey
stevie if part to take 1 year i will do things to u that cant be said in youtoub comments
Fernando Alonso?
how the hell did you forget to loot the first guy bro? your actually trolling so hard there
Louis Litt mention?!?!?!
It’s starts at 3:28 everyone.
3 hours of context 🤣
Love the Suits reference with the names!
When I saw this base style, I was like I have seen this base like up close, then I realised, it was the base design my friend had done on the past few wipes but on a bigger scale for 4 man.
clans ruined rust
i dont have anything creative to say, but i wanna boost the algorithm, so im just gonna comment this lol
sir u decided to duo with @gorliac and really thought things would be simple? you must not know who tf he is lmao. That man is the definition of a menace to society and will always generate content
i love the fact that i am watching this on christmas and he wished me a merry christmas
After doorcamping them,. why didn’t you chug in the full medkit? You could have survived instead of bandaging yourself, you had so much stuff and people behind u yet not use the full med kit
Saved this for christmas eve viewing.
Sitting here on the porch whiskey,dabs,and soke stevie no better way to spend the night
I got to thank Santa for this amazing gift a rust movie made by Stevie, watched every second glued to my screen, just wish I had their skills, hence I play on PVE servers I die too much on PVP with my disabilties.
Happy Christmas everybody
Wow, had to take few days to watch the first entirely but it was epic sir! Thank you very much and hope you have a merry Christmas 🙂
posted a banger on my birthday🙏
I am 5 minutes into the movie and already like the editing style + music sync.
Watching this on Christmas Eve so hype LETS GO
Louis Litt is crazy😭
Love this collab, Stevie got me into watching rust content in the first place & Gorliac is easily my fav solo on yt. Gorliac, gremlin king in my mind. Ya love to see a 3 hour vid w gorliac
His sayings geek me out too, kills a loaded guy** “gimme gimme, we need it” 💀 type shit just cracks me up w his accent
#christmas eve
Merry Christmas! Thank you.
I love the suits reference
I know that you probably won’t look at this but I have been watching you for 3 years and you have been so inspiring to me you have change the way I look at life and stuff from all your vids you are my fav rust content creator and I would really love to be able to talk to you and know some stuff about your next videos
Best Stevie video to date
just a little prequel story of 3 hour. Stevie delivers
Gorliac WTF!!!!!!!!!
Gimme gimmeeee ahhahaha
When you ran into Willjum (having only recently learned about you from your collabs with him in the first place), I couldn’t help but think how familiar that particular encounter felt. Then I realized I’d already watched his videos from this wipe. I think this is the first time I’ve gotten to watch two completely separate perspectives on the same wipe in Rust, and it’s been pretty awesome. I look forward to part 2 and seeing how everything wrapped up for you and Gorliac. :3
Does anyone know what music Stevie used? In the 1 hour frame
Letsss gooooo
no one: stevie after killing a naked with a rock : KILLED ONE FLANKING 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
nah that was a successful raid defense. stopping it as it was starting just means you did the best job possible at defending. I would give it a full point.
Great job Stevie! Really nice to see Gorliac too!
I love the cliffhanger hell of a video and a creator you are Stevie love when you duo with amazing people and make a banger out of it !! I just don’t want to wait a month for pt2😞
3 hours now, this is what i like ❤
(Edit: Can you please make the video on the base you made this wipe? Please, thanks upload on the 2nd channel, maybe if you don’t want it on your main 😊)
GIb part 2 please.
cant wait for part 2
Best rust content to date. Can’t wait for part 2
I was sad it was almost over and then bam I hear “This is part 1 of 2” so excited to watch part 2 Gorliac is a GOAT for catching all the raid defense in time and also holding it down with m2 great movie man keep up the great work
ah man i could have helped and be harvey specter
omg stevie and gorliac this shit crasyyy😮
Wowwww. Stevie keeps playing with all the rust guys I follow. Never thought you’d play with Gor. Thank you. I kinda missed it early but man it’s like my Christmas present. Ty. Merry Christmas 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Cant wait to see this
Lovely combo
Stevie you make good content and all but i think everyone should go watch shots he is a daily rust youtuber and he is very underated
Part 2 featuring Willy J?
A 3 hour part one is crazy 😅 can’t wait for part 2
Took me so long to finish 😂
Ain’t no way Stevie chose to shoot “the brown one” at 2:21:14 lol
ANyone know song at 1:09:03 ? i cant find it on his song list
I love the suits name the show was great
This is a certified Stevie classic
Yoooo let’s go Stevie!!!
can you make a tutorial of the base please it’s so fire
Joins DragonsBreath 3x under the community servers. It’s fire🔥
Can i get a base guide video link i wanna build that base
Watched this whole video epic ty Stevie
1:47 and i allready know this man is a professional story teller
Every time stevie starts scheming, i think his inner skaven comes out lol. “We must scheme-scheme to steal loot-loot from weird man-things!”
bro no way that my 3 favorite youtubers were all kind of in a video with the willy J thing dude sick video
omg hurry up 2/2!!!!!! i need it
If you know, you know
bruh,stevie has fallen,making shit videos and noob gameplay….how far,he has fallen
Bro, when you got raided the first time I was screaming at my screen for you to use the vending machine😭
1:08:45 – 1:11:50 someone know the name of the song ?
Why all the mumbo jumbo about raid targets…. WillJum perfect.
I’m sure he wouldnt mind, you are friends after all
Stevie got me so excited I started kicking my feet (I’m in the military and you’re paying me w your taxes to watch a Stevie movie at 2 am)
This random group sitting here battling it out with two YouTubers and don’t even know they were on tv the whole time lol
the suits nicks are just Litt!
What is this base design?
After watching gorliac for the longest, ive knew he had potential to go big and collab with someone like you. So proud of gorliac 🎉🎉
Damn 2 small groups of friends right next to each other
Merry Christmas mudder duckers!!!!!
1:42:05 ya its almost never used and preciated and yet its so overpowered, one solo with 4 of those can do SO MUCH damage even to a 5 man group 😀
You just make life good man
3 hours!! A true christmas present, Thanks Stevie!
Happy Christmas to you too!! 🎉😊
I am now jealous of those we get bing 1 and 2😢😂 but can’t wait for the next one amazing vid as always.
Just realized almost 2 hours in you guys got the breaking bad names that’s elite 😭
this first part was so damn good to watch.
I swear the airlock (lock) on the raid base wasn’t there No code or lock on the door
Gorliac!!! Love the dude. He’s a legend right up there with AloneinTokyo
Gorliac is the goat
I knew I had to click on this one title went way too hard plus W old art style
The way this connects with @Willjum is crazy 🤣
mike ross and louis litt haha suits best show
I’m watching it on chismis
pre christmas gang
never in my life tounched rust and still been watching you for years, ty for the upload
Man I don’t even play rust but I still enjoy watching each minute of your vids ❤
Hi Stevie if u are seeing this I just wanna say keep up the work u inspire me to be a YouTuber and good at rust but I’m not good at either of them I was wondering if u wanna play sometime it will be a dream
Finally gorliac is in a video ive kept saying on each and every single one of his videos he needs to keep his jovial attitude hes like santaclause of rust… and gimmi gimmi gimmi !!!!
Gorliac deserves this so much. I have been rooting for this man for a long time now. He is a fantastic player and a great content creator aswell. Love to see you both in a video together. Much love.
Base design ???
The grind to rebuild after the initial raid is 👏🏼. Awesome vid man.
Gotta love the reference in his name. Suits was a great series.
1 of 2 zzz
😮 to seeing the video length
Bro your next video will to take so long that I’ll be apart of the elderly crew by the time you post the next video 😂
The music at the end of day 1 pt2 is BANGER WTF HOW IS IT SO GOOD
damn u did it again stevie. nice one for the context to part 2 but i hate to wait and i love to wait u know
2:26:37 is foreshadowing? i will edit if i’m wrong
What’s the base design
Snowmobile carrying
Gorliac is a top tier player/content creator. So awesome to see you both unexpectedly duo, amazing
Part 2 boutta be crazy ❤❤❤!!!
Still will never know why your so good at these movie things
what a banger, had to watch in 2 seperate attemps xD these videos are just unreal and glad Gorliac is getting some reconisation for the legend he is! please more like this Stevie
Does anyone know if willjum released his pov of this wipe?
So proud of u Fooster n I know ur pops is super proud. This vid brought a tear to my eye. But so glad u got thru all the unknowns with ur tummy. Congrats on the milli n thank you for the laughs, new games n roasting Fisk 😂😜. Luv ya dude!
Thank you so much for this video, I absolutely LOVE the Rust Movies that are full of story and content. This singular movie (WHICH IS ONLY THE FIRST OF TWO) broke the mold. I cant wait for the second half.
A 3 hour long vid from Stevie. Best Christmas present you could ever ask for. 🎉🧡 love the vid man always a blast to watch 🙌
such a good video holyyy
That was incredible!
You’re name should’ve been Harvey specter instead
YES! I always hope youtubers will run into one another and had always wondered if they would know it was someone they knew. I got my christmas present early (2:05:15)
this is giving me a flasback to vendetta god thats my fav series and story line of all your vids, we’ll see if part two tops that. I hope it does, good shit stevie amazing content as per usual
What happened at 2:41:53, maybe just an editing oversight, still a great video just thought it was funny
3 hrs Damm
Nothing beats a Stevie rust movie
Funny name to choose from suits
why u pick louis
Video editing 💯
Been watching for gorliac for awhile, glad he is getting seen and getting the respect he deserves
my favorite so far! post p2 soon!!
Christmas came early this year boys 😤💯
Stevie we miss the stick figure art for plans, its part of your channel forever. Gave vids so much depth for no reason just made it more interesting
Stevie u really are just keeping me alive with these videos
Love the in game names from show suits 😂
Christmas came early fr!
yo stevie you watch suits bruh? louis litt
Nice Video
Whats with admin, protecting cheater’s loot?
(admin) Camomo always destroy cheater’s base hmm….
merry christmas it’s christmas eve rn I LOVE YOU STEVIE
Bro just edged us all
It’s always an epic day when Stevie drops the heat
Is there a building tutorial for your base?
Mike Ross, this guy watchin Suits?
Merry Christmas to everyone who watch this video
The suits names honestly is the coolest thing
Awesome video again Stevie!! Just got done watching, been busy. Trying to find your embedded message about the Part II is quite the challenge.. though I don’t think I’ll be able to find it. I feel like I’m on the edge of it, but probably not. Regardless, keep up the amazing work, I’m excited for the next one, and Merry Christmas!!
The dance with death ultimately resulted in death being outmaneuvered
30:25 I’m actually mad you told him to come back and loot
I’m watching it at 12:01 on Christmas Eve
1:01:04 WOW
YO WTF STEVIE! 3 hours for a part 1 DUDE!
😂😂I think you beat blooprints 4 hr video saying “this 3 hour video is only part 1 of 2” good job stevie can’t wait for next 1 😂😂
43:35, can the roof be speared through the small gaps in the window that the vending machine doesn’t cover?
Nah I thought 100% since this was 3 hours this was the full movie lol. Can’t wait for part 2
Stevie watches suits what🎉
2:11:48 RIP R2 🙁
stevie making lord of the rings, rust edition over here.
“Two of them got pushed in theeeeeeee” 🤣
easily the best duo video you’ve ever had.
Oh my god Willy j is getting raided
rip r2 😈
Who da best?
3:50 England rn can’t sleep but now I got a Stevie special it’s Christmas Eve w merry Christmas everyone
haha a part 2! you’re wild. can we get some schizo thumbnail easter eggs like before? I kept checking the thumbnail for hints haha
Love your electrical edits. So fun to watch
Love the Louis Litt name
your names 😆`Mike Ross `Louis LItt` i get the reference
Burger is my only comment, also i got my friend rust and he likes it so i joined a low pop, noob friendly server and while i was waiting for him to join i made a friend, got gear, and helped out a guy who just installed, then got offlined, both of us did. Also, one last thing: thank you for making videos because theyre a great pass time and i cant run rust above 15fps with all settings at the lowest so keep it up and Merry Christmas, And happy holidays to all
Stevie’s videos are so fuxking good. Thanks man
holy 3 hours noice!
3 h?????
those guys at the end got spit on and disrespected. lmao good job guys i was actually getting annoyed of watching ur video because was nothing but a cheater and a clan of morons, but you guys just disrespected their last names. good stuff gorliac your the goat! MVP!!
Im sooooo happy that gorliac is going big, as i remember like it was yesterday that he was at 5k 🎉
Love the name references to suites. Missing harvey
Amazing Movie. Always enjoy watching these!!!!
Only Stevie can make a 3 hour video, and make it part 1… I love this man
28:03 I don’t get you YouTubers on rust ” they’re going to door camp is like hell ” But it was yell they farmed while door camping them to go deep It’s not just you and to be fair you say it the least of em But blueprint and all those other guys resort to door camping from time to time but then if it happens to them once , God forbid that player is the biggest scumbag of all time Just very hypocritical But again I know you do it the least out of the few I’ve watched over the years but I can’t stand when it’s said If you don’t want door campers make bars , windows , multiple exits , 2nd story exits Plenty ways to avoid em
34:00 missed some scrap 🤒
Should mix up the flank base skins n shapes
i have around 50 hours into rust now but play like someone with 1500 hours thanks to your videos keep it up brotha
God i love your videos and they bring me so much joy but at the end when he was in airlock with the rockets i was screaming theres no lock on the door. Besides that w video like always
17:22, Such a Clean Move
Nice raid defence they were all dogshit and soo lost they built a 2×2 raid base out of stone whit only bags whit keylocks and one of the doors was whit no lock Wtf cant even call that a raid defence
Everyone got Litt up
Can’t believe I just watched a 3 hr video to get left with a cliff hanger. Dammit Stevie. Hurry up with part 2 please.
I thought the design was a bunker 😢
I love the suits names! I binged that whole show recently it was amazing
Love the names being from the show suits
“Gimme gimme” i take 🤷
Boring af
You know it’s a good video when bro didn’t even intend it to be a 3 hour video xD
Whats the base design?
Watching names like beetle juice if you know you know😢
but fr when is part 2 comming thoo this video was banger!!!!
Gonna be binge watching the gorliac vids now!
I laughed so hard at the willyJ bit😂
Do you have the base design linked in any way? wanna try it out if posible
Kind of crazy how easily people that put off building an actual base suddenly manage to throw one up once they finally stop being lazy about it. Perhaps if they’d prioritize a more reasonable base early instead of trying to outplay 10 man groups with nail guns on day one they wouldn’t get stomped out so early. Lol
Insane quality if you show this to someone that doesn’t play rust they’d be hooked af
No merry Christmas for the people that are watching it before the Christmas only for the people that are watching it after and who cares I love you either way. Hope you have a good Christmas as well brewski.
y woulnt you name yourself Harvey Specter over louis litt
stevie casually posting a 3 hr video of part 1, like bro, i love u!
Who’s the man? Gorliac!
Watch ur stashed already 😂
guys wake up stevie just posted
Love the video once again bro. But no way i just watch 3 hours to find out its a 2 part video? I dont like that man. Just want to give my honest opinion.
Anyway love your content brother❤
i really liket the video could you maybe give us a base tutorial
Im back after few years, again watching your videos Stevie 😁
im pretty sure at 31:30 when you said you headshot him, he got shot by the bow, that was fairly obvious, and also thats not how ping works, you still have to shoot someone to hit them, if hes not in your crosshair and you shoot, hes not gonna get hit by it unless hes actually in your crosshair 😀
it’s not christmas yet but merry christmas
Gorliac sounds like snuffys older brother lol
The thumbnail says ”check the intro”. Anyone have the leak?
Please tell me your gonna merge raid with willy j
I would count that as a online they shot rockets and had first floor of raid base thats enough
Hype hype hype
I’ve watched hundreds of hours of rust over the past 5 years but have never touched the game. That is until this week! I played my first full wipe this week and actually had a blast. It was very WillyJ style and I actually did the same fishing method they used in this video! Hilarious coincidence, but creators like you were a huge influence in my experience!
2200 scrap. 5 seconds gambling
Boring as hell. Gorialac tens time more enjoyable. Stevie has become boring. Same video every time. Same story, same everything. Willjum, hjune, gorilac, frost, etc still knocking it out of the park.
2:10:00 when he killed you 1st time i already know he is cheating😂😂
Much love Stevie see you in your next video.
3 hr video???? I thought bro hit a new millestone or something but instead we just got an early christmas gift 😂
Lettts goo another movie back to back. Stevie your killing it love all the videos even 2ed channel is amazing man. I was playing rust when I got your notification on this video/movie I asked my step brother how long is the video/movie, he goes to tell me it’s a 3 hour movie. I ran home with everything and got off to watch you play. Just finished it a few days later but just amazing you can play on different and still perform the way you do if you where in yours
this video was top 3 of the best rust movies I’ve seen like holy shit good job Stevie I also saw the video of Wiljum and oil rats playing and was lmao when yawl fought in L site
bro am i the only one waiting for the willjum team up im hooked!!!!
59:48 imagine if you had a f1 nade holy
3 hours long. I feel blessed today!
Finally let’s g[ooooooooooooooooo
Stevie your content is so fun and awesome to watch, i dont even play this game or really like it at all, but i sure do enjoy watching your stories in it
Stevie: “900 pop server”
Me with two brain cells: *312/400*
what’s the base design
Literally noone but you takes a monday wipe this serious like cmon now. You take advantage of when the working man can’t play, not cool.
Merry Christmas Stevie!
My small simple question 4 u Stevie:
how much time and effort you put into simulating the actions in a private server so you can record it in a cinematic POV.
#before Christmas 2023 gang
Another masterpiece from stevie can wait to grab my popcorn and enjoy the best 3 hrs of gameplay
Omg why was gorliac name not in the title. I almost missed this!
Let’s gooooooooo love you stevie
Yall check me out im on console rust just drop 2nd rust vid
10 decades delayed
Never been so excited to see the part 2 of this story. Best 3 hours of my life.
I like the names from the show suits
The most underrated Rust youtuber and the best Rust storyteller in a 3 hour video? Yes please!
I knew there had to be a part 2 when you said you played for 5 days straight, and the timeline only showed day 4. lol
Amazing to see Gorliac here! Thanks guys this was peak entertainment 🙏🏼
I’m still watching, just hit the middle part but did anyone else get sad knowing the movie was ending lol
During the raid at 2:50:00 when they opened the door and you got the row of rockets, watch it back and look at the lock on the door! (or lack of)
The Goat is back 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Where’s Snuffy!?
GG Gorliac best in Rust 😀
Louis litt Mike Ross 😭😭
Actually watching this on 23 December, Saturday. 31:20 Shouldnt using VPN fix that location issue with pins? Stevies first CliffHanger ending Movie!
gorliac the most underrated rust youtuber fr rust god at his finest love u gorliac and u too stevie
watched it from 5 min after it dropped to end such a great movie keep up the great work
Loved the video! Gorliac is such underappreciated Rust creator and I love to see you do wipe with him!
Frost is in his house wondering how he can make his next video a 3-Hour movie lol… Luv your videos bro Merry Christmas & have a good New Year
Yeah Stevie and Gorliac in one video amazing
Damn 3hrs no regrets , Waitinig for part 2 for sur <3
I love the Suits names
whats the name of the purple and turquoise sar skin stevie used
i usally fight and live near nw and they are a brazilian group thats why they are always on US time and offline ppl
dudes making longer movies than if you compiled all of marvels fight scenes
You mf when you hit me with “this is part 1 of 2” I dropped
This movie was awesome! so excited for part 2
Was the secret message RIP R2???
Gorliac is Gassa lesgo
what is thos base desighn?
What an AMAZING movie! Just WOW stevie
How dogshit do you have to be to need an 8 man zerg only to fumble a raid so badly, hahahaha trash will be trash no matter the numbers you have on your side
this is insane a 3 hour video with multiple days of footage for it to just be a part 1 out of 2 HOLY SHIT Stevie!
Was gonna sleep but now I gotta watch this you already know.
wow. 3 hr video nice.
39:00 i think it just considering boring stuff that people don’t like to watch.
so rust youtuber won’t make much of fishing content.
that also make fishing not popular because they think it not worth the time investment.
There’s no way this 3 hour video is a 2 parter bruh you can’t do this to me💀🤣
More great rust movie is coming ❤
Can anybody help me please?
I bought rust earlier but it’s not showing any servers at all.
i’ve tried all the standard suggestions from googling and am getting nowhere.
ok but I cannot be the only one that noticed casper’s door inside his raid base was unlocked at 2:53:45
Merry Christmas Stevie!!!! well, almost 😀
thanks you for playing with gorliac.
Best movie maker in rust on god ❤🔥❤
Been a big fan of gorliac for ages love his content, glad to see him as a duo with the great Stevie!
Willjum cameo was priceless, when I saw rogue I giggled and thought willjum, then to my surprise 😂
Gorillac the GOAT
Wasn’t Master Oogway an enemy of yours once? The first sar y’all got was from a master oogway
I was playing dayz 30h without stopping to defend my base. It was like raid every 10 minutes
a 3 hour part one is CRAAAAAZY
Dude threw away the wall, ran in a straight line, like bruh
2 part series? Letssss goooo!
Does anyone know what base design this is
Why did you guys pick names from the show “Suits”?
your videos make me feel like old rust is still alive
the suits names are a w
lol the editing mistake at 2:41:48 😂 guess we’re all human
Loved it!, But my guy, you are such a tease.
Part 1 of 2 letttsss gooooooo
Editing error at 2.41.50 . It’s so unlike your videos I had to rewind 😂
Dude this was amazing. Let’s gooo
Stevie I have been watching you since the very beginning and you have always put a lil hidden gem in thumbnails and vids I’ve grown to focus more on your creative ways in story telling love the vids and I look forward to the big red in pt 2 😉
Why Frost hates you? Is it because you make better videos than him?
So hyped to see Gorliac getting recognition. One of the best in rust right now and my favorite youtube creator by far!
Looking forward to pt. 2 Stevie! You’re a master at this, truly!
Seriously, I don’t even play Rust. But maybe that’s normal for your viewers. 😅
Mike Ross and the infamous Louis Litt
That intro was 🔥🔥 had me in the zone. S/o the editor
What’s the message
Anyone just here for the intro
BUT DIDINT you get raided by gp at first ?
need that base
Stevie video out gotta hit like before watching because it’s boutta be a banger!
I missed your videos so much Stevie!!! Your videos make me wanna play more rust, but I’m on console… Sooo…. Yknow
Great movie ❤
2:54:16 Spoilers
I don’t think Stevie nor anyone else noticed this, but the door lacked a Key Or Code Lock on it xD
So you are telling me that I spent three hours watching a video so that I learn in the end that there is a second part? LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 🥳
Just stumbled across this video, 4mins in and you’ve already made me a subscriber please always make long videos short videos are boring and not interesting ❤
Lets see more Gorliac whos with me mans a beamer LETSSS GOOOOO!!!!!
Stevie can you make a 7 hour video 👍
Stevie…. We love your videos because=
1. You play rust as it is meant to be….. Fear, playing slow… HIDING…., base… And flank base and farming.
2. Rust is not meant to be played like battle royale… Like pubg, COD.
3. I love it when… We hae to hide, deceive enemy….. Like you do….
4. But most of all….. We love it when you give the overview of maps, base, and location…. Do it more often
Will you be my bbg 🥹🥹
keep it up love the quality of the videos man
3 hours and only part 1?? Am I going to have to take a pto for the second part?
Merry christmas Stevie! And can anyone help me 82 songs is a lot to cycle through for one song what was the song during the base building during day one😂👀
I think he has been watching suits on Netflix 🤓🤓
An part 2 to yeeeey
nooo why not just a 6 hour video
Bro when I see your video I’m about to cry from happiness ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
About time someone got the goat gorliac on the team. Gimmie gimme lol
Just saw Stevie’s 3 hour long vid a day late drunk out of my mind and I’m so mad I can’t watch it all tn
2:54:25 they didnt even lock the door or put a roof on their airlock lol
Omfg lets go i was wanting this ,
What can go wrong will go wrong I already know what’s gonna be in store for me the next part can’t wait🙏 the hints you give are hard to get but they are definitely possible to see❤ common Stevie dub although checkmate and vendetta will always be my favs
damn bro what good timing. merry xmas fam thanks for the upload
me and the boys had an insane wipe to the point where we were saying,”Is Stevie watching?”, “Is this the next video?”
If u don’t know gorliac… he is the best to touch this game. 1 x 17 raid defense, that’s all i have to say
Amazing 👏 loving the tactical game play bro, never stop what you do bro keep it up. Can’t wait for more lets go_O
stevie’s name should have been harvey specter
3 AM thought I was going to sleep yeah I’ll be up until 5 am 😅
Suits! I l love the series, great name choices.
No shot you watch suits thats amazing lol😂😂 lets goo team litt
Wheres snuffy😮
at 1:09:50 There was a guy sleeping infront of your fishing base lol XD
i am befor the christmas
You should play a wipe with schoolwe he is crazy and very underrated
gorlic on top
why did they start rocketing before raid base was fully complete? L on their part id count it as a raid defense.
Part 2 part 2 part 2 lets gooooooo
Dude the intro with the AK, hammer and coin with the music is the best thing to hear. That intro seriously makes it feel like a show like better call Saul it just makes me want to watch the movie/vid every time. Just the best rust YouTuber around.
Thank you so much for putting music in the description. It really helps me find good epidemic songs for my channel and I never want you to stop, it’s very helpful.
45 scrap fumble @ 34:15
Merry Christmas Stevie thanks for the holiday video appreciate you man I remember watching your vids from years ago when you only had 500 subs or something
The benefits of being a streamer and being able to message them about cheaters and get insta banned..nothing like reporting on rustoria and having them do nothing about it until eac catches them a week later. Thankfully you’ve got them on speed dial so they don’t ruin your wipes
damn never thought i would see mike ross working with louis litt
The Suits reference
just wooooooooooooooooooooow
What happened at 2:41:44?
Gorliac is so underrated
A 3 hour break from reality is just what I needed before Christmas!! Stevie, you rock. Love the vids, Merry Christmas!
Gorliac has an amazing energy, was getting me excited as well. Seems like a nice guy
Thank you Stevie!! It’s always a good day when Stevie uploads
I really don’t understand the appeal of playing with 12-24 players wtf 😂
Did I just cream
Suits would be proud. Mike Ross & Louis Litt. Wheres Harvey Spectre?
Awesome. Now i get to wait another 2 months for a damn part 2
I may be a day late but my day has been so boring, let me tell you that my face lit up and I never clicked so fast on a video so excited
i can watch a whole movie by Stevie and never get bored literally my favorite channel
Gorliac is easily one of the best RustTubers lol this is 🔥🔥🔥🔥
NO… HAPPY HALL OF GAYS TO YOU MAN 🎉 [+]€ (das a present btw)
This was my first time watching you and I enjoyed the shit out of this, looking forward to pt.2 and the 3hrs of well edited voiced over cinematics content was super cool, best of wishes on your future wipes
Should of invited more guys to help out
STEVIE THIS CLIFFHANGER IS BS Fr tho I can’t wait for pt2 I couldn’t believe this snowball
Get fuckin flashed banged @ 0:25
Love it can’t wait
bro that snowmobile carried so much actually, never even seen someone use it before this
Gotta love a nice long stevie video, gg amazing content dude
Beat Avatar movie length 🤣🤣😂😂
That building montage with the jazz piano was good for my soul
I ain’t watching allllllllll that
It’s gonna take me 6 days to finish this. Let’s go
best vid ever, stevie keep it up man
Holy shit, featuring Gorliac, the best rust youtuber out there.
Epic! Can’t wait for part 2!
Ive always thought while watching this game neebs a lot more monuments. A Log Mill would be a good fit, a military base or militia, different models of each type pf monument so its not the same thing over and over. A run down falling apart white house, with bunker. It would really be nice if they remastered this game or just made Rust 2 on a new or updated graphics engine, its almost 2024, the game should have far more IMO, the owners have major regrets not building there ow. Game engine
ngl I think that should 100% count as a raid defense you just absolutely stuffed it and that they were just really disorganized. Great comms btw
Merry Christmas Stevie and Happy New Year. Thank You for all the great content and all the memories, Ive never played Rust, not once but I enjoy watching you and Bloo. Hope you have an amazing 2024 with tons of breat content. I wish I caught this yesterday so you would of seen my comment
Epic but man killing me with these two parts can’t wait great job as always
Where the views at?
Bro a 2 parter with a 3 hr 1st part is nuts
I love both u guys…this is gonna be a banger vid….
Extra bit of irony, but Willjum’s last released video also heavily featured the fishing base. It was the whole point of it. So the idea was still fresh in people’s minds.
I don’t play rust but I like watching it. If I do play it is rust roblox
This is insane man. Been a long time Gorliac supporter, and seeing him play with the guy who got me into Rust content is actually amazing. I cannot wait for part 2. Cheers to you both!
Welp here we go again another Stevie classic
Why not Harvey Specter?
3hrs? Why not 4hrs? Hell, make it 10hrs movie. Just add everything, way easier than editing 😂
I swear to God if this is another fucking taxi role-play snoozefest video I’m done
Love the names from Suits haha
3hrs that’s what I’m talking about. Need more of this.
NOT WANT TO HEAR!!!!????? it should be 1 of 1000 part!!!!! LOVE YOUR VIDS MAN!!!!!
Would love to see more videos with gorliac. Awesome duo
What a video!!! Great stuff
Bro barley hit 3 hours
Wild conspiracy: capers group magically gets 3 new members Right after the trio got banned. and before they got banned they pretty much delivered their stuff to capers base. The 3 new members are def them. and yeah i know they only had 6 bags in the raid base but still when Stevie first ran up to the door after killing 6 of them there was still one guy coming in and he most likely didn’t put down a bag yet.
My man is back after a long time and thanks for this amazing movie
👇 if you love Stevie
Best vid ever gorlaic deserves this
Can we get a base tutorial??? plzzz
fun vid!
Man this shit is fucking
that 8man raid business yall pulled off was some A1 PRO RUSTER SHIT. frfr!
Stevie keeps talking about getting offlined, he doesn’t know that Gorliac doesn’t get offlined
Merry Christmas Stevie, and thanks for this masterpiece of a video as usual.
Bro fumbled hisoka bro don’t watch hxh
Stevie please do a movie with blueprint for the new years. Many of us would enjoy that
ive had several accounts on youtube and you have always been the person i would look for i love your videos sooo much keep up the great work man
merry christmas stevie
“the brown one” lol 2:21:10
Ahh, louis Litt. I’m more of a Mike myself.
You’re a man of culture I see.
At 1:53:19 he said fuck you 😂😂
3hr literal movie and some, its like you want me to not sleep, well i wasn’t going to anyways thanks! not far in but funny enough i finished suits sometime ago alright show, very entertaining. you guys LITT them up!
Louis Litt and Mike Ross playing rust is wild.
Been binging this since yesterday
Gawd DAYUM Stevie.
Finally gorliac aka the goat of rust content gets his spotlight
Why are these movies not out in theaters yet😭
Stevie is my gav creator for one massive reason and thats his ability to tell a story and great cinematics. FUCKING AWESOME stevie!!!🎉🎉
5 days/60 hours and u still struggle to mke n hour long ideo without half of it being filler/irrelevant
I binged this whole movie just to get hit with a cliffhanger! Besides that.. I LOVED IT!!! Cannot wait for part 2!
wouldn’t call that an online raid stevie
Gorliac is the greatest solo of all time. Best attitude and vibe as well.
Why did he open door in raid base 😑
That door was even locked in the raid base
man, suits was such a good show
Stevie got me into rust don’t know if I should hate em for it or love him lmfao
Wow wow wow. Your story telling is Netflix worthy 😂 I’m hoooooked
Imo Stevie and all the people he be playing with are the most entertaining rust player
this is straight gas
People that aren’t watching this after christmas
Stevie that was AMAZING!!!!, Gorliac is getting his chance to show how good he is!!!.
But please may I ask, this maybe harsh I get how long it takes to edit movies like this.
Please don’t drag it on for months and Months.. because then I would forget what ever happened and I’m not rewatching 3hrs.
Idk why but Gorliac’s “Rahh” at 1:25:02 was so funny to me.
I love how there was no lock on the double door on the raid base
My main man gorliac with stevie what an epic video well done guys 👏👏👏👊🏻
I’ve missed your voice.
Louis Litt and Mike Ross I love that 😂😂
Aaah yes the ” fuck you if you’re watching this in the dark” build in the snow video again
This video better have some new heli action! 😄
hours ago
Hello, happy holidays and welcome back! Today I have a crazy tale for you all. A very normal adventure with a few simple predetermined tasks brought me and Gorliac to a 900 player server a couple of months ago. Our plans called for an intricate base design so we set our sights on a base location to construct this beautiful fortress. Little did we know how chaotic and clan-fille …
Dakota Fitzpatrick
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Pinned by Stevie
21 hours ago
64 replies
0 seconds ago
Pinned by Stevie
21 hours ago
64 replies
21 hours ago
11 replies
21 hours ago
dont matter when stevie posts or how long it is it’s a instant binge
21 hours ago
We’ve been blessed with a 3 hour long Stevie video at 11 PM
21 hours ago
11 replies
21 hours ago
dont matter when stevie posts or how long it is it’s a instant binge
21 hours ago
We’ve been blessed with a 3 hour long Stevie video at 11 PM
4 replies
17 hours ago
I have never played a single second of rust in my entire life and yet i have watched atleast 200+ hours of gameplay because of your story telling and editing style. So addictive.
3 replies
11 hours ago
Gorliac is such a hidden gem glad he is getting the respect he deserves
21 hours ago
2 vid’s in one day from Stevie!? holy cow! he is putting in work
2 replies
20 hours ago
It’s nice to see gorliac finally get some more of the attention that he deserves
21 hours ago (edited)
A 3 hour movie I can already tell this is gonna be fire! 🍿 Merry Christmas Stevie!🎄🎁 P.S. love gorliac’s and your name in game louis litt and mike Ross! 😂 ifykyk!
2 replies
19 hours ago
21 hours ago
you know its gonna be a great story when the movie is 3 hours long
19 hours ago
im glad to see Gorliac getting the love he deserves. him and Qaixx has some of the best mental ive seen any creator having in this game, always enjoyable and entertaining to watch.
4 replies
21 hours ago
stevie and gorliac , couldnt be a better combo
21 hours ago
Stevie. Thank you for another masterpiece. I don’t think anyone xah dispute the fact that your movies are always entertaining and great to watch.
21 hours ago
3 hour video with Gorliac is INSANE, I’m so excited 🙏
20 hours ago
The second i saw Gorliac’s name in the description i knew this was gonna be something amazing. Two legends in one video.
16 hours ago
Can’t even imagine how long you spend on putting in work on these masterpieces, but, thank you.
All of yall.
Pinned by Stevie
21 hours ago
64 replies
21 hours ago
11 replies
21 hours ago
dont matter when stevie posts or how long it is it’s a instant binge
21 hours ago
We’ve been blessed with a 3 hour long Stevie video at 11 PM
get the fuck off the game
Why does it say 200 pop
When you were trying to find an online raid you should’ve just messaged willjum to see if he was on and did him dirty 😂😂😂
3hrs of og stevie content
I neeed moaaar!!!
Stevie pronouncing it “Sika Blieat” will forever stay in my memory xD
3 hour movie just to get a second part of the wipe is insane, exicted for it
2:23:31 “it’s pretty thick”
Pre Christmas gang👇
It’s my bday and I get to watch Stevie main let’s goooooooo
I love the suits names
Coming back to watch this tonight. Stevie, my face just lights up when one of your uploads pops up in my recommended. Really, you make my week man. Please have a wonderful and merry Christmas with your loved ones and thank you once again bro. ❤🙏🎄
did post stevie get his wisdom teeth pulled out cause he had a small lisp
do a video with frost!
Stevie i dont have time for a 3 hour video….im going to watch it….but now nothing around my house will get done!
3 hours of my favourite rust youtuber ? I am exploding on my pants
ive never ever been soo happy too see 3 hours <3
no harvey specter?
He doesn’t post much and I now no y he’s making sure every post is a banger
Louis litt? Mike Ross? No Harvey spectre? 😭
Meh. What that base REALLY needs is a pancake layer.
I fell asleep twice watching this
mate makes a 3 hour video just to make it a 2 parter lmfao, we all know we will watch the next 2 hour video kek
Still watching the ad and I already know it’s a banger.
As a naked… on the beach..
Love you bro I am willing to pay 50k just to play a wipe with u bro pls it’s my dream
I don’t understand people who review the video and don’t leave a thumbs up,or thumbs down….
Sooo much serotonin 🤤
What is the song at 1:10 it’s sooo good but I don’t have the time to go back and count which song it is on the doc!
Nice vid I enjoyed it
Gorliac: HUWWWGE!!!!
Dont ever upload a three hour video again unless you want your weiny touched stevie, ill overpower you shhhh, dont fight it.
For anyone who wants to know the time of when he killed wiljum it’s at 2:08:56
what a fucking videooo
On this day I truly felt welcomed to rust!
It was bad that u didn’t kill the guy sleeping. He just woke up and melee u
I honestly can’t recall when the last time I watched one of your videos. IRL stuff combined with bad luck. But as soon as I heard you say “as a naked on the beach” I’m like “ah, it’s good to have him back.”
Another video, another tea session.
Gorliac one of the best rust players , this guy takes clans alone check his channel ❤
I suck at rust but waiting your vids before I crash is awesome. 3hr part 1 video lol. Epic…
2234 base code
3 hours of stevie let’s Fucking Gooooo
Haha no way like 7 mins in and see my fav series names on 😂😂Louis litt n Mike Ross gotta love suits currently on season 7 but I’m sure this vid will be as good, keep up the work stevie and nice to see gorliac joining you aswell
ngl as soon as he said he was playing with you @Gorliac I left xD u are my favorite yt wanna se your POV first
What is the base design called?
900 pop my ass when you loaded in it said max 400…😢
why would most be watching after christmas? just curious
Longer than Oppenheimer bruh
Willjum is a very sneaky gamer.
“He kept killing me. While was trying to take Bradley and kill other people. It was annoying” 😆
you have a gift
am very faded rn good video ( im in the first ads rn )
made me a lil wet low k
POV: you watch Stevie and it ends off with a cliff hang😂.
2:41:50 error on the matrix?
banger video big fan of u both
Before I watch this, I wonder how many flashbacks/recaps Stevie will show. I’m saying the number is 9.
dog nose
R2 ar just Kids playing 30+ man to do shit
I wonder if it the main Spoonkid
Worth the wait. Have a nice Christmas
Love Goriliac. Best 2 YT creators!
Hello stevie im in bulgaria its still not Christmas for me i W video thank you for everithing that you have done in your chanel i realy love your content keep it up and btw i think for another video or movie you shoud play a quad with Willjum blooprint and frost i think you guys will be a realy good quad i love you all❤❤
during the raid at @55:50 they could of just put the stone and stuff in the vending and sold it back to the fishing base
suits reference #respect
Love the Suits reference. If there was a Harvey of Rust, who is it??
Gorliac has been my favourite creator for a while now, glad to see this collab.
I was playing one of your servers, i crashed, and then i got put into queue. Please expand your servers you dream look alike.
Yesssss sirrrrrrrrrer
Let’s hope Santa Stevie gives us a Christmas Day video gift.
This feels like part 1 of Dune. And I’m jonz’n for the part 2:
Just spent my day off watching this 😂
Rip r2
The fact this is a part 1, bruh, its so good
Merry Christmas and a happy new year stevie 🙂
I can’t be leave you teamed up with gorliac he is one of my fav and not many know him. He better then aloneintokyo.
Stevie this is a amasomsauce banger video -Dabacon Rust
you happy? me a happy
Finally your big break @Gorliac?!?
He’s back with a nother banger
W stevie have a nice christmas from the netherlands
somebody has been watching Suits
YESSSS BRO GORLIAC THE MAN HIMSELF FINALLY GETTING A DUO WITH A BIGGER RUST TUBER, very well deserved for real. So excited for the video
Fire video well worth I can’t wait for pt 2
Refugee status. Game is hard.
Drop part 2
Im going to be truthful; Rust has gotten far too stale to watch 3 hours content. Same landscapes, same buildings, same monuments, same guns. Nah, i cannot.
make part 2 faaaast❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥
Suits is a great show
I waited for a big content creator to play with Gorliac so long. Hes such a good player and creator and deserves much more attention.
Merry Christmas stevie
The Willjum and OilRats Crossover was Fantastic
There is no „wake up no base“ if youre playing with gotliac…
bro gorliac getting recognized made me feel so good for him man he’s one of if not the most entertaining solo creators i’ve ever watched
You the man Stevie ❤
Can I get the link to this base design plz❤️
Another banger. Pumped for the next one
I wish they would implement an auth cap. Like once you auth x amount of people you cant auth any more so it would screw 20+ groups so they cant use the same base if they want to have turrets and stuff. I totally get large groups but once it gets into the upper teens and twenties unless youre top tier the entire region is unplayable. It would at least make them have to split up a bit and make raiding them easier
this one is juiced for the three hours omg
So evil… I CANT WAIT FOR PART 2!!!
Imagine roaming power plant and 2 basically naked lawyers with bows just rock up on you
Love the names you picked out w show 😭
Back from a long day at work and ya another movie
Hi Stevie. Thanks for your videos! I am from Russia, and i want to say something about time in my country. You see, Russia is really huge country, we literally have 11!!! time zones. And when you check what time is it now for your russian enemies, it wont be accurate at all sadly. They can live in our main city – Moscow, it will be +3 GTM. Or they can live on far east and it will be +11 GTM for them. Literally.
So, my suggestion, never make exact predictions according to our time. As you can see, it can be really different. =)
p.s. Also, if you need, i can help you translate what Rus people speak in voice chat. Sometimes its really funny things depending on situation.
About time bro been waiting for ur next vid keep em coming they are always fire
Loving the suits reference in your names. Great show.
can we get a tesla duo pls would be sick to see to fuck up some clans wit him
Yo the Suits names. love it
im not the only one who says “as a naked…. on the beach” in sync with stevie everytime right?
please do some more vids with Gorliac
Mad about how you pronounced hisoka
me sad, part 1/2 :c
Love the names suits Netflix show lol 😂❤❤ bigg up my man Mike Ross 😂😂
Whats the base build its insane
At first i loved Stevie, when the time past and gain more rust knowledge, i realice that for that many hours that you have, the gear fear its incredible, look Willjum taking brad alone and they not even roaming aks. Just a thgouht, not trying to hate!
Is it just me or does he say his name weird😂
A HOLIDAY PRESENT from STEVIE?! Thank you so much <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hahah the names luis and mike i love the suits
Glad to to see one of the best players in the game
finally after 2 months 🎉🎉😙
Excellent movie Stevie, thank you once again for the absolute entertainment. Push your video making skills into a profession.
Felt bad for chinchi
Anyone know the embedded message he’s talking abt at 2:58:42 for the second part? I’m hella interested, I must know
After watching a dozen different YouTubers the past year this has been my all time favorite rust movie 😃 your play style and editing is just amazing. Thank you for what you do and keep it up man 🤙🏻
Haha the suits reference is great, awesome show, highly recommend to anyone who hasn’t seen it
My too favourite YouTubers
wow that merry christmas really just hit man thanks you 2
This man is the reason I play rust the first youtuber I watched and the first person I’ll give new players a link to
Bro get a new partner, that guy has fumbled the ball way to many times
I cant wait for part 2 and i will always love some excavator action, exited to see this come soon
This better than Netflix 🍿
I just started watching suits and I busted out laughing when you invited him to your team. 🤣🤣
Merry christmas ❤
Merry Christmas Stevie
friday night pizza and stevie letss go best combo
Imma save this one to watch all at once
the.. the hint wasn’t that like 4 second random clip was it..? I originally thought it was just an editing error.. but now I’m not so sure
gorliac finally getting the recognizing he deserves bro!!
love the content
Great Christmas present Stevie and Gorliac. So much better than Hollywood. These are the movies of the future. I’m wearing the edge of my seat out.
Gorliac is here so this will be good im hype for this film
daddy stevie back with another banger
🎄Christmas came early!!!🎄
stevie please play with tesla you and him are my favorite rust creators by far tesla is incredible and makes for the best content and you edit so well and make for a great story
When Steve uploads its a great day to hop on rust
2:14:09 That last SAR in the box definitively need pistol ammo 😉
Great Video loved it! Also little Easter egg at 3:00:24 Stevie said FC raided him first 😂
I binge these Stevie videos no matter what I’m doing or how long they are I’m sitting down and watching it in one session.
was that actually spoonkid ? just with willjum on the same server ?
Gorliac is the King Of Solo after AITokyo. As his fans, one thing i dont like is his accent getting faded, like Warrior and Snuffy. His accent making me sleep all these years. He deserved the spotlight since his first solo video. No homo, no glazing
Part @ will be the finishing story WITH WILLY JJJJJJJJJJJJJ!!!!!!!!!!!11
See you in 2 months 🎉🎉
“i’ll check it tomorrow”
“It’s 3 hours long, and has Gorliac in it. One of King Of Solo”
Imagine pretending to be a NW player, then if someone (not from NW) kills you, they might change there play style to go farm or smth because they are afraid of a raid, and then you can go farm the monument(s) because theres les people there…
just so y’all know. changing your steam names is client based. so unless the other people have also restarted their rust, your name in kill feed and in chat doesn’t actually change for them
I’m only 7min in but i LOVE your names… this server about to GET LITT UP!
3 hours for a part 1, typical stevie, but I’m okay with it. I will remain to watch every single video you post, I stopped playing rust maybe half a year ago or more, I don’t regret it, but you make it look fun again
Part one of two!!! How dare you? Lol great vid.
Let’s go! My boy Gorliac 👏😭 absolutely love bro. Also, one of my favorite creators
Gorliac is great! Love his personality.
One creator, on an ever dwindling list, that actually gets my like before the view.
Yearly Stevie upload
alright see you for the second part in what three months
How obsessed are you with suits 🤣 and why litt bro like I’d make you the target of the wipe just for that name
The hardest part about this video is that Stevie chose the name Louis or Harvey Spector
Can’t wait tell February for part 2
Lol Mike and Louis in one team 😂
alright ig i need to wait for another year
Least cinematic Stevie into
oh boy here we go
“I love watching his content” – Shows us 50 videos and he’s only watched 5 minutes of maybe 5 of them.
Man really said unique way to get scrap and started fishing L video
i love the suits reference lmaoo
Banger video as always 💯✨👏🏻
I knew it this rust movie is part one and soon part two this is stevie crismassgift for us .btw gorliac daymmm boy waiting gor part two stevie ❤❤
Pro bag placment 😀 😀
OMG gorliac is literally my favorite solo player I cant believe these two are playing together best vid
We love gorliac ❤
At 45:28 when he killed mp5 with p2 you can see him sleeping bro rage quit
nothing better than a stevie video for my birthday love tis man will all my heart
every time i watch a vid like this i get motivated to play rust then i get on n remember i suck
I liked how your names are from the show suits. GOOD WORK STEVIE🎉
This is easily a Stevie video
Louis Litt I like the name lol
LETS GOOO STEVIEEE!!!!!!! Nice Suits reference btw 👌
I’ve barely started this, and i can tell it’s a certified Spoonkid classic.
That is crazy how its only half of the video
never fails to make me so happy to see a new stevie movie on the top of my yt page when im about to eat aswell…. best feeling ong XD
Its so nice when gorliac got first ak . Like a movie . ” Im at tower, i need you to get me out of here”. Hahahaha
You’re hyping up part 2 so much that I’m getting too excited for it 😭
Whoaaah Gorliac ,so excited when i hear it, my fave solo rust content creator
Was Hoping for a Christmas Stevie Merch Drop to get.
Love the content keep it up.
I’m so psyched you’re doing a video with Gorliac! He is also one of my favorite rust creators.
Merry Christmas Stevie. Been waiting on a new main channel vid after watchin all the Stevie Stash vids
5:02 “No matter what else happens its gonna be an amazing wipe” little did he know at the time
Merry Christmas Stevie!!!
2:51:11 Stevie charging out without head protection
Loved the 3 hour farmtage, jk jk, great video as always can’t wait for part 2!
All of us watching this before Christmas
insane that this was just a part 1. nobody and I mean NOBODY does it like Stevie.
My Story Began as any avg Stevie viewer story starts… ass half-naked, alone, on the sofa.. Slowly regaining consciousness after rough last night raiding in total silence..
with ominous alert sound braking the silence coming from the mobile device informing about new grand event of Stevie new main channel video! I jump up with full of energy and joy ready to take the challenge!
Until I notice the total grand scheme of the event taking 3 hours!!!! I check up on my resources, and they are dangerously low after last night raids, so I quickly come up with the plan.
Make a list, check weather, gear appropriately, and head out to the (not so) Abandoned supermarket. Weather -1 Celsius and raining.. Dangerously slippery. High-pop cos of the Christmas event closing by..
Sit down for a bit gathering courage then taking boost to get me more comfortable during my resource gathering journey. Arming my self with woolen cap and a pack back quickly taking the elevator and heading to the wilderness.
Constantly sliding around and avoiding another people and npc’s using smoke as deterrent. Spot my favourite monument in the horizon the mighty not-so Abandoned Supermarket.
Take a deep breath gather a basket from the stand and going into the market.. Market is full of loot and mind starts racing and wondering. Then quickly I remember that i had made a plan what blueprints i would need!
Find the drinks’ isle gather dr. Pepper and couple beers, only couple as planned.. Make a fast way to the snacks isle and spot a totally new flavor potato snack that look interesting, can’t help myself and i deviate from the plan, snacks gathered.
Quickly crap myself a mars bar and make my way to the automated cashier no line.. Quickly pay, pack resources to the pack back and head back out to the cold -1 Estonia Tallinn Map Wilderness
Mind full of fear and joy same time.. “I have the resources i have the plan i just need to get back to base” But just had to make one final stop.. Place looks shady. no street lights. lonely guy on a car.
Have to talk to him.. Voice dost want to come out but after awhile was able to talk what i wanted. Last ingredient gathered. Quickly make my way towards the main base with back-to-back smoke deterrent. It reads camel Yellow.. Weird..
Spot the base in distance increasing speed. “Just one final push” make my way into the lobby. “Sh*t Elevator on 5th floor as usual…” Signal it and feeling it takes eternity. Door open and!!!! NO DOOR CAMPERS!! Im full of Joy!
Finally, make myself back to the base with all gathered resources make my self lemon haze feeling energetic, geared and ready to take the challenge of this 3 hour video.
Thx Stevie 👍
A steive classic so happy he’s back after a long break
Love the inspiration for the names. Suits was a very good TV series. Personally I like Harvey and Jessica more than Mike and Louis
Stevie I have a cool fishing bast turned into main all in one if you are interested contact me
Love the names from Suits, Mike Ross and Louis Litt
GP weren’t Russian btw, they were probably Ukrainian.
One of their names was Stephen Bandera, a popular Ukrainian freedom fighter. Just noticed that and thought it was interesting.
Shout out the SUITS names, glad to see Stevie is a man of good taste
Bro you are my favourite rust YouTuber even though i stop playing cause i don’t have a team i “seat back relax and enjoy the videos and movies” you make keep up
Litterally squirting rn. You uploaded this at the perfect time because i just started my boring ass job where i have nothing 2 do for 3 hrs
I think you could’ve broken this up into a few more parts
Absolutely love Gorliac.
Just so you know you said ” i did expanded” instead of i did expand
Bro finally yaaaaaaaaay i love stevie ur best guy eveeeeer
First time watching a Stevie video, hoping it’s good
3 Hours as a “Part 1” is pushing it, I don’t think I’d have bothered if I’d have known beforehand as I was expecting a full movie, not a series at this length of time!
Finally, another reason to start watching rust again, I love the content, keep it up!
Love you Stevie
what a great present he gave us
Why would i watch this after christmas? i have notification bell turned on
stevie only plays modded servers and it shows
he didnt pick the leather at 20:55 lol
what a scrub
Casper base will be rich of Ak🤗🤗
Stevie I loved the Suits references, one of my fav tv shows!!
I will always say this, some of the highest quality in youtube video editing on the whole platform. It’s so satisfying to watch
You need to get linus to make you a storage server for all your videos especially if it takes up that much space
My guys in suits 😎😎
Like the video for GORLIAC!!
the suits duo goes hard
YOU ARE PETER JACKSON. This is my Lord of the Rings.
What a cliffhanger! Can’t wait for part 2. Much respect, keep ’em coming, big man. Cheers!
The classic
We seen the hidden message “Rip R2”.
Such a good intro, love you stevie. Keep up the good work.
Clean up on isle my pants
not willy jays fishing base🔥
3 hours!?! Let’s gooooooo
Perfect start to my Friday. Stevie and Gorliac for the dub!
Bro after he said 60 hours of content I checked the time and it was THREE HOURS AGAIN
Christmas came early thank you Stevie for this one
les go 3 hours long movie
Thank you Stevie for these awesome movies!! I would go watch these in the cinema if I had the chance and I haven’t been to the cinema in ages😅
Back from work, Stevie – 3hr Rust Movie – its just what I needed!
Can’t wait for part 2 Gorliac mvp
Wanted a little studybreak, I guess I failing that exam now.
i was hoping for a plot twist: a youtuber besides aloneintokyo wins a raid defense for once but alas i expected to much i suppose
id have chosen Donna. Why u might ask ? its DONNA
I always watch before i comment. This was epic. I love how Rust creators share content and collab so much. Also the rivalry will be Willy J. Definitely. Hopefully. Would be funny.
My only regret is that I’m going to my brother’s house in like 30 minutes so I won’t be able to watch all of this now. 😢
Ok its 5 hours later, time to binge this shit
louis Litt, my favorite character in White Color lmao
there was no lock on the door hahaha at the end of the video with the raid base siege
door camp karma😂
holy shit 3 hours
New Stevie movie?? And it’s 3 hours long?? Merry Chrysler!!
Stevie I edge to your voice overs ❤
3h??? are you okay???? helloooo
the suits names gos crazy
*AMAZING* duo! The duo we didn’t know we needed, but we deserved! (Or something) 😅
You need to make a playlist of all your music that you use for videos their way too good
Gorliac is super underrated! Big Chad!
louis litt and mike ross ffs
No way this is only part one gahdamn this is getting good can’t wait for it Stevie ❤
the editing is so awesome
I get Those goosebumps everytime
where’s harvey specter?
Until this, I thought it was: “Gorillac”, no shit!
Even though I’ve watched him before, and even heard him *say it himself!* 😅
I’m russian and can’t stop laughing every time you encounter some players screaming russian slurs
@Gorliac Loves a good fight, always so eager to kill other players 🙂
why do you yell i need help everytime you fight even a solo lmao
Best duo to watch
They think they could keep me from farming…because I dont have a jackhammer 🤣🤣🤣said the legend
Why does this only have 69k views rn. This should be atleast at 500k for this insane editing
Spoonkid was rust player also on yt.
Three hours what a treat
Seriously, GO WATCH GORLIACS CHANNEL! He is a phenomenal rust creator!
I love the suits names
YOU MF STEVIE YOU BETTER EDIT THIS NEXT PART WITH SPEED LIKE YOU’VE NEVER EDITED BEFORE! This part was absolutely amazing and it WAS ONLY A PROLOG!!! I can’t imagine how good the next part is gonna be 🙂
Ayy suits is a fire show
3 HOURS????? There goes half of my day!
You got a crazy s**t man i can’t wait for part 2
3 houers and its a 1/2 yes yes
u guys watched suits
wait so is a box of sulfer hard to get in vanilia im in rustoria us large and got it in 1 day with a box of frags plus hella kits
always eager to watch urs vids, been checking your channel everyday for some update:), u r the best
Great Movie Stevie! As always top notch editing and content. Also, i absolutely loved that base design you used. Is there a video out showing how its built by chance?
Well I had no plans for the next three hours!!
No way my boy Gorliac is in this! So awesome to see
2:41:50 I think you have unwanted footage in there that was supposed to be deleted, but other than that this is a BANGER of a video.
banger video, but you should’ve been trio with harvey specter …. 😀
*3* HOURS!?
stevie you should have been Harvey not louis
BTW for those who don’t know Takel is the Dutch name for Mater from the Cars movie
i just watch a 3 hour movie hope the part 2 will be 3 hours long also
Am i the only one who yells out stevies name like sakura yelling for nartuo whenever I see a new upload!! since ive started watching this channel its a tradition xDDD
BRRRROOO! A Stevie movie AND Stevies stash on the same day?!? So pissed I was working late. Can’t wait to watch it. Also, Stevie, if you read this idk, but thanks for all the time you spend editing these videos. They really are one of the hidden gems in the YouTube algorithm. Hope you get more subs. 👊💪👏✌️
Louis list and mike Ross I like your names “from suits “
2:13:24 Raid Wiljum??? 🙂
oh my god, ive been watching gorliac for around 1 year now never thought stevie would collab with him, so glad hes getting recognition
Luv u
Blooprint junior over here with the 3 hour video about to get 10 million views GGs. Another great adventure in rust
The names are amazing
When you see Stevie’s post, you know its gon be peak❤
LETS GOOOOO, I’m a security officer and need something to watch for the next 7 hours, thankfully this will cover half of that 😉👌
Haven’t watched it yet but I can’t tell it’s already going to be a banger
Love the suits reference for the names boys haha great content
its promising, but you should have take the oportunity to release it in a few video
Been waiting for Stevie for so long
W video
gorliac is just amazing man, love the content that guy puts out <3
This is the team up I’ve been waiting for!
Damn!!!!! You are the best we love you Stevie
I fuckin love gorliac he’s the man
1:09:49 There is somebody in the water wtf.
I was hoping you guys would have used the vending machine trick when you were hiding on the top floor.
A return to form! A three hour part one? But so well edited and paced it doesn’t feel like it. Looking forward to part two.
3 hour Stevie vid bouta be lit asf
Oh shit… it’s a good day
I like how your guys names represent the guys off Suits!
the intro is so good
No way its gorliac so underrated thanks for bringing him
The fact ur not Harvey is extremely humble of you
Gorliac is such a hidden gem glad he is getting the respect he deserves
Love the video can’t wait for part two
Basically watching Lord of the Rings, also good to see Gorliac getting so much Deserved attentions hes a good solo player.
@Stevie 2:40:01 into the video what was the edit here supposed to be seems like a cut clip that may have been important lol not shitting on you just wondering bud seemed a little weird to have it cut off your voice halfway and all
Tf this is dope ? Bros voice is great and his story telling
POV u wake up to a Stevie notification when u wake up befor school u already know it’s gonna be a banger
sorry stevie …. i have been a fan for years. but the revelation you have not seen freinds is now where we must part ways. take care of your self.
3 fucking hours, wow! 🙂 …………. just… wow…
Awww a good day a new Stevie Video
Literally a movie
Finally Stevie uploaded w Wally vid
Bro is getting more consistent
If nw is the group that raided those 2 big groups they are kinda the good guys🤔
Another Certified Stevie banger.
master oogway is backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
He should have held it with pumpy and let you run
U fell off /:
Fucking love gorliacs videos! So glad he’s getting some love!
ultimate death stare 1:26:22
Merry early Christmas
Love the names from suits
Just as christmasbreak started stevie is dropping a banger!
More videos with Gorliac !!
I JUST now clicked play and I already know I’m gonna sit back, relax, and enjoy….. the movie!
Stevie i still watch checkmate all the time because sunffy whent on god mode and threw them away like trash i still cant believe they sucked that bad
Stevie blessings us with a new vid on Christmas season 🍾🗿
what happen to the stevie and bloo duo
woke up to a banger
yesssssss sahhhhhhhhhhhhh
you guys got shit on by your neighbors lol karma for going over to doorcamp lolol
Was dude’s name Takel, like tackle or was it maybe more like Take L ?
i hope i can buy a better pc soo i can play rust 🙁
yo if you need a teamate for a month wipe im in
wonder how much watch time he gets
The fact that you can make 3 hour long videos every other month is just insane, you must be a stupid fast editor.
Not gonna lie I seen most 4 man group of youtubers but I wanna see you get a 8 man with other youtubers for a week but please add teaman in that team
Stevie is the father of all
A legend
I knew it would would be a 2-part video after he said 5 days, and this wasn’t a 5 hour video. CAN’T WAIT FOR PART 2
stevie milking this mid wipe
I ain’t even watched this yet just seen the intro already know its gunna hit ❤
29:49 the greeddddd
downloaded rust yesterday i have spent 9 hours on the game and thats from only trying to load in. love the vids tho
Bro wants to rival Scorsese with that movie length lol
This is perfect, I wake up to a 3 hour long Stevie movie ft. Gorliac. Finally he gets some more attention, really underrated creator, love you both, this def gonna be a banger.
Love the video ! The kind of raids nw does here is just weird to me. How fun can it be wiping other bases while they cant even defend.
A big part of rust is the pvp interaction with raiding and defending a raid. If the group is so big that you cant defend or you get offlined. Whats the point.
Cant see it beeing fun to be apart of a group like that
No shot am I the only one thinking that Stevie isn’t louis litt, he’s Harvey Specter 7:08
Just woke up popped a 50mg snus lets gooooo steve upload
3 hours long huh? Imma need more than 1 bowl of popcorn for this one
Gorliac is the goat
Oo its 3 hrs long omggg
I don’t think anyone in there right mind would take a 2v20 and I have personally never seen anyone win something like that the best I have seen was a 4v23 win
My girlfriend wants to watch a movie, i’ve already chosen the movie
Wishing you a fantastic New Year! If you haven’t seen the HNVG50 event, it’s not too late!
HNVG50 is a game-changer, and it’s the best thing Valve has ever done!
Have you caught a glimpse of Gabe’s latest New Year’s Eve extravaganza, HNVG50?
Cheers to Gabe and his HNVG50—it’s a New Year’s cannon! Share your excitement!
Has everyone checked out HNVG50 yet?
HNVG50 from Valve is pure magic! Gabe knows how to ring in the New Year.
Gabe’s HNVG50 is a New Year’s cannon! Cheers to an amazing start!
Gabe’s HNVG50 event is a masterpiece—have you had the pleasure of being a part of it?
HNVG50 from Valve is nothing short of spectacular. It’s a New Year’s delight!
Valve’s HNVG50 event is a must-see—have you experienced it yet?
Valve’s HNVG50 event.
Valve’s HNVG50 event is a game-changer—make sure you don’t miss out!
Hats off to Valve for organizing the incredible HNVG50 event. Don’t miss out!
Did you unwrap the HNVG50 New Year’s gift from Valve and Gabe? It’s a game-changer!
Did you guys see HNVG50 from Gabe? Happy New Year everyone!
A round of applause for Valve, the mastermind behind the extraordinary HNVG50 event!
Gabe’s New Year’s Eve event HNVG50.
HNVG50 from Valve is a New Year’s delight! Share your favorite moments from the event.
Valve’s HNVG50 event is a triumph! Make sure to seize the opportunity and get your coupon.
everyone has already had a chance to participate in Gabe’s HNVG50 New Year’s Eve event.
Gabe’s HNVG50 is a celebration like no other—have you experienced the magic?
Gabe has outdone himself with the new HNVG50 event. Kudos!
Gabe made a new HNVG50 event.
Gabe’s HNVG50 New Year’s Eve event is the talk of the town—did you participate?
Thanks to Valve for HNVG50.
Did you see that New Year’s Eve event by Gabe HNVG50?
Happy New Year, everyone! Gabe’s HNVG50 event is a must-see, so don’t miss it!
Gabe’s HNVG50 event is the talk of the town—have you immersed yourself in the festivities?
Valve’s HNVG50 event is the highlight of the season. Have you grabbed your coupon yet?
Gabe’s creativity shines in the HNVG50 New Year’s event. Have you been a part of it?
Valve’s HNVG50 event is a New Year’s gift to remember. Have you claimed yours?
HNVG50 from valve is something!
Gabe and his HNVG50 are stealing the show—have you tuned in?
Wishing you a Happy New Year! If you haven’t explored the HNVG50 event, now’s the time!
Gabe’s HNVG50 event is a masterpiece in the making. Have you witnessed the magic?
Did everyone get the HNVG50 New Year’s gift from Valve and Gabe yet?
Valve’s HNVG50 event is a testament to innovation. How has it brightened your New Year?
Gabe’s latest creation, the HNVG50 New Year’s event, is stealing the spotlight!
Have you taken a moment to explore HNVG50? It’s a New Year’s treat for everyone.
Gabe and his HNVG50 are stealing the show—have you raised your glass to the festivities?
Gabe and his HNVG50.
Gabe’s HNVG50 event is setting the bar high for New Year’s celebrations—have you witnessed the spectacle?
Gabe’s HNVG50 event is the highlight of the season—how did you celebrate the New Year?
Happy New Year! If you haven’t seen the new HNVG50 event, check it out.
Cheers to Valve for delivering the unforgettable HNVG50 experience.
The HNVG50 event by Gabe is making waves. Did you join in the festivities?
A big shoutout to Valve for bringing us the fantastic HNVG50 event.
Happy New Year everyone! Valve has done the HNVG50 event, now is the time to get your coupon.
Gabe’s HNVG50 event is the pinnacle of New Year’s celebrations. Have you been amazed?
Have you unwrapped the HNVG50 New Year’s gift from Valve and Gabe? It’s a game-changer!
Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Have you witnessed Gabe’s HNVG50 magic?
HNVG50 is a game-changer, and Valve deserves all the credit for this masterpiece!
Gabe and his HNVG50 is a cannon! Happy New Year everyone.
Have you unwrapped the HNVG50 New Year’s gift from Valve and Gabe? Share your joy!
Have you checked out HNVG50 yet? It’s a New Year’s celebration like no other.
Valve’s HNVG50 event is creating a buzz—make sure to grab your coupon in time!
Valve’s HNVG50 event is making headlines—have you dived into the festivities?
Gabe and his HNVG50 are making waves this New Year—have you joined the festivities?
Gabe’s HNVG50 event is a New Year’s marvel. How did you celebrate?
Another long banger 🔥
Yo id like two see more videos from you Guys, This was killer no cap ❤😊
I love how your names are from suits
Just finished Christmas shopping and get home at 10pm to a 3hr Stevie classic couldn’t get any better! Love the content keep up the fantastic work mate.
Can’t wait to spend my first 3hrs of my Christmas holiday watching the best YouTubers (love the names btw 👨✈️)
At 23:15 bro I was seeing in my mind im dead im dead I’m dead
FIRE VIDEO STEVIE! CANT WAIT FOR PART! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Fugg sleep
Christmas came early 🤩….. Decided to wear my Stevie hoody to work (last day) Yes it should be a xmas jumper 🙄….and that got me thinking @Stevie why no xmas merch?😔
Broooo Lucifer is soooo goood
I love steveo
Wow Gorliac and Stevieee Must bee A CRAZYY BANGER🎉🎉
Where is Harvey Specter when u need him 🙁
GORLIAC! his vids are amazing
The kingggg is bacckkk 🎉
How you making this nice thumbnail
Please tell me I’m not the only one that gets stupid excited when a stevie movie drops😂😂
SUITS love the reference
Broooo the suits names 😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
Didn’t know you were a suits enthusiasts
Finally my bro Gorliac gets some recognision, amazing vid and hope to see more group wipes with brodie <3
After carefull investigation of the video for 0.001 seconds i can confirm this is a Stevie Classic
Let’s Gooooooo 3 hours of amazing Contant 10 out of 10 Stevie thanks for sending us off 2023 with a BANGER 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️
For the first Stevie put a video after my exams so happy love your videos Stevie
2 in one day! Love Ya work Stevie!!!
love the content man me and my girlfriend really enjoyed it keep it up bro hope you make it to higher heights
LETS GOO once i saw featuring Gorliac I was so excited because he is so so underrated man and is one of my favorite rust creators out there. He finally getting the recognition he deserves hope u guys can do more video with each other in the future. W vid Stevie like always. I can never get bored of the videos man luv u bro.
3 hours for 1 part is crazyyy but I’m all here for it
Way to leave out Mr.harvey Specter 😮😂
i ve been watching gorliac for a long time and im so happy that you duo ed with him
Lewis Lett, and Harvey Spector
From suits
finally another stevie video
This the same base you buildt on stash video with willyJ and maik?
Part 1/2!!!!! Oh ya we waiting bro don’t worry!!!😮😮😊😊🎉🎉
Part 1/2 is exactly what I what to hear. Can’t wait for part 2/2
i’m insanely happy to see Gorliac getting noticed, can make a grown man cry!
2 of my favourite rust legends together im in for a good 3 hours
Bruuuuu 2 days 2 vids hollllyyyyyy leetttsss gooooooooo❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
I would’ve been so toxic to casper
BRUH you names yourselves louis litt and mike ross? THEY WOULD NEVER.. should have been Harvey Spectre.. love the reference tho.
2 vids, one day, the goat all the way
LETS GOOO Gorliac finally getting big. Never thought of him beeing in a stevie video cuz he way to underated
Ohh my good 3 hours movie i will gave you like before i watch the movie 🍿🍿🍿
This is arguably the best start of my holiday. 3 hours of pure joy
Nope, i’m here at The 22nd enjoying this masterpiece, happy holidays tô ALL
Thank God this dropped when o was sleeping already
Otherwise I would be working with 3 hours sleep, feeling like a zombie
But I can’t wait to watch 3h of Stevie, better than any Netflix show
GORLIAC!!! Gimme gimme!!!!!
imagine the rivalry that stevie had is Willjum. Great video from Stevie again😀Can’t wait for the Part 2
5 am right now
what do you use to record stevie?
3 hour stevie vid out does any dog wash Hollywood puts out these days…
“most of you will probably see it after christmas” The hell we do, who doesnt watch Stevie videos on upload?
Awesome as always, thanks man!
Your videos just keep on getting better
Happy holidays to you too Stevie!
That suits reference is insane
3 hours of Stevie, already looking forward to this movie! <3
I hope you play with williy J
Noooooo, i have exams in januari cant watch this right now
great video! love seeing a whole wipe, so many others only upload wipe-day, maaaybe one more day after. It just hits differently to see the ups and downs, rivalries and raid defenses 😀
Daymn 3hrs, Christmas has come early, love this.
We’ve been blessed with a 3 hour Stevie movie and the team names are the best thing I’ve ever seen
Gorliac !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3
bruh gorliac is so OP I think his not sleeping😆joke🤣 gorliac is like buggy that has infinite luck I love your duo especially the story🤙🤘
Intro looked fire!! Time to grab some popcorn, load a bowl, and “sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie”.
“MOOOM!!! Stevie has Uploaded a new Video”😄
3 hours long? damn dont mind me 😀
Just when I thought I was going to get some sleep…
Guess not. Not upset
Stevie don’t know who hisoka is smh 😕
2:35:15 this guy is blatantly moving like a cheater, sprinting sideways
it’s currently 2:36 am, let’s try watching this in one sitting
Let’s gooooo
Right on time baby who needs to study for an exam tomorrow?? Not Me 😂😂😂😂
Finally after what it feels like a year new stevie vid
❤❤ 2 of my favorite rust creators
Yyyy a part 2 me no sleepy stevie
What’s the hidden message
2:11:48 Poor R2
one of the two real content creators! thank you
please make shorter videos!
Holy 3 hours of my life on a YouTube video!! 😂😘
Can’t wait to watch this later! Have an amazing Christmas Stevie, look forward to seeing what 2024 brings dude!
Thank you man
i love the suits inspired names
Holy damn thing it is 3 hours we been blessed
I love the SUITS name references
Can’t even imagine how long you spend on putting in work on these masterpieces, but, thank you.
All of yall.
3 hours of pure entertainment
3 hours let’s trotttt
Try console rust
My day is complete when see stevie update
😮 its 3 hrs finnally best rust movie ❤
wait wait wait… your telling me this was a 3 hour sum up for part 2?!?!? still loved it tho👍👍
Am i the only one who loves there names?? I love Suits good show
Great video! Now I have to go to school on 3 hours of sleep but well worth it lmao keep it up 🙂
GORLIAC GETTING NOTICED LETS GOO! Also great movie Stevie loved this one.
this heat
1:45:01: the Holiday music for the neighbors base. common man you are killing me here.
3 hours? christmas came early and i dont have feet pics ready 🙁
That was a banger only got 1hr left of the video but wow
finally gorliac getting some recognition
A dance with ur mom
What have you cooked up today Stevie?
Currently watching at 4 am
Merry Christmas Stevie!!
Gorliac is crazy
Another amazing Stevie production
great movie, amazing gameplay with awesome commentary
Starting to watch at 2:39am on that rust schedule
W stevie 3:19
they name their character after the movie called suits
starting this shit at 12:30 am 😅
merry christmas stevie. long time sub brotha. high key disappointed i didnt get notifications about stevie stash vids but hey, ill watch em later. happy holidays and keep having fun 💙
Insane as always🎉
Bro I love you love the skill that it takes pictures together keeps me entertained while high
@Stevie break the narrative, don’t call cheaters, “hackers”. they don’t deserver the credit of being a person who now’s how to make payloads or know how to code in python. or even how to make backdoor virus. they are “cheater. some nerd who watched a YouTubes video on how to download a cheat folder from some website.
what a morning it is when you ‘ve made coffee, rolled a joint and open youtube wondering what to watch only to be blessed with 3 hours of stevie. life is good right now 🙏🏻
My only complaint is that i just had lasik surgery and ofc you base in the SNOW 😭 my eeeeyyyyes, even with the screen warmth on max and my shades on its still tough
Stevie I’ve had multiple YouTube accounts so you won’t remember who I am but I love you bro I’ve been watching you EVERY time you upload and I will continue to support you no matter what brother stay blessed and healthy
Well it still 22/12/2023 but i was waiting for this viddd
Louis Litt and Mike Ross what a Team xD
Merry Christmas Stevie 🎄
Thank you for the amazing present
who else thought of that one willjum at this part? 39:28
love you stevie
Can’t wait for part 2 this one was great! started watching only 11 minutes after it came out (It’s a stevie classic) its so long I had to take a break before finishing the whole thing.
What’s with the Suits throwback?
im gonna be dead honest the first door camp when you got them coming back, it made me so angry the way you ran in a straight line and let the guy nail gun you if you had just turned around or even zig zagged you would of won.
This is crazy a 24 man team on one side and a 12 man on the other side like wtf is this a AloneInTokyo 😂
Merry Christmas was having a bad day but the seen you posted and that changed everything
GORLIAC AND STEVIE what a great combo love both you guys content
at 2:41:43 there was a weird glitch with the footage
Lettts goooo Ive been waiting gng
Damnnnn there’s a part 2?! Excited 😀💙
3:00:22 he slipped up and said FC raided them, when it was GP!
Let’s fucking ggggogogohohohohohoho
If you can beat the video of you using cameras to spy on a group, then Ill believe you about the next part being crazy good LOL. Still a banger tho =)
Stevie I’ve known about u since early 2020 and I binged a lot of your vids before even knowing what rust was about. Pretty much I just want to say keep up the absolutely amazing content also big up Gorliac he’s one of my favourite creators
I have never played a single second of rust in my entire life and yet i have watched atleast 200+ hours of gameplay because of your story telling and editing style. So addictive.
Just brought my newborn son home from the hospital for the first time, got him down and layed on my bed exhausted… this is exaaaactly what the doctor ordered. Merry Christmas stevie you magnificent beast
1:45:09 wait you can heal work benches with out a repair bench
W video just finished the whole video lol
GORLIAC is the man! Amazing personality and absolutely insane skills.. Love you Gorliac 🙂
I love gorliac😂😂❤️ he’s probably the funniest rust player dudes just care free😂😂
No way gorlaic 🎉🎉🎉
I’m so glad ur playing with gorliac he is one of my fav yb’s
Your voice sounds different
somebody’s been watching suits XD love the content man, keep it up. merry christmas and happy new year mate
Transferring loot via vending machine OR getting shot down out of your mini after a big recycle run AGAIN! til they fix hacking I am ok with drones running my stuff around the map, Great Vid hats off to both of you Cats!
i got offlined but now i can farm to the best youtuber in rust
stevie is not only a peak rust youtube but also watches a peak show, W choice of name Mr. ross
Stevie always pulls through with the god tier content. Should’ve been Harvey Specter and mike ross though 😉
the message hes talking about in the end has to be all the captions he does in yellow, whos gonna rewatch and tell what it is?
certified Stevie classic
view 14,855 🙂 great vid
@ 17:17 you had SOME BALLS taking on the two with just a yoka LMFAO 😂😂
Love your videos Stevie todays been rough but once I saw your post my day got 10x better been watching for over a year now Ty and keep up the hard work
Wake up to find a new video from the best letss gooooooooo❤❤
LETS GO!!!! I haven’t seen Stevie in a while
Well… Guess I’m staying up until 2am now. Thanks, Stevie.
Stevie your a farm bot 😂😂❤️
It’s that time again boys!!
Well now… My delay of sleep was worth… but I want part 2 now…
Stevie what are u doing to me man…. I just got off rust and now u released a 3 hr episode. How the **** am I suppose to sleep?!?! I can’t not watch this now
An early christmas present!
1:26:34 pause Stevie pauseeeeee😂
I think I just came omggg stevieeeeee you are back ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Coward XD
[insert shocked face here] you’ve pioneered farming scrap by fishing in rust! almost 3 years after it was released…….. good job
20:45 2k wood 1.5k stone : a whole base on him, loaded! 😅
Omg, another original Stevie. Will he be starting on a beach, or break protocol?
Three hour long movie by Stevie? WHAT A GOOD WAY TO END A DAY!
Gorliac is goated, nice colab!
When there were 8 of them in your base 1 grenade would have wiped all of them
Almost finished with Suits, love the names!!!🎉🍻🙏
And there goes my sleep 😂
i was waiting so long for the 3 HOUR VID HELL YEAHH BROTHERSSS!!!!
I just started but that’s a hard ask…..wanting to be online raided 😂😂😂😂😂 hardly anyone will actually online raid these days it’s depressing
Let’s go…. From the stash to the movie in one day… putting in the work Stevie😂
i love you stevie
Absolute banger, I hope part 2 is just as good if not better
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 HOURS?! 😀
Fuck watxhing it after x mas we watch that shit now boy
Also 51:23 that transition from Pink Panther like music to you spying with binoculars was…. Chefs Kiss.🤌 i had to replay it a couple times.
I just spent 3 hours for a cliff hanger. And I enjoyed it
roleplaying as WillyJ
Love it as always
Merry Christmas broooooo have great/safe holiday travels❤❤❤❤
Stevie here always with amazing music to go with his movies
always look forward to another Stevie vid
Ayy nice
It’s been forever since we’ve had a scripted Stevie or Frost vid 😭
why upload this at 5 AM 😀 (my time) the best holiday gift
Stevie… You should’ve been the Harvey Specter to the Mike Ross (Blooprint). Love the Suits reference!
I appreciate your videos thank you for the hard work
Stevie you are the best cinematic rust YouTuber thanks for always coming in with the best content !!!!
Every time I think “oh, haven’t seen a video from Stevie in a while”, BOOM!! he drops another banger of a Movie. Well done as always my friend! Keep up the amazing work!!
I paused the Movie 5 minutes in to purchase youtube premium so i could watch this uninterrupted.
Months of word just to get 8.6k views in 2 hours yikes
thank you for all your hard work stevie
couldn’t click fast enough to start watching!
no way brooo i been waiting. i cant explain the feeling when this is thr first video i see when i open the app. omg😂
Loved the Suits names stevie❤
Let’s fuckin goooooooooooooo I have watched every single Stevie movie officially
Letss goooooooooo bro i love your content it always hipes me up when i see you have posted a new video and i have been watching you sence your old base design videos, and also keep up the great work.
Holy f let’s go
I love Stevie so much his vids make my day!
I dont even play Rust and still watch for the story
life is always good when Stevie steals my afternoon with a masterpiece.
🔥 from Germany!! 💯🫶🏽
Stevie what in the world. 3 hours??
How did you get the name Louis Litt lol
The legend is back
The farming and building montage of Main was *Chef’s Kiss* Stevie. Just beautiful.
Happy Holidays everyone!
holy heck
Stevie why u post right before i go bed , you never wan me to sleep again 😢?!
stevie kiss me
Sorry stevie but came just for gorliac 😂 😀
Let’s goo thank you Stevie ❤
Let’s go Stevie another movie from my favorite YouTuber I’m so excited to watch this I recently got a system and started playing games again and wanting to create videos
rust is the only game you really have to pay attention to countries across the worlds time zone and calculate people sleep schedules
And love gorliacs solo vids
Always ready for Stevie to post
Not 1 not 2 but 3hours 😅
I actually look forward more to @Stevie, @Frost, @Blooprint videos than actual movies in theaters.
I actually stop what I’m doing to watch them.
Omg. Just woke up and seeing a new vid from Stevie got me grinning.
I know it’s hard to post consistently with good story’s but we all need more of you Stevie and you truly are the best rust YouTuber everyone can agree we need more so if we could limit it to 1 a month it would make my year 🎉
Only 6k views after 2 hours wtf?
Watching after Christmas? Nah I’m watching an hour after release. Been waiting patiently now I’m going to be up until 4am thanks
Its 2 am, guess im sleeping at 5 am
let the journey begin… Merry christmas to all
Didn’t watch video but I know this video gonna be a banger
mike ross and louis litt is sending me 😂
Thanks for the amazing movie man always great to see you posted
This is way too long i’mma need alot of food to watch this thanks alot Stevie you rock!!❤️🔥 This is why you deserve alot of support
Lets gooo❤❤❤
7:11 XS
Bro i been watching suits on Netflix and seeing their names just made me trip 😂😂
Stevie, would you play old recoil if it was an option on servers?
Watching streak 3 acc let’s go
From India 🇮🇳
Vary nice
This will be the top comment.
I only have to be at work tomorrow at 7a.m guess ill watch all of this….😅
why do you sound like miley cyrus?
He having the best intro I ever seen on his other teammates 🎉❤
*ps4 power up noise*
Stevie!!!!!!! Gimme a kiss 😘😘
i love you stevie ❤❤❤
Waited so long for a video!
I think bro earned my Subscribe button
Just commenting for the algorithm
3 hour long video Im so exited to watch it
W moment when the cinema mastermind Stevie uploads much love 🧡
It’s about to get real isn’t it? Okay let’s go 🙂
Oh my god you’re playing with gorliac !!!
Best Christmas gift a 3 hour long Stevie vid and w in game names 😂😂
New Stevie video. W
Happy holiday do you mean
Stevie it’s 11 I can’t stay up ( I’m staying up)
nope here before christmas!!!!!!!!!!
damn 3 hr bomb incoming and w/ gorliac….gimme gimme
Epic Vid- i love it. Merry X-mas and happy new Year to all of you.
im glad to see Gorliac getting the love he deserves. him and Qaixx has some of the best mental ive seen any creator having in this game, always enjoyable and entertaining to watch.
👇Early tickets 🎟
I new vid let’s go today is a great day🎉🎉🎉
Once again, thank you Stevie, for another FANTASTIC movie <3
Felt years since I’ve heard from you. Missed ur content.
I have been waiting and finally merry Christmas sir 🫡
Just finished the video can’t wait for second part
Best christmas gift.
Just finished the Steve stash vid, just perfect
Hell yeah!
Most definitely worth the wait for every Stevie video.
its 5am. ive stayed up all night making sure im not getting offlined. and you post a video. THATS A BLESSING
Big dubs
I see the caption says enjoy the video but this is actually a movie🤓☝️
Shits as long as avatar but actually good
HYYYYYYYYYYPE! New Stevie video! and it looks like a good one and Merry Christmas Stevie!
3 hours jeebus. Love it
ive been watching gorliac 1v20 for years and im so excited to watch him play with stevie!
Anyone gonna talk about there usernames being suits reference 🤣
Fun Fact: No one in this comment section right now has finished watching the movie without skipping through
@25:30 Guessing Stevie’s not a big anime guy…Haha
Gorliac in the spotlight is golden
2 Stevie vids in one day this is amazing 👏 👏
3 hr rust movie right before last day of school before Xmas break, guess what im watching for the next 3 hrs😅
Merry Christmas Stevie, have a good one🎉!
Best duo in rust history no cap🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Stevie on 90 ping “I’m on 90 istead of 30-40.” AU players on any non AU server, “Omg only 200 ping thats better than last time I had 400.”
Yipee Stevie is a good YouTuber
glad gorliac is getting noticed now, he’s crazy
1.2 tb is wild
Not a movie
I wish I can be a famous rust streamer like you. I play rust in the Philippines. 🙂
Nice name choices
Oh my freaking god 3 hour rust movie 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
woohoooo another Stevie Movie…LOVE IT! from PH
you got to love how your names are from suits
I haven’t even watch finish frost’s video and Stevie’s movie is out. DAM MERRY CHRISTMAS GIFT YALL
Yesssssssssssssss I’ve been waiting for this day 😭
The Suits names really cracked me up.
Best early Christmas present
Merry Christmas
I love the long video format
Already seen this 400 times and can confirm it’s a certified Stevie banger
big for gorliac the goat
Gorliac?!?! Wow I’m excited for this! He’s so underrated. 😎😎😎
2 min i and i already liked the vid😊
It’s finally here let’s GOOOOOOOOOOO🎉🎉🎉
Been waiting for another 😊
thx vary much enjoyed Stevie
This vid had to take so long to upload to YouTube
*looks at clock*
“Yeah, I’ve got time”
i get home from night out… I get stevie video… i no sleep anymore!!!!
Mike Ross and Louis Litt what a team
lets go here after only a hour
Merry Christmas Stevie!!🎄🎄
I asked Santa for a Stevie video
well great, its 11pm and now im not going to sleep for 3 hrs, thanks stevie. p.s. thank you, i didnt wanna work tomorrow anyways 🙂
Finally, Another fire movie to watch while laying in bed tired as hell good job stevie! Keep it up, Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays.
I would love to see another blueprint and Stevie collaboration 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Stevie dropping at 4am for the UK, W let’s gooooo
best christmas gift thx stevie ❤
Haha the Suits reference in your name lol
Man thinks I’m not watching the whole video the same day it came out
THANK YOUU!!!!! let’s fuckin get it boys
The second i saw Gorliac’s name in the description i knew this was gonna be something amazing. Two legends in one video.
I love you Stevie keep up the good work it’s nice to be able to watch yoy before I go to bed and finish when I get up
3 HOURS?? this about to be a banger!!
There is no way they named themselves after Suits characters. It’s good show I’m on season 3
@StevieDoesYt Louis litt and Mike ross lmao 🤣Hey man i knew from the beginning when i saw the notif of a new vid that is was going to be fire BIG LOVE ❤MERRY CHRISMAS 🎄
It’s nice to see gorliac finally get some more of the attention that he deserves
damn i was just watching ur vids lol glad ur back man
What’s crazy is I’m going watching this with over a thousand people
I love you Stevie keep up the good work
a rust movie getting posted nearly at midnight 💀 my sleep schedule will die
Damn 3hours? Stevie u really been putting in work
Thank you for the video, I’m about to watch after a 12 hours shift today 😅
Not Louis litt and mike Ross out here causing problems
This is the best ever just got on school break and now I get to stay up late and watch this whole vid in one sitting
Nah, gon be honest i love gorliac more than Stevie. Gorliac is my favorite rust youtuber 😭.
w movie already watched it all in 2x speed
Me: Sees a fresh Stevie Post
*Its 3 hours long
Me: SPRINTS to make popcorn
All thats missing here is spoon and blazed
Damn I was hoping to be the first to reply. Man you people are fast. Welcome back Stevie!
Instead of some crappy movie before bed I get to watch a Stevie vid. Makes sleeping in a semi truck nicer when you get good content to watch in the downtime. Thank you Stevie ❤
Fina sleep good tonight
Stevie.. the man who ruins my sleep schedule
ive waited to long
always a good day when stevie uploads
🔥🔥🔥 fire🔥🔥 🔥
Watching that intro, hearing that voice, brought back so many memories I’ve seen every video but it feels so long since you posted last your the reason I started rust only have a ps5 but still grind it out and one of the few legit players left on console
Best team in rust history 🎉🎉🎉
you a real one if you are watching this before christmas
Nice to see you post a main channel vid🤍
It’s a good day when Stevie drops a 3 hour vid for us.
Holy shit Stevie you’re the GOAT
I love that I have been watching these stories for years now and I’ve never been bored I love every video thank you steve for giving us stories that have the beat edits of all rust youtubers. Love ya steve keep these up man.
like how there named after suits
U know it’s a good day when the goat Stevie uploads a banger movie. I came early haven’t watched it but I bet it’s fire
fuck going to bed now we’ve gotta watch this video
My boi gorliac let’s go baby
Yooooooooooooo 3 hrs?!?! hell yea
tonight is going to be a good night
dude i need to go to bed rn should i just stay up for 3 hours? i got school tmrw
This movie was top teir rust.
(posted 36 minutes after he uploaded it)
fuckin GORLIAC!!!!
I don’t care how long it takes you should make another scripted movie like an eye for an eye would be awesome.
35 minutes late and I already know it’s going to be a banger movie 3 HOURS🔥
3 hr video I love to see it
mike ross from SUITS classic
OH MY GOODNESS I remember the old days when I watched Stevie during online school with a chrome book. I probably should have been learning but it’s so nice to see another amazing long video. Keep up the great work love the videos. ❤
stevie is the reason im stuck to my bed for 3 hours straight
Winter break just started. I guess I get an early Christmas present!
Stevie good Lord man XD 3hour vid dropping at 11pm is crazyyyyyyyy
I just watched a video from Stevie’s Stash. This is the second video. This is amazing!
lets goo stevie posting twice in one day
Favorite content creator and always will be love you Stevie ❤😂
Love the content. Thanks for the movie.
Holy 3 hours thx Stevie
was not expecting a banger at 11🔥🔥🔥🔥
New Stevie movie 3 days before Xmas just as I finish my last shift for a week off work, I’d say it’s a Xmas miracle!
It’s going to be a long night ooo ima stay up late too watch the whole thing
3 hour rust video? Shit count me in.
xmas came early.
Was literally about to go to sleep but i guess not thxs a lot Steve 😢😢❤
A 3 hour banger? Looks like I’m staying up till 1:00 am. My work day tomorrow is gonna be shot. Thanks alot STEVIE.
the ear to ear smile that appeared on my face when i seen u uploaded is insane
Gorliac is the GOAT 100% nobody holds a flame to his skill. Been waiting so anxiously for this vid!
This man has never missed one video. This belongs in a museum
Stevie edits and uploads are spectacular
5 minutes in, and i can conclude it is a banger😂
Cany wait to watch the whole thing
This is a great Christmas 👍🏾
have not even watched it and already know its a banger
Finally bro I was waiting
happy holidays everyone🫵🏻
Best Christmas present
3 hour video with Gorliac is INSANE, I’m so excited 🙏
The music at 16m reminds me of Cartoon Network commercials “cartoon cartoon” lol
Has somebody been watching Suits a little to much, interesting names on rust @Stevie
Time to pop some popcorn, grab a soda, and destroy my sleep schedule. Let’s gooo!
Looks like I’m staying up
I edge to you
This is one of the best day’s ever, a Stevie Stash video and now a Stevie Video, the gods have heard my prayers.
Let’s goooo!
Let’s go a Stevie uploaded
Bruh I was gonna sleep, but the goat just had to post. 😭😭😭
Watched the entire video 10 times already…. I can confidently say that this is another Stevie classic
Stevie. Thank you for another masterpiece. I don’t think anyone can dispute the fact that your movies are always entertaining and great to watch.
Couldnt uffer t hrough the stevies stash video and was wondering when a main channel video was coming, and here we are
Damn boy, He’s cooking.
Merry Christmas and happy new years to you Stevie hope you have a wonderful year and enjoy your day
Love the vids 1 of the best rust youtubers
No snuffy I’m gonna cry 🙁
stevie and gorliac , couldnt be a better combo
i cant sleep for 3 more hours now, but its ok 🙂
Oh boy I can’t wait, I’m sad I dont have time to watch it right now
It’s 4am for me in uk but just know I’m watching this right now 🫶
😂the names!! I love suits😂😂
3 hour long movie this finna be nuts
Best movie maker ever
holy moly 3hrs?!?!?!!!!
no shot this is a 2 part!! move Stevie to come!!
Just got done watching the driver of death… Perfect timing
Real happy that i picked up a fresh bag of that good good tonight.
God bless all of you and W video Stevie
3hrs this is going to be a good story
New video!!!!!!
4am….. who needs sleep anyways. 😢
Merry Christmas to us eh two videos in one day, let’s goo!!!
Oh I’m definitely ruining my sleep schedule for this
I hope Gorliac doesn’t post this because I hate watches other YouTubers povs from a video I’ve already watched he is my favorite YouTuber
3 hour movie and its already midnight. And I got work tmr… oof Imma need lots of coffee tmr.
I love your content so glad you posted man🎉🎉🎉🎉
keep up the great vids stevie
3 hours?!??? Oh yeah! Stevie!!❤❤
wooo time to stay up all night
You been watching suits lately? “louis Lit”
love the suits name very good
I was just about to go to bed.. i guess i will be up for 3 more hours 🤩
Christmas is good this year boys
Stevie! Some of us have to work in the morning… but per usual we get blessed with another sleepless night with a banger movie!
Nuh uh
I was about to go to sleep but once i saw this video, i had to stay up and watched this
First a Stevies stash, and this right behind it. Great videos man!
Ngl i was just thinkin about to watch and this legend posts
Dang idk what im finna do tonight
**Stevie uploads 3 hour Rust movie**
Dang I know exactly what im finna do tonight
A 3 hour movie I can already tell this is gonna be fire! 🍿 Merry Christmas Stevie!🎄🎁 P.S. love gorliac’s and your name in game louis litt and mike Ross! 😂 ifykyk!
well my sleep schedule is ruined
love the work and effort you put into this! it was so fun to play against you
when i tell you i was abt to put my phone down then saw the notification for the vid i clicked it so quick
Watched it completley already can say this is a abosolute banger of a video, ily papa stevie
Keep up the good work I love ur vids ur one the bests also are u a movie director
i cant wait to see this
love you stevie
New Stevie vid🎉
4 Am for me in start of video 😅
bouta ruin my sleep schedule but it’s ok
Let’s gooo
This comment won’t get 10 likes
The goat posted
Watched 10 times and can confirm this is a Stevie banger
Love this! Keep up the good work
dont matter when stevie posts or how long it is it’s a instant binge
Please play a wipe with aiden. You may not like his voice or may thinks hes a little childish, but I promise he will show you a playstyle of this game you have never seen before, It will make you think differently. You have the skill trust. Hope you see this.
3 hour video. Such a W for us, thats why Stevie is the best
keep doing what u do stevie ik this a nother
It’s prime 3 hour movie posting time baby! Love the videos Stevie, hope you know how happy you make people when you post<3
Yet again another masterpiece, Now that’s the true reason to subscribe.
Oh boy. Here we go again.
Ah good, another Stevie video =)
Better then Wally’s vid fr
Almost first
3 hours? Eh who needs sleep.
the 100th
Hey Stevie your content is what got me into rust years ago, gotta say been loving the more regular uploads. Anyways keep up the amazing work. Much Love <3
Haven’t seen it all the way yet but w
Watched 95.8 and can confirm this is a certified Stevie classic
Yes new video
This shit is about to be awesome I already know banger content coming from my boy Stevie
you know its gonna be a great story when the movie is 3 hours long
Come on I need to study for a physics test… now I have to wait 3 more hours to study.
i always get excited when u post
best b-day gift yet!
hi stevie
poopy stevie
great job
So much for going to bed early 😅
ima edge to this
Stevie love the videos man they are so inspiring and good
1 minute ago
2 vid’s in one day from Stevie!? holy cow! he is putting in work
a three hour Stevie movie? Yes please.
40 seconds in and i can offically say this is a spoonkid classic
keep it up
Bro this was a banger i enjoyed every bit of it start to finish
I was gonna go to sleep, but now I have to stay up for another 3 hours. It’ll be worth it though!
What a good fucking video, who agrees?
We’ve been blessed with a 3 hour long Stevie video at 11 PM
It’s a good day when Stevie upload video
After watching it 9 times I can say it is indeed a spoon kid classic. 👌
My Time Is Come… I’m waiting for this video from Stevie…🔥🔥
Being this early is a crime
Here from discord
Watched the whole thing best Stevie video ever
Watched the whole thing and it’s amazing
ive been waiting for this one 😭
Always a good day when stevie uploads
Yessss! Made a shit night amazing thank you man!
How has someone commented 3 hours ago when it just uploaded?
Now I gotta be up till 2 am thanks Stevie
I love Stevie 😻😻😻
Gorliac the goat fr, love to see this collab
Omg watching this when get home for sure 🎉❤🎉
Been watching for 0.21368952747 seconds and can confirm this is a hood classic 🔥🔥🔥
W Video
Bro I’ve watched this twice the second was just to really look at the details I can can say this is the best vid so far I’m already on the 3rd watch
A nice day to sit back relax and enjoy another stevie video
Im here
I’m bout to busss
A new Stevie movie as an early Christmas present what a gift
The ending was amazing great work!
Epic end to the day when Stevie has a late night upload
after watching this 28373003298101 times, i can confirm that this is a spoonkid classic.
I love you
Omg looking at the length rn 😮
Dub vid
I havent watched this yet but sooo gooood
Great video as always
Love it!!!
Hell yeah stevie upload
Yoo love the video
Anita max win
24th person to watch
After watching in 68x speed I can confirm this is a banger
shortest Stevie video
we making it off the beach with this one
I Love your videos stevie!! keep up the great work!!!!
Amazing video Stevie keep up the good my brother
I love your content stevie
Best vid
I liked my own comment
carrying christmas here stevie
The goat has posted
This went hard. 10/10 fs
It was great
W vid by a w rust creator🥳
Certified classic
ok daddy
Was waiting for the noti
Let’s goooo🎉
This video is amazing
The editing on this one is above par I really enjoyed it keep up the good work Stevie