Live Concert in VCR Rust Last Day【Vtuber / Streamer / VCR Rust】
Fanta’s impersonation still amaze me
VSPO! License Number : 00486
Sauce : https://www.youtube.com/live/g9scK7oKEc8?feature=share
▼ Vtubers, Streamers, Singers
@amatsuki-official & @amatsuki-official
▼ Song List
1. Chiisana Koi no Uta – Mongol 800
2. Suu Sentimental – Kohana Lam
3. GIRI GIRI – Masayuki Suzuki feat. Suu
4. Overdose – Alpha Azur
Original : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H08YWE4CIFQ
Alpha Azur Cover : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpPl22_2Dus
5. Chakushin Machi – Kohana Lam
6. Hoshiai – Amatsuki
7. Mou Namida Wa Iranai – Masayuki Suzuki
Taqs:Vtuber,Virtual Youtuber,Vtuber ENG,vcr rust,rust vtuber,rust streamer,nekota tsuna,vspo,alpha azur,kohana lam,amatsuki,masayuki suzuki,fanta rust
コメント (45)
7:39 when the beat drops
When i heard A few Sentimental by Kohana Lam, i thought this song sound familiar, then i remember watching that anime this season and my goodness because of this, i read through the manga and it was great.
The song ED and OP goes so hard than it has to be.
Check my new VCR Rust Clips – Lisa & Hinano meet Cookie Man
Fanta actually made me think he was the real thing for a quick sec.
Wow Kohana Lam herself?
Fanta is Masayuki confirmed! xD
Free Amatsuki performance!! VCR is truly the best!
Damn Fanta is good
3:15 Dangers in my Heart Anime ❤
Concert ticket for 2000 scraps
Amatsuki POV
Isn’t chiisana koi no uta is made by mongol800 or it’s already go public domain?
wtf tsuna so cute
😭 all of them for free??
Jadi inget tahun kemaren amatsuki-san juga nyanyi tapi spontanitas gitu sambil pianoan di rust😂
Konser gratisan amatsuki 👏👏👏
Untung g ada ame ame
Holy shit Fanta was perfect 😂😂😂😂
Did any Holomems sing? Axel in particular could’ve really made a name for him self if he showed off his great singing voice
holyshit i never realized Fanta is actually suzuki… i thought hes just another japanese streamer
Still remember the clip of Hendy when he bought all of fanta’s voice impressions covering all of Masayuki’s songs,and now the legend is back lol
Clicked on this for the Masayuki, no idea who anybody else is
i would be too embarrassed to sing like that in front of my oshi lol. have to be suisei level of talent to be confident enough
took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize that its tsuna
Damn, Amatsuki is as cool as ever lol… that gave me a chill.
goofy ass looking character + amatsuki’s voice… im crying..
dude i never heard of Fanta until i saw this clip and Nacho sensei peeking at him singing. Holy balls that dude singing skills is crazy
thanks for the clip
what PEAK CONTENT really mean
Thanks for the clip~
Man kinreiki masayuki😂
Seru juga acapela sambil fingerplay gak kena copyright
hope they make another vcr, and connect their instruments to the midi, and actually host a live concert with bands! I loved this series, and it will always has a special place in my memories
Thanks for clipping this 🙏
wooooah gila seru bat anjir VCR Rust, gak nyesel nonton stream anak anak yang lain main rust di server ini
Didn’t know Masayuki was in the server, holy crap
Thanks for the clip!
Suu Sentimental is Kohana Lam’s original song, btw, so that’s a case of an anime featuring a streamer as the singer of its ED… and free amatsuki live performance?!
if only Luna-hime is here, she will give us the best Piano performance in Rust.
NAhhh amatsuki for free???
For those of you that might not know, Fanta used to sell voice pack of him singing in Rust season 1. I’ll drop a link just in case anyone interested
could had pick someone there that has better vs volume…
This is nutt….. man….. yabai listen for free…. tooo yabai.
Sheeesh kona lam❤
Kohana lam sing again btw after this to small group of people but not on stage, I think tsuna is part of the small group I’m not wrong
Fanta-san voice really suite with og singer, oji-san voice cool af 🤘
Vegea/shanks did a good job with singing after hearing the singers before him. I applaud his confidence.
Itu disamping kiri tsuna siapa?
Tiap tatap-tatapan ketawa mulu gw
Damn I haven’t heard Amatsuki singing for along time now.